FInal BSBLDR502 Assessment Pack
FInal BSBLDR502 Assessment Pack
FInal BSBLDR502 Assessment Pack
Student Declaration:
• I certify that the work submitted for this assessment pack is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in my
submission. I understand that a false declaration is a form of malpractice;
• I have kept a copy of this assessment pack and all relevant notes, attachments, and reference material that I used in
the production of the assessment pack;
• For the purposes of assessment, I give the trainer/assessor of this assessment the permission to:
o Reproduce this assessment and provide a copy to another member of staff; and
o Take steps to authenticate the assessment, including communicating a copy of this assessment to a checking
service (which may retain a copy of the assessment on its database for future plagiarism checking).
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
This sheet enables assessors to determine a student’s competency for each unit based on all assessment tasks submitted. It also provides
evidence to ASQA that the student has been assessed appropriately, after the student’s assessment is destroyed after the mandatory 6
months retention period. Under the Public Records Act, this sheet must be retained for 7 years.
Assessor: Record the outcome of each assessment task on this sheet. Once all assessments have been finalised, determine the student’s
competency for the unit based on all assessment tasks. Record the unit outcome below, sign and date then forward this form together with
all assessment to the VET Training Manager according to the assessment submission schedule. Please refer to assessment overview for more
Administration Team: Record the Unit Outcome in the student management system (SMS). Ensure the date assessed matches the end date
for the unit in SMS. Scan this sheet in the student’s electronic record, then save the assessment bundle in the student’s file.
Unit Code: BSBLDR502 Unit name: Lead and manage effective workplace Sufficient evidence recorded/Outcome
relationships S – Satisfactory
NS – Not Satisfactory
Evidence Unit Assessment Evidence Unit Project (UP) and Unit □ S / □ NS (First Attempt)
recorded Task 1 Type/ Roleplay/Presentation (URP) – Plan and □ S / □ NS (Second Attempt)
Method of present workplace communication
assessment systems
Evidence Unit Assessment Evidence Unit Project (UP) - Response to □ S / □ NS (First Attempt)
recorded Task 2 Type/ scenario-based questions □ S / □ NS (Second Attempt)
Method of
Evidence Unit Assessment Evidence Unit Project (UP) and Unit Roleplay/ □ S / □ NS (First Attempt)
recorded Task 3 Type/ Presentation (URP) - Dispute resolution □ S / □ NS (Second Attempt)
Method of guidance session
□ Competent □ Competent
Unit Outcome □ Result not available □ Not Yet Competent
Assessor Signature
Date Assessed
(Entered onto TEAMS) □ Competent (change result to Competent and □ Competent (change result to Competent and enter
enter date assessed) date assessed)
□ Result not available (do not change result, □ Not Yet Competent (change result to NYC and enter
record submission in notes field) date assessed)
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Assessment Overview
Unit Description and Application
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead and manage effective workplace relationships.
It applies to individuals in leadership or management who have a prominent role in establishing and
managing processes and procedures to support workplace relationships taking into account the
organisation's values, goals and cultural diversity.
At this level work will normally be carried out within complex and diverse methods and procedures, which
require the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement, using a range of problem solving and
decision making strategies.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Pre- Requisites
Not applicable
Co- Requisites
Not applicable
Relevant Legislation
Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
Age Discrimination Act 2004
Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Racial Discrimination Act 1975
Sex Discrimination Act 1984
The Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) and Australian Privacy Principles (APPs)
Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 – Applicable in Victoria
Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Key competencies
The key competencies you will develop and be assessed against in this unit are:
1. Manage ideas and information
2. Establish systems to develop trust and confidence
3. Manage the development and maintenance of networks and relationships
4. Manage difficulties to achieve positive outcomes
Performance evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
develop and/or implement processes to manage ideas and information including:
o communicating information to support others to achieve work responsibilities
o facilitating employees' contributions to consultation on work issues
o providing feedback on the outcomes of consultations
o resolution of issues raised or referral to relevant personnel4
o providing response on the results.
establish and/or implement policies to ensure that the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical
values are adhered to
provide leadership through own behaviour including:
o professional conduct that promotes trust with internal and external contacts
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
oadjusting own interpersonal communication style to meet the organisation’s cultural
diversity and ethical environment
plan for, and manage, the use of networks to support identifiable outcomes for the team and the
develop and/or implement processes and systems to manage difficulties including:
o identifying and resolving conflicts and other difficulties according to organisational policies
and procedures
o planning how to address difficulties
o providing guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work
Knowledge evidence
Students must develop knowledge of the following areas to successfully complete this unit.
explain how systems, policies and procedures can support the development of effective work
relationships focusing on interpersonal styles, communications, consultation, cultural and social
sensitivity, networking and conflict resolution
outline legislation relevant to managing effective workplace relationships.
Students are permitted 2 attempts for each assessment task. If you are deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC)
for the unit, you must re-enrol and pay the required tuition fees for the unit.
Reasonable Adjustment
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
At the Trainer/Assessors discretion reasonable adjustment, also known as reasonable accommodation, may
be applied. This means that 'reasonable' adjustments may be made wherever possible; to meet the needs
of a student with disability or with other learning needs. If you require more details about reasonable
adjustment, please refer to the student handbook.
Learning support
If you require further assistance in your learning, UIT encourages you to reach out to your Trainer to
discuss the areas that you believe you need further assistance with. If you require further support after
consulting your trainer, please see a Student Services Officer who can arrange a time to discuss your
concerns with the VET Academic department.
Plagiarism Policy
All student work must be written in their own words, except where acknowledged through quotations and
referencing. Plagiarism is a serious offence, Universal Institute of Technology may impose severe penalties
on students who plagiarise.
For more information on Plagiarism and Cheating, visit UIT’s policy and procedures on the website.
If you are not satisfied with the decision made by a member of UIT staff, you can appeal that decision. For
more information on Complaints and Appeals please see the Appeals policy and procedures on the UIT
Course Credits
If you have been deemed competent in this unit as part of a prior qualification, you may eligible for credit
transfer. For more information on course credits please see the Course Credits policy and procedures on
the UIT website.
If you believe you have sufficient experience and knowledge in this area of study you may be eligible for
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). For more information on applying for RPL please see the Recognition of
Prior Learning (RPL) policy and procedure on the UIT website.
Feedback to student
Feedback on students’ assessment performance is a vital element in their learning. Its purpose is to justify
to students how their competency was assessed, as well as to identify and reward specific qualities in their
work, to recommend aspects needing improvement, and to guide students on what steps to take.
Feedback defines for students what their trainer/assessor thinks is important for a topic or a subject. At its
best, feedback should:
• Be provided for each Unit Assessment Task (UAT)
• Guide students to adapt and adjust their learning strategies
• Guide trainers/assessors to adapt and adjust teaching to accommodate students’ learning needs
• Be a pivotal feature of learning and assessment design, not an add-on ritual
• Focus on course and unit learning outcomes
• Guide students to become independent and self-reflective learners and their own critics
• Acknowledge the developmental nature of learning
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
If students have not received proper feedback, they must speak to VET department/administration
department in the RTO/person responsible for looking after the VET department/administration of the RTO.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
• Trainer/Assessor must notify the administration/compliance and quality assurance department for any
reasonable adjustments made.
• All evidence and supplementary documentation must be submitted with the assessment pack to the
administration/compliance and quality assurance department.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Reasonable Adjustment Strategies Matrix (Trainer/Assessor to complete)
Category Possible Issue Reasonable Adjustment Strategy
(select as applicable)
LLN Speaking Verbal assessment
Reading Presentations
Writing Demonstration of a skill
Confidence Use of diagrams
Use of supporting documents such as wordlists
Non- Speaking Discuss with the student and supervisor (if applicable)
English Reading whether language, literacy and numeracy are likely to impact on
Speaking Writing the assessment process
Background Cultural Use methods that do not require a higher level of language or
background literacy than is required to perform the job role
Confidence Use short sentences that do not contain large amounts of
Clarify information by rephrasing, confirm understanding
Read any printed information to the student
Use graphics, pictures and colour coding instead of, or to
support, text
Offer to write down, or have someone else write, oral
responses given by the student
Ensure that the time available to complete the assessment,
while meeting enterprise requirements, takes account of the
student’s needs
Knowledge and Culturally appropriate training
Indigenous understanding Explore understanding of concepts and practical application
Flexibility through oral assessment
Services Flexible delivery
Inappropriate Using group rather than individual assessments
training and Assessment through completion of practical tasks in the field
assessment after demonstration of skills and knowledge.
Age Educational Make sure font size is not too small
background Trainer/Assessor should refer to the student’s experience
Limited study skills Ensure that the time available to complete the assessment
takes account of the student’s needs
Provision of information or course materials in accessible
Changes in teaching practices, e.g. wearing an FM microphone
to enable a student to hear lectures
Supply of specialised equipment or services, e.g. a note-taker
for a student who cannot write
Changes in lecture schedules and arrangements, e.g.
relocating classes to an accessible venue
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Changes to course design, e.g. substituting an assessment task
Modifications to physical environment, e.g. installing lever
taps, building ramps, installing a lift
Reading Discuss with the Student previous learning experience
Educational Writing Ensure learning and assessment methods meet the student’s
background Numeracy individual need
Limited study skills
and/or learning
Disability Speaking Identify the issues
Reading Create a climate of support
Writing Ensure access to support that the student has agreed to
Numeracy Appropriately structure the assessment
Limited study skills Provide information or course materials in accessible format,
and/or learning e.g. a text book in braille
strategies Changes in teaching practices, e.g. wearing an FM microphone
to enable a student to hear lectures
Supply of specialised equipment or services, e.g. a note taker
for a student who cannot write
Changes in lecture schedules and arrangements, e.g.
relocating classes to an accessible venue
Changes to course design, e.g. substituting an assessment task
Modifications to physical environment, e.g. installing lever
taps, building ramps, installing a lift
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Unit Assessment Task (UAT)
Assessment Task 1 – Unit Project (UP) and Unit Roleplay/Presentation
(URP) – Plan and present workplace communication systems
Assessment type
Unit Project (UP) and Unit Roleplay/Presentation (URP) – Plan and present workplace
communication systems
Applicable conditions
All tasks in this project are untimed and are conducted as open book tasks (this means you can
refer to textbooks during the task).
You must read and respond to all criteria outline the procedures.
You may handwrite/use computers to answer the questions.
You must complete the task independently.
No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be
Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
Trainer /Assessor will assess your skills and knowledge as you complete this assessment task.
The trainer/assessor may ask you relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that this is
your own work.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
This assessment task may be completed in a classroom, learning management system (i.e. Moodle),
workplace, or independent learning environment.
Your Trainer/Assessor will provide you further information regarding the location of completing
this assessment task.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
• develop and/or implement processes to manage ideas and information including:
o communicating information to support others to achieve work responsibilities
o facilitating employees' contributions to consultation on work issues
o providing feedback on the outcomes of consultations
o resolution of issues raised or referral to relevant personnel
• provide leadership through own behaviour including:
o professional conduct that promotes trust with internal and external contacts
o adjusting own interpersonal communication style to meet the organisation’s cultural
diversity and ethical environment
• develop and/or implement processes and systems to manage difficulties including:
o identifying and resolving conflicts and other difficulties according to organisational policies
and procedures
o planning how to address difficulties
o providing guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work
• explain how systems, policies and procedures can support the development of effective work
relationships focusing on interpersonal styles, communications, consultation, cultural and social
sensitivity, networking and conflict resolution
• outline legislation relevant to managing effective workplace relationships.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Assessment Task 1 - Unit Project (UP) and Unit Roleplay/Presentation
(URP) – Plan and present workplace communication systems
You must:
● Submit a communications planning portfolio that includes:
o a communications and consultation strategy
o a short grievance procedure.
o draft email/memo
● Deliver a 10–15-minute presentation on your proposed communications strategy, including
discussion, approval and sign-off for release.
b. at least two different audiences, for example, senior management, work teams, or individual
c. at least two methods of communication or media
d. at least two provisions to facilitate bottom-up consultation (from employees to management);
for example, consultation on employee health and safety, consultation on continuous
improvement of work processes, consultation on employee conditions and pay, or
consultation on job roles and performance expectations.
Note: Ensure you also provide for management feedback on consultation back to employees.
a) Communication Objectives:
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
2. To enhance bottom-up information flow from employees to management. Resultantly, it will help in
good communication on risks or organizational operations.
3. Bring effective communication in the organization and implement the ideas for the improvement of
processes, build grievance procedure effectively that will help to manage organization activities
b) Target Audience:
HR managers
HR officers
Mechanics working in services department
Sales managers
I. Staff Survey: Australian Hardware should conduct survey action planning from bottom up
communication. Gathering best information for the best purpose of the organization.
II. Focus Group: In order to assess the top managers expectations, how organization will use its
strategies for effective communication.
III. Meeting: Giving opportunities to the every individual in order to share concerns, ask the relevant
questions and exchange ideas to develop and effectively manage strategies for the organization.
d) Provisions
1. Consultation for employee health and safety: Employee health is affected by the lowering of health
standard. Therefore, the employee’s health is to be the first priority of organization.
2. Consultation on performance management of employees: Employee performance should be
managed and continuous performance appraisal should also be done.
3. Consultation on employee pay: Employee payment updating should be done. So that progress can
be compensated along with pay. Employees are motivated with pay increment.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
4. Develop a short (less than one page) grievance procedure ensuring that it is consistent with and
supports the grievance policy in the JKL Industries simulated business documentation.
This procedure is applicable to all grievances or disputes, for example, involving health and safety,
performance management, anti-discrimination or industrial relations matters, such as disputes over pay or
If you have a grievance or wish to lodge a complaint, complete the following steps.
1. Arrange to meet with your direct supervisor to discuss the grievance.
a. Your manager or HR representative will record details on a standard report template, a copy of
which is to be stored on the organisation’s HRMS.
b. Your manager or HR representative will provide you with, or ensure access to, this procedure.
2. Failing resolution at this stage:
a. Your direct supervisor will escalate the matter to more senior management.
b. If your supervisor fails to do this, escalate the matter to more senior management.
3. Failing resolution at this stage:
a. JKL Industries will refer the matter to an independent mediator for assistance in resolving the
b. If you are not satisfied, contact the relevant regulator for mediation, for example:
i. state/territory health and safety regulator
ii. Human Rights Commissioner
Fair Work Ombudsman.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
5. Draft an information memo/email to all team members introducing the new policies and procedures
across the entire organisation, seeking feedback and providing information from the consultation
process with management.
It is to inform you that from xx-xx-xxxx the company policies are going to change. It is hereby to tell you
that JKL industries intends to provide increased revenue by through providing increased customer value
to our investors. JKL aims to develop an effective policy framework for managing internal communications
and consultation, in accordance with organizational objectives, business ethics, and compliance
requirements. The information will be provided to managers and employees with at-hand information to
perform their work responsibilities
Due to facing huge loss from the rental services, the management has decided and agreed to stop rental
services for next 18months at least. JKL Industries will expand existing branches to include the sale of
medium and large trucks within 18 months to expand their market share by 7% within the next 12 to 18
months. HR recruiters will conduct skills audits and needs analysis for all roles to be filled by recruitment
strategy. JKL will retain managerial talent through rewards, promotion and training. JKL advises to manage
performance and adherence to organisational values. For this purpose, the organization employee
performance will be reviewed at least twice a year. The collective aim is to monitor performance in all
areas of strategy and operational efficiency including stock, HR and inputs. In order to meet the
organization demand training of the up-skill rental employees and other employees will be conducted to
ensure the best performance of the employee at JKL.
In order to meet organizational values and retain good relationship between different managerial levels,
grievance policies have been developed. JKL Industries supports the right of every employee to lodge a
grievance with their manager if they believe a decision, behaviour or action affecting their employment
is unfair. An employee may raise a grievance about any performance improvement action taken against
them. Management and employees of JKL Industries should follow the principle that disputes should be
addressed at the lowest possible level and should not be escalated either within JKL or to outside bodies
until all reasonable avenues for resolution have been explored.
Research, plan and deliver a 10–15 minute presentation to senior management and an employee
representative (one role-played by the assessor, the other role played by another group member) on your
proposed communications planning.
1. Prepare a business presentation in response to the scenario described in the Appendix 1 case study.
You should consider the following in your presentation:
a. Audience needs and relevant interpersonal skills you will need to deploy to win support for
your ideas.
b. Organisational needs:
i. internal strategic needs, goals and objectives
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
ii. external regulatory or legal requirements, such as for WHS consultation, anti-
discrimination or industrial relations
iii. business ethics requirements.
c. Your proposed approach to communications and consultation to meet organisational and
audience needs:
i. Prepare to explain your draft communications strategy, organisational policies and
procedures, and how such communications systems and policies can support a
coordinated approach to developing effective work relationships.
d. External legal requirements such as WHS, anti-discrimination and industrial relations.
2. Arrange a time and location to deliver your presentation to the team.
3. Deliver the presentation to the senior management team. Ensure you deliver your presentation in
accordance with deliverables and quality specifications outlined below.
4. Discuss the content and seek approval from the management to put the communication plan into
action and release the document across the organisation to seek feedback. Have each member of
the consultative meeting (role-play participants) sign the approved and endorsed document.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Observation Checklist – Assessment 1 Presentation
Student name
Assessor name
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Assessment 1 - Appendix 1: Scenario – JKL Industries
JKL Industries overview
JKL Industries is an Australian-owned company, selling forklifts, small trucks and spare parts to industry. They
also have a division that leases forklifts and small trucks.
The company’s head office is in Sydney and has branches in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide and Canberra.
After 12 years in business, focusing on forklifts and small trucks, JKL Industries has negotiated the sales rights to
a range of medium and large trucks from an overseas supplier. This opportunity will provide JKL Industries with
an advantage in range over its competitors.
Sales results over the past five years have indicated strong growth in forklift and truck sales, which have
averaged 10% sales growth per annum. The rental market has been in decline for the past three years due to the
reduced costs of these vehicles and some taxation benefits to industries who purchase these vehicles.
Taking the sales rights opportunity will, however, entail some significant changes, including significant changes
to the current organisational structure. The company will reposition itself to focus solely on retail sales and
service and exit the rentals market, in which forces such as competition and consumer choice reduce potential
In accordance with the organisation’s values, JKL Industries intends (to the extent feasible) to recruit from within
the company and up-skill or re-skill existing employees presently working in rentals who wish to remain with the
Given the company’s previous history of employee grievances over pay and conditions and current plans to
restructure, JKL Industries has identified poor communications and an organisational climate of conflict as a risk
to business goals.
Moving forward, the organisation intends to build and maintain a positive organisational culture, reduce risk and
achieve organisational goals through:
● developing an effective policy framework for managing internal communications and consultation, in
accordance with organisational objectives, business ethics, and compliance requirements
● communicating and building support for organisational initiatives and objectives
● managing information flow to:
o provide managers and employees with at-hand information to perform their work responsibilities
o communicate ideas for improvement (top-down and bottom-up)
o facilitate feedback both to and from employees and management on relevant work performance
and outcomes of consultation.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Communication and consultation issues
An internal management review of the organisation has uncovered the following issues:
Your role
You are a communications consultant. You have been engaged by JKL Industries to revise and update strategies
and processes to manage communications and information flow within the organisation.
Note that the senior management team may be resistant to changes to communication strategies, policies and
procedures. In particular, they are concerned that a new approach to communications may result in a less
cohesive organisation.
You will need to ensure your communications strategy and processes address organisational issues, while using
your highly developed interpersonal skills to engage and motivate the senior management team to embrace
your proposed changes.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Simulated Business - JKL Industries
Business and strategic planning FY 2014–2015
JKL Industries is an Australian-owned company selling forklifts, small trucks and spare parts to industry. We
deliver value to customers and investors through our highly trained, motivated, and expert workforce.
JKL Industries believes in developing and unlocking the potential of its people to allow the company to
become the leading supplier of forklifts, small, medium and large trucks in Australia.
Company values
performance excellence
value for investors, customers and employees
personal and professional development
Strategic planning
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Goals Strategic objectives Operational objectives
Provide value to JKL Industries will Provide quality customer service.
customers continue to sell and JKL Industries will expand existing branches to
service forklifts and include the sale of medium and large trucks
expand their market within 18 months.
share by 7% within the
next 12 to 18 months.
HR partners with HR partners with front-line managers to help
business to help them meet the needs of customers through
business meet motivated, competent and well-equipped
customer needs. staff.
Develop Provide required Deliver training to up-skill rental employees.
workforce training to meet Deliver ongoing training for employees.
potential workforce needs. Deliver leadership training for future
generation of leadership.
Recruit. Conduct workforce planning through
FY 2016–2017.
Complete implementation of staff planning
for FY 2014–2015.
Conduct skills audits and needs analysis for all
roles to be filled by recruitment strategy.
Ensure all critical roles are filled to meet
revenue targets.
Become an Employer Provide personal development plans for all
of Choice. employees.
Retain managerial talent through rewards,
promotion and training.
Provide best in industry programs incentives
and HR services.
Enhance employee and industrial relations.
Implement new grievance and dispute
resolution procedures.
Complete enterprise bargaining.
Manage performance Complete twice-yearly performance reviews.
and adherence to Communicate organisational values and code
organisational values. of conduct.
Build culture of excellence: eliminate
discrimination and promote diversity in JKL’s
Promote levels of diversity in workplace
proportional to percentage of population.
Continuously Monitor performance Monitor management inputs, such as
improve in all areas of strategy completion of reporting and coaching
operations and requirements.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Goals Strategic objectives Operational objectives
management and operational Monitor stock turns of forklifts, trucks, etc.
efficiency efficiency. Monitor HR service delivery efficiency.
Operational plan
JKL Industries intends to implement operational plans to realise strategic objectives. Key aspects to
operations include human resources and workforce planning, performance management, physical and
financial resources and workflow.
Human resources
The organisation is currently using a HR business partner model with a human resources officer aligned to
each of the three key business areas: Sales, Rentals and Service.
The Managing Director reports to the Board of Directors and is based in the Sydney head office, along with
the Operations Manager, HR Department and the Finance and Administration teams. The HR Manager
reports to the Operations Manager and heads up the HR centres of excellence that include recruitment,
learning and development, and employee relations and services. At each of the state-based sites there is a
branch office consisting of an office building, warehouse, service department and sales office. The HR
officers (Business Partners) report to both the HR Manager at head office and their respective managers in
the branches.
JKL Industries employs over 190 personnel in the following categories (see organisation chart on the
following page).
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
HR Manager
and Senior Centres of
Business excellence
Officer (BP)
Sales Sales
Manager Consultants
Manager Administrative
Officer (BP)
Branch Rentals
Managers Manager
Managing Administrative
Director Assistants
Officer (BP)
Finance and
Administration Accountants
Manager Administrative
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Release Date: Jan 2019 Review Date: Dec 2020
Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
A summary of human resources at each location in FY 2013–2014 appears below:
30 full-time and casual sales and customer service people (10 sales consultants; 5
rental sales consultants; 5 mechanics; 3 apprentices, 3 HR officers; 3 administrative
accounts manager and 2 accountants
senior management team (3) + 1 branch manager (operations manager, HR
manager, finance and administration manager)
CEO and managing directors.
Each branch employs the following personnel:
30 full-time and casual sales and customer service people (9 sales consultants; 4
rental sales consultants; 5 mechanics; 3 apprentices, 3 HR officers; 3 administrative
branch manager.
Office requirements
average size: 12,000 square metres (~70% space available for sales and rentals; ~25
available for servicing)
large mezzanine open-plan office space with separate access (was previously rented
out to a telemarketing company)
loading bay with large capacity.
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Operating capital requirements
JKL Industries requires approximately $13 million in working capital to sustain the business and ensure it
meets all opening and ongoing financial obligations.
Operational expenses
Wages, salaries $6,000,000
Consultancy fees $150,000
Communication expenses $120,000
Marketing $2,400,000
Premises expenses $3,000,000
Insurance $356,000
Depreciation and amortisation $540,000
Office supplies $180,000
Training $180,000
Total expenses $12,926,000
Insurance requirements
JKL Industries will have to incur costs for business liability insurance. The estimated cost for this
requirement is $356,000 per year.
Operational workflow
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JKL Industries accepts cash, EFTPOS and major credit cards. Credit terms are available for trades.
Operating hours
JKL Industries operates Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm, and will be operational year-round except
federal and state holidays (as they apply to each branch).
JKL Industries recognises that risk management is an essential component of good management practice
and is committed to the proactive management of risks across the organisation. The strategy is designed
Guiding principles
JKL Industries is committed to achieving its vision, business objectives and quality objectives. This will be
achieved through the proactive management of risk at all levels of the organisation. JKL Industries
acknowledges that embracing innovative ideas and practices carries with it risks, but that these are
identifiable and measurable and therefore capable of being subject to realistic risk mitigation processes.
Store managers/partners have responsibility for ensuring that risk management is in place.
Managers/partners have the responsibility of reviewing the Risk Action Plan (outlined in the table at
the end of this document) on a monthly basis.
Staff have responsibility to support and implement policies approved by the partners.
Key risk indicators will be identified, closely monitored and action taken where necessary, by all employees
of JKL Industries.
This framework encompasses a number of elements that together facilitate an effective and efficient
operation, enabling JKL Industries to respond to a variety of operational, financial, commercial and
strategic risks.
Policies and procedures: A series of policies underpin the internal control process.
Reporting: Decisions to rectify problems are made at regular meetings of the partners and
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Business planning and budgeting: The business planning and budgeting process is used to set
objectives, agree on action plans and allocate resources. Progress towards meeting business plan
objectives is monitored regularly by the partners. Contingency planning is undertaken as required.
Risk management review: The partners are required to report monthly.
External audit: The final audit of financial statements is controlled by an external chartered
accountant who provides feedback to the partners.
Risks are identified on a scale of likelihood of occurring in the next 12 months and assigned an impact or
consequence of the risk as high, medium or low:
High includes either a significant shortfall of around 40% in achieving budget or a significant
reduction in ability to function in such a way as to achieve company goals.
Medium includes either a shortfall of budget of between 10% and 20% or some reduction in
Low indicates minor reductions in achieving budget or minimal reduction in performance.
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Risk management action plan
Risk Risk
Risk Controls Monitoring Timelines Responsible
likelihood impact
JKL Industries fails Medium High Tightly plan and manage skills and capability. Scorecard results Monthly and Managers at each
to meet revenue quarterly level
goals Financial statements. reporting
JKL Industries fails Medium High Manage performance and adherence to organisational Revenue figures Monthly and Managers at each
to expand market values. quarterly level
share Customers. reporting
Regular training.
JKL Industries fails Medium High Manage performance and adherence to organisational HRMS statistics: Monthly and Managers at each
to recruit and values. training numbers quarterly level
retain staff in areas reporting
of critical need Take steps to become an Employer of Choice (steps recruitment
(management, TBD). figures
Plan strategic approach to workforce and staffing for turnover
three years in alignment with organisational goals.
Internal climate
Consult to complete shorter-term (yearly) staffing plans survey results.
in business partnership with relevant managers in
alignment with workforce strategic planning.
JKL Industries fails Low High Manage performance and adherence to organisational HRMS statistics: Monthly and Managers at each
to comply with values. demographics quarterly level
legislative reporting Individual
requirements Regular review of legislative environment and relevant audit results staff and
organisational contractors
Complete enterprise agreements. climate survey
Implement grievance and dispute resolution processes. results
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Policies and procedures
JKL Industries has a number of policies and procedures to support its core values and to ensure compliance
with legislative requirements.
Code of ethics
JKL Industries acknowledges its role as a responsible corporate citizen. JKL’s success will result not simply
from satisfying specific equipment needs for a quality product at reasonable prices, but from conducting its
business with integrity and in accordance with the core values of the organisation.
○ performance excellence
○ value for investors, customers and employees
○ personal and professional development
○ diversity
○ sustainability
respect and treat others (colleagues, managers, reports, clients, customers and organisational
stakeholders) with fairness
act in accordance with relevant legislation, standards and industry codes of practice
act honestly to protect the reputation of JKL Industries; avoid the fact or appearance of conflict of
protect the privacy of others in accordance with organisational privacy and recordkeeping policies.
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Health, safety and rehabilitation policy
The purpose of this policy is to state the organisation’s commitment to reducing and managing health and
safety risks, and delivering workers’ compensation and rehabilitation and first aid training
This policy applies to all officers, employees and contractors of JKL Industries. In accordance with legislative
requirements, employees must be consulted on health and safety issues that concern them. Consultation
may be direct or indirect.
JKL Industries’ health, safety and rehabilitation policy are displayed in all work locations.
The purpose of this policy is to underscore the organisation’s commitment to the elimination of all forms of
bullying and harassment in the workplace. All employees have the right to conduct their work within a fair,
supportive, high performance environment.
Harassment, victimisation and bullying in the workplace are illegal and such actions are not tolerated by JKL
Staff members found to be harassing or bullying other members of staff or customers will face disciplinary
action ranging from counselling and performance management to summary dismissal.
This policy applies to all officers, employees and contractors of JKL Industries.
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Anti-discrimination and equal opportunity policy
The purpose of this policy is to underscore the organisation’s commitment to the fair treatment of all
personnel and customers.
JKL Industries values the diversity of its team, clients and communities and respects the rights of individuals
and groups to operate in an environment free of discrimination. Access and equity (diversity and anti-
discrimination) is fundamental to the operations of JKL Industries. It is embedded in policies, practices and
forward planning. JKL recognises the importance of diversity in achieving our vision.
JKL Industries understands the business environment and actively assists customers to reach their optimum
potential. Our primary objective is to be solution-oriented and focused on customer needs. JKL recognises
that valuing diversity is pivotal to achieving its vision.
A welcoming, supportive environment will be provided leading to positive learning and employment, and
individuals having the opportunity to reach their optimum potential.
At JKL Industries, anyone engaged in employment or the provision or receipt of training and/or services has
the right to operate in an environment that is free from discrimination on the grounds of the following 19
Procedures are in place for handling any grievances, including complaints of discrimination, unfair
treatment or harassment. Complaints will be taken seriously and every effort will be made to resolve them
quickly, impartially, empathically and with appropriate confidentiality. Victimisation of complainants and
witnesses is illegal. Complaints may also be lodged with a relevant government agency or regulatory body.
This policy applies to all officers, employees and contractors of JKL Industries.
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Sex Discrimination Act 1984
Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW).
Privacy policy
The purpose of this policy is to outline JKL’s commitment to protecting the right to privacy of both
employees and customers.
Although not a legislative requirement, JKL Industries’ employees, officers and agents are expected to take
all reasonable steps to abide by the Australian Privacy Principles, as set out in the Privacy Act 1988.
The following is an adaptation of the principles to provide guidance to individuals responsible for collecting
or using customer information.
2. Anonymity and Employees, officers or agents of JKL Industries must give people
pseudonymity the option to interact anonymously whenever it is practicable to
do so. Note this principle would not apply to many internal
records; nevertheless, where this principle can be applied
without adverse effect to legitimate business interests, such as
in employee satisfaction surveys undertaken by HR, it should be.
3. Collection Personal information may not be collected unless it is necessary
of solicited for JKL Industries’ business activities.
information Sensitive information (such as about someone’s health, political
opinions or sexual preference), may only be collected with the
consent of the individual.
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4. Dealing with On occasion, staff, officers and agents of JKL Industries may
unsolicited receive unsolicited personal information. Such information must
personal be afforded the same privacy protection as solicited
information information.
5. Notification of the Employees, officers or agents of JKL Industries must ensure that
collection individuals are aware their personal information is being
of personal collected, why it is being collected, who it might be passed on
information to, and that they can ask JKL Industries what personal
information it holds about them and to request corrections if
6. Use or disclosure Personal information may only be used for legitimate purposes.
of personal Legitimate uses include, for example, using information for the
information purpose of improving operations, strategic planning, or
recruitment. Non-legitimate uses would involve direct
marketing to friends and families of employees through the use
of employee contact information.
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7. Direct marketing Direct marketing is a key part of the JKL Industries’ business
plan; however, JKL Industries recognises that direct marketing
that is unwelcome to an individual can annoy the individual and
ultimately reflect badly on the organisation. Therefore, staff,
officers and agents of JKL Industries must be very careful when
using personal information for direct marketing purposes.
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11. Security Employees, officers or agents of JKL Industries must take
of personal reasonable steps to protect the personal information it holds
information from misuse, interference and loss, and from unauthorised
access, modification or disclosure. Where required by law after
a certain period, employees of JKL Industries must take
appropriate steps to destroy or de-identify personal information
in certain circumstances.
12. Access to personal Generally, Employees, officers or agents of JKL Industries must
information give an individual access to personal information it holds about
the individual on request. Note that some exceptions may apply,
such as in cases of misconduct, fraud, criminal behaviour, or
dismissal procedures.
13. Correction Employees, officers or agents of JKL Industries must take all
of personal reasonable steps to correct the personal information it holds
information about individual when requested by that individual, in a timely
manner, and at no cost to the individual.
JKL Industries takes care to respect employees to privacy and fully complies with our obligations under
relevant legislation. Employee records are exempt from the Privacy Act. Records include:
Although such records are exempt from the Privacy Act, JKL Industries is committed to protecting the
privacy of employees through:
This policy applies to all officers, employees and contractors of JKL Industries.
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Recordkeeping policy
At JKL Industries, records management systems are based on developing and implementing recordkeeping
policies, procedures, and practices to meet the operational needs of the organisation and that comply with
externally imposed standards such as legislation.
ensuring the system to meets all of the operational and strategic needs of JKL
documenting the system (see procedures)
training personnel to create and store records
setting standards for recordkeeping and monitoring the use of systems
ensuring all legislative requirements are met, including for retention periods.
JKL Industries adheres to the Australian and international standard for recordkeeping, AS ISO 15489: 2002
Records management.
This policy applies to all officers, employees and contractors of JKL Industries.
Recordkeeping procedures
File management
Create a personal subfolder within the server (using your name as the subfolder name) to hold your day-to-
day working files.
Do not store company data on your C: drive (i.e. do not save work only to your computer, rather than to
the network) unless absolutely necessary. Company data should be stored in the appropriate server drive.
Unlike the servers, which are backed up automatically, data on your own computer is not backed up and
your work may be lost if you experience a system crash.
If you use a laptop and require access to files off-site, you will be set up with remote access to server files
away from the office.
When documents are completed, they should be saved to the appropriate ‘completed work’ folder in your
To ensure privacy, all employee records and information gathered from employees must only be used for
the stated purpose of collection and must be kept on a secure HRMS server.
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Filenames should include the author’s last name, the title of the report (or abbreviated title of report), and
the date of submission.
Back-up copies of all electronic files on the server are made twice weekly.
If you spend an extended time away from the office network using a laptop, it is your responsibility to
ensure local copies of company files are backed up.
The purpose of this policy is to underscore JKL Industries’ commitment to monitoring performance,
developing workforce capability and developing its people.
Performance reviews should be held twice yearly by managers. Performance should be monitored against
agreed KPIs and feedback provided on a regular basis.
This policy applies to all officers, employees and contractors of JKL Industries.
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Grievance policy
JKL Industries supports the right of every employee to lodge a grievance with their manager if they believe
a decision, behaviour or action affecting their employment is unfair. An employee may raise a grievance
about any performance improvement action taken against them.
Management and employees of JKL Industries should follow the principle that disputes should be
addressed at the lowest possible level and should not be escalated either within JKL or to outside bodies
until all reasonable avenues for resolution have been explored.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Unit Assessment Result Sheet (UARS)
Student and Trainer/Assessor Details
Unit code BSBLDR502
Unit name Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Outcome of Unit First attempt:
Assessment Task (UAT)
Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):
Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐
Second attempt:
Student Declaration I declare that the answers I have provided are my own work.
Where I have accessed information from other sources, I have
provided references and or links to my sources.
I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material
that I used as part of my submission.
I have provided references for all sources where the
information is not my own. I understand the consequences of
falsifying documentation and plagiarism. I understand how
the assessment is structured. I accept that all work I submit
must be verifiable as my own.
I understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I
can appeal the assessment process, and either re-submit
additional evidence undertake gap training and or have my
submission re-assessed.
All appeal options have been explained to me.
Student Signature
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Trainer/Assessor Name
Trainer/Assessor I hold:
Declaration Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered
Current relevant industry skills
Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake
Ongoing professional development in VET
I declare that I have conducted an assessment of this candidate’s
submission. The assessment tasks were deemed current, sufficient,
valid and reliable. I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable,
and flexible assessment. I have provided feedback to the above-
named candidate.
Office Use Only Outcome of Assessment has been entered onto the Student
Management System on _________________ (insert date)
by (insert Name) __________________________________
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Unit Pre-Assessment Checklist (UPAC)
UAT 2 – Unit Project - Respond to scenario
based questions
Purpose of the checklist
The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. The trainer/assessor
must review the checklist with the student before the student attempts the assessment task. If any items of
the checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the trainer/assessor must provide relevant
information to the student to ensure they understand the requirements of the assessment task. The student
must ensure they are ready for the assessment task before undertaking it.
Section 1: Information for Trainers/Assessors
• Please make sure the student has completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this
• Please make sure you as a trainer/assessor have clearly explained the assessment process and tasks
to be completed.
• Request for an extension to submit assessment work must be made before the due date of this
assessment task.
• Please make sure the student understands what evidence is required to be collected and how.
• Please make sure the student knows their rights and the Complaints and Appeal process.
• Please make sure the student has discussed any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be
considered during the assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix).
• Please make sure the student has access to a computer and the internet (if they prefer to type the
• Please ensure that your student must have all the required resources needed to complete this Unit
Assessment Task (UAT). (Refer to Training and assessment resources for more information).
• Due date of this assessment task is according to the timetable.
• In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit an assessment
can be granted by the trainer/assessor.
• Evidence of the compelling and compassionate circumstances must be provided together with the
request for extension to submit the assessment work.
• Request for an extension to submit assessment work must be made before the due date of this
assessment task.
Section 2: Reasonable adjustments
• Students with carer responsibilities, cultural or religious obligations, English as an additional
language, disability etc. can request for reasonable adjustments.
• Please note, integrity of the unit/course will not be lowered to accommodate the needs of any
student, but there is a requirement to be flexible about the way in which it is delivered or assessed.
• The Disability Standards for Education requires institutions to take reasonable steps to enable the
student with a disability to participate in education on the same basis as a student without a
• Trainer/Assessor must complete the section below “Reasonable Adjustment Strategies Matrix” to
ensure the explanation and correct strategy have been recorded and implemented.
• Trainer/Assessor must notify the administration/compliance and quality assurance department for
any reasonable adjustments made.
• All evidence and supplementary documentation must be submitted with the assessment pack to the
administration/compliance and quality assurance department.
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Reasonable Adjustment Strategies Matrix (Trainer/Assessor to complete)
Category Possible Issue Reasonable Adjustment Strategy
(select as applicable)
☐ LLN ☐ Speaking ☐ Verbal assessment
☐ Reading ☐ Presentations
☐ Writing ☐ Demonstration of a skill
☐ Confidence ☐ Use of diagrams
☐ Use of supporting documents such as wordlists
☐ Non-English ☐ Speaking ☐ Discuss with the student and supervisor (if applicable)
Speaking ☐ Reading whether language, literacy and numeracy are likely to
Background ☐ Writing impact on the assessment process
☐ Cultural ☐ Use methods that do not require a higher level of
background language or literacy than is required to perform the job role
☐ Confidence ☐ Use short sentences that do not contain large amounts
of information
☐ Clarify information by rephrasing, confirm understanding
☐ Read any printed information to the student
☐ Use graphics, pictures and colour coding instead of, or to
support, text
☐ Offer to write down, or have someone else write, oral
responses given by the student
☐ Ensure that the time available to complete the
assessment, while meeting course requirements, takes
account of the student’s needs
☐ Indigenous ☐ Knowledge ☐ Culturally appropriate training
and ☐ Explore understanding of concepts and practical
understanding application through oral assessment
☐ Flexibility ☐ Flexible delivery
☐ Services ☐ Using group rather than individual assessments
☐ Inappropriate ☐ Assessment through completion of practical tasks in the
training and field after demonstration of skills and knowledge.
☐ Age ☐ Educational ☐ Make sure font size is not too small
background ☐ Trainer/Assessor should refer to the
☐ Limited study student’s experience
skills ☐ Ensure that the time available to complete the
assessment takes account of the student’s needs
☐ Provision of information or course materials in accessible
☐ Changes in teaching practices, e.g. wearing an FM
microphone to enable a student to hear lectures
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☐ Supply of specialised equipment or services, e.g. a note-
taker for a student who cannot write
☐ Changes in lecture schedules and arrangements, e.g.
relocating classes to an accessible venue
☐ Changes to course design, e.g. substituting an
assessment task
☐ Modifications to physical environment, e.g. installing
lever taps, building ramps, installing a lift
☐ Educational ☐ Reading ☐ Discuss with the Student previous learning experience
background ☐ Writing ☐ Ensure learning and assessment methods meet the
☐ Numeracy student’s individual needs
☐ Limited study
skills and/or
☐ Disability ☐ Speaking ☐ Identify the issues
☐ Hearing ☐ Create a climate of support
☐ Reading ☐ Ensure access to support that the student has agreed to
☐ Writing is available
☐ Numeracy ☐ Structure the assessment appropriately
☐ Limited study ☐ Provide information or course materials in accessible
skills and/or format, e.g. a textbook in braille
learning ☐ Changes in teaching practices, e.g. wearing an FM
strategies microphone to enable a student to hear lectures
☐ Supply of specialised equipment or services, e.g. a note-
taker for a student who cannot write
☐ Changes in lecture schedules and arrangements, e.g.
relocating classes to an accessible venue
☐ Changes to course design, e.g. substituting an
assessment task
☐ Modifications to physical environment, e.g. installing
lever taps, building ramps, installing a lift
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Unit Assessment Task (UAT)
Assessment Task 2 – Unit Project - Respond to scenario based questions
Assessment type
Unit Project - Respond to scenario based questions
Applicable conditions
All projects are untimed and are conducted as open book tasks (this means you can refer to
textbooks during the task).
You must read and respond to all criteria of the project.
You may handwrite/use computers to answer the questions.
You must complete the task independently.
Electronic devices are allowed during this assessment task.
No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be
Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
You will demonstrate your practical skills, technique and knowledge as you complete this
assessment task.
The trainer/assessor may ask you relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that this is
your own work.
This assessment task may be completed in a classroom, learning management system (i.e.
Moodle), workplace, or independent learning environment.
Trainer/Assessor will provide you further information regarding the location of completing this
assessment task.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
General Instructions for attempting the unit project:
You must correctly attempt all activities of this assessment task.
Your response must demonstrate an understanding and application of relevant concepts, critical
thinking and good writing skills.
You must be concise to the point and write your responses according to the given specifications
and do not provide irrelevant information.
You must use non-discriminatory language. The language used should not devalue, demean, or
exclude individuals or groups on the basis of attributes such as gender, disability, culture, race,
religion, sexual preference or age. Gender inclusive language should be used.
Assessor will not accept answers copied directly from texts, paraphrased or summarized
information without acknowledgement of the source.
You must include the following particulars in the footer section of each page of the attached sheets:
o Your name and Student ID
o Unit code and title
o Course code and title
o Trainer and assessor name
o Page number
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Establish and/or implement policies to ensure that the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical
values are adhered to
Gain and maintain the trust and confidence of colleagues and external contacts through
professional conduct
Adjust own interpersonal communication styles to meet the organisation’s cultural diversity and
ethical environment and guide and support the work team in their personal adjustment process
Use networks to build workplace relationships providing identifiable outcomes for the team and
the organisation
Conduct ongoing planning to ensure that effective internal and external workplace relationships
are developed and maintained
develop and/or implement processes to manage ideas and information including:
o communicating information to support others to achieve work responsibilities
o facilitating employees' contributions to consultation on work issues
o providing feedback on the outcomes of consultations
o resolution of issues raised or referral to relevant personnel
establish and/or implement policies to ensure that the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical
values are adhered to
provide leadership through own behaviour including:
o professional conduct that promotes trust with internal and external contacts
o adjusting own interpersonal communication style to meet the organisation’s cultural
diversity and ethical environment
plan for, and manage, the use of networks to support identifiable outcomes for the team and the
develop and/or implement processes and systems to manage difficulties including:
o identifying and resolving conflicts and other difficulties according to organisational policies
and procedures
o planning how to address difficulties
o providing guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work
explain how systems, policies and procedures can support the development of effective work
relationships focusing on interpersonal styles, communications, consultation, cultural and social
sensitivity, networking and conflict resolution
outline legislation relevant to managing effective workplace relationships.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Assessment Task 2 – Unit Project (UP) - Response to scenario-based
1. Read the scenario in Assessment 2 Appendix 1. Pay particular attention to diversity and networking
issues and information about your role as Brisbane Branch Manager.
2. Review the JKL Industries simulated business documentation provided in appendix 1 of assessment
task 1, including policies and procedures.
3. Read the questions in Assessment 2 Appendix 2 related to the scenario.
4. Create a document with written answers to the questions.
5. Submit a print or electronic version of your document containing answers to the questions in
accordance with the specifications set out below.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Assessment 2 - Appendix 1: Scenario – JKL Industries
JKL Industries overview
JKL Industries is an Australian-owned company, selling forklifts, small trucks and spare parts to industry.
They also have a division that leases forklifts and small trucks.
The company’s head office is in Sydney and has branches in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide and
After 12 years in business, focusing on forklifts and small trucks, JKL Industries has negotiated the sales
rights to a range of medium and large trucks from an overseas supplier. This opportunity will provide JKL
Industries with an advantage in range over its competitors.
Sales results over the past five years have indicated strong growth in forklift and truck sales, which have
averaged 10% sales growth per annum. The rental market has been in decline for the past three years due
to the reduced costs of these vehicles and some taxation benefits to industries who purchase these
Taking the sales rights opportunity will, however, entail some significant changes, including significant
changes to the current organisational structure. The company will reposition itself to focus solely on retail
sales and service and exit the rentals market, in which forces such as competition and consumer choice
reduce potential profitability.
In accordance with the organisation’s values, JKL Industries intends (to the extent feasible) to recruit from
within the company and up-skill or re-skill existing employees presently working in rentals who wish to
remain with the company.
Given the company’s previous history of employee grievances over pay and conditions and current plans to
restructure, JKL Industries has identified poor communications and an organisational climate of conflict as a
risk to business goals.
Moving forward, the organisation intends to build and maintain a positive organisational culture, reduce
risk and achieve organisational goals through:
● developing an effective policy framework for managing internal communications and consultation, in
accordance with organisational objectives, business ethics, and compliance requirements
● communicating and building support for organisational initiatives and objectives
● managing information flow to:
○ provide managers and employees with at-hand information to perform their work
○ communicate ideas for improvement (top-down and bottom-up)
○ facilitate feedback both to and from employees and management on relevant work
performance and outcomes of consultation.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Diversity issues
An internal management review of the organisation has uncovered the following issues:
● Poor leadership on the part of managers and low accountability and sense of personal responsibility
for results on the part of both managers and employees.
● A lack of interpersonal skills, cultural sensitivity and emotional intelligence among managers and
● A lack of trust.
● A lack of awareness of relevant policy and legislative requirements for diversity and business ethics.
● A culture of chronic conflict, characterised by:
○ resistance to change
○ hostility
○ passive aggression
○ avoidance of conflict, while leaving issues unresolved
○ issues that are apparently resolved and agreed flaring up repeatedly.
Networking issues
You are the new manager of the Brisbane branch. Over the last two weeks you have familiarised yourself
with the organisational environment and the characteristics and needs of your team.
You have read the consultant’s report on proposed communication and consultation strategies and are 100
per cent behind the approach. The strategy will need to be applied to supporting diversity and facilitating
better networking.
The JKL Industries Brisbane Branch Manager reports to the Operations General Manager.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Assessment 2 - Appendix 2: Questions
For the following scenario-based questions, put yourself in the position of the new Brisbane Branch
Manager and answer the questions accordingly.
Question 1:
An employee has complained to you that some members of your team have not made any
effort to accommodate non-Christians in this year’s Christmas celebrations. The employee
feels excluded and disappointed that an opportunity to bring the team together has
instead divided the team along religious lines.
Draft a response to the employee’s complaint.
● Greet the employee respectfully, thank them for bringing this concern to your attention and
reinforce the message that JKL Industries values the important principles of trust and confidence
among the teams and overall organisation.
● Describe at least two pieces of JKL Industries’ policy or procedure that conflict with the team’s
behaviour towards the employee.
● Identify one piece of relevant legislation that has informed the JKL policies and reinforced the
company’s commitment to becoming an industry leader in cultural diversity and ethical values.
● Describe how policies and processes can help to promote cultural diversity, ethical values and
● Describe any changes or additions you would make to JKL Industries’ policies or processes, including
future communications intended to implement and raise awareness of these documents.
● Explain how you intend to approach the team to resolve this particular issue fairly and how that will
be consistent with organisational policy and the desire to further promote cultural diversity and
ethical values.
Dear Ahmed;
Hope this mail finds you well. First of all, thank you for bringing the concern of Non-Christian employee
to my attention. JKL Industries values the important principles of trust and confidence among the teams
and overall organisation. We always value the diversity of our team, clients and communities and
respects the rights of individuals and groups to operate in an environment free of discrimination. Access
and equity (diversity and anti-discrimination) is fundamental to the operations of our Industries. It is
embedded in policies, practices and forward planning. We recognises the importance of diversity in
achieving our vision. However, a welcoming, supportive environment is provided leading to positive
learning and employment, and individuals having the opportunity to reach their optimum potential. We
have enforced Disability Discrimination Act 1992, Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cwth) and Racial
Discrimination Act 1975 to remove ethnic based discrimination. All the above mentioned policies will
help to bring an environment that has enforced ethnic behaviour and observe equality at workplace.
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Keeping the case of non-Christian employees at workplace, the environment at workplace should be
dealt without gender discrimination. However, we also expect from the team to observe the policies
and rules enforced by the organization. These issues will be dealt with organisational policy and the
desire to further promote cultural diversity and ethical values. Hope for the cooperation from the
Question 2:
To respond to the issue described in question one, you have decided to meet with the
team to directly address the behaviour.
Plan and conduct a role-play meeting to address the issue with the team. (Assessor and
group members to play parts of organisational team.)
● Use the following bullet points to plan how you will conduct the meeting. Consider a sensitive
introduction to the matter that led to the need for this meeting
● Reinforce the message that JKL Industries values the important principles of trust and confidence
among the teams and overall organisation including dealings with external clients.
● Describe what potential problems may occur if the team ignores this matter and outline the benefits
of arriving at a suitable resolution.
● Explain the consequences of unacceptable behaviour, while maintaining trust and avoiding the
impression of taking sides.
In order to ensure the enforcement of the relevant policies and legislations in the organization, I will visit
the team again and remind the team about the relevant policies. I will highlight the following policies of
the organization to my team for better communication internally as well as externally in the organization.
The organization expect from the team to respect and treat others (colleagues, managers, reports,
clients, customers and organisational stakeholders) with fairness. We also expect from the employee to
act in accordance with relevant legislation, standards and industry codes of practice. . We have enforced
Disability Discrimination Act 1992, Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cwth) and Racial Discrimination
Act 1975 to remove ethnic based discrimination. That are needed to be followed by every employee.
The employee should act honestly to protect the reputation of JKL Industries; avoid the fact or
appearance of conflict of interest. It should also protect the privacy of others in accordance with
organisational privacy and recordkeeping policies. Moreover, JKL Industries understands the business
environment and actively assists customers to reach their optimum potential. Our primary objective is
to be solution-oriented and focused on customer needs. JKL recognises that valuing diversity is pivotal
to achieving its vision.
If the team ignore the policies then it may spoil organization reputation as well as internal environment
of the organization. Failure to observance of these policies will be considered as un-ethical behaviour by
employees. And serious steps will be taken by the relevant managerial authority to treat with such
employee. It is also possible that employee might not be able to fulfil the required policies, therefore, a
warning will be issued to such employee who will keep any discrimination on the basis of ethnicity at the
workplace. In a nutshell, JKL expects from its employees to behave professionally. The organization
intends to provide an environment to the employees that is free from discrimination. If any of the
employee is found engaged in such activities then serious actions will be taken against him/her.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Question 3:
As a manager new to the Brisbane area, you feel that you need to develop contacts with
people internal to the organisation, such as managers, and external people, such as
suppliers, business networks, managers’ networks and mentors.
How would you approach networking to achieve goals?
● Describe how networking with internal and external people could help you build positive
relationships to achieve organisational and professional goals. What networking or networks would
you suggest?
Networking is about recognizing and taking advantage of valuable relationships to get things done and to
achieve a goal. It also involves working closely with other workers to be aware of potential and future needs
or problems and devising strategies to address them. Networking is also related to participation. Through
the process of participation in issues in the workplace (people in the workplace joining together to discuss
concerns and have a say in developing solutions), relationships and networks are established between people
and workers in the organization (or even in the community if your organization provides services to the
A network may be formal or informal depending on the relationship. It helps to achieve outcome establish
credibility with relevant service providers. Moreover, it helps to advocate about issues. It also helps to
maintain contact with other professionals in the relevant field. However, debrief about issue and have access
to information about what other organisations are doing, especially those providing similar services. For
external organizational environment it provide information about your own service and organisation. It
works collaboratively to better meet the needs of clients and establish new contacts who you may work with
in the future.
We can conduct formal meetings using virtual reality rooms with the external clients. By using the external
approach of the communication, the relevant suggestions can be made by meetings. We can also access the
social media for this process. So that relevant policies can be discussed with the clients.
External communication can be assessed by the company investors, shareholders because the annual reports
are to be shared on the yearly basis. This annual report is reviewed by the experts of the company to assess
the performance of the company. A well-managed approaches include the external approaches in a
structured way. Overall, the progress of the company is shared on the website of the JKL industries. Internally
a positive relationship help the organization to achieve its objectives. I would suggest the annual reports,
face to face meetings with the employees. Employee grievance policies must be defined in the organization.
Moreover, the managers should also be trained so that grievance of employee is dealt in a positive way.
Resultantly, it will help to manage the organization environment positively.
● Describe a situation in which you have previously joined a network to achieve organisational or
professional development goals. Describe the purpose of that network and comment on:
○ how you built stronger relationships within the network
○ the result of the networking for you personally
○ how your involvement benefitted your team and organisation.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
I had worked in an organization as a communication leader. The organization was facing communication
barrier. The turnover ratio of employee was increased (as compared to previous year) because of
uncooperative environment in the JKL industries. HR manager was worried because of the new recruitment
cost a lot and carry risk. Moreover, When I had started working with the organization I felt a very little or
low engagement of employees with other fellows. The environment was so unfriendly that there was no
get together since last 3 years. Apart from this, I found very little engagement of HR managers with other
managers. Initially, it looked impossible for me to settle their disputes and maintain organization
environment. I conducted meetings, it was made necessary for every managerial position person to show
their comment about organizational strategies. In order to make friendly internal environment a gathering
was held at the end of month. The purpose of this get together was not only to engage employee, but also
share ethnic issues or cultural issues that the employee were facing. Therefore, it helped a lot to build a
stronger network. This helped the organization to achieve customer trust and employee turnover ratio was
also decreased with this approach.
● Research an online network relevant to the scenario that would be appropriate for you to join as a
manager. (E.g. LinkedIn provides many free opportunities for similar purposes.) Address the
following based on your research experience:
○ Provide the name and the purpose for the online network that you explored.
○ Provide a link to an article that you found useful as a supervisor or manager.
○ Describe the potential identifiable benefits for your team and organisation if you applied
concepts from the network contributions.
○ Research an article from another source that you think is helpful for management
development, and that you would consider posting in this network forum. Explain:
– the general topic of the article and provide a link as reference
– why you personally found the article helpful
– How the article could assist managers with identifiable/measurable outcomes for their
I had found the article in which a role play was done by an employee. In this role play an employee was
extremely tensed about the meeting that was going to be held after 3 hours2. The employee tried to
manage with this but could not get help from others because of cultural issues and some organizational
issues. I reviewed the whole article. I found this helpful because it could explore the issues an employee
face when there is no communication between the employee and management. The employee had to tell
the manager about the marketing strategies were not going true. In order to explore this condition, the
employee tried to tell the HR manager but he refused to talk with operational manager. The condition
was worst. The communication level in the organization was so weak that the employee couldn’t tell to
operational manager directly.
I could identify the benefits in a sense that if the top down communication was so strong then the
organization couldn’t suffer such communication issue. The HR manager could arrange a meeting and in
meeting he could discuss with other managers about the strategic issue. After mutual discussion this issue
could be raised to the manager. Effective communication strategy could save the organization from loss.
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This article3 was helpful for me to identify the risks identified in the absence of communication strategies
(John, 2019). I also explained the effectiveness of communication skills benefits. Overall, effective
communication strategies are helpful in maintaining organizational goals4.
Question 4:
Think about your current internal and external relationships related to your working life.
Using the Networking Plan template in Assessment 2 Appendix 3, develop a plan for
maintaining effective internal and external relationships.
1. Prepare a plan to develop and maintain internal and external relationships, including a schedule for
the next three months.
John. (2019, May 5). Career trend. Retrieved from Career trend: ten
communication problems workplace 1527.html
Harvard Business School: Seven Ways to Better Communicate in Today's Diverse Workplace - Seven Tips for
Communicating In Today's Diverse Workplace
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Assessment 2 - Appendix 3: Networking plan
Networking activity Person Schedule Description/rationale for networking activity Date for
follow up
Email/ Social Intranet Respective When needed Employee and manager will be notified about the business 3rd week of
software managers strategies and the business activities. Any new notification May
will be issued with email notice in social intranet.
Face-Face Meetings Managers at Twice a month Assess current organizational strategies with the comments 2nd week of
each level from the employees to consultants. Then it will be June
communicated to senior managers.
Informational Sheets and Managers at Once a week Regular publication that keeps members up to date on current 2nd week of
Newsletters each level network projects and upcoming events of JKL Industries July
Annual Report Operational Once a Year Annual report will be provided for external communication Once a year
Manager so that the customer and business partners can get the real
time information about the progress.
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Release Date: Jan 2019 Review Date: Dec 2020
Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Student and Trainer/Assessor Details
Unit code BSBLDR502
Unit name Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Outcome of Unit First attempt:
Assessment Task (UAT)
Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):
Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐
Second attempt:
Student Declaration I declare that the answers I have provided are my own work.
Where I have accessed information from other sources, I have
provided references and or links to my sources.
I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material
that I used as part of my submission.
I have provided references for all sources where the
information is not my own. I understand the consequences of
falsifying documentation and plagiarism. I understand how
the assessment is structured. I accept that all work I submit
must be verifiable as my own.
I understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I
can appeal the assessment process, and either re-submit
additional evidence undertake gap training and or have my
submission re-assessed.
All appeal options have been explained to me.
Student Signature
Trainer/Assessor Name
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Trainer/Assessor I hold:
Declaration Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered
Current relevant industry skills
Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake
Ongoing professional development in VET
I declare that I have conducted an assessment of this candidate’s
submission. The assessment tasks were deemed current, sufficient,
valid and reliable. I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable,
and flexible assessment. I have provided feedback to the above-
named candidate.
Office Use Only Outcome of Assessment has been entered onto the Student
Management System on _________________ (insert date)
by (insert Name) __________________________________
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Unit Pre-Assessment Checklist (UPAC)
UAT 3 – Unit Project (UP) and Unit Role play/
Presentation (URP) - Dispute resolution
guidance session
Purpose of the checklist
The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. The trainer/assessor
must review the checklist with the student before the student attempts the assessment task. If any items of
the checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the trainer/assessor must provide relevant
information to the student to ensure they understand the requirements of the assessment task. The student
must ensure they are ready for the assessment task before undertaking it.
Section 1: Information for Trainers/Assessors
• Please make sure the student has completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this
• Please make sure you as a trainer/assessor have clearly explained the assessment process and tasks
to be completed.
• Please make sure the student understands what evidence is required to be collected and how.
• Please make sure the student knows their rights and the Complaints and Appeal process.
• Please make sure the student has discussed any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be
considered during the assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix).
• Please make sure the student has access to a computer and the internet (if they prefer to type the
• Please ensure that your student must have all the required resources needed to complete this Unit
Assessment Task (UAT). (Refer to Training and assessment resources for more information).
• Due date of this assessment task is according to the timetable.
• In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit an assessment
can be granted by the trainer/assessor.
• Evidence of the compelling and compassionate circumstances must be provided together with the
request for extension to submit the assessment work.
• Request for an extension to submit assessment work must be made before the due date of this
assessment task.
Section 2: Reasonable adjustments
• Students with carer responsibilities, cultural or religious obligations, English as an additional
language, disability etc. can request for reasonable adjustments.
• Please note, integrity of the unit/course will not be lowered to accommodate the needs of any
student, but there is a requirement to be flexible about the way in which it is delivered or assessed.
• The Disability Standards for Education requires institutions to take reasonable steps to enable the
student with a disability to participate in education on the same basis as a student without a
• Trainer/Assessor must complete the section below “Reasonable Adjustment Strategies Matrix” to
ensure the explanation and correct strategy have been recorded and implemented.
• Trainer/Assessor must notify the administration/compliance and quality assurance department for
any reasonable adjustments made.
• All evidence and supplementary documentation must be submitted with the assessment pack to the
administration/compliance and quality assurance department.
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Reasonable Adjustment Strategies Matrix (Trainer/Assessor to complete)
Category Possible Issue Reasonable Adjustment Strategy
(select as applicable)
☐ LLN ☐ Speaking ☐ Verbal assessment
☐ Reading ☐ Presentations
☐ Writing ☐ Demonstration of a skill
☐ Confidence ☐ Use of diagrams
☐ Use of supporting documents such as wordlists
☐ Non-English ☐ Speaking ☐ Discuss with the student and supervisor (if applicable)
Speaking ☐ Reading whether language, literacy and numeracy are likely to
Background ☐ Writing impact on the assessment process
☐ Cultural ☐ Use methods that do not require a higher level of
background language or literacy than is required to perform the job role
☐ Confidence ☐ Use short sentences that do not contain large amounts
of information
☐ Clarify information by rephrasing, confirm understanding
☐ Read any printed information to the student
☐ Use graphics, pictures and colour coding instead of, or to
support, text
☐ Offer to write down, or have someone else write, oral
responses given by the student
☐ Ensure that the time available to complete the
assessment, while meeting course requirements, takes
account of the student’s needs
☐ Indigenous ☐ Knowledge ☐ Culturally appropriate training
and ☐ Explore understanding of concepts and practical
understanding application through oral assessment
☐ Flexibility ☐ Flexible delivery
☐ Services ☐ Using group rather than individual assessments
☐ Inappropriate ☐ Assessment through completion of practical tasks in the
training and field after demonstration of skills and knowledge.
☐ Age ☐ Educational ☐ Make sure font size is not too small
background ☐ Trainer/Assessor should refer to the
☐ Limited study student’s experience
skills ☐ Ensure that the time available to complete the
assessment takes account of the student’s needs
☐ Provision of information or course materials in accessible
☐ Changes in teaching practices, e.g. wearing an FM
microphone to enable a student to hear lectures
☐ Supply of specialised equipment or services, e.g. a note-
taker for a student who cannot write
☐ Changes in lecture schedules and arrangements, e.g.
relocating classes to an accessible venue
☐ Changes to course design, e.g. substituting an
assessment task
☐ Modifications to physical environment, e.g. installing
lever taps, building ramps, installing a lift
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
☐ Educational ☐ Reading ☐ Discuss with the Student previous learning experience
background ☐ Writing ☐ Ensure learning and assessment methods meet the
☐ Numeracy student’s individual needs
☐ Limited study
skills and/or
☐ Disability ☐ Speaking ☐ Identify the issues
☐ Hearing ☐ Create a climate of support
☐ Reading ☐ Ensure access to support that the student has agreed to
☐ Writing is available
☐ Numeracy ☐ Structure the assessment appropriately
☐ Limited study ☐ Provide information or course materials in accessible
skills and/or format, e.g. a textbook in braille
learning ☐ Changes in teaching practices, e.g. wearing an FM
strategies microphone to enable a student to hear lectures
☐ Supply of specialised equipment or services, e.g. a note-
taker for a student who cannot write
☐ Changes in lecture schedules and arrangements, e.g.
relocating classes to an accessible venue
☐ Changes to course design, e.g. substituting an
assessment task
☐ Modifications to physical environment, e.g. installing
lever taps, building ramps, installing a lift
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Unit Assessment Task (UAT)
Assessment Task 3 – Unit Project (UP) and Unit Roleplay/ Presentation
(URP) - Dispute resolution guidance session
Assessment type
Unit Project (UP) and Unit Roleplay/ Presentation (URP) - Dispute resolution guidance session
Applicable conditions
All projects are untimed and are conducted as open book tasks (this means you can refer to
textbooks during the task).
You must read and respond to all criteria of the project.
You may handwrite/use computers to answer the questions.
You must complete the task independently.
Electronic devices are allowed during this assessment task.
No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be
Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
You must demonstrate your practical skills, technique and knowledge as you complete this
assessment task.
The trainer/assessor may ask you relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that this is
your own work.
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This assessment task may be completed in a classroom, learning management system (i.e. Moodle),
workplace, or independent learning environment.
Trainer/Assessor will provide you further information regarding the location of completing this
assessment task.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
• Provide guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work difficulties
• Develop and implement an action plan to address any identified difficulties
• develop and/or implement processes to manage ideas and information including:
o communicating information to support others to achieve work responsibilities
o facilitating employees' contributions to consultation on work issues
o providing feedback on the outcomes of consultations
o resolution of issues raised or referral to relevant personnel
• provide leadership through own behaviour including:
o professional conduct that promotes trust with internal and external contacts
o adjusting own interpersonal communication style to meet the organisation’s cultural
diversity and ethical environment
• develop and/or implement processes and systems to manage difficulties including:
o identifying and resolving conflicts and other difficulties according to organisational policies
and procedures
o planning how to address difficulties
o providing guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work
• outline legislation relevant to managing effective workplace relationships.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Assessment Task 3 - Unit Project (UP) and Unit Roleplay/ Presentation
(URP) - Dispute Resolution Guidance Session
You must:
o Build trust with your colleague through assuming a calm, professional and emotionally
receptive attitude and demeanor.
o Adjust your personal communication style appropriately to meet the needs (both
emotional and technical) of your colleague.
o Discuss relevant grievance policies and procedures for resolving conflict in accordance with
organisational and legislative requirements.
o Discuss strategies for identifying root causes of conflict and for resolving the conflict.
o Collaborate with your colleague to develop an action plan (completing the one from
Appendix 2 you have already begun to implement by leading this session), including at least
three actions your colleague can take to resolve the issue with their employee.
6. Arrange a time and place with your assessor to participate in the role-play.
7. Perform your role-play in accordance with the specifications set out below and record the details of
the meeting in the action plan provided in Appendix 2 and agree on implementation timelines.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Role play roles/scenario for reference
Manager (Rentals)
The manager thanks the HR business partner for meeting with them and explains the
nature of the complaint and their reaction in the following way:
● The manager is hurt and angry that the employee has made the complaint, given
that the company’s intentions regarding re-training of rental employees has been
clear. All employees receive company communications promptly, through posted
notices and via the organisational intranet.
● The manager feels that the grievance is a direct slap in the face because the
manager has tried their hardest to be clear and fair to employees. They are a new
manager and feel that such a complaint is disrespectful and undermines their
● They feel they should put the employee in their place and perhaps set an example
of them to discourage others from making frivolous claims and baseless threats.
The manager is highly defensive and accuses HR of siding with the employee. They are
aggressive with the candidate as an HR representative.
If the candidate listens and responds appropriately by taking a positive, consultative
approach, the manager will calm down, explore options for dealing with the conflict and
collaborate to complete an action plan for resolving the conflict with their employee.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
a. JKL Industries will refer the matter to an independent mediator for assistance
in resolving the dispute.
b. If you are not satisfied, contact the relevant regulator for mediation, for
i. state/territory health and safety regulator
ii. Human Rights Commissioner
iii. Fair Work Ombudsman.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Observation Checklist – Assessment 3: Role play
Student name
Assessor name
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Assessment 3 - Appendix 1: Scenario – JKL Industries
JKL Industries overview
JKL Industries is an Australian-owned company, selling forklifts, small trucks and spare parts to industry.
They also have a division that leases forklifts and small trucks.
The company’s head office is in Sydney and has branches in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide and
After 12 years in business, focusing on forklifts and small trucks, JKL Industries has negotiated the sales
rights to a range of medium and large trucks from an overseas supplier. This opportunity will provide JKL
Industries with an advantage in range over its competitors.
Sales results over the past five years have indicated strong growth in forklift and truck sales, which have
averaged 10% sales growth per annum. The rental market has been in decline for the past three years due
to the reduced costs of these vehicles and some taxation benefits to industries who purchase these
Taking the sales rights opportunity will, however, entail some significant changes, including significant
changes to the current organisational structure. The company will reposition itself to focus solely on retail
sales and service and exit the rentals market, in which forces such as competition and consumer choice
reduce potential profitability.
In accordance with the organisation’s values, JKL Industries intends (to the extent feasible) to recruit from
within the company and up-skill or re-skill existing employees presently working in rentals who wish to
remain with the company.
Given the company’s previous history of employee grievances over pay and conditions and current plans to
restructure, JKL Industries has identified poor communications and an organisational climate of conflict as a
risk to business goals.
Moving forward, the organisation intends to build and maintain a positive organisational culture, reduce
risk and achieve organisational goals through:
1. Developing an effective policy framework for managing internal communications and consultation,
in accordance with organisational objectives, business ethics, and compliance requirements
2. Communicating and building support for organisational initiatives and objectives
3. Managing information flow to:
4. Provide managers and employees with at-hand information to perform their work responsibilities
5. Communicate ideas for improvement (top-down and bottom-up)
6. Facilitate feedback both to and from employees and management on relevant work performance
and outcomes of consultation.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Role-play information: HR Business Partner
You are an HR Business Partner working in the JKL Industries Brisbane branch. You report directly to the HR
Manager in the Sydney Head Office. As an employee of the Brisbane branch, you also report to the
Brisbane Branch Manager. You work to provide information to employees, team leaders and managers at
the branch, facilitate service delivery through HR centres of excellence, such as compliance and training
and development, and partner with managers to assist them in strategising, workforce planning and
development, and in meeting the needs of their customers, employees and the business as a whole.
A peer manager (from Rentals) has made an appointment to come to you about an employee grievance.
Employee grievance
A rental employee of the Brisbane branch is concerned about plans to restructure the
business. The employee is extremely angry and feels that they:
They would like to formally complain that their manager has not provided rental
employees with opportunities to retrain.
In addition, the employee feels they must be underpaid because they know people in the
same job in the same industry who are making much more. They don’t understand the
basis of their pay or conditions.
Finally, the employee is currently organising other rental and sales employees for a
possible strike. They intend to pressure their union into supporting and publicising the
You know that the Rentals Manager is very concerned about the impact of the grievance on team cohesion
and, potentially, the goals and objectives of the organisation. You also suspect that the manager will be
hurt or angry themselves, as they have indicated their sincere desire to improve employee relations within
their team through better communication and relationship-building.
The trouble is that while the manager may have the best intentions, they are relatively inexperienced and
may not be approaching the conflict with the most productive mindset. The manager may not have all the
conflict resolution tools, tactics and strategies that you are equipped with as a more experienced HR
● JKL Industries’ firm policy and intention is to retrain rental employees to retain talent (retraining is in
JKL’s interest).
● So far the employee has adhered to the grievance policy as intended by the organisation. The
grievance procedure sets out a process whereby disputes are kept at the lowest level. Employees
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
should take their grievance first to their immediate supervisor, which the employee has done. This
gives managers the first opportunity to respond appropriately, which is only fair. The Rentals
Manager now has an opportunity to resolve the dispute early.
● The employee is paid to the terms of the relevant modern award (MA000089 Vehicle Manufacturing,
Repair, Services and Retail Award 2010), but that all employees will soon be able to negotiate
possibly much better pay and conditions in upcoming enterprise bargaining.
In your meeting with the Rentals Manager to provide guidance, lead the meeting through the following
1. Listen to the manager: understand the facts as they see them and understand their feelings
2. Adopt an appropriate leadership/communication style
3. Be reflective, regulate your emotions, and refrain from reacting
4. Explain the facts as you understand them, including providing an explanation of the grievance
policy, its Benefit to the organisation, and the relevance of at least one piece of legislation
5. Help the manager to understand reasons for the grievance
Note: Given the climate of fear and suspicion that has existed within JKL Industries, such a
grievance may not be very unlikely. It is also possible that plain communications of facts and
organisational intentions may have failed because of the underlying emotional work context. As
such, the complaint should not necessarily be a cause of offense.
6. Using your knowledge of dispute resolution, collaborate with the manager to determine a series
of at least three activities to resolve the conflict with the employee and complete an action plan
(use the template provided in Appendix 2)
7. Offer to mediate in the dispute, if required, or help to provide assistance such as guidance,
counselling or support if it requires further escalation.
Given the company’s industrial relations history and restructure plans, and history of conflict and mistrust,
contributing to positive employee relationship-building through assisting managers will constitute a key
measure of your value to the organisation.
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Assessment 3 - Appendix 2: Workplace difficulties action plan template
Meeting date Time Attendees Brief description of Issue identified by:
grievance or area of
1st week of may 2:00pm HR meeting with manager The grievance issues with HR managers/ Business
(Rental) and HR Business the employee impact on partner
Partner (role played by
training candidate)
Document Type: UIT Student Assessment Pack Version 1,2019 – Compliance and Quality Assurance Department
Release Date: Jan 2019 Review Date: Dec 2020
Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Unit Assessment Result Sheet (UARS)
Student and Trainer/Assessor Details
Unit code BSBLDR502
Unit name Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Outcome of Unit First attempt:
Assessment Task (UAT)
Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):
Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐
Second attempt:
Student Declaration I declare that the answers I have provided are my own work.
Where I have accessed information from other sources, I have
provided references and or links to my sources.
I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material
that I used as part of my submission.
I have provided references for all sources where the
information is not my own. I understand the consequences of
falsifying documentation and plagiarism. I understand how
the assessment is structured. I accept that all work I submit
must be verifiable as my own.
I understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I
can appeal the assessment process, and either re-submit
additional evidence undertake gap training and or have my
submission re-assessed.
All appeal options have been explained to me.
Student Signature
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Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Trainer/Assessor Name
Trainer/Assessor I hold:
Declaration Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered
Current relevant industry skills
Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake
Ongoing professional development in VET
I declare that I have conducted an assessment of this candidate’s
submission. The assessment tasks were deemed current, sufficient,
valid and reliable. I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable,
and flexible assessment. I have provided feedback to the above-
named candidate.
Office Use Only Outcome of Assessment has been entered onto the Student
Management System on _________________ (insert date)
by (insert Name) __________________________________
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Release Date: Jan 2019 Review Date: Dec 2020
Unit Name: BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships