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Customer perceptions of e-service perceptions of
quality in online shopping e-service
Gwo-Guang Lee
Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University of 161
Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
Hsiu-Fen Lin
Downloaded by INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION At 01:32 23 April 2019 (PT)
Purpose – This paper develops a research model to examine the relationship among e-service quality
dimensions and overall service quality, customer satisfaction and purchase intentions.
Design/methodology/approach – Data from a survey of 297 online consumers were used to test
the research model. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to examine the reliability and validity
of the measurement model, and the structural equation modelling technique was used to test the
research model.
Findings – The analytical results showed that the dimensions of web site design, reliability,
responsiveness, and trust affect overall service quality and customer satisfaction. Moreover, the latter
in turn are significantly related to customer purchase intentions. However, the personalization
dimension is not significantly related to overall service quality and customer satisfaction.
Research limitations/implications – Future research can use different methodologies, such as
longitudinal studies, focus groups and interviews, to examine the relationship between service quality
and customer purchase behaviour in online shopping contexts.
Practical implications – This study suggests that to enhance customer purchase intentions, online
stores should develop marketing strategies to better address the trustworthiness, reliability, and
responsiveness of web-based services. Online stores can devote valuable corporate resources to the
important e-service quality attributes identified by this study.
Originality/value – This study developed the instrument dimensions of e-service quality by
modifying the SERVQUAL model to consider online shopping context. Moreover, the results of this
study provide a valuable reference for managers of online stores, as well as for researchers interested
in internet marketing.
Keywords Electronic commerce, Service quality assurance, Customer satisfaction, Purchasing,
Shopping, Structural analysis
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
With the rapid global growth in electronic commerce (e-commerce), businesses are
attempting to gain a competitive advantage by using e-commerce to interact with
customers. Businesses with the most experience and success in using e-commerce are
beginning to realize that the key determinants of success or failure are not merely web
site presence and low price but also include the electronic service quality (e-service International Journal of Retail &
quality) (Yang, 2001; Zeithaml, 2002). Santos (2003) defined e-service quality as overall Distribution Management
Vol. 33 No. 2, 2005
customer assessment and judgment of e-service delivery in the virtual marketplace. pp. 161-176
Service quality is an elusive and abstract construct that is difficult to explain and q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
measure (Cronin and Taylor, 1992). The SERVQUAL model, first developed by DOI 10.1108/09590550510581485
IJRDM Parasuraman et al. (1988) has been widely tested as a means of measuring customer
33,2 perceptions of service quality. The SERVQUAL model contains five dimensions, namely
tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Furthermore, during the
past decade, SERVQUAL model has been tested for measuring service quality in
e-commerce settings (Devaraj et al., 2002; Kim and Lee, 2002; Li et al., 2002; Kuo, 2003;
Negash et al., 2003). Previous studies on the measurement of e-service quality focused
162 only on the application of the SERVQUAL model by rewording the original scale items.
However, in the service quality field, service researchers need to pay more attention to
customer evaluations of e-services, because methods of measuring service quality differ
between e-commerce and physical marketplace service (Parasuraman and Grewal,
Downloaded by INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION At 01:32 23 April 2019 (PT)
2000). Additionally, van Riel et al. (2001) proposed that the SERVQUAL scale items
would have to be reformulated before they could be used meaningfully in the online
shopping context. Thus, this study aims to identify the main influence on online
shopping service quality, using a modified version of the SERVQUAL model.
Research is required on the influence of e-services on all customer responses, such
as perceived service quality, customer satisfaction and purchase intentions
(Parasuraman and Grewal, 2000; Jeong et al., 2003). Understanding the determinants
of service quality, customer satisfaction and purchase intentions for online shopping is
important for both marketing researchers and online stores managers. Moreover,
previous studies have revealed that service quality in online environments is an
important determinant of the effectiveness of e-commerce (Yang, 2001; Janda et al.,
2002). However, few studies have examined the relation among different dimensions of
e-service quality in predicting overall service quality, customer satisfaction, and
purchase intentions for online shopping.
This study attempts to derive the instrument dimensions of e-service quality
through modifying the SERVQUAL model to consider the online shopping context,
and develops a research model to examine how e-service quality dimensions affect
overall service quality, customer satisfaction and purchase intentions. To prove the
usefulness of the research model, data were collected from 297 online consumers.
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to examine the reliability and
validity of the measurement model, and the structural equation modeling (SEM)
technique was used to test the research model, which was supported by LISREL 8.3
software. The test results provide a valuable reference for managers of online stores, as
well as for researchers interested in internet marketing.
2. Literature review
2.1 E-service quality
E-service quality can be defined as overall customer evaluations and judgments
regarding the excellence and quality of e-service delivery in the virtual marketplace
(Santos, 2003). Research over the past two decades has demonstrated that service
quality influences consumption decisions, but only recently these findings have been
applied to e-commerce (Yang and Jun, 2002; Wolfinbarger and Gilly, 2003).
For example, service quality measures have been applied to assess the quality of
virtual community web sites (Kuo, 2003), satisfaction with e-commerce channels
(Devaraj et al., 2002), and determinants of web site success (Liu and Arnett, 2000).
Online shopping is a complex process that can be divided into various
sub-processes such as navigation, searching for information, online transactions, or
customer interactions. Customers are unlikely to evaluate each sub-process in detail Customer
during a single visit to an online store, but rather will perceive the service as an overall perceptions of
process and outcome (van Riel et al., 2001). Furthermore, for online customers, high
standard e-service quality is the means by which the potential benefits of the internet e-service
can be realized (Yang, 2001). Because it is much easier to compare product technical
features and prices online than through traditional channels, e-service quality becomes
a key factor for customers (Santos, 2003). Online customers thus expect equal or higher 163
levels of service quality than traditional channels customers.
Figure 1.
Research model
reliability has been emphasized by the information technology-based service. Customer
Moreover, Zhu et al. (2002) argued that reliability dimension has a direct positive perceptions of
effect on perceived service quality and customer satisfaction by electronic banking
systems. Online stores must provide mistake-free service and secure online e-service
transactions to make customers feel comfortable using online shopping. The
following hypotheses thus are proposed.
H2a. Reliability in an online store positively influences overall service quality. 165
H2b. Reliability in an online store positively influences customer satisfaction.
3.1.3 Responsiveness. Customers expect online stores to respond to their inquires
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promptly (Liao and Cheung, 2002). Responsiveness describes how often an online store
voluntarily provides services (e.g. customer inquires, information retrieval and
navigation speed) that are important to its customers (Parasuraman et al., 1988; Yang,
2001; Kim and Lee, 2002). Researchers examining the responsiveness of web-based
services have highlighted the importance of perceived service quality and customer
satisfaction (Yang and Jun, 2002; Zhu et al., 2002). The following hypotheses thus are
H3a. Responsiveness design in an online store positively influences overall
service quality.
H3b. Responsiveness in an online store positively influences customer satisfaction.
3.1.4 Trust. Online shopping context comprises the interaction customers and online
stores (Bakos, 1991). Numerous studies have emphasized the importance of online trust
between customers and online stores (McKnight et al., 2002; Krauter and Kaluscha,
2003). Trust is a significant antecedent of participation in commerce generally, and
especially in online settings because of the increased ease with which online stores can
behave opportunistically (Reichheld and Schefter, 2000). Moreover, trust is defined as
customer willingness to accept vulnerability in an online transaction based on their
positive expectations regarding future online store behaviours (Kimery and McCard,
2002). That is, trust encourages online customer purchasing activity and affects
customer attitudes toward purchasing from an online store (Gefen, 2000; Gefen et al.,
2003). Consequently, the following hypotheses are proposed.
H4a. Trust in an online store positively influences overall service quality.
H4b. Trust in an online store positively influences customer satisfaction.
3.1.5 Personalization. The lack of real-time interaction tends to prevent potential
customers from purchasing through online shopping (Yang and Jun, 2002).
Personalization involves individualized attention, personal thank you notes from
online stores, and the availability of a message area for customer questions or
comments (Yang, 2001). Previous studies have examined the influence of the customer
service provided by internet retailers on customer perceptions of service quality and
satisfaction (Wolfinbarger and Gilly, 2003). The following hypotheses are proposed.
H5a. Personalization in an online store positively influences overall service
H5b. Personalization in an online store positively influences customer
IJRDM 3.1.6 Purchase intentions. As the internet has spread it has become a popular
marketing channel (Cho and Park, 2001). Analyzing customer evaluations of online
33,2 shopping is particularly interesting to academics and practitioners, especially in the
field of e-commerce (Wu, 2003). Previous studies have found that service provider
perceptions of customer satisfaction are a function of perceived service quality of
technological services (Martensen et al., 2000; Zhu et al., 2002).
166 The theory of reasoned action proposes that behaviour can be predicted from
intentions that correspond directly (in terms of action, target and context) to that
behaviour (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980). This study thus postulated that consumer
purchase intentions provide an acceptable proxy for actual online purchase behaviour.
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Taipei, Taiwan in the spring of 2003. The student subjects were selected in this study
for three reasons. First, according to the 2003 Taiwan internet users survey report
(http://survey.yam.com/survey/2003/index.htm, 2004), about 40 percent of internet
users in Taiwan are college students. Moreover, college students are greatest
proportion of internet users. Second, online customers generally are younger and better
educated than conventional customers, meaning that the student subjects closely
resemble the online customer population (Mcknight et al., 2002). Finally, the use of
students as subjects in this study can decrease the effect of variance in web-based
The study was conducted in the following stages. First, the subjects were
instructed to navigate online bookstores (such as www.amzon.com, www.books.
com.tw, and www.silkbook.com.tw) and search for books related to e-commerce
course they were taking. Next, the subjects were asked to select a textbook or
reference book related for the course that they would like to buy from an online
bookstore, and fulfillment time cannot be over 30 days. The subjects were given
two tasks representing the online transaction process. The first task was to
register with an online bookstore, search for the book selected by the participants
and place it in the shopping cart. The second task involved filling out certain
payment and delivery data. After completing these two tasks, all the 305 students
completed the task successfully and the questionnaires were distributed in class.
The response rate was 100 percent, but since eight questionnaires later were
discarded because of missing data, the effective response rate was approximately
97 percent.
Of the 297 usable respondents, 68.4 percent were less than 25 years of age
ðn ¼ 203Þ; 26.9 percent were 26-35 ðn ¼ 80Þ; and 4.7 percent were over 35 years old
ðn ¼ 14Þ: About 44 percent of the respondents had previously bought from online
IJRDM Factor Construct
33,2 Construct/measure Mean S.D. loading reliability
5. Results
5.1 Measurement model 169
The measurement model was first assessed by CFA. Previous research has noted that
the normed x 2 (the ratio between x 2 and the degree of freedom) provides direct
statistical evidence for the test of model goodness of fit (GFI) (Joreskog and Sorbom,
Downloaded by INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION At 01:32 23 April 2019 (PT)
1996). The observed normed x 2 for this model was 2.04 ðx 2 ¼ 373:99; df ¼ 183Þ;
smaller than the three recommended by Bagozzi and Yi (1988). Other fit indexes also
show good fit for the measurement model. The GFI is 0.93, greater than the 0.9
recommended (Joreskog and Sorbom, 1996). Moreover, the adjusted goodness of fit
index (AGFI) is 0.88, which is slightly low, but still acceptable (Bagozzi and Yi, 1988).
Furthermore, the nonincremental fit index, such as the comparative fit index (CFI) is
0.91, exceeding the recommended cut-off level of 0.9 (Bagozzi and Yi, 1988). Finally,
the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) is 0.049, which also suggests
a good fit to the data (Bagozzi and Yi, 1988). In sum, the measurement model exhibited
a fairly good fit with the data collected.
The measurement model was further assessed for construct reliability and validity.
Construct reliability can be calculated as follows: (square of the summation of the
factor loadings)/{(square of the summation of the factor loadings)þ (summation of
error variances)}. The interpretation of the resultant coefficient is similar to that
of Cronach’s alpha, except that it also takes into account the actual factor loadings
rather than assuming each item to be equally weighted in the composite load
determination. From Table II, construct reliability for all factors in the measurement
model exceeded 0.7, which Nunnally and Bernstein (1994) identified as an acceptable
Bagozzi and Yi (1988) defined a factor loading exceeding 0.7 as evidence of
convergent validity. From Table II, the factor loadings for all constructs exceed the
recommended level of 0.7, indicating acceptable item convergence on the intended
constructs. Additionally, from Table III, correlation between constructs ranged from
0.05 to 0.67, with the correlations of no pair of measures exceeding the criterion (0.9 and
above) (Hair et al., 1998). Empirical support thus exists for the discriminant validity of
the measures.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
intentions mediated by overall service quality and customer satisfaction in the online
shopping context. The analytical results showed that online store web site design
positively affects overall service quality ðb ¼ 0:21; p , 0:01Þ and customer
satisfaction ðb ¼ 0:22; p , 0:01Þ; providing support for H1a and H1b. Moreover,
online store reliability significantly and positively affects overall service quality
ðb ¼ 0:35; p , 0:001Þ and customer satisfaction ðb ¼ 0:39; p , 0:001Þ; supporting
H2a and H2b. Furthermore, responsiveness in the online store positively affects
overall service quality ðb ¼ 0:19; p , 0:01Þ and customer satisfaction ðb ¼ 0:25;
p , 0:01Þ; so H3a and H3b are supported. From H4a and H4b, trust in the online
store shows a strong positive relationship with overall service quality ðb ¼ 0:44;
p , 0:001Þ; and a positive relationship with customer satisfaction ðb ¼ 0:30; p ,
0:001Þ: Thus, H4a and H4b are supported. However, H5a and H5b were not
supported, indicating that personalization in the online store was not significantly
related to overall service quality ðb ¼ 0:11; p . 0:01Þ or customer satisfaction
ðb ¼ 0:09; p . 0:01Þ:
H6-H8 relate to the links among overall service quality, customer satisfaction and
customer purchase intentions. Overall service quality has a strong positive effect on
customer satisfaction ðb ¼ 0:42; p , 0:001Þ; therefore, H6 was supported.
Additionally, overall service quality and customer satisfaction were found to
significantly affect online store purchase intentions, so H7 ðb ¼ 0:28; p , 0:01Þ and
H8 ðb ¼ 0:34; p , 0:001Þ are supported.
performance that identified trust as key drivers of perceived service quality and
customer satisfaction. Online stores thus must act honestly and in the best interests of
customers during the transaction processes.
Second, the reliability dimension is a significant predictor of overall service quality,
customer satisfaction and purchase intentions in online shopping. Other studies also
found reliability to be an effective determinant of web-based service quality (Kuo, 2003;
Wolfinbarger and Gilly, 2003). Therefore, to enhance customer satisfaction and
purchase intentions, online stores should start improving the dimensions of reliability,
such as capability of delivering products as promised, providing up-to-date and
accurate information, and strengthening the security of online transactions.
Third, the dimension of responsiveness mildly affects overall service quality and
customer satisfaction for online stores. This finding might be cause by the fact that
customers expect high responsiveness from the prompt delivery of products, but might
tolerate slower financial transactions if such transactions have increased security
(van Riel et al., 2001).
Next, although web site design had only a minor effect on overall service quality
and customer satisfaction in this study, its importance should not be underestimated.
Online stores should pay careful attention to this aspect. Particularly, web site design
should be readable, and the user interface should be visually appealing and tidy,
allowing customers to use the web site easily.
However, perhaps most surprising is the dimension of personalization, which is not
a significant predictor of overall service quality and customer satisfaction for online
stores. This finding might indicate that customers are afraid that the online stores will
sell personal information to other organizations without their knowledge or
permission. Notably, increasing numbers of online customers have expressed
concern regarding potential misuses of personal information and abuses of privacy
(Than and Grandon, 2002).
Additionally, consistent with previous studies (Baker and Crompton, 2000; Sivadas
and Prewitt, 2000; Zhu et al., 2002), this study found a positive relationship among
overall service quality, customer satisfaction and purchase intentions in an online store.
7. Conclusions
The conclusions drawn from this study make contributions in two main areas. First,
this study developed the instrument dimensions of e-service quality by modifying the
SERVQUAL model to consider online shopping context. Second, this study identified
e-service quality dimensions that affect overall service quality and customer
satisfaction, which in turn are significantly related to customer purchase intentions.
IJRDM The implications for practitioners and researchers and the limitations of this study are
33,2 discussed below.
security, and prompt services is necessity for both attracting and retaining online
customers, since these factors significantly affect customer satisfaction and purchase
intentions. Second, web site design cannot be ignored. Web site design is an important
means to provide customer usefulness and ease of use during online transaction
Another important implication of this study relates to personalization and online
customer privacy. As internet technologies become increasingly sophisticated and web
sites can deliver more targeted content, demand for personalization continues to grow
(Gurau et al., 2003). On the other hand, studies have indicated that many online
customers are very concerned about threats to their personal privacy (Graeff and
Harmon, 2002). Online stores thus must try to ensure that customers receive relevant
information while simultaneously protecting their privacy, because personalization
should not be intrusive. Moreover, online stores should carefully consider the extent to
which actively providing members with personal services is necessary given limited
human and material resources.
7.3 Limitations
This study suffers four main limitations. First, the sample employed student subjects,
which may not be representative of the general population of online shoppers.
The analytical results presented here thus may have limited generalizability. Second,
since this study only considered online bookstores, it is unclear whether the analytical
results can be generalized to other online marketplaces. Further research can apply the Customer
research model to examine other types of online stores, because online customer perceptions of
perceptions of service quality are context-dependent and thus their detailed effects on
purchase intentions may be related to specific products and services. Third, this study e-service
did not incorporate actual purchase behaviour into the proposed research model.
However, this shortcoming does not represent a serious limitation since substantial
empirical support exists for the causal link between intention and behaviour 173
(Venkatesh and Davis, 2000). Finally, since the sample was collected in Taiwan,
generalizability to other countries might be limited due to cultural differences
in purchase behaviours.
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