Concept of The Orient Is in Essence A Construct of These Academic and Literary Discourses"

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Orientalism in art

Broadly defined, Orientalism is the representation of the Eastern

world by the Western world usually in disparaging tones. These
representations or depictions are present in the form of writings,
figurative arts and designs.

One of the prominent scholars and the author of the popular book
"Orientalism", Edward Said, has put forth certain views on the
subject. He refers to the myths and the ideas that were shaped in
the post colonial era by the Western discourse and the orientalists.
Placing a special emphasis on the depiction of the Orient put forth
by the Franco-British empires of the 18th and 19th centuries, Said
puts forth this concept in lucid terms when he says that, "The
concept of the Orient is in essence a construct of these academic
and literary discourses".

Thus one of the most prominent characteristics of Orientalism are

the prejudiced interpretations by scholars. In addition to this there
are three characteristics which Said has used to define the
assumptions that shape the concept of Orientalism.

Characteristics of Orientalism

Textual Construct of the Orient

One of the key Orientalism characteristics are the European textual
representations of the colonial Orient. The texts include novels,
travel books, letters, manuscripts, documents, and various other
textual remnants of material cultural. These texts were based on the
assumptions that Europeans had drawn about the Eastern culture.
In addition to the Western assumptions, there is a distinct absence
of what the actual inhabitants had to say. Thus, these textual
discourses allowed a retrospective view of the political, social and
cultural relationships and situations that existed in the post-colonial
era. Edward Said draws these concepts from the works of the social
theorists, Michel Foucault who studied the formation of discursive
texts as an institutionalized way of thinking that is manifested by

Distinguishing Occidental and Oriental Cultures

This is linked to the first characteristic of Orientalism wherein the
term occident is used to define the Western culture. Said argues
that there existed a negative inversion between the two concepts
where the "Orient" is characterized as opposite of the "good
western culture". Thus, there is a formation of a myth wherein the
prototypical "Orient" is viewed as eccentric, backward, sensual, and
passive. Its progress in comparison with the Occidental culture was
always inferior and conquerable.

Power Relations
Said defined the power relations between the two cultures as "the
relation of the West and the Orient was a relationship of power and
of complicated dominance". According to him this relationship of
power existed as political, intellectual, cultural and moral power.
This power relation is said to be the fueling force behind the myths
and suppositions surrounding the "Oriental" culture. Thus, the
discourse was created and employed by the Western colonial
power to dominate, restructure and control the Orient.

Criticisms of Orientalism

Critics of the concept of Orientalism have pointed out that most of

Said's work contains many factual and conceptual errors. The most
common critique against the concept is that the study of the Middle
Eastern cultures by the English and the French existed much before
any colonial regime was in place. His assumptions regarding
Foucault's work was also criticized as the philosopher had never
included capitalist and pre-capitalist authors in the same group.
However, Said contradicted this by saying that "he used Foucault's
method as far as he deemed necessary to defend and organize his
cultural assumptions".

While some may call it as excessively westernized or relate it with a

possible increase in the fundamentalist interpretation of Islam, the
importance of notion and the characteristics Orientalism in this era
of globalization, and corporate profit-mongering in developing
countries cannot be ignored. In fact, this colonial concept still holds
true and can be a valuable way of measuring the relations between
the Eastern and the Western cultures in this century.

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