DP 11783
DP 11783
DP 11783
Gabriel Ulyssea
Vladimir Ponczek
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Enforcement of Labor Regulation and the
Labor Market Effects of Trade:
Evidence from Brazil
How does enforcement of labor regulations shape the labor market effects of trade? To
tackle this question, we exploit the Brazilian trade liberalization episode and exogenous
variation in the intensity of both the trade shock and enforcement across local labor
markets. Regions with stricter enforcement observed no increase in informal employment
but large disemployment effects. Regions with weaker enforcement had no employment
losses but substantial increases in informality. All effects are concentrated on unskilled
workers, with no effects on skilled workers. The results indicate that informality acts as a
buffer that reduces trade-induced adjustment costs in the labor market.
Corresponding author:
Gabriel Ulyssea
Department of Economics
Oxford University
Manor Road
Oxford OX1 3UQ
United Kingdom
E-mail: gabriel.ulyssea@economics.ox.ac.uk
1 Introduction
Many developing countries, most notably in Latin America, underwent major trade
liberalization episodes in the 1980s and early 1990s (Goldberg and Pavcnik, 2007). De-
spite the expected large gains from trade, concerns about the potential adverse effects
on labor market outcomes have always been present,1 specially in developing countries
that are often characterized by poor labor market functioning, low state capacity and
high poverty and inequality levels. In particular, one major concern is that trade open-
ing could lead to a reallocation from formal to informal jobs, specially among less skilled
workers (e.g. Goldberg and Pavcnik, 2003). These concerns are justified by the perception
that informal jobs are inferior occupations relatively to formal ones, as informal workers
are not covered by labor regulation (e.g. minimum wages) nor social security. Thus,
this trade-induced informality effect could represent a potentially large welfare loss from
trade opening.
However, informality can also represent greater de facto flexibility in the labor mar-
ket, specially in the presence of burdensome and strict labor regulations. This greater
flexibility could in principle allow firms and workers to cope better with adverse eco-
nomic shocks, in which case the informal sector could help reducing job losses during bad
times relatively to a counterfactual scenario with perfect enforcement and no informal-
ity.2 This conjecture has important implications for how one interprets the labor market
effects from trade and its potential welfare consequences. It also bears important policy
implications, as it implies that the strictness and rigidity of labor market regulations (and
its enforcement) can have first order interaction effects with trade reforms.
In this paper we directly tackle these issues by exploiting Brazil’s large scale, uni-
lateral trade liberalization episode of the early 1990’s. Brazil is an attractive empirical
setting for at least three reasons. First, the trade liberalization had heterogeneous and
substantial effects across local labor markets in Brazil (e.g. Kovak, 2013; Dix-Carneiro
and Kovak, 2017a,b). Second, just before the beginning of the trade liberalization process,
in 1988, Brazil underwent a major Constitutional reform that substantially increased the
restrictiveness and the direct costs associated to labor regulation (Barros and Corseuil,
2004).3 Third, enforcement of labor regulation varies greatly across regions in Brazil
A recent literature has consistently documented that local labor markets whose employment is
concentrated in industries facing larger tariff cuts are more negatively affected than those concentrated
in industries facing lower tariff cuts. See, for example Autor et al. (2013); Kovak (2013); Costa et al.
(2016); Dix-Carneiro et al. (2017); Dix-Carneiro and Kovak (2017a,b).
Dix-Carneiro and Kovak (2017a) find evidence that is consistent with this conjecture, but only in
the long run: regions that are hit harder by the trade liberalization observe increases in non-employment
and informal employment in the mid-run (1991-2000), but in the long run (19921–2010) the effects on
non-employment vanish and on informal employment persist (and even amplify).
According to the employment index in Botero et al. (2004), the cost of labor regulation in Brazil is
(Almeida and Carneiro, 2012). We exploit the geographic variation in the intensity of
trade shocks and enforcement of labor regulation to assess if, and to what extent, the
presence of stricter enforcement of a costly regulatory framework shapes the labor market
responses to trade liberalization.
We construct a measure of local, trade-induced shocks based on changes in tariffs at
the industry level combined with the initial (pre-trade shock) employment composition by
industries across regions (e.g. Topalova, 2010; Kovak, 2013). An important identification
assumption is the exogeneity of these shocks relatively to (unobserved) pre-existing trends
in local labor markets. Previous papers that use the same regional trade shock document
direct supportive evidence of this assumption (Kovak, 2013; Dix-Carneiro and Kovak,
2017a,b; Dix-Carneiro et al., 2017).
Another key aspect of our empirical strategy is the measurement of enforcement in-
tensity across local economies. In Brazil, enforcement of labor regulation is the sole
responsibility of the Ministry of Labor and the technology of enforcement is relatively
simple (Almeida and Carneiro, 2012): labor inspectors are assigned to labor offices (L.O.)
located in municipalities across the country and they travel by car to inspect firms. Hence,
the greater the distance to the nearest L.O., the least likely firms are to be inspected and
the weaker enforcement of labor regulation is likely to be (all things equal). We thus
use the distance to the nearest labor office as a proxy for enforcement capacity in that
local market. Since the locations of L.O. could in principle be determined in response
to the labor market effects of the trade reform itself, we collect new data on the date
of creation of all labor offices in Brazil and we restrict our analysis to offices created
before the trade opening process started. Hence, we are able to construct a measure of
enforcement capacity that is pre-determined relatively to future trade shocks and labor
market conditions.
We start by examining the basic results of the regional trade shocks on labor market
outcomes. We use individual-level Census data from 1990 and 2000 to compute local
labor market outcomes net of the influence of socio-demographic variables (e.g. gender,
schooling and age). Consistently with previous studies, we show that in the medium run
(1991-2000) regions more exposed to trade liberalization observed higher informality and
greater non-employment relatively to regions less exposed.4 Differently from previous
studies, however, we also examine how these effects are distributed across workers of
around 20 percent above the mean and median of 85 countries in the world and more than 2.5 times as
large as in the United States.
Contrary to previous studies (such as Dix-Carneiro and Kovak, 2017a), we focus only on the mid-run
(1991-2000) and not on the longer run (1991-2010). We do so because we are interested in investigat-
ing the interaction between enforcement of labor regulation and trade shocks, and to what extent it
reduces/amplifies the labor market effects of trade in the aftermath of a trade opening episode.
different skill levels. The results are striking. The average effects of higher informality
and non-employment are almost entirely driven by low skill workers, while we find little
effect on skilled workers.
Having established that the trade shock increased informality and non-employment
and that these effects were concentrated on low skill workers, we examine the hetero-
geneity of these effects across enforcement levels. For that, we use a direct measure of
enforcement intensity, namely, the ratio of the total number of inspections to the total
number of formal firms in a given local market. Since this measure is potentially affected
by unobserved, time-varying determinants of local labor market outcomes, we use dis-
tance to the nearest L.O. as an instrument in a limited information maximum likelihood
estimator. As mentioned above, we construct our instrument using only the L.O. created
before the trade opening started to make sure that our measure of enforcement capacity
is pre-determined relatively to (future) trade shocks and labor market conditions.
The results show that regions adversely affected by the tariff shock that had more
intense labor enforcement suffered lower informality effects but greater non-employment
effects relatively to regions that had lower levels of enforcement. Symmetrically, regions
with lower enforcement had greater informality effects but lower non-employment effects.
Again, all the effects are concentrated on low-skill workers, with no effects on high-skill
ones. Low-skill workers located in regions with low enforcement levels (i.e. the first decile
of the enforcement distribution) would experience an increase of 4.6 percentage points
in informality but no effect on employment. For regions with the highest levels of en-
forcement (i.e. the 10th decile of the enforcement distribution), the effects are reversed:
low-skill workers experience no informality effects but an increase of 6.5 percentage points
in non-employment rates. These effects are large, as they correspond to 53.4 and 162 per-
cent of a standard deviation is decadal changes in informality and non-employment rates,
respectively. Thus, we find direct evidence that stricter enforcement of labor regulation
substantially amplifies disemployment effects by not allowing firms and workers to resort
to informal contracts. In contrast, in regions with low enforcement the informal sector
de facto acted as a buffer to the adverse local demand shocks brought about the trade
liberalization process.
To rationalize the fact that trade liberalization leads to an increase in informality,
we adapt the argument developed by Ulyssea (2018).5 If one considers an unilateral
The simplest argument to rationalize the result that trade liberalization leads to an increase in
informality relies on the following idea: once domestic firms are exposed to greater competition from
foreign firms, they respond by trying to reduce labor costs through greater use of informal labor, which is
not subject to labor regulations. Without further elaboration, however, this argument is not consistent
with basic micro theory, as profit-maximizing firms should have shifted to informal labor even prior to
the trade reforms (Goldberg and Pavcnik, 2003).
trade opening as a negative price shock to domestic firms, the framework predicts an
increase in labor informality through two channels. First, more firms would decide to
enter the informal sector, and informal firms can only hire informal workers. This is the
extensive margin of informality. Second, formal firms would now be pressured by greater
competition (lower prices), which would induce them to hire a greater share of informal
workers. This is the intensive margin of informality. The government can target these
margins separately and the enforcement measure considered in this paper – inspections
of formal firms by the Ministry of Labor – refers to the intensive margin alone. In such
a framework, formal firms located in regions with stricter enforcement would not be able
to adjust through the intensive margin of informality and would be more likely to simply
reduce their labor force. Hence, if one considers an unilateral trade opening as a negative
price shock to domestic firms, then this framework is able to rationalize all of our results
(see Section 3 for a more in depth discussion).
Our paper contributes to three different literature streams. First, the literature on
trade and local labor markets, which includes (but is not restricted to) Topalova (2010),
Kovak (2013), Autor et al. (2013), Hakobyan and McLaren (2016), and Dix-Carneiro and
Kovak (2017a,b). Second, this paper also relates to the literature on trade and informal-
ity, which until recently had found little or no effect of trade liberalization on informality
(Goldberg and Pavcnik, 2003; Menezes-Filho and Muendler, 2011; Bosch and Esteban-
Pretel, 2012). In contrast, Dix-Carneiro and Kovak (2017a,b) find significant effects of
trade liberalization on informality, which as discussed by the authors can be reconciled by
differences in research design, unit of analysis, and time horizons. Differently from both
literature streams, we focus on a new dimension: the interaction between the enforce-
ment of labor regulation and trade policies, and how these interactions shape the labor
market adjustment to trade shocks. Also importantly, we document that the effects of
trade opening on informality and non-employment are mostly concentrated on low skill
workers, both on average and across different enforcement levels. Finally, our paper also
dialogues to the literature that argues that informality can also be seen as introducing
de facto flexibility to otherwise very rigid formal labor markets that are subject to bur-
densome and costly regulatory frameworks (e.g. Meghir et al., 2015; Ulyssea, 2018). In
particular, in an earlier paper Boeri and Garibaldi (2005) argue that, despite advances in
monitoring capacity by the government, informality is "tolerated" because it attenuates
unemployment. Similarly, Ulyssea (2010) quantitatively shows in a two-sector matching
model that when the government cracks down on informality (by increasing enforcement),
unemployment increases and total welfare decreases. Even though our empirical results
refer to a very different setting, they are consistent with the mechanisms highlighted in
both papers.
The remaining of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 briefly describes the
data and the measure of trade shock used. Section 3 describes the empirical strategy,
while Section 4 presents the empirical results. Section 5 concludes and points to future
Figure 1: Changes in log(1 + tariff), 1990-1995
Change in ln(1+tariff), 1990-95
Food Processing
Wood, Furniture, Peat
Nonmetallic Mineral Manuf
Paper, Publishing, Printing
Mineral Mining
Auto, Transport, Vehicles
Electric, Electronic Equip.
Machinery, Equipment
Other Manuf.
Pharma., Perfumes, Detergents
Petroleum Refining
Petroleum, Gas, Coal
Footwear, Leather
in industries that experienced larger tariff reductions are more likely to have been more
adversely affected by the trade opening episode. Put differently, the trade liberalization
episode is more likely to represent a substantial negative labor demand shock in regions
that had a larger fraction of its labor force employed in industries that observed larger
tariff reductions, relatively to regions that had a larger fraction of its employment in
industries less affected. We thus use tariff data from Kume et al. (2003) to construct the
"Regional Tariff Change" (RTC) as proposed by Kovak (2013):
RT Cr = βri d ln(1 + τi ) (1)
βri = P iλri
i θi
and λri = Lr
is the fraction of regional labor allocated to industry i at region r; and θi
is is equal to one minus wage bill share of industry i.
Since we further investigate heterogenous effects of trade liberalization on skilled and
unskilled workers separately, we calculated different measures for skilled and unskilled
workers, which we denote RT Cr,k , where k denotes the skill group. For that, we compute
weights that are specific to the two skill groups, which are given by λrik = LLrik
.9 Figure
2 shows how the regional trade shock, RT Cr , varies across micro-regions in Brazil.10
issued by the Ministry of Labor, and which must be signed by the employer and contains
the worker’s entire formal labor history. Having the labor contract registered in this
booklet in principle entitles workers to a series of benefits, such as the 13th monthly
salary, unemployment insurance, severance payment, a one-month paid vacation, and at
least 50 percent premium for overtime hours.
In 1988, the new Federal Constitution was enacted and substantially extended the
range of labor regulations and workers’ benefits. In particular, it increased severance
payments by fourfold, reduced the regular work week to forty-four hours, and increased
maternity leave to 4 months.11 In sum, the Brazilian labor regulation introduced in 1943
was already quite detailed, extensive and rigid, leaving almost no room for bilateral ne-
gotiations between employers and employees. In addition to that, the changes introduced
in 1988 by the Constitution substantially increased the costs associated to hiring a formal
worker but in particular the costs of firing workers. According to the employment index
in Botero et al. (2004), the cost of labor regulation in Brazil is around 20 percent above
the mean and median of 85 countries and more than 2.5 times as large as in the United
States. As for labor taxes, not only the rates are high in Brazil but also there are also
substantial compliance costs involved.12
Given how cumbersome and costly the labor regulation is, both firms and workers
have incentives to either partially comply, or avoid it entirely via informal labor con-
tracts. Thus, in such an environment where incentives to formalization are arguably
weak, enforcement plays a substantial role in determining not only informality levels, but
labor market outcomes more broadly. The Ministry of Labor is directly responsible for
enforcing labor regulations, but it only inspects registered firms and therefore it does
not tackle informal labor in informal firms. Enforcement is implemented in a very de-
centralized way, both at the state level (with a labor office called delegacia do trabalho)
and, within states, at the subregion level through local labor offices called subdelegacia.
The state level office (delegacia) is always located in the state’s capital and the local
offices (subdelegacias) are spread throughout the state in different municipalities. The
number of local offices is a function fo the state’s size and economic relevance (Almeida
and Carneiro, 2012).
Inspectors are allocated to a specific subdelegacia, and they must travel by car to
inspect any given firm. Most inspections are triggered by anonymous reports, and in-
See De Barros and Corseuil (2004) for a complete description of the changes introduced by the 1988
The time required to pay labor taxes in Brazil is nearly 5 times higher than in the U.S., 491 and
100 hours, respectively. As for the tax rate, when computed as a share of commercial profits – which
provides a cross-country comparison – it amounts to 42.1 percent in Brazil, 12.9 percent in Canada and
10 percent in the U.S. (Doing Business, 2007).
spectors are expected to assess compliance with all the relevant dimensions of the labor
code (e.g. hours of work) and not only if the worker is formally registered or not. Even
though the Ministry of Labor aims at applying an uniform criteria for labor market en-
forcement throughout the country, there is substantial regional variation in enforcement
intensity (Almeida and Carneiro, 2012). In particular, one of the factors that determines
regional variation in enforcement is the relative density of local labor offices across re-
gions, which by its turn determines the travel distances that inspectors face in order to
carry out the inspections. As we argue in the next subsection, this is a key determinant
of the intensity of enforcement across local labor markets.
2.3 Data
We use three datasets in our empirical exercise. The first is the Decennial Population
Census, which contains information on individuals’ socioeconomic characteristics, as well
as labor market outcomes. Particularly important for our exercise, the Census provides
information on workers’ informality status. We define as informal workers those employees
who do not hold a formal contract, which in Brazil is characterized by a "signed work
booklet" (as discussed in previous section). Workers who report being employees are
directly asked whether they have a formal contract, which is the information we use to
define if an employee is formal or not. Our measure of informality therefore excludes the
self employed. We do so because the mechanisms that we focus here, and in particular
our measures of enforcement, refer to employees only.
Our unit of analysis is the micro-region, which is a collection of contiguous munici-
palities that are economically integrated. The micro-regions are defined by the National
Bureau of Statistics (IBGE) and closely reproduce the idea of local economies that has
been extensively used in the recent literature (e.g. Kovak, 2013; David et al., 2013; Dix-
Carneiro and Kovak, 2017b; Costa et al., 2016). We use a mapping between municipalities
and micro-regions that results in 413 consistent micro-regions between 1990 and 2000,
which is our period of analysis. Table 1 provides the descriptive statistics of all variables
used in this analysis at the micro-region level. We define low skill workers as those with
less than completed high school, and high skill workers as those with at least a high
school diploma. Non-employment is defined as those individuals actively looking for jobs
(the unemployed) and those out of the labor force. We use this measure (instead of
unemployment) to reduce measurement error, as individuals often transit between unem-
ployment and out of the labor force statuses. We start by noticing that both informality
and non-employment increased between 1991 and 2000. This was observed among low
and high skill workers. In contrast, wages increased during this period and particularly
so among low skill workers. The table also shows table that, on average, micro-regions
have suffered a negative trade shock (i.e. greater exposure to foreign competition).
The second data set used contains administrative data from the Ministry of Labor
related to enforcement activity. This dataset contains yearly information on the number
of firms inspected by municipality from 1995 to 2013; number of inspectors responsible
for the auditing process in each state of the country; and the location of all labor offices.
We add to this administrative data set a crucial piece of information to our empirical
strategy, namely, the date of creation of each local labor office (i.e. subdelegacia). For
that, it was necessary to directly call each of the 121 labor offices in Brazil to collect this
information. Of these, 92 offices were created prior to 1990 (the start year of the trade
opening process), 19 offices were created between 1990 and 2000, and the remaining were
created after 2000. Finally, we use the data on the driving distance to the nearest labor
office in each municipality compiled by Almeida and Carneiro (2012).
In order to aggregate the enforcement-related variables at the micro-region level, we
compute the ratio between the total number of inspections carried out in a given micro-
region and the total number of formal firms. We use the number of inspections for the
period of 1995 to 1999. We obtained this information directly from the Ministry of Labor.
As for the distance, we used the maximum distance to the nearest labor office within a
micro-region. Hence, the greater this measure, the weaker the enforcement in a given
micro-region.13 Figure 3 depicts regional variation in enforcement intensity, as well as
the location of all 92 subdelegacias (local labor offices) created prior to 1990 in Brazil.
As the figure shows, there is a lot of variation in the intensity of enforcement and in the
density of local labor offices across micro-regions. Indeed, as shown in the bottom of Table
1, on average there were around 7.5 inspections per 100 firms in a given micro-region in
the 1995-1999 period, but the most inspected region experienced almost 68 inspections
per 100 firms. The average maximum distance between a municipality in a micro-region
and a nearest labor office is 136 kilometres, with the minimum and maximum being 5
and 687 kilometres, respectively.
Inspections by firms
.128 - .674
.081 - .128
.048 - .081
.029 - .048
.015 - .029
0 - .015
Labor Offices (92)
Finally, we examine to what extent distance to nearest labor office is related to en-
We experimented with different measures, such as the minimum and the median distance. The
results are largely robust to these changes.
forcement level. We do so by regressing the logarithm of our measure of enforcement
(ratio of total inspections to number of formal firms) onto dummies of the quartiles of
maximum distance to the nearest labor office, which is our measure of enforcement ca-
pacity. Table 2 shows a simple regression at the micro-region level between the total
inspection by firms (in logs) and quartile dummies of the maximum distance from the
nearest labor office. It depicts a clear pattern. Regions located further away from the
nearest labor office present lower levels of enforcement, corroborating the visual idea pre-
sented in Figure 3 . The correlation is sizeable. It shows a firm in a region in the third
quartile of distance is 20% less likely to be inspected than one in a region in the first
quartile. All in all, the map and correlation suggest that geographical distance is crucial
for labor regulation strictness in a region.
3 Empirical Strategy
In this section we describe our empirical strategy to identify the basic effects of local
trade shocks on labor informality and non-employment, as well as the heterogeneous
effects across regions with different enforcement levels. Before proceeding to the empirical
specifications, however, it is useful to describe the economic mechanisms that guide our
empirical exercise.
3.1 Theoretical framework
The simple argument to rationalize the basic result that trade liberalization leads
to an increase in informality relies on the idea that once domestic firms are exposed to
greater competition from foreign firms, they would respond by trying to reduce labor
costs through greater use of informal labor, which is not subject to labor regulations.
However, without further elaboration, this argument is not consistent with basic micro
theory, as profit-maximizing firms should have shifted to informal labor even prior to the
trade reforms, otherwise this could not be considered an optimal behavior (Goldberg and
Pavcnik, 2003). Therefore we rely in a richer framework developed in Ulyssea (2018) to
analyze the results.
This section is used merely to illustrate the mechanisms we have in mind. The inter-
ested reader is referred to Ulyssea (2018), while the reader only interested in the empirical
exercise can skip directly to section 3.2.
In the model firms can exploit two margins of informality. The first is the extensive
margin, which refers to the decision of whether or not paying entry fees and register the
business. The second is the intensive margin, which refers to the decision of a formal
(registered) firm to hire workers without a formal contract. Firms sort between sectors
upon entry based on their expected productivity and sector membership is defined by
the extensive margin, and the (in)formal sector is comprised by (un)registered firms.
If a firm decides to enter the formal sector, it faces fixed registration costs and higher
variable costs due to revenue and labor taxes. The latter can be avoided by hiring informal
workers. However, there is an expected cost of being audited by the government, in which
case the firm must pay fines in addition to all evaded labor costs and taxes. Because this
probability of detection is assumed to be increasing and convex in the number of informal
workers, smaller formal firms will hire a larger fraction of their labor force informally and
this share is decreasing in firms’ size. If a firm enters the informal sector, it avoids
registration costs and taxes altogether, but also faces an expected cost of being caught
that is increasing in firm’s size.14 Since productivity and size are one-to-one in the
model, more productive firms (in expectation) self-select into the formal sector and less
productive firms enter the informal sector. Conditional on being formal, less productive
firms hire a larger fraction of informal workers.
Firms hire both low and high skill workers, which are aggregated into a composite
labor input through a CES production function, where skill shares may differ across
formal and informal firms. Indeed, the author’s estimates imply that the formal sector
This is a common formulation in the literature, see for example de Paula and Scheinkman (2010)
and Leal Ordonez (2014), among others.
is more intensive in high skill workers, which is consistent with the fact that informality
is more prevalent among low skill workers. Additionally, the estimation results indicate
that the expected cost of hiring informal workers is lower for low skill than high skill
individuals, which suggests that higher enforcement would have stronger effects on low
skill workers.15
A greater level of enforcement can be interpreted in this model as a greater probability
of detection, which in this model is equivalent to an increasing (on firms’ size) and convex
cost of being informal. As for an unilateral trade opening – as it was the case of Brazil’s
trade liberalization episode – in this model it would correspond to a negative price shock
for domestic firms, both formal and informal. In order to illustrate the mechanism we have
in mind, we take the estimated model in Ulyssea (2018) and simulate the value functions
of being formal before and after the trade opening shock, which is parameterized as a
permanent decline in the equilibrium price. Even though in Ulyssea’s model prices (i.e.
wages) fully adjust in equilibrium, Figure 4 shows the results of a partial equilibrium
simulation, where we show firm’s payoffs after a one-time price reduction (equivalent to
an increase in real wages). For the sake of expositional simplicity, we assume that the
negative price shock only affects formal firms, even though all that is needed is that formal
firms are more adversely affected. Moreover, we consider two scenarios for informal firms:
low and high enforcement. Figure 4 shows these four curves.
Consider the first the situation prior to the trade shock, where there are two markets,
one with a low level and another with a high level of enforcement (dashed red line, solid
black and red lines). In the market with a high level of enforcement, all firms with
productivity θ < θ1 will optimally choose to be informal. In the market with a low level
of enforcement, firms with productivity θ < θ2 will choose to be informal, which shows
that for a given distribution of firm productivity, the market with low level of enforcement
will have a larger share of informal firms, as expected.
When the trade shock hits, both the low and high enforcement markets observe an
increase in the informality thresholds from θ1 to θ3 and θ2 to θ4 . However, the greatest
impact on informality will occur in the market with a lower level of enforcement. It is
important to note that one would reach the same conclusion if the shock also hits the
informal sector, as long as the value function in the informal sector is not more sensitive
to the shock than in the formal sector. Moreover, if we allow informal firms to be directly
hit by the trade opening shock, it would have a larger impact on employment, as many
of these firms would be pushed out of the market.
The results in Ulyssea (2018) are not directly comparable to ours, but his results show that an
uniform increase in enforcement on the intensive margin leads to a stronger decrease in informality
among low skill workers.
Figure 4: Trade Opening under Low and High Enforcement
Finally, given that informal firms are more intensive in low skill workers and formal
firms tend to hire more informal workers among low skill individuals, the effects discussed
above would be stronger among them than among high skill individuals. Therefore, this
model implies that one should expect an increase in informality in the aftermath of a uni-
lateral trade shock in markets that have lower levels of enforcement. Conversely, markets
that have higher levels of enforcement would observe a smaller increase in informality but
a larger decrease in employment. Additionally, these effects should be more pronounced
among low skill workers.
at the individual level:
Yirt = γrt Drt + x0i,t βt + i,t (2)
where i indexes individuals, t = 1991, 2000 denotes the year, Drt denotes a set of 413
micro-region dummies, and xi,t is a vector of individual characteristics that includes age,
age squared, schooling, gender and race.
The outcomes considered are individual level wages, a dummy for whether the individ-
ual is informal and a dummy if she is not employed, which includes both unemployment
and out of the labor force statuses. Importantly, the informality dummy considers only
those individuals who work as employees in the private sector, and we define as informal
those who do not hold a formal contract (no signed work booklet). Thus, we are effec-
tively measuring the share of informal employees and we exclude the self employed. Since
we are analyzing enforcement of labor regulation, which only applies to employees, this
informality definition is the most consistent with the goals of our empirical exercise.
The first step thus provides us with a measure of average wages, informality and
non-employment at the micro-region level. In order to assess the heterogeneous effects
across skill groups, we also run regression 2 separately for low and high skill workers and
obtain separate estimates of γ̂ by skill level. In the second step, we run regressions in
first difference at the micro-region level. The first set of regressions we estimate re-visit
the overall labor market impacts of the local trade shock and provide new evidence on
the heterogeneity across skill levels. The basic specification is as follows:
∆ŷr = ζ0 + ζ1 RT Cr + ur (3)
where ∆ŷr ≡ γ̂r,2000 − γ̂r,1991 , r indexes the micro-region and ζ1t identifies the relative
effect of greater exposure to the trade shock and the change in a given outcome between
1991 and 2000. In all of our regressions, we control for 27 state dummies, which absorb
differential state level trends. The inclusion of state dummies is important because many
relevant policies and resources are defined at the state level (e.g. police force and a
substantial fraction of health and education expenditures). In the Appendix A.2, we also
control for some demographic variables at baseline (in 1991) to assess the robustness of
our results, and they remain largely unchanged.
Since we are using first-stage estimates as dependent variables in the second stage
and aggregated data at the micro-region level, we weight the second-stage regressions
by the inverse of the first-stage regression standard-errors.16 Standard errors are also
Using population to weight the regressions delivers the same results, which are available upon
clustered at the meso-region level in all regressions. This a greater level of aggregation,
so this clustering allows for correlated errors among neighbouring micro-regions. When
estimating heterogeneous effects across skill levels, we use the same specification but with
the appropriate γ̂ estimated separately by skill level. In this case, we use the appropriate
definition of RT C discussed in the previous section.
Our main goal is to investigate how enforcement of labor regulations interact with the
trade shock in shaping the local labor markets response to trade liberalization. For that,
we use the measure of enforcement discussed in Section 2.3, which is the ratio of total
inspections between 1995 and 1999 to the number of formal firms in the micro-region.
The second stage regression is thus given by:
where again r denotes the micro-region and we control for state dummies in all regressions.
The measure of enforcement (Enf orcementr ) is likely to be endogenous, as the gov-
ernment might respond to changes in local labor market conditions by increasing the
resources available to enforce the labor regulation in that given market. Conversely,
it is also possible that the government relaxes enforcement of labor regulations in face
of a negative shock to labor demand. We therefore instrument both Enf orcementr and
RT Cr ×Enf orcementr by the maximum distance to the nearest labor office, the distance
interacted with RT Cr , and distance interacted with the number of inspectors at state
level. The latter aims at capturing the effect of greater resources to conduct inspections
available at the state level. Since we control for state dummies and use the interaction,
this term captures the fact that for a given distance, states with more inspectors will have
more effective enforcement. As Table 2 shows, the maximum distance to the nearest labor
office predicts well the intensity of enforcement at the micro-region level. Moreover, since
we are using only distance to the labor offices created up until 1990, we are only using
the pre-determined enforcement capacity, which is not responding to the (future) local
trade shock and local labor market conditions.
4 Results
4.1 Overall Effects on Informality and Non-employment
We start by analyzing the basic results on informality and non-employment. Table
3 shows the estimates of regression 3 using as dependent variable changes in informality
and non-employment for all workers (columns 1 and 2), low skill workers (columns 3 and
Table 3: Overall Effects on Informality and Non-Employment
All Low Skill High Skill
Inf. Non-Emp. Inf. Non-Emp. Inf. Non-Emp.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Notes: Standard errors clustered at the meso-region level. Significant at the *** 1 percent,
** 5 percent, and * 10 percent level. The regressions include state dummies.
4) and high skill workers (columns 5 and 6). The first two columns reproduce the same
results shown in previous studies (e.g Dix-Carneiro and Kovak, 2017b; Dix-Carneiro et al.,
2017): between 1991 and 2000, regions that were exposed to stronger tariff reductions
experienced higher increases in informality and non-employment relatively to regions
less affected. The effects are statistically significant and economically meaningful. For
example, moving a region from the 90th to the 10th percentile of the distribution of RT Cr
implies a change of −0.1 log point in the trade shock. Thus, the results from the first
two columns of Table 3 imply that a micro-region which was very affected by the trade
opening shock experienced an increase of 2.9 (0.1×0.289×100) and 3.2 (0.1×0.317×100)
percentage points in informality and non-employment rates, respectively. To put these
numbers in perspective, this corresponds to around 23 and 20 percent of the average
increase in informality and non-employment across micro-regions in Brazil during the
same period (see Table 1). Perhaps more meaningfully, these effects correspond to an
increase of approximately 37 and 89 percent of a standard deviation in decadal changes
in informality and non-employment rates, respectively.
The novel and more interesting results in Table 3 come from the analysis of heteroge-
neous effects across skill levels. As the table shows, all the negative effects on informality
and non-employment come from the low skill workers, and no effect is observed among
high skill workers. Using the same reasoning, moving from the 90th to the 10th percentile
of the distribution of RT Cr would imply an increase of 3.3 (0.1 × 0.335 × 100) and 3.4
(0.1 × 0.34 × 100) percentage points in informality and non-employment rates among low
skill workers, respectively. Again using the information from Table 1, these effects ac-
count for 24.2 and 23.6 percent of the average increase in informality and non-employment
among low skill workers in Brazil during the 1991-2000 period. These represent 38.4 and
85 percent of a standard deviation in decadal changes in informality and non-employment
rates for low skill workers, respectively.
which gives the marginal effect of the regional trade shock for a given enforcement level.
Table 4 shows the first set of IV estimates pooling all workers together. Columns 1 and
3 show the OLS estimate and columns 2 and 4 the IV estimates. Even though we have
shown that distance to the labor office predicts well the intensity of enforcement (Table 2),
we check for the presence of weak instruments. We report the relevant diagnostic statis-
tics in the bottom of Table 4.17 Since our standard errors are clustered at the meso-region
level, we report the Kleibergen and Paap (2006) test statistics for under-identification and
weak instruments. The Kleibergen-Paap LM statistic indicates that we can strongly re-
ject the null that the model is underidentified. However, the Kleibergen and Paap (2006)
heteroskedasticity-robust Wald rk F -statistic indeed indicates that the instruments are
weak for both outcomes (informality and non-employment).18 We therefore use the An-
derson and Rubin (1949) weak-instrument robust Wald test for assessing the joint signif-
icance of our endogenous regressors (Enf orcementr and Enf orcementr × RT Cr ). The
results strongly reject the null that the endogenous regressors are not jointly significant,
which reinforces our confidence on the results.
We find that the endogenous regressors are jointly strongly significant, and the in-
These are the most common test statistics used in analogous empirical contexts. For a recent
application see Bastos et al. (2018).
The critical values for the Kleibergen-Paap test have not yet been tabulated in the literature, but
the common practice is to compare it to the critical values of Stock and Yogo (2005).
Table 4: Effects on Informality and Non-Employment: IV esti-
Informality Non-Employment
(1) (2) (3) (4)
teraction term is significant at 10 percent for non-employment (column 4).19 The point
estimates go in the expected direction: more enforcement tends to weaken the informality
effects and reinforces the non-employment effects. To better assess these heterogenous
effects, we plot the ζ̂(Enf orcement) (expression 5) for each decile of the distribution
of Enf orcementr and its respective confidence interval using the point estimates and
standard errors from our Table 4. Figure 5 shows the results. The direction of the effects
goes in the expected direction, however, they are not statistically significant, except for
non-employment effects at high levels of enforcement (Panel b).
The analysis in the previous section suggests that all the labor market effects from
trade opening come from low skill workers. We therefore examine whether the interaction
between the trade shock and enforcement intensity also differs across skill levels. Table
5 shows striking results. The IV estimates suggest that there are strong heterogeneous
effects on low skill workers for both informality and non-employment, while no significant
effect can be detected among high skill workers. We cannot reject the presence of weak
instruments, but for low skill workers, we strongly reject that the model is under-identified
and the Anderson-Rubin test shows that the endogenous regressors are strongly (jointly)
significant. In contrast, we cannot reject that the model is underidentified for high skill
workers when we examine the effects on non-employment and for both informality and
non-employment we cannot reject that the endogenous regressors are jointly insignificant.
Therefore, both the strength of the results and the validity of the instruments come from
the sample of low skill workers.
We use the limited information maximum likelihood estimator, as it is known to have better small
sample properties than two stage least square in the presence of weak instruments.
Figure 5: Informality and Non-employment Effects Across Enforcement Deciles – All
0 2 4 6 8 10
Enforcement Deciles
(a) Informality
0 2 4 6 8 10
Enforcement Deciles
(b) Non-employment
Table 5: Effects on Informality and Non-Employment: IV estimates by skill level
Low Skill High Skill
Informality Non-Employment Informality Non-Employment
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Notes: Standard errors clustered at the meso-region level. Significant at the *** 1 percent, ** 5 percent, and * 10 percent
level. RT CrU and RT CrS denote the regional trade shock for unskilled and skilled workers, respectively. Enf orcementr
is given by the total number of inspections conducted by the Ministry of Labor in the 1995-1999 period divided by the
number of firms multiplied by 100. Skilled workers are defined as those with at least completed high school. All regressions
include state dummies.
The results in Table 5 make intuitive sense, as enforcement of labor regulations in
Brazil is only relevant for less skilled workers (Araujo et al., 2016). Moreover, the results
from Section 4.1 already show that low skill workers seem to be the ones baring the
adjustment costs from trade opening. Therefore, one could expect that more ore less
flexibility via informal employment is most important for low skill workers.
0 2 4 6 8 10
Enforcement Deciles
(a) Informality
0 2 4 6 8 10
Enforcement Deciles
(b) Non-employment
In Figure 6 we again plot ζ̂(Enf orcement) but using the results for low skill workers
from Table 5.20 The graphs show very a clear pattern: in regions with low levels of
enforcement, the regional trade shock produces strong informality effects but no non-
employment effects, and in regions with high levels of enforcement the trade shock does
not lead to any increase in informality but has very strong disemployment effects. In
order to assess the magnitude of these heterogeneous effects, we consider the average
intensity of the trade shock, which is an RT Cr = −0.043. A region in the first decile
of enforcement – which has a very low enforcement intensity, of 0.33 inspections per 100
firms – would experience an increase of 4.6 percentage points in informality but no effect
on employment. A region in the 10th decile of enforcement – with 26.3 inspections per
100 firms – would experience no informality effects but an increase of 6.5 percentage
points in non-employment rates. Considering the results from Table 3, on average the
regional trade shock is associated to an increase of 1.2 and 1.4 percentage points in infor-
mality and non-employment, respectively. Therefore, the lack or strength of enforcement
can lead to labor market responses in either informality or non-employment that are 4
times as large as the effects observed on average (without accounting for heterogeneity).
In terms of standard deviations, these effects correspond to 53.4 and 162 percent of a
standard deviation is decadal changes in informality and non-employment rates for low
skill workers, respectively.
These results are very much in line with the framework discussed in the previous
section. In regions where there is greater enforcement capacity, firms are more likely to
be detected by the government and therefore the expected cost of informality is higher.
Hence, firms are less likely to respond to an adverse shock by hiring a greater share of
their workers informally.21 We therefore interpret these strong heterogeneous effects as
evidence that the intensive margin of informality was an important margin of adjustment
to firms.
increases in both informality and non-employment. However, these effects were very
unevenly distributed. Regions with stricter enforcement experienced lower informality
effects but greater disemployment effects; symmetrically, regions with lower levels of en-
forcement experience larger increases in informality but lower disemployment effects.
This heterogeneity, however, is only observed among low skill workers, while high skill
workers do not seem to be affected at all by the trade shock. This result is consistent
with the fact that low skill workers are more likely to hold an informal contract and
are typically employed in lower productivity and smaller formal firms. In that sense, a
higher informality elasticity could be expected. Moreover, the minimum wage is likely
to be binding for these workers and therefore there might be substantial downward wage
rigidity for low skill workers.
Finally, since regions with different levels of enforcement have different abilities to
adjust to adverse economic shocks, in principle one could expect heterogeneous effects on
wages as well. We investigate this issue by estimating the same specifications as in the
previous subsection but using the micro-region’s average wages as the outcome of interest.
The results in Table 7 again show that the instruments are weak but that we are able to
reject the null hypothesis of under-identification, except for high skill workers. However,
contrary to our previous estimates on informality and non-employment, the Anderson-
Rubin test strongly indicates that the endogenous regressors are jointly insignificant (last
two rows). Therefore, even though the results show that regions more adversely affected
by the trade shock experienced a substantial reduction in average wages, we do not find
evidence that these effects were heterogeneous across regions with difference enforcement
levels. Moreover, the average negative effect on wages was once again entirely driven by
low skill workers.
Figure 7 plots the marginal effect of the regional trade shock for different deciles of
enforcement intensity, which confirms the absence of substantial heterogeneous effects.
The marginal effects do show a slightly negative slope, suggesting that regions with less
enforcement experienced slightly more intense wage decreases than regions with more
enforcement, which is entirely driven by low skill workers.22 This is consistent with the
fact that regions with lower enforcement levels observed higher informality effects and
no disemployment effects, and therefore one could expect stronger wage effects (as the
quantity adjusts, it is natural to expect some price adjustment). However, given the
results in Table 7 and the large standard errors in Figure 7, we believe that the results
suggest that even though higher levels of enforcement reduce informality effects and
increase disemployment effects, they do induce different price adjustments.
Again, for the sake of conciseness we do not report the graph for high skill workers, which is a
statistical zero everywhere with point estimates also very close to zero. Results available upon request.
Table 6: Effects on Wages: IV estimates
All Workers Low Skill High Skill
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Notes: Standard errors clustered at the meso-region level. Significant at the *** 1 percent, ** 5
percent, and * 10 percent level. The regressions include state dummies.
Figure 7: Wage Effects Across Enforcement Deciles
0 2 4 6 8 10
Enforcement Deciles
0 2 4 6 8 10
Enforcement Deciles
5 Final Remarks
This paper investigates how and to what extent enforcement of labor regulations
shapes the labor market effects of trade. We do so in the context of Brazil, a country that
underwent a major trade liberalization episode in early 1990s, and which is characterized
by burdensome labor regulations that are imperfectly enforced. We exploit exogenous
variation across regions in both the intensity of the trade shock and of enforcement of
labor regulations to assess whether different levels of enforcement lead to heterogeneous
trade effects on employment, informality and wages across local labor markets.
The main results of the paper show that, in the aftermath of trade opening, regions
with stricter enforcement observed no informality effects but had large disemployment
effects. Symmetrically, regions with weaker enforcement had nearly no employment losses
but observed a substantial increase in informal employment. All of these effects were con-
centrated on low skill workers, while high skill workers were largely unaffected. Thus, our
results suggest that indeed informality provides greater de facto labor market flexibility,
which seems to allow both firms and workers to cope better with the adverse local labor
market shocks brought about by trade opening.
Even though the literature has extensively shown that on average informal workers
have lower earnings and face higher risks than formal ones, our results suggest that trade-
induced informality effects do not necessarily represent welfare losses from trade opening.
On the contrary, informality can be a second-best relatively to a counterfactual scenario
with perfect enforcement and no informality.
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A Additional Results
A.1 Reduced-form results
In this section, we show the results of the reduced form regressions of the form:
where Distancer denotes the maximum distance to the nearest labor office in micro-
region r, where we only consider the labor offices created up until 1990. The regressions
follow the main specification used in the text and do not control for any demographic
variables. Tables A.1 to A.4 show the results.
Table A.1: Reduced-Form Effects on Informality and Non-
employment: All Workers
Informality Non-Employment
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Notes: Standard errors clustered at the meso-region level. Significant at the *** 1
percent, ** 5 percent, and * 10 percent level. The regressions include state dummies.
Table A.3: Reduced-Form Effects on Informality and Non-
employment: High Skill Workers
Informality Non-Employment
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Notes: Standard errors clustered at the meso-region level. Significant at the *** 1 percent, ** 5 percent,
and * 10 percent level. The regressions include state dummies.
Table A.5: Effects on Informality and Non-Employment: IV esti-
mates with demographic controls
Informality Non-Employment
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Table A.6: Effects on Informality and Non-Employment: IV estimates
with demographic controls – Low Skill Workers
Informality Non-Employment
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Notes: Standard errors clustered at the meso-region level. Significant at the ***
1 percent, ** 5 percent, and * 10 percent level. Femaler,1991 is the share of women
in the population and High Skill1991 is the share of high skill individuals in micro-
region r in 1991. The regressions include state dummies.
Table A.7: Effects on Informality and Non-Employment: IV
estimates with demographic controls – High Skill Workers
Informality Non-Employment
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Table A.8: Effects on Wages: IV estimates with demographic controls
All Workers Low Skill High Skill
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Notes: Standard errors clustered at the meso-region level. Significant at the *** 1 percent, ** 5
percent, and * 10 percent level. Femaler,1991 is the share of women in the population and High
Skill1991 is the share of high skill individuals in micro-region r in 1991. The regressions include
state dummies.
Table A.9: Reduced-Form Effects on Informality and Non-
employment: Imports
Informality Non-Employment
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Table A.10: Reduced-Form Effects on Informality and Non-
employment: Imports – Low Skill Workers
Informality Non-Employment
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Table A.12: Reduced-Form Effects on Informality and Non-
employment: Penetration Coefficient
Informality Non-Employment
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Table A.14: Reduced-Form Effects on Informality and Non-
employment: Penetration Coefficient – High Skill Workers
Informality Non-Employment
(1) (2) (3) (4)