Design and Verification of Router 1x3 Using UVM
Design and Verification of Router 1x3 Using UVM
Design and Verification of Router 1x3 Using UVM
Abstract:Router is a packet based protocol. Router drives the incoming packet which comes from the input port to output ports
based on the address contained in the packet. The router has a one input port from which the packet enters. It has three output
ports where the packet is driven out.In this project we are atomizing the functions of the Router by writing the code in VERILOG
and simulating it in QUESTASIM. The functionality of the design is verified by using the latest Universal verification
methodologies (UVM) with different test cases. The Verification goes on with which it finds functional coverage, code coverage
and functional verification of the router 1x3 RTL design for the better optimum design.
Keywords: router 1x3, QUESTASIM, XILINX ISE, Verilog, UVM, Coverage
A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks. Routers perform the traffic directing
functions on the Internet. A data packet is typically forwarded from one router to another router through the networks that constitute
an internetwork until it reaches its destination node.A router is connected to two or more data lines from different networks.When a
data packet comes in on one of the lines, the router reads the network address information in the packet to determine the ultimate
destination. Then, using information in its routing table or routing policy, it directs the packet to the next network on its journey. A
router may have interfaces for different typesphysical layer connections, such as copper cables, fiber optic, or wireless transmission.
Its firmware can also support different network layer transmission standards. Each network interface is used by this specialized
computer software to enable data packets to be forwarded from one transmission system to another. Routers may also be used to
connect two or more logical groups of computer devices known as subnets, each with a different network prefix. The network
prefixes recorded in the routing table do not necessarily map directly to the physical interface connections.When multiple routers are
used in interconnected networks, the routers can exchange information about destination addresses using a routing protocol. Each
router builds up a routing table listing the preferred routes between any two systems on the interconnected networks.
This design consists of 6 main blocks. Which are fsm_router, router_reg, ff_sync, and 3 fifo. The fsm_router block provides the
control signals to the fifo, and router_reg module.
1) Router_reg: The router_reg module contains the status, data and parity registers for the router_1x3.These registers are latched
to new status or input data through the control signals provided by the fsm_router.This module contains status, data and parity
registers required by router.All the registers in this module are latched on rising edge of the clock.Data registers latches the data
from data input based on state and status control signals, and this latched data is sent thefifoor storage. Apart from it, data is
also latched into the parity registers for parity calculation and it is compared with the parity byte of the packet. An error signal
is generated if packet parity is not equal to the calculated parity.
2) FF_sync:Theff_sync module provides synchronization between fsm_router module and 3 fifo s , So that single input port can
faithfully communicate with 3 output ports.This module provides synchronization between fsm and fifo modules. It provides
faithful communication between single input port and three output ports. It will detect the address of channel and will latch it
till packet_valid is asserted, address and write_enb_sel will be used for latching the incoming data into the fifo of that particular
channel.Afifo_full output signal is generated, when the present fifo is full, and fifo_empty output signal is generated by the
present fifo when it is empty.
If data = 00 then fifo_empty = empty_0 and fifo_full = full_0
If data = 01 then fifo_empty = empty_1 and fifo_full= full_1
If data = 10 then fifo_empty = empty_2 and fifo_full = full_2
Else fifo_empty = 0 and fifo_full = 1.
The output vld_out signal is generated when empty of present fifo goes low, that means present fifo is ready to read.
vld_out_0 = ~empty_0
vld_out_1 = ~empty_1vld_out_2 = ~empty_2The write_enb_reg signal which comes from the fsm is used to generatewrite_enb
signal for thepresentfifo which is selected by present address.
3) FSM:The ‘fsm_router’ module is the controller circuit for the router.This module generates all the control signals when new
packet is sent to router. These control signals are used by other modules to send data at output, writing data into the fifo.
4) FIFO Block:There are 3 fifo for each output port, which stores the data coming from input port based on the control signals
provided by fsm_routermodule.fresetn is low then full =0, empty = 1 and data_out = 0. Write operation: The data from input
data_in is sampled at rising edge of the clock when input write_enb is high and fifo is not full. Read Operation: The data is read
from output data_out at rising edge of the clock, when read_enb is high and fifo is not empty. ead and Write operation can be
done simultaneously. Full – it indicates that all the locations inside fifo has been written. Empty – it indicates that all the
locations of fifo are empty.
The UVM (Universal Verification Methodology) was introduced in December 2009, by a technical Sub committee of Accellera.
UVM uses Open Verification Methodology as its foundation. Accellera released version UVM 1.0 EA on May 17, 2010.UVM Class
Library provides the building blocks needed to quickly develop well-constructed and reusable verification components and test
environments. It uses systemVerilog as its language. All three of the simulation vendors (Synopsys, Cadence and Mentor) support
UVM today which was not the case with other verification methodology. Today, more and more logic is being integrated on the
single chip so verification of it is a very challenging task. More than 70 percent of the time is spent on the verification of the chip.
So it is a need of an hour to have a common verification methodology that provides the base classes and framework to construct
robust and reusable verification environment. UVM provides that. In this paper, all the terminology related to UVM is introduced
along with the sample example. In first phase uvm components are introduced. In second phase some of the features related to UVM
are introduced and in final phase small environment is built using UVM from the scratch.
B. Driver (BFM)
Driver as the name suggest, drive the DUT signals. It basically receives the transaction object from the sequencer and converts it
into the pin level activity. It is the active part of the verification logic.
C. Sequencer
Sequencer is the component on which the sequences will run. The DUT needs to be applied a sequence of transaction to test its
behaviour. So sequence of transaction is generated and it is applied to driver whenever it demands by the sequencer.
D. Monitor
A monitor is the passive element of the verification environment. It just sample the DUT signal from the interface but does not drive
them. It collect the pin information, package it in form of a packet and then transfer it to scoreboard or other components for
coverage information.
E. Agent
Agent is basically a container. It contains driver, monitor and sequencer. Driver and sequencer are connected in agent. Agent has
two modes of operation: passive and active. In active mode it drives the signal to the DUT. So driver and sequencer are instantiated
in active mode. In passive mode it just sample the DUT signals does not drive them. So only monitor is instantiated in passive
F. Scoreboard
Scoreboard is a verification component that checks the response from the DUT against the expected response. So it keeps track of
how many times the response matched with the expected response and how many time it failed.
G. Environment
Environment is at the top of the test bench architecture, it will contain one or more agents depend on design. If more than one agents
are there then it will be connected in this component. Agents are also connected to other components like scoreboard in this
Following components of router were synthesized and simulated, using Xilinx ISE software. And Simulation results were observed.
In this we have designed and verified the Router1X3 core using Verilog and UVM technique using Questasim. Many coding bugs
are debugged during the verification.The code coverage is obtaned for the RL design and 100% code coverage and functional
coverage is extracted. This methodology provides the complete coverage of the RTL design of Router1X3.
[1]. Verilog HDL:- Samir Palnitkar
[2]. System Verilog:- Chris Spear
[3]. The ASIC Website: