The Jewish Theory of Two Messiahs PDF
The Jewish Theory of Two Messiahs PDF
The Jewish Theory of Two Messiahs PDF
Tradition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The Tradition n a culture that so often
Of Messiah . . . . . . . . . . . 5 claims Judeo-Christian roots,
One Endtime there is often a curiosity—
Deliverer . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 even a fascination—with “things
A Messianic Jewish.” The Jewish people had
Anticipation . . . . . . . . . . 7 thousands of years of history
The Tradition Of with God, a relationship that
Two Messiahs . . . . . . . . . 9 formed the foundation upon
A Messiah which the New Testament was
Who Suffers. . . . . . . . . 10 introduced to the world. As we
A Messiah read the Bible, we can’t help but
Who Delivers . . . . . . . . 15 encounter Jewish places, names,
The Tension and traditions.
Reconciled . . . . . . . . . . 16 In this booklet, staff writer
What Do The Kevin Williams helps us explore
Scriptures Say? . . . . . . . 22 one of those traditions—the
Intermingled Jewish expectation of two
Promises . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Messiahs. It’s our prayer that
One Messiah this examination will help us find
In Two Missions . . . . . . 23 similarities, and differences, that
Was Yeshua The challenge both cultures toward a
Promised One? . . . . . . . 28 more open dialogue around the
timeless wisdom of the Scriptures.
Martin R. De Haan II
Managing Editor: David Sper Cover Photo:Terry Bidgood
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas
Nelson, Inc. Used by permission.All rights reserved.
© 2004 RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan Printed in USA
ne of the most traditions we explore in
memorable songs this booklet, we need to
from the musical ask ourselves, “What
Fiddler On The Roof is in would our lives be
the Prologue of Act One. without traditions?” From
“Tradition” introduces the birth to death, traditions
story of a Jewish family and touch nearly every area of
community living in the life. Yet they often take on
small village of Anatevka, special significance in our
Russia, during the harsh era houses of worship. From
of Tsarist rule. The main the highly liturgical to the
character, Tevye, complains very contemporary worship
to God about the difficulty service, tradition plays a
of being a “chosen people” part in how we approach
during an era of pogroms— the King of the universe and
the systematic elimination how our theology is molded.
of Jewish villages. He The prayers we pray, the
concludes, however, that songs we sing, the creeds
without tradition their lives we recite, and the calendar
would be as unsteady as a we use are all influenced by
“fiddler on the roof.” tradition to some degree. No
Tradition plays a role less is true in the synagogue.
in the Jewish community If one word could
and in all of our lives. describe Judaism, many
Customary ways of thinking would agree that it is
and acting give structure to tradition. It has been
daily living and a sense of cultivated like a fine art
connection from one by the Jewish community.
generation to the next. Especially during periods of
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aith in the coming Jewish Lore And Legend
Messiah is deeply encapsulates the term
rooted in historical Messiah a bit more
Judaism. Rambam succinctly: “The anointed
(1135–1204), one of their king of the House of David
most-read sages, wrote, of Bethlehem who will be
“Whoever does not believe sent by God to inaugurate
in him [the Messiah], or the final redemption in the
does not await his coming, end of days” (p.132).
denies not only the other For the Christian reader,
prophets but also the Torah there will be many familiar
and Moses, our teacher, for themes that surface
the Torah attests to his between these two views
coming.” 1 of Messiah. For the Jewish
The New Jewish reader, we can only
Encyclopedia defines attempt to paraphrase
the Messiah as “a modified and summarize hundreds
form of the Hebrew of years of theology into
word Mashiah meaning a few pages. In an attempt
‘anointed,’ applied in the to do this, and before
Bible to a person appointed looking more closely at
for special function, such as the Scriptures themselves,
High Priest or King. Later let’s take a look first at
the term Messiah came to some of the extrabiblical
express the belief that a Jewish writings that reflect
Redeemer, that is a divinely messianic themes of the
appointed individual, will in Hebrew prophets.
the end bring salvation to
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ithin Judaism, Messiah ben Joseph and
however, there is Messiah ben David. But
another way of why? How did such a
approaching the anticipation dichotomy come to be?
of Messiah that deserves In the years following the
special attention. This idea destruction of the temple in
is not simply messianic AD 70, Jewish sages looked
in principle, but is a way of at the Scriptures and saw
explaining descriptions of two distinct characteristics
the great King Messiah of the promised Messiah
that is deeply rooted in the in the texts. As they
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ecause the Hebrew Written approximately
word translated 4,000 years ago, this
“messiah” means prophecy attributed to the
“anointed,” the Scriptures patriarch Jacob states that
speak of both kings and the “rule” or authority over
priests as being “anointed” Israel as a nation would be
ones. In one text, even the established and maintained
Persian King Cyrus is through the tribe of Judah.
referred to as God’s “Behold, the days are
“anointed” because he was coming,” says the Lord,
used by God to deliver His “that I will raise to
people from exile (Isa. 45:1). David a Branch of
Even so, the Scriptures point righteousness; a King
to an anointed prophet, shall reign and prosper,
priest, and king who would and execute judgment
do for God’s people what and righteousness in the
they could not do for earth” (Jer. 23:5).
themselves. Jewish literature Written nearly 2,600
often refers to this unique years ago by the prophet
individual as “King Jeremiah, the lineage and
Messiah.” rule of the Messiah is once
again predicted to come
INTERMINGLED through King David’s
PROMISES bloodline.
The scepter shall not Therefore the Lord Himself
depart from Judah, nor a will give you a sign:
lawgiver from between his Behold, the virgin shall
feet, until Shiloh comes; conceive and bear a Son,
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robe and on His thigh a n this booklet, we
name written: KING OF have examined Jewish
KINGS AND LORD OF theology concerning
LORDS (Rev. 19:11-16). two Messiahs. The first,
Yeshua, or Jesus if you Messiah son of Joseph,
prefer, will return again as would come as the one
the conquering king. The who would suffer, die, and
expected messianic figure be resurrected. And His
of Daniel 7:13-14 will be death would prepare the
visible: way for the coming of the
I was watching in the Messiah son of David, the
night visions, and behold, conquering King of kings.
One like the Son of Man, For the Christian
coming with the clouds of reader, based on repeated
heaven! He came to the testimony from Jewish men
Ancient of Days, and they and women in the New
brought Him near before Testament, it becomes clear
Him. Then to Him was that these two Messiahs
given dominion and glory are one and the same—the
and a kingdom, that all historical person known as
peoples, nations, and Jesus, who came, suffered,
languages should serve died, and rose again.
Him. His dominion is In the fullness of time, His
an everlasting dominion, resurrection will reach its
which shall not pass pinnacle when He returns in
away, and His kingdom power and glory to assume
the one which shall not His throne in Jerusalem.
be destroyed. For the Jewish reader,
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