Lynn Et Al. 2013 PDF
Lynn Et Al. 2013 PDF
Lynn Et Al. 2013 PDF
DOI 10.1007/s10584-013-0736-1
Received: 15 November 2012 / Accepted: 4 March 2013 / Published online: 26 March 2013
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
Abstract American Indian and Alaska Native tribes are uniquely affected by climate
change. Indigenous peoples have depended on a wide variety of native fungi, plant and
animal species for food, medicine, ceremonies, community and economic health for count-
less generations. Climate change stands to impact the species and ecosystems that constitute
This article is part of a Special Issue on “Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples in the United States: Impacts,
Experiences, and Actions” edited by Julie Koppel Maldonado, Rajul E. Pandya, and Benedict J. Colombi.
K. Lynn (*)
Adjunct Research Faculty, Environmental Studies Program, University of Oregon,
5223 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-5223, USA
J. Daigle
School of Forest Resources, 221 Nutting Hall, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5755, USA
J. Hoffman
EcoAdapt and Jennie Hoffman Research and Consulting, 4755 NE Lamms Lane, Poulsbo,
WA 98370, USA
F. Lake
USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, 3644 Avtech Parkway, Redding, CA 96002, USA
N. Michelle
Graduate Student, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469, USA
D. Ranco
Department of Anthropology, University of Maine, 5773 S. Stevens Hall, Orono, ME 04469-5773, USA
C. Viles
Undergraduate Student, University of Oregon, 5223 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-5223, USA
G. Voggesser
Tribal Partnerships Program, National Wildlife Federation, 2995 Baseline Road, Suite 300, Boulder,
CO 80302, USA
P. Williams
Suquamish Indian Tribe, PO Box 498, Suquamish, WA 98392, USA
546 Climatic Change (2013) 120:545–556
tribal traditional foods that are vital to tribal culture, economy and traditional ways of life.
This paper examines the impacts of climate change on tribal traditional foods by providing
cultural context for the importance of traditional foods to tribal culture, recognizing that
tribal access to traditional food resources is strongly influenced by the legal and regulatory
relationship with the federal government, and examining the multi-faceted relationship that
tribes have with places, ecological processes and species. Tribal participation in local,
regional and national climate change adaption strategies, with a focus on food-based
resources, can inform and strengthen the ability of both tribes and other governmental
resource managers to address and adapt to climate change impacts.
1 Introduction
American Indian and Alaska Native tribes face unique and disproportionate challenges from
climate change that are not yet widely understood in academic or policy arenas. This paper
explores one of these challenges in particular—the impact of climate change on traditional
foods and the reality that 1) tribal access to resources is strongly influenced by the legal and
regulatory relationship that tribes have with the federal government (Whyte 2013), and 2)
tribes have a unique and multi-faceted relationship with places, ecological processes, and
species. These frameworks shape tribal responses to climate change.
Indigenous peoples have depended on a wide variety of native fungi, plant and animal
species for food, medicine, ceremonies, community and economic health for countless
generations. Water is held sacred by many indigenous peoples (Cozzetto et al., submitted
for this issue), and considered by some to be a traditional food (Jones et al. 2008; Colombi
2009). In combination with other stressors, climate change may affect tribes’ relationships
with traditional foods, including access, availability, harvesting strategies, and ability to
store, process, and use foods in traditional ways.
The availability of all types of traditional foods (hunted, fished, gathered, and cultivated)
has greatly diminished as ecosystems and water resources have been exploited or converted
to other uses. The productivity of remaining ecosystems may be impacted by a variety of
factors including disease, pollution, invasive species and management actions. Climate
change can impact ecosystems and lifecycle processes in complex ways. For example, tribal
harvesters have noticed shifts in harvest times for traditional foods; if the timing of flowering
plants and the presence of pollinators, such as birds and insects, become less synchronized,
impacts can ripple throughout the food webs.
The relationship between tribal culture and species, habitats, and ecosystems is integral to
understanding the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities. Reciprocity—respect
for and responsibility to—wildlife and natural resources is embedded in indigenous cultures.
Reciprocal relationships are fundamental to how tribes will respond to climate impacts (Whyte
2013). The effects of climate change on traditional foods take place in the context of a host of
other changes, both the ecological stressors commonly cited in climate change literature and the
rapid cultural, economic, and political changes experienced by indigenous communities glob-
ally and by tribes in the United States since the arrival of Europeans (Parrotta and Agnoletti
2012). While this article focuses on indigenous peoples within the United States, these impacts
are being experienced by indigenous peoples around the world (Maldonado et al. 2013).
This article seeks to illustrate some of the ways in which climate impacts on traditional
foods may affect tribal cultures and traditional ways of life. To accomplish this, the article
explores the cultural context for climate change impacts on traditional foods for Alaska
Native and American Indian tribes, as well as the impacts of climate change on tribes’ access
Climatic Change (2013) 120:545–556 547
to, use of, and relationship with traditional foods. The article also examines historical and
contemporary examples of tribal adaptation that may inform strategies to address climate
impacts on traditional foods in the future.
The indigenous relationship between food and people is intimately tied to the cultural,
physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual health of tribal communities. The impacts
of climate change on particular species or ecological processes, therefore, are directly
connected to climate impacts on tribal culture and the importance that traditional foods
have for tribes. This section is intended to build an understanding of the impacts climate
change may have on tribal culture. This is accomplished by describing indigenous relation-
ships with traditional foods broadly, and providing an example of what traditional foods
(e.g., berry plants) mean to the Wabanaki people as way of understanding the potential for
climate change to affect tribal culture and traditional ways of life.
Tribes have long historical, cultural, and physical connections to plants and wildlife. These
relationships manifest themselves in their connections to and reliance on traditional foods. These
bonds form the basis of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), the indigenous way of knowing
(Williams and Hardison, submitted for this issue). TEK, established over countless generations of
interactions with the natural world, provides a powerful roadmap to ensuring the sustainability of
traditional foods. Simultaneously, TEK and tribal connection to traditional foods offer strategies
for adaptation that can help tribal and non-tribal resource managers confront the climate
challenge. As TEK informs research, tribes and non-tribal entities can work together to incorpo-
rate TEK in a tribally-appropriate manner (Williams and Hardison, submitted for this issue.)
Approximately 1.14 million (~22 %) of American Indians and Alaska Natives live on or
near reservations (Norris et al. 2012), and many pursue lifestyles with a mix of traditional
subsistence and commercial harvesting activities . Traditional foods such as fish, game, nuts,
fungi, berries, algae, greens, roots, water and seafood provide not only sustenance, but also
cultural connections through storytelling, ceremonies, harvesting, processing, and sharing of
food resources. Many tribes strive to maintain a strong, diversified traditional diet and food-
related traditions, but are experiencing barriers such as poverty, and changes in ecosystem
quality and species distribution instigated by pollution, urbanization, policy restrictions to
traditional food access, cultural assimilation and climate change, (Jernigan et al. 2012;
Kuhnlein and Receveur 1996; Norgaard 2005; Verbrugge 2010).
Climate change impacts on ecological processes, habitat quality, and species populations
present a growing threat to traditional food use. Tribes are experiencing declines in health
that accompany traditional food use declines. Obesity, diabetes and cancer, rare in commu-
nities living on a traditional diet, are now increasing health problems in tribes across the U.S.
(Boyce et al. 1993; DeGonzague et al. 1999; Kuhnlein and Receveur 1996; Norgaard 2005;
Ravussin et al. 1994; Teufel 1996; Kuhnlein et al. 2009). For example, the majority of Karuk
people today, whose homeland stretches along the middle Klamath River in California, have
experienced an almost complete elimination of two traditional staples from their historical
daily diet: salmonids (Oncorhynchus sp.) and acorns (Notholithocarpus and Quercus sp.).
These foods made up 50 % of a traditional Karuk diet. Accompanying this loss are
skyrocketing rates of diabetes (21 % of the population) and heart disease (40 % of the
population) (Norgaard 2005).
The loss of opportunity to gather traditional foods in tribal communities is resulting in the
denial of their rights to have access to a steady supply of nutritionally balanced, culturally
548 Climatic Change (2013) 120:545–556
relevant foods (Conti 2006; Jernigan et al. 2012; Power 2008). Additionally, the preservation
and maintenance of traditional knowledge and associated subsistence practices that
accompany food acquisition are threatened. As traditional foods are affected by climate
change through habitat alterations and changes in the abundance and distribution of
species, there is a resulting erosion of traditional practices and knowledge (Kuhnlein
and Receveur 1996; Nabhan 2010).
Wabanaki society over the past 20 years (Michelle 2012). The native women are returning to
the traditional uses of berry plants for health, well-being, and spirituality. The strawberry
represents a primary nutrient source for female reproductive development and the psycho-
social behavior of the young adolescent female. The “Strawberry Ceremony” or “berry fast”
is still used for female adolescents’ initiation into womanhood. The traditional medicinal
uses of berries and certain portions of the plant strengthen women’s reproductive organs and
act as the primary medicine for endocrine system balancing, reproductive toning, birthing
preparation, post-partum bleeding and toning as well as a preventive for post-partum in-
fections and uses during menopause (Cook 1996; Michelle 2012). Women also use berries
for treating cyst formation in the reproductive organs. The Wabanaki continue to use sweet
berries such as strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries to express love for each other and
their children and these berries are often shared among the clans for use during sacred rituals.
Climate and other environmental changes are starting to affect the range, quality, and
quantity of Wabanaki berry resources (Michelle 2012), as well as having impacts on these
resources in other places such as Alaska (Kellogg et al. 2010). Wabanaki Nations in Maine
and Canada are struggling to protect and preserve living cultural resources, such as berries.
Pre-existing stressors, including dwindling territory, pollution, declining health services and
ongoing assimilation policies are affecting access to and availability of cultural species, such
as berries. As climate change adds to the impacts on berry plant use and access, tribal health
and well-being will be under even greater threat.
Native species and indigenous peoples’ use of them are attuned to particular climates and
ecosystems. Climate change will affect these balances, throwing ecosystems and traditional
foods into disarray. Climate-related changes can exacerbate the impacts of existing stressors
or conditions on species and ecosystems. These impacts to individuals, populations, and
habitat quality will result in reverberating changes in food webs and the valued food species
tribes utilize. This section explores a range of climate-related impacts on traditional foods, as
well as discussion about the related impacts to tribal culture and traditional ways of life.
In the Pacific West, Columbia Plateau climate change threatens a multitude of ecosystems
that provide traditional foods for tribal communities. Wild food resources such as huckleberries,
are valued by many groups, and are addressed by broad scale climate adaptation strategies.
However, these strategies may not consider many tribal traditional foods. Non-forested envi-
ronments deemed “unproductive” by non-indigenous cultures often contain important tribal
traditional foods. Such tribally valued bulbs and roots include: onions (Allium sp.), camas
(Camassia sp.), brodiaea (Brodiea sp., Dichelostemma, Triteleia sp.), lilies (Lilium sp.,
Calochortus sp.), and lomatiums (Lomatium sp.) (Hunn 1990). Tribal efforts to amplify
attention to these foods are increasing public and land manager cooperation in planning to
preserve and restore components of these landscapes. In coastal Louisiana, tribes are beginning
to see declines in traditional food resources as a result of land loss, saltwater intrusion and
disruption of estuaries from increased storm activity (PNW TCCP 2012). Athabascan peoples
in central Alaska are experiencing changes in moose habitat. Moose are an important staple
food and the decline in moose has put stress on peoples’ traditional diets. In addition to changes
in where moose range, hunters have noticed that moose seem to appear less healthy (Daigle and
Putnam 2009). Winter sea ice area is diminishing rapidly due to climate change, and the loss of
this habitat is hurting Pacific walrus populations, which directly threatens Alaskan traditional
food security (Verbrugge 2010; IPCC 2007a; NRC 2010a).
550 Climatic Change (2013) 120:545–556
Climate change impacts on water temperature and availability (see Cozzetto et al.,
submitted for this issue) will also have significant impacts on tribal traditional foods.
Already, the lack of water is among one of the leading causes for the decline in the ability
to grow corn and other crops (Lobell et al. 2008; NRC 2010a; Redsteer et al. 2010). Corn has
been central to many native cultures, particularly Puebloan people in the Southwest and the
use of corn pollen is central to every Navajo ceremony. In the Great Lakes region, warming
winters and changes in water level are crippling the ability of wild rice to grow and thrive in
its traditional range. Wild rice is a pillar of cultural health for the Anishnaabeg people, and
any decline in wild rice negatively affects their well-being (Minnesota 2008). In response to
threats facing wild rice, the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Tribe has begun trying to
address potential hydrological changes. In the early 1900s, settlers built ditches to drain the
land for agricultural purposes, resulting in negative impacts to the watershed. The Fond du
Lac are now building dams at ditch flow points to keep water levels stable and prevent
extreme changes in water level that would negatively affect wild rice harvests (Hoene 2010).
Climate change is thought to be posing significant threats to salmon (Mote et al. 2003,
Dittmer 2013; Grah and Beaulieu 2013; Beechie et al. 2012). Salmon is central to the lives of
many indigenous peoples, providing spiritual, physical and cultural well-being (Dittmer 2013).
Over the past two centuries, overharvest, habitat degradation, urbanization, and water diversion
for a variety of human uses have led to dramatic declines in salmon populations (Mote et al.
2003), with profound effects on the peoples whose lives and cultures are intertwined with them.
For some tribes, the loss was rapid and absolute: in the last few years, the Colville Tribes lost
access to both salmon and their traditional fishing grounds following the construction of the
Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River and the filling of the reservoir behind it (McKay and
Renk 2002). Now, the rapidity of climate change may be exacerbating existing stressors and
creating new ones, including extremes in stream flows and water temperatures that limit the
survival of salmon fry (Mantua et al. 2010).
Already, projections indicate that salmon populations throughout the Puget Sound, in the
Pacific Northwest, are expected to decline considerably as water temperatures warm (CPR
2011). The changing climate can also broaden the geographic range of disease organisms,
increasing threats to salmon and other species. In Alaska, the Yukon River and its tributaries,
for example, Chinook salmon are now commonly infected with a single-celled parasite
previously unknown in Alaskan salmon (Kocan et al. 2004). Articles in this issue explore the
impacts of climate change on salmon and tribal culture in greater detail (Dittmer 2013; Grah
and Beaulieu 2013).
Shellfish have been an integral part of the culture, economy and diet of coastal peoples
for millennia. Historically, along the Pacific Coast, many tribes actively maintained “clam
gardens” by moving rocks to create berms and terraces (Anderson and Parker 2009). Climate
change threatens this resource in multiple ways including increases in surface temperatures,
sea level rise and changes in ocean chemistry (e.g., temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and
nutrient concentrations) and circulation patterns (IPCC 2007a, b; NRC 2010b; Feely et al.
2012). These changes could affect every stage in the life cycles of shellfish and finfish.
Sea level rise will inundate existing shellfish beds. The intertidal ecosystem provides
habitat, food, and refuge for hundreds of species, including forage fish, juvenile salmon,
crab, eel grass, algae, clams and humans. Human response to storm damage (the manifes-
tation of sea level rise) is typically to build more resilient infrastructure. This effectively cuts
off the supply of sediments to beaches and prevents the shift of intertidal ecosystems
landward—the natural response to sea level rise. In the conflict between allowing coastal
habitat shift and maintaining space for land-based needs, the land-base needs often win. In
more industrialized areas, sea level rise and storm surge may inundate sources of pollutants
Climatic Change (2013) 120:545–556 551
on land and wash them out to near shore areas, contaminating shellfish beds. Indeed, the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Damage Assessment, Remediation,
and Restoration Program has created an online tool specifically geared towards incorporat-
ing interactive effects of climate change and contaminants in coastal protection and resto-
ration in Puget Sound (Industrial Economics and Research Planning 2011).
Increasing air and water temperatures are also having negative impacts on marine life.
Because warmer conditions affect mussels differently, warmer conditions over the past
50 years have led to a 51 % decrease in the vertical extent of mussels along the Strait of
Juan de Fuca and southern Vancouver Island, with populations disappearing entirely in the
warmer parts of this region (Harley 2011). Warmer water temperatures are also creating
conditions more favorable for the phytoplankton and bacteria that cause paralytic shellfish
poisoning, amnesiac shellfish poisoning, and a range of other illnesses (Trainer et al. 2003).
Ocean acidification is a tremendous threat to aquatic ecosystems and the billions of people
who rely on protein from the world’s oceans. One of its many effects is to corrode the calcium
carbonate shells of shellfish, a group that includes many of the species that form the base of the
aquatic food chain (IPCC 2007b; Kleypas 2006; NRC 2010b; Feely et al. 2012). One-third of
the carbon dioxide from anthropogenic sources is absorbed into the oceans (Sabine et al. 2004).
This limits the rate of global climate change, but at the cost of altering the fundamental
chemistry of the oceans (Orr et al. 2005; Kleypas et al. 2006; WA Blue Ribbon 2012).
found in strong, multifaceted connections to the resources used, adaptive resource manage-
ment, and beliefs and social institutions that kept salmon harvest within sustainable levels
(Campbell and Butler 2010).
Traditional knowledge of ecological processes provides some insight into how climate
change may impact traditional foods. However, limited access to the fraction of traditional
territories, the competition tribes face when gathering, the ongoing impacts of colonization
and urbanization, and the current state of environmental degradation pose significant threats
to tribes’ ability to maintain the progress they have made to maintain tribal health and
traditional ways of life.
Historic and cultural factors can inform how tribal adaptation to climate change may occur.
Cultural attributes that aid tribes in adaptation include their relationship of respect and
reciprocity that binds nature and harvester together as illustrated in the example of
Wabanaki peoples and berry plants. As such, culture and TEK may guide the myriad of
social, political, ecological and cultural adaptation strategies that tribes may pursue. Socio-
political mechanisms include compelling federal agencies to clarify their legal obligations
under the treaties and to implement those federal policies at the local level. Tribes may enter
government-to-government agreements to increase their role in local resource management,
to access additional areas to gather traditional foods, or lease and buy lands that ensure
sustained access to traditional foods. Tribes may also exchange information and identify
different technologies to access, acquire, process, and store foods. Additionally, tribes can
develop formal and informal agreements with other tribes to grant or request access to
traditional foods that may now only be found on one of their reservations. Tribes may have
to consider diversifying their food-based resources and possibly adopting and utilizing new
animals, plants, or fungi.
Addressing climate change through the knowledge, experiences, and policy contexts
of indigenous peoples provides a powerful counter-point to the lack of effective global
climate responses. As indigenous peoples may experience some of the harshest impacts
of climate change, they can also lead the way in creative solutions for adaptation and
ethical policy strategies. As part of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, the six
permanent Arctic Indigenous peoples’ organizations of the Arctic Council put forward
a list of recommendations for the world to consider as part of our global response to
climate change. These include, among other recommendations, bringing indigenous
“views, perspectives, and recommendations to international institutions mandated to
combat the impacts and effects of global climate change,” and “acknowledging their
authority to protect and promote their ways of life” (Watt-Cloutier et al. 2004). These
suggestions clearly focus on more local approaches to climate change policy that treats
indigenous peoples and TEK as not just data points to prove a larger trend, but as vital
contributions to addressing climate change in an equitable manner.
A more localized example of tribal adaptation comes from the Confederated Tribes of the
Umatilla Indian Reservation’s (CTUIR) innovative partnership with local, state and federal
entities. In 2006, in an effort to protect traditional foods (referred to as “First Foods” by the
CTUIR), the CTUIR Department of Natural Resources adopted and implemented the First
Foods mission. Based on the First Foods ceremonies and practices of the CTUIR, this
mission provides an indigenous framework for restoring ecosystems that support culturally
important foods. First Foods assessments are expected to inform future research questions,
protection and restoration strategies, and policy development. Beyond restoring native
Climatic Change (2013) 120:545–556 553
habitats and protecting tribally-valued food resources, the mission also emphasizes the
critical importance of tribal member access to their First Foods (Jones et al. 2008).
Also in the Pacific Northwest, tribes are working with government and non-
governmental organizations to restore access to and the habitat of tribally-valued food
resources (Eckart 2012; White 2004). Changes in fire regimes, land management
tenures, and public versus tribal values, have reduced access to and the quality of
habitats that formally supported traditional foods. For example, in the Cascade
Mountains of Oregon, the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians and the USDA Forest
Service - Willamette National Forest are working together to enhance and restore
huckleberries and camas roots. Hazardous fuels reduction and forest thinning treatments
are being utilized to reduce tree competition and shading on huckleberries. Meadow
restoration is facilitating access to and increases in the vigor of camas and other
tribally-valued plants species, promoting tribal subsistence activities. These larger
interconnected landscape forests and meadow treatments are thought to foster ecosystem
resilience against the effects of detrimental wildfires and climate change (Paul 2010).
These examples demonstrate the ability of tribes to engage directly with federal
partners to develop and implement adaptation strategies aimed at preserving tribal
access to traditional foods.
5 Conclusion
Climate change impacts on tribal traditional foods should be viewed in the context of
historical and cultural tribal relationships with places, wildlife, and plants, as well as in
the landscape of the treaties, federal policies, and federal trust responsibilities and regu-
lations in which they exist (Whyte 2013). Moreover, tribes view climate change adaptation
in light of their reciprocal relations to care for and respect natural resources (Whyte 2013).
As a result of these relationships of reciprocity and responsibility between tribes and
nature and existing policies, Indian tribes’ vulnerability to climate change, and the
adaptation strategies they adopt are multi-faceted and deeply rooted in a complex histor-
ical context. As sovereign governments, tribes have the authority to identify and imple-
ment adaptation strategies, and attempt to influence and strengthen the climate change
protocols of other governments.
The various adaptive practices tribal practitioners and communities employ may enable
managers to institute changes in policies, regional strategies, and resource regulation/
conservation that enable ecosystems to respond more favorably to climate change. Tribal
participation in local, regional and national climate change adaption frameworks and
strategies, with a focus on food-based resources, can assist with prioritizing research
and management directions.
Under extreme and rapid conditions of severe change at different ecological scales
(AMS 2012), western scientists and managers may need to partner with tribal scien-
tists, managers, harvesters, and communities to explore innovative approaches to
addressing climate change impacts. Tribal participation in climate change research,
policy development and planning can help identify more solutions that fully consider
tribal cultural values. Climate change will not obey the jurisdictional boundaries
between tribal, private, state, and federal lands. As such, meaningful government-to-
government relationships and collaboration will be vital to address the climate change
impacts to the traditional foods, and to the wildlife, plants, and habitats valued by
tribes and other Americans.
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