Spray Drying Theory

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Drying of Solid Materials 1

Drying of Solid Materials

See also Solids Technology, Introduction
Evangelos Tsotsas, Institut für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Federal
Republic of Germany
Volker Gnielinski, Institut für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Federal
Republic of Germany
Ernst-Ulrich Schlünder, Institut für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe,
Federal Republic of Germany

1. Theoretical Fundamentals of the 2.2.2. Low-Viscosity Materials . . . . . . . . 26

Drying Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.2.3. Pasty Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1.1. Concepts, Definitions . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.2.4. Granular Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.2. Characteristics of Moist Solids . . . 3 2.3. Radiant Heat or Infrared Drying . . 29
1.3. Drying Rate Curves for Convection 2.4. Dielectric Heating . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Drying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.5. Vacuum and Freeze Drying . . . . . 30
1.4. Drying Rate Curves for Contact 3. Selecting, Sizing, and Energy Re-
Drying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 quirements of Dryers . . . . . . . . . . 31
1.5. Drying Rate and Moisture- 3.1. Choosing the Type of Dryer . . . . . 31
Composition Curves for Solids Wet-
3.1.1. The Role of the Material Properties of
ted by Liquid Mixtures . . . . . . . . 13
the Solid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2. Drying Methods and Dryer Types . 15
3.1.2. Production Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.1. Convection Drying . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.1.3. Dryer Ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.1.1. Flowing Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1.2. The Solid is Aerated . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3.2. Sizing the Dryer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.1.3. Large-Scale Agitation of the Solid . . 21 3.2.1. Batch Dryers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.1.4. The Solid Moves in the Drying Agent 23 3.2.2. Continuous Dryers . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.1.5. The Material is Sprayed . . . . . . . . . 24 3.3. Heat and Driving Power Require-
2.2. Contact Drying . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.2.1. Flat and Strip Materials . . . . . . . . . 25 4. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Symbols R gas constant, J kg−1 K−1

A surface area of the drying solid, m2 s width of sample, m
C excess air factor in Eq. (38) T temperature, K
C radiation coefficient, W m−2 K−4 t time, s
c specific heat, J kg−1 K−1 u velocity of drying agent, m/s
d particle diameter, m v velocity of liquid in capillaries, m/s
h enthalpy, J/kg Ẇ power, W
L dryer length, m X moisture content in solid, kg moisture/kg
l modified mean free path, m dry solid
M mass, kg x̃ mole fraction in the liquid phase
Ṁ mass flow rate, kg/s Y humidity of the drying agent, kg mois-
M̃ molecular mass, kg/kmol ture/kg drying agent
ṁ drying rate, kg m−2 s−1 ỹ mole fraction in the gas phase
N number of moles, kmol z axial coordinate in a dryer, m
P pressure, Pa z distance from the free surface of sample,
Q̇ heat transfer rate, W m
q̇ heat flux, W/m2 α heat-transfer coefficient, W m−2 K−1

c 2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

10.1002/14356007.b02 04
2 Drying of Solid Materials

β mass-transfer coefficient, m/s 1. Theoretical Fundamentals of the

γ accommodation coefficient Drying Process
δ diffusion coefficient, m2 /s
δ surface roughness, m 1.1. Concepts, Definitions
ζ dimensionless axial coordinate in a dryer
Λ mean free path, m Drying denotes the separation of volatile liq-
λ thermal conductivity, W m−1 K−1 uids from solid materials by vaporizing the liq-
µ ratio of molecular masses uid and removing the vapor. The liquid that is to
ν̇ normalized drying rate, Eq. (23) be removed is usually water, but it could also be
ξ normalized moisture content, Eq. (24) a solvent such as alcohol or acetone, or a mixture
density, kg/m3 of such solvents. The solid material that is to be
τ dimensionless time dried can be a natural product such as wood, a
Φ dimensionless number, Eq. (29) semifinished or a finished good (such as paper).
ϕ relative humidity The removal of water from other fluids such as
ϕ surface coverage refrigerants or from gases, such as natural gas, is
ψ porosity also considered a drying process, but this topic
is not treated in this article.
The vaporization of liquids requires the supply
of heat. Accordingly, drying can be considered a
a ambient thermal separation process. The removal of liq-
bed bed uids from solids without the application of heat,
crit at the critical point which is the case in a centrifuge, does not come
eq in equilibrium under the strict definition of drying.
f final, at the outlet The product that is to be dried is denoted as
g gas (drying agent) the moist solid, or simply as the solid. The sub-
h maximum hygroscopic moisture content stance that carries the necessary heat is called
heat from the heater the drying agent. This substance could be air, an
i initial, at the inlet inert gas, or superheated steam. Heat could also
l liquid (moisture) be supplied by radiation, by hot surfaces, or by
lost heat losses to the surroundings microwaves. The moisture content of the solid
max maximum is denoted by X and measured in kg liquid per
p at constant pressure kg of dry solid. For the humidity of a gaseous
r radiation drying agent the symbol Y is used (in kg vapor
s dry solid per kg of dry gas). The saturation humidity is
v vapor denoted by Y ∗. The mass flux of the vapor leav-
vent ventilator ing the surface of the solid per unit time is called
W wall the drying rate, and is denoted by the symbol ṁ
w wetting (in kg m−2 s−1 ). The drying rate is usually de-
1 component index (isopropyl alcohol) termined by measuring the change of moisture
I in the first period of drying content with time dX/dt. It follows that
Ms dX
ṁ= −
Superscripts A dt

0 effective coefficient, Eqs. (15), (17) M s is the mass of the dry solid, and A is the por-
∗ saturated tion of its surface area that is in contact with the
∼ molar quantities drying agent. The drying rate ṁ depends on the
conditions of drying and on the moisture con-
tent X. The drying conditions are specified by
factors such as the air pressure, temperature, and
humidity, the radiator temperature, the temper-
ature of a heating surface, or the strength of the
microwaves. The relationship of the drying rate
Drying of Solid Materials 3

ṁ and the moisture content X under constant In most practical cases the total pressure P is
drying conditions – this is ṁ (X) – is called the prescribed. The partial pressure of the inert gas
drying rate curve. can be obtained from Eq (1):

Pg =P −Pv∗ (T ) (2)
1.2. Characteristics of Moist Solids The ratio of the partial pressure to the total pres-
sure is equal to the mole fraction of the respective
Almost all industrial products have to be dried component. It follows:
one or more times in the course of their manu-
facture. Consequently, the variety and charac- Nv P∗
ỹv∗ (T ) = = v (3)
teristics of moist solids are manifold. However, Nv +Ng P
only two of these characteristics have a direct and correspondingly
influence on the drying rate curve ṁ (X). They
relate to the questions: Ng Pg
ỹg = = (4)
Nv +Ng P
1) Is the liquid in the solid freely mobile or is it
bonded to the solid by sorption? The number of moles N (expressed in kmol), is
2) Does vaporization take place at the surface related to the mass of the respective component
or in the interior of the solid? M (expressed in kg) by the molecular mass M̃
(which is given in kg/kmol) by
The first characteristic is described by the ther-
modynamic equilibrium (sorption isotherms), Mv =Nv M̃v Mg =Ng M̃g (5a,b)
the second by the kinetics of liquid migration (M̃ v = 18.01 kg/kmol for water and M̃ g =
in the interior of the solid (capillarity, diffu- 28.96 kg/kmol for air) From Eqs. (1) – (5) the
sion). Both topics will be treated thoroughly saturation humidity of the inert gas [Y ∗ (T ) in
subsequently. In any case it should be borne in kg vapor per kg inert gas] can be obtained:
mind that drying is not only a thermal separa-
tion process; it is also a means to manufacture M̃v Pv∗ (T )
Y ∗ (T ) = (6)
specified products and to influence their quality. M̃g P − Pv∗ (T )
Paper is an example of such a specified prod-
The humidity of the unsaturated inert gas is given
uct whose quality is controlled by the choice of
by the relationship
drying conditions. Further, the risk of possible
product damage during drying must be reduced. M̃v ϕPv∗ (T )
This is particularly important for sensitive prod- Y= (7)
M̃g P − ϕPv∗ (T )
ucts such as foodstuffs. In this context, a large
number of product characteristics differing from where ϕ is the relative humidity, defined as
material to material should be accounted for.
ϕ=Pv /Pv∗ (T ) (8)
Some remarks on the handling of temperature-
sensitive materials are given in Section 3.1 The limits of ϕ are 0 and 1, which corre-
spond to completely dry air and vapor-saturated
Free and Bonded Moisture in Solids. If air, respectively. In summary, the thermody-
free (unbound) liquid is in contact with its own namic equilibrium between the unbound mois-
vapor, then the vapor pressure is equal to the sat- ture within a solid that is in contact with a gas –
uration pressure for the respective temperature vapor atmosphere is characterized by ϕ = 1 and
Pv ∗ (T ), e.g., Pv ∗ = 0.1 MPa for water at 100 ◦ C. Y = Y ∗ (T ). This is the case regardless of the
In the presence of an inert gas (e.g., air), the total magnitude of the moisture content X.
pressure at the surface of the liquid P is equal If the moisture is bonded (bound) to the
to the sum of the saturation pressure Pv ∗ and of solid material, the air humidity under condi-
the partial pressure of the inert gas Pg : tions of thermodynamic equilibrium (denoted
by Y eq ) depends not only on the temperature
P =Pv∗ (T ) +Pg (1) T , but also on the moisture content X eq , i.e.,
Y eq = Y eq (T, X eq ). The parameter Y eq is always
4 Drying of Solid Materials

smaller than Y ∗ and consequently, the partial Figure 2 shows two sorption isotherms for
vapor pressure in the gas – vapor mixture Pv, eq potatoes. To dry potatoes to a residual moisture
is always smaller than the saturation vapor pres- content of X eq = 0.10, for example, cold air with
sure Pv ∗ (T ). The diminishing of the vapor pres- a temperature of T = 0 ◦ C and a low relative hu-
sure at the surface of materials with a high mois- midity of ϕ = 0.24, or hot air with a tempera-
ture content is associated with the phenomenon ture of 100 ◦ C and a high relative humidity of
called capillary condensation. With a low mois- ϕ = 0.77 could be used.
ture content (down to the limit X → 0), the in-
termolecular attraction between the fluid and
the solid plays a dominant role. One speaks of
Langmuir sorption. For practical purposes the
equilibrium moisture content of a solid X eq is
depicted as a function of the relative humid-
ity of the air ϕ at various temperatures T , i.e.,
X eq = X eq (ϕ, T ). Such curves are called sorption
isotherms (Fig. 1).

Figure 2. Sorption isotherms for potatoes [1]

Sorption isotherms also aid in choosing the

drying conditions when using steam as the dry-
ing agent. Taking the potatoes as an example, if
the steam temperature is 100 ◦ C, then its pres-
sure should not exceed 77 kPa in order to attain
a residual moisture of X eq = 0.10.
Solids that contain a considerable amount of
bonded moisture at normal conditions are usu-
Figure 1. Sorption isotherms X eq (ϕ, T ) (qualitative graph) ally called hygroscopic. Sorption isotherms for
many such solids are to be found in [1]; some
are presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Sorption isotherms for various materials [1]

A) Cereal foods and tobacco
a) Tobacco leaves; b) Tobacco; c) Macaroni; d) Flour; e) Bread; f) Crackers
B) Textile fibers
a) Beryllium alginate fiber (25 ◦ C); b) Calcium alginate fiber (25 ◦ C); c) Nitrate fiber (25 ◦ C), copper fiber (25 ◦ C), viscose
fiber (25 ◦ C), wool (worsted, 25 ◦ C); d) Casein fiber (20 ◦ C), wool (35.6 ◦ C); e) Jute; f) Cotton (mercerized, 20 ◦ C), silk;
g) Flax (30 ◦ C), hemp; h) Cotton, fluffed (20 ◦ C); i) Acetate fiber (25 ◦ C); j) Linen; k) Perlon fiber (25 ◦ C), nylon fiber (25 ◦ C);
l) Cellulose acetate fiber; m) Pe-Ce fiber (20 ◦ C)
C) Leather, rubber, catgut, feathers
a) Sheepskin; b) Leather (sole, oak tanned); c) Catgut; d) Gold beater skin; e) Feathers; f) Latex dipped cord; g) Reclaimed
rubber; h) Rubber
Drying of Solid Materials 5

Figure 3. Continued.
D) Binding agents, adsorption agents, soaps
a) Activated charcoal (Novitkol, 400 kg/m3 ); b) Soap; c) Silicagel; d) Glue, starch; e) Gelatin
E) Paper and wood shavings
a) Wood shavings; b) Manila paper; c) Kraft paper; d) Cellulose paper and printing paper from sulfite pulp; e) Writing paper;
f) Book paper; g) Writing paper (high quality, white); h) Newsprint, filter paper; i) Brazil wood paper, offset press paper
F) Plastics and carbon black
a) Poly(vinyl alcohol) powder (25 ◦ C); b) Carbon black (25 ◦ C); c) 6-Polyamide (20 ◦ C); d) Polyacrylonitrile powder (50 ◦ C);
e) Mixed polymer powder (85 % poly(vinyl chloride), 14 % poly(vinyl acetate), 1 % maleic acid (50 ◦ C)
G) Building materials, soils, asbestos
a) Cement mortar 2040 kg/m3 ; b) Diatomaceous earth; c) Concrete 2300 kg/m3 ; d) Lime mortar 1800 kg/m3 ; e) Gypsum
1340 kg/m3 ; f) Lime stucco 1600 kg/m3 ; g) Kaolin h) Asbestos
H) Plastics
a) Polystyrene, polymerized in blocks (40 ◦ C); b) Poly(vinyl chloride) powder (50 ◦ C); c) Mixed polymer powders (85 %
poly(vinyl chloride), 15 % poly(vinyl acetate) (50 ◦ C); d) Polyethylene powder (25 ◦ C); e) Polytrifluoroethylene powder
(50 ◦ C); f) Polyethylene granules with carbon black (25 ◦ C); g) Polyethylene granules (25 ◦ C)
6 Drying of Solid Materials

Liquids that are bound to solids by sorption

are in a state of lower free energy than those
that are unbound. Hence, in the drying of hygro-
scopic substances, the enthalpy of wetting ∆hw
must be included in addition to the vaporization
enthalpy ∆hv . The so-called differential heat of
wetting can be calculated from the relationship
∆hw = −Rv (9)
d (1/T ) Xeq =constant

where Rv is the gas constant of the vapor. When Figure 5. Differential heat of wetting ∆hw for potatoes as
a function of their equilibrium moisture content X eq [1]
the logarithm of the relative humidity is plot- The points for X eq = 0.20, 0.08, and 0.02 can be calculated
ted versus the reciprocal value of the abso- from the slope of the corresponding straight lines in Figure 4,
lute temperature at constant equilibrium mois- according to Eq. (9).
ture content, straight lines are obtained (sorption
isosteres). The sorption isosteres and the differ-
ential heat of wetting for potatoes are plotted
in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. To calculate the
1.3. Drying Rate Curves for Convection
amount of heat needed to accomplish drying to a Drying
final moisture content X eq, f from an initial mois-
In most cases, drying rate curves are experimen-
ture content X eq, i , the integral heat of wetting is
tally determined using air as the drying agent.
During each experiment of this kind the air con-

ditions, that is the total pressure P, the tem-
∆hw =
∆hw dXeq (10) perature T , the relative humidity ϕ, and the air
Xeq,i −Xeq,f velocity u are kept constant (Fig. 6). The sam-
ple is weighed at specified intervals of time
The total enthalpy change ∆htotal is the sum of ∆t, the reduction of mass ∆M is calculated
the vaporization enthalpy and the integral en- (∆M = M s ∆X), and the drying rate is obtained:
thalpy of wetting: 1 ∆M Ms ∆X
ṁ= − =− (12)
A ∆t A ∆t
∆htotal = ∆hv +∆hw (11)
For most moist solids, especially those having
capillary porosity, the drying rate ṁ depends
upon the moisture content X in a manner similar
to that shown in Figure 7 [1], [2].

Figure 6. Schematic of a drying tunnel to measure the drying

rate curve

In the first drying period, the drying rate re-

mains practically constant. During this period,
unbound liquid is vaporized from the surface of
Figure 4. Sorption isosteres for potatoes
the solid and carried away by the drying agent.
The graph can be used for the determination of the differen- When the moisture content is reduced below a
tial heat of wetting. critical value X crit , the surface of the solid dries
out, and further evaporation takes place in the
Drying of Solid Materials 7

interior of the porous solid. The drying rate de- solid q̇ is equal to the product of the drying rate
creases with decreasing moisture content. This and the vaporization enthalpy,
is called the second drying period. The resid-
ual moisture in the solid is bound to it by sorp- q̇=ṁI ∆hv (13)
tion. The drying rate decreases rapidly with de- The drying agent, usually air, is completely sat-
creasing moisture content and tends to zero as urated at the surface of the solid,
the hygroscopic equilibrium moisture content
X eq (T, ϕ) is approached. The regime between Y (atthesurfaceof thesolid) =Y ∗ (TI ) (14)
the maximum hygroscopic moisture content X h
and the equilibrium value of X eq is designated Assuming that the humidity in the bulk of the
as the third drying period. drying agent is equal to Y , where Y < Y ∗ (T I ),
the drying rate ṁI is proportional to the humid-
ity difference Y ∗ (T I ) − Y . The proportionality
constant is the effective mass-transfer coefficient
β g0 . Hence,

ṁI =g βg0 [Y ∗ (TI ) −Y ] (15)

In this expression g is the density of air (or other

drying agent). The coefficient β g0 is related to the
real mass-transfer coefficient β g by
1+µY ∗ (TI )
ln 1+µY
βg0 =βg (16)
µ [Y ∗ (TI ) −Y ]

in which
Figure 7. Typical drying rate curve ṁ (X), showing the first,
second, and third period of drying µ=M̃g /M̃v (16a)

is the ratio of the molecular masses of the inert

gas and the vapor ( µ = 28.96/18.01 = 1.606 for
air and water vapor). For low levels of humidity
(Y < Y ∗ (T I ) < 0.05), Equation 16 reduces to

βg0 =βg (16b)

For the case Y → Y ∗ (TI ),

βg0 =βg (16c)
1+µY ∗ (TI )

is obtained. The effective mass-transfer coeffi-

cient β g0 is always smaller than the real one β g .
Figure 8. Stefan correction K S0 as a function of the sat- Only at sufficiently low humidities Y are the two
uration humidity Y ∗(T I ) for the limiting cases Y = 0 and coefficients equal. This fact is illustrated in Fig-
Y = Y ∗(T I )
Curves are calculated for water vapor and air, µ = 1.608. ure 8, where the dependence of the so-called
Stefan correction K s0 = β g 0 /β g on the saturation
humidity is depicted.
First Drying Period. The drying rate during The saturation humidity Y ∗ (T I ) can be
the first period (denoted by ṁI ) is dependent only found from the energy balance given by Equa-
upon the conditions of drying and not upon the tion 13, where the heat flux q̇ is given by
characteristics of the solid: there is only evapo-
ration from the surface of the solid. The temper- q̇=α0 (T −TI ) (17)
ature of the solid, denoted by T I , is established In this equation T I is the solid temperature dur-
so that the heat flux from the drying agent to the ing the first drying period, T is the temperature
8 Drying of Solid Materials

in the bulk of the drying agent, and α0 is the h∗ (TI ) −h

= cpl TI (21)
effective heat-transfer coefficient. The latter is Y ∗ (TI ) −Y
related to the real heat-transfer coefficient α by In this relationship cpl is the heat capacity of the
the following relationship: liquid and h is the enthalpy of the moist air
∆hv cpv (T − TI )  
α0 =α· ln 1+ (18) h=cpg T +Y ∆h0v +cpv T (22)
cpv (T − TI ) ∆hv
where ∆h0v is the vaporization enthalpy at 0 C. ◦
In this equation ∆hv is the vaporization en- Equation (21) is the locus of points of the adi-
thalpy of the liquid and cpv is the heat capac- abatic saturation line, crossing the curve with
ity of the vapor. The value of α0 is smaller ϕ = 1 at the point (h ∗, Y ∗) (Fig. 10).
than the value of α. If the temperature dif-
ference (T − T I ) is sufficiently small, these
two heat-transfer coefficients are practically the
same. Figure 9 shows the relationship between
α0 /α = K A and cpv (T − T I )/∆hv . The former
is sometimes called the Ackermann correction,
while the latter is termed the phase change num-

Figure 10. Mollier diagram for moist air

Evaluation of the solid’s temperature T I in the first period
Figure 9. Ackermann correction K A as a function of the of drying
phase change number cpv (T − T I )/∆hv
If the temperature of the solid T I and ei-
The temperature that the solid reaches in the ther the heat-transfer coefficient α0 or the mass-
first drying period T I can be found by inserting transfer coefficient β g0 are known, then the dry-
the equation for the mass transfer (Eq. 15) and ing rate can be determined numerically either
the equation for the heat transfer (Eq. 17) into with Equations (17) and (13) or with Equation
the energy balance (Eq. 13). The result is (15).
Numerical Example. Consider the drying
α0 (T −TI ) =g βg0 [Y ∗ (TI ) −Y ] ∆hv (19) agent to be ambient air (T a = 22 ◦ C, ϕ = 0.60)
that has been heated to T = 72 ◦ C. The heat-
For solids wetted by water that are to be dried
transfer coefficient at the air – solid interface is
by air, the approximation
20 W m−2 K−1 (= α0 ), the moisture is water.
α0 1 What is the drying rate during the first drying
≈cpg +Y cpv (20) period?
βg0 g
The temperature of the solid during the first
is useful provided that the saturation humidity drying period T I can be evaluated with the
Y ∗ (T I ) is not too high. The quantities cpg and help of the Mollier diagram (Fig. 10). Condi-
cpv are the heat capacities of air and water vapor, tion of ambient air: T a = 22 ◦ C, ϕ = 0.60 ⇒ Y =
respectively. Whenever Equation (20) is valid, 0.010 kg H2 O/kg dry air. Condition of pre-
Equation (19) can be transformed into one that heated air: T = 72 ◦ C, Y = 0.010 kg H2 O/kg dry
is written in the coordinates of the Mollier dia- air ⇒ ϕ = 0.05. Following the adiabatic satura-
gram: tion line, a value of T I = 30 ◦ C is obtained. The
Drying of Solid Materials 9

corresponding vaporization enthalpy of water In Figure 11, measurements of the mois-

is ∆hv = 2 430 300 J/kg (tabulated value). Using ture content within a paper sample during dry-
Equations (13) and (17), the drying rate during ing are depicted. The width of the sample was
the first drying period ṁI = 1.24 kg m−2 h−1 is s = 30 mm, its depth – measured from the surface
obtained. which is in contact with the drying agent – is de-
noted by z. After 7 or 8 h, drying is still taking
Second and Third Drying Periods. The place in the first drying period. The surface of
first drying period is completed when the solid’s the sample is moist, the moisture content is al-
moisture content X has reached the critical value most evenly distributed over the entire depth of
X crit (cf. Fig. 7). After this point the capillary the sample. About 9 h after the beginning of the
forces are no longer sufficient to transport the experiment, the critical point is reached. The sur-
liquid to the surface of the solid. The liquid – face of the sample dries out and the second dry-
vapor interface (drying front) moves inside the ing period begins. After 65 or 95 h, drying takes
solid. The dried portion of the solid near the sur- place in the third drying period. All moisture is
face thermally insulates the moist inner portions bonded, the drying rate is very small. The dry-
of the solid. At the same time these dried regions ing rate curve, associated with the experiment
impede the transport of the vapor to the bulk of in Figure 11 is depicted in Figure 12 (curve d).
the drying agent. These are the reasons why the Additionally, three other curves for thinner sam-
drying rate decreases while the solid’s tempera- ples are shown. The thinner samples dry more
ture rises after the completion of the first drying rapidly in the second and third drying periods
period. The critical moisture content X crit must than the thicker ones.
usually be determined experimentally; Table 1
gives representative values for various materi-
Table 1. Critical moisture content of solids when dried in air [3]

Solid Layer thickness, Critical moisture

cm content X crit

Sulfite pulp 0.6 – 1.9 0.6 – 0.8

Paper, white eggshell 0.02 0.41
Paper, fine book 0.0125 0.33
Paper, coated 0.01 0.34
Paper, newsprint 0.6 – 0.7
Beaverboard 0.43 >1.2
Poplar wood 0.42 1.2
Wool fabric, worsted 0.31
Wool, undyed serge 0.08
Sole leather 0.63 > 0.9
Chrome leather 0.1 1.26
Sand (50 – 150 mesh) 5 0.05
Sand (200 – 325 mesh) 5 0.1
Sand (through 325 mesh) 5 0.21
Sea sand (on trays) 0.63 0.03
1.27 0.047
2.5 0.059
5.0 0.06
Brick clay 1.6 0.14
Kaolin 0.14
Barium nitrate (crystals) 2.5 0.07
Carbon pigment 1 0.4
Copper carbonate 2.5 – 3.8 0.6
Iron blue pigment 0.63 – 1.9 1.1
Lithopone press cake 0.63 0.064
1.27 0.08
1.9 0.12
2.5 0.16
Prussian blue pigment 0.4
Gelatin (X i = 4.0) 0.25 – 0.5
(moist) 3.0
White lead 0.11 Figure 11. Moisture profile in paper stock as a function of
Rock salt 2.5 0.07 the duration of drying [1]
10 Drying of Solid Materials

is usually referred to as the adiabatic saturation

temperature. In the second and third drying pe-
riods, the temperature rises continuously in the
various internal layers of the solid with the result
that they approach the temperature of the drying
agent. Large differences in moisture content and
temperature can occur in the solid after the first
drying period has been completed. Such differ-
ences can produce fissures in the solid, as well
Figure 12. Drying rate curves for paper stock of various as scaling and discoloration.
thicknesses [1] Drying rate curves ṁ (X) are usually deter-
Sample thickness s in mm a) 10; b) 15; c) 20; d) 30 mined experimentally. If the process is suffi-
ciently slow, the sample can be periodically
The history of the temperature at various po- weighed. In rapid processes, such as the drying
sitions within a layer of powder is presented in of paper by a transverse flow of air, which is com-
Figure 13. In the first drying period the entire pleted in a matter of a few seconds, the humidity
sample takes on the temperature T I that can be of the exhaust air can be determined continu-
read from a Mollier diagram. This temperature ously with an infrared spectrometer. Figure 14

Figure 13. Drying rate curve and temperatures at various depths of the sample during the drying of powdered CaCO3 [1]
Drying of Solid Materials 11

shows drying rate curves that were obtained in

this way for a textile fabric through which air
was blown [4].

Figure 15. Normalized drying rate curve for pottery clay

The air temperature T and the relative humidity ϕ were var-
ied [1]:
◦ T = 45 ◦ C, ϕ = 0.537;  T = 15 ◦ C, ϕ = 0.537
• T = 25 ◦ C, ϕ = 0.187;  T = 25 ◦ C, ϕ = 0.758

Figure 14. Drying rate curves for a textile fabric dried by

passing air through it [4]
a) T = 71.7 ◦ C; b) T = 39.4 ◦ C; c) T = 25.3 ◦ C; Figure 16. Normalized drying rate curve calculated from the
d) T = 22.8 ◦ C data of Figure 14
× T = 71.7 ◦ C; + T = 39.4 ◦ C;  T = 25.3 ◦ C; ◦ T = 22.8 ◦ C
As already discussed, drying rate curves are
obtained from laboratory tests that are conducted
under constant drying agent conditions. In real-
ity, the condition of the drying agent changes 1.4. Drying Rate Curves for Contact
with time and location in any commercial dry- Drying
ing apparatus. Because it is seldom possible to
simulate all of the conditions that can occur in In contact drying the heat necessary to vaporize
a production dryer, methods of interpolating the the moisture in the solid is transferred by di-
laboratory data are needed. In this context, the rect contact with a heated surface. The process
use of a drying rate curve is very helpful. The of drying can take place in an atmosphere con-
normalized drying rate is defined by taining only the liquid’s vapor, or air can also be
present. Vacuum dryers are an example of the
ν̇= ṁ/ṁI (23)
former, tube dryers for peat an example of the
and the normalized moisture content by latter. Figure 17 shows a laboratory tray dryer
equipped with an agitator. The entire experimen-
X − Xeq tal setup is placed on a balance and can be used
ξ= (24)
Xcrit − Xeq in order to measure drying rate curves of porous,
granular materials in vacuum. During each ex-
When ν̇ is plotted versus ξ, most drying rate periment the temperature of the heating surface
curves measured in air under different condi- T w and the chamber pressure P are held con-
tions coincide (Figs. 15 and 16). In such cases, stant. The same apparatus can be used in order
only one drying rate curve has to be determined to measure drying rate curves in the presence of
by experiment. inert gas.
12 Drying of Solid Materials

Figure 17. Laboratory tray dryer to determine the drying

rate during contact drying
a) Mixer; b) Balance; c) Heater

The drying rate curves shown in Figure 18 Figure 19. Drying rate curves for hygroscopic peat in the
tray dryer of Figure 17
were obtained with the apparatus of Figure 17 Conditions: P = 0.1 MPa (air), T w = 130 ◦ C, and mixer
during vacuum contact drying of moist granular speed = 40 rpm
aluminum silicate; the particle diameter d was a) d = 0.75 mm; b) d = 3.0 mm; c) d = 6.0 mm
varied. Figure 19 gives similar results for peat
in the presence of air (at normal pressure). In Contact drying becomes faster as the tem-
both cases, the drying rate depends upon the ef- perature difference between the heated wall
ficiency of the heat transfer between the heating and the bed (T w − T bed ) increases or the mix-
surface and the granular bed, as well as upon the ing speed is raised. For coarse-grained mate-
intensity of mechanical mixing. The reduction of rials (d ≈ 10 mm), the drying rate is directly
the drying rate with decreasing moisture content proportional to the temperature difference, for
is a consequence of the increased blocking of the fine materials (d ≈ 100 µm) it depends approx-
heating surface by the particles that have already imately upon the square root of this difference
been dried. Consequently, the drying rate curve (T w − T bed )0.5 . In contrast, the mixing intensity
appears to be a property of the agitated bed as a has a stronger influence on the drying rate of
whole, and not of the individual porous particles. fine-grained materials than on the drying rate of
coarse-grained ones. The physical explanation
for this behavior can be found in [5]. The max-
imum drying rate that can be expected is given
ṁmax =αmax (Tw −Tbed ) /∆hv (25)
The maximum possible heat-transfer coefficient,
αmax , can be found from
αmax =αr +
4λ 2 (l+δ) d
ϕw 1+ ln 1+ − 1 (26)
d d 2 (l+δ)
Figure 18. Drying rate curves for nonhygroscopic, 2
vacuum-dried aluminum silicate particles l= 2Λ −1 (27)
Conditions: P = 2.63 kPa, T w = 80 ◦ C, and mixer
speed = 45 rpm and
a) d = 0.83 mm; b) d = 3.25 mm; c) d = 6.60 mm  3
Tw +Tbed
αr = 4Cw,bed (28)
Drying of Solid Materials 13

λ molecular thermal conductivity of vapor or inert

Phase equilibrium between the gaseous, liquid,
gas and solid phases
d mean particle diameter Diffusion in the gaseous phase
δ surface roughness of the particles (in most cases
0 < δ < 10 µm [5], [6]) Diffusion in the liquid phase
ϕw fraction of the heated surface that is covered (ϕw ≈ 0.8 Capillary transport of moisture
for random beds of spherical particles)
Λ mean free path of the vapor or inert gas molecules
Heat transfer
γ accommodation coefficient (γ ≈ 0.9 for air or water
vapor at moderate temperatures) The combined influence of these five mecha-
C w, bed coefficient for thermal radiation between the heated nisms on selectivity of drying has been theoreti-
surface and the bed
cally and experimentally examined using simple
liquid mixtures [7], [8]. According to the results
The radiant heat-transfer coefficient αr has a of such investigations, the influence of vapor –
value of approximately 5 W m−2 K−1 at room liquid equilibria and gas-phase diffusion on the
temperature. For high vacuum, the molecular one hand, and the influence of capillary transport
conduction, the second term in Equation (26), and liquid-phase diffusion on the other hand act
is insignificant so that αmax = αr is obtained. together.
If this limit is reached, the drying rate can Furthermore, it is necessary to differentiate
only be increased if the temperature difference between liquid mixtures containing only volatile
(T w − T bed ) is made larger; in this instance, the components and those containing at least one
degree of mixing has no effect on the drying nonvolatile component. A mixture of alcohol,
process. water, and glycerol is an example of the second
kind. In all drying processes with a sufficiently
high drying rate and a large thickness of the solid
1.5. Drying Rate and (large samples, coarse-grained products), the se-
Moisture-Composition Curves for Solids lectivity is determined by the capillary motion
and the diffusion of the liquid constituents. This
Wetted by Liquid Mixtures
is the case when the dimensionless number
A large variety of solids are moistened with liq- δl
uid mixtures containing water and other sub- Φl = (29)
v (d/2) l
stances such as alcohol, acids, or esters. In the
course of drying such solids, the composition is considerably greater than unity. This param-
of the moisture generally changes because dif- eter is equal to the ratio of two lengths: the
ferent liquids evaporate at different rates. This penetration depth of the concentration profile,
is termed selective drying, to denote the prefer- ε = δ l /v l , and the depth of the sample, d/2. The
ential removal of individual components from velocity of the capillary flow v l is directly pro-
the mixture. However, under certain circum- portional to the drying rate ṁ, i.e., v l = ṁ/( l · ψ).
stances the composition of the moisture re- (Note: l is the density of the liquid phase, δ l is
mains constant during drying (unselective dry- the diffusion coefficient in this phase, and ψ is
ing). The properties of the dried item are often the porosity of the sample.) If the solution within
very strongly dependent upon the composition the pores of the solid contains only volatile com-
of the residual moisture. Moreover, there are ac- ponents, such as water, alcohol, or acetone, then
cepted industry and health standards that the fi- for Φ1  1 “sharp” drying proceeds unselec-
nal moisture content must meet. Pharmaceutical tively (in sharp drying the drying agent has a
items must not contain any toxic residues; food- high temperature, and the drying rate is high).
stuffs should be dried to remove their water but But should the liquid in the pores contain one or
not their (highly volatile) aromas. Although lac- more nonvolatile components, then the volatile
quers should dry with a constant composition, component that diffuses most quickly through
no fixed rules can be given because the require- the nonvolatile constituent of the mixture disap-
ments in individual cases differ. pears preferentially. An example is the water in a
The drying rate as well as the selectivity of solution with glycerol and alcohol. The relative
the drying process are controlled by five inter- volatility of the individual components, as well
related physical mechanisms:
14 Drying of Solid Materials

as the speed of diffusion into the gaseous dry- Because of the relatively large diameter of the
ing agent, is inconsequential in this case. This sample, the parameter Φl remains much lower
situation is important because of the possibility than unity during the first drying period. Con-
of supressing the loss of aroma during drying of sequently, the process is controlled by the dif-
foodstuffs. fusion in the liquid phase. In the absence of an
If the dimensionless number Φl is consider- inert liquid component the drying process occurs
ably larger than unity (low temperature of dry- unselectively, i.e., the mole fraction of the alco-
ing agent, low drying rate), then the selectiv- hol, x̃ l , remains constant, as illustrated in Fig-
ity is solely determined by the relative volatility ure 20B. This situation changes in the course of
and by the velocity of diffusion into the gaseous the second drying period: with decreasing mois-
phase. The more volatile components disappear ture content, the liquid – vapor interface retreats
first, as long as “dynamic azeotropy” does not inside the solid, so that the drying rate and the
occur. The appearence of such azeotropic points width of the moist region diminish. The result
is due to the interaction of relative volatility and is that Φl increases. Towards the end of the dry-
gaseous diffusion. For the solution of isopropyl ing process a pronounced change in the com-
alcohol and water, the (static) azeotropic mole position of the remaining moisture is recorded.
fraction of isopropyl alcohol is about 0.65. How- The extent and trend of this selectivity are dic-
ever, using dry air as drying agent a dynamic tated by the diffusion occurring in the gaseous
azeotropic mole fraction of 0.41 can be attained; phase, and by the thermodynamic equilibrium.
the reason for this behavior is that water diffuses For an initial mole fraction of alcohol x̃ l,i > 0.41,
into the air much faster than alcohol. At this com- the criterion for dynamic azeotropy, the solution
position the drying process would be unselective becomes depleted of water, and for x̃ l,i < 0.41,
for all values of the parameter Φl . alcohol is lost.
Figures 20 and 21 clarify the drying behavior The region of selective drying can be consid-
of solids that are wetted by solutions with only erably extended if the thickness of the sample is
volatile components. The experimental drying decreased. In this manner, the drying of a thin-
rate and composition curves for a clay cylinder walled hollow cylinder made of sintered bronze
are shown in Figure 20. The clay has been soaked with dry air (T = 60 ◦ C and v = 0.2 m/s), occurs
in a solution of isopropyl alcohol and water. The selectively from the beginning (see Fig. 21).
drying agent is dry air (T = 60 ◦ C, u = 0.2 m/s).

Figure 20. Drying rate (A) and composition curves (B) for a clay cylinder wetted by isopropyl alcohol (‘1’) and water
Conditions: diameter of sample = 39.2 mm, length = 95.7 mm; drying agent: dry air, T = 60 ◦ C, u = 0.2 m/s [7]
A) a) x̃ 1, i = 1.0; b) x̃ 1, i = 0.6; c) x̃ 1, i = 0.3; d) x̃ 1, i = 0.0
B) a) x̃ 1, i = 0.6; b) x̃ 1, i = 0.3
Drying of Solid Materials 15

Figure 21. Drying rate (A) and composition curves (B) for a hollow cylinder of sintered bronze wetted by isopropyl alcohol
(‘1’) and water
Conditions: outer diameter of sample = 31.0 mm; inner diameter of sample = 30.0 mm; length = 95.7 mm; drying agent: dry
air, T = 60 ◦ C and u = 0.2 m/s [7]
A) a) x̃ 1, i = 1.0; b) x̃ 1, i = 0.6; c) x̃ 1, i = 0.3; d) x̃ 1, i = 0.0
B) a) x̃ 1, i = 0.6; b) x̃ 1, i = 0.3

2. Drying Methods and Dryer Types 2.1.1. Flowing Gas

In this chapter the most important methods of Drying with a flowing gas is particularly suitable
drying are arranged according to the way the heat for materials which should not be mechanically
is transferred. In a convection dryer the liquid is stressed during drying.
vaporized by the heat that is transferred from
the drying agent. In the case of a contact dryer Drying Oven (Kiln). With small quantities
the heat is conducted from a heated surface to of moist solids, the simplest, cheapest dryer is
the solid. The solid may be transported over the a drying oven similar to that shown in Figure 22.
heat-transfer surface, or it may rest upon it. Ra-
diant heating, in which the heat is supplied from
a radiation source that is remote from the sur-
face of the solid but with an unobstructed view
of it, is also used. Special methods of drying in-
clude dielectric drying and freeze drying. The
myriad of dryer types is a consequence of the
different behavior that the solid exhibits during
drying, the particular product needs, and many
economic considerations.

2.1. Convection Drying

The methods of convection drying differ from

one another in the manner by which the moist
solid contacts the drying agent, which is usually
hot air. Figure 22. Compartment dryer (Courtesy of Babcock BSH)
a) – c) Turning vanes; d) Air-exhaust duct with damper;
e) Fan; f) Heaters
16 Drying of Solid Materials

Figure 23. Double-truck dryer for two rows of carts

a) Loading door; b) Cart pool; c) Heater; d) Intermediate heater; e) Racks for loading

The solid is placed upon racks or in trays that by a conveyor system consisting of many paral-
are mounted on a cart. A fan circulates warm lel rollers that are driven by an interconnecting
air through a heater and then through the drying chain. Many layers of such a roller system can
racks or trays. Flow dividers ensure that the air form decks to use the tunnel’s space effectively.
is uniformly distributed. Drying proceeds uni-
formly and without overdrying portions of the Spiral Belt Dryer. A dryer of this type
material. The drying process for forced convec- (Fig. 24) is often ideal for materials that require
tion dryers is controlled by the amount of ex- a long, undisturbed drying time. The moist solid
haust and intake air, as well as its velocity and is placed upon a circulating belt at a position
temperature. Such dryers are employed for pro- outside the dryer. The solid remains undisturbed
cessing sensitive materials that require long dry- while it dries. The belt enters at the top of the
ing times, i.e., gentle drying. The kilns for some dryer and moves in a spiral fashion toward the
grades of lumber can be 200 m3 or larger. The bottom. Several blowers rotate about the vertical
atmosphere in such chambers can best be regu- axis of the dryer and service a particular eleva-
lated by a feedback system with suitable sensors. tion of it. The air is blown past the solid, onto the
heating pipes, and then sucked back across the
Tunnel Dryers. Large quantities of materi- solid. It is possible to regulate both the temper-
als are dried in a tunnel in a continuous process. ature and air speed of each vertical drying zone
The cart is placed within the tunnel at its en- separately.
trance and conveyed, usually continuously, but
sometimes step by step, along the tunnel to its
exit. The moving air can be cocurrent or coun-
tercurrent with the direction of the solids.
Sometimes the flow of the drying agent is
changed, and it is blown perpendicular to the
solid’s direction of motion. This can lessen the
excessive drying of edges for materials such as
plasterboard, and permits different drying condi-
tions in different portions of the tunnel (Fig. 23).
Applications of this drying method are freshly
lacquered chassis parts and glass plates that have
a layer of leather glued to them; they are carried
on moving hooks through the drying tunnels.
Goods that are in the form of large sheets, such as
Figure 24. Spiral belt dryer (Courtesy of Babcock BSH)
plasterboard or wood particle board, are moved
Drying of Solid Materials 17

Segmented Rotating Tray (Wiped-Tray) the early stages of drying. In order to achieve
Dryer. The continuous drying of large quanti- uniform drying, such clumps are subdivided bet-
ties of crystalline, granular, or pasty materials ween each disk by an appropriate device.
that must be dried gently can be effectively In the dryer shown in Figure 25, the blowers
done with a segmented rotating tray dryer of are centrally located and force the air over the
the type shown in Figure 25. The solid can material on one disk and back again over another
have a broad grain-size spectrum. A lazy Su- disk after the air passes through a heating unit.
san that slowly rotates around the central axis The dryer can have several zones for the circu-
of the dryer is its main component. Each tray lating air, each having a different temperature.
is subdivided into pie-shaped sections by ra- The dimensions for these types of dryers range
dial slots – 60 – 120 mm wide – through which from 1.2 m in diameter with 8 m2 of useful dry-
the material can fall. The moist solid is placed ing surface to 10 m in diameter with 1500 m2 .
upon the topmost tray in an even layer. A sta- The rotational speed of the dryer is specified
tionary wiping arm comes into contact with by the drying time and the number of vertical
the dried surface material and pushes it cir- stages.
cumferentially along the disk toward the radial
slots. The material that falls through a slot lands Disking Dryers. A circulating disking dryer
upon the disk below, where it initially forms is advantageous for materials that must be con-
a heap or ball. An arm is used to spread the stantly turned over. Like the wiped-tray dryer,
material into a uniform layer, and the proce- it contains a set of vertically stacked, circular
dure continues until the dried material reaches trays. In addition, fixed disks of different diam-
the bottom of the dryer, where it is removed. eters, in effect, disk-harrow the material on the
Pasty and sticky materials can form clumps in trays. In this way, the material that is to be dried
is both agitated and transported. Attached to the
drying chamber is a separate chamber for the
fans and heaters to supply and heat the air. An
important application of this kind of dryer is for
materials moistened by volatile solvents.

Jet Dryers. Dryers of the type shown in Fig-

ure 26 blow hot air out of slots or circular holes
at a high speed onto the surface of the moist
solid. As a consequence of the high air speeds
resulting from large rates of circulated air, very
large mass-transport coefficients and high dry-
ing rates of the liquid near the surface, i.e., the
first stage of drying, are achieved. This mini-
mizes the redistribution of the moisture within
the solid because of the increased exchange of

Figure 25. Segmented rotating tray (wiped-tray) dryer

Top: vertical, axial section
Bottom: Detail of the wiping and distributing method Figure 26. Impinging jet dryer (Courtesy of Deutsche Bab-
a) Loading device; b) Drying zone; c) Cooling zone; d) Un- cock Anlage)
loading conveyor; e) Turbo fans; f) Fresh air fan; g) Heaters; a) Fresh air fan; b) Heaters; c) Nozzle boxes; d) Roller sys-
h) Exhaust duct; i) Cooling air duct; j) Wet washer; k) Demis- tem loaded with strip material; e) Exhaust
ter; l) Segmented tray; m) Segment; n) Wiper; o) Distributor
18 Drying of Solid Materials

mass. Jet dryers are mostly used to dry flat mate- aeration is the most efficient form of convection
rials such as wood veneer, cardboard, foils, tex- drying. Because nearly all of the surface of the
tiles, or photographic papers. moist particles is exposed to the drying agent,
Continuous sheets of materials, such as maximum heat and mass transfer are achieved
coated papers, foils after printing, or photo- for the available conditions. High drying rates
graphic film, are transported through the dryer are possible even under relatively mild thermal
on a cushion of air that can be over 100 m long. and mechanical conditions.
Pieces of veneer are placed onto a conveyor belt;
extruded pellets, for example, either dry or wet Through-Circulation Batch Dryer. Agri-
feed, are transported on a continuous stainless cultural products are often dried by this device.
steel belt. The speed of the drying air must be Grain or hay are placed into a container that has
adjusted so that the pieces are not blown away. a perforated bottom, or onto a rack, and warm
A tentering frame dryer has hooks or clamps for air is blown through it. Uniformity of the dry-
holding the cloth that are attached to a chain that ing within a pile of cereal can be facilitated with
moves through the dryer. The material is later- stirring forks that simultaneously transport the
ally constrained in this way, with the result that material.
the fabric undergoes a favorable tensile treat- More than 100 t/h of grain can be continu-
ment while drying. ously dried in inclined tubular dryers that also
aerate the material. There are dryers that resem-
ble silos, and these are filled from the top. The
2.1.2. The Solid is Aerated grain slides past roof-like inserts (Fig. 27), as it
moves toward the bottom where it is removed
If air can be blown through a layer of solids, or if from a funnel-shaped collector.
the solid can be processed to make this possible,

Figure 27. Vertical gravity bed continuous flow dryer

A) Construction of the dryer; B) Air flow (view perpendicular to that in A)
a) Chute; b) Fresh air; c) Exhaust; d) Inlet air duct; e) Exhaust duct; f) Unloading device; g) Funnel
Drying of Solid Materials 19

The gas that is used as the drying agent flows duced without an intermediate heater.) Useable
through a duct and into the layer of grain via surface areas up to 60 m2 are common.
the roof-shaped forms. The gas is subsequently
sucked back through similar V-shaped openings
that are placed somewhat higher. The uppermost
portion of the dryer is not ventilated and is called
the sweating zone. Here the material slides past
heaters that are usually filled with hot water. The
sweating of the grain considerably reduces the
necessary drying time. In the lower portion of
the duct, a cooling zone is often provided. Fod-
der is dried with air diluted with (warm) exhaust
fumes, but legumes and grains used for food or
producing oil are dried with air that is indirectly
heated to prevent contamination.

Aerated, Stationary Rack Kiln. Small

quantities of fragile materials can be placed on Figure 28. Through-circulation floating rack compartment
racks that can be put into a kiln. Air is blown dryer
through the material. Such ovens are loaded and Simplizior (Courtesy of Deutsche Babcock Anlage)
unloaded by hand. a) Elevator; b) Flaps; c) Rack piles; d) Fan; e) Heaters; f) Re-
circulation duct; g) Exhaust duct
– – → Path of solid; −→ Path of air
Aerated, Moving Rack Kiln (Simplizior
Dryer). The Simplizior dryer (Fig. 28) is a semi-
continuously operating rack dryer that is mainly Belt Dryers. In belt dryers a loading device
used by the food industry to treat vegetable prod- that is especially designed for the product is used
ucts such as parsley, carrots, spinach, mush- to place the moist solid on the surface of a belt
rooms, as well as spices. Because the moisture which passes through a drying chamber that re-
content of the drying air increases on its way sembles a tunnel. At the end of this chamber
through the dryer, the racks are moved through the material falls from the belt into a chute for
the dryer countercurrently to the air. They are further processing. In some installations the ma-
loaded with the moist goods and installed in the terial falls onto another belt that moves in the op-
upper part of the dryer. Then they move toward posite direction to the first one. Depending upon
the bottom, where they are unloaded. The racks the characteristics of the material to be dried,
are finally loaded with new moist goods, and sent multiple passages through the dryer are possi-
back to the top of the dryer to begin another dry- ble. In this way the material is mixed while dry-
ing round. The motive power can be supplied by ing, and new surfaces are exposed to the drying
a hand crank in small units, while large installa- agent. A shorter, more gentle drying process is
tions have power systems that are automatically the result.
controlled. In this way the material in all of the Centrifugal or axial flow blowers are used to
racks reaches the same final condition, and the aerate the moist materials. The air stream can
process approaches the efficiency of a fully con- enter the solid from below or above. The dry-
tinuous process. ing agent in belt dryers is commonly supplied
The dryer that is illustrated in Figure 28 re- laterally so that they are operated as convection
quires removal of the racks above the interme- dryers with partly recirculating air. The drying
diate heating unit and their reinsertion below agent is heated indirectly with steam or hot wa-
it. Intermediate heating of the air is necessary ter. Fuel oil or natural gas can also be used to
because the air cools after passing through the indirectly or directly heat the drying agent.
lower racks, and because very high drying tem- Stepwise heating of the solid is possible with
peratures cannot be used due to the sensitivity a unidirectional belt dryer, and this allows fur-
of the goods. (The Simplizior dryer is also pro- ther control of the drying process. Belt dryers
are ideal for friable, molded, granular, or crys-
20 Drying of Solid Materials

Figure 29. Through-circulation perforated drum dryer for loose, fibrous materials (Courtesy of Fleißner Egelsbach)
A) End view; B) Side view
a) Loading conveyor; b) Perforated drum; c) Cover plates; d) Fan; e) Heaters; f) Air distributor

talline products. They are utilized in all branches the lower end, where it usually falls into a load-
of industry. ing hopper. Longitudinal protrusions (flights) in-
side the kiln distribute the material more or less
Aerated Perforated Drum Dryers. This uniformly over the peripheral surface for dry-
type of machine is employed to dry solids that ing and promote transport in some instances.
can form porous layers on curved surfaces. Ex- These protrusions are often shaped like crosses
amples of such materials are cellulose fibers, or quadrants and reduce the drying time in two
wool, and cotton. The dryer consists of a series ways: (1) they constantly stir the solid and (2)
of closely spaced drums with diameters ranging intermittently cause it to fall away from the wall
up to 2 m and lengths of 6 m, which turn about as a shower of fine particles through the dry-
a horizontal axis (Fig. 29). The cylindrical sur- ing agent, which streams axially along the kiln.
faces of these drums are made of perforated sheet Some of these lifting flights do not perform well
metal. The material to be dried is transported to when the solid is quite dry because they create
the top of one drum and is transferred to the too much dust, but are very effective for pasty
bottom of the next; it moves to the top of the or sludge-like materials. If the drum must be
following drum, etc. It is held against the drum cleaned often, or blockage of the drum can oc-
by a flow of high velocity air that is sucked into cur, flights that have a relatively simple shape
the drums through guides and hemicylindrical are preferable.
baffles at their periphery.
Air-permeable paper is produced on rotating
cylinder dryers that consist of only one drum
with a surface made of metal screening. The
efficacy of these dryers is dependent upon the
porosity of the layer of moist solid, the maxi-
mum permissible air temperature, and the vac-
uum that can be achieved within the drum which,
in turn, determines the quantity of air that passes
through the paper. It takes only seconds to dry
the paper in this way.

Rotating Drum Dryers. The drum of a ro-

tating drum dryer (Fig. 30) is longer in relation
to its diameter than that of the perforated drum Figure 30. Cocurrent direct-heat rotary dryer and various
dryers and rotates about a horizontal axis that is flight arrangements
slightly inclined. Consequently, the material that a) Feed chute; b) Drum; c) Discharge; d) Burner; e) Com-
bustion chamber; f) Exhaust fan; g) Dust separator; h) Cross-
is loaded at the upper end slowly wanders toward shaped flights; i) Quadrant flights; j) 45◦ lip flights
Drying of Solid Materials 21

The moist material and the drying agent flow solid over a perforated floor through which the
either cocurrently or countercurrently. This type drying agent flows upward. The dryer can be
of kiln is often direct-fired. They have diameters completely sealed so that the drying agent flows
between 0.3 and 6 m and are used principally in a closed circuit to facilitate the recovery of
for granular and crumbly materials. Pasty sub- volatile solvents.
stances and slurries are often transformed into
crumbs in a short time after they come in con-
tact with the hot drying agent. Some liquid or
semi-liquid materials form small clumps when
mixed with an already dried portion of the same
materials. Then they can be dried with this kind
of dryer. To increase the residence time in rotary
drum dryers, circumferential baffles are used.

Roto-Louvre Dryer. This particular type of

drum dryer has internal guide vanes (Fig. 31)
that convey the drying medium in crosscurrent
to the moist solid in very close proximity. The
solid is simultaneously well stirred. The chan- Figure 32. Twin-screw dryer (Courtesy of Werner Pfleiderer
nels for the drying gas are tapered toward the Maschinenfabrik, Stuttgart)
rear of the dryer to achieve a good flow distribu- a) Product feed valve; b) Fine screen plate; c) Conveyor
screws; d) Screw drive; e) Product discharge valve; f) Fresh
tion. This results in a conical dryer, which does air distributor duct; g) Exhaust air connector
not need to be inclined.

2.1.3. Large-Scale Agitation of the Solid

Spouting Bed Dryers. These units are noted

for their high drying efficiency. One model is il-
lustrated in Figure 33. The solid moves horizon-
tally in a chute and the drying agent flows ver-
tically through a perforated floor to fluidize the
solid. These machines can operate continuously,
because the solid that enters the dryer via an ad-
justable opening is transported through it while
suspended in the drying agent. The throughput
can be increased by belts fitted with scoops to
collect and move the material.
To achieve fluidization of the solid with min-
imum air velocity, vibrating fluidized beds are
used. The dryer is mounted on a chute that vi-
Figure 31. Cross section through a Roto-Louvre dryer brates under the action of a shaking device.
(Courtesy of Dunford & Ellioth, London) The lengthwise oscillations of the chute serve
a) Rotating drum; b) Inlet ducts for hot air; c) Radial guide to transport the material. The residence time of
vanes; d) Tangential guide vanes; e) Moist solid; f) Air flow
through the solid the solid within the dryer can be modified by ad-
justing the amount of vibration. If the airflow is
divided into two sequential streams, the first can
Aerated, Double-Screw Dryer. The mois- be used to dry the solid, while the second can
ture in clumps of materials and coarsely fibered cool it for further processing or packaging. Ver-
or flaky granules can be extracted in an aer- sions of these kinds of dryers that have a closed
ated double-screw dryer (Fig. 32). Two parallel circuit for the drying agent can be used to recover
screws that rotate closely together convey the solvents.
22 Drying of Solid Materials

Figure 33. Fluidized bed dryer (Courtesy of Büttner-

a) Fluidized bed; b) Heater; c) Solids feeder; d) Gas distribu- Figure 34. Spin-flash dryer (Courtesy of Anhydro AS,
tor; e) Cooling zone; f) Discharge; g) Control baffle; h) Dust Soborg-Kopenhagen)
separator; i) Fan a) Moist solid bin; b) Screw feeder; c) Air inlet; d) Stirrer;
e) Main drying chamber; f) Material separator; g) Product
discharge; h) Exhaust exit
Materials that can be suspended in the drying
agent are usually powders, crystals, and granu-
lar or short-fibered products that remain finely Centrifugal Dryer. Figure 35 shows a cen-
divided or have only a slight tendency to stick or trifugal dryer whose motion serves to subdivide
cake. Pastes and slurries are mixed with previ- the moist solid and bring it into effective con-
ously dried material and are then easily fluidized. tact with the drying agent. The dryer consists of
Solutions and suspensions can be dried by spray- a stationary closed vessel that has at its base a
ing them into the swirling layer with nozzles. centrifuge, or possibly two if the unit is large.
The minute solid particles that are present are They whirl the moist solid around in the dryer
then covered by a thin film of liquid, which drys where the drying agent, usually air mixed with
quickly, primarily due to the surface evapora- the combustion products of coal, oil, or natural
tion that characterizes the first period of drying. gas, can perform its drying function. The fumes
The small particles grow in size by conglomer- are diluted with enough fresh air to attain the
ating with others. Particles are added to the dryer needed inlet temperature and to increase the gas
when it is operating continuously to act as seeds. volume sufficiently so that the humidity does not
Small dried particles are recirculated; large par- become too high.
ticles are pulverized, classified, and recirculated.
Particles between 0.5 and 5 mm in diameter can
be produced from various solutions in this way.

Spin-Flash Dryer. Pastes and high viscosity

liquids are often dried best in the type of dryer
that is pictured in Figure 34. The dryer is loaded
by a screw conveyor or a pump. The material
to be dried is first stirred and broken up by a
multi-armed paddle that turns at 50 – 500 rpm.
Air is fed in tangentially at the bottom. A kind
of fluidized bed is produced in the region of the
stirrer. The air flow entrains the smaller, drier
particles, and the larger, wetter ones fall back
Figure 35. Centrifugal dryer (Courtesy of Hazemag,
into the stirred region, where they are reduced Münster/Westfalen)
in size. a) Loading zone; b) Hot gas inlet; c) Exhaust outlet; d) Ma-
terial discharge
Drying of Solid Materials 23

There are also dryers that combine the ticles onto hardened plates, which shatter the
mechanical and aerodynamical methods to en- clumps of moist solid. The pulverized pieces
train the solid in the vortical motion of the drying of the moist solid are dried in a stream of hot
agent. Machines that swirl the solid are used to gases. The smallest particles are entrained in the
dry granules of plastics, salts, coal, and other stream and pass out of the dryer with the drying
chemicals. agent and must be recovered. The coarser parti-
cles fall to the bottom of the dryer, where they
Centrifugal-Impact Dryer. The unit pic- are removed. Dryers of this type are often used
tured in Figure 36 functions as a centrifugal in the sand and gravel industry.
dryer and an impact pulverizer. Materials that
have an edge length of less than 500 mm and a
moisture content of less than 30 % are reduced
to a grain size between 0 – 10 mm and dried in 2.1.4. The Solid Moves in the Drying Agent
gases that reach 900 ◦ C. Within the dryer a ro-
tating wheel with impact bars catapults the par- Pneumatic Conveyor Dryers. Materials
that can be pneumatically transported can be
dried simultaneously. The simplest form for a
dryer encompassing this dual role for the dry-
ing agent consists of a vertical tube in which
granular or pulverized materials are dried while
suspended in a gas or air stream (Fig. 37). The
available drying time is only a few seconds: only
fine materials, with their high rates of heat and
mass transfer, or coarse products, with only sur-
face moisture to be removed, are used in such
dryers. Solids that contain internal moisture can
only be dried to a limited extent by this method.
Sometimes such materials can be dried in a mul-
tistaged gas-lift dryer.
The drying agent and the solid move cocur-
rently in air-lift dryers. The moist solid comes
into contact with the hottest drying gases when
it first enters the dryer. Because the solid is com-
pletely submerged in the hot drying gas, the con-
ditions for high heat- and mass-transfer rates
are good. The solid has the wet bulb temper-
ature as long as surface evaporation is domi-
nant. Only when this phase of drying is com-
pleted does the temperature of the solid begin
to rise. This warming process is limited, how-
ever, because the drying agent has been cooled
by evaporating the moisture. Therefore, sensi-
tive materials can be dried without damage in
such dryers, even though the gas inlet tempera-
tures are relatively high. The limited residence
time is also a factor. Both organic and inorganic
salts that have some moisture after having been
centrifuged or filtered can be dried effectively
Figure 36. Centrifugal-impact dryer (Courtesy of Hazemag with pneumatic conveyor dryers. Plastic pow-
mbH, Münster/Westfalen) ders, granules, foodstuffs, fodder, wood chips,
a) Moist solid loading; b) Impact rotor; c) Impact bar; sand, and quartz can also be dried in this way.
d) Striker plate; e) Adjustable slit; f) Discharge collector;
g) Hot-air inlet; h) Exhaust gas exit
24 Drying of Solid Materials

Figure 38. Atritor mill dryer (Courtesy of Alfred Herbertg,

Coventry, UK)
a) Moist solid and heating gas; b) Rotor; c) Hammer seg-
ments; d) Stator; e) Fan; f) Finger separator; g) Bearing;
Figure 37. Two-stage pneumatic conveyor dryer (Courtesy
h) To the separator
of H. Orth, Böhl/Pfalz)
– – → Heating gas; −→ Moist solid
a) Wet feed; b) Fresh air; c) Material discharge; d) Exhaust

Mill Dryers. As the name of the dryer im- 2.1.5. The Material is Sprayed
plies, in mill dryers (Fig. 38) the moist solid
is simultaneously ground and dried. Although Spray drying is used for the drying of pastes,
the energy consumption of these devices is rel- suspensions, or solutions. The moist material is
atively large, even that used for grinding the sprayed into the drying agent, and is converted
solid ultimately appears in the form of the heat into a powder that is entrained by the gas stream.
that is necessary for drying. Hot gases also flow The volatile liquids vaporize quickly. The gas
through the dryer to achieve the desired drying and the dry powder can be separated at the exit
times. The mill shown in Figure 38 has a loading of the dryer.
chute in which the moist material slides to the In this kind of drying process, a uniform fog
front surface of a rotating grinding wheel. The of moist material should be produced within the
particles that this disk produces are carried away dryer. Each type of solid affects the design used
by the hot gases into a second grinding chamber to produce a uniform product. The most impor-
of the dryer. Here the solid and entraining gas tant types are the disk atomizer (Fig. 39A) and
pass through a series of stationary and rotating pressure nozzle (Fig. 39B, C). (→ Spraying and
pegs that further reduce the particle size. The Atomizing of Liquids).
gases and solids are ultimately forced out of the Centrifugal disks atomize liquids by extend-
dryer by the blower. ing them into thin sheets, which are discharged
This kind of dryer can produce powder from at high speeds from the periphery of the rapidly
granular, caked, or partially liquid materials that rotating (4000 – 15 000 rpm), specially designed
can have a moisture content up to 80 % and a disks (diameter 50 – 350 mm). The speed de-
representative size of 50 mm. Mill dryers are pends upon the desired size of the particles.
used to dry and comminute peat clumps at power This type of atomizer is used for pastes and sus-
plants. pensions because these materials would damage
Drying of Solid Materials 25

nozzles by abrasion, or even clog them. Very

thick pastes can be treated in disk atomizers but
they require a high-pressure pumping system to
introduce them into the dryer.

Figure 39. Devices for spraying

A) Disk atomizer
a) Suspended installation; b) Standing installation
B) Pressure nozzle
a) Fluid delivery; b) Heating or cooling jacket; c) Nozzle
support; d) Nozzle orifice
C) Two-fluid nozzle
a) Tangential high-pressure air supply; b) Conical expansion
and swirl chamber; c) Liquid supply line; d) Spray zone

Powders are produced from a spray nozzle,

either a simple nozzle operating under sufficient
liquid pressure or a two-fluid nozzle that concur-
rently sprays streams of liquid and gas – usually
air. The resulting mist contains individual parti-
cles with diameters between 20 and 300 µm.
Figure 40. Two-fluid sonic nozzle
Figure 40 shows a two-fluid nozzle that ex- (Courtesy of Caldyn, Ettingen, FRG)
ploits the fact that the speed of sound (critical
speed) in a gas – liquid mixture is much smaller Spray dryers are particularly suitable for dry-
than in the gas or liquid phase. The two fluids ing solids that are temperature sensitive. Ex-
leave the mixing chamber, which is at a low pres- amples are milk products, baby foods, eggs,
sure, and enter an atmosphere where the mixture blood and blood plasma, pharmaceutical prod-
suddenly expands. The shock wave that occurs ucts, chemicals, dyes, plastics, glues, tannin, and
at the end of the mixing chamber causes the liq- soaps. An advantage of these dryers is the high
uid – with suspended solids in some cases – to solubility of the powders that are produced.
be distributed into a fine mist with a narrow size
Because the liquid is transformed into minute 2.2. Contact Drying
drops, a very large surface area is placed in con-
tact with the drying agent. Very short drying In contact drying, the heat is directly transferred
times – from fractions of a second to a maximum to the solid from a heated surface upon which
of a few seconds – are the result. it rests. The solid may be either stationary or be
One or more powderizing systems can be in- continually transferred from one hot surface to
stalled at the top of a cylindrical structure, which another.
is often as high as 20 m and several meters in di-
ameter. Hot gases are introduced into the drying
tower at the bottom or the top. The final product 2.2.1. Flat and Strip Materials
falls into a conical hopper at the bottom of the
Materials that are flat or in strips, such as tex-
dryer, where it is unloaded.
tiles, paper, or cardboard, are dried with a drum
dryer. The moist material is wrapped around a
26 Drying of Solid Materials

series of rotating, horizontal cylinders that are Some of the methods of applying the moist ma-
usually heated internally with steam. The steam terial to the rollers are shown in Figure 43. Each
and its condensate enter and leave the cylinder one has its particular uses, depending upon the
through hollow-journals, often the same jour- adhesion and consistency of the moist solid.
nal. Materials that have a low strength when
moist, e.g., felt and cotton, move between the
drums on endless belts. The belts press the solid
against the drying drums and simultaneously ab-
sorb some of the moisture. This moisture must be
subsequently removed from the belts (Fig. 41).
The possibility of introducing air between the
drums and the moist material in rapidly rotating
drum dryers is reduced by the pressure that the
belts exert against the material. Consequently,
the contact resistance to heating is reduced, and
the heat transfer between the drum and product
is improved.

Figure 42. Double-roller spray dryer (Courtesy of Escher

a) Spraying apparatus; b) Drying rollers; c) Scraping knife;
d) Moisture exhaust

Figure 43. Methods for feeding the moist solid for a roller
Figure 41. Schematic of a multicylinder dryer with guiding dryer
belt A) Submerged roller; B) Distributing roller; C) Barbed roller
a) Drying cylinders for the moist solid; b) Drying cylin-
ders for the guiding belt; c) Guide rollers; d) Moist material;
e) Guide belt The rollers are usually heated internally with
steam, although hot water or heat carrier oils are
sometimes used. Induction-heated drying cylin-
ders are also available; they can produce con-
2.2.2. Low-Viscosity Materials trollable surface temperatures between 40 and
400 ◦ C.
Roller Dryers. In order to contact dry so- Hoods can be placed over the dryer to reduce
lutions of organic or inorganic material, a con- the ambient pressure and facilitate drying. The
tinuously operating roller dryer is almost always dryer can also be completely encased to make
used (Fig. 42). They are usually selected because it airtight and dustproof. In some applications
of their effective utilization of heat. where increased drying efficiency is needed, the
The material flows onto the drying roll as a roller is additionally heated with a stream of hot
thin layer. The liquid is vaporized by the heat air or exposed to a radiant heater (Fig. 44).
coming from the heated rollers. Shortly before
the dried solid reaches the end of the dryer, it is
peeled away from the hot surface by a scraper to
produce a film, coarse or fine flakes, or a powder.
Drying of Solid Materials 27

a belt dryer is added. The drying of materials

such as stearates, carbonates, clay, kaolin, white
lead, or titanium dioxide are some special appli-
cations of this kind of dryer.

Hollow-Screw Heat Exchanger. Hollow-

screw heat exchangers (Fig. 46) have proved
useful for the continuous drying of paste. This
Figure 44. Aerating a single-roller dryer dryer consists of a trough that contains one or
A) Dryer without a hood; B) Dryer with hood and exhaust; two hollow screws. The screws turn in the same
C) Dryer with hood, warm air supply, and exhaust or the opposite directions, and partially overlap.
Screws turning in the same direction are pre-
ferred for pastes because of the greater overlap
and the self-cleaning action. Hot water, saturated
2.2.3. Pasty Materials steam, or hot organic liquids serve to provide the
Roller dryers are also effective for drying pasty
or creamy materials if they can be satisfactorily
applied to the rollers. A proven single-roller de-
vice is shown in Figure 45.

Figure 46. Hollow-screw heat exchanger (Courtesy of

a) Hollow-screw conveyors; b) Inlets for the heating agent;
c) Outlets for the heating agent; d) Trough

List AP Dryer (All Phase Dryer). The dryer

shown in Figure 47 can be used for materials
that can range from fluid or pasty to putty-like
or granular during the drying process. It is also
suitable for substances that are sticky or form
Figure 45. Single-roller dryer for mealy materials crusts. A suitably designed horizontal housing
a) Feed container; b) Stirrers; c) Drying roller; d) Pressuriz-
ing rollers; e) Scraping knife; f) Discharge surrounds the main roller, which has disks at-
tached to it. This roller rotates in the opposite
direction to a cleaner roller that has rectangular
Grooved Roller Dryer. A special type of hoops that stir the material. The cleaner roller’s
roller dryer reduces the moisture of pastes by speed is four times that of the main roller, whose
8 – 10 % and produces short segments for fur- surface is cleaned by it. Kneadable solids adhere
ther drying steps. The paste is not rolled out to the disk protrusions on the main roller and
into a thin layer, instead it is forced by a spe- scrape against the housing to scour and clean it.
cial roller into the grooves of the drying roller. The throughput of the device can be controlled
As the roller turns, the material is pressed and by the orientation of the rollers. The housing, its
thickened. Finally, a serrated scraper removes lid, the hollow main roller, and the disk elements
the dried material. To dry the solid completely are heated with steam, hot water, or hot oil.
28 Drying of Solid Materials

is provided by the flow of vapor that ensues in

the tubes.

Screw Conveyor Dryers. Inside the drum,

screw conveyor dryers (Fig. 48) have a rotor that
is fitted with many small paddles that constantly
force the moist solid into contact with the hot
wall, as well as move it along the axis. The res-
idence time of the solid in the dryer is regulated
by changing the angle of the paddles.

Figure 47. Contact dryer with stirrer and kneader (Courtesy

of List, Prattein)
a) Double-walled container; b) Main shaft; c) Cleaning shaft; Figure 48. Screw conveyor dryer (Courtesy of Büttner-
d) Cleaning disk; e) Square-hoop stirrer; f) Kneading bars Schilde-Haas)
a) Moist solid loading; b) Dried solid discharge; c) Inlet for
heating agent; d) Outlet for heating agent; e) Solvent vapors

2.2.4. Granular Materials

Cone-Worm Dryer. A cone-worm dryer
Rotary Dryer. The heat necessary for dry- operates along the inclined wall of a vertical
ing is transferred through the peripheral walls funnel-shaped container. The chamber is sealed
of a rotary dryer in contact drying. Only a small and equipped with a heating jacket. The screw
amount of air is necessary to carry off the mois- serves to transport the material to the top and to
ture that is taken from the solid. Accordingly, produce a gentle stirring of the moist solid.
the air velocity in these units is quite low. This
is advantageous when drying materials that dust Tray Dryers. When contact drying is em-
easily or form dust during drying. If necessary, ployed, the trays (Fig. 49) are heated. Different
ducting can be installed to introduce gases into heating intensities on the different trays provide
the drum where the solid is drying. the optimum conditions for drying. In this way,
Rotary dryers are preferred for drying washed for example, the material can be cooled in the
ores, coal, and cement. Such materials are con- lowest levels of such dryers. The vapor is re-
stantly turned over and mixed by lifting flights moved by warm air flowing countercurrently.
attached inside the drum.
Rotary contact dryers are produced in two Spiral Tube Dryers. The drying of solids
main types. The first is constructed with inte- that range from granular to powdery is facili-
gral heating pipes within the drum. The solid tated by spiral tube dryers (Fig. 50). The ma-
falls in a shower past these hot pipes once dur- terial is only momentarily in contact with the
ing each revolution of the drum. In the second heated surface of the tube and is transported
type, the moist solid is in tubes that are attached pneumatically. Residence time in the dryer is
to the walls of a drum into which steam is fed. but a few seconds. These dryers require only a
The steam condenses on the surface of the tubes, small amount of gas. Therefore, the drying of
heating the moist solid within. The drum is in- solids wetted by solvents can be done very eco-
clined to the horizontal so that gravity transports nomically with inert gases flowing in a complete
the material down the tubes, but some assistance circuit that includes a solvent recovery system.
Drying of Solid Materials 29

Figure 49. Tray dryer (Courtesy of Büttner-Schilde-Haas)

a) Moist solid loading; b) Rotating tray feeder; c) Rakes
(only drawn for topmost level); d) Heated tray; e) Product
discharge; f) Steam; g) Condensate; h) Exhaust Figure 50. Spiral tube dryer (Ruhrchemie system, greatly
shortened) (Courtesy of Werner & Pfleiderer)
a) Moist solid; b) Dry solid; c) Transporting air; d) Heat-
ing liquid; e) Air baffles; f) Heating jacket; g) Product path;
h) Compactor drive
Spiral tube dryers find application in process-
ing plastic granules, starches, bread crumbs, and
copper powder.
radiation sources can be adjusted to match the
conditions of the solid (→ Radiation Heating).
2.3. Radiant Heat or Infrared Drying The main use of this method is the dry-
ing of painted surfaces because warming occurs
Very short drying times are possible with in- rapidly, forcing the solvents within the paint to
frared radiation sources that transmit large move to the surface, which inhibits the formation
amounts of energy per unit of surface area to the of an undesirable surface skin. This method of
solid in the form of heat. This method of drying drying is also important for drying thin-walled
is costly because of the electrical energy. It is ceramic products, which can be dried quickly
only economical for drying long runs of simi- but without cracks by this method.
lar materials that have a sufficiently thin surface A combination of radiant and contact drying
film. is effective if the drying time or the size of the
The intensity and emisson spectrum of the dryer must be reduced. An example of such a
radiation must be optimized with respect to the combination dryer is shown in Figure 51. The
moist solid to keep the energy costs low and to dryer is provided with a means for jet drying
prevent excessive heating of the solid. Ovens a woven belt and a radiant heater to predry the
with conveyor systems are often divided into material. The rapid drying of the fabric surface
zones to achieve this optimization; the individual
30 Drying of Solid Materials

hinders the undesirable migration of dyes and vacuum dryers require, in addition, special de-
other chemicals to the surface. vices for loading and unloading. Drying un-
der reduced pressure is advantageous for ma-
terials that are temperature sensitive or easily
decomposed because the vaporization tempera-
ture is reduced. Also, drying times in vacuum
dryers at the maximum temperature are shorter.
When drying materials containing organic sol-
vents in vacuum dryers, the solvents are reco-
vered more economically than with convection
dryers because the humid drying agent need only
be cooled to the condensation temperature of the
solvent at the reduced pressure. Vacuum dryers
Figure 51. Predryer for textiles (Courtesy of Philips) are most often used to dry pharmaceutical prod-
a) Fabric; b) Impregnating trough; c) Air inlet; d) Infrared ucts and foodstuffs. If the substance to be dried
radiators; e) Sheet-metal reflector; f) Main dryer
is poisonous or potentially explosive, vacuum
drying lessens the emission of poisonous gas or
vapor into the environment.
The simplest form of a vacuum dryer for
2.4. Dielectric Heating batch drying is the vacuum shelf dryer. The moist
solid lies on a heated plate. Improved heat trans-
Drying with high-frequency heating has an ad- fer with higher efficiency is obtained in the vac-
vantage over other methods of drying: the tem- uum tumble dryer (Fig. 52), in which the moist
perature within the moist solid rapidly rises. The solid is constantly agitated and mixed. An exam-
internal temperature can be maintained at a pre- ple of a continuously operating vacuum dryer is
scribed value regardless of the surface temper- a roller dryer with one or two rollers. Air-lift
ature. When wood is dried by this means, the dryers that operate at reduced pressures are ef-
moisture distribution can be adjusted so that the fective when large amounts of materials must
surface is always more moist than the interior. be dried at low temperature and only a relatively
As a result, compressive stresses are induced small amount of moisture must be removed.
in the surface fibers, strengthening the prod-
uct, whereas the other means of drying tend to
weaken the material and produce cracks. Only a
few hours are needed to dry wood and ceramic
goods with high frequency (→ Electrically Gen-
erated Heat).
Relatively high energy and installation costs
are associated with this method of drying so that
it is only cost effective to dry particularly valu-
able materials such as special hardwoods, large
ceramic pieces, or temperature-sensitive food-
stuffs and gourmet items. Figure 52. Vacuum tumble dryer (Courtesy of Patterson-
a) Rotating container; b) Heating boiler; c) Pump; d) Dust
separator; e) Condensor; f) Vacuum pump
2.5. Vacuum and Freeze Drying

Almost all dryers that operate at atmospheric

pressure and supply the necessary heat by con- Freeze Drying. Freeze drying is character-
duction or radiation can be converted to a vac- ized by the removal of water (sublimation of
uum dryer. The principal difference in the vac- ice) from the solid at temperatures below 0 ◦ C
uum dryers are their seals and the means to and reduced pressure. Freezing halts nearly all
produce the vacuum. Continuously operating the chemical and biological processes in the
Drying of Solid Materials 31

material so that it is biochemical, physiologi- ing and economic aspects become the decisive
cal, and therapeutic characteristics remain es- criteria.
sentially unchanged. Accordingly, this method
of drying is used to process high-value foods,
fruit juices, spices, tea, coffee, pharmaceuticals, 3.1.1. The Role of the Material Properties
virus and bacteria cultures, vaccines, and prepa- of the Solid
rations containing protein.
A schematic diagram of a freeze dryer is The mechanical properties of the moist solid
shown in Figure 53. Usually the freezer is a sep- when it arrives at the dryer determine the ways
arate first stage and then the solid is vacuum- the material can be loaded into and transported
dried, but in some systems one apparatus per- through the dryer. Lumpy, granular, and crumbly
forms both functions. Shallow pans that contain materials can remain stationary (as in simple
the solid are heated by conduction in the dryer. drying chambers, Simplizior, tunnel, or screw
The vapors condense as ice upon reaching the dryers), or they may be moving in respect to their
cooling surfaces. These surfaces must be thawed supporting elements (as in fully-automated rack
at the end of the process when the condenser is dryers, belt dryers, air-lift dryers, drum dryers,
isolated from the drying chamber by closing a cyclones, and spiral tube dryers). Liquefied and
valve. The dryer is then evacuated with the aid pasty materials can be converted into fine drops
of a diffusion pump. (spray dryer), or thin layers (roller dryer), or they
can be transformed into a crumbly material by
partial drying (grooved roller dryer).
The thermal sensitivity of the material de-
termines the temperature at which the heat can
be transferred safely and the residence time in
the dryer. If low temperatures are necessary,
moisture removal can be achieved with a vac-
uum dryer. Small residence times are possible
in forced convection dryers, spiral tube dryers,
and spray dryers.
Materials that are chemically insensitive can
Figure 53. Oven vacuum drying (Courtesy of E. Leybolds ) be dried in direct contact with the hot drying
a) Heated trays with moist solid; b) Drying oven; c) Con- agent, either air or combustion products. If the
denser; d) Diffusion pump; e) Booster pump; f) Shutoff
valves moist material is chemically sensitive, an inert
gas must be used as the drying agent or some
The continuous operation of a freeze dryer other heating method must be applied.
that processes foodstuffs is accomplished with In the event that an organic solvent is present,
a vacuum disk dryer. Such a unit is character- it may be economical to recover it. In some cases
ized by considerably shorter drying times than a the solid or the moistening liquid may be flam-
vacuum chamber dryer (→ Refrigeration Tech- mable or toxic. In such cases, completely en-
nology ). closed dryers, such as vacuum dryers or special
contact dryers, are to be recommended.

3. Selecting, Sizing, and Energy 3.1.2. Production Rate

Requirements of Dryers
The throughput of the solid determines whether
3.1. Choosing the Type of Dryer the dryer is to be operated in a continuous or
batch mode. Batch operation requires a high en-
The choice of a particular dryer type is mainly ergy consumption and worker effort per unit
determined by the characteristics and production mass of dry product, but installation costs are
rate of the material that requires drying. Often relatively low. Nevertheless, this method of dry-
several types would be suitable so that operat- ing (a simple drying oven or chamber) is often
32 Drying of Solid Materials

economically viable for products with a small

throughput or often changing properties.
When it is necessary to dry a well-specified
product at a high production rate, a continuous
dryer is advantageous. Even though the initial
costs of such installations are high, the stan-
dardized physical and geometric characteristics
of the product permit optimization of the en-
ergy requirements for this mode of operation.
Moreover, the manpower necessary to operate
the system is quite small. Most of the common
dryer types are able to operate in the continu-
ous mode. The efficiency of a dryer is largely
determined by the amount of moisture that can
be removed per unit area or volume of the dryer,
and the amount of heat that is necessary to va-
porize the liquid on a unit mass basis. Table 2
gives information about these parameters.
Table 2. Vaporizing effectiveness and heat consumption of dryers

Dryer Vaporizing effectiveness, Heat

kg H2 O m−2 h−1 ∗ kJ/m3 h
H2 O

Air-lift dryer d = 0.5 mm: 100 kg m3 h−1

(d = particle diameter) d = 1 mm: 20 kg m3 h−1 3700 – 8800
d = 5 mm: 4 kg m3 h−1 Figure 54. Various arrangements between solid, heaters, and
Belt dryer 4000 – 5000 drying agent
Centrifugal dryer 90 kg m3 h−1 3300 – 3500 --, −→ Solid; – – → Drying agent;  Heaters
Compartment dryer 0.1 – 12 (ventilated)
0.1 – 15 (flown over) 5600 – 13 000
Cylinder dryer 7 – 25 2900 – 5700
Drum dryer 25 – 50 kg m3 h−1 4000 – 8000
Stationary Solids. Solids that remain sta-
Kiln 20 5000 – 5800 tionary in a convection dryer usually encounter
Roller dryer 5 – 60 2900 – 5700 a flow that is parallel to the surface on which
Rotating steam tube 3800 – 6300
contact dryer they rest. However, it is possible to blow the air
Roto-Louvre dryer 35 – 75 3500 – 10 000 through a layer of granular material. This re-
Screw conveyor dryer 5 – 15 (high humidity)
0.5 – 2.5 (low humidity) 3400 – 5600
quires more energy to realize a given amount of
Spiral tube dryer 500 kg H2 O m3 h−1 3400 air flow, but shorter drying times are possible
Spray dryer 1.5 – 48 kg m3 h−1 4600 – 11 000 so that the total energy consumption can remain
Tray dryer 4–8
Vacuum chamber dryer 0.15 – 1 2900 – 4600
Vacuum paddle dryer 10 – 15 2900 – 4200 The usual manner of using air as a drying
0.4 – 0.6 ∗∗ 10 000 agent is to constantly circulate it past the moist
Wiped tray dryer 3.5 – 4 3500 – 9200
solid while adding only a fraction of fresh air to
∗ If not noted otherwise. the system. This is economical and minimizes
∗∗ With intensive terminal drying.
the possibility of uneven drying or overheating
the solid, which otherwise usually occurs near
the air inlet duct. Through such a circulating
3.1.3. Dryer Ventilation system, the drying process can be satisfactorily
matched to the characteristics of the solid by
The ventilation of a dryer is important, and the adjusting the temperature and speed of the air.
various possibilities are given according to a Moreover, the influence of the daily atmospheric
scheme by Görling in Figure 54. conditions are easy to compensate with this sys-
Drying of Solid Materials 33

Moving Solids. If the solid is moving in change of humidity and the velocity of the dry-
the dryer, the stream of air can be flowing in ing agent are prescribed. In order to freely adjust
the same, opposite, or perpendicular direction the air velocity as well, the zone construction can
to produce cocurrent, countercurrent, or cross- be combined with the circulation of the drying
current drying, respectively. agent. In each zone of this type of dryer, the air is
In cocurrent drying the hot, dry air encoun- circulated in large amounts and can be kept at the
ters the solid in its most moist condition at the desired temperature by individual heaters. The
dryer’s entrance. As a consequence of the large humidity is adjusted by adding small amounts
temperature and humidity differences between of air from the next zone, which is then mixed
the solid and the air at the beginning of the dry- with the primary air. This method can be used
ing process, the drying rate is high. However, as for stationary or moving solid.
a result of increasing humidity and decreasing
temperature of the air along its path, the drying
rate decreases continuously and becomes quite 3.2. Sizing the Dryer
small near the end of the dryer. Thus with cocur-
rent drying, a small residual moisture content After the type of dryer that is needed has been de-
in the solid is not realizable with economical termined, then its size (major dimensions) must
amounts of drying agent. Cocurrent drying is be specified, which cannot always be done the-
economically attractive if the dry solid is sensi- oretically. The engineer often needs to turn to
tive to high temperatures, the moisture removal values obtained from existing units or experi-
does not have to include an extensive part of the mental tests.
hyroscopic moisture, and the initial high tem-
perature in the dryer is not deleterious to the
properties of the solid. 3.2.1. Batch Dryers
In countercurrent dryers the hot, fresh air
comes in contact with the solid when it is at Drying with Constant Air Properties. The
the end of its drying process; the cooled, moist conditions of the air are practically constant dur-
air flows past the fresh, moist solid at the begin- ing the entire drying process when large amounts
ning. At first the solid is dried slowly, which is of air are used or a large surplus of fresh air is
beneficial for products such as clay, but at the circulated. If the normalized drying rate curve
end of the drying process the solid is exposed to ν̇ (ξ) is known, then the drying time t can be
very high temperatures. Countercurrent dryers calculated:
are not suitable for temperature-sensitive prod-
ucts. A ṁI dξ
t= (30)
A matching of the drying air temperature with Ms (Xcrit −Xeq ) ν̇ (ξ)
the requirements of the material to be dried is
not possible in one-stage crosscurrent dryers. A is the surface area and M s is the mass of the
For this reason the solid must not be sensitive to dry solid. The drying rate in the first period of
high temperatures. The advantage of the method drying is ṁI and is determined from Equation
is that short drying times can be achieved. Us- (15):
ing crosscurrent dryers which are subdivided in
zones with different air temperatures, the con- ṁI =g βg0 [Y ∗ (TI ) −Y ]
ditions in cocurrent as well as in countercurrent
dryers can be approximated. Drying with Variable Air Properties. If the
As with stationary solids, moving solids can fresh air surplus is small or the amount of cir-
be dried more economically and uniformly when culating air is limited, the conditions of the dry-
a circulating system for the drying agent is used. ing agent change considerably as it flows in the
A further refinement consists of heating the air dryer. The normalized moisture content of the
at several places along its path through the dryer. solid ξ is not only a function of time but also de-
In this manner, the dryer is subdivided into sev- pends upon the path length of the drying agent z.
eral zones, and the temperature of the solid in In the analysis of the drying process, it is useful
each zone can be easily regulated. However, the to introduce the dimensionless drying time τ
34 Drying of Solid Materials

In this case Equation 32 has an analytical solu-

g βg0 A [Y ∗ (TI ) −Y (z = 0)]
τ= (31a) tion. For
Ms (Xcrit −Xeq )

and the dimensionless path length ζ τcrit =ξi −1 (33)

g βg0 A z
in the region ζ ≥ ζ crit and 0 ≤ τ /τ crit < ∞
ζ= · (31b)
Ṁg L
ξ (ζ,τ ) =ξi − (ξi −1) exp [− (ζ − ζcrit )] (34)
in which Ṁ g is the mass flow rate of the drying is obtained. In the region ζ ≤ ζ crit and
agent and L is the length of the dryer. The fun- 0 ≤ τ /τ crit < ∞ the result is
damental equation for the temporal and spatial
distribution of the solid’s moisture ξ (ζ, τ ) is ξ (ζ,τ ) =
1+ (ξi −1) exp [−ξi (ζ − ζcrit )]
∂2ξ ∂ξ 1 dν̇ ∂ξ ∂ξ
+ ν̇ (ξ) − · · · =0 (32) The dimensionless location of the critical mois-
∂τ ∂ζ ∂τ ν̇ (ξ) dξ ∂ζ ∂τ
ture content ζ crit can be calculated by
This equation assumes that the partial pressure
of the vapor is small with respect to the total pres- ζcrit = ln (τ /τcrit ) (36)
sure, and that the normalized drying rate curve
ν̇ (ξ) is independent of the condition of the dry- for τ /τ crit < 1, and by
ing agent. In addition, the critical moisture con- 1 ξi exp [(ξi −1) (τ /τcrit −1)] −1
tent X crit must be independent of the drying rate. ζcrit = ln (37)
ξi ξi −1
Solutions to this equation are given in the liter-
ature [9]. A qualitative picture of the temporal for τ /τ crit ≥ 1 . Even though Equations (36) and
and spatial moisture distribution in the solid is (37) encompass all values of ζ crit between ± ∞,
given in Figure 55. The initial moisture content is only the values between 0 and ζ L have a physical
ξ i , and ξ = 1 corresponds to the critical moisture meaning.
content. At τ = τ crit , the solid’s critical moisture
content is achieved at the entrance of the dryer,
ζ = 0. Subsequently, the location of the critical 3.2.2. Continuous Dryers
moisture content of the solid ζ crit (τ ) is shifted
through the dryer. Whenever ζ crit > ζ L , the en- Useful suggestions and short-cut methods for the
tire solid would be in the second or possibly third sizing of drum, convection, and spray dryers can
stage of drying. be found in [10]. The following theoretical anal-
ysis utilizes the same simplifying assumptions
that were used in the analysis of batch drying
(see Section 3.2.1).

Drying with Constant Air Properties. The

drying time t is determined by Equation (30).
This corresponds to the residence time of the
solid in the dryer. If u is the speed of the con-
veyor, then the necessary dryer length is ut = L.
Figure 55. Moisture distribution in a solid as a function of
dimensionless time τ
Drying with Variable Air Properties. In
contrast to batch drying, the location of the
In order to estimate the extent of drying, it is
solid’s critical moisture content within the dryer
often sufficient to approximate the normalized
is independent of time. The basic equation for
drying rate curve ν̇ (ξ) with the linear approxi-
the spatial variation of the moisture in a cocur-
rent dryer is
ν̇=ξ for 0 ≤ξ≤ 1 dξ
+ (ξ+C) ν̇ (ξ) = 0 (38)
ν̇=1 for 1 ≤ξ ≤ ξi dζ
Drying of Solid Materials 35

In Equation (38) C is the so-called excess air

factor, which is defined as
[Y ∗ (TI ) −Y (ζ =0)] Ṁg − Xi −Xeq Ṁs
C= (39)
(Xcrit −Xeq ) Ṁs

If C = 0, the air exactly reaches saturation when

the solid has reached its equilibrium moisture
content. In practice, C > 0 is used. To obtain an
order of magnitude, Equation (38) can be inte- Figure 56. Dimensionless moisture content versus dimen-
grated with a simple function for the normalized sionless location ζ in a dryer with
drying rate curve. For this purpose the linear ap- a) Cocurrent; b) Countercurrent flow (ξ i = 2, ξ f = 0.2, and
C = 0)
proximation ν̇ (ξ) = 1 for ξ ≥ 1 and ν̇ (ξ) = ξ for
ξ ≤ 1 is used. For the region ξ ≥ 1, ζ ≤ ζ crit the
result is
3.3. Heat and Driving Power
ξ= (1+C) exp [− (ζ −ζcrit )] −C (40) Requirements
For the region ξ ≤ 1, ζ ≥ ζ crit
The heat consumption of dryers is determined
Cexp [− (ζ − ζcrit ) C] by
ξ= (41)
1+C − exp [− (ζ − ζcrit ) C]
1) the heat needed to vaporize or desorb the
is obtained. In both cases moisture from the solid
2) the heat needed to warm the solid up to the
ξi +C drying temperature and to heat the vapor up
ζcrit = ln (42)
1+C to its exit temperature
holds. Countercurrent drying can be analyzed 3) the heat lost to the surroundings
with the following basic equation The heat consumption is determined from an en-
dξ ergy and mass balance of the system. Figure 57
+ (C ∗ −ξ) ν̇ (ξ) = 0 (43)
dζ shows the situation for a batch dryer. Mass bal-
ance is
in which C ∗ = C + ξ i + ξ f ; the subscripts denote
the initial and final moisture content of the dX
Ṁg (Yi −Yf ) =Ms (47)
solid. Integration of Equation (43) for the region dt
ξ ≥ 1, ζ ≤ ζ crit yields Energy balance is
ξ= (1−C ∗ ) exp (ζ − ζcrit ) +C ∗ (44) d (hs +Xhl )
Q̇Heat +ẆVent =Ṁg (hf −hi ) +Ṁs
and for the region ξ ≤ 1, ζ ≥ ζ crit + Q̇lost (48)

C ∗ exp[− (ζ − ζcrit ) C ∗]
ξ= (45)
C ∗ −1 + exp [− (ζ − ζcrit ) C ∗ ]

The dimensionless location of the critical mois-

ture content is given by
C∗ − 1
ζcrit = ln (46)
C ∗ − ξi

Figure 56 is an example of the variation of the

moisture content ξ along the length of a dryer for
cocurrent and countercurrent operation. For the
calculation the values ξ i = 2, ξ f = 0.2, and C = 0
Figure 57. Schematic drawing of a batch dryer for the deriva-
have been used. The cocurrent dryer must be 1.7 tion of overall mass and energy balances
times longer than the countercurrent unit. a) Inlet; b) Outlet
36 Drying of Solid Materials

In these equations, hi and hf are the entering (ini- power in a vacuum dryer. A guide to the driv-
tial) and exiting (final) enthalpies of the moist ing power requirements of the various kinds of
drying agent, respectively; hs is the enthalpy of dryers is given in [10].
the dry solid and hl the enthalpy of the liquid.
Q̇heat is the heat requirement from the heaters;
Ẇ vent is the power required by the ventilation 4. References
unit; and Q̇lost is the heat lost to the surround-
ings. 1. O. Krischer, W. Kast: Die wissenschaftlichen
The corresponding equations for a continu- Grundlagen der Trocknungstechnik, 3rd ed.,
ous dryer, shown schematically in Figure 58, are Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 1978.
2. R. B. Keey: Drying: Principles and Practice,
Ṁg (Yf −Yi ) =Ṁs (Xi −Xf ) (49) Pergamon Press, Oxford 1972.
3. R. H. Perry, D. Green (eds.): Perry’s Chemical
for the mass balance and Engineer’s Handbook, 6th ed. McGraw-Hill,
New York-Toronto-London, 1984,
Q̇Heat +ẆVent =Ṁg (hf −hi ) pp. 20-1 – 20-58.
+Ṁs [(hsf −hsi ) + (Xf hlf −Xi hli )] +Q̇lost (50) 4. P. Gummel: Durchströmungstrocknung:
Experimentelle Bestimmung und Analyse der
for the energy balance. Trocknungsgeschwindigkeit und des
Druckverlustes luftdurchströmter Textilien und
Papiere, Dissertation, Karlsruhe 1977.
5. E.-U. Schlünder, N. Mollekopf: “Vacuum
Contact Drying of Free Flowing Mechanically
Agitated Particulate Material,” Chem. Eng.
Process 18 (1984) 93 – 111.
6. E.-U. Schlünder, “Heat Transfer to Packed and
Stirred Beds from the Surface of Immersed
Bodies,” Chem. Eng. Process. 18 (1984)
31 – 53.
Figure 58. Schematic drawing of a continuous dryer for the
derivation of overall mass and energy balances
7. F. Thurner, E.- U. Schlünder: “Progress
a) Inlet; b) Outlet Towards Understanding the Drying of Porous
Materials Wetted with Binary Mixtures,”
Approximate values for the heat consumption Chem. Eng. Process. 20 (1986) 9 – 25.
of the most important types of dryers are given 8. J. Schwarzbach, E.-U. Schlünder:
in Table 2. “Microconvection due to Marangoni-type
Instabilities in Porous Media – Effect on
Driving Power Consumption. Not only is Pervaporation and Selective Drying,” Proc. of
energy needed as heat to the dryer, also both the 3rd World Congress of Chemical Engineering,
solid and the drying agent must be transported. Tokyo 1986, 560 – 563.
Most of the power needed to move these mate- 9. D. A. van Meel: “Adiabatic Convection Batch
rials in a convection dryer is consumed by the Drying with Recirculation of Air,” Chem.
Eng. Sci. 9 (1958) 36 – 44.
fans or blowers. This power has already been
10. K. Kröll: Trockner und Trocknungsverfahren,
accounted for in the overall balances of Equa-
2nd ed., Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New
tion (50). The vacuum pump absorbs most of the York 1978.

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