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Should we abandon the APTT for monitoring unfractionated heparin?

DRJ Arachchillage1,2, F Kamani1, S Deplano1, W Banya1, M Laffan2

Department of Haematology, Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK

Department of Haematology, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Imperial College

London, London, UK

Address for correspondence:

Dr Deepa RJ Arachchillage, Department of haematology, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

and Imperial College London, Hammersmith Hospital, 4th Floor, Commonwealth Building, Du

Cane Road, London W12 ONN

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7351 8403, FAX: +44 (0) 2073518402

E-mail: d.arachchillage@imperial.ac.uk

Running title: Monitoring of unfractionated heparin

Abstract word count: 246

Text word count: 2781

Number of Tables and Figures: 2 table, 2 figures



The activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) is commonly used to monitor unfractionated

heparin (UFH) but may not accurately measure the amount of heparin present. The anti-Xa

assay is less susceptible to confounding factors and may be a better assay for this purpose.

Materials and Methods

The validity of the APTT for monitoring UFH was assessed by comparing with an anti-Xa assay

on 3543 samples from 475 patients (infants [n= 165], children 1-15 years [n= 60] and adults [n=

250]) receiving treatment dose UFH.


Overall concordance was poor. The highest concordance (66%; 168/254) was seen in children.

Concordance (51.8%) or discordance (48.4%) was almost equal in adult patients. Amongst adult

patients whose anti-Xa level was within 0.3-0.7 iu/ml, only 38% had an APTT in the therapeutic

range whilst 56% were below and 6% were above therapeutic range. Children and adult

patients with anti-Xa of 0.3-0.7 IU/ml but sub- therapeutic APTT had significantly higher

fibrinogen levels compared to those with therapeutic or supra-therapeutic APTT.


When the anti-Xa level was 0.3-0.7IU/mL, the majority of samples from infants demonstrated a

supra-therapeutic APTT, whilst adults tended to have a sub-therapeutic APTT. This may lead to

under anticoagulation in infants or over anticoagulation in adults with risk of bleeding if APTT is

used to monitor UFH. These results further strengthen existing evidence of the limitation of

APTT in monitoring UFH. Discordance of APTT and anti-Xa level in adults and children may be

due to elevation of fibrinogen level.

Key words

Heparin, activated partial thromboplastin time, anti-Xa, concordance, fibrinogen


Unfractionated heparin (UFH) is a sulfated polysaccharide with a molecular weight range of

3000 to 30 000 Da (mean, 15 000 Da) and its major anticoagulant action is by inactivating

thrombin and activated factor X (factor Xa) through an antithrombin (AT)-dependent

mechanism (1). Heparin binds to AT through a high-affinity pentasaccharide, which is present

on about a 30% of heparin molecules. Through its inactivation of thrombin, heparin not only

prevents fibrin formation but also inhibits thrombin-induced activation of platelets and of

factors V and VIII (1).

UFH has been largely replaced by low molecular weight (LMWH) because the latter is given by

subcutaneous injection rather than by intravenous infusion (IV) and has a lower incidence of

heparin induced thrombocytopenia and of osteopenia compared to UFH (2). However, for

patients undergoing cardiac surgery and in acute intensive care units (AICU) requiring

anticoagulation, UFH is still the anticoagulant of choice because of long experience of use in

cardio-pulmonary bypass, shorter half-life, independence from renal function, and reversibility

by protamine sulphate (2). Compared to LMWH, UFH exhibits a more marked variability in

anticoagulant response among individual patients because it is a highly negatively charged

molecule and binds to positively charged plasma proteins, proteins released from platelets, and

endothelial cell proteins and surfaces (3;4). It is therefore standard practice to adjust the dose

of heparin and monitor its effect by measurement of anti-factor Xa activity, activated partial

thromboplastin time (APTT) or, when very high doses are used, by the activated clotting time


When the APTT is used for monitoring UFH, it should ideally have the following characteristics;

the assay result should have a well-defined and preferably linear relationship with clinical

outcome in terms of recurrent thrombosis and bleeding, should have good precision and be

well standardized among laboratories and assay reagents and should be readily available and

inexpensive (5;6). The widely accepted therapeutic range of activated partial thromboplastin

time ratio (APTTR) of 1.5 - 2.5 for UFH therapy is based on a post-hoc analysis of a descriptive

clinical study published in 1972 by Basu et al. at McMaster University (7). In this study, it was

reported that UFH doses that prolonged an APTT to 1.5–2.5 times control were associated with

a reduced risk for recurrent thromboembolism (VTE) based on total of 243 patients which only

162 patients were treated for VTE and the remaining 72 for other diseases. Bleeding occurred in

19 patients whose mean heparin dose and APTT were similar to those of patients without

bleeding. Further studies using the “McMaster thromboplastin reagent” demonstrated that the

APTTR of 1.5-2.5 corresponded to an UFH level of 0.2 to 0.4 IU/ml by protamine titration and of

0.3 to 0.7 IU/ml by anti-Xa assay (8). Although the study by Basu et al (7) was on adults

patients, an APTTR of 1.5-2.5 has frequently been accepted as the therapeutic range with

different APTT reagents across all age groups, although some centres use an APTT range

calibrated against an anti-Xa assay or protamine titration. However, this does not take into

account individual patient factors that affect this relationship.

Although the APTT is a cheap and easily available test that is commonly used for monitoring of

UFH, it may not provide an accurate measure of the amount of UFH present because of various

confounding factors including both pre-analytical and analytical variables. There are three main

issues related to APTT when it is used to monitor UFH:

1. The dose response may vary because UFH binds to other molecules and cells, altering

response, and rate of clearance (Glimelius et al, 1978; Mahadoo et al, 1977). Many of

these proteins are acute phase reactants and so the degree of this biding can vary

between patients and in an individual patient over time.

2. The effect of a given amount of heparin on the APTT varies depending on levels of other

coagulation proteins such as factor VIII and fibrinogen; also acute phase reactants (Hirsh

et al, 2001).

3. The sensitivity of APTT reagents to heparin varies and there is no system for normalizing

this although local calibration can be performed. (9-11). APTT reagents from different

manufacturers, and even different batches, show considerable and clinically important

variation when heparin concentration by protamine assay is compared with APTT ratio


The anti-Xa assay is not affected by the above factors and has been proposed as a better assay

for this purpose. Unlike APTT, use of the anti- Xa assay to monitor UFH does not require re-

establishment of the therapeutic range with each new lot of reagent as is necessary for APTT

because the recommended anti-Xa therapeutic range of 0.3 to 0.7 IU/mL does not change. Due

to the limitations of APTT in monitoring UFH, it is our standard practice to use anti-Xa level to

monitor UFH rather than APTT. Based on comparisons using an anti–factor Xa chromogenic

assay within our hospital, an APTT of 60-100 seconds corresponds to the recommended anti-Xa

therapeutic range of 0.3 to 0.7 IU/mL. The APTT therapeutic range was determined using 50

patients on stable UFH infusion and compared against the anti-Xa assay to determine the

clotting times corresponding to anti-Xa levels between 0.3 and 0.7 iu/ml. These patients

received UFH only as an anticoagulant and had normal prothrombin time and no more than

two samples were collected from the same patient Over this range the APPT and anti-Xa

showed a good correlation of r2 0.64-0.93, p <0.001.

Nonetheless, many centres still use APTT to monitor UFH, because it is easily available and less

expensive and the aim of this study was to explore the validity of APTT for monitoring UFH in

patients of all ages, compared to anti-Xa in patients who are acutely ill.

Patients and methods

The study was untaken as a service evaluation project in a major tertiary intensive care unit in

UK and approved by the trust clinical effectiveness unit. Venous blood was collected into

0.109M trisodium citrate in the proportion 9:1 (Vacutainer Plus, Becton Dickinson, Franklyn

Lakes USA), centrifuged at 2000g for 10 min at room temperature and processed within 1 hour

of collection. Anti-Xa using chromogenic Liquid anti-Xa assay (Werfen, Warrington, Cheshire,

UK), and APTT using SynthASil (HemosIL®, Werfen, Warrington, Cheshire, UK) were performed

on the same sample using an ACL TOP 500 (Werfen, Warrington, Cheshire, UK). The tests were

performed immediately after processing as part of patient management. Clauss fibrinogen

level was also performed in the same sample using FIB-C XL kit (Werfen, Warrington, Cheshire,

UK) on the ACL TOP 500. The intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation (CV) were as

follows: APTT 2.7% and 3.0%; anti-Xa 4.0% and 6.2%; Clauss fibrinogen 8.0% and 7.3%

respectively. Patients with coagulation factor deficiencies and lupus anticoagulant were

excluded from this study (by investigating patients who had prolonged baseline APTT and

excluding patients with known coagulation factor deficiency or lupus anticoagulant). From July

2016 to December 2016 a total of 3543 samples from 475 patients (infants < 1 year [n= 165],

children 1-16 years [n= 60] and adults [n= 250]) receiving UFH were studied. The majority of the

infants and children had congenital heart disease and the majority of the adults were receiving

extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) for severe respiratory failure or cardiac failure

or both.

Statistical analysis

Data analysis was performed using Stata version 14 and GraphPad Prism® version 7 (GraphPad

Software, Inc. La Jolla, USA). Results were reported as median or mean based on the

distribution of results with 95% confidence interval (CI). Concordance of the APTT with anti-Xa

level was assessed using the chi-squared test. Concordance was defined as an APTT in a range

appropriate for the corresponding anti-Xa level; i.e. anti-Xa <0.3 U/mL and APTT < 60sec; anti-

Xa 0.3 -0.7 U/mL and APTT 60-100 sec and anti-Xa >0.7 U/mL and APTT > 100sec. As there were

repeated measurements of the same patients, linear regression was not performed. However,

the relationship between APTT and anti-Xa in the three age groups is presented graphically.

(Figure 1 A-C)

Patients who had anti-Xa levels within the therapeutic range 0.3-0.7u/ml were selected and

their fibrinogen levels were compared with the APTT levels using a linear mixed model for the

comparison. The lowest level of APTT (<60sec) was used as the baseline comparator for those

patients with APTT 60-100 sec and >100sec. A p value of <0.05 was considered significant.


Figure 1 (A-C) illustrates the relationship between APTT and anti-Xa in the three age groups.


Dotted lines in each graph indicate the therapeutic range of APTT (60-100 sec) and anti-Xa (0.3-

0.7IU/mL) levels

Table 1 summaries the relationship according to the anti-Xa level for each of the age groups.

For samples with anti-Xa levels of 0.3-0.7u/mL, there was a wide range of APTT results (mean

62, range 29-250seconds) observed.

Table 1

Anti-Xa No.(%) of No.(%) of No.(%) of Total

IU/mL samples in the samples in the samples in the
sub-therapeutic therapeutic supra-
range (APTT range (APTT 60- therapeutic
<60s) 100s) range (APTT
Infants <0.3 85 (34%) 100 (40%) 64 (26%) 249

(<1year) 0.3-0.7 10 (5%) 60 (31%) 123 (64%) 193

>0.7 2 (12%) 4 (23%) 11 (65%) 17

Children <0.3 98 (76%) 23 (18%) 8 (6%) 129

(1-15 years) 0.3-0.7 20 (17%) 55 (48%) 40 (35%) 115

>0.7 2 (20%) 3 (30%) 5 (50%) 10

Adults <0.3 1370 (84%) 251 (15%) 17 (1%) 1638

(16-88 years) 0.3-0.7 640 (56%) 432 (38%) 64 (6%) 1136

>0.7 12 (21%) 23 (41%) 21 (38%) 56

The overall concordance of the APTT with anti-Xa levels in the three patient groups is shown in

Table 2. The highest concordance (66%; 168/254) was seen in children age 1-15 years. The

highest discordance (67.6%; 310/459) was seen infants. Of the 193 samples from 165 infants

with heparin anti-Xa levels of 0.3-0.7IU/mL, 10 (5%), 60 (31%) and 123 (64%) had an APTT in the

sub-therapeutic, therapeutic (60-100s) and supra-therapeutic range respectively. Concordance

(1466/2836 [51.8%]) or discordance (1370/2836 [48.4%]) of APTT and anti-Xa in adult patients

were almost equal. However, amongst adult patients, whose anti-Xa level was within 0.3-0.7

iu/ml, only 38% had an APTT in the therapeutic range whilst (56%) were below and 6% were

above the therapeutic range.

Table 2.Concordance of APTT with anti-Xa levels

Infants Children Adults (16-88years)

(<1year) (1-15 years)

Discordance 310 (67.6%) 86 (34%) 1370 (48.4%)

Concordance 149 (32.4%) 168(66%) 1466 (51.8%)

Children and adult patients with anti-Xa of 0.3-0.7 IU/ml but sub-therapeutic APTT had

significantly higher fibrinogen levels compared to those with therapeutic range APTT (60-

100sec) and supra-therapeutic APTT (>100sec) [Figure 2 B and C]. Mean fibrinogen and

confidence interval (CI) for children were 4.06g/L (3.64-4.49) for APTT <60sec vs 3.5g/L (3.15-

3.84) for APTT 60sec, p =0.002 and 3.38g/L (2.92-3.84) for APTT > 100sec, p=0.004). For adult

patients the mean fibrinogen and CI were 4.69/L (4.55-4.82) for APTT <60sec vs 4.40g/L (4.30-

4.50) for APTT 60sec, p <0.0001 and 3.73g/L (3.51-3.98) for APTT > 100sec, p<0.0001 (Figure 2 B

and C). There was no significant difference in the fibrinogen levels in infants with anti-Xa of 0.3-

0.7 IU/ml but sub-therapeutic APTT [2.83 (2.43-3.20)] compared to those with therapeutic [2.88

(2.49-3.19), p =0.89] and supra-therapeutic APTT [2.63 (2.27-3.0), p=0.29] (Figure 2 A).

Figure 2. Fibrinogen levels in patients with sub-therapeutic APTT compared to those with

therapeutic range APTT (60-100sec) and supra-therapeutic APTT (>100sec)


We report the largest study to date investigating the concordance of anti-Xa and APTT in

monitoring therapeutic dose UFH across all age groups. This study demonstrated that there was

a poor concordance between APTT and heparin anti-Xa levels in all age groups of patients

treated with UFH in intensive care settings. Concordance was poor in patients with extremes of

ages (infants and adults) whilst the highest concordance (66%; 168/254) was seen in children

age 1-15 years. Infants tend to have more supra-therapeutic values of APTT with sub-

therapeutic values of heparin anti-Xa whilst adult patients had more sub-therapeutic APTT with

therapeutic heparin anti-Xa values. This is in keeping with delayed development of the

coagulation systems in infants in which production of vitamin K dependent factors is not

complete until 6 months of age (13). In adults plasma concentrations of some coagulation

proteins such as factor V, VIII, IX and fibrinogen increase progressively with age , which may

contribute to shorter APTT (14). In our study children and adult patients with anti-Xa of 0.3-0.7

IU/ml but sub-therapeutic APTT had significantly higher fibrinogen levels compared to those

with therapeutic range APTT (60-100sec) and supra-therapeutic APTT (>100sec). This was not

seen in infants suggesting that there must be other explanations for the discordance, which is

understandable as another aspect of the developing coagulation system. Association of heparin

resistance with elevated levels of fibrinogen has been reported long time ago even before the

studies investigating the APTTR to monitor UFH (Edson et al, 1967). In a previous study of 569

samples from 149 patients on UFH it was found that anti-Xa values and the APTT were

concordant in only 54% of measurements (15). A sub group of 59 patients samples were tested

for factor II, factor VIII, and endogenous thrombin potential (ETP) in addition to APTT and anti-

Xa assays. In patients with supra-therapeutic APTT but therapeutic anti-Xa, there was

decreased factor II activity whilst those patients with sub-therapeutic APTT but therapeutic

anti-Xa values had high factor VIII activity. The total amount of thrombin generated (ETP)

(assessed in a calibrated automated thrombogram) was inversely correlated with anti-Xa and

UFH dose (15). Several studies have reported the discordance of the APTT with anti-Xa values in

monitoring heparin (15-19) and many studies have focused on one particular age group, either

infants (18) or adults (16;17;19). One study demonstrated that nearly 57% of patients in the

anti-Xa group were in range within 6 hours of initiation of UFH versus 27% in the APTT group (p

= 0.001) (20). Patients in the anti-Xa group had an average of 1.00 dosage adjustments per

subject compared to 1.71 in the APTT group within the first 24 hours (p = 0.003) (20). A study by

Price et al, 2013 using 2321-paired APTT and anti-Xa values from 539 adults demonstrated 937

(40%) concordance of APTT and anti-Xa values (19). Importantly, they found that patients with

two or more consecutive high APTT compared to anti-Xa values had significantly increased 21-

day major bleeding (9% vs 3%; p = 0.0316) and 30-day mortality (14% vs 5%); p = 0.0202) rates

compared with patients with consistently concordant values. This implies that the anti-Xa is a

more clinically relevant measure of anticoagulation, even though the APTT is a global assay. In

another study by Adatya et al, using 340-paired values from 38 patients, it was shown that

concordance for anti-FXa and APTT was as low as 24.6% (87 /340) (17). Findings from previously

reported studies investigating the concordance of APTT and anti-Xa levels in infants are in

keeping with our results (18).

In contrast to our data on adult patients, where a discordantly low APTT (640/1136 [56%]) was

the most common abnormality, a disproportionate prolongation of the APTT relative to the

anti-Xa was the most common discordant pattern in the above studies(17;19). This could be

due to the difference in study population: the majority of our patients were on ECMO and will

have had an acute inflammatory response; compared to various other indications including

patients receiving continuous-left flow ventricular assist devices and venous thromboembolism

in other studies. In addition, other studies did not systematically exclude patients with

prolonged APTT due to coagulation factor deficiency or lupus anticoagulant. In our study, we

have studied all age groups and considered the influence of fibrinogen on the APTT reflecting

the acute inflammatory response.

Unlike APTT, the anti- Xa assay does not require re-establishment of the therapeutic range with

each new lot of reagent because the recommended therapeutic range of 0.3 to 0.7 IU/mL does

not change. Although the per-test cost of anti-Xa is twice that of the APTT, many studies show

that anti-Xa measurement achieved therapeutic anticoagulation more rapidly, maintained the

values within the target range for longer and required fewer repeat tests and dose adjustments

compared to APTT monitoring (20;21). In our study, the median cost per-test for APTT was £6

compared to £13 for anti-Xa (including the costs for reagents, biomedical scientist time, equipment and

maintenance. However, with the use of anti-Xa to monitor UFH, the average number of heparin dose

changes was lower. On average, patients monitored with Anti-Xa had fewer tests (4.5) than patients

those monitored with aPTT (7.21), p<0.001. It is therefore likely that the anti- Xa is a cost-effective

method for monitoring UFH. Furthermore, the anti-Xa assay is quicker to perform (~2mins)

compared to APTT (~ 6mins) once the analyser is calibrated. Thus, in contrast to the common

misunderstanding about cost and turnaround time, there is little reason for laboratories not to

offer anti-Xa assays as a routine test available over 24hrs.

Indeed, it is our standard practice to use anti-Xa rather than APTT to monitor the anticoagulant

effect of UFH and this study was not designed to determine the clinical consequences of APTT

monitoring. When a significant discordance between the two parameters (especially in

appropriately high APTT) was detected, further investigations were performed to rule out an

underlying bleeding tendency and close monitoring for evidence of bleeding undertaken.

However, we would be concerned that if the APTT were used for monitoring of UFH, a

significantly large number of patients would be at increased risk of bleeding or thrombosis due

to over or under anticoagulation in all age groups. We agree that laboratories should at least

establish their own APTT therapeutic range as recommend by both the American College of

Chest Physicians (22) British Committee for Standards in Haematology (23).

It is important to note that during cardiac surgery, much higher concentrations of heparin are

used which are usually monitored using the activated clotting time (ACT). We have not

examined the relationship between high levels of heparin and the ACT in this study and so

cannot comment on monitoring in this situation. In addition, although factor VIII level is also

often elevated in patients treated in intensive care units due to underlying

infections/inflammation, this was not assessed in majority of patients included in this study.

In conclusion, concordance was poor between anti-Xa level and APTT in all age groups and it

was worse in infants. The majority of samples from infants demonstrated a supra-therapeutic

APTT, whilst adults tended to have a sub-therapeutic APTT, when the anti-Xa levels were 0.3-

0.7IU/mL. Dose adjustments based on the APTT will therefore lead to under anticoagulation in

infants or over anticoagulation in adults with consequent risk of thrombosis or bleeding. These

results further strengthen the existing evidence indicating the limitations of APTT monitoring of

UFH therapy. Under-responsiveness of the APTT and anti-Xa level in adult and children may be

partly accounted by elevated fibrinogen levels secondary to an acute phase reaction. Over-

responsiveness in infants may reflect an immature coagulation system. Individual Trusts should

evaluate their current practice based on their specific local populations to consider whether the

anti-Xa assay is a better option than APTT for monitoring UFH in terms of both clinical safety

and cost effectiveness.


We would like to thank S Fox, S Davidson and M Mcevoy and coagulation laboratory staff at

Royal Brompton Hospital, London for performing the assays.


DRJA was involved in study concept and design, data collection, analysis and interpretation of

data, and prepared the first draft of the manuscript. FK performed part of the assays, supported

in data collection and revised the manuscript. SD collected the data and revised the manuscript

WB analysed the data and revised the manuscript. ML was involved study concept,

interpretation of the data and revising the manuscript. All authors approved the final


Disclosure of conflict of interest

Authors state that they have no relevant conflict of interest


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