Expansion of Democracy: Libya
Expansion of Democracy: Libya
Expansion of Democracy: Libya
Expansion of Democracy
In an earlier chapter you read about the
democratic revolutions which established
democratic forms of government in Europe.
Establishing forms of government which are
in accordance with the wishes and requirements
of the people, in which all people are able to
participate freely and fully, in which all kinds
of people find respectable space is a dream for
which people are still striving for all over the
Let us look at the example of two countries
where the people have been struggling for
democracy in recent times. These are Libya
and Myanmar.
Libya was poor country of North Africa which had been colonised by Italy and
became free after a long struggle in 1951. When it became independent Italy
transferred power to King Idris who ruled the country with the help of a few rich
and powerful families.
The people mostly belonged to different tribes which depended upon agriculture
and animal rearing in the deserts. These tribes were dominated by families of
traditional tribal chiefs. In 1959 vast reserves of petroleum were found in Libya
and a lot of wealth poured into the country from the sale of oil. The King and a few
powerful families cornered most of this new wealth. Around this time a new wave
of nationalism was sweeping in Northern Africa – the young people wanted to
establish a modern state that was not subservient to the interest of colonial powers
and which worked for the welfare of the people. They also wanted to reform their
country – end the oppression on women and end the constant warfare among tribes
Why do you think democracy was not able to establish itself in Burma after its
Why do you think democracy was not able to establish itself in Libya after its
How students and the youth played an important role in bringing democracy to
both Libya and Burma?
What similarities of events do you find in the description of events about Libya
and Burma?
Answer this keeping in mind – Leadership; nature of struggle; process of transition.
Compare the stuggles for democracy in Libya and Burma on following aspects. –
Leadership; nature of struggle; process of transition.
Underline statements that are relating to Political Party and Voting in both Libya
and Burma.
Track the changes that you may have heard about Libya and Burma during the year
2012 and write it.
Some features of democracy and dictatorship
You read about two recent struggles for democracy. Even though the two
countries were very different the people wanted a form of government which had
some broad similarities.
Free distribution by A.P. Government 239
Gaddafi and the RCC worked for a welfare state in which the basic needs of all
people were met. All people had an opportunity to improve their lives through
education and jobs. Similarly the Burmese junta began with some welfare measures
and land reforms but went on only to increase the control of the army. The army
exploited the resources and people of the country and the people were subjected
to extreme poverty. However, both countries were ruled by people who got their
main support from the army. They did not allow free elections or functioning of
political parties. They both did not allow elected representatives to form
government. They did not allow freedom of expression or freedom to form
organisations or freedom to protest against government.
In both countries people wanted a government that is elected by the people
through a free and fair process. In both countries people wanted freedom to express
their views, freedom to organise and freedom to protest against what they think is
wrong. In both countries people wanted many political parties to be able to function
Burma was different from Libya in that it began with democratic system and
slipped into army rule while Libya moved from monarchy and slipped into army
rule. However, both countries did not have conditions for a democracy to flourish
- they were deeply divided politically and ethnically which made it difficult to
arrive at an inclusive political settlement.
Key words
1. Nomadic animal herders 2. Urbanisation 3. Political corruption
4. House arrest 5. Dictatorship 6. Monarchy
7. Feudalism
1(a). On the basis of these maps identify up to three countries (in some cases you won’t
find three countries) that were democratic in these continents for the given years
and make a table as given in the next page.
Read the newspapers and note down any news regarding struggle for democracy in
Libya or Egypt or any other country. Prepare a file of such news clippings and display
in the class room.