Concept of The Orient Is in Essence A Construct of These Academic and Literary Discourses"
Concept of The Orient Is in Essence A Construct of These Academic and Literary Discourses"
Concept of The Orient Is in Essence A Construct of These Academic and Literary Discourses"
One of the prominent scholars and the author of the popular book
"Orientalism", Edward Said, has put forth certain views on the
subject. He refers to the myths and the ideas that were shaped in
the post colonial era by the Western discourse and the orientalists.
Placing a special emphasis on the depiction of the Orient put forth
by the Franco-British empires of the 18th and 19th centuries, Said
puts forth this concept in lucid terms when he says that, "The
concept of the Orient is in essence a construct of these academic
and literary discourses".
Characteristics of Orientalism
Power Relations
Said defined the power relations between the two cultures as "the
relation of the West and the Orient was a relationship of power and
of complicated dominance". According to him this relationship of
power existed as political, intellectual, cultural and moral power.
This power relation is said to be the fueling force behind the myths
and suppositions surrounding the "Oriental" culture. Thus, the
discourse was created and employed by the Western colonial
power to dominate, restructure and control the Orient.
Criticisms of Orientalism