Medical Imaging Record Release
Medical Imaging Record Release
Medical Imaging Record Release
Name/Facility: ____________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________
I understand that:
• I may withdraw my authorization at any time by submitting a written request to the Director of Radiology.
Authorization may be withdrawn except for the following:
- to the extent that action has been taken in reliance on this authorization.
- if the authorization is obtained as a condition of obtaining insurance coverage, other laws provide the insurer
with the right to contest a claim under the policy
• Information released on this authorization, if redisclosed by the recipient, is no longer protected by CHA
I have read and understand the terms of this Authorization and I have had the opportunity to ask questions
about obtaining, using and disclosing my health information as listed above. By my signature below, I hereby
knowingly and voluntarily authorize Cambridge Health Alliance to obtain, use and/or disclose my health
information in the manner described above.
When patient is a minor, or is not competent to give consent, the signature of a parent, guardian, or other legal
representative is required.