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Opto-magnetic capture of individual cells

based on visual phenotypes
Loı̈c Binan1,2, François Bélanger1,3, Maxime Uriarte1,3, Jean François Lemay1,
Jean Christophe Pelletier De Koninck1, Joannie Roy1, El Bachir Affar1,3,
Elliot Drobetsky1,3, Hugo Wurtele1, Santiago Costantino1,2*
Research Center, Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital, Montreal, Canada;
Department of Ophthalmology, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada;
Department of Medicine and Molecular Biology Program, University of Montreal,
Montreal, Canada

Abstract The ability to isolate rare live cells within a heterogeneous population based solely on
visual criteria remains technically challenging, due largely to limitations imposed by existing sorting
technologies. Here, we present a new method that permits labeling cells of interest by attaching
streptavidin-coated magnetic beads to their membranes using the lasers of a confocal microscope.
A simple magnet allows highly specific isolation of the labeled cells, which then remain viable and
proliferate normally. As proof of principle, we tagged, isolated, and expanded individual cells
based on three biologically relevant visual characteristics: i) presence of multiple nuclei, ii)
accumulation of lipid vesicles, and iii) ability to resolve ionizing radiation-induced DNA damage foci.
Our method constitutes a rapid, efficient, and cost-effective approach for isolation and subsequent
characterization of rare cells based on observable traits such as movement, shape, or location,
which in turn can generate novel mechanistic insights into important biological processes.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239.001

*For correspondence:
santiago.costantino@umontreal.ca Characterization of biological samples relies heavily on microscopy where, in response to various
stimuli, molecular probes and a myriad of contrast reagents are routinely used to identify and label
Competing interests: The
individual live cells of interest. These methods often require prior knowledge of cellular markers or
authors declare that no
use of elaborate reporter constructs. On the other hand, based solely on visual inspection or using
competing interests exist.
image processing algorithms, it is possible to distinguish rare cells which exhibit distinct biological
Funding: See page 17 properties from among thousands of counterparts within a microscopy field. Such
Received: 16 January 2019 visually discernable traits include movement, shape, intracellular protein distribution, and location
Accepted: 09 April 2019 within the sample, and in turn can reflect important physiological features of individual cells. For
Published: 10 April 2019 example, cell migration (movement) is an essential determinant in normal embryonic development,
wound healing, immune responses, tumor progression, and vascular disease (Kurosaka and
Reviewing editor: Maddy
Parsons, King’s College London,
Kashina, 2008). Moreover, changes in cellular morphology (shape) constitute biomarkers of cellular
United Kingdom growth, division, death, and differentiation, as well as of tissue morphogenesis and disease
(Prasad and Alizadeh, 2019). Cell-to-cell contacts (location) or distance to sources of chemical cues
Copyright Binan et al. This
such as senescent cells, inflammation or necrotic tissue are critical factors in chemokinesis, differenti-
article is distributed under the
ation, neural function, and immune responses (Garcia et al., 2018). Finally, expression and visualiza-
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which tion of fluorescent fusion proteins permits the identification of cells presenting molecular behaviors
permits unrestricted use and of interest, such as differential relocalization of proteins to subcellular compartments or structures
redistribution provided that the upon various stimuli. Unfortunately, however, isolation and expansion of single cells characterized by
original author and source are such easily-observable features is technically challenging, and indeed has not been accomplished to
credited. date.

Binan et al. eLife 2019;8:e45239. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239 1 of 21

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eLife digest When scientists use microscopes to look at cells, they often want to then isolate
certain cells based on how these look like. For example, researchers may want to select cells with
specific shapes, movements or division rates, because these visual clues give important information
about how the cells may be behaving in the body. However, it remains difficult to precisely pick a
few live cells within a bigger sample.
To address this problem, Binan et al. created a new approach, called single cell magneto-optical
capture (scMOCa), to set aside specific cells within a larger population. The technique uses the
lasers present on confocal microscopes to attach tiny metallic beads to the surface of chosen cell.
Then, a magnetic field is applied to gently pull the cell to a new location. The method is cheap – it
relies on commonly available research tools – and it works on a broad variety of cells. In the future,
scMOCa could be used to capture and then grow cells that can only be recognized by how they
look or behave, which will help to study them in greater details.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239.002

We recently developed a method termed Cell Labeling via Photobleaching (CLaP) (Binan et al.,
2016) allowing the arbitrary tagging of individual cells among a heterogeneous population within a
microscopy field. This is accomplished by crosslinking biotin molecules to their plasma membranes
with the lasers of a confocal microscope, followed by use of fluorescent streptavidin conjugates to
reveal the marked cells. In this manner, the same instrument used for imaging can also be adapted
to label particular cells based on any visible trait that distinguishes them from the ensemble. Impor-
tantly, previous knowledge of surface markers or transfection of reporter genes are not required.
Tags can be added with single-cell precision and the incorporated label displays convenient tracking
properties to monitor location and movement. The mark is stable, non-toxic, retained in cells for sev-
eral days, and moreover, does not engender detectable changes in cell morphology, viability, or
proliferative capacity. Moreover, gene expression profiling indicated no major changes associated
with the procedure (Binan et al., 2016). Nevertheless, a technology for the efficient isolation and
expansion of CLaP-tagged cells is still lacking.
The fact that cell populations are often highly heterogeneous underscores the need for new
approaches to capture and clonally expand individual cells of interest for further characterization.
However, as mentioned above, current sorting techniques cannot efficiently isolate such rare cells
(Pappas and Wang, 2007); indeed, classical protocols like Fluorescence and Magnetic Activated
Cell Sorting (FACS and MACS) are typically optimized for high throughput at the expense of capture
efficiency and specificity, and require large numbers of cells (Pappas and Wang, 2007). Small cell
populations representing 10 3 of the total, which have been defined as rare, or ultrarare in the case
of 10 5, can only be effectively captured and purified with repeated cycles of sorting and cell expan-
sion protocols (Pappas and Wang, 2007). Starting with rare and hence precious cell populations,
highly conservative gating strategies are needed, which can at best achieve approximately 45%
purity (Kuka, 2013; Shields et al., 2015). Time-consuming manipulations, cost, hardware footprint,
and handling complexity (Takahashi and Okada, 1970) make approaches based on microfluidics ill-
suited for capturing small numbers of cells, which are often masked within tens of thousands.
Here, we report a novel technology, termed Single-Cell Magneto-Optical Capture (scMOCa), for
isolating cells based purely on visual traits from within large heterogenous populations. After tether-
ing biotin moieties to their membranes, cells of interest are targeted with streptavidin-coated ferro-
magnetic beads and captured with high efficiency using a simple magnet. The procedure is fast,
uses low-cost commercially available reagents and only requires access to a standard confocal micro-
scope. As proof-of-principle for the utility and power of this novel approach, we used scMOCa to i):
capture and expand individual cells that differ in their capacity to resolve ionizing radiation (IR)-
induced foci of the DNA repair protein 53BP1, ii) purify rare multinucleated cells, and iii) isolate cells
that differentiated into adipocytes and accumulated lipid vesicles. Overall, the ease of use and
affordability of our method is expected to facilitate the characterization of phenotypes of interest
occurring in a small fraction of cell populations.

Binan et al. eLife 2019;8:e45239. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239 2 of 21

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scMOCa: efficient magnetic sorting of cells using ferromagnetic
streptavidin-coated beads
Cell membrane biotinylation and ferromagnetic functionalization
We set out to evaluate whether individual cells illuminated with a low-power laser can be labeled
with ferromagnetic beads, thereby facilitating their purification and clonal expansion. Adherent cells
were incubated in medium supplemented with biotin-4-fluorescein (B4F), and a small area inside the
cells of interest was illuminated with a 473 nm excitation laser at low power (<100 mW) for 2 s using
a confocal microscope. This operation effectively crosslinks biotin molecules to plasma membranes
and was repeated for all targeted cells. After washing, streptavidin-coated ferromagnetic beads
were added to the medium, and then allowed to settle and attach specifically to illuminated cells
(Figure 1A).
The high strength of the biotin streptavidin bond (Kd = 10 15M) allows stringent rinsing and effi-
cient removal of unbound magnetic beads, which is key to obtaining specific tagging allowed by the
accurate laser pointing (Figure 1B). Depending on their size, beads may later be internalized (nano-
meter-size beads), or retained at the cell surface and shared between daughter cells after mitosis
(micron-size beads). If needed, special beads, which integrate a DNA spacer between the streptavi-
din and their magnetic core to allow enzymatic cleavage, are commercially available (Figure 1—fig-
ure supplement 1). This permits detachment from cells in cases where beads can compromise
downstream experiments, for example analysis of migration, or single-cell RNA sequencing.

Figure 1. Outline of scMOCa. (A) Biotin-4-fluorescein is crosslinked to cell membranes with a laser. Biotin-tagged cells are labeled with streptavidin-
coated ferromagnetic beads and captured with a magnet. (B) Example of a confluent U2OS cell culture where only cells illuminated with the lasers of a
confocal microscope are densely decorated with magnetic particles. Beads appear in white, and all cellular membranes in red, tagged with WGA-
Alexa647. Scale bar: 500 mm. (C) Schematic illustrating the simple tools needed to implement the protocol. Two small cell culture chambers cast in
silicone and adhered to coverglasses are positioned one on top of the other. Cells in the bottom chamber are attracted to the top collection chamber
by a magnetic field. A nail is placed above the collection chamber to guide the field generated by magnets to the donor chamber in which the cell
suspension is kept. The collection chamber is held between two Lego bricks, filled with a solution of Trypsin (held in place by surface tension), and then
slowly approached 6 mm above the bottom chamber, at which point the two drops merge.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239.003
The following figure supplements are available for figure 1:
Figure supplement 1. Dettachment of magnetic beads.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239.004
Figure supplement 2. Step by step protocol to tag and isolate cells using scMOCa.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239.005
Figure supplement 3. Instructions to create a simple platform to hold both chambers, the magnets and the nail.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239.006
Figure supplement 4. Three magnets were inserted inside a hollow Lego brick to magnetically hold the rest of the pile in position for sorting.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239.007

Binan et al. eLife 2019;8:e45239. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239 3 of 21

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Rare cells can be sorted and expanded with high efficiency and specificity
We used trypsin to detach cells from the substrate before subjecting the entire population to a mag-
netic field that attracts labeled (positive) cells upwards to a collection chamber, while non-labeled
(negative) cells remain in the original chamber. Specifically, two home-made chambers cast with sili-
cone were filled with cell culture medium and positioned one on top of the other (Figure 1C). The
top (receiving) chamber is also filled with trypsin and slowly brought together with the bottom cham-
ber until both liquid drops merge. On top of the receiving chamber, a nail is placed to guide the
magnetic field generated by a pile of 10 N35 magnets, each generating a 1.18 Gauss magnetic field
at its surface (Figure 1C). Importantly, the nail must have high iron-alloy content for strong ferro-
magnetism. Only positive cells coated with ferromagnetic beads are pulled upwards to the top
chamber, whereas negative cells are held down by gravity.
Magnets only attract positive cells with beads from the bottom well to the top well, regardless of
the total number of cells in the sample. Repetition of the magnetic capture up to four times yields
optimal selectivity: the collection (top) chamber can be simply flipped to replace the original donor
chamber, while a new clean collection chamber is placed on top. The entire procedure takes only a
few minutes and a detailed protocol is provided in Materials and methods and Figure 1—figure
supplement 2. We note that a number of experimental parameters from this protocol need to be
fine-tuned for specific cell types which exhibit different binding strengths and adhesion kinetics. In
particular, the duration of the trypsin incubation, the number of times the capture is repeated, the
time of exposure to the magnetic field, and the concentration of beads must be experimentally
Chamber dimensions can be critical for effective sorting, as their diameter (5 mm) and thickness
(2 mm) determine the surface tension that holds liquid in the collection chamber and prevents it
from falling. Furthermore, turbulence and movement must be avoided to prevent negative cells
from reaching the collection chamber when both chambers are pulled apart. The distance that sepa-
rates the two chambers while cells are being magnetically transferred must be maintained at approx-
imately 6 mm such that gravity attracts negative cells as far away as possible from the collection
chamber. The more distant the chambers are, the stronger the magnetic field must be to attract
positive cells into the collection chamber; however, this could in turn affect the viability of trans-
ferred cells subjected to high pressure from beads pushing towards their cytoplasm.
We quantified the capacity of scMOCa to tag and isolate single cells from large populations. For
this, we illuminated individual cells from chambers where approximately 50,000 cells had been
seeded the day before and assessed capture efficiency. Figure 2 shows examples where one or five
cells were successfully sorted. Cells were non-specifically stained with WGA-Alexa-555 to facilitate
detection and images were obtained before (Figure 2, left panels) and immediately after sorting
(Figure 2, right panels). The right panels of Figure 2 display both captured cells (visible in red) as
well as unbound beads often aligned with the magnetic lines of force emanating from the head of
the nail.
We have repeated these experiments and obtained similar results using both glass and Aclar
(plastic) substrates, which vary significantly in their ability to promote cell adhesion. In every experi-
ment, a given number of fluorescently labeled U2OS cells (1 to 50) were illuminated with a laser,
sorted, and the receiving chamber examined to count captured cells. Cells in the receiving chamber
with no visible beads attached to their membrane were considered as negative captured cells.
Figure 3A demonstrates the high capture efficiency and selectivity of scMOCa, where blue dots cor-
respond to experiments performed on Aclar substrates (higher cell adhesion) and red dots to glass
(lower cell adhesion). Out of 23 experiments, starting from samples of 50,000 cells, the largest devia-
tion from perfect recovery corresponds to one test where only 3, instead of 5 positive cells, were
captured (two positive cells lost).
To further demonstrate the high specificity of our capture technique, that is to determine the
ratio of false positive cells to the total number of chosen cells, 50 000 cells originating from two dif-
ferent species were co-cultured: MDCK (dog kidney cells) and IMCD (mouse kidney cells) at a 1:1
ratio. IMCD cells were incubated in WGA-Alexa 555 prior to mixing, to add a species-specific fluo-
rescent marker. After 1 day in co-culture, the sample was brought to the microscope where 10 (non-
fluorescent) MDCK cells were illuminated. We sorted the cells using scMOCa and performed PCR
with primers specific for the cytochrome C gene from both dog and mouse. The results show that

Binan et al. eLife 2019;8:e45239. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239 4 of 21

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Figure 2. Images of cells functionalized with magnetic beads before (left, original chamber) and after (right, collection chamber) sorting. Beads appear
in white (transmission image), and plasma membranes, tagged with WGA-Alexa555, in red (fluorescence image). Experiments were performed by
tagging and sorting one cell (A) or five cells (B). In each case, it is apparent that all selected cells (left) are efficiently extracted (right) without
contamination as the number of cells on the images on the right corresponds to the number of cells tagged. Tagged cells are easily recognized as they
are covered with beads in both images. Scale bars: 50 mm.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239.008

both cell types were present in the original mix, but only dog DNA was detected after magnetic
sorting (Figure 3B). We also show by qPCR that these samples respectively contain an amount of
DNA that corresponds to 10 and 9 dog cells, whereas mouse DNA is essentially undetectable
(Figure 3C). We also note that since we amplified a mitochondrial gene present at hundreds of gene
copies per cell, one negative cell or even a DNA dilution corresponding to less than one cell is
expected to be detectable (DNA dilutions corresponding to less than one cell give readily detect-
able signals; see calibration curves in Figure 3—figure supplement 1). These experiments demon-
strate that scMOCa isolates individual cells with high specificity. Indeed within a heterogeneous
population, that is starting with a ratio 1:10,000 (positive: negative cells) in the source chamber, the
method yields pure samples in the collection chamber. Our examples represent a five-orders-of-
magnitude enrichment, as pure samples originating from a rare cell population (0.02% of the total)
can be generated.
As a comparison to other capture methods based on magnetic fields, we prepared samples in
which we sought to isolate 30 U2OS cells arbitrarily tagged amongst 30,000 by using commercially
available separation columns (MACS, Miltenyi Biotec). These columns are optimized for high-
throughput enrichment of large samples and are not designed for rare cells. In three independent
experiments, we could isolate 5.3 ± 1.5 positive cells on average, while also capturing 17.6 ± 7.3
negative cells. This represents a population in which approximately 75% of the captured cells are
contaminating false-positive cells with no beads attached, while scMOCa generates pure samples
(Figure 3A). These results underscore the importance of the design of the home-made chambers
and capture protocol, which prevents turbulent movement of cells.

Binan et al. eLife 2019;8:e45239. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239 5 of 21

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Figure 3. Capture efficiency and specificity. (A) Capture efficiency for 1, 5, 10, and 50 selected cells for a total of
27 experiments. Red dots represent experiments performed with glass as a cell culture substrate and blue dots
correspond to experiments using Aclar as a substrate. The horizontal axis represents the number of target cells,
considered as the number of cells illuminated with the laser. Ordinate axis shows the number of cells detected on
the collection chamber after capture, and the line corresponds to 100% success rate. A linear fit of the data
yielded a slope of 0.99, demonstrating that scMOCa is highly efficient in retrieving all target cells, after testing 1 to
50 cells. (B, C) Mouse (fluorescent) and dog (non-fluorescent) cell lines were co-cultured and only dog cells were
illuminated and captured. PCR on a mitochondrial gene shows that all extracted cells form a pure sample and are
exclusively dog cells. Table C shows the number of cells detected in each condition in three repeats of the
experiment. These numbers are calculated from the amount of detected DNA normalized to the expected amount
in one cell. A and B are independent experiments in which two different dishes were prepared, tagged and sorted
prior to PCR.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239.009
The following figure supplement is available for figure 3:
Figure supplement 1. Calibration curves used to calculate the number of cells from qPCR product.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239.010

Binan et al. eLife 2019;8:e45239. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239 6 of 21

Tools and resources Cancer Biology Cell Biology

Cells can be placed back in culture and expanded after sorting. Immediately after capture cells
are round (as expected after trypsin treatment), but after one day in culture they display normal
elongated shapes (Figure 4). Upon proliferation the number of cells with beads attached is reduced
exponentially as cells divide (Figure 4, right panels). In addition to immortalized cell lines, we have
tested and successfully sorted three different types of primary cells: human umbilical vein endothelial
cells (HUVECs), human lung fibroblasts, and mice dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons dissected and
plated 24 hr before the assay. We specifically chose primary cells as these are known to be more
fragile during manipulation than cell lines. Importantly, HUVECs and lung fibroblasts proliferated
normally for several days and primary DRG neurons actively extended cellular processes, as shown in
Figure 4. Finally, we tested mouse embryonic stem cells which, after capture and replating, dis-
played similar growth and morphological features relative to the original population. Indeed, cells
sorted using gelatin-coated plastic chambers migrated and regrouped into small colonies which pro-
liferated normally during 10 days. Sorted cells formed small poorly adherent spherical structures
(Figure 4D) which is expected from embryonic stem cells as they are known to spontaneously form
embryonic bodies in culture. Upon addition of 1 uM retinoic acid and removal of the leukemia inhibi-
tory factor (LIF) from their medium, they started differentiating during five additional days
(Figure 4D, right panel) and became more adherent cells spread on the culture substrate.
High plating efficiency is important when only one sample with very few cells needs to be
expanded. Therefore, chamber culture conditions must be optimized for low cell numbers. Cell via-
bility and proliferative potential can be improved by the use of conditioned medium (Huang et al.,
1990; Housden et al., 2015; Yamamoto et al., 2000), that is, medium collected from an exponen-
tially growing cell culture and passed through a 0.2 mm filter. This is attributed to secreted factors
that in turn facilitate cell growth at very low density (Huang et al., 1990; Yamamoto et al., 2000).
The top collection chamber can be coated with collagen to further improve cell attachment and via-
bility (Fradet-Turcotte et al., 2013).

Cells can be captured based on their ability to resolve ionizing

radiation-induced DNA damage foci
To demonstrate the utility of scMOCa, we sought to isolate and expand cell populations based on
their ability to resolve ionizing radiation (IR)-induced 53BP1 DNA damage foci, a well-characterized
indicator of DNA double strand break (DSB) repair capacity (Asaithamby and Chen, 2009). For this,
we used U2OS osteosarcoma cells harboring a construct permitting doxycycline-inducible expression
of 53BP1 fused to Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP). 53BP1 is directly involved in DSB repair and is
rapidly recruited to DSB sites where it forms foci that can be readily detected by fluorescence
microscopy in live-cells (Mirzayans et al., 2018) when fused with GFP. Foci of 53BP1 are resolved
gradually as cells repair DSB, and within approximately 3 hr post-irradiation with 0.5 Gy most are
expected to disappear (Mirzayans et al., 2018).
We exposed cells to 0.5 Gy of IR and imaged GFP-53BP1 foci. We first characterized focus forma-
tion and resolution by measuring the average number of foci before and after IR in 500 cells. At 45
min post-irradiation an average of 10.2 ± 2.5 (mean ± standard deviation) foci per cell was detected.
At 2 hr post-irradiation, a second set of images was acquired, and the average number of foci was
reduced to 7.6 ± 2.3. Since on average cells resolved approximately 25% of their foci within 2 hr, we
defined cells in which more than 85% of foci have disappeared after 2 hr as ‘fast resolving’. Such fast
resolving cells, represented approximately 1% of the population. In all following experiments, we
compared both sets of images to search for fast-resolving cells (two such cells are shown in
Figure 5A) and used scMOCa to tag, capture and expand them.
We emphasize that FACS or similar approaches are not suitable for sorting based on focus resolu-
tion, even if the fraction of target cells was relatively large, as the overall fluorescence signal originat-
ing from cell nuclei does not reflect the local distribution of protein. Indeed, we observed no change
in global protein abundance or average intensity of GFP-53BP1 upon focus resolution: the average
intensity of nuclei showed no correlation with the number of 53BP1 foci (Pearson coefficient of
0.15). Because we used very stringent selection criteria for focus resolution, we tagged only 5 and
3 ‘fast-resolving’ cells in two independent experiments, which were subsequently isolated using
scMOCa, pooled and expanded to generate Populations #1 and #2.

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Figure 4. Cells remain viable and proliferate after capture. Images showing scMOCa-captured cells stained with
WGA-Alexa-647. (A) LF-1 fibroblasts 1 (left) and 4 (right) days after sorting. Scale bar 80 mm. (B) Primary DRG
neurons 2 (left) and 4 (right) days after sorting. Scale bars: 25 mm (left) and 80 mm (right) (C) HUVECs 3 (left) and 6
(right) days after sorting. Scale bar: 80 mm. (D) Mouse embryonic stem cells 7 days after sorting (left) and 5 days
after starting differentiation (15 days after sorting) (right). Prior to differentiation, only a bright-field image is shown
to preserve cell viability. After differentiation, we stained cells with WGA-Alexa647, and merged the image with a
bright-field photo to increase contrast and better see cellular extensions. Scale bar: 40 mm.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239.011

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Figure 5. Capture and expansion of individual cells that differ in their capacity to resolve ionizing radiation-
induced 53BP1 foci. (A) Nuclei from irradiated cells 40 min (top) and 90 min (bottom) post-irradiation. Two cells
(red arrows) resolved 53BP1 foci more rapidly and were selected for capture. Scale bar: 14 mm. (B, C) Smoothed
normalized histograms showing the fraction of cells detected as a function of the number of induced GFP-53BP1
(B) or endogenous 53BP1 (C) foci for five time points. Sorted Populations #1 and #2 resolve foci faster than their
parental counterpart as illustrated by the more rapid shift toward the left (zero foci per cell) observed for these
two populations. (D) Illustration of automatic nuclei segmentation and detection of foci (top) and source image
(bottom). Objects detected as nuclei are circled in red, segmented foci appear as green circles. Scale bar 25 mm.
(E) Immunoblot showing the amount of 53BP1 at 0, 60, 90 min post-irradiation in doxycycline induced cells (+) and
non-induced cells (-). 53BP1 levels are not altered in Populations #1 or #2 compared to the parental cells. (F) Cell
cycle profiles of U2OS GFP-53BP1 parental cell lines and two extracted populations. Cultures were induced with
Dox for 48 hr and cell cycle was analyzed by DNA content flow cytometry (see Material and methods). Values
represent the means ± SEM of three independent experiments. All focus quantification graphs represent the
average of 3 experiments, where in each case at least 200 cells were scored.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239.012

The ability to quickly resolve 53BP1 foci is transmitted from parental to

daughter cells
We next compared the kinetics 53BP1 focus resolution in Populations #1 and #2 vs. the parental cell
population. The resolution of foci was quantified using (i) live-cell imaging of GFP-53BP1 (Figure 5B)

Binan et al. eLife 2019;8:e45239. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239 9 of 21

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and also (ii) following immunostaining with anti-53BP1 antibody (when GFP-53BP1 expression was
not induced) to evaluate focus formation involving the endogenous untagged protein (Figure 5C).
Images were acquired at 45, 60, 75, 90 and 120 min post-irradiation with 1Gy for the two popula-
tions and the distribution of DNA foci per cell compared with that of the parental cell line. We used
Matlab to program a fully automated algorithm for focus quantification (Figure 5D) and analyzed
approximately 1800 cells per time-point. This allowed the unbiased evaluation of large datasets as
Figure 5B and C taken together represent the behavior of more than 21,000 cells.
Figure 5B and C shows normalized histograms (probability density functions) of the number of
foci per cell at each time-point. Importantly, all three populations exhibited similar numbers of foci
per cell 45 min after irradiation, indicating that the initial formation of 53BP1 foci is comparable
between all cell populations. However, we found that the progeny of captured cells (Populations #1
and #2) retained the original visually detected phenotype of fast focus resolution. These cells
resolved foci at least 1.5 times more rapidly than parental counterparts, as the median number of
GFP-53BP1 foci per cell 60 min post-IR for Populations#1 and #2 (17 and 15 respectively) is equal to
the median number of foci that parental cells exhibit at 90 min post-IR. After 75 min, these numbers
of foci are already statistically different (p-values from student T-tests comparing the parental cells
to Populations #1 and #2 are respectively 10 75 and 10 39). Such differences in focus resolution
dynamics is particularly striking in cells for which the expression of GFP-53BP1 is induced
(Figure 5B) but is clearly observable as well using immunofluorescence of the endogenous protein in
non-induced fixed cells (Figure 5C).
To rule out the possibility that resolution of 53BP1 foci might be due to increased degradation
upon IR or to globally decreased levels of the protein, we monitored 53BP1 levels by immunoblot-
ting at different time points post-IR. No changes in the levels of either endogenous 53BP1 or GFP-
tagged version was observed (Figure 5E). Finally, FACS analysis shows that all populations exhibit
similar ratios of cells in each cell cycle phase (Figure 5F). Therefore, the observed focus resolution
differences between populations is unlikely to be attributable to cell cycle-related effects.

Cells can be purified based on morphology

We next sought to illustrate of the utility of scMOCa to capture cells based on their morphology,
which have so far proven challenging to sort using currently available technologies. For example,
multinucleated cells constitute a rare subpopulation (Mirzayans et al., 2017; Coward and Harding,
2014) that does not express specific markers and cannot be differentiated from mononucleated
polyploid cells using DNA-specific stains in a FACS experiment. However, multinucleated cells can
be easily identified visually even without DNA staining. In the context of cancer, such cells have
been (i) described as generally being more aggressive and metastatic than mononucleated counter-
parts, and (ii) proposed to be prone to acquisition of drug resistance and cancer relapse
(Mirzayans et al., 2017; Mittal et al., 2017; Weihua et al., 2011; Green and Meuth, 1974). More-
over, even though multinucleated cells do not undergo classical cytokinesis, they can generate
mononucleated progeny by budding (Mirzayans et al., 2017; Weihua et al., 2011) and influence
neighboring cells by secreting factors that promote stemness, as well as by transmitting sub-
genomes (Mirzayans et al., 2017).
Multinucleated cells were isolated using scMOCa and kept in culture for 4 days to evaluate their
viability and metabolic activity (Figure 6). We used WGA-alexa647 to stain plasma membranes, and
Hoechst for the nuclei (Figure 6) and Mitotracker green FM to tag polarized mitochondrial mem-
branes, indicating that scMOCa preserves the viability of isolated cells (see Figure 6—figure supple-
ment 1).
As another example of a visual phenotype that can be sorted using scMOCA, we evaluated the
differentiation of 3T3 cells into adipocytes. These cells are amongst the most common models to
study metabolic disorders, for example, obesity (Armani et al., 2010; Majka et al., 2014). When cul-
tured for 2 days in medium containing dexamethasone, insulin and isobutylmethylxanthin (IBMX), an
inhibitor of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases, and 3 days in medium containing insulin, a fraction
of 3T3 cells differentiate and lipid vesicles accumulate in their cytoplasm. In order to obtain pure adi-
pocyte cultures, flow cytometry sorting based on granularity requires several steps to select cells of
interest and then remove false positives, such as debris and cell aggregates (Nagrath et al., 2007),
whereas scMOCA may provide a much simpler approach to isolated live adipocytes, especially when
these are present in very low abundance. We used scMOCA to capture differentiated adipocytes

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Figure 6. Examples of sorted multinucleated H226 cells (A, C) 1 and 2 (B, D) days after scMOCa. Active
mitochondria (Mitotracker) appear in green, plasma membrane (WGA-Alexa 647) in red, an nuclei (Hoechst) in
white. Scale bar: 15 mm. (E) 3T3 cell population partially differentiated into adipocytes. Two cells (pointed by
arrows) have been tagged with magnetic beads. Three other cells are also differentiated in adipocytes in this field
of view but were not selected. (F) Cells were captured using scMOCA and kept in culture for 6 days before
imaging. Cells were stained with WGA-Alexa 647 to highlight membranes. Small black circles are magnetic beads
while lipid vesicles appear as small clear circles. Scale bar: 30 mm.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239.013
The following figure supplement is available for figure 6:
Figure supplement 1. Two examples of cells that were killed with sodium azide then stained with mitotracker
green and Hoechst.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239.014

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and then kept them in culture for a week (Figure 6). Sorted cells remained viable and maintained
their ability to store lipids in vesicles that appear as clear spheres on Figure 6, while the magnetic
beads that remained attached to cells membranes appear as dark spheres.

To the best of our knowledge, scMOCa is the only technology that permits isolation, and subse-
quent clonal expansion, of extremely small numbers of cells from relatively large heterogeneous
populations based solely on visual criteria. scMOCa is highly efficient, as the fraction of tagged cells
collected in the top chamber exhibits minimal capture losses and high specificity. Rare false positive
cells, presumably attached by cell junctions to true positive cells, can be eliminated by repeating the
sorting procedure to reach 100% purity. The most widely used cell sorting technique, FACS, is not
optimized for sorting rare cells. Adaptations needed for capturing cell populations representing <1%
of the sample with high specificity make FACS experiments cumbersome and inefficient. Moreover,
repetition of flow cytometry sorting to obtain pure samples of a given cell type imposes can only be
performed with robust cell types due to reduced survival and proliferation capacity (Pappas and
Wang, 2007). More refined procedures have been developed to sort rare cells via binding to micro-
fluidic channels coated with antibodies against specific surface markers of interest (Antfolk et al.,
2017). However, this requires high-affinity antibodies that are specific to the target cell types and
leads to dilution of cells in laminar flows within microfluidics chips (Moon et al., 2011; Kang et al.,
2012), which can become a drawback for downstream applications. Techniques based on magne-
tism display an improved capacity to isolate rare cells without dilution (Tham et al., 2014). Neverthe-
less, while the majority of protocols that use magnetic fields can capture cells of interest with
efficiency near 90%, their specificity remains a major challenge, as published results vary between
10% and 80% purity for captured cells (Miltenyi et al., 1990), generally closer to 50%
(Zborowski and Chalmers, 2011; Pamme and Wilhelm, 2006; Radbruch et al., 1994;
Khojah et al., 2017). Finally, only a handful of approaches allow label-free cell sorting, where intrin-
sic physical properties, such as size (Zhao et al., 2017; Monti et al., 2017) or magnetic susceptibility
(Moon et al., 2011; Pamme and Wilhelm, 2006; Hosokawa et al., 2010) differentiate the target
population. Filtration, for example, relies on porous membranes to capture cells based on size and
deformability (Davis et al., 2006; Gascoyne et al., 2009) and can achieve 80% efficiency. Dielectro-
phoresis exploits natural differences in dielectric properties of cell types for discrimination and circu-
lates cells in microfluidics channels, deviating target cells within an electric field (Hu et al., 2005;
Landry et al., 2015).
The application we introduced here is focused on magnetic separation, but the same concept of
adding particles to individual live cells may open the door to novel strategies where other actionable
properties can be exploited in a simple and straightforward manner. For example, fluorescence or
electron density can be manipulated on single cells (Binan et al., 2016), and recent advances in cel-
lular nanotechnologies such as scattering and plasmon resonance using gold nanoparticles, thermal
capacity with nanoshells, or electrical properties using carbon nanotubes can now be modulated
only on chosen cells using low-cost commercially available reagents.
ScMOCa presents critical advantages over more traditional sorting techniques. It allows isolation
of live cells without previous knowledge of surface markers and can simply be based on morphologi-
cal traits such as the presence of nuclear foci or lipid vesicles and the number nuclei. More impor-
tantly, it has the potential to sort based on time-dependent characteristics such as migration speed
or foci resolution. In addition, because sorting is carried out in small chambers of similar size, there
is no sample dilution. This prevents cells from sustaining strong shear stress upon passing through
microfluidic tubing (Miltenyi et al., 1990), and allows their use in downstream applications such as
cell culture, reinjection, or even lysis prior to transcriptomic or proteomic analysis. ScMOCa cross-
links biotin to cell membrane and the strength of the ensuing biotin-streptavidin bond is extremely
high (Kd = 10 15M). In comparison, the bonds utilized in immunochemistry are much weaker, from
10 12 to 10-9 39,40, which may cause tags to detach from cells because of shear stress within the
microfluidics tubing (Wooldridge et al., 2009). Another example is provided by ligands targeting
the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on immune cells where binding strength is so weak that
ligands usually need to be grouped in tetramers for increased strength (Tsai et al., 2004; van der
Toom et al., 2017). Finally, while the precise mechanisms influencing 53BP1 focus resolution was

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not investigated in our proof-of-principle experiments, our data demonstrates that markers used for
identification need not be exposed on the membrane since the spatial distribution of fluorescent sig-
nal originating from the nucleus were used here as a reporters.
Simplicity is a key advantage of scMOCa, as it does not require highly specialized software, or
hardware such as microfluidic chips. Indeed, a standard confocal microscope with no modification,
simple handmade chambers and low-cost magnets are all that is needed to sort single cells of choice
from among tens of thousands. The main limitation of scMOCa is that high throughput implementa-
tions would depend on efficient image processing tools for cell detection. While automated detec-
tion and tagging are possible on motorized microscopy systems, the duration of the procedure is
roughly proportional to the number of target cells. Thus, even if laser illumination of a single cell typ-
ically requires one second, this might become a limitation for applications that deal with large cell
The capacity of scMOCa to isolate and profile individual cells within a large population based
purely on visual phenotypes constitutes a powerful tool for understanding cellular heterogeneity.
We envision that one potential application of high interest would combine scMOCa with single cell
sequencing to characterize the molecular basis of differential metastatic potential among particular
cells within a tumour (Navin et al., 2011; Valastyan and Weinberg, 2011; Shapiro et al., 2013;
Tirosh et al., 2016; Heitzer et al., 2013; Gierahn et al., 2017). Indeed, scMOCa can easily be com-
bined with currently available techniques that allow sequencing RNA from single cells captured in
wells (Brennecke et al., 2013) and microfluidic chips (Wu et al., 2014; Tan et al., 2017). More gen-
erally, it is becoming increasingly obvious that the capacity to analyze rare cells in heterogeneous
populations will be useful in designing personalized treatments for cancer (Hood et al., 2004;
Pugia et al., 2017) as well as for inflammatory, autoimmune, and neurologic disorders
(Miltenyi et al., 1990; Weissleder, 2009; Hesketh et al., 2017).

Materials and methods

Key resources table
Reagent type
(species) or Source or
resource Designation reference Identifiers
Cell line U2OS ATCC RRID:
(Homo sapiens) CVCL_0042
(Canis familiaris) CVCL_0422
(Mus musculus) CVCL_0429
Cell line h226 ATCC RRID:
(Homo sapiens) CVCL_1544
Cell line LF-1 Dr John RRID:
(Homo sapiens) Sedivy CVCL_C120
(Homo sapiens) 100–013
Cell line 3t3-L1 ATCC RRID:
(Mus musculus) CVCL_0123
Chemical IMBMX Sigma-aldrich cat #: I5879-
compound, 100MG
Chemical Dexamethasone Sigma-aldrich cat #: D1756-
compound, 25MG
Chemical Magnetic beads Thermofisher cat #: 65305
Continued on next page

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Reagent type
(species) or Source or
resource Designation reference Identifiers
Chemical b4f Sigma-aldrich cat #:B9431-
compound, 5MG
Commercial 2X SYBR Bimake cat #: B21203
assay or kit Green Master
Antibody Rabbit anti- Santa-cruz cat #: sc-
53BP1 22760
Antibody Rat anti-tubulin Abcam cat #: ab6161

Cell culture
U2OS osteosarcoma cells, MDCK (dog) cells, and IMCD (mouse) cells were grown in DMEM/F12
medium supplemented with 10% FBS and antibiotics, all purchased from Thermofisher Scientific.
One day prior to the experiment, cells were detached and seeded on either collagen-coated glass
coverslips or circular pieces of Aclar (polychlorotrifluoroethylene) coated with collagen, onto which
polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) chambers had been placed (see below).
A U2OS cell line with inducible expression of GFP-tagged 53BP1 was constructed as previously
described (Al-Hakim et al., 2012) using pcDNA5-FRT/TO-eGFP-53BP1 (Fradet-Turcotte et al.,
2013) (Addgene plasmid #60813) and the U2OS Flip-In TREX host cell line (Brown et al., 1997)
(both generous gifts from Dr. Daniel Durocher, University of Toronto). Cells were selected in medium
supplemented with 200 mg/mL hygromycin and 5 mg/mL blasticidin. GFP-53BP1 expression was
induced by addition of 5 mg/mL doxycycline for 48 hr.
H226 cells were grown in RPMI medium supplemented with 5% FBS and antibiotics (Thermofisher
Scientific). Four days prior to the experiment, cells were exposed to 6 mg/mL cytochalasin B for 24
hr. Low-passage primary human lung fibroblasts (LF-1) were a kind gift from Dr John Sedivy
(Talbot et al., 2015). Cells were grown in Eagle’s MEM (Corning) containing 15% FBS, essential and
nonessential amino acids, vitamins, L-glutamine, and antibiotics (Life Technologies). HUVECS were
grown in Endogro TM (Millipore) supplemented with VEGF. Primary dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neu-
rons were harvested from IsI-Gcamp6 x TRPV1-cre mice and cultured in plastic bottom dishes (as
detailed elsewhere [Bélanger et al., 2018]) one day prior to the sorting.

3T3-L1 cell culture and adipogenic differentiation

Pre-adipocyte 3T3-L1 cells were grown in DMEM medium supplemented with 10% FBS (Gibco), 2
mM glutamine (Wisent) and 1% Penicillin/Streptomycin (Biobasic). For adipogenic differentiation of
3T3L1, the cells were plated at confluency and media was changed to induction media containing
10% FBS, 1% Penicillin/Streptomycin, 1 mM Dexamethasone, 1 mg/ml Insulin and 500 mM IBMX
(Sigma). Two days post-induction, the medium was changed to maintenance media containing 10%
FBS (Gibco), 1% Penicillin/Streptomycin (Biobasic), 1 mg/ml Insulin. After 3 days post-induction,
10,000 cells were plated on homemade chambers for sorting.
Mouse Embryonic Stem cell (mES) culture mES cells were grown in DMEM medium supplemented
with 15% FBS (embryonic stem cell qualified, Wisent), 1 X non-essential amino acids (Sigma), 100 mM
2-Mercaptoethanol (Gibco), 1000 Units/mL Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF, Stemcell), 2 mM gluta-
mine (Wisent) and 1% Penicillin/Streptomycin (Biobasic) on 0.1% porcine gelatin-coated plastic
dishes (Sigma). About 10,000 cells were plated for sorting as above.

PDMS chambers
PDMS chambers were prepared by pouring a mix of resin and curing agent (10:1 ratio) in a petri
dish to achieve a gel thickness of 2 mm. The dish was degassed overnight in a vacuum chamber and
the resin allowed to polymerize at room temperature for 2 days. Square pieces were cut with a
blade, circular wells of 5 mm diameter were made using a biopsy punch from Miltex (33-38) (see
Figure 1B and C) and placed on either glass or Aclar coverslips (onto which PDMS naturally

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scMOCa protocol
Cells were incubated in regular medium with 40 mg/mL biotin-4-fluorescein (Sigma) on glass cover-
slips or Aclar substrates. A spot within each cell of interest was illuminated at 473 nm with the laser
of a confocal microscope at 75 mW for 2 s with 10  0.4 NA objective. The sample was then thor-
oughly rinsed in PBS, and medium containing 8 mL of streptavidin-coated ferromagnetic beads of
2.8 mm in diameter (Thermofisher, 65305 and 11533D) was added. When beads were attached to a
whole area rather than a single cell (Figure 1B and Figure 1—figure supplement 1) the sample was
scanned with a 700 mW laser scanned at 0.2 mm/s with a 0.4 NA objective in a succession of lines
0.005 mm apart to form a pattern generated from a binary image.
Beads were pulled down in contact with the cells and re-suspended 3 times, attracted by a mag-
net placed alternatively below or above the sample. Cells were then rinsed thrice with PBS and a
magnet was positioned above the sample to remove unbound beads. After this, very few beads
remain in the dish (Figure 1C).
Cells are detached using 0.25% trypsin (Thermofisher, 25200072) for magnetic capture. The
resulting cell suspension is then subjected to a magnetic field that attracts positive cells upwards to
a collection chamber, while negative cells settle by gravity in the original chamber, regardless of the
total number of cells in the sample.
More specifically, once the original PDMS culture chamber contains a suspension of individual
cells in trypsin, a second identical PDMS culture chamber is placed on top of the first one as
depicted in Figure 2A. The structure that holds the top chamber in place can be built with Lego
bricks (Figure 1—figure supplements 3 and 4): the collection chamber is positioned between two
Lego bricks that maintain it at 6 mm above the cells (Figure 1C). While magnetic attraction of
tagged cells toward the collection chamber is quick, negative cells require 4 min to settle down to
the original chamber before the top chamber is separated, flipped, and the magnets removed. This
procedure needs to be performed slowly to minimize turbulence and to avoid capture of negative
These manipulations are repeated three times to attain maximum specificity (Figure 2C). The col-
lection chamber is always filled with trypsin solution to avoid rapid cell adhesion, and gentle up and
down pipetting can be performed to prevent cell clumping. Only for the last capture is the collection
chamber filled with medium in which the cells will be expanded. The entire procedure is summarized
in Figure 2C.
Experimental conditions need to be fine-tuned for different cell types. The most important
parameters that need to be optimised are surface coating of both donor and collection chambers,
duration and number of repeats of the sorting steps. The collection chamber should provide optimal
plating efficiency to maximize cell survival of very few cells while the donor chamber should allow
strong adhesion of the cells to allow thorough rinsing of free magnetic beads. In our experience col-
lagen coating provides strong cell attachment, but also generates extracellular fibers where beads
and negative cells can be entangled and captured. Gelatin solves the issue of collagen fibers, but
cell adhesion is slightly reduced, which may cause cell loss during rinsing. Uncoated substrates are
an easy solution for cells like U2Os but many cell types including primary cells do not proliferate well
on such surfaces. Plastic bottom chambers allow better cell adhesion and survival, but their reduced
optical quality may hamper the precise observation of selection criteria. In this respect, Aclar pos-
sesses excellent optical properties and represents an excellent alternative. For most cell types, lon-
ger incubations (approximately 4 min) allow negative cells to settle down in the donor chamber,
reducing the number of repeats required for optimal purity. On the contrary, experimentation with
cells that adhere rapidly (e.g. MDA-MB-231), require the capture protocol to be performed as
quickly as possible and more repeats may be needed.
In our hands, the best results were obtained using 10 magnets each generating a 1.2 Gauss mag-
netic field and 2 mm deep PDMS wells. In this condition, it is important that the distance between
the bottom of each chamber is kept at 6 mm to allow the magnetic field to attract all tagged cells
against gravity to the collection chamber while preventing the turbulence generated by the separa-
tion of the chambers to bring negative cells into the collection chamber. Increasing this distance
requires a stronger magnetic field, which in turn reduces viability of captured cells. The diameter of
the chambers should also be 5–6 mm, to ensure the necessary surface tension that allows merging
and splitting the media in both donor and collections chambers.

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Cell sorting using commercial magnetic cell separation columns

30,000 U2Os cells were plated in our homemade chambers 1 day prior to sorting. On the day of the
experiment, 30 cells were arbitrarily chosen and tagged in three independent experiments. We man-
ually counted and verified that the right number of cells (30) were covered with magnetic beads in
each dish. Commercial MACS columns were washed with PBS containing 0.5% BSA and 2 mM EDTA
as indicated by the manufacturer. Cells were detached using 60 mL trypsin and then diluted in 500
mL of the same buffer and placed in the column in the magnets from Miltenyi Biotec. Columns were
rinsed three time with buffer, then removed from magnets and washed with 5 mL buffer. Cells were
then centrifuged, resuspended in 70 mL medium and placed in new homemade chambers for obser-
vation and counting under the microscope. Any cell that had visible magnetic beads on its mem-
brane was considered as a positively selected cell, while cells free of beads were counted as
negative cells.

Identification and isolation of ‘fast resolving’ live cells

Forty-eight hours after induction of GFP-53BP1 with doxycycline, U2OS cells were irradiated with 0.5
Gy of IR. A first set of images was acquired with a 40X, 0.95 NA objective 45 min post irradiation, to
detect focus formation.
Cells that displayed a > 85% reduction in the number of foci at the second time point (2 hr) were
considered ‘fast-resolving’. Biotin-4-fluorescein (0.04 mg/mL) was then added to the medium, and
such cells were illuminated for 2 s through a 10  0.4 NA objective with 75 mW of laser intensity at
473 nm.

Immunofluorescence and automated detection of nuclear GFP-53BP1

Immunofluorescence was performed to evaluate levels of endogenous 53BP1 foci. Briefly, cells were
rinsed with PBS, and fixed 15 min with 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS. Cells were then permeabilized
for 10 min with 0.5% Triton X-100 in PBS, rinsed twice in PBS and twice in PBS + 0.05% Tween-20
and then blocked in PBS + 3% BSA and 0.05% Tween20. Rabbit anti-53BP1 antibody (Santa-Cruz)
was diluted 1:500 and incubated on the cells for 3 hr. Cells were rinsed in PBS + 0.05% Tween-20
and incubated with Alexa-488 anti-rabbit for 1 hr, washed three additional times, and finally imaged
for focus quantification.
An image processing pipeline was programmed to fully automate DNA focus detection as we
have previously done (Bélanger et al., 2016; Otsu, 1979). Cell nuclei were detected using the back-
ground signal of remaining free GFP-53BP1 protein by Otsu thresholding63. This initial detection
was used to create a mask, where objects were filtered for their size, signal saturation, and shape. A
band-pass filter was used to enhance the signal generated by objects the size of a 53BP1 focus.
Local maxima were then detected using a threshold automatically calculated for each nucleus.

Mitochondria staining and imaging

Sorted multinucleated H226 cells were stained 2 and 4 days after their isolation. Mitotracker green
FM (Thermofisher Scientific, M7514) was used at 150 mM for 20 min, followed by a 5-min incubation
in Hoechst 33342 to stain nuclei, and WGA-alexa 647 to stain plasma membranes. Images were
acquired with a 60  1.35 NA objective.

Cell selection and CLaP were performed on an Olympus IX71 microscope (Olympus Corp.) with the
appropriate epifluorescence filters, in medium at 37˚C, 5% CO2, with a 10  0.4 NA objective and
an Orca Flash 4.0 camera (Hamamatsu Photonics).
Images of irradiated GFP-53BP1 expressing cells were taken at two time points using a 40X,
0.85NA objective and compared to identify outliers. Since laser tagging was performed with a 10 
0.4 NA objective, cells were identified in a new live image at different magnification during tagging.
Automatic acquisition of immunostained samples for characterization of large numbers of cells
from purified cell populations was performed with an automated Zeiss AxioObserver Z1 Epifluores-
cence microscope, at room temperature in PBS with Zen Blue software and a 20  0.85 NA

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Cell cycle analysis

Exponentially growing cell cultures were trypsinized, fixed with 70% ethanol, and stored at 20˚C
until use. Fixed cells were washed with PBS and treated with 0.5% triton X-100 for 10 min at room
temperature. After washing with PBS, cells were resuspended in PBS containing 2 mg/mL propidium
iodide and 0.2 mg/mL RNase A and incubated for 30 min at room temperature. Samples were ana-
lysed by flow cytometry on a FACSCalibur instrument (Becton-Dickinson). Data was analyzed with
FlowJo v10 software, and cell cycle phases were determined using the Watson algorithm.

Conditioned medium
U2OS cells were plated at a density of 2 million cells per 10 cm dish. 24 hr later, medium was
removed and filtered through a 0.2 mm filter to ensure sterility and remove any floating cells. Condi-
tioned medium was always prepared fresh.

Polymerase chain reaction

10 cells were resuspended in 40 mL of water and boiled for 10 min. Samples were subjected to 24
PCR cycles using Agilent Herculase II with primer sets specific for the mitochondrial gene Cytb of
either dog or mouse. 2 mL of each reaction were then used for PCR or qPCR with each primer set.
Total genomic DNA from either dog or mouse cells were used as controls. The primers used are
which amplify fragments of 247 nt and 196 nt from the Cytb gene of dog and mouse, respectively.
Quantitative PCR was performed with the above primer pairs using the 2X SYBR Green Master Mix
(Bimake) and an ABI7500 instrument (ThermoFisher). The amount of dog and mouse DNA in each
sample was calculated using standard curves made from serial dilutions of genomic DNA isolated
from each cell type.

Immunoblotting was performed with total cellular extract using standard protocols. Antibodies used
were rabbit anti-53BP1 (Santa-Cruz, sc-22760) and rat anti-tubulin (Abcam, ab6161).

We thank Maryam Tabatabaei and Sébastien Talbot (Université de Montréal) for help with experi-
ments using DRG cells. This work was supported by grants from the Natural Science and Engineer-
ing Research Council of Canada to ED, EBA, SC and HW, Genome Canada/Génome Québec and
Canadian Cancer Society to SC, Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Nature et Technologies to SC,
and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to ED, EBA and HW SC, EBA and HW hold salary
awards from the Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Santé.

Additional information
Funder Author
Canadian Institutes of Health El Bachir Affar
Research Elliot Drobetsky
Hugo Wurtele
Natural Sciences and Engi- El Bachir Affar
neering Research Council of Elliot Drobetsky
Canada Hugo Wurtele
Santiago Costantino
Fonds de Recherche du Qué- El Bachir Affar
bec - Santé Hugo Wurtele
Genome Canada Santiago Costantino
Canadian Cancer Society Santiago Costantino

Binan et al. eLife 2019;8:e45239. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239 17 of 21

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Fonds de Recherche du Qué- Santiago Costantino

bec - Nature et Technologies

The funders had no role in study design, data collection and

interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication.

Author contributions
Loı̈c Binan, Conceptualization, Data curation, Software, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology,
Writing—original draft, Writing—review and editing; François Bélanger, Investigation, Methodology,
Writing—review and editing; Maxime Uriarte, Jean François Lemay, Jean Christophe Pelletier De
Koninck, Joannie Roy, Data curation, Investigation, Writing—review and editing; El Bachir Affar,
Resources, Methodology, Writing—review and editing; Elliot Drobetsky, Resources, Funding acquisi-
tion, Investigation, Writing—original draft, Writing—review and editing; Hugo Wurtele, Resources,
Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Writing—review and editing; Santiago Costan-
tino, Conceptualization, Resources, Data curation, Software, Formal analysis, Supervision, Funding
acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Writing—original draft, Project administration, Writing—
review and editing

Author ORCIDs
Jean François Lemay http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3540-1627
Santiago Costantino http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2454-2635

Decision letter and Author response

Decision letter https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239.017
Author response https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239.018

Additional files
Supplementary files
. Transparent reporting form

DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.45239.015

Data availability
All data generated or analysed during this study are included in the manuscript and supporting files.

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