AGUILERA y Col - Food Engineering Interfaces PDF
AGUILERA y Col - Food Engineering Interfaces PDF
AGUILERA y Col - Food Engineering Interfaces PDF
ISSN 1571-0297
ISBN 978-1-4419-7474-7 e-ISBN 978-1-4419-7475-4
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4
Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London
# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
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The articles included in Food Engineering Interfaces are based on the presentations
made by invited speakers of the 10th International Congress on Engineering and
Food (ICEF 10) held in Viña del Mar, Chile, in April 2008. All the chapters were
significantly upgraded from the original presentations and were later peer-reviewed
and copyedited. This book was conceived well ahead of the event in order to make
sure that readers would have the opportunity to get a taste of the challenges that lie
ahead. At the same time, efforts were made to cover, with a high degree of detail,
specific topics that are very relevant at the present time. As a result, this book is an
excellent addition to the literature as the topics are well blended and clearly expand
old food engineering boundaries.
The book is divided into five parts: selected topics in food engineering, advances
in food process engineering, water management in food, food microstructure, and
food packaging. All the 28 chapters have been written by renowned professionals
working in food engineering and related disciplines. The first chapter of the book
deals with the history and future of food engineering, and the remaining chapters in
Part I deal with topics such as microbial risk assessment using new engineering
tools, the development of eco-indicators to monitor the environmental impact on
selected food industries, the mathematical simulation of gastric digestion, the
engineering challenges posed by incorporating fiber in selected foods, the applications
of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in food processing, food safety engineering,
food engineering economics, and the systemic approach for curriculum develop-
ment. Part II has two comprehensive overviews, one on advanced thermal proces-
sing and the other on nonthermal processing, as well as chapters dealing with the
optimization of thermal processes, the sterilization of foodstuff by pressure-assisted
thermal processing (PATS), and the extraction of essential oils and nutraceuticals
by supercritical fluid extraction. Part III has a very good selection of chapters,
including an update on glass transition in foods, caking in food powders, the
rehydration modeling of food particulate systems, and the identification of drying
zones in a laboratory spray-dryer. Part IV includes a chapter that envisions how
food microstructure studies will help the development of healthy foods that pro-
mote well-being and pleasure, as well as a chapter that deals with the analysis of
food microstructures by synchrotron X-ray-computed tomography. Finally, Part
V covers, among other topics, the utilization of edible coatings as food safety
vi Preface
and quality enhancers, physical properties of gel-based edible films, and packag-
ing materials based on renewable resources.
We truly hope that this book, with its visionary approach, will be a valuable
addition to the food engineering literature and will promote interest in food
engineering research, development, and implementation.
José M. Aguilera
Gustavo V. Barbosa-Cánovas
Ricardo Simpson
Jorge Welti-Chanes
Daniela Bermúdez-Aguirre
The editors would like to express their gratitude and appreciation to Sharon
Himsl, Publication Coordinator, Center for Nonthermal Processing of Food,
Washington State University, for her professionalism and dedication in facilitating
the steps needed to complete this challenging project. She kept track of all the
manuscripts and had them copyedited and effectively interacted with the editors,
authors, and the staff at Springer.
x Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679
Yves Arcand Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Food Research and Develop-
ment Centre, 3600 Casavant Blud West, St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada
Roman Buckow CSIRO Food and Nutritional Sciences, 671 Sneydes Road,
VIC-3030 Werribee, Australia
xiv Contributors
Dennis Heldman Heldman Associates, 5224 Kings Mills Rd; #314, 45040 Mason,
Denyse Landry Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Head Quarter, 1341 Baseline
Road, Tower 5, Floor 2, Room 126, Ottawa, ON, K1A OC5, Canada
Michèle Marcotte Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Eastern Cereal and Oilseed
Research Centre, 960 Carling Avenue, KW Neatby, Room 1093, Ottawa, ON, k1A
OC6, Canada
Juliana Ruzante Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, University
of Maryland, 20742 College Park, MD, USA
Rony Wallach Department of Soil and Water Sciences, Robert H. Smith Faculty
of Agricultural, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
P.O. Box 12, 76100 Rehovot, Israel
1.1 Introduction
Food engineering is a field of study that has emerged in rather recent history, but
is based on concepts that have evolved over a significant period of time. In general,
food engineering is the interpretation and application of engineering principles and
concepts to any aspect of food manufacturing and operations, including the con-
struction of the facilities for these operations. With this broad interpretation, almost
any of the more traditional fields of engineering (electrical, mechanical, civil,
chemical, industrial, and agricultural) would contribute to the successful operation
of the facilities and processes dealing with food. Recent focus in food engineering
has been on processes occurring within manufacturing operations, specifically on
the influence of unique characteristics and properties of foods and ingredients in
these processes.
The purpose of this paper is to review the history and current status of food
engineering, and to provide a framework for discussion about its future. In addition
to identifying some of the founding fathers and giants in food engineering, this
review will include the development of educational programs and the role of
food engineering within those programs. Attention will be given to evolution of
research and the potential of food engineering research in the future. Finally, there
will be an attempt to evaluate the impact of public sector research on research
conducted within the food industry, as well as applications of research within the
industrial sector.
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 3
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_1, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
4 D.R. Heldman and D.B. Lund
As suggested, the term “food engineering” has many interpretations and the scope of
this term has evolved over time. In addition, there are varied interpretations and
meanings in different regions of the world. It is likely our attempt at a definition will
fall short and not capture all of the various interpretations. However, the broadest
interpretation of food engineering occurs in the industrial sector, where it is gener-
ally accepted on a global basis. This general interpretation includes applications of
engineering in any aspect of production, handling, storage, processing, packaging,
and distribution of food. This is certainly the interpretation accepted by the founding
fathers of the International Congress of Engineering and Food (ICEF), who did not
use “food engineering” in the title of the congress. Obviously, this broad interpreta-
tion is inclusive of the expertise associated with most of the engineering fields.
In development of food engineering curricula, a more narrow interpretation of
food engineering has been applied within education institutions, so as to define the
uniqueness of the discipline in teaching and research. As might be expected, these
interpretations focus more on basic concepts and principles, and the impact of the
product being handled on the application of engineering principles, with special
emphasis on the word “food.”
Undergraduate food engineering teaching programs incorporate both basic engi-
neering principles and the unique chemical and microbiological characteristics of
foods. These programs tend to integrate basic engineering, chemistry, and microbi-
ology into process designs. It is clear that in most regions of the world, these
programs have evolved at the interface between science and engineering. In the
United States, two types of programs have developed in parallel: some with a clear
alignment with engineering curricula (usually in chemical or agricultural engineer-
ing), and many with food science programs (associated with colleges of agricultural
sciences). Graduate programs and research in food engineering have evolved with
an evident focus on basic principles, mathematical models, and process simulations.
In summary, food engineering provides an essential link between engineering
and the food sciences. The dimensions of this interface present unique challenges in
education, research, and applications, and will continue to provide professionals
associated with food engineering with opportunities in the future and a continuing
evolution of scope.
There are many definitions of food engineering, and not one is universally accepted.
One of the early definitions appears in the preface of the book Elements of Food
Engineering (1952) by Parker, Harvey, and Stateler. Parker proposed that “Food
Engineering is concerned with the design, construction, and operation of industrial
processes and plants in which intentional and controlled changes in food materials
1 The Beginning, Current, and Future of Food Engineering: A Perspective 5
are performed with due consideration to all economic aspects considered.” Later in
1963, Charm suggested that the purpose of food engineering is “to illustrate the
common relationship between basic engineering principles and the fundamentals of
food processing.” Finally, in 1966, Earle defined food engineering as “the study of
the processes that transform raw materials into finished products, or preserves foods
so they can be kept for longer periods.” There are obvious similarities and differ-
ences in these early definitions. All three indicate that food engineering is the
application of engineering to manufacturing and preservation of foods, but there
are distinct differences, from more emphasis on basic principles to greater emphasis
on applications of engineering in practice.
A more current definition of food engineering has been posted online (Wikipedia
2010; as follows: “Food engineer-
ing refers to the engineering aspects of food production and processing. Food
engineering includes, but is not limited to, the application of agricultural engineer-
ing and chemical engineering principles to food materials.” However, given the
evolution of research and industrial applications, the following definition should
also apply, now and in the near future: Food engineering is both the identification
and creation of the physical principles associated with foods and ingredients, and
the applications of the principles to the handling, storage, processing, packaging
and distribution of consumer food products. This definition attempts to include both
the interests associated with engineering research and the applications of outcomes
from research to ultimate applications in processes associated with the food indus-
try. Undoubtedly, a better appreciation of the diversity of this unique field of study
solicits more discussion of the subject.
There are clear relationships between the origins of food engineering and food
preservation processes. Design and prediction of the effect of preservation properties
on food requires quantification and modeling. One of the most visible applications can
be found in the book Sterilization in Food Technology by Ball and Olson (1957). This
book provides numerous examples of applications of mathematics to heat transfer to
foods in containers and the description of the kinetics of microbial destruction.
Historically, food preservation evolved from an art to a science. Early preservation
techniques (drying, salting, fermentation, and cooling) were based on “trial and error.”
Later, technologies such as canning and freezing were based on observations that
provided the basis for science-based improvements in the processes. Many of these
early scientific findings occurred in the basic sciences of chemistry, biology, and
physics. One of the more significant outcomes from Louis Pasteur (1860) in response
to food spoilage challenges was to provide the foundation for bacteriology and
microbiology. Other contributions from basic science and mathematics were signifi-
cant, such as the influence of temperature on reactions (Arrhenius 1889) and modeling
heat and mass transfer (Carslaw and Jaeger 1946; Crank 1956).
6 D.R. Heldman and D.B. Lund
There are several other early and significant contributions that have become the
foundation of food engineering. The role of Nicholas Appert in demonstrating thermal
processing of foods in the early 1800s is recognized as the basis for many current
shelf-stable foods. The invention and development of mechanical refrigeration by
von Linde (1896) was significant, followed by Birdseye (1930) who established the
basis of the modern frozen food industry. Although dehydration has been recognized
as a food preservation process for centuries, the contributions of von Loesecke (1943)
advanced the process in a quantitative manner. These three processes (thermal
processing, food cooling and freezing, and food dehydration) continue to be the
most visible processes in the research literature on food engineering.
1970 – Journal of Food Science; first issue published, which included a section
titled “Applied Science and Engineering by the Institute of Food Technologists.”
1976 – Journal of Food Process Engineering; first issue published by Food &
Nutrition, Press.
1982 – Journal of Food Engineering; first issue published by Academic Press, Inc.
1992 – Handbook of Food Engineering; first edition published by Marcel Dekker,
1997 – Handbook of Food Engineering Practice; published by Academic Press, Inc.
2003 – Encyclopedia of Agriculture, Food and Biological Engineering; first edition
published by Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Information about food engineering has been published in many other journals
and references, but the above list illustrates the evolution within a relatively short
time period.
All of the developments described have occurred during a period of significant
change in the food industry and related industries. Bruin and Jongen (2001)
suggested the following categories of significant change:
1. Mergers and acquisitions of companies in the food and related industries. These
changes have caused significant reorganization within all companies, impacting
the role of food engineers in the industry.
2. Expectations for innovation. Changes in consumer expectations have increased
in frequency, forcing the identification and implementation of new, innovative
3. Changes in industry expectations. Previously, expectations of the food industry
were to deliver an abundant and safe supply of food to consumers. These
expectations have evolved to include not only more abundant and safe foods
but also foods with greater convenience, and eventually, foods with enhanced
influence on health and wellness.
4. Advances in computer technology. These advances have provided the tools to
accelerate the responsiveness of engineers to all types of challenges.
There have been significant advancements in food engineering research over the
past 50 years. Although the research has been conducted over a broad range of
applications, the unique focus of research that has evolved is the integration of
reaction kinetics with transport phenomenon to accomplish process design. The
research model concept is illustrated in Fig. 1.1.
The concept described by the model encourages research in three distinct areas:
kinetic parameters, transport phenomenon, and process design. Research on kinetic
models has expanded the availability of kinetic parameters and enhanced the investi-
gation of appropriate models used for food products. Transport phenomenon research
has improved our understanding of heat and mass transfer in foods, with specific
attention to the unique properties of food products and the mathematic models needed
to describe the phenomenon in a food system. Process design research integrates the
kinetic models with appropriate transport phenomenon models to allow prediction of
a parameter to quantify the quality of the food product. In general, the concept is ideal
for optimization of the process through maximizing the product quality attributes,
while identifying the best combination of process parameters.
The development of kinetic models for food systems is still evolving. A typical
model used to describe changes in a food component or attribute is expressed as:
dA=dt ¼ kA (1.1)
Significant attention has been given to the development of models to describe heat,
mass, and momentum transfer in food systems, expressed as follows:
The focus of process design is on the product, with impact of the process on
reduction of the microbial population and/or the retention of a sensitive product
quality attribute. Process design provides the opportunity to consider multiple
attributes as long as the kinetic parameters and models are available. An even
more important dimension of this approach is the potential for process optimization,
which is the identification of the process parameters to achieve maximum retention
of product quality attributes, while ensuring the desired reduction in microbial
population for safety or shelf-life extension.
The process design approach has contributed to many positive products manufac-
tured by the food industry. These contributions can be expressed in several different
ways. In general, process design facilitates the quantitative prediction of process
outcomes, while evaluating a range of process parameters without conducting time-
consuming and costly experimental trials.
Process design has had significant impact on the safety and wholesomeness of food
products. The development of food canning by Nicholas Appert (1750–1841) took
14 years. Using the current process design approaches, processes can be developed
within hours. These approaches ensure microbiological safety of products, along
with the capability to maximize the retention of product quality attributes.
A current example of process design is illustrated in Fig. 1.2. Knorr (2006) has
demonstrated that through measuring and understanding the kinetics of Escherichia
coli population reductions at high pressures, the retention of product quality
attributes in sausage are evident. These same approaches have been used to ensure
maximum retention of nutrients in a food product using high temperatures to ensure
microbiological safety and shelf-life of the product.
E. coli
30 °C
Log Reduction [–]
–3 5000 bar
–5 6000 bar
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time [s]
Fig. 1.2 Process design for pathogen reduction of Escherichia coli in sausage while retaining
product quality attributes (Knorr 2006)
Fig. 1.3 The aseptic processing and packaging concept in an aseptic environment
Freeze Drying
heated shelves vacuum
© 2002 HowStuffWorks
Fig. 1.5 The food stability map (Figure redone by T.P. Labuza based on Labuza et al. 1970)
1 The Beginning, Current, and Future of Food Engineering: A Perspective 15
Fig. 1.6 The “state diagram” concept (Roos and Karel 1991)
The development of many innovative new products has resulted from process
design. As new process technologies are identified and applied to food
manufacturing the opportunities for new and different products evolve. Similar
opportunities occur as new packaging and packaging systems are developed. In
many situations, these new process technologies are important to the enhancement
of product quality.
An excellent example of a process technology with significant impact on food
product development is extrusion. Extrusion is a process developed in the polymer
industry, but it has been adapted to a range of applications in the food industry. The
process combines the parameters of pressure, temperature, and time to produce
products with unique characteristics and properties. By considering the significant
range for each parameter, and the combinations of parameters for each one, the
opportunities for product attributes are nearly unlimited.
The opportunities for future developments in food extrusion are emphasized by
Bruin and Jongen (2001). By superimposing a typical cycle during an extrusion
process on a state diagram (Fig. 1.7), the depth of understanding achieved from
recent process design research is recognized.
16 D.R. Heldman and D.B. Lund
60 3. Expansion
Rubber 4. Drying
0 5. Cooling
–20 0 10 20
Moisture [%]
Fig. 1.7 The extrusion process on a state diagram (Bruin and Jongen 2001)
As is evident in Fig. 1.7, the steps associated with the extrusion process shift the
product ingredients from a glass state to a rubber state, followed by elevation of
temperature before expansion and drying back to a glass state. The final step of
cooling returns the product to the same composition and temperature, but the final
product has completely different properties and characteristics. Obviously, this
understanding of the process and the product creates an unlimited array of oppor-
tunities for new and innovative products.
The future of food engineering is very bright. It is evident that food engineering
education will continue to evolve for both undergraduate and graduate students.
It will continue to be an attractive field of study because of the unique character-
istics of foods and ingredients, and the challenges associated with applications of
engineering concepts and principles. The education of future students will be driven
by the new information created by current and future research.
One of the currently evolving areas of research is nanoscale science and the
translation of outcomes into applications in food systems. Bruin and Jongen (2001)
have suggested that nanoscale adds another scale of consideration to existing scales
that range from molecular scale to supply-chain scale. Although the visible applica-
tions are still evolving, there seem to be several potential outcomes. The shelf-life of
foods is likely to be increased through a combination of nano-sensors used to detect
the onset of product deterioration, followed immediately by intervention to prevent
this deterioration. Through the study and understanding of food properties at the
nanoscale, the texture of food products can be improved and new product textures
are likely to evolve. Many of these improvements are likely to be the result of the
creation of nano-structured particles and films. The encapsulation of flavors within
1 The Beginning, Current, and Future of Food Engineering: A Perspective 17
nanoscale particles should ensure that food products retain optimum flavor intensity
through processing steps and for longer periods of time during storage and distribu-
tion. Similar opportunities seem logical for bioactive compounds. Knowledge about
packaging materials at the nano-scale should lead to the development of new and
improved packaging materials for food products.
Food engineering will contribute to the goals of improved health and wellness of
consumers through development of functional foods. The application of engineer-
ing concepts and principles to the metabolism of food will provide insights on the
product and process development cycle. The potential for incorporating bioactive
compounds into food products in a manner that ensures delivery of the compound to
the appropriate site within the body during metabolism of the food is achievable
through food engineering research.
An evolving challenge to food manufacturing and distribution is the constraint of
sustainability. Food engineering should contribute to sustainability in many differ-
ent ways. The basic concepts of material and energy balances will become standard
tools in evaluation of all scales of operation from the point of raw material
production to delivery of the product to the consumer and beyond. The transitions
of new information from process design to commercial manufacturing operations
will continue to be a significant challenge. These transitions must be accomplished
in a more efficient manner.
1.9 Summary
Bruin S, Jongen RG (2001) Food process engineering: the past 25 years and challenges ahead.
The Food Engineering Division Lecture. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting,
New Orleans, LA
Carslaw HS, Jaeger JC (1946) Heat of conduction in solids. Oxford University Press, London
Charm SE (1963) The fundamentals of food engineering. The AVI Publishing Co., Westport, CT
Crank J (1956) The mathematics of diffusion. Oxford University Press, London
Earle RL (1966) Unit operations in food processing. Pergamon, London
Harper JC (1976) Elements of food engineering. The AVI Publishing Co., Westport, CT
Heldman DR (1975) Food process engineering. The AVI Publishing Co., Westport, CT
IFT Task Force Report (2000) Kinetics of microbial inactivation for alternative food processing
technologies. JFS Special Supplement. pp 1–108
Knorr D (2006) Processing concepts for non-thermal modification of foods. 13th World Food
Congress of Food Science & Technology. Nantes, France. Sept. 17–21
Labuza TP, Tannenbaum SR, Karel M (1970) Water content and stability of low moisture and
intermediate moisture foods. Food Technol 24:543–550
Leninger HA, Beverloo WA (1975) Food process engineering. Reidel, Dordrecht, The Netherlands
Loncin M, Merson RL (1979) Food engineering. Principles and selected application. Academic,
New York
Parker ME, Harvey EH, Stateler ES (1952) Elements of food engineering. Reinhold, New York
Rao MA, Rizvi SSH, Datta AK (2005) Engineering properties of foods, 3rd edn. CRC Press/Taylor
& Francis, Boca Raton, FL
Roos YH, Karel M (1991) Applying state diagrams to food processing and development. Food
Technol 45(12):68–71, 107
Singh RP, Heldman DR (1984) Introduction to food engineering. Academic, Orlando, FL
Toledo RT (1980) Fundamentals of food process engineering. The AVI Publishing Co., Westport,
Villota Ricardo, Hawkes James G (2007) Reaction kinetics in food systems. In: Heldman Dennis
R, Lund Daryl B (eds) Handbook of food engineering, 2nd edn. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis,
Boca Raton, FL
von Bockel MA (2008) Kinetic modeling of reactions in foods. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca
Raton, FL
von Linde C (1896) Process and apparatus for liquefying gases or gaseous mixtures, and for
producing cold, more particularly applicable for separating oxygen from atmospheric air.
German Patent # GB189512528
von Loesecke HW (1943) Drying and dehydration of foods. Reinhold, New York
Chapter 2
Advances in 3D Numerical Simulation of Viscous
and Viscoelastic Mixing Flows
2.1 Introduction
Mixing processes in the food industry often involve highly viscous and viscoelastic
fluids like wheat flour dough, pastes, batters, and syrups. The design of mixing
equipment, whether batch or continuous, is aimed at achieving a well-mixed and
blended product with a consistent rheological character. Design of mixing equipment
also involves devising guidelines for scale-up of mixing devices and their compari-
son in terms of mixing efficiency, especially when batch mixers are to be replaced by
continuous mixing equipment. A well-designed mixing process could result in the
blending of ingredients, improvement of rate of heat transfer, facilitation of chemical
reactions, creation of structure, addition of energy to create or break molecular
bonds, etc. In order to evaluate the efficiency of a mixer design in performing
these operations, a kinematic analysis of the process can be made wherein the mixing
mechanisms are characterized as “dispersive” or “non-dispersive” (or extensive)
(Wang and Manas-Zloczower 2001). Dispersive mixing is quantified by elongational
flow and shear stress, which aid in the breakup of cohesive particles like droplets,
bubbles, or solid agglomerates. Non-dispersive mixing includes the spatial separa-
tion and rearrangement of an initially cohesive cluster of particles (distributive
mixing) or the laminar stretching and folding of the material elements, resulting in
a homogeneous distribution (Meijer and Janssen 1994).
Mixing devices currently used in process industries are either batch or continu-
ous. These devices vary in the design of the impellers, kneading blocks, and/or
static mixing elements, depending on the material used, the throughput require-
ments, and the specific aim of the mixing process, for example, the stretching and
folding of material or dispersion of ingredients. Examples of batch mixers include
K.V. Vyakaranam
Department of Food Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA
J.L. Kokini (*)
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, College of ACES, University of Illinois at
Urbana Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 19
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_2, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
20 K.V. Vyakaranam and J.L. Kokini
the stirred tank reactors with Rushton impellers and dough kneaders like the
Brabender farinograph and Banbury mixers, while examples of continuous mixers
include the twin-screw/single-screw extruders and static mixers fitted with varying
mixing elements (e.g., Kenics mixer). While the evaluation of flow and subsequent
mixing parameters can be done using visualization techniques like particle image
velocimetry (PIV) and laser doppler anemometry (LDA), it is often not practical to
optimize the design of such large mixing devices (i.e., to industrial scale) through
experimental trial-and-error analysis. Numerical simulation techniques thus have
proven to be a viable, nonintrusive, and cost-effective alternative tool that can
optimize the design of complex mixer geometries through analysis of the flow field
and mixing parameters.
Research involving numerical simulation of mixing flows has been under steady
development, ranging in the beginning from the simplest 2D problems to more
realistic 3D mixer geometries. In this chapter we initially discuss the basic ideas
behind numerical simulation of mixing flows, using the finite element method
(FEM) and the governing equations and theoretical measures of the mixing process.
A review is then presented of the recent work done in analyzing flow and mixing of
viscous and viscoelastic fluids in various batch and continuous mixing geometries
using FEM simulations.
There are several measures used to quantify distributive and dispersive mixing, as
well as laminar stretching and folding of the material. During mixing of two
components (distributive mixing) the homogeneity of the mixture can be quantified
through the scale of segregation, S(t), which is a measure of the binomial distribu-
tion of the components and is calculated as
SðtÞ ¼ Rðr; tÞdr (2.1)
where Rðjr jÞ is a correlation coefficient that gives the probability of “M” pairs
of material points in the mixer separated by a distance jr j having the same
ðc0 j cÞ ðc00 j cÞ
Rðjr jÞ ¼ (2.2)
The parameter S(t) gives an indication of the average size of the segregated
regions but cannot detect local defects in the flow.
2 Advances in 3D Numerical Simulation of Viscous and Viscoelastic Mixing Flows 21
When a cluster of material points is distributed, the difference between the actual
distribution and the ideal distribution of the material points is called the “pair-wise
distribution index” or the “cluster distribution index” e, and is calculated as
1 2
cðrÞ cðrÞideal dr
e¼ Ð
1 2 ; (2.3)
cðrÞideal dr
where c(r) is the coefficient of the probability density function and the value of index
e varies from 0 (ideal distribution) to 1 (no distribution) (Connelly and Kokini 2007).
The efficiency of a mixing flow to stretch and fold the material can be studied
using a kinematic approach wherein the deformation of infinitesimal material lines
and surface elements is tracked (Ottino 1989).
If the motion of the fluid is described by X ¼ wðX,t), and the deformation of an
infinitesimal material line by dx¼FdX, then the length of stretch l can be defined
in terms of the strain as
l ¼ lim (2.4)
jdxj!0 jdXj
D ln l=Dt
el ðX;M;tÞ ¼ 1 (2.5)
ðD : DÞ2
hel iðX; M; tÞ ¼ el ðX; M; t0 Þdt0 (2.6)
l a eYn ; hli a eLn (2.7)
22 K.V. Vyakaranam and J.L. Kokini
where n is the number of periods of revolutions and Y and L are the topological
entropy exponent and Lyapunov exponent, respectively. While topological
entropy is a measure of the mixing rate in chaotic regions of flow, the Lyapunov
exponent measures the rate of elongation or stretching (Muzzio et al. 2000; Zalc
et al. 2002a).
Dispersive mixing involves breakup of agglomerates and drops in flow,
caused by stresses large enough to overcome the cohesive or interfacial forces
that tend to keep the agglomerate or the drop intact. The mechanical stress
required for breakup depends on the type of flow, with pure elongation or
irrotational flows being more effective than flows with a rotational component
(Grace 1982; Bentley and Leal 1986). A dispersive “mixing index” lMZ, which
quantifies the relative strength of the pure elongational flow component, can be
defined as
lMZ ¼ (2.8)
jDj þ jOj
where D and V are the rate of deformation and vorticity tensors, respectively (Yang
and Manas-Zloczower 1992). lMZ ranges from 0 for pure rotation to 0.5 for simple
shear, and to 1.0 for pure elongation. The Manas-Zloczower mixing index
(as defined above) is not frame-invariant. However, several other frame-invariant
flow-type indices were found to be computationally difficult to evaluate due to the
requirement of higher-mesh densities in the simulation; and provided information
similar to that of the non-frame-invariant index (Wang and Manas-Zloczower 2001;
Connelly 2004).
The velocity and pressure distributions for an incompressible and isothermal fluid
flow are calculated from the Navier–Stokes equations of mass and momentum
rv¼0 (2.9)
r s þ rf¼r þ v:rv (2.10)
where r is the fluid density and f is the external body force per unit mass.
The stress tensor s given in (2.10) incorporates the isotropic pressure (P) and
extra stress tensor (T), defined as
s ¼ PI þ T (2.11)
2 Advances in 3D Numerical Simulation of Viscous and Viscoelastic Mixing Flows 23
T¼ 2mD (2.13)
where D is the rate of deformation tensor and m(_g) is the viscosity function of the
local shear rate, g_ , as given in (2.14).
g_ ¼ 2trðD2 Þ (2.14)
The simplest form of the viscosity function is in the case of a Newtonian fluid,
when it reduces to a constant value (m0) called Newtonian or zero-shear-rate
viscosity. Examples of shear-dependent viscosity models used for polymeric
liquids include the power-law model and the modified cross model (Prakash
1996); m can be calculated respectively as
m ¼ mð_gÞn1 (2.15)
For viscoelastic fluids, the extra stress tensor T is divided into a viscoelastic part
(T1) and a purely viscous part (T2), given by
AðT1 ;lt Þ:T1 þ lt ¼ 21 D; T2 ¼ 22 D (2.17)
where the relaxation time lt, the viscosity factor 1, and the function A (T1, lt)
depend on the specific viscoelastic model used. The common differential viscoelas-
tic models used to describe polymeric food materials are the Oldroyd-B, Maxwell,
White-Metzner, Phan-Thien-Tanner, and Giesekus models (Connelly 2004).
For a given system of fluid and mixing process, the solution of the above set of
equations (consisting of conservation of mass and momentum), the energy equation
(for non-isothermal problems), and the appropriate constitutive equations can be
24 K.V. Vyakaranam and J.L. Kokini
obtained by several numerical techniques. The FEM is the most commonly used
technique for numerical simulation of viscous mixing flows, even though other
methods like the Finite Difference Method and the Finite Volume Method have
been used (Dhanasekharan and Kokini 2003; Connelly and Kokini 2003; Heniche
and Tanguy 2008).
Simulating a mixing flow using the FEM technique involves three steps:
l Construction of flow volume (or domain of flow problem) into a mesh made up
of several finite elements or sub-domains
l Derivation of algebraic equations relating the physical quantities between the
element nodes
l Solving whole flow domain: assembling equation parts using continuity and/or
balancing the physical quantities across the elements (Reddy 2006)
The mesh generation step requires the construction of the mixing flow domain
geometry using a network of linear triangular and quadrilateral elements (2D) or
hexahedral, prism, tetrahedron, and wedge elements (3D). Several Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software suites include mesh generation software, for
example the Gambit (ANSYS Inc., Lebanon, NH) mesh generator. While main-
taining the coarseness of the mesh is important in keeping the computational costs
low, a higher density of finer mesh elements is needed in areas involving high
gradients of flow properties. Hence, it is important to strike a balance with the
coarseness/fineness of the mesh depending on the available computational capabil-
ities. Additionally, for a higher accuracy and quicker convergence of the solution,
the transition from coarser to finer mesh element regions has to be smooth and the
individual elements as close as possible to ideal shapes, for example square/
equilateral shapes (Connelly 2004; Heniche and Tanguy 2008). In the next step,
the governing equations of motion are discretized using a weighted residual method
and approximation of the flow variables for each element. For a generalized
Newtonian fluid, the velocity, pressure, and stress fields (in case of viscoelastic
flows) are approximated using the following equations
vh ¼ Vi c i (2.18)
ph ¼ p i pi (2.19)
Th ¼ Ti fi (2.20)
where ci, pI, and ’i are the finite element basis functions and Vi, pi, and Ti are the
nodal variables.
There are several methods available to discretize the governing equations, for
example the Galerkin, the pressure stabilized Petrov-Galerkin, and the Galerkin
least-square methods. In the Galerkin method, assuming the inertia terms to be
negligible, the set of finite element equations in the flow domain O are formulated as
2 Advances in 3D Numerical Simulation of Viscous and Viscoelastic Mixing Flows 25
pk ½r:va dO ¼ 0 (2.21)
ð a
cj r f þ rcTj : pa I þ 22 Da þ Ta1 dO ¼ cj s:nds (2.22)
fi gðT1 Þ:Ta1 þl 21 D dO ¼ 0
The penalty term H is essentially a step function and is set to a value of 1 for all
nodes on solid moving parts, and a value of 0 for all nodes in the fluid volume. The
continuity equation is also modified with a relative compression factor b to account
for conservation of mass in the regions of flow domain covered by the moving solid
r:v þ DP ¼ 0 (2.25)
Mixing of viscous liquids in stirred tank reactors and impeller-based batch mixers is
widely employed in many process industries where effective distribution of addi-
tives is of great importance. Impeller design and speed of the impeller (as quantified
2 Advances in 3D Numerical Simulation of Viscous and Viscoelastic Mixing Flows 27
0.24 m
0.36 m
0.08 m
0.06 m 0.08 m
Fig. 2.1 Examples of impeller designs in batch mixers: (a) Three-Rushton turbine (Zalc et al.
2001); (b) Paravisc impeller (Iranshahi et al. 2006); (c) Rushton turbine with coaxial anchor
(Rivera et al. 2006)
by Reynold’s number, Re) are the major operating variables that can be tweaked to
attain optimum mixing conditions and power efficiency. Figure 2.1 shows a few of
the impeller designs used in stirred tank reactors and impeller-based mixers. The
geometrically simple and symmetrical construction of the impellers, coupled with a
relatively large flow volume in the reactor/vessel (usually cylindrical), makes these
28 K.V. Vyakaranam and J.L. Kokini
mixers an excellent choice for use of CFD in the calculation and visualization of the
various mixing measures as well as their validation using imaging techniques like
the PIV.
Laminar mixing in a three-Rushton turbine stirred tank reactor was studied
using the ORAC CFD package (Dantec Dynamics, Mahwah, NJ) (Zalc et al.
2001, 2002a) (Fig. 2.1a). The flow measurements were validated with PIV
experiments using planar laser-induced fluorescence. In Fig. 2.2 the simulation
results are in excellent agreement with the experiments in revealing the size and
location of poorly mixed regions in the mixer. Local mixing efficiency can be
quantified and visualized by computing the stretching value (l). The stretching
value l is calculated from deformation of infinitesimal vectors in the flow, which
usually takes place at an exponential rate in chaotic flow regions as compared to a
linear rate in non-chaotic flows. The contour maps of the logarithm of stretching
shown in Fig. 2.3 reveal the spatial heterogeneity of stretching when mixing at
various impeller speeds after 20 revolutions. Knowledge of the distribution
patterns of stretching could be valuable in deciding the injection point for
additives to achieve optimal distribution (Zalc et al. 2002a).
a b
Fig. 2.3 Contour plots of ln(l) reveal the spatial heterogeneity of stretching at various impeller
speeds: (a) Re ¼ 20; (b) Re ¼ 40; (c) Re ¼ 160 (Zalc et al. 2002a)
Fig. 2.4 Intensity of segregation vs. time used for different Re and points of injection of tracer
(Iranshahi et al. 2006)
Table 2.1 Comparison of shearing and pumping abilities of the coaxial mixer for different
rotating modes and fluid rheology (Rivera et al. 2006)
Operating conditions Nq Nk Nh/Nq
Co-rotating Newtonian fluid 0.917 1.546 1.685
Rushton impeller only Newtonian fluid 0.658 1.474 2.477
Counter-rotating Newtonian fluid 0.756 1.631 1.948
Co-rotating non-Newtonian fluid 0.761 0.865 1.136
Rushton impeller only non-Newtonian Fluid 0.452 1.082 3.222
Counter-rotating non-Newtonian fluid 0.608 1.457 1.778
Dough kneaders and mixers are designed for highly viscous doughs and batters that
require actions that include pushing portions of the material through other portions,
elevating, dropping and rotating the material, and cutting or dividing the material
2 Advances in 3D Numerical Simulation of Viscous and Viscoelastic Mixing Flows 31
a b
c d
Fig. 2.5 Distributive mixing in a Rushton turbine impeller with a coaxial anchor: (a) co-rotating
after 15 s; (b) co-rotating after 150 s; (c) counter-rotating after 15 s; (d) counter-rotating after 150 s
(Rivera et al. 2006)
(Connelly 2004). Most dough mixers are hence built to operate horizontally, and
typically use co-rotating twin blades or arms like roller bars, single and twin sigma
blades, open paddle four-way blades, double-arm blades, and spindle geometries.
However, several smaller batch dough kneaders with Z blades, sigma blades, or
rotating arms are used for empirical dough testing in laboratories. Examples include
the plastograph (also called a farinograph) with two counter-rotating but non-
intermeshing blades inside a closed cavity; the do-corder with two intermeshing
blades co-rotating in a bowl, with limited clearance at the bowl wall; the planetary
mixer (or mixograph) with mixing caused by the planetary motion of a rotating arm
attached with a pair of vertical pins on either end; and the Eberhart spiral mixer with
a spiral rod rotating in a bowl (Jongen et al. 2003) (Fig. 2.6).
Research aimed at optimizing batch kneaders involves experimental methods
relating the operating parameters of these mixers to the dough development,
rheology, and sensory quality of the product sample. Only a few studies were
able to gather specific information on the flow profiles and mixing parameters
due to the inherent difficulties with experiments (Prakash et al. 1999; Prakash and
Kokini 2000). However, due to the recent advances in the design and simulation
capabilities of various CFD software packages, specifically those aimed at viscous
and viscoelastic flows, it is now possible to obtain (in a nonintrusive way) detailed
information on flow and mixing parameters that includes distribution, dispersion,
and laminar stretching in dough mixing.
32 K.V. Vyakaranam and J.L. Kokini
a b L
H ω
ωL ω2
Rb ω
Rb H
Ro Ro
c d
Fixed Pin
Dough Volume
L2 Moving Pin
Fig. 2.6 Dough kneaders of various geometries: (a) Farinograph; (b) Do-corder; (c) Mixograph;
(d) Spiral mixer (Jongen et al. 2003)
Jongen et al. (2003) used a virtual FEM to study the deformation of viscous pastes
in four different batch mixing geometries (Fig. 2.6). The technique involved super-
imposing the moving elements on the flow domain FEM mesh with the FIDAP
(Ansys Inc., Lebanon, NH) FEM software. In order to quantify the deformation of the
material, a flow parameter R2 was defined as the ratio of the second invariants of the
shear rate and vorticity rate tensors. The normalized value of R2 was calculated as:
1 R2
D¼ (2.26)
1 þ R2
a 1 b 1
0.9 Plastograph Reference
Do-corder Slow speed
Cumulated frequency F
Cumulated frequency F
0.8 Planctary 0.8 Large gap
0.7 Spiral Half blade
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
–1 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 –1 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Deformation type D Deformation type D
Fig. 2.7 (a) Cumulative distribution of mean flow-type parameter D for various kneader geome-
tries; (b) cumulative distribution of mean flow-type parameter D for a farinograph at different
blade configurations and speeds (Jongen et al. 2003)
Polyflow® CFD software (ANSYS Inc., Lebanon, NH). Figure 2.8 shows the effect
of fluid rheology on the velocity contour maps on the vertical center plane between
the two blades. Increased shear thinning of the fluid caused a decrease in the
velocity of the fluid right above the blades. The dispersive mixing ability was
calculated as defined by (2.8). A histogram of the distribution of the dispersive
mixing index in the central planes between the farinograph blades for the three
fluids shows a decrease in the elongational flow regions with increasing shear
thinning. The paths of material points can be calculated from the velocity profiles,
which can then be used to evaluate the distributive and stretching efficiency
parameters such as the cluster distribution index, scale of segregation, and the
mean length of stretch. The density of probability of the length of stretch experi-
enced by 10,000 infinitesimal material lines in the farinograph (Fig. 2.9) for three
blade revolutions showed a gradual and steady increase in the amount of material
undergoing effective stretching over time.
Limited work has been done on studying the effect of a fluid’s viscoelasticity on
flow and mixing profiles. Connelly and Kokini (2003) simulated the flow of a Phan-
Thien Tanner fluid model in a 2D single screw mixer using a rotating reference
frame technique; they compared different methods of handling the instabilities in
dealing with a differential viscoelastic fluid model. It was found that the effect of
viscoelasticity (an increase in relaxation times) was to create asymmetry in the
velocity and pressure profiles and to reduce the effects of shear thinning on the
pressure and stresses (Fig. 2.10).
8 –2
6 –4
4 –6
2 y x –8 y x
0 z z
c 0.11% Carbopol
20 10
18 8
16 6
14 4
12 2
10 0
8 –2
6 –4
4 –6
y x –8 y x
z –10 z
Fig. 2.8 Effect of fluid rheology on the velocity profiles in the vertical center plane of a
farinograph (Connelly and Kokini 2006a)
0.45 1 blade
2 blade
0.40 3 blade
Density of Probability 0.35
–6.0 –3.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 21.0
In (stretch)
Fig. 2.9 Density of probability for length of stretch ln(l) experienced by 10,000 infinitesimal
material lines in a farinograph (Connelly and Kokini 2006b)
3e+04 a b
Fig. 2.10 Shear stress (g/cm2) contour maps for fluid with relaxation times of (a) 0 s and (b) 100 s
in a 2D single-paddle mixer (Connelly and Kokini 2003)
to studying the twin-screw continuous mixer design, Connelly and Kokini (2007)
used numerical simulations to compare mixing of a Carreau model fluid in both a
2D single-paddle mixer and a 2D twin-paddle mixer. The presence of a second
paddle element in the twin-screw geometry significantly improved both dispersive
36 K.V. Vyakaranam and J.L. Kokini
a b c
Fig. 2.11 Kneading elements of the Readco® twin-screw processor (Readco Inc., York, PA)
arranged in (a) FLAT, (b) 45F, and (c) 45R configurations (Vyakaranam and Kokini 2008)
a b
1 1
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
c 1
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 Y 0.2 Y
0.1 0.1
0 0
Fig. 2.12 Mixing index (lMZ) contours for the (a) single-screw and twin-screw mixers after
rotation of the paddles at (b) 45 , (c) 67.5 , and (d) 90 (Connelly and Kokini 2007)
and distributive mixing. Figures 2.12 and 2.13 shows the dispersive mixing index
and the cluster distribution index in both mixers. While the twin-screw geometry
shows an increase in the area and magnitude of elongational flow, the single-screw
geometry showed a cyclic cluster distribution index, suggesting that the material
points were unable to leave the streamlines, leading to poor distributive mixing.
While these simulations were useful in showing the positive effect of a twin-
paddle element on the mixing, 3D simulations of the full-length mixer are needed
for a realistic simulation of continuous mixing, which involves axial flow. The
study of continuous mixers is mainly focused on evaluating the effects of screw
speed, stagger angle, and thickness of the paddle elements on the dispersive and
distributive mixing measures, and comparing the performance to a batch mixer.
2 Advances in 3D Numerical Simulation of Viscous and Viscoelastic Mixing Flows 37
Twin Screw-b1
0.90 Single Screw-b1
Twin Screw-b2
0.80 Single Screw-b2
Fig. 2.13 Comparison of cluster distribution index for ten revolutions in the single-screw and
twin-screw mixers with different locations for the initial cluster in the flow domain: b1 (center
location) and b2 (leftmost location) (Connelly and Kokini 2007)
a 0.30
b 0.18
Mean Time Averaged Efficiency
0.20 0.12
0.10 0.06
100 rpm 0.04 Flat
0.05 50 rpm 45F
1 rpm 0.02 45R
Batch Mixer Batch Mixer
0.00 0.00
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Rotations Time (s)
Fig. 2.14 Effect of (a) screw speed and (b) screw configuration on time-averaged mixing
efficiency of the Readco® twin-screw continuous mixer and the farinograph batch mixer (Ashokan
Distribution function
simulations. The shafts were fitted with five pairs of three-lobed mixing elements
configured at different stagger angles. Distributive mixing was measured by resi-
dence time distributions and the minimum distance between mass-less particle
markers after mixing for a given time. The simulations were performed as a quasi-
steady state wherein the velocity profiles were calculated for every 3 of rotation of
the screw elements. Both the residence time distributions and the mean nearest
distance between the markers showed the neutral stagger configuration to be the
most beneficial for distributive mixing (Fig. 2.16).
Dispersive mixing can be analyzed by evaluating the dispersive mixing index
and corresponding shear stresses (or shear rates, if a Newtonian fluid). Figure 2.17
shows the contour maps of shear rate and mixing index (lMZ) at the 1st, 4th, and 8th
2 Advances in 3D Numerical Simulation of Viscous and Viscoelastic Mixing Flows 39
a b
1.2 1.6
Cumulative distribution function (–)
Markers (mm)
0.8 1.2
0.6 N
0.4 0.8
0.2 L30
Average Residence
Time = 4.8 s
0.0 0.4
0 10 20 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Time [ s] Time [ s]
Fig. 2.16 (a) Residence time distribution and (b) mean nearest distance between markers in
mixing region of a co-rotating extruder fitted with three-lobed kneading discs (Yoshinaga et al.
paddle elements of the FLAT configuration for a Newtonian fluid mixed at 75 RPM.
The elongational flow, indicated by the red shade, is the highest in the center region
of the mixer (around the 4th paddle element), while highest shear rates are found in
the intermeshing regions. The elongational flow is known to cause a breakup of
agglomerates and drops in flow; the corresponding shear rate can be made dimen-
sionless by using the capillary number (Ca). The Ca can be defined as the ratio of
the viscous forces acting to deform the drop to the interfacial forces resisting
deformation and acting to restore its spherical shape. At high enough Ca, the
drop deformation becomes unsteady, leading to breakup. The equation for Ca is
given as:
Ca ¼ r (2.27)
where m is the viscosity of the continuous medium (food matrix), g_ is the local
shear rate, r is the bubble radius, and s is the surface tension of the food matrix
(Meijer and Janssen 1994; Risso 2000). The effect of paddle element stagger on
the distribution of Ca and lMZ for air bubbles in a Newtonian corn syrup is shown
in Fig. 2.18 for the FLAT, 45F (with a 45 forward element stagger), and the 45R
(with a 45 reverse element stagger) configurations. It can be seen that the density
of points in the mixer with Ca and lMZ, which are high enough for breakup,
decreases with a reverse stagger angle of the paddle elements, suggesting higher
breakup in the FLAT configuration. The effects of stagger angle and screw speed
on the shear stresses (or Ca) and distribution of flow type give useful information
that aids in the design of mixers with better dispersive abilities.
Numerical simulation of the flow of fluids modeled by a viscoelastic constitutive
equation in a complex 3D geometry is a nontrivial task. For example, the MST
40 K.V. Vyakaranam and J.L. Kokini
Fig. 2.17 Distribution of shear rate (_g) and mixing index (lMZ) at different locations in the twin-
screw mixer at a screw speed of 75 RPM (Vyakaranam and Kokini 2008)
technique in the POLYFLOW FEM solver does not support the use of a viscoelastic
constitutive equation; therefore a new technique is needed to model the fluid flow.
One such technique is the Pseudo Steady State (PSS) technique in which the flow is
modeled as a steady state with the viscoelastic constitutive equation for a snapshot
of the moving geometry; the velocity, pressure, and stress results are then used as
the input for successive time steps (Ishikawa et al. 2001). Preliminary demonstra-
tion of the technique using a 2D Readco® geometry was successful in obtaining the
velocity and shear rate profiles at low Deborah numbers and small rotations of the
paddle elements (Ashokan 2008). Further work is needed to extend the simulation
2 Advances in 3D Numerical Simulation of Viscous and Viscoelastic Mixing Flows 41
0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94
Mixing Index
50 45F-p4
0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94
Mixing Index
50 45R-p8
30 Ca-cr
0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
Mixing Index
Fig. 2.18 Distribution of Ca and lMZ values for all calculated points in mixing region of the
Readco® twin-screw mixer at different screw configurations (Vyakaranam et al. 2009)
42 K.V. Vyakaranam and J.L. Kokini
2.6 Conclusions
Recent studies in numerical simulation of viscous flow and mixing in the laminar regime
have shown the FEM to be a cost-effective and nonintrusive technique for analyzing and
visualizing the distributive and dispersive mixing ability in batch and continuous mixing
devices of various geometries. A review of recent work analyzing the mixing of viscous
and viscoelastic fluids using numerical simulations has been presented. Stirred tank
reactors and batch mixers of varying geometries have been successfully employed to
demonstrate the use of numerical simulations for visualization and analysis of viscous
and viscoelastic mixing in 3D. While the simulation of flow and mixing for fluids of
relatively simple rheological character (viscous Newtonian and non-Newtonian) has
been done for complex geometries at a 3D level, there is a need for further work in
simulating the mixing of more complex viscoelastic fluid models in full-scale continu-
ous mixer geometries.
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Dr. Nesli Sozer for help with proofreading
the document.
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Yoshinaga M, Katsuki S, Miyazaki M, Liu L, Kihara S, Funatsu K (2000) Mixing mechanism of
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Zalc JM, Alvarez MM, Muzzio FJ, Arik BE (2001) Extensive validation of computed laminar flow
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Zalc JM, Szalai ES, Alvarez MM, Muzzio FJ (2002a) Using CFD to understand chaotic mixing in
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injection location and flow ratio. Polym Eng Sci 43(4):875–890
Chapter 3
CFD: An Innovative and Effective Design
Tool for the Food Industry
3.1 Introduction
Fluids are ubiquitous in nature. In fact, many if not most industrial food processes
require work done on or by a fluid-based system during product development.
During the design and optimization of food processes, engineers must regularly
tackle problems that involve not only fluids but also complex phenomena such as
heat and mass transfer, phase change, and chemical reactions. Forming a compre-
hensive understanding of food-processing systems is not easy because the above
phenomena generally progress as invisible to the eye, and thus often their dynamics
cannot be easily realized or quantified. Moreover, when presented with complex
flow fields, which are governed by nonlinear dynamics, measurements alone may
not be sufficient for accurate analysis, as not only can equipment be intrusive but
too many measurement probes may also be required to fully diagnose a problem.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is mainly concerned with the numerical
solution of the partial differential equations governing transport of mass, momen-
tum, and energy in moving fluids. However, most importantly, many processes
involving the motion of fluids and heat transfer, mass transfer, and chemical
reactions can be accurately described with CFD. Currently CFD is being univer-
sally used as an effective tool to investigate the spatiotemporal dynamics of many
interesting processes used by the food and beverage industry such as mixing,
drying, cooking, sterilization, chilling, and cold storage (Sun 2007). As a result,
the application and development of CFD for food processing is now proving to play
a fundamental role in problem solving for both industry and research, and its use by
the scientific community has grown exponentially within the last number of years
(Norton and Sun 2007). CFD has many advantages over traditional design and
analysis techniques, for example:
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 45
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_3, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
46 T. Norton and D.-W. Sun
For all food-processing systems, partial differential equations (PDEs) can describe
the intensity and spatiotemporal migration of thermodynamic and fluid-dynamic
phenomena. In order to develop and optimize food-processing systems, engineers
need to form a complete picture of the various mechanisms working within. Also, to
avoid the expense and time associated with physical experimentation, such insight
demands solutions to PDEs that describe the system. However, whether or not such
solutions are achievable is dependent on the physics involved, the level of precision
associated with the analysis tools at hand, and the amount of computing power
available to the engineer. In fact, because PDEs are generally by their very nature
time-consuming to solve, they require substantial computer resources; therefore
adequate solutions have not always been attainable with prevailing computer
power. In the past this meant that PDEs needed to be simplified so that they
could be manageably solved by hand, and assumptions impacting the quality of a
solution could easily be introduced. Furthermore, localized phenomena such as
mixing, fouling, cleaning, etc. cannot be accurately determined by simple models;
numerical analysis has always been required to establish the distribution of vari-
ables, that is, temperature, fluid velocity, and concentration in such systems.
3 CFD: An Innovative and Effective Design Tool for the Food Industry 47
Modern CFD codes have been developed using numerical algorithms that solve
the nonlinear PDEs governing fluid flow, heat transfer, and many other physical
phenomena. With this myriad of capabilities, CFD techniques can be used to build
distributed parameter models that are spatially and temporally representative of
food-processing systems, thereby allowing solutions with high levels of physical
realism. The accuracy of a CFD simulation is a function of many parameters,
including the level of empiricism involved, that is, via turbulence models or
additional physical models; the assumptions involved, that is, Boussinesq versus
the ideal gas approximation for inclusion of buoyancy effects; the simplification of
both geometry and boundary conditions to reduce processing time; and whether
processes modifying the physical mechanisms are included, that is, chemical
kinetics. As with other modeling techniques, the greater the number of approxima-
tions, the less accurate the CFD solution will be (Verboven et al. 2004). However,
if used correctly, CFD provides an understanding of the physics of a system in
greater detail through nonintrusive flow, thermal, and concentration field predic-
tions. Furthermore, after many years of development, CFD codes can now solve
advanced problems related to combined convection, radiation and conduction heat
transfer, flows in porous media, multiphase flows, and issues involving chemical
Many applications of CFD in modern food processing already exist, such as for
ovens, refrigerators, heat exchangers, in-place cleaning operations, spray dryers,
biosensors, and pasteurization techniques, among others. CFD simulation has made
giant leaps in realism with the yearly experience gained from each specialization in
tandem with the continual development of commercial CFD codes. For example, in
recent designs of multi-deck chilled cabinets, CFD simulations have been used to
visualize the impact of various design constraints without the need for physical
prototyping (Foster et al. 2005). Further simulations have revealed the impact of
these refrigeration systems on the occupant comfort in retail stores. In the advance-
ment of oven technology, CFD analyses have worked in conjunction with other
mathematical models of food quality attributes to optimize variations in the weight
loss and crust color of bread products prior to baking (Zhou and Therdthai 2007).
Also, in modern operations like air impingement ovens, CFD has been employed so
that the interaction of the jet flow pattern with the product can be understood;
spatially dependent heat and mass transfer coefficients can be predicted; and
equipment design parameters can be optimized (Kocer et al. 2007; Olsson and
Tr€agårdh 2007). In recent times, three-dimensional CFD modeling of plate heat
exchangers (PHEs) has allowed the milk fouling process to be simulated based on
both hydrodynamic and thermodynamic principles. This fouling model permits
assessing the influence of corrugation shapes and orientations on the PHE perfor-
mance (Jun and Puri 2006). The current standard for CFD modeling of spray dryers
has also raised the value of simulations by extending the basic models of flow
patterns and particle trajectories to sub-models such as drying models, kinetic
models of thermal reactions, sub-models describing product stickiness, and
agglomeration models (Straatsma et al. 2007). In other areas, CFD has recently
been used to model:
48 T. Norton and D.-W. Sun
l Pasteurization of intact eggs (Denys et al. 2007); this application formerly had
little information concerning temperatures and process times required.
l Application of biosensors in the food industry (Verboven et al. 2007a); this
modeling allows the optimization of biosensor design in terms of fluid flow,
mass transfer, and chemical kinetics.
l Tea fermentation and infusion (Lian 2007); CFD is used to predict the interplay
between the heat transfer and enzymatic reactions during tea fermentation;
optimal process conditions for desired flavor generation and functional proper-
ties can also be obtained.
All of these applications are good examples of CFD’s ability to resolve problems in
both novel and conventional food-processing operations, even in systems for which
there is little prior knowledge. Also, since CFD can compute variables such as fluid
velocity, pressure, and temperature at many thousands of locations within a virtual
geometry, the solutions can be comprehensive, both spatially and temporally. The
various PDEs that govern the phenomena encountered in food-processing systems are
introduced next. The governing equations of fluid flow and heat transfer can be
considered as mathematical formulations of the conservation laws of fluid mechanics.
When applied to a fluid continuum, these conservation laws relate the rate of change of
a desired fluid property to external forces. The following sections describe the
governing equations for these various phenomena in Cartesian coordinates.
v¼0 (3.1)
where ~
v consists of components of vi .
The conservation of momentum for a fluid element is also termed Newton’s second
law of motion, which states that the sum of the external forces acting on the fluid
particle is equal to its rate of change of linear momentum:
3 CFD: An Innovative and Effective Design Tool for the Food Industry 49
r þ r~ vi ¼ rp þ mr2~
v:r~ vi þ rg (3.2)
This mathematical formulation of fluid motion has been used for almost two
centuries, since the emergence of three very important scientists in the field of fluid
mechanics, namely, Leonhard Euler, Claude-Louis Navier, and George Gabriel
Stokes. Leonhard Euler (1707–1783), a Swiss mathematician and physicist, for-
mulated the Euler equations, which describe the motion of an inviscid fluid based
on the conservation laws of fluid mechanics. The French engineer and physicist,
Claude-Louis Navier (1785–1836), and Irish mathematician and physicist, George
Gabriel Stokes (1819–1903), later introduced viscous transport into the Euler
equations by relating the stress tensor to fluid motion. The resulting set of equations
is now termed the Navier–Stokes equation for Newtonian fluids; it has formed the
basis of modern-day CFD.
The mathematical formulation of the conservation of energy is also called the first
law of thermodynamics, which states that the rate of change in energy of a fluid
particle is equal to the heat addition and the work done on the particle, assuming
that the thermophysical properties are not temperature-dependent:
rcp þ~
v:rT ¼ lr2 T þ sT (3.3)
rcp ¼ lr2 T þ sT (3.4)
For a conjugate heat transfer situation, where evaporation at the food surface is
considered and where the heat transfer coefficient is known, the boundary condition
for (3.4) may be written as follows:
h Tbf Ts þ es Tbf4 Ts4 ¼ l (3.5)
50 T. Norton and D.-W. Sun
Equation (3.6) can be used provided the surface temperature is assumed inde-
pendent of the coefficient during calculations.
3.3.1 Density
The approximation assumes that the density differentials of the flow are only
required in the buoyancy term of the momentum equations. In addition, a linear
relationship between temperature and density, with all other extensive fluid proper-
ties being constant, is also assumed. This relationship only considers a single-
component fluid medium; however, by using Taylor’s expansion theorem, the
density variation for a multicomponent fluid medium can also be derived.
For large temperature differences, the fluid flow becomes compressible with a
strong coupling between the continuity, the momentum, and the energy equations
through the equation of state; its properties (viscosity, heat conductivity) also vary
with the temperature, making the Boussinesq flow approximation inappropriate and
inaccurate (Ferziger and Peric 2002). Therefore, in such cases another method of
achieving the coupling of the temperature and velocity fields is necessary. This can
be done by expressing the density difference by means of the ideal gas equation:
pref M
r¼ (3.8)
3 CFD: An Innovative and Effective Design Tool for the Food Industry 51
This method can model density variations in weakly compressible flows, mean-
ing that the density of the fluid is dependent on temperature and composition but
small pressure fluctuations have no influence.
3.3.2 Viscosity
Turbulent flows are often encountered in the food industry owing to high flow rates
and heat transfer interactions. Currently, even though the Navier–Stokes equations
can be solved directly for laminar flows, it is not possible to solve the exact fluid
motion in the Kolmogorov microscales associated with engineering flow regimes;
thus turbulence requires modeling. For this reason, turbulence models are being
developed yearly, with prediction accuracy undergoing great improvement over the
last few years for a great many flow regimes. However, none of the existing
turbulence models are complete; that is, their prediction performance is highly
reliant on turbulent flow conditions and geometry. Without a complete turbulence
52 T. Norton and D.-W. Sun
model capable of predicting the average field of all turbulent flows, the present
understanding of turbulence phenomena will reduce the generality of solutions. In
the following sections, some of the best performing turbulence models are discussed.
Large eddy simulation (LES) forms a solution given the fact that large turbulent
eddies are highly anisotropic and dependent on both the mean velocity gradients and
geometry of the flow domain. This is done mathematically by separating the velocity
field into a resolved and sub-grid part. The resolved part of the field represents the
large eddies, while the sub-grid part of the velocity represents the small scales whose
effect on the resolved field is included through the sub-grid scale model. With the
advent of more powerful computers, LES offers an accurate means of computing
turbulent flow. However, the lengthy time involved in arriving at a solution means
that it is an expensive technique, and consequently, applications of LES for CFD
calculations of food processing are still uncommon (Turnbull and Thompson 2005).
When variables are influenced by turbulence, engineers are generally content with a
statistical probability that processing variables within the flow regime (e.g., veloc-
ity, temperature, and concentration) will lie within a certain range of values.
Therefore, the predictions afforded by the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equa-
tions (RANS), which determine the effect of turbulence on the mean flow field
through time averaging, are in many cases sufficient. By averaging in this way, the
stochastic properties of turbulent flow are essentially ignored along with six addi-
tional stresses (Reynolds stresses) emerging, which need to be modeled by a
physically well-posed equation system to obtain an accurate closure of the equation
system. The following paragraphs describe the common techniques used.
The Reynolds stress closure model (RSM) generally consists of transport equations
for the Reynolds stresses – three transport equations for the turbulent fluxes of each
scalar property and one transport equation for the dissipation rate of turbulence
energy. RSMs have exhibited far superior predictions for flows in confined
spaces where adverse pressure gradients occur. Terms accounting for anisotropic
turbulence, which are included in the transport equations for the Reynolds
stresses, means that these models provide a rigorous approach to solving complex
engineering flows. However, storage and execution time can be expensive for three-
dimensional flows. Moreover, convergence of the RSMs has been reported to be
quite poor in the literature for many flow configurations.
3 CFD: An Innovative and Effective Design Tool for the Food Industry 53
mt ¼ rCm (3.9)
For the k–o type turbulence without the low Reynolds number modifications, the
turbulence viscosity can be represented by (Wilcox 1993):
mt ¼ r (3.10)
This hypothesis forms the foundation for many of today’s most widely used
turbulence models, ranging from simple models based on empirical relationships to
variants of the two-equation k–e model, which describes turbulence viscosity
through turbulence production and destruction (Versteeg and Malalsekeera 1995).
All turbulence viscosity models have relative merit with respect to simulating food-
processing operations.
The standard k–e model (Launder and Spalding 1974), which is based on the
transport equations for the turbulent kinetic energy k and its dissipation rate e, is
semi-empirical and assumes isotropic turbulence. Although it has been successful
in numerous applications and is still considered an industrial standard, the standard
k–e model is limited in some respects. A major weakness of this model is that it
assumes an equilibrium condition for turbulence, that is, the turbulent energy
generated by the large eddies is distributed equally throughout the energy spectrum.
However, energy transfer in turbulent regimes is not automatic and a considerable
length of time may exist between the production and the dissipation of turbulence.
The renormalization group (RNG) k–e model (Choundhury 1993) is similar in form
to the standard k–e model, but owing to the RNG methods from which it has been
analytically derived, it includes additional terms for dissipation rate development
and different constants from those in the standard k–e model. As a result, the
solution accuracy of highly strained flows has been significantly improved. The
54 T. Norton and D.-W. Sun
calculation of the turbulent viscosity also takes into account the low Reynolds
number if such a condition is encountered in a simulation. The effect of swirl on
turbulence is included in the k–e RNG model, thereby enhancing accuracy for
recirculating flows.
In the realizable k–e model (Shih et al. 1995) Cm is expressed as a function of mean
flow and turbulence properties, instead of being assumed constant, as in the case
with the standard k–e model. As a result, it satisfies certain mathematical con-
straints on the Reynolds stress tensor that are consistent with the physics of
turbulent flows (e.g., normal Reynolds stress terms must always be positive).
Also, a new model for the dissipation rate is used.
The k–o model is based on modeled transport equations, which are solved for the
turbulent kinetic energy k and the specific dissipation rate o, that is, the dissipation
rate per unit turbulent kinetic. An advantage that the k–o model has over the k–e
model is that its performance is improved for boundary layers under adverse
pressure gradients, as the model can be applied to the wall boundary, without
using empirical log-law wall functions. A modification was then made to the linear
constitutive equation of the k–o model to account for the principal turbulence shear
stress. This model is called the shear-stress transport (SST) k–o model; it provides
enhanced resolution of the boundary layer in viscous flows (Menter 1994).
Multicomponent flows occur where the species are mixed at molecular level, that is,
they share the same pressure, velocity, and temperature fields. Alongside global
mass continuity the transport equation for the species provides the means for
updating the field of mass fractions, defining the mixture composition, via the
following equation:
þ r ðe~
vi Xk Þ ¼ r ðDk rXk Þ þ Sk (3.11)
However, as the relative size of the species becomes bigger there is deviation
from the uniform flow field, and hence multiphase modeling must take over the
multicomponent modeling. In multiphase flows more than one immiscible fluid is
present in the flow. In CFD modeling, the term multiphase denotes a fluid system
3 CFD: An Innovative and Effective Design Tool for the Food Industry 55
that contains fluids of different physical properties, and does not necessarily refer to
the state of matter, that is, whether it is solid, liquid, or gas. In multiphase systems,
multiple fluids are mixed at a macroscopic level, where the mixing scale is larger
than the molecular scale. In general, two-phase fluid systems are encountered in the
food industry; however, the same concepts for their modeling apply to systems
having many more phases. Multiphase flows can be broadly placed into the
following categories:
1. Continuous; all the fluids involved in the flow are continuous such as liquid–liquid
or liquid–gas flows where a free and distinct interface exists between fluids, for
example, bubbly fluids or immiscible fluids.
2. Continuous–dispersed; namely, liquid–solid flows that contain a dispersed phase
within a primary continuous phase, for example, particle-laden flows such as
chunky soups, spray dryers, and fluidized beds.
In multiphase flows, each phase competes for the same volume, resulting in
interactions between phases due to their proximity. Owing to the abrupt difference
between the properties of the various phases, mass, momentum, and energy are
exchanged between the phases. Such exchanges need to be accounted for in a CFD
model, and in many cases these interactions are complex and specific to the type of
flow being modeled.
Multiphase modeling has to provide models for tracking phases and/or predict-
ing their distribution in space and time. Three approaches are generally used: the
volume of fluid model (VOF), Eulerian–Eulerian model, and Lagrangian-Eulerian
model, and are briefly discussed in the following sections.
This simple multiphase model is well suited to simulate flows of immiscible fluids
on numerical meshes that are capable of solving the interface between the mixture’s
phases. In other words, the VOF is a volume fraction tracking technique, which is
highly effective when the shape of the interface between phases is important.
Moreover, by using the VOF technique no additional modeling of interphase
interactions is required, as all phases are assumed to share the same velocity,
pressure, and temperature fields. The VOF model can calculate large-scale break-
ups and agglomerations such as sloshing effects caused by a moving water tank. If
the breakup is too small to calculate, that is, during the formation of air bubbles in
water or water droplets in air, then very high mesh refinement is required for
accurate predictions.
particles of phases. In the Eulerian approach, the phases are treated as interacting
and interpenetrating continua (Nijdam et al. 2006). The phases share the same
volume, penetrate each other in space, and exchange mass, momentum, and energy
with each other. Each phase is described by its distinctive physical properties and
has its own velocity, pressure, concentration, and temperature field. Coupling of the
phases is achieved through pressure and interphase exchange coefficients.
The Eulerian–Eulerian model is applicable for continuous–dispersed as well as
continuous–continuous systems. For continuous–dispersed systems, the velocity of
each phase is computed using the Navier–Stokes equations. The dispersed phase
may be in the form of particles, drops, or bubbles. The forces acting on the
dispersed phase are modeled using empirical correlations and included as part of
the interphase transfer terms. Drag, lift, gravity, buoyancy, and virtual mass effects
are some of the forces that may be acting on the dispersed phase. These forces are
computed for an individual particle and then scaled by the local volume fraction to
account for multiple particles.
Many large-scale processes in the food industry may have the potential to be grid
point demanding in CFD models owing to the complex geometry of the modeled
structures. For example, to predict the detailed transfer processes within a cold
store containing stacked foods one must mesh all associated geometry with a
complex unstructured or body-fitted system, which is a highly arduous, and in
many cases, inaccessible task. In any case, both computational power and CFD
3 CFD: An Innovative and Effective Design Tool for the Food Industry 57
algorithms have not yet reached such levels of maturity wherein these types of
computations can be achieved. Therefore, other methods must be used to exploit
the physical relationships that exist on a macroscopic level and sufficiently
represent the dynamic flow effects representative of the modeled material.
The porous media assumption relates the effects of particle size and shape,
alignment with airflow, and void fraction to the pressure drop over the modeled
products. This method basically applies Darcy’s law to a porous media by
relating the velocity drop through the pores to the pressure drop over the
material. An extension of this law to account for most commonly encountered
nonlinear relationships between pressure drop and velocity is represented by the
Darcy–Forcheimer equation:
@p m
¼ v þ rC2 v2 (3.12)
@x K
present. Therefore, finite elements are not generally used by commercial CFD
developers, especially since many of these CFD codes are marketed toward solving
aerodynamic problems. Nonetheless, finite elements methods have been used in the
modeling of electromagnetic heating in microwave ovens (Verboven et al. 2007b);
vacuum microwave drying (Ressing et al. 2007); radio frequency heating of food;
and conduction and mass transport during drying (Aversa et al. 2007). Therefore, it
would seem the finite elements method is amenable to the modeling of novel
thermal processes if the details of fluid flow do not need explicit quantification.
With finite volume techniques the integral transport equations governing the
physical process are expressed in conservation form (divergence of fluxes); the
volume integrals are then converted to surface integrals using Gauss’s diver-
gence theorem. This is a direct extension of the control volume analysis that
many engineers use in thermodynamics and heat transfer applications, etc., so it
can be easily interpreted. Thus, expressing the equation system through finite
volumes forms a physically intuitive method of achieving a systematic account
of the changes in mass, momentum, and energy, as fluid crosses the boundaries
of discrete spatial volumes within the computational domain. Also, finite
volume techniques yield algebraic equations that promote solver robustness,
adding further reasons to why many commercial developers implement this
3.6.1 Sterilization
In recent years, CFD has provided a rigorous analysis of the sterilization of three-
dimensional pouches containing liquid foods (Abdul Ghani et al. 2002; Abdul
Ghani and Farid 2006). Coupling first-order bacteria and vitamin inactivation
models with the fluid flow has allowed prediction of the transient temperature,
velocity, and concentration profiles of both the bacteria and ascorbic acid during
natural convection. The concentrations of bacteria and ascorbic acid after heat
treatment of pouches filled with the liquid food were measured, and close agree-
ment was found with the numerical predictions. The SHZ was found to migrate
during sterilization until eventually resting in a position at a distance about 30%
from the top of the pouch. As expected, the bacterial and ascorbic acid destruction
was seen to depend on both the temperature distribution and flow pattern.
3.6.2 Pasteurization
CFD has been used to predict the transient temperature and velocity profiles during
pasteurization of intact eggs (Denys et al. 2007). Owing to its ability to account for
complex geometries, heterogeneous initial temperature distributions, transient
boundary conditions, and nonlinear thermophysical properties, CFD has permitted
a comprehensive understanding of this thermal process. Such analysis has allowed
the gap in knowledge of this area to be filled, because up to recently little informa-
tion was available on the correct processing temperatures and times for safe
pasteurization, without loss of functional properties. In the series of studies pub-
lished on this topic by Denys et al. (2007), a procedure to determine the surface heat
transfer coefficient using CFD simulations of eggs filled with a conductive material
of known thermal properties was first developed, after which conductive and
convective heating processes in the egg were modeled (Denys et al. 2007). This
revealed that, similar to the phenomena noted by Abdul Ghani et al. (1999) for
canned foods, the cold spot moved during the process toward the bottom of the egg.
The location of the cold zone in the yolk was predicted to lie below its geometrical
center, even when the yolk was positioned at the top of the egg. It was concluded
that no convective heating takes place in the egg yolk during processing.
60 T. Norton and D.-W. Sun
Fernandes et al. (2005, 2006) studied the cooling of stirred yoghurt in PHEs with
CFD simulations in order to investigate the thermal–hydraulic phenomena. They
modeled the rheological behavior of yoghurt via a Herschel–Bulkley model. In
addition to accounting for this rheological behavior, they also provided a high level
of precision in the PHE geometrical design and the imposed boundary conditions.
During the course of these studies, it was found that due to the higher Prandtl
numbers and shear thinning effects of the yoghurt, the Nusselt numbers of the fully
developed flows were more than ten times higher than those of water. This result
presented a substantial thermal–hydraulic performance enhancement in comparison
with that from Newtonian fluids. Furthermore, it was shown that PHEs with high
corrugation angles may provide better opportunities for the gel structure breakdown
desired during the production stage of stirred yoghurt.
3.6.4 Drying
Because of the complex interactions that occur during fluidized bed drying, empir-
ical correlations are only valid for a certain range of conditions, and CFD simula-
tions have been the only means of providing accurate information on the flow
3 CFD: An Innovative and Effective Design Tool for the Food Industry 61
Spray drying is another traditional drying technique and is used to derive powders
from products, with its main objective being to create a product that is easy to store,
handle, and transport. CFD has been a necessary requisite for accurate spray
dryer modeling, and has been employed for over 10 years now (Langrish and
Fletcher 2003).
One of the big difficulties when using CFD software packages in spray dryer
modeling is that owing to the presence of both solid and fluid, the mass transport
limitations within a droplet cannot be easily taken into account, and therefore sub-
models must be included to do so; for accurate solutions these must be used
alongside many other sub-models that account for other phenomenological aspects
(Straatsma et al. 2007). In a recent study by Straatsma et al. (2007), sub-models for
mass transport, inter-particle collision, agglomeration, thermal reactions, and stick-
iness were implemented with an Lagrangian-Eulerian model of an industrial dryer.
The CFD simulations allowed the authors (Straatsma et al. 2007) to assess the
agglomeration size of the particles and the stickiness of the particles colliding with
each other and the wall, and as a consequence allowed the fouling liability of the
dryer to be evaluated.
3.6.5 Cooking
Electric ovens are commonly used household appliances that rely on conjugate
thermal exchange to produce the desired cooking effect in a foodstuff. For that
reason, CFD is an appropriate tool to quantify the internal thermal field. A thorough
investigation into the thermal profile of an electrical oven, operated under both broil
and bake modes, was completed by Mistry et al. (2006). The solution first obtained
from the steady-state analysis yielded a flow field, which opposed that evident from
experimental observation. This was addressed by imposing an artificial, that is, a
“numerical,” vent suction pressure, the value of which was tweaked until thermal
field predictions corresponded with experimental measurements. Full cycling
times, employing intermittent ON/OFF operation of heaters, were also simulated
for both the broil and bake cycles. From the comparison of predictions, the broil
cycle was confirmed to be less efficient, with a notable heterogeneity in temperature
profile, owing to temperature stratification; this underscored the fact that the main
thermal exchange in this cycle was due to radiation.
Recent CFD modeling studies of the bread-baking process have looked at the two-
dimensional physical representation, coupling convection, and radiative heat trans-
fer via the discrete ordinate (DO) model (Wong et al. 2007a). Moreover, the density,
heat capacity, and thermal conductivity were allowed to vary with temperature.
However, some discrepancies between predictions and measurements of the actual
baking process were found, especially for those comparisons made at the dough
center, which were probably caused by no modeling of the moisture transport in the
dough and evaporation kinetics. Moreover, the confining effect afforded by the two-
dimensional model was seen to cause lack of correspondence in the validation study.
Insight into the numerical abilities of CFD packages is important if one needs to
solve the problems of excessive computing times. Taking the parallelization fea-
tures of commercial CFD codes as an example, these can allow a solution to be
formed quicker, via domain decomposition, as long as the computing power is
available and Lagrangian particle tracking is not employed. Alongside this, the
solving techniques employed in commercial CFD codes have also been found to
play a major role in efficiency. Fletcher et al. (2006) noted how segregated solvers
and coupled solvers can bring different attributes to solution progression, and found
that owing to the reduced levels of “random noise” introduced, the coupled solver
permitted a high level of control over the solution process, allowing efficient and
accurate predictions of the transient evolution of the flow instability in a spray
dryer, when compared to the segregated solver.
Simplifying the geometrical representation of CFD models can also cut down on
both pre-processing and solving time. The two-dimensional modeling technique
assumes that the length of a system is much greater than its other two dimensions,
and that the process flow is normal up to this length. As the effects of the confining
geometry are essentially disregarded, accurate judgment of whether the process is
amenable to the two-dimensional assumption is required.
All processes in the food industry are performed under controlled conditions.
Unfortunately, due to the nonlinearity of the transport phenomena, CFD techniques
are not yet amenable to the online control of thermal processes; reduced order
64 T. Norton and D.-W. Sun
models, which use statistical data to manipulate the process variables via controlled
inputs, are more appropriate. However, this does not mean that the actions of a
control system cannot be modeled by CFD. Wong et al. (2007b) were the first to
implement a control system within a CFD model to simulate its performance. Such
abilities undoubtedly provide benefits during the pre-design or optimization stages
of system development.
3.7.3 Turbulence
One of the main issues facing the food industry over the last two decades is the fact
that most turbulence models have been shown to be application-specific. At the
present time, there are many turbulence models available; however, until a com-
plete turbulence model capable of predicting the average field of all turbulent flows
is developed the CFD optimization of many thermal processes will be hampered.
The reason is that in every application many different turbulence models must be
applied until the one that gives the best predictions is found. The closest to the
complete turbulence model thus far is the LES, which uses the instantaneous
Navier–Stokes equations to model large-scale eddies, with smaller scales solved
with a sub-grid model. However, using the LES model demands large amounts of
computer resources, which may not be presently achievable.
3.8 Conclusions
CFD has played an active part in the design of food operation processes for over a
decade now. In recent years simulations have reached higher levels of sophistica-
tion, as application-specific models can be incorporated into the software with ease
3 CFD: An Innovative and Effective Design Tool for the Food Industry 65
via user-defined files. The importance of maintaining a high level of accuracy via
circumspect choices made during model development is evident from the reviewed
studies, as many of these studies provide detailed validation exercises. Undoubt-
edly, with current computing power progressing unrelentingly, it is conceivable that
CFD will continue to provide explanations for transport phenomena, leading to
better design of processes in the food industry.
3.9 Nomenclature
3.9.2 Subscripts
Abdul Ghani AG, Farid MM (2006) Using the computational fluid dynamics to analyze the thermal
sterilization of solid–liquid food mixture in cans. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Tech-
nologies 7(1–2):55–61
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Abdul Ghani AG, Farid MM, Chen XD, Richards P (1999) An investigation of deactivation of
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Abdul Ghani AG, Farid MM, Zarrouk SJ (2003) The effect of can rotation on sterilization of liquid
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Fernandes CS, Dias RP, Nobrega JM, Afonso IM, Melo LF, Maia JM (2006) Thermal behaviour of
stirred yoghurt during cooling in plate heat exchangers. J Food Eng 69:281–290
Ferziger JH, Peric M (2002) Computational methods for fluid dynamics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin/
Heidleberg, pp 1–100
Fletcher DF, Guo B, Harvie DJE, Langrish TAG, Nijdam JJ, Williams J (2006) What is important
in the simulation of spray dryer performance and how do current CFD models perform? Appl
Math Model 30(11):1281–1292
3 CFD: An Innovative and Effective Design Tool for the Food Industry 67
Foster AM, Madge M, Evans JA (2005) The use of CFD to improve the performance of a chilled
multideck retail display cabinet. Int J Refrig 28:698–705
Gidaspow D, Bezburuah R, Ding J (1992) Hydrodynamics of circulating fluidized beds, kinetic
theory approach. Fluidization VII, Proceedings of the 7th Engineering foundation conference
on fluidization, Brisbane, Australia, pp 75–82
Grijspeerdt K, Vucinic D, Lacor C (2007) CFD modelling of the hydrodynamics of plate heat
exchangers for milk processing, chapter 19. In: Da-Wen Sun (ed) Computational fluid dyna-
mics in food processing. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp 403–417
Jun S, Puri VM (2005) 3D milk-fouling model of plate heat exchangers using computational fluid
dynamics. Int J Dairy Technol 58(4):214–224
Jun S, Puri VM (2006) A 2D dynamic model for fouling performance of plate heat exchangers.
J Food Eng 75(3):364–374
Kaya A, Aydin O, Dincer I (2007) Numerical modeling of forced-convection drying of cylindrical
moist objects. Numer Heat Transf A-Appl 51(9):843–854
Kocer D, Nitin N, Karwe MV (2007) Applications of CFD in Jet impingement oven, chapter 19.
In: Da-Wen Sun (ed) Computational fluid dynamics in food processing. CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL, pp 469–487
Langrish TAG, Fletcher DF (2003) Prospects for the modelling and design of spray dryers in the
21st century. Drying Technol 21(2):197–215
Launder BE, Spalding DB (1974) The numerical computation of turbulent flows. Comput Meth
Appl Mech Eng 3:269–289
Lian G (2007) CFD simulation of multi-physical multi-(bio) chemical interactions of tea fermen-
tation and infusion, chapter 24. In: Da-Wen Sun (ed) Computational fluid dynamics in food
processing. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp 478–505
Menter FR (1994) Two-equation eddy-viscosity turbulence models for engineering applications.
AIAA J 32(8):1598–1604
Mistry H, Ganapathi-subbu, Dey S, Bishnoi P, Castillo JL (2006) Modeling of transient natural
convection heat transfer in electric ovens. Appl Therm Eng 26(17–18):2448–2456
Nicolaı̈ BM, Verboven P, Scheerlinck N (2001) Modelling and simulation of thermal processes,
Chapter 6. In: Philip Richardson (ed) Thermal technologies in food processing. Woodhead
Publishing, Cambridge/England, pp 91–109
Nijdam JJ, Guo BY, Fletcher DF, Langrish TAG (2006) Lagrangian and Eulerian models for
simulating turbulent dispersion and coalescence of droplets within a spray. Appl Math Model
Norton T, Sun D-W (2007) An overview of CFD applications in the food industry, chapter 1. In:
Da-Wen Sun (ed) Computational fluid dynamics in food processing. CRC Press, Boca Raton,
FL, pp 1–43
Olsson E, Tr€agårdh C (2007) CFD modelling of jet impingement during heating and cooling of
foods, chapter 20. In: Da-Wen Sun (ed) Computational fluid dynamics in food processing. CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp 478–505
Ressing H, Ressing M, Durance T (2007) Modelling the mechanisms of dough puffing during
vacuum microwave drying using the finite element method. J Food Eng 82(4):498–508
Shih TH, Liou WW, Shabbir A, Zhu J (1995) A new k–e eddy viscosity model for high Reynolds
number turbulent flows—model development and validation. Comput Fluids 24(3):227–238
Siriwattanayotin S, Yoovidhya T, Meepadung T, Ruenglertpanyakul W (2006) Simulation of
sterilization of canned liquid food using sucrose degradation as an indicator. J Food Eng
Straatsma J, Verdurmen REM, Verscheuren M, Gunsing M, de Jong P (2007) CFD simulation of
spray drying of food products, Chapter 10. In: Da-Wen Sun (ed) Computational fluid dynamics
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Szafran RG, Kmiec A (2004) CFD modeling of heat and mass transfer in a spouted bed dryer. Ind
Eng Chem Res 43(4):1113–1124
68 T. Norton and D.-W. Sun
Tattiyakul J, Rao MA, Datta AK (2001) Simulation of heat transfer to a canned corn starch
dispersion subjected to axial rotation. Chem Eng Process 40:391–399
Turnbull J, Thompson CP (2005) Transient averaging to combine large eddy simulation with
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Varma MN, Kannan A (2005) Enhanced food sterilization through inclination of the container
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Chapter 4
Incorporation of Fibers in Foods: A Food
Engineering Challenge
4.1 Introduction
Dietary fiber is an essential part of the human diet. It performs several functions in
the body, such as water binding, cholesterol and fat binding, attenuation of blood
glucose levels, preventing constipation, and facilitating good colonic health. How-
ever, dietary fiber often plays a poor functional role in processed foods, impairing
processing operations and greatly compromising the sensory quality of the food. As
a result, processed foods are typically made from ingredients having low fiber
content, such as refined flours. Diets that predominantly consist of such processed
foods are therefore seriously lacking in this valuable nutritional constituent. The
alarming growth in the prevalence of diseases such as obesity, coronary heart
disease, diverticular disease, and colorectal cancer has been associated at least in
part with low fiber intake. This conclusion calls for urgent action by the food
industry to produce fiber-enriched processed foods that will be a good source of
fiber, while at the same time being acceptable to the consumer.
The importance of dietary fiber and potential fiber sources as well as food
vehicles for fortification will be briefly discussed in this chapter. Emphasis will
be given to corn bran as a fiber source, as it is a cheap and abundant by-product of
the corn milling industry. The food processing and product quality problems
associated with the addition of corn bran in convenience foods such as extruded
breakfast cereals and snacks will be discussed, with some strategies for fiber
modification to overcome these problems. In addition, some analytical techniques
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 69
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_4, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
70 M. Kale et al.
to assess fiber functionality will be described. Finally, a process dealing with alkali
treatment of corn bran to improve fiber functionality during extrusion processing
will be presented as a case for fiber incorporation in extruded foods. The rheological
behavior of fiber-enriched foods and its role in the extrusion process will also be
Dietary fiber typically refers to those carbohydrates from plant foods that are not
digested by enzymes in the small intestine, including non-starch polysaccharides
and lignin (USDA 2005), and also resistant starch. Dietary fiber can be soluble or
insoluble. Soluble fiber typically undergoes fermentation by colonic microorganisms,
whereas insoluble dietary fiber passes through the body largely unchanged. Incor-
poration of insoluble fiber at high levels into processed foods often causes problems
due to poor functional properties, such as severe reduction of expansion in extruded
foods (Breen et al. 1977; Mottur and Glass 1985; Hseih et al. 1989, 1991; Lue et al.
1991; Onwulata et al. 2001; Moraru and Kokini 2003). Soluble fiber, on the other
hand, tends to compromise the sensory quality of the food, and may hamper
functionality as well (Colliopoulos 1991; Ringe and Stoll 1991; Foehse et al.
1992; van Lengerich and Larson 2000).
The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine (National Academy of
Sciences 2002) has set recommendations for fiber intake at 38 and 25 g/day (14 g/
1,000 kcal) for men and women, respectively. These levels are based on the
minimum intake required to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and colon
cancer, prevent constipation and diverticular disease, provide energy for colonic
bacteria, attenuate blood glucose and lipid levels, and provide foods that may
contribute to satiety. On average, people consume about one half of these recom-
mended levels. Thus, there is an obvious need to increase dietary fiber consumption
among the general public. One way to achieve this goal is through fiber incorpora-
tion in commonly consumed foods, for instance, breakfast cereals, ready-to-eat
(RTE) puffed snacks, yogurt, and baked products.
Most plant foods contain some amount of dietary fiber. However, much of this fiber
is removed during processing and pre-processing operations. A common example
4 Incorporation of Fibers in Foods: A Food Engineering Challenge 71
of pre-processing is the refining of cereal flour to remove bran, which improves the
functionality of the flour, while producing a fiber-rich by-product which can be a
potentially valuable source of fiber for fortification. There are other soluble fiber
sources, such as psyllium and inulin, which in fact show good processing function-
ality in extruded foods because they do not reduce their expansion (Foehse et al.
1992). However, their significantly higher cost and tendency to dissolve rapidly in
water, saliva, or milk and to produce gummy or slimy texture limit the level at
which they can actually be utilized in these products.
Cereal brans represent a valuable class of by-products of the milling industry
that can serve as a source of dietary fiber. Many countries are major producers and
processors of corn and, consequently, corn bran is one of the most abundant and
cheap resources for fiber fortification. Therefore, the focus of this chapter will be on
corn bran as a source of fiber. The discussion will apply, in the most part, to other
fiber sources as well.
The level of added fiber and the amount of fiber per serving are technologically and
nutritionally significant quantities to be decided by the food manufacturer. From a
practical standpoint, the level of addition is dictated by the occurrence and extent of
processing difficulties and the effect of the fiber on the sensory qualities of fiber-
enriched products, while the amount of fiber per serving decides the kind of labeling
declaration that can be made, more specifically if it can be labeled as a “good,”
“very good,” or “excellent” source of dietary fiber.
Several foods can be considered as candidates for fortification with fiber, the
notable categories being extruded foods, baked foods, beverages, and dairy pro-
ducts such as yogurts; the latest reports even suggest the development of high-fiber
drinks (Decker 2007). This chapter focuses on fiber processing and fiber function-
ality enhancement for extrusion processing, as incorporation of high levels of fiber
is arguably most challenging in extruded foods.
intensification tool, a term used to categorize processes that result in better products
and processes that are safer, cleaner, smaller, and cheaper. Extrusion cooking
technologies are used for cereal and protein processing in the food, pet food, and
feed sectors. Raw material properties are critical in determining the magnitude of
variables used in the process such as pressure, temperature, moisture, feed, as well
as providing structure to the final product (Guy 2001). The most commonly used
materials are corn and wheat flours or meals. Other starch sources such as rice,
potato, rye, and barley flours are also used for extrusion purposes, as well as
globular proteins such as those present in soybean, which provide structure to the
food product when used at high concentrations larger than 40% (Guy 2001; Moraru
and Kokini 2003). While proteins denature at the high temperature existing in the
extruders, fibers were reported to be unaffected by the heat and shear applied during
extrusion processing (Guy 2001).
Moraru and Kokini (2003) have extensively described the mechanism of extru-
date expansion. During expansion, there is a rapid decrease in the moisture and
temperature of the product, which causes a dramatic change in the extrudate
rheology and transport properties (Fan et al. 1994). Several researchers (Lai and
Kokini 1990; Kokini et al. 1992; Fan et al. 1994; Della Valle et al. 1996, Li et al.
2004) have hypothesized that the rheological properties of the polymeric matrix just
before exiting the extruder (known as melt) have an important role in expansion,
since they determine the resistance to the growth of the air bubbles due to the
pressure difference between the inside and the outside of the bubble.
Both raw material properties and operating parameters affect the rheological
properties of the melt, and have a large influence on the product expansion. The film
of biopolymers surrounding the bubbles must flow easily in the bubble walls to
allow the bubbles to expand, as the superheated water is released very quickly at
atmospheric pressure once the product exits the extruder die. The resistance to this
flow is governed by the shear viscosity. Expansion seems to be favored at certain
optimum shear viscosities depending on the material, since it has been observed
that excessively high or low viscosities impede expansion (Fan et al. 1994; Della
Valle et al. 1996; Li et al. 2004; Moraru and Kokini 2003; Kokini et al. 1992). Melt
shear viscosity is affected by biopolymer structure, die dimensions (L/D), screw
speed, temperature, and moisture. Concerning the biomolecular structure, several
researchers have reported differences in extrusion expansion and melt rheology due
to differences in amylose/amylopectin content (Guy 2001; Chinnaswamy and
Hanna 1988; Della Valle et al. 1996; Kokini et al. 1992; Lai and Kokini 1990;
Li et al. 2004).
The mechanism of the expansion process can be described as consisting of
several stages starting from a nucleation stage, which generates a two phase
structure, where tiny gas bubbles are surrounded by polymeric films (bubble
wall). As bubbles grow, these films are stretched to a point where they are no
longer able to withstand the stretching forces (Gendron and Daigneault 2000; Guy
2001). When the film becomes thin, shear effects become less important and the
deformation flow of relevance is that of an extensional flow. Consequently, exten-
sional properties of the melt, which measure the resistance of the film to the
4 Incorporation of Fibers in Foods: A Food Engineering Challenge 73
stretching deformation, become the control for the extent of bubble growth. Even
though the relevance of extensional properties and biaxial stretching have been
recognized as one of the main modes of deformation in food extrusion (foam
extrusion), few rheological studies using this type of flow have been performed,
mainly due to the difficulty of finding reliable techniques to measure biaxial
extensional properties of extruded melts.
One aspect that has been investigated in the area of plastic extrusion, but not in
foods, is the effect of the material molecular structure on expansion and extensional
properties of the melt. For plastics it has been recognized that extensional properties
of the melt are very sensitive to macromolecular structural differences (Hingmann
and Marczinke 1994; Gendron and Daigneault 2000). In this sense, structural
aspects of food polysaccharides and their potential effects on melt rheology are
discussed in this chapter.
It has been reported that the presence of a high proportion of fiber in product
formulation results in the reduction of expansion during extrusion, which in turn
yields products that are dense, tough, and non-crispy (Lue et al. 1991). Mendonca
et al. (2000) reported that co-extrusion of corn bran and cornmeal resulted in less
radial expansion and products with undesirable textural characteristics when the
amount of corn bran was increased. Garber et al. (1997) investigated the influence
of corn bran particle size on extrusion expansion and found that radial expansion
decreased with increasing particle size, producing very hard extrudates of poor
textural properties.
Moraru and Kokini (2003) hypothesized that above a critical concentration,
fibers may disrupt the continuous structure of the melt, thus impeding its elastic
deformation during expansion. Since fibers are not much affected by the harsh
environment existing inside the extruder and largely retain their macrostructure
(Guy 2001), their physical presence in the extrudate bubble walls will tend to
reduce the expansion because they disrupt the bubble wall film when their struc-
tures penetrate it. In addition, it has been hypothesized that, even at small concen-
trations, the structural anisotropy caused by the aligning of long and stiff fiber
molecules in the extruder flow direction increases the extensional viscosity of the
melt film, thus lowering the radial expansion of the product.
Corn bran, like any other food material, is a complex system. It consists of thick-
walled cells of pericarp, germ and aleurone layer, and a residual endosperm tissue
of the corn kernel (Saulnier et al. 1995). Corn bran contains about 80–90% dietary
74 M. Kale et al.
fiber (Shelton and Lee 2000). The major polysaccharides present in cereal brans are
cellulose and hemicelluloses. Cellulose is a polymer made of b (1 ! 4)-linked
glucose units. Hemicelluloses are classically defined as polysaccharides that are
extractable from higher plants by aqueous alkaline solutions (Schulze 1891). It is
now known that there are at least four major types of hemicelluloses, namely
xylans, mannans, mixed linkage glucans, and xyloglucans (Ebringerova et al.
2005). In addition to cellulose and heteroxylans, primary cell walls of cereals
consist of certain b-D-glucans, xyloglucans, aromatic substances (such as phenolic
acids), and structural proteins are also present (Saulnier et al. 1995; Carpita 1996).
The major heteroxylans in cereals are arabinoxylans, with some amount of glu-
curonic acid present. Corn bran arabinoxylans, for instance, comprise about 60% of
total bran weight and contain some glucuronic acid and trace amounts of D- and
L-galactose that are extracted from crude corn fiber under alkaline conditions.
Wheat bran contains approximately 45% total dietary fiber that is composed of
44% hemicellulose, 32% cellulose, 5% lignin, and 4% insoluble pectins (Claye
et al. 1996). Saulnier and Thibault (1999) suggested, based on their studies on corn
bran, that the corn cell wall is a three-dimensional network of cellulose bundles
embedded in a network of highly cross-linked arabinoxylans (Fig. 4.1).
Arabinoxylans are composed of a b (1 ! 4)-linked xylan backbone, with
arabinosyl residues attached as short branches. Some of the arabinosyl residues
are esterified with ferulic acid, which is a phenolic acid (Doner and Hicks 1997).
Figure 4.2a shows a schematic structure of a feruloylated arabinoxylan. Cross-
linking of arabinoxylan chains through diferulic acid bridges has been identified
(Saulnier et al. 1995). This is shown in the schematic Fig. 4.1, and in closer detail in
Fig. 4.2b. Each corn bran heteroxylan contains about 75 ferulic acid esters and is
connected by about 30 diferulic cross-links (Saulnier and Thibault 1999).
Fig. 4.1 Schematic of cereal cell wall structure (Adapted from Saulnier and Thibault 1999)
4 Incorporation of Fibers in Foods: A Food Engineering Challenge 75
Fig. 4.2 (a) Schematic of feruloylated arabinoxylan molecule. (b) Schematic of two arabinoxylan
chains cross-linked by diferulate bridges
Fiber modification strategies generally fall into three categories: chemical, physical,
and enzymatic. The ultimate aim of all of these methods is to alter the molecular and/
or supramolecular structure of the fiber so that its functionality can be improved.
The chemical modifications of interest here are those intended to increase function-
ality through the selective breakage of ferulic acid cross-links, as well as other
hydrolysis reactions to reduce molecular size. Ferulic acid cross-link removal and
other main chain hydrolysis effects are achieved by the addition of either an acid or
a base. This aids in the dispersal of bran polysaccharides, can decrease polymer
chain length, and may open up junction zones to increase water-binding sites and
solubility. These treatments additionally allow for greater functionality because
they loosen the tightly packed fiber polymeric chains. Treatment with hydrogen
peroxide has also been used to remove lignin (Gelroth and Ranhotra 2001) and to
bleach the undesirable brown color (Doner and Johnston 2001).
Physical treatments involve high shear, high temperature, extrusion, and corn bran
grinding. Particle size reduction has been studied as a possible method for fiber
incorporation into an extruded corn-based product (Blake 2006). However, it was
found that in the range studied, particle size does not have much effect on the
properties of the extrudate, notably expansion.
High shear may decrease polymer chain length and increases the ability of a fiber
to associate with other food components. Shear has been used to create a patented
dietary fiber (Z-TrimTM) in USDA laboratories that is used as fat mimetics. On the
other hand, high temperature processing results in swelling of the cell wall material
and improvement in solubilization of hemicellulose and insoluble pectins (Ng et al.
The use of extrusion as a processing tool for physical pretreatment offers advan-
tages involving a combination of both shear and high temperature, which results in
dispersion of the dietary fiber produced by the depolymerization and disruption of its
crystalline structure within the cell wall (Ning et al. 1991; Ralet et al. 1993).
sw ¼ (4.1)
where DP is the pressure causing the flow, and R and L are the radius and length
of the capillary die, respectively. Foods undergoing extrusion are generally
78 M. Kale et al.
biopolymers that exhibit non-Newtonian behavior. The wall shear rate in a cylin-
drical capillary is calculated by Malkin and Isayev (2006) as
g_ w ¼ g_ 0 3þ (4.2)
The bracketed term in the above equation is the correction for non-Newtonian
fluid and g_ 0 is the average shear rate in the capillary, and is given by
g_ 0 ¼ (4.3)
where Q is the flow rate through the capillary. The flow curves obtained from the
test can be used to measure the apparent viscosities at different shear rates and thus
calculate the rheological parameters (i.e., power law) of non-Newtonian fluids.
The advantages in using a capillary rheometer is that it is relatively inexpensive
to build and simple to operate. For viscous polymeric melts, capillary rheometry
appears to be one of the few satisfactory means of obtaining data at shear rates
greater than 10 s1 (Macosko 1994). Capillary rheometers can also reduce solvent
evaporation more efficiently than rotational geometry instruments, which have
larger exposed free surfaces. These instruments are also one of the simplest extru-
sions and die flow simulators (Macosko 1994). The disadvantages are that a large
amount of sample is needed for the test and the instrument can measure only steady
shear properties. The reader is encouraged to refer to Malkin and Isayev (2006) and
Macosko (1994) for details on working principles and different tests that can be
conducted using capillary rheometry.
Entrance pressure drop measured from the flow into a converging die has been used
to evaluate the extensional viscosity of cornmeal dough (Bhattacharya et al. 1994;
Padmanabhan and Bhattacharya 1993; Seethamraju and Bhattacharya 1994).
Although this may be the best method for approximating extrusion conditions,
the amount of sample needed for each trial is very high.
The lubricated squeezing flow technique is a simple method to measure exten-
sional viscosity of dough-like samples. The material whose extensional viscosity is
to be measured is placed between two lubricated plates and compressed at either a
constant velocity or a constant strain rate. The squeezing force is used to calculate
the extensional viscosity. If the sample fills the plates completely, i.e., sample and
plate radius is the same during the test, then the method is known as the constant
area method. If the sample radius is less than the plate radius, it is called constant
volume method.
4 Incorporation of Fibers in Foods: A Food Engineering Challenge 79
For the constant area method and constant crosshead velocity, the extensional
viscosity in lubricated squeezing flow is given by the following equation (Campa-
nella and Peleg 2002):
mb ¼ (4.5)
pR2 V
where mb is the extensional viscosity, F(t) is the force at time t after commencement
of the experiment, H(t) is the momentary sample height, R is the radius of the
sample, which is the same as the radius of the plate (constant area method), and V is
the crosshead velocity or velocity of deformation.
At a constant strain rate e_ , extensional viscosity is given by
mb ¼ (4.6)
pR2 e_
Apart from the simplicity, this method offers a practical way to avoid the
extensive structural disruption that occurs at the narrow space of the die. By
using lubricated squeezing flow, this damage can be almost completely eliminated
and the specimen can be tested as practically intact by carefully placing the material
on the lower plate with a wide spatula or spoon (Suwonsichon and Peleg 1999;
Corradini et al. 2000). For details and variations of the technique for use in food,
please refer to the review by Campanella and Peleg (2002).
As described earlier, the molecular and structural characteristics of fiber may play a
significant role in its functionality during processing and also in the human body.
This discussion will focus on a few techniques commonly used for structural
characterization of polysaccharides in general, and arabinoxylans, which are the
major polysaccharides in corn fiber, in particular. The specific characteristics that
appear to be more significant for fiber functionality are chemical nature, constituent
sugars, linkage pattern, molecular weight, molecular size, degree of branching, and
branching pattern.
The chemical constituents of cereal brans have been discussed in some detail above.
The chemical characterization of fiber is a fundamental consideration in its
80 M. Kale et al.
Monosaccharide Analysis
Protein Estimation
Protein content can be measured using the Bradford assay or, more commonly, the
bicinchoninic acid (BCA) method, both of which are colorimetric methods. The
Kjeldahl and Dumas methods are based on nitrogen content estimation and are less
common owing to their tedious nature.
There are several techniques for identification and quantification of phenolic acids.
Ferulic acid, being the major phenolic acid of cereal brans, is of relevance to the
4 Incorporation of Fibers in Foods: A Food Engineering Challenge 81
Lipid Analysis
HPSEC separates molecules based on their size, with the larger molecules eluting
first from the column followed by the smaller molecules. When an MALS
instrument is used as an SEC detector, a concentration detector such as a refractive
index detector or a UV detector (for molecules which absorb light in the UV
range, such as proteins) is often coupled to it. This enables calculation of concen-
tration for each data slice, which makes it possible to calculate the molecular
weight (Mw) and the root mean square (rms) radius (also known as radius of
gyration of the molecule, rg) for each individual data slice, as well as the average
across a peak.
4 Incorporation of Fibers in Foods: A Food Engineering Challenge 83
Knowing the average molecular weight (Mw) and rms radius/radius of gyration (rg)
across a peak, a log–log plot of rg versus Mw, called a conformation plot, can be
used to obtain information about the conformation of the molecule in solution. For
instance, for a solid sphere, the radius is proportional to the cube root of molar
mass; thus the conformation plot will have a slope of 0.33 (Wyatt 1993). For rigid
rods, the slope will be 1, while random coils should give a slope of 0.5–0.6. In
general spherical-like molecules in solution are associated with a large degree of
branching. Thus, these plots can be used to compare the degree of branching
between different fiber polymers; lower slope of the conformation plot implies a
greater degree of branching, which, as discussed, may have an important effect on
the expansion of fiber-enriched foods. Another method of determining the degree of
branching of a polymer is the use of the radius method described by Zimm and
Stockmayer (1949). In this method, the branching ratio of a polymeric molecule is
simply defined as the ratio of rms radius of the polymer to that of a linear polymer
that has the same composition and molecular weight. This method has been used by
Grcev et al. (2004) to find the degree of branching of polyvinyl acetate. Its use for
natural polymers such as polysaccharides may be limited due to the difficulty in
obtaining linear and branched polymers of the same molecular weight. So, for these
cases, the conformation plots serve as a simple method to qualitatively evaluate
Other methods that can be used include spectroscopy techniques such as NMR,
mass spectrometry, and indirect techniques such as GC to determine individual
sugar residues if the branches and backbone are known to be made of different
sugars. Some data showing the use of light scattering to determine molecular
weight, size, and degree of branching of alkali-soluble corn arabinoxylans are
presented and discussed in a later section.
The fermentation profile of fiber within the colon is also an important aspect to be
considered due to the implications of the role of fiber on human health. In particular,
the type and amount of short chain fatty acids produced, as well as the completeness
and rapidity of fermentation are all important functional parameters to consider. In
vitro fermentation has been used to characterize the pH, gas production, and short-
chain fatty acid production by the polysaccharide in the colon. Studies point to a
desirability for fibers with controlled fermentation to distribute beneficial fermenta-
tion products into the distal colon, while providing some bulking effect for regularity
(Rose et al. 2007). Adiotomre et al. (1990) suggested in vitro techniques, dialysis,
and fermentation to screen polysaccharides for their impact on nutrient absorption,
sterol metabolism, bulking, and fermentation.
84 M. Kale et al.
Corn bran was mixed with 5% NaOH in a 1:10 ratio for 2 h at room temperature to
hydrolyze ferulic acid ester cross-linkages following the procedure described by
Doner et al. (2000). The mixture was then neutralized with hydrochloric acid, and
95% ethanol was added to the neutralized extract in a ratio of 2:1. The precipitate,
termed “alkali-treated bran” (ATB), was dried at 50 C, and milled using a CyclotecTM
cyclone mill equipped with a screen of mesh size 40.
Separation of the alkali-soluble bran (ASB) hemicellulosic fraction from the
alkaline-insoluble fraction was done by centrifuging the alkaline mixture (before
the neutralization step to produce ATB) at 11,159 g for 8 min. The supernatant was
neutralized with HCl and 80% ethanol was added to the supernatant in a ratio of 2:1
to obtain the ASB. The precipitate was dried at 50 C and milled using a cyclone
mill equipped with a screen of mesh size 40.
After alkali treatment, there was a significant reduction in insoluble fiber, from
79–52%, and an increase in soluble fiber from 1.6–30% (Blake 2006). The main
dietary fiber component of the ASB fraction contains 64% of soluble dietary fiber,
which is the branched hemicellulose B. Alkali treatment of corn bran disrupts its
supramolecular structure producing dietary fiber that can be separated into various
components, which are hemicelluloses A, B, and an alkali-insoluble fraction that
consists of cellulose and cross-linked hemicellulose (hemicellulose C), and starch.
Each fiber, that is, ATB, ASB, and unmodified bran (UMB), was mixed with
cornmeal in a ratio so as to produce a mixture containing 26% total dietary fiber.
The details of the process and extrusion equipment used can be found in Pai et al.
(2009). Sectional expansion index (SEI) was measured in each case. SEI is defined
as the squared ratio of average diameter of the extrudate to that of the die diameter
(Alvarez-Martinez et al. 1988). The SEI of each extrudate is listed in Table 4.1
below. The SEI of extrudates containing 26% ASB was equivalent to that of the
4 Incorporation of Fibers in Foods: A Food Engineering Challenge 85
Fig. 4.3 Extrudates obtained from mixing cornmeal with unmodified corn bran and alkali-
modified corn fiber
cornmeal with no fiber added. Incorporation of both the modified bran fractions
ASB and ATB resulted in much higher radial expansion as compared to the UMB.
The difference in expansion is clearly visible in Fig. 4.3, with the alkali modified
fiber giving radial expansion similar to that of the control (cornmeal only).
In order to study the effect of incorporation of these fibers on the melt shear
rheology, a twin-bore capillary rheometer (Rosand RH 2,000 Capillary Rheometer,
Malvern Instruments, Southborough, MA) was used. These experiments were
performed to characterize the shear rheology of the melt at conditions similar to
those of the extrusion operation. Due to operational limitations of the capillary
rheometer, samples with 20% total fiber and 25% moisture were prepared. Shear
rates in a range of 20–800s1 for extrusion operations have been reported by several
researchers (McMaster et al. 1987; Senouci and Smith 1988; Lai and Kokini 1990;
Padmanabhan and Bhattacharya 1993; Seethamraju and Bhattacharya 1994;
Della Valle et al. 1996; Drozdek and Faller 2002; Sandoval and Barreiro 2007).
86 M. Kale et al.
Fig. 4.4 Apparent shear viscosity versus shear rate data from capillary rheometry of cornmeal
with various fibers (shear rate range: 100–200 s1)
Steady shear viscosities were measured at shear rates of 100, 150, 175, and 200 s1.
No end correction was applied due to the high sample requirement. A long die was
used (L/D ¼ 8) in order to minimize the contribution of the nonlinear portion of the
pressure drop (Byler and Kwei 1971).
Addition of ATB at the 20% level resulted in a significant increase in shear
viscosity, while a decrease was noted with the addition of ASB. However, by the
addition of UMB to the cornmeal, the shear viscosity increased substantially
compared to the control. Figure 4.4 shows the differences in melt shear rheology
based on addition of fibers. As shown by the linearity of the plot in logarithmic
coordinates, all samples showed a pseudoplastic behavior and obeyed the power
law model in the experimental shear rate range tested.
Lubricated squeezing flow between two plates was chosen to characterize the
extensional viscosity of the mixed fiber samples. Huang and Kokini (1993) and
Wikstr€om and Bohlin (1999) used this technique for characterizing the extensional
viscosity of wheat doughs.
In this work, it was necessary to add gluten at an 8.3% level to produce a
cohesive dough. Thus, the mixture of cornmeal and gluten served as a base to
observe the effect of the different fiber components on the extensional rheology of
the dough. The samples prepared in this way consisted of cornmeal mixed with
4 Incorporation of Fibers in Foods: A Food Engineering Challenge 87
Fig. 4.5 Extensional viscosity versus strain data obtained from lubricated squeezing flow rheo-
metry of cornmeal with various fibers
gluten and each of the fiber components (ATB, ASB, and UMB), with a resultant
composition of approximately 20% total dietary fiber, 25% cornmeal, 8.3% gluten,
and water making up the rest of the sample. Lubricated squeezing flow experiments
were conducted on a Sintech 1/G Universal Testing Machine (MTS, Eden Prairie,
MN). Samples of initial height 10 mm were compressed between Teflon plates
(25.4 mm in diameter) which were lubricated with silicone oil. Experiments were
conducted with the constant area method with crosshead velocities of 10 and
20 mm/min until the point where the force reached a value of 100 lbf. Results
showed that the addition of gluten served to improve the squeezing flow testing and
its reproducibility without qualitatively changing the behavior of the samples. All
samples were shown to exhibit strain thinning behavior. Differences in extensional
rheology were observed with the type of fiber used. Cornmeal with ATB showed
the highest extensional viscosity, while addition of UMB resulted in an extensional
viscosity higher than that for cornmeal with no added fiber, but ASB addition
resulted in an extensional viscosity slightly lower than that of the control cornmeal
(Fig. 4.5).
Once bubble growth is initiated, the bubbles have to overcome the resistance
created by the shear viscosity in order to grow. After the bubbles have grown
sufficiently, the melt film between the bubbles undergoes biaxial extension (Gendron
and Daigneault 2000; Steffe 1996). Hence, consideration of extensional viscosity
becomes an essential part in the prediction of extrusion expansion from the melt
rheology. Once a certain normal stress in the melt film has been exceeded due to
88 M. Kale et al.
further bubble expansion, the melt film ruptures, causing bubble collapse. For the
bubbles to remain intact, the melt should have an extensional viscosity high enough
to withstand the extensional stress caused by bubble expansion.
Excluding the sample of cornmeal with ASB, it was observed that shear viscosity
increased for cornmeal, cornmeal with ATB, and cornmeal with UMB, whereas
extensional viscosity increased for cornmeal, cornmeal with UMB, and cornmeal
with ATB. Addition of both UMB and ATB to cornmeal increased shear and
extensional viscosities when compared to cornmeal alone, thus increasing overall
resistance to expansion during the two stages of bubble growth, that is, when shear
and extensional flows, respectively, were the prevalent flows, which caused the
observed lower expansion. However, comparing the rheology of cornmeal with
UMB to that of cornmeal with ATB, it can be concluded that an increase in
extensional and decrease in shear viscosities resulting from alkali treatment
resulted in an increased extrusion expansion. This trend suggests that a relatively
high extensional viscosity and a low shear viscosity appear to be the rheological
parameters that cause good expansion.
Although cornmeal with ASB had a significantly lower shear viscosity compared
to cornmeal alone, both samples showed a similar radial and longitudinal expan-
sion, suggesting that the shear viscosity could not be the sole rheological parameter
governing the extrudate expansion and that extensional viscosity also has a role to
play in expansion. The similarity in expansion can be explained by the effect of
rheology on the expansion mechanism. Sun (2004) and Stange and Munstedt (2006)
showed that higher shear viscosity causes a slower diffusion of the gas in polymers
resulting in better foam expansion, which would explain the better expansion
observed on extrudates prepared with cornmeal alone. Although the extensional
viscosity of the ASB sample was lower than that for the cornmeal control, the
similar expansion probably cannot be explained by the reduced extensional viscosity
of the sample with ASB compared to cornmeal alone. In the present study, it was
observed that extrudates with bran had a larger number of bubbles compared to the
cornmeal control (not shown). The presence of a high amount of bubbles of large
sizes may have increased the heat transfer rate of the extrudate containing ASB as
compared to cornmeal. This effect would cause a more rapid heat and moisture loss,
which could have promoted the attainment of the glass transition sooner than the
control sample, thus preventing further bubble growth. The combination of reasons
presented above probably explains why cornmeal with ASB has the same expansion
as the control samples.
An increase in the soluble arabinoxylan content in the ATB fiber compared to UMB
caused a decrease in shear viscosity and an increase in extensional viscosity. On the
other hand, ASB (highest soluble fiber content) exhibited both lower shear and
extensional viscosities as compared to the control with no fiber. This finding
4 Incorporation of Fibers in Foods: A Food Engineering Challenge 89
suggests that the interaction of ASB with starch is different than the interactions of
UMB or ATB with starch.
The major component of ASB is hemicellulose B (64%), which is a branched
arabinoxylan (Whistler 1993). Due to its high degree of branching, it is postulated
that ASB is able to interact with starch differently than the other two fibers. An
enhanced functionally that seems to result from the molecular dispersal is produced
by the chemical treatment. The favorable interaction between starch and the ASB
fraction would in turn result in a rheological behavior of the fiber in the melt similar
to that of starch, that is, without disrupting the melt structure and resulting in a melt
rheology which favors bubble growth and expansion. A similar phenomenon has
been observed during the extrusion of synthetic polymers, where the use of highly
branched polymers such as low-density polyethylene (LDPE) results in higher
expansion than linear high-density polyethylene (HDPE) (Gendron and Daigneault
2000). Li et al. (2004) reported that higher amylopectin content leads to lower melt
shear viscosity, resulting in higher expansion. Thus, the highly branched arabinoxylan
fraction of hemicellulose B in the ASB fiber would lead to higher expansion.
Conversely, the main components of the water-insoluble portion of the ATB fiber
consist of cross-linked insoluble hemicellulose, such as hemicellulose C (15% w/w
of bran, linear xylan polysaccharide with few arabinose branches), and cellulose
(16% w/w) (Sugawara et al. 1994). UMB is composed of 79% insoluble dietary
fiber as compared to ATB, which has 52% (Blake 2006). The high proportion of
cross-linked and linear polymers that compose UMB are likely to break the
continuity of the melt forming a multiphase melt, whereas ATB may form a melt
that is less discontinuous, thus favoring some expansion.
to 40% and the fraction called the 20–40% fraction was isolated. Similarly, the
40–60% and 60–80% fractions were collected. This fractionation was carried out
for the purpose of obtaining fractions homogeneous in terms of molecular char-
acteristics of the polysaccharides, with lesser variability in their structures. It was
observed that most of the polysaccharides precipitated in the 20–40% and 40–60%
fractions. The shear and extensional viscosities in doughs containing these fibers
and their solutions in water were measured as follows.
Melt shear rheology was measured using the same methodology as described in the
capillary rheometry section. Samples were prepared by mixing cornmeal, fiber, and
water such that each sample contained 25% fiber and 50% cornmeal. Steady shear
experiments were conducted at 120 C, which was the extrusion temperature for
trials conducted in our laboratory (Blake 2006). Steady shear viscosities were
measured at shear rates of 75, 100, 150, 175, and 200 s1. The variation of shear
viscosity with shear rate is shown in Fig. 4.6. It is clear that addition of the fiber
fractions 20–40% and 40–60% reduces the shear viscosity of the melt. There is also
some difference between the measured shear viscosities. The samples containing
the 20–40% fraction show a slightly higher viscosity compared to those with the
40–60% fraction, but addition of both fiber fractions significantly lowers the
viscosity compared to cornmeal alone.
Corn meal
Corn meal + 20–40% fraction
Corn meal + 40–60% fraction
Shear viscosity (Pa.s)
Fig. 4.6 Apparent shear viscosity as a function of shear rate for cornmeal mixed with the 20–40%
and 40–60% fractions of ASB (range: 75–200 s1)
4 Incorporation of Fibers in Foods: A Food Engineering Challenge 91
Fig. 4.7 Extensional viscosity as a function of Cauchy strain for cornmeal mixed with 20–40%
and 40–60% fractions of ASB
92 M. Kale et al.
The 20–40% and 40–60% fractions were dissolved in water to make 5% solutions
which were placed in concentric cylinder geometry in a rheometer (ARG2 from TA
Instruments, Newcastle, DE) and viscosity was determined at shear rates varying
from 1 to 200 s1. Both samples showed shear thinning behavior for shear rates less
than 20 s1. Between 20 and 200 s1 the samples showed a Newtonian behavior
(Fig. 4.8).
The 40–60% fraction had a lower solution viscosity compared to the 20–40%
fraction, but similar molecular weight distribution profiles (results from HPSEC
not shown). This suggests that the 40–60% fraction has a smaller hydrodynamic
radius and thus a more highly branched structure. It is thus hypothesized that
there are fine structural differences between the two fractions of alkali-soluble
corn bran, as seen from the difference in their behavior in these rheological
Shear viscosity (Pa.s)
Fig. 4.8 Comparison of solution (5%) shear rheology between 20–40% and 40–60% fractions for
shear rates between 1 and 200 s1
4 Incorporation of Fibers in Foods: A Food Engineering Challenge 93
conformation plot
Fraction 40- 60%.vaf (0.39±0.02) Fraction 20-40%.vaf (0.44±0.01)
rms radius (nm)
1.0×106 1.0×107
molar mass (g/mol)
information obtained from the rheology tests, which indicated that the 40–60%
fraction has a more branched structure than the 20–40% fraction. Thus, while
rheological characterization can be used to hypothesize about differences in fine
structure of the polymers, branching analysis using, for example, HPSEC-MALS
must be used to confirm differences in branching pattern between the polysaccha-
ride polymers.
Irrespective of the strain rates, it was found that the control cornmeal with no added
fiber exhibited the highest extensional viscosity among these tests. Addition of
fibers in all forms decreased shear and extensional viscosities of the cornmeal fiber
composites. It was also noted that the presence of modified fibers allowed the
sample to be squeezed to extremely high strains without evidence of fracture
along the lateral surface of the cylindrical sample. The different behaviors can be
observed by comparing Fig. 4.10a (cornmeal) and b (composite of cornmeal and
25% ASB), where the latter showed no fracture and a homogeneous deformation.
Homogeneous deformation during extensional flow is a characteristic of branched
polymers (Stange and Munstedt 2006). Homogeneous deformation prevents the
growth of inhomogeneities that can result in sample breakage or cause the inho-
mogeneities to grow in a restrained manner. It could very well be expected
that these fibers will have a favorable impact on extrusion expansion due to
homogeneous deformation.
94 M. Kale et al.
Fig. 4.10 Pictures of samples after lubricated squeezing flow test: (a) cornmeal, (b) cornmeal
with 20–40/40–60% fractions of ASB. Cornmeal shows extensive fracture, while samples with
ASB fractions are squeezed without fracture
4.5 Conclusion
Dietary fiber is an important part of the diet, with significant nutritional and
physiological benefits. However, poor functionality during processing makes pro-
duction of high-fiber foods a challenge. Some strategies for fiber modification,
including physical, chemical, and enzymatic methods, may be employed to
improve this functionality and make addition of high levels of fiber into processed
foods possible. Several sources of fiber are available to the food industry, cereal
brans being arguably among the cheapest and most abundant. Physico-chemical and
rheological characterization techniques can be successfully employed for the
assessment of fiber quality for potential incorporation into different foods. Some
rheological tests are designed to simulate actual processing conditions, while others
give information about the structure of the polymer. Complementary information
on these structures can be obtained by physical and chemical techniques such as
light scattering and monosaccharide analysis. Together, all of these techniques,
along with modification strategies, can be employed to overcome the engineering
challenge of fiber incorporation and aid the food industry in producing better
products that will help to improve public health.
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Chapter 5
Gastric Digestion of Foods: Mathematical
Modeling of Flow Field in a Human Stomach
5.1 Introduction
The human stomach consists of two parts: the proximal stomach, which can be
divided into the fundus and the orad corpus (one third of corpus); and the
distal stomach, which includes the remaining corpus, the antrum, and the pylorus
(Szurszewski 1981) (Fig. 5.1). The stomach plays three major roles in the digestion
process: storing of high-density food, mixing, and emptying the chyme (Forte 1996;
Schubert and Makhlouf 1992; Soll and Berglindh 1994). The stomach reduces the
size of food particles and fat globules and disperses them in the gastric juice. It
also controls the pH, viscosity, and density of the gastric content with the help of
digestive secretions. After the ingestion of food, powerful contraction waves
originating from the mid-stomach move toward the pylorus at a speed of
2.5 mm/s. The depth of the contraction waves is shallow at the origin and increases
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 99
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_5, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
100 S. Singh and R.P. Singh
Esophagus Fundus
Duodenum Antrum
A Distal stomach
Pyloric valve
Fig. 5.1 Schematic diagram of a human stomach (A wave amplitude, d width of wave) (not drawn
to scale)
as they approach the pylorus where they end. The occlusion diameter becomes
narrower during its travel and at the end the gastric content is squeezed back
through the narrow opening creating a retropulsive jet. These antral contraction
waves (ACWs) generate forces and fluid motions that break down and mix the
gastric content (Horowitz et al. 1994; Kelly 1980; Macagno and Christensen 1981;
Pallotta et al. 1998; Indireshkumar et al. 2000; Pal et al. 2004).
The size and shape of the stomach vary from one individual to another. It
depends upon many factors including age, food habits, posture, and the interval
since eating. The stomach walls are very flexible and the size of the stomach can
vary from a few hundred milliliters (when empty) to 2 L. The shape of the stomach,
it can be assumed, is somewhat like a “J.”
The food has a significant effect on the properties of the contraction waves.
The length of propagation, the amplitude of contractions, and the time duration the
stomach takes to generate the contraction waves are affected by the volume and
chemical and physical properties of the meal (Code and Carlson 1968; Meyer 1991;
Mayer 1994; Camilleri and Prather 1993). A large meal volume induces powerful
phasic contractions that originate higher up in the stomach as compared to small
volumes. A highly viscous food results in shallow contractions and a diluted or
aqueous meal generates deep contractions (Carlson et al. 1966). The deforming wall
boundaries of the stomach fill with a complex mixture of fluid and the food particulates
generate a complex and unsteady flow field. There are some distinctive features of the
flow field inside the stomach such as retropulsive jet and recirculating eddy structures.
As the ACW moves closer to the pylorus, the space between the contraction
wave and the pyloric valve decreases. The gastric content trapped inside this
5 Gastric Digestion of Foods: Mathematical Modeling of Flow Field 101
decreasing space is pushed back into the proximal part of the stomach, forming a
jet-like flow. It is also known as retropulsive jet. Retropulsive jet has been reported
by several authors (Carlson et al. 1966; Keinke et al. 1984; Issa et al. 1994; Pallotta
et al. 1998; Pal et al. 2004). Retropulsive flow results in an increase in the flow
velocity. The interaction of retropulsive jet with a relatively stagnant fluid inside the
stomach develops a high shear field at the boundaries of the jet. The food particu-
lates carried along with the retropulsive jet are subjected to this high shear. Issa
et al. (1994) visualized the movement of gastric content using a high-speed echo
planner magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique. They observed the retro-
pulsive motion with an increase in activities in the distal part of the stomach.
Pallotta et al. (1998) studied the retropulsive flow with the contraction pattern in
the antral region and in the closing and opening of the pyloric valve. They discussed
the role of retropulsive jet in mixing and transport of gastric contents. Pal et al.
(2004) observed retropulsive flow in their simulation model of the stomach. They
also reported the contribution of this motion in the mixing of the gastric content.
Pal et al. (2004) modeled the flow and mixing in human stomach using a two-
dimensional numerical model. They assumed that two-dimensional models have
the same quantitative behavior as that of three-dimensional models in axisymmetric
geometries. They demonstrated two important flow phenomenon taking place
inside the stomach and were able to show the retropulsive jet also reported by
many researchers earlier. Their simulation showed an increase in flow velocity up
to 7.5 mm/s. The retropulsive jet disperses the particles along the longitudinal axis
of the stomach. They also observed a second flow pattern (flow eddies) between any
two ACWs. These eddies are important for lifting the food particles from the
stomach wall and transporting them toward the center of the stomach. Although
retropulsive jets have been reported by many researchers, eddies between the
contraction waves were reported for the first time by this research group. Neverthe-
less, the human stomach is not axisymmetric in nature, especially considering the
effect of gravitational force on the lower part of the stomach. Therefore, it is
necessary to model the stomach as a three-dimensional geometry.
Further, the flow inside a human stomach is peristaltic in nature, driven by
deforming boundaries of the stomach muscles. In order to solve the peristaltic flow
in a complex system, such as a human stomach, one has to start with the peristaltic
flow in simpler geometries. There are several publications dealing with analytical as
well as numerical solutions of peristaltic motion in tubular geometry. Burns and
Parkes (1967) expanded the stream function as a Fourier series and used wall
boundary conditions to evaluate the coefficients of the Fourier series. They were
able to obtain a reasonable estimate of the flux through the tube under peristaltic
deformation of the walls as described by sinusoidal waves. Shapiro et al. (1969)
studied the flow properties of viscous incompressible fluid in a tube with deforming
walls. They solved the flow equations to obtain the parabolic velocity profile along
the cross section of the tube under the deforming wall according to (5.1):
u 1 dP 2
¼ 1 h r2 (5.1)
c 4mc dx
102 S. Singh and R.P. Singh
where u is the fluid velocity in the wave frame of reference, dP=dx is the
pressure gradient in x direction, and r is the radial position from the axis of
the tube. Zien and Ostrach (1970) analyzed peristaltic flow in two-dimensional
geometry due to the traveling wave motion of the confining walls. They solved
the stream function (c) in the form of an expansion with power of (a/l). Li
(1970) applied the analysis carried out by Zien and Ostrach (1970) for an
axisymmetric geometry, which represents many of the biological systems in a
more realistic way. He obtained the mean values and distribution of fluid
velocity and pressure in terms of amplitude, frequency, and wavelength of the
sinusoidal wave. Shen (1976) reduced the three-dimensional Navier–Stokes
equations to a series of linear boundary value problems with Laplace and
biharmonic operators.
Food particulates upon breakdown either dissolve in the gastric juice (polysac-
charides) or disperse as a suspension. This contributes to change in viscosity of the
gastric fluid. Many food fluids are non-Newtonian in nature with flow character-
istics that depend upon the shear rate. Many researchers have reported the viscosity
values of the stomach and small intestine digesta, but mostly at one shear rate value
as observed by Dikeman and Fahey (2006). Additionally, the flow dynamics of the
gastric fluid depends upon its viscosity. Overall, viscosity of the gastric fluid is
influenced by the composition of the food material and the secretions through
stomach walls after food intake. Moreover, in solid foods the viscosity changes as
the food particles disintegrate.
a b
Non-deforming wall
Deforming wall
Plane of Symmetry
Fig. 5.2 (a) Schematic diagram of circular rings constructing stomach geometry; (b) boundary
conditions used in FLUENT simulation
The grids of the stomach geometry were deformed with every time step to represent
a real contracting stomach. An ACW started from near the middle of the stomach
(14.4 cm from the pyloric valve) and traveled toward the pylorus at a speed of
2.4 mm/s. The lifetime of an ACW lasted for 60 s. Any two ACWs were separated
by a 20 s time gap, making its frequency 3/min. The shape of an ACW was taken as
the sixth power of the sinusoidal function. The amplitude of an ACW varied along
its travel length from its origin to the pylorus. The occlusion diameter ratio was
defined as the ratio of diameter of the contraction ring (e) to the original diameter of
the section before contraction (D). The occlusion diameter ratio (e/D) decreased
linearly from 1.0 to 0.6 during the first 17.5 s and then remained constant at 0.6 for
the next 16.0 s. The occlusion diameter ratio decreased linearly from 0.6 to 0.1 for
23.5 s and then increased to 1.0 at the end of the wave’s travel. The stomach
geometry repeated itself after a 20 s time interval.
An imaginary line was assumed along the center of the stomach, connecting the
center of all the circular rings used to construct the stomach geometry. Deformation
in the stomach grid was performed by moving the nodes of the grid closer
(contraction) or farther (expansion) from the imaginary centerline of the stomach
(Fig. 5.3). Radial distance of the nodes (vertices of the computational elements)
from the imaginary centerline was increased or decreased to create the desired
volumetric deformations. The amount of displacement of a given node (Dri) at a
given time was the function of its distance from the centerline of the stomach (xi)
and the center of the ACW (xw) (Fig. 5.4a; (5.3) and (5.4)).
" 6 #
e p d jxw xi j
Dri ¼ b 1 sin if j xw x i j d (5.3)
D 2 d
} Dr
Node location at time t + Dt
Stomach wall
Dr2 Dr5
Dr3 Drw Dr4
x1 x2 x3 xw x4 x5 x6
Fig. 5.4 (a) Schematic diagram describing sinusoidal deformation procedure along stomach wall;
(b) grids of stomach geometry with ACW modified by flow time
where Dri is the displacement of the ith node along the radial distance (m), b is the
maximum depth (amplitude) of the contraction wave at a given time (m), De is
the occlusion diameter ratio, d is half of the width of the contraction wave (m), xi
is the projection of the ith node on the imaginary stomach centerline (m), and xw is
the position of the center of the contraction wave (m).
At any given time all ACWs were perpendicular to the imaginary centerline.
Grids were denser near the lower (deformation) region and coarser in the upper
region of the stomach (Fig. 5.4b). The grid size was selected such that the
stomach wall was smooth at the peak of the ACWs. A relatively larger grid
size resulted in a non-smooth surface near the ACWs and a smaller grid size
increased the computational time. The grid size for this study was taken as
2.0 mm.
5 Gastric Digestion of Foods: Mathematical Modeling of Flow Field 105
@U 1
Momentum : þ ðU:DÞU ¼ Dp þ uf r2 U þ g (5.6)
dt rf
where U is the velocity component (m/s), p is the pressure (Pa), vf is the kinematics
viscosity of the fluid, and rf is the density of the fluid (kg/m3).
The above flow equations were solved with the help of a CFD solver (FLUENT
6.3.26). There were a number of assumptions made to simplify the model. The
gastric fluid was assumed to behave like a Newtonian fluid at a very low Reynolds
number. The stomach did not empty the gastric content for the duration of the
simulation. Physical properties of the gastric fluid remained unchanged with time.
The chemical reactions between the gastric fluid and food were not accounted for in
the model. The temperature of the system remained constant at 37 C.
A flow field inside a tubular geometry was simulated using FLUENT. Dimensions
of the tube were taken from that defined by Shapiro et al. (1969). Water was used as
the fluid inside the tube. The boundary wall of the tube was deformed as a
sinusoidal wave (Fig. 5.5). Flow in a tube is axisymmetric in nature; therefore, it
was sufficient to solve the flow field in a two-dimensional plane with a width equal
to the radius of the tube. The computational grid was created using GAMBIT.
a h
Line 1
Line 2
Fluent Modeled
Shapiro et al (1969)
Axial Velocity (m/s)
Along line 2
Along line 1
0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.001 0.0012 0.0014
Axial Distance (m)
Fig. 5.6 Comparison between velocity profiles obtained by FLUENT simulation and analytical
model by Shapiro et al. (1969)
h ¼ a þ b sin ðX ctÞ (5.7)
The pressure field simulated by the stomach model was compared to the data
available in literature. For gastric juice viscosity 0.1 (kg/m.s) and density 1,000 kg/
m3, the pressure fields simulated by this stomach model and the model from Pal et al.
(2004) are shown in Fig. 5.7. The pressure contours in the antral region are
comparable and the maximum pressure is on the order of 0.1 mmHg. However,
the pressure between the most distal and the middle ACWs did not agree in two
cases. The Pal model showed uniform pressure in this region, whereas our model
showed that pressure in the region between the ACWs decreased in steps. The flow
5 Gastric Digestion of Foods: Mathematical Modeling of Flow Field 107
a b
p (mmHg)
Fig. 5.7 (a) Pressure field predicted by Pal et al. (2004); (b) pressure field obtained from our
model (density ¼ 1,000 kg/m3, viscosity ¼ 1,000 cP)
inside the stomach was a pressure-driven flow caused by deforming walls and
decreasing volumes between the ACWs. Thus, the volume between two consecu-
tive ACWs is constantly decreasing, and therefore, the pressure between two
consecutive ACWs always increases with time until the volume completely col-
lapses in the pylorus.
Simulated unsteady flow patterns are shown in Fig. 5.9 for fluid density 1,000 kg/m3,
viscosity 1 cP, and ACW lifetime (TL) of 60 s; these settings were used for most of
the results unless otherwise specified. The lifetime of an ACW was defined as the
time interval between its creation and end.
The velocity contours shown in Fig. 5.9 represent the flow field beginning at
time N.TL, where N is an integer. Most of the flow activity takes place in the distal
part of the stomach as compared to the proximal part where flow was minimal. As
the ACW travels closer to the pyloric valve, the fluid trapped between the contrac-
tion wave and pyloric region is forced behind the enclosure, creating a retropulsive
jet. Figure 5.8 shows the volume between the two consecutive ACWs and the cross-
sectional area of an ACW as a function of time. The area marked by a circle in
Fig. 5.8 corresponds to the time of high intensity of the retropulsive jets. A
combination of high rate of volume change (steeper slope) and the small cross-
sectional area results in high-intensity retropulsive jets. The jet length increases as
the ACW moves closer to the pyloric valve. The maximum fluid velocity is
achieved just before the ACW collapses completely near the pyloric valve
(Fig. 5.9). The maximum fluid velocity observed was 30 mm/s. Minimum fluid
velocity is observed when only two ACWs are present and a third one has just
started to grow (Fig. 5.9a, f).
108 S. Singh and R.P. Singh
90 0.0045
60 0.003
50 0.0025
40 0.002
30 0.0015
20 0.001
10 0.0005
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (s)
Fig. 5.8 Graph showing change in volume between two successive ACWs and change in cross-
sectional area of an ACW with time
a b c
d e f
Fig. 5.9 Velocity contours in stomach as ACWs move toward the pylorus
There was an additional flow pattern besides the retropulsive jet, wherein flow
recirculation was observed between two ACWs. This recirculation was mainly due
to the wall motion of the contraction waves and was assisted by shearing flow of the
retrograde jet. The maximum velocity in these eddying flow structures was found to
5 Gastric Digestion of Foods: Mathematical Modeling of Flow Field 109
1.66e–02 m/s
9.34e–03 Retrograde Jet
2.08e–03 Y
1.04e–03 Z X
3.93e–07 Flow recirculation
Fig. 5.10 Velocity vectors (m/s) of flow in a human stomach at TL(N + 1/3) s
be on the order of 7.5 mm/s. The role of these flow recirculation patterns and
retropulsive jets in mixing gastric content has been discussed previously by Pal
et al. (2004). The recirculating flow scrapes any food particles adhering to the
stomach walls and pushes them toward the retropulsive jet region.
In Fig. 5.10 it can be observed that the retrograde jet is the main flow event
taking place inside the stomach. Also, the flow direction below the retrograde jet
and between two contraction waves is toward the pyloric valve. The flows in this
region and the retrograde jet are in opposite directions from each other. The
retrograde jet carries the gastric content away from the lower stomach, whereas
the flow recirculation moves part of the gastric content back toward the lower
stomach region.
At the start of the digestion process the gastric fluid is less viscous (close to water).
The viscosity of the gastric fluid gradually increases as the food particulates
disintegrate and dissolve into the gastric juices. The viscosity plays a significant
role in flow dissipation of gastric flow as well as in the drag force on the food
particulates. The effect of viscosity on the gastric flow was observed in this study at
five levels: 1, 5, 10, 20, and 50 cP.
The length of the retropulsive jet in this study is defined as the distance from the
origin of the jet to the point where jet velocity drops to 90% of its original velocity.
110 S. Singh and R.P. Singh
It can be observed that the length of the retropulsive jet decreases as the gastric juice
becomes increasingly viscous (Figs. 5.11 and 5.12). The energy loss due to viscous
dissipation increases with the viscosity of the gastric juice and the jet length
becomes shorter. The role of retropulsive jets is mainly for shearing and mixing
of the food particulates. Therefore as viscosity increases, mixing of the food
particulates is expected to decrease.
m = 1 cp
0.02 m = 5 cp
m = 10 cp
Velocity magnitude (m/s)
m = 20 cp
0.015 m = 50 cp
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Distance from pyloric valve along the centerline of the stomach (cm)
Fig. 5.11 Velocity profiles along centerline of stomach at time TL(N + 1/3) s. r ¼ 1,000 kg/m3
y = 9.6099x–0.424
R2 = 0.9761
Jet length (mm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Viscosity (cP)
Fig. 5.12 Retropulsive jet length decreases as viscosity of gastric fluid increases. r ¼ 1,000 kg/m3
5 Gastric Digestion of Foods: Mathematical Modeling of Flow Field 111
The effect of density of the gastric fluid was studied at three levels: 1,000, 1,050,
and 1,100 kg/m3. Small differences were noticed near the regions of the contraction
waves. Beyond that there was no notable difference in the flow field due to change
in the density of gastric fluid (Fig. 5.13). The maximum velocity of the retropulsive
jet remained the same for all three densities. Thus, it may be concluded that the
density of the gastric fluid does not have any significant effect on the flow field;
however, it is likely to play a major role in the flow dynamics of the food
particulates. The density difference between the gastric fluid and the food material
determines the flow path of a food particulate and the frequency at which the particu-
late is exposed to the antral grinding. A food particulate that is heavier than the gastric
fluid is likely to settle at the bottom of the stomach, whereas a lighter food particulate
would float along the surface of the gastric fluid.
r = 1000 kg/m3
r = 1050 kg/m3
r = 1100 kg/m3
Velocity magnitude (m/s)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Distance from the pyloric valve along the centerline of the stomach (cm)
Fig. 5.13 Velocity profiles along centerline of stomach at time t + 10 s for gastric fluid viscosity
of 1 cP
Three levels of wave speed (mild, normal, and high) were selected to study their
effect on the flow field inside the model stomach. The speed of contraction waves
was changed by altering their lifetime. The total lifetime (TL) of an ACW for a
normal speed was 60 s, whereas for mild and high speeds the lifetimes were 66
and 54 s, respectively
The velocity profiles along the centerline of the stomach were compared to
assess any changes due to the speed of the ACWs. Figure 5.14 shows velocity
112 S. Singh and R.P. Singh
magnitude along the stomach centerline when the most distal (leftmost) ACW
was 7.2 cm away from the pyloric valve. The velocity of the gastric fluid
increased with the speed of ACW. The maximum velocity magnitude increased
by 6.45% (19.7–20.97 mm/s) at a 10% increase in ACW speed (2.4–2.68 mm/s).
The length of the retropulsive jet also increased from 10.52 to 11.71 mm (11.3%
increment). The flow pattern before the start and near the end of the jet remained
similar. The flow recirculation near the ACW also intensified as the ACW
traveled faster.
Increasing the wave speed (decreasing TL) increases the fluid velocity
(Figs. 5.14 and 5.15) and the length of the retropulsive jet increases with the
wave speed. There was an increase in the size of eddies due to flow recirculation.
It was also observed that the relationship between maximum velocity and lifetime
of an ACW was linear for the range considered in this study (Fig. 5.16). The
retropulsive jets in the stomach are generated by continuously decreasing the
Velocity magnitude (m/s)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Distance from the pyloric valve along the stomach centerline (cm)
Fig. 5.14 Effect of ACW speed on flow profile along centerline of stomach at time TL(N + 1/3) s.
Density ¼ 1,000 kg/m3, viscosity ¼ 1 cP, high-intensity ACW
Fig. 5.15 Effect of speed of ACW on flow profile inside stomach at time TL(N + 1/3) s. Density
of gastric juice ¼ 1,000 kg/m3, viscosity ¼ 1 cP
5 Gastric Digestion of Foods: Mathematical Modeling of Flow Field 113
y = – 0.000476x + 0.048176
48 54 60 66 72
Life time of an ACW, TL (s)
Fig. 5.16 Maximum velocity magnitude in stomach at time TL(N + 1/3) s, as a function of speed
of ACW. Density of gastric juice ¼ 1,000 kg/m3, viscosity ¼ 1 cP
volume between two ACWs. The rate at which the volume between two ACWs
collapses is directly proportional to the speed of the ACWs. Therefore, a higher
ACW speed means a faster collapsing volume between two ACWs, which results in
stronger retropulsive jets.
The initial phase of gastric motility consists of mild contraction waves increasing
slowly to high-intensity contraction waves over time. The mild waves represent the
initial quiescence phase when the food is entering or has just entered the stomach.
After the quiescence period the high-intensity contraction waves emerge, during
which time most of the mixing and disintegration activities take place (Coupe et al.
1991). Two contraction profiles of ACWs were used to study the effect of the
contraction depth on the flow field. The change in nondimensional occlusion
diameter (e/D) with time was varied, as described by (5.8) (high-intensity waves)
and (5.9) (mild waves).
Occlusion diameter ratio profile for high-intensity waves (Pal et al. 2004):
> 0:5 þ 0:5ð17:5Þ=17:5 0:0 t 17:5
e <
0:5 17:5 t 33:5
¼ (5.8)
D >
> 0:1 þ 0:4ð57 tÞ=23:5 33:5 t 57:0
0:1 þ 0:9ðt 57Þ=3:0 57:0 t 60:
114 S. Singh and R.P. Singh
Occlusion diameter ratio profile for mild waves (included in this study):
> 0:75 þ 0:25ð17:5 tÞ=17:5 0:0 t 17:5
e <
0:75 17:5 t 33:5
¼ (5.9)
D >
> 0:35 þ 0:4ð57 tÞ=23:5 33:5 t 57:0
0:35 þ 0:65ðt 57Þ=3:0 57:0 t 60:0
The maximum velocity of retropulsive jet was higher for the high-intensity
waves compared to the mild waves (Figs. 5.17 and 5.18). This was due to the
bigger occlusion diameter (larger opening) of the mild waves. For a given flow rate
the velocity was inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the flow path.
Moreover, in the case of mild waves, the rate at which the volume between any two
neighboring ACWs decreased was less compared to the high-intensity waves. The
flow rate of the gastric fluid was directly related to the rate of change in volume
velocity magnitude (m/s)
Mild waves
High intensity waves
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Distance from the pyloric valve (cm)
Fig. 5.17 Velocity profiles along centerline of stomach for mild and high-intensity waves at
TL(N + 1/3) s
a b
2.00e-02 2.00e-02
1.90e-02 1.90e-02
1.80e-02 1.80e-02
1.70e-02 1.70e-02
1.60e-02 1.60e-02
1.50e-02 1.50e-02
1.40e-02 1.40e-02
1.30e-02 1.30e-02
1.20e-02 1.20e-02
1.10e-02 1.10e-02
1.00e-02 1.00e-02
9.00e-03 9.00e-03
8.00e-03 8.00e-03
7.00e-03 7.00e-03
6.00e-03 6.00e-03
5.00e-03 5.00e-03
4.00e-03 4.00e-03
3.00e-03 Y 3.00e-03
2.00e-03 2.00e-03
1.00e-03 Z X 1.00e-03
0.00e+00 0.00e+00
Fig. 5.18 Velocity contour for (a) mild and (b) high-intensity ACWs at time TL(N + 1/3) s
5 Gastric Digestion of Foods: Mathematical Modeling of Flow Field 115
between two ACWs. Therefore, the combination of larger occlusion diameter and
less flow rate resulted in a drop in the retropulsive jet velocity. The maximum
velocity observed for mild ACWs was 5.9 mm/s, which is 70% less than for the
high-intensity waves. A lower velocity of retropulsive jet (for mild ACWs) results
in poor mixing and shearing, and the retropulsive jet may not be able to carry the
larger food particulates for long distances, resulting in poor mixing. Further, the
eddy flow near the ACWs becomes milder with contraction depth.
5.5 Conclusions
This study was focused on modeling the flow field and the disintegration kinetics of
the food particles inside the human stomach. The effect of the viscosity of gastric
juice, density of the juice, speed, and intensity of ACWs on the flow field was
studied. Fluid flow inside a human stomach driven by peristaltic deformation of the
stomach walls was simulated using FLUENT software, while dynamics meshing
was used to model the contracting shape of the stomach. The flow field was solved
assuming that the gastric juice follows a laminar flow rather than a non-Newtonian
flow at a very low Reynolds number, as found in the stomach. Retropulsive and
recirculatory flow structures were observed inside the simulated flow field of the
stomach. The size of the retropulsive jet is a function of the viscosity of the gastric
juice and characteristics of the ACWs. The length of the retropulsive jet decreased
with increasing viscosity or decreasing speed/depth of the ACWs. Recirculatory
flow regions were observed near the ACWs.
This model has a number of limitations that can be pursued as future modifications.
This research was limited by information available in medical literature on the
human stomach, but with advancements in measurement techniques and methods,
the model can be modified in the future to predict the flow field and disintegration
kinetics more realistically. It was assumed that the flow inside the stomach is
Newtonian in nature, but there are many reports suggesting that the gastric content
behaves like a non-Newtonian fluid. The non-Newtonian properties of the gastric
content can be measured as a function of food properties (size, chemical composi-
tions, etc.) and the fluid’s concentration. A physical model of the human stomach
can be used for validation purposes, since one of the major limitations of this study
was lack of validation methods. In the future the flow field could be validated with
this physical model, more closely representing a stomach with peristaltic flow. This
physical model should also be capable of simulating food disintegration.
Furthermore, the current model does not consider the gastric emptying during
the digestion/disintegration process. The size, shape, and flow field of the stomach
116 S. Singh and R.P. Singh
change as the gastric contents are emptied and the stomach becomes increasingly
smaller. This model assumes that the depth and speed of the ACWs remain the same
throughout the digestion process. Four digestion cycle stages, wherein the proper-
ties of the ACWs change, can be added to the model. However, at the current
computational power available with computers, it could take an extremely long
time to complete such a simulation, but with advancements in computational speed
or application of parallel computing simulation, time may become more reasonable.
Schubert ML, Makhlouf GM (1992) Neural, hormonal, and paracrine regulation of gastrin and acid
secretion. Yale J Biol Med 65(6):553–560
Shapiro AH, Jaffrin MY, Weinberg SL (1969) Peristaltic pumping with long wavelengths at low
Reynolds number. J Fluid Mech 37:799–825
Shen MC (1976) Asymptotic theory for peristaltic transport in a tube of arbitrary cross section.
Phys Fluids 19(2):213–218
Soll AH, Berglindh T (1994) Receptors regulating acid secretory function. In: Johnson LR, Alpers
DH, Christensen J, Jacobson ED, Walsh JH (eds) Physiology of the gastrointestinal tract,
3rd edn. Raven, New York, pp 1139–1158
Szurszewski JH (1981) Electrical basis for gastrointestinal motility. In: Johnson LR (ed) Physio-
logy of the gastrointestinal tract. Raven, New York, pp 1435–1466
Zien TF, Ostrach S (1970) A long wave approximation to peristaltic motion. J Biomech
Chapter 6
State of the Art in Immobilized/Encapsulated
Cell Technology in Fermentation Processes
6.1 Introduction
The process of sugar conversion from wort or malt into alcohol, carbon dioxide, and
other components catabolized by yeast enzymes is called the alcohol fermentation
process. In beverage production, it is of great importance to achieve a particular
balance between different secondary metabolites. High productivity is another
demand of the beverage industry. Immobilization of cells provides high cell
densities leading to higher volumetric productivities, and as a consequence, reduces
essential bioreactor sizes (decreased capital costs) and shortens residence times.
Immobilized cell technology (ICT) coupled with continuous mode of fermentation
offers additional benefits, like ease of biomass separation and recovery, simplifica-
tion of process design, lower risk of microbial contamination of the pitching yeast
population, greater efficiency in utilization of carbohydrates, and better use of
equipment and potential savings. However, continuous fermentation processes
have not been commercially successful due to many practical problems, such as
increased risk of contamination not only during fermentation but also during
storage of wort in supplementary holding tanks, which are usually required for
batches upstream and downstream fermentation processes; in addition, there are
variations in beverage flavor and poor understanding of the fermentation kinetics
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 119
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_6, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
120 V.A. Nedović et al.
under continuous conditions. Over the last 30 years, ICT for alcoholic beverage
production has been extensively investigated and some systems have already
reached commercial exploitation. Intensification of a particular fermentation pro-
cess using ICT can generally be industrialized if the acquired new characteristics
result in a more economic system and the new technology can be readily scaled up.
ICT processes have been designed for different stages in the beer fermentation
process: wort acidification, primary fermentation, and bioflavoring during second-
ary fermentation; these fermentation processes are used in the production of
alcohol-free or low-alcohol beers (Brányik et al. 2005; Nedovic et al. 2005a;
Willaert and Nedovic 2006), as well as wine (Divies and Cachon 2005) and cider
(Nedovic et al. 2000; Durieux et al. 2005). The most challenging complex applica-
tion in fermentation processes is the combined main (ethanol fermentation) and
secondary fermentation (maturation) processes.
Traditional beer fermentation technology uses freely suspended yeast cells to
ferment wort in a non-stirred batch reactor. The traditional primary fermentation for
lager beer takes approximately 7 days with a subsequent secondary fermentation
(maturation) of several weeks. The resulting beer has a well-balanced flavor profile.
Nowadays, large breweries use a selected specific yeast strain and elevated tem-
peratures to accelerate production. This enables the production of finished lager
beer in 12–15 days. ICT is able to produce lager beer in a much shorter time period
(usually 1–3 days). A major difficulty is to achieve the correct balance of sensory
compounds to create an acceptable flavor profile in such a short time frame. ICT for
beer production can only be introduced successfully on an industrial scale if the
flavor profile can be controlled and fine-tuned.
Cider and wine production also involves complex processes that imply transfor-
mation of apple juice in the case of cider, or grape juice in the case of wine, by
activity of both yeast and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) to accomplish alcoholic and
malolactic fermentations (MLFs). The traditional process consists of natural fer-
mentation via autochthon yeasts and bacteria associated with the fruit or the cellar
equipment. This natural process is very unpredictable in terms of desirable flavor
compounds formation. The development of starter cultures enabled the use of
selected strains and the control of cider production to achieve high and uniform
quality, through several successive steps: pretreatment, alcoholic fermentation of
sugars into ethanol proceeded by yeast strains, and malolactic fermentation (MLF),
that is, bacterial conversion of L-malic into L-lactic acid and carbon dioxide (needed
to reduce acidity). Spontaneous MLF of cider begins within a few hours if the
temperature of the juice rises above 10 C. This process is usually very slow. It
requires 2–3 weeks to accomplish the main fermentation and several months for the
maturation. There is a risk of spontaneous fermentation by indigenous microbial
flora and it is difficult to control the flavor formation. The initiation of MLF appears
to be the main limiting factor in cider and wine production. MLF can occur several
weeks after alcoholic fermentation but there is no guarantee it will occur, which
is an unfavorable milieu for growth of microorganisms (ethanol > 10%;
pH < 3.0–3.5; temperature < 15 C). ICT offers a new alternative to better control
of the microbiology that defines the final product. In addition, this new technology
6 State of the Art in Immobilized/Encapsulated Cell Technology 121
Cell immobilization can be classified into four categories based on the mechanism
of cell localization and the nature of support material: (i) attachment to the support
surface, which can be spontaneous or induced by linking agents; (ii) entrapment
within a porous matrix; (iii) containment behind or within a barrier; and (iv) self-
aggregation, naturally or artificially induced. Various supports and immobilization
techniques have been proposed and tested for application in brewing and wine- and
cider-making. Those that fulfill the following prerequisites are preferable:
l High surface-to-volume ratio of the immobilization support to achieve high cell
loading capacity
l Simple procedure and non-harsh conditions under way during immobilization
l Mechanical stability (compression, abrasion) and chemical stability of the
immobilization support
l Sterilization capability and regeneration of the immobilization support
l Cost-effectiveness of the support and immobilization process
l Suitability for conventional reactor systems
l Acceptance of immobilization support by consumers and avoidance of negative
effects on final product (e.g., off-flavor formations)
l Retention of immobilized cell viability
l Avoidance of negative effects of cell immobilization on biological and meta-
bolic activity of immobilized cells
l Easy separation of carriers with immobilized cells from media
l Wide choice of yeast
l Compounds approved for food applications
Table 6.1 Summarizes most of the carrier materials and bioreactors used in
fermentation processes for alcoholic beverages.
Table 6.1 Carrier materials and reactor types for selected fermentation processes using immobi-
lized cells
Carrier material Reactor type Type of Product Reference
Apple pieces Fixed-bed AF Wine Kourkoutas et al. 2001, 2002
g-Alumina Fixed-bed AF Wine Bakoyianis et al. 1997; Loukatos et al.
Ca-alginate beads Fixed-bed AF Beer Ryder and Masschelein 1985; White
and Portno 1979; Onaka et al.
1985; Ryder and Masschelein 1985;
Ca-alginate beads Gas-lift AF Beer Nedovic et al. 1993, 1996, 2004, 2005a
Ca-alginate beads AF Sparkling Fumi et al. 1987; Fumi et al. 1988
Ca-alginate beads Fixed-bed AF Wine Ferraro et al. 2000
Ca-alginate beads Fixed-bed AF and Cider Simon et al. 1996
Ca-alginate beads Fixed-bed MLF Cider Cabranes et al. 1998
Ca-alginate beads Fixed-bed AF and Cider Nedovic et al. 2000
Ca-alginate beads Shaken flasks MLF Cider Herrero et al. 2001
Ca-alginate beads Fixed-bed Maturation Beer Shindo et al. 1994
Ca-alginate beads Gas-lift AF Beer Smogrovicová et al. 1997;
Smogrovicová and D€omény 1999
Ca-alginate beads Shaken flasks MLF Wine Kosseva et al. 1998
Ca-alginate beads Shaken flasks MLF Wine Kosseva and Kennedy 2004
k-Carrageenan Gas-lift AF Beer Mensour et al. 1996, Mensour et al.
beads 1997; Decamps et al. 2004
Ceramic beads Fixed-bed AF Beer Inoue 1995
Corncobs Gas-lift AF Beer Brányik et al. 2006
Chitosan Shaken flasks MLF Wine Kosseva et al. 1998
Chitosan Fluidized-bed AF Beer Unemoto et al. 1998; Maeba et al. 2000
DEAE-cellulose Fixed-bed AF Beer Kronl€of et al. 1989; Andersen et al. 1999
DEAE-cellulose Fixed-bed Maturation Beer Pajunen and Gr€onqvist 1994
DEAE-cellulose Fixed-bed Acidified Pittner et al. 1993
DEAE-cellulose Fixed-bed MLF Wine Maicas, Pardo, and Ferrer 2001
DEAE-cellulose Fixed-bed Alcohol- Collin et al. 1991; Lommi 1990
Delignified Fixed-bed AF Wine Bardi and Koutinas 1994; Iconomou
cellulosic et al. 1996; Iconomopoulou
material et al. 2003
Delignified Fixed-bed MLF Wine Agouridis et al. 2005
Gluten pellets Fixed-bed AF Beer Bardi et al. 1997
Gluten pellets Gas-lift AF Beer Manojlovic et al. 2008
Gluten pellets Fixed-bed AF Wine Bardi et al. 1996; Iconomopoulou
et al. 2002
Gluten pellets Fixed-bed and AF Wine Sipsas et al. 2009
Kieselguhr Fixed-bed AF Beer Narziss and Hellich 1971; Moll et al.
(diatomaceous 1973; Virkaj€arvi and Pohjala 2000
Kissiris Fixed-bed AF Wine Bakoyianis et al. 1992
“in the bottle” Maturation Beer Lemonnier and Duteurtre 1989;
6 State of the Art in Immobilized/Encapsulated Cell Technology 123
Fig. 6.1 Scanning electron microscope (SEM) photo of yeast cells immobilized on wood chips
6 State of the Art in Immobilized/Encapsulated Cell Technology 125
and watermelon (Veeranjaneya Reddy et al. 2008) have been used so far as support
materials for cells involved in fermentation processes.
200 – 400 µm
structure, and at the same time, provide good protection to cells against washout is a
challenge for researchers involved in polymer science. One such attempt was the
design of a synthetic double-layer hydrogel, where the core was made of hydro-
xyethylcellulose cryogel and then coated with a layer of poly(ethylene oxide)
(Manojlovic et al. 2009).
A disadvantage of gels is the limited mechanical stability under conditions of rapid
cell growth, excessive CO2 production, or prolonged exposure to phosphates during
the maturation process. Several methods have been proposed for reinforcement of gel
structures. For example, alginate gel can be strengthened by reaction with polyethy-
leneimine, gluteraldehyde cross-linking, addition of silica, genepin, and PVA, or by
partial drying of the gel (Willaert and Baron 1996). The major drawback in these
systems is mass transfer limitation. However, understanding of mass transfer phenom-
ena within entrapment matrices may allow one to simultaneously provide different
conditions at the carrier surface and in the interior, which could be attractive for co-
immobilization of different cell types performing consecutive processes. For example,
gels with varying degrees of anisotropy, with respect to polymer concentration, can be
formed by controlling the kinetics of the gel formation. Simply by adjusting the
concentration of alginate and the cross-linking ions, the distribution of the polymer
in the gel can be controlled; alginate beads with a capsular structure have been made
without adding polycations or any other non-gelling polymer (Thu et al. 2000).
Another way is to create an external layer of another polymer around the hydrogel
core. Double-layer beads solve the problem of escaping of cells out of beads when the
system also contains (besides immobilized cells) free ones. However, microencapsu-
lation is generally too expensive to be used in the beverage industry.
Porous preformed supports can be inoculated directly from the bulk medium. In
these systems, cells are not completely separated from the effluent, similarly as in the
adsorption method. Cell immobilization occurs by attachment to the internal sur-
faces, self-aggregation, and retention in dead-end pockets within the material (Baron
and Willaert 2004). Ideally, the colonized porous particles should retain some void
spaces for flow so that mass transport of substrates and products can be achieved by
both molecular diffusion and convection. Consequently, mass transport limitations
are less stringent under optimal conditions as compared to gel entrapment methods.
However, when high cell densities are reached, convection is no longer possible and
the particles behave as dense cell agglomerates with high diffusion limitations.
6 State of the Art in Immobilized/Encapsulated Cell Technology 127
Cell immobilization behind or within a porous barrier includes systems with cells
contained in a compartment separated by a preformed membrane such as hollow
fiber and flat membrane modules. Micromembrane technology, like microencapsu-
lation, is generally too expensive to be used in beverage production. Moreover,
mass transfer limitations are relatively high (Lebeau et al. 1997), and membrane
biofouling caused by cell growth often occurs (Gryta 2002).
sustaining the
Gas-lift reactors are especially attractive since they apply pneumatic agitation
with no mechanical devices. They are based on liquid circulation, which can be
effectively tuned to achieve an adequate flow regime and optimal external mass
transfer. This bioreactor concept was introduced in beer fermentation studies by a
Serbian group in 1993 (Nedovic et al. 1993). Internal loop configuration (Fig. 6.4)
has been investigated in lab- and pilot-scale production mainly for beer fermenta-
tion (Nedovic et al. 1993, 2004, 2005a; Mensour et al. 1997), while the external
loop design (Fig. 6.5) has been recently tested for alcoholic fermentation in lab-
scale beer production (Manojlovic et al. 2008). Efficient mixing and low shear rates
make gas-lift reactors suitable for all types of low-density immobilization materials
(Mensour et al. 1997; Obradovic et al. 2004).
The design of membrane reactors is relatively complex and expensive, mainly
due to the high cost of the membrane material. Membrane reactors provide simul-
taneous bioconversion and product separation. A special design of a multichannel
loop bioreactor has been developed by the Belgian company, Meura (Tournai), for
production of lager, ale, and acidified wort (Masschelein et al. 1994). Yeast cells are
tube (riser Down-comer section
Gas distributor
Fig. 6.4 Gas-lift bioreactor internal loop configuration with an immobilized biocatalyst (Adopted
from Nedovic et al. 1993)
6 State of the Art in Immobilized/Encapsulated Cell Technology 131
Effluent Down-comer
thermal Immobilized
jacket biocatalyst
Gas Flow Inlet distributor
Fig. 6.5 Gas-lift bioreactor external loop configuration with an immobilized biocatalyst (Adapted
from Manojlovic et al. 2008)
Although ICT offers a number of benefits, it has so far found limited application in
the fermentation industry. A major difficulty is to achieve the correct balance of
volatile compounds to create an acceptable flavor profile of alcoholic beverages.
Immobilized cells appear to have modified physiology compared to the physiology
of free cells. The nutrient uptake and synthesis patterns of metabolites such as fusel
alcohols, esters, and carbonyl compounds change upon immobilization; the follow-
ing paragraphs describe the impact of immobilization on flavor formation.
Higher alcohols (also called “fusel alcohols”) are produced by yeast cells and
represent the major fraction of the volatile compounds. Higher alcohols can be
classified as aliphatic [n-propanol, isobutanol, 2-methyl butanol (or active amyl
alcohol), 3-methyl butanol (or isoamyl alcohol)], and aromatic (2-phenyl ethanol,
tyrosol, tryptophol). Aliphatic higher alcohols contribute to the “alcoholic” or
“solvent” aroma of a beverage, and produce a warm mouthfeel. The aromatic
alcohol 2-phenyl ethanol has a sweet scent and is a positive contribution to the
aroma, whereas the aroma of tyrosol and tryptophol are undesirable. Higher alco-
hols are synthesized by yeast during fermentation via the catabolic (Ehrlich) and
anabolic pathway (amino acid metabolism) (Ehrlich 1904).
Catabolism of the branched-chain amino acids (leucine, valine, and isoleucine),
aromatic amino acids (phenylalanine, tyrosine, and trytophan), and sulfur-contain-
ing amino acid (methionine) leads to the formation of fusel acids and fusel alcohols.
Firstly, the yeast cells use amino acids from the wort to produce the corresponding
a-keto acids via a transamination reaction. The excess oxoacids are subsequently
decarboxylated into aldehydes and further reduced (by alcohol dehydrogenase) to
higher alcohols. The simplified Ehrlich pathway is shown in Fig. 6.6. The genes
encoding each step of the process are quoted in a recent review by Hazelwood et al.
In the anabolic pathway, the higher alcohols are synthesized from a-keto acids
during the synthesis of amino acids from the carbohydrate source. Both pathways
may take place during the same fermentation in the traditional batch process with a
switch from the degradative route to the biosynthetic route, occurring when the
amino acids in the substrate have been metabolized or missed. The pathway choice
depends on the individual higher alcohol and on the level of available amino acids.
The importance of the anabolic pathway increases during the later stage of a
conventional batch fermentation as wort amino acids are depleted, as well as in
cider production where the apple juice contains only small amounts of amino acids.
Conditions that promote yeast cell growth – such as high levels of nutrients
(amino acids, oxygen, lipids, zinc), increased temperature, and agitation – stimulate
6 State of the Art in Immobilized/Encapsulated Cell Technology 133
fusel acid in fusel alcohol
fusel acid out
Fig. 6.6 The Ehrlich pathway (Adapted from Hazelwood et al. 2008)
the production of higher alcohols (Landaud et al. 2001). On the other hand,
conditions that restrict yeast growth – such as lower temperature and higher
(CO2) pressure – reduce the extent of higher alcohol production (Renger et al.
In immobilized systems with enhanced or similar free amino nitrogen (FAN)
uptake levels, the formation of higher alcohols was higher or equal to batch systems
(Shen et al. 2003). A decrease of higher alcohol production in beer upon cell
immobilization, compared to free-cell fermentation, has been frequently reported
and nicely summarized by Willaert and Nedovic (2006). This decrease has been
attributed to the limited cellular growth in immobilized cell systems, leading to
poor nitrogen removal. Similarly, in the case of cider production, in a continuous
fermentation system with Saccharomyces bayanus co-immobilized with Oenococcus
oeni in alginate beads, production of fusel alcohols was several times lower
compared to synthesis during batch fermentation process with suspended cells
(Nedovic et al. 2000). The anabolic flux limitation of yeast cells in the pseudo-
stationary phase was proposed to justify the lower concentration of fusel alcohols. It
was also found that the behavior of cells adsorbed on the carrier surface was similar
to that of free cells, but significantly different from entrapped cells (Smogrovicová
and D€omeny 1999). New technologies have introduced some new inclusion car-
riers, with adjusted shape and size to overcome internal mass transfer restrictions,
which give similar higher alcohol concentrations, compared to a conventional pro-
cess (Nedovic et al. 2005b).
It has been demonstrated that mass (i.e., amino acids) transfer rates in the
fermenting medium or, in other words, the external mass transfer properties, also
134 V.A. Nedović et al.
influence higher alcohol synthesis. Thus, in fluidized-bed and gas-lift bioreactors the
rate of amino acid uptake increased with the superficial velocity of the fluid (Cop
et al. 1989; Masschelein et al. 1994; Nedovic et al. 1996; Aivasidis et al. 1991).
Esters constitute a major group of desirable flavor compounds. Among the esters
formed, the most significant in fermented beverages are ethyl acetate (fruity,
solvent-like), isoamyl acetate (pear drops), isobutyl acetate (banana-like), ethyl
hexanoate (apple-like), and 2-phenyl acetate (honey, fruity, flowery). They are
formed by yeast during fermentation in a reaction between the alcohols, fatty
acids, co-enzyme A (CoASH), and an ester synthesizing enzyme. Actually, the
formation of esters occurs in two steps: (1) fatty acids that have undergone a
previous activation by CoASH form acyl-CoA and (2) alcohols become esterified
by reacting with acyl-CoA to the corresponding ester under the action of alcohol
acetyl transferase (Peddie 1990). Because ethanol is the dominant alcohol in fer-
menting beverages, ethyl acetate (produced from acetyl-CoA and ethanol) is the
dominant ester. It has been shown that the main factor controlling ester biosynthesis
is the expression level of the ATF1 gene, which encodes alcohol acetyl transferase I
(Lilly et al. 2000; Verstrepen et al. 2003b). ATF1 gene expression is repressed by
oxygen and unsaturated fatty acids (Fujii et al. 1997; Fujiwara et al. 1998). The ester
production rate is influenced by many factors, such as temperature, specific growth
rate, pitching rate, top pressure, oxygen availability, as well as fermenting medium
composition (Willaert and Nedovic 2006; Verbelen et al. 2009).
In some immobilized processes low ester concentrations are found, while in
others ester synthesis is increased upon cell immobilization. Low ester content is
related to the low cellular metabolic activities in these systems. In a study of
continuous fermentation in cider, concentration of isoamylacetate was two times
lower compared to concentration achieved in a control batch fermentation process
with suspended cells, as a result of isoamylalcohol availability (Nedovic et al.
2000). On the other hand, due to mass transfer limitations, oxygen concentration
in an immobilization matrix is low, causing reduced cellular growth, so that the
cellular acetyl-CoA pool is more available for ester synthesis instead of channeling
for fatty acid biosynthesis. Thus, the anaerobic conditions and the absence of
substantial levels of unsaturated fatty acids limit cell growth during production
and stimulate formation of acetate esters. For example, this occurred during the
production of alcohol-free beer in a packed-bed reactor with surface-attached cells
on DEAE-cellulose beads (Van Iersel et al. 1999). In another study, a 22% increase
in ester concentration upon cell immobilization on stainless-steel fiber cloth was
explained by a significant rise in the expression level of AFT1 in the immobilized
cells, leading to enhanced ester concentrations in the final fermented product (Shen
et al. 2003).
6 State of the Art in Immobilized/Encapsulated Cell Technology 135
Fermenting medium
Pyruvate Acetohydroxy acid
a-acetolactate a-acetolactate
Diacetyl Diacetyl
Yeast reductase
cell Acetoin
Fig. 6.7 Schematic presentation showing diacetyl formation, reassimilation, and removal
(Adapted from Willaert and Nedovic 2006)
The maturation of green beer is needed primarily to reduce the level of diacetyl (an
unwanted aroma compound in beer). This vicinal diketone has a very low threshold
(0.08–0.15 ppm) in beer (Wainwright 1973). The traditional maturation process
lasts for 3–4 weeks at a low temperature and low yeast concentration. However,
using ICT, this period could be reduced to 2 h. So far, two continuous maturation
systems have been implemented industrially. The first one is a packed-bed bioreac-
tor with DEAE-cellulose granules (later replaced by cheaper aspen wood chips)
used at Sinebrychoff Brewery (Finland); it has a capacity of 1 million hectoliters/
year (Yamauchi et al. 1995; Virkaj€arvi 2002). Another system was developed by
Alfa Laval and Schott Engineering (Mensour et al. 1997) based on porous
glass beads (Dillenhofer and Ronn 1996). The Alfa Laval system for secondary
fermentation of beer is shown in Fig. 6.8. This system has been implemented in
several breweries in Finland, Belgium, and Germany. The German company
Brau & Brunnen purchased and installed a 30,000 hL/year pilot-scale Alfa Laval
Fig. 6.8 Process flow sheet for secondary fermentation of beer using the Alfa Laval system
138 V.A. Nedović et al.
maturation system in 1996 (Mensour et al. 1997). The same system was imple-
mented in a medium-sized German brewery as well (Sch€aff/Treuchtlingen) (Back
et al. 1998). The beers obtained overall yielded good analytical and sensorial
the malic acid conversion was possible even at very acidic pH (down to pH 2.3),
while with free cells the MLF did not occur below 3.9. A modification of the cell
physiology and the immobilized cell microenvironment, characterized by pH
gradient inside the matrix, was proposed to explain the improved performance of
O. oeni at acidic pH by respectively allowing generation of enough adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) to maintain cytoplasmic pH without any perturbation of the
MLF and by restoring favorable pH in the direct environment of the cells. In
continuous systems, deacidification levels can be easily adjusted as a function of
the residence time (Nedovic et al. 2000). In those systems, the production of soft or
dry cider is possible by controlling the feeding flow rates.
6.5 Conclusion
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V (eds) Applications of cell immobilisation biotechnology. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands,
pp 285–293
Durieux A, Bodo E, Nedovic V, Simon JP (2002) Effect of yeast and Oenococcus oeni immobi-
lisation on the formation of flavour components for cider production. Proc. International
workshop bioencapsulation X: cell physiology and interactions of biomaterials and matrices.
Prague, Czech Republic, pp 54–57
Durieux A, Nikolay X, Simon JP (2000) Continuous malolactic fermentation by Oeconoccocus
oeni entrapped in Lentikats. Biotechnol Lett 22:1679–1684
Durieux A, Nicolay X, Simon J-P (2005) Application of immobilisation technology to cider
production: a review. In: Willaert R, Nedovic V (eds) Applications of cell immobilisation
biotechnology. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp 275–284
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Fujii T, Kobayashi O, Yoshimoto H, Furukawa S, Tamai Y (1997) Effect of aeration and
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gene. Appl Environ Microbiol 63:910–915
Fujiwara D, Yoshimoto H, Sone H, Harashima S, Tamai Y (1998) Transcriptional co-regulation of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae alcohol acetyltransferase gene ATF1 and D-9 fatty acid desaturase
gene, OLE1 by unsaturated fatty acids. Yeast 14:711–721
Fumi MD, Trioli G, Colagrande O (1987) Immobilization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in calcium
alginate for sparkling wine processes. Biotechnol Lett 9:339–342
Fumi MD, Trioli G, Colombi MG, Colagrande O (1988) Immobilization of Saccharomyces
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Ge XM, Zhang L, Bai FW (2006) Impacts of yeast floc size distributions on their observed rates for
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Chapter 7
Multifactorial Assessment of Microbial Risks
in Foods: Merging Engineering, Science,
and Social Dimensions
The tenth International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF 10, Viña del Mar,
Chile, April 2008) broadly explored “the new agenda of innovation and achieve-
ment in food and engineering.” A common theme across many presentations was
the need for food engineers to work across interfaces between engineering and
science disciplines. Martin Cole, Director of the National Center for Food Safety
and Technology (USA), recognized this as a “crucial role” for food engineers in his
plenary lecture on emerging challenges in food safety. He pointed out that to be
successful in the current global food environment, “it will be necessary for the food
engineer to move deeper into the basic sciences,” and that in the area of food safety,
the food engineer will need “to use risk-driven studies to develop, improve and
optimize food products and processes” (Cole and Rodriguez 2008).
Under the ICEF 10 conference theme of “Food Processing” our research group
presented a body of work titled “Multifactorial Risk Prioritization Framework for
Food-borne Pathogens” (Davidson et al. 2008). This framework systematically
compiles information and characterizes risks due to microbial hazards in foods
based on four factors: public health, market value, consumer perceptions of risk,
and social concerns. The framework includes specific tools to assist risk managers
in comparing and ranking risks as a basis for setting priorities and strategic alloca-
tion of resources for risk assessment needs and interventions to mitigate risks. The
Multifactorial Risk Prioritization Framework is positioned at the interface between
risk management and risk assessment and serves as an important connection
between these essential elements of food safety.
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 147
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_7, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
148 V. Davidson et al.
a. Risk Evaluation
Identify food safety
Establish risk profile
Rank risks
c. Risk Management
Options assessment
and interventions
uncertainty and variability, in the data and opinions. Based on scientifically sound
risk assessment, risk managers make decisions regarding allocation of resources to
implement interventions and mitigate serious risks (Block C). The final step
includes routine surveillance and data gathering (Block D) in order to review
specific interventions.
The joint FAO/WHO report, “Principles and guidelines for incorporating micro-
biological risk assessment in the development of food safety standards” (Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization
2002), defines a comprehensive context for risk management related to food safety.
It recognizes that risk management must rest on the foundations of scientifically
sound risk assessment and should consider areas of health impact (e.g., adverse
health effects, duration of illness, severity and impairment of life quality), eco-
nomic and market impact (e.g., economic burden and facilitation of fair trade),
impact on consumer behavior, and social/ethical concerns (susceptibility of
exposed population, nutritional status, social status).
A comprehensive review (Henson et al. 2007) identified a number of frame-
works for prioritization of food-borne microbial risks. Impact on human health was
the primary basis for ranking risks but some frameworks attempted to incorporate
additional risk factors. In the United States, the Food Safety Research Consortium
developed the Food-borne Illness Risk Ranking Model (FIRRM), which evaluates
multiple aspects of public health, including incidence of illness, outcome severities,
monetary (e.g., cost of illness) and non-monetary factors (quality-adjusted life
years) (Batz et al. 2004). New Zealand’s risk ranking tool includes public health
measures that are weighted by severity in the general public and subpopulations; it
acknowledges the economic implications of food-borne pathogens on trade (New
Zealand Food Safety Authority 2008). A recent FAO/WHO expert meeting defined
six criteria for ranking microbial risks in fresh fruits and vegetables and three
criteria are associated with market and economic factors: size of production in a
global context, diversity and complexity of the production chain and industry, and
extent of international trade and economic impact (Food and Agriculture Organi-
zation of the United Nations and the World Health Organization 2008). Finally, the
European Commission (EC) has put forward an integrated framework that high-
lights the importance of balancing the scientific, economic, social, and cultural
aspects of risks and benefits as well as risk–benefit distribution within society
(European Commission 2002). The EC framework is intended to provide guidelines
for harmonizing risk management strategies in the European Union.
a. Risk Evaluation
Identify food safety
Establish risk profile
Rank risks
c. Risk Management
Options assessment
and interventions
categories. Figure 7.2 shows the integration of the Multifactorial Risk Prioritization
Framework within a risk management cycle. The framework is intended to assist
risk managers and provide tools to support decision-making. Risk prioritization or
ranking at the evaluation stage (Block A) is based on multifactor risk profiles
extracted from the framework knowledge base; this ranking is the basis for allocat-
ing resources for development of adequate knowledge, which is carried out through
multidimensional assessments of high-priority hazards (Block B). Ranking is also a
key component in selecting appropriate interventions (Block C). As shown in
Fig. 7.2, the framework addresses the need for an integrated information system
that provides inputs for evaluation and assessment of interventions, and can be
updated by knowledge developed through risk assessments, consumer behavior,
market-level studies, and surveillance systems.
Given the nature and complexity of risk associated with microbial hazards in
foods, one of the first challenges in developing a framework is to establish an
appropriate context for comparing different pathogens and food sources. The
Multifactorial Risk Prioritization Framework integrates information from four
major areas identified in the FAO/WHO guidelines: public health, market-level,
consumer behavior, and social factor assessments. Risk assessments for each area
are complex and multidimensional. A detailed discussion of possible risk measures
for each factor in the framework is presented in Henson et al. (2007) and the
rationale for choosing particular risk measures is given in Ruzante et al. (2009).
In the discussion that follows, the multifactor risk measures are outlined in terms of
7 Multifactorial Assessment of Microbial Risks in Foods 151
underlying models, data requirements, and engineering analysis; decision tools are
also demonstrated with examples of risk profiles based on Canadian data.
YLL ¼ dj ej ðj ¼ age group; d ¼ # deaths; e ¼ expected lifespanÞ;
YLD ¼ nl tl wl ðl ¼ health outcome; n ¼ # of cases;
t ¼ duration of the illness; w ¼ diability=severity weightÞ:
The COI approach can mask differential effects across subpopulations since it
does not consider productivity costs outside the paid labor force (e.g., young
children and the elderly are not included). Although DALY is used by the WHO
in global assessments of the burden of disease, the disability weights are subjective
valuations of the time lived in nonfatal health status (Murray 1994; Murray and
Acharya 1997). Since both COI and DALY have strengths and weaknesses, we
include both measures in the framework to provide complementary depictions of
the public health impact.
The underlying models for COI and DALY are developed by economists and
scientists with specialized knowledge of public health. However, implementation
152 V. Davidson et al.
requires careful systems analysis to ensure consistency of data and analysis across
diverse health outcomes, and to define limitations in the calculated values due to
uncertainty and variability in model inputs. As food engineers, we work with
economists, epidemiologists, microbiologists, veterinarians and food scientists to
understand the issues related to underreporting of food-borne illness, attribution of
illness to particular food categories, and other challenges in building credible
models. At present, we are using existing knowledge of uncertainty and variability
in model parameters to estimate uncertainty intervals for DALY and COI values in
the framework. We are also working to develop better knowledge for the Canadian
context in areas such as attribution of illness to particular food categories.
The economic losses arising from food-borne pathogen incidence and prominent
outbreaks can be large – for individual groups or firms and, in some cases, for an
entire industry sector. Recently a Canadian food processor agreed to pay up to $27
million to settle class action lawsuits initiated after a national listeriosis outbreak
linked to 20 deaths (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 2008). Another recent
outbreak of Salmonella saitpaul associated with tomatoes and peppers caused
losses of approximately $100 million for the US tomato industry due to lower
prices and reduced demand (Western Farm Press 2008). These examples underscore
the importance of considering economic impacts that could arise from food-borne
pathogen outbreaks or unacceptable levels of incidence in the risk management
process. The goal of the market-level dimension is to review a priori the potential
economic impacts of pathogen incidence or outbreaks at an overall market level. At
this point, we do not attempt to estimate the likelihood of an economically signifi-
cant outbreak or unacceptable incidence levels; however, we recognize the value of
developing estimates of likelihood for the framework in the future.
Henson et al. (2007) presented a comprehensive list of market-level intelligence
that would be helpful in evaluating economic impacts; this list is summarized in
Table 7.1. This broad set of inputs spanning the entire food supply chain, from
production to retail, accounts for the economic value of imports and exports. In
developing some of this information for the Canadian context, we encountered
challenges in obtaining complete information for particular food groups and indus-
try subsectors. For example, information on wages and number of employees by
sectors was not available in Canada. Also, public information on the value of sales
is generally limited to cash receipts at the farm gate and comparable information for
processed foods is only available through special reports (e.g., reports produced by
government agencies such as Statistics Canada and Agriculture and Agri-food
Canada) or market surveys prepared by market consultants.
Figure 7.3 shows an example of market-level information extracted from the
framework database for Canadian chicken products. The market summary includes
descriptive and quantitative information that provides context and consistent measures
for decision-makers to use in comparing risks across pathogen–food combinations.
7 Multifactorial Assessment of Microbial Risks in Foods 153
Table 7.1 Suggested elements for market-level assessment (Henson et al. 2007)
Subsector Domestic market International market
Retail level l Value of sales ($) l Value of trade ($ and % of value of domestic
l Volume of sales (#) l Volume of trade (#)
Farm level l Value of sales ($) l Value of trade ($ and % of value of domestic
l Volume of sales (#) l Volume of trade (#)
is low or if the perceived benefits arising from the consumption of a particular food
offset perceptions of ill consequences. The consumers’ perception and acceptance
of risk arising from food-borne pathogens can translate into shifts in market demand
for particular food products. For example, the Guelph Food panel (a large-scale
panel of consumers dedicated to food research) reported the following changes in
consumer behavior after a recent listeriosis outbreak in Canada (University of
Guelph 2008):
l Thirty-nine percent would not consume ready-to-eat meats at home (up from 6%
reported before recall).
l Fifty-six percent would not consume ready-to-eat meat products in fast-food
outlets or restaurants (up from 9% reported before recall).
l Thirty percent stopped buying ready-to-eat meats from Canada.
Consumers may switch from certain products perceived as “less safe” to those
perceived as “more safe,” although such perceptions may bear only a loose rela-
tionship with scientific assessments of risks to human health. Furthermore, con-
sumer perceptions of risks associated with food are an important determinant in the
confidence the general public has in the security of food systems and in related
systems of public regulation and oversight. Relatively small but highly visible
outbreaks of disease can have a profound impact on the trust that consumers have
in food producers, manufacturers and distributors, or government regulators.
Measurement of risk acceptability and perception is complex. There is a consid-
erable amount of literature and survey-based research on how consumers rank
different risks (Fife-Schaw and Rowe 1996; Fischoff et al. 1978; Frewer et al.
1994, 1997, 1998a, 1998b). However, as Frewer et al. (1998a) point out, food is not
something to be avoided. Thus, consumers may view food-related risks differently
from avoidable risks.
In the current framework, we use five scales to assess consumers’ perception and
acceptance of risks associated with a food–pathogen combination:
1. Degree to which risk is perceived as uncontrollable by consumers
2. Degree to which risk is perceived as unknown to the individual
3. Degree to which risk is perceived as unknown to scientists
4. Degree to which risk is perceived as involuntary
5. Degree to which consumers perceive health outcome as severe
Each criterion is scored on a three-level nominal scale (low, medium, high) by a
consumer panel. To date, a small Delphi panel has provided opinions for the six
case studies based on their knowledge of consumer behavior. The overall measure
used to represent consumers is the sum of the average scores for each criterion,
normalized on a 0–1 scale (i.e., sum is divided by 5).
Some of the researchers in our team recently conducted a consumer survey to
explore perceptions and acceptance of risks related to pathogen–food combinations.
Preliminary results need to be validated with a follow-up survey; however, initial
results showed that consumers are concerned about risks perceived as uncontrolla-
ble (e.g., through their own preparations prior to consumption, by process steps in
156 V. Davidson et al.
manufacturing) and where the outcome is severe (e.g., chronic health effects,
death). There is also concern about risks in foods given to young children or
other vulnerable groups.
The first tool that has been developed in the Multifactorial Risk Prioritization
Framework is a set of concise summaries or information cards for each of the
four risk factors. For example, the information card in Fig. 7.4 shows the public
health impact for a specific food–pathogen combination: Salmonellosis in chicken.
These information cards provide contextual information, such as health outcomes
and market characteristics (Fig. 7.3), as well as quantitative indicators. The data
required to calculate the measures for each of the four risk factors are stored in
electronic format and are updated at intervals appropriate for the information
source. For example, Statistics Canada data are available on an annual basis but
7 Multifactorial Assessment of Microbial Risks in Foods 157
information from the scientific literature may not be revised as frequently. In cases
where data are updated on an annual basis, values are shown for the most recent
year as well as a 3-year average based on annual values to reduce the effect of
unusual events on decisions. At this point, the values for all risk factors are shown
as single values or point estimates, without explanation of uncertainty. We recog-
nize the need to quantify the uncertainty due to variability and, in some cases,
limited knowledge or data in each of the risk measures. This analysis is in progress.
As outlined in the preceding sections, one or two aggregate measures are defined for
each of the four areas of risk assessment: public health (DALY and COI values),
market-level (economic value of domestic market activities), consumer (aggregate
measure of perception and acceptance of risk), and social sensitivity (consumer and
firm). While we recognize that other measures could be used, we consider these six
measures to be comprehensive and consistent with the principles outlined by FAO/
WHO. Using our framework, multidimensional risk profiles can be created for
pathogen–food combinations, food categories, and different pathogens. In all cases,
a ranking process must be able to compare each one on the basis of multiple criteria.
Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) techniques are structured, consistent,
and transparent, and therefore helpful in dealing with large amounts of complex
information. We have explored a number of MCDA tools for use in the prioriti-
zation framework (Daza Donoso 2008; Ruzante et al. 2009). Daza Donoso (2008)
compared a number of MCDA techniques on the basis of their expandability,
ability to incorporate uncertainty and variability, and interactions with decision-
makers (e.g., level of knowledge, inputs and time requirements, analytical skills).
On this basis, outranking methods had definite advantages over techniques such as
the multi-attribute utility theory and the analytic hierarchy process. Outranking
methods are based on pair-wise comparisons of alternatives. For each criterion,
alternative “a2” is compared to alternative “a1” using a preference or outranking
relation defined in an appropriate scale for the criterion. This permits the use of
ordinal scales and binary values for risk criteria. Furthermore, the outranking
relations can be constructed to reflect uncertainty and varying degrees of prefer-
ence (weak to strong) or higher ranking. Figure 7.5 shows an outranking relation
for the criterion related to consumer risk perception and acceptance of risk. Two
discrimination thresholds are defined: indifference (r) and strict preference (s).
When two alternatives (a1 and a2) are compared, there is insufficient evidence
to rank a2 higher when the difference in the criterion scores is less than 0.05
(indifference threshold r). This threshold value is defined specifically for the
criterion related to consumer perception and acceptance of risk; it is based on our
estimate of the consistency in opinions from our Delphi panel. For score differ-
ences in the interval between 0.05 and 0.33, there is weak but increasing
preference (or higher priority) for a2; above 0.33 (strict preference threshold s)
7 Multifactorial Assessment of Microbial Risks in Foods 159
Fig. 7.5 Outranking relation for consumer perception and acceptance of risk criterion
a2 clearly ranks as a higher risk than a1. The characteristics of the outranking
relations (thresholds and transitions between thresholds) can be used to reflect
some aspects of uncertainty and variability in the risk measures.
Daza Donoso et al. (2008) used two outranking methods, ELECTRE III (Elimi-
nation et Choix Traduisant la Réalité) and PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking
Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations) to rank six pathogen–food
combinations. The multidimensional risk profiles for the six examples are summar-
ized in Table 7.2. The ELECTRE III method developed by Roy (1978) is available
in Windows-compatible software from the LAMSADE research group (Laboratoire
d’analyse et modélisation pour l’aide à décision 1994). PROMETHEE is an out-
ranking method developed by Brans and colleagues (Brans and Vincke 1985; Brans
et al. 1986) and implemented in Decision Lab software (Visual Decision Inc.,
Montreal, QC, Canada). The same discrimination thresholds were defined for
PROMETHEE and ELECTRE III ranking relations as shown in Table 7.3.
Although the ELECTRE III method allowed for a “veto” effect, this component
was not used in ranking the six pathogen–food combinations since it was assumed
that all six pairs posed risk, regardless of how much lower its performance in any
one criterion may be. The final rankings were based on the equal weightings for the
four risk factors (Table 7.2).
As shown in Table 7.4, Escherichia coli O157 in beef is ranked as the highest
priority in both outranking methods. At the number two rank, there are differences
depending on the ranking method. In ELECTRE III, two pathogen–food
160 V. Davidson et al.
Table 7.2 Risk profiles for six pathogen–food combinations (Canadian data)
Pathogen–food Public health Market Consumer perception Social sensitivity
combination DALYa COIb Domestic and acceptance of risk Consumer Firm
(years) (CAN (CAN$ Normalized average Flag Flag
$ 106) 106)
Campylobacter/ 808 79.8 5472 0.3 0 0
Salmonella/chicken 449 79.4 5472 0.25 0 0
Salmonella/spinach 1 0.2 118 0.5 0 0
Escherichia coli 3 0.5 118 0.8 1 0
E. coli O157/beef 260 40.2 5264 0.6 1 0
Listeria 58 12.7 974 0.6 1 1
ready-to-eat meats
Criterion weights 0.125 0.125 0.25 0.25 0.125 0.125
DALY – Disability-adjusted life years
COI – Cost of illness
Domestic market size (annual basis) ¼ value of retail sales + value of exports – value of imports
Table 7.3 Characteristics of outranking relations in ELECTRE III and PROMETHEE analysis
Criterion Discrimination thresholds Transition between
Indifference Strict thresholds
DALY (years) 10 78 Linear
COI (CAN$ 106) 0.1 9 Linear
Economic value of domestic market 100 1000 Linear
activities (CAN$ 106)
Consumer risk perception and 0.05 0.33 Linear
acceptance of risk
Social sensitivity – consumer 0 1 Not applicable
Social sensitivity – firm 0 1 Not applicable
In addition, we have consulted widely to address specific data areas (e.g., food
attribution and market information) and to gather expert knowledge needed for
health outcome and economic models. Not surprisingly there have been challenges
as well as rewards. In keeping with the overall theme of “Food Engineering at the
Interfaces” we have included a short reflection on our experiences in multidisci-
plinary research.
Food safety efforts at the interface of risk management and risk assessment
clearly must rely on science- and systems-based analyses. Many disciplines
(e.g., epidemiology, microbiology, food science, economics, food engineering)
bring important but specialized knowledge to this interface. It is our observa-
tion that language is one of the first challenges in a multidisciplinary group.
Each discipline has its own unique vocabulary and terms, but it is the deeper
use of language – the way we develop our ideas, frame research questions,
and present analysis – that is probably more challenging. Key to success is
the willingness of the experts to communicate and explain their knowledge at
an appropriate level as well as the willingness of “outsiders” to admit any
incomplete understanding and to ask questions. In other words, everyone must
reach a point of humility and this is not necessarily easy for researchers in
any discipline.
Another challenge is the range of methods required in this research. Food
engineers are trained in quantitative analysis and predictive modeling but are less
familiar with qualitative methods and survey tools. These are important techniques
in areas related to consumer behavior as well as in some data gathering. Some
information cannot be obtained by direct observation and must be developed by
soliciting experts’ opinions. Food engineers need to recognize the need for addi-
tional research tools and to value the contributions of all research methods equally.
Adjectives like “hard” and “soft” should be avoided when discussing methods and
results, because they are often used erroneously to convey perceptions that certain
methods lack scientific rigor.
Finally, we were fortunate that there was a funding opportunity through the
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), a national funding
agency for science and engineering research in Canada, which established food
safety as a priority area in the Strategic Grants Program. The NSERC funding was
critical in moving the framework from a conceptual stage to the concrete mea-
sures and six case studies presented here. The funding was a unique opportunity
to bring this multidisciplinary research group together. Several components of the
work (e.g., economics, consumer behavior) fall under the jurisdiction of the Social
Sciences and Humanities Research Council and there are very few programs to
support research at the interface of two research councils.
Multidisciplinary research is an excellent training experience for graduate stu-
dents. A number of graduate students in engineering are currently involved in
developing different aspects of the framework (knowledge base, multi-criteria
decision, analysis tools). Their knowledge and skills are important contributions
to the framework; they are also learning new areas of public health, risk manage-
ment, and operations research.
7 Multifactorial Assessment of Microbial Risks in Foods 163
The Multifactorial Risk Prioritization Framework addresses the need to base risk
management decisions on scientific analysis across a comprehensive set of criteria,
and to communicate such decisions among varied stakeholders in a clear and
transparent way. It is not intended to replace risk managers but to provide context
and tools for strategic planning of research needs and interventions that reduce risk.
The Multifactorial Risk Prioritization Framework has been developed and
implemented by a multidisciplinary group that includes food engineers. Systems
analysis, modeling, and quantitative methods are necessary components of risk
analysis, but they are not sufficient on their own. Food engineers must work
collaboratively with scientists (e.g., economists, epidemiologists, microbiologists,
risk analysts) as well as decision-makers (e.g., risk managers, policy makers) to
develop effective strategies for setting food-safety priorities. The present frame-
work is an excellent example of the potential to develop a more comprehensive
solution by working together rather than in isolated disciplines.
Acknowledgments The financial support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council to carry out this work is gratefully acknowledged.
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Chapter 8
Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators
to Assess the Environmental Performance
of the Canadian Food and Beverage Industry
8.1 Introduction
The Canadian food and beverage industry (FBI) consists of approximately 6,700
establishments involved in the transformation of raw agricultural commodities into
semi-prepared and consumer-ready food and beverage products. The FBI is important
M. Marcotte (*)
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre, 960 Carling
Avenue, KW Neatby, Room 1093, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0C6, Canada
Y. Arcand and D. Maxime
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Food Research and Development Centre, 3600 Casavant
Blud West, St. Hyacinthe, QC, Canada
D. Landry
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Head Quarter, 1341 Baseline Road, Touer 5, Floor 2, Room
126 Ottawa, ON, K1A OC5, Canada
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 165
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_8, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
166 M. Marcotte et al.
9 1 6
(32%) (25%)
Fig. 8.1 Distribution of the Canadian food and beverage industry (Statistics Canada 2002a)
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 167
production) and (2) to stabilize foods and beverages so they will have a longer
shelf life (e.g., milk pasteurization). The manufacturing steps and processes for
most foods and beverages are well known and usually fall into the following
l Preparing raw materials (washing, cutting, mixing, homogenization)
l Utilizing heat (sterilization, pasteurization)
l Utilizing cold (refrigeration, freezing)
l Removing water (drying, evaporation, pressing, filtration)
l Modulating product composition (pH, salts, sugars, preservatives, smoking
l Modulating product environment (dissolved oxygen, modified or controlled
atmosphere, active packaging)
l Separating/concentrating the components of agricultural products (extraction,
membrane, distillation)
As in all other sectors, food and beverage processing plants are required to meet
various environmental performance standards, which may be critical for competing
on the world market. In manufacturing food products, the food and beverage
industry uses a significant amount of resources (raw agricultural products or
ingredients, energy, water). It also generates gaseous emissions, liquid wastes and
solid organic residues. While most packaging waste is generated at the consumption
level, almost all of it enters the system at the processing stage. Five issues (or
environmental loads) have been identified for the development of eco-efficiency
indicators in the food and beverage processing industry:
l Energy use
l Greenhouse gas (GHG) generation
l Water use
l Waste water production (e.g., effluents)
l Packaging waste generation
The indicators are based on the concept of eco-efficiency, which is a widely
recognized concept in the manufacturing industry and is often used to help
companies characterize and meet both environmental and economic objectives
(Verfaillie and Bidwell 2000) Eco-efficiency is defined as a process during which
goods or services of greater value or greater quantity are produced using fewer raw
materials, and less water and energy, thereby reducing natural resource depletion
and pollution (NRTEE 2001). The indicators essentially compare the environmen-
tal factors or “loads” to the quantity of products manufactured. While this actually
provides an intensity rating (which is the inverse of efficiency), the use of a
common denominator (physical production unit or value) facilitates a comparison
within each sub-sector for each of the five issues of interest. The indicator concepts
are evaluated and validated using data from past surveys (e.g., Annual Survey of
Manufactures for 2002; Statistics Canada 2002a), and the Annual Industrial
Consumption of Energy Survey for 2002 (Statistics Canada 2002b) and Industrial
Water Use Survey (Statistics Canada 2008d).
168 M. Marcotte et al.
The food and beverage industries (FBI) consume a significant amount of energy for
processing most of what Canadians eat and drink. This energy consumption has a
significant impact on the environment, whether direct (impacts generated onsite) or
indirect (impacts generated during energy production, and its conversion and
transportation to site where consumed). For example, a direct impact would be
when natural gas is burnt onsite in an industrial oven, or in the case of an indirect
impact, when the company uses an electric oven with electricity coming from a coal
burning power plant. The burning of fossil fuels results in the emission of green-
house gases (GHG) and other residues.
According to statistics on energy consumption in the Canadian industry, pub-
lished by the Canadian Industrial Energy End-use Data and Analysis Centre1
(CIEEDAC 2008), the Canadian FBI consumed around 100,700 TJ (terajoules or
millions of megajoules) in 2002, which is about 4% of the energy consumption of
all Canadian manufacturing sectors. This is enough energy to power approximately
2.5 million Canadian households for 1 full year. The left side of Table 8.1 presents
Table 8.1 Energy use and greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing industries and agricul-
ture in Canada in 2002
Energy use GHG emissions
Terajoules %a Thousands/tons %a
CO2 equivalent
Food manufacturingb 88,765 3.5 3,477 3.3
Beverage manufacturingb 11,975 0.5 517 0.5
Total, Food and Beverage manufacturing (FBI)b 100,740 4 3,994 3.8
Pulp and paper manufacturingb 830,779 33 9,888 9.5
Total, manufacturing industriesb 2,515,928 100 103,911 100
Agriculturec 205,655 – 52,000 –
Canadac, d 9,669,768 – 720,000 –
Since data sources and accounting methods differ, precise comparisons are not recommended
between manufacturing and other data, and are presented for information only. CIEEDAC data is
deemed more comprehensive and includes energy and GHG emissions from waste, biomass, etc.,
which can influence significantly total energy use in some manufacturing sectors
Manufacturing data from CIEEDAC (2008), both for energy and GHG
Energy use data (Statistics Canada 2003, 2004, 2007); GHG emission data from Environment
Canada’s GHG national inventory reports (Environment Canada 2007; Environment Canada
2004) GHG for Agriculture excludes combustion-related emissions, which are a small percentage
of total agriculture emissions
Canada energy use is the total net energy supply in Canada
CIEEDAC has developed and maintains a comprehensive database on energy, and GHG from
information supplied by Natural Resources Canada, and is produced by Statistics Canada, among
others. It should be noted there are some discrepancies in official publications by Statistics Canada
or Environment Canada (for more information on issues concerning energy accounting and GHG
calculations, see Nyboer 2008a, b).
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 169
Building heating,
Energy for processes
ventilation and lighting
Recycled energy (combustible by-products, heat)
Recycled energy
Steam, Energy use in
heat processes
7.5% 56.9%
Energy Concentration
Generation of Energy conversion Crystallization
energy/services distribution 71.6% Drying/evaporation
100% 88.9% For heating 53% Distillation
For refrigeration and Freezing
Generated steam Steam system
Purchased electricity Electrical cabling cooling 6% Melting
Purchased fuels Fuel system Motors 11.8% Mixing
In-plant Grinding
transportation 0.7% Packaging
Other 0.3% Energy storage
11.1% 9.8% Waste handling
Energy losses Energy losses ?
Equipment inefficiency
Combustion losses System, valve, trap (motors, drag, heat Losses through heat
in boilers losses dissipation) dissipation, exhaust
gases, by-products
Fig. 8.2 Diagram of typical energy flows in a food manufacturing plant (Adapted from US
Department of energy 2004)
170 M. Marcotte et al.
efficiency, rather than just energy reduction, is the main pathway to a sustainable
food industry.
Energy sources are numerous but most are of the non-renewable type, whether
they are fossil fuels or electricity produced using coal, heavy fuel or nuclear sources.
Apart from the fact that the price of all fossil fuels is skyrocketing and its extraction
and refining generate different types of pollution, one of the most concerning side
effects of using energy coming directly or indirectly from fossil fuels is the genera-
tion of greenhouse gases (GHG) that contribute to global warming.
There are typically three main sources of direct – onsite – GHG emissions in the
FBI.2 Fossil fuel combustion (e.g., in boilers and ovens) is the major source,
accounting for up to 90% of total emissions in a plant heavily relying on these
types of energy, emitting mainly CO2 (and other pollutants contributing to GHG,
such as N2O; or not contributing, such as soot particles). Another source is
refrigeration and freezing units using hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which can leak
during a system’s lifespan. Despite the low volume of such leaks, their global
warming potential (GWP) is a hundred to a thousand times higher than that of CO2,
meaning the release into the atmosphere of a few kilograms of most refrigerants
may have a similar contribution to global warming as a ton of CO2. Thus, they may
account for a significant share of total GHG emissions in plants with large needs
for cold processing or storage (e.g., frozen foods, dairy products, meat, and
seafood). A third source of emissions is closely related to biomass and organic
wastes, and can be either solid or liquid. A plant’s wastewater treatment system
using anaerobic digestion emits methane, which should be inventoried as a GHG
(because 1 kg of methane has a similar effect as 21 kg of CO2), if not captured to
fire in a boiler (methane when burned is chemically transformed into CO2 with a
GWP of 1). In addition, solid biomass (e.g., spent grains from distilleries, brew-
eries residues, agriculture wastes) may be land filled, composted (onsite or offsite)
or burned by some FBI plants for energy valorization, all of these emitting various
levels of GHG.3
Unfortunately, the two latter sources of emissions (refrigerants and organic
wastes) are still difficult to estimate accurately at the sectoral or FBI level, as
reliable statistics, indeed aggregate, are available only for fossil fuel related GHG
emissions. At FBI production sites in 2002 and 2005, there were 3,994 and 4,020 kt
of CO2-equivalent GHG produced, respectively (CIEEDAC 2008), that is, 3.7% of
total Canadian industry emissions.
Demand for energy in the FBI is expected to grow due to increased demand for
shelf-stable products, individual ready-to-serve or quick-to-prepare meals, and
processed fresh food. This makes energy a particularly complex challenge for the
FBI given that the industry is often reluctant to changes because of its desire to
Note that the consumption of electricity does not emit GHG directly.
According to GHG inventory and reporting standards from the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change, GHGs from biomass combustion do not have to be reported in national inventory
since the biomass is carbon neutral, provided it is consumed in a sustainable way (i.e., at a rate not
higher than one needed for its renewal).
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 171
maintain high product quality and its obligation to ensure product safety. The
underlying intent of the following eco-efficiency indicators is to provide more
comprehensive – disaggregated – insight on energy use and consequent GHG
emissions through reporting of sub-sector and regional specificities related to
activity levels. They also aim to follow over time energy efficiency improvements,
as well as shifts to energy sources emitting less GHG.
The two indicators were developed as a way to provide establishments with a
measure of their “environmental impact” on the quantity of energy used (ECI), as
well as a measure of the effect of their GHG management practices (GHGEI).
By comparing with different agreed to targets (which should be related to the
sustainable capacity of the natural habitat), these indicators could also give local,
provincial, and national authorities a more adequate picture of the total energy
demand/GHG generation as well as the relative impact of each stakeholder, helping
governments take appropriate actions to sustain human and economic growth.
These intensity indicators reflect how much energy is used (ECI) and the volume
of GHG emissions produced (GHGEI) per dollar of product sold, and are inversely
proportional to efficiency performances: the larger the indicator, the lower the
efficiency and the environmental performance.
Since the FBI manufactures a broad range of highly diversified products (often
tightly linked to regional agricultural production characteristics), and because the
industry involves various scales of production (from small facilities to very large
As defined by Statistics Canada in the Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM) protocol: “The
production is measured by the value of shipments of goods of own manufacture, that is the selling
value of goods made by reporting establishments, excluding transfers into inventory and consign-
ment sales, shipping charges by common or contract carriers, discounts and returns, federal and
provincial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes, sales of goods purchased for resale.”
172 M. Marcotte et al.
More details about ASM method can be found at Statistics Canada Web site. http://www.statcan.
ca/cgi-bin/imdb/ ¼ getSurvey&SDDS ¼ 2103&lang ¼ fr&db ¼ imdb&dbg
¼ f&adm ¼ 8&dis ¼ 2
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 173
Table 8.2 Parameters for plant grouping and indicator reporting for energy and greenhouse gas
Sector (o) and sub-sector (l) short Activity sector (o) and sub-sector (l) definition and NAICSa code
○ Grain and oilseed ○ Grain and oilseed milling (3112)
l Flour l Flour milling (311211)
l Malt l Rice milling and malt manufacturing (311214)
Chocolate conf. l Confectionery manufacturing from purchased chocolate (311330)
Candy conf. l Non-chocolate confectionery (311340)
l Other F&V l Fruit and vegetable canning, pickling and drying (311420)
l Other dairy l Butter, cheese and dry and condensed dairy product manufacturing
l Ice cream l Ice cream and frozen dessert manufacturing (311520)
Cookies l Cookie and cracker manufacturing (311821)
Flour mixes l Flour mix and dough manufacturing from purchased flour (311822)
l Pasta l Dry pasta manufacturing (311823)
l ON l Ontario
l BC l British Columbia
North American Industry Classification System
Median range indicator Global indicator ( ) is a mean value of single plant indicators influenced by each plant’s
represents a range of intensity for production sales. It is a weighted mean.
mid-performing plants in groupings
Global indicator value is always within the distribution of signle plant indicator values. Plants with larger sales
drive the global indicator towards their own indicator value, thus influencing the positioning of global indicator
Range is directly calculated by keeping the
relative to median range.
central porting of the distribution of individual
plant values (*) (see graph below)
Case 1 (see Case 1 graph): Case 2 (see Case 2 graph): Case 3 (see Case 3 graph):
This method gives the same importance to
each plant, whatever its market share •Few plants with large portion of sales •Few plants with large portion of sale -“Worse than average” plants
(production sales) have individual indicators that are highly have individual indicators that are (taken as a group) have a similar
“worse than average” slightly “worse than average” market share and similar individual
•Many plants cumulating a large portion •Production sales are more evenly indicator values as “Better than
of sales have individual indicators that shared between plants but still favors average” ones
are “worse than average” “worse than average” plants
Reverse cases (global indicator below median range) occur if sales are
mainly due to “better than average” performing plants.
Plant A
“Worse than average”
performing plants (40%
of plants)
Mid-performing plants
(20% of plants)
“Better than average”
This report provides the national and provincial results of both indicators for the
year 2002 for various manufacturing sectors of the FBI. The main objective of
reporting these indicators is to follow over time how a given sector is increasing or
reducing its intensity (i.e., increasing or reducing its pressure on resource depletion
or GHG production). Consequently, the present report does not discuss any timeline
trend but sets the baseline. Thus, the following discussion aims rather at interpreting
these 2002 indicator results by focusing on the inter-sectoral and inter-regional
distinctiveness of the Canadian FBI, while avoiding as much as possible direct
comparisons of the indicators. The main goal here is to provide objective informa-
tion that enlightens future interpretation of indicator trends.
Results will first present the effect of different employee sizes on each sector for
ECI and GHGEI at the national level. Second, the difference between sub-sectors
will be presented at the national level. Finally, sectors will be compared per region.
All graphs will present the different groupings on the X-axis and the value of the
indicator on the Y-axis. Additional comparisons at the regional level will be possible
by using Figs. 8.4 and 8.5, respectively, to present the importance of each sector (in
terms of sales) in each province and the proportion of each energy source used
in each region.
Unless otherwise indicated, the ECI indicator is expressed in megajoules per
dollar in 2002 (MJ/$), and the GHGEI indicator in kilograms of CO2 equivalent per
dollar in 2002 (kg CO2e/$). Establishments’ groupings are reported using the short
Median Range (regardless of the size)
Median Range
Global indicator (regardless of the size)
Global indicator
ECI (MJ/$)
Very large
Very large
Very large
Very large
Very large
Very large
Very large
Grain & Sugar & F&V Dairy Meat Seafood Bakeries Beverage
Oilseed Conf.
Fig. 8.4 Energy consumption intensity (ECI) as a function of activity sector and size calculated
for year 2002
176 M. Marcotte et al.
0.26 Median range (whole sector)
Median range
Global indicator (whole sector)
GHGEI (kg CO2e/$)
Whole sector
Whole sector
Cacao conf.
Chocolate conf.
Candy conf.
Whole sector
Frozen F&V
Other F&V
Whole sector
Other dairy
Ice cream
Whole sector
Red meat slaughter
Red meat
Whole sector
Retail bakeries
Com. bakeries
Flour mix
Whole sector
Soft drink
Grain & Oilseed Sugar & Conf. F&V Dairy Meat Bakeries Beverage
Fig. 8.5 Greenhouse gas emissions intensity (GHGEI) as a function of activity sector and sub-
sector calculated for year 2002. There is no sub-sector in the seafood sector
names listed in Table 8.2. Data from some sub-sectors and some plant sizes could
not be published due to confidentiality, while the “animal food” sector and “other
food” manufacturing sectors are not covered within this indicator set. In the
following, the median range indicator will be referred to as median range, median,
or typical representative plant indicator.
Figure 8.4 provides an overall picture of ECI indicator values across Canada for all
sectors reported, with or without regard to size of establishments.
Looking first at the median range indicators without regard to size of establishments
(“blue-filled bars” in Fig. 8.4), two sets of sectors stand out when it comes to energy
eco-efficiency. In the sugar and confectionery, dairy, meat, and seafood sectors a
typical representative plant shows an ECI of around 0.75 MJ/$, while other sectors
have a median range ECI of around 1.5 MJ/$. The higher values for grain and
oilseed, fruit and vegetable (F&V), bakeries, and beverage sectors are hardly
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 177
surprising, given that energy makes up a high proportion of the production cost in
these sectors, which generally make extensive use of energy-intensive operations,
such as evaporation, concentration and drying, cooking and baking, and process
heating and freezing for the fruit and vegetable sector.
Looking now at sector global indicators (“black dots” in Fig. 8.4), the observed
values reveal that the grain and oilseed, and sugar and confectionery sectors, and to
a lesser extent the fruit and vegetable sector, have far higher global intensity (two to
four times higher than those of dairy, meat and seafood sectors). Comparing global
with median range calculation methods for all three sectors (i.e., grain and oilseed,
sugar and confectionary, and fruit and vegetable) shows that global intensity is
significantly higher than each sector’s own median range intensity, especially for
sugar and confectionery (global intensity is 136% higher than upper boundary of
median range) and grain and oilseed (64% higher).
The situation described above highlights the fact that the biggest players (in
terms of sales) within these sectors are energy-intensive plants, although not
enough to shift up the median range of the whole sector. This particular situation
reveals that within a group the “worse than average” category is accountable for a
lot more than 40% of sales (even though it accounts for exactly 40% of plants), thus
shifting the global indicator far above the median range indicator. Conversely, if
most sales are made by “better than average” plants, the global indicator will then
be shifted below the median range indicator. Moreover, if the proportion of “better
than average” and “worse than average” sales are approximately equal, then the
global indicator will stand very close to, if not within, the median range indicator.
The situation where the global indicator is far above the median range reveals a
potential gain in energy efficiency for the major players of these sectors.
It is worth noting, however, that this may be due to a number of reasons. First,
larger plants (in term of sales) within a sector are generally more automated than
smaller plants and therefore may require more energy to operate their higher capital
intensity operations, be it for production (machine feeding, conveyors, etc.) or
sanitization/food safety and quality standards to satisfy stringent buyer require-
ments. Second, larger plants often sell products that are more commoditized, less
differentiated, and therefore of lower value per volume sold. For example, con-
sumers are often willing to pay a premium for hand-made specialty bread from a
local bakery instead of “industrial” bread from one of the big Canadian bakeries.
The fact this bread is hand-made may surprisingly reduce the quantity of energy
used in production since some operations (e.g., machine feeding, emptying and
cleaning, packaging, etc.) are not automated, whereas specialty bread would bring
up the price, tending to reduce ECI value of the local bakery.
The evidence of few plants having low energy efficiency within a sector, while
representing a high share of sales, is also observed to a lower extent in the fruit and
vegetable sector, and to a much lower extent in the dairy and meat sectors. This is
not the case however in the seafood, bakery or beverage sectors. However, it is
worth noting there is no sector where the major players (in terms of production)
have a “better than average” ECI, which would have shifted the global indicator
below the median range.
178 M. Marcotte et al.
The effect of establishment size is also reported for all FBI sectors (white bars and
red dots, Fig. 8.4). This graph allows easy identification of employment size
categories where significant improvements can be achieved, at least by some of
the larger selling processors within most size groups. For instance, in the fruit and
vegetable sector, the median range ECI is similar for “small,” “medium” and
“large” plants but significantly higher for “very large” ones. However, this trend
is not confirmed by the corresponding global indicator because of the medium size
category, which is the only one in the sector to show a global ECI (red dot) higher
than the median range (white bar). Consequently, the big sellers of medium size
plants should be investigated to see why they are using more energy than their
peers. Furthermore, any plant in the very large category should also be investigated
for energy efficiency improvements in order to achieve a typical intensity in
line with other categories (i.e., between 1.0 and 1.6 MJ/$, a kind of “average”
Within the meat sector, the median range is not dependent on plant size and has a
value close to 0.75 MJ/$. However, all but the very large size categories include
plants with potential energy efficiency improvements because the biggest sellers in
each group size have global indicators significantly above their respective median
range. Similar behavior of the median range indicator prevails in the seafood sector.
As for the global indicator, the very large category only depicts this situation,
though a slight gain only in efficiency seems achievable. Thus, very similar values
for all median ranges in this sector, together with several global indicators ranking
inside – or very close to – the median range, might depict a situation where similar
performance is already achieved within most of the sector, probably because similar
best practices have been globally deployed. This situation is also observed within
the beverage sector (although only one size category is provided), and partly within
the fruit and vegetable sector. The dairy sector, as well as the grain and oilseed, and
sugar and confectionery sectors, show that some plants could achieve improve-
ments whatever the size category reported.
The case of the bakeries sector is singular in this study, in the sense that it is the
only sector to display a similar trend for both median range and global calculation
methods. Both methods show that smaller plants are more efficient energy users
(excluding the very large category). But a finer analysis shows a tendency towards
medium to very large establishments with a high share of sales to a downward shift
of global ECI towards the lower boundary of the median range. This means that
these plants tend to perform better than a typical plant in the category; and that they
could have implemented eco-efficiency measures or better management practices.
Lastly, the commonly held belief is undermined in that the biggest establish-
ments are more eco-efficient because of their capacity (financial resources, know-
how) to be proactive in environmental management. Indeed, whatever the sectors
displayed in Fig. 8.4, the ECI of a typical representative plant does not decrease
clearly or significantly for those with more employees. At least this can be observed
through the global ECI trend (e.g., meat sector from large plants, and bakeries
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 179
sector from very large plants), but as already explained only a few plants in the size
category are included.
A study of the effect of sub-sectors on ECI was done and the following conclusions
surfaced.6 Within three of the eight sectors studied (grain and oilseed, sugar and
confectionary, and beverage sectors), there are significant differences between sub-
sector ECI values. This may have an impact on large data spreading in a sector and
influence sector conclusions. The malt and the oilseed sub-sectors have the highest
ECIs within the grain and oilseed sector,7 about twice as high as that of flour and
breakfast sub-sectors. Sugar refining plants are the driver of the whole sugar and
confectionery sector’s energy intensity; whereas cacao and chocolate confectionery
sub-sectors show a very low intensity (as low as a typical dairy, meat, or seafood
plant). There are few differences within the dairy sector, as well as the meat sector.
Retail and commercial bakeries are slightly more energy-intensive than cookie
and cracker manufacturing, flour mix and dough manufacturing, and dry pasta
manufacturing sub-sectors within the bakeries sector. Within the beverage sector,
winery and distillery sub-sectors clearly stand out, the first being the sector’s least
intensive energy user, and the second posting a very large median range, which may
be explained by a large spreading of single plant ECIs.
The total amount of GHG a plant can emit depends on the quantity of energy it
consumes as well as on the type(s) of energy used. Obviously, some energy types
are cleaner than others: consumption of electricity does not emit GHG at all, while
some fossil fuels emit less GHG during combustion than others to provide the same
amount of useful energy (e.g., natural gas emits around 1.5 times less GHG than
light fuel oil to provide 1 MJ of steam in a boiler). Thus, for a given quantity of total
energy consumed, the mix of energy types involved will influence the amount of
GHG emitted.
Figure 8.5 provides Canada-wide details on the GHGEI median range indicator
at the sub-sector level, as well as global and median range indicator at the sector
level (global indicator at sub-sector level could not be published for confidentiality
reasons). With regard to national GHGEI results at sector level (Fig. 8.5), displayed
patterns are fairly similar to those of ECIs (Fig. 8.4). It means that the amount of
See technical supplement for detailed results.
Data on two other subsectors of the grain and oilseed sector, i.e., wet corn milling (or ‘corn
milling’) and fat and oil refining and blending, cannot be published because of confidentiality.
180 M. Marcotte et al.
GHG produced per quantity of energy used was not very different from one FBI
sector to another in 2002. Hence, analysis and arguments provided above for ECIs
should hold true for GHGEIs, and therefore will not be repeated here.
As an adjunct to the GHGEI indicator, calculation of sector ratio GHGEI/ECI for
the global indicator (amount of GHG emitted for each MJ of energy consumed)
provides useful information complementary to the whole sector GHGEI indicator
(Fig. 8.5), allowing sector comparisons independent of the dollar value of sales.
Furthermore, it provides an indicator on how clean the energy consumed within a
sector is, or how much effort this sector is putting to reduce GHG emissions once
energy needs have been optimized. Improvements are mainly technological and can
be looked for in different areas, for example, process changes in electric techno-
logies, and shifts in energy supply toward cleaner energy or energy mix, etc. Sector
results of this calculation are as follows, in increasing order of GHG emitted per
unit of energy consumed (g CO2e/MJ): bakeries (36.7), dairy (37.6), meat (37.7),
seafood (39.6), grain and oilseed (40.8), sugar and confectionery (42.5), beverage
(43.1), and fruit and vegetable (45.0).
It is worth noting that differences between sectors are slight; bakeries compared
to fruits and vegetables show both a 10% difference with respect to mean of dataset
(41 10%). Thus, no sector clearly distinguishes itself, whether as a “cleaner
energy” user or not. This is somewhat surprising since one would have expected
sectors heavily using electric processes (e.g., cooling, refrigeration, and freezing) to
clearly stand out. Several factors are responsible for these similar results. First,
the expected difference is likely to stand out more clearly at the sub-sector level
(e.g., frozen food requires mostly electricity while fruit and vegetable canning uses
more fossil fuel, yet both are in same sector). Second, any sector has to comply with
food safety standardized procedures requiring pasteurization or sterilization pro-
cesses and/or strict sanitation processes that might involve a significant amount of
thermal energy from fossil fuels. Third, plants relying on one unique energy source –
be it clean or not – are now scarce. Fourth, regional distribution of the sector
displayed in Fig. 8.6 reveals that Alberta, Ontario and Quebec are each contributing
approximately 30% to national production. Figure 8.7 shows that their respective
energy grid is very different. This tends to level out the national ratio. Lastly, it
should be noted, specifically for the seafood sector, that fuel consumed by fishing
vessels is often accounted for in the manufacturing process because fish processing
generally starts on board.8 It tends to counterbalance the electric process energy
used at the processing plant for refrigeration and freezing operations.
The seafood sector, while the most GHG-efficient of sectors, is not the cleanest
energy user, which is due to particularly marked regional discrepancies related to
both the kind of seafood processed and energy source availability.
National data on energy consumption and GHG emission from seafood sector in 2002 are
available from CIEEDAC and give a ratio of 20.2 g CO2e/MJ, well below the value calculated
here, whereas other available sector ratios are in accordance. It is likely that CIEEDAC raw data
does not account for fishing vessel fuel consumed.
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 181
Fig. 8.6 Overview of provincial characteristics of Canadian food and beverage industry produc-
tion (Statistics Canada, Annual Survey of Manufactures 2002a). Contribution is measured in terms
of sales. Each sector representation is not necessarily equal to 100% across Canada due to
confidentiality of data in certain provinces; data below 4% is not represented. Atlantic Provinces
data is grouped together. It excludes animal feed. “Other” stands for snack foods, coffee and tea,
flavoring syrup and concentrate and all other manufacturing sectors
The fruit and vegetable sector is the worst performer; the sugar and confection-
ery sector and the beverage sector are both high ranking, which is less of a surprise
given the high GHGEIs that can be reached in the sugar sub-sector and the
distilleries sub-sector, respectively. As noted, regional particularities (also dis-
cussed later) induce these results.
The grain and oilseed sector, while the least GHG-efficient (and least energy-
efficient) of sectors, is mid-ranking in the GHGEI/ECI ratio. This may be explained
by a significant amount of energy consumed by the sector in flour milling and
breakfast cereal manufacturing sub-sectors in the form of electricity or low-emitting
process energy, as in the bakeries sector. The bakeries sector, which as mentioned is
an intensive energy user and GHG emitter sector, shows the lowest GHGEI/ECI
ratio of the FBI. Energy in this sector is mainly required for baking processes in
well-controlled gas or combined-energy ovens, which emit lower quantities of
GHG. The bakeries sector is a rather “dry” sector and uses only a small amount
182 M. Marcotte et al.
Atlantic Quebec
Confidential (Diesel Heavy Fuel Oil
fuel oil, light fuel oil Natural Gas 0.7%
and kerosene, Still 52.5%
gas and petroleum Electricity Other*
coke, LPG and gas 31.9% 0.1%
plant NGL, Coal) Confidential (Diesel
24.5% fuel oil, light fuel oil
and kerosene, Still
gas and petroleum
coke, LPG and gas
plant NGL, Coal, Coke
Electricity and coke oven gas)
Natural Gas 38.3% 8.4%
Heavy Fuel Oil 11.8%
31.8% (*) «Other» includes steam and waste
fuels from the cement industry
Ontario Prairies
Fig. 8.7 Share in each region and province of energy sources used in 2002 by manufacturing
industries in the category, “other manufacturing” (Natural Resources Canada 2007)
of steam; other energy usages in this sector are supplied by electricity, which is not
directly emitting GHG.
Provincial indicators are available at the sector level only and cannot be broken
down by size of employment. Not all sectors are necessarily reported for each
region, because of a very low number of plants within a specific sector in a given
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 183
region (e.g., seafood sector in Prairie Provinces) and/or to respect the confidential-
ity of responding plants under the Statistics Act (e.g., fruit and vegetable sector in
the Atlantic region).
Figure 8.8 illustrates the regional effect on the global and median ECI indicators.
The main regional features are presented, often with reference to national results
The global ECI peak of 3.8 MJ/$ for the sugar and confectionery sector in British
Columbia (red dot) is twice as high as the sector scores in Ontario. This result is
symptomatic of a sector with very energy-intensive activities and is delivered by
only a few big plants. As already mentioned, the sugar refinery sub-sector is
responsible for a high global ECI within this sector: a typical Canadian sugar
refinery can display intensity as high as 4.2 MJ/$, whereas typical confectionery
Canadian plant intensity does not exceed 1.2 MJ/$ (data not shown). However, it
should be noted that a typical British Columbian plant within the sugar and
confectionery sector (white bar) displays the lowest Canadian ECI in this sector.
Moreover, the British Columbian global ECI indicator in the meat sector is the
highest in Canada. It indicates that energy efficiency improvements could be
achieved by local meat plants with a large share of sales, reaching values close to –
or below – 1 MJ/$. These plants are not numerous because the provincial median
Median Range
3.5 Global indicator
ECI (MJ/$)
Sugar & Conf.
Grain & Oilseed
Grain & Oilseed
Sugar & Conf.
Grain & Oilseed
Fig. 8.8 Energy consumption intensity (ECI) as a function of regions and activity sector calcu-
lated for year 2002
184 M. Marcotte et al.
range ECI is typical of the national values. The same conclusions prevail for the
bakeries sector as well as the fruit and vegetable sector, compared to provinces like
Ontario and Quebec, even though the latter sector is well performing compared to
the national values. Lastly, the dairy sector and the seafood sector are both well
performing in British Columbia.
The Prairies’ grain and oilseed sector’s performance is at a level similar to that of
Ontario and Quebec, and of Canada as a whole. The meat sector in the Prairies is
one of the main food sectors in these provinces; Alberta is one of Canada’s leaders
in red meat processing. However, the Prairies’ meat sector displays the highest
typical plant ECI across Canada, twice as high as that of Ontario, despite a more
energy efficient production by some of the largest processors (in terms of sales); this
is illustrated by the global ECI as close to the median range bottom boundary.
The good performance of the Ontario sugar and confectionery sector (global
indicator), as compared to British Columbia level, is explained by a higher diversi-
fication of the sector, with a larger share of low energy-intensive activities such as
confectionery manufacturing. Establishments in the fruit and vegetable sector typi-
cally reflect higher intensity in Ontario than in British Columbia or Quebec. The
global ECI of the sector is nevertheless lower than the median range (though close
to), which means that a major part of the fruit and vegetable processing in Ontario is
performed by plants slightly more energy-efficient than a typical representative one.
Lastly, this province is among the most eco-efficient regarding energy use in the
meat (lowest median range across Canada), seafood, and bakeries sectors.
Quebec performs relatively well in the grain and oilseed and the fruit and
vegetable sectors since the province shows the lowest global ECI across Canada
for both sectors.9 For the former though, some higher intensity plants could still
make improvements, whereas the fruit and vegetable sector reveals no “atypical”
eco-efficiency plant (global ECI stands within the median range). Quebec’s energy
intensity (either global or typical) in the meat sector stands at the national level,
quite similar to Ontario and Atlantic Provinces. Lastly, the dairy sector in Quebec
shows the highest global ECI across Canada, significantly above the intensity
achieved by a typical representative plant of the sector in the province, or in Ontario
or British Columbia, or Canada as a whole.
The Atlantic Provinces’ food industry is highly oriented towards seafood, fruit
and vegetable processing, confectionery, and beverage. Most of Canadian seafood
production and processors are located in these provinces (Fig. 8.6), which conse-
quently “shape” the Canadian seafood sector indicators. British Columbia and the
Atlantic region show quite similar values, a bit higher than that of Ontario, although
this latter is hardly comparable since, as a non-coastal province, its processing
activities are limited.
Global ECI at national level for fruit and vegetable sector (2 MJ/$) is higher than any provincial
value of the sector, which means at least one of the non-reported provincial global ECIs (i.e., from
Prairies or Atlantic Provinces) is at least worth 2 MJ/$.
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 185
Lastly, it is worth noting that the peculiarity of the large spreading of the ECI
median range in the distilleries sub-sector in Canada as a whole (data not shown,
but relative spreading is similar to that of GHGEI shown in Fig. 8.4) is not observed
in Ontario (data not shown). Ontario’s median range ECI stands between 0.56 and
1.09 MJ/$. It is likely that the cause of this observed national spreading comes from
another province or region.
As explained earlier, the energy mix (i.e., proportion of each energy type) influ-
ences the total amount of GHG a plant will emit. Even though each establishment is
free to choose the energy type(s) to use, it still depends on the local availability and
price from suppliers. Figure 8.6 shows the different provincial energy mixes
consumed in 2002 for an aggregate group of manufacturing industries, including
the FBI. Consequently, the GHGEI indicator can be discussed more easily and in
more detail using this regional analysis.
Figure 8.9 illustrates the regional GHGEI indicator results per sector. This figure
shows a computation of the regional global indicator ratio GHGEI/ECI – the
amount of GHG emitted for each MJ of energy consumed – to provide insight on
“how clean” the energy consumed is and the effort made to shift to technologies or
processes using electricity or low GHG-emitting energies.
Median Range BC PR ON QC AT
0.14 0.02
GHGEI (kg CO2e/$)
Grain & Sugar & F&V Dairy Meat Seafood Bakeries
Oilseed Conf.
Sugar & Conf.
Fig. 8.9 Greenhouse gas emissions intensity (GHGEI) as a function of region and activity sector
calculated for year 2002. Global indicators’ ratio GHGEI/ECI (kg CO2 equivalent of GHG emitted
per MJ of energy consumed) as a function of region
186 M. Marcotte et al.
The proposed indicators have several limitations, most resulting from the desire to
provide indicators that report sub-sector, regional and size specificities. First, both
indicators are calculated per value of product manufactured, instead of per volume
as initially intended (Marcotte et al. 2005) due to the limited amount of volume data
in the Statistics Canada ASM database. Second, these new indicators from the
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s series of agri-environmental indicators were
computed for a single benchmark year, 2002, which does not allow for year-to-year
As this series of energy and GHG indicators for the FBI is the first of its kind, there
are no benchmark values to compare the indicators with a previous situation or to
assess the effectiveness of any measures already implemented by the FBI or various
governmental institutions. However, the fact remains that measures to improve
energy efficiency and the on-site production of secondary energy (such as steam)
will help reduce both energy consumption intensity and GHG emissions. The
challenge the FBI faces is to reduce its current demand for energy by improving
its efficiency through the adoption of best practices10 without, however,
compromising hygiene or food safety procedures. Improved efficiency would result
in a reduction in the intensity indicators measured here. Companies can take a large
variety of possible measures, the costs of which vary. Low-cost measures, first and
foremost the measurement of consumption and heat flows, and management of the
procedures that require most energy will allow companies to react swiftly to any
problems and to avoid waste. As seen in Fig. 8.2, energy losses are at all operational
stages and account for a large share of the initial energy used, although some of
these losses are physically unavoidable. A more comprehensive analysis of opera-
tional procedures may reveal opportunities requiring varying levels of investment.
By using the process integration approach, for example, a plant’s energy and water
flows can be studied jointly, which is particularly relevant to the FBI, where these
two resources are often closely linked. For example, in the dairy products group,
60% of the water consumed is used for energy-related operations (e.g., to cool or
generate steam). The results of a process integration analysis generally provide a
series of options for optimizing the flow of heat and water in a plant, as a result of
which the best ways to recycle and save energy and water can be identified. Such an
analysis may, for example, confirm the benefits of using an energy cogeneration
system to simultaneously produce mechanical – usually transformed into electricity –
and thermal energy (cogeneration), and also cooling energy (trigeneration).
Energetics Inc. and E3M Inc. (2004).
188 M. Marcotte et al.
The FBI is known for its need for exceptionally large amounts of water, in both
volume and quality, as it uses water both as an ingredient and to carry out numerous
processing operations. Indeed, water is used at almost all stages of processing: as a
heat transfer medium (e.g., as hot water for blanching or steam for heating), as a
carrier (e.g., for transportation of fragile products on a production line), or for
washing, rinsing, cleaning and sanitizing operations. However, water needs vary
significantly in both quality and quantity depending on the kind of products
manufactured and on the process implemented to achieve the desired transforma-
tion. Water quality is of paramount importance for meeting food hygiene and safety
standards when there is a chance of direct or indirect contact with food (Maxime
et al. 2005).
It is estimated that in Canada the FBI withdrew 1,500 million m3 of water in
2005, i.e., almost 20% of the total amount withdrawn by Canada’s manufacturing
industries (Fig. 8.10) and close to 3% of total water intake in Canada (Environment
Canada 2008a), which is equivalent to 600,000 Olympic pools. Establishments
obtained half of their water requirements from public water suppliers and supplied
the other half themselves from surface water systems (e.g., lakes, rivers), ground
water systems (e.g., wells, springs) or even tide water bodies (e.g., estuaries,
bays, oceans), each source needing its own water treatment according to the quality
Beverage and
Paper, 33.4%
tobacco, 2.1%
Millions of cubic metres
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Food 1366.8
Textile products x
Wood 124.2
Primary metals 1606.2
Fabricated metals x
Non-metallic minerals x
Petroleum and coal 364.8
Fig. 8.10 Water intake volumes by the main manufacturing sectors in Canada and share of total
manufactures’ intake calculated for year 2005
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 189
of the water withdrawn and based on the required quality standards at each stage
of the process. Of the FBI’s intake volume, 4% was recirculated or reused in
process or cooling systems and 77% was discharged after use as wastewater,
either to public utilities or directly back to the environment, generally after onsite
treatment. The remaining 19% was either incorporated into finished products,
evaporated during processing operations, or processed as part of wastewater
sludge and solid wastes.
The main pollutants of the FBI industry are biodegradable materials and resi-
duals from cleaning agents with no hazardous or acute human toxic pollutants,
although ecotoxicity of some effluents might be of concern in fragile environments
(e.g., a bay or an estuary receiving effluents from fish processing plants [Environ-
ment Canada 2008b]). Prior to discharging wastewater directly to the environment
or to a public sewer, the raw wastewater must be treated to convert these pollutants
into non-polluting chemicals or to abate their load according to regulations. Some
large plants operate their own wastewater treatment system (Fig. 8.11). However,
the build-up of some pollutants and the wastewater treatment plant’s capacity to
properly treat the pollutant loads of the effluents received, particularly during
pollution peaks, may pose ecological concerns in the receiving waters. Chlorides
(e.g., discharged from food salting processes and water softener regeneration)
become toxic to aquatic life at high concentrations; phosphorus and nitrogen
compounds (e.g., from sanitation chemicals) induce the aquatic system’s eutrophi-
cation. A wide unknown also exists regarding the build-up and toxicity in the
environment of residual pesticides (e.g., from fruit and vegetable sector), antibio-
tics, growth hormones, and pathogenic organisms (e.g., from meat and seafood
sectors). It is also worth mentioning that processors often overuse or overdose
sanitation chemicals to ascertain their food safety security margin, thus increasing
the toxicity level of chemicals in wastewater.
Evaporation products Recycling
discharge **
Public system
BOD direct
WWTS* Discharge to
public sewer
Independent system
BOD sewer
FBI Plant
* Wastewater treatment system (if applicable) Note: losses may also occur at various stages
** Discharge subjected to regulatory acceptance
Fig. 8.11 Primary water and wastewater flow in a food processing plant
190 M. Marcotte et al.
Two indicators were developed: water intake intensity (WII) indicator and water
discharge intensity (WDI) indicator, the former expressing the ratio of the amount
of water used by the plant per dollar of manufactured goods produced11 and the
latter expressing the ratio of the amount of water discharged per dollar of manu-
factured goods produced (both in L/$):
The WII indicator measures the volume of water withdrawn from the environ-
ment to meet the production needs of the FBI plant, while the WDI indicator
measures the volume of water returned to the environment through the plant’s
different liquid waste streams. Theoretically, the WDI reflects the maximum
amount of water withdrawn in excess. Moreover, this “auxiliary” indicator is a
mandatory step in quantifying the pollution load emitted from the FBI into the
The production is measured by the value of shipments of goods of own manufacture, that is,
the selling value of goods made by reporting establishments, excluding transfers into inventory
and consignment sales, shipping charges by common or contract carriers, discounts and returns,
federal and provincial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes, sales of goods purchased for
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 191
public sewage system or directly into the environment (these pollution load indi-
cators will be released in the next report). These intensity indicators are inversely
proportional to efficiency performances: the larger the indicator, the lower the
efficiency and the environmental performance.
The two indicators were developed as a way to provide establishments with a
measure of their “environmental impact” on the water resource as well as a measure
of the effect of their water management practices on the sustainable capacity of the
natural habitat; these indicators could also give local, provincial, and national
authorities a more adequate picture of the total demand/impact on the water
resource as well as on the relative impact of each stakeholder. These indicators
could also be used to foresee the capacity of a region to accept more development,
helping governments take appropriate actions to sustain human and economic
Since the FBI manufactures a broad range of highly diversified products (often
tightly linked to regional agricultural production characteristics), the indicators
should reflect these peculiarities. Therefore, in order to maintain consistency within
food industry sectors and to make valid regional comparisons, establishments were
stratified into groups having similar characteristics: same sector of activity and
same region. Table 8.3 details these characteristics.
The method employed to calculate both indicators uses data gathered from two
Statistics Canada surveys, the 2005 Industrial Water Survey12 and the Annual
Survey of Manufactures and Logging (ASML).13 Both indicators are calculated
for each grouping by dividing the total of all water withdrawn (or discharged,
respectively) by the sum of the sales value for the whole group. This process gives a
good picture of the group as a whole (considering the group as one unique
establishment) but does not provide information on the performance of any indi-
vidual plant compared to the group.
The proposed indicators have several limitations, most of them resulting from
the desire to provide indicators that report sub-sector and regional specificities.
First, both indicators are calculated per value of product manufactured, instead of
per amount of product manufactured, which would have been a better eco-effi-
ciency indicator (Marcotte et al. 2005) since there were too few available and
reliable data in the Statistics Canada ASML database. Second, these new indicators
(from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s series of agri-environmental indicators)
were computed for a single benchmark year, 2005, which does not allow for year to
year comparison.
For more details on the survey, go to ¼
getSurvey&SDDS ¼ 5120&lang ¼ fr&db ¼ IMDB&dbg ¼ f&adm ¼ 8&dis ¼ 2
For more details on the survey, go to ¼
getSurvey&SDDS ¼ 2103&lang ¼ fr&db ¼ IMDB&dbg ¼ f&adm ¼ 8&dis ¼ 2
192 M. Marcotte et al.
Table 8.3 Parameters for plant grouping and indicator reporting for water indicators
Sector (o) and sub-sector (l) Activity sector (o) and sub-sector (l) definition and NAICSa code
short name
○ Grain and Oilseed ○ Grain and oilseed milling (3112)
l Flour l Flour milling (311211)
beans (311320)
l Chocolate conf. l Confectionery manufacturing from purchased chocolate
l Candy conf. l Non-chocolate confectionery (311340)
l Other dairy l Butter, cheese and dry and condensed dairy product
manufacturing (311515)
l Ice cream l Ice cream and frozen dessert manufacturing (311520)
manufacturing (311814)
l Cookies l Cookie and cracker manufacturing (311821)
l Flour mixes l Flour mix and dough manufacturing from purchased flour
l Pasta l Dry pasta manufacturing (311823)
l ON l Ontario
l BC l British Columbia
North American Industry Classification System
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 193
This report presents the national and provincial results of both indicators for the
year 2005 for various manufacturing sectors of the FBI. The main objective of these
indicators is to follow over time how a given sector is increasing or reducing its
intensity (i.e., increasing or reducing pressure on resource depletion or, indirectly,
on aquatic ecosystem pollution); however, the present report does not discuss any
timeline trend but sets the baseline. Thus, the following discussion aims rather at
interpreting the results of the 2005 indicators through focusing on the inter-sector
and inter-regional distinctiveness of the Canadian FBI, while avoiding as much as
possible direct comparisons of the indicators. The main goal here is to provide
objective information that enlightens future interpretation of the indicators’ trends.
Data from the sugar and confectionery sector (except for Ontario), the fruit and
vegetable sector, and partly, the bakeries sector, could not be published due to
confidentiality, while the animal food sector and the other food manufacturing
sectors were not covered within this indicator set.
Figure 8.12 provides an overall picture of both indicator values across Canada.
The first thing that can be noted is the great variability from one industry group to
the next in terms of both intake and discharge intensity. The meat sector and the
Grain & Dairy Meat Seafood Bakeries Beverage
WII WDI X: confidential data
Fig. 8.12 Water intake intensity (WII) and Water Discharge Intensity (WDI) as a function of FBI
sectors calculated for year 2005
194 M. Marcotte et al.
seafood sector are at two extremes, with WII national values ranging from 3 to
17 L/$ of product sold, respectively.
Because of the important availability of marine water, the seafood industry has
been reputed for its extensive use of water and ice14 for fish conservation, handling,
rinsing and defrosting, and for general hygiene and washing of equipment. However,
uncontrolled procedures are still widely used in this sector (Tchoukanova et al. 2003;
Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2003; European Commission 2006). Even though a
large amount of water is used in this sector for hygiene and process purposes (i.e.,
WII is high), the potential for improvement is also important (WDI is also high) and
could be easily achieved through dry procedures and better water management to
save water, especially during fish washing and area clean up, without compromising
safety and quality standards. This could beneficially lead to wastewater volume and
pollution content reduction, especially because the seafood industry effluents are
typically rich in organic matter, suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients,
and sanitation chemicals that can affect the health of the receiving environment
(Environment Canada 2008b; Gonzalez and Poirier 2003). However, wastewater
from processing facilities is generally untreated except for fine screening before
discharge from the plant, and dissolved pollutants are thus rejected into the receiving
environment (e.g., in harbor’s seawater). Moreover, the legislation, whether federal
or provincial, remains mainly based on old regulations and guidelines from the 1970s.
Since that time, little has been done to assess the impact or to identify suitable
emission standards, whereas other FBI sectors have fallen under increasingly strict
controls (Tchoukanova et al. 2003; AMEC Earth and Environmental Ltd 2003;
Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2003).
The meat sector is rather similar to the seafood sector in the sense that large
amounts of water are required for carcass washing and surface cleaning opera-
tions. This results in large volumes of wastewater rich in nitrogenous organic
matter and suspended solids. However, WII and WDI indicators are much lower
for the meat sector than the seafood sector for several reasons. The coastal
location of the majority of establishments in the seafood sector are in the
Atlantic Provinces and British Columbia, where fewer incentives exist to limit
water intake and especially to recycle water as compared to the meat sector in
regions where water is less abundant. This relative scarcity has led to more
advanced implementation of best management practices in the meat sector (e.g.,
air instead of water thawing, dry cleaning methods), as well as water recycling
opportunities owing to a more widespread use of onsite advanced wastewater
treatment systems. The provincial section below discusses these points in greater
Intake intensity is also high in the grain and oilseed sector (15 L/$), as this
industry uses a great deal of water and steam during extraction processes (e.g., wet
dehulling, wet milling, malt steeping, oil refining, and deodorization). The sector
Seafood sector’s plants can use seawater, either directly in some processes where there is no
contact with food, or after adequate treatment where contact is possible.
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 195
also shows that 22% of water withdrawn is not discharged, the result of (WII-WDI)/
WII. Water is actually consumed to some extent through evaporation15 during
dehydration and drying operations in flour processing, malting processes, and
breakfast cereal manufacturing.
The dairy products sector, bakeries and tortillas sector, and beverage sector all
show intermediate WII values of 11, 9, and 12 L/$, respectively. The bakeries
sector includes manufacturing activities requiring that water be mixed with flour or
semolina to form dough. This is the main use of water, along with water usage for
equipment cleaning. A large amount of added water is evaporated during baking,
cooking and drying, and thus it is not discharged as wastewater, which comes
mainly from cleaning operations. A very sensible sector regarding microbiological
food safety, like the meat and seafood sectors, the dairy sector needs water for
cleaning and disinfecting all equipment used in contact with milk or dairy products
in the process lines, requiring large quantities of water whatever the dairy product
manufactured. Cleaning and disinfection wastewaters are highly concentrated in
dissolved organic substances and minerals, such as phosphorus, nitrogen and
chloride, which contain cleaning agent residuals as well. As in the meat sector,
dairy plants generally treat wastewater onsite to accommodate the contaminant’s
threshold in public sewage systems. It should be noted however that the dairy sector
has long been a fore-runner within the FBI in the area of water management and
potential savings through membrane separation and cleaning-in-place technologies
development, allowing them to reduce the strength of effluents, to recycle water and
chemicals, and to recover valuable milk ingredients.
The beverage sector exhibits different behavior regarding water usage because
in this case, water is the main ingredient in most of the finished products. That could
explain the large difference between WII and WDI (12 vs 8 L/$, respectively):
almost one third of water withdrawn is not discharged, but consumed to some extent
through incorporation into products such as bottled water, soft drinks, beer and
other alcoholic beverages. Another significant usage of water in this sector is in the
cleaning and rinsing of containers and equipment.
The seafood sector’s high WII and WDI values signify that it has a higher
environmental impact, thus there is far greater potential for improvement in the
seafood sector than the meat sector. Or, said differently, for the same quantity of
water withdrawn/used, an average meat plant would sell six times more products (in
value) than a seafood plant.
Even though evaporation is the obvious main cause for significant water consumption in the
sector, this consumption figure is calculated from a volume balance and accounts also for any
water loss (leaks, incidental overflows, etc.) and/or water added into finished product. Further-
more, leaks of water are unfortunately endemic to any industrial activity using water, which should
be controlled to the extents possible.
196 M. Marcotte et al.
Due to the methodology used to survey establishments and calculate the WII and
WDI indicators, it is impossible to report on more regional groupings than those
displayed in Fig. 8.13. Thus, missing sectors in the figure does not mean that an
industry is not present in the region.
As can be seen, regions can be put in perspective for the seafood sector and meat
product sector only. In the seafood sector, for example,16 there is great variability
between British Columbia (WII ¼ 7 L/$), the Atlantic Provinces (WII ¼ 26 L/$)
and Ontario (WII ¼ 0.7 L/$), with a difference of a factor of four between the first
two regions, and a factor of 40 between the latter two. Actually, the Ontario seafood
industry is quite different from that of British Columbia and Atlantic Provinces,
where WII and WDI indicators cannot be blindly compared.
Fish landings in Ontario are restricted and limited to freshwater fish, and imports
dominate in quantity (Fig. 8.14). It is therefore not a surprise to see lower intensity
of water intake and discharge from Ontario establishments since their main activity
is essentially secondary processing, such as canning, and they are generally tech-
nologically more advanced in streamlining of operations in this respect. In addition
(also true for Prairies), it is reasonable to believe that a portion of imports to Ontario
Sugar &
WII WDI X: confidential data
Fig. 8.13 Water intake intensity (WII) and Water discharge intensity (WDI) as a function of
region and sector calculated for year 2005
Aquaculture is not considered a manufacturing group. Any industrial processing activity that
might be carried out on an aqua farm is therefore not taken into account in this study.
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 197
350 Pelagic & other finfish
Freshwater fish
Fig. 8.14 Seafood commercial landings and imports in 2005 (Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2007)
include entirely or partially processed products, leading to lower water intake and
discharge intensity indicators. The case of British Columbia is a happy medium
between the Atlantic Provinces and Ontario. Since British Columbia and the
Atlantic Provinces are the two regions processing significant quantities of landed
fish, they remain comparable to some extent. In this respect, the fourfold difference
between their indicators suggests that the dominant shellfish activity is the driver of
high intensity in the Atlantic region. This activity often involves use of seawater
(Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2003) that can be discharged back to the sea (which
is not allowed in British Columbia), thus implying the high discharge rate observed
in Atlantic region as compared to British Columbia (97.2% vs 89%, respectively).
Conversely, British Columbia’s seafood product industry focuses on the freezing,
canning and secondary processing of salmon, bottom-feeding fish such as halibut,
tuna and other fish, and roe (British Columbia Ministry of the Environment 2007).
With production ranging from the landing to advanced processing of seafood, all of
which require water (brine, canning juices, use of steam during canning operations,
etc), it is not surprising that British Columbia has a lower discharge rate, in other
words a higher water consumption rate in comparison to the Atlantic region. In
contrast, Ontario, which imports most of its production, uses only a few water-
intensive operations. Finally, one also needs to be reminded that regarding water
and wastewater, local regulatory differences with respect to intake volume, dis-
charge pollution load, and volume are also important drivers of an establishment’s
behavior, whatever the characteristics of the production.
It should be noted that Canada’s average is pushed up significantly by the
Atlantic Provinces’ intensity indicators since these provinces account for a large
share (70%) of seafood production in Canada (Statistics Canada 2006).
The other sector that can be analyzed at the regional level is the meat sector. In
this sector, there are two regional groups: British Columbia and Atlantic Provinces
198 M. Marcotte et al.
on one side, with WII indicators between 5 and 7 L/$, and Ontario, Prairies and
Quebec regions on the other side, with intensity between 2 and 3 L/$, which are two
to three times lower than indicators of the first group. The two groups actually differ
substantially because of the level of industrialization in industry and their qualita-
tive production differences.
British Columbia and the Atlantic Provinces have numerous small plants pro-
cessing different products (beef, hog and poultry), which account for only 6% and
3% of national manufacturing shipments, respectively. As a consequence, most of
the Canadian meat processing activities are performed in other regions (typically
the Prairies, Ontario and Quebec), which have the largest and most specialized
facilities. Because of their size, these facilities were historically the first to face
local issues concerning very large water usage (and increasing cost), and effluent
limits requirements. Onsite wastewater treatment was necessary for most of the
facilities, which also had to absorb the associated cost. Consequently, they had to
globally implement rationalized procedures aimed at limiting water usage, espe-
cially because the generalized implementation of HACCP program17 tends to
require greater use of water for sanitation purposes.
Here, too, Canada’s national intensity (2.8 and 2.5 L/$ for WII and WDI,
respectively) are similar to the more eco-efficient group (Quebec, Ontario and the
Prairies), which can be explained by their share of Canada’s meat production (91%)
(Statistics Canada 2006).
The challenge FBI faces is to reduce current demand for water by improving its
efficiency through adoption of the best practices, without compromising the quality
of its products, hygiene or food safety. Improved water use efficiency would result in
a reduction of the water intake intensity indicator measured here, and would translate
into a decrease of water resource depletion, as well as the cost associated with water
utility. Consequently, the volume of water discharged and associated pollution would
be reduced, leading to a reduction of the water discharge intensity indicator and
discharge cost. Ultimately, each plant should work in “pseudo closed loop,” which
means withdrawing only water added to the final product and recycling all other
HACCP: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point. HACCP is an internationally recognized
preventative system designed to detect potential hazards before they occur, and to implement
control measures to reduce or eliminate the likelihood of their occurrence at each step in a process,
and in all ingredients and packaging. All meat products must have a HACCP plan and if a new
meat item is produced it cannot be marketed until a HACCP plan for that production process is
developed. Canadian law requires that all federally inspected meat processing facilities (who are
eligible to export) develop HACCP systems for their beef product lines. Today, food plants
worldwide are using HACCP in a wide range of food manufacturing settings. HACCP is thus
not limited to meat products.
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 199
water 100%; this includes water discharged in the wastewater, through the chimneys
(during baking, cooking or drying) or water lost in solid wastes. Of course, this is not
economically feasible but there are a large variety of possible measures that compa-
nies can take towards that goal, the cost of which varies greatly (European Commis-
sion 2006).
Low cost measures, such as simply measuring discharge and managing procedures
that require large quantities of water, will allow companies to react swiftly to any
problems and to avoid waste. Optimizing cleaning and disinfection procedures and
cycles and using control valves can also be quick cost-effective measures, particu-
larly for those sub-sectors urged by stronger food safety regulations on cleaning
efficiency. Furthermore, more advanced technologies for filling and cleaning equip-
ment, albeit more expensive, would allow establishments to win on two fronts: first
by simultaneously reducing water requirements and the volume of effluents, and
second, making it possible to recover usable raw materials from the latter. A more
comprehensive analysis of operational procedures may reveal opportunities requiring
varying levels of investment. For example, by using the process integration approach,
energy and water flows can be studied simultaneously across the plant. This is
particularly relevant to the FBI, where these two resources are often closely linked.
A process integration analysis aims to optimize interactions between the different
components of the production chain rather than improving each component individ-
ually. Given constraints such as water and effluent quality standards, food safety and
quality, process and financial options, the best strategy for water (and energy) usage,
recycling and discharge within a plant can be identified, leading to savings in both
resources and production costs (Gonzalez and Poirier 2003).
Food packaging fulfils several functions. It protects products to ensure they are
preserved from the moment they are packaged until their consumption, thereby
preventing any physical damage, spoilage or sensory attribute degradation during
transportation, storage and handling along the supply chain. Packaging is also the
conveyor of consumer and manufacturer information and is a marketing tool for the
brand owner. Usually one can distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary
packaging as follows. Primary packaging is in direct contact with the food product
(e.g., the plastic liner inside a breakfast cereal box, or a glass beer bottle). Secondary
packaging exists mainly to facilitate consumer use. It may be, for example, the folding
carton of a breakfast cereal box, the boxboard of a case of beer bottles, or the shrink
plastic film used in packing water bottles together. Tertiary packaging is for products
packaged together as a lot and is used to facilitate their transfer from the manufacturing
plant to the warehouse, distribution center, and retail store (e.g., a larger boxboard
containing 12 cereal boxes and the pallet containing eight of these boxboards). Thus,
primary and secondary packaging is generally discarded by the consumer, while
tertiary packaging is managed by wholesalers and/or retailers.
200 M. Marcotte et al.
National data is extrapolated from Ontario because its data is the most complete within major
provinces. With similar data in Quebec (queryRecyc-Québec 2007) and B.C., extrapolation to
national values should not be far from the real amount of food waste generated by an average
Canadian home.
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 201
Table 8.4 Environmental issues and cost of main food packaging materials (Marsh and Bugusu
Material Environmental issues Cost
Advantages Disadvantages
Glass l Reusable l Heavy and bulky to l Low cost material
other waste
Polyvinylidene l Recyclablea l Contains chlorine l Inexpensive but
other waste
Polyamide l Recyclablea l Requires separating from l Inexpensive but
paperboard renewable
l Recyclableb
All thermoplastics are technically recyclable and can be recycled at production site, contributing
to lower cost. As inexpensive materials, post-consumer recycling competes with the ease of
separating and cleaning these materials
Recycled extensively for non-food product uses
Can be broken down to monomer level and reprocessed
Fig. 8.15 Household packaging waste generation in Ontario for the year 2005 (Stewardship
Ontario 2006, 2007)
food packaging waste would tally to approximately 1.4 million tons or 42 kg per
Packaging waste is on the rise. Hence, management costs supported by local
governments have increased dramatically in the last decade, especially for collec-
tion and transportation (Statistics Canada 2008c). Despite numerous valorization
programs, packaging today still accounts for a significant 15% share of materials
However, this value represents only part of the grand total since industrial, commercial and
institutional sector waste is not considered here. This latter waste comes from food consumption
outside the home, in workplaces and food services and tertiary packaging waste from processors,
wholesalers and retailers. For example, in the United States in 1999, 27% of residual beverage
containers were generated outside the home (R.W. Beck Inc. 2002).
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 203
disposed of in landfills (Downham 2008). Part of the solution lies in the reduction of
packaging. With the main objective of decreasing the costs associated with pack-
aging and transportation, while maintaining the quality of products sold, food
processors have significantly reduced the amount of material per standard container
in the last few decades (Refreshments Canada 2008; Marsh and Bugusu 2007).
However, the reduction of FBI packaging waste is a complex issue. Managing
packaging-related environmental issues cannot be limited to reducing packaging
quantity only, because trying to decrease the latter may lead to food losses,
producing a larger negative impact than the gain provided by reduction in packag-
ing (Erl€ov et al. 2000). The real challenge lies rather in choosing packaging
materials and designs with a smaller environmental impact, taking into account
the manufacturing steps of each material, the minimum requirements of the pro-
duct–packaging–distribution system, and impact that packaging generates once it
becomes waste.
The production is measured by the value of shipments of goods of own manufacture, that is, the
selling value of goods made by reporting establishments, excluding transfers into inventory and
consignment sales, shipping charges by common or contract carriers, discounts and returns, federal
and provincial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes, and sales of goods purchased for resale.
204 M. Marcotte et al.
This report presents national and provincial results of the PUI for the year 2002 in
various manufacturing sectors of the FBI. The main objective of indicator reporting
is to follow over time how a given sector is increasing or reducing its intensity (i.e.,
increasing or reducing its pressure on materials requirement); however, the present
report does not discuss any timeline trend but sets the baseline. Thus, the following
discussion aims rather at interpreting this 2002 indicator results by focusing on the
inter-sector and inter-regional distinctiveness of the Canadian FBI, while avoiding
as much as possible direct comparisons of the indicators. The main goal here is to
provide objective information that enlightens future interpretation of PUI trends.
Results will first show the difference between sectors and sub-sectors for PUI at
the national level. Second, the effect of different employee sizes will be briefly
presented for a few sectors and sub-sectors, at the national level. Finally, sectors
will be compared per region. All graphs will present the different groupings on the
X- axis and the value of the indicator on the Y-axis.
Unless otherwise stated, the indicator is expressed either in dollars per dollar
($/$) or dollars per one hundred dollars ($/$100). Establishment groupings are
reported using the short names listed in Table 8.1. Data from some sub-sectors
and some plant sizes could not be published due to confidentiality, while the
animal food sector and the other food manufacturing sectors are not covered
within this indicator set.
Figure 8.16 provides an overview of PUI values across Canada for all sectors and
sub-sectors reported, without regard to size of establishment. Looking first at the
indicator’s median range at the sector level (blue-filled bars in Fig. 8.16), three sets
of industry groups stand out when it comes to “typical plant” intensity: some show
More details about the ASM method can be found at the Statistics Canada Web site. http:// ¼ getSurvey&SDDS ¼ 2103&lang ¼ fr&db ¼
imdb&dbg ¼ f&adm ¼ 8&dis ¼ 2
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 205
0.26 Median range (whole sector)
Median range
Global indicator (whole sector)
PUI ($/$)
0.10 9.5%
0.08 8.4%
4.7% 4.1%
0.02 3.2%
Whole sector
Whole sector
Cacao conf.
Chocolate conf.
Candy conf.
Whole sector
Frozen F&V
Other F&V
Whole sector
Other dairy
Ice cream
Whole sector
Red meat slaughter
Red meat
Whole sector
Retail bakeries
Com. bakeries
Flour mix
Whole sector
Soft drink
Grain & Oilseed Sugar & Conf. F&V Dairy Meat Bakeries Beverage
Fig. 8.16 Packaging use intensity (PUI in $/$) as a function of activity sector and sub-sector for
year 2002. Percentage data expresses PUI global values as $/100$. Global indicator is not available
at sub-sector detail
intensity as low as a few percent (less than 5%); some sectors show intensity higher
than 15%; “in-between” sectors with PUI from 6 to 10% also exist.
The high values of the fruit and vegetable sector and the beverage sector (up to
six or seven times higher than least intense sectors) can be explained on the sole
basis of containers usually used in both industry groups. The fruit and vegetable
sector uses, for all production of non-frozen products (approximately half of total
shipments), mainly metal containers (steel cans) or glass containers, which are
costly compared to non complex plastic packaging. Fresh juices from fruits or
vegetables, also sold by this group, are often packaged (especially for retail sales, in
volumes under 2 L) in sophisticated composite packaging such as multilayered
laminated cartons, including aluminum and/or plastic films (gable top and aseptic
cartons), whose price compared to the price of the final product is higher than for
plastic bottles and jugs. It should be noted here that the fruit and vegetable sector
shows the peculiarity of a global PUI below the median range PUI, meaning that
few of the larger establishments in terms of production sales spend less for
packaging materials than typical plants in the sector.
The beverage manufacturing sector also uses glass (bottles) or metal (aluminum
cans, kegs) for all alcoholic beverages, as well as for numerous other beverages not
packaged in plastic bottles, thus inducing a share of packaging cost to production
cost as high as almost 20%.
A closer look at the sub-sector level within the fruit and vegetable and the
beverage sectors (white-filled bars in Fig. 8.15) reveals high intensity in the fruit
206 M. Marcotte et al.
and vegetable canning, pickling, and drying sub-sectors (labeled “Other F&V”).
This industry uses a lot of cans and glass jars; its indicator is higher than that of the
frozen fruit and vegetable industry, for which the primary packaging is mainly
flexible plastics or boards. It can be more difficult to interpret the beverage sector
results at the sub-sector level due to product-based intrinsic economic differences
between non-alcoholic (soft drink) and alcoholic industries (breweries, wineries
and distilleries), as well as among alcoholic beverage industries. However, it should
be noted that the unit cost of multi-layer and multi-material containers for fruit
beverages (gable top and aseptic multi-layered cartons, Table 8.4), may be the
driver behind the high intensity of the soft drink industry, together with lower
economic value of soft drinks and bottled water as compared to alcoholic beve-
rages. Furthermore, the deposit system implemented in all provinces for reusable
glass beer bottles (Comeau 2005) significantly reduces the cost of packaging
purchased by breweries.
Among the least intensive sectors, i.e., the grain and oilseed, dairy, meat, and
seafood sectors, meat product manufacturing showed little variability within its
industries. It is worth pointing out that meat and fish products sold fresh at the retail
level (mainly on foam polystyrene trays covered with plastic shrink film) are
generally packaged by retailers themselves, and consequently such packaging is
not accounted for by the indicator.
The grain and oilseed sector, on the contrary, shows significant variability in the
PUI. The oilseed processing sub-sector is the least intensive, eight times less than the
breakfast cereal sub-sector. The latter provides the marketplace mainly household
retail products packaged in small units, within a plastic liner bag inside a boxboard.
With a typical value (i.e., median range) of packaging, expenses around 3–4% of
finished product, the dairy sector as a whole shows a low intensity. However, it is
one of the few food sectors (together with the bakeries and tortilla manufacturing
sector) for which the global PUI value is significantly higher than the median range
(at least +40%). This can be explained by this sector’s make up of numerous
establishments with large numbers of shipments and high intensity simultaneously.
Given the high concentration ratio in this sector, where only a few companies – that
is, a limited number of very productive establishments – dominate the market, this
indicator shows that these establishments could improve their eco-efficiency and
shift intensity down to a lower median level. In industries within the dairy sector,
better performance of the other dairy products sub-sector (butter, cheese, and dry
and condensed dairy products manufacturing) can be seen. This can be explained by
the very high sales value of this kind of processed food compared to that of the fluid
milk sub-sector or ice cream and frozen dessert sub-sector, despite the packaging
quantities (and cost) involved in the selling of highly diversified products packaged
in small units such as yogurts, cream and cheese.
The bakeries sector shows an intermediate intensity level. The cookie and
cracker sub-sector stands out from the others with its high intensity (typical plant
values are about 13%) without pulling the whole sector up to its level; however,
since the median range of the latter still stays between 6% and 7% and the global
indicator is slightly higher than 8%. The cookie and cracker sub-sector is quite
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 207
similar to the breakfast cereal sub-sector within the grain and oilseed sector. It is
mainly a retail products industry, often using multiple packaging (e.g., cookies are
packaged in trays and/or individual plastic bags, and over-packed within folding
cartons) in comparison with bakery products from commercial or retail bakeries
sub-sectors, which use more basic packaging.
The sugar and confectionery sector belongs also to the group of “intermediate-
intensity” sectors. All sub-sectors within this industry behave similarly, except for
the sugar manufacturing sub-sector. It is not surprising to find the lowest intensity
for this latter one, given the simplicity and low cost of packaging materials used for
powdered sugar (paper pouches, plastic bags, and paper bags for larger quantities),
and sugar syrups, which are essentially wholesale marketed in plastic pails or
drums, moreover generally reused. On the contrary, chocolate and confectionery
products are mainly shipped individually packaged, involving more advanced
costly packaging materials.
There is no clear trend regarding the influence of establishment size (in terms of
number of employees) on the PUI. At the sector level, only the dairy sector displays
a clear and significant influence, displayed through both global and median range
indicators (results available in technical supplement of the report). Surprisingly, the
global PUI increases with plant size from 3.5$/100$ for small plants up to 6.8$/100$
for very large plants. This trend does not hold true at the sub-sector level. Other sub-
sectors show slight trends but none are significant.
The breweries subsector accounted for 44% of beverage sector sales of manufactured goods in
British Columbia, in 2002 (Statistics Canada 2008b).
208 M. Marcotte et al.
Median Range
Global indicator
PUI ($/$)
Sugar & Conf.
Grain & Oilseed
Sugar & Conf.
Grain & Oilseed
Sugar & Conf.
Grain & Oilseed
Sugar & Conf.
Fig. 8.17 Packaging use intensity (PUI in $/$) as a function of activity sector and region
calculated for year 2002
mainly in cans or draught kegs instead of refillable glass bottles as other regions
do, thus increasing packaging cost.23 In 2002, use of bottles represented only
26.1% of the beer sold in the province, whereas bottled beer represented 47.5%
in the Prairies, 76.9% in the Atlantic Provinces, 77.2% in Ontario, 85.1% in
Quebec, and in Canada averaged 68.1% overall (Brewers Association of Canada
The Prairies, like British Columbia, show a low PUI in the sugar and confec-
tionery sector. It is also the lowest intensive region in the meat sector, one of the
main economic drivers of the FBI in the Prairies. This is also true in the fruit and
vegetable sector, where the region compares with the Atlantic Provinces in
global PUI (8$/100$). However, good economic performance is common to
only a few of the larger selling plants since – as revealed through the median
range indicator – a typical mid-performing plant should score higher, between 11
and 20$/100$, as in the Prairies’ fruit and vegetable sector. It is likely that larger
productive plants can benefit from cheaper packaging materials24; the same
reasoning may hold for the sugar and confectionery, meat, and seafood sectors.
The reverse is observed in the grain and oilseed sector, another important FBI
Glass bottles are reused by breweries (no need to buy a new bottle for each portion sold) contrary
to aluminum cans, which are recycled (a new can is needed for each portion sold).
The F&V sector in the Prairies is dominated by a few large plants selling uncooked French fries
in large plastic bags to restaurants.
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 209
sector in the Prairies, where the higher positioning of the global indicator may
reveal that few of the largest selling plants are more intensive than other mid-
performing plants.
Ontario is a leading province in almost all sectors of Canadian FBI, both in
terms of number of establishments and production. It is thus not surprising to
see national sector values presented as being close to that of the province,
whether for the global or the median range PUI. The main exception is in the
seafood sector, for which Ontarian establishments are quite different from
processing plants in coastal regions and deal mainly with imported materials
for secondary processing. This is true in the Prairies too, where similar PUI
values are observed.
Other exceptions, though to a lower extent, are in the meat and the fruit and
vegetable sectors where the dominance of Ontario is less marked because
of the share in production with other provinces. In the meat sector, the Prairies
and Quebec are also big players, and variability among PUIs is slight, although
Ontario’s larger processors seem to show a higher intensity.
In the fruit and vegetable sector, Ontario (along with Quebec) is the most intensive
buyer of packaging materials. Mid-performing plants can spend up to 25$ for packag-
ing per 100$ of production, which is substantial. As seen previously, such a high
intensity level is characteristic of the canning and pickling sub-sector, and Ontario’s
fruit and vegetable industry was mainly engaged (75%) in this sub-sector activity in
2002 (Statistics Canada 2008b). This was also the case for Quebec (78%).
Figure 8.14 also confirms the previous observation of the effect of economic
concentration in the dairy sector. It is not surprising to see that the global PUI is
higher than the median range, especially for Quebec and Ontario. In 2002, both
provinces together accounted for more than 74% of Canadian dairy product
manufacturing shipments (Statistics Canada 2006), and almost 60% of all establish-
ments. The concentration effect is particularly marked in this sector, with three
companies owning 75% of the market through 15% of all establishments (Agricul-
ture and Agri-Food Canada 2005). These highly productive establishments influ-
ence the global PUI as a result. However, this analysis needs to take into account
several particularities in Quebec, such as a fluid milk market less oriented than
elsewhere to plastic pouches (which are cheaper than milk cartons), and a cheese
market open to specialty goods packed in more sophisticated and costly packaging
materials (although these products are also more expensive than traditional North
American cheeses).
The Atlantic Provinces show the lowest global PUI in the fruit and vegetable
sector, slightly below 8$/100$. However, unlike the Prairies, their median range
stays in line with this value and displays a narrow range. It is thus likely that all
plants in the region behave similarly in this sector concerning packaging require-
ments, provided their production is qualitatively comparable. This region might
also serve as a benchmark for other provinces in this sector, provided production
patterns are similar. Unfortunately, the lack of disaggregated data about the relative
importance of both fruit and vegetable sub-sectors in the Atlantic Provinces does
not allow such inferences.
210 M. Marcotte et al.
The proposed indicators have several limitations, most of them resulting from the
desire to provide indicators that report sub-sector, regional and size specificities.
First, the indicator is calculated per value of product manufactured, instead of per
volume of product manufactured as initially intended, which would have been a
better eco-efficiency indicator (Arcand et al. 2005) due to the limited amount of
volume data in the Statistics Canada ASM database. Second, this new indicator from
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s series of agri-environmental indicators was
computed for a single benchmark year, 2002, which does not allow for year to year
comparison. Lastly, another significant limitation of the PUI resides in its environ-
mental significance, since, at this stage of development, it does not report packaging
quantities, nor does it weight each type of packaging accounted for, due to an
environmental impact factor. As mentioned above, it is through such weighting that
the environmental issues of food packaging can truly be addressed, and future
enhancements are expected using this approach.
Since this is the first time the PUI has been calculated, we still do not have any
references for comparison purposes and are thus unable to assess the benefit of
any actions previously implemented, whether by industry or government. The
industry has an important role to play in reducing the environmental impact of
packaging. The 4R (Reduction, Reuse, Recycling, Recovery) waste management
hierarchy is the rule of thumb in any waste minimization strategy.25 As already
mentioned, the industry can act by reducing the quantity of materials needed to
pack a given quantity of finished product. However, such a source reduction
approach is limited by the minimal protection required by the product and the
distribution system, a threshold that cannot be crossed. Another source reduction
option is to reduce over-packing (secondary packaging) to the bare minimum by
redesigning the packaging. New designs may also offer the opportunity to choose
materials with a lower environmental impact: either the same materials with a
higher recycled content or those coming from cleaner processes (interaction with
the supplier is thus of prime importance), or new materials with a smaller
ecological footprint (calculated over whole life cycle, taking into account end-
of-life options). The industry may be influenced in this way by downstream
market drivers from distributors and consumers who – thanks to their purchasing
power – may request low ecological footprints. This phenomenon is already being
observed. A significant amount of packaging waste also comes from imported
A short list of generic beneficial operating or management practices is also provided in the
appendix section of the Web version of this document.
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 211
food products, over which the industry has no influence, unless it is the actual
importer who can in this case negotiate with suppliers, e.g., for more environ-
mental-friendly packaging. However, governments can play a role by requiring
transparent information about the packaging materials used and their ecological
footprint. Governments also should ensure that these materials, once they become
waste, are efficiently managed through locally available reuse or recycling chan-
nels in order to limit land filling. A principle already implemented in a few
provinces, referred to as the extended producer responsibility, is also a policy tool
that may raise the food and beverage industry’s awareness of packaging. This
principle should ideally be based on criteria arising from more thorough life cycle
assessments. As a supporting stakeholder, governments could play a more active
role in setting up and centralizing Canadian life-cycle databases, to then be made
publicly available to assist decision makers in the industry. The industry is not
solely responsible and should not be expected to meet all the constraints alone.
The consumer is the last decision-maker when purchasing and is also the “local”
waste generator. One of the mandates of governments and local authorities is to
inform consumers and to support education of the public about packaging wastes.
One step further could be to guide the public about alternative consumer choices,
through information based on impacts embedded in the packaging of products.
In summary, the Canadian FBI sector uses a significant amount of energy: close to
4% of the energy used by the Canadian manufacturing industry as a whole. The
consumption of this energy is responsible for most of the FBI’s greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions. The grain and oilseed milling sector, and the sugar and confec-
tionery products manufacturing sector are among the most energy-intensive users.
Indicators also reveal that the largest companies in terms of sales in these groups are,
in general, “worse than average” performers, regardless of their location in Canada.
Within these sectors, three sub-sectors – rice milling and malt manufacturing, oilseed
processing, and sugar manufacturing (particularly in British Columbia) – drive up
their respective group’s energy intensity values. The same is true of the distilleries
within the beverage sector. Least energy-intensive sectors are seafood, meat, and
dairy products manufacturing. Greenhouse gas emission intensity indicators are
generally consistent with energy consumption. However, regional differences exist
in use of petroleum products, the combustion of which emits large quantities of
GHGs. In 2005, the FBI was responsible for nearly 20% of the total water used by all
Canadian manufacturing industries. Of this water intake (i.e., volume of water
withdrawn), the FBI discharges 77% and recirculates 4%. The seafood product
preparation and packaging industry is the most intense water withdrawing industry
among the FBI in Canada, with a national average value of 17 L of water withdrawn
per dollar of product sold, although regional values vary from 1 L/$ in Ontario to
26 L/$ in the Atlantic Provinces. Nevertheless, it is also the sector that discharges the
212 M. Marcotte et al.
is adapted accordingly, which could serve many other national purposes (e.g.,
national environment accounts managed by Statistics Canada). One other option
is the generation of a tool to gather and aggregate establishments’ physical data and
to calculate sector and regional indicators, which at the same time could allow
establishments to compute their own eco-efficiency indicators. This would allow
the measurement of the quality of the water discharged by, for example, quantifying
the pollution loads (organic load using biochemical oxygen demand) (BOD), as
described by Maxime et al. (2006), as well as measuring nitrogen, phosphorus,
specific chemicals, microbial loads, and toxicity among other).
Taking a life cycle approach as a basis for the analysis of environmental issues of
packaging is gradually achieving consensus within policies both abroad26 and in
Canada,27 as well as within the scientific community. From a broader perspective,
many urban communities now assess and choose solid waste management plans on
the basis of life cycle-based comparison studies. It is well known that such analysis is
very time-consuming in the data inventory phase and thus requires a significant
investment, but it becomes very cost-effective afterwards and will pay off during
subsequent similar analyses. Furthermore, it is not limited to environmental assess-
ments and can also be used for cost analyses of the whole life cycle of a packaged
product. The current indicator should eventually be improved to allow for a break-
down by types of packaging. Simultaneously, it should weight every type of packag-
ing material put on the market by an environmental pressure factor embedding the
total impacts – direct and indirect – of each type, also taking into account geographi-
cal location, as the life cycle approach allows.
Lastly, the adoption of a comprehensive, open approach to environmental pres-
sures and natural resource use along the food chain, from production to final
consumption and even to end of life cycle (including waste management and
biomass recycling at farms, establishments, and consumer and post-consumer
levels), would be another useful research stream to precisely identify the causes
and division of responsibilities, as well as the effects and response options (avoiding
collateral damages). The national environment accounts mentioned above and life-
cycle analyses are in line with this. Additional national research initiatives in these
areas would contribute towards achieving a sustainable Canadian agri-food system.
In practice, the food and beverage industry’s environmental performance is
influenced by an individual plant’s business practices, including internal policies,
management system and staff awareness, and manufacturing processes. Some of
the available business practice options can be grouped under the label “best
operating practices” (BOPs), such as those recently described (European Commission
2006). Three criteria are generally used to prioritize and classify these practices: the
For example, in Australia with the National Packaging Covenant (http://www.packagingcovenant. and Europe (European Union 2004).
For instance, the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment’s Extended Producer
Responsibility Task Group is developing a Canada-wide strategy for sustainable packaging.
Aspects and stakeholders involved are considered in the life cycle. (
214 M. Marcotte et al.
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the Manufacturing, Construction and Energy
Statistics Division of Statistics Canada, Ottawa, and in particular Daniel Scott, André Gravelle and
Francine Rouleau. Many thanks are addressed to Andy Shinnan, François Soulard, Joe St. Lawrence
and Martin Lemire, of the Environment Accounts and Statistics Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa.
Dr. André Talbot of the Aquatic Ecosystem Protection Research Division, Environment Canada,
Montreal, is kindly acknowledged for much advice provided. The authors would like to thank Isabelle
Vézina, a master student in environment at the Université de Sherbrooke, for her dedicated work at the
Food Research and Development Centre – St Hyacinthe, from April to September, 2006. Finally,
many thanks are being addressed to Mathieu Guillemette from Éco Entreprises Québec.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) (2004) Agricultural Policy Framework. http://www. Accessed 12 October 2004
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) (2005) Canadian Dairy Industry Profile. Ottawa, Ontario:
AAFC (August 2005).
AMEC Earth & Environmental Ltd. (2003) Management of Wastes from Atlantic Seafood
Processing Operations. Final report submitted to the National program of action, Atlantic
regional team, Environment Canada Atlantic Region.
(visited September 12, 2008). Other related documents (including this one) also available
online: Canada. Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), Gulf Home; Seafood Plant Effluents –
Turning Problems into Profits; [last
updated January 15, 2007; visited September 12, 2008]
Arcand Y, Maxime D, and Marcotte M (2005) Organic solid residues and packaging wastes,
Ch. 30. In: Lefebvre A, Eilers W, Chunn B (eds) Environmental sustainability of Canadian
agriculture: agri-environmental indicator report series – report #2 (eds). Agriculture and Agri-
food Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp 184–187.
Brewers Association of Canada (2007) 2007 Annual Statistical Bulletin.
British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Oceans and Marine Fisheries Branch (2007) 2006
British Columbia Seafood Industry Year in Review. October 22, 2007. The Ministry, Victoria,
BC. [visited November 14, 2007]
CCME (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment) (1990) National Packaging Protocol.
CCME (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment) (1996) National Packaging Survey-
The 1996 Results.
CIEEDAC (Canadian Industrial Energy End-use Data and Analysis Centre) (2008) Data report
created online July 30, 2008, from CIEEDAC database, covers annual energy consumption,
CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions, cumulative GHG emissions, production data. Simon Fraser
University, Burnaby, British Columbia.
Comeau M (2005) La gestion des contenants de boissons au Québec. Évaluation du marché et
analyse des options de récupération. Recyc-Québec, Québec, Quebec (La Société québécoise
8 Development of Eco-efficiency Indicators to Assess the Environmental Performance 215
Recyc-Québec (2007) Bilan 2006 sur la gestion des matières résiduelles au Québec. La Société
québécoise de récupération et de recyclage (Recyc-Québec), Québec, Quebec. http://www.
Refreshments Canada (2008) Beverages & the environment: about beverage packaging. Refresh-
ments Canada. Online promotional literature from beverage trade association, Toronto,
Ontario. Visited December 27, 2008.
Richard F (ed) (2003) Waste management guide for small and medium enterprises. Canadian
version. Éditions Ruffec and NI environnement, Montreal.
RW Beck Inc (2002) Understanding beverage container recycling: a value chain assessment
prepared for the multi-stakeholder recovery project. Businesses and Environmentalists Allied
for Recycling (BEAR), Santa Monica, California, January 16, 2002. http://www.globalgreen.
Statistics Canada (2002a) Annual survey of manufactures.
Statistics Canada (2002b) Annual industrial consumption of energy.
Statistics Canada (2003) Report on energy supply-demand in Canada, 2002. Statistics Canada,
Ottawa, October 2003 (Catalog no. 357–003-XIB, annual publication).
Statistics Canada (2004) Report on energy supply-demand in Canada, 2003. Statistics Canada,
Ottawa, November 2004 (Catalog no. 57–003-XIB, annual publication). http://www.statcan.
Statistics Canada (2006) CANSIM Table No 301–0006. Principal statistics for manufacturing
industries, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), annual. [124134 series].
Statistics Canada, Ottawa, November 30, 2006.
exe?Lang ¼ E&RootDir ¼ CII/&ResultTemplate ¼ CII/CII___&Array_Pick ¼ 1&ArrayId
¼ 3010006 [visited December 10, 2007]
Statistics Canada (2007) Report on energy supply-demand in Canada, 2005. Statistics Canada,
Ottawa, June 2007 (Catalog no. 57–003-XIE, annual publication).
english/bsolc?catno ¼ 57–003-X;–003-XIE/57–003-
Statistics Canada (2008a) EnviroStats, 2(3):18 (Table 3) (Catalog no. 16–002-X). http://www.–002-XIE/16–002-XIE2008003.pdf
Statistics Canada (2008b) CANSIM Table #301–0003: annual survey of manufactures (ASM),
principal statistics by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Statistics
Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. ¼ E&RootDir
¼ CII/&ResultTemplate ¼ CII/CII___&Array_Pick ¼ 1&ArrayId ¼ 3010003 [last modifi-
cation Apr. 25, 2008; visited 2008/11/04]
Statistics Canada (2008c) CANSIM Table #153–0045: local government characteristics of the
waste management industry. Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. [last
modification August 14, 2008; visited 2008/11/18]
Statistics Canada (2008d) Industrial water use, 2005 (Catalog no. 16–401-XIE). March 2008,
Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. ¼ 16–401-X
Stewardship Ontario (2006) Ontario blue box markets overview: 2003/2004 blue box materials
generated and municipally marketed, mass balance report. Stewardship Ontario, Toronto,
Ontario, March 2006.
Stewardship Ontario (2007) Ontario generation and recovery of blue box materials by demo-
graphic type (based on waste composition study results). Stewardship Ontario, Toronto,
Tchoukanova N, Gonzalez M, Poirier S (2003) Best management practices: marine products
processing. Prepared for fisheries and oceans Canada – Gulf region. Fisheries and Marine
218 M. Marcotte et al.
Products Division of the Coastal Zones Research Institute inc., Shippagan, New Brunswick,
Canada. Also available in html (revised
version) at:
US Department of energy (2004) Energy efficiency and renewable energy. Industrial technologies
program, industrial energy systems: food and beverage energy footprint. http://www.eere. [content updated 18 August 2004;
accessed 17 September 2004]
US Environmental Protection Agency (2007) Energy trends in selected manufacturing sectors:
opportunities and challenges for environmentally preferable energy outcomes, final report.
Prepared by ICF international for US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s office of policy,
economics, and innovation, sector strategic division, Washington, DC. March 2007. http://www.;
Verfaillie HA, Bidwell R (2000) Measuring eco-efficiency. A guide to reporting company
performance. World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), Geneva,
Switzerland. 38 pp.
Chapter 9
Food Process Economics
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 219
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_9, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
220 G. Saravacos and Z. Maroulis
The capital cost is based on the equipment cost (Ceq), which is estimated from
material and energy balances on the process flowsheet. Cost of food processing
equipment is estimated from equipment size (surface area, volume, weight) using
empirical correlations or the suppliers’ data (Maroulis and Saravacos 2007). Sizing
of food processing equipment is based on material and energy balances of the
process flowsheet, using simplified design equations and engineering property data
(Saravacos and Kostaropoulos 2002). Empirical correlations (diagrams) of cost
versus equipment size (Guthrie charts) can be used for engineering calculations.
Cost quotations of specialized food processing equipment can be obtained from
equipment suppliers.
Typical cost: capacity diagrams of food processing equipment include fluid
transport-power (kW); vessel-volume (m3); conveyor belts-surface area (m2);
heat exchanger-surface area (m2); dryers-surface area (m2); filters-surface area
(m2); size reduction-capacity (kg/s); mechanical processing-capacity (kg/s); and
utilities-kW (Maroulis and Saravacos 2007). Increases in cost of processing equip-
ment (inflation) over the years are taken into account using the Marshall and Swift
(M&S) cost index, published periodically in the journal Chemical Engineering,
e.g., M&S Index: (1990) ¼ 915, (2005) ¼ 1,261.
The operating cost includes the direct cost of raw and packaging materials, labor,
and utilities, and various indirect costs such as maintenance, quality assurance, and
office personnel.
The cost of raw food materials is estimated with data obtained from US government
organizations such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics ( and the
9 Food Process Economics 221 Labor
M ¼ 10F2=3 (9.1)
where M is the manpower (number of personnel) and F is the plant product capacity (t/h).
The cost of labor primarily depends on the country and the degree of specializa-
tion. Labor rates are found in government publications such as the US Bureau of
Labor Statistics. The average hourly rate for production workers in the US was $15
in 2008. Higher rates are found in some European countries, such as Germany and
Norway, but substantially lower rates are observed in the rest of the world, with
very low rates in underdeveloped countries. The cost of skilled operators, mechan-
ics, technicians, foremen, and plant managers is normally estimated as 2, 3, 3.5, 4,
and 5 times, respectively, the cost of unskilled labor. Utilities
The main public utilities used in food processing plants are energy and water. Energy
includes fuel (oil, gas) and electricity, and it is conveniently expressed in kWh/kg
product (1 kWh ¼ 3.6 MJ). Water is used as process water, and in cleaning opera-
tions, cooling, refrigeration, and steam generation; it is also involved in wastewater
effluents. The cost of fuel ($/kWh) is a function of the cost of crude oil ($/barrel
(bbl) ¼ 159 L oil). The cost of crude oil is affected strongly by international political
crises and wars (e.g., increasing from $60 to $100/bbl between the years 2007 and
2009). An empirical model was developed for the estimation of various energy forms
from the price of crude oil (Maroulis and Saravacos 2007). Typical diagrams of
energy cost of crude oil at $100/bbl and $60/bbl are shown in Figs. 9.1 and 9.2.
Typical energy cost (US 2008) follows: electricity – $0.10/kWh; steam – 10 bar
$08/kWh ($40/t); fuel oil – $1.30/L; and natural gas – $0.80/m3. The cost of food
processing water (cleaning of or adding to food products) is about $0.50/m3, while
boiler water is more expensive ($2.50/m3) due to its pretreatment. Waste disposal
costs are about $50/t, while wastewater treatment (primary and secondary) costs
about $1.00/t.
The total capital cost CT is covered partly by the investor’s own capital CO and
partly by a bank loan CL:
CT ¼ CO þ CL (9.2)
The loan is expressed as a fraction (leverage, l) of the total capital (l ¼ CL/C T).
A typical leverage in food processing is l ¼ 0.50. The total capital cost CT invested
9 Food Process Economics 223
Thermal systems
Purchased electricity
Utility cost ($/kWh)
Self-generated electricity
Cooling water
–200 –100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Temperature (°C)
in a processing plant consists primarily of the fixed capital cost CF and, secondly,
the working capital Cw:
224 G. Saravacos and Z. Maroulis
Utility cost ($/kWh)
Purchased electricity
Thermal systems
Self-generated electricity
Cooling water
–200 –100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Temperature (°C)
CT ¼ CF þ Cw (9.3)
The fixed capital cost CF includes the cost of processing equipment Ceq, instal-
lation, piping, instrumentation and control, electrical installations, buildings, land
and site improvements, office facilities, engineering, and contingency. The working
capital Cw consists of the total amount of money invested in raw materials and
supplies in stock, finished and semi-finished products, accounts receivable and
payable, and cash kept on hand. The working capital amounts to 15–50% of the
total cost. In general, food manufacturing plants require higher proportions of
working capital than food preservation operations. The fixed cost CF is estimated
from the equipment cost, using the empirical equation,
CF ¼ fL Ceq (9.4)
where fL is the Lang factor. The empirical Lang factor fL in older plants (Bartholomai,
1987) is approximately fL ¼ 2, but in recent installations, using more instrumenta-
tion, process control and computers, values are fL ¼ 3 for main plants and fL ¼ 4 for
grassroots plants (including off-site facilities) (Maroulis and Saravacos 2007).
where CT is the total capital cost, and e is the capital recovery factor, as calculated
from the following equation:
.h i .h i
e ¼ i 1 ð1 þ iÞN ¼ ið1 þ iÞN ð1 þ iÞN 1 (9.6)
The capital recovery factor is a function of the discount (interest), rate i, and the
lifetime of the investment N (years).
The annual gross profit before taxes PG is the sales income S minus the
manufacturing cost CM:
226 G. Saravacos and Z. Maroulis
P G ¼ S CM (9.7)
The cumulated cash flow (CCF) or annual cash flow is defined by the simplified
where CO is personal capital and P the annual profit after taxes and loan payment,
assumed to be constant over the operating time N (years). The investor’s own capital is
the total capital minus the bank loan. The discounted cash flow or the net present value
(NPV) is lower than the CCF, because it includes the interest rate i of the money:
where e is the capital recovery factor, defined in (9.5). In the simplified (9.7) and
(9.8), the annual profit after taxes and loan payment P is assumed to be constant
over the years. When P varies over time, the following summation equations,
similar to (9.8) and (9.9), are used to estimate CCF and NPV:
CCF ¼ CO þ Pn (9.10)
NPV ¼ CO þ (9.11)
ð1 þ iÞn
For the purpose of economic analysis, food processing plants can be categorized as
follows: food preservation, food manufacturing, and food ingredients plants. Food
engineering is mainly concerned with food preservation and food manufacturing
plants, while food ingredients plants are more related to chemical engineering.
Application examples of some typical plants are presented in this section from
process data in the literature (Maroulis and Saravacos 2007).
The annual operating cost of the OJC plant was calculated from material balances,
cost data, and empirical correlations, as shown in Table 9.3 (2006 prices). It is assumed
that the discount (interest) rate is i ¼ 0.07 and the lifetime of the plant is N ¼ 7 years.
Table 9.4 summarizes the plant profitability data for the OJC plant. The inves-
tor’s own capital C0 is assumed to be 50% of the total CT. The capital return ratio is
defined as CRR ¼ NPV/C0.
The annual sales income is based on an OJC product price of $3.60/kg, which it
is assumed includes the income from the dried peels and peel oil. Figure 9.4 shows
the cost components of the orange juice concentrate. The raw material (oranges)
is the main cost item (36%), followed by labor (20%) and utilities (15%). Food
manufacturing (equipment) cost is about 19% of the total, while bulk packaging in
large containers is a relatively low cost. Overheads and capital charge amount to
18% of the total cost.
The relatively high cost of utilities in the OJC plant is due to the removal of large
amounts of water by evaporation and dehydration, requiring large amounts of steam
and fuel gas. Figure 9.5 shows the cash flow, the cumulative cash flow (CCF), and
the net present value (NPV) of the OJC plant as a function of operating time N
(years). The values of depreciation period (ND ¼ 7 years), loan period (NL ¼ 15
years), salvage period (NS ¼ 20 years), and project lifetime (NE ¼ 27 years) are
also shown. The ROI value is estimated from the relation ROI ¼ 1/SPB.
230 G. Saravacos and Z. Maroulis
Capital Charge
3.00 Overheads
Unit Cost ($/kg)
2.00 Waste
Raw Materials
Operating Cost
Figure 9.6 shows a break-even analysis of the OJC plant. For the process system
analyzed here, the optimum operating time (maximum annual profit) is about
1,000 h/year.
materials and food ingredients. The plants are preferably located close to large
consumer centers, operate several months a year, and require more labor and
packaging materials than food preservation plants. Food manufacturing plants are
characterized by strict hygienic and food safety regulations, due to the sensitivity of
food products to microbial and chemical spoilage. Thus, they require special quality
control and compliance with government and international regulations. Products
232 G. Saravacos and Z. Maroulis
1 shift 2 shifts 3 shifts + weekends
Annual income/outcome (M$/y)
4 Manufacturing cost
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Annual operating time (h/y)
produced in food manufacturing plants include cereal, dairy, fruit and vegetable,
animal, and prepared food products. It should be noted that these plants may use
some food preservation technology during processing and storage.
As a typical application example, the economics of yogurt manufacture in
producing consumer packages is discussed in this section. Figure 9.7 shows the
process block diagram and the material and energy balances for the manufacture of
dairy yogurt.
The material and energy balances in this example are based on the raw materials,
1,000 kg of milk and 40 kg of nonfat dry milk (NFDM). The yogurt plant operates
48 weeks a year, 5 days a week, with two shifts per day and 8-h shifts, amounting to
3,840 h/year. Table 9.5 shows the annual material balances for the yogurt
manufacturing plant, producing 4,000 t/year yogurt.
The yogurt product is packaged in plastic cups of 0.250 kg capacity, resulting in
15,976,000 cups/year. The theoretical energy requirement for the process is
0.73 MJ/kg product. Assuming a thermal efficiency of 75%, the actual energy
requirement is about 1 MJ/kg or 0.3 kWh/kg product. The required processing
equipment, including for milk storage, mixing, homogenization, heat treatment,
culture inoculation, and aseptic packaging, was sized and priced, following simpli-
fied engineering procedures (Saravacos and Kostaropoulos 2002). The equipment
cost was $2.49 million. Table 9.6 shows the capital cost components of the yogurt
plant. The working capital is assumed to be 25% of the sales.
The annual operating cost of the yogurt plant was calculated from material
balances, cost data, and empirical correlations, as shown in Table 9.7 (2006 prices).
9 Food Process Economics 233
Table 9.7 Annual operating Raw materials (0.35 $/kg milk) 7.68 M$
cost of the yogurt Labor 3.24 M$
manufacturing plant Packaging materials (0.04$/piece) 3.84 M$
Utilities 0.32 M$
Variable manufacturing, CMV 15.09 M$
Fixed manufacturing, CMF 0.75 M$
Overheads, Cover 1.01 M$
Manufacturing, cost CM 16.85 M$
Capital recovery factor, e 0.083 (i ¼ 07, N ¼ 27)
Capital charge, eCT 1.04 M$
Total annualized cost CM + eCT 17.89 M$
It is assumed that the discount (interest) rate is i ¼ 0.07 and the lifetime of the plant
is N ¼ 27 years.
Table 9.8 summarizes the plant profitability data for the yogurt plant. The
investor’s own capital C0 is assumed to be 50% of the total CT.
The annual sales income is based on a yogurt product price of $1.25/kg.
Figure 9.8 shows the cost components of the yogurt manufacturing plant. The
raw material (milk) is the major cost item (43%), followed by packaging materials
(23%), labor (18%), and processing equipment (5%). Utilities, overheads, and
capital charge amount to about 11% of the total cost.
The cumulative cash flow (CCF) and the net present value (NPV) plots of the
yogurt plant are similar to the diagrams of the OJC plant. Break-even analysis of the
yogurt plant resulted in a diagram similar to Fig. 9.6, indicating a higher optimum
operation time (maximum annual profit) of about 2,500 h/year.
9 Food Process Economics 235
Food ingredients plants utilize agricultural and natural raw materials to recover
valuable components, which are then used in food manufacturing. Typical products
are wheat flour, vegetable oils, starch, pectin, sugar, and proteins. Special food
components used in smaller quantities include flavorings, vitamins, coloring mate-
rials, sweeteners, preservatives, and antioxidants.
9.4 Conclusions
Applying the principles of process economics to food processing can lead to useful
information on the economics of food processes. Simplified procedures based on
material and energy balances, sizing of process equipment, and cost data on raw
materials, labor, and utilities result in new food process designs and economic
evaluation of existing processing operations. Raw materials, followed by labor, are
the major cost items in most food production processes. Packaging cost also may be
important for some food manufactured products. Food products manufactured from
raw food materials and food ingredients are generally more profitable than products
of food preservation plants.
236 G. Saravacos and Z. Maroulis
Bartholomai A (1987) Food factories – processes, equipment, costs. VCH Publishers, Weinheim
Clark JP (1997) Cost and profitability estimation. In: Valentas KL, Rotstein E, Singh RP (eds)
Handbook of food engineering practice. CRC Press, New York, pp 537–557
Couper JR (2003) Process engineering economics. Marcel Dekker, New York
Holland FA, Wilkinson JK (1997) Perry’s chemical engineers’ handbook. In: Perry RH, Green
DW, Maloney JO (eds) Process economics, 7th edn. McGraw-Hill, New York, pp 9.1–9.63
Lopez-Gomez A, Barbosa-Cánovas G (2005) Food plant design. Taylor & Francis, New York
Maroulis ZB, Saravacos GD (2003) Food process design. Marcel Dekker, New York
Maroulis ZB, Saravacos GD (2007) Food plant economics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL
Peters SM, Timmerhaus KD, West RE (2003) Plant design and economics for chemical engineers,
5th edn. McGraw-Hill, New York
Rahman S (1995) Food properties handbook. CRC Press, New York
Rao MA, Rizvi SSH, Datta AK (2005) Engineering properties of foods, 3rd edn. Taylor & Francis,
New York
Saravacos GD, Maroulis ZB (2001) Transport properties of foods. Marcel Dekker, New York
Saravacos GD, Kostaropoulos AE (2002) Handbook of food processing equipment. Kluwer/
Plenum, New York
Chapter 10
Systemic Approach to Curriculum Design
and Development
10.1 Introduction
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 237
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_10, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
238 I. Ecima et al.
Systemic or systems theory has been taken into account by numerous scientific
fields including the field of education (Cabrera and Colosi 2008; Kim and Senge
1994; Ison 2008; Senge 1990). Although there are many conflicting claims that
need to be reconciled around this topic, such discussion is out of the scope of this
chapter. Therefore the classical definition proposed by Ludwig von Bertalanffy in
1968 is being used as reference:
Classical sciences tried to isolate the elements of the observed universe. . . Now we have
learned that for an understanding of not only the elements, but their interrelations as well are
required. . . It is necessary to study not only [the] parts and processes in isolation, but also to
solve the problems [organization and order] resulting from dynamic interaction of parts, and
making the behavior of the parts different when studied in isolation or within the whole. . .
General system theory, therefore, is a general science of wholeness. . . The meaning of the
somewhat mystical expression ‘The whole is more than the sum of its parts’ is simply that
constitutive characteristics are not explainable from the characteristics of the isolated parts.
The characteristics of the complex, therefore, appear as ‘new’ or ‘emergent’. . ..
Table 10.1 Comparison between the characteristics of a basic system and those of the curriculum
as a system
System Curriculum
Dynamic and complex whole Dynamic and complex academic, social, technical,
interacting as a unit scientific and empiric knowledge interacting as a
Energy, material, and information Topics, issues, theories, information, people,
flowing between the different feelings, perceptions, sciences, personal skills,
elements that compose the system and hidden things flowing between students,
teachers, parents, industry, among others
Community located within an Academic community immersed in a context
Energy, material, and information Knowledge and agents interacting within the
flowing from and to the academic community and national and
surrounding environment international peer communities
Seeks equilibrium but can exhibit Seeks articulation but has to be flexible. Loop
oscillating, chaotic or exponential planning and developing-assessing changes in
behavior every course
If the four universal principles just described are followed in the design of a
curriculum, the first step should be to define the framework and the system, its
parts and its limits. Therefore, a definition of the curriculum from the point of view
of the institution is needed. Additionally, the boundaries of this system should be
identified to differentiate it from others. Finally, relationships should be identified.
Table 10.2 describes the different aspects that should be taken into account in
defining the curriculum. Readers should note that even though Table 10.2 depicts a
step by step methodology this is far from a real procedure. Many steps need to be
carried out in parallel and many others will require revision after defining the whole
curriculum. Figure 10.1 gives a closer visual description of the methodology used
for systems thinking.
240 I. Ecima et al.
Table 10.2 Some steps taken into account during curriculum design
Activity Systems thinking principles used
Define program (field and duration) Perspective, System definition, and distinction
and level (undergraduate or
Find similar programs (locally and System distinction
Identify educational trends nationally System distinction
and internationally
Identify skills of student entering the Relationships (between system and environment)
Identify skills and competencies Relationships (between system and environment)
demanded by society
Identify institution’s educational Perspective and system definition (parts)
Define problematic and nuclear topics System definition (parts)
to be taught
Define courses System definition (parts)
Relationships (between parts of system)
Define learning-teaching strategy System definition (parts)
Relationships (between parts of system)
Identify institutional capacities System definition (parts)
(teachers, buildings, equipment,
Define assessment strategy System definition (parts)
Relationships (between parts of system)
Educational institutions are guided by educational goals, so the first step in designing
a curriculum is to establish the goals. At the School of Engineering at Universidad de
La Sabana, the main educational goal at the undergraduate level is to teach students
how to design and manage their own projects when they become professionals.
To achieve this goal, an interdisciplinary curriculum is designed that takes into
account the basic sciences, such as physics, chemistry, and biology, with mathe-
matics as the common language, which allows the engineers to represent different
phenomena. Study of the basic sciences should include the following objectives:
l Describe and study a phenomenon from the perspective of each basic science
using mathematical language
l Identify the principles, laws, and theories that explain the natural phenomenon
l Understand the phenomenon as a whole from different points of view
Additionally, graduates are expected to have the following competencies as a
result of their educational program. They should be able to:
l Adopt systems thinking as an attitude
l Identify food systems and their parts at different levels, such as tissues,
processed products, and supply chains
10 Systemic Approach to Curriculum Design and Development 241
Similar Programs.
National and
Industrial Educational systems.
needs and National and
opportunities de Tec
ve hn
lo ic
pm al University
en na l n
t tio Re
rses Pr earc
o h
Re fess ers,
s or
gro earc s,
In s
dolo and
up h
Me ware
el wee
at n
io u
ns n
hi its
Institutional Formative
le ific
ow nt
kn cie
Fig. 10.1 Closer visual description used for curriculum design under systems thinking methodology
l Design processes taking into account the interactions between food materials
and other components of the food chain
l Manage food handling and processing projects by considering all factors of the
During this learning – teaching period, the educator should also assist students in
finding the linkages between the concepts and reality.
Core Biosciences:
Biology Principles:
- Genetic
Molecular information flow
Chemistry Biology -Bioenergetics and
-Intra and inter
Mathematics Genetics cellular
professionals who come from different disciplines should have in common their
capacity to solve problems using systems thinking and integrating the different
sciences. The training process has the following purposes:
l Develop the student’s ability to solve problems using an integration of sciences
l Develop the student’s creativity and design capacity.
l Develop the student’s ability in mathematical modeling.
In the case of the Master’s program in Process Design and Management, the
former training purposes are not only competencies to develop but are also specific
courses wherein students can find practical situations to develop these skills.
At the doctoral level, the educational goal is to train researchers via different
disciplines. For example, in the biosciences program, the goal is to guide students
during the study of biological elements (molecules) and their vital functions, in such
a way, that they are able to discover new and different uses for these molecules. To
achieve this goal, the biosciences course uses a systems thinking approach to review
different functions such as transport, signaling, and reproduction in cells. This
systems thinking approach is supported by a permanent analysis-synthesis activity
using concepts from molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics (Fig. 10.2).
10.3 Conclusion
The four universal principles of systems thinking have been used at Universidad de
la Sabana in curriculum design for both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Additionally, systems thinking has been introduced as an educational goal in order
10 Systemic Approach to Curriculum Design and Development 243
to give engineers more skills in defining systems (their parts and interactions),
which will serve as a tool in problem solving and decision taking.
Apelian D (2007) The engineering profession in the 21st century – educational needs and societal
challenges facing the profession. AFS Hoyt Memorial Lecture. American Foundry Society.
International Journal of Metalcasting Fall 07
Bertalanffy L von (1968) General system theory: foundations, development, applications. Braziller,
New York
Cabrera D, Colosi L (2008) Distinctions, systems, relationships, and perspectives (DSRP):
a theory of thinking and of things. Eval Program Plann 31:311–334
Cabrera D, Colosi L, Lobdell C (2008) Systems Thinking. J Eval Prog Plan 31:299–310
Coulston AM, Feeney MJ, Hoolihan LE (2003) The challenge to customize. J Am Diet Assoc
Friedman TL (2005) The world is flat: a brief history of the twenty-first century. Farrar, Straus &
Giroux, New York
Higgins KT (2007) Meeting the challenges of customized manufacturing. BNP Media. Food
Engineering online magazine:
Ison RL (2008) Systems thinking and practice for action research. In: Reason P, Bradbury H (eds)
The Sage handbook of action research participative inquiry and practice. Sage, London,
pp 139–158. ISBN 1-4129-2029-9, 978-1-4129-2029-2
Kim DH, Senge P (1994) Putting Systems thinking into practice. Syst Dyn Rev 10(2–3):277–290
National Academy of Engineering (2004) Educating the engineer of 2020: Adapting engineering.
Education to the New Century. Available for free online:
O’Connor J, McDermott I (1998) The art of systems thinking. Thorson, London
Senge P (1990) The fifth discipline. Doubleday Dell Publishing, New York
Part II
Advances in Food Process Engineering
Chapter 11
Innovations in Thermal Treatment of Food
Arthur Teixeira
11.1 Introduction
Thermal processing (heat treatment) for sterilization of shelf-stable foods has been
one of the most widely used methods of food preservation during the twentieth
century, and has contributed significantly to the nutritional well-being of much of
the world’s population. For most solid and semi-solid foods, thermal processing is
accomplished after the product has been filled and hermetically sealed in airtight
containers. Thermal processing consists of heating food containers in pressurized
retorts at specified temperatures for prescribed lengths of time. These process times
are calculated on the basis of achieving sufficient bacterial inactivation in each
container to comply with public health standards and to ensure that the probability
of spoilage will be less than some minimum. Many liquid food products, such as
milk or fruit juices, are pasteurized or sterilized by heat treatments applied before
filling and sealing into packages. These heat treatments are accomplished by
pumping the liquid product through a series of heat exchangers and hold tubes
that deliver a high temperature-short time (HTST) heat treatment for pasteurization,
or an ultra-high temperature (UHT) short time treatment for sterilization.
This chapter presents a review of recent innovations that have been made in the
field of thermal processing for food preservation, and attempts to foresee the impact
these innovations may have on the marketplace. Three categories of innovation are
addressed: (i) improved methods in estimating kinetic parameters for establishing
optimum process conditions, (ii) a review of new equipment systems for retorting
and materials handling to improve cookroom operations, and (iii) new and novel
packaging systems, and their potential impact on markets for shelf-stable foods.
A. Teixeira
Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, University of Florida, Gainesville,
FL 32611–0570, USA
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 247
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_11, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
248 A. Teixeira
temperature for a different length of time. The contents of each vial are plated onto
appropriate growth media and incubated for subsequent enumeration of survivors.
The logarithm of number of survivors from each vial is plotted against time to
produce the log-linear survivor curve, and the D-value at that temperature is taken
from the slope of that curve.
The same experiment is repeated at different constant lethal temperatures in
order to obtain D-values at different temperatures, from which the temperature
dependency factor, Z-value, can be determined. These methods are prone to error
because of heat transfer limitations causing thermal lag in the temperature response
in each vial. The spores themselves do not rise instantly to the oil bath temperature,
nor do they cool instantly in response to the quenching temperature. In those cases
where the kinetics are needed for mesophylic spores in a liquid product, errors can
be minimized by use of a three-neck flask containing the liquid product heated to a
known constant lethal temperature. One neck is used to accommodate a thermometer
for temperature measurement, a second neck holds an inoculation needle through a
rubber stopper, and the third neck holds a number of extraction needles for
removing and quenching samples of spore suspension at predetermined time inter-
vals (Rodriguez et al 1988). Although this method minimizes errors from lag in
thermal response, it is still prone to errors in timing, particularly when samples must
be extracted within a few seconds of each other at higher temperatures where the
lethal rate is very high.
An entirely new and different experimental approach for estimating kinetic
parameters in liquid products was first developed by Swartzel (1984) and called
the Equivalent Point Method (EQM). It was later modified by Welt et al (1997), and
called the Paired Equivalent Isothermal Exposure (PEIE) method. These methods do
away completely with the use of constant temperature baths (isothermal experi-
ments). Instead, a batch of liquid product inoculated to a known high initial concen-
tration of spores is “processed” through an HTST or a UHT heat exchanger-hold
tube system that delivers a precisely known dynamic temperature-time profile
experienced by the inoculated product. Samples of the “processed” product are
plated, incubated, and enumerated to determine the number of survivors, thus giving
the extent of reaction accomplished. By knowing the extent of reaction from two
different sets of process conditions and the precise dynamic temperature-time
profiles of each, a nearly “true” estimate of kinetic parameters can be determined.
This was confirmed by work carried out at the University of Florida, in which
kinetic parameters for thermal inactivation of Escherichia coli in orange juice were
estimated using the new PEIE method with a Microthermics® HTST Lab 25 pasteur-
izer, as well as the traditional isothermal bath method with the three-neck flask
(Moody 2003). D-values obtained from both methods at different temperatures are
shown in Table 11.1. For the two temperatures used in common by both methods
(58 and 60 C), D-values estimated by the new PEIE method were lower than those
estimated by the traditional isothermal bath method. Lower D-values mean faster
kinetics and would justify shorter process times if known to be true. In order to
determine which method produced estimates closest to the “truth,” inoculated sam-
ples of orange juice were processed through the HTST pasteurizer at temperatures
250 A. Teixeira
Table 11.1 Comparison of kinetic parameters (D- and Z-values), estimated using traditional
isothermal and new PEIE methods (Reproduced from Moody 2003. With permission)
Temperature (C) Isothermal (Three-neck flask) Dynamic (PEIE)
D-value (s) Standard Deviation D-value (s) Standard Deviation
52 353 39.08
55 148 2.18
58 34.7 2.27 29.8 3.3
60 18 1.52 13.27 1.54
62 6.93 0.47
z-value (C) 5.99 6.16
Table 11.2 Results of validation experiments comparing the number of survivors measured
experimentally with those predicted using traditional and new PEIE methods (Reproduced from
Moody 2003. With permission)
Experiment Hold Tube Survivors (cfu)
Time (sec) Temp. (C) Initial (cfu) PEIE Isothermal Experimental
Predicted Predicted
I 15 65 5.4 l08 3.5 l03 5.0 l04 5.2 l03
2.8 103
II 10 65 5.4 10 8
2.0 10 8.6 10
3 4
l.0 103
1.3 103
above the range used to estimate the parameters (65 C). Two different processes were
used, one with a hold tube residence time of 15 s, and 10 s for the other, in order to
obtain distinctly different numbers of survivors from each process. Processed sam-
ples were plated, incubated, and enumerated to determine the number of survivors
from each process. These experimental results were compared with numbers of
survivors predicted by the mathematical model using both sets of parameters.
Model-predicted results using parameters estimated by the new PEIE and
traditional isothermal bath method are compared with experimental results in
Table 11.2. The number of survivors predicted by the model, using parameters
estimated by the PEIE method, agrees very closely with those measured experi-
mentally (within a fraction of one log cycle). In contrast, the number predicted by
the model using parameters estimated by the traditional isothermal bath method
differed from those measured experimentally by one and two log cycles for
processes I and II, respectively. The significance of these differences can best
be appreciated when the two sets of parameters are used to calculate the process
time needed to accomplish a 6-log cycle reduction in the E. coli population in
orange juice at a typical pasteurization temperature of 65 C. At this temperature,
the D-value estimated by the traditional isothermal bath method would be 1.8 s
leading to a hold tube residence time of 1.8 (6) ¼ 11 s. In contrast, the D-value
estimated by the new PEIE method would be 1.3 s leading to a hold tube residence
time of 1.3 (6) ¼ 8 s. This 30% reduction in process time is made possible by
adopting better methods for estimating kinetic parameters more accurately.
11 Innovations in Thermal Treatment of Food 251
Fig. 11.1 Modern Retort with pressure vessel, field devices, and process control system (Photo
courtesy of JBT FoodTech, formerly FMC FoodTech, Madera, CA)
252 A. Teixeira
Fig. 11.2 Modern cook room showing battery of retorts arranged for automated loading and
unloading (Photo courtesy of JBT FoodTech, formerly FMC FoodTech Madera, CA)
Fig. 11.3 Track-guided automated batch retort system (ABRS) (Courtesy of Allpax Products,
Inc., Covington, LA)
systems, a rail cart transfers crates or baskets of products from the loading stations
to the retorts, and from the retorts to the unloading stations automatically on a rail
track that allows the cart to move in a transverse direction along the cookroom floor
until it is aligned with the target retort (Fig. 11.3). Once the cart is aligned with the
retort, the loaded baskets or crates are automatically transferred from the cart into
the retort for loading operations, or from the retort onto the cart for unloading
operations. Trackless systems such as that illustrated in Fig. 11.4 work much the
11 Innovations in Thermal Treatment of Food 253
Fig. 11.4 Trackless system layout for automated guided vehicles (AGV) (Photo courtesy of JBT
FoodTech, formerly FMC FoodTech, Madera, CA)
same way, except that the rails and rail carts are replaced by automated guided
vehicles (AGV) that move about the cookroom floor controlled by electronic
guidance systems. These systems offer the advantage of keeping the cookroom
floor free of rails or tracks that could impede safe movement of workers on the floor.
A close-up view of an AGV that has just been loaded or is about to unload a retort is
shown in Fig. 11.5, and an automated materials handling system for retort basket,
rack, or tray loading is shown in Fig. 11.6.
Perhaps the most intriguing innovation in thermal processing in recent years has
been the introduction of flexible retortable pouches and semi-rigid trays and bowls in
the marketplace for shelf-stable canned foods (Fig. 11.7). The relatively thin profiles
254 A. Teixeira
Fig. 11.5 Automated Guided Vehicle in process of retort loading/unloading (Photo courtesy of
JBT FoodTech, formerly FMC FoodTech, Madera, CA)
Fig. 11.6 Automated materials handling system for retort basket, rack, or tray loading (Courtesy
of Allpax Products, Inc., Covington, LA)
11 Innovations in Thermal Treatment of Food 255
offered by these flexible packages allows them to be heated more rapidly than metal
cans or glass jar counterparts, often resulting in better product quality. Moreover,
they offer the consumer a variety of convenient features. Flexible pouches carry less
weight, occupy less space, and are easy to open with a simple pair of scissors. Semi-
rigid trays and bowls can be fashioned as attractive serving dishes that are micro-
waveable, and can be placed on the dinner table ready to serve directly from the
microwave oven. However, the flexible and semi-rigid properties that make these
attractive features possible pose technical challenges in the retort processing of such
packages. These flexible packages lack the strength of traditional metal cans and
glass jars, and are incapable of withstanding the pressure gradients normally experi-
enced by cans and jars during typical retort process cycles.
Successful retorting of such flexible or semi-rigid packages requires that they be
processed under carefully controlled dynamic pressure excursions (profiles) to prevent
package expansion during processing. When not controlled properly, this expansion
can result in permanent distortion or deformation of the final package after retorting.
Design and control of these complex pressure profiles is accomplished with the
simultaneous use of both pressure and deflection detectors during a heat penetration
test. The electronic deflection detectors continuously monitor the package expansion
or contraction, sending a signal to the on-line retort control system, which adjusts
overriding air pressure as needed to counter the detected expansion or contraction,
thus resulting in a dynamic pressure profile ideally suited for that product.
The need for these dynamic pressure excursions during processing requires that
retort pressure be controlled independently from temperature. This means that pure
256 A. Teixeira
Fig. 11.8 Modern steam–air mixture retort with programmable pressure control (Courtesy of
Allpax Products, Inc., Covington, LA)
saturated steam can no longer be used alone as the heating medium in the retort and
that controllable overriding air pressure must be included during heating. However,
the introduction of air into the retort during heating with steam poses the risk of
insulating air pockets forming around packages, which could leave them under-
processed. The desire to meet the processing needs of these flexible packaging
systems has created a market for new retort designs and control systems that are
capable of delivering these complex process conditions. Essentially, all designs
accomplish the dynamic pressure profiles with overriding air pressure, but they
eliminate the problem of insulating air pockets in different ways. Some retorts heat
with steam–air mixtures that are kept well mixed with the use of strong fans within
the retort (Fig. 11.8). Other retort designs feature water immersion, water spray, or
water cascade as a means of contacting the packages with the heat exchange
medium during processing. In addition to independent pressure control for these
flexible packages, their lack of strength and rigidity also requires special racking
designs and systems in the materials handling of these packages to safely support
them within the retort (Fig. 11.9).
Prepared foods in microwavable retortable dinner trays and lunch bowls have
been gaining in popularity because of their convenience, attractiveness, and
quality relative to their traditional “canned” food counterparts in metal cans and
11 Innovations in Thermal Treatment of Food 257
Fig. 11.9 Custom-designed racking systems for retortable flexible pouches (Courtesy of Allpax
Products, Inc., Covington, LA)
glass jars. These novel packages were made possible by the development of food-
grade polymer films with high oxygen-barrier properties capable of withstanding
the high temperatures and pressures during the necessary heat sterilization pro-
cess in pressurized retorts. The attractiveness of these packages and the fact that
they are microwavable make them well suited for ready-to-eat dinner menu items.
These packages have gained particular interest with those wishing to market
258 A. Teixeira
Fig. 11.10 Prototype of shelf-stable prepared meal ready-to-eat in retortable microwavable semi-
rigid tray with transparent lid stock (Reproduced from Rich 2007 with permission)
Moody V (2003) Thermal inactivation kinetics of Escherichia coli and Alicyclobacillus acidoter-
restris in orange juice. Dissertation, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department,
presented to Graduate School of University of Florida
Rich EC (2007) Heat penetration studies on shelf-stable ethnic foods in retortable trays. Project
report toward Engineering degree, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department,
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), University of Florida
11 Innovations in Thermal Treatment of Food 259
Rodriguez AC, Teixeira AA, Smerage GH, Busta FF (1988) Kinetic effects of lethal temperatures
on population dynamics of bacterial spores. T ASAE 31(5):1594–1601, 1606
Swartzel KR (1984) A continuous flow procedure for reaction kinetic data generation. J food sci 49
Welt BA, Teixeira AA, Balaban MO, Smerage GH (1997) Iterative method for kinetic parameter
estimation from dynamic thermal treatments. J Food Sci 62(1):8–14
Chapter 12
Optimization of Food Thermal Processing:
Sterilization Stage and Plant Production
12.1 Introduction
R. Simpson (*)
Departamento de Ingenierı́a Quı́mica y Ambiental, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Marı́a,
P.O. Box 110-V, Valparaı́so, Chile
Centro Regional de Estudios en Alimentos Saludables, Blanco 1623 Room 1402, Valparaı́so,
A. Abakarov
Departamento de Ingenierı́a Quı́mica y Ambiental, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Marı́a,
P.O. Box 110-V, Valparaı́so, Chile
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 261
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_12, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
262 R. Simpson and A. Abakarov
12.2 Methodology
In this example, a cylindrical container with radius R and height 2L was used. The
mathematical model describing heat conduction in this particular case is a mixed
boundary problem (Teixeira et al. 1969), as follows:
@T @ T 1 @T @ 2 T
¼a þ þ (12.1)
@t @r 2 r @r @z2
where T is temperature, t is time, r and z are radial and vertical locations within the
container, and alpha (a) is thermal diffusivity of the product.
There were the following initial and boundary conditions (according to symmetry):
ð0; z; tÞ ¼ 0
ðr; 0; tÞ ¼ 0
Tðr; z; 0Þ ¼ Tin
where Trt ðtÞ, t 2 ð0 : tf Þ is retort temperature as a function of time, and Tin is initial
temperature at t ¼ 0.
The first objective was to find the retort function for Problem 1: Trt ðtÞ,
Tlow Trt ðtÞ Thigh , where the final quality retention CðtÞ is maximized, while
the final process lethality Fd0 is held to a specified minimum. A second objective
was also to find the retort function for Problem 1: Trt ðtÞ, Tlow Trt ðtÞ Thigh , but
where the final process time tf is minimized subject to the same lethality require-
ment above, while the quality retention must not fall beneath some specified
The lethality constraint can be specified as follows:
1. F0 ðtf Þ Fd0 ; where Fd0 is the final required lethality, and is calculated as a
function of time and temperature at the critical point (cold spot) according to
the following equation:
ðTTref Þ
F0 ðtÞ ¼ 10 z dt (12.2)
12 Optimization of Food Thermal Processing 265
where T is temperature at the critical point or cold spot, normally at the geometric
center of the container (in the case of conduction-heated canned foods).
Quality retention, on the other hand, is greatly affected by the non-uniform
temperature distribution existing at any point in time from the heated boundary
to the cool center cold spot, and must be integrated in space over the volume of
the container, as well as over time. To accomplish this integration over both
space and time, the following approach was used:
2. Cðtf Þ Cd , where Cd is the desired volume-average final quality retention value
and calculated as follows:
2 3
ðL ðR ðt ðTTref Þ
2 ln 10
CðtÞ ¼ C0 2 exp4 10 z 5 dr dz (12.3)
LR Dref
0 0 0
P1 ¼ A F0 d F0 ðtÞ þ jF0 d F0 ðtÞj
P2 ¼ A Cd CðtÞ þ jCd CðtÞj
where A is a sufficiently large number. Use of this kind of penalty function will lead
very quickly to finding X0 X, where all given constraints are satisfied when the
random search is implemented.
In general, function Trt ðtÞ over t 2 ð0 : tf Þ can be parameterized using Np points; during
each time interval t0k ¼ ðtk ; tkþ1 Þ, k 2 0 : ðNp 1Þ the value of Trt ðt0k Þ remains constant
(uk ) (Teixeria et al. 1975; Banga et al. 1991, 2003, 2005). However in this case, the use
of cubic spline in approaching global optimization problems with random search
techniques can produce superior results over discrete step-wise functions (Simpson
et al. 2008), mainly because the cubic spline approximation allows reducing signifi-
cantly the number of decision variables and therefore the random search.
Natural cubic splines are used for creating a smooth function that can fill in the
gaps between data points in a step-wise discrete function to approximate a smooth
trend. The philosophy in splining is to use low order polynomials to interpolate
from grid point to grid point. This is ideally suited when one has control of the grid
locations and the values of data being interpolated, as in the work presented here.
266 R. Simpson and A. Abakarov
Therefore, approximation by the cubic spline was only utilized in this work to
obtain optimal VRT profiles.
The following penalty function was used simultaneously with the cubic spline
approximation in the search process
in order
to hold the autoclave temperature
profile Trt ðtÞ in the given range Tlow ; Thigh :
P3 ¼ A jTlow Trt ðtÞj þ jThigh Trt ðtÞj ðTlow Trt ðtÞÞ
where ui , i 2 1 : ðNp 1Þ are the control variables, and tleft and tright could be
obtained from the following expressions:
ðTlow Tref Þ
Fd0 ¼ 10 z dt (12.4)
ðThigh Tref Þ
Fd0 ¼ 10 z dt (12.5)
Fig. 12.1 Two-dimensional pedestal frequency distribution transformations occurring during the
whole random search process
distribution (or perspective sub-domain I X) around the mean (or center point,
x0i ; i 2 1 : n), which is the current best solution: x0 2 X; f ðx0 Þ< f ðx j Þ; 8j 2 1 : s.
Figure 12.1b shows that the pedestal frequency distribution could be obtained in the
middle of the search process, and now the points of domain X (in terms of probability
density) can be divided into two non-overlapping subsets; h and H are the proba-
bility densities of the non-perspective and the perspective sub-domains, correspond-
ingly. Figure 12.1c shows the pedestal frequency distribution for the final algorithm
iteration, transformed into the d function, and it is assumed for any point x0 of the
final perspective domain I, the following condition holds: jf ½x0 f ð½x Þj e.
The adaptive random method procedure could be described as follows:
1. Set the total number of random search iteration Ns ; set the center point
x0i ; i 2 1 : n as the center point of initial perspective sub-domain I; and set
iteration counter s ¼ 1.
268 R. Simpson and A. Abakarov
1 pj
hj ¼
1 vj
> s j ðpmin 1Þ
< þ 1; if 0 v j vmin;
pj ¼ smin
> v ð1 pmin Þ pmin vmin
: þ ; if vmin v j 1
1 vmin 1 vmin
where pmin and qmin (vmin ¼ ðqmin Þn ) are two heuristic parameters of adaptive
random search, which allow tuning the algorithm to different types of problems
as well as humans can.
In this chapter, a modification of the adaptive random search was used for
thermal process calculation. The proposed modification utilizes the logistic curve
as a law to reduce the q value during the whole search process, in other words, as a
law to reduce the volume of perspective sub-domain I from v0 ¼ 1 to vNs ¼ ð2eÞn :
12 Optimization of Food Thermal Processing 269
¼ mxð1 xÞ (12.7)
where m is the Malthusian parameter (rate of maximum population growth). The
solution of (12.7) could be written as:
xðtÞ ¼ ; (12.8)
1 þ a em t
where a and m are the parameters of the logistic curve. The function of xðtÞ is also
called the sigmoid function (Krose 1993).
Figure 12.2 displays two curves; the interrupted curve (dashed line) shows a
relationship between volume v j and iteration number j in a basic version of the random
search, and is obtained with (12.6); the solid curve is the possible logistic curve,
utilized as the same relationship in the proposed modification and obtained in (12.8).
A wide set of experiments and practice implementations of the basic random search
algorithm have been conducted, to show the effectiveness of the adaptive algorithm
and to make recommendations for choosing heuristic parameter values (Abakarov and
Sushkov 2002, 2005; Simpson et al. 2008). However, we propose the following:
l Reduce the local nature of the basic random search algorithm, because after 25%
iterations, volume of the perspective sub-domain was reduced by more than 50%,
which is not well-grounded in the case of multimodal optimization (Fig. 12.2).
Fig. 12.2 Curves showing the relationship between volume vj and iteration number j for the basic
version of adaptive random search, obtained by (12.6), and for the modified version, (12.8)
270 R. Simpson and A. Abakarov
The simultaneous sterilization approach was developed especially for small can-
neries with few retorts, as they frequently process small batches of different products
in various container sizes that require different process times and retort temperatures
(Simpson 2005). The proposed approach takes advantage of the fact that, for any
given product and container size, there exist many alternative combinations of retort
temperatures (above the lethal range) and corresponding processing times that
deliver necessary lethality (F0 value). In practice, the following two F0 values are
considered for each product sterilized: Fmin 0 and Fmax
0 . These values are product-
related, but in general the value Fmin
0 is chosen according to safety criterion and Fmax
according to quality criterion (resulting in a safe product with required quality). All
combinations of retort temperature and processing time correspond to the same F0
value and are called isolethal or equivalent lethality processes (Holdsworth and
Simpson 2007). Figure 12.3 shows two equivalent lethality curves corresponding to
the values Fmin0 and Fmax
0 . The region R between the two curves contains all
combinations of retort temperatures and processing times sufficient for sterilization
of a selected product. We will call this region the “permissible region.”
One important aspect of the simultaneous sterilization approach is that the
difference in the absolute level of quality retention is relatively small over a
practical range of isolethal process conditions. The relative insensitivity of quality
over a range of different isolethal process conditions opens the door to maximizing
output from a fixed number of retorts for different product and container sizes. The
following procedure (I) can be utilized to obtain equivalent lethality processes (in
permissible region) for a given product and its container size:
12 Optimization of Food Thermal Processing 271
Tmin Tmax
Time (min)
106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126
Temperature (°C)
Fig. 12.3 Two equivalent lethality curves corresponding to values Fmin
0 and Fmax
0 . The region R
between the curves contains all combinations of retort temperatures and processing times suffi-
cient for sterilization of a selected product
Procedure (I):
1. For a given product and its can size, choose Fmin 0 and Fmax
0 values.
2. Choose an interval ½Tmin ; Tmax , where Tmin and Tmax are the minimum and
maximum retort temperatures, respectively.
3. Choose the discretization points Ti ; i 2 1 : N, in ½Tmin ; Tmax .
4. For each discretization point, Ti ; i 2 1 : N, and lethality values, Fmin
0 and Fmax
0 ,
obtain isolethal processes. (Heat penetration tests can be conducted on each
product or computer simulations to establish processing times ti ; i 2 1 : N, at
retort temperatures Ti ; i 2 1 : N, to achieve the necessary target lethality values).
5. To obtain a set of two continuous curves per product, fit the discrete values
ti ; i 2 1 : N, using the cubic spline procedure. The region restricted by the two
continuous curves, and by the left and right bounds of retort temperatures Tmin
and Tmax , is the permissible region for the given product (Fig. 12.3). Thus, the
two strictly decreasing continuous functions, which are iso-lethality curves, are
obtained for the product (Fig. 12.3) as follows:
where mðTÞ MðTÞ for each T 2 ½Tmin ; Tmax and the minimum and maximum
times needed to process the product at temperature T are denoted by mðTÞ and
MðTÞ, respectively.
Figure 12.4 shows the results of utilizing procedure (I) for three different pro-
ducts: A, B and C. (The permissible regions for each product, RA , RB and RC , were
obtained). The intersection RABC of the permissible regions RA , RB and RC indicates
processes that are sufficient for simultaneous sterilization of products A, B, and C.
272 R. Simpson and A. Abakarov
Fig. 12.4 The intersection RABC of the permissible regions RA , RB and RC indicates processes that
are sufficient for simultaneous sterilization of products A, B and C
hv; t; T i
and t; T are the necessary time and retort temperature, respectively, used to process
a subset of products determined by vector v.
It can be assumed the simultaneous sterilization vector v1 is dominated by the
other simultaneous sterilization vector v2 if the following two conditions hold:
8j 2 1 : n v1 ½ j ¼ 1 ) v2 ½ j ¼ 1
t1 bt2
where t1 and t2 are the times necessary to process the subsets of the products
determined by the vectors v1 and v2 , respectively.
This fact can be denoted as v1 > v2 . Obviously, only non-dominated vectors
should be used in the sterilization process; otherwise, a sterilization vector exists
that could be replaced by another vector, which would mean it is possible to
sterilize at least the same subset of products in reduced process time.
12 Optimization of Food Thermal Processing 273
s X
xkij ¼ aj ; 8j 2 1 : n (12.10)
k¼1 i¼1
xkij uki ck ; 8i 2 1 : m; 8k 2 1 : s (12.11)
Since the above mathematical model is non-linear, due to its non-linear (minimax)
objective function, the following modifications were made in order to transform
it into an equivalent MILP model. The objective function (2) was replaced by the
following objective function:
MinMax ! min
where MinMax 2 ð0; þ1Þ, and the following constraints for each of the given
autoclaves k 2 1 : s, were added to constraints in (12.10) and (12.11):
uki ti MinMax; k21:s
Thus, the minimization of plant operation time by MILP can be written in terms
of an objective function:
MinMax ! min
subject to:
uki ti MinMax; k21:s
s X
X m
xkij ¼ aj ; 8j 2 1 : n
k¼1 i¼1
xkij uki ck ; 8i 2 1 : m; 8k 2 1 : s
The obtained MILP model is the preferred choice over the model with a non-
linear objective function, for two reasons. First, there are algorithms, which gua-
rantee finding a global solution to the linear programming problems (Taha 2006).
Second, efficient computer tools have been developed based on such algorithms
(Robert Fourer, “Software Survey: Linear Programming” 2009).
12 Optimization of Food Thermal Processing 275
The following data in Table 12.1 was used in the optimization of the thermal
processing of canned foods.
The next numerical experiment consists of searching for the optimum variable
retort temperature profile, to maximize retention of a specified quality factor
(thiamine) within the constraint of assuring minimum required target lethality and
by variable retort temperature profile utilization, within the upper and lower limits
of retort temperature in the range of this study (110–140
C). In this example, a final
target lethality of Fd0 ¼ 8 min was chosen (typical for many canned foods).
The results obtained from a basic random search algorithm, and its modifica-
tion, are shown in Fig. 12.5 (Simpson et al. 2008) and Fig. 12.6, respectively.
Utilizing the proposed modification, the optimal solution computed before was
improved in terms of process time (89 against 91 min) and number of objective
function computations (600 against 1,000 calculations). The final lethality F0 was
equal to 8.001.
This numerical experiment deals with searching for the optimum variable retort
temperature profile to minimize process time within the constraints of assuring both
minimum required target lethality and quality retention. In this case, the search
routine was restricted in two ways, first to satisfy the lethality constraint of
Fd0 ¼ 8min, as before, and second, that the quality constraint thiamine retention
could not fall below 50% (CðtÞ > 0:5).
Fig. 12.5 Optimum VRT profile for maximum thiamine retention (55%) from a basic random
search algorithm using cubic spline approximation and 1,000 iterations
Retort Temperature (°C)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Process Time (min)
Fig. 12.6 Optimum VRT profile for maximum thiamine retention (55%) from a modified random
search algorithm using cubic spline approximation and 600 iterations
The results obtained from a basic random search algorithm, and its modification,
are shown in Fig. 12.7 (Simpson et al. 2008) and Fig. 12.8, respectively. Utilizing
the proposed modification, the optimal solution computed before was improved in
terms of Process Time (67 against 68 min.) and the number of objective function
computations (600 against 1,000 calculations). The final thiamine retention Cðtf Þ
was equal to 0.503 (50%).
12 Optimization of Food Thermal Processing 277
Retort Temperature (°C)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Process Time (min)
Fig. 12.7 Optimum VRT profile for minimum thiamine retention (50%) from a basic random
search algorithm using cubic spline approximation and 1,000 iterations
Retort Temperature (°C)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Process Time (min)
Fig. 12.8 Optimum VRT profile for minimum thiamine retention (50%) from a basic random
search algorithm using cubic spline approximation and 600 iterations
A computer program developed by the authors was used to generate a set VA0 of
79 non-dominated simultaneous sterilization vectors and a set of times, TA0 , for
temperatures ranging from Tmin ¼ 110
C to Tmax ¼ 124
C. Values 0.1 and 0.5 were
used as precision parameters of procedure (II) Dt and DT , respectively.
Table 12.3 shows all simultaneous sterilization vectors computed at temperature
C utilizing procedure (II). The following common data was used for problems 1–4:
l Number of combinations of products and can sizes: 16
l Quantity for each product: see Table 12.4
l Number of sterilization vectors: 79
l Set of non-dominated sterilization vectors: VA0
l Set of sterilization time: TA0
Table 12.2 Combinations of products and can sizes used in this study
Can size
Product 211 400 300 407 307 409 307 113 401 411
Number of combinationsa
Asparagus 1 2 3 4 5
Corn 6 7 8 9
Green beans 10 11 12 13
Peas 14 15 16
Number of product and can size combinations
12.4 Conclusions
Acknowledgements The authors Ricardo Simpson and Alik Abakarov are grateful for the
financial support provided by CONICYT through the FONDECYT project number 1090628.
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Chapter 13
Recent Advances in Emerging Nonthermal
13.1 Introduction
Thermal treatment and reduction of water activity in food have been two of the
most used techniques to process and preserve food. Pasteurization and sterilization,
the main thermal processes used around the world to inactivate pathogenic bacteria,
reduce spoilage microorganisms and enzyme activity, inactivate spores (using
sterilization), and extend the shelf life of the product. Drying is one of the most
effective techniques used to reduce the water activity in the product and as a result
the growth of microorganisms is retarded. However, the use of high temperature in
these processes has an undesirable effect on the quality of the final product. While
heat is responsible for achieving microbial and enzyme inactivation in the product,
heat also affects the sensorial quality (color, taste, texture, flavor) and nutrient
content of the product and promotes undesirable chemical reactions. In addition to
using heat, for some products chemical compounds can be added to preserve the
product and provide better stability during storage, such as artificial colorants and
preservatives. Most of the time, the final product does not represent the original
characteristics of the fresh product because of the changes in its properties during
processing. Thus, the search for new alternatives in food processing and preserva-
tion has become a priority of food scientists, not only to provide a better quality
product, but also to satisfy the needs and preferences of the consumer, and further to
fulfill regulations regarding food safety and to offer new alternatives in the food
market. These new alternatives include the use of other preservation factors, as
opposed to heat, that are able to inactivate microorganisms and enzymes and
provide better stability to the product with only minor changes in the overall quality
of the food.
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 285
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_13, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
286 D. Bermúdez-Aguirre and G.V. Barbosa-Cánovas
Consumers are becoming more demanding about what to expect after paying for a
food product. In the past, consumers would buy a food product simply to satisfy a
primary need, i.e., to satisfy their hunger. Today, consumers expect additional
benefits from the same products, and some of these benefits include (among others)
fortification with extra nutrients, enhancement of characteristics like flavor and
texture, food free of chemicals or preservatives, and appealing product appearance;
in other words, consumers want to eat fresh-like products but also want extended
shelf life. The trend toward “clean” labels (with or without chemicals) is one of the
most cited around the world (Clark 2002); from 2008 to 2009 alone there was an
increase in the percentage of consumers who considered the absence of chemical
additives and preservatives in products to be a very important characteristic,
products free of chemical additives (from 37% in 2008 to 44% in 2009) and those
free of preservatives (from 28% in 2008 to 34% in 2009), according to the latest
survey (Sloan 2010). However, consumers have also developed preferences regard-
ing the technology used to process foods, as well as the origin and possible
modification of products (e.g., genetically modified foods); sometimes the con-
sumer does not easily accept novel technologies for processing food (Nielsen et al.
2009). For example, irradiated food is not well accepted in specific regions of the
world, where some consumers believe that food becomes radioactive with this
processing technology; in some countries the term “irradiation” has been changed
to “electric pasteurization.”
To gain acceptance of a new technology, food scientists must provide consu-
mers with enough information about its benefits. Sometimes the educational
background of consumers is important in achieving a full understanding of the
technology; other factors to consider are age, gender and geographical region
(Nielsen et al. 2009).
Generally, when higher quality is offered to consumers they are willing to pay a
higher price if the product is attractive to them (Lelieveld 2005). One interesting
study on the consumer’s acceptance level in the use of two novel nonthermal
technologies, high hydrostatic pressure and pulsed electric fields (PEF), provided
some facts on what consumers think is positive or negative about these technolo-
gies. Consumers preferred both nonthermal technologies because of the products’
high quality attributes (taste, nutritional content); on a negative note, they did not
like the higher price, the lack of information about the technology, and the extended
shelf life of products (Nielsen et al. 2009). This last point is really interesting
because these particular consumers are looking for food products with fresh-like
characteristics but also believe that if a product has a longer shelf life than
conventionally treated ones, the product will have lower quality. That fact is
opposite to the goal set for specific foods such as military and space rations in
which the basic requirement is a food with at least a 3-year shelf life. Maybe the
consumer’s lack of information is what leads to rejection of the novel technologies,
since high pressure and pulsed electric fields can produce safe products with long
13 Recent Advances in Emerging Nonthermal Technologies 287
shelf life while maintaining fresh-like characteristics during storage. On the hand,
participants in the study were positive towards these new technologies to some
degree because both are environmentally friendly and no preservatives are added to
the food during processing (Nielsen et al. 2009).
It has been shown that there has been an important increase in the research of novel
technologies, due to a joint effort by academia, industry and government (Clark
2008). The area commonly referred to as emerging technologies is very wide-
ranging with two main trends in research, that of thermal and nonthermal novel
Although novel thermal technologies such as microwave, ohmic heating, radio
frequency and inductive heating use heat as an inactivation tool, the application
and generation of heat is different from conventional thermal treatment. Proces-
sing times in these thermal technologies are very short, and lower temperatures
are used, which allows having a safe product but with minimal change in quality.
Another important development in the thermal processing area is the use of
pouches instead of cans. Layers of polyethylene or polypropylene, adhesive,
aluminum foil, polyester and nylon are constructed together to contain and
sterilize the food product (Clark 2002). These pouches are convenient because
of better heat penetration in food, lighter weight, feasibility to label them directly
on the surface and higher production rate. In the last several years, use of
polymeric trays for thermal processing (conventional or novel processes) has
become more common.
Several nonthermal technologies have been explored recently, from high hydro-
static pressure to cold plasma. Some physical and chemical preservation factors
have been combined in an intelligent way to successfully inactivate bacteria and
extend the shelf life of the product, as shown in Table 13.1. During research of these
novel technologies, knowledge about changes in the product, such as protein
modification, delivered new ingredients for novel food products. The novel non-
thermal technologies offer not only opportunities to explore other inactivation
effects on microorganisms, but also to develop new processes and products through
specific modification of certain food components, as shown in Table 13.2. In some
of these technologies, the use of mild thermal treatment has been useful to enhance
the effects of the technology by providing better characteristics in the final product;
however, the name “nonthermal” is used because the main effects in the product
and microorganisms are the result of pressure, electricity, light or sound, among
Table 13.1 Examples of microbial inactivation using selected nonthermal technologies
Table 13.2 Examples of changes or improvements in food quality/characteristics using nonthermal technologies
Characteristic Technology Food product Tested conditions Results Reference
Activity of bovine cathepsin High hydrostatic Bovine meat 0.1–650 MPa, More than 50% reduction of Buckow et al. 2010
D (meat tenderization) Pressure 20–75 C enzymatic activity using
100–400 MPa
Peroxidase (POD) and Pulsed electric fields Apple juice 40 kV/cm, Reduction of 71% PPO and Riener et al. 2008
polyphenoloxidase 100 ms, 50 C 68% POD
(PPO) activity
Tartaric esters extraction Ultrasound assisted Red grape marc Not mentioned Yield increased 16–23% using Vilkhu et al. 2008
extraction (UAE) ultrasound
Chlorophylls Pulsed electric fields Spinach puree 60 kV/cm Increased green color because Soliva-Fortuny et al. 2009
of microbial and
Recent Advances in Emerging Nonthermal Technologies
enzymatic inactivation
Texture Pressure assisted Carrot, zucchini, 600 MPa, 105 C Better texture and retained Nguyen et al. 2010
thermal apricot, red color compared to using
processing radish and jicama only high pressure or
thermal treatment
290 D. Bermúdez-Aguirre and G.V. Barbosa-Cánovas
other. In this chapter, some of the most known nonthermal technologies such as
high hydrostatic pressure and pulsed electric fields, and some of the newest
technologies such as cold plasma will be addressed.
Even though high hydrostatic pressure is currently used in the food industry to
process and preserve specific food items, there is still important research being
conducted. Because of the benefits observed in food products using high pressure,
in addition to microbial inactivation and enzymatic stability, many researchers are
devoted to studying other effects of high hydrostatic pressure on foods. To mention
just one example, when pressurized products were offered to panelists along with
untreated samples, the panelists could not distinguish between the treated and
untreated samples (Torres and Velazquez 2005). Also, research in the development
of new products using the particular characteristics of pressure in treating some
food components is a new and fascinating area that is being explored around the
world. Many products have been tested under high pressure conditions, such as
dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream); fruits and vegetables in different presenta-
tions such as purée, juices, jams or chunks; meat (turkey, beef, pork, poultry),
seafood; grains; eggs; ethnic products; and specific food components such as starch
or protein, to mention just a few examples.
b 10
a 8
Quality Index
6 7
Log CFU/g
5 6
4 5
3 4
2 3
1 2
0 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Days of storage Shelf-life (weeks)
APC Non-HPP APC HPP Lactis Non HPP Lactis HPP Standard Process w/preservatives HPP
c 50 15 0.6
Vitamin C (mg/100 ml)
5 0.2
0 0 0
0 400 480 540 0 400 480 540 0 400 480 540
Pressure (Mpa) Pressure (Mpa) Pressure (Mpa)
Processtime: 1 minute, Processtemperature(IT): 20°C Processtime: 1 minute, Processtemperature(IT): 20°C Processtime: 1 minute, Processtemperature(IT): 20°C
d 9
Log (CFU/g)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Days after HPP
Control-E.coli O157:H7 HPP-E.coli O157:H7 Control-Salmonella
HPP-Salmonella Control-LM HPP-LM
Fig. 13.1 Examples of the use of high pressure for some food products: (a) Shelf life extension of
macaroni salad with vegetables (pH 4.83); (b) quality extension (texture, color and nutritional
content) of RTE meats (sliced cooked ham); (c) nutrient retention (vitamin C, folic acid and
niacin) in fresh orange juice processed with high pressure; (d) inactivation of pathogenic micro-
organisms in strawberry and banana smoothie (Adapted from Avure Technologies, Inc. 2010)
hummus, dips and salsas. In Fig. 13.1b, the graph shows how the quality index of
some RTE meats is kept almost constant during storage after pressurization. This
example shows that the overall quality (texture, color and nutritional content) of
sliced cooked ham after 10 weeks of storage; the quality of the pressurized product
is the same as ham just after processing. The comparison in the plot of the common
and traditional ham processed with chemicals and additives shows the advantages
of pressurizing the product in addition to having a preservative-free product.
Figure 13.1c shows the nutrient content in orange juice after pressurizing the
juice at room temperature (20 C) and inactivating the microorganisms in the
product; the content of vitamin C, folic acid and niacin remained the same as that
in the fresh product even when using the highest pressure (540 MPa) for only 1 min.
Finally, in Fig. 13.1d, the inactivation of pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia
coli, Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes is shown in a popular beverage
292 D. Bermúdez-Aguirre and G.V. Barbosa-Cánovas
Fig. 13.2 Examples of current high pressure processing equipment (Avure Technologies, Inc.
13 Recent Advances in Emerging Nonthermal Technologies 293
not the only important parameter to consider during processing. More quality
parameters are under consideration during experimentation in addition to using
novel food products. For example, an apple-broccoli juice functional food was
tested at 500 MPa and 10 min; in addition to showing excellent microbial quality
for more than 30 days of refrigerated conditions (no presence of coliforms, yeasts,
molds, or salmonella), this product also showed similar concentration of sulforaphane
(a nutritional component), anti-mutagenic activity, and sensorial quality as a frozen
juice (Houŝka et al. 2006).
One market that has been explored with successful results in high pressure
processing is the seafood product market. High pressure by itself has been impor-
tant in improving the quality of some seafood products such as surimi, for which
there have been interesting reported results (Tabilo-Munizaga and Barbosa-Cánovas
2004, 2005). One of the most important discoveries using this technology was in the
processing of shelled seafood; high pressure can open the shells, “extract” the meat
and increase the yielding of the process, in addition to inactivating microorganisms.
All of these benefits in addition to the reduction of labor costs and increase of
product shelf life have been reported, not only for oysters (as shown in the past), but
also as shown in current studies for lobsters, clams and other fresh products (Avure
Technologies, Inc. 2010).
In the last few years, high hydrostatic pressure has shown important advances. The
fact that it is one of the few nonthermal technologies commercially available today
is because of the extensive research that has provided information on this techno-
logy. Although the number of commercial products treated with high pressure was
small in the beginning, the demand for these products has increased considerably.
The most known case is with Avomex Inc. This company started in 1996 as a small
facility processing avocado paste (guacamole), which under pressure keeps its
freshness (Torres and Velazquez 2005). Worldwide, the number of facilities has
increased in addition to the number of products processed by high pressure, not only
those processed by Avomex.
Several facts have been noticed during the processing of foods using this
technology, such as compression heating. Although high pressure is considered a
nonthermal technology, in recent years there has been much research devoted to
studying the effect of temperature during the compression taking place in the high
pressure process. This change in temperature is reversible and after completion of
pressurization, the temperature returns to the starting temperature. The increase of
temperature depends on certain factors such as pressure medium and vessel,
pressurization rate, initial temperature and food composition (e.g., higher fat
content and higher temperature increase) (Patazca et al. 2007). Considering the
pressure medium, some studies have shown that three of the most common pressure
transmitting fluids used in high pressure processing have different compression
13 Recent Advances in Emerging Nonthermal Technologies 295
heating values, the highest being for ethanol, followed by ethylene glycol and the
last being water. Also, an important fact is that when the initial temperature is high,
the compression heating is increased (Buzrul et al. 2008). This last fact is important,
for example in microbial inactivation, because in some cases preheating of the food
is required to kill target bacteria in the product; thus, increase in temperature
because of compression during pressurization can enhance the inactivation treat-
ment (Wilson et al. 2008).
With regard to equipment, currently there are a good number of high pressure
systems available worldwide, not only at lab scale, but also for commercial
applications. Figure 13.3 presents a few examples of the high pressure systems
available at Avure Technologies, Inc. (2010), which offers options to the food
processor, such as the first unit (a) for lab research that has a volume capacity of
only 2 L and has been designed to research very high pressures (690 MPa) and
high temperatures (90 C). The second option (b) is more suitable for pilot plant
scale or product development and has a larger capacity (35 L). The third option
(c) represents one of the most innovative systems in food processing in the last
few years; this equipment is being used in the food industry to open the shells of
seafood to release the meat. This unit (Fig. 13.3c) shows the smallest equipment
available for this purpose (320 L) and can process up to 2,300 kg of seafood/h with a
processing time of 3.5 min. The biggest unit for this purpose (not shown here) has a
volume of up to 687 L, which represents a production of 500 kg per cycle, and each
pressure cycle takes approximately 3.7 min. Finally, in Fig. 13.3d the largest high
pressure equipment is shown; this device has a volume of 350 L, operates at
600 MPa, and can be used for different applications such as the pasteurization of
avocado sauce, salsa, and ready-to-eat meat, among others (Avure Technologies,
Inc. 2010). Other companies around the world that manufacture high pressure systems
for food processing are Hyperbaric NC (Spain), Engineered Pressure Systems Inter-
national (EPSI) (Belgium), Kobe Steel (Japan), Stansted Fluid Power, Ltd. (UK),
Resato International (The Netherlands), UNIPRESS (Poland), ACB Pressure System-
Alstom Hyperbar (France), and UHDE (Germany).
One of the most significant advances in high pressure technology is the approval by
the Food and Drug Administration of the process called pressure assisted thermal
sterilization (PATS), which is basically the combination of pressure (600 MPa) and
selected temperature to achieve sterilization patterns in low-acid food products
(NCFST 2009). This approval, released in February 2009, opens a world of
opportunities in the development of other food products using high hydrostatic
pressure and also in transporting food products to remote places and storage for
longer periods of time. Just a few years ago, inactivation of spores seemed to be a
challenge for the technology, and researchers even were planning to use extremely
high pressure (GPa) to achieve inactivation, which was not feasible from the
296 D. Bermúdez-Aguirre and G.V. Barbosa-Cánovas
c d
Ground Treatment
Electrode Area (Gap)
High Voltage
Insulator Treatment
Ground Area (Gap)
Fluid Flow
Fig. 13.3 Examples of pulsed electric field devices: (a) PEF 25 kW PowerMod®; (b) PEF
industrial system to process 1,000–5,000 L/h; (c) layout of PEF treatment chamber; (d) set up of
two PEF treatment chambers connected together (DTI 2010)
there was a minor number of remaining spores (Margosch et al. 2006). Spores are
very resistant organisms to most of the tested inactivation factors, such as heat,
mainly because of their composition. Clostridium botulinum spores have been
inactivated in some food matrixes using high pressure and high temperature, but
the mechanism of inactivation is not fully understood; meanwhile, for Bacillus
spores there are two possible theories about inactivation using high pressure, such
as the release of Ca-DPA (dipicolinic acid), related to germination processes or the
formation of pores in the membranes. Also, there is evidence that the presence of
minerals and increase of temperature weaken spore resistance to high pressure
treatment (Wilson et al. 2008).
High pressure has shown important results in the last few years, and with the
approval of PATS a new huge market is now available to commercialize new
products. These products will change the marketing of low acid foods indeed, not
only with the feasibility of having a better quality product with longer shelf life, but
also because of the kind of packaging used for these products. Commercialization
of PATS treated products could be achieved around the world, allowing the free
interchange of ethnic food products to remote places on the planet. Also, these
PATS food items can be used for the military, space missions, and humanitarian
purposes. Development of equipment is growing, together with the development of
products in different parts of the world, and there are increasingly more companies
offering several options for food processing. Food scientists must now focus on the
development of novel, innovative and safe products using this technology, which
holds promise for an exciting future.
Another nonthermal technology that has shown more advances in research and
could be the next window for commercial application is pulsed electric fields (PEF)
technology. This nonthermal technology, which involves the application of an
electric field applied in a pulsed way into a food placed between two electrodes,
has been extensively researched around the world. PEF technology was first used to
process liquid foods such as in model systems of juices and milk, followed by
further applications to real food items. Currently, another area of PEF research is
dedicated to studying the application of this technology to solid food products,
which has shown important benefits. Some advances in this technology are pre-
sented in the next paragraphs, showing the advantages of processing foods with
electric fields, as well as developments in the manufacturing of treatment chambers
and some of the innovative products treated with PEF.
298 D. Bermúdez-Aguirre and G.V. Barbosa-Cánovas
As in the case of high hydrostatic pressure, pulsed electric fields technology is being
widely explored in the juice industry. Most of the research conducted in the last few
years has been related to the application of PEF for microbial and enzymatic
inactivation in fruit and vegetable juices (Riener et al. 2008; Aguiló-Aguayo
et al. 2008a, b, 2009a, b; Evrendilek et al. 2008; Odriozola-Serrano et al. 2008;
Oms-Oliu et al. 2009; Odriozola-Serrano et al. 2009; Martı́nez-Viedma et al. 2009).
First, the inactivation of microorganisms continues to be studied under PEF
treatments using different approaches to confirm the cell death. Spores of Penicil-
lium expansum were studied after processing cherry juice, peach and apricot nectars
under PEF treatment from very low strengths (13 kV/cm) to higher strengths
(34 kV/cm) using 218 ms as the longest processing time. Results showed positively
that as the electric fields and treatment times were increased, spore germination was
completely inhibited (Evrendilek et al. 2008).
Important results have been observed in enzymatic inactivation of juices; some
enzymes that are resistant to thermal pasteurization and responsible for the reduction
of quality have been successfully inactivated using PEF. For example, in strawberry
juice, lipoxygenase (LOX) was inactivated after processing the juice at 35 kV/cm by
1,000 ms, showing a residual activity of 65% and 70% depending on the mode of PEF
operation (monopolar or bipolar). Meanwhile, a monopolar mode was more effective
than bipolar for reduction in the activity of another important enzyme in strawberry
juice, b-glucosidase (73.2%), making it possible to achieve a more stable juice during
storage (Aguiló-Aguayo et al. 2008a). PEF strawberry treated juice also showed flavor
stability during storage because of the slow development of unpleasant compounds,
compared to the thermal treated samples (Aguiló-Aguayo et al. 2009a). Similar
studies using PEF showed that the color and concentration of 5-hydroxymethyl
furfural (HMF) in strawberry juice, which is responsible for the development of
browning, were positively affected after processing (Aguiló-Aguayo et al. 2009b).
Few changes in color were observed for strawberry, tomato and watermelon juices
after processing at 35 kV/cm, 40 C and 1,000 ms, and lower concentration of HMF
was detected after PEF processing. In the case of watermelon juice treated under
PEF, lycopene, vitamin C and antioxidant capacity were evaluated after processing.
Lycopene retention and antioxidants in watermelon juice capacity showed the best
results after processing with PEF; however, for vitamin C, when the same treatment
was applied, a reduction in vitamin C content up to 72% was shown (Oms-Oliu et al.
Tomato juice is another food product that is of high importance in the food industry.
After processing with thermal treatment it shows an important decrease in quality
attributes. The search for new alternatives to process this product has led food
scientists to explore the use of PEF for tomato juice. One of the most important
enzymes in tomato juice is peroxidase (POD), which generates some quality problems
during storage. This enzyme was totally inactivated in the juice using 35 kV/cm,
13 Recent Advances in Emerging Nonthermal Technologies 299
2,000 ms (7 ms bipolar pulses) at 200 Hz; very low residual activities (around 8%) were
found under similar processing conditions (Aguiló-Aguayo et al. 2008b). In addition,
after treatment, tomato juice showed an enhancement of some carotenoids such as
lycopene, b-carotene and phytofluene, in making the color of the juice very red. Also,
the evaluation of phenolic compounds, pH and soluble solids remained similar to the
fresh product. Only a minor decrease in the health-related compounds was observed
after processing, but important losses were observed during storage, with the excep-
tion of b-carotene, phytoene and caffeic acid (Odriozola-Serrano et al. 2009).
Furthermore, the combination of PEF with other preservation factors such as
bacteriocins has been used recently to inactivate target microorganisms such as
lactic acid bacteria. Martı́nez Viedma et al. (2009) successfully studied the combi-
nation of PEF treatment at 35 kV/cm, 1,000 ms and enterocin AS-48 (2 mg/mL) in
apple juice to inactivate Lactobacillus diolivorans 29. The juice was stable
for 15 days at refrigerated and room temperature without the presence of this
Since the first experiments conducted with PEF, the treatment chamber has been the
key part of the system, in which inactivation of microorganisms and enzymes takes
place when the liquid is passed through the chamber containing the electrodes.
Treatment chambers can be classified in accordance with the operation mode, in
static and continuous. Among the first chambers, some of those that have been used
for food processing are the U-shaped, parallel plate, disk-shaped, wire cylinder, rod-
rod and the sealed static treatment chamber. For continuous processing, the most
common devices include the co-axial and co-field treatment chambers (Huang and
Wang 2009). In Fig. 13.2, images of current PEF systems, which now have a more
compact design than previous older units, are presented. Figure 13.2 a shows the
PEF PowerMod 25 kW system, which is suitable for use in pilot plant scale and has
the feasibility to work with one or two chambers together (Fig. 13.2d), allowing
recirculation of the fluid between each cycle. The maximum output voltage is 35 kV,
delivering monopolar pulses, and the maximum flow rate recommended is 10 L/min.
In Fig. 13.2c the layout of the co-field treatment chamber is shown, showing that the
treatment chamber in Fig. 13.2d and the one installed in the PowerMod 25 kW unit
have a gap distance of 0.65 cm and an electrode diameter of 0.5 cm. Finally,
Fig. 13.2b presents the first commercial PEF unit; designed by Diversified Techno-
logies, Inc. for use at Ohio State University, it has the capacity to process
1,000–5,000 L/h but can also be scaled-up to process up to 50,000 L/h (DTI 2010).
However, several issues need to be resolved to enhance and optimize the
treatment during processing. For example, the possibility of electrical arcing
because of the presence of bubbles in the food product is a big problem during
PEF processing, although this may have been fixed by using some equipment under
vacuum conditions before starting the process or installing sensors in specific parts
300 D. Bermúdez-Aguirre and G.V. Barbosa-Cánovas
of the system to detect bubbles and automatically stop the process. Erosion of
electrodes because of strong processing conditions during PEF is another issue that
is currently under study and optimization by PEF manufacturers. When an electrical
current is discharged into the electrodes and a fluid passes through the chamber,
electrochemical reactions take place; as a result some metal particles from the
electrodes are released to the medium and particles from the food are deposited onto
the electrode surface (Mastwijk 2006). Some available options to minimize the
erosion of electrodes include using a specific type of pulse during processing or
using stronger and durable material such as platinum, gold and metal oxides; also,
the application of conductive polymer coatings onto the electrode can reduce the
erosion problems (Góngora-Nieto et al. 2002). Most of the electrodes currently used
around the world are made of stainless steel, and some have coatings consisting in
part of the strongest materials, such as platinum; however, these coatings are not
always strong enough when there are arcing problems during operation, which can
erode the electrode surface.
Several years ago, PEF technology was recognized as a new processing tool for
liquid food products; however, in the last few years PEF has become more impor-
tant in extraction processes in the food industry and for treatment of solid foods.
PEF has been applied, for example, in processing alfalfa mash to extract the juice
from the product. Even though other technologies have been applied to maximize
the yield of extraction, the juice was never totally extracted. PEF, however, was
applied to alfalfa mash with the highest electric field at 2.5 kV/cm and obtained a
maximum amount of juice of 13.88 g per 40 g of alfalfa (Gachovska et al. 2009).
PEF was able to damage the tissue of alfalfa and extract the juice of the vegetable,
although according to the authors, the capacitance of the discharge capacitor should
be higher than 1 mF to optimize the process.
Another example is the extraction of betanine extraction from red beet roots,
which was faster and with higher yield (90% of extraction) after PEF treatment than
the conventional treatment (López et al. 2009a). Also, it is known that for extraction
purposes, the intensity of the treatment does not need to be so high; lower electric
fields are needed, but longer processing times are required to achieve good extrac-
tion levels. For example, for betanine, the electric field was 7 kV/cm, 5 pulses (2 ms)
and 300 min (López et al. 2009a); these processing conditions allowed extracting
the content from the tissue, but did not support microbial inactivation, which
requires electric fields higher than 20 kV/cm in combination with a specific
temperature and pulse width conditions. A similar example is the extraction of
sucrose from sugar beet, in which an electric field of 7 kV/cm at 40 C and 60 min
was able to achieve up to 80% of sucrose extraction (López et al. 2009b). Also, the
extraction of anthocyanins and phenols from red grapes has been widely used in the
wine industry to reduce the time of maceration and to increase the extraction of
13 Recent Advances in Emerging Nonthermal Technologies 301
phenolic compounds (Puértolas et al. 2010; López et al. 2008a, b). In addition to
these extraction processes for wine making, PEF is also able to inactivate spoilage
yeast and bacteria in the wine. Dekkera anomala, D. bruxellensis, Lactobacillus
hilgardii, and L. plantarum are some examples of bacteria that have been success-
fully inactivated by PEF in must and wine; more than 99.9% of spoilage bacteria in
both products can be eliminated (Puértolas et al. 2009).
Some studies using PEF showed an interesting behavior in potato starch after
processing. The starch granules were damaged because of the intensity of the
electric field. Pieces of the granules after processing showed some structures that
were similar to gel and a decrease in the gelatinization temperatures as the PEF
treatment became more intense (Han et al. 2009).
food products to improve their quality for extraction purposes or microbial inacti-
vation. However, most of this information is still under research and to date few
results have been published. Nevertheless, use of pulsed electric fields has a
promising future in Europe and could be approved by regulatory agencies soon.
13.5 Ultrasound
Ultrasound is another nonthermal technology under research in the last few years,
as a possible tool to inactivate microorganisms and enzymes. While the lethal
effects of ultrasound in microorganisms have long been known, in the last 2 decades
there has been a strong research emphasis at several universities and research
centers around the world regarding the use of ultrasound for bacteria inactivation.
Positive results have been found when ultrasound is used in combination with
temperature (thermo-sonication) or pressure (mano-sonication) or even both
(mano-thermo-sonication) in the inactivation of pathogenic bacteria and spoilage
microorganisms. Also, the use of temperature and ultrasound together have been
successfully used to reduce the enzymatic activity in some target products such as
juices, providing better stability during storage. One of the most explored products
in the last 5 years has been milk under sonication, which shows positive results in
pasteurization standards, better homogenization and color, as well as new physical
properties for the development of dairy products.
13.5.1 Extraction
important factor in the stability of the phenolic compounds and had to be controlled
in each particular case (Ma et al. 2009).
Ultrasound, also called ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), has been used to
extract phospholipids from palm-pressed fiber (Chua et al. 2009). Typical extrac-
tion of phospholipids from palm oil takes a considerable amount of time and
requires the use of solvents. These phospholipids are currently used in the food
industry as emulsifiers and are of great importance in specific products. The need to
have a higher yield in extraction in addition to a faster and solvent free method is
highly desirable. In the study conducted by Chua et al. (2009), the extraction of
phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine was enhanced with the use of
ultrasound; a simpler process with a higher yield and shorter processing times was
achieved with this nonthermal technology.
Other applications of UAE include the extraction of herbal extracts such as
fennel, hops, marigold, mint, geniposide, carnosic acid from rosemary, almond oils,
ginseng saponins, ginger, soy protein and soy isoflavones, as well as polyphenols,
amino acid and caffeine from green tea and pyrethrines from flowers. Some
bioactive compounds such as beta-carotene, other polyphenols, and gingerol have
been successfully extracted with UAE from carrots, red grape marc, black tea, apple
and ginger (Vilkhu et al. 2008).
As mentioned before, ultrasound has been used to inactivate bacteria and enzymes,
and some of the most studied products have been fruit juices because of the easy
application of ultrasound to these products. Favorable results have been observed in
microbial inactivation and stability during storage, and minor changes have been
observed; however, there is still a lack of information regarding other components
after processing, for example nutritional content in juices. One of the most impor-
tant components in red grape juices and wines is anthocyanins because of their
excellent antioxidant activity; however, most of the anthocyanins are unstable
during processing. Ultrasound was used to study anthocyanin content after proces-
sing and encouraging results were observed. Higher retention was observed in
anthocyanin content after processing; the three major anthocyanins in red grape
juice, cyaniding-3-O-glocosides, malvanidin-3-O-glucosides and delphinidin-3-O-
glucosides, were retained respectively in the juice 97.5, 48.2 and 80.9% after
sonication (Tiwari et al. 2010). Also, non-enzymatic browning and ascorbic acid
degradation were studied in sonicated orange juice. Low temperature (5 C) and
intermediate amplitudes (42.7 mm, 20 kHz) were the best conditions for achieving
less degradation of ascorbic acid and less browning (Valdramidis et al. 2010).
These are good examples of the use of ultrasound for juice processing; sonication
inactivates bacteria and enzymes, retains higher concentration of nutrient com-
pounds and maintains a product with fresh-like characteristics.
304 D. Bermúdez-Aguirre and G.V. Barbosa-Cánovas
When an electric field is applied to a gas, molecules are ionized and gas plasma is
produced. The electrons, which are usually bound to molecules of gas, start to separate
from the gas; the resultant ionized gas is known as discharge plasma (Perni et al.
2008b). Some authors consider plasma as a fourth state of matter (Selcuk et al. 2008)
and that the mix of free radicals, excited species (atoms and molecules), free electrons
and ions are responsible for microbial inactivation. Atomic oxygen has been found in
plasma and is considered to be one of the most lethal components for inactivating
microorganisms (Perni et al. 2008b). One of the main advantages of plasma in food
13 Recent Advances in Emerging Nonthermal Technologies 305
applications is that this technology can be used at low temperatures, for example, as
low as ambient temperature (Perni et al. 2008a); that allows microbial inactivation
because of the generation of free radicals, resulting in a food product free of any
residues and that retains the fresh-like characteristics of the food.
Studies related to microbial inactivation in food using cold plasma are very scarce and
can be considered as a first-generation technology in food research (Niemira and Sites
2008). As a new technology, the interest in this nonthermal option is rising and some
attempts to inactivate bacteria are under development. Plasma basically consists of a
corona discharge from an electrode; it has been used mainly on food surfaces for
disinfection (Perni et al. 2008a). Corona discharge has a very high temperature, on the
order of 1,000 K, but the heat located in the electrode is quickly dissipated. In the past
the use of vacuum conditions were applied during the generation of plasma to maintain
low temperature; today, cold plasma is generated at voltages below those used for
corona discharge effects at higher frequencies than those for dielectric-barrier dis-
charge (Perni et al. 2008a). A schematic view of a cold plasma device is shown in
Fig. 13.4; the system basically consists of a pair of electrodes, one grounded and the
other powered, and a ceramic tube. The gas inlet is set at one of the extremes in the
ceramic sheath; once the gas comes into contact with the electric discharge, the plasma
is generated on the surface of the sample. Today, cold plasma is tested for disinfection
Gas inlet
mixture Powered
of food surfaces only; the microbial inactivation produced is attributed to the forma-
tion of free radicals in the plasma environment. Three main categories for plasma
generation can be cited: electrode contact, direct treatment and remote treatment
(Niemira and Sites 2008). The main difference between these approaches is whether
or not the plasma is in contact with the food item.
Another nonthermal technology that has been under research in the last 20 years is
dense phase carbon dioxide (DPCD), also called high pressure carbon dioxide
(HPCD); this technology allows microbial inactivation in foods and has seen a big
peak in research in the last 5 years (Garcia-Gonzalez et al. 2007). In this nonthermal
technology, carbon dioxide at supercritical conditions (temperature and pressure) is
applied to foods in the batch, semi-batch or continuous operation mode (Garcia-
Gonzalez et al. 2009); the pressurized CO2 diffuses through the material, dissolving
the cell components, generating microbial inactivation (Ferrentino et al. 2010a). The
critical conditions of CO2 (Tc ¼ 31 C, Pc ¼ 7.35 MPa, and up) are used for solid
and liquid foods. CO2 has the capability of diffusing throughout solid foods in a gas
form and dissolving materials similar to a liquid (Garcia-Gonzalez et al. 2007). The
critical conditions of CO2 are shown in the thermodynamic diagram in Fig. 13.5.
13 Recent Advances in Emerging Nonthermal Technologies 307
Fig. 13.5 Thermodynamic diagram (temperature–Pressure) for CO2 showing its critical conditions
Few studies have been conducted using DPCD to analyze other food properties.
Khorshid et al. (2007) used DPCD to precipitate protein from soy. Results of this
experiment showed that supercritical CO2 was useful in isolating pure protein,
having a higher recovery than with traditional methods; it also saved energy. Few
applications of DPCD for extraction purposes have been reported in food systems
and there have been few studies of this novel technology for microbial inactivation
in solid foods because of the possibility of altering the sensorial properties (Garcia-
Gonzalez et al. 2007).
Indeed, as in other technologies, DPCD is a wide research field with many
possibilities to explore. Research currently being conducted is focused on designing
the technology and improving the reactions to its use in processing of foods, as well
as some studies related to the solubility conditions of CO2 in water and other
complex systems at specific conditions (Parton et al. 2007b, b; Ferrentino et al.
2010b). A number of patents have been produced in the past few years regarding
DPCD equipment for pasteurization, especially in the United States, Germany and
Japan (Garcia-Gonzalez et al. 2007). Based on the current results of microbial
inactivation and quality characteristics of food, processing conditions have been
modified to achieve specific objectives.
Other nonthermal technologies that have been under research in the last few years
are ultraviolet (UV) and the use of certain compounds with antimicrobial activity
such as bacteriocins. In the case of ultraviolet technology, most of the applications
have been related more to the application of UV light on the surface of fresh cuts of
fruits and vegetables than in liquid products. For example, ultraviolet was applied to
fresh cuts of watermelon before packaging, followed by evaluation of the character-
istics of the fruit, such as CO2 and C2H4 production, microbial counts (mesophilic,
psychrophilic and enterobacteria), color parameters, nutrient compounds such as
lycopene, polyphenols and ascorbic acid and sensorial attributes. Results showed
that ultraviolet treatment can extend the shelf life of cut watermelon with minimal
changes in the quality characteristics (Artés-Hernández et al. 2010). Similar studies
were conducted with apple slices, using a pretreatment of hot water for blanching
and then dipping the slices into solutions with ascorbic acid and calcium chloride.
Browning and the growth of bacteria were delayed in samples treated with UV light
(Gómez et al. 2009). Other studies included fresh cut fruits such as pineapple,
guava, and banana (Alothman et al. 2009), and vegetables such as onion, escarole,
carrot and spinach (Selma et al. 2008).
In the field of bacteriocins, probably the most studied microorganism using these
compounds is Listeria spp., with bacteriocins found in seafood (Pinto et al. 2009); in
dairy products using peptide cerein 8A (Bizani et al. 2008); and in soft cheese using
E. faecium WHE 81 (Izquierdo et al. 2009). Even though a good number of bacter-
iocins have been isolated and used against specific target microorganisms in other
13 Recent Advances in Emerging Nonthermal Technologies 309
products, the only bacteriocin that has been approved for use in the food industry
(specifically for dairy products) is nisin, in specific concentrations. The use of
bacteriocins around the world is different in each country and legislation allows the
use of bacteriocins in specific products, which does not permit generalizations regard-
ing concentrations and types of food. However, research in this area is ongoing.
The list of other nonthermal technologies under research is still long; techno-
logies currently being tested in lab facilities include ozone by itself, ozone com-
bined with ultraviolet or electrolyzed water, the use of organic acids, supercritical
water, natural antimicrobials derived from species, and a combination of such with
most of the well established nonthermal technologies.
Today, hundreds of food products have been evaluated in relation to at least one
nonthermal technology, depending on the product and the objective of the process.
Table 13.3 provides a brief summary of some of the tested technologies according
to the kind of product and the achievements accomplished for each one. These
newest technologies are being researched by food scientists for use in food proces-
sing and are indeed showing encouraged results.
Ultrasound was first used in the early 1900s, but interest was lost in the following
years; now it is becoming popular again in food processing. This technology has been
shown to be important not only for microbial inactivation, but also for reduction of
enzymatic activity to provide food products with longer stability. In addition to its
inactivation effects, ultrasound is able to reduce processing times considerably
because of the two in one effect, for example in milk processing (pasteurization and
Table 13.3 Examples of nonthermal technologies suitable for processing specific foods
Nonthermal Type of product Examples Results
High hydrostatic Liquids Juices Pasteurization standards
Liquid-solids Eggs Sterilization
Gel-like Jams, jellies Pasteurization
Solids Cheese, meat Improved quality characteristics
(e.g., texture)
Pulsed electric fields Liquids Juices, milk Pasteurization standards
Ultrasound Liquids Juices, milk Pasteurization standards
Dense phase carbon Liquids Juices Pasteurization standards
Ultraviolet Liquids Water, juices Pasteurization standards
Solids Fresh-cuts Disinfection
Cold plasma Solids Nuts, fresh-cuts Disinfection
Bacteriocin Liquids and solids Dairy products Delay of spoilage degree
310 D. Bermúdez-Aguirre and G.V. Barbosa-Cánovas
and specific shapes in microbial inactivation are called “shoulders” and “tails” in food
engineering and these are shown in Fig. 13.6, representing a typical inactivation
curve in nonthermal technologies. Here, the need to find alternative mathematical
approaches to fit and model the survivor data is a challenge for food scientists.
Survivor data allows a comparison of the inactivation degree under different proces-
sing conditions in order to find an equivalent inactivation for thermal processing.
Some of the mathematical models that have been used for fitting the survivor
data after using nonthermal technologies are the Weibullian equation, Fermi equa-
tion, Gompertz model, Baranyi model, Bigelow model, Peleg’s equation and others,
as presented in Table 13.4. For example, for pulsed electric fields inactivation the
three models used the most to fit the survival curve relating the electric field
strength and treatment time are the Huelsheger model, Peleg’s model and the
Weibull distribution (Fox 2007); all of these models are shown in Table 13.4.
A typical dose–response curve shows the resistance of a specific microorganisms
against a lethal agent; this agent can be any preservation factor such as chemicals or
nonthermal technologies. When the dose–response curve shows symmetry, one of
the options is to fit the data to the Fermi equation (Peleg et al. 1997):
SðXÞ ¼ (13.1)
1 þ exp XX
where S(X) is the fraction of survivors, X and Xc are the dose of the lethal agent, Xc
being the point of the curve when there is an inflection point or when the population
becomes 50% of the initial and a is the steepness of S(X) around Xc. It should be
noted that in some of the references cited in Table 13.4, where this equation was
used to fit the data after different processing technologies, the dose (X) also means
the degree of pressure applied, the intensity of the electric field, the concentration of
antimicrobial, or the intensity of ultrasound wave, among others.
Fig. 13.6 Example of an inactivation curve showing three common regions in nonthermal
processing: shoulders, linear region and tails
Table 13.4 Example of mathematical approaches to modeling microbial inactivation using nonthermal technologies
b, n: shape factors
High pressure in combination Inactivation of Zygosaccharomyces bailii lnðkÞ ¼ a1 þ bT1 P Pref þ gT1 ðP Pref Þ2 k: kinetic rate constant Reyns et al. 2000
with temperature in juices h
i P: pressure
dT1 ðT Tref Þ eT1 T ln TTref þ Tref
T: temperature
þ Tm ðP Pref ÞðT Tref Þ a, b, g, d, e, m: kinetic
Hawley equation parameters
lnðkÞ ¼ a2 þ b2 ðP Pref Þ
þg2 ðP Pref Þ2 þ d2 ðT Tref Þ
þe2 ðT Tref Þ2 þ m2 ðP Pref ÞðT Tref Þ
Quadratic equation
Pulsed electric fields Inactivation of Escherichia coli in juices logðSÞ ¼ Dt S: survival fraction at Rodrigo et al. 2003
following a non-linear trend time t
Bigelow model D: Decimal reduction time
lnðSÞ ¼ bðln t ln½ðtc ÞÞ b: regression coefficient
H€ ulsheger model t: treatment time
lsðSÞ ¼ at tc: critical treatment time
Weibull distribution function a: scale factor
n: shape factor
t p
Pulsed electric fields Inactivation of Lactobacillus plantarum Log10 NN0t ¼ d
Nt: microbial population at Gómez et al. 2005
in buffer and apple juice showing time t
concave upward curves Weibull distribution N0: microbial population
at time zero
t: treatment time
Recent Advances in Emerging Nonthermal Technologies
CFU: concentration of
m: peak of PEF resistance
Table 13.4 (continued)
kmax: maximum
inactivation constant
Cc(0): initial concentration
of critical component
Dense phase carbon dioxide Inactivation of Salmonella typhimurium in y ¼ Aexp exp kdmA e ðg tÞ þ 1 A(Nmin/N0): lower Liao et al. 2010
carrot juice Gompertz equation asymptote value for
time approaching
A kdm: inactivation rate
y¼ 4kdm
1þexp½ A ðgtÞþ2
g: duration of lag phase
Modified logistic equation t: treatment time
Ultraviolet light and ozone Inactivation of Escherichia coli and t b N/N0: survivors fraction Bialka et al. 2008
log10 NN0 ¼ 2:303 a
Salmonella enterica in raspberries and t: treatment time
Another equation commonly used to fit the survival data is the Weibullian
model; this model has been modified in specific cases according to the experimental
procedures and results. Basically, the Weibullian equation represents the distribu-
tion of the lethal dose applied to the microorganism (Peleg et al. 1997). The most
basic form of this mathematical model is:
log N
¼ b tn (13.2)
where N is the microbial load at a specific time, N0 is the microbial count at time zero,
t is the treatment time and b and n are called shape factors. The parameter b is related
to the velocity of inactivation, while n is the parameter that measures and determines
the curve’s concavity. According to the value of n, it is possible to determine the
concavity of the curve. When n < 1 indicates an upward concavity, then the shape of
the inactivation curve shows the presence of “tailings”; meanwhile, when n > 1 there
is a downward concavity showing “shoulders” (Bermúdez-Aguirre et al. 2009).
The Weibullian model has been used for isothermal survival curves, but when
the temperature or the lethal agent is different during the whole process (i.e., non-
isothermal), then each part of the curve becomes a function of the lethal agent. For
example, if the inactivation generated with heat and temperature is not constant,
then the Weibullian equation needs to be modified to be a function of momentary
temperature, i.e., T(t), and transformed into a differential equation (Peleg et al.
2003) as follows:
n[ T(t) ] - 1
dLog10 SðtÞ Log10 SðtÞ n[ T(t) ]
¼ b½TðtÞn½TðtÞ (13.3)
dt b½TðtÞ
Y1 ðtÞ ¼ (13.4)
k1 þ k2 t
where k1 and k2 are constants, t is the treatment time and Y1 the survival fraction
13 Recent Advances in Emerging Nonthermal Technologies 317
where b, m and tc are constants. Combining both equations, the general model can
be written as:
NðtÞ t½1 lnf1 þ exp½bðt tc Þgm
log ¼ (13.6)
N0 k 1 þ k2 t
This chapter has given a brief update on the development of nonthermal techno-
logies under research. Most of these technologies today are showing interesting
results not only in microbial inactivation or reduced enzymatic activity, but also in
providing food scientists with new input about product development, including
some fascinating new tools for specific operations. These discoveries were made by
food scientists trying to inactivate bacteria and enzymes in different foods; after
comparing the processed product with the control or untreated sample, they
observed specific changes in characteristics such as better color, homogeneity,
retention of nutrient or aroma compounds, higher efficiency of specific processes
or longer stability in microbial and enzymatic activity.
Right now some of these technologies are being used in combination to
enhance specific effects and to provide foods with outstanding quality. Also,
consumers are becoming more aware of what foods they are buying at the time
of purchase and of the benefits these novel technologies and novel products can
The current challenge of food scientists is to keep searching within these
technologies for the solutions to food problems related to spoilage, nutrient degra-
dation and damage to sensorial attributes after processing, but also to explore these
new tools in order to offer the consumer new and high quality products at an
affordable price, as well as to extend the shelf-life of products to allow interchange
around the world. Furthermore, the perception of the consumer regarding long shelf
life and freshness of the product could be improved by providing complete infor-
mation about these technologies.
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Chapter 14
High-Pressure-Induced Effects on Bacterial
Spores, Vegetative Microorganisms,
and Enzymes
14.1 Introduction
Pressures currently used in the food industry range from tens of MPa in common
homogenizers or supercritical fluid extractors to up to 400 or 800 MPa in ultra high
pressure homogenizers or high pressure (HP) pasteurization units, respectively.
Laboratory sized HP research units can reach up to 1,400 MPa and temperatures
up to 200 C (Reineke et al. 2008). These HP units are principally used for the
inactivation of vegetative microorganisms to extend shelf life of the treated food.
However, there are numerous other interesting food applications for HP such as
food structure engineering (Knorr 2002; Rumpold 2005; Diels and Michiels 2006;
Knorr et al. 2006; Sharma and Yadav 2008), enhanced food quality (Ludikhuyze
et al. 2002b; Trejo Araya et al. 2007), stress response utilization (Ananta and Knorr
2004; Bothun et al. 2004; Kato et al. 2007; Pavlovic et al. 2008), or control of
bioconversion reactions (Knorr et al. 2006; Picard et al. 2006).
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 325
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_14, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
326 D. Knorr et al.
has to be taken into account. Following the first and the second law of thermody-
namics and a rearrangement of the Maxwell equations, heating during the compres-
sion and cooling during the decompression can be described as a function of
thermo-physical properties of the compressible product (Perry 1984; Ardia et al.
2004; Reineke et al. 2008). This quasi adiabatic heating or cooling occurs instantly.
Hence, pressure-induced temperature changes are predictable and relatively
uniform within the food product. Thus, compression heating and decompression
cooling may be utilized to achieve a rapid and uniform heating and cooling of the
product. Typically, an ideal adiabatic process does not occur in practical applica-
tions, but the extent of temperature increase could be estimated within 3–9 C per
100 MPa depending on the thermo-physical properties of the food (Ting et al.
2002). Based on the assumption that the heat resistance of bacterial spores under HP
conditions is similar to or lower than at atmospheric pressure, the adiabatic heat of
compression could be used to reduce the heating and cooling times of a thermal
sterilization process (De Heij et al. 2003).
High pressure thermal sterilization (HPTS) has not yet been successfully applied
in the food industry, possibly because of the lack of knowledge on the involved
inactivation mechanisms of bacterial spores. Hence, new methodologies for a
detailed investigation of the heat and pressure effects on bacterial spores are
required. Reineke et al. (2008) described an innovative micro HP unit that is
capable of reaching isothermal and isobaric conditions in the range of 50–130 C
and up to 1,400 MPa within a few seconds (Fig. 14.1). This is advantageous for the
investigation of inactivation kinetics, e.g., of bacterial spores or enzymes, under
isothermal/isobaric conditions, which could possibly allow a deeper insight into the
underlying inactivation mechanisms. The high compression rates were achieved by
Fig. 14.1 Stansted Mini Foodlab FBG 5620 high pressure unit with heating/cooling system
14 High-Pressure-Induced Effects on Bacterial Spores 329
N 1
log ¼ log 1 þ k N0 t ðn 1Þ (14.1)
N0 1 n
where N and N0 denotes the spore counts (CFU mL1) at time t and t0, respectively;
t ¼ time, k ¼ inactivation rate constant, and n ¼ reaction order. Analysis of the
inactivation kinetics revealed that all experimental data could be fitted best with a
fixed reaction order of n ¼ 1.05.
To obtain a functional relationship of the rate constant k with pressure and
temperature, empirical equations (e.g., Eq. 14.2) have often been suggested for
bacterial spore inactivation data (Ardia et al. 2004; Margosch et al. 2006):
a 1200
4 log10
Lethal effects (T, t=const.)
Pressure [MPa]
800 Σ Effects
Cortex hydrolysis
1 min
full core hyreation
600 2 min via
3 min active CLEs Partial core
400 4 min rehydration
5 min without CLEs
8 min
200 10 min 10 5 1 Opening
DPA channels
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Temperature [°C] Pressure [MPa]
Fig. 14.2 (a) Isorate lines for a 4 log10 inactivation of Geobacillus stearothermophilus spores in
pressure stable 0.05 M ACES buffer (pH 7) after 1–10 min treatment at isothermal/isobaric
conditions with N (1 s) as initial population N0. Data for thermal inactivation are shown as arrows
with holding times in minutes. Dashed lines indicate the adiabatic heating of water. (b) Suggested
summed lethal effects at different pressure levels with two generated lethal effect distributions,
A (green dashes) and B (blue dots), showing different germination P reactions at given process
intensity. All lethal effects resulted in the cumulative distribution ( Effects) with a sensitive and
stabilized zone (Mathys et al. 2009)
14 High-Pressure-Induced Effects on Bacterial Spores 331
a single protein or enzyme can only be responsible for stabilization under pressure,
if it is required for a vital function of the vegetative cell (e.g., as a structural or
protective component).
Based on Setlow’s (2003) germination model for Bacillus subtilis spores, an
extended inactivation mechanism of G. stearothermophilus spores at different
pressure-temperature conditions was proposed by Mathys et al. (2009). The mech-
anism includes a stable and sensitive domain for the spores in the pressure and
temperature landscape (Fig. 14.2). The germination mechanism is initiated by an
opening of the dipicolinic acid (DPA) channels at pressures higher than 500 MPa,
which enables spore germination in the absence of nutrients (Paidhungat et al.
2002). At these HP conditions, the spore germination is limited in buffer solutions.
The key factor for full cortex hydrolysis and core hydration is the activation of the
main CLEs. These enzymes probably show different activities or stabilities under
specific pressure and temperature conditions, generating different pathways of
inactivation. Heinz and Knorr (1998) assumed that pressure and temperature
initially triggers the CLEs, but inactivates the same enzymes at a later stage.
Hence, the CLE activity is dependent on pressure, temperature, and time. At ultra
HPs a partial core rehydration without any CLE activity could induce an additional
lethal effect (Setlow 2003). Summarizing all competing reactions, a cumulative
P effect distribution as a function of the applied pressure level can be generated
( Effects, Fig. 14.2b). However, the mechanisms of spore inactivation at HPTS
are still not fully understood, and further research is needed to identify the compo-
nents in bacterial endospores, that are most pressure sensitive and hence provide a
fast and complete inactivation by HPTS.
Currently, industrial HPTS equipment exists with volumes up to 150 L, 700 MPa
maximum working pressure, and initial temperatures of up to 95 C (Heinz 2010).
The industrial relevance of this study can be exemplified by implementing the
generated data into process charts of an industrial scale HPTS unit (Fig. 14.3). One
of the few existing pilot systems is the Flow Pressure Systems QUINTUS (Food
Press Type; 35 L, 600 MPa) sterilization machine (Avure Technologies, Kent, WA,
USA), which is described elsewhere in the literature (Knoerzer et al. 2007). In
Fig. 14.3a and 14.3b (location two is near top closure; Knoerzer et al. 2007), two
different pressure and temperature profiles from an HPTS process with (10 L) and
without (35 L) a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) carrier are shown. Temperature
decrease and inhomogeneities during the dwell time can be reduced, when an
insulating carrier is used (Juliano et al. 2009). Alternative possibilities to ensure a
homogenous temperature during dwell time would be the application of an internal
heater or heating of the vessel wall to an appropriate temperature level, that
minimizes the temperature gradient between pressure vessel and treated product
(Ardia 2004). In Fig. 14.3b the target inactivation level of 4 log10 can be varied,
332 D. Knorr et al.
Temperature [°C]
Pressure [MPa]
Pressure [MPa]
800 120 800
600 110 600
400 100 400
200 90 200 10 5 1
0 80 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Treatment time [min] Temperature [°C]
c 8
Σ F-value at 600 MPa [min]
7 PTFE insulated
3 12 D
2 8D
1 4D
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Treatment time [min]
Fig. 14.3 Industrial process analysis of a vertical 35 L vessel (--, black) and with a 10 L insulated
carrier (–, red), using an F-value (c) (14.3), Tref ¼ 121.1 C, z600MPa ¼ 35.36 C, D121.1 C ¼ 13.52
s at 600 MPa in 0.05 M ACES buffer (pH 7), and pressure holding times T(t)p. Pressure and
temperature profiles (a) were taken from the literature (Knoerzer et al. 2007). The desired
inactivation level of (b) can be varied by multiplying the dwell times of the isorate lines with
the same value (Mathys et al. 2009)
TðtÞp Tref
dt¼Dref log10 N
Z600MPa N0
10 (14.3)
where reference temperature Tref is 121.1 C, T(t)p is the dwell time; z600MPa
¼ 35.36 C, D121.1 C ¼ 13.52 s at 600 MPa; N0 is the initial count, and N is the
survival count. Both processes, with or without insulating carrier, can be adequately
analyzed and compared.
In thermal processes the F-value is the accumulated lethality expressed as an
equivalent time at a specific reference temperature (Tref) with a specific z-value.
14 High-Pressure-Induced Effects on Bacterial Spores 333
The F0 concept is accepted for the thermal sterilization in the food industry for the
case where Tref is 121.1 C, the D121.1 C – value is 13.8 s (for Clostridium botulinum),
and z-value is approximately 10 C (Stone et al. 2009). In contrast to conventional
thermal processes at ambient pressure with an expected z0.1MPa ¼ 10 C for spore
inactivation, the z-value at 600 MPa (z600MPa= 35.36 C for G. sterothermophilus)
was higher (Mathys et al. 2009), resulting in a lower temperature dependence of the
inactivation reaction rate. Because of the pressure dependence of the z-value, pre-
heating as well as compression and decompression phases could not be included in
the calculation of the spore inactivation level of G. sterothermophilus. However, the
additional processing time can be considered a safety factor. Using a PTFE carrier,
commercial sterility (>12 D) could be achieved within 3 min dwell time at 600 MPa
and 90 C initial temperature (Mathys 2008). An alternative process for a HPTS unit
with a 55 L horizontal vessel, 700 MPa working pressure, and 95 C initial tempera-
ture was also calculated by Mathys et al. (2008) (data not shown). He concluded that
more than 12 log10 inactivation of G. stearothermophilus spores can be achieved in
this machine without any insulation within 3 min at 700 MPa.
Fig. 14.5 Pressure-temperature isorate diagram for: (a) 90% inactivation of apple polyphenol
oxidase after 10-min isothermal/isobaric treatment (Buckow et al. 2009), avocado (Weemaes et al.
1998), white grapes (Rapeanu et al. 2005), and strawberry (Dalmadi et al. 2006); (b) 95%
inactivation of b-amylase (Heinz et al. 2005), b-glucanase (barley malt) (Buckow et al. 2005b),
and b-glucanase (B. subtilis) (Buckow et al. 2007b) in ACES buffer (pH 5.6; 0.1 M), a-amylase in
ACES buffer (pH 5.6; 0.1 M, containing 90 mM NaCl and 3.8 mM CaCl2) (Buckow et al. 2007a),
and glucoamylase isoenzymes GA1 and GA2 in ACES buffer (pH 4.5; 0.1 M) (Buckow et al.
2005a) after 30-min isothermal/isobaric treatment
336 D. Knorr et al.
isoforms of an enzyme from the same origin (e.g., glucoamlyse GA1 and GA2, as
shown in Fig. 14.5b) can vary in their physical stability up to several hundred MPa
(Buckow et al. 2005a; Buckow 2006; Rodrigo et al. 2006).
Pressure and temperature often act antagonistically on protein systems in the
high temperature domain (Fig. 14.5), which can result in an enhanced thermo-
stability of enzymes at specific pressures (Heremans and Smeller 1998; Lori et al.
2007). Such stabilization of enzymes occurs when the volume difference between
the folded and unfolded state of the protein is positive, which might be due to the
promoted formation of non-covalent bonds under pressure conditions.
The continuously increasing HP research of the last decades has already generated
an impressive number of commercially available HP processed, high quality pro-
ducts. Besides the “cold” pasteurization, which mainly inactivates vegetative
microorganisms, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding the process conditions
that are necessary to inactivate pressure-resistant bacterial endospores. Stable
matrix (e.g., pressure stable buffer solutions) as well as defined treatment condi-
tions (e.g., isothermal and isobaric conditions during dwell time) are essential, to
generate reliable models, that predict microbial and enzyme inactivation and to
obtain a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms (Mathys et al. 2009).
This approach, in combination with a suitable pressure and temperature resistant
surrogate, will allow a clearer insight into the mechanisms leading to spore inacti-
vation under pressure and would consequently be the next step to successfully
introduce HPTS in the food industry. The reduction of relatively high processing
costs of HPTS; the investigation of the temperature evolution and distribution in
the pressure chamber during a pressure cycle; and the simulation of the behavior of
HP-treated biomaterials will be the research challenges of the near future (Delgado
et al. 2008).
Isostatic HP can also be used to generate new functional features, such as specific
textures or health promoting properties to develop tailor-made foods. A very
promising field for future research is the use of HP to modulate microbial fermenta-
tions or enzymatic bioconversions. HP might also influence the biosynthetic path-
ways of foods from plant or animal origin as well as of food-related microorganisms,
which could lead to the formation of product variations with unique properties
(Aertsen et al. 2009). A better understanding of the mechanisms underlying pressure
and temperature stability could also enable the development of HP-resistant enzymes.
Despite extensive research in the HP area, there is still a lack of data regarding the
behavior of nutrients, flavors, and allergens during the storage of HP-treated foods.
Acknowledgment The authors Dietrich Knorr and Volker Heinz acknowledge the support of part
of their work through the Marcel Loncin Research Prize.
14 High-Pressure-Induced Effects on Bacterial Spores 337
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Chapter 15
High Pressure Sterilization of Foods
Hosahalli Ramaswamy
15.1 Introduction
H. Ramaswamy
Department of Food Science, McGill University, Ste Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, Canada
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 341
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_15, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
342 H. Ramaswamy
Over the past decades, high pressure processing has emerged as a commercial
alternative to traditional thermal processing methods for many foods, e.g., jams,
fruit juices, guacamole, oysters, ready to eat meats, etc. Its primary advantage is
that it can inactivate microorganisms and enzymes at substantially lower treatment
temperatures (as compared to conventional thermal processing) that results in
processed foods possessing sensory and nutrient qualities closely resembling the
original, fresh, or raw product. Generally, high pressure processing as a nonthermal
food processing technique is widely applied in pasteurization of food to extend
food shelf life and preserve high qualities, such as natural color, flavor, and
nutrients. However, several resistant microorganisms, especially spores, and some
enzymes can survive during HP pasteurization. Therefore, HP processed foods
should be kept at refrigerated conditions to prevent spoilage and quality change
(Patterson 2005).
HPP has already become a commercially implemented technology worldwide,
spreading from its origins in Japan, followed by USA, Mexico, Europe, and now
Canada, with worldwide take-up increasing almost exponentially since 2000
(Norton and Sun 2008). High pressure research and development in different
disciplines within the food industry has been reviewed by several researchers
(Norton and Sun 2008; Rastogi et al. 2007; Toepfl et al. 2006; Torres and Velazquez
2005; San Martin-Gonzalez et al. 2002).
High pressure processing has been commercialized for a variety of acid and
acidified food products. For low acid foods, however, it has been used only as a
temporary measure of extending shelf-life under refrigerated storage conditions. It
has also been used for several other purposes including control of some pathogens
and viruses, for inducing functional changes, as well as improving the nutritional
and sensory quality of foods. Novelties in freezing and thawing application have
been achieved through the use of pressure shift freezing and thawing.
Pasteurization by HPP can be carried out at pressures in the range 400–600 MPa
at relatively moderate (20–50 C) or even at refrigerated temperatures. Under such
conditions, HPP can be effective in inactivating most vegetative pathogens and
spoilage microorganisms. High pressure processing is, as yet, considered to be a
novel process for the production of low acid foods with regulatory bodies.
Extensive research has been carried out in the author’s laboratory on HP
processing of several foods for pasteurization purposes: milk, meat, pork, fish,
orange juice, mango juice, apple juice, etc. (Mussa et al. 1999a, b; Basak et al.
2002; Riahi et al. 2003; Ramaswamy et al. 2003, 2008, 2009; Shao et al. 2006; Gill
and Ramaswamy 2008). These studies have aimed at generating the necessary
kinetic data useful in establishing HP processes for different foods, and then
verifying their validity through inoculated pack/challenge studies with pathogens.
Typically, these studies have shown a dual phase destruction kinetics for most
15 High Pressure Sterilization of Foods 343
pathogens. The first phase was generally characterized as pulse effect (PE), indicat-
ing the destruction to be essentially a pressurization-depressurization effect with no
hold time (depends on the pressure level) because the pressure is released immedi-
ately after the pressurization process. While pressure come-up and release duration
and profiles would undoubtedly contribute to some destruction based on the pres-
sure destruction rates, the measured PE were found to be significantly higher than
those that could be computed from the accumulated destruction during come-up
and come-down periods (based on the D and z values). Following the PE, the
destruction patterns in these studies have generally been found to be well described
by the log-linear model following the first order rate kinetics. Typical values of PE
and the HP destruction kinetic parameters, D and z for selected microbial pathogens
in different food media are shown in Tables 15.1 and 15.2.
Table 15.1 Pressure pulse effect (no-holding time) for selected pathogens in different foods
Microorganism Food base Pulse effect (log value) References
Escherichia coli (O17:H7) Apple juice (pH 3.5) 3.95 at 30 C, 400 MPa Riahi et al. (2003)
E. coli (O157:H7) Cheese 0.3 (400 MPa) Shao et al. (2006)
Listeria monocytogenes Cheese 0.25 (400 MPa) Shao et al. (2006)
L. monocytogenes Milk 1.3 (400 MPa) Mussa et al. (1999a)
L. monocytogenes Pork 1.5 (400 MPa) Mussa et al. (1999b)
HPP for producing shelf-stable low acid foods is still a topic of considerable
controversy. Processors worldwide are waiting for the full regulatory approval of
HP sterilization of low acid foods. HPP has the potential to produce better quality
foods than possible from the use of processing novelties such as microwave, RF, or
Ohmic heating techniques in combination with aseptic processing. This is because
344 H. Ramaswamy
HPP allows the product temperature to be increased very rapidly (due to adiabatic
heating) from around 90–100 C to the sterilization zone (120–130 C) (come-up
time) and bringing it back to nearly the same state almost instantaneously
by depressurization. The process can be formulated either as a pressure-assisted
thermal sterilization (PATS) or temperature-assisted pressure sterilization (TAPS).
Either way, it represents a considerable deviation from conventional thermal pro-
cessing because of lack of kinetic data on destruction of spoilage and pathogenic
microorganisms under processing conditions. A better understanding of the inacti-
vation kinetics of pathogens and/or their surrogates under high temperature high
pressure processing conditions is the key for the success of HPP and for FDA
approval. The critical factors in HPP include pressure, pressure holding time, time
to achieve treatment pressure, depressurization time, treatment temperature (includ-
ing adiabatic heating), product initial temperature, vessel temperature distribution
during the pressure treatment, product pH, product composition, product water
activity, packaging material integrity, and any concurrent processing aids. Although
HP processing-related research work has increased tremendously in the last decade,
there is still a serious lack of specific data in this area to permit establishment of a
reliable process.
As described earlier, HPP of low acid foods can either be treated as a PATS or
TAPS process. For PATS, achieving designated process lethality for commercial
sterilization becomes the main issue, which can be easily achieved, and such a
process would most likely meet the regulatory approval standards. The process
would rely on the effective use of compression heating of the food achieved during
the pressurization process. Starting at an appropriate preset initial temperature,
process temperatures can easily be brought to levels used for HTST levels practiced
in commercial sterilization applications. Thus, holding the product at such pres-
sures for a specified time would easily result in the accumulation of the desired
target process lethality. The process generally involves a come-up time during
which pressure and temperature continuously increase to set levels. During the
hold, pressure generally remains constant, while the temperature could drop due to
heat loss from the product to equipment structure. It is necessary to address this
issue in order to provide appropriate insulation for the product to prevent large
temperature drop and to appropriately take the temperature drop in to consideration
in establishing the process. In the second approach (TAPS), additional destruction
caused by the pressure at the elevated temperatures is taken into account. It is
recognized that unless the process pressure is 600–800 MPa range along with
elevated process temperatures in the 80–120 C range, it is not possible to kill the
microbial spores and hence not possible to achieve commercial sterility. However,
at such pressure levels, microbial destruction at the process temperatures could
occur much more rapidly than at the same temperature under conventional retort
processing conditions. Thus, the TAPS process could benefit from accelerated
destruction kinetics and could potentially result in an effective short time process
providing similar quality advantages as the PATS process. However, this process
would generally be considered a “novel” process and would need additional data on
pressure destruction kinetics on both spoilage and pathogenic microbial spores at
15 High Pressure Sterilization of Foods 345
the prevailing processing conditions. While the PATS process could be more easily
cleared by regulatory agencies along the guidelines used for traditional thermal
processing, the TAPS process would require demonstration of accelerated spore
destruction kinetics of pathogenic and spoilage bacterial spores.
Tinsulated product
Temperature or pressure
TUninsulated product
TPressure medium
Fig. 15.1 Typical compression heating temperature rise in the pressurization medium and pro-
duct, and the subsequent heat loss during pressure hold time
346 H. Ramaswamy
(R2 ¼ 0.999, n ¼ 50, SE ¼ 0.20 C, P < 0.05 for all items) or a function of
pressure and a desired HP treatment temperature:
Once the degree of sterility is achieved, the process needs to be fine-tuned with
respect to spoilage causing bacterial spores so that shelf stability can be assured.
High pressure processing when combined with moderately elevated temperatures
can inactivate highly resistant bacterial spores. Traditionally, bacterial spores such
as C. sporogenes, B. sterothermophilus, C. liquifaciencs, etc., with high heat resis-
tance, have been used for establishing the process for spoilage control and for testing
the efficacy of the commercial sterilization. The obvious choices for HP research
were to test if these were more pressure resistant as well. Hence, much of the work on
bacterial spores has been concentrated on the pressure destruction kinetics of such
spores in various food matrices (Patazca et al. 2006; Shao et al. 2010; Zhu et al.
There have been several reports on the pressure destruction of bacterial spores.
Rovere et al. (1996) reported D values of 3.5, 3.2 min for 600, and 700 MPa at
100 C, respectively, for C. sporogenes 7,955 spores in meat broth. Mills et al.
(1998) found that there is no inactivation of C. sporogenes spores with HP treat-
ments at even 600 MPa for 30 min when tested at 20 C and concluded that these
spores could not be inactivated by pressure alone. Meyer et al. (2000) reported that
a two-cycle treatment with initial temperature of 90 C combined with 690 MPa for
1 min achieved sterility in macaroni and cheese with 106/g of C. sporogenes spores.
Reddy et al. (1999, 2003, 2006) studied the effect of HP treatment on spores of
C. botulinum type A, B, and E at moderately elevated temperatures and found the
Type A spores to be more resistant. They reported that only 3 log cycle reductions
were achieved at 827 MPa and 75 C pressure conditions. Margosch et al. (2004a, b,
2006) reported that proteolytic TMW 2.357 (C. botulinum Type B) and TMW 2.479
(Bacillus amyloliquefaciens) exhibited a greater resistance to pressure than other
bacterial spores (Bacillus spp. and C. botulinum spp.). Koutchma et al. (2005), in
their pressure destruction kinetic study of C. sporogenes PA3679 spore in phos-
phate buffer, reported pressure (ZP) and temperature sensitivity (ZT) values of
23.7 C and 1,500 MPa, respectively. Ahn and Balasubramaniam (2007b)) observed
pressure-assisted thermal processing (PATP) at 700 MPa and 121 C for 1 min
inactivated up to 7–8 log reduction for C. sporogenes spores. In another paper (Ahn
et al. 2007a), it was reported that spore clumps formed during the PATP may lead to
an increase in pressure-thermal resistance, and that multiple-pulsed pressurization
can be more effective in inactivating bacterial spores. These studies in general
suggest that spore inactivation kinetics is likely to depend on the type of substrate
(food medium or matrix) in which they are pressure treated.
Recent studies at McGill (Shao 2008) have concentrated on spore (surrogate
and pathogenic) inactivation kinetics using high pressure. Destruction kinetics
tests were carried out with two strains of C. sporogenes (11437, 7955) and Geo-
bacillus stearothermophilus 10,149 spores suspended in milk at 700–900 MPa
and 70–100 C. The survival counts were found to well fit the first order linear
models. The D values of C. sporogenes 11,437 varied from 0.73 min at 900 MPa/
100 C to 17.0 min at 700 MPa/80 C, while they ranged from 6.0 to 833 min
at 80–100 C under thermal processing conditions. The D values associated
with C. sporogenes 7,955 spores were higher than for C. sporogenes 11437 and
348 H. Ramaswamy
Chamber pressure
100 800
Temperature (C)
Pressure (MPa)
40 0
0 10 20 30
Time (min)
Fig. 15.2 Typical pressure and sample temperature profiles during HP treatment at 700 MPa and
80 C for 24 min
varied from 1.3 min at 900 MPa/100 C to 38.2 min at 700 MPa/80 C treatments,
and from 12.1 to 156 min at 80–100 C during thermal treatments. Typical temper-
ature stability of test samples during the pressure treatment is shown in Fig. 15.2.
The D values of G. stearothermophilus 10149 spores varied from 0.6 min at
900 MPa/90 C to 20.9 min at 500 MPa/70 C treatments with 6.3 to 49.4 min for
thermal treatments at 110–120 C. Hence, C. sporogenes 7955 spores were the
most resistant among those studied. The HP destruction kinetics of C. sporogenes
7955 spores were also studied in salmon and were lower than in milk (Shao 2008).
the desired condition. The survival counts showed that higher pressure and
temperature combinations always accelerated the inactivation of the spores. Strain
62A was completely inactivated by these combinations. Strains PA9608B,
HO9504A, and CK2-A were found to be of higher pressure resistance than the
rest 12 strains. The log reductions of these three strains were 1.63, 3.33, and 4.48
log units for 900 MPa/100 C/3 min and the estimated D values were 1.8, 0.88, and
0.66 min, respectively, at 900 MPa/100 C treatment. The strain PA9805B produced
the most pressure-resistant spores. By studying pressure destruction effects in milk
and buffer (substrate) on spore resistance under high pressure (700–900 MPa,
100–110 C) it was found that PA9508B spores had a higher resistance in milk
than in the buffer. In further studies, more detailed evaluation of pressure destruc-
tion of the PA9805B strain of C. botulinum spores were evaluated in milk. At
900 MPa, the associated D values were 14.5, 1.8, and 0.35 min at 90, 100, and
110 C, respectively. The ZT values were 11.2, 12.3, 12.4 C at 700, 800, 900 MPa,
respectively, increasing with pressure and with higher value than the thermal z
value 7.8 C. The ZP values were 470, 630, and 800 MPa at 90, 100, and 110 C,
respectively, increasing with temperature. By comparison of the ZP and ZT, it
appeared that the spore was relatively more sensitive to temperature than to
pressure. D value trends demonstrated that the pressure inactivation effect steadily
decreased as the temperature increased and that at temperatures beyond 115 C, heat
was essentially the principle mode of spore destruction.
Overall, spore inactivation studies have demonstrated several important find-
ings. The nonpathogenic C. sporogenes 7955 spore was the most resistant surro-
gate, but the pathogenic C. botulinum PA9508B spore was even more resistant. D
values associated with HP at elevated temperatures were higher than under conven-
tional thermal treatments, and hence provide accelerated destruction kinetics at
least for the nonpathogenic spores and better spoilage control. However, from a
safety point of view, conventional thermal sterility requirements would still persist
even under HP processing conditions. Milk, as a low acid food medium, provided
more resistance for HP destruction than fish.
Shao Y, Ramaswamy H, Zhu S (2006) High pressure destruction kinetics of spoilage and
pathogenic bacteria in raw milk cheese. J Food Process Eng 30(3):357–374
Shao Y, Zhu S, Ramaswamy H, Marcotte M (2010) Compression heating and temperature control
for high pressure destruction of bacterial spores: an experimental method for kinetics evalua-
tion. Food Bioprocess Technol 3:71–78. doi:10.1007/s11947-008-0057-y
Toepfl S, Mathys A, Heinz V, Knorr D (2006) Potential of high hydrostatic pressure and pulsed
electric fields for energy efficient and environmentally friendly food processing. Food Rev Int
Torres J, Velazquez G (2005) Commercial opportunities and research challenges in the high
pressure processing of foods. J Food Eng 67(1–2):95–112
Zhu S, Naim F, Marcotte M, Ramaswamy H, Shao Y (2008) High-pressure destruction kinetics of
Clostridium sporogenes spores in ground beef at elevated temperatures. Int J Food Microbiol
Chapter 16
Bioseparation of Nutraceuticals Using
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
16.1 Introduction
The use of supercritical carbon dioxide for bioseparation of nutraceuticals has been
growing rapidly over the past decade in response to increasing consumer demand
for “natural” products in the functional foods and nutraceuticals markets. Carbon
dioxide at temperature and pressure conditions above its critical point (31.1 C,
74 bar) is referred to as supercritical carbon dioxide (SC–CO2), which is a dense
fluid with physical properties in between those of a gas and a liquid. Thus, SC–CO2
can be used as a solvent similar to other organic solvents for the extraction of
nutraceuticals. The main distinction is that upon depressurization following extrac-
tion SC–CO2 becomes a gas and separates readily from the extract, eliminating the
need for extra heat treatment, which is necessary for the removal of organic solvents
from the extracts. As well, processing can be carried out at just above ambient
temperatures, minimizing degradation of heat labile bioactive compounds. Further-
more, CO2, being the second least expensive solvent after water, is nontoxic,
nonflammable, readily available, inexpensive, and can be recycled relatively easily.
Thus, CO2 has been the solvent of choice for the processing of nutraceuticals. In
addition, in the CO2 environment, undesirable oxidation reactions are minimized in
the absence of oxygen, maintaining the integrity of bioactives. Based on all these
advantages, SC–CO2 processing of nutraceuticals has reached commercialization
and numerous plants have been built around the world over the last decade. Other
fluids, such as propane, dimethylether, and others are being investigated for the
extraction and fractionation of biomaterials; however, this chapter will focus
mainly on CO2 due to the advantages listed above.
Because of the nonpolar nature of CO2 it is selected for nonpolar solutes and
requires the addition of a polar co-solvent such as ethanol to solubilize polar
solutes. In terms of nutraceuticals, protein- and carbohydrate-based bioactives are
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 353
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_16, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
354 F. Temelli and B. Seifried
not soluble in SC–CO2 to any appreciable extent; therefore, this chapter will focus
on lipid-based nutraceuticals as well as on minor components or phytochemicals.
Even though SC–CO2 extraction has become more mainstream further processing
in terms of fractionation requires additional development. Natural materials are
very complex and each matrix needs to be studied separately to optimize various
processing parameters on a case-by-case basis. Fundamental data needed for
process design and optimization are missing in many cases. Therefore, our under-
standing of the fundamentals of various separation processes is limited. The
objective of this chapter is to provide a review of the fundamentals and separation
processes, especially the extraction and fractionation of major classes of nutraceu-
ticals that are typically processed by SC–CO2 (i.e., lipid-based nutraceuticals,
carotenoids, and phytochemicals), and to highlight the challenges and provide
some insight into the future outlook of such processes.
16.2 Fundamentals
A pure component when heated above its critical temperature (Tc) and pressurized
above its critical pressure (Pc) is called a supercritical fluid. In the supercritical fluid
region the phase boundary between the liquid and vapor phases disappears, thus, the
two phases having identical density become indistinguishable and form what is
often referred to as “dense gas” (Brunner 1994). Above the critical temperature a
pure gas cannot be liquefied even at very high pressures, as illustrated in Fig. 16.1
for CO2. Depending on molecular size, polarity, and intermolecular hydrogen
bonding, the critical temperatures of pure substances vary over a wide range, with
water having a particularly high critical temperature (Tc ¼ 374.2 C) and pressure
(Pc ¼ 220 bar), while that for SC–CO2 is considered to be moderate (Tc ¼ 31.1 C,
Pc ¼ 74 bar) (McHugh and Krukonis 1986).
Fig. 16.1 Schematic phase diagram for pure carbon dioxide showing solid, liquid, gas and
supercritical fluid regions, triple point (Tp), and critical point (Cp)
16 Bioseparation of Nutraceuticals Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide 355
In Fig. 16.1, there is no sudden change in component properties when crossing the
“dashed lines” from the liquid or gas region into the supercritical fluid region. With
the exception of the critical point, the variation in fluid properties is monotonous.
The values for density, viscosity, and diffusivity of supercritical fluids are between
those of gases and liquids (Table 16.1). However, at the critical point, some
physical properties such as heat capacity and thermal conductivity exhibit a maxi-
mum. Gas-like diffusivity and viscosity, low surface tension, and liquid-like den-
sity, together with the tunable solvent power of supercritical fluids, are particularly
advantageous for processes involving mass transfer, such as extraction and frac-
tionation. Close to the critical point the density of supercritical fluids is highly
dependent on pressure and temperature, where the isothermal compressibility of
CO2 tends to infinity, whereas at higher pressures the influence of temperature is
less pronounced. The pressure dependence of density is illustrated in Fig. 16.2,
where the slope of the isotherms close to the critical point located in the supercriti-
cal region is steeper than at higher pressures and temperatures. Therefore, the
density and subsequently the solvent strength of a supercritical fluid are adjustable
by modest changes in pressure and temperature, which are utilized in solubility-
based separation processes. Additionally, the knowledge of transport properties
is crucial for optimal design of separation processes. Transport properties of
Fig. 16.2 Density versus pressure at various temperatures for carbon dioxide (Data from NIST
356 F. Temelli and B. Seifried
305 K
315 K
Viscosity [mPa*s]
80 325 K
335 K
40 380 K
and ethyl esters as well as triglycerides. However, for free fatty acids (C18 and C20)
the trend was the opposite, which may be explained by a stronger effect of the
carboxyl group on diffusivity than that of double bonds. A relatively simple
hydrodynamic equation relating the binary diffusion coefficient at infinite dilution
to viscosity and temperature of the supercritical fluid, together with two solute
dependant parameters fitted to experimental data, was successfully applied to
lipids and other solutes, including docosahexaenoic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid,
a-tocopherol, and b-carotene (Funazukuri et al. 2004b). Under conditions away
from the binary mixture critical point, where diffusion coefficients tend to zero, a
correlation for calculating the binary diffusion coefficient of various biomaterials,
such as tocopherols and triglycerides, can be used with average deviations of 10%
compared to literature data (Catchpole and King 1994). The correlation requires the
solvent molecular weight, reduced temperature, density, solute molecular weight,
and an estimate of the solute critical volume as input data.
Knowledge of thermal conductivity of the supercritical fluid phase is important
for separation processes involving heat transfer, where separation is brought about
by a change in temperature, thereby affecting density and solubility. Thermal
conductivity for pure CO2 as a function of pressure and temperature is illustrated
in Fig. 16.4 (Vesovic et al. 1990; NIST 2009).
Data on transport properties of supercritical fluid systems are essential for
designing processing equipment. However, they are challenging to measure and
quantify accurately, to reflect real processing situations, where often multicompo-
nent mixtures at considerable concentrations are encountered rather than dilute
binary mixtures. Numerous attempts have been made to develop models and
correlations to accurately predict transport properties. However, the accuracy of
experimental data still outperforms most correlations and models, which indicates
that more research is needed to fully understand all factors impacting transport
0.12 305 K
Therm. Cond. [W/m*K]
315 K
325 K
335 K
380 K
0 100 200 300 400
Pressure [bar]
Fig. 16.4 Thermal conductivity versus pressure at various temperatures for carbon dioxide (Data
from NIST 2009)
16 Bioseparation of Nutraceuticals Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide 359
Solubility describes the equilibrium between a solute and a solvent and is a key
aspect of separations involving supercritical fluids, similar to conventional solvent
processing. Solubility is the maximum amount of a solute that can be solubilized in
a solvent at a given temperature and pressure, and is typically reported in terms of
mole fraction (i.e., moles of solute per mole of solvent).
y * 106 [molsolute/molsolvent]
313.15 K
400 333.15 K
353.15 K
300 368.15 K
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Pressure [bar]
Fig. 16.5 Solubility isotherms and crossover pressure for caffeine (Solubility data from Li
et al. 1991)
the solubility in the supercritical fluid. Therefore, nonpolar solutes of low molecular
weight and high vapor pressure are preferentially solubilized in SC–CO2 at rela-
tively low density conditions, and higher density conditions are needed for larger,
slightly polar and less volatile solutes. Thus, a few rules of thumb were established
for extractability of natural substances by Stahl and coworkers (Stahl and Schilz
1976; Stahl and Quirin 1983):
“1) hydrocarbons and other lipophilic organic compounds of relatively low molecular mass
and polarity are easily extractable;
2) the introduction of polar functional groups, hydroxyl or carboxyl groups render the
extraction more difficult or impossible;
3) sugars and amino acids cannot be extracted up to 500 bar;
4) fractionation effects are possible if there are marked differences in mass, vapor pressure,
or polarity of the constituents of a mixture.”
Besides temperature and pressure, the solvent power of a supercritical fluid can be
adjusted by adding a cosolvent exhibiting interaction, such as hydrogen bonding,
charge transfer complex formation, and dipole-dipole coupling between solute and
cosolvent molecules (Ekart et al. 1993). A cosolvent can also interact with the
supercritical solvent, which can in turn affect the solubility of a solute (Ekart et al.
1993). Density of a supercritical fluid solution is increased by the addition of a
cosolvent, thereby affecting the solubility of a solute beneficially. In this context, it
is noteworthy to mention the so-called cosolvent effect (also referred to as the
entrainer effect) (Walsh et al. 1987), which refers to the dramatic increase in both
solubility and selectivity when certain cosolvents are added to a supercritical fluid
(Brunner and Peter 1982; Brunner 1983; Van Alsten and Eckert 1993; Ruckenstein
and Shulgin 2001; Ruckenstein and Shulgin 2002). The cosolvent effect can lead to
an increase in the solubility of a solute in a supercritical fluid by up to several hundred
percent (Schmitt and Reid 1986), which for some systems is more than what can be
achieved by a pressure increase of several hundred bars (Dobbs et al. 1986).
16 Bioseparation of Nutraceuticals Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide 361
Sakaki (1992), the solubility of crystalline b-carotene was lower compared to that
of amorphous b-carotene, which may be expected due to the higher heat of fusion
for crystalline b-carotene. In addition to issues related to purity or cystallinity of
b-carotene, the different experimental methods applied for solubility determination
come with certain limitations and can lead to errors as well. For example, in systems
using a dynamic method reaching true equilibrium may be challenging. In static
systems or recirculation systems, attainment of equilibrium may be monitored by
adequate sensors to ascertain changes in the solute-SC–CO2 mixture over time. After
ensuring proper equilibration one has to watch out for another source of error caused
by the sampling/quantification of the solute in the supercritical phase. During off-line
sampling from a static equilibrium cell a small volume of equilibrated fluid phase is
removed, which can lead to changes in pressure and/or temperature, thereby disturb-
ing equilibrium. Furthermore, loss of solute by precipitation in the valves or sampling
lines can occur. To minimize disturbance of the equilibrium inside a static equilib-
rium cell, variable volume cells have been developed, which compensate for the
sample volume removed. On-line sampling allows solute quantification prior to the
depressurization step by means of chromatographic or spectrophotometric systems
attached to the extraction cell. However, the use of UV detectors can lead to errors
due to the potential saturation of the sensor (Mendes et al. 1999). Another method
based on a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) was used by Saldaña et al. (2006) to
measure the solubility of b-carotene in situ, which eliminates the need for sampling.
However, the QCM technique is very sensitive to environmental factors and loading
the crystal uniformly can be challenging. In summary, solubility measurements of
unstable substances having a relatively low solubility such as carotenoids in SC–CO2
are challenging and great care must be taken to avoid the aforementioned errors and
There are also numerous studies where solubility for a component is reported
based on dynamic extraction of a complex plant matrix. In this case, the “apparent
solubility” is not only based on thermodynamic solubility but also on the interactions
of the solute with the solid matrix, as well as the potential cosolvent effects of the
other components present. This approach may be more representative of the complex
multicomponent systems under consideration for process development purposes;
however, care must be taken to ensure equilibrium criteria are met. These include
having sufficient solute present to saturate the CO2, using low enough flow rates to
allow sufficient residence time, and evaluating the slope of the initial linear portion of
the extraction curve, which corresponds to the solubility-controlled region, rather
than reporting the yield obtained on a single point on the extraction curve. Compari-
son of b-carotene solubility in the binary system of pure b-carotene þ SC–CO2 to
the apparent solubility obtained in the multicomponent carrot system revealed a 5–10
fold reduction in the multicomponent system under similar temperature and pressure
conditions mainly due to interactions of b-carotene with the solid matrix (Saldaña
et al. 2006).
Bibliographic summaries covering high pressure phase equilibrium data
published up to 2002 are available in the literature (Hicks 1978; Knapp et al.
1981; Fornari et al. 1990; Dohrn and Brunner 1995; Christov and Dohrn 2002).
16 Bioseparation of Nutraceuticals Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide 363
a¼ (16.2)
b ¼ ln þq (16.3)
MA þ k MG
with the ideal gas constant R, the sum of heat of solvation and vaporization DH, a
constant q, and the molecular weights of solute MA, and solvent MG. Chrastil’s
model is based on the assumption that a solute molecule (A) associates with k
molecules of the supercritical solvent (G) forming a solvate complex (AGk), which
is in equilibrium with the supercritical fluid. Plotting ln(S) versus ln(r) results in a
straight line with a slope of k and intercept of (a/T þ b). For solutes with a low
solubility, the solubility S can be converted from [g/L] into a mol fraction y in
[molsolute/molsolvent] by multiplying equation (1) with r*MA/MG, which leads to:
MA ða=T þbÞ
y ¼ rkþ1 e (16.4)
Plotting ln(y) versus ln(r) also results in a straight line, now with a slope of
(k þ 1), as illustrated in Fig. 16.6 for the solubility data of caffeine in SC–CO2 (Li
et al. 1991).
The density-based correlation methods for solubility data work reasonably well
for nonpolar solutes and to a lesser extent for polar solutes at pressure levels
corresponding to high supercritical fluid densities (Gurdial et al. 1989). However,
when applied over the entire supercritical fluid density range to systems with higher
concentrations or polar solutes, simple relationships between the solute solubility
and solvent density exhibit a weakness, because the complex nature of solute-
solvent and solute-solute interactions cannot be described by these correlations.
313.15 K
ln y [molsolute /molCO2]
333.15 K
353.15 K
–10 368.15 K
4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
ln r [g/L]
Fig. 16.6 Logarithmic plot of caffeine solubility y [molsolute/molCO2] versus CO2 density [g/L]
(Solubility data from Li et al. 1991)
16 Bioseparation of Nutraceuticals Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide 365
Chrastil’s model was applied to correlate literature data for solubility of lipids, such
as fatty acids, mono-, di-, and triglycerides, and fatty acid esters as well as minor
lipid components, such as b-carotene, a-tocopherol, stigmasterol, and squalene in
€ undag and Temelli 2000; G€
SC–CO2 (G€uçl€u-Ust€ € undag and Temelli 2004).
Solubility data of oleic acid, b-carotene, and capsaicin in SC–CO2 were also
correlated using Chrastil’s model (Skerget et al. 1995), resulting in deviations
between experimental and correlated solubility values of up to about 30% for
both oleic acid and b-carotene. Furthermore, the authors found that the association
constant k differs between liquid CO2 and SC–CO2, which indicates that the same
model constants cannot be used for both cases.
16.3.1 Extraction
Over the years, SC–CO2 extraction of a very large number of plant materials from
all over the world has been reported. Even though there are similarities regarding
the standard extraction parameters, every system is unique in terms of the specific
chemical composition and the interactions between the components. The discussion
here focuses on the extraction of lipid-based nutraceuticals (especially specialty oils
and carotenoids) and phytochemicals.
Similar to conventional extraction techniques, SC–CO2 extraction of targeted
components from a plant matrix is dictated by several parameters, including pre-
treatment of plant material, particle size, temperature, pressure, time, solvent flow
rate, and solvent-to-feed ratio. These parameters impact the efficiency of extraction,
which is determined in terms of yield and recovery of the targeted components.
Yield is the amount of total extract obtained per unit mass of starting feed material
(i.e., g extract/g feed), whereas recovery is the percentage of targeted component
originally present in the feed material recovered in the extract (i.e., [g target
compound in extract/g target compound in feed]*100). Unfortunately, there is
confusion in a number of reports presented in the literature where these basic
parameters are not reported properly.
Pretreatment of plant material may involve drying and/or grinding. Some prac-
tical considerations for SC–CO2 extraction of plant materials with respect to sample
preparation, selection of modifiers, collection methods, on-line coupling techni-
ques, means for avoiding mechanical problems, and approaches to optimization of
supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) conditions are summarized in a review by Lang
and Wai (2001). In general, plant matrices have a high moisture content, which may
be a detriment if the targeted components are nonpolar such as lipids. Since CO2
is a nonpolar solvent, the presence of high levels of moisture can act as a barrier
for CO2 and lipids to diffuse through the solid matrix. On the other hand, if the
targeted components are polar, such as phenolics, then water can act as a cosolvent
366 F. Temelli and B. Seifried
This is represented by the initial linear portion of a typical extraction curve. Once
the solute on the particle surface is depleted, the extraction rate declines or the slow
extraction period begins, where SC–CO2 has to diffuse into the particles, solubilize
the solute, and SC–CO2 þ solute has to diffuse out to the bulk phase. This is a slow
process driven by the concentration gradient of the solute, and thus the extraction
curve approaches a constant value asymptotically. The extraction time should be
optimized to ensure the constant-rate period is completed since the yield increases
only marginally during the declining-rate period. The duration of constant-rate
period is shorter for smaller particle size due to increased contact surface area as
well as for temperature and pressure conditions corresponding to high solubility.
Specialty oils. Specialty oils have received growing interest over the past decade
mainly because of the high concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA)
within their fatty acid profile, as well as the fat-soluble bioactive minor components
they contain, such as tocols (tocopherols and tocotrienols), carotenoids, sterols, and
squalene. Extensive research has demonstrated the health benefits of these compo-
nents, including beneficial effects against heart disease, cancer, and other degener-
ative diseases, as highlighted by Temelli et al. (2008) recently.
Specialty oils include nut oils (almond, hazelnut, peanut, pecan, pistachio, and
walnut), seed oils (borage, flax, evening primrose, grape, pumpkin, and rosehip),
cereal oils (amaranth, rice bran, oat, and wheat germ), and fruit and vegetable oils
(buriti fruit, carrot, olive, and tomato). Conventional methods of extracting these
oils involve mechanical pressing and/or solvent extraction. Mechanical pressing
at temperatures below 60 C (also referred to as cold pressing) is used exten-
sively; however, this technique suffers from the fact that residual oil in the press
cake is quite high (~5%), leading to low oil recoveries. Solvent extraction is
followed by heat treatment for solvent recovery, which compromise oil quality.
Therefore, SC–CO2 extraction of specialty oils gives a superior product with high
efficiencies. An extensive review of the subject by Temelli et al. (2008) gave a
detailed discussion of the effect of different extraction parameters on recovery as
well as the composition and quality of the extracted oils from nuts, cereals, seeds,
and fruits and vegetables in comparison to those obtained using traditional
In general, temperatures of 35–80 C and pressures of up to 690 bar have been
used for SC–CO2 extraction of specialty oils, resulting in oil recoveries of greater
than 95%, as in the case of hazelnut (Bernardo-Gil et al. 2002), peanut (Goodrum
and Kilgo 1987), walnut (Oliveira et al. 2002), evening primrose (Favati et al.
1991), grape seed (Cao and Ito 2003), rice bran (Shen et al. 1996), and wheat germ
(Taniguchi et al. 1985) oils. The color of the extracted oils varied with extrac-
tion conditions, depending on the extent of extraction of pigments (Palazoglu
and Balaban 1998). Compositional analysis of all the specialty oils demonstrated
very high levels of oleic (C18:1), linoleic (C18:2), and linolenic (C18:3) acids,
368 F. Temelli and B. Seifried
accounting for more than 90% of the total fatty acids for the seed oils (Temelli et al.
2008). The tocopherol contents of walnut (Oliveira et al. 2002) and wheat germ
(Gomez and de la Ossa 2000) oils extracted with SC–CO2 were higher than those
extracted with hexane. The SC–CO2-extracted oil was clearer, thus requiring less
refining compared to hexane-extracted oil (Bernardo-Gil et al. 2002; Oliveira et al.
2002; Lopes and Bernardo-Gil 2005). Squalene was recovered from rice bran (Kim
et al. 1999), and Amaranthus grain (He et al. 2003) using SC–CO2 but to a much
lesser extent compared to that obtained by using solvent extraction.
Even though the majority of the studies used neat SC–CO2, several researchers
added ethanol (up to 10%, wt%, or mol%) as a cosolvent into SC–CO2 and achieved
higher yields. For example, the extraction yields of pistachio (Palazoglu and
Balaban 1998) and sesame (Odabasi and Balaban 2002) oils increased substantially
upon ethanol addition over that obtained by neat SC–CO2. On the other hand, the
phosphorus content of oat oil increased to 80 ppm, probably due to the extraction of
polar phospholipids in the presence of ethanol (Fors and Eriksson 1990). Although
ethanol addition may offer some advantages in terms of increased yield, it negates
the major advantage of SC–CO2 extraction of avoiding the use of organic solvents
and heat treatments since ethanol removal from the extract and the residual meal
requires the use of heat. Unfortunately, this aspect is usually overlooked in many
Carotenoids. Carotenoid pigments responsible for the bright yellow, orange, and
red colors of various plant materials are comprised of two main classes, carotenes
and xanthophylls, which are C40 polyunsaturated hydrocarbons and their oxyge-
nated derivatives, respectively. Because of the provitamin A activity of b-carotene
and the potent antioxidant activity of lycopene associated with reducing the risk of
prostate cancer (FDA 2005), numerous studies have focused on their extraction
from carrots and tomatoes, respectively, using SC–CO2. Use of by-products of
conventional processing industries (i.e., carrot cubes, carrot juice, tomato juice,
tomato paste, etc.) as the raw material for the recovery of these valuable carotenoids
is very attractive. In addition, other sources such as marigold and algae are also
receiving increasing attention as raw materials for carotenoids. Extraction of
carotenoids as well as oleoresins and capsaicinoids using SC–CO2 from various
sources is summarized in Table 16.2.
It is necessary to dry carrots and tomatoes prior to extraction due to their high
moisture content (80% and 95%, respectively) and samples are mostly freeze dried
for research purposes. The SC–CO2 extraction yields of a- and b-carotene increased
with decreasing moisture content of carrot feed material, whereas the yield for
lutein was higher at higher moisture levels since water can act as a cosolvent for the
relatively polar oxygenated lutein (Sun and Temelli 2006). From tomatoes contain-
ing 50–60% moisture, only trace levels of lycopene were extracted (Vasapollo et al.
As expected, lycopene extraction yield increased with pressure at 66 C and
with temperature at a pressure level of 450 bar, which is above the crossover
pressure of isotherms (Vasapollo et al. 2004). Lycopene recovery from tomato
skin reached 96% at 110 C in 40 min (Ollanketo et al. 2001); however, caution
Table 16.2 Extraction of carotenoids and other compounds from tomato, carrot, paprika, apricot, marigold, and algae
Feed material/characteristics Pressure (bar) Temperature ( C) Co-solvent Yielda/Recoveryb of target compound Reference
Tomato Lycopene b-Carotene
Skin þ seed 138–483 32–86 No 61b (Rozzi et al.
Skin þ seed 250, 300 60, 80 No 80b* 88b* (Sabio et al.
Skin þ pulp 77–281 40 No 42b 98b (Gomez-Prieto
et al. 2003)
Skin 200–500 40–100 No 94b (Topal et al.
Skin þ seed 460 80 No 31.4a (Vagi et al.
Dried powdered skin 400 60–110 Acetone, n/a highest recovery (Ollanketo et al.
dichloromethane, with acetone as 2001)
hexane, co-solvent
ethanol, water;
added to sample
Skin þ seed 172–276 40–80 Chloroform, hexane 64a**, 84b** 35a**, 93b** (Cadoni et al.
(1 mL); added to 1999)
Saponified tomato 370–530 47–63 EtOH (16%) 27.4a (Huang et al.
powder 2008)
Bioseparation of Nutraceuticals Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Skin þ seed 250–350 45–75 EtOH, water, olive 73.3b (10% (Shi et al. 2009)
oil as single, EtOH þ 10%
binary, ternary olive oil)
modifier: 0, 5 or
added to sample
Dried paste 200–300 35–65 No 20b 40b (Baysal et al.
EtOH; 5, 10, 15% 50b (5% EtOH) 50b (5% EtOH)
with SC–CO2
Table 16.2 (continued)
Feed material/characteristics Pressure (bar) Temperature ( C) Co-solvent Yielda/Recoveryb of target compound Reference
Dried tomato 335, 450 45, 66 No 10b (Vasapollo
et al. 2004)
450 66 Hazelnut oil 30b
10% w/w added to
Carrot b-Carotene
Freeze dried 120–327 40, 50 No 47.8b (Saldaña et al.
Pulp press cake 207, 276, 345 40, 55, 70 EtOH; 0, 5, 10% w/w 99.5b (Vega et al.
with SC–CO2 1996)
Particles 276–551 40, 55, 70 No 63b* (Sun and
Moisture: 0.8–85% Canola oil; 2.5, 5% 147b* **
Particle sizes: 0.25–2 mm w/w with
Paprika/red pepper Carotenoids Oleoresin (capsaicin)
Dried powder 300–500 60–80 No 62b (Ambrogi et al.
Capsicum annuum linear stage: 2002)
b-carotene þ free
nonlinear stage:
xanthophyll esters
red pepper 150–230 40 No 5200a (oleoresin) (Duarte et al.
Capsicum frutescens 252a (capsaicinoids) 2004)
Paprika ground 450 50 No 90b (Nagy and
Capsicum annuum Simandi
Moisture: 5–30% 2008)
Oil cont. 5–27% w/w
F. Temelli and B. Seifried
Table 16.2 (continued)
Feed material/characteristics Pressure (bar) Temperature ( C) Co-solvent Yielda/Recoveryb of target compound Reference
Chili powder CO2 45–75 Methanol, acetic 76a (capsaicinoids) (Peusch et al.
Capsicum frutescens Density: acid and water; (co-solvent water) 1997)
0.75–0.9 20 mL added to
g/mL 70 and 250 mg
Paprika powder sample
Capsicum annuum
Red pepper 320–540 40 No Red pigments: 88b (Uquiche et al.
Capsicum annuum Yellow pigments: 55b 2004)
Pelletized flakes moisture:
4% w/w
Apricot b-Carotene
Pomace 133–473 43–77 EtOH; 2–28% v/v 9.8a (Sanal et al.
with SC–CO2 2005)
Marigold Terpene/Carotenoid Oleoresin
Dried flowers 120, 150, 200 26, 30, 40 No 2,100a (Campos et al.
Flowers 120–200 20–40 No 3,540a (Danielski et al.
Dried flowers 300, 500, 689 50 EtOH; 0–20% v/v Faradiol esters 8,300a (Baumann et al.
with SC–CO2 650a 2004)
Dried petals 145–455 33.2–71.8 soybean oil; lutein 96,200a (Ma et al. 2008)
0–12.1% w/w
with SC–CO2
Bioseparation of Nutraceuticals Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Feed material/characteristics Pressure (bar) Temperature ( C) Co-solvent Yielda/Recoveryb of target compound Reference
Nannochloropsis gaditana 186a (Synechococcus) (Macias-
Synechococcus sp. Sanchez
Dunaliella Salina 289a et al. 2008)
Freeze dried, crushed 150–350 40, 55 No 6ac (Mendes et al.
Chlorella vulgaris 24ad 1995)
Dried powder 300–500 50–80 Soybean oil, olive 25bc (pure CO2) (Krichnavaruk
Haematococcus pluvialis oil, EtOH; 36bc (soybean oil) et al. 2008)
0–12% v/v 51bc (olive oil)
d.m. dry matter
*Skin only
**No cosolvent
***Compared to soxhlet
Yield (mg/100 g feed)
Recovery (%) [100 (g solute in extract/g solute in feed)]
F. Temelli and B. Seifried
16 Bioseparation of Nutraceuticals Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide 373 Phytochemicals
16.3.2 Fractionation
volatility fraction falls out of solution first and is collected in the first separator,
followed by collection of lower molecular weight/higher volatility fractions in
the subsequent separators with a further drop in density in each separator.
3. Column separation: continuous feed of a liquid mixture is what distinguishes a
column operation from the first two cases, wherein a batch of solid material is
used as the feed. These are usually packed columns with independently heated
and controlled sections, designed to create a thermal gradient along the column
to take advantage of retrograde condensation so that an internal reflux can be
generated for increased efficiency of separation. Countercurrent contacting of
the liquid feed with SC–CO2 results in the separation of the liquid feed into
extract and raffinate streams coming out of the top and the bottom of the column,
respectively. Brunner (2009) provided an overview of the design considerations
for such systems. The following sections will focus on the different applications
of these three approaches to various nutraceuticals.
There are additional recent developments in the area of coupling membrane
technologies with supercritical technology, which may be the fourth approach in
fractionation to achieve difficult separations. It may be possible to separate those
components with similar solubilities in SC–CO2 by attaching a membrane unit after
an extraction or a fractionation unit. For example, squalene, which is receiving
increasing attention as a nutraceutical, and oleic acid have similar solubilities in
SC–CO2 due to the nonpolar nature of squalene, although squalene (C30) is a much
larger molecule than oleic acid (C18) (G€ uçl€ € undag and Temelli 2004). How-
ever, such a large molecular weight difference can be an advantage for membrane
separation. With the use of an appropriate membrane these two lipids solubilized in
SC–CO2 can be separated under supercritical conditions (Ruivo et al. 2008).
atom from the methyl end of the molecule. Noteworthy, omega-3 fatty acids such as
EPA and DHA obtained from fish oils seem to be superior in reducing the rates of
all-cause mortality, cardiac, and sudden death, and possibly stroke compared to
ALA found in vegetable oils (Sanderson et al. 2002; Wang et al. 2006). Omega-3
PUFA obtained from marine sources is mainly consumed in the form of either
triglycerides (TG) or fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE). However, there are controver-
sial results in studies concerning the absorption of EPA in these two forms. Early
studies claimed that absorption of EPA and DHA when ingested as FAEE was
lower than that as TG (El Boustani et al. 1987; Lawson and Hughes 1988), whereas
in later studies the absorption levels were found to be similar (Nordoy et al. 1991;
Krokan et al. 1993). Alternative sources for EPA and DHA besides fish oil include
microbial or single cell oil, with some microbial strains (Crypthecodinium cohnii)
producing oils containing up to 50% DHA of the total fatty acids (Ratledge 2004;
Ward and Singh 2005). The EPA and DHA contents of fish oils depend on
numerous factors, such as species, origin, catch season, and feed of the fish, with
EPA and DHA levels of up to about 20 and 35%, respectively (Gruger et al. 1964;
Özogul and Özogul 2007; Visentainer et al. 2007).
In order to be suitable for human consumption crude fish oil needs to be refined
and purified. Refining processes of fish oils aim mainly at removing undesirable
compounds such as free fatty acids, off aromas, and peroxides. Additionally, high
value compounds such as squalene, diacyl glyceryl ethers (DAGE), vitamin A, and
vitamin D are targets of refining processes as well (Eltringham and Catchpole
2008). Fish oils in their TG form with EPA and DHA concentrations of up to
300 mg/g can be obtained by winterization, blending, solvent crystallization, and/or
vacuum distillation (Ackman 1988). For applications requiring higher EPA and
DHA levels, fish oil TG are hydrolyzed to liberate the fatty acids, which can then be
converted into fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE) or methyl esters (FAME). The esters
are subsequently fractionated by various methods to obtain higher concentrates of
EPA and DHA (Shahidi and Wanasundara 1998) by means of vacuum or short path
distillation (Ackman et al. 1973; Breivik et al. 1997), solvent crystallization (Lee
2003), or urea complexation (Senanayake and Shahidi 2000; Gámez-Meza et al.
2003; Zuta et al. 2003). These conventional methods often require the use of
flammable and toxic organic solvents or elevated process temperatures, which
can lead to polymerization and degradation of thermally labile PUFA (Staby and
Mollerup 1993; Lee and Foglia 2001). Selective enzymatic hydrolysis of fish oil
TGs using fatty acid-specific lipases can be used as well for the separation and
concentration of EPA and DHA from other fatty acids present in fish oils (Linder
et al. 2002; Ramı́rez Fajardo et al. 2006).
Because of the drawbacks of the various aforementioned conventional techni-
ques, processing of heat sensitive materials containing PUFA using SC–CO2 offers
numerous advantages (Mishra et al. 1993). Fractionation of fish oil FAEE using
SC–CO2 has been investigated by numerous research groups. In an attempt to
fractionate fish oil FAEE in semi-continuous equipment, Eisenbach (1984) used a
packed column equipped at the top with a “hot finger” held at 90 C to generate a
reflux to take advantage of retrograde condensation. This method was suitable for
16 Bioseparation of Nutraceuticals Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide 377
a solvent-to-feed ratio in the range of 90–150. The results of such simulations based
on mass balances and equilibrium calculations are useful to better understand the
influence of various parameters on the theoretical performance of a column.
However, in order to calculate the required height and diameter of a packed
countercurrent column, mass transfer, fluid flow and flooding behavior considera-
tions should be taken into account, thus requiring more sophisticated calculations,
involving properties such as density, viscosity, and diffusivity of both the liquid and
gaseous phases as well as interfacial tension, which are often challenging to
measure or accurately predict (Blaha-Schnabel et al. 1996; Stockfleth and Brunner
2001; Ruivo et al. 2002; Martı́n and Cocero 2007; Brunner 2009). Therefore, more
research is needed, evaluating both the experimental and theoretical aspects in
order to obtain reliable data and to develop further the correlations and models
used for calculating such complex fractionation processes.
Another novel approach different from the ones described above in order to
concentrate EPA and DHA in the form of free fatty acids (FA), or FAEE, is the
combination of urea fractionation and supercritical processing. The first steps in
the development of the process include the use of urea dissolved in hot ethanol and
mixing it with FA or FAEE, thereby forming a complex with their long hydrocar-
bon chain, which depends on temperature and degree of unsaturation (Eltringham
and Catchpole 2008). Then, separation is achieved by cooling until precipitation of
urea complexes occurs. However, a potentially better way was suggested, where
SC–CO2 containing fatty acids or esters is passed through a bed of urea, which leads
to complexation of the monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids, thereby separat-
ing them from the polyunsaturates (Catchpole et al. 2009). Furthermore, the
fractionation process was improved by combining urea fractionation as described
above using ethanol with supercritical antisolvent fractionation (SAFT) (Catchpole
et al. 2002). In the combined process, urea complex formation takes place in
ethanol, followed by separation of the urea complex using a filter and feeding the
filtrate containing fatty acids or ethyl esters, solvent (ethanol and water), and
dissolved urea into a pressurized apparatus together with CO2. By mixing the
solution with CO2, the antisolvent effect of CO2 leads to precipitation of urea and
water, which are separated in the first separator, while fatty acids and ethanol can be
recovered separately in subsequent separators through sequential pressure reduc-
tion steps. With this patented method, it seems possible to obtain PUFA concen-
trates containing over 90% o-3 FA.
Tocopherols and phytosterols. Tocopherols and tocotrienols, which belong to
the family of Vitamin E compounds, have antioxidant activity and are used
extensively in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries. Deodorizer distil-
late (DOD), a by-product of the vegetable oil refining process, is rich in tocopherols.
Conventional methods to isolate tocopherols by means of vacuum or molecular
distillation can lead to degradation of these thermolabile compounds. Supercritical
fluids could therefore offer an alternative to conventional methods, by taking
advantage of mild processing conditions. Separation of tocopherols using
SC–CO2 was studied in a countercurrent packed column (Fang et al. 2007). The
feed material was soybean DOD, which had been subjected to methyl esterification
16 Bioseparation of Nutraceuticals Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide 379
and methylation to convert all free fatty acids and triglycerides into FAME, thereby
improving their solubility in SC–CO2. This pretreatment step facilitated the
removal of most sterols by cooling and crystallization, due to the low solubility
of sterols in FAME. The fractionation process consisted of two steps, where the first
step was to feed the pretreated DOD into a fractionation column and to extract the
FAME, while concentrating the tocopherols in the raffinate. The second step was to
increase the pressure to extract the tocopherols from the impurities remaining in the
column. To find the optimum conditions for the first step, the pretreated DOD
containing about 70 wt% FAME and 10–15 wt% tocopherols was fed continuously
into a packed column operated at 140, 160, and 180 bar with a linear temperature
gradient along the column ranging from 40 C at the bottom to 75 C at the top. Fang
et al. (2007) showed that operating the column at 180 bar resulted in the highest
extraction yield for FAME of over 70% requiring the shortest time among all
conditions investigated. However, the higher pressure also led to a threefold
increase in tocopherols being extracted from the column compared to that at
140 bar, which is clearly a consequence of higher tocopherol solubility at higher
pressure. Furthermore, increasing the pressure caused a decrease in the selectivity,
which is disadvantageous for the separation. The composition of tocopherols in the
fractions obtained from the column was influenced by pressure as well, with mainly
a-tocopherol being extracted at the low pressure conditions, whereas at 180 bar all
four isomers were found in the fractions in proportions similar to that of the feed
material. Thus, a pressure of 160 bar was selected to further optimize the feed
location, temperature gradient, and solvent-to-feed ratio. The second step of this
patented process was found to work best at a final pressure of 200 bar, which
resulted in a high tocopherol content (>50%) and tocopherol recovery (about 80%)
(Fang et al. 2007).
Fractionation of canola DOD was investigated by G€uçl€u-Ust€ € undag and Temelli
(2007) to enrich sterols and tocopherols using a packed column in a semi-continu-
ous process. The effects of pressure, temperature, and temperature gradient along
the column on the extraction yield and selectivity of the fractionation were studied.
Highest extract yields were obtained at the highest pressure (250 bar) and lowest
temperature (70 C) studied. However, the tocopherol concentration of the fractions
was higher at 250 bar and 100 C, with the content of tocopherol in the fractions
collected being lower than that of the feed material. While enrichment of tocophe-
rols in both the collected extract fractions and the column residue was less effective,
the sterol content increased by about four‐fold from 11% in the feed to 40.4%
(determined as % GC area) in the column residue after fractionation of canola DOD
using SC–CO2 at 250 bar and a temperature gradient of 70–100 C along the column
€ undag and Temelli 2007). In another study, olive pomace, a byproduct
of olive oil production, was extracted with SC–CO2 using a batch extractor operated
at 350 bar and 50 C, followed by two depressurization steps into subsequent
separators (Ibanez et al. 2000). The first separator in line after the extractor operated
at pressures ranging from 100 to 200 bar and various temperatures between 40 C
and 60 C contained major proportions of triglycerides, waxes, and sterols, whereas
the tocopherols were enriched in the second separator set at 10 bar and 25 C.
380 F. Temelli and B. Seifried
Phase equilibria measurements with soy DOD and crude palm oil (CPO) using a
static analytical method were carried out to assess the feasibility of fractionation of
tocochromanols (tocopherols and tocotrienols), sterols, and squalene by better
understanding their distribution coefficients (Gast et al. 2005). The distribution
coefficient Ki, describing the ratio of concentrations between the gaseous phase and
liquid phase (Ki ¼ yi/xi), is a measure to assess the feasibility of separation in a
fractionation column. A distribution coefficient of Ki 1 occurs when the con-
centrations of a component in liquid and gaseous phases are nearly equal, which
means that separation in a fractionation column is impossible. Substances that are
enriched in the gaseous phase, as evidenced by a Ki > 1, can be collected in the top
fraction, whereas substances with a Ki < 1 can be withdrawn with the liquid
raffinate at the bottom of the column. The distribution coefficients for sterols and
tocopherols in soy DOD investigated at 200–260 bar and 80 C were in the range of
about 0.35–0.4 and 0.75–1 for sterols and tocopherols, respectively, indicating that
the sterols stay preferably in the liquid phase, whereas the separation of tocopherols
is more challenging. The distribution coefficient for squalene in soy DOD was
above 3.8, indicating that enrichment in the gaseous fractions collected at the top of
the fractionation column was feasible. On the other hand, phase equilibrium studies
with CPO at 20–300 bar and 67 C revealed distribution coefficients for triglycer-
ides, tocochromanols, and FFA in the range of 0.6–0.8, 2.5–4.5 and 4.5–6.5,
respectively. Therefore, FFA and tocochromanols can be separated easily from
the CPO triglycerides in a fractionation column. The results obtained in the phase
equilibrium studies were reflected in the subsequent column fractionation experi-
ments, where in the case of soy DOD, a top product rich in squalene (18 wt%) and a
bottom product enriched in sterols (>50 wt%) were obtained (Gast et al. 2005). In
order to assess the feasibility of a separation process, phase equilibrium studies to
obtain distribution coefficients are very important and may require investigations
on a case by case basis since they depend largely on the nature and composition of
the starting feed material. Once distribution coefficients are available for a given
system the separation process can be reasonably well described by short-cut
methods to calculate the optimum solvent-to-feed ratio, reflux ratio, and the number
of theoretical stages.
Carotenoids. Fractional extraction of paprika using SC–CO2 while monitoring
the carotenoid concentration in the supercritical phase by means of a near infrared
visible detector was studied to optimize the operating conditions (Ambrogi et al.
2002). The influence of pressure on extraction performance was strong, with extract
and carotenoid recovery being faster at 500 bar compared to 300 bar. Additionally,
the amount of CO2 required to recover most of the carotenoids was three times more
at low pressure than higher pressure (300 bar). Ambrogi et al. (2002) also compared
the extraction performance of the pigments from paprika powder to that from
paprika oleoresins, with the powders resulting in a slower extraction due to the
effect of the cell structure retaining the pigments. Fractionation of carotenoids was
achieved by collecting fractions over time, where two stages of extraction were
identified during the experiments, namely the linear and nonlinear stages. In the first
stage, the extract was rich in free xanthophylls and b-carotene (about 50% w/w),
16 Bioseparation of Nutraceuticals Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide 381
whereas in the second stage the concentration of xanthophyll esters was increased
in the extract. A further development of the aforementioned fractional extraction
process was to use a combined extraction-adsorption process for separating the red
pigments (mainly esterified carotenoids) from the yellow pigments (mainly free
carotenoids) using silica gel as adsorbent (Ambrogi et al. 2003). The authors noted
that b-carotene (free carotenoid) and cryptoxanthin (monoester) were poorly
adsorbed onto the silica gel, whereas capsanthin (diester) was efficiently retained.
However, recovery of the adsorbed carotenoids from silica gel using SC–CO2 may
be challenging, thus other organic adsorbants such as cyclodextrin or cellulose may
be promising candidates for further investigations. Phytochemicals
quality of the final product. Therefore, extraction of essential oils using SC–CO2
technology offers great advantages, which also allows relatively simple fraction-
ation of extracts (Reverchon 1997; Reverchon and De Marco 2006). Isolating
essential oils using SC–CO2 involves extraction of plant matter at relatively mild
conditions at about 90–100 bar and 40–50 C, where most essential oil components
are soluble, followed by fractional separation. When extracting essential oils from
plant materials, the cuticular or leaf waxes located at the surface of vegetable matter
are coextracted (Reverchon 1992) even though the waxes have a relatively low
solubility in SC–CO2 compared to essential oils. Thus, to separate the essential oil
from the waxes, the extraction is carried out at 90 bar and 40 C, followed by a first
separation step in which the extract is cooled to 0 C, leading to the precipitation of
waxes. The second separation step can then be brought about by depressurization of
the remaining extract at 20 bar and by heating to 15 C, thereby recovering the
essential oils. Essential oil extraction and fractionation has been successfully
performed with basil, rosemary, marjoram, and numerous other plant materials on
a laboratory and industrial scale, as reviewed by Reverchon and De Marco (2006).
Another approach to fractionate essential oils is fractional extraction, where differ-
ent fractions are extracted by changing the polarity of the SC–CO2 throughout an
extraction process by adding a cosolvent. In this manner, grape seeds were
extracted in a two-step process, in which the seeds were subjected to pure
SC–CO2 extraction first, followed by extraction using SC–CO2 with added metha-
nol to change the polarity of SC–CO2 (Palma et al. 1999). The first fraction
contained mostly nonpolar compounds, including fatty acids, aliphatic aldehydes,
and sterols, whereas the second fraction using the cosolvent had phenolic com-
pounds, mainly catechin, epicatechin, and gallic acid. The first fraction showed
strong activity against several human pathogens, which was likely due to the sterols
according to Palma et al. (1999).
high quality during postprocess handling of the products. Further research is needed
to show the stability or changes in bioactivity of nutraceuticals during conventional
and SC–CO2 processes to clearly demonstrate the advantages of SC–CO2 techno-
logy for nutraceuticals processing, which then should be communicated to con-
sumers. Another benefit of supercritical technology over conventional solvent
extracts is longer shelf life due to inactivation of microorganisms and spores
throughout the high pressure treatment and the depressurization step. Such
SC–CO2 treatment is also being looked at as a sterilization technique for various
applications, including pharmaceuticals and medical devices (Foster et al. 2003).
Another major advantage of SC–CO2 technology is its flexibility and the possi-
bility of developing novel processes by coupling different unit operations. For
example, extraction operation can be combined with column fractionation or mem-
brane separation such that a crude extract can be obtained and refined or further
fractionated to isolate a bioactive component in two steps. Such approaches are
opening new opportunities for novel technology development. In addition, there are
tremendous developments in the area of particle formation using SC–CO2 technol-
ogies (Jung and Perrut 2001; Weidner 2009), which have opened up new opportu-
nities for the design of delivery systems for bioactive components. Even though
some of these approaches have been commercialized for various pharmaceuticals,
nutraceutical applications are very limited. These technologies can be classified
into three major categories, where CO2 can be used as: (1) solvent (rapid expansion
of supercritical solutions, RESS), (2) gas to saturate a solution (particles from gas-
saturated solutions, PGSS), or (3) antisolvent (gas anti-solvent, GAS; supercritical
fluid anti-solvent, SAS, and others). Weidner (2009) reviewed such techniques and
their food applications. In addition, Weidner (2009) also described a concentrated
powder form (CPF), where a liquid ingredient is contacted with a pressurized gas
and sprayed through a nozzle onto a solid carrier material. Coupling these techni-
ques with SC–CO2 extraction/fractionation would allow the recovery of a sensitive
bioactive from a plant matrix and encapsulation in a protective coating with
minimal degradation. Micro- and nano-sized particles of different morphologies
obtained through supercritical techniques can offer functionalities not possible with
conventional technologies, such as targeted delivery and controlled release
mechanisms; however, more research is needed to understand the relationships
between processing parameters and final ingredient functionality.
The feasibility of achieving bioseparations using SC–CO2 technology has been
demonstrated for various nutraceutical applications discussed in this chapter,
including extraction of bioactives from a variety of plant materials and fractionation
for further concentration of specific compounds. A large number of studies have
been carried out in laboratory and pilot plant scale. Some applications have already
reached commercial scale, such as extraction of specialty oils and isolation of
tocopherols from deodorizer distillate using a fractionation column. As in any
process, detailed economic feasibility evaluation is essential for the success of the
different approaches discussed for the variety of nutraceutical applications, and cost
evaluation should be done on a case by case basis. In general, it is common belief
that supercritical fluid technology is expensive and should be restricted to only
384 F. Temelli and B. Seifried
high-value end products. This is mainly due to the need for high capital investment
for high pressure equipment. However, it has been demonstrated that it is only a
matter of scale of operations. At large enough plant capacities, the viability of
supercritical processing becomes equivalent to conventional processes even for
low-value end products (Perrut 2000; Brunner 2005). Perrut (2000) reported the
linear relationship (on a log-log scale) between price index and plant capacity over
a range of lab to pilot and production units. Brunner (2009) also demonstrated the
substantial drop in cost for continuous supercritical operations and provided cost
comparisons for different column operations. The operating cost is generally lower
than that for conventional solvent extraction or high vacuum operations. As well,
compared to traditional solvent extraction, the overall process becomes simpler
because expensive solvent evaporators and meal desolventizers are not needed.
Thus, supercritical processing is more favorable especially when the rising cost of
energy is taken into account. Rosa and Meireles (2005) developed a rapid method to
estimate manufacturing cost by taking into account raw material, operational labor,
utilities, waste treatment, and investment. Coupling of supercritical extraction or
fractionation with a continuous cross-flow membrane system for the separation of
solutes from SC–CO2 without depressurization shows great promise in terms of
substantial savings in energy costs associated with the recompression of CO2.
Considering all the advantages discussed, the future of supercritical technology
for separations involving nutraceuticals is bright based on all the know-how gained
over the past 2 decades in this field.
Acknowledgements We would like to express our gratitude to the Natural Sciences and Engi-
neering Research Council of Canada for financial support of our research program on supercritical
fluid technology and Alberta Ingenuity for scholarship support to B. Seifried.
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Chapter 17
Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters
on High-Pressure CO2 Extraction of Plant
Essential Oils
17.1 Introduction
We would like to dedicate this chapter to the memory of our coauthors and friends Damian
Cardarelli (1964–2007) and Miguel Mattea (1955–2007) who died tragically as a result of injuries
sustained during a fire accident on December 5, 2007, in the pilot plant of the Facultad de
Ingenierı́a in the Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto (Córdoba, Argentina). We met them either
briefly (JMdV) or a long time ago (JdlF), but we were touched by their intellectual capacity,
perseverance, camaraderie, and warmness.
J.M. del Valle (*)
Departamento de Ingenierı́a Quı́mica y Bioprocesos, Pontificia Universidad Católica (PUC) de
Chile, Avda. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul, Santiago, Chile
J.C. de la Fuente
Departamento de Procesos Quı́micos, Biotecnológicos y Ambientales, Universidad Técnica
Federico Santa Marı́a, Valparaı́so, Chile
E. Uquiche
Departamento de Ingenierı́a Quı́mica, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile
C. Zetzl and G. Brunner
Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, Technische Universit€at Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH), Harburg,
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 393
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_17, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
394 J.M. del Valle et al.
Essential oils are complex mixtures of many volatile compounds that are responsi-
ble for the aroma of herbs and spices. As a group, essential oils do not share
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 395
common chemical properties beyond conveying the characteristic aroma of the herb
or spice and consequently are used for flavoring foods, drinks, perfumes, cosmetics,
incense, and bath and house-cleaning products. For applications in foods, a spice is
a seed, fruit, root, bark, or leaf that is dried, ground (usually), and used in small
amounts as a preservative against deleterious or harmful microorganisms, or as an
additive to impart flavor or color to the food. Herbs differ from spices in that they
are leafy, green plant parts that are usually chopped into smaller pieces and used in
a fresh (undried) condition as food preservatives or flavor additives.
Brielmann et al. (2006) reviewed the chemistry of plant essential oils. The most
volatile components in essential oils are terpenes, which are secondary plant
metabolites derived from isoprene (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene), a 5-carbon unsatu-
rated hydrocarbon molecule. Terpenes include the 2-isoprene (or 10-carbon) mono-
terpene hydrocarbons that typically fit a C10H16 molecular formula (e.g., p-cymene,
limonene, a-pinene), the 3-isoprene (or 15-carbon) sesquiterpene hydrocarbons that
typically fit a C15H24 molecular formula (e.g., b-caryophyllene, a-humulene), and
oxygen-containing derivatives of monoterpene and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons
(the so-called oxygenated monoterpenes and oxygenated sesquiterpenes, respec-
tively) such as acetates (e.g., linalyl acetate, farnesyl acetate), alcohols (e.g.,
b-citronellol, geraniol, farnesol, linalool, menthol, patchoulol, verbenol), aldehydes
(e.g., p-anisaldehyde, citral), ketones (e.g., camphor, carvone, fenchone), phenols
(e.g., carvacrol, eugenol, thymol), and oxides (e.g., artemisinin, 1,8-cineole),
among others. Among these compounds the oxygenated monoterpenes are espe-
cially important because they are responsible for the characteristic aroma of the
herb or spice.
Plant essential oils are encapsulated in specialized secretory structures made of
high-molecular-weight nonvolatile waxes (CnH2n+2) and other fatty compounds that
protect them against evaporative losses and deleterious oxidative and/or hydrolytic
reactions by atmospheric oxygen and water. Essential oils are secreted into
specialized structures that can be located in either the surface (the so-called
glandular trichomes or glands) or below the outer surface of the plant material
(secretory ducts and secretory cavities) depending on the plant family and species
(Denny 1991; Zizovic et al. 2007c; Stamenić et al. 2008). The leaves, terminal
shoots, and flowers of aromatic herbs of the Lamiaceae family, such as basil (Ocimum
basilicum), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), marjoram (Origanum majorama),
oregano (Origanum vulgare), pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium), peppermint (Mentha
piperita), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), sage (Salvia officinalis), spearmint
(Mentha spicata), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), and wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum),
produce superficial oils that are stored in abundant secretory cells called glandular
trichomes or glands (Zizovic et al. 2005, 2007c; Stamenić et al. 2008).
Unlike the aromatic herbs of the Lamiaceae family that secrete oils in superfi-
cial glands, herbs and spices of the Apiaceae and Asteraceae families secrete oils
into subcutaneous ducts (Zizovic et al. 2007a,b,c; Stamenić et al. 2008). These
ducts are elongated cavities that can branch out to create a network of
interconnected pores extending from the roots, through the stems, and to the
leaves, flowers, and fruits of the plants. In this chapter the Apiaceae family is
396 J.M. del Valle et al.
Figure 17.1 represents the SCFE of a solid substrate in a packed bed. As will be
discussed in Sect. 17.2, the process can be modeled using a differential mass
balance equation (Fig. 17.1a) coupled with a mass transfer rate equation. During
SCFE of a pre-treated plant material, the partition of solutes between the solid and
fluid phases (K), the actual solubility of the solutes in the solvent (Csat), and various
resistances to mass transfer play important roles in extraction rates. The effective
diffusivity in the solid matrix (De), external mass transfer coefficient (kf), and axial
dispersion coefficient (Dax) all influence the concentration gradient-driven mass
transfer rates within the solid, the stationary SCF film surrounding each particle,
and along the bed, respectively (Fig. 17.1b).
Figure 17.2 presents an integral extraction plot of solute yield versus specific
solvent consumption resulting from the SCFE of the solid substrate in a packed bed.
Although there might be a positive effect of superficial solvent velocity on extrac-
tion rates, integral extraction curves generally collapse to a single line, at least
initially, with a slope that represents the so-called operational solubility (Cfo)
(Fig. 17.2, zone I). Scientific research on SCFE of plant essential oils, aimed at
the industrial application of the process, should result in mass transfer (kf, Dax, De)
and phase equilibrium or pseudo-equilibrium data (K, Csat, Cfo) that can be applied
for process design purposes.
In Sect. 17.2, mathematical models are presented and discussed for the SCFE of
essential oils from a packed bed of plant material, followed by a presentation of the
external (kf) and internal (De) mass transfer parameters that have been fitted in the
literature to cumulative extraction plots of essential oil yield versus time or specific
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 397
Fig. 17.1 Conceptual model of supercritical fluid extraction of solid substrates in packed beds: (a)
differential mass balance along packed bed; and (b) mass transfer phenomena within solid particle
(substrate), between particle and CO2 (solvent) phase, and in CO2 phase along bed
The reference model used in this section will be the diffusion model of Goodarznia
and Eikani (1998). The assumptions of this diffusion model are as follows: (1) the
substrate particles are spherical (diameter dp, radius R ¼ dp/2) and homogeneous;
(2) the physical properties of the extract (the essential oil) are those of a represen-
tative pseudo-solute; (3) the physical properties of the SCF and the substrate remain
unchanged during extraction; (4) the extract partitions between the solid and SCF
phases according to a constant coefficient (K) that is concentration-independent;
and (5) the solute disperses axially in the SCF as a result of irregularities in the
packing of the substrate in the bed and concentration-gradient-driven diffusion of
the solute along the packed bed. As a result of these assumptions, solute concentra-
tion in the solid matrix (Cs) depends on the radial position within the particle (r), the
axial position along the bed (z), and the extraction time (t); whereas solute concen-
tration in the SCF (Cf) depends only on z and t. The assumption of constant physical
properties is valid when the density and viscosity of the SCF depend only on the
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 399
extraction temperature and pressure, and are unaffected by the dissolved pseudo-
solute. Because of that, the variations in temperature and pressure should be
negligible within the bed, and the concentration of essential oils in the loaded
SCF phase should be small (selected process conditions should limit the solubility
and/or availability of the solute). On the other hand, the assumption of constant
physical properties of the solid phase is valid if the substrate remains unaffected
(does not swell or shrink) as a result of CO2 adsorption and solute removal, and this
results in a constant bed porosity (e) and, consequently, in a constant interstitial
velocity of the SCF in the packed bed (u ¼ U/e). These assumptions are valid in the
selective extraction of plant essential oils with high-pressure CO2 for several
reasons. The availability of solute is small because the content of essential oils in
a typical herb or spice is limited to a few percent or below. Recommended values of
extraction temperature and pressure (e.g., 323 K and 9 MPa) (Reverchon 1997)
place a limit on the solubility of the essential oil in high-pressure CO2, so as to
increase the selectivity of the process. A near-environmental extraction temperature
is selected to reduce thermal damage of labile compounds as well as energy
requirements of the process, which reduces the exchange of heat with the environ-
ment and minimizes radial temperature gradients in the extraction vessel. Finally,
as for other internally controlled mass transfer processes, small values of superficial
solvent velocity (1 U 5 mm/s) (Eggers 1996) are recommended to improve
economics, and these small velocities reduce losses of energy of the SCF as it
passes through the bed of packed substrate, and minimize axial pressures gradients
in the extraction vessel.
Equation 17.1 is a differential mass balance for the SCF surrounding the
particles of substrate in the packed bed. J, the so-called source-and-transfer term
(Zizovic et al. 2007c; Stamenić et al. 2008), is the flux of solute that is transferred
from the solid to the SCF, and can be estimated using (17.2). On the other hand, the
diffusion of the solute through the solid particles can be estimated using (17.3).
@Cf @Cf @ 2 Cf 6 ð 1 eÞ
þu Dax 2 ¼ J (17.1)
@t @z @z dp e
J ¼ De (17.2)
@r R
@Cs De @ 2 @Cs
¼ 2 r (17.3)
@t r @r @r
Cs ¼ Cso ðt ¼ 0; 0 r RÞ (17.4a)
Cf ¼ Cfo ðt ¼ 0; 0 z HÞ (17.4b)
¼0 ðt 0; 0 z H Þ (17.4c)
@r 0
@Cs C s jR
De ¼ kf Cf ðt 0; 0 z H Þ (17.4d)
@r R K
uCf Dax ¼0 ðt 0; z ¼ 0Þ (17.4e)
¼ 0 ðt 0; z ¼ HÞ (17.4f)
Examination of (17.1)–(17.4) suggests that variations in Cs and Cf as a function
of r, z, and t depend on the initial essential oil content in the substrate (Cso), the
geometry of the packed bed (diameter, DE; height, H; porosity, e) and the particles
(diameter, dp), and the conditions of the SCF (interstitial velocity, u; temperature, T;
and pressure, P).
A closer examination of (17.1)–(17.4) also suggests that the extraction rate and
yield depend on both kinetic (or mass transfer) parameters and equilibrium (or
solubility) parameters. The former category includes an internal mass transfer
coefficient (the effective diffusivity of the extract in the solid matrix, De), an
external mass transfer coefficient (the SCF film coefficient, kf), and an axial
dispersion coefficient (Dax) (Fig. 17.1b). Phase equilibrium parameters include
the solubility of the essential oils in high-pressure CO2 at T and P (Csat), and their
partition between the solid matrix and the SCF phase (K). Border condition 17.4b
implicitly requires extraction to be preceded by a static period (unaccounted for by
the model) so as to equilibrate the vessel to the required process temperature and
pressure conditions, and to dissolve free solute in the solid phase. The SCF phase
becomes saturated (initial solute concentration Csat) only if there is enough free
solute in the substrate; when there is less solute, the concentration Cfo is determined
by the ratio between the total amount of free solute and the total void volume
occupied by the SCF in the bed.
Some of the simplifications of the diffusion model applied in the literature
include the following (Table 17.1): neglecting the effect of axial dispersion in
mass transfer (model Diff/PF of Araus et al. 2009); treating the packed bed as a
perfectly mixed extraction vessel (model Diff-Sph/PM of Reverchon et al. 1993a;
models Diff-Slab/PM and Diff-Slab/IC of Gaspar et al. 2003; model Diff-Sph/IC of
Campos et al. 2005); and neglecting the external resistance to mass transfer (model
Diff-Slab/IC of Gaspar et al. 2003; model Diff-Sph/IC of Campos et al. 2005).
The diffusion model adopted in this chapter as the reference model (this section)
makes several simplifying assumptions about the particle geometry (spherical), the
Table 17.1 Summary of mathematical models used in the literature for high-pressure CO2 extraction of plant essential oils in packed beds
Mass transfer model Substrate Hydrodynamics in External mass Axial dispersion Sorption/
particlesa packed bedb transfer coefficientd “operational”
coefficientc solubility modele
Diffusion (Diff or D) models
Diff/ADPF (Goodarznia and Eikani 1998) Sphere Axially dispersed plug Literature Literature Linear isotherm
flow correlation correlation
Diff/PF (Araus et al. 2009; Infinite slab Plug flow Literature Neglected Linear isotherm
Uquiche et al. submitted) correlation
Diff-Sph/PM (Reverchon et al. 1993a) Sphere Perfect mixing Literature Neglected Neglected
Diff-Slab/PM (Gaspar et al. 2003) Infinite slab Perfect mixing Literature Neglected Neglected
Diff-Sph/IC (Campos et al. 2005) Sphere Perfect mixing Neglected Neglected Neglected
Diff-Slab/IC (Gaspar et al. 2003; Infinite slab Perfect mixing Neglected Neglected Neglected
Campos et al. 2005)
Shrinking-Core (SC) models
SC/ADPF (Spricigo et al. 2001; Porous Axially dispersed plug Literature Literature Limited by saturation
Machmudah et al. 2006) sphere flow correlation correlation
SC/ADPF (Steffani et al. 2006) Porous Axially dispersed plug Fitted to data Literature Limited by saturation
sphere flow correlation
SC/PF (Akgun et al. 2000; Porous Plug flow Literature Neglected Limited by saturation
Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure
Mass transfer model Substrate Hydrodynamics in External mass Axial dispersion Sorption/
particlesa packed bedb transfer coefficientd “operational”
coefficientc solubility modele
DDD/PM (Kim and Hong 2002) Porous Perfect mixing Fitted to data Neglected Linear isotherm,
sphere K=1
Intact-and-Broken-Cell (IBC) models
IBC-Diff (Kim and Hong 2002) Sphere Plug flow Neglected Literature Neglected
IBC/PF/PCPR (Machmudah et al. 2006; Unaccounted Plug flow Fitted to first Neglected PCPR isotherm
Sovová 2005; for stage
Langa et al. 2009)
IBC/PF (Louli et al. 2004) Unaccounted Plug flow Fitted to first Neglected Limited by saturation
for stage
IBC/PFNA (Sovová et al. 1994a) Unaccounted PF with no Fitted to first Neglected Decreasing solubility
for accumulation stage
Sovová (Campos et al. 2005;Louli et al. 2004; Unaccounted PF with no Fitted to first Neglected Limited by saturation
Mira et al. (1996, 1999); Papamichail et al. 2000; for accumulation stage
Povh et al. 2001; Ferreira and Meireles 2002;
Sousa et al. 2002; Martı́nez et al. 2003;
Rodrigues et al. 2003; Sousa et al. 2005; Vargas et al.
2006; Martı́nez et al. 2007; Bensebia et al. 2009)
Microscale (mS) models
mS/SGl (Zizovic et al. 2005; 2007c; Surface glands Axially Literature Literature Limited by saturation
Stamenić et al. 2008) dispersed correlation correlation
plug flow
mS/SDuct (Zizovic et al. 2007b, c; Secretory ducts Axially Literature Literature Limited by saturation
Stamenić et al. 2008) dispersed correlation correlation
plug flow
mS/SCav (Zizovic et al. 2007a, c; Stamenić et al. 2008) Secretory Axially Literature Literature Limited by saturation
cavities dispersed correlation correlation
plug flow
J.M. del Valle et al.
Mass transfer model Substrate Hydrodynamics inExternal mass Axial dispersion Sorption/
particlesa packed bedb transfer coefficientd “operational”
coefficientc solubility modele
Equilibrium Desorption (ED), Internal-Mass-Transfer-Control (IMTC), and External-Mass-Transfer-Control (EMTC) models
ED (Reis-Vasco et al. 2000) Unaccounted Plug flow Neglected Fitted to data Linear isotherm
IMTC (Ferreira et al. 1999) Sphere Perfect mixing Neglected Neglected Limited by
EMTC (Ferreira et al. 1999; Kotnik et al. 2007) Sphere Simplified diff. mass Fitted to first Neglected Limited by
balance stage saturation
The particles were treated as solid or porous spheres (Sph) or infinite slabs (Slab); or else their shape as an inner structure was unaccounted for
Flow conditions in extraction vessel are assumed to be axially dispersed plug flow (ADPF), plug flow (PF), perfect mixing (PM), or perfectly mixed
multistages (PMMS). For simplification, the packed bed was treated as a differential bed (DB), and the differential mass balance assumed plug flow with no
accumulation (PFNA) or uniform extraction with no accumulation (UENA)
The external mass transfer and was estimated from correlations in the literature, then fitted to data, or neglected. The internal-mass-transfer-control (IMTC)
models neglected the external resistance to mass transfer. The external mass transfer coefficient was sometimes hidden in a global mass transfer coefficient
(kg), either implicitly or explicitly; and in some cases (Reis-Vasco et al. 2000; Coelho et al. 1997; Ferreira et al. 1999; Kotnik et al. 2007) kg was assumed to be
an internal mass transfer coefficient (in IMTC models), and in others (Reverchon and Marrone 1997; Ferreira et al. 1999) (external-mass-transfer-control or
EMTC models), an external mass transfer coefficient
The axial dispersion coefficient was also estimated from correlations or charts in the literature, fitted to data, or neglected
The equilibrium concentration of essential oils in the SCF phase was assumed to be limited by saturation (solubility), or to depend on the residual
concentration of the oils in the solid substrate by a sorption isotherm given by a linear model, BET model, a Langmuir (Lang) model, or Perrut-Clavier-
Poletto-Reverchon (PCPR) model of Perrut et al. (1997), among others
J.M. del Valle et al.
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 405
solid matrix (homogeneous), the localization of the solute in the solid matrix
(homogeneous), the composition of the solute (fully characterized by a pseudo-
solute), the partition of the solute between the solid matrix and the CO2 (constant
and independent of solute concentration), and the mass transfer mechanism for the
extraction process (diffusion). As discussed in the following sections, some of these
simplifying assumptions should be avoided to improve the physical picture of the
extraction process.
When extracting herbs and spices it is important to consider the geometry of the
tissue following application of pretreatments aimed at increasing the speed and/or
final yield of the process. Mild pretreatments, such as coarse milling, are typically
applied prior to SCFE to take full advantage of the natural barriers within the plant
material to selectively extract the essential oils. Coarse milling of leaves and similar
plant parts results in large particles having a slab rather than a spherical geometry as
assumed in the diffusion model, so that the fitting of mathematical models to the
data improves when using the diffusion equation for an infinite slab instead of
(17.3) (Goto et al. 1993, 1998; Reverchon 1996; Gaspar et al. 2003; Araus et al.
2009). St€uber et al. (1997) derived analytical solutions for other regular geometries
such as disks and cylinders having different aspect ratios by combining the analytic
solutions for basic geometries such as infinite cylinders and infinite slabs using
superposition theorems. However, the model for spherical particles still can be used
to represent mass transfer from particles of various shapes (including disks and
cylinders with different aspect ratios) if a characteristic dimension is computed as
three times the volume-to-surface area ratio for a representative particle (dp/2, in the
case of a sphere) (Ma and Evans 1968).
When extracting herbs and spices it is important to consider the microstructure
of the native tissue. Unlike the assumptions in Sect. 17.2.1, herbs and spices are
heterogeneous when observed under the microscope. This is important to consider
because SCFE of plant materials depends, among other factors, on the location of
the solute within the plant tissue, with essential oils being encapsulated in isolated
glands, secretory cells, or cavities, or in interconnected pore networks (Zizovic
et al. 2007c; Stamenić et al. 2008). Furthermore, the physical properties of the solid
may change during extraction as a result of impregnation of CO2 and removal of
essential oils (Eggers 1996).
Also, unlike the assumptions in Sect. 17.2.1, essential oils are not single com-
pounds but mixtures of many different volatile terpenoids. During SCFE of herbs
and spices, the waxy constituents of the specialized encapsulating structures of the
essential oils are dissolved so that CO2 extracts also include waxes and other
compounds besides terpenoids. Thus, the components of CO2 extracts of herbs
and spices can be grouped as monoterpene hydrocarbons, oxygenated monoter-
penes, sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, oxygenated sesquiterpenes, waxes, and other
406 J.M. del Valle et al.
plant essential oils. Of these models (Table 17.1), that of Machmudah et al. (2006)
is different in that they assumed that the extract is a mixture of two pseudo-
components, namely the monoterpene and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, on the
one hand, and their oxygenated derivatives (oxygenated monoterpenes and sesqui-
terpenes), on the other hand (Sect. 17.3.2), that are extracted separately at rates
defined by two independent values of De. Reverchon (1997) questioned the validity
of the shrinking-core hypothesis to model SCFE of substrates containing little
solute bound to the solid matrix, as it could be the case for essential oils in most
herbs and spices, where the driving force for the extraction depends little on the
solubility of the essential oil in high-pressure CO2 under extraction conditions.
On the other hand, the desorption-dissolution-diffusion hypothesis assumes that the
solute is partially adsorbed on the solid matrix within the pores, so that a fraction of
the solute is adsorbed on the solid matrix and the rest is dissolved in the SCF phase
within the inner pores of the solid, which are related by an equilibrium sorption
isotherm (see Table 17.1 for a summary of DDD models applied in literature). Goto
et al. (1993) assumed a linear sorption isotherm (or a constant equilibrium-partition
coefficient K), Ruetsch et al. (2003) applied a Brunauer-Emmet-Teller (or BET)
isotherm, Daghero et al. (2004) applied a Langmuir isotherm for solute concentra-
tions below the saturation concentration in the high-pressure CO2, and Salimi et al.
(2008) compared a linear isotherm with several other sorption models including
those of Langmuir, Freundlich, and Langmuir Freunlich. Kim and Hong (2002) did
not differentiate between the solute adsorbed on the solid and dissolved in the gas
phase within the pores, which implicitly implied a unitary equilibrium-partition
coefficient (K ¼ 1).
Sovová (1994) proposed the hypothesis of intact and broken cells (IBC), which
assumes that as a result of a mild pretreatment such as size reduction, particles of
milled plant material have broken cells on the surface, and intact cells in the
interior. An external (convective) mass transfer coefficient controls transfer of
solute from the broken cells to the SCF in the bed, whereas an internal (diffusive)
mass transfer coefficient controls transfer of solute from the intact cells (see
Table 17.1 for a summary of IBC models applied in literature). Reverchon et al.
(1999) considered the simultaneous extraction of free solute and bound solute using
separate coefficients for external mass transfer and internal mass transfer, respec-
tively, and separate equilibrium-partition coefficients for free solute between the
broken cells and the SCF in the bed, and between the bound solute in intact cells and
the SCF in the bed. The model (LDF/PF) of Reverchon et al. (1999) (Table 17.1) is
a simplification of this general IBC model, which they applied SCFE of lipids from
milled fennel seeds; the simplifying assumption was that there is no free essential
oil in milled fennel seeds and that all was bound to the solid matrix. Unlike
Reverchon et al. (1999), Sovová (2005) and Machmudah et al. (2006) assumed
that the driving force for the extraction of free essential oil is the difference between
an equilibrium concentration of the oil in high-pressure CO2 that depends on the oil
concentration in broken cells according to the so-called PCPR isotherm of Perrut
et al. (1997), as described in Sect. 17.4.4, and its concentration in the SCF phase,
whereas the driving force for extraction of bound essential oil is the difference in oil
408 J.M. del Valle et al.
as the value of n increases, with the n being an indirect measurement of the axial
dispersion along the packed bed; the treatment of a packed bed as a series of
discrete stages does not comply with the physical situation but is commonly applied
in other separation processes in packed beds such as chromatography (Martin and
Synge 1941).
Besides or instead of the differential mass balance equation (17.1), some models
listed in Table 17.1 simplify the so-called source-and-transfer J term (17.2) that
describes the rate of transfer of essential oil between the herb or spice and the high-
pressure CO2. The linear driving force (LDF) approximation for mass transfer from
the substrate to the SCF (see examples of this type of simplifying assumption in
Table 17.1), which is valid when the residual solute concentration profile in the
partially extracted solid substrate, Cs(r), is approximately parabolic, uses a global
driving force and a single global mass transfer coefficient. The global driving force
for mass transfer equals the difference between the average residual concentration
of solute in the solid, corrected by the equilibrium-partition coefficient ðCs =K Þ and
the concentration of solute in the SCF (Cf). The global mass transfer coefficient (kg,
(17.5), Goto et al. 1993), on the other hand, accounts for both the internal resistance
to mass transfer (related to an internal mass transfer coefficient, ki) and external
resistance to mass transfer (related to the external mass transfer coefficient, kf):
kg ¼ (17.5)
1 þ Bix
k f dp
Bi ¼ (17.6)
When both the inner resistance to mass transfer in the plant material and the
external resistance in the SCF film surrounding the particles can be neglected, it is
unnecessary to include the so-called source and transfer J term in the mass balance
and rate equations (17.1–17.4) because under these conditions Cf and Cs are related
by equilibrium. Reis-Vasco et al. (2000) applied this simplifying assumption to the
initial stages of the high-pressure CO2 extraction of pennyroyal essential oil.
The most simple models in Table 17.1 correspond to simple steady-state approx-
imations that assume the rate of extraction is defined by a single mass transfer
controlling resistance, which switches from external control (Ferreira et al. 1999;
Kotnik et al. 2007) to internal control (Kotnik et al. 2007) in a given transition time.
An alternative way to account for the transition from external control to internal
control in a single model is to use a concentration-dependent global mass transfer
coefficient when using the linear driving force approximation to mass transfer, as
done by Coelho et al. (1997). It is important to point out that some models in
410 J.M. del Valle et al.
Table 17.1 refer to authors who adopted them for SCFE of plant essential oils
instead of the original authors who applied them for alternative SCFE applications.
Specifically, these models are the Diff-Sph/IC model of Crank (1975), the EMTC
model of Brunner (1984), the IMTC model of Hong et al. (1990), the LDF/PF/CDIC
model of Cygnarowicz-Provost (1996), the LDF-Sph/PF model of Catchpole et al.
(1994), Sovová’s (1994) model, and the LDF-D3-Sph/DB model of Skerget and
Knez (2001).
Selected models that are highlighted in Table 17.1 are widely used because they
have relatively simple analytical solutions and are used to best-fit model parameters
with ease. The solution of the so-called Reverchon–Sesti Ossèo (R-SO) model was
applied by Reverchon and Sesti Osséo (1994a), Reverchon et al. (1995a), Papamichail
et al. (2000), Zekovic et al. (2001), Louli et al. (2004), Pfaf-Šovljanski et al. (2005),
and Vargas et al. (2006). On the other hand, the solution of Sovová’s (1994) model
was applied by Mira et al. (1996, 1999), Papamichail et al. (2000), Povh et al.
(2001), Ferreira and Meireles (2002), Sousa et al. (2002, 2005), Martı́nez et al.
(2003, 2007), Rodrigues et al. (2003), Louli et al. (2004), Campos et al. (2005),
Perakis et al. (2005), Vargas et al. (2006), and Bensebia et al. (2009). Sovová’s
model (1994) considers SCFE as a two-stage process, where the mass transfer
coefficient in the first (convection-controlled) stage is kf, whereas the mass transfer
coefficient in the second (internal-diffusion-controlled) stage decreases proportion-
ally to the difference between the solubility of the essential oil in high-pressure CO2
and its actual concentration in the SCF phase in the bed. Povh et al. (2001)
described a procedure to estimate the parameters of Sovova’s model based on the
fitting of an integral extraction plot of solute yield versus specific solvent consump-
tion (Fig. 17.2) to a spline with three straight lines representing successively the
constant, falling, and diffusion-controlled extraction rate periods. Sovová et al.
(1994a) applied an improved version of Sovová’s model (model ICB/ADPF in
Table 17.1) in two aspects: they did not neglect the accumulation of essential oil in
the SCF phase and they considered that the extraction was limited by a decreasing
solubility (LDS) or that the saturation solubility of the essential oil in high-pressure
CO2 decreased during extraction due to the progressive enrichment of the oil
remaining in the partially extracted substrate in less volatile compounds. Authors
using other models include Louli et al. (2004) (LDF/UENA model of Papamichail
et al. 2000), Sousa et al. (2005) (LDF-D3-Slab/DB model of Goto et al. 1993),
Campos et al. (2005) (Diff-Slab/IC model of Gaspar et al. 2003), Zizovic et al.
(2007c) (mS/SGl model of Zizovic et al. 2005; mS/SCav model of Zizovic et al.
2007a; mS/SDuct model of Zizovic et al. 2007b), Stamenić et al. (2008) (mS/SCav
model of Zizovic et al. 2007a; mS/SDuct model of Zizovic et al. 2007b), Langa et al.
(2009) (IBC/PF/PCPR model of Sovová 2005), and Uquiche et al. (submitted)
(Diff/PF model of Araus et al. 2009).
Although most authors of models in Table 17.1 applied the models to their own
data, there are some exceptions. Goodarznia and Eikani (1998) modeled the data of
Reverchon et al. (1993a) on SCFE of essential oils from basil, marjoram, and
rosemary, as well as the data of Sovová et al. (1994a) on SCFE of caraway essential
oil. Germain et al. (2005) also modeled the data of Sovová et al. (1994a) on SCFE
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 411
of caraway essential oils. Zizovic et al. (2007b) modeled data of Coelho et al.
(2003) on SCFE of fennel fruit oil. Zizovic et al. (2007c) modeled literature data on
SCFE of essential oils from orange peel (Mira et al. 1996), ginger rhizome (Roy
et al. 1996), clove bud (Reverchon and Marrone 1997), and eucalyptus leaf (Della
Porta et al. 1999). Stamenić et al. (2008) modeled the data of Machmudah et al.
(2006) on SCFE of nutmeg essential oil. Finally, Araus et al. (2009) modeled
literature data on SCFE of essential oils from sage (Reverchon 1996), lavender
(Akgun et al. 2000), oregano (Gaspar 2002), pennyroyal (Reis-Vasco et al. 2000),
and chamomile (Povh et al. 2001).
Table 17.2 summarizes the conditions for the experimental studies on kinetics of
mass transfer during SCFE of essential oils from herbs and spices reviewed in this
chapter. Although most authors in Table 17.2 modeled the results of their own high-
pressure CO2 extraction work, there are some exceptions, including the data of Roy
et al. (1996) on extraction of ginger essential oils at 313 K and 10.8 MPa, the data of
Della Porta et al. (1999) on extraction of eucalyptus essential oil at 323 K and
9 MPa, the data of Coelho et al. (2003) on extraction of fennel essential oil at 313 K
and 9 MPa, and the data of Gaspar (2002) on extraction of oregano essential oil
under selected conditions (310 K and 8 MPa or 320 K and 20 MPa).
In this work, analysis required the estimation of the physical properties of the
loaded CO2 phase produced during the extraction of essential oils. For that purpose,
the authors neglected the changes in physical properties associated with the disso-
lution of essential oils in the solvent under the assayed conditions, and estimated the
density (r) and viscosity (m) of the loaded high-pressure CO2 as a function of the
extraction temperature and pressure using the NIST (2000) database for pure CO2
(del Valle and de la Fuente 2006). On the other hand, D12 was estimated using the
equation of Catchpole and King (1994), which requires reduced temperature (Tr ¼
T/Tc) and reduced density (rr ¼ r/rc, where rc ¼ 467.6 kg/m3 is the critical
density of CO2) of the SCF, and the molecular weight (MW2) and critical volume
(Vc2) of the pseudo-solute. As informed in Sect. 17.2.2, for the purpose of estimat-
ing MW2 and Vc2, representative compounds in families of compounds were
selected, such as monoterpene (MT) hydrocarbons, oxygenated monoterpene
(OMT) compounds, sesquiterpene (ST) hydrocarbons, oxygenated sesquiterpene
(OST) compounds, waxes, and some plant-specific compounds; properties of rep-
resentative compounds to whole families were assigned; and extracts were consid-
ered as pseudo-solutes whose properties were estimated using Kay’s rule as the
weighted average of the properties of the representative compounds in each family
(Poling et al. 2000). The composition of the essential oils was taken from the
literature and was typically determined by gas chromatography analysis of the
steam distillate, hydro-distillate, or CO2-extract of the herb or spice. For calcula-
tions in this current work, only those families representing more than 1% of the
Table 17.2 Summary of extraction conditions of selected mass transfer studies on high-pressure CO2 extraction of plant essential oils in packed beds
Substrate Particle diameter Temperature Pressure Superficial velocity Extractor volume L/D ratio of
(dp, mm) (T, K) (P, MPa) (U, mm/s) (V, cm3) extractor (–)
Alecrim pimenta (Sousa et al. 2002) 0.38 298 6.7 0.12 220 27.8
Aniseed (Rodrigues et al. 2003) 0.50 303 8, 10, 14, 0.014–0.025 418 2.03
Basil (Reverchon et al. 1993a) 0.17 313 10 0.23 400 3.06
Black pepper (Ferreira et al. 1999; Ferreira 0.080, 0.11 303, 313, 323 15, 20 0.018–0.20 26 29.1
and Meireles 2002)
Black pepper (Perakis et al. 2005) 0.18 313, 323 9, 10, 15 0.20–0.59 751 5.45
Boldo (Uquiche et al. submitted) 0.39, 0.40, 2.36 313 10 0.123 5 2.32
Caraway (Sovová et al. 1994a) 0.38 296, 313 9, 10 0.028–0.048 150 5.30
Carqueja (Vargas et al. 2006) 0.50 313, 323, 9 0.35 4 4.09
333, 343
Celery (Papamichail et al. 2000) 0.21, 0.49 318, 328 10, 15 0.167, 0.456 400 2.90
Chamomile (Povh et al. 2001) 0.30 303, 313 10, 12, 0.030–0.087 204 4.18
16, 20
Chamomile (Kotnik et al. 2007) 0.11 303, 313 10, 15 0.17–0.19 55 4.18
Cinnamon of cunha (Sousa et al. 2005) 0.52 288 6.7 0.065, 0.068 222 27.7
Clove (Reverchon and Marrone 1997) 0.37 323 9 0.244–0.488 400 3.06
Clove (Ruetsch et al. 2003) 0.79 323 9, 12 0.38, 0.76 1,500 2.62
Clove (Daghero et al. 2004) 0.79 323 9, 12 0.38, 1.52 1,500 2.62
Clove (Martı́nez et al. 2007) 0.86 308 10.0 0.039, 0.11 6, 133, 280 0.98, 1.05, 2.20
Eucalyptus (Della Porta et al. 1999) 0.37 323 9.0 0.514 400 6.00
Fennel (Reverchon et al. 1999) 0.37 323 9 0.20–0.61 400 3.06
Ginger (Roy et al. 1996) 0.35 313 11 0.74 2.2 6.67
Ginger (Martı́nez et al. 2003) 1.02 293, 303, 313 15, 20 0.091–0.12 150 13.3
Hop (Pfaf-Šovljanski et al. 2005) 0.488 313 15 0.050 200 3.98
Ho-sho (Steffani et al. 2006) 0.37, 0.50, 1.00 313, 323, 333 8, 9, 10 0.18–0.71 8 7.31
Lavender (Reverchon et al. 1995a) 1.67 321 9 0.31 400 3.06
Lavender (Akgun et al. 2000) 1.20 308, 313, 323 8, 10, 12, 0.44–1.4 39 50.0
Marigold (Campos et al. 2005) 0.62 313 12, 15 0.068, 0.202 139 19.1
J.M. del Valle et al.
Marjoram (Reverchon et al. 1993a) 0.15 313 10.0 0.23 400 3.06
Nutmeg (Spricigo et al. 2001) 0.30, 0.68, 1.45 296 9 0.032–0.053 35 4.76
Nutmeg (Machmudah et al. 2006) 0.56, 0.69, 2.12 313, 318, 323 1.0, 1.5 0.011, 0.068 500 1.86
Orange (Mira et al. (1996) 0.30, 0.50, 1.50, 323 15 0.084, 0.585 300 2.30
Orange (Mira et al. 1999) 0.30, 0.50, 1.50, 323 15 0.084, 0.585 300 2.30
Oregano (Esquivel et al. 1996) 1.10 298, 313 7, 10, 15 0.50–0.63 30 3.99
Oregano (Gaspar 2002) 0.36 310, 320 8, 20 0.22, 0.088 196 2.00
Oregano (Gaspar et al. 2003) 0.33, 0.36, 0.70, 300, 310, 320 7, 8, 10, 0.017–0.058 319 0.47
1.55 15, 20
Oregano (Uquiche et al. submitted) 0.35, 0.36, 2.36 313 10 0.123 5 2.32
Parsley (Louli et al. 2004) 0.29, 0.50 308, 318 10, 15 0.16–0.45 185, 209 1.34, 1.52
Pennyroyal (Reis-Vasco et al. 2000) 0.30, 0.50, 0.70 323 10 0.48–0.97 247–379 3.28–5.02
Peppermint (Goto et al. 1993) 0.12 313, 333, 353 8,8, 14.7, 0.099–0.43 21 2.17
Rosemary (Reverchon et al. 1993a) 0.23 313 10 0.23 400 3.06
Rosemary (Coelho et al. 1997) 0.72, 1.33 308, 313 10, 12.5, 0.11–0.43 5 12.9
Rosemary (Bensebia et al. (2009) 0.44 308, 313 10, 12, 15, 0.25–0.69 125 13.4
Sage (Catchpole et al. 1996b) 0.50–1.53 291 7 0.19–0.48 2,959 2.41
Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure
whole essential oil were considered, and the most concentrated four families in
those cases where five or more were represented in excess of 1% each. Table 17.3
summarizes representative compounds of up to four families for essential oils in
Table 17.2. As an example, the lavender essential oil of Reverchon et al. (1995a)
has 3.33% MTs (main component, myrcene, representing 35.7% of all MTs), 87.9%
OMTs (main component, linalyl acetate, representing 39.4% of all OMTs), 6.14%
STs (main component, b-farnesene, representing 36.3 of all STs), and 2.63% OSTs
(main component, bisabolol, representing 79.5% of all MTs). The values of Vc were
estimated for the representative compounds in the various families using Joback’s
modification of the Lydersen’s group-contribution method (Poling et al. 2000).
Table 17.4 summarizes the estimations of the molecular weight (MW2) and
critical volume (Vc2) of the pseudo-solutes representing the essential oils of the
different herbs and spices reported in Table 17.3. It is clear that the properties of the
pseudo-solutes vary between substrates, as expected, but also for a single substrate
because of differences in the substrates or extracts. Indeed, the essential oils exhibit
differences due to typical variations in biological samples associated with genetic
and processing (e.g., harvest time, drying treatment, and storage condition) factors
(Zetzl et al. 2003). In addition, steam distillates, hydrodistillates, and CO2 extracts
from the same substrate exhibit differences due to thermal and/or oxidative degra-
dation of labile components during distillation, or solubilization of additional
compounds in CO2 with increased solvent power (Moyler 1993; Reverchon
1997). Figure 17.3 shows that the composition of sage essential oils extracted
with high-pressure CO2 at 313 K and 9 MPa, or 323 K and 10 MPa, changes
depending on process conditions and extraction time.
Authors del Valle and de la Fuente (2006) showed consistency in the reported
literature values of axial dispersion coefficients for flow of high-pressure CO2 in a
packed bed, when presenting the experimental values in a dimensionless plot of
Dax/D12 versus Pep where Pep is the Peclet number for the particle (17.7), which
in turn corresponds to the product of the dimensionless numbers of Reynolds
(Re, 17.8) and Schmidt (Sc, 17.9).
U dp
Pep ð¼ Re ScÞ ¼ (17.7)
r U dp
Re ¼ (17.8)
Sc ¼ (17.9)
r D12
Table 17.3 Summary of compositions of plant essential oils from high-pressure CO2 extraction studies in Table 17.2. Besides the name of the main
component, for each of the up to 4 fractions the compound type,* percent of fraction, and percent of the main component in the fraction are indicated within
Plant material Fraction 1 Fraction 2 Fraction 3 Fraction 4
Basil (Reverchon and Sesti Osséo Estragole (OMT/89/54) a-trans Bergamotene T Cadinol (ST/2.2/47) –
1994b) (ST/9.0/46)
Lavender I (Reverchon et al. Myrcene (MT/3.33/35.7) Linalyl acetate (OMT/ cis-b-Farnesene (ST/6.14/36.3) a-Bisabolol (ST/2.63/79.5)
1995a) 87.9/39.4)
Lavender II (Akg€ un et al. 2000) Camphor (OMT/56.9) Fenchone (OMT/43.1) – –
Marjoram (Jimenez-Carmona et Sabinene (MT/17.7/42.3) cis-Sabinene hydrate b-Caryophyllene (ST/3.46/100) –
al. 1999) (OMT/78.9/78.6)
Oregano (Gaspar 2002) g-Terpinene (MT/6.78/ Thymol (OMT/85.8/42.4) b-Caryophyllene (ST/7.47/100) –
Pennyroyal (Aghel et al. 2004) Limonene (MT/14.6/100) Pulegone (OMT/85.4/ – –
Peppermint (Roy et al. 1996) Limonene (MT/2.86/ Menthol (OMT/92.8/ Germacrene (ST/4.35/57.2) –
45.0) 74.5)
Rosemary (Coelho et al. 1997) Limonene (MT/26.0/ Camphor (OMT/65.1/ a-Humulene (ST/7.23/44.1) Caryophyllene oxide (OST/
47.6) 57.6) 1.60/100)
Sage I (Reverchon et al. 1995b) b-Pinene (MT/11.6/21.1) 1,8-Cineole (OMT/70.8/ b-Caryophyllene (ST/14.5/48.8) Manool (OST/3.19/56.1)
Sage II (Langa et al. 2009) (313 K/ Myrcene (MT/9.08/35.9) Camphor (OMT/80.4/ b-Caryophyllene (ST/6.19/29.2) Viridoflorol (OST/4.35/39.8)
Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure
9 MPa) 62.5)
Sage 2 (Langa et al. 2009) (323 K/ Myrcene (MT/11.4/39.1) Camphor (OMT/79.9/ b-Caryophyllene (ST/5.79/30.4) Caryophyllene oxide (OST/
10 MPa) 69.0) 2.88/15.5)
Spearmint (Özer et al. 1996) Limonene (MT/6.42/ Carvone (OMT/90.6/ b-Bourbonene (ST/2.95/78.6) –
81.9) 89.5)
Thyme (Zekovic et al. 2001) Thymol (OMT/19.6/4.9) b-Caryophyllene (ST/ Tetradecane (HC/78.2/67.1) –
Wild thyme (Sefidkon et al. 2004) g-Terpinene (MT/52.2/ Thymol (OMT/32.9/58.1) b-Caryophyllene (ST/14.6/42) Spathulenol (OST/0.31/33.3)
Before flowering 42.8)
Table 17.3 (continued)
Ho-sho (Bakkali et al. 2005) Sabinene (MT/21.7/35.5) 1,8-Cineole (OMT/75.0/ Viridiflorol (OST/3.29/100) –
Nutmeg I (Spricigo et al. 1999) Sabinene (MT/78.8/51.9) Myristicin (OMT/21.2/ – –
Nutmeg II (Machmudah et al. 3-Cyclohexene-1-ol b-Phellandrene (MT/ Myristicin (OMT/36.2/89.9) Copaene (ST/1.83/68.9)
2006) (LOHC/15.7/26.4) 46.3/42.9)
Orange (Budich and Brunner Limonene (MT/98.3/ Linalool (OMT/1.75/ – –
1999) 97.6) 28.8)
Valerian I (Zizovic et al. 2007a) Borneol (OMT/15.9/36.8) Valerena-4,7(11)-diene Valerenal (OST/67.4/19.3) (E)-Valerenyl isovalerate (H-
(313 K/10 MPa) (ST/14.1/25.7) OHC/2.68/70.0)
Table 17.3 (continued)
Plant material Scientific name Family Identified Molecular weight Critical volume
compounds (%) (MW, Da) (Vc, cm3/mol)
Basil Ocimum basilicum Lamiaceae 99.4 153.0 508.0
Lavender I Lavandula angustifolia Lamiaceae 100.1 194.5 682.6
Lavender II Lavandula angustifolia Lamiaceae 76.9 152.2 503.5
Marjoram Origanum majorama Lamiaceae 36.8 152.0 517.7
Oregano Origanum vulgare Lamiaceae 87.0 152.2 440.3
Pennyroyal Mentha pulegium Lamiaceae 100.0 149.7 504.1
Peppermint Mentha piperita Lamiaceae 99.3 157.2 527.2
Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis Lamiaceae 100.0 151.7 523.6
Sage I Salvia officinalis Lamiaceae 100.0 160.0 546.0
Sage II (313 K/9 MPa) Salvia officinalis Lamiaceae 81.4 155.2 519.8
Sage II (323 K/10 MPa) Salvia officinalis Lamiaceae 87.1 153.8 153.8
Spearmint Mentha spicata Lamiaceae 100.0 150.4 508.5
Thyme Thymus vulgaris Lamiaceae 11.9 186.8 719.0
Wild thyme, before flowering Thymus serpyllum Lamiaceae 98.0 148.1 506.6
Wild thyme, after flowering Thymus serpyllum Lamiaceae 88.2 144.3 500.4
Anise (303 K/8 MPa) Pimpinella anisum Apiaceae 99.2 152.7 500.0
Anise (303 K/10 MPa) Pimpinella anisum Apiaceae 97.7 152.5 499.6
Anise (303 K/14 MPa) Pimpinella anisum Apiaceae 97.0 152.8 500.7
Caraway Carum carvi Apiaceae 98.0 144.3 505.2
Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure
Table 17.4 (continued)
Plant material Scientific name Family Identified Molecular weight Critical volume
compounds (%) (MW, Da) (Vc, cm3/mol)
Marigold (313 K/12 MPa) Calendula officinalis Asteraceae 30.9 387.9 1,565.1
Marigold (313 K/15 MPa) Calendula officinalis Asteraceae 28.2 395.2 1,601.4
Alecrim pimenta Lippia sidoides Verbenaceae 95.2 159.0 470.4
Black pepper I Piper nigrum Piperaceae 99.6 153.5 562.1
Black pepper II Piper nigrum Piperaceae 99.2 203.3 719.3
Black pepper III Piper nigrum Piperaceae 73.3 179.7 633.9
Boldo Peumus boldus Monimiaceae 98.2 166.6 525.1
Cinnamon of Cunha Croton zehntneri Euphorbiaceae 95.7 149.6 149.6
Clove Syzygium aromaticum Myrtaceae 98.5 168.8 454.7
Eucalyptus Eucalyptus globules Myrtaceae 100.0 155.0 528.6
Ginger Zingiber officinale Zingiberaceae 71.7 241.1 799.0
Hop Humulus lupulus Cannabaceae 93.3 364.5 1,224.8
Ho-sho Cinnamomum camphora Lauraceae 83.7 151.4 516.2
Nutmeg I Myristica fragrans Myristicaceae 89.6 145.2 498.9
Nutmeg II Myristica fragrans Myristicaceae 99.6 143.5 143.5
Orange Citrus sinensis Rutaceae 100 136.5 508.49
Valerian I (313 K/10 MPa) Valeriana officinalis Valerianaceae 83.5 204.6 712.1
Valerian II (313 K/10 MPa) Valeriana officinalis Valerianaceae 89.1 201.9 688.4
Valerian II (313 K/15 MPa) Valeriana officinalis Valerianaceae 86.2 199.2 683.0
Valerian II (323 K/10 MPa) Valeriana officinalis Valerianaceae 88.7 206.0 703.5
Valerian II (323 K/15 MPa) Valeriana officinalis Valerianaceae 86.4 208.3 711.8
Valerian III Valeriana officinalis Valerianaceae 82.7 190.2 662.7
J.M. del Valle et al.
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 421
Fig. 17.3 Effect of process time and conditions on the composition of sage essential oils extracted
with high-pressure CO2: monoterpenes, oxygenated monoterpenes, sesqui-
terpenes, oxygenated sesquiterpenes, and total essential oil components extracted at
313 K and 9 MPa; and monoterpenes, oxygenated monoterpenes, sesquiter-
penes, oxygenated sesquiterpenes, and total essential oil components extracted at
323 K and 10 MPa (Adapted from Langa et al. 2009)
In a related work, del Valle and Catchpole (2005) correlated literature data for
the axial dispersion of high-pressure CO2 in packed beds (Tan and Liou 1989;
Catchpole et al. 1996a; Funazukuri et al. 1998; Yu 1998; Ghoreishi and Akgerman
2004). Typical measurements in these studies were conducted by injecting a pulse
422 J.M. del Valle et al.
Fig. 17.4 Dimensionless plot of the axial dispersion coefficient (Dax) in a packed bed operating
under a high-pressure CO2 and flow regime. The independent variable is the ratio Dax/D12 [where
D12 is a binary diffusion coefficient of the solute (component 2) in CO2 (component 1)] and the
dependent variable is the Peclet number for the particle (17.5)
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 423
axial dispersion of the solute (Fahien and Smith 1955). It is apparent for the results
in Fig. 17.4 that the effect of an increase in L/dp predominates over the effect of an
increase in D/dp, so that the axial dispersion is larger in large vessels than small
tubes (for purposes here, L/dp 250 in small packed beds). Thus, del Valle and
Catchpole (2005) selected Ped and the ratio L/dp as the independent variables in
their correlation for Dax/D12 (17.10).
Dax 0:530 Pep
¼ 0:540 þ : (17.10)
D12 Pep
1 þ 42:8 L d
PeL ¼ (17.11)
Dax e
Recommended conditions for SCFE of plant essential oils are 323 K and 9 MPa
(Reverchon 1997), for which the following values of physical properties were
estimated in this work: r ¼ 285 kg/m3; m ¼ 2.47 105 Pa s; D12 ffi 3.00 108
m2/s; and, Sc ¼ 2.86. Conditions favoring axial dispersion in the extraction
vessel include a large superficial solvent velocity (e.g., U ¼ 5 mm/s) (Eggers
1996), a large particle size, a small bed voidage, and a tall vessel (see 17.10 and
17.11). Eggers (1996) mentioned that the aspect ratio (L/D) of a typical extraction
vessel is between 4 and 6, while Reverchon (1997) specified that an industrial SCFE
facility for plant essential oils (Essences, Salerno, Italy) used vessels of 0.3 m3, so
in this work a packed bed L ¼ 2.40 m tall and D ¼ 40 cm wide was selected for
calculations (L/D ¼ 6, V ¼ 0.3 m3). According to the analysis, dispersive effects
can be neglected (PeL 100) for small particles of dp 0.71 mm, but for larger
particles, it is necessary to reduce the bed voidage from e 0.59 for dp ¼ 1.0 mm
to e 0.34 for dp ¼ 1.5 mm.
424 J.M. del Valle et al.
As shown in Table 17.1, most authors neglect the contribution of axial dispersion
in their SCFE models for plant essential oils from solid substrates in packed beds.
There are exceptions (studies where the axial dispersion coefficient is estimated
using a literature correlation) including Ruetsch et al. (2003) and Daghero et al.
(2004), who used the correlation of Wakao and Kaguei (1982); Goodarznia and
Eikani (1998), Spricigo et al. (2001), Gaspar et al. (2003), Steffani et al. (2006),
Zizovic at al. (2005, 2007a,b,c), Salimi et al. (2008), and Stamenić et al. (2008),
who used the correlation of Tan and Liou (1989); and Machmudah et al. (2006),
who used the correlation of Funazukuri et al. (1998). On the other hand, Reis-Vasco
et al. (2000) used Dax as a fitting parameter for their experimental data, but their
best-fit values decreased when the superficial solvent velocity of the CO2 increased
(which was not as expected), and were 31–138 times larger than predicted using
There are two values of kf (expressed in, e.g., m/s) and kfap (expressed in, e.g., s1)
reported in the literature as external mass transfer coefficients. Thus, in this work all
values were recalculated first in similar units. To do this, the specific surface (ap), or
total particle surface (Sp) per unit volume of the packed bed [(1 e) Vp], was
estimated using (17.12):
ap ¼ : (17.12)
ð 1 e Þ dp
k f dp
Sh ¼ (17.13)
Fig. 17.5 Dimensionless plot of Sh Sc1/3 versus Re [where Sh, Sc, and Re are the dimensionless
Sherwood (17.11), Schmidt (17.7), and Reynolds (17.6) numbers] for literature values of the
external mass transfer coefficient (kf) in SCFE of plant essential oils as a function of the flow
regime in the packed bed. Plotted values were estimated from best-fitting parameters reported by
the identified authors using the following models (model names reported in Table 17.1): EMTC
model applied by Ferreira et al. (1999) and Kotnik et al. (2007); R-SO model applied by
Papamichail et al. (2000) and Louli et al. (2004); LDF/UENA model applied by Papamichail
et al. (2000) and Louli et al. (2004); LDF/PF/CDIC model applied by Coelho et al. (1997);
LDF-Sph/PF model applied by Esquivel et al. (1996); LDF/ADPF model applied by Reverchon
and Marrone (1997); Sovova’s model applied by Mira et al. (1996, 1999), Papamichail et al.
(2000), Povh et al. (2001), Ferreira and Meireles (2002), Sousa et al. (2002, 2005), Martı́nez et al.
(2003, 2007), Rodrigues et al. (2003), Louli et al. (2004), Campos et al. (2005), Perakis et al.
(2005), Vargas et al. (2006), and Bensebia et al. (2009); IBC/PF model applied by Louli et al.
(2004); IBC/PFNA model applied by Sovová et al. (1994b); IBC/PF/PCPR model applied
by Sovová (2005), Machmudah et al. (2006), and Langa et al. (2009); DDD/PM model applied
by Kim and Hong (2002); SC/PF model applied by Germain et al. (2005); and SC/ADPF
model applied by Steffani et al. (2006)
gases (17.14), which is valid for 3 < Re < 3,000 and 0.5 < Sc < 104, and the
equation of Puiggené et al. (1997) for evaporation of 1,2-dichlorobenzene from
glass beads into a high-pressure CO2 stream (17.15), which is valid for 10 < Re < 100
and Sc < 10.
The experimental values of Sc for the kinetic studies in Table 17.2 ranged from
2.05 to 17.0, and this result conditioned the selection of values for the two lines
426 J.M. del Valle et al.
zones near the wall of an extraction vessel coexisting with low-velocity zones close
to the axis of the vessel, with the end result of smaller extraction rates and smaller
values of kf in the axis than near the wall of the vessel (Sovová et al. 1994b; del
Valle et al. 2004). These changes in velocity can be explained by the radial
variations in bed porosity that result when packing comparatively large particles
in small-diameter vessels (i.e., when dp/D < 10 for mono-disperse particles) or
radial variations in solvent viscosity when heating the packed-bed contents by
conduction through the wall of the extraction vessel. Consequently with this
hypothesis Brunner (1994) reported that the residual content of theobromine in
ground cocoa seed shells increases when moving from the vessel wall toward the
center of the extraction vessel in large-scale extraction experiments, and that these
changes in residual solute content are more pronounced when the superficial
velocity of high-pressure CO2 decreases from 3.5 to <1.7 mm/s. The global effect
of these changes is a reduction in the average value of the external mass coefficient
(del Valle et al. 2004).
The last explanation for the differences between experimental and correlated
values of kf is neglecting the undesirable effects of natural convection on the
external mass transfer. The natural convection phenomenon is important in experi-
ments where high-pressure CO2 moves slowly upwards in a vertical extraction
vessel and against the gradient in density (Dr ¼ rsat r) that develops when
essential oils dissolve into the CO2 stream, a condition under which the loaded
CO2 phase moves down under the influence of the force of gravity (St€uber et al.
1996; Puiggené et al. 1997; Germain et al. 2005). Thus, the extraction rate in a
SCFE system using CO2 upflow conditions is smaller than in a system using
downflow conditions due to the negative influence of natural convection on mass
transfer opposed by gravity (Sovová et al. 1994a, b; St€uber et al. 1996; Germain
et al. 2005). This is important to consider in SCFE of plant essential oils because of
several factors favoring undesirable convection phenomena (Germain et al. 2005):
(1) the preference of solvent upflow conditions in industrial practice to improve
extraction by fluidization of small particles and avoidance of compaction of the
packed bed; (2) the use of near-critical conditions for extraction (Table 17.2); (3)
the large solubility of essential oil components in high-pressure CO2 under typical
extraction conditions (Sect. 17.4); and (4) the use of a small superficial solvent
velocity in experimental studies, as reported in the literature. Both correlations
presented in Fig. 17.5 apply under forced convection conditions, but not when
natural convection effects start to dominate as the ratio Gr/Re2 increases (>> 1),
where Gr is the dimensionless Grashof number defined in (17.16):
g dp3 r2 Dr
Gr ¼ : (17.16)
csat m2
Germain et al. (2005) showed that for the extraction of caraway essential oils
with high-pressure CO2 at 313 K and 9–10 MPa (Sc ¼ 2.13), another correlation of
Puiggené et al. (1997) that takes into account the effect of natural convection
428 J.M. del Valle et al.
phenomena predicts smaller values of the external mass transfer coefficient when
mass transfer is opposed by gravity (CO2 upflow conditions) than when it is aided
by gravity (CO2 downflow conditions), whereas there are virtually no differences in
Sh/Sc1/3 for a relatively large Re (e.g., Re 50). For a value of Re slightly below
(Re 10) the value of Sh/Sc1/3 drops pronouncedly; this drop is only slightly
dependent on the value of Gr (for 10 < Gr < 38,000), but shifts to smaller values
of Re as the value of Sc decreases (e.g., Re 2.5 for Sc ¼ 34.4). This helps to
explain some of the experimental results reported in Fig. 17.5.
In selected cases, the value of kf was not fitted to a cumulative extraction plot,
but instead adopted from a literature correlation for forced convection. Goto et al.
(1993, 1998), Spricigo et al. (2001), and Steffani et al. (2006) used the equation of
Wakao and Kaguei (1982). Several authors used the equation of Tan et al. (1988),
including Reverchon et al. (1993a), Reverchon (1996), Goodarznia and Eikani
(1998), Perakis et al. (2005), Zizovic et al. (2005, 2007a,b,c), Salimi et al. (2008),
and Stamenić et al. (2008). Catchpole et al. (1996b), Gaspar et al. (2003), Ruetsch
et al. (2003), Daghero et al. (2004), and Machmudah et al. (2006) used the equation
of King and Catchpole (1993). Araus et al. (2009) and Uquiche et al. (submitted)
used the equation of Puiggené et al. (1997). It is relevant to mention that in most of
these studies, the selected equations were applied for values of Re below the limit
where the natural convection effects must be taken into account. Two exceptions
where natural convection phenomenon was accounted for are the works of Akgun
et al. (2000), who used the equation of Lee and Holder (1995), and Germain et al.
(2005), who use an equation of Puiggené et al. (1997).
To compare the best-fit internal mass transfer parameters in the reviewed studies in
this work, the value of a microstructural factor FM (17.17) that embodies all effects
of the substrate and its pretreatment on inner mass transfer was estimated (Aguilera
and Stanley 1999; del Valle and de la Fuente 2006; Araus et al. 2009; Uquiche et al.
FM ¼ : (17.17)
The term FM gives the retarding effect of the solid matrix on the mass transfer
rate by indicating how many times smaller the effective diffusivity of the essential
oil is in the treated plant material than its binary diffusion coefficient in high-
pressure CO2. It is convenient to use FM instead of De in modeling SCFE processes
because it is independent of extraction temperature and pressure, interstitial solvent
velocity, and substrate particle size (Araus et al. 2009).
There are some problems in expressing the internal mass transfer parameters as
reported in the literature in consistent units. For example, some contributions
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 429
describe the best-fit value of an internal mass transfer coefficient ki (expressed in,
e.g., m/s) (Reverchon et al. 1999; Reis-Vasco et al. 2000) or the product kiap
(expressed in, e.g., s1) (Sovová et al. 1994a; Esquivel et al. 1996; Mira et al.
1996, 1999; Coelho et al. 1997; Ferreira et al. 1999; Papamichail et al. 2000; Povh
et al. 2001; Ferreira and Meireles 2002; Sousa et al. 2002, 2005; Martı́nez et al.
2003, 2007; Rodrigues et al. 2003; Louli et al. 2004; Campos et al. 2005; Perakis
et al. 2005; Sovová 2005; Machmudah et al. 2006; Vargas et al. 2006; Bensebia
et al. 2009; Langa et al. 2009), and in these cases the effective diffusivity was
computed using the relationship between De and the reciprocal of kiap (or the
so-called internal diffusion time ti, s) proposed by Villermaux (1987) and reported
in (17.18):
k i dp
De ¼ (17.18)
ð 1 eÞ x
De ¼ D0e K (17.19)
where De (the effective diffusivity of the pseudo-solute in the fluid trapped within
the pores of the solid matrix) is the reported value, and K, the partition of the
pseudo-solute between the SCF and the herb or spice which, in absence of a
reported value (Sovová et al. 1994a; Mira et al. 1996, 1999; Coelho et al. 1997;
Ferreira et al. 1999; Papamichail et al. 2000; Povh et al. 2001; Ferreira and Meireles
2002; Martı́nez et al. 2003, 2007; Rodrigues et al. 2003; Louli et al. 2004; Campos
et al. 2005; Perakis et al. 2005; Vargas et al. 2006; Bensebia et al. 2009), is
estimated using (17.20):
K¼ (17.20)
velocity of the CO2, because they kept the mass flow rate constant instead. Indeed,
the superficial velocity of the CO2 (U) depends not only on its mass flow rate (Q),
but also on its density (r) under process conditions, which is a strong function of the
extraction temperature and pressure, especially under near-critical conditions,
according to (17.21):
U¼ (17.21)
p D2E r
As proposed by Araus et al. (2009), it was expected that the values of FM are
dependent on sample pretreatment, but independent of process temperature, process
pressure, CO2 superficial velocity, and substrate particle size, but clearly this is not
the case (Table 17.4). Some of the differences can be imputed to typical variations
in biological materials associated with differences in genetic makeup, growing
environment, and harvest time (Zetzl et al. 2003). Although some differences
were expected between the samples assayed by Esquivel et al. (1996), Gaspar
(2002), Gaspar et al. (2003), and Uquiche et al. (submitted), which explains why
the differences were smaller between experiments in a single study than among the
four studies, the percent differences in estimated values of FM between experiments
in single studies were clearly still large. The very large difference in values of FM
between the sample with dp ¼ 1.55 mm (untreated sample) and all other samples in
the study of Gaspar et al. (2003) can be explained by the positive effect of sample
milling in reducing internal resistance to mass transfer. Uquiche et al. (submitted)
also imputed the differences in values of FM between their samples to microstruc-
tural differences caused by conventional milling, low-temperature milling, and
rapid decompression of oregano and provided microscopy evidence of these differ-
ences. In work presented in this chapter the composition of the essential oil sample
of oregano reported by Gaspar (2002) was used as representative of the extracts
obtained in all experiments (Table 17.5); however, this assumption may be errone-
ous because of the aforementioned variability exhibited by biologic materials, as
well as the variability in extract composition with process temperature and process
pressure (i.e., extracts obtained using higher density CO2 are expected to contain
heavier and more polar compounds than the sample analyzed by Gaspar). As it will
be analyzed later in this section, the errors introduced when not accounting for the
actual composition are not as large as those observed in Table 17.5 and, in addition,
differences were not expected in extract composition as used in experiments done
by Gaspar et al. (2003) to assess the effect on extraction kinetics of the superficial
solvent velocity, or the size of milled particles (Table 17.5). In this work, the
authors believe mathematical models adopted and their ability to fit the physical
picture of the actual extraction process explain the differences among estimated
values of FM reported in Table 17.5 to a large extent. For example, in the work of
Gaspar et al. (2003) average values of FM were 7.32 105 (range of value between
2.65 105 and 5.72 106) using model IBC-Diff (Table 17.5), 4.28 105
(range: 1.46 105 to 3.81 106) using model Diff-Slab/IC, and 4.19 105
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 431
Table 17.5 Values of microstructural factor for high-pressure CO2 extraction of essential oils
from oregano in selected studies from Tables 17.1 and 17.2 as a function of extraction conditions
(system temperature and pressure, superficial velocity) and sample pretreatment and particle size
Studied effect Independent variable Microstructural Reference
factor (FM, –)
Process conditionsa T ¼ 298 K/P ¼ 7 MPa 34,900 Esquivel et al.
T ¼ 313 K/P ¼ 10 MPa 3,600 (1996)
T ¼ 313 K/P ¼ 15 MPa 1,880
Process pressureb P ¼ 7 MPa 409,000 Gaspar et al.
P ¼ 8 MPa 313,000 (2003)
P ¼ 10 MPa 265,000
P ¼ 15 MPa 277,000
Process T ¼ 300 K 277,000 Gaspar et al.
temperaturec T ¼ 310 K 308,000 (2003)
T ¼ 320 K 390,000
Superficial solvent U ¼ 0.017 mm/s 593,000 Gaspar et al.
velocityd U ¼ 0.029 mm/s 542,000 (2003)
U ¼ 0.040 mm/s 519,000
U ¼ 0.052 mm/s 479,000
Sample particle dp ¼ 0.330 mm 440,000 Gaspar et al.
sizee dp ¼ 0.360 mm 440,000 (2003)
dp ¼ 0.700 mm 477,000
dp ¼ 1.550 mm 5,720,000
Sample Conventionally milled 2,650 Uquiche et al.
pretreatmentf (dp ¼ 0.354 mm) (submitted)
Low-temperature-milled 2,540
(dp ¼ 0.339 mm)
Rapidly decompressed 1,000
(dp ¼ 0.844 mm)
p ¼ 1.10 mm/Q ¼ 8.33 g CO2/min
dp ¼ 0.36 mm/T ¼ 300 K/Q ¼ 8.33 g CO2/min
dp ¼ 0.36 mm/P ¼ 15 MPa/Q ¼ 8.33 g CO2/min)
dp ¼ 0.36 mm/T ¼ 310 K/P ¼ 10 MPa
T ¼ 300 K/P ¼ 7 MPa/U ¼ 0.017 mm/s
T ¼ 313 K/P ¼ 10 MPa/U ¼ 1.234 mm/s
(range: 1.38 105 to 3.81 106) using model Diff-Slab/PM. Furthermore, values
of FM for a selected experiment of Gaspar et al. (2003) – dp ¼ 0.360 mm/T ¼ 300
K/P ¼ 8 MPa/Q ¼ 8.33 g CO2/min – differed by a factor of more than 10
depending on the model: 3.13 105 using model IBC-Diff (Gaspar et al. 2003)
and 2.64 105 using model Diff-PF (Araus et al. 2009).
Table 17.6 supports the claim that mathematical models and their ability to fit
the physical picture of the actual extraction process explain the differences among
estimated values of FM to a great extent in the case of four different substrates. For
basil, marjoram, and rosemary average values of FM were approximately 1.5 times
larger using model Diff-Sph/PM (Reverchon et al. 1993a) than model Diff-ADPF
(Goodarznia and Eikani 1998), and approximately 70 times larger using model
Diff-ADPF than model mS/SGl (Zizovic et al. 2005). For caraway, values of FM
were 20–110 times larger using model IBC/PFNA (Sovová et al. 1994a) than model
432 J.M. del Valle et al.
Table 17.6 Values of microstructural factor for high-pressure CO2 extraction of plant essential
oils in selected studies from Tables 17.1 and 17.2. All reported values for a single substrate and
extraction condition were based on single experiments from an original publication, and fitted by
individual authors to different models
Substrate Original Goodarznia and Zizovic et Sovová Contribution of
Study Eikani (1998) al. (2005) (2005) the authors
Basil (Reverchon 91,200 72,000 675 – –
et al. 1993a)
Marjoram (Reverchon 97,100 59,100 894 – –
et al. 1993a)
Rosemary (Reverchon 48,400 28,800 891 – –
et al. 1993a)
Caraway (Sovová et 2,180,000 20,000 – – 1,860 (Germain
al. (1994a), extraction et al. 2005)
at 313 K and 9 MPa)
Caraway (Sovová et al. 680,000 36,000 – – 3,620 (Germain
(1994a), extraction at et al. 2005)
313 K and 10 MPa)
Pennyroyal (Reis-Vasco 280 – – – 436 (Araus et al.
et al. (2000), 2009)
dp = 0.3 mm)
Pennyroyal (Reis-Vasco 168 – – 817 436 (Araus et al.
et al. (2000), 2009)
dp = 0.5 mm)
Pennyroyal (Reis-Vasco 120 – 1,278 – 436 (Araus et al.
et al. (2000), 2009)
dp = 0.7 mm)
Diff-ADPF (Goodarznia and Eikani 1998), and approximately 10 times larger using
model Diff-ADPF than model SC/PF (Germain et al. 2005). Finally, for pennyroyal
values of FM were 1.5–3.5 times larger using model Diff-PF (Araus et al. 2009) than
model LDF/ADPF (Reis-Vasco et al. 2000), and for selected experiments 6.8 times
larger using model IBC/PF/PCPR (Sovová 2005) or 10.7 times larger using model
mS/SGl (Zizovic et al. 2005) than using model LDF/ADPF (Reis-Vasco et al. 2000).
Table 17.7 reports the interval of FM-values estimated for all mass transfer
studies in Tables 17.1 and 17.2 that inform best-fit values of internal mass transfer
parameters, with the exception of studies in Tables 17.5 and 17.6. The results of the
single experiments were collated using the same material based on this chapter’s
hypothesis that the values of FM depend on the sample and its pretreatment, but do
not depend on the extraction temperature and pressure, CO2 superficial velocity,
and particle diameter (del Valle and de la Fuente 2006; Araus et al. 2009; Uquiche
et al. submitted). Explanations of the observed variations in the form of wide
intervals for the values of FM were advanced in the previous paragraphs in
explaining some differences in Tables 17.5 and 17.6.
According to (17.17), the validity of reported values of the microstructural
correction factor in Tables 17.5–17.7 depends partially on the values of the binary
diffusion coefficient (D12) estimated in this chapter using the equation of Catchpole
and King (1994). This equation was developed with a large database that did not
include typical components in plant essential oils. Table 17.8 displays estimated
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 433
Table 17.7 Summary of values of the microstructural factor for high-pressure CO2 extraction of
plant essential oils in studies from Tables 17.1 and 17.2 that are not included in Tables 17.4 or 17.5
Substrate Pretreatment Model namea Microstructural
factor (FM, –)
Black pepper (Ferreira and Meireles Milled Sovová (230–2.40) 107
Black pepper (Perakis et al. 2005) Milled Sovová (12.5–1.47) 103
Valerian II (Zizovic et al. 2007a) Milled mS/SCav (218–6.79) 105
Valerian I (Zizovic et al. 2007a) Milled mS/SCav (7.25–3.58) 106
Valerian III (Zizovic et al. 2007a) Milled mS/SCav (4.63–2.99) 106
Spearmint (Kim and Hong 2002) Milled DDD/PM (30.1–4.17) 104
Marigold (Zizovic et al. 2007a) Milled Sovová (68.2–4.06) 103
Marigold (Zizovic et al. 2007a) Milled Diff-Slab/PM (11.2–4.99) 104
Sage (Reverchon 1996) Milled LDF-Slab/ 5.54 104
Sage (Araus et al. (2009) Milled Diff/PF (39.5–3.95) 103
Sage (Catchpole et al. 1996b) Chopped LDF/IMTC 2.52 103
Sage (Langa et al. 2009) Milled IBC/PF/PCPR 49.9–3.75
Rosemary (Coelho et al. 1997) Milled LDF/PF/CDIC (16.9–7.39) 102
Rosemary (Bensebia et al. 2009) Milled Sovová (4.34–1.26) 102
Hop (Pfaf-Šovljanski et al. 2005) Milled R-SO 3.20 104
Aniseed (Rodrigues et al. 2003) Milled Sovová (30.5–2.09) 103
Eucalyptus (Zizovic et al. 2007c) Milled mS/SCav 1.58 104
Chamomile (Povh et al. 2001) Milled Sovová (14.7–7.97) 103
Chamomile (Araus et al. 2009) Milled Diff/PF 1.08 104
Chamomile (Kotnik et al. 2007) Milled EMTC (6.65–3.53) 103
Thyme (Zekovic et al. 2001) Milled R-SO (13.9–1.2) 103
Orange peel (Mira et al. 1996) Milled Sovová (13.5–1.15) 103
Orange peel (Mira et al. (1999) Milled Sovová 4290–7.29
Orange peel (Zizovic et al. 2007c) Milled mS/SCav 1.68 102
Ginger (Martı́nez et al. 2003) Milled Sovová (11.1–2.21) 103
Alecrim pimenta (Sousa et al. 2002) Triturated Sovová 1.03 104
Ho-sho (Steffani et al. 2006) Milled SC/ADPF (83.1–4.44) 102
Parsley (Louli et al. 2004) Milled Sovová (7.53–2.23) 103
Parsley (Louli et al. 2004) Milled Sovová (7.5–2.54) 103
Lavender (Reverchon et al. 1995a) Milled R-SO 6.41 103
Lavender (Akgun et al. 2000) Manually crushed SC/PF (36.8–9.25) 102
Lavender (Araus et al. 2009)[7] Milled Diff/PF 2.03 102
Cinnamon of cunha (Sousa et al. Triturated Sovová (6.17–4.62) 103
Boldo (Uquiche et al. submitted) Rapidly Diff/PF 5.66 103
Boldo (Uquiche et al. submitted) Conventionally Diff/PF 4.75 103
Boldo (Uquiche et al. submitted) Low-temperature- Diff/PF 4.18 103
Nutmeg (Spricigo et al. 2001) Milled SC/ADPF (56.5–3.39) 102
Nutmeg (Machmudah et al. 2006) Milled – –
Fennel (Reverchon et al. 1999) Milled LDF/PF (2.25–2.37) 102
Celery (Papamichail et al. 2000) Milled Sovová (15.1–2.04) 102
Celery (Zizovic et al. 2005) Milled mS/SDuct 1.28 103
434 J.M. del Valle et al.
variations in the D12 of typical components in plant essential oil extracts in high-
pressure CO2 as a function of CO2 density and system temperature. Values of D12
decrease when decreasing the temperature (a 6.4% decrease from 333 to 313 K), or
increasing the density of the CO2 (a 60% decrease from 285 to 683 kg/m3), or
increasing the size of the solute. However, changing D12 to a considerable extent
demands extreme changes in extract composition; the reduction is limited to 25%
between the heaviest OST (the 17-C farnesyl acetate) and lightest MT (the 10-C
limonene), 40% between the wax (the 28-C n-octacosane) and limonene, and 56%
between the triglyceride (the 57-C triolein) and limonene. According to this analy-
sis, the discrepancies in D12 associated with the use of the equation of Catchpole
and King (1994) and the adoption of an erroneous pseudo-solute could result in
discrepancies that are substantially smaller than discrepancies in values of FM
reported in Tables 17.5–17.7.
Another factor that is partially responsible for errors in the estimation of FM,
according to (17.19), is the erroneous estimation of the partition K of the pseudo-
solute between the solid and the fluid. A discussion of errors in the estimation of K
can be found in Sect. 4.4.
There are some reports on the estimation of De for a porous solid as a function of
D12 and the inner porosity (ep) of the solid substrate (Goto et al. 1993; Ruetsch et al.
2003; Daghero et al. 2004; Perakis et al. 2005). According to the equation of Wakao
and Smith (1962), (17.22), FM can be estimated as follows:
FM ¼ (17.22)
Considering that in these studies, inner porosity values for the substrates ranged
from ep ¼ 0.487 for black pepper (Perakis et al. 2005) to ep ¼ 0.537 for peppermint
(Goto et al. 1993), the values of FM estimated using (17.22) ranged from 4.0 to
4.2. Thus, (17.22) produces smaller values of FM than those reported in
Tables 17.5–17.7. Ruetsch et al. (2003) and Daghero et al. (2004) did not measure
ep, but assumed a value ep ¼ 0.5. On the other hand, Perakis et al. (2005) estimated
the porosity from experimental values of the true density (rp) of ground particles of
black pepper, and the bulk density (rp) of a packed of the particles according to
e¼1 (17.23)
Table 17.8 Predicted binary diffusion coefficient D12 (m2/s 108) of selected components in plant essential oils (component 2) in supercritical CO2
(component 1) as a function of system temperature and CO2 density
Solute MW2 (Da) Vc2 (cm3/mol) r = 285.0 (kg/m3) r = 682.6 (kg/m3)
313 K 323 K 333 K 313 K 323 K 333 K
(8.1 MPa) (9.0 MPa) (9.9 MPa) (10.0 MPa) (12.8 MPa) (15.7 MPa)
Limonene 136.2 507.5 3.38 3.49 3.60 1.37 1.41 1.45
Linalool 154.3 565.5 3.22 3.32 3.42 1.30 1.34 1.38
Linalyl 196.3 682.5 2.95 3.04 3.13 1.19 1.23 1.26
b- 204.4 722.5 2.88 2.97 3.06 1.16 1.20 1.23
Farnesol 222.4 837.5 2.71 2.79 2.88 1.09 1.13 1.16
Farnesyl acetate 264.4 954.5 2.55 2.63 2.71 1.03 1.061 1.09
Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure
The problem with using (17.21) to estimate the inner porosity of the substrate is
that e is the total porosity of the bed instead of ep, which is smaller. (17.24) relates
the inner porosity of the substrate (ep) with the total porosity (e) and the interparticle
porosity of the particles in the packed bed (eb):
e eb
ep ¼ (17.24)
1 eb
Considering that randomly packed spherical particles in a dense bed have a large
ratio, D/dp, for which the expected value of interparticle porosity is eb ¼ 0.36
(Carman 1937), it can be estimated using (17.24) that ep ¼ 0.198 for e ¼ 0.487,
and then using (17.22) that FM ¼ 25.4, which is still small but closer to the
experimental values reported in Tables 17.5–17.7.
This chapter’s analysis of the inner mass transfer within the solid substrate
up to this point has implicitly considered that the substrate is a homogeneous
material. Tables 17.5–17.7 include examples of materials being considered as
being composed of broken superficial cells and intact inner cells, and total mass
transfer in these heterogeneous materials considers separate extraction of the two
fractions according to different controlling mechanisms, respectively external
resistance to mass transfer, and internal (diffusive) resistance to mass transfer.
These models usually use the ratio of broken to intact cells or the fraction of free
solute (a) in the pretreated substrate as a fitting parameter; however, this ratio has
to agree with the microstructure of the biological substrate, particularly of the
specialized secretory structures where plant essential oils are encapsulated. For
a spherical particle obtained by milling of a parenquimatous tissue, a is given
by (17.25):
dc 3
a¼1 1 (17.25)
where the thickness of a superficial layer of ruptured cells is closely related to the
diameter (dc) of the specialized secretory structure, and dp is the diameter of the
milled particle.
Figure 17.6 shows the effect of the ratio between cell diameter and particle
diameter (dc/dp) on the best-fit values of fractions of broken cells (a) in milled herbs
or spices containing superficial glands, including oregano bracts (Gaspar et al.
2003), pennyroyal leaves (Sovová 2005), rosemary leaves (Bensebia et al. 2009),
and sage leaves (Langa et al. 2009); secretary ducts, including caraway fruits
(Sovová et al. 1994a), celery seeds (Papamichail et al. 2000), chamomile flowers
(Povh et al. 2001), aniseed fruits (Rodrigues et al. 2003), parsley seeds (Louli et al.
2004), and marigold flowers (Campos et al. 2005); or secretory cavities, such as
orange peels (Mira et al. 1996, 1999). For calculations, the cell diameters (dc)
estimated from microphotographs in the literature were as follows: for oregano,
dc ¼ 78 mm (Svoboda and Svoboda 2000); for pennyroyal, dc ¼ 52.5 mm (Zizovic
et al. 2007c); for rosemary, dc ¼ 85 mm (Svoboda and Svoboda 2000); for sage,
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 437
Fig. 17.6 Effect of particle diameter on the best-fit values of the fraction of broken cells in milled
herbs or spices. Calculations were made from data of caraway (Sovová et al. 1994a), orange
peel (Mira et al. 1996), orange peel (Mira et al. 1999), celery (Papamichail et al. 2000),
chamomile (Povh et al. 2001), oregano (Gaspar et al. 2003), aniseed (Rodrigues et al. 2003),
marigold (Campos et al. 2005), pennyroyal (Sovová 2005), parsley (Louli et al. 2004),
rosemary (Bensebia et al. 2009), and sage (Langa et al. 2009)
In this section, the effect of phase equilibrium on the extraction, fractionation, and
recovery of plant essential oils using high-pressure CO2 is discussed. Firstly, the
variations in the solubility of essential oil components in high-pressure CO2 are
discussed as a function of system temperature and pressure (Sect. 17.4.1). Sec-
ondly, there is discussion of the selective removal of high-solubility MTs from the
remaining OMTs so as to produce citrus essential oils with an improved function-
ality (more intense aroma, less off-flavors, increased solubility in water) based on
high-pressure phase equilibrium data for ternary CO2 + MT + OMT and more
complex systems (Sect. 17.4.2). Next, the thermodynamic solubility in CO2 of
complex essential oil mixtures is compared with the “operational” solubility of
the CO2 extract of the corresponding herb or spice under comparable temperature
and pressure (Sect. 17.4.3). Finally, the effect of sorption phenomena on the
aforementioned “operational” solubility (Sect. 17.4.4) is discussed.
There are many experimental studies about the solubility of selected essential oil
components in CO2 as a function of system temperature and pressure, as shown in
Table 17.9. The data include four different solute families and CO2 conditions that
span from subcooled liquid, to superheated vapor, and to SCF (equilibrium temp-
eratures of 296–373 K, and equilibrium pressures of 0.81–30.9 MPa). There is
abundant information in the literature about the solubility of limonene in high-
pressure CO2, but virtually none about other 10-carbon MT compounds, the only
exceptions being p-cymene and a-pinene (Table 17.9). On the other hand, there is
extensive information on the solubility of OMT compounds in high-pressure CO2,
including anisaldehyde, camphor, carvacrol, carvone, 1,8-cineole (eucalyptol),
440 J.M. del Valle et al.
Table 17.9 Summary of high-pressure equilibrium CO2 + plant essential oil component binary
systems. The essential oil components were classified as monoterpene hydrocarbons, oxygenated
monoterpenes, sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and oxygenated sesquiterpenes, and waxy compounds
Solute Data Temperature(s) Pressure(s) Solubility range
points or temperature or pressure (mg solute/g
range (K) range (MPa) CO2)
p-Cymene (Wagner and Pavlicek 16 313–323 3.855–9.829 6.73–41.7
Limonene (di Giacomo et al. 1989) 26 308, 315, 323 3.0–10.0 0.681–142
Limonene (Matos et al. 1989) 14 318, 323 8.6–9.8 12.4–106
Limonene (Marteau et al. 1995) 29 310, 320, 323 6.96–9.85 5.58–73.2
Limonene (Iwai et al. 1996) 15 313, 323, 333 3.94–10.26 3.41–24.3
Limonene (Akgun et al. 1999) 22 313, 323, 333 7.04–11–20 1.24–54.8
Limonene (Chang and Chen 1999) 28 314, 323, 333 0.83–11.00 1.55–47.2
Limonene (Vieira de Melo et al. 16 323, 333, 343 7.00–10.55 4.96–88.2
Limonene (Kim and Hong 1999) 11 312, 322 6.2–9.3 3.10–79.4
Limonene (Berna et al. 2000) 8 318 6.9–10.5 5.27–1,202
Limonene (Gamse and Marr 2000) 42 304, 314, 324 3.1–8.4 2.79–65.4
Limonene (Benvenuti and Gironi 8 315 3.05–8.50 5.89–18.4
Limonene (Leeke et al. 2001) 15 318, 323 7.32–10.05 2.79–81.3
Limonene (Francisco and Sivik 8 313, 333 8–25 12.4–89.2
Limonene (Fonseca et al. 2003) 4 323 8.3–9.5 130–244
a-Pinene (Pavlicek and Richter 72 313, 323, 328 3.25–9.75 3.60–54.3
a-Pinene (Richter and Sovová 1993) 24 296–335 6.14, 7.65 4.15–102
a-Pinene (Akgun et al. 1999) 19 313, 323, 333 7.15–10.93 5.27–53.5
a-Pinene (Francisco and Sivik 2002) 8 313, 333 8–25 9.32–82.7
Oxygenated monoterpenes
p-Anisaldehyde (Mukhopadhyay and 13 323, 373 5.5–13.7 0.619–43.9
De 1995)
Camphor (Akgun et al. 1999) 39 313, 323, 333 7.51–12.61 2.98–139
Camphor (Carvalho et al. 2006) 15 314, 324, 334, 8.65–15.71 32.5–275
Carvacrol (Leeke et al. 2001) 49 313, 323 7.70–30.85 9.59–740
Carvone (Kim and Hong 1999) 13 312, 322 6.2–9.6 0.307–59.0
Carvone (Gamse and Marr 2000) 31 304, 314, 324 2.0–10.0 0.683–50.9
1,8-Cineole (Matos et al. 1989) 15 318, 323 7.75–9.80 14.1–82.5
1,8-Cineole (Francisco and Sivik 8 313, 333 8.0–25.0 10.5–86.2
Citral (di Giacomo et al. 1989) 29 308, 315, 323 3.0–11.0 0.104–78.9
Citral (Marteau et al. 1995) 26 310, 320, 330 7.94–11.93 2.42–4.85
Citral (Benvenuti and Gironi 2001) 10 315 4.70–9.58 0.692–36.0
Citral (Fonseca et al. 2003) 4 323 8.7–10.3 32.5–143
b-Citronellol (Tufeu et al. 1993) 15 309, 316, 321 8.46–15.70 25.8–160
Eugenol (Cheng et al. 2000) 21 308, 318, 328 1.480–12.512 4.48–61.8
Fenchone (Akgun et al. 1999) 21 313, 323, 333 7.04–11.50 1.04–1.04
Geraniol (Tufeu et al. 1993) 9 309, 316, 321 10.82–16.27 37.9–120
Linalool (Chang and Chen 1999) 29 313, 323, 333 0.81–11.06 1.05–35.4
Linalool (Vieira de Melo et al. 1999) 3 323 7.49–8.37 1.75–4.56
Linalool (Berna et al. 2000) 13 318, 328 7.1–11.1 2.39–1,381
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 441
Fig. 17.7 Solubility of limonene in supercritical CO2 as a function of system pressure (approxi-
mately between 1 MPa and 10 MPa) as reported by di Giacomo et al. (1989) at 313 K, Matos
et al. (1989) at 318 K, Marteau et al. (1995) at 310 K, Iwai et al. (1996) at 313 K, Akgun
et al. (1999) at 313 K, Chang and Chen (1999) at 314 K, Kim and Hong (1999) at 312 K,
Berna et al. (2000) at 318 K, Gamse and Marr (2000) at 314 K, Benvenuti and Gironi (2001)
at 315 K, Leeke et al. (2001) at 318 K, and Francisco and Sivik (2002) at 313 K.
Lines represent the solubility isotherms at 311 and 318 K predicted using the
Peng-Robinson-Mathias-Copeman equation of state with the modified Huron-Vidal (MHV1) –
UNIFAC mixing rules and model parameters in database of PE 2000 (Pfohl et al. 2000), a
shareware software for modeling high-pressure phase equilibria
Gamse and Marr 2000; Benvenuti and Gironi 2001; Fonseca et al. 2003). Observa-
tion of the cell contents through a window-cell helps to ascertain the quality of
stirring and the number and nature of phases in the system. In the case of analytical
methods, where system temperature and pressure are kept constant, sampling and
analysis of one phase as a function of equilibration time can help to ascertain
whether equilibrium conditions have been reached. Another problem with analytic
methods occurs when an incomplete picture of the equilibrium is achieved when
only the CO2-rich phase is sampled, and when CO2 transfers to the solute-rich phase
(Matos et al. 1989; Berna et al. 2000). A final problem when using an analytic
system is the disturbance of system conditions and the associated shift in equilib-
rium during sampling, which causes a drop in pressure (Iwai et al. 1996; Vieira de
Melo et al. 1999). Since these disturbances are unavoidable, users of analytical
methodologies try to minimize the negative effects of sampling by using large cells
(Akgun et al. 1999; Leeke et al. 2001), or by reducing the size of the sampled
aliquot by coupling the cell with a high-sensitivity instrument such as an infrared
absorption device (Marteau et al. 1995), a densitometer (Chang and Chen 1999), or
a chromatograph (Francisco and Sivik 2002).
The sampling problem inherent in analytic methods can be avoided by using
synthetic methods. Synthetic systems use a variable volume cell to change system
pressure while keeping the temperature and global composition constant. Raising the
pressure (reducing the inner volume of the cell) to make the CO2-rich phase collapse
to a single bubble (as is the case when the composition of the liquid phase equals the
global composition of the system) determines the bubble pressure at the test temper-
ature. Alternatively, decreasing the pressure (increasing the inner volume of the cell)
to cause the solute-rich phase collapse to a single drop (as is the case when the
composition of the vapor phase equals the global composition of the system) deter-
mines the dew point at the test temperature. A problem of the synthetic method is the
inherent difficulty in reaching and determining both bubble and dew point conditions
for binary and more complex systems (Marteau et al. 1995).
The solubility of limonene in supercritical CO2 at 313 K increases steadily with
system pressure at low pressures (P < 8 MPa) and then increases sharply at high
pressures (P > 8 MPa), with the transition between steady and sharp increase
occurring close to the critical point of the mixture (Fig. 17.7). The reported critical
point of CO2 + limonene mixtures at 313 K is 8.3 MPa (Matos et al. 1989) or
8.5 MPa (Tufeu et al. 1993), and under these conditions the composition of the
liquid phase coincides with that of the SCF phase (35.1 g limonene/kg CO2). The
binary CO2 + limonene system exhibits a temperature crossover at ~8 MPa (Akgun
et al. 1999; Berna et al. 2000). Thus, as the temperature increases isobarically,
solubility of limonene in CO2 decreases at P < 8 MPa due to reduction in the
density and solvent power of CO2, whereas solubility increases at P > 8 MPa due
to the rise in vapor pressure and volatility of limonene. There is a general consis-
tency between experimental solubility data for <8.5 MPa and for <80 g limonene/
kg CO2, but the data of Chang and Chen (1999) and Gamse and Marr (2000) are
~3 times and ~10 times, respectively, above the general trend. The results of
Francisco and Sivik (2002) are questionable because they report limited solubility
444 J.M. del Valle et al.
of limonene in CO2 under conditions where the two components are mutually
miscible (at 313 K and well above the critical pressure of the CO2 + limonene
mixture). The data are more diverse at pressures >8.5 MPa due to experimental
difficulties in measuring solubilities under conditions near the critical point of a
Figure 17.7 also includes the solubility isotherms at 310 and 318 K of limonene
in high-pressure CO2 predicted using the computer program PE 2000 (Pfohl et al.
2000). PE 2000 models liquid–vapor equilibrium by searching the phase transition
corresponding to the bubble-point curve of the CO2 + limonene system. Phase
equilibrium was modeled using the modification of Mathias-Copeman of the Peng-
Robinson (PR) equation of state (EoS), or the so-called PR-Mathias-Copeman EoS
(Poling et al. 2000), and the first modification (or Modification 1, M1) of the Huron-
Vidal (HV) mixing rules with the activity coefficients estimated using UNIFAC, or
the so-called MHV1-UNIFAC mixing rules (Poling et al. 2000). The database of PE
2000 included all model parameters for the CO2 + limonene system. Figure 17.7
shows a reasonable agreement between the predictions of the model and the
experimental measurements, including the temperature cross-over at ~8 MPa.
This finding is important because the selected model is of a predictive nature, in
that the model parameters for the binary system are not estimated using phase
equilibrium data; this chapter will expand on the implications of this feature when
comparing the solubilities in high-pressure CO2 of other compounds in Table 17.9.
Table 17.10 compares the solubilities in high-pressure CO2 of selected solutes
from each component family in Table 17.9 to those of limonene, under selected
system conditions (313 K and 8 or 9–10 MPa). The density of the CO2 under the
selected system conditions bracket the interval proposed by Reverchon (1997) for
SCFE of plant essential oils (250–500 kg/m3). At the lower end of recommended
CO2 density, ~260 kg/m3 (at 313 K and 8 MPa), the solubility of limonene in high-
pressure CO2 is approximately 6 g/kg, which is about 50% lower than the solubility
of a-pinene reported by Akgun et al. (1999), probably because of the increased
volatility (larger vapor pressure) of a-pinene as compared to limonene at 313 K
(Table 17.10). The oxygen-bearing functional groups in OMTs increase their
molecular weight and polarity, and decrease their vapor pressure as compared to
MTs, which causes the solubility of OMTs in high-pressure CO2 at 313 K and
8 MPa to be about 50% of that of limonene. At the upper end of recommended CO2
density, ~410 kg/m3 (at 313 K and 9 MPa), the binary systems of MTs and CO2 are
above their critical points, thus MTs are fully miscible with CO2. Tufeu et al. (1993)
reported the critical points at 314 K of the binary CO2 + citral (8.76 MPa, 36.4 g
citral/kg CO2) and CO2 + linalool (8.66 MPa, 11.5 g linalool/kg CO2) systems, and
these critical point values bring into question the limited solubility of citral in high-
pressure CO2 at 313 K and 9 MPa as reported by Benvenuti and Gironi (2001)
(Table 17.10). The solubilities in high-pressure CO2 at 313 K and ~9 MPa of the
two OMTs in Table 17.10 (camphor and menthol) are approximately 1 order of
magnitude larger than the corresponding solubilities of the ST (b-caryophyllene)
and OSTs (artemisinin, farnesol, patchoulol), also included in Table 17.10, which
are in turn approximately 2 orders of magnitude above the corresponding solubility
Table 17.10 Solubilities of selected plant essential oil components in high-pressure CO2 at 313 K and relatively low (approximately 8 MPa) or relatively high
pressure (8.6–10 MPa). Essential oil component included representative monoterpene hydrocarbons (limonene and a-pinene) and oxygenated monoterpenes
(citral, linalool, and menthol), a sesquiterpene hydrocarbon (b-caryophyllene), an oxygenated sesquiterpene (farnesol), and a hydrocarbon (octacosane)
Compound Molecular Vapor pressure (Pv, Pa) Low-pressure High-pressure
weight Pressure (P, CO2 density Solubility Pressure CO2 Solubility
(MW, Da) MPa) (r, kg/m3) (Csat, mg/g (P, MPa) density (Csat, mg/g
CO2) (r, kg/m3) CO2)
Limonene (Benvenuti and 136.2 515 (Espinosa-Dı́az et al. 8.13 295.6 7.04 9.0 408.4 CMc
Gironi 2001) 1999)
a-Pinene (Richter and Sovová 136.2 1,440 (Richter and Sovová 7.74 252.7 60.1 9.0 408.4 CM
1993) 1993)
a-Pinene (Akgun et al. 1999) 136.2 1,440 (Richter and Sovová 7.74 252.7 60.1 – – –
Camphor (Akgun et al. 1999) 152.2 133 (Espinosa-Dı́az et al. 7.97 276.1 3.60 8.8 436.1 98.9
Citral (Benvenuti and Gironi 152.2 30 (Stull 1947) 8.00 261.3 1.30 9.0 408.4 7.66
2001) a
Linalool (Iwai et al. 1994) 154.2 95 (Espinosa-Dı́az et al. 7.99 278.3 5.27 – – –
Menthol (Sovová and Jež 156.3 <133 (Stull 1947)b 7.86 264.3 3.31 9.02 497.9 50.8
Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure
b-Caryophyllene (Michielin 204.4 0.018 (The Good Scents – – – 8.6 375.9 18.65
et al. 2009) Company 2009a)
Farnesol (Núñez et al. 2010) 222.4 0.192 (The Good Scents – – – 9.73 609.3 4.29
Company 2009b)
Octacosane (Chandler et al. 394.3 ~7 10–6 (Chandler et al. – – – 10.0 631.7 0.170
1996) (1996)
At 315 K
Sublimation pressure
Completely miscible
446 J.M. del Valle et al.
Fig. 17.8 Solubilities of selected plant essential oil components in supercritical CO2 as a function
of system pressure (approximately between 1 MPa and 12 MPa), including limonene at
315.7 K; a-pinene at 313 K, data of Richter and Sovová (1993) and Akgun et al.
(1999); citral at 315 K, data of Benvenuti and Gironi (2001); linalool at 313 K, data of
Iwai et al. (1994) or Chang and Chen (1999); caryophyllene at 313 K, data of
Michielin et al. (2009); farnesol at 313 K, data of Núñez et al. (2010); and octacosane
at 313 K, data of Chandler et al. (1996). Lines represent the solubility isotherms at corresponding
temperatures predicted by the Peng-Robinson-Mathias-Copeman equation of state with the mod-
ified Huron-Vidal (MHV1) – UNIFAC mixing rules using PE 2000 (Pfohl et al. 2000). The
solubility isotherm for limonene in supercritical CO2 at 315.7 K predicted by PE 2000 is
included as a reference
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 447
estimated using Joback’s method (Poling et al. 2000). On the other hand, the critical
temperature and critical pressure of citral, linalool, b-caryophyllene, farnesol, and
n-octacosane were also estimated using Joback’s method (Poling et al. 2000),
whereas the acentric factor of these same solutes was estimated using the method
of Lee-Kesler (Poling et al. 2000). PE 2000 includes all of these group-contribution
algorithms for the estimation of physical properties. Figure 17.8 shows that the
predictive model implemented in PE 2000 gives values of solubility for typical
essential components in high-pressure CO2 under typical extraction conditions for
herbs and spices that are only qualitatively correct; thus, it can be only moderately
appropriate for the purpose of discussing equilibrium effects on mass transfer
kinetics as attempted in this chapter. An advantage of the method is that it is fully
predictive if a group contribution method is applied to estimate the effect of
temperature on the vapor or sublimation pressure of the solutes. Obviously, the
predictive capabilities of the model improve when including experimental instead
of estimated values of relevant physical properties, as suggested by the better fit of
the model to experimental solubility data for limonene (Fig. 17.7) than higher
molecular solutes such as STs, OSTs, and waxes (Fig. 17.8 compares the experi-
mental data and predicted solubility isotherms for b-caryophyllene, farnesol, and
Differences in solubility between solutes using data for binary CO2 + solute
systems suggest the possibility of selectively recovering a single solute or mixture
of solutes in a complex essential oil sample. A general application of this type of
fractionation process is the deterpenation of essential oils, which consists of the
selective elimination of oxidation-prone and water-immiscible MTs that mask the
characteristic aroma of OMTs in an herb or spice, and cause a haze in aqueous
essential oil solutions (Stahl et al. 1988; Temelli et al. 1990; Reverchon 1997).
Mukhopadhyay and De (1995) proposed the selective recovery of menthol from
peppermint oil based on the solubility isotherms at 323 and 343 K of the binary
CO2 + menthol (component 2) and CO2 + thymol (component 3) systems at pres-
sures ranging from 6.5 to 13.5 MPa. They computed the values of the separation
factor between menthol and thymol, R23 (17.26), as a function of system tempera-
ture and pressure,
R23 ¼ ; (17.26)
and found that 3.37 R23 6.12, which suggests that it is possible to enrich
menthol in the high-pressure CO2 phase. Mukhopadhyay and De (1995) neglected
the molecular interactions between menthol and thymol, which may affect the
separation factor, as exemplified next for the separation of limonene and linalool
using high-pressure CO2. It is also important to mention that using the separation
factor to draw conclusions about the selective recovery of a component in a binary
or multicomponent mixture has limitations in that the analysis should be made by
comparing of concentration ratios between the two components in two phases
(liquid, SCF) in equilibrium; if these concentration ratios coincide in the two
448 J.M. del Valle et al.
phases, then it is not possible to selectively recover one of the components using
high-pressure CO2 as the separating agent. Thus, the selectivity of the separation
between menthol and thymol, a23 (17.27), instead of the separation factor R23
should be computed, where:
y2 =y3
a23 ¼ (17.27)
x2 =x3
Chafer et al. (2001) used composition information from the vapor phase for the
ternary CO2 (1) + limonene (2) + linalool (3) system to estimate the separation
factor R23 so as to evaluate the possibility of recovering a linalool-enriched fraction.
They concluded that the deterpenation of linalool was possible based on R23 values
of ~2 for mixtures of limonene and linalool containing about 90–95% (mol/mol) of
limonene, but also observed that the values of R23 were approximately four times
higher when estimated on the basis of binary equilibrium data, which reveals a loss
of information when solute–solute interactions in the more complex systems are not
accounted for. Because of the requirement of ternary data to assess the fractionating
capabilities of high-pressure CO2, this subject is discussed next.
Two CO2-containing tertiary systems of practical importance that have been exten-
sively analyzed in the literature are CO2 + limonene + citral and CO2 + limo-
nene + linalool, because limonene and citral (a mixture of two isomers, geranial
and neral) are the key MT and OMT, respectively, in lemon essential oil (Gironi and
Maschietti 2008), and linalool replaces citral as the key OMT in orange essential oil
(Budich and Brunner 1999). High-pressure CO2 fractionation allows deterpenation
of citrus oils so as to improve their shelf life, solubility in water, and aroma
(Stahl et al. 1988; Temelli et al. 1990; Reverchon 1997), and the designing of
these two deterpenation processes demands phase equilibria data for the aforemen-
tioned model systems (Budich et al. 1999; Gironi and Maschietti 2008).
The phase equilibria of the ternary CO2 (1) + limonene (2) + citral (3) system
was studied by Benvenuti and Gironi (2001) at 315 K and 8.4 or 9.0 MPa, and by
Fonseca et al. (2003) at 323 K and 9.5, 9.7, or 10.3 MPa. Fonseca et al. (2003)
reported that the selectivity a23 for the separation between limonene and citral
varied between 1.72 and 2.00, which indicates that the vapor (or CO2-rich) phase is
enriched in limonene, whereas citral remains in the liquid (or essential oil-rich)
phase. This agrees with the vapor pressure ratio between limonene and citral, P2Sat/
P3Sat ¼ 17 (Benvenuti and Gironi 2001), which defines separation under low-
solubility (relatively small pressure) conditions. The selectivity a23 did not depend
on system pressure (9.5–10.3 MPa), nor the composition of the essential oil model
mixture (49–73% w/w limonene) (Fonseca et al. 2003). On the other hand, values of
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 449
Fig. 17.9 Separation factors between terpenes and aroma (oxygenated) compounds in model and
real systems as a function of essential oil concentration in the CO2 phase: a23 for the separation at
323 K of limonene and linalool in a ternary CO2 + limonene + linalool system reported by
Vieira de Melo et al. (1999) and Morotomi et al. (1999); a23 for the
separation at 333 K of limonene and citral in a ternary CO2 + limonene + citral system (Fonseca
et al. 2003); and aTA for the separation at 323 K or 333 K between terpene and
aroma (oxygenated) compounds in orange peel oil (Budich et al. 1999)
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 451
linalool (aTA ~ 1.2). This result is consistent with the value a23 ~ 1.1 reported by
Morotomi et al. (1999) for the model limonene + linalool system containing 85%
w/w MT in the liquid phase. Based on data in Fig. 17.9, Budich et al. (1999)
recommended deterpenation of orange oil at 333 K, where both aTA (¼1.5) and
the solubility of the oil in high-pressure CO2 are high enough to make the process
There have been few publications on high-pressure phase equilibria between CO2
and complex mixtures other than those of Temelli et al. (1990) with cold-pressed
orange oil, and those of Budich and Brunner (1999) with orange peel oil. Reported
equilibrium isotherms include those of clove bud oil at 303, 308, 313, 318, and
328 K for 5.8–10.8 MPa (Souza et al. 2004); of fennel seed oil at 303, 313, 323,
and 333 K for 4.74–21.0 MPa (Moura et al. 2005); of vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides)
root oil at 303, 318, and 333 K for 5–30 MPa (Takeuchi et al. 2008); of candeia
(Eremanthus erythropappus) bark oil at 313, 323, and 333 K for 6.27–25.2 MPa
(Teixeira de Souza et al. 2008); and of priprioca (Cyperus articulatus) rhizome oil at
313, 323, and 333 K and 4.42–29.9 MPa (Moura et al. 2005). These measurements
are usually performed using synthetic methods (Sect. 17.4.1), and are difficult to set
up, in that bubble and dew or cloud points are not easily visually identified for
complex mixtures of CO2 and natural extracts. With the exception of vetiver
root and priprioca rhizome, these studies complement other studies on SCFE
(Table 17.1). Furthermore, besides assisting the analysis of the extraction process,
the results of these studies can help to optimize the condition of the separation step
of the entire SCFE process. Indeed, the high-pressure phase equilibrium for com-
plex CO2 + essential oil systems under typical separation conditions in a SCFE
plant (e.g., 273–288 K and 2–9 MPa, Reverchon and De Marco 2008) determines
the residual solute content in a recycled CO2 stream, which affects the extraction
rate (del Valle et al. 2004), as well as the residual content of CO2 in the extract,
which affected solvent losses during the process (Takeuchi et al. 2008).
Table 17.11 presents the solubilities of essential oil extracts of orange peel, clove
bud, fennel seed, and candeia bark under selected temperature and pressure condi-
tions, as taken from the publications of Budich and Brunner (1999), Souza et al.
(2004), Moura et al. (2005), and Teixeira de Souza et al. (2008), respectively.
Specifically referred to are the values from the P-y branch of isotherms in equilib-
rium diagrams under the conditions where only two phases (a CO2-rich vapor phase
and an essential oil-rich liquid phase) were at equilibrium, which forced the neglect
of many data points under conditions where the authors reported partial liquid
miscibility. Liquid immiscibility conditions in complex systems result from
452 J.M. del Valle et al.
Table 17.11 Comparison of estimated thermodynamic solubility and operational solubility for
selected studies on high-pressure CO2 extraction of plant essential oils
Extract Temperature Pressure Solubility (Csat,
(T, K) (P, MPa) mg solute/g CO2)
Orange peel oil
Limonene (Iwai et al. (1994) 313 7.17 6.2
Linalool (Iwai et al. 1994) 313 7.17 2.1
Model oil mixturea 313 7.17 6.0
Actual essential oil (Budich and Brunner 1999) 313 7.17 5.1
Actual essential oil (Budich and Brunner 1999) 313 15 CM*
Ibid. in the presence of substrate (Mira et al. 1996, 313 15 13.2–19.3
Clove oil
Eugenol (Cheng et al. 2000) 313 8.06 5.6
b-Caryophyllene (Stahl et al. 1988) 313 8.06 2.3
Model oil mixtureb 313 8.06 5.0
Actual essential oil (Souza et al. 2004) 313 8.06 11
Ibid. in the presence of substrate (Martı́nez et al. 308 10 230
Fennel oil
Limonene (Iwai et al. 1994) 313 8.02 9.6
Anethole (Stahl et al. 1988) 313 8.02 6
Model oil mixturec 313 8.02 5
Actual essential oil (Moura et al. 2005) 313 8.02 26
Ibid. in the presence of substrate (Reverchon et al. 313 9 2
Candeia oil
Actual essential oil (Teixeira de Souza et al. 2008) 313 6.17 111
Ibid. in the presence of substrate (Teixeira de 313 10 4.5
Souza et al. 2008)
Ideal solubility estimated neglecting interactions between solutes and assuming orange peel oil as
a mixture of 98% (w/w) limonene and 2% (w/w) linalool
Ideal solubility estimated neglecting interactions between solutes and assuming clove oil as a
mixture of 86% (w/w) eugenol and 14% (w/w) b-caryophyllene
Ideal solubility estimated neglecting interactions between solutes and assuming fennel oil as a
mixture of 9% w/w limonene and 91% w/w anethole
Complete miscibility between the essential oil and high-pressure CO2
interactions between minor components in the essential oil mixture, and those
interactions have large effects on the actual equilibrium. One such effect is a limited
dependence on temperature of the equilibrium concentration of the essential oil in
the high-pressure CO2-rich phase. Another effect is unusual variations in essential
oil solubility as a function of system temperature and pressure, such as the increase
in solubility of cold-pressed orange oil in high-pressure CO2, as reported by Temelli
et al. (1990) at 313 K and 12.4 MPa. Taking further advantage of equilibrium data
of essential oils in high-pressure CO2 collected up to now demands more detailed
experimental evidence.
The thermodynamic solubility values reported in Table 17.11 are different from
those expected based on measurements for model binary systems of CO2 and the
main MT, OMT, and ST/OST in the actual essential oils. The belief here is that this
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 453
finding is due to the effect of minor components in the essential oils which, as
mentioned before, interact with each other and the major components in the
mixture, thus strongly affecting the equilibrium, as exemplified in the following
In general, the solubility of a particular substance in high-pressure CO2,
such as MT or OMT, may be affected by the presence of other substances in the
natural product, such as a wax or a triglyceride, which may exhibit a higher or
lower solubility in the CO2. The example of a major MT and a wax is relevant
in the particular case of essential oils because, as previously mentioned, they are
usually encapsulated within specialized wax-made structures that serve a protec-
tive function in herbs (Gaspar et al. 2001). Sovová et al. (2001) reported high-
pressure phase equilibria data for a ternary CO2 + limonene + blackcurrant oil
system at 313 K and 8–12 MPa, and showed that the solubility of limonene in
high-pressure CO2 decreased in the presence of triglycerides for pressures up to
20% higher than the critical pressure of the CO2 + limonene binary mixture
(Pcm ¼ 8.44 MPa).
Figure 17.1b defines the “operational” solubility of plant essential oils as the con-
centration of the essential oil in high-pressure CO2 at the outlet of the extraction
vessel, provided that CO2 and the herb or spice reach equilibrium conditions as
the CO2 travels along the vessel, and there is some free solute in the substrate. The
initial slope of the cumulative plot of solute yield versus specific CO2 consump-
tion may represent the actual “operational” solubility only if extraction is pre-
ceded by an initial static period to achieve steady temperature and pressure
conditions and equilibration between the substrate and the high-pressure CO2.
Table 17.11 shows that the operational solubility (in the presence of the solid
substrate) of selected essential oils in high-pressure CO2 is smaller than the
thermodynamic solubility (in the absence of the solid substrate) under equivalent
conditions, probably due to binding of the essential oils to the solid matrix or an
insufficient amount of essential oils in the herb or spice to saturate the CO2 (del
Valle et al. 2005; Sovová 2005).
Figure 17.10 shows selected values of operational solubility Cfo as a function
of the ratio between Cso and r, together with trend lines that can be explained on
the basis of either limited availability of the essential oil in the solid matrix or a
sufficient amount to saturate the high-pressure CO2 phase in a case where the
essential oil is not bound to the solid matrix. If the porosity of an extraction
vessel with an inner volume V packed with a milled herb or spice of inner
porosity ep is e, the vessel will contain V [e + (1 e) ep] r of high-pressure
CO2 at system temperature and pressure (at those conditions the density of the
CO2 is r). If the substrate loaded in the extraction vessel (a total weight V (1 e)
454 J.M. del Valle et al.
Fig. 17.10 Best-fit values of operational solubility of essential oils in high-pressure CO2 as a
function of the initial essential oil content in the herb or spice. Plotted values include substrates
with light essential oils (vc 550 cm3/mol) extracted with low-density (r 650 kg/m3) CO2 –
caraway (Sovová et al. 2004), nutmeg (Machmudah et al. 2006), and sage (Langa et al.
2009) – or high-density (r > 650 kg/m3) CO2 – orange peel (Mira et al. 1996, 1999), nutmeg
(Spricigo et al. 2001; Machmudah et al. 2006), alecrim pimenta (Sousa et al. 2002), and
aniseed (Rodrigues et al. 2003), as well as substrates with heavy essential oils (vc > 550 cm3/mol)
extracted with low-density (r 650 kg/m3) CO2 – chamomile (Povh et al. 2001), carqueja
(Vargas et al. 2006), and valerian (Zizovic et al. 2007a) or high-density (r > 650 kg/m3) CO2
chamomile (Povh et al. 2001), ginger (Martı́nez et al. 2003), marigold (Campos et al.
2005), and valerian (Zizovic et al. 2007a)
ep rs, where rs is the true density of the solid matrix) initially contains a
concentration Cso of essential oil in a solute-free basis, in a situation where
there is not enough solute to saturate the CO2 following a static extraction period,
(17.28) defines the operational solubility:
1 rs
Cfo ¼ e
Cso (17.28)
ep 1e þ1 r
where the term e/(1 e) represents the ratio of interparticle void volume to apparent
particle volume. Equation 17.28 suggests that a plot of Cfo versus (Cso/r) (Fig. 17.10)
will result in a straight line with a slope m (17.29):
m¼ e
ep 1e þ1
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 455
On the other hand, if there is enough solute to saturate the CO2 phase (Cso/r
large), Cfo will reach an asymptotic value Csat (the thermodynamic solubility of the
complex essential oil mixture in the CO2 under process conditions). It is difficult to
compute the slope m in the absence of precise measurements of the bed porosity (e),
the interparticle porosity (ep), and the true density of the matrix (rs), which may
vary depending on the substrate and its pretreatment, but the data in Fig. 17.10 were
plotted under the simplifying assumption that m changes little between substrates.
Regarding the horizontal asymptote, it is important to stress that Csat is a strong
function of the essential oil mixture and the system conditions characterized by the
temperature and density of the CO2 (Chrastil 1982).
Figure 17.10 presents selected data that follow the trend suggested by the
hypothesis of limited solute in a noninteracting solid matrix. A log–log plot was
made to allow a wide range of experimental values in a single plot, and under those
conditions a linear relationship such as (17.28) (power relationship with an expo-
nent one) follows a straight line with a unitary slope (such as the trend line
included in Fig. 17.10 for values of Cso/r below 0.05 g dm3). Fig. 17.10 includes
essential oils with relatively low values of critical volume (Vc 550 cm3/mol)
enriched in monoterpene hydrocarbons, oxygenated monoterpenes, and related
compounds such as those of aniseed, caraway, alecrim pimenta, nutmeg, orange
peel, and sage, and extracts with larger values of critical volume (Vc > 550 cm3/
mol) that are instead enriched in heavier sesquiterpenes, waxes, and related
compounds, such as the extracts of carqueja, chamomile, ginger, marigold, and
valerian. Apparently, heavy extracts and essential oils behave the same for low
solute contents (Cso/r 0.05 g dm3) in the solid matrix, as expected; only for
high solute contents (Cso/r > 0.05 g dm3) do the values for heavy extracts level
off to an apparent solubility of Csat ~ 10 g/kg. Another trend that is apparent in
Fig. 17.10 is that the values of Cfo for low CO2 density (r 650 kg/m3) tend to be
below the values Cfo for higher CO2 densities (r > 650 kg/m3), particularly in the
upper end of values of Cso/r, as expected for an increase in solubility with the
solvent power of CO2.
Table 17.12 complements Fig. 17.10, providing values of operational solubility
(Cfo) reported from studies in Table 17.2 reviewed in this chapter. The data in
Fig. 17.10 exhibit scattering because of variations in substrates and their pretreat-
ments, extraction temperatures, and CO2 densities that are not fully accounted for
in the plot, and some additional values in Table 17.12 are not fully consistent
with the aforementioned trends. Of all single-measurement Cfo values reported in
Table 17.12 (boldo, cinnamon of Cunha, fennel, oregano, and pennyroyal), only the
one for pennyroyal does not follow the general trends in Fig. 17.10. In the case of
rosemary, the data of Coelho et al. (1997) and Bensebia et al. (2009) are inconsis-
tent, and only the Cfo values of Coelho et al. (1997), higher, follow the trend lines in
Fig. 17.10. The data on clove by Ruetsch et al. (2003) and Martı́nez et al. (2007) are
outside (above and/or to the right) the upper limits selected for Fig. 17.10 and are
inconsistent; only the Cfo values of Martı́nez et al. (2007) follow the general trends
in Fig. 17.10. The data of Perakis et al. (2005) on black pepper, to the right of the
upper limit of Cso/r (> 0.05 g m3) in Fig. 17.10, are only slightly below the top
456 J.M. del Valle et al.
Table 17.12 Summary of operation solubility values in high-pressure CO2 extraction of plant
essential oils studies from Tables 17.1 and 17.2, as a function of the extraction conditions and the
initial solute content of the substrates
Substrate Temperature CO2 density Initial solute Operational
(T, K) (r, kg/m3) content (Cso, solubility
mg solute/g (Cfo, mg
solute-free) solute/g CO2)
Clove (Martı́nez et al. 2007) 306 713 157 230
Clove (Ruetsch et al. 2003) 323 581 212 34.0
Clove (Ruetsch et al. 2003) 323 288 212 2.50
Orange peel (Mira et al. 1996) 323 700 100.0 95.0
Orange peel (Mira et al. 1996) 323 700 45.0 8.00
Black pepper (Ferreira and 313 780 35.8 93.2
Meireles 2002)
Black pepper (Ferreira et al. 303, 323 698, 847 35.8 89.0–85.8
Black pepper (Ferreira et al. 303–323 698–847 14.7 35.3–24.2
Black pepper (Perakis et al. 313, 323 384–780 92.0–155 3.80–2.50
Caraway (Sovová et al. 1994a) 313 623 28.8 80.9
Caraway (Sovová et al. 1994a) 313 484 28.8 18.2
Nutmeg (Spricigo et al. 2001) 296 819 18.0–69.0 67.5
Nutmeg (Machmudah et al. 313–323 629–780 58.0 24.0–9.00
Parsley (Louli et al. 2004) 318 742 650 33.0
Parsley (Louli et al. 2004) 308, 318 498, 713 120 8.302.80
Cinnamon of Cunhã (Sousa et 288 851 38.5 28.3
al. 2005)
Aniseed (Rodrigues et al. 2003) 313 700–836 31.3–105 27.7–11.0
Alecrim pimenta (Sousa et al. 283–298 728–891 22.4–34.0 22.7–13.2
Carqueja (Vargas et al. 2006) 313–343 208–486 17.5–24.0 19.1–6.60
Celery (Papamichail et al. 348, 328 498–742 500 8.31–2.12
Celery (Papamichail et al. 318 498 62.0 2.12
Ginger (Martı́nez et al. 2003) 293–313 847–905 20.0–25.0 6.41–5.15
Chamomile (Povh et al. 2001) 303, 313 623–809 22.4–34.2 3.71–1.15
Valerian (Zizovic et al. 2007a) 313, 323 384–780 6.14–12.6 3.22–0.511
Marigold (Campos et al. 2005) 313 718, 780 14.2 2.80
Fennel (Reverchon et al. 1999) 323 288 18.3 2.00
Rosemary (Coelho et al. 1997) 308, 313 629–777 7.05 1.98–1.65
Rosemary (Bensebia et al. 313, 333 290–780 32.0 0.356–0.238
Boldo (Uquiche et al. 313 632 13.1 1.75
Pennyroyal (Reis-Vasco et al. 323 384 25.3 1.16
Sage (Langa et al. 2009) 313, 323 384, 486 12.9–19.2 0.800–0.600
Lavender (Akgun et al. 2000) 323 220–670 15.3 0.418–0.234
Oregano (Uquiche et al. 313 632 6.02 0.390
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 457
solubility Csat ~ 10 g/kg for heavy extracts. Finally, the data of operational
solubility Cfo of Ferreira et al. (1999) and Ferreira and Meireles (2002) for
black pepper are irregularly high, whereas the data of initial solute content Cso
of Papamichail et al. (2000) for celery and of Louli et al. (2004) for parsley are too
high, considering the typical amount of extractible compounds in those substrates
(Moyler 1993).
Goto et al. (1998) showed that the operational solubility of menthol (the main
component in the essential oil of mint leaves) is smaller than its thermodynamic
solubility in high-pressure CO2 at 313 K and 13.6 MPa, and suggested that the transfer
of menthol to the CO2 phase was limited by strong interactions between the essential
oil and solid matrix. They also claimed weaker interactions between n-triacontane
(the main component in the cuticular waxes of mint leaves) with the solid matrix
than between menthol and the solid matrix because the operational solubility of
n-triacontane was closer to its thermodynamic solubility than the operational solubility
of menthol. As shown in Sect. 17.4.3, solute–solute interactions between the
components of the mint leaf extract may be partially responsible for a reduction
in the apparent solubilities of menthol and n-triacontane in CO2 when they are a part
of a complex essential oil mixture as compared with their corresponding thermody-
namic solubilities in the binary CO2 + menthol or CO2 + n-triacontane systems,
but this does not negate the possibility of a reduction in their apparent solubility due
to some additional interactions between the solutes and the solid matrix.
The effect of solute binding by the solid matrix, which affects solute availability
in SCFE, can be accounted for by an equilibrium sorption isotherm that relates the
concentration of solute in the high-pressure CO2 phase with the residual content of
solute in the solid phase (the pretreated herb or spice) under equilibrium conditions.
Some authors hypothesize that the operational solubility Cfo depends on the sub-
strate and extraction conditions, but does not depend on the solute content in the
substrate, as reported in Table 17.12. Other authors hypothesize a constant partition
coefficient K (17.20) for essential oils between the high-pressure CO2 phase and the
solid phase, which may correspond to a linear sorption isotherm (17.30a), derived
from (17.20) or the initial slope of another sorption isotherm model for a low
essential oil content in the pretreated herb or spice, such as the Freundlich (17.30b),
Langmuir (17.30c), or Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET, (17.30d) models. Finally,
selected authors combine the possibility of a constant Csat for large concentrations
of essential oil in the solid matrix (Cso > Clim) and a constant partition coefficient
for smaller values of Cso ( Clim) using the so-called isotherm of Perrut et al.
(1997). Table 17.13 summarizes the values of the linear partition coefficient K (or
equivalent partition coefficient, (17.31)), as reported in studies from Table 17.2
reviewed in this chapter.
The mathematical models for the linear, Freundlich, Langmuir, and BET’s
sorption isotherms are, respectively, as follows:
Cs ¼ (17.30a)
458 J.M. del Valle et al.
Table 17.13 Summary of values of solute partition coefficients in high-pressure CO2 extraction of
plant essential oils in studies from Tables 17.1 and 17.2, as a function of the extraction conditions
and the initial solute content of the substrates
Substrate Temperature CO2 density Initial solute Solute partition
(T, K) (r, kg/m3) content (Cso, mg coefficient
solute/g solute- (K, –)
Cinnamon of Cunhã (Sousa 288 851 38.5 2.38–2.00
et al. 2005)
Carqueja (Vargas et al. 2006) 313 486 20.4 0.813
Carqueja (Vargas et al. 2006) 323 285 17.5 0.694
Carqueja (Vargas et al. 2006) 333 235 21.7 0.104
Carqueja (Vargas et al. 2006) 343 208 24.0 0.067
Clove (Ruetsch et al. 2003) 323 288, 581 212.1 0.314
Clove (Daghero et al. 2004) 323 288, 581 212.1 0.022–0.008
Nutmeg (Machmudah et al. 313 780 58.0 0.300–0.150
Nutmeg (Machmudah et al. 323 700, 780 58.0 0.300–0.100
Nutmeg (Machmudah et al. 318 742 58.0 0.200
Boldo (Uquiche et al. 313 632 13.1 0.134
Parsley (Louli et al. (2004) 308 713 120 0.067a
Parsley (Louli et al. (2004) 318 498, 742 650, 120 0.051–0.023a
Parsley (Louli et al. (2004) 308 713 63 0.0099b
Parsley (Louli et al. (2004) 318 498, 742 63, 450 0.0076–0.0038b
Celery (Papamichail et al. 328 654 500 0.0605a
Celery (Papamichail et al. 318 498, 742 63, 270 0.0585–0.0471a
Celery (Papamichail et al. 328 654 417 0.0046b
Celery (Papamichail et al. 318 498, 742 417, 476 0.0041–0.00001b
Oregano (Uquiche et al. 313 632 6.02 0.0647
Peppermint (Goto et al. 1993) 313 445, 777 – 0.0506–0.0202
Peppermint (Goto et al. 1993) 333 228, 594 – 0.0331–0.0113
Peppermint (Goto et al. 1993) 353 184, 415 – 0.0248–0.0066
Sage (Langa et al. 2009) 313 486 17.3–19.2 0.047–0.042
Sage (Langa et al. 2009) 323 384 12.9 0.033
Black pepper (Perakis et al. 313 486, 629 93.0, 134.0 0.0090–0.0025
Black pepper (Perakis et al. 323 384 84.0 0.0063
Pennyroyal (Sovová 2005) 323 384 25.3 0.063
Sovová’s model, model R-SO
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 459
ðCf Þ
Cs ¼ (17.30b)
k Cm Cf
Cs ¼ (17.30c)
1 þ k Cf
k Cm Cf
Cs ¼ (17.30d)
ðCsat Cf Þ½Csat þ ðk 1ÞCf
where k and n are empirical sorption energy parameters, and Cm (the so-called
monolayer coverage of the solid surface) is the maximal amount of essential oil that
can hold the solid matrix. Ruetsch et al. (2003) and Daghero et al. (2004) arbitrarily
assumed that the monolayer coverage corresponded to the initial solute content
(Cm ¼ Cso) in clove. The sorption isotherm models (17.30a–17.30d) are written
with Cs instead of Cf as the independent variable because they are adapted from the
literature on adsorptive separations. In adsorptive separation processes, where the
solute in a fluid phase transfers to a solid phase, there is no upper limit to solute
concentration in the fluid phase (for all practical purposes, solute and mobile or
fluid phases are mutually miscible), and eventual saturation of the solid matrix
imposes an upper limit on the concentration of the solute in the solid for high
concentration in the fluid under equilibrium conditions. Depending on the herb or
spice and its pretreatment, this upper limit in concentration of solute in the solid
substrate is not reached when the concentration of the essential oil in the CO2 is
limited by its solubility under process conditions. Because of that, Ruetsch et al.
(2003), Daghero et al. (2004), and Salimi et al. (2008) imposed an upper limit
(Cf Csat) to the value of solute concentration in the CO2 phase for high concen-
trations of solute in the solid phase (Fig. 17.11). Equation 17.31 defines the limit
value of K for small value of Cs (Cs ! 0) for both Langmuir’s and BET’s sorption
isotherm models (Frendlich’s isotherm model predicts limit values, K ¼ 0 for
n > 1 and K ! 1 for n < 1):
K¼ (17.31)
k Cm
Observation did not reveal special trends in values of the linear partition
coefficients (Table 17.13) as a function of the substrate and its essential oil content,
the temperature of the system, or the density of the CO2 (plots not shown). Based on
(17.28) for a noninteracting solid matrix, for a packed bed with porosity e ¼ 0.6, a
solid substrate with true density rs ¼ 1,000 kg/m3, an inner porosity ep ¼ 0.1, and
high-pressure CO2 at 323 K and 9 MPa (r ¼ 287.5 kg/m3), the expected value of
the partition coefficient in a situation of limited essential oil content in the plant
material would be K ¼ 0.222, which is between upper and lower limit values
reported in Table 17.13. No evidence was found that K increases as the initial
essential oil content in the herb or spice increases. Also, no evidence was found that
460 J.M. del Valle et al.
Fig. 17.11 Sorption isotherm models for equilibrium partition of essential oil between high-
pressure CO2 and an herb or a spice as a function of the solute content in the substrate under
equilibrium conditions at constant system temperature and pressure
This chapter reviewed mass transfer and phase equilibrium parameters that can be
used to design industrial SCFE processes for plant essential oils. Relevant mass
transfer parameters include an axial dispersion coefficient (Dax) for the migration of
the solute in the SCF along the bed; an external mass transfer coefficient (kf) for its
movement through the stationary SCF film surrounding the solid particles; and an
effective diffusivity (De) for its movement through the solid matrix, which were
computed in the form of a so-called microstructural factor (FM). This review
suggests neglecting axial dispersion effects to simplify the mass transfer models.
Based on this review, it is recommended that SCFE experiments be carried out
under forced convection conditions, and that the external mass transfer coefficient
(kf) be estimated using a literature-based correlation between dimensionless vari-
ables valid for mass transfer in packed beds operating with SCFs. Best-fitting
usually provides underestimations of kf because of the underestimation of internal
resistances to mass transfer, overestimation of the specific surface of the solid
17 Mass Transfer and Equilibrium Parameters on High‐Pressure 461
substrate, neglecting of solvent flow heterogeneity effects when using a small D/dp
ratio, and/or neglecting of natural convention effects when using low-Re flow
The values of the microstructural factor for inner mass transfer in the herb or
spice estimated in this chapter ranged from FM ¼ 102 to FM ¼ 105, which sug-
gested pronounced limitations to mass transfer within the solid matrix in the high-
pressure CO2 extraction of plant essential oils. The estimated values of FM, unlike
those expected, depended on the system (temperature, pressure) conditions, the
superficial velocity of the CO2, and/or the particle size of the substrate. Further-
more, for equivalent experiments, the best-fit values of FM changed dramatically
depending on the applied mathematical model, which raised questions about the
validity of some of the hypotheses of these mass transfer models. To improve the
modeling of high-pressure CO2 extraction of plant essential oils, extraction experi-
ments should be complemented by measurements using microscopy and allied/
complementary techniques to fully characterize the pretreated solid matrix at a
relevant scale (Aguilera and Stanley 1999; Zizovic et al. 2005, 2007a, b, c;
Stamenić et al. 2008). Such measurements would result in microstructure– extract-
ability relationships, which could be taken advantage of to optimize the pretreat-
ment of the herb or spice samples prior to SCFE.
Regarding phase equilibrium data for designing industrial SCFE processes for
plant essential oils, the conclusion here is that their “operational” solubility in high-
pressure CO2 depends markedly on the availability of the solute (the complex
essential oil mixture) and its partition between the solid matrix (the herb or spice)
and the SCF. The reviewed literature included several phase equilibrium studies
using binary systems CO2 + pure essential oil (mainly MT and OMT) component,
few studies using ternary CO2 + limonene + citral/linalool systems, and limited
studies using CO2 and complex essential oil mixtures (low-pressure CO2 extracts of
herbs or spices). Further advancements in this field will require additional fluid
phase equilibrium measurements using binary mixtures of CO2 and ST or OST
compounds, CO2 + MT + OMT model ternary mixtures representing plant essen-
tial oils other than citrus oils, or CO2 + complex essential oil mixtures. Further-
more, given that the “operational” solubility of essential oils in high-pressure CO2
does not depend solely on thermodynamic solubility, quantifying the effect of the
availability and binding of the solute to the herb or spice demands additional
measurements of the solid-SCF phase equilibrium in addition to the aforementioned
fluid phase equilibrium data. Because there is no real evidence in the literature that
the solute partition between the solid substrate and the SCF is constant, sorption
isotherms should be experimentally measured instead of assuming a sorption
pattern and achieving best-fit model parameters as part of the data analysis process.
Acknowledgments The present work was funded by the Chilean agency Fondecyt (Regular
project 105–0675 and International Cooperation project 703–0033). We are indebted to Verónica
Glatzel (PUC) for recalculating from the literature some of the values of external mass transfer
coefficient (kf), and effective diffusivities (De) that we report in Sect. 17.3.2 and 17.3.3, respec-
tively; and to Gustavo Lozano (TUHH) for simulating the solubility isotherms for selected
462 J.M. del Valle et al.
essential oil components included in Figs. 17.7 and 17.8 using the predictive methodology
described in Sect. 17.4.1 in PE 2000.
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470 J.M. del Valle et al.
18.1 Introduction
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 473
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_18, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
474 Y.H. Roos and N. Silalai
18.1.1 Confectionary
Starch is a mix of carbohydrate polymers and the main component of cereal foods.
Starch is present also in legume seeds and tuber plants. The two starch components,
amylose and amylopectin, may exist in crystalline, partially crystalline, and amor-
phous states (Slade and Levine 1991). In native starches, amylose may exist as a
noncrystalline component but amylopectin often exhibits partial crystallinity (Roos
1995a). Water in amorphous parts of starch components acts as a plasticizer and
decreases the Tg. Glass transition, melting temperatures, and water content are the
most important parameters characterizing the state and physical properties of starch
components over a wide temperature range in cereals processing and product
Phase transitions associated with gelatinization and loss of native structure in
granular starches can define and explain differences in the physical properties of
starches and their behavior in food products (Lund 1989). Levine and Slade (1990)
pointed out that starch gelatinization is a nonequilibrium melting process that
occurs during the heating of starch in the presence of water. Retrogradation of
starch is a temperature-, water-content-, and time-dependent crystallization phe-
nomenon and occurs after cooling of gelatinized starch. The rate of retrogradation
depends on the presence and ratio of amylopectin and amylose, and the molecular
weight of these starch components (Roos 1995a; Jouppila and Roos 1997). After
cooling of gelatinized starch, amylose crystallization occurs rapidly, while crystal-
lization of amylopectin may occur during storage of gelatinized starch and cereal
foods (Roos 1995a; Ronda and Roos 2008).
Several studies (Le Meste et al. 1992; Jouppila and Roos 1997; Ronda and Roos
2008) indicated that the textural characteristics of cereal foods at different tem-
peratures and water contents could be explained in terms of temperature with
respect to Tg. Starch retrogradation, including a basic crystallization process of
gelatinized starch components, can be detected by DSC from observed physical
476 Y.H. Roos and N. Silalai
change in a starch gel or paste, and by X-ray diffraction methods (Roos 2007a).
Glass transition can control texture- and stability-related phenomena such as
gelatinization and retrogradation, which may proceed over the temperature range
Tg < T < Tm (Biliaderis 1992; Yoshimura et al. 1996). Crystallization in gelati-
nized starch (or starch retrogradation) and the loss of water during storage were
found to contribute to aging and bread staling above the glass transition (Roos et al.
1996; Champion et al. 2000; Ronda and Roos 2008). Moreover, crispness, which is
affected by water content and glass transition, is an essential factor in achieving
acceptable quality among numerous cereal and snack foods (Roudaut et al. 2002).
Many cereal-based foods, such as breakfast cereals, wafers, and biscuits, have a
crispy or crunchy texture when consumed at low water contents (below 10% water);
however, crispness may be lost as the water content increases due to water sorption
and subsequent water plasticization of amorphous structures (Nicholls et al. 1995;
Roos et al. 1998; Hochstetter et al. 2006). A critical water activity (aw) at which
crispness is lost was found to be specific according to each material. A change
resulting in loss of crispness often occurred around 0.35–0.50 aw (Roos 1993; Roos
et al. 1996). When the critical water content or water activity is exceeded, the Tg of
the material occurs below the ambient temperature (Roos 1993).
Howes 1999). Amorphous solids exist in a supercooled liquid (rubbery state) above
the glass transition at which plasticization-dependent viscosity decreases occur
rapidly. Glass transition enhances molecular mobility and flow, leading to sticki-
ness and crystallization problems in low-water and frozen foods (Roudaut et al.
2004). Therefore, glass transition is an important and useful concept in observation
of parameters, such as temperature and water content for the control or reduction of
liquid-like properties of powder components during processing and storage.
Collapse during freeze-drying and collapse of freeze-dried matrices may
adversely affect material properties during dehydration and storage, respectively.
Collapse is a result of viscous flow of amorphous materials or their components,
causing loss of structure, reduction of pore size, and shrinkage. Such collapse is
associated with undesirable appearance and loss of texture, and volatile sub-
stances (Karel and Flink 1973; Levi and Karel 1995). It occurs above glass
transition, the rate of which depends on temperature and water content. Levi
and Karel (1995) found that rates of collapse were strongly dependent on the
temperature above the glass transition. Increasing water content depressed the Tg
and increased the T–Tg at the observed temperature. The flow and rate of collapse
above Tg were functions of temperature difference (TTg), which could be
modeled by the Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) relationship (Roos 1995a). This
suggested that the Tg was an applicable parameter for the prediction and control of
collapse during freeze-drying and storage of amorphous foods.
Ice crystallization and collapse of structure in partially frozen systems are con-
trolled by the molecular mobility of food components in freeze-concentrated,
unfrozen water-solute systems (Levi and Karel 1995; Roos 1995a). These changes
are time-dependent and reduce in rate as the maximally freeze-concentrated state is
478 Y.H. Roos and N. Silalai
io Pl
ub Non-equilibrium
l iz
Liquid at
Equilibrium io
(Pressure) Cooling
CRYSTAL Crystallization RUBBER Heating GLASS
lin Non-equilibrium
oo Solid
Equilibrium MELT
Fig. 18.1 Changes in physical state of amorphous materials around glass transition and time-
dependent characteristics (Data are from Roos and Karel 1991a)
approached. The glassy structures of the unfrozen water-solids phases that are
formed in maximally freeze-concentrated systems support the structure against
flow and collapse, but the structure does not allow further ice formation (Roos
and Karel 1991d; Roos 2007a). Freezing and frozen storage conditions, however,
affect the size of ice crystals, which could probably be further manipulated by the
control of freeze-concentration and ice formation.
Ice formation in foods results in a freeze-concentration of solids and a gradually
decreasing freezing temperature as the solute concentration of the unfrozen phase
increases. The freeze-concentrated, amorphous unfrozen phase contains unfrozen
water and solids; it provides a continuous phase for the dispersed ice crystals and
possibly lipids or other nondissolved solid components (Roos 1995a). The glass
transition temperature of the maximally freeze-concentrated unfrozen phase (Tg’) is
independent of the solute concentration prior to freezing and often corresponds with a
solute concentration (Cg’) of 80% (w/w) (Roos et al. 1996). At temperatures below
the Tg’ the amorphous unfrozen phase is vitrified and exists as a glassy solid (Roos
and Karel 1991d), whereas ice dissolution at temperatures above the onset tempera-
ture of ice melting, Tm’, decreases the viscosity of the unfrozen phase, which shows
viscous flow under gravity. Hence, frozen systems at temperatures above the Tm’
cannot support the solid structure (Fig. 18.2) and show collapse or shrinkage (Bhandari
and Howes 1999; Le Meste et al. 2002; Alves-Filho and Roos 2006). Stability of
frozen foods can be accomplished by manipulation of food composition to increase
the Tm’ or by using storage temperatures lower than the Tm’ (Hartel 1996). How-
ever, compositional changes in food formulations are not always possible.
18 Glass Transitions: Opportunities and Challenges 479
The control of ice crystal growth in frozen foods and ice cream has been
postulated by the Tm’ control (Goff et al. 1993). They suggested that polysaccha-
rides provided resistance to thermal deformation and increased subzero viscosity
above the Tm’. Hence, ice crystal size and the rate of growth of ice crystals in frozen
foods and ice cream containing polysaccharides were smaller than in frozen foods
and ice cream without added polysaccharides. Ice formation ceases as a result of
kinetic limitations for crystal growth below Tg’; some frozen foods are stable
against deteriorative changes because of the glassy state of the unfrozen phase
(Levine and Slade 1986; Roos and Karel 1991d). However, some reactions, such as
oxidation of sensitive components may accelerate as a result of maximum freeze-
concentration of foods. Studies of frozen food stability are relatively few and
therefore it requires substantial further attention by researchers. It appears, how-
ever, that the control of the glass transition of the unfrozen phase and ice melting is
fundamental to freezing and frozen storage as well as freeze-drying.
Fig. 18.3 Composition affects glass transition and dehydration characteristics using scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) (Further data can be found in Haque and Roos 2006)
18 Glass Transitions: Opportunities and Challenges 481
18.2.3 Extrusion
Extrusion has become a well-established and widely used food processing method.
Extrusion processes often involve conversion of solid ingredients to a viscous but
homogeneous mixture followed by formation of dense, solid, or expanded highly
porous structures. Biodegradable packaging and edible films may also be manufac-
tured using extrusion processes. The use of extrusion in food applications is often
based on empirical knowledge of solids behavior and structure formation. However,
the materials science understanding of foods and knowledge of their phase and state
transitions are fundamental in the control of extrusion processes and material
behavior in structure formation and storage (Slade and Levine 1991, 1995; Roos
1995a). This development also is an opportunity to improve extrusion processes and
product quality, particularly in the development of novel extrusion applications.
The formation of the structure of several extruded foods and low-moisture foods,
such as snack foods and breakfast cereals, is influenced by temperature and water
content. The glass transition can be used to control their plasticization, gelatinization,
and the glass formation. In plasticization, increasing the temperature or the water
content results in a decrease of the Tg. Water plasticization also controls modulus and
tensile strength of extruded films produced by extrusion (Garcia et al. 2004; Roos
1995a; Hochstetter et al. 2006). One of the desired characteristics of extruded snacks
and breakfast cereals is a crispy texture. At the expansion of plasticized foods, starchy
solids are rapidly dehydrated and the solids vitrify, i.e., the structure of the food solids
becomes a glass, forming thin membranes with brittle and crispy characteristics.
Details on plasticization and structure formation in extrusion provide new opportu-
nities for controlling the process and the texture and deterioration of extruded
products since water plasticization and oxygen permeability can be manipulated
during storage (Roos 1995a; Roos et al. 1996; Hochstetter et al. 2006). For example,
Garcia et al. (2004) used glass transition data to control the thermal and water
plasticization of extruded meat products and to achieve improved water permeability
properties of films.
18.2.4 Encapsulation
encapsulation have been increased in the food industry, since this process often
aims at improved protection from heat and loss, or otherwise stabilizes sensitive
components in food processing and storage. Dispersed droplets and particles in
encapsulant matrices show reduced reaction rates and are often protected from
surrounding reactants as a result of decreased diffusion through the glassy structure
below the glass transition (Roos 1995a). Both temperature and water plasticization
of encapsulant matrices may increase structural changes and release of encap-
sulated substances. Above the glass transition, the amorphous materials exhibit
viscous flow and structures of food materials often change, which can result in
collapse and release of encapsulated components.
The formulation of encapsulant matrices and control of glass formation may be
used to improve encapsulation and stability of food products. For example, highly
polymeric compounds such as proteins and hydrocolloids have high glass transition
temperatures. These high molecular weight miscible compounds with miscible
lower molecular weight components increase the glass transition temperature of
the mixture and stabilize the glassy state against higher temperatures and water
contents (Roos 2008). There is, however, very little information about the misci-
bility of carbohydrate polymers and proteins in food systems, as well as on how the
use of various processes affects glass formation. Food structures also have hetero-
geneities that can greatly affect encapsulation, so their role in stability and shelf-life
control needs to be investigated further.
mobility of molecules appears around the glass transition (Roos 1995a, 2008).
These relaxations show qualitative and quantitative information on the enthalpy
state of molecules within a glass. As translational mobility of molecules appears
around the glass transition materials may either require (endothermal relaxation) or
release (exothermal relaxation) heat as they respond to the increasing temperature.
Molecular mobility and the time-dependent nature of the glass transition can also be
observed from mechanical and dielectric properties of materials (Champion et al.
2000; Le Meste et al. 2002; Roudaut et al. 2004; Roos 2008). Both dielectric and
dynamic mechanical properties show the a-relaxation around the glass transition.
The a-relaxation can be observed using dielectric analysis (DEA) or dynamic-
mechanical analysis (DMA) (Laaksonen and Labuza 2001; Laaksonen and Roos
2001; Royall et al. 2005; Hochstetter et al. 2006; Roos 2008). The a-relaxation
temperatures obtained are frequency-dependent, indicating the nonequilibrium and
time-dependent nature of the system. These relaxations may be used to describe
mechanical properties of food materials, such as stickiness and caking of amor-
phous powders. Silalai et al. (2009a) found that the a-relaxation of dairy powders
shifted to higher temperatures with increasing frequencies of DEA and DMA
measurements (Fig. 18.4). The frequency-dependence of the a-relaxation followed
the Arrhenius relationship (Talja and Roos 2001), and a frequency corresponding to
the glass transition temperature could be identified. The glass transition measured
by DSC and the a-relaxation temperatures (Ta) determined by DMA and DEA
correlated closely with the sticky-point temperatures obtained using an empirical
measurement (Silalai et al. 2009b).
Solids composition also affects structural formation and the quality of foods
during processing and storage. For example, powders containing high amounts of
lactose exhibited high adhesion of powder particles with increasing temperature
and water content as a result of surface plasticization. Surface plasticization caused
(exo) TcrP
Heat flow (Wg–1)
Tg Lactose Tcr
Lactose/WPI (3:1)
Lactose/Album in (3:1)
Lactose/Gelatin (3:1)
Lactose/Na-caseinate (3:1)
10 30 50 70 90 110 130
Temperatue (°C)
Fig. 18.5 Glass transition and crystallization temperatures of amorphous lactose in the presence
of various proteins (From Haque and Roos 2004)
18 Glass Transitions: Opportunities and Challenges 485
Fig. 18.6 Dielectric thermal analysis (DEA) thermograms showing the effect of carbohydrate–
protein composition on dielectric relaxations of nonfat milk solids at water activity of 0.332.
The carbohydrate–protein ratios for MPC-3, MPC-25, SMP, and MPC-55 were 15:74, 27:59,
40:48, and 56:32 (% of total solids, w/w), respectively
486 Y.H. Roos and N. Silalai
Fig. 18.7 Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) thermograms showing the effect of carbohydrate–
protein composition on dielectric relaxations of nonfat milk solids at water activity of 0.332. The
carbohydrate–protein ratios for MPC-3, MPC-25, SMP, and MPC-55 were 15:74, 27:59, 40:48,
and 56:32 (% of total solids, w/w), respectively
Fig. 18.8 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermograms showing glass transition and ice
melting in sucrose and protein–starch systems (Data are from Singh and Roos 2005)
18 Glass Transitions: Opportunities and Challenges 487
temperature range and suggests that ice formation is affected by the composition
and diffusional characteristics of the unfrozen matrix. It seems that polymeric
compounds, such as gelatin and corn starch, as shown in (Fig. 18.8), inhibit ice
formation resulting in a higher unfrozen water content with corresponding lowering
of the Tg’ and increase of the Tm’ (onset of melting occurred at a higher temperature
corresponding to a lower ice content and higher melting temperature) (Singh and
Roos 2005). Although it appears that compositional changes affect food properties
in freeze-concentrated systems, their complex structure makes experiments and
collection of low temperature data complicated. However, further analysis of
heterogeneities and time-dependent changes in composition and microstructure in
frozen systems will be useful in the design of freezing processes and formulation of
frozen foods with improved quality and stability.
18.4 Conclusion
Significant progress has been made in understanding the role of glass transitions in
food materials during food processing and storage. Glass transitions in foods have
been shown to affect the flow properties of concentrated systems and, therefore,
challenges exist in processes such as dehydration, extrusion, and freezing. The glass
transitions and water plasticization behavior of food solids may affect structural
changes, crystallization processes, as well as deteriorative reactions, which often
limit the shelf life of low-water and frozen foods. Novel thermal analytical systems
and other techniques are crucial to further understanding the complex nature of food
systems, as well as the translation of knowledge of glass transition properties to the
benefit of processing equipment and food product design for meeting processing
needs and establishing the highest quality standards.
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Chapter 19
Caking of Water-Soluble Amorphous
and Crystalline Food Powders
19.1 Introduction
Time consolidation during storage, often called caking, is a major problem when
handling water-soluble powders in a humid and hot environment. Caking requires
grinding to transform the powder cake into single particles or agglomerates. Some-
times even whole silos are blocked by caked powder and the powder can only
be removed manually using mining techniques. Furthermore, the quality of powder
a products is negatively affected by caking during storage or transport. Instead of a
free-flowing powder, large powder lumps are delivered to the consumer. To reduce
the processing costs caused by the required grinding or sieving and to increase the
quality of the end product, such caking has to be avoided.
Mainly powders that contain a major amount of water-soluble amorphous substances
are sensitive to caking. Examples of such amorphous substances are: powdered vegeta-
ble-, yeast-, and meat extracts, hydrolyzed fish proteins, and hydrolyzed plant proteins,
flavoring powders, various food additives such as starch hydrolysates, amorphous
lactose, amorphous dextrose, amorphous sucrose, maltose, and amorphous organic
acids such as citric- and ascorbic acid and spray-dried dairy powders (Peleg and
Mannheim 1977; Wallack and King 1988; Aguilera et al. 1993; Aguilera et al. 1995).
Occasionally caking of fine water-soluble crystalline powders is also observed.
Sodium chloride, crystalline citric acid, urea, and sucrose are examples of crystal-
line powders that consolidate during storage at high relative humidity of the
surrounding air. Figure 19.1 shows scanning electron microscopic pictures of
different caked powders containing major amounts of amorphous substances.
Some inter-particle bridges are highlighted by white circles.
S. Palzer (*)
Nestle Product Technology Centre York, Nestec York Ltd, P.O. Box 204/Haxby Road, York
YO91 1XY, UK
K. Sommer
Department of Process Engineering of Disperse Systems, Technical University of Munich, Am
Forum 2, 85354 Freising, Germany
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 491
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_19, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
492 S. Palzer and K. Sommer
80 μm 15 μm 30 μm
Spray-dried skim milk powder containing crystalline lactose Spray-dried whole milk powder
400 μm 50 μm 20 μm
Fig. 19.1 Scanning electron microscopic pictures of caked powders (bridges highlighted by white
The increase in adhesion forces between single particles causing caking depends on
the material properties and the storage or processing conditions. The material
properties are a function of the environmental conditions. They also strongly
depend on the supra-molecular structure of the material. The relation between
supra-molecular structure and material properties has been discussed extensively
in previously published scientific articles (e.g., Palzer 2006, 2009a, b). Generally,
one can distinguish between polar and nonpolar materials with amorphous, crystal-
line, and semi-crystalline supra-molecular structures. Amorphous water-soluble
structures composed of polar molecules are able to incorporate significant amounts
of water. Depending on the vapor pressure or water activity they absorb water
molecules, which are then stored inside the free volume in the molecular matrix.
The absorbed water increases the mobility of the molecules composing the amorphous
19 Caking of Water-Soluble Amorphous and Crystalline Food Powders 493
matrix and thus decreases the viscosity of the amorphous material. Furthermore,
amorphous matrices are thermo-sensitive. Their viscosity decreases markedly with
increasing temperature. Accordingly, a decrease in viscosity, which might cause an
increase in adhesion forces, can be equally achieved by increasing temperature or
moisture content. Crystalline substances, which might contain crystal water, absorb
practically no water molecules until they dissolve, while exceeding their critical
relative humidity. Thus, below the critical relative humidity, variations in air
humidity do not affect the mechanical properties of the material. Furthermore,
temperature variations below the melting temperature do not change the mechani-
cal material properties of crystalline structures significantly. When exceeding the
melting temperature the material liquefies completely at constant temperature.
In addition delisquence phenomena might further increase the moisture sensitiv-
ity of particle mixtures.
Increasing adhesion forces between particles are a prerequisite for any caking
process. Adhesion can be either linked to the development of material bridges or
increasing of Van der Waals forces between neighboring particles. For most caking
processes the following adhesion mechanisms are relevant:
l Increasing Van der Waals forces due to visco-elastic or plastic deformation
l Liquid bridges with low viscosity containing a low concentration of mono-,
oligo- or polymers or ions
l Liquid bridges with medium or high viscosity containing a high concentration of
dissolved oligomers or polymers
l Amorphous solid bridges
l Crystalline solid bridges
There is no clear transition from high viscous liquid bridges to amorphous solid
bridges. Generally, an amorphous solid is discussed if the viscosity exceeds
1010–1011 Pas. Depending on the nature of the particles, these listed adhesion
mechanisms can contribute to increasing the adhesion force F holding neighboring
particles together. The tensile strength of manufactured agglomerates depends on
the strength of these adhesion forces acting between primary particles. According to
Rumpf (1970), the tensile strength of an agglomerate composed of spheres with a
diameter a can be estimated through (19.1):
1e p
st ¼ KF K (19.1)
p a2 e
where F is the adhesion force between two spheres, e is the porosity of the agglo-
merate, and K represents the coordination number of the primary particles of the
agglomerate. For spherical particles K is approximately equal to p/e (Rumpf 1970).
494 S. Palzer and K. Sommer
Adhesion between food particles can be linked to increasing Van der Waals
forces, which are electrostatic forces generated by temporary load shifts in neigh-
boring molecules. The Van der Waals force FvdW between two deformed particles
can be estimated according to Lifshitz (1956) and Hamaker (1937). Except for
plastically deformable particles, most caking processes are not caused by increasing
Van der Waals forces. However, plastic or visco-elastic deformation of particles
leading to increasing number of contact points, increasing contact area, and
decreasing distance between neighboring particle surfaces might enhance caking
caused by sintering of amorphous substances.
Caking might be also linked to dissolution and re-crystallization of crystalline
material. The required water can be liberated in a powder bulk by condensation of
humidity from the air or re-crystallization of humid amorphous material. If suffi-
cient water is liberated, liquid bridges between the particles are generated. Dissolu-
tion of low molecular weight substances in the liquid changes the viscosity of the
liquid bridges only slightly. Thus, the strength of liquid bridges containing mainly
dissolved low-molecular substances or a low concentration of polymers mainly
depends on capillary forces. The capillary pressure pc in a liquid bridge can be
calculated based on the surface tension g, the wetting angle Y, the radius s of
the meniscus of the liquid bridge, and the radius x of the cross-section area of the
bridge. Assuming that the particles are spherical, the tensile strength st of a humid
powder bulk or agglomerate, stabilized by liquid bridges exhibiting a low viscosity,
can be estimated according to Rumpf (1958) through (19.2):
1e 2g
st ¼ S C cos y (19.2)
e a
where S is the saturation of the porous agglomerate with liquid (ratio of liquid
volume versus total void volume within the agglomerate), C is a constant parameter
(monodisperse spheres: C ¼ 6) (Rumpf 1958), e is the porosity of the agglomerate,
g is the surface tension of the liquid, a is the diameter of the primary particles, and
Y represents the contact angle between the liquid and the solid substance.
The adhesion forces caused by aqueous liquid bridges containing dissolved
substances can be further increased by drying. Finally, the liquid bridge is trans-
formed into a solid bridge (Fig. 19.2). Depending on the drying velocity, solid
bridges with amorphous or crystalline structures are obtained.
Fig. 19.2 Formation of liquid and solid bridges between crystalline particles (e.g., due to storage
at varying relative humidity RH or delisquence)
19 Caking of Water-Soluble Amorphous and Crystalline Food Powders 495
st ¼ ð 1 eÞ s s (19.3)
where Vdiss is the dissolved solid volume within the entire agglomerate, Vagglo is the
volume of the agglomerate, ss represents the tensile strength of the solid substance
building the bridge after drying, and e is the agglomerate porosity. The tensile
strength of liquid bridges containing polymer molecules also depends on the strain
rate applied during the measurement.
For many powders sintering is the main mechanism leading to time consolida-
tion of the powder bulk. Like low-viscosity liquid droplets, amorphous particles
tend to adopt a spherical shape. By bringing two amorphous particles into contact
with each other, they can be considered as one new single particle. To minimize the
free surface area of this newly created particle, molecules are transported to the
contact point between the two primary particles (Fig. 19.3). Such a process is called
sintering. The driving force behind the sinter process is the difference between the
capillary pressure at the contact point between the particles and the Laplace
pressure in the volume of the two initial particles.
Since the capillary pressure is directly linked to the vapor pressure in the
continuous gas phase surrounding the particles, a gradient of the vapor pressure
exists across the particle. Based on these local differences between capillary and
vapor pressure and depending on how big the substances vapor pressure of the
substance is, different molecular transport mechanisms are observed. The relevant
literature (Kuczynski 1949; Schatt 1992; Wagner 1997) distinguishes between
transport of molecules through the vapor phase, surface diffusion, volume diffu-
sion, and grain-boundary diffusion. Substances having a medium or high vapor
pressure can be transported via the gas phase surrounding the particles. The sinter-
ing substance evaporates at convex particle surfaces, which exhibit a high vapor
pressure. Following the evaporation, molecules are transported by diffusion
through the gas phase to the concave meniscus of the bridge between two particles.
Such concave structures are characterized by a lower vapor pressure. The material
condenses at the contact point between the particles and builds a sinter bridge
a particle diameter
x diameter of the sinter bridge
s radius of curvature between the particles
a x volume diffusion
pc1 vapour pressure above the particles
pc2 vapour pressure above the sinter bridge
surface diffusion
condensation sublimation
pc2 < 0 pc1 < 0
4 g 2 Ft t
¼ þ (19.5)
a 5 a 5 p a2 Z
Both equation (19.4) and (19.5) are only valid for the initial phase of the sinter
process. For nonspherical particles, the relevant radius a must be estimated based
on the curvature radius at the contact point between the particles. A prerequisite for
a sinter process is molecular contact between the particles. A moderate force (e.g.,
caused by weight of particles) pressing the particles together ensures a continuous
contact between the particles during sintering. Except for pressure agglomeration
the impact of the force Ft on the sinter kinetic can be neglected. Variations in surface
tension are mostly limited. Hence, viscosity (which might vary by magnitudes)
(Palzer 2006, 2009a) governs the sinter kinetic. As mentioned before, the viscosity
of water-soluble amorphous substances depends on their moisture content w and the
temperature T. Combining the Gordon-Taylor equation with the Williams-Landel-
Ferry equation (Palzer 2009a), and considering the fact that due to sorption or
desorption processes the humidity of the amorphous substance might change as a
function of time, equation (19.6) is obtained:
x2 ð
tmax CðTTg ðtÞÞ
4 g 2 Ft 1
¼ þ 10 BþðTTg ðtÞÞ
dt (19.6)
a 5 a 5 p a2 g
Where tmax is the time available for the sinter process. By combining (19.1) with
(19.6) the tensile strength of sintered agglomerates can be estimated.
tmax CðTTg ðtÞÞ
ð1=eÞ p 4 g 2 Ft
st ¼ ss ðT; w; oÞ þ Z1 10 BþðTTg ðtÞÞ dt (19.7)
e 5 a 5 p a2 g
initial phase of the process the powder starts to become sticky and particles adhere
to each other. They form brittle lumps, and with progressing sintering, a mechani-
cally stable powder cake is obtained. During a later phase of sintering, particles
missing a stabilizing inner structure (built of non-dissolving substances) lose their
structure and shape. The powder structure collapses, open pores in the particle
package disappear, and finally a highly viscous, amorphous melt is obtained. The
shape of some particles (e.g., dehydrated vegetable or fruit pieces) is preserved by
an insoluble matrix (e.g., composed of cellulose, fat, or proteins) and, thus, no
structural collapse of such powders is observed.
When water-soluble amorphous substances are stored in a high-humidity
environment they absorb water and thus their viscosity decreases. Although
sintering is accelerated due to the decreasing viscosity, the tensile strength of
the growing sinter bridges decreases with increasing water content. Due to the
progressing absorption of water, the strength of the powder cake first increases
and then in a later phase of the process decreases again. At low moisture content,
or in the early phase of the sintering process, the diameter of the sinter bridge
limits the stability of the particle cake. The growing diameter of the sinter bridges
leads to an increasing strength of the cake. With progressing moisture absorption
the viscosity of the bridge decreases and thus the strength of the powder cake
decreases again. Finally, the powder structure collapses and a pasty mass is
obtained. The viscosity of amorphous substances is also reduced at elevated
temperatures, leading to an accelerated sintering of the particles and a steadily
increasing strength of the powder cake.
Crystalline water-soluble powders behave differently when exposed to high
humidity or temperature. If their critical humidity is temporarily exceeded they
will partially dissolve. The formed low viscosity liquid bridges are often rather
fragile. However, a stable powder cake can be formed if the absorbed water
evaporates again enabling a re-crystallization of the dissolved substance. Caking
of crystalline powders stored in closed containers can thus be induced by conden-
sation and evaporation of moisture due to temperature variations. The condensate
builds liquid bridges between the particles. After a short time span the liquid
forming these bridges is saturated with the dissolving substance. If the condensed
water is later evaporated at increasing temperature stable bridges between the
particles are formed.
σx τxy
Fig. 19.5 Normal and shear stresses acting on a prism-shaped powder element
of the plane separating the powder prism from the remaining powder volume is
characterized by the angle a. The normal and shear stresses acting on or in this
plane are sa and ta (Fig. 19.5).
A necessary condition for yielding of the powder is that the two shear stresses
acting on the powder prism are equal to each other (txy ¼ tyx). By establishing
the force balances for the prism-shaped powder element shown in Fig. 19.5, the
equations for calculating the shear stress ta and the normal stress sa acting in the
inclined shear plane can be deducted ((19.8) and (19.9)), where dh is the depth of
the element and dl represents the length of the shear plane.
There are two values for the angle a for which the shear stress ta in the shear
plane equals zero.
1 2 txy 1 2 txy p
a¼ arctan or a¼ arctan
2 sx sy 2 sx s y 2 (19.10)
) ta ¼ 0
The normal stresses in the shear plane corresponding to these two angles are
called main consolidation stress s1 and s2. Knowing s1, s2, and the inclination
500 S. Palzer and K. Sommer
angle a allows calculation of the normal stress and the shear stress acting on the
powder element.
s1 þ s2 s1 s2
sxy ¼ cos 2a
2 2 (19.11)
s 1 s2
txy ¼ sin 2a
t ¼ tan j s þ C (19.12)
where je is the angle for stationary flow and j is the flow angle of incipient flow.
Following the theory of the mono-axial and the bi-axial stress states, two Mohr
circles can be constructed to which the yield locus is tangential. The pre-shear point
a b
t t
ta ta
sa sa s2
a F a Fx
s,t txy s,t
s1 s1
a a
s s2 s Fy Fy
s1=st sx s1
s1 s1
sa s2
sa F Fx
ta ta
Fig. 19.6 Mohr’s circle for the mono-axial (a) and bi-axial (b) stress states
19 Caking of Water-Soluble Amorphous and Crystalline Food Powders 501
t t
stationary flow pre-shear point
incipient flow
yield locus
Fig. 19.7 Determining the yield locus based on results from shear tests
is located on the larger Mohr circle, which represents the bi-axial stress state. The
normal stress at which the smaller Mohr circle intersects with the vertical stress axis
is called unconfined yield strength sc. The unconfined yield strength is a measure of
the stability of the powder cake and can thus be used to quantify caking. The normal
stress at which the larger of the two Mohr circles intersects with the vertical stress
axis is called principle consolidation stress s1 (Fig. 19.7).
The flow factor ffc of a powder is calculated as the ratio between the principle
consolidation stress s1 and the unconfined yield stress sc. It characterizes the
powder’s flowability at the powder density achieved during pre-shearing.
ffc ¼ (19.13)
Based on the flow factor, Jenicke (1970) published the following scale for
grouping powders concerning their flowability.
ffc < 1 hardened
1 < ffc < 2 very cohesive
2 < ffc < 4 cohesive
4 < ffc < 10 easy flowing
ffc > 10 free flowing
19.3.1 Materials
The spray-dried dextrose syrup used in the reported trials has a dextrose equivalent
(DE) of 20–23, an initial water content of 4% (db) (water activity, aw ¼ 0.18), and a
mean particle diameter x50,3 of (150 25) mm. The yeast extract is characterized by
a mean particle diameter x50,3 of (101 34) mm. The sodium chloride has a mean
502 S. Palzer and K. Sommer
particle diameter x50,3 of (507 75) mm and a water content below 0.1% (db). The
sucrose used is purified (99% pure sucrose). The crystalline sucrose powder has a
particle diameter x50,3 of (643 66) mm and contains less than 0.1% water (db).
The spray-dried amorphous sucrose powder has a diameter x50,3 of (135 22) mm.
a b
normal load FN
Cell cover
powder sample Bar
shear cell
Acryl Glass Cap
Shear Cell
Fig. 19.8 Principle of a ring shear tester (a) and cells used for time consolidation trials (b)
19 Caking of Water-Soluble Amorphous and Crystalline Food Powders 503
for the constant powder density achieved by the chosen normal stress used for
Time-consolidation trials using a ring shear tester are performed as follows: The
samples are filled in ring-shear cells. A pre-shearing of the samples provides a
defined powder density. Next, the shear cells are stored under controlled conditions
for a defined time. The cover ring of the cell lying on the powder carries a defined
weight during storage. Each cell has a housing in which the temperature and the
relative humidity of the air can be adjusted individually (Fig. 19.8b). Before and
after storage, the flowability of the powder sample stored in the ring cell is
measured in a shear tester (Fig. 19.8a). The observed increase in unconfined yield
strength and the calculated increase of the flow-factor are appropriate measures to
quantify the intensity of caking.
To quantify the caking intensity, the unconfined yield strength sc of the initial
sample and the stored powder has to be compared with each other. Either the
increase in unconfined yield strength sct or the decrease in the flow factor ffc can
be used for quantifying the degree of caking. Empirically, it has been found that
strong caking corresponds to an increase in unconfined yield strength of more than
500–1,000 Pa.
One of the major drawbacks of time consolidation experiments in ring-shear
cells is the hampered exchange of moisture between the air and the sample during
the consolidation phase. Contrary to such test conditions, in practice moisture
absorption and time consolidation are often parallel processes, which are difficult
to separate from each other.
In the current study caking of pure dextrose syrup (DE 21) was investigated. In the
first series of trials the sintering of two amorphous dextrose syrup particles (DE 21)
was monitored. Two particles were exposed at constant temperature of 25 C to
relative humidity of 70%. Both particles were placed on a silanized hydrophobic
glass plate and the relative humidity of the surrounding air was adjusted by using a
saturated salt solution. Figure 19.9 shows the water content of the particles depen-
dent on storage time and images of the growing sinter bridge developed between the
two particles.
The absorbed moisture leads to a decreasing viscosity of the amorphous matrix
and thus sintering is accelerated. A stable sinter bridge is obtained after 3–6 h of
storage. Finally, the two particles coalesce and form a single viscous droplet.
Such changes also happen in a bulk of amorphous water-soluble particles stored
at elevated humidity and temperature.
504 S. Palzer and K. Sommer
10 T, aw
9 saturated salt solution
silanised glass plate
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
time t/h
Fig. 19.9 Moisture content and visual appearance of two dextrose syrup particles (DE 21) stored
at 25 C and 70% RH as a function of storage time
250 µm 100 µm 60 µm
Fig. 19.10 Sintering of spray-dried tomato and spray-dried dextrose syrup (DE 21) powders
stored at 10–20 C above their glass transition temperatures
19 Caking of Water-Soluble Amorphous and Crystalline Food Powders 505
Figure 19.10 shows a dextrose syrup powder and a tomato powder, which were
both stored at 10–20 C above their glass transition temperatures. With progressing
storage time the dextrose syrup particles sinter together and finally the powder
completely loses its structure. The tomato powder particles also sinter together.
However, dehydrated cell walls, which are mainly composed of water insoluble
cellulose and hemicellulose, preserve their structure. Thus, no complete collapse of
the particle structure is observed.
As already discussed, the sinter bridge diameter can also be calculated using
equations (19.5) or (19.6). Figure 19.11 shows a comparison of the calculated sinter
bridge diameter (19.6) with the measured sinter bridge diameter between two
dextrose syrup particles stored at 30 C and 70% RH (see also Fig. 19.9).
The calculated kinetics of sintering is in good agreement with the measured
increase of the diameter of the sinter bridge. Despite the various assumptions and
simplifications made, equation (19.6) allows a satisfying prediction of the sinter
kinetic of amorphous water-soluble particles. Possibly, the accuracy of the predic-
tion can be further improved by taking into account a moisture gradient along the
particle diameter. Using the Navier–Stokes equations for a pair of sintering parti-
cles, the viscosity gradient corresponding to the moisture distribution inside the
particles has to be considered.
Ratio sinter bridge / particle diameter (x/a) / ..
Calculated x/a for a = 255 μm
Calculated x/a for a = 355 μm
0.3 Calculated x/a for a = 410 μm
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
time t / min
Fig. 19.11 Comparison between the calculated and measured sinter bridge/particle diameter ratio
for pairs of spray-dried dextrose syrup particles (DE 21) stored at 30 C and 75% RH (Tg ¼ 4 C;
gl,g ¼ 70 mNm, Z ¼ 106 Pas)
506 S. Palzer and K. Sommer
Fig. 19.12 Collapse of a package of dextrose syrup particles exposed to increasing temperature
(DE 21; 10% moisture (wb); heated in an oil bath at oil temperature of 90 C)
yeast extract aw=0.17 t=96h
1800 yeast extract aw=0.17 t=0h initial yield locus
time consolidation yield locus
Shear stress τ / Pa
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Normal stress σ / Pa
Fig. 19.13 Initial shear locus of yeast extract and shear locus of yeast extract stored for 5 days at
10 C above Tg (ring shear tester; T ¼ 25 C; aw ¼ 0.17, t ¼ 96 h; consolidation stress 1,200 Pa)
extract shown in Fig. 19.13 exhibits a strong caking that corresponds with an
increase in unconfined yield strength of roughly 1,000 Pas. Similar results can be
obtained using dextrose syrup, maltodextrine powders, or other water-soluble
amorphous food powders.
It is necessary to predict such caking of amorphous powders in order to reduce
manufacturing costs and to avoid a decrease in quality of the final product.
Assuming a constant viscosity of the amorphous substance forming the bridge,
the unconfined yield strength should be a function of the average sinter bridge
diameter. In Fig. 19.14 the unconfined yield strength of spray-dried tomato powder,
dextrose syrup, and hydrolyzed whey permeate (Teunou and Fitzpatrick 1999a, b)
is plotted against the calculated squared ratio between the diameter of the sinter
bridge and the particle diameter (x/a)2. The ratio (x/a)2 is calculated through (19.6).
According to the results obtained, the unconfined yield strength increases with the
increasing ratio (x/a)2 more or less linearly for (x/a)2 values exceeding 0.05. The
observed onset of consolidation is in agreement with the studies of Downtown et al.
(1982), Wallack and King (1988), and Aguilera et al. (1993) who observed a caking
if the ratio between the radius of the sinter bridge and the particle diameter x/a
exceeds a value ranging from 0.01 to 0.1. According to (19.7) the unconfined yield
strength of the powder cake should theoretically increase linearly with (x/a)2. Such
correlation can be confirmed for values of (x/a)2 exceeding 0.05 (Fig. 19.14).
In the initial phase of the storage process the growth of the sinter bridge might be
delayed due to incomplete contact between the particles. The gap at the contact
points between single particles has to be bridged before the development of the
bridge is initiated. Such a delay of the sinter process might explain why a theoretical
ratio (x/a)2 of 0.05 has to be exceeded before a linear increase in tensile strength is
observed. Another explanation is that the initial powder is in disequilibrium with
hydrolysed whey permeate
45000 [Teunou & Fitzpatrick, 1999]
dextrose syrup DE21
40000 spray/belt dried tomato powder
unconfined yield strength σc / Pa
Tomato powder; ring shear cell
25000 64 h; T-Tg=+10°C; (x/a)2=0.175
Fig. 19.14 Measured unconfined yield strength of tomato powder, dextrose syrup DE 21, and
hydrolyzed whey permeate plotted against the calculated ratio (x/a)2 (19.6)
508 S. Palzer and K. Sommer
the surrounding air and in the early phase of the experiments moisture still migrates
into the particles. Only the moisture content on the particle surface is used for
calculating the diameter of the sinter bridge, although the viscosity of the particle
inside is also relevant for sintering by viscous flow. Hence, a calculation based
purely on the initial moisture content of the particle surface at the beginning of the
process yields too large bridge diameters.
Apparently, the risk of caking can be predicted through the calculated sinter
bridge diameter. It is important to notice that equation (19.6) used for calculating
the theoretical ratio (x/a)2 is valid only for the initial phase of the sintering process.
Furthermore, dehydrated cell structures in the tomato powder particles bind the
strongly plasticized amorphous substance through capillary forces and some sub-
stances might crystallize. Thus, the availability of amorphous material (which
builds the sinter bridges) might be limited. Consequently, the real growth kinetic
of the sinter bridge can deviate significantly from the predicted growth rate.
Despite all the mentioned effects, it has been demonstrated that the risk of caking
of water-soluble amorphous powders can be predicted by calculating the theoretical
sinter bridge diameter. The influence of viscosity, which might vary by order of
magnitudes due to increasing moisture and/or increasing temperature, dominates by
far most of the other effects. The general conclusion is that caking can be expected
when the calculated (x/a)2 value exceeds 0.05.
components in the mix. There are very few scientific studies that investigate the caking
of complex powder mixes in view of the particle size distribution and the particle
shape of single components.
In the current study, the caking of binary mixes of amorphous spray-dried yeast
extract and amorphous spray-dried dextrose syrup powder (DE 21) was investigated
through time consolidation experiments performed in ring-shear cells. The two
powders are characterized by a similar particle size distribution. Both powder
components were stored for 3 days in the form of a thin powder layer at 25 C
and a relative humidity (RH) of 17 or 35%. Because the yeast extract powder starts
to cake during storage at a relative humidity of 35%, it was sieved again before
being mixed with a varying amount of dextrose syrup powder. The powder mixes,
characterized by a water activity of 0.17 or 0.35 and containing different amounts of
yeast extract and dextrose syrup, were filled into the shear cells, pre-sheared, and
stored at 25 C for 96 h under a consolidation (normal) stress of 1,100–1,300 Pa. At
relative humidity of 35% the dextrose syrup has a glass transition temperature of
50–60 C, while that of the yeast extract is roughly 15 C. Thus, it can be expected
that the yeast extract particles will be strongly plasticized as the dextrose syrup
remains glassy. Figure 19.15 shows the measured yield loci dependent on storage
time, humidity, and composition of the blend.
At water activity of 0.17 and corresponding relative humidity of 17%, the shear
stress required for yielding for all powder blends is comparably low. All dextrose
syrup/yeast extract blends are free-flowing. The flowability of powder blends
containing yeast extract, which was conditioned at relative humidity of 35%,
significantly decreases if the blend contains more than 25% yeast extract.
0-50% dextrose syrup; aw=0.35; 96 h: 100% DS; aw=0.17; 0 h
11000 not measurable 75% DS; aw=0.17; 0 h
50% DS; aw=0.17; 0 h
25% DS; aw=0.17; 0 h
75% dextrose syrup 0% DS; aw=0.17; 0 h
9000 aw=0.35; t=96 h 100% DS; aw=0.17; 96 h 50% yeast extract;
Shear stress τ / Pa
Fig. 19.15 Yield loci of different dextrose syrup/yeast extract blends at a water activity of 17% or
35% (storage time 0 h and 96 h; consolidation stress 1,100–1,300 Pa; bulk density 480–490 kg/m3)
510 S. Palzer and K. Sommer
Fig. 19.16 Unconfined yield strength dependent on the principle consolidation stress for different
non-stored dextrose syrup/yeast extract blends with different water activity (storage time 0 h;
pre-shear stress 1,100–1,300 Pa; powder density 480–490 kg/m3)
19 Caking of Water-Soluble Amorphous and Crystalline Food Powders 511
0-50% yeast extract
96 h not measurable! water activity aw=0.35 / not stored
Fig. 19.17 Unconfined yield strength dependent on the principle consolidation stress for different
stored dextrose syrup/yeast extract blends with water activity aw of 0.35 (storage time t ¼ 0 h and
t ¼ 96 h; pre-shear stress 1,100–1,300 Pa; powder density 480–490 kg/m3)
strongly plasticized and, thus, ring shear tests are not the appropriate method to
characterize their flowability. Hence, flowability of these powder mixes was
described only qualitatively.
In a second series of trials the caking of powder blends composed of amorphous
spray-dried dextrose syrup (DE 21; aw ¼ 0.17) and amorphous maltodextrine (DE 6;
aw ¼ 0.20) was investigated. Both spray-dried powders, which are mixes of differ-
ent dextrose oligomers, have a similar particle size distribution. Different blends of
the components of these two powders were stored in the form of a thin layer in open
tins at 30 C and 70% RH. The caking intensity of the different powder blends is
described using a predefined semi-quantitative scale. Contrary to the time consoli-
dation trials in ring-shear cells, an exchange of moisture between the powder layer
in the tins and the surrounding air is possible. At 30 C and relative humidity of 70%
the glass transition temperature Tg of the dextrose syrup is exceeded by 30 C,
whereas for the maltodextrine the difference between storage temperature T and Tg
is smaller than 5 C. Accordingly, it can be expected that only the dextrose syrup
particles will sinter together with solid surfaces or neighboring particles. The results
of the trials are summarized in Table 19.1.
Apparently, a concentration of 17–20% of the sintering component is required for
time consolidation of the entire powder blend (Palzer 2006). Assuming a systematic
mix of powder fractions, a similar size of the particles, and a cubic particle package,
one adhesive particle should be able to bind six surrounding non-adhesive particles.
This theoretical ratio (1:6) is equal to a mass fraction of 14%. Since the adhesive
particles are neither systematically distributed within the mix nor is an ideal cubic
particle package given, it is not surprising that the experimentally determined
512 S. Palzer and K. Sommer
Table 19.1 Caking of dextrose syrup DE 21/maltodextrine DE 6 blends stored at 30 C/70% RH
Concentration of 0 10 14 17 20 33 50 67 80 83 86 100
dextrose syrup/% (1:9) (1:6) (1:5) (1:4) (1:2) (1:1) (2:1) (4:1) (5:1) (6:1)
(DE 21: DE 6)
Storage time t ¼ 0 h – – – – – – – – – – – –
Storage time t ¼ 24 h – – – – + + + + + + + +
Storage time t ¼ 72 h – – – + + + + + + + + +
Storage time t ¼ 168 h – – – + + + + + + + + +
() free flowing; (+) caked
Table 19.2 Caking intensity and crystallinity of skim milk powder stored at 30 C/70% RH
Storage time t/h 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 18 20 22 24
Caking intensity – – – – (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+)
Crystallinity of lactose (% of total 8 52 74 84 86 87 87 96 97 100 100 100
() free flowing; (+) slightly caked
component exceeds 15–20% in the mix. However, due to interactions between the
different substances, time consolidation of mixes of water-soluble crystalline and
amorphous powders is sometimes observed at temperature/moisture conditions in
which the isolated pure components of the mix remain free flowing.
Aguilera J, Levi G, Karel M (1993) Effect of water content on the glass transition and caking of
fish protein hydrolysates. Biotechnol Prog 9:651–654
Aguilera J, Valle J, Karel M (1995) Caking phenomena in amorphous food powders. Trends Food
Sci Technol 6:149
Downtown G, Flores-Luna J, King C (1982) Mechanism of stickiness in hygroscopic, amorphous
powders. Ind Eng Chem Fundam 21:447–451
Frenkel J (1945) Viscous flow of crystalline bodies under action of surface tension. J Phys (USSR)
Hamaker H (1937) The London-Van der Waals attraction between spherical particles. Physica
Jenike, A.W. (1970) Storage and flow of solids. Bull. 123, Eng. Exp. Station, University of Utah,
Salt Lake City/US
Kuczynski G (1949) Self-diffusion in sintering of metallic particles. J Metal 1(2):169–178
Lifshitz E (1956) The theory of molecular attraction forces between solids. Soviet Phys JETP
Lloyd R, Chen X, Hargreaves J (1996) Glass transition and caking of spray-dried lactose. Journal
of Food Science Technology 31:305–311
PalzerS (2006) Influence of supra-molecular structure and storage conditions on the caking of
powders. Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Particle Technology 2006, paper no. 231a
Palzer S (2009a) Influence of material properties on the agglomeration of water-soluble amor-
phous particles. Powder Technol 189:318–326
Palzer S (2010) Relating the supra-molecular structure of water-soluble food solids with their
material properties. Trends in Food Science and Technology 21(1):12–25
Peleg M, Mannheim C (1977) The mechanism of caking of powdered onion. J Food Proc
Preserv 1:3
Rumpf H (1958) Grundlagen und Methoden des Granulierens. Chem Ing Techn 30(3):144–158
Rumpf H (1970) Zur Theorie der Zugfestigkeit von Agglomeraten bei Kraft€ubertragung an
Kontaktpunkten. Chem Ing Techn 42(8):538–540
Rumpf H, Sommer K, Steier K (1976) Mechanismen der Haftkraftverst€arkung bei der Partikel-
haftung durch plastisches Verformen. Sintern und viskoelastisches Fliessen. Chem Ing Tech
Schatt W (1992) Sintervorg€ange – Grundlagen. VDI Verlag, D€usseldorf/G
Schreyer E, Palzer S, Sommer K (2008) Sorption, sintering and caking behaviour of binary
mixtures of amorphous and crystalline particles. Workshop on Particle & Powder Technology
as applied to foods, nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals. Massy Paris/France
Teunou E, Fitzpatrick J (1999a) Characterization of food powder flowability. J Food Eng 39:31–37
Teunou E, Fitzpatrick J (1999b) Effect of relative humidity and temperature on food powder
flowability. J Food Eng 42:109–116
Tomas J (1996) Zum Verfestigungsprozeß von Sch€ uttg€
utern – Mikroprozesse, Kinetikmodelle und
Anwendungen. Sch€ uttgut 2(1):31–50
Wagner T (1997) Kaltspr€ uhen ein- und mehrphasiger Fl€ ussigkeiten. Ph.D. thesis, Food Process
Engineering, Department of Food Science, ETH Z€ urich/CH
Wallack D, King C (1988) Sticking and agglomeration of hygroscopic, amorphous carbohydrates
and food powders. Biotechnol Prog 4:31–35
Chapter 20
Effective Drying Zones and Nonlinear Dynamics
in a Laboratory Spray Dryer
20.1 Introduction
Extensive experimental spray drying tests have been carried out by various
researchers to assess drying kinetics inside the chamber (Zbicinski et al. 2002).
At the beginning of this decade, about 20,000 spray dryers were used commercially
for processing agrochemical, biotechnological, chemical, pharmaceutical, and food
products. Evaporative capacities of spray drying equipment are in the range of
1–10 L/h for laboratory units and up to about 200 t/h for large-scale processing
(Mujumdar and Devahastin 2000). Use of inadequate drying systems and incorrect
drying conditions may lead to obtaining products in which added value and physical
and chemical properties do not meet the required specifications. Also, in some
cases, deposition of wet or rubbery product on the wall of the drying chamber may
occur, causing enormous economical losses (Goula and Adamopoulos 2004).
Selecting drying conditions, atomizing device, and size and geometry of the drying
chamber must take into account the desired characteristics of the product and, in
most cases, involve complex mass and heat transfer calculations. The most com-
mon food powders are baby foods, dairy products, proteins, coffee and tea extracts,
flavors and encapsulated fats (Chen and Patel 2008; Goula and Adamopoulos
2008). The amount of moisture removed from a droplet inside the drying chamber
depends on the mechanisms that govern the evaporation rate and the residence time
of the droplet in each zone of the equipment. This phenomenon can be described
using transport equations, CFD (Seydel et al. 2006; Zbicinski and Li 2006) and
nonlinear considerations (Van den Bleek et al. 2002).
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 515
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_20, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
516 U.R. Morales-Durán et al.
Some authors consider that atomization is a key stage in the process (Allen and
Bakker 1994; Furuta et al. 1994; Oakley 1994). Type of atomizer and feed partially
determine the kind of drying chamber to be used and the energy spent in atomizing.
Size distribution of the spray as well as particle trajectory and velocity inside the
chamber and powder collection system will also contribute to the overall quality of
the operation (Filoková and Mujumdar 1995; Chawla 1994). Moreover, in some
cases particles can produce turbulence, which in time can lead to different rates
of transport that may affect the quality of the product using the same equipment
(Van den Bleek et al. 2002).
Special attention should be given to drying times, trajectories of particles, and
the time that droplets take to reach the wall of the dryer. Chamber diameter and
volume play a key role regarding this issue (Gutiérrez et al. 1997, 1998).
Droplets of variable size and different morphology should reach the wall and
leave the dryer at the desired final moisture content. For certain foods, drops in
spray dryers often approach and reach the boiling temperature of the dissolvent
(water in most food related applications); vapor generation may cause particles
to grow in size and then collapse. Bubbles may form and collapse repeatedly
in a process known as morphological development (Hecht and King 2000).
The complexity of the spray drying process makes experimental study of mass
transfer from individual drops impractical, which has induced research on
predicting moisture content as well as on morphological characteristics of
particles during the process by suspending a drop of the material under study
in a fixed position (Adhikari et al. 2000; Ferrari et al. 1989). In this context,
digital image analysis can play an important role when evaluating changes in
particle size, formation of crust, shrinkage, inflation, blow-up, presence of holes,
etc. (Adhikari et al. 2000; Aguilera and Stanley 1999). Reports on the prediction
of various thermal and hydrodynamic conditions have made it possible to
distinguish among different phenomena associated with droplet morphology
and have allowed the recognition of periods and actual drying zones in drying
chambers (Dolinsky 2001).
Identification of drying zones inside the chamber and change of moisture content
during dehydration may help to establish relationships between dryer design and
product quality. In this work, effective drying zones evaluated as heat transfer units
in the chamber as well as the morphological development of the particle using
digital image analysis are reported for a two-fluid nozzle laboratory co-current
spray dryer. Also, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been used in this work
to evaluate hydrodynamics to assess the effects of particle-gas interactions in the
effective drying zones. This has allowed the establishment of correlations between
lumped models and nonlinear considerations of air-particle interactions, including
the evaluation of Lyapunov coefficients and formation of attractors for trajectories
(Van den Bleek et al. 2002). Computer vision systems may be applied to aid
discussion of the usefulness of traditional design calculations and findings derived
from intensive computing exercises, as well as from advanced theories on chaotic
20 Effective Drying Zones and Nonlinear Dynamics in a Laboratory Spray Dryer 517
Testing material was, in all cases, 40% TS maltodextrin solution (20 ED) supplied
by Arancia Corn Products S.A. (Mexico). Experiments on trajectories of particles
were performed by using powdered maltodextrin (20 ED) supplied by the same
The spray dryer used in this work was a two-fluid nozzle co-current laboratory
spray dryer equipped with a peristaltic pump for feed fine control and cyclone for
powder collection. The dryer is depicted in Fig. 20.1. The dimensions of the drying
chamber were diameter 0.38 m, height 0.60 m, and height of cone 0.40 m. Details of
design and construction of the experimental dryer are given elsewhere (Alamilla-
Beltrán et al. 2001). The evaporative capacity of the dryer is 0.8 kg of evaporated
6 8
16 11
14 13
Fig. 20.1 Diagram of spray dryer. (a) Heater; (b) temperature recorder; (c) thermocouples; (d) air
to nozzle; (e) manometer; (f) rotameter; (g) liquid feed; (h) feed pump; (i) pulse dampener; (j)
thermoanemometer; (k) cyclone; (l) fan; (m) motor; (n) powder collector; (o) supporting structure;
(p) drying chamber
518 U.R. Morales-Durán et al.
0.38 m
Sampling points
0.6 m
0.1 m
The air drying temperature was evaluated using thermocouples type J. One thermo-
couple was fitted at the air inlet. A second thermocouple was positioned at the air
outlet duct at the bottom of the chamber. This thermocouple was used to measure the
outlet air drying temperature. The thermocouples were adapted to a digital register,
Barnant (model 692). The wet bulb temperature was measured at the same points and
inside the chamber at the sampling points (Fig. 20.2) during the drying process. With
dry bulb temperature and wet bulb temperatures, the enthalpy was calculated.
The product temperature was measured using the thermocouple collocated at the
sampling point A.
Particles obtained during drying experiments were observed using light micro-
scopy. The microscope (Zeiss Axiophot) was fitted with a 20 objective and blue
filter (total magnification 100 and 200, depending on drying experiment). The
illumination was provided by a light-field source. Images were obtained by means
of a digital camera (ZVS-47DE) with resolution of 640 480 pixels and captured
in a PC. KS400 ver. 3.01 software was used to process images and to determine the
diameter of individual particles. Mean diameter of particles at different heights in
the chamber was reported as the corresponding average value for powders collected
at the center of the spray-cone and at different heights along the drying chamber as
depicted in Fig. 20.2. Initial diameter of the droplet was measured using a particle
analyzer Malvern Series 2,600 at the feed rate and atomizing air pressure used in the
drying operation.
Mass flow rate of air (Gs) was evaluated by measuring the mean air velocity in the
air exhaust duct of the dryer with a hot-wire anemometer (Digital Thermoanem-
ometer TSI Inc., model 8330-M, USA). Mass flow rate of liquid (L) was evaluated
using a peristaltic pump (Masterflex-Cole Parmer Instrument, model 7521–40).
Spraying air was controlled by means of a rotameter (Blue White).
In this work, a proposal for the calculation of the effective drying height based on
the application of transfer units was applied. This methodology considers that
the longitude along which one of the fluids travels through the dryer is formed
520 U.R. Morales-Durán et al.
Gsa Y´
nH L1
Xi Ss
Yi+1 =
Ei = Ss(X1-Xi)
Tgi+1 Csi+1
Wri = (Li-Ss) –E i
TwaaO TgaaO Li = Ss + Wr i
Xw = 1-fs
CpL i = Li (1.675+2.512(Xw))
Tgi tLi
Gs' Yi Yi+1
Tgi+1 tLi+1
(Dti - Dti+1)
Dtm =
æ Dt ö
ln çç i ÷÷
è Dti+1 ø æ é Y + Yi ù ö
G = Gs' çç 1 + ê 1 ú ÷÷
è ë 2 ûø dc
Gsavg HtOG =
Gs' = Ua
The height of the heat transfer unit depends on the volumetric coefficient of heat
transfer and the volumetric airflow. It can be calculated as follows (Treybal 1996):
In the case of rotational dryers (in which air flows through a mass of dispersed
solids), the volumetric coefficient of heat transfer in kJ/(h) (m3 of dryer) ( C) can be
calculated with (20.3). This equation is based on the flow mass of drying air by unit
of transversal area, and the diameter of the same one (Friedman and Marshall 1949;
McCormick 1962).
G0s Cs
HtOG ¼ (20.2)
An increase in the speed of the gas will increase the exposed surface. The contact
air-particle consists of a mass of humid material in dispersed phase in contact with
drying air in the continuous phase.
522 U.R. Morales-Durán et al.
Ua ¼ 237 (20.3)
The number of transfer units and the length of a transfer unit are related by
means of (20.4) (Treybal 1996). This relationship allows determination of the value
of the effective drying height (Z) inside the drying chamber.
Simulation of the drying process was carried out using CFX 10.0. Drying air
velocity field was simulated using the k–e (Southwell and Langrish 2000; Langrish
et al. 2004). The Lagrangian–Euler approach was selected for the resolution of the
discrete phase. Drag force was assessed using the Schiller–Nauman correlation.
Airflow and particles-air interactions were also evaluated.
atomizing nozzle in the axial direction, which also corresponded to air velocity-
measuring points. Crops of images were obtained and fractal dimension of texture
(FDT) was evaluated by using the SDBC plugging of ImageJ (Chen et al. 2003).
Series 2 min long were recorded to observe oscillations of the FDT values. Time
series so obtained were processed to derive the corresponding Lyapunov coeffi-
cients of the system and the phase-space of reflected light (Wolf et al. 1985). These
calculations could render useful information on the nonlinear (chaotic) behavior of
the system and allow the derivation of important conclusions on overall tendencies
of flow into the dryer by calculating Kolmogorov Entropy values.
Evaluation of the number of transfer units allowed recognition of the three different
stages during drying. The experimental evidence of water removed from the
product (moisture content), temperatures of the drying air and the product (inside
the aspersion cone), along with changes in particle size (shrink and expansion) have
been associated with the stages of drying. Two of these factors are related to water
evaporated and shrinkage and a third with particle growth.
Initially, a first zone called the first drying stage was observed, in which
elimination of water solely occurs without the generation of powder. It would be
possible to assume that the flow in drying zones is less mixed than for zone 3 (or
that a controlling flow induced by the nozzle is generated). This section coincides
with the characteristics of stages I and II as reported by Dolinsky (2001).
A second zone, called the second drying stage was observed in which the
formation of the shell of the particle generates a powdered product with almost the
equivalent of the final moisture of the solid. For the low-temperature operation, a
93% loss of moisture was reached, while for high-temperature drying, the loss of total
humidity was 97%. In both cases, the temperature of the air reached minimum value.
Also, shrinkage of the particle was observed along with an incipient expansion.
At 200 C, particles shrank, mainly within the spraying cone. This could not be
appreciated at 170 C, but it is probable that similar phenomena would be observed
between 0.2 m and 0.3 m below the nozzle. At the same time, the temperature of
the product increased from the adiabatic-saturation temperature until the boiling
temperature of water was reached. Likewise, in this stage, the volumetric coefficient
of heat transfer had the highest value, suggesting the existence of a pattern of mixed-
flow. This section agrees with the characteristics of the stage III reported by Dolinsky
(2001). A better description of this mixed-flow can be carried out by applying CFD
techniques such as those described in the Materials and Methods section.
After the drying stages, a third zone, denominated as the expansion stage was
detected. In this phase it was observed that after shrinkage the particle begins to
expand. The size of the particle increased twofold and occasionally presented
cracking, and in some cases, explosion of the material and rupture of the shell
were observed. Particles that exploded were, in general, hollow spheres presenting
524 U.R. Morales-Durán et al.
thin crusts for high-temperature drying conditions and thick crusts for low-temperature
drying conditions. The presence of this stage is related to the temperature of the
drying air, the moisture of the particle, and the gradient of pressures between the
interior and the exterior of the droplet. In this zone, the loss of humidity was not
significant and it could be considered as not important for drying. Also, in this zone,
the temperature of the solid remained constant at its higher value. In this stage, the
volumetric coefficient of heat transfer presented its lower value. Stages IV and V as
reported by Dolinsky (2001) coincide with this expansion stage. The effective
height of drying represents the minimum longitude to carry out effective drying.
On the other hand, solids concentration of the feed, inlet air drying temperature,
mass flow of inlet product, mass flow of atomizing air, and type of feed can modify
the morphological development of the particle and, in consequence, the final
characteristics of the product. Changes in operating conditions will cause different
effective heights of drying. However, drying and expansion stages will be present
for this material. In Figs. 20.5 and 20.6, a pictorial representation of punctual
temperatures of air and images of the product are presented for both experimental
conditions. The shadowed areas represent each of the recognized drying stages.
In Fig. 20.7 a representation of nonsteady-state air patterns inside the chamber is
presented. No influence of the nozzle in this case was considered. It should be noted
that there is a recirculating airflow with a central downward jet similar to a flow in
an infinite plenum surrounded by an upward stream of air. The highest density of
upward flow vectors was found in the first and part of the second drying zone
corresponding to the effective drying zones evaluated earlier through the evaluation
Second Drying Stage
First Drying Stage
Temperature (°C)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Distance along the dryer (m)
Air drying Product
Fig. 20.5 Temperature profile of drying air and product inside the dryer and an image of the final
dried product, corresponding to the condition 170/145 C
20 Effective Drying Zones and Nonlinear Dynamics in a Laboratory Spray Dryer 525
Temperature (°C)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Distance along the dryer (m)
Air drying Product
Fig. 20.6 Temperature profile of drying air and product in the dryer and an image of the final dried
product, corresponding to the condition 200/173 C
(Vector 1)
[m s∧-1]
Fig. 20.7 CFD representation of non steady-state air patterns inside the chamber with no
influence of the nozzle
526 U.R. Morales-Durán et al.
of the transfer units, which may explain the intense drying in this region. In
Fig. 20.8, the representation of nonsteady-state air patterns with influence of the
nozzle is presented at different times of simulation. It is possible to observe that a
nonstable air pattern was found. However, in all cases, a denser zone of mixed
Velocity 5 s
(Contour 1)
[m s∧-1]
Velocity 10 s
(Contour 1)
[m s∧-1]
20 Effective Drying Zones and Nonlinear Dynamics in a Laboratory Spray Dryer 527
(upward and downward) flow was found, which confirms that effective drying
zones are found in the first zone (first and second drying zones) of the chamber.
In Fig. 20.9, it is possible to observe the simulated trajectories of the particles
used as tracers with no influence of the atomizing nozzle. Most particles were
directed to the bottom of dryer since drag dominated the process. However, when
the nozzle was considered in the simulation (Fig. 20.10), an imbalance of trajec-
tories was caused and the nozzle governed hydrodynamics. This phenomenon was
validated experimentally by feeding particles to the drying chamber. Images of an
air-particles mix were taken by illuminating the field with the laser beam. Reflected
light was scattered and seemed to present irregular patterns that were evaluated by
calculating their fractal dimension at different times. Surface 3.D plots of gray-level
intensity are shown in Fig. 20.11; they show the heterogeneity of laser beam
reflection in the particles and are an indicator of oscillation of the air-particle
flow. FDT was presented in the form of phase-space graphs, and the formation of
attractors was evident. For 10 cm axial distance from the top, Lyapunov coefficients
in the range of 3.46–13.62 were obtained, while for 30 cm the coefficients were
Fig. 20.9 Simulated trajectories of the particles used as tracers with no influence of the atomizing
nozzle; most particles were directed to the bottom of the dryer since drag dominated the process
528 U.R. Morales-Durán et al.
Fig. 20.10 Simulated trajectories of the particles used as tracers with the presence of the
atomizing nozzle showing an imbalance of trajectories
5.44–11.63. These results also confirmed that more turbulent zones are found
around the atomizer and within the first drying zone evaluated earlier through the
evaluation of the transfer units, which may explain the intense drying in this region.
These results also agree with those obtained by Huang et al. (2005) who used a k–e
model and found that the highest turbulence was around the atomizing device. In
Figs. 20.12 and 20.13, graphs on the oscillations of FDT and corresponding
Lyapunov coefficients are presented, as well as phase-space diagrams showing
the obtained attractors at 10 and 30 cm axial distance from the top of the dryer.
20.4 Conclusions
The application of the concept of the number of transfer units in spray drying
allowed the establishment of three stages related to the drying of the material. An
initial first drying stage was identified, in which the product temperature remained
20 Effective Drying Zones and Nonlinear Dynamics in a Laboratory Spray Dryer 529
X Axial 1, t= 1.20 S
X Axial 3, t= 1.44 S
Greyscale intensity
Greyscale intensity
X Axial 1, t= 1.80 S
X Axial 3, t= 2.16 S
Greyscale intensity
Greyscale intensity
X Axial 1, t= 2.40 S
X Axial 3, t= 2.88 S
Fig. 20.11 Surface 3-D plots of gray-level intensity corresponding to laser beam reflection on
particles, showing heterogeneity of flow at: (a) 10 cm and (b) 30 cm axial distance from the nozzle
530 U.R. Morales-Durán et al.
De-phased FDT
2.6 2.61 2.62 2.63 2.64 2.65 2.66 2.67 2.68 2.69 2.7
De-phased FDT
2.6 2.62 2.64 2.66 2.68 2.7 2.72
Fig. 20.12 Phase-space diagrams of FDT showing the presence of an attractor at: (a) 10 cm and (b)
30 cm axial distance from the nozzle. The 45 straight line shows the nearest neighboring points
constant and near to the adiabatic saturation temperature of the drying air. A second
drying stage was identified, which showed an increase in the product temperature
with the presence of dry powder. A third expansion stage was then identified in
which an increment in the size of the particle was observed. The first and second
drying stages represent the area in which an effective drying inside the spraying
chamber was carried out. The calculated values of the volumetric coefficient of heat
transfer allowed the assumption that in the second drying stage a pattern of mixed
20 Effective Drying Zones and Nonlinear Dynamics in a Laboratory Spray Dryer 531
Lyapunov = 13.62
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)
Lyapunov = 5.44
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Fig. 20.13 Oscillations of FDT and corresponding Lyapunov coefficients for: (a) 10 cm and
(b) 30 cm axial distance from the nozzle. Distance of text-box covers points used for calculation
flow was present. Drying zones presented according to CFD simulation (and
experimental validation) a high deal of air-particle recirculation phenomena. Non-
linear dynamics could characterize these recirculation zones by using Lyapunov
coefficients and by the presence of attractors related to fractal dimension of texture
of the reflected laser beam cropped images. Highest simulated and validated
turbulence was found in the upper part of the dryer. Steady and nonsteady-state
simulations allowed insight into the nonlinear properties of generated turbulence.
While the transfer units approach is useful for construction of lumped models, CFD
and experiments based on air-particle trajectories constitute a good approach for the
532 U.R. Morales-Durán et al.
understanding of turbulence inside the dryer. Both approaches may be useful and
could complement each other for design purposes.
20.5 Symbols
20.5.2 Subscripts
Acknowledgment Author U.R. Morales-Durán thanks Biotecsa-México for their support. The
authors also thank IPN-México and CONACYT-México (project 84287) for their financial
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Chapter 21
Rehydration Modeling of Food Particulates
Utilizing Principles of Water Transport
in Porous Media
21.1 Introduction
In the last decade, there has been a continuous rise in the demand for convenience
foods, including dehydrated products, mainly due to modern lifestyles (Marabi and
Saguy 2009; Saguy et al. 2007). This trend is accompanied by a decrease in the
ability, desire or time to prepare food and an increase in financial means, leading
consumers to choose foods that are readily available, convenient, and require only
minimal or no preparation before consumption (Tillotson 2003). The rehydration
of dried foods is a fundamental unit operation in the food industry. The quality of
rehydrated and reconstituted products is affected by the drying conditions and
rehydration processes utilized, ultimately influencing consumer acceptance. During
the drying process, physicochemical changes, including textural and structural
modifications, migration of solutes, loss of volatiles and nutrients occur in an
irreversible manner, and have an impact on the quality of the final product.
Therefore, the drying process needs to be understood and controlled, to create a
dried product with optimal nutritional, sensorial, and rehydration characteristics
(Saguy et al. 2007). In addition to medium uptake, leaching of solids from the food
product to the medium is another important aspect during rehydration. To address
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 535
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_21, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
536 I.S. Saguy et al.
this phenomenon, nondissolvable solids were proposed (Marabi et al. 2004a) and
utilized in the determination of the rehydration ratio(RR).
In recent years, the food domain has experienced an encouraging transition from the
empirically-based to physically-based models. Nevertheless, most rehydration stud-
ies reported in the literature still include empirical and semiempirical models to
describe the mechanisms of liquid uptake, solids leaching, and the kinetics of the
processes (Marabi and Saguy 2009).
Mathematical modeling facilitates an understanding of process characteristics,
providing insight into the governing mechanisms taking place, and thus it could be
utilized to improve the process for better products. Liquid uptake is typically
modeled by applying a mechanistic approach or employing an empirical approach.
Fick’s second law of diffusion is a typical example of a mechanistic approach,
whereas the first-order model is merely a curve-fitting empirical model. The devel-
opment of empirical models requires considerably less effort and therefore, they are
utilized frequently. However, empirical models are limited and nontransferable
(Saguy et al. 2005b).
Five models that are often used (Saguy et al. 2007) include: the exponential model
(Misra and Brooker 1980), Peleg’s model (Cunningham et al. 2007; Garcia-Pascual
et al. 2006; Giraldo et al. 2006; Peleg 1988), first-order kinetics (Gowen et al. 2007;
Krokida and Philippopoulos 2005); the Weibull distribution function (Cunha et al.
1998a, b; Cunningham et al. 2007; Garcia-Pascual et al. 2006; Machado et al.
1997), and the normalized Weibull distribution function (Marabi et al. 2003,
2004a, b; Marabi and Saguy 2004; Marabi and Saguy 2005).
Among the empirical models, the Weibull distribution function is used frequently
and has recently been improved to describe the rehydration of dried foods. It is
important to note however, that all of these empirical models offer rather limited
insight into the fundamental principles involved, and in some cases, hinder under-
standing of the transport mechanism(s) (Marabi and Saguy 2009). Nevertheless, they
provide an excellent basis for curve-fitting and allow process representation as a
function of physical properties and rehydration conditions.
As most empirical models are primarily utilized to avoid more complex considera-
tions and complications such as changes occurring within the product, the actual
microstructure is not considered. The alternative is to apply a physically-based
approach utilizing the porous media where the actual microstructure and void
channels are important. This may sound straightforward, but it requires a paradigm
shift and an interdisciplinary approach is suggested (Saguy et al. 2007). The
approach is based on integrating the know-how developed in other domains such
as soil science to study the porous media and fluid transport in foods.
Rehydration is a very complex phenomenon involving different transport
mechanisms, including molecular diffusion, convection, hydraulic flow, and capil-
lary flow (Saravacos and Maroulis 2001). Liquid imbibition follows various
mechanisms occurring in tandem (Chiralt and Fito 2003; Marabi et al. 2003; Marabi
and Saguy 2005; Oliveira and Ilincanu 1999). However, the contribution of
mechanisms involving mass flux due to a temperature gradient (Soret effect) is
considered insignificant and therefore often is disregarded (Datta 2007a). Several
studies utilizing the Washburn equation to represent the movement of liquids
into porous food matrices were reviewed recently (Marabi and Saguy 2009;
Saguy et al. 2007).
It is however worth noting that the rehydration mechanism is no longer relying
solely on the common postulation that it is governed by Fickian diffusion. Other
mathematical models based on capillary flow in porous media are also utilized.
These models are derived from the well-known Lucas (1918) and Washburn (1921)
equations (also called the Lucas-Washburn or Washburn-Rideal equation). This
approach is based on utilization of several well-known derivations known as the
Laplace, Poiseuille, and Lucas-Washburn equations (Marabi and Saguy 2009).
After imbibition of water into dried porous foods it was shown that the process
followed the Washburn equation (Lee et al. 2005; Saguy et al. 2005a). However,
discrepancies related to the utilization of a single “effective” cylindrical capillary
radius and constant contact angle were also reported (Saguy et al. 2005a). An
additional factor that may be responsible for the inaccuracies encountered when
538 I.S. Saguy et al.
comparing experimental data with the Washburn equation may be related to the
tortuosity of the pores within the food sample. The pore network is often regarded
as a bundle of cylindrical and straight capillaries with a determined effective
radius (Saguy et al. 2007). Thus, the Washburn equation may be utilized in its
original form (Aguilera et al. 2004), or otherwise corrected with a tortuosity factor
(Carbonell et al. 2004).
Other studies also concluded that there is water movement during various food
processes. For instance, water transfer during vacuum osmotic drying was
described as a combination of traditional Fickian diffusion and vacuum capillary
flow. In this case, water transfer was closely related to the porosity of the fruit being
tested (Shi and Fito-Maupoey 1994). Radial NMR micro-imaging technique uti-
lized to study pasta rehydration indicated a non-Fickian process (Hills et al. 1996).
Capillary penetration or another fast transport mechanism occurring near the
interface in the rehydration of apples was also suggested (Salvatori et al. 1999).
Water that has entered a porous medium but has not drained out of the sample will be
retained in the pores by capillary forces or will surround the surface of the particles
by molecular forces of adhesion and cohesion. Therefore, a simple measurement of
water content in the medium is not sufficient to enumerate the complete status of the
medium’s water. While the quantity of water present in the medium is very impor-
tant, the potential or affinity with which the water is retained is perhaps more
important, mainly if the dynamics of this water is considered (Saguy et al. 2007).
This potential may be defined as the amount of work done or potential energy stored,
per unit volume, in moving a mass of water from the reference state (typically
chosen as pure free water). Matric potential could be considered as potential energy
per unit volume (J m3), which is also expressed as Pascal. This clarifies the use of
the terminology “pressure potential” by soil physicists referring to matric potential
as soil pressure, or if divided by bulk density, as pressure head (Wallach 2007).
Capillarity deals with both the macroscopic and statistical behavior of interfaces,
rather than their molecular structure. Capillarity is also referred to as surface
tension, g (work per unit area expressed as J m2). This phenomenon is extremely
important in water retention in porous media. Surface tension occurs at the mole-
cular level and involves two types of molecular forces: adhesive forces, which are
the attractive forces of molecules of dissimilar substances and cohesive forces,
which are the attractions between molecules in similar substances. Cohesive forces
decrease rapidly with distance and are the strongest in solids, less strong in liquids,
and the weakest in gases (Saguy et al. 2007).
21 Rehydration Modeling of Food Particulates Utilizing Principles of Water Transport 539
2g cos ya
hc ¼ (21.1)
where hc ¼ capillary rise (water tension head) (m); g ¼ gravity (m/s2); ya ¼ apparent
contact angle (o).
The water characteristic curve of porous media is also known as the water retension
curve (RC), which describes the functional relationship between the volumetric
water content y and matric potential c under equilibrium conditions. The matric
potential is usually replaced by the pressure potential head h (m), which is the
energy per unit weight of water. As the water in the unsaturated porous media is at
subatmospheric pressure, the pressure potential head is commonly called “tension
head.” This curve is an important property related to the distribution of pore space
(sizes, interconnectedness), which is strongly affected by texture and structure, as
well as related factors including organic matter content. The RC indicates the
amount of water in the porous medium at a given tension head (Saguy et al.
2007). It is also a primary hydraulic property required for modeling water flow in
porous media. RCs are highly nonlinear functions and relatively difficult to obtain
accurately (Hillel 1998; Wallach 2007).
The traditional method of determining water retention involves establishing a
series of equilibria between water in the porous medium sample and a body of water
at known water tensions. The medium-water system is in hydraulic contact with the
body of water via a water-wetted porous plate or membrane. At each equilibrium,
the volumetric water content of the medium is determined and paired with a value
of the tension head (h), determined from the pressure in the body of water and
the gas phase pressure in the substrate. The data pair (y, h) forms one point on an
RC. A summary of methods frequently used in soil science to determine the RC can
be found in the literature (e.g., Klute 1986). It is worth noting that RC quantification
resembles sorption isotherm determination in foods (Fontana and Campbell 2007;
Saguy et al. 2007).
540 I.S. Saguy et al.
Measured values of water content and tension head (y -h) are often fragmentary
and usually based on relatively few measurements over the wetness range of
interest. For modeling and analysis purposes, and characterization and comparison
of different substrates and scenarios, it is essential to represent the RC in continuous
and parametric form. A parametric expression of an RC model should contain as
few parameters as possible, to simplify its estimation and to describe the behavior at
the limits (wet and dry ends), while closely fitting the nonlinear shape of the y -h data
(Saguy et al. 2007).
Many models have been suggested to describe RC in soil science (Hillel 1998;
Jury and Gardner 1991). The most frequently used are those of Brooks and Corey
(1966), denoted as B-C model, and van Genuchten (1980), denoted as VG model.
The parameters of the models are typically determined by curve-fitting of experi-
mental data. B-C model follows:
8 l
> y yr h
<y y ¼ S e ¼ h > hb
s r hb
> y yr
: ¼ S e ¼ 1 h hb
ys yr
KðhÞ ¼ Ks Se 2þ2=ðmv þtÞ h > hb
KðhÞ ¼ Ks h hb
where Se ¼ effective saturation (-); hb ¼ air entry value (m); l ¼ “pore size
index” empirically-determined parameter (-); y, yr, ys ¼ current, residual, and
saturated volumetric water contents, respectively (m3/m3); Ks ¼ saturated hydrau-
lic conductivity (m/s); mv ¼ empiric parameter (-).
The residual water content is somewhat arbitrarily defined as the water content at
which the corresponding hydraulic conductivity is essentially zero, but very often it
is used as an empirical constant when fitting hydraulic functions. As opposed to ys,
which has a clear physical significance, the meaning of yr and its estimation have
not yet been resolved (Wallach 2007).When yr ¼ 0 (m3/m3), Se approaches S. Note
that Se varies between zero and one.
The other common parametric model for relating water content to the tension
head was proposed by VG:
y yr 1
Se ¼ (21.3)
ys yr 1 þ ðah hÞn
where ah (m1) and mv (-) are empirical parameters (determining the shape of the
RC; derived by curve-fitting techniques).
The value of the hydraulic conductivity of a saturated porous medium (Ks)
depends on the properties of the medium and the flowing fluid. This dependence
can be separated into two factors: fluidity f (defined as rg/; ¼ viscosity (Pa s))
and intrinsic permeability k (m2):
21 Rehydration Modeling of Food Particulates Utilizing Principles of Water Transport 541
Ks ¼ kf ¼ (21.4)
J ¼ Ks (21.5)
where H ¼ the hydraulic head (m); s ¼ distance along a stream line in the flow
field (m); DH/Ds ¼ the hydraulic-head gradient along the stream line (-); and
J ¼ flux density or flow per unit area opposite the direction defined by hydraulic-
head gradient (m/s).
The Darcy law can be coupled with the conservation of mass principles to derive
a continuity equation. Using one horizontal dimension leads to:
@y @ @h
¼ KðhÞ (21.6)
@t @x @x
Equation (21.6) contains two unknowns, namely y and h; applying the chain rule
for the left hand side of (21.6) provides the h-based continuity equation:
@h @ @h
CðhÞ ¼ KðhÞ (21.7)
@t @x @x
where C(h) ¼ ∂y/∂h is the slope of the RC and is called the specific moisture
capacity (1/m).
Applying the chain rule for the derivative to the right hand side of (21.6)
provides the y-based continuity equation, which is a diffusion-type (nonlinear)
@y @ @y
¼ Dh ðyÞ (21.8)
@t @x @x
The advantage of the y-based form is that Dh (y) does not vary with y nearly as
much as K(h) varies with h. The last two equations, along with their various
alternative formulations, are known as the Richards equation.
h¼ lnðaw Þ (21.9)
rw gMw
Experimental data
Water content (g/100 g DB)
16 GAB
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Water activity
Fig. 21.1 Typical water sorption isotherm for microcrystalline cellulose at 25 C (Adapted from
Saguy et al. 2007)
544 I.S. Saguy et al.
Sorption data
Water tension (cm)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
q (cm3 / cm3)
Fig. 21.2 Typical water sorption and water retention data for microcrystalline cellulose at 25 C
(prediction made using B-C model) (Adapted from Saguy et al. 2007)
isotherm (m, aw) is converted to (h, y) by utilizing the Kelvin equation (21.9),
transforming the moisture content to its volumetric value:
y¼m (21.10)
where m ¼ moisture content (kg H2O/kg dry solids; DB); rb ¼ bulk density (kg/m3).
Typical values are presented in (Fig. 21.2).
3. Prediction and validation of RC from aw data
The sorption isotherm data after transformation to the adequate RC scale was
utilized to derive the B-C model using the two aforementioned requirements,
namely continuity and smoothness at a point defined as y*, h*. This yielded two
equations from which y* and l were derived. Once y* is known, it can be placed
in one of the equations to derive l and the B-C function can be drawn. Note that
in our first approach, and for simplicity of treatment, it was assumed that the
sorption isotherm is a linear function on a semilogarithmic scale (e.g., Webb
2000). Another requirement for using the B-C function, when physical data is
absent, is to know the values of its parameters: hb, ys (saturated water content), yr
(residual water content), and l (pore index parameter). The first two parameters
can be experimentally measured (although adaptation to food systems is
required): yr is an approximated parameter while l is evaluated through model
equations. Applying this approach in a VG model (instead of B-C one) requires
an additional parameter, which adds to the complexity of the solution without
gaining any further conceptual insight into the overall approach, and as such is
not covered herewith.
Validation was then carried out, in which RC was measured using the hanging
column method (Klute 1986) and the fit obtained, as depicted in (Fig. 21.2).
21 Rehydration Modeling of Food Particulates Utilizing Principles of Water Transport 545
Since methods used in this case for soils are probably difficult for implementa-
tion in most food systems, measurements of only a few points is recommended,
starting from the wet end of the curve.
4. Retention curve validation
Once the water RC is known, the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity function
(21.2) can be determined and the Richards equation (21.8) solved. As for the
saturated hydraulic conductivity, it is independently measured. Again, certain
adaptations are necessary for evaluating Ks in food systems. Both the measure-
ment and prediction of 10-cm column dry MCC rehydration are depicted in
(Fig. 21.3). Simulations were made using Hydrus 1-D software (a code for
simulating one-dimensional movement), based on the Richards equations for
water flow (Simunek et al. 2005) for the following boundary and initial condi-
tions: constant upper boundary flux and constant tension head at bottom bound-
ary set to zero. The initial moisture content was assumed as oven-dry. The
simulation predicted the cumulative bottom flux, was then multiplied with the
sample cross-section, yielding the volume of water absorbed by the sample.
5. Typical experimental data on foods
To demonstrate the applicability of the above four-step procedure, imbibition
tests were carried out using freeze-dried wheat groats (burghul). Simulations
(not showed) illustrated that although the B-C characteristic-curve based on
water absorption model yielded a shape similar to the experimental data for early
times (ca. 500 s), a significant discrepancy was clearly observed at relatively
long times. Rehydration times longer than ca. 1,000 s are quite lengthy, com-
pared to the shorter duration utilized for typical “instant” consumer products.
Conversely, the B-C model was quite accurate at shorter times (e.g., less than
300 s). Thus, these data suggest that prolonged food rehydration is more complex
and requires additional consideration. A similar conclusion was reached after
Cumulative bottom flux (cm)
Experiment 1 1
Experiment 2 2
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420
Time (s)
Fig. 21.3 Typical rehydration data for microcrystalline cellulose at 25 C (Adapted from Saguy
et al. 2007)
546 I.S. Saguy et al.
where wt, w11, and w12 ¼ the momentary weight, infinite-weight due to diffusion,
and relaxation, respectively (kg H2O/kg dry solids); t ¼ time (s), a and b ¼ scale
parameter (s), and Weibull shape parameter (–); 1 ¼ diffusion and 2 ¼ relaxation.
When the combined model was utilized, the fitted data showed an excellent fit
for short and long rehydration times. The model was used to simulate the
contribution of each individual mechanism, namely diffusion and relaxation.
As expected, relaxation lags diffusion markedly. This could explain some of the
literature data in which both diffusion and nondiffusion mechanisms were
The criterion utilized to differentiate between the diffusion and relaxation
mechanisms is derived from the value of the Weibull shape parameter. Values
of 0.6–0.8 were defined as capillary flow, while values above 1.0 were char-
acterized as relaxation (Marabi et al. 2003). Figure 21.4 shows the ratio between
relaxation and diffusion; it is clear that at short rehydration time the freeze-dried
product depicts that the diffusion mechanism is dominating; however, as time
progresses, relaxation also starts to play a significant role.
This data suggests that additional considerations are required especially for long
rehydration time during which water flow is not capillary-driven. It is suggested
that the porosity of a dried food product (e.g., freeze-dried carrot, freeze-dried
Ratio (%)
0 2000 4000 6000 8000
Time (s)
Fig. 21.4 Simulated ratios (“double” Weibull model) between water uptake due to diffusion and
relaxation (freeze-dried wheat groats, burghul, 25 C)
21 Rehydration Modeling of Food Particulates Utilizing Principles of Water Transport 547
wheat groats) is hierarchical (i.e., made of pores: between- and within- the
particles. The former pores are inter-porosity, while the latter are intra-porosity,
which are typically dead-ended). While water flow is driven by capillarity in the
interpores, it is also driven by moisture content gradients in the intrapores. This
concept (also known as “mobile-immobile”) is currently under development
and preliminary results are encouraging supporting the overall hypothesis that
physically-based model for the simulations of porous foodstuffs rehydration is
This important topic will become apparent once internal structure data are
available (see recommendations below).
The theory of capillary imbibition for modeling the rehydration of foods was
applied by several other groups. For instance, a capillary-flow approach was
utilized (Weerts et al. 2003a, b) to model the temperature and anisotropy effects
during the rehydration of tea leaves. The predicted values agreed well with the
experimental data derived from NMR measurements, leading to the conclusion that
the physically based constitutive relationships of water activity and hydraulic
conductivity could be utilized to overcome the simplification of modeling water
transport as a process governed by Fick’s laws. The approach could be extended to
include gravity and osmotic pressure effects and also coupled with heat and solute
transport in porous media for modeling heat, water, and chemical transport in
general hydration and drying operations of porous food materials.
Another study (Singh et al. 2004) noted that one of the salient features of fluid
transport through biological systems is the complex flow path presented by the
biopolymeric matrix, thus expanding the above approach. Similarly, it was recently
proposed that use of an “effective” single cylindrical capillary radius is the simplest
possible model to describe capillary penetration into a porous medium. However,
this model may be insufficient in many cases (Saguy et al. 2005a), especially
when a significant distribution of pore size exists (Marmur and Cohen 1997), as
previously shown for dried foods (Karathanos et al. 1996). More specifically, and
depending upon the type of food and its processing history, it may contain pores
ranging in radius from 0.1 to 300 mm, those in the 10–300 mm range being the most
common (Bell and Labuza 2000).
Although numerous models have been proposed and frequently applied, addi-
tional improvements are required before modeling of the process based on the real
mechanism(s) occurring becomes possible. Nevertheless, recent studies focused on
more fundamental physical-based approaches have taken on a central role. Hence,
significant progress is anticipated.
548 I.S. Saguy et al.
curves; data in the last two categories is either nonexistent for foods or very
difficult to obtain.
It is worth noting that new technology and utilization of X-ray MCT capabilities
are spreading. X-ray MCT is a powerful tool for detailed observations of micro-
structure of porous foods and is expected to become a pertinent method for obtain-
ing detailed information that can be further utilized in computational simulations
of the imbibition of liquids into porous media. Hence, it could open new avenues
for ultimately quantifying and modeling internal changes during both drying
and rehydration, thereby providing the necessary information for studying the
mechanism(s) involved, and enabling better control and quality improvements.
21.7 Conclusions
We have highlighted how porous media physics could be implemented for model-
ing the rehydration of foods. The main conclusions can be summarized as:
l Sorption isotherm data could be extended to a complete RC for use in a rehydra-
tion model.
l Flow in porous media theory, as demonstrated, is applicable to the rehydration of
food particulates.
l Moving from empirical models to physically-based ones for foods was demon-
strated and therefore, is recommended.
l Multidisciplinary collaboration is paramount and synergistic in opening new
avenues of research.
The field is entering a new era in which innovative approaches and multidisci-
plinary teams will provide fresh insights, resulting in new discoveries and a better
and deeper understanding of the phenomena. This will ultimately lead to much
better control of the structure and rehydration, leading to improved food products
with enhanced consumer appeal and acceptability.
550 I.S. Saguy et al.
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Chapter 22
Responses of Living Organisms to Freezing
and Drying: Potential Applications in Food
22.1 Introduction
Some living organisms can survive under extreme stresses by adapting to situations
that would otherwise be lethal. They develop various mechanisms for adaptation,
surviving adverse environmental conditions such as lack of water (cryptobiosis
or anhydrobiosis) and freezing temperatures (cryobiosis) (Carpenter et al. 1986;
Crowe et al. 1998, Watanabe et al. 2002). Since water is required to hydrate
molecules (e.g., folding of proteins into active molecules cannot proceed without
water), and their macromolecular structure and functionality are sensitively deter-
mined by their interactions with water, in many cases the stress is governed by
interference from interaction with biomolecules (Franks 1982, 1995). At cold
temperature, water freezes and forms disruptive ice crystals that can damage
cellular structures. In conditions of low humidity or high osmolality, water leaves
the cells, thus altering the hydration of macromolecules and their ability to partici-
pate in reactions necessary for life.
Various strategies can protect cells against extreme temperatures and dehydra-
tion, enabling their survival. Since these tolerant organisms face the same problems
of protection during food preservation as their important biomolecules do, by
studying the strategies used in nature, innovative procedures can be developed for
use in food technology. By analyzing and interpreting these mechanisms, systems
and processes can be engineered to preserve food quality during processing and to
extend product shelf life (Aguilera and Karel 1997).
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 553
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_22, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
554 M. del Pilar Buera
Many organisms exist in habitats where temperatures fall below the freezing point
of water. Intracellular ice formation changes the chemical environments of bio-
molecules. Particularly, pH change and ionic force increase may be a cause of protein
and nucleic acid damage (Franks 1982). In parallel, injuries due to mechanical
changes affect the systems: large ice crystals disrupt tissue structure and thus
regulation of ice crystal growth may be important for the survival of these organ-
isms in winter. Some plants and animals have evolved to prevent the lethal effects
of ice crystal formation in cells. The mechanisms by which organisms survive
extreme low temperatures are (1) extracellular water crystallization (formation of
crystals outside cell membrane), (2) use of antifreeze proteins (AFPs) or by the
formation of a glass (Clark et al. 2007).
One of the most studied groups of organisms is the Collembola (arthropods or
springtails) (Clark et al. 2007). In many freeze-tolerant insects, very potent ice
nucleators are present in the hemolymph. Among vertebrates, hatchling painted
turtles (Chrysemys picta) provide another example of “natural freeze-tolerance”
(Packard and Packard 2004; Costanzo et al. 2008). In freeze-tolerant species,
proteinaceous ice nucleators (INAs) trigger extracellular freezing at high subzero
temperatures, either to provide cold protection from released heat of fusion or to
establish a protective extracellular freezing, which drives water out of the cells,
further decreasing the temperature at which intracellular ice forms (Costanzo et al.
Alternatively, some organisms will die if frozen and avoid freezing by main-
taining their body fluids in the liquid state even at extremely low subzero tempera-
tures. Freeze-avoiding species increase their supercooling potential by removing
ice nucleators and accumulating polyols. Terrestrial invertebrates and polar marine
fish stabilize their supercooled state by means of noncolligatively-acting AFPs.
Fish, insects, and some plants that live in Arctic regions have evolved to produce
AFPs, which inhibit the growth of ice crystals by adsorption to the ice surface
(Zachariassen and Kristiansen 2000). These organisms (specifically insects) also
have the mechanisms to inactivate INAs, minimizing the risk of inoculation by ice
and INAs. Antinucleating protein of bacterial origin inhibits the fluctuation of ice
nucleus formation via foreign particles (Kawahara 2002).
Many nonfreezing tolerant arthropods and insects use freeze avoidance, but
others, such as the Arctic springtail Onychiurus arcticus or some insects, use the
strategy of protective dehydration (Clark et al. 2007). In protective dehydration,
556 M. del Pilar Buera
loss of water occurs across a diffusion gradient between the super-cooled cell fluids
and ice in its surroundings, such that freezing point depression always exceeds the
environmental temperature, and eventually the organisms lose sufficient water and
desiccate to ensure that a freezing event cannot occur. Studies have shown with
the springtail O. Arcticus or the freshwater snail, P. canaliculata, that exposure to
subzero temperatures and low water vapor pressure induces extensive dehydration
through a highly permeable cuticle; in combination with rapid synthesis and
accumulation of membrane/protein cryoprotectant trehalose and some low molec-
ular weight compounds, cold hardiness is enhanced (Clark et al. 2007; Matsukura
et al. 2008). As a result, water in the cells freezes at 40 C (Zachariassen et al.
Table 22.1 summarizes the main strategies that allow some living organisms
to survive adverse conditions, showing representative examples of each group. It
should be noted that some species can switch between freeze avoidance and freeze
tolerance, depending on prevailing physiological and environmental conditions
(Costanzo et al. 2008).
Table 22.1 The main strategies allowing some living organisms to survive adverse conditions; involved mechanisms and representative examples
Type of organism Mechanisms Action Involved solutes Examples
Anhydro-biotes Glass formation at Reduce molecular mobility, Protective non- Trehalose Artemia salina, yeast cells
low water content protective hydrogen reducing sugars (Saccharomyces cerevisiae),
bond interactions Proteins: dehydrines tardigrades, flatworm, insects
(larvae of chironomid
Polypedilum vanderplanki),
rotifers (Philodina roseola);
resurrection plants (Selaginella
sucrose, raffinose, pollen, orthodox seeds, resurrection
stachyose plants (Selaginella lepidophyl)
Freeze-tolerant Promote extracellular Decrease supercooling, Adaptive INAs Insects, arthropods or springtails
water crystallization increase ice nucleation (snow flea), vertebrates
temperature, decrease (hatchling painted turtles)
freezing time
Freeze-avoiding Inhibit growth of ice Increase supercooling, AFPs (non-colligative) Polar marine fishes, terrestrial
Responses of Living Organisms to Freezing and Drying
Temperature A
–100 Tg
w1’ w2’
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Fig. 22.1 Supplemented state diagram showing the equilibrium curves (solubility, Ts; ice melting,
Tm) and nonequilibrium glass transition curve (Tg). The main expected changes are indicated, as
are the mechanisms for avoiding damage (see text)
matrix (wg01 and wg02 in Fig. 22.1) and temperature range at which the process
should be performed (Fig. 22.1). Due to predominantly nonequilibrium conditions
of naturally-occurring frozen or dehydrated systems, they are subjected to dynamical
(time-dependent) changes. Thus, the extent of damage will be related to the
mentioned variables, to the rate and temperature of cooling, and should be taken
into account in the design of processes and system formulation.
Freezing is a process of ice crystallization from supercooled water. In this
process, water should undergo a stage of ice nucleation, followed by growth of
ice. Nucleation is the initial stage and one of the most important steps toward
creating ice. Without this step, ice would never occur in supercooled water.
Nucleation can be regarded as a kinetic process for ice nuclei to overcome a kinetics
barrier, the so-called nucleation barrier under a given thermodynamic driving force,
which is proportional to the supercooling.
Ice growth is thermodynamically favored in water at temperatures below 0 C.
However, ice nucleation is not kinetically favored in pure water and can remain
liquid up to nearly 40 C, the homogeneous nucleation temperature (Th), if free of
ice nucleating species. A supercooled system is that in which no crystallization has
occurred, even if it is below the liquidus curves (Ts and Tm in Fig. 22.1). Ice
nucleation at temperatures greater than Th is induced by heterogeneous INAs
(Wowk and Fahy 2002). Almost all organic and inorganic substances can catalyze
ice formation (i.e., serve as ice nuclei) at temperatures between 15 C and 40 C.
The degree of supercooling is the thermodynamic impulsive force for crystalli-
zation, defined as:
DT ¼ Tm T (22.1)
Tg Temperature Tm
Tg Temperature Tm
Fig. 22.2 Schematic curves showing ice nucleation and crystal growth rates, and overall crystal-
lization rate ( full lines) and their potential modification (dotted lines) by the presence of (a) ice
nucleating agents (INAs) or (b)antifreeze proteins (AFPs)
22 Responses of Living Organisms to Freezing and Drying 561
nucleation is much higher than that of growth, in the case of ice crystals, growth
normally becomes much easier than nucleation: once ice nuclei are formed, the
rapid growth rate leads to instant freezing (Du et al. 2003). To control nucleation
systematically, the upper size needs to be controlled.
Anhydrobiotes are dehydrated systems that have the ability to form glasses and can
be located in the low w region of Fig. 22.1. Amorphous glasses are metastable
materials in a nonequilibrium state, as these systems are located below the satura-
tion curve, Ts, in the temperature-composition state diagram (Fig. 22.1), in which
the stable form is crystal. However, in the glassy state, most structural changes
occur very slowly and only small motions of molecules, mainly rotational motions
of side chains and vibrations, may occur (Levine and Slade 1986; Slade and Levine
1991). Thus, crystallization of amorphous solids is kinetically delayed if sample
remains in the glassy state, below Tg. Since direct interaction of sugars with
molecules imbedded in the glassy matrix will prevent protein denaturation and
lead to optimal preservation (Arakawa and Timasheff 1982), it is important that
sugars remain in a noncrystalline state, either glassy or supercooled. It should be
noted that when solute crystallization occurs, composition of the noncrystalline
phase changes, and often an increase of deteriorative reaction rates is observed
(Buera et al. 2005).
In the case of seeds, embryos and plant tissues, presence of several oligosac-
charides has been related to seed longevity due to protection given to proteins and
membranes, and to prevention of sucrose crystallization (Obendorf 1997; Murthy
et al. 2003).
The influence of different yeast (e.g., Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cellular frac-
tions was studied in an attempt to gain knowledge on the feasibility of trehalose
crystallization in yeast cells. Certain constituents of S. cerevisiae cells inhibited/
delayed trehalose crystallization upon humidification at high R.Hs. (Espinosa et al.
2006). This reveals that cellular structures naturally have components that act in
delaying or inhibiting sugar crystallization in the interior of cells. Although crystal-
lization of sugars in the cytoplasm has been considered as a cause of viability loss, no
evidence of sugar crystallization in cells or tissues was ever reported (Buitink and
Leprince 2004; Espinosa et al. 2006; Matiacevich et al. 2006). In fact, sugar
crystallization has not been evident in any published, seed, fruit, or tissue thermo-
gram during rewarming of systems from below to above glass transition temperature.
The effect of a mixture of several sugars on crystallization and stability of
embedded enzymes was analyzed in freeze-dried model systems. In trehalose-
lactose systems, the time to crystallization of lactose increased when trehalose
562 M. del Pilar Buera
was added (Mazzobre et al. 2001). The addition of raffinose also had a retarding
effect on sucrose crystallization (Buera et al. 2005). The onset temperature for
trehalose or sucrose crystallization, determined by DSC, increased when raffinose
or lactose was added and was even avoided during the run if enough of the second
sugar was present (Mazzobre at al. 2001). Buera et al. (2005) showed that the
presence of proteins delayed sugar crystallization and, in parallel, sugars retarded
protein denaturation. Santagapita et al. (2008) have also reported delay of trehalose
crystallization with the presence of polymers or salts. Because of this, when simple
sugars or polyol matrices are designed to protect biomolecules, a common practice
in pharmaceuticals or food ingredient formulations, a second excipient is needed.
mortality of the granary weevil Sitophilus granarius (L.) and saw-toothed grain
beetle Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.) (Mignon et al. 1998).
While AFPs lower the freezing point, the melting point is unaltered. The
separation of melting and freezing temperature is usually referred to as thermal
hysteresis (TH), and temperature of ice growth is referred to as hysteresis freezing
point. The hysteresis is the result of an adsorption of AFPs to crystal surface. This
causes ice to grow as convex surface regions between adjacent adsorbed AFPs, thus
lowering temperature at which the crystal can visibly expand (Kristiansen and
Zachariassen 2005). Within the resulting TH gap, ice crystals appear to be kineti-
cally stable, neither growing nor melting. The level of TH is directly related to
intrinsic activity of specific AF(G)P and to their concentration. Results by Evans
et al. (2007) showed that when AF(G)P are dissolved in salt solutions, such as NaCl,
at concentrations they could encounter in nature, there is a synergistic effect on TH
that is positively related to salt concentration. This enhancement could have resulted
from the hydration shell of dissolved ions, which reduces freezable water. Alterna-
tively, salt could influence the hydration shell surrounding AF(G)P, increasing
protein surface area available to adsorb to ice/water interface (Evans et al. 2007).
Five AFP types have been isolated from fish, six from plants, and two from
insects; five bacteria produce AFPs and show no related structures, varying in
protein size and specific activity (Davies and Hew 1990; Brush et al. 1994; Davies
et al. 2002; Gilbert et al. 2004). The AFPs found in certain insects (which allow
them to survive winters at temperatures as low as 30 C) are up to 100 times more
powerful than similar proteins in fish (Graether et al. 2000). Although TH activity
of plant AFPs is low compared to that of fish and insects, their inhibition of ice
recrystallization is comparable or even greater (Smallwood et al. 1999). The effect
of AFP on kinetic control of ice crystallization is shown schematically in Fig. 22.2b
(dotted lines).
The alternative route to remove ice crystallization is rapid cooling into the glassy
state, or vitrification (line A–B in Fig. 22.1). Vitrification as a cryopreservation
method has many primary benefits, such as no ice crystal formation through
increased speed of temperature conduction, which provides a significant increase
in cooling rates. This can eliminate structural damage during freezing, but mass
transfer rates limit the sample size in which this can be achieved and thawing is
never rapid enough to prevent crystallization from causing extensive damage
(Lillford and Holt 2002). It should be noted that the maximum ice nucleation occurs
just above Tg and the maximum ice-crystal growth-rate occurs just below Tm
(Fig. 22.1). Thus, the many nuclei formed when cooling can cause massive ice
growth when rewarming. This leads to devitrification. The main concern with
cooling is the maximum nucleation range near Tg. The addition of a cryoprotectant
may allow cooling up to the Tg region without forming any nuclei, if cooling is
22 Responses of Living Organisms to Freezing and Drying 565
quick enough. If nuclei are formed, the rapid cooling and high viscosity near Tg in
the presence of cryoprotectant will not allow the nuclei to grow very much and thus
prevents them from being harmful. Increasing cryoprotectant concentrations lowers
both Th and Tm, but the effect is more dramatic on Th than Tm. Enough cryoprotec-
tant to lower Tm will lower temperature of nucleation to Tg, thereby delaying
nucleation. Northern frogs use glucose as a cryoprotectant (Mietchen et al. 2008).
When temperatures drop, the liver of these frogs produces large amounts of
glucose, which a special form of insulin allows to enter into their cells in large
quantities. Except for the heart and brain, much of the frog’s body freezes. The two
disaccharides that most protect proteins and cell membranes against chilling,
freezing, and dehydration are sucrose and trehalose.
Dissolved polymers form glasses readily once they are freeze-concentrated.
Below Tg, no further ice forms, and crystal growth rates and sintering of ice are
kinetically slowed to almost zero. The damage caused by the amount of ice present
and temperature at which it is stabilized against growth and/or recrystallization
should be balanced (Lillford and Holt 2002). Increasing speed of thermal conduc-
tion and decreasing concentration of cryoprotectant are challenges to overcome
with vitrification methods. The convenience of vitrification could push develop-
ment of this technique beyond most presently common clinical uses for embryos
and tissue preservation (Kattera and Chen 2006).
which embryos of recalcitrant Araucaria angustifolia seeds retain their viability (at
and above R.H. 85%), water freezes upon cooling at subzero temperatures. Their
high-freezable water content promotes injuries, and their conservation at low-
temperatures represents a challenge. Thus, recalcitrant seeds are good models for
analyzing the impact of freezing rate, storage time, and temperature on degree of
injury. If plant tissues are exposed to rapid cooling only minor damage occurs
(196 C). Seeds with lower amounts of frozen water would be more easily
cryopreserved. The preservation of recalcitrant seeds could be improved by vitri-
fication, either by dehydration, after imbibition of embryos with protecting agents,
or by freezing, avoiding ice formation, but this is an area of further research, of
interest in biodiversity preservation, for example.
The implications of glass formation and glass transitions in food technology have
been extensively analyzed since the pioneering work by Levine and Slade in the
1980s (Levine and Slade 1986, 1992), based on polymer science approaches.
Afterwards, many scientific publications evolved (Roos 1995). Parallel advances
in the area of preservation mechanisms of living organisms under extreme condi-
tions promoted the study of sugar properties in relation to their protective effects on
labile biomolecules (Arakawa and Timasheff 1982; Crowe et al. 1998; Clegg
2001). Fundamental research areas were also focused on dynamic aspects related
to glass-forming properties of sugars, and on molecular interactions that sugars are
capable of developing in hydrogen bonding.
According to the discussed aspects, possible strategies to avoid sugar crystalli-
zation for food and ingredient formulation in low water content systems may
include vitrification or sugar crystallization delay in supercooled media, which
can be achieved by combinations with biopolymers, salts, or other sugars.
Recently, Leinen and Labuza (2006) and Belcourt and Labuza 2007) successfully
suppressed sucrose recrystallization by addition of raffinose to the formulation
of cotton candy and soft cookies, respectively, which consequently improved
technological properties of products.
The efficiency of freezing and resulting food quality is affected by two important
factors: supercooling (cooling of liquid below its freezing point, without freezing)
and nucleation (initiation of crystallization of liquid water into solid ice) (Li and
Lee 1995). Both phenomena are modified by the presence of two kinds of proteins
showing opposite behavior (Hew and Yang 1992; Li and Sun 2002), which provide
enormous technological potential in industrial processes (Lillford and Holt 2002).
INAs, on the one hand, decrease supercooling and increase nucleation tempera-
ture (Tn), thus decreasing freezing time and forming a large number of ice crystals
with a dendritic structure (Feeney and Yeh 1998; Li and Lee 1995; Li and Sun
2002). AFPs, on the other hand, increase supercooling, generate very small ice
crystals, lower freezing temperature, and retard recrystallization in frozen storage.
22 Responses of Living Organisms to Freezing and Drying 567
Lillford and Holt (2002) and Li and Sun (2002) have reviewed the main
potential applications of INAs and AFPs. The beneficial effects of INAs are
manifested in decreasing energy cost and crystal size, favoring quality improve-
ments and increased shelf life. Bacterial ice nucleators were employed in the
freezing of meat (Payne et al. 1994), and in products difficult to concentrate or
freeze-dried products, such as fruit juices or pastes (Li and Lee 1995). The
management of ice nucleation and crystallization times can also be employed
for the development of new products. For example, freeze-texturing of protein
products may generate foods with special characteristics (Watanabe and Arai
AFPs behave both as antinucleators and as growth inhibitors, preventing hetero-
geneous nuclei from growing (Lillford and Holt 2002). One of the most interesting
applications is the performance of AFP after ice is nucleated or in conditions where
ice crystals would normally grow and sinter (Griffith and Ewart 1995). The presence
of AFPs in these products may inhibit ice crystal growth at fluctuating subzero
temperatures during storage or transportation, thus preserving food quality and
decreasing operative costs.
AFPs are natural products that form part of a normal diet through their occur-
rence at high concentrations in food fish and vegetables (Smallwood et al. 1999).
Simple natural extracts that are purified or partially purified are likely to meet
consumer acceptance. The AFPs from vegetables have a number of potential
applications. For example, Zhang et al. (2007a) improved the texture of frozen
dough and the effect of volatile compounds in crumb foods by the addition of a
concentrated carrot extract containing carrot AFP. AFP is efficient at relatively low
concentration, but the cost of extraction from natural sources restricts their use only
to applications with very high added value. Strategies for improving AFP produc-
tion from natural sources can be developed. Naturally-occurring “antifreeze” has
been found in carrots, winter wheat, and rye (Li and Lee 1995). Desjardins et al.
(2007) showed that the thermal regimen of wolffish can be manipulated to enhance
their tolerance to subzero temperatures and also their ability to produce AFP.
Abundant AFPs could also be generated as by-products in processing certain fish
species for food (Griffith and Ewart 1995).
Alternatively, AFP genes can also be introduced into microorganisms used to
produce frozen yogurt (Yeh et al. 2008). Recent advances in biotechnology and
control of heterologous gene expression may make them potentially accessible
in high quantities. The multiple forms of AFPs synthesized within each organ-
ism, and demonstrated possibilities for useful modification through protein
engineering, make it feasible to choose the most appropriate AFP, with a
suitable level of activity for addition to a particular product or expression in a
particular plant or animal (Griffith and Ewart 1995; Li and Lee 1995; Lillford
and Holt 2002). Further, the ability to modify the rate and shape of crystal
growth and to protect cellular membranes during lipid-phase transitions have
resulted in identification of a number of potential applications of AFGPs as food
additives, and in the cryopreservation and hypothermal storage of cells and
tissues (Harding et al. 2003).
568 M. del Pilar Buera
Holt 2002). The discussed aspects are examples of how the tools from cryobiology
may stimulate those innovations.
It is interesting to note that the different aspects referred to in this chapter show the
synergistic interaction of multidisciplinary interfaces of physics, chemistry, medicine,
biotechnology, food science and technology, pharmacy, and biology, which are faced
with preservation of living organisms such as embryos and cells, structures like
liposomes, as well as labile molecules, such as enzymes, antibodies, and hormones.
Acknowledgments The author acknowledges the invaluable help of her collaborators Drs.
Florencia Mazzobre, Carolina Schebor, Beatriz Elizalde, Silvia Matiacevich, Nuria Acevedo,
Patricio Santagapita, Abel Farroni, and Nora Gutiérrez. Financial support by CONICET–PIP
5977, ANPCyT–PICT 20545, and UBACYT X024 is also acknowledged.
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Part IV
Food Microstructure
Chapter 23
Food Microstructures for Health, Well-being,
and Pleasure
23.1 Introduction
For centuries, mankind has converted natural materials into an edible state, since
apart from some fruits, vegetables, and nuts, most plant and animal tissues are not
easily eaten. As large numbers of people flocked into cities, massive food produc-
tion became necessary with the concomitant problems of transporting, storing,
processing, and distributing millions of unitized and safe products. Presently, the
packaged food industry is the world’s largest business, with an annual turnover of
almost $1.6 trillion, and approximately 70% of the food consumed in homes in
large urban centers is purchased in supermarkets. Moreover, consumer food pro-
ducts are now cheaper and more abundant than ever before in the past. In this sense,
food manufacturing is the most prominent application of bioprocess engineering.
Yet, food is not distributed equally and it is estimated that 17% of the total
population in the world does not have enough food (FAO 2005). For those who
barely surpass the survival level, cereals, legumes, and tubers provide well over
50% of all calories. Rice alone, which undergoes only basic processing, provides
20% of the world’s food calories. As a result of intensive processing, the developed
world spends more than double the kcal per nutritional kcal compared to the less-
developed countries (LDCs), most of which comes from nonrenewable energy
sources (as opposed to burned biomass) (Giampietro et al. 1994).
Foods are processed to make them more palatable and safe, to improve their
shelf-life and convenience, and to expand the variety of the culinary supply. As is
the case of many materials typical in our daily life, some of the most desirable
properties of foods are related to events that occur at length scales below 100 mm.
Thus, food processing has been defined as a controlled effort to preserve, destroy,
and transform the microstructure of foods (Aguilera and Stanley 1999). For
J.M. Aguilera
Department of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile,
Santiago, Chile
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 577
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_23, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
578 J.M. Aguilera
example, the structure of fruits and vegetables must be preserved after harvest so
that we can enjoy their natural flavors and textures, as is the case with muscle tissue
after slaughter. Wheat has to be ground into fine particles, a prerequisite to mixing
the flour with other ingredients. The structure of oilseeds and sugar beets needs to
be partly obliterated so that the extracted products, oil and sugar, respectively, are
easily recovered from plant cells with minimal downstream processing. But it is the
transformation and creation of safe, healthy, and palatable structures which is the
main thrust of the food processing industry of the future.
People depict the perception of foods in terms typical of the mechanics and flow of
materials (e.g., tough, soft or thick, sticky, thin, etc.) and scientists try to character-
ize them according to the principles of materials science (Aguilera and Lillford
2008). But when it comes to “design” foods, they exhibit their own uniqueness.
Foods are unique among materials in daily life in that they are ingested, and become
part of our body. (Note: foods are not the only products we put in our mouth and
swallow. Pharmaceutical tablets and capsules also find their way into our bodies;
however, they do not have to taste good or look good!). Foods are exceptional
among engineering materials in that they have to fail in the mouth and disintegrate
in the digestive tract. This immediately adds several extra dimensions to their
intrinsic properties as materials: foods have to be palatable, chewable, and degrad-
able. Imperfections produced during fabrication (e.g., gas bubbles, surface cracks,
etc.) that are intolerable in engineering materials are part of the intrinsic quality of
some foods. For example, Swiss cheese must possess well-developed round or
slightly oval-shaped “eyes” that are relatively uniform in size and distribution
(USDA 2001). Unlike the case of engineering materials, food properties have no
absolute value, but instead depend largely on several characteristics assigned by
consumers (i.e., age of product, physiological state, etc.), including the consumer’s
personal judgment, which is largely based on traditions and learning. Moreover,
some foods may elicit different physiological responses in different individuals, as
is the case of food allergies.
particles particles
Lipid Crystals
CHO Ice crystals
Microbubbles in icecream Bubbles
Plant Micro
cell droplets Fat droplets
Emulsifiers walls
Plant Grains
Network Particle cells
gels gels
Casein Starch starch
Casein micelles
Fig. 23.1 The scale of some microstructural elements important in foods (approximate values)
Palatable foods are easily recognized by the sensations experienced during masti-
cation. Foods produced by nature are generally organized hierarchically from
molecules into assemblies and organelles (e.g., protein bodies, fat deposits, cell
580 J.M. Aguilera
walls, etc.) that are later compartmentalized into cells (some in the form of fibers)
and tissues. “Natural” food structures may be classified into four broad categories:
(i) Fibrous structures assembled hierarchically from small molecules (glucose) or
macromolecules (proteins) into tissues for specific functionality (e.g., muscles) and
held together at different levels by specific interfacial interactions (Fig. 23.2); (ii)
fleshy materials from plants that are hierarchal composites of hydrated cells that
exhibit internal (turgor) pressure of about 1 MPa (10 atm) and are bonded together
at the cell walls (e.g., tubers, fruits, and vegetables); (iii) encapsulated embryos of
plants that contain a dispersion of starch, protein, and lipids assembled into discrete
packets (e.g., in grains and pulses); and (iv) a unique complex fluid called milk,
intended for nutrition of the young mammal containing several nutrients in a state
of dispersion.
Structures in nature have been regarded as the inspiration for the design of
better-fabricated foods. There is ample awareness among cooks and food technol-
ogists that destroying the structure of natural foods results in rapid and uncontrolled
deterioration. Nature stabilizes structures against unwanted reactions mainly by
three means:
– At the molecular level by complexing reactants into passive forms.
– By compartmentalizing and segregating substrates and catalysts. Take garlic,
for example. When the tissue is disrupted the odorless precursor is placed in
contact with an enzyme that triggers a series of reactions leading to diallyl
disulfide, the powerful component of garlic odor.
– In seeds, nature “freezes” biological activity at ambient temperature by immo-
bilization of the whole system into an amorphous matrix.
Copying nature, however, has not always resulted in good food analogs. Marga-
rine and other spreadable fats made from vegetable oils have a microstructure
radically different from that of the “natural product” butter. In margarine, crystal-
lized fat forms a fine network of interconnected platelets composed of single
crystals and “sheet-like” crystal aggregates that occlude an emulsion of water and
liquid oil (Heertje 1993); in butter, fat remains largely as fat globules.
23 Food Microstructures for Health, Well-being, and Pleasure 581
The presence or absence of specific atoms does make a difference in how we enjoy
our foods, and nature does a fabulous job in doping complex molecules with
selected atoms for this purpose. Chlorophyll, the green pigment that we appreciate
in all green vegetables and fruits, is similar in structure to hemoglobin, which
provides the red coloring in meat (Fig. 23.3). The notable difference between these
two substances is that in the center of the chlorophyll molecule is a magnesium
atom, while in the center of hemoglobin is iron. During thermal processing the Mg
atom is displaced by two hydrogen atoms, resulting in the olive-brown pigment
It is remarkable that the wide assortment of dairy products is derived from struc-
tures formed by three types of building blocks: casein micelles (CM), globular
whey proteins, and fat globules (FG). Emulsions (cream), foams (whipped cream),
gels (yoghurt), a plastic solid (butter), and cheeses of many textures are the result of
interactions between these two types of elements.
CM and FG are assembled inside the mammary cells of the cow’s udder. Casein,
b-lactoglobulin, and a-lactalbumin are synthesized from amino acids at the poly-
somes (poly-ribosomes) on the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). Synthesized
proteins are transferred from the RER to the Golgi apparatus where they are
processed for transport out of the cell. Casein is secreted from the Golgi apparatus
Me Et
CH2 CO2 Me
Me H Me H
a, R=CH3
b, R=CHO
Fig. 23.3 Structure of chlorophyll molecule that gives green color to vegetables. Note the Mg
atom at the center
582 J.M. Aguilera
Fat Native
globule 4 -10 nm
Fat globule
membrance Homo-
Casein Gel
3.6 nm cream
Globular Aggregate interface
Native Denatured
β lactoglobulin globular protein
nm μm mm
Fig. 23.5 The main building blocks for structure formation in milk are fat globules, casein, and
globular whey proteins (only b-lactoglobulin is shown). Structure formation leading to a stable
whipped cream proceeds to the right (larger microstructures). At the center is shown the associa-
tion of destabilized casein micelles into a gel network, the basis of cheese-making
Fig. 23.6 Structural hierarchy of fat crystal networks (from top right, counter clockwise)
(Adapted from Narine and Marangoni 1999)
A next generation of processed foods will be designed for the brain-body axis. As
such, they will be enjoyable to eat, will be nutritionally efficient, and will make us
feel better. For example, many of these foods will be structured in such a way as to
23 Food Microstructures for Health, Well-being, and Pleasure 585
control the release of flavors or bioactive molecules, the rate of stomach emptying,
etc. (Norton et al. 2007). As we understand more about how food components
interact with the human genome and metabolism, new perspectives for the preven-
tion of nutrition-related diseases will become available (German et al. 2004). One
approach is personalized nutrition or matching metabolic needs with specific foods
and diets. The challenge will be to make foods that are appealing to the health-
conscious consumer, have the right proportion of beneficial ingredients, and are
pleasant to be eaten.
In the last 10 years, evidence has shown that food structure plays a key role in
digestion and absorption and that these processes are not as simple and direct as
previously thought. People have become more concerned about the fraction of specific
nutrients reaching systemic circulation (bioavailability) than with the total amount
present in our food before ingestion. Before absorption into the gut a nutrient must
become bioaccessible, meaning that it has to be at the molecular level, in a colloidal
state, or in a micellar state, in the case of hydrophobic compounds (Duchateau and
Klaffke 2008).
The structural organization of the food matrix as well as its nature have been
demonstrated to affect the slow degradation of starch in pasta (Fardet et al. 1998)
and the possible influence on the postprandial glycemic response (Ricciardi et al.
2003). Resistant or slowly digestible starches, as well as control of the degree of
starch gelatinization, may be used to modulate the glucose concentration in the
blood (Parada and Aguilera 2009). The rate and extent of lipid digestion depends on
the breakdown of the matrix in which the lipid phase is embedded. Matrices
occluding lipids may be designed by gelation, extrusion, or drying of biopolymers
and sugars (McClements et al. 2008). It has been suggested that the controlled
physiological response of lipid emulsions may be affected by proper design of the
adsorbed layer on lipid droplets and their size (Singh et al. 2009). The role of food
structure in the availability of several nutrients (carotenoids, xanthophylls, etc.) has
been recently reviewed by Parada and Aguilera (2007). As we increase our under-
standing of how food structures are formed during processing and cooking, and
broken down during digestion, the ability to design healthy products will be
enhanced (Leser et al. 2003).
To control the microstructure of processed foods, traditional unit operations
will have to be scaled down to the micron level and below. Current technologies
used by food processors are largely based on breaking down structure into smaller
elements by the application of mechanical energy to the bulk phase (e.g., grind-
ing, homogenization, spray drying). The ratio between the structure-forming
device (e.g., gap in the homogenizing valve) and the microstructural elements
formed (liquid droplets) may be of several orders of magnitude. In the future,
structure operations will be more like the cow’s udder where assembly and
release of microstructures will occur at the individual element’s level. One inte-
resting application is the use of membranes and microfluidic devices in the forma-
tion of multiple emulsions and foams (Skurtys and Aguilera 2008; Muschiolik
586 J.M. Aguilera
With the advent of gastronomy in the nineteenth century came the first restaurant.
Presently, annual sales in the restaurant business around the world are between $1
and 1.5 trillion dollars. At restaurants one can experience the delights of almost any
traditional and ethnic cuisine and the creativity of talented chefs for a price. This is
in opposition to the concept of cheap and standardized “fast food” and can only be
explained by the desires of people to experience the full pleasure of their senses.
Some modern chefs have broken with old culinary routines, designing dishes
based on sophisticated techniques and guided by scientific principles explored in
their own laboratories. Taking science into the chef’s domain has been called
molecular gastronomy (Vega and Ubbink 2008; This 2006). For example, food
science and gastronomy have merged in the kitchen in the preparation of artificial
caviar, cryogenic desserts, innovative gels, and “airs” or foams (3-D sauces),
among other creations. These structural creations are the envy of food technologists
who have had experience with these novelties but have not succeeded in placing
them on supermarket shelves due to the high costs involved and lack of demand.
Nonetheless, top chefs nowadays have gained the trust of people who have been
seduced by their creations, and they are probably the most innovative professionals
in the food industry. Playing gastronomic engineering in the chef’s kitchen does not
require sizing the market or scaling up processes, since the minimal portions
prepared in the kitchen are almost under laboratory conditions (Aguilera 2009).
Therefore, chefs and food scientists/engineers alike are called to unite and expand
the offer of good food and the appreciation for taste and quality.
23.11 Conclusions
Most of the desirable food properties depend on the way a food is structured, either
by nature or processing. Throughout time, millions of “popular scientists” have
experimented with foods in the kitchen, so it is not surprising that many creative
food structures have originated either by trial-and-error (or just error!) or by
serendipity. It is only in the last few decades that we have gained a basic under-
standing of how food microstructures are formed from the molecular level to that of
products. This has initiated the era of food materials science and the bottom-up
design of food products. New technologies, most notably the use of membranes and
microdevices, promise to bring the scale of fabrication closer to that of key
microstructural elements. On the demand side, increasing evidence linking diets
and some nontransmissible diseases (cardiovascular diseases and some cancers)
will open new opportunities to tailor products that may help prevent or ameliorate
the effects of these diseases. Novel ingredients and nutraceuticals that are used
in the food health and well-being market need to be structured in attractive formats.
In the coming years, structuring foods for the brain (pleasure), the gut (gut health),
23 Food Microstructures for Health, Well-being, and Pleasure 587
and the cells (health and vitality) will become increasingly important as new
knowledge emerges from studies of neurophysiology, consumer preferences, nutri-
tion and digestion, nanoscience, and nutrigenomics as well as other –omics.
Acknowledgments Research has been partly funded by the Fondecyt project 1095199 and the
Marcel Loncin Award of IFT.
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nean experience. Nutr Rev 61:56–60
Singh H, Ye A, Horne D (2009) Structuring food emulsions in the gastrointestinal tract to modify
lipid digestion. Progr Lipid Res 48:92–100
Skurtys O, Aguilera JM (2008) Applications of microfluidic devices in food engineering. Food
Biophys 3:1–15
This H (2006) Molecular gastronomy: exploring the science of flavor. Columbia University Press,
New York
Vega C, Ubbink J (2008) Molecular gastronomy: a food fad or science supporting innovative
cuisine? Trends Food Sci Technol 19:372–382
USDA (2001) United States standards for grades of Swiss cheese, emmentaler cheese. }58.2574
Specifications for US grades. The United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC
Chapter 24
Fruit Microstructure Evaluation Using
Synchrotron X-Ray Computed Tomography
Pieter Verboven, Quang Tri Ho, Els Herremans, Hibru Kelemu Mebatsion,
Bart Nicolaı̈, Greet Kerckhofs, Martine Wevers, and Peter Cloetens
Fruits and vegetables cover 16.6% of the EU production of agricultural food.1 Fruit
is after milk (but leading over cereals) the most important food item consumed in
the EU (over 400 g/capita/day). Yearly, the production amounts to 38.3 million tons
of fruit and 66 million tons of vegetables. Fresh apples and pears are products of
many countries in the EU, with main production in France, Spain, Italy, Germany,
Poland, Austria, Belgium, and The Netherlands. Exports (3€ billion in 2005) are
growing for both fruits and vegetables, but imports are more than four times higher
and are competing strongly in the home market.
Fruit represents an important category of biological food products with high
water content and cellular microstructure. Fruit’s visual, textural, and nutritional
qualities have direct economic impact for fresh consumption as well as processing.
A fruit consists of different tissue types such as the epidermis (with cuticle), cortex
parenchyma tissue, core tissue, and vascular tissue, each with a different micro-
structural composition. From macro- to nano-scale, the physical properties of fruit
are affected by type of tissue, geometric properties of cells, presence of an adhesive
middle lamella between individual cells, cellular water potential, mechanical prop-
erties of cell wall, presence of intercellular spaces, and subcellular features, such as
plasma-membrane, plasmodesmata, and aquaporins (Fig. 24.1). Degradation of
P. Verboven (*), Q.T. Ho,, E. Herremans,, H.K. Mebatsion, and B. Nicolaı̈,
Division BIOSYST-MeBioS, K.U. Leuven, W. de Croylaan 42, P.O. Box 2428, BE-3001 Leuven,
G. Kerckhofs and M. Wevers,
Research group of Materials Performance and Non-destructive Evaluation, Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 44, BE-3001 Leuven, Belgium
P. Cloetens
ID19 High-resolution Diffraction Topography Beamline, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility,
6 rue Jules Horowitz, BP220, 38043 Grenoble Cedex, France
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 589
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_24, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
590 P. Verboven et al.
Fig. 24.1 Some features of apple microstructure (left to right): cross-section of cell wall with
plasmodesmata; cross-section of cells with intercellular pores; and epidermis with wax layer
fruit’s microstructure after harvest quickly leads to interior quality defects. The
amount of loss due to internal disorders that develop during storage varies from
year to year, but for some cultivars this is always significant. Peak losses of fruit
have been recorded as high as 20–30% in some years and locations.
Several disorders may occur that reduce the commercial value of the fruit.
Pome fruit, for example, is often stored for up to 10 months at a low temperature
(typically around 0 C) in combination with reduced O2 and increased CO2 partial
pressure (so-called “Controlled Atmosphere (CA) storage”) to reduce their respi-
ration rate and, hence, extend their storage life. However, the optimal gas
composition is critical, as too low O2 partial pressure in combination with too
high CO2 partial pressure may lead to physiological disorders and off-flavors.
In fact, under suboptimal conditions some fruits may develop browning and core
breakdown. This storage disorder is characterized by the development of brown
internal tissue, which further develops into cavities so that the fruit can no longer
be commercialized. This disorder has been monitored nondestructively by means
of MRI and X-ray CT (Lammertyn et al. 2003). How it relates to microstructure
is unknown.
The incidence of senescent breakdown in apple with symptoms similar to
browning varies from year to year, apparently affected by preharvest growing
conditions. This disorder is related to the age of the fruit, and occurs more often
in large, over-mature apples. Late harvest, delay in cooling, and storage at tem-
peratures above those recommended favor the occurrence. Incidence of senescent
breakdown usually indicates that storage life has passed.
Water core is a disease that appears as hard glassy regions near the core in
apples. Apples that have been exposed to high temperatures and sunlight near
maturity are more susceptible to water core development. Water core does not
develop in storage and may even disappear when originally present in a mild form.
Bitter pit symptoms are mainly found in the cortex apple tissue near the skin and
first appear as soft, brown areas, which eventually become desiccated due to the
collapse of surrounding cells, forming a dry cavity or “pit.” The disorder is due to
preharvest factors including the fruit’s mineral status and the climate in the orchard.
The microstructure of fresh pome fruit (apple and pear) has recently been investi-
gated by means of light microscopy (Schotsmans et al. 2004), scanning electron
microscopy and confocal microscopy (Veraverbeke et al. 2001), and very recently,
by X-ray computed microtomography (Mendoza et al. 2007; Mebatsion et al. 2006;
Verboven et al. 2008).
24 Fruit Microstructure Evaluation Using Synchrotron X-Ray Computed Tomography 591
Internal disorders in fruit can cause extreme losses during the storage season.
Since fruits normally have to be cut to detect internal disorders, they are often only
observed upon quality inspection of the whole batch after shipping. This typically
leads to refusal and subsequent destruction of the whole batch, which may cause
large financial loss. By using new microstructure sensors and improved understand-
ing of the effect of microstructure on such disorders, their occurrence may be
detected earlier or even in advance, resulting in more high quality fruit.
X-ray CT is a relatively new technique developed in the late 1970s that enables the
nondestructive visualization of the internal structure of objects. The first, mainly
medical CT scanners had a pixel resolution of about 1 mm. In the 1980s, after some
technological advances towards micro-focus X-ray sources and high-tech detection
systems, it was possible to develop a micro-CT (or mCT) system, which nowadays
has a pixel resolution of 1,000 times better than medical CT scanners. The tech-
nique of X-ray (micro)-CT is based on the interaction of X-rays with matter. When
X-rays pass through an object they are attenuated depending on the density and
atomic number of the object under investigation and the applied X-ray energy. By
using projection images obtained from different angles, a reconstruction can be
made of a virtual slice through the object. After different consecutive slices are
reconstructed, a 3-D visualization can be obtained. Next to mCT technology, new
in-situ stages (rotatable support platforms for samples) can be developed, which
increase the possibilities of the tomographic systems. An example of such in-situ
stages is the environmental stage (or cooling stage), which is an interesting tool in
the study of fresh food products.
As a noninvasive technique, mCT has been applied to the study of internal 3-D
structures for several food products, e.g., marshmallow, aerated chocolate, and
chocolate muffins (Lim and Barigou 2004). Kuroki et al. (2004) obtained 3-D
spatial information on gas-filled intercellular spaces in cucumber fruit. Babin
et al. (2005) studied the microstructure of cellular cereal products captured by
synchrotron radiation mCT. Leonard et al. (2008) used mCT on processed banana.
Synchrotron radiation mCT has been applied by K.U. Leuven (Katholieke Univer-
siteit Leuven) with success to more difficult products, such as apple and pear, with
resolutions below 1 mm (Mendoza et al. 2007; Verboven et al. 2008).
A new challenge in technology is the nano-CT system that has opened up a new
era in X-ray imaging with a spatial resolution in the range of hundreds of nano-
meters. Proceeding to submicron pixel sizes requires increased performance of the
X-ray source, rotation stage, and X-ray detector. The fact that the object can be
scanned under normal environmental conditions without any coating, vacuum
treatment, or other preparation techniques makes it an interesting tool as such, as
well as a reference source for interpreting microstructure measurements with other
592 P. Verboven et al.
Pears (cv. Conference) were harvested (September 13, 2006) at the experimental
station Fruitteeltcentrum (Rillaar, Belgium). Apples (cv. Jonagold) were picked
during the pre-climacteric stage (September 25, 2006) at another experimental station,
PCFruit (Velm, Belgium). Some fruits with “Early” and “Late” picking dates
were also harvested 14 days before and after the given dates, respectively. All fruits
24 Fruit Microstructure Evaluation Using Synchrotron X-Ray Computed Tomography 593
were cooled and stored under controlled atmospheric conditions (2.5 kPa O2, 0.7 kPa
CO2 – 1 C for pear; 1 kPa O2, 2 kPa CO2 – 0.8 C for apple) up to time of experiments
(Nov. 3–6, 2006). Picking data and cooling procedures are optimal commercial
practices to preserve fruit quality during long-term storage. Cylindrical samples,
5 mm diameter and 1–2 cm length, were removed from the fruit tissues of apple
and pear using a cork bore in the radial direction on the equator of the fruit. The
samples were mounted in a polymethyl methacrylatetube and covered with polymer
foil to avoid dehydration. As stated previously, the experiments were conducted on
beamline ID19 at the ESRF, Grenoble, France i.e., a long (150 m) imaging beamline
where the spatial coherence of the beam is particularly large (transverse coherence
length in the order of 100 mm). The system provided a field of view of
1.43 1.43 mm2 and, at best, an image pixel size of 0.7 mm. 3-D stacks of
2,048 2,048 2,048 pixels were obtained. Volume renderings and quantitative
measurements on the sample were obtained by 3-D image segmentation and isosur-
face representations with Amira (Mercury Computer Systems, Chelmsford, MA), and
dedicated software written for virtual tissue generation (Mebatsion et al. 2009).
Figure 24.3 shows the microstructure of different tissues of Jonagold apple and
Conference pear fruit obtained by synchrotron radiation X-ray imaging. The dermal
tissue presents a dense assembly of cells with little or no voids. Both fruits are
aerated by voids in between the cells of the parenchyma that makes up the bulk of
the cortex tissue of the fruit. The vascular tissue in the mature fruit contains empty
xylem vessels surrounded by dense tissue without any air voids. The parenchyma in
the pear fruit consists of smaller cells and air voids compared to the apple.
The structure of the voids is significantly different in the two fruits. In apple, the
voids are the size of the cells, while in pear the voids are small channel-like
structures. The total fraction of voids is also significantly larger in the Jonagold
apple than in the Conference pear. Verboven et al. (2008) used the microstructure
characteristics presented in Fig. 24.3 to interpret the apparent gas exchange proper-
ties of the two fruits in relation to storability and internal disorders.
×10-4 0.4
2 0.35
y x 1
Fig. 24.4 Use of apple 3-D microstructure images for modeling: (a) Synchrotron radiation X-ray
image. (b) Ellipsoid-fitted solid model of X-ray image using method of Mebatsion et al. (2009) and
(c) Computed O2 profile in tissue using model of Ho et al. (2009)
24 Fruit Microstructure Evaluation Using Synchrotron X-Ray Computed Tomography 597
24.5 Conclusions
Today, internal defects in fruits can only be detected when the fruit is cut. The
whole batch is then assigned as lost; economic risks are therefore high. Early and
nondestructive detection of interior defects and/or aspects that initiate these
defects can prevent severe economicloss. To that end, the role of the fruit
microstructure must be understood and measurement of relevant features online
during preservation and transformation of the fruit should be targeted. With
respect to the first objective, it was demonstrated that the method of synchrotron
radiation X-ray tomography provides a suitable tool to probe the microstructure
of in vivo tissues. To develop fast and cheap online measurement technologies
(e.g., X-ray radiography, nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry and diffuso-
metry, diffuse spectroscopy, or optical coherence tomography) the presented
method serves as a reference.
Acknowledgments The K.U. Leuven Interfaculty Council for Development Co-operation (IRO),
the K.U. Leuven Research Council (project OT-08023), the Fund for Scientific Research (project
G.06.03.08), and the Institute for the Promotion of Innovation by Science and Technology in
Flanders (projects IWT-060720 and IWT-050633) are gratefully acknowledged for financial
support. Pieter Verboven is Fellow of the Industrial Research Fund of the K.U. Leuven. The
results were obtained with a beamtime project of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in
Grenoble, France (experiment MA222).
Babin P, Della Valle G, Dendievel R, Lassoued N, Salvo L (2005) Mechanical properties of bread
crumbs from tomography based finite element simulations. J Mater Sci 40:5867–5873
Cloetens P, Ludwig W, Baruchel J, Van Dyck D, Van Landuyt J, Guigay JP, Schlenker M (1999)
Holotomography: quantitative phase tomography with micrometer resolution using hard
synchrotron radiation x rays. Appl Phys Lett 75:2912–2914
Cloetens P, Mache R, Schlenker M, Lerbs-Mache S (2006) Quantitative phase tomography of
Arabidopsis seeds reveals intercellular void network. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103:14626–14630
Davis TJ, Gao D, Gureyev TE, Stevenson AW, Wilkins SW (1995) Phase contrast imaging of
weakly absorbing materials using hard X-rays. Nature 373:595–598
598 P. Verboven et al.
Fractal and multifractal concepts have been increasingly applied in various fields of
science to describe the complexity and self-similarity of nature. A fractal describes
a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be subdivided into parts, each of
which is at least approximately a reduced-size copy of the whole. Fractal dimen-
sions offer a systematic approach to quantifying irregular patterns that contain an
internal structure repeated over a range of scales (Mandelbrot 1992). Estimations of
fractal dimension are based on the box-counting technique, which allows obtaining
the scaling properties of 2-D fractal objects (e.g., from binary images) by covering
the images with boxes size e and counting the number of boxes containing at least
one pixel representing the object or structure under study. However, the disadvan-
tage of the box-counting technique is that the process does not consider the amount
of mass inside a box and therefore is not able to resolve regions with high or low
density of mass. Biological materials are frequently complex in the distribution of
their components or structures, which could be of interest to characterize and to
quantify, and therefore, simple fractal dimension estimations may not be enough to
appropriately characterize these materials.
By contrast, multifractal methods are suitable for characterizing a complex spatial
arrangement of mass because they can resolve local densities (Vicsek 1992).
Multifractal formalisms involve decomposing self-similar measures into inter-
twined fractal sets, which are characterized by their singularity strength and fractal
dimension. Multifractal characterization does not require a single dimension, but
rather a sequence of generalized fractal dimensions. Thus, a combination of all the
fractal sets produces a multifractal spectrum that can characterize variability and
heterogeneity of the studied variables (Kravchenko et al. 1999). The advantage of
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 599
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_25, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
600 F. Mendoza et al.
log N ðeÞ
D0 ¼ lim (25.2)
e!0 log 1e
can be measured by counting number N of boxes needed to cover the object under
investigation for increasing box size e and estimating the slope of a log-log plot
25 Multifractal Characterization of Apple Pore and Ham Fat-Connective 601
where ai is the Lipschitz-H€ older exponent characterizing density in the ith box
(Halsey et al. 1986). One technique to determine multifractal parameters is to cover
a measure with boxes size e. The number of boxes N(a) where the probability has
values in the interval (a, a + da) is found to scale as (Halsey et al. 1986; Chhabra
and Jensen 1989):
where f ðaÞ can be defined as the fractal dimension of the set of boxes with
singularities a. The exponent a can take on values from the interval (a1, a+1),
and f ðaÞ is usually a single-humped function with a maximum at df ðaðqÞÞ=
daðqÞ ¼ 0, where q ¼ 0, fmax is equal to the box-counting or D0 (Vicsek 1992;
Gouyet 1996). In practice, using the box-counting method, for every box i the
probability of a containing object, also called the partition function, is obtained for
different moments q, which can vary from 1 to +1. The partition function is
represented by m(q,e) and defined as (Chhabra and Jensen 1989):
mðq; eÞ ¼ Pqi ðeÞ (25.5)
log Pqi
1 i¼1
Dq ¼ lim (25.6)
e!0 1 q log e
Pi log Pi
D1 ¼ lim (25.7)
e!0 log e
(25.10) is dominated by the highest values of Pi for q > 0, and the lowest values of
Pi for q < 0.
The partition function (a log-log plot of the quantity m(q,e) over e for different
q yields) scales as:
log mðq; eÞ
tq ¼ lim (25.8b)
e!0 log 1e
where tðqÞ is the mass or correlation exponent of the qth order defined as (Halsey
et al. 1986):
The connection between the power exponents f ðaÞ (25.4) and tðqÞ (25.6) is
made via the Legendre transformation (Callen 1985; Halsey et al. 1986; Chhabra
and Jensen 1989):
aðqÞ ¼ (25.11)
The f ðaÞ spectrum and the generalized dimensions contain the same information,
both characterizing an interwoven ensemble of fractal dimensions f ðai Þ. In each of
the ith fractals, the observable Pi scales with the Lipschitz-H€older-exponent ai.
The generalized dimensions for q ¼ 0, 1, and 2 mathematically describe the
defined fractal dimensions known as D0, D1, and D2. D0 is also known as a capacity
dimension; it is independent of q and provides global (or average) information on
the system (Voss 1988). D1 is related to the information or Shannon entropy
(Shannon and Weaver 1949), and quantifies the degree of disorder present in a
distribution. According to Gouyet (1996), for a measure m 2 (0,1), the value of D1
is in the range of 0 < D1 < 1. A D1; a value close to 1.0 characterizes a system
uniformly distributed throughout all scales, whereas a D1 close to 0 reflects a subset
of the scale in which the irregularities are concentrated. D2 is mathematically
associated with the correlation function (Grassberger and Procaccia 1983) and
computes the correlation of measures contained in intervals of size e. The relation-
ship between D0, D1, and D2 is D2 D1 D0, where the equality D0 ¼ D1 ¼ D2
occurs only if the fractal is statistically or exactly self-similar and homogeneous
(i.e., monofractal) (Korvin 1992).
25 Multifractal Characterization of Apple Pore and Ham Fat-Connective 603
is the crystallization of water and sometimes solutes (Martino et al. 1998; Delgado
and Sun 2001). Slow freezing generally leads to large ice crystals formed exclu-
sively on extracellular areas, which can damage cell structure and affect the thaw
behavior as well as have an effect on the sensory properties and nutritional value of
foodstuffs, while high freezing rates produce small crystals evenly distributed all
over the tissue. Therefore, extended research has been carried out to control the
crystal size. Conventional cooling methods, such as air blast, plate contact, circu-
lating brine, and liquid nitrogen (ordered in increasing values of the heat transfer
coefficient) are the most common methods used for food freezing (Sun 2001).
Among these traditional methods, the immersion freezing process offers numerous
advantages, e.g., high-heat-transfer coefficients, individualized freezing, good
product quality, energy savings, etc.
We believe that the spectrum of local fractal dimensions could be an indication
of geometric characteristics of PSD in fresh and frozen-thawed apples. This hope is
solidly based on the fact that the fractal approach provides multifractal outputs that
can be adjusted in order to fit multifractal spectra obtained from experimental data.
Furthermore, it is well known that deviation from local fractal dimensions is greater
for nonuniforms or natural plant structures such as pore distribution in apples;
therefore, local fractal dimensions measured within a small region may vary from
point to point, and the object can be characterized by a spectrum of fractal dimen-
sions. Multifractal analysis (MFA) may improve characterization and discrimina-
tion of changes with high precision in apple tissue microstructure due to processing
and preservation.
Figure 25.1 illustrates the experimental procedure for apple sampling, the recon-
structed X-ray image acquisition projection, and the stack of cropped X-ray images
used for further processing and MFA. In this example, a Granny Smith apple
(Malus domestica) with ~8.5 cm dia. (86.9% w/w moisture and ~12 Brix) was
selected from a local market in Dublin (Ireland) and stored at 4 1 C for use later
that same day. This apple variety was chosen as a test material due to the uniformity
of its tissues and its structural stability in storage (Sterling 1968). In addition, the
Granny Smith variety was available all over Ireland that year at a fairly constant
quality. In spite of this, it is well known that high microstructural variability exists
among apples even coming from the same lot, and therefore for analysis, the
samples were extracted from the same apple. The apple cylinders (i.e., two fresh
and two frozen samples) measuring 1.8 cm dia. and 2.5 cm high were cut using a
cork borer in radial orientation from the middle parenchyma (~10 mm from the
skin; Fig. 25.1a) and the same spatial position around the fruit. What remained of
the fruit tissue was used for initial water content and soluble solids determination.
Frozen samples were obtained by immersing samples in a bath system filled with
a freezing solution of 50% ethylene glycol and 50% water in volume. All samples
25 Multifractal Characterization of Apple Pore and Ham Fat-Connective 605
(fresh and frozen) were loosely wrapped in tissue paper saturated with water to
prevent browning reactions, and kept together in a refrigerator for 24 h at 4 1 C
to achieve uniform initial temperature and thawing of the frozen samples, and until
apple cylinders were imaged. Moisture loss or water uptake during this period was
considered to have little effect.
Samples were scanned with an X-ray micro-CT scanner (SCANCO MEDICAL
AG, mCT-40, Bassersdorf, Switzerland) over the interval 0 –180 (using a 0.9 scan
step) at a linear resolution of 10 mm by pixel, operating voltage of 70 kV, current of
114 mA, and exposure time of 8.4 s. To account for the nonuniformities in the X-ray
beam and nonuniform response of the CCD detector, the raw images were corrected
for dark and white fields by averaging the flat field correction references collected at
the beginning of the experiment. Each sample was enclosed in a plastic tube to avoid
dehydration without any special preparation. The imaging process took approximately
25 min per sample.
The X-ray shadow projections of the 3-D object, digitalized as 2,048 2,048
pixels, were processed using a mathematical back-projection procedure to obtain
reconstructed cross-section images of linear attenuation coefficient values with 256
gradations (8-bit) (Fig. 25.1b). Thus, a stack of 200 cross-sections of grey images of
the object (considering apple tissue and image background), with a 10 mm interslice
distance, was obtained from each scanned apple sample. Thus, for each set of
radiographic images, to extract only the apple tissue image, a fixed area in the
midsection of the scanned region (1,024 1,024 pixels, equivalent to 104.9 cm2)
was cropped and then subjected to image analysis (Fig. 25.1c).
To obtain binary images for the consecutive MFA, the pores need to be identified
and segmented at a certain threshold. However, the distinctions among the voids
and solid phases in the radiographic images of apple tissue are frequently not sharp.
They do not show a bimodal distribution due to the amount of peak overlap in the
attenuation coefficient histogram (Mendoza et al. 2007); as a result, dedicated
segmentation algorithms need to be used to closely represent the pore structure in
the images. Therefore, partition of apple tissue images into pores and cellular
a b c
1024 pixels 4
Radial 3
orientation 2
1024 pixels
∅=1.8 cm 1
L = 2.5 cm
Fig. 25.1 Illustration of experimental procedure for MFA of a fresh apple sample: (a) Sampling in
radial orientation; (b) representative X-ray cross-sectional image reconstructed with 256 grada-
tions, showing the cropped region (1,024 1,024 pixels2; black regions represent pores; gray
regions represent cellular material); (c) stack of cropped radiographic images used for further
processing and MFA
606 F. Mendoza et al.
The fractal properties were extracted from digitized binary images of fat-connec-
tive tissue structures; 200 images from each type of apple sample, fresh or frozen-
thawed, were evaluated. Parameters calculated from each multifractal spectrum
were: the Hausdorff dimension, f ðaÞ; the singularities of strength, a; and their
generalized fractal dimension, Dq; all were calculated in the range of moment
orders (q) between 10 and +10 taken at 0.1 lag increments. In addition, the bulk
porosity of each apple sample, representing the void space as a fraction of the total
volume, was calculated from the binary segmented images by a simple count of the
pixels in the pore space divided by the total number of pixels in the image. Since
the X-ray CT technique gave a stack of 200 images per sample, the average value of
the computed multifractal parameters and spectrums from each stack of images and
repetition were reported and used in further analyses.
To calculate the f ðaÞ-spectra, the method developed by Chhabra and Jensen
(1989) was implemented in Matlab v7.0 (MathWorks, Inc., USA). Figure 25.2
illustrates the multifractal theory applied to a binary image of fresh apple tissue
corresponding to the cropped image shown in Fig. 25.1b. Thus, images were
partitioned using the box-counting algorithm to estimate the probability of contain-
ing pores (voids) for each box size e, from 2 to 1,024 (i.e., in steps of 2k, 1 < k
< 10). From this information the partition functions and mass or correlation
exponent of the qth order tðqÞ were obtained, as shown in Fig. 25.2b, c. Doing
this for images that are 1,024 1,024 pixels avoids artifacts, which occur when
boxes do not entirely cover the image at the borders. A family of normalized
measures, mi(q,e), was constructed for positive and negative values of q covering
variable ranges in steps of 0.1:
Pqi ðeÞ
mi ðq; eÞ ¼ (25.12)
Pqi ðeÞ
where Pi(e) is the fraction (or probability) of pores contained in each ith box size e.
Note that for any value of q, the normalized measures take values in the interval (0, 1).
The direct computation of f ðaÞ values was made using the simplified relations
proposed by Chhaabra et al. (1989), and Chhabra and Jensen (1989):
25 Multifractal Characterization of Apple Pore and Ham Fat-Connective 607
mðq; eÞ log½mi ðq; eÞ
f ðqÞ ¼ lim (25.13)
e!0 log e
mðq; eÞ log½Pi ðeÞ
aðqÞ ¼ lim (25.14)
e!0 log e
For each q, values f ðqÞ and aðqÞwere obtained from the slope of plots of the
numerators in (25.13) and (25.14) versus log e over the entire range of e values
considered. The range of q values over which both functions were linear (Dq)
was selected considering the coefficients of determination (R2) of both fits
(Fig. 25.2d, e). The f ðqÞ and aðqÞ functions (Fig. 25.2f) obtained over a given
Dq were used to construct f ðaÞ-spectra as an implicit function of q and e. The
symmetry of multifractal spectra was evaluated by comparing the width of the
spectra from their center [a(0)] to a( j qi j ). Values of j qi j were the same in both
the positive and negative domains and equal to the smaller of the two defining
the Dq interval.
–4 10
30 –2
–1 5
15 0
0 1 0
2 –5
–15 4
6 –10
–30 8
–45 10 –15
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 –10 –5 0 5 10
Log(ε) Moment, q
d e f
0 0 2.2 f (q )
Simi(q,e) log[mi(q,e)]
a(q )
Simi(q,e) log[pi(e)]
–1 –1 2.0
f (q ), a(q )
–2 –2 1.8
–3 –3
q = –1 q = –1 1.6
–4 q=0 –4 q=0
q=1 q=1 1.4
–5 q=2 –5 q=2
10 100 1000 10 100 1000 –10 –5 0 5 10
e e Moment, q
Fig. 25.2 Illustration of multifractal theory applied to a binary image of fresh apple tissue
(corresponding to cropped image in Fig. 25.1b): (a) Binary image (pores are represented by
white pixels); (b) partition functions calculated in range of moment orders (q) between 10 and
+10, but showing only lag increments of 2; (c) mass or correlation exponent of the qth order tðqÞ;
(d) and (e) Plots of (25.14) and (25.13), respectively, as a function of e; (f) Illustration of f(q) and
a(q) spectrums
608 F. Mendoza et al.
On the other hand, generalized dimensions were obtained as the slope of the
partition function over box size, both taken as logarithms (25.8) and (25.9). This
method is known as the method of moments (Everstz and Mandelbrot 1992) or
Rényi spectrum (Rényi 1995), as Dq is estimated for every moment q.
To give a better idea about the microstructure of apple tissue, Fig. 25.3 shows
representative radiographic images extracted from fresh and frozen-thawed apple
tissue. The samples are characterized by different porous structures, illustrating the
deleterious effect of freezing on the apple’s microstructure. In the frozen-thawed
sample, the cell disruption and tissue due to ice crystal formation is evident, wherein
the pores are larger and rounded compared to fresh apple tissue. Also, differences
(heterogeneity) in the bulk porosity distribution between cultivars are visually evident
(Table 25.1). The average porosity computed from two stacks of apple images
extracted from the same fruit (taken parallel to the medial axis of each fruit, 0 and
180 around the fruit; 200 images per stack, area per image ¼ 104.9 cm2) showed
values 14.1 0.8% for fresh and 20.7 1.4% for frozen-thawed tissue. ANOVA
analysis of the average porosity confirmed the differences (P-value <0.05) between
apple samples and revealed a higher variability between images from frozen-thawed
tissue than those computed from fresh tissue, as represented by their standard
A crucial step in MFA is to determine the range of both e and the moments of
order q over which a multifractal method is applicable. This means determining the
range of e and q in which the numerators of (25.13) and (25.14) are linear functions
of log e. The range of q values was selected considering the coefficients of
determination (R2) of the fits (Fig. 25.2d, e). In this study, the general criterion
was to choose the range of moments with R2 equal or larger than 0.95. Thus, the
condition was met for a(q) in the range Dq of 10 to +10, and for f(q) in the range
Dq of 1.4 to +5.8, for both fresh and frozen-thawed samples.
The corresponding f ðaÞ-spectra and Rényi spectra (range of moment order q
between 10 and +10) for each apple type are shown in Fig. 25.4a, b, respec-
tively. The f ðaÞ-spectra shows the typical hump-shape observed for multifractal
objects, but there are distinct differences in shape and symmetry between the
fresh and frozen-thawed apple samples (Fig. 25.4a). The curvature and symmetry
Table 25.1 Selected multifractal parameters and standard deviations from the analysis of binary
images of pores for fresh and frozen-thawed apple tissue
Porosity (%) a(0) a(1) a(1) a(0) D0 D1 f[a(1)] D0 D1/D0
Fresh 14.1 0.8x 0.214 0.015x 0.602 0.084x 0.090 0.006x 0.190 0.015x 0.955 0.003x
Frozen 20.7 1.4y 0.229 0.016y 0.791 0.129y 0.092 0.008y 0.238 0.025y 0.954 0.003y
x–y, values with different letters within each column indicate significant differences among fresh
and frozen apples (p < 0.05)
25 Multifractal Characterization of Apple Pore and Ham Fat-Connective 609
Fig. 25.3 Reconstructed 3-D X-ray apple tissue images (2003 pixels3 8 mm3): (a) Fresh;
(b) frozen-thawed tissue (dark regions represent pores; clear regions represent cellular material).
The pore space in frozen-thawed tissue appears larger and apparently more heterogeneous in size
than in fresh apple tissue, evidencing the deleterious effect of freezing on the apple microstructure
Fig. 25.4 Multifractal spectrums of PSD in fresh and frozen-thawed apple tissues expressed by:
(a) f ðaÞ-spectra; (b) Rényi dimensions spectra, Dq
to D+10 ¼ 1.664 0.022 for fresh apple tissue, and from D10 ¼ 3.339 0.122 to
D+10 ¼ 1.686 0.021 for frozen-thawed tissue. However, the width of the Dq-
spectra was greater in the frozen-thawed tissue, which indicated that the heteroge-
neity of PSDs in the parenchyma tissue was more apparent than in fresh apple, also
confirming that the visual differences appreciated in the reconstructed 3-D images in
Fig. 25.3.
In addition, heterogeneity can be assessed at q ¼ 0 by the magnitude of differ-
ences in the values D0 and að0Þ, or more generally, by the magnitude of changes
around D0 in both f ðaÞ and a axes. Table 25.1 shows selected multifractal para-
meters for characterizing the heterogeneity of fresh and frozen-thawed apple
samples. In the present example, except for D1/D0, the computed parameters
(a(0) a(1), a(1) a(0), D0 D1, and f[a(1)] D0) showed statistical dif-
ferences (P-value <0.05) between apple samples. In a symmetric spectrum, the
widths ranging from a(0) to a(jqij), and D0 to D(jqij) are expected to be similar and
smaller. In this sense, the results presented in Table 25.1 clearly confirm that PSD in
fresh apple tissue is more homogeneous than that of frozen-thawed tissue. This
tendency toward homogeneity implies that regions with high and low concentration
of mass (pores) scale similarly.
Two qualities of pork hams were manufactured at Dawn Farm Foods Co. (Kildare,
Ireland), using different muscle sections and various percentages of brine solutions
(wet curing by injection). Specifically, the high yield ham (low quality) had a 50%
brine injection and was made from pork muscle called Silverside PAD (biceps
femoris), cut to 100 mm width. The injected muscle was vacuum-tumbled at
1,500 rpm for 12 h and vacuum-filled into PVC casings, clipped, and cooked at
82 C to a core temperature of 72 C. The medium-yield ham (intermediate quality)
had a 30% brine injection and contained three leg muscles: Topside, Silverside, and
Knuckle. The injected muscle was vacuum-tumbled at 500 rpm for 5 h and vacuum-
filled into PVC casings, clipped, and cooked at 82 C to a core temperature of 72 C.
All pork ham samples were chilled to 4 C before slicing. Images were acquired
immediately after slicing (100 slices per type of ham quality).
To ensure reproducibility in the preprocessing and MFA of ham images, a color-
calibrated computer vision system (CVS) as described by Valous et al. (2009) was
used for image acquisition (spatial resolution 0.102 mm/pixel). Then, a polynomial
transform was used for signal calibration of the captured images (Valous et al.
2009), which mapped the raw RGB primary signals into the sRGB color standard
(IEC 1999). These color-calibrated images were used in the identification and
segmentation of fat-connective tissue structures. For analysis, due to the large
variation in size and shape between the two presliced ham qualities, the images
were subsequently cropped in the central region to produce 512 512 pixel images
(equivalent to 2,727.4 mm2). The software package MATLAB (MathWorks, USA)
was used for image processing and multifractal computations.
The fat-connective tissue segmentation was performed using the green (G) inten-
sity images (from sRGB), since visually this color channel better represented the
edges of the fat-connective tissue structures of the two evaluated hams. Thus, the
green (G) intensity image was preprocessed with a median filter (3 3) to remove
impulse noise. Then, a morphological closing filter (3 3) was applied to remove
pores; a decrease in the intensity variations of the background pixels (more “flat”
background in relation to fat-connective tissue) was also carried out. A hi-pass filter
(15 15) was applied for increasing sharpness and contrast. This operation intro-
duced some random noise, which was then removed using the median filtering
operation (3 3), while a subsequent histogram-based segmentation using a unique
threshold value of 200 produced the binary images (Valous et al. 2009).
Figure 25.5 shows representative images of the two evaluated pork ham qualities
as well as the experimental procedure for cropping and binarization of the fat-
connective tissue structures. The original ham images were cropped to obtain three
square regions (512 512 pixels2) from each slice; since not all ham slices had the
same spatial dimensions, this process allowed receiving representative information
from each quality sample, facilitating better scrutiny and interpretation, and also
keeping computation times manageable. Also, the depicted binary images confirm
the performance of the segmentation method used in this investigation.
612 F. Mendoza et al.
Fig. 25.5 Illustration of experimental procedure for MFA using ham samples: (a) Representative
images of the two evaluated pork ham qualities; (b) cropped color regions (512 512 pixels2);
(c) corresponding binary images of segmented fat-connective tissue structures used for further
processing and MFA
As observed in Fig. 25.5, the evaluated ham qualities are characterized by different
contents and distributions of fat-connective tissue structures; they also show a high
variability in the textural appearance of slices from the same quality type. Fat-
connective tissue estimations (average of 300 square images per quality type)
showed values for high yield of 6.2 2.1% and for medium yield 2.9 1.6%.
The statistical differences (P-value <0.05) were evident between these average
indices (Table 25.2).
The range of q values for ham samples, considering the coefficients of determi-
nation (R2) equal or larger than 0.95, for the plot of numerators (25.13) and (25.14)
versus log e, were for a(q) in the range Dq of 1.7 to +10 and for f (q) in the range
Dq of 1.6 to +3.1 for both ham qualities.
Figures 25.6a, b depict the average f ðaÞ-spectra and Rényi spectra for each ham
quality and their standard deviations for each point, respectively. The f ðaÞ-spectra
revealed that FSD in medium-yield hams is slightly more homogeneous than in
high-yield hams (Fig. 25.6a), as indicated by the shorter amplitude and symmetric
shape of the average f ðaÞ-spectra for the medium-yield ham. Similarly, the Rényi
spectra (Fig. 25.6b) exhibited pronounced decreased Dq values with increasing q,
and showed clear statistical differences between the ham qualities in the entire
range of Dq values (with q moments ranging from 10 to þ10). In this example, the
25 Multifractal Characterization of Apple Pore and Ham Fat-Connective 613
Table 25.2 Selected multifractal parameters and standard deviations from the analysis of binary
images of fat-connective tissue for the two qualities of presliced hams
Fat-connective a(0) a(1) a(1) a(0) D0 D1 f [a(1)] D0 D1/D0
tissue index (%)
High 6.23 2.07x 0.385 0.042x 0.616 0.069x 0.164 0.020x 0.267 0.023x 0.909 0.013x
Medium 2.89 1.56y 0.393 0.070x 0.470 0.119y 0.174 0.029y 0.233 0.054y 0.888 0.021y
x–y, values with different letters within each column indicate significant differences among ham
qualities (p < 0.05)
Fig. 25.6 Multifractal spectrums of FSD in two qualities of presliced hams expressed as: (a) f ðaÞ-
spectra; (b) Rényi dimensions spectra, Dq
evaluated range of Dq ran from D10 ¼ 2.920 0.142 to D+10 ¼ 1.382 0.107
for high-yield hams and D10 ¼ 2.429 0.226 to D+10 ¼ 1.326 0.140 for
medium-yield hams, with an average D0 dimension for high- and medium-yield
hams of 1.808 0.080 and 1.572 0.180, respectively. Nonetheless, the width of
Dq-spectra is greater in high-yield hams, which indicates that the heterogeneity of
FSDs in the ham matrix is more apparent than in medium-yield types. In general,
both multifractal spectrums allowed for a robust characterization of these two types
of ham. The selected multifractal parameters presented in Table 25.2 confirm that,
with exception of the difference a(0) a(1) and in spite of the high variability of
samples coming from the same quality, the computed parameters a(1) a(0),
D0 D1, f[a(1)] D0, and D1/D0 are all statistically different (P-value <0.05)
and therefore could be used as quality predictors of hams.
In this chapter, multifractal spectrum and the generalized dimensions of apple pore
structure are computed with data obtained from X-ray images (10 mm/pixel) of
fresh and frozen-thawed apple samples (Granny Smith), as well as color images
(0.102 mm/pixel) of two different qualities of presliced pork hams typically
614 F. Mendoza et al.
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Part V
Food Packaging
Chapter 26
New Packaging Materials Based on Renewable
Resources: Properties, Applications,
and Prospects
26.1 Introduction
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 619
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_26, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
620 S. Guilbert et al.
Agro-polymer Fermentation /
(extractible GM Green chemistry
polymer) Agro- “additived”
polymer and “oxo-
Chemical modification degradable”
Microbial or catalyst
Bio-polyester biodegradable
Bio-polyester, long polyesters
chain starch... Bio-polyolefins...
Starch, protein or
cellulose based Blends, composites,
Nano-composites, multilayers...
Gontard and Guillaume 2009). Nonconventional extractible polyesters are also now
produced either by microorganisms or genetically modified (GM) plants (Fig. 26.1).
Apart from extractible polymers, bio-sourced plastic polymers are produced by
chemical synthesis of monomers obtained by fermentation of renewable substrates.
Today, they are bio-polyesters, bio-polyolefins, and bio-elastomers. Some are still
under development, and others, such as polylactic acid (PLA), are already com-
mercialized for the formulation of packaging materials (Fig. 26.1). Their properties
are identical or close to conventional material properties, with renewability as a
strong functional and commercial advantage. Some of these bio-sourced polymers
(e.g., bio-polyesters) are biodegradable or compostable (e.g., PLA).
Biodegradable fossil-based plastic materials (generally, polyesters) have been
developed in order to facilitate processability optimization and to improve mechan-
ical, barrier, optical, and biodegradability properties. Their combination with
extractible agropolymer materials, or bio-sourced polyester materials, or fibers, to
form blends or composite materials, has given good test results. This could be a
solution to optimize production costs and modulate the biodegradability kinetics
and mechanical and transport properties.
(Fig. 26.1). It refers to conventional polymers (e.g., polyethylene [PE] and polypro-
pylene [PP]) mixed with 1–5% additives, which are supposed to promote the
degradation of the entire material. Additives are organic materials such as starch,
cellulose or ethylene vinyl alcohol (called “Additived with organic materials”), or
transition metals (e.g., cobalt, zinc, manganese) that catalyze oxidation and chain
scission (called “oxo-degradable”). In the first case, only a small portion of the
material biodegrades; the material is considered “fragmentable.” In the second case,
the pro-oxidation catalysts promote polymer chain scission when the material is
exposed to an abiotic environment (temperature, O2, UV, etc.). Both types of
additived polymers do not meet the standard specifications for compostable or
biodegradable plastics (ASTM D64000 or D6868). In addition, the environmental
consequences of their usage are largely unknown (e.g., ecotoxicity or accumulation
of nano-size products of chain scission). Therefore, additive polymers should
definitively be excluded from the bio-plastics family.
The first group of bio-plastics refers to “nature-made polymers” that have been
naturally engineered by vegetal or microbial cells (i.e., crop plants, industrial
microorganisms), which are then extracted, purified, and eventually modified.
These polymers are renewable. The main benefits are high yields from natural
fabrication and excellent carbon and energy balance. In addition, functional proper-
ties (e.g., mass transport properties) are often original and far from conventional
plastic properties, thus paving the way for new applications such as active or
intelligent materials (see Sect. 26.3). The formulation of bio-plastic materials
based on extractible agropolymers implies the use of polyesters, polysaccharides
or proteins. These polymers have the capability to form a matrix with sufficient
cohesion and continuity, a crystalline or amorphous continuous structure, under
certain conditions. Starch is the most commonly used agricultural raw material, and
is inexpensive, widely available, and relatively easy to handle. “All-starch” bio-
plastics are made from thermoplastic starch and are formed with standard techniques
(as used for synthetic polymer films) such as extrusion or injection molding. The use
of thermoplastic proteins was also investigated (Gontard and Guilbert 1994; Guilbert
et al. 2006), but commercial applications are still expected. Among the proteins, milk
proteins (casein, whey proteins), soya proteins, and cereal proteins (wheat gluten,
zein, etc.) have been more extensively studied (Guilbert and Cuq 2002).
622 S. Guilbert et al.
plants was proposed with the potential for producing large amounts of bio-polymers at
a low cost. A commercially relevant yield of 7–14% dry weight has been achieved
with transgenic sugarcane or switch grass. Metabolix is one of the major industrial
actors in this field.
PHA-based plastic properties look like PE ones but their rigidity is much higher
due to a higher glass transition temperature (+5 /+10 C, compared to 120 C for
PE). Actual production of these microbial polyesters is still very low (between 0.6
and 1.2 kT/year) with cost between 1.8 and 5.0€/kg according to the quality and
production process.
The second group of bio-plastics refers to “chemical synthesis” polymers,
which are also sometimes called “artificial bio-polymers.” They can be: (i) bio-
sourced (renewable origin) and biodegradable or compostable (e.g., PLA), (ii) bio-
sourced and nonbiodegradable (e.g., bio-PE, bio PP), or (iii) petrol-based (fossil
origin) but biodegradable (e.g., PBAT or PBSA). These polymers are synthesized
by conventional chemical polymerization of monomers issued either from fossil oil
cracking or renewable resource “deconstruction” (e.g., products of a plant biore-
finery). These may benefit from the possibility of designed tailor-made polymers
with controlled properties but the environmental impact is sometimes controversial.
Polylactic (and polyglycolic) acids are mainly produced by chemical polymeri-
zation of lactic acid (and glycolic acid) obtained by Lactobacillus fermentation.
Biomass is used for fermentation derivatives of corn flour (corn starch hydroly-
sates), but use of the whole plant (including straw and lignocellulosic parts) is
expected in the near future (second generation). Commercial applications of PLA
materials are growing very rapidly under the trademarks of Ingeo™ from Cargill
(USA) or Purasorb from Purac (NL). PLA-based plastic properties are similar to PE
properties but their rigidity is much higher due to a higher glass transition tempera-
ture (þ5 /þ60 C, instead of 120 C for PE). PLA biodegrades at temperatures
higher than Tg; the standard PLA (Tg ¼ þ50/þ60 C) is not considered as biode-
gradable according to the ASTM standards but is compostable. In 2008, PLA
production was slightly above 70 kT/year with an average price of 1.3–2.6€/kg.
Bio-sourced but not biodegradable/compostable plastics polymers (biopolyole-
fins, biopolyurethan, polycarbonate, etc.), produced with monomers from renew-
able resources and “green chemistry” transformation, have been announced for the
near future. For example, Braskem, Brazil’s largest petrochemical firm, invested
US$150 million in a 200 KT plant to produce PE from sugarcane-based ethanol
in 2009.
Petrol-based biodegradable polyesters are produced mainly by chemical synthe-
sis, by companies such as Basf with Ecoflex (-PBAT-), Showa Highpolymer with
Bionolle (polybutene succinate adipate -PBSA-), and Solvay with Capa (Polyca-
prolactone -PCL-). Actual production of these polyesters is between 10 and 25 kT/
year with price around 2.0–3.0€/kg. Several research projects to replace these last
fossil biodegradable polyesters with renewable ones are underway. Some are based
on plant oil, fatty acid or glycerol chemical modification, including polymerization.
Other projects are based on the production by fermentation of some monomers for
copolymer building. As an example, Roquette (FR) and DSM (NL) announced the
624 S. Guilbert et al.
future building of a pilot plant for the production by fermentation of succinic acid
for PBSA fabrication.
There are very few reliable data concerning the environmental footprint of bio-
plastics. Some life cycle analysis (LCA) is available but the scope of such is
generally limited to the factory (from cradle to gate). Without cradle to tomb
analysis (e.g., cradle to composting) or better, cradle to cradle, it is very difficult
to advise on the real environmental impact (compared to conventional plastic
materials). It is also true that due to the absence of an optimized supply chain on
one part, and industrial local composting facilities on another part, it is unfair to
compare an emerging chain to a well-established one. For these reasons, govern-
mental agencies generally support the R&D effort in the domain of bio-plastics
study, to help and promote the emergence of a viable industry.
Beyond environmental consideration, the development of bioplastics is driven
by their unique and original properties when compared to conventional plastics.
This is mainly due to very different molecular architecture and in most cases their
hydrophilic character. These specific properties, mainly observed for extractible
agropolymers, can be of great interest for designing gas selective or active materials
for food packaging. Gas selectivity, obtained by the ratio of gas permeability,
represents the ability of materials to favor transfer of one gas compared with
another. For instance, various CO2/O2 permeation ratio is expected in modified
atmosphere packaging (MAP) to meet physiological requirements of a large range
of fresh produces. Active packaging has deliberately incorporated active agents that
are intended to release or absorb substances into, onto or from the packaged food or
the environment surrounding the food, and is defined in the food contact material
626 S. Guilbert et al.
framework regulation 1935/2004 (Danielli et al. 2008). Such new packaging tech-
nologies are expected to play a major role in response to consumer demand for more
convenient, safer, and mildly preserved products with longer storage duration. In
addition, globalization of markets results in longer distribution distances and major
challenges in the food packaging industry, acting as a driving force for development
of packaging concepts that extend shelf-life while maintaining food quality and
safety. This concept is developing throughout Europe and is enhancing the compet-
itiveness of the food and packaging industry, with a huge potential market. Japan
and the USA share more than 50% and 22% of the global Active and Intelligent
(A&I) packaging market, respectively, against only 15% for EU. Simultaneously,
the use of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), passive packaging with gas-
selective materials, or active packaging with additional gas (or vapor or any other
volatile agent) emitter or absorber for the preservation of fresh or minimally
processed fruits and vegetables constitutes one of the most important challenges.
To illustrate these properties, we chose to develop the case of an extractible
agropolymer: wheat gluten proteins. Wheat gluten films appears to be of great interest
because of their high gas permeability, adapted to the respiration of fresh fruits and
vegetable, and high selectivity values (CO2 permeability/O2 permeability), which
are able to create a unique low O2 and CO2 atmosphere adaptable to the preservation
of CO2-sensitive commodities (Gontard et al. 1996; Barron et al. 2002). However,
despite their low cost and interesting functional properties for food packaging,
these protein-based materials needs to be combined with:
– fiber-based materials, such as paper to overcome its poor mechanical properties
(Han and Krochta 1999; Rhim et al. 2006; Gastaldi et al. 2007),
– or nanofillers such as montmorillonite (MMT) to reduce moisture sensitivity (Wang
et al. 2005; Hedenqvist et al. 2006; Olabarrieta et al. 2006; Tunc et al. 2007).
An experimental support paper was coated with an acid wheat gluten solution
(20% w/v, pH4) containing or not MMT (2.5% w/w of proteins) to produce
composite or nanocomposite materials, respectively. O2 and CO2 permeability of
composite and nanocomposite materials was evaluated at 25 C, and 80% and 90%
relative humidity (RH), respectively, in comparison to control uncoated materials.
The continuous layer formed by wheat gluten proteins on support paper greatly
reduced gas permeability of the paper. Coated paper could thus not be considered as
porous any longer. O2 and CO2 permeability values were not significantly affected
by the presence of MMT in the wheat gluten network regardless of RH. Since
permeability is known to be governed by two mechanisms, diffusion and sorption, it
was assumed that introduction of MMT did not change solubility nor diffusivity of
O2 and CO2, as observed in a previous study (Tunc et al. 2007). It should be pointed
out that O2 and CO2 permeability of both composite and nanocomposite materials
increased when increasing RH. This phenomenon was also observed on pure wheat
gluten films [Gontard et al. 1996], suggesting that the wheat gluten-based coating
layer is the key element of gas-barrier properties in the studied materials (composite
and nanocomposite). The increasing RH effect was attributed to a modification of
the wheat gluten network structure and polymeric chain mobility and is related to
26 New Packaging Materials Based on Renewable Resources 627
the change from the glassy to the rubbery state (Gontard et al. 1996; Gontard and
Ring 1996). The increase of CO2 permeability was more pronounced than O2
permeability. This phenomenon was explained by a selective sorption of CO2 due
to the specific interactions occurring between CO2 and the water-plasticized protein
matrix, especially the high-content amide groups of wheat gluten protein (Pochat-
Bohatier et al. 2006). At high RH value, adsorption of water should provide better
accessibility to active sites of CO2 sorption located on the mobile polymeric protein
chains. As a consequence, gas selectivity (COE permeability/O2 permeability) was
highly affected by RH (from 80 to 90% RH) and rose from 1.9 to 7.9 and 1.5 to 7.5
for composite and nanocomposite materials, respectively. These results show that
the unique gas selectivity properties are preserved when combined with paper or
MMTs. If we consider the potential use of the nanocomposite material for MAP of
fresh produces at 90% RH, CO2 should go out the packaging headspace at a rate
7.5-fold higher than O2 comes in.
Passive MAP experiments were conducted on parsley with the uncoated support
paper as a control and the nanocomposite material at a controlled RH of 80%. As
expected for a highly porous material, O2 and CO2 partial pressures at the steady
state obtained using control paper were close to air composition (21 and 0 kPa,
respectively). Such an atmosphere was detrimental to the quality of the produce.
After only 4 days of storage, more than 50% of ascorbic acid and chlorophyll were
lost, and parsley leaves were fully yellow. Nanocomposite material generated a
headspace atmosphere containing lower O2 (11 kPa) and higher CO2 (4 kPa)
content. This steady atmosphere clearly improved the quality attributes of parsley
during storage by maintaining a high chlorophyll content (directly linked to pars-
ley’s green color) and ascorbic acid during 8 days of storage. A critical level of 60%
initial vitamin C content was reached after only 3 days of storage with uncoated
paper, against more than 8 days for composite material. The use of nanocomposite
materials for MAP of parsley led to equilibrium atmosphere favorable to maintain-
ing parsley quality, by slowing down oxidation and physiological reactions respon-
sible for product degradation. Similar results were obtained with mushrooms, and
other fruits and vegetables.
Another promising application of extractible agropolymers, and in particular
protein-based materials, is their use as active antimicrobial packaging. This relies
on the ability of bio-based polymers to entrap active compounds and to release
these compounds in a controlled way, with a moisture- and temperature-triggering
effect (Carlin et al. 2001; Gennadios and Weller 1991; Guilbert et al. 1997).
Protein-based materials have also been demonstrated to be efficient for antimicro-
bial packaging because of their ability to control, in a relevant way, the release of
volatile extracts of various essential oils (allylisothyocyanate, carvacrol, cinnamal-
dehyde, and eugenol) (Ben Arfa et al. 2007a, b; Chalier et al. 2007) that could open
new routes for the development of active MAP.
It has been shown that the release of the compound carvacrol from paper coated
with wheat gluten is RH-dependent with or without the addition of nano-particles of
MMTs. Release of this volatile compound was assessed at 25 C on all materials as a
function of time, using a two-step gradient for RH. Composite material lost more
628 S. Guilbert et al.
than 70% of carvacrol within 20 days of storage at 60% RH. This meant that only
30% of active agent would be available for release into the food during storage
within packaging. Placed at 100% RH, 30% of active agent was entirely released
within 8 days. In the presence of MMT introduced into the wheat gluten network
(nanocomposite material), only 20% of carvacrol was released during 20 days of
storage at 60% RH. Consequently, 80% of the volatile active agent remained
available for release during the period food is packaged. Placed at 100% RH,
80% of active agent was entirely released within 13 days (from day 22 to 35).
It can be concluded from these results that the release of cavacrol from wheat
gluten-coated paper is RH-dependent with or without MMT. Such behavior is
highly interesting for both limiting volatile active agent losses before using the
material as food packaging, and for triggering the active agent release in the
presence of the food.
26.5 Conclusions
Auvergne R, Morel M-H, Menut P, Guilbert S, Robin JJ (2008) Reactivity of Wheat gluten protein
during mechanical mixing: radical and nucleophilic reactions for the addition of molecules on
sulfur. Biomacromolecules 9:664–671
Barron C, Varoquaux P, Guilbert S, Gontard N, Gouble B (2002) Modified atmosphere packaging
of cultivated mushroom (Agaricus bisporus L.) with hydrophilic films. J Food Sci 67:251–255
Ben Arfa A, Chrakabandhu Y, Presiozi-Belloy L, Chalier P, Gontard N (2007a) Coating paper
with soy protein isolates as inclusion matrix of carvacrol. Food Res Int 40:22–32
Ben Arfa A, Presiozi-Belloy L, Chalier P, Gontard N (2007b) Antimicrobial paper based on soy
protein isolate or modified starch coating including carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde. J Agric
Food Chem 55:2155–2162
Chalier P, Ben Arfa A, Presiozi-Belloy L, Gontard N (2007) Carvacrol losses from antimicrobial
soy protein coated papers as a function of drying paper conditions. J Appl Polym Sci
Carlin F, Gontard N, Reich M, Nguyen-The C (2001) Utilization of zein coating and sorbic acid to
reduce Listeria monocytogenes growth on cooked sweet corn. J Food Sci 66:1385–1389
Fritz HG, Seidenst€ucker T, B€olz U, Juza M, Schroeter J, Endres HJ (1994) Study on production of
thermoplastics and fibers based mainly on biological materials. Science Research Develop-
ment. European Comission, EUR 16102EN
Gastaldi E, Chalier P, Guillemin A, Gontard N (2007) Microstructure of protein-coated paper as
affected by physico-chemical properties of coating solutions. Colloid Surf A 301:301–310
Gennadios A, Weller CL (1991) Edible films and coatings from soymilk and soy protein. Cereal
Food World 36:1004–1009
Gontard N, Guilbert S, Cuq JL (1993) Water and glycerol as plasticizers affect mechanical and
water vapor barrier properties of an edible wheat gluten film. J Food Sci 58(1):206–211
630 S. Guilbert et al.
Noemı́ Zaritzky
27.1 Introduction
Edible films and coatings are useful materials mainly produced from edible biopo-
lymers and food-grade additives (GRAS). Films are usually made from polymers
that are able to provide mechanical strength to a stand-alone thin structure
(Han 2005; Han and Gennadios 2005). Coatings are a particular form of films
directly applied to the surface of materials. An edible coating has a close and
continuous association with the food until consumption and it is regarded as a
part of the final product. Edible coatings enhance the quality of food products,
protecting them from physical, chemical, and biological deterioration (Kester and
Fennema 1986; Han and Gennadios 2005).
The application of edible coatings can improve the physical strength of food
products, reduce particle clustering, and improve visual and tactile features on
product surfaces (Cuq et al. 1995; Cisneros-Zevallos et al. 1997). The coatings
can also protect food products from moisture migration, microbial growth on the
surface, light-induced chemical changes, oxidation of nutrients, etc. Edible coatings
can act as barriers against oils, gases, or vapors and as carriers of active substances
(antioxidants, antimicrobials, colors, and flavors) (Kester and Fennema 1986;
Gennadios and Weller 1990; Guilbert and Gontard 1995; Krochta and De
Mulder-Johnston 1997; Miller et al. 1998). These functions enhance the quality
of food products, resulting in shelf-life extension and safety improvement. Further,
edible coatings can be utilized as active films when applied to modify the atmo-
sphere of food surface conditions (Cuq et al. 1995; Guilbert and Gontard 2005).
As an example of edible films, yuba (soy-milk skin) has been traditionally used in
Asian countries since the fifteenth century (Wu and Bates 1972; Park et al. 2002). Wax
coatings were applied to citrus fruits in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, but only
N. Zaritzky
Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnologı́a de Alimentos (CIDCA), Universidad
Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) – CONICET La Plata and Depto de Ingenierı́a Quı́mica, La Plata,
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 631
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_27, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
632 N. Zaritzky
commercially utilized on apples and pears since 1930 (Baldwin 1994; Debeaufort
et al. 1998; Park 1999). Lipid coatings (larding) on meats and cheeses have been used
since the Middle Ages for shrinkage prevention (Donhowe and Fennema 1994).
The objectives of this presentation are to: (1) discuss the basic concepts of food
coating applications, (2) review the most significant publications in this area, and
(3) describe the different experiments carried out in our laboratory studying the
performance of edible coatings to improve food quality and safety.
Protein film-forming materials are derived from animal tissues, milk, eggs, grains,
and oil seeds (Krochta 1997, 2002). Among the proteins considered, milk proteins
(casein, whey proteins), soy proteins, and cereal proteins (wheat gluten, zein) have
been more extensively studied (Gennadios et al. 1994; Guilbert et al. 2001). Since
several edible food coatings are made with proteins that can cause allergic responses
in some consumers and problems in people affected by Celiac disease (gluten
intolerance), the use of a food coating with a known allergen or the presence of
gluten in a food must be appropriately declared and clearly labeled on the product.
Waxes/Lipids/Resins: In this group, beeswax, candelilla wax, carnauba wax,
cocoa butter, milk fat fractions, acetylated monoglycerides, fatty acids, and resins
(shellac, terpene) are used in edible coatings. It should be noted that lipids and
resins are not biopolymers; nevertheless, they are edible, biodegradable, and con-
sidered to be cohesive water barrier biomaterials. Most lipids and edible resins are
soft-solids at room temperature and show characteristic phase transition tempera-
tures. Films or coatings made from lipids have very high water resistance and low
surface energy, due to their hydrophobic nature. Lipids are generally applied in thin
layers or as a composite with a polymeric matrix. Lipids can be combined with
other film-forming materials, such as proteins or polysaccharides, as emulsion
particles or as multilayer coatings in order to increase the resistance to water
penetration (Greener and Fennema 1989; Greener and Fennema 1992; Baldwin
et al. 1997; Gennadios et al. 1997; Perez-Gago and Krochta 2002; Perez-Gago and
Krochta 2005).
Plasticizers: The structures of films containing polysaccharides and proteins are
often brittle and stiff due to extensive interactions between the polymer molecules
(Krochta 2002). The film-forming mechanisms of biopolymers include intermole-
cular forces such as covalent bonds (e.g., disulfide bonds and cross-linking) and/or
electrostatic, hydrophobic, or ionic interactions. The addition of plasticizers over-
comes this film brittleness and improves flexibility and extensibility. Plasticizers are
low molecular weight agents incorporated into the polymeric film-forming material;
the plasticizer positions itself between the polymer molecules and interferes with the
polymer-polymer interaction, increasing the flexibility and processability of
the material (Guilbert and Gontard 1995). Plasticizers must be compatible with the
film-forming polymer; they reduce the intermolecular forces and increase the
mobility of polymer chains. Plasticizers increase the free volume of polymer
structures or the molecular mobility of polymer molecules (Sothornvit and Krochta
2000, 2001), decreasing the ratio between the crystalline and the amorphous regions,
and decreasing the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the polymer (Krochta 2002;
Guilbert and Gontard 2005). Most plasticizers are very hydrophilic and hygroscopic;
they attract water molecules and form a large hydrodynamic plasticizer-water
complex. Hydrophilic compounds, such as polyols (glycerol, sorbitol, and polyethy-
lene glycol) are commonly used as plasticizers in hydrophilic film formulations.
Functional additives: This group includes antioxidants, antimicrobials, nutri-
ents, nutraceuticals, flavors, and colorants, which can be combined with film-
forming biopolymers to modify the functionality of films or coatings. The most
beneficial characteristics of edible films and coatings are their edibility and inherent
634 N. Zaritzky
The application and distribution of the film-coating material in a liquid form can be
achieved by hand spreading with a paint brush, spraying, falling film enrobing,
dipping and subsequent dripping, and distribution in a revolving pan (pan coating),
etc. (Guilbert 1986). Edible coating formulations must be wet when spread on the
food’s surface; upon drying the formulation must form a film coating with adequate
adhesion, cohesion, and durability to function properly.
Different tests can be performed on the filmogenic suspensions before the
coating is applied on a foodstuff. Rheological analysis and viscoelastic properties
of the suspensions help to determine the suitability of the food coating method
(immersion, spraying, etc.). Rheological behaviors (flow curves) are normally eval-
uated using viscometers; oscillatory rheometers allow measurement of the visco-
elastic parameters of the film-forming suspension (Garcı́a et al. 2004b, 2006;
Lopez et al. 2008).
Some negatively charged gums, such as alginate, pectin, and CMC, show
significantly different rheological properties in acidic conditions as opposed to
neutral or alkaline conditions. Rheological behavior and surface tension of the
film-forming suspension are important factors linked to suspension spreadability
and coating adhesion capacity. A decrease in the surface tension of the filmogenic
suspension leads to a better coating adhesion to foodstuffs. The peel or surface of
many vegetables has low surface tension for protection purposes; however, this
natural advantage is a drawback in the case of aqueous coating applications. The
properties of the edible coating depend on the type of film-forming materials and
especially on their structural characteristics (Han and Gennadios 2005).
Cohesion is the attractive force between the molecules of the same substance; it
depends on the structure of the polymer, the molecular length, geometry, and
molecular weight distribution, and on the type and position of the lateral groups.
Cohesion of film-forming materials influences the mechanical strength of the films
(Guilbert et al. 1996). If the film-forming material contains different components
that are not compatible with the main biopolymers, the cohesion decreases and film
strength weakens. Plasticizers reduce the cohesion of film-forming polymers.
Adhesion of film-forming materials is an important parameter for film casting
and coating processes (Guilbert and Gontard 2005). Adhesion is an attractive force
between the surface molecules of coating materials and food surfaces. A low
27 Edible Coatings to Improve Food Quality and Safety 635
adhesion force leads to an incomplete coating on the food surface. A large diffe-
rence between the surface energy of a coating material, and the uncoated product
surface, results in a poor coating performance. Surface active agents, such as
emulsifiers in the film-forming solution, reduce the surface tension of the coating
solution; then the difference between the solid surface energy and the surface
tension of the coating solution decreases, increasing the work of adhesion (Cuq
et al. 1995; Guilbert and Gontard 2005).
The physical and chemical characteristics of the biopolymers greatly influence the
properties of resulting films and coatings. An edible film is essentially a dried and
extensively interacting polymer network of a three-dimensional structure. The film-
forming mechanisms of biopolymers include intermolecular forces such as covalent
bonds (e.g., disulfide bonds and cross-linking) and/or electrostatic, hydrophobic, or
ionic interactions. It is important to determine the relationship between the polymer
structural chemistry and the physico-chemical and mechanical properties of the film
or coating. Several techniques can be used to characterize the structure of the
biopolymers forming the coatings, such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM),
X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermal mechanical
analysis (TMA), dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA), and Fourier
transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), etc. The main properties of a coating are
as follows: moisture and gas permeation (barrier properties), water vapor sorption
isotherms, optical attributes (light transmittance, color), thermoplastic characteris-
tics, crystallinity, mechanical properties of the film (strength, elasticity), and film
solubility in water and oil.
The optical properties impact the surface appearance of coated foods. Surface
film color is generally measured using a colorimeter and opacity is determined by
spectrophotometry. Film opacity is a critical property of a food coating; it can be
measured using the method proposed by Gontard et al. (1992), in which the
absorption spectrum is recorded in the visible range. The opacity is estimated as
the area below the absorption curve; this area has a very low value for transparent
films. The color, shininess, and transparency of edible films and coating layers vary
significantly depending on the chemical composition and the structure of the
polymer used. For example, the color stability of whey protein isolate (WPI)
coatings is affected by Maillard reactions (produced by milk proteins during
storage), causing yellowing.
The water sorption isotherms of the coatings can be measured on films formed
under standard conditions. They are useful to estimate stability at different ambient
conditions, mainly because the hydrocolloid film properties are highly dependent
636 N. Zaritzky
Lower WVP values were reported for several polysaccharides; sorbitol plastified yam
starch (3%) and corn starch (2%) films have WVP values of 1.50 1010 and
1.75 1010 g m1 s1 Pa1, respectively (Mali et al. 2002, 2004, 2006). Films of
MC (1%) and Chitosan (1%) have WVP values similar to that of cellophane ranging
between 7.55 1011 and 9.03 1011 g m1 s1 Pa1 (Pinotti et al. 2007).
It is important to remark that edible films made of proteins and polysaccharides
have low water-vapor barrier properties, with WVP values at one and two orders of
magnitude higher than that of LDPE; therefore, they can only be used as protective
barriers to limit moisture exchange in short-term applications. However, these
edible films can be of considerable value for numerous processes, as in the case
of modified atmosphere packaging of fresh, minimally processed or fermented
foods (fish, meat, fruits, vegetables, and cheeses).
Lipids or waxes for edible applications show better water-vapor barrier properties
than starch or protein-based materials do, but they still have significantly lower
water-vapor barrier properties than most synthetic plastic films; WVP values rang-
ing between 2.75 and 3.1 1012 g m1 s1 Pa1 were reported for beeswax and
carnauba wax (Shellhammer and Krochta 1997; Perez-Gago and Krochta 2005).
Lipid compounds, such as animal and vegetable fats (natural waxes and deriva-
tives, acetoglycerides, surfactants, etc.), could be proposed as components of edible
coatings given their excellent moisture-barrier properties; however, they can cause
textural and sensory problems due to oxidation and a waxy taste; further, their
nonpolymeric nature limits the ability to form cohesive films (Perez-Gago and
Krochta 2005). The addition of lipids to polysaccharide-and protein-based films
decreases WVP due to hydrophobicity; this is an important property in the case of
fresh fruits and vegetables because composite coatings retard moisture loss and
shriveling in fresh products.
CO2 and O2 barrier properties are important in understanding the quality and
physiological aspects of coated food during storage and determine food coatings
applications. Gas permeability is commonly measured on isolated films. O2 perme-
ability can be measured using available commercial equipment; moreover, CO2 and
O2 permeability of films can be assessed by the accumulation method in a specially
designed cell (Garcı́a et al. 1999, 2000b; Bifani et al. 2007). This quasistatic method
was based on measuring the amount of gas diffusing through a film, quantified by
gas chromatography.
Garcı́a et al. (1999) measured gaseous permeabilities to O2 (PO2) and CO2
(PCO2) for different starch-based films; values of PO2 ¼ 5.69 109 cm3
m1s1 Pa1 and PCO2 ¼ 0.248 109 cm3 m1 s1 Pa1 were reported for
corn starch films plasticized with glycerol. All tested starch-based films, plasticized
with either glycerol or sorbitol, showed higher gas permeability to CO2 than O2,
with a ratio of permeability (PCO2/PO2) ranging between 8 and 10 (selectivity
27 Edible Coatings to Improve Food Quality and Safety 639
Composite films and coatings can be formulated to combine the advantages of each
component. Biopolymer composites can modify film properties and create film
structures for specific applications (Wu et al. 2002). A composite film that com-
bines lipids and hydrocolloids can be produced as either a bi-layer or a stable
emulsion. In bi-layer composite films, the lipid forms a second layer over the
polysaccharide or protein layer. In emulsion composite films, the lipid is dispersed
and entrapped in the supporting matrix of protein or polysaccharide (Perez-Gago
and Krochta 2005). The emulsifying character of proteins makes them appropriate
for this technique; however, in the case of polysaccharides, the addition of an
emulsifier is required to improve emulsion stability. Emulsion preparation para-
meters, such as stirring velocity and emulsifier addition are important factors in
obtaining homogenous films and coatings, since they determine emulsion stability.
640 N. Zaritzky
A unique feature of edible films and coatings is their capacity to carry many
functional ingredients, including antioxidants, antimicrobial agents, flavorings,
and colorants. Integration of these ingredients can enhance food stability, quality,
functionality, and safety. For instance, food microbial stability can be improved
using edible-active layers, which act as surface-retention agents to limit the diffu-
sion of food additives into the food core; these layers can be used with simultaneous
treatments such as controlled atmosphere and refrigeration. In another example,
high concentration of a chemical preservative incorporated into an edible coating
may allow a decrease in the total amount of the preservative in the food, attaining
similar performance.
642 N. Zaritzky
The concept of active packaging was introduced with antimicrobial films and
coatings. Edible films can serve as carriers of antimicrobials to extend product
shelf-life and to reduce the risk of pathogen growth on food surfaces. Edible films
have been developed that can reduce, inhibit, or delay the growth of microorgan-
isms on the surface of coated foods. Excellent reviews on antimicrobial edible films
have been published by different authors (Han 2000, 2002, 2003a, b; Franssen and
Krochta 2003; Cagri et al. 2004).
Chitosan: A polysaccharide obtained by deacetylation of chitin, chitosan origi-
nates from crustacean exoskeleton and fungal cell walls. It has been widely used in
antimicrobial films and coatings due to its property of inhibiting the growth of many
pathogenic bacteria and fungi. In some fungi, chitosan can alter membrane func-
tions by interacting with the strongly electronegative microbial surface, leading to
changes in permeability, metabolic disturbances, and eventually death.
Natural preservatives: There has been a tendency in the last several years to use
natural preservatives in edible-coating formulations. Some of the most commonly
used preservatives and antimicrobials are:
l Organic acids (acetic, benzoic, lactic, propionic, sorbic)
l Parabens (methyl paraben)
l Fatty acid esters (glyceryl monolaurate)
l Polypeptides (lysozyme, peroxidase, lactoferrin, nisin)
l Nitrites (potassium nitrite, sodium nitrite)
l Sulfites (potassium sulfite, sodium sulfite)
l Natural preservatives (essential oils, spices, extracts such as cinnamon, sage,
allicin, and liquid smoke)
l Other preservatives (atamycin, EDTA)
These agents can be used in protein-, polysaccharide-, and lipid-based edible
coatings and films.
27 Edible Coatings to Improve Food Quality and Safety 643
Benzoic acid and sodium benzoate: These two are among the first chemical
preservatives permitted in foods by the Food and Drug Administration. Benzoic
acid (pKa ¼ 4.20) and sodium benzoate are generally regarded as safe preserva-
tives at levels up to 0.1%. Sodium benzoate and benzoic acid are inhibitory to mold,
yeast, and pathogenic and psychrotrophic spoilage bacteria. Sodium benzoate is one
of the most commonly used antimicrobials in edible films because it is soluble in
most film solutions and remains active after film preparation. Organic acids are
more effective in the undissociated form and, therefore, the antimicrobial activity is
related to pH. At pH ¼ 4.0, 60% of benzoic acid is undissociated (Cagri et al.
2004).This antimicrobial can be incorporated into MC, collagen, and chitosan films,
all of which have a relatively low pH. Edible films containing benzoic acid and its
sodium salt are adequate for acidic foods like cheeses and fermented meat products.
Sorbic acid: This is a straight chain unsaturated monocarboxylic acid; the
carboxyl group reacts to form calcium, sodium, or potassium salts. Potassium
sorbate is highly soluble in water (58.2% at 20 C). Edible films containing potas-
sium sorbate are most effective at pH < 6.0. Sorbic acid salts were widely used as
antimicrobial agents in carbohydrate- and protein-based edible films formulated
with MC, WPI, and chitosan. Films containing sorbates have been tested against
spoilage bacteria, pathogenic bacteria, yeasts, and molds in laboratory media.
Propionic acid: This acid is commonly used as a food preservative because of its
wide spectrum of activity. Propionic acid, which is a monocarboxylic acid, is
produced by Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii. Antimicrobial
activity of propionates is also pH dependent. Although this acid is primarily
active against molds, some yeasts and bacteria are also inhibited. The amount of
propionate used in foods is generally less than 0.4% (Cagri et al. 2004).
Parabens: Produced by esterification of the carboxyl group of benzoic acid,
most parabens are active at pH 3.0–8.0. The methyl, propyl, and heptyl parabens
can be used as food preservatives in most countries. Parabens can also be used
effectively in a wide range of foods; they are generally more active against molds
and yeasts than bacteria. For complete inhibition of bacteria and fungi, concentra-
tions of esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid ranging between 0.033 and 1.0 mg/L are
necessary (Cagri et al. 2004).
Free fatty acids: Low concentrations of long-chain fatty acids are inhibitory to
microorganisms, especially gram-positive bacteria and yeasts. Saturated fatty acids
with chain lengths of C12 to C16 and C10 to C12 have the most antimicrobial
activity against bacteria and yeasts, respectively (Cagri et al. 2004). Fatty acids are
more active at low pH (5.0), and both fatty acids and monoglycerides are inhibitory
to many bacterial species. Monoesters of glycerols and esters of sucrose are more
antimicrobial than their corresponding free acids.
Acetic acid and sodium diacetate: Both are active against various spoilage and
pathogenic bacteria and have been used in many foods. Like other organic acids,
acetic acid can be used to acidify edible coatings containing chitosan, alginate,
collagen, and WPI.
Lactic acid: This acid is used for improving and controlling the quality and
microbial stability of foods. Lactic acid sprays (1–3% solutions) have been widely
644 N. Zaritzky
low iron requirements, such as lactic acid bacteria, are not inhibited by lactoferrin.
Pseudomonas fluorescens, Enterococcus faecalis, and Bifidobacterium bifidum
strains are highly resistant to this peptide. The mode of action of lactoferrin has
not been fully elucidated, but presumably it alters membrane permeability because
of its cationic nature.
Liquid smoke: Used in processed meats, sausages, and cheeses, liquid smoke
contains phenols and acetic acid, which are bactericidal at relatively low concentra-
tions. It can inactivate common food-borne pathogens, including E. coli, Salmonella,
Staphylococcus aureus, and L. monocytogenes. It is generally very acidic and has
antimicrobial, antioxidant, and flavor properties, making it a potentially attractive
edible coating additive. However, incorporation of liquid smoke has only been
studied for edible collagen casings.
Cha and Chinnan (2004) reviewed important aspects of biopolymer-based anti-
microbial packaging. The incorporation of several antimicrobial agents (EDTA)
and grapefruit seed extract into films, made of Na-alginate and K-carrageenan,
produced a strong inhibition against Micrococcus luteus, L. innocua, Salmonella
enteritidis, E. coli, and S. aureus; sodium alginate-based films, with the addition of
nisin, lysozyme, and EDTA, showed the strongest inhibition against the same
bacterial strains. Chitosan films containing nisin showed a high antimicrobial
activity against M. luteus. Whey protein film coating was used as a vehicle for
combining antimicrobials (grape seed extract, nisin, malic acid, and EDTA)
(Cha and Chinnan 2004).
The primary advantage of antimicrobial edible films is that the inhibitory agents
in these films can be specifically targeted to postprocessing contaminants on the
food surface. It is important to predict and control the preservative release (Torres
and Karel 1985; Torres et al. 1985; Redl et al. 1996).The diffusion rate of the
antimicrobial into the product is partially controlled by agents incorporated into the
film. The edible film matrix entraps the antimicrobial and decreases its diffusion
during storage; thus, lower levels of preservative addition would be needed in an
edible coating to achieve a targeted shelf-life, as compared to spraying the antimi-
crobial on the surface.
Controlling the antimicrobial release from edible films is very important; there-
fore, measurement of the diffusion coefficients of the antimicrobials in edible films
should be carried out under controlled conditions (Vojdani and Torres 1990; Brody
et al. 2001; Min et al. 2008). While antimicrobial coatings may extend the shelf-life
and protect food products, it must be emphasized that such advantages are never
substitutes for proper handling, storage, and good manufacturing practices.
and drained. Coated and uncoated samples were fried in sunflower oil under
controlled temperature conditions (160 0.5 C, previously determined by a sen-
sory panel). Surface color (lightness and chromaticity parameters), firmness (instru-
mental texture analysis), and OU of the control and coated fried samples were
measured at different frying times.
During frying of both the coated and uncoated samples a moving boundary was
produced within the product, separating the dehydrated zone from the wet core
(Fig. 27.1). A protective layer (approximately 15 mm thick) was formed on the
surface of the coated samples during the initial stages of frying, due to MC thermal
gelation above 60 C; the coating was becoming dehydrated and remained attached
to the surface of the product. SEM observations showed the integrity of the MC
layer and good adhesion of this coating to the fried product (Fig. 27.1); the addition
of a plasticizer (sorbitol) in the coating formulation was necessary to achieve
coating integrity and uniformity.
Heat transfer
Water vapor
Water vapor
Fig. 27.1 Schematic description of frying process in a coated product, and scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) micrograph of the methylcellulose coating applied on a fried dough sample
648 N. Zaritzky
0.1 0.006
OU (dry basis)
dZ (m)
0.05 0.003
OU uncoated 0.002
0.02 OU coated 0.001
0.01 Dehydrated zone (dz)
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
t (s)
Fig. 27.2 Effect of methylcellulose coating on oil uptake in fried dough. The presence of coating
decreases oil uptake. Oil uptake curve can be closely related to increase of dehydrated zone
thickness (dZ)
27 Edible Coatings to Improve Food Quality and Safety 649
The strategies explored to extend postharvest life of fruits should consider several
challenges, such as extending maturation and senescence periods, reducing dehy-
dration, and reducing onset and rate of microbial growth. Edible films and coatings
could offer solutions to all such challenges simultaneously, the use of which has
been reported by several researchers for different vegetables and fruits (Drake and
Nelson 1990; El Gaouth et al. 1991; Park 1999, 2003, Park et al. 2005). The use of
coatings with selective permeabilities on fruits has also been shown to have an
influence on fruit physiology in retarding ripening and postharvest metabolism,
thus, extending the fruit’s storage life (Baldwin 1994).
Edible coatings can be made from food materials regarded as GRAS, such as
proteins, lipids, cellulose derivatives, starch, and other polysaccharides. Composite
films can be formulated to combine the advantages of both lipid and hydrocolloid
components (Guilbert 1986). In the case of fruit and vegetable conservation, the
lipid component in coating formulation can serve as a good barrier against water
vapor, while the hydrocolloid component can provide a selective barrier against O2
and CO2 and the necessary supporting matrix. The functional, organoleptic, nutri-
tional, and mechanical properties of an edible film can be modified with the
addition of various chemicals in minor amounts, such as plasticizers, antimicrobial
agents, and lipids.
Strawberries (Fragaria ananassa), a typical soft fruit variety, have high phy-
siological postharvest activity that transforms them into a highly perishable fruit
with a low period of commercialization, which is mainly limited by fungal infec-
tion. As a consequence, strawberries have short ripening and senescence periods,
which makes coating this fruit a good alternative for extending storage life. In
this case, the effect of adding plasticizer and lipid and antimicrobial agents to
650 N. Zaritzky
a b c
500 DSC
Scanning Electron Microscopy
X-ray diffraction SEM
Cuentas / seg
5 days
dQ/dt (mJ/seg)
7 days
200 15 days
100 36 days
0 1 mJ/seg
0 10 20 30 40
20 40 60 80 100
Temperature (°C)
d e
40 10
L (Hunter units)
Weight loss (%)
25 6
10 2
0 1 7 13 19
0 10 20 30
Time (days)
Time (days)
Fig. 27.3 Application of starch-based coatings to prolong storage life of refrigerated strawberries.
(a, b, c) Coating characterization; (a) X-Ray diffraction pattern of amylomaize coating containing
20 g/L glycerol and 2 g/L sunflower oil; (b) SEM micrograph of corn starch-based films with
20 g/L sorbitol and 2 g/L sunflower oil. Magnification: 100 mm between marks; (c) DSC thermo-
grams of amylomaize film stored at 20 C and 63.8% relative humidity. (d, e) Effect of coating
formulation on quality parameters of refrigerated strawberries during storage at 0 C and 84% RH;
(d) weight losses, (e) lightness differences. Control samples, uncoated fruits, (○); composition of
coating formulation: (□) amylomaize without plasticizer; (D) amylomaize with 20 g/L sorbitol;
and (e) amylomaize with 20 g/L sorbitol and 2 g/L sunflower oil. Bars indicate standard errors
(Fig. 27.3a). Films without plasticizer showed higher crystallinity (higher peaks)
than films containing plasticizer, which showed a larger amorphous zone and lower
Amylomaize films containing neither plasticizer nor lipid showed a higher
crystallinity (higher numbers of peaks) than films containing plasticizer and lipid.
These results agree with the DSC studies that showed endothermic transitions with
lower peak temperatures and lower DH in films with plasticizer and lipid than in
control films. Presence of lipid and plasticizer in film formulations did not alter the
x-ray pattern of the most stable structure developed in stored control films; peaks
maintained their initial positions.
Crystalline evolution of the film matrix during storage was also evaluated by
DSC; this technique also allowed determining the Tg. Starch coatings obtained by
alkaline treatment, showed an endothermic transition with a peak temperature
around 50 C during storage; this peak became narrower and its temperature and
the corresponding enthalpy (DH) increased with storage time (Fig. 27.3c).
652 N. Zaritzky
Table 27.1 Barrier properties of starch-based coatings: water vapor permeability (WVP) and
gaseous permeabilities
Starch-based Additives WVP 1010 CO2 permeabilitya O2 permeabilitya 109
coating (g m s Pa ) 109 (g m1 s1 Pa1) (g m1 s1 Pa1)
1 1 1
Barrier properties, which include water vapor (WVP), and O2 and CO2 perme-
abilities of starch-based coating formulations, were determined on films obtained
by casting (Garcı́a et al. 2000b). The addition of lipids to starch-based films
decreased WVP due to its hydrophobicity (Table 27.1). This is an important
property in the case of fresh fruits and vegetables because composite coatings
retard moisture loss and subsequent shriveling of fresh products. Table 27.1
shows that O2 permeabilities were much lower than those of CO2, indicating a
selective action of these films on gas permeabilities. Amylomaize films with higher
amylose content showed higher crystallinity and therefore, lower permeabilities
than corn starch films. The development of edible coatings with selective gas
permeabilities is a good example of active packaging’s role in controlling respira-
tory exchange and improving the conservation of fresh vegetables. Moreover, the
addition of lipid, which is necessary to reduce WVP, maintained the selective gas
permeability property since CO2 and O2 permeabilities did not differ from those of
plasticized starch-based films.
The effect of coatings on the quality attributes of refrigerated strawberries was
analyzed and the following results were obtained:
Weight loss: The same fruits were weighed at the beginning of the experiment
and during storage; weight loss was expressed as percentage loss of initial weight.
All the tested coatings showed a beneficial effect on weight loss (Fig. 27.3d).
Weight loss in fruits coated with starch formulations, without plasticizer, was
similar to those of control fruits due to pores and cracks. Coatings with sorbitol
led to significantly lower fruit weight loss than glycerol, regardless of starch type.
However, weight loss was unacceptable after 3 weeks of storage for coated fruits
without lipid. The addition of sunflower oil was necessary to reduce weight loss
27 Edible Coatings to Improve Food Quality and Safety 653
significantly (P < 0.05) and to increase storage life, provided the microbial counts
were below the established limit (106 CFU/g fruit), even at 28 days of storage. The
maximum weight loss reduction at 28 days of storage was 63.2%, obtained with
coating formulations that included sunflower oil (Garcı́a et al. 2001).
Texture changes: Important modifications in texture can occur in fruits and
vegetables during storage, determining the postharvest storage life of the product.
Fruit softening is generally attributed to degradation of the cell wall components,
mainly pectins, due to the activity of specific enzymes such as polygalacturonase.
The rate and extension of firmness loss during ripening of soft fruits, such as
strawberries, is one of the main factors; for both control and coated fruits, the
breaking force decreased as a function of storage time. The formulations that
minimized weight loss maintained better firmness, since this attribute is also highly
influenced by water content.
Color changes: The effect of coatings on surface color modifications in
strawberries was also analyzed, because this quality attribute may determine
consumer acceptability of the fruit. Lightness (L) and chromaticity parameters
(a and b) were recorded at 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd days of storage. Both
plasticizers significantly delayed surface color development. Formulations con-
taining glycerol gave better surface color results compared to those containing
sorbitol. Oil addition did not modify surface color results significantly, regardless
of plasticizer used in formulation (Fig. 27.3e).
Physiological parameters of fruit, such as titratable acids, pH, anthocyanin,
and sugar content are good indicators of maturation and senescence. Coatings
may alter natural physiological behavior, modifying the organoleptic character-
istics of fruit such as color, taste, or flavor. In coated strawberries, these
physiological parameters were slowed down but reached commercially accept-
able values. The results indicate that starch-based coatings retard the metabolic
reactions, and thus, senescence of coated refrigerated fruits is delayed. This
result is attributed to the differential gaseous permeability of films. The O2 and
CO2 barriers lead to a reduction in respiration rate by limiting the exposure to
ambient O2, increasing internal CO2, delaying ripening, senescence, and extend-
ing storage life of treated fruits (Baldwin 1994; Avena-Bustillos et al. 1997;
Garcı́a et al. 1998a, b, 2001).
In microbiological analysis, surface microbial growth is the main cause of
spoilage for many food products. Microorganisms growing on strawberries were
mainly yeasts, molds, and sugar-fermenting bacteria. Aerobic mesophilic and
psychrotrophic bacteria, molds and yeasts, and coliform microorganisms were
analyzed at different storage times. Viable counts were expressed as log CFU/g
fruit. Microbial counts in unplasticized, coated strawberries did not differ signifi-
cantly from the control. Coatings with potassium sorbate, a well-known effective
antifungal agent, significantly decreased (P < 0.05) yeast and mold counts on
coated strawberries. Since the undissociated form is the active antimicrobial
agent of sorbic acid, citric acid at fruit pH was added to coating formulation to
increase potassium sorbate effectiveness. The addition of 0.2 g/L potassium sorbate
654 N. Zaritzky
and critic acid to the starch-based coating was the most effective formulation for
decreasing microbial counts. This active coating allows using lower amounts of
preservatives, maintaining the same antimicrobial efficacy as traditional techni-
ques, with consequent health and economic benefits.
The storage life of a refrigerated fruit, defined as the time necessary to reach
106 CFU/g, was determined for the different formulations. At 0 C, the storage life
of the uncoated fruit was 14 days; coatings with sorbitol extended fruit storage life
to 21 days. At maximum storage time assayed (28 days), formulations with sorbitol
and potassium sorbate showed microbial counts below 106 CFU/g in fruit. The
addition of potassium sorbate enhanced the effectiveness of starch coatings; more-
over, the addition of citric acid (to reach pH 4) increased the antimicrobial action
of potassium sorbate, leading to a shelf-life of more than 28 days for coated
The presence of antimicrobial agents in the coating provided a local high and
effective concentration of the preservative. Edible films and coatings act as surface-
retention agents and limit preservative diffusion in the food core. This allows
reducing the total amount of preservative added to a food compared to traditional
methods (e.g., dipping in chemical preservative solutions) (Garcı́a et al. 1998a, b,
In conclusion, starch-based coatings with selective gaseous permeabilities
proved to extend the storage life of refrigerated strawberries. Plasticizer and lipid
addition improved coating performance by decreasing WVP. Weight losses were
reduced, color changes delayed, and firmness of tissue and fruit appearance
improved. Modifications of the physiological parameters of the fruit were slowed
down but reached commercially acceptable values. Starch-based coatings contain-
ing potassium sorbate and citric acid helped decrease microbial growth; as a result,
shelf-life of the fruit was extended to more than 28 days compared with 14 days for
uncoated fruits.
Edible films and coatings enhance the quality of food products, protecting them
from physical, chemical, and biological deterioration, which results in extended
shelf-life and improved safety. They can be used on fruits, vegetables, seafood,
meats, and confectionery products. Edible coatings can help retain or improve food
product quality by:
l Forming an efficient barrier to prevent moisture loss.
l Delaying ripening process in vegetables, through selective permeability to gases
that affects postharvest metabolism, extending the storage life.
l Reducing OU in frying process.
l Adding vitamins or other functional ingredients to enhance quality.
27 Edible Coatings to Improve Food Quality and Safety 655
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Chapter 28
Physical Properties of Edible Gelatin Films
Colored with Chlorophyllide
28.1 Introduction
J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces, Food Engineering Series, 661
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_28, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
662 P.J.A. Sobral et al.
denaturation conditions (in the case of proteins); type of support used; drying
conditions; and environmental conditions (temperature and humidity).
Protein-based films, including those from gelatin, generally present excellent
gas-barrier properties and good mechanical properties. In addition, they can serve
as a support for active substances such as antioxidants, antimicrobial agents, etc.
(Gómez-Guillén et al. 2007; López-Carballo et al. 2008; Gómez-Estaca et al. 2009).
On another side, two papers on biopolymer-based films containing natural pigments
can be found, in which the pigments in both cases are derived from chlorophyll
(Corat et al. 2007; López-Carballo et al. 2008).
Since chlorophyll is a pigment, it can confer a green color on the material, which
can be an added attraction. However, the properties of the material, notably the
light-barrier properties, may be affected by the presence of this pigment (Corat et al.
2007). Thus, this chapter will present and discuss the effects of adding chlorophyll
to the formulation of gelatin-based edible films, which would also permit the
production of more attractive packaging with improved light-barrier properties.
Gelatin is a protein of animal origin resulting from the acidic or basic hydrolysis of
the collagen obtained from bones, bovine or swine hides, or connective tissue
(Gennadios et al. 1994). Configuration of the peptide chain in gelatin is normally
controlled by interactions between the solvent and the amino acids in the main
chain, and by certain preferential orientations of the peptide bonds, such that the
amino acid sequence is responsible for the characteristics of the gelatin (Veis 1964).
In general, glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline constitute one-third of the total
amino acids in gelatin (Veis 1964; Gennadios et al. 1994).
The molecular weight of gelatin depends on the type of raw material and process
conditions used, varying from 3,000 to 200,000 Da (Gennadios et al. 1994).
According to the type of pretreatment used to remove impurities and to start the
hydrolysis of the raw material, the gelatin is classified as Type A when an acid
pretreatment is used, resulting in an isoelectric point between 7.0 and 9.4; or Type
B, when a basic pretreatment is used, resulting in an isoelectric point between 4.5
and 5.3 (Veis 1964).
Gelatin is soluble in water at temperatures above 30 C. When submitted to
temperatures above its melting point, the gelatin swells, dissolves, and forms
heat-reversible gels when the temperature returns to room temperature (Slade and
Levine 1987). At the molecular level, the formation of a gelatin gel involves
restructuring of the proteins, implying transformation from a disordered state to
an ordered state, formed by triple-helix structures characteristic of collagen in the
active state, the structure and physical properties of these gels being a result of the
formation of microcrystalline links (Slade and Levine 1987; Achet and He 1995;
Ziegler and Foegeding 1990).
28 Physical Properties of Edible Gelatin Films Colored with Chlorophyllide 663
28.3 Chlorophylls
Chlorophylls are the most abundant natural pigments in plants. They occur in the
chloroplasts of leaves and other vegetable tissues, being very common in fruits and
vegetables (Streit et al. 2005; Humphrey 2004). Precursors and derivatives of the
chlorophylls are used in photodynamic medical treatments (Schoefs 2002). In
addition, chlorophyllian pigments are currently of great industrial importance,
since they can be used both as pigments and as antioxidants, although there is
controversy in the research studies with respect to the latter property (Lanfer-
Marquez 2003).
Due to their color and physical properties, the chlorophylls are also used as
colorants for food products (Humphrey 2004; Chattopadhyay et al. 2008). Most
chlorophyll colorants exist in a water-soluble form and are used in dairy products,
soups, oils, sugar confections, drinks, and cosmetics (Francis 2002).
664 P.J.A. Sobral et al.
H Chlorophyll b
Chlorophyll a 2 3 CH3
H3C 4
1 CH2
H Mg H
2 3 CH3
H3C 4 H3C 8 N N
1 CH2 5
H 7 6
H Mg H
CH2 10
H3C 8 N N H2C H 9
5 CO2CH3 O
7 6 O OCH2
CH2 10
H2C H 9 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3
wavelength absorptions and hence a variety of different green hues. The colors vary
from greenish-yellow to greenish-blue, and the derivatives of these chlorophylls
would be probable producers of orange hues or, under drastic chemical conditions,
a red color (Delgado-Vargas and Paredes-López 2002).
Moreover, chlorophyllide is a green pigment obtained by removal of the phytyl
group of chlorophyll through hydrolysis in dilute alkali or the action of chloro-
phyllase, and is thus water soluble (Kidmose et al. 2002; Lanfer-Marquez 2003).
These chlorophylls are green in color because they absorb strongly in the red and
blue regions of the visible spectrum (Kidmose et al. 2002).
The films were produced from FFSs containing 2 g gelatin/100 g FFS and 25 g
sorbitol/100 g gelatin. Pigskin gelatin was used, provided by Gelita South America
(São Paulo, Brazil). To prepare these solutions, the gelatin was first hydrated for
30 min. at room temperature, followed by dissolution at 55 C in a water bath (TE
184-Tecnal) (Sobral et al. 2001). After dissolution the plasticizer previously dis-
solved in water and the chlorophyll pigment were added. A water soluble form of
chlorophyll, the chlorophyllide (10% solution of chlorophyll 70008) provided by
Germinal aditivos para alimentos (Cabreúva, Brazil), was used for practical rea-
sons. To test the effect of the pigment concentrations, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 g of
chlorophyll solution/100 g gelatin were added to the FFS.
After drying in an oven with air circulation (MA 037-TECNAL) at 30 C for
about 24 h, easily handled films were obtained with thicknesses between 0.075 and
0.081 mm, determined using a Mitutoyo digital micrometer (0.001 mm). The
films were then characterized after preconditioning in desiccators containing NaBr
(relative humidity 58%) at 25 C for at least 7 days. The film characteristics
(mechanical properties, solubility, moisture content, water vapor, and optical bar-
rier properties) were determined in an acclimatized room with a temperature of
about 22 C and relative humidity between 55% and 65%.
The moisture content of the films was determined in an oven at 105 C to
constant weight. The water solubility of the films was determined after 24 h of
immersion, according to Gontard et al. (1993), and expressed in terms of dissolved
dry mass. Water vapor permeability was determined using the method proposed by
Gontard et al. (1993). The films were fixed in cells containing silica gel, which were
then placed in desiccators containing distilled water and maintained at 25 C in an
oven (BOD TE 390 TECNAL) (0.2 C). Weight gain of the system was deter-
mined at 24 h intervals, over a period of 120 h. Water vapor permeability (WVP)
was calculated from (28.1) (Gontard et al. 1993).
w x
WVP ¼ (28.1)
666 P.J.A. Sobral et al.
where x is the mean film thickness (mm), A is the permeation area (cm2), DP is
the partial vapor pressure difference between the inside of the cell (silica gel,
P1 ¼ 0 Pa) and the distilled water (P2 ¼ 3,166 Pa), and the term w/t corresponds to
the angular coefficient of the linear regression of the graph of mass versus time (g/h).
The mechanical properties (stress at break, elongation at break, and elastic
modulus) of the films were determined by a tensile stress test using the TA.XT2i
texturometer (Stable Micro Systems) with the tensile grip probe, moving at 0.9 mm/s,
according to Thomazine et al. (2005). The color parameters (a*, b*, and L*), the total
color difference (DE*), and the opacity were determined according to Sobral (1999)
using the Miniscan XE (HunterLab) colorimeter. The parameters a*, b*, and L* were
determined by the superimposition of the films on a white standard and the total
difference in color according to (28.2) (Gennadios et al. 1996).
h i0;5
DE ¼ ðDLÞ2 þ ðDaÞ2 þ ðDbÞ2 (28.2)
In general the chlorophyllide concentration in the FFS affected the main physical
properties studied, although with no logical sequence, that is, one could not affirm
that the properties presented in Table 28.1 increased or decreased as a function of
increase in chlorophyllide concentration, despite observing significant differences
28 Physical Properties of Edible Gelatin Films Colored with Chlorophyllide 667
(P < 0.05) between the means in some cases. The moisture content of the films
colored with chlorophyll were similar to those determined by Sobral et al. (2001)
and Thomazine et al. (2005) for gelatin-based films plasticized with sorbitol and
conditioned in the same way.
The addition of chlorophyllide did not significantly (P > 0.05) affect the water
solubility of the films, independent of the concentration added. These water solu-
bility result values were slightly higher than those observed by Carvalho and
Grosso (2004, 2006) for gelatin-based (25–30 g/100 g of film) films that were
modified chemically and enzymatically and plasticized with glycerol.
The water vapor permeability oscillated between 3 and 7 108 g mm/h cm2 Pa,
with no clear behavior as a function of increase in chlorophyllide concentration in
the film. Despite some significant differences (P < 0.05) observed between some
of the mean values, such variation did not constitute an important effect, that is, all
the films continued to be highly permeable to water vapor.
The addition of chlorophyllide to the film did affect the mechanical resistance,
although there was no direct relationship between the pigment concentration and
the stress at break. The observed stresses at break values were similar to those
obtained by Thomazine et al. (2005) for gelatin-based films plasticized with sorbitol
(25 g sorbitol/100 g of gelatin). On the other hand, it was observed that an increase
in chlorophyllide concentration caused a greater variation in elongation at break.
Independent of the addition of chlorophyllide, the elongation at break values was
higher than that observed by Thomazine et al. (2005). With respect to the elastic
modulus, the property that indicates the rigidity of the material, an increase in
chlorophyllide concentration did not cause significant variations in this property.
Apparently, the incorporation of chlorophyll can affect the mobility of the poly-
meric matrix due to its structure and possible interaction with protein, a behavior
typical of plasticizing agents. In fact, such behavior can also be observed with
synthetic materials. According to Durston (2006), there are limits to the amount of
colored pigment that can be added to polyethylene, without affecting the mechani-
cal properties of the film.
High gloss samples are better differentiated using measurements at smaller
angles (Villalobos et al. 2005). Thus, only the results obtained at 20 were presented
in Table 28.1. In general, the addition of chlorophyllide caused an increase in gloss
on the film surface, indicating that the incorporation of pigment favored the
morphology of the polymeric matrix, that is, decreased surface roughness as
668 P.J.A. Sobral et al.
compared to pure gelatin. The films developed in the present study presented
greater gloss than whey protein isolate-based films dried in a microwave dryer,
with gloss values between 87 and 96 (Kaya and Kaya 2000), or hydroxypropyl
methylcellulose-based films with gloss values below 100 (Villalobos et al. 2005).
The opposite behavior is normally observed with synthetic materials, for which a
specific coloring process should be used to prevent it from adversely affecting the
surface gloss of the films (Durston 2006).
Opacity was also not significantly (P > 0.05) affected by increases in the chlor-
ophyllide concentration in the gelatin films. Thus, it could be suggested that the
inclusion of chlorophyllide in the film formulation, at the concentrations studied, did
not affect the translucence of the films, which continued similar to that of pure
gelatin films, which are extremely transparent (very low opacity) (Sobral 1999;
Vanin et al. 2005). Since many packaging applications require the contents to be
visible, film transparency is of considerable interest (Hanlon et al. 1998).
In addition, this result for opacity suggests that the chlorophyllide was
completely dissolved in the polymeric matrix, since it is known that the presence
of a dispersed, nonmiscible phase promotes opacity as a function of the differences
in refractive indexes of the phases and the concentration and particle size of the
dispersed phase (Villalobos et al. 2005).
Although gelatin constitutes an excellent UV light barrier (Fig. 28.2) the presence
of chlorophyllide in the gelatin-based films contributed to an increase in this
property, since the films showed no transmittance at 200 nm, and between 2.6
and 6.0 at 280 nm. The chlorophyllide absorbed UV radiation, having a protective
effect against the degradation of the material (Hanlon et al. 1998) and the packaged
foodstuff (Coltro et al. 2003). Thus, films colored with chlorophyllide show excel-
lent UV barrier properties, suggesting that this type of material could be used to
package foods rich in lipids and/or oxygen-susceptible vitamins (Bekbolet 1990;
Fang et al. 2002; Artharn et al. 2007). According to Saffert et al. (2009), light is
known to have a damaging effect on several foodstuffs, such as milk and other dairy
products, due to the presence of light-sensitive vitamins like vitamins A and B2.
The most pronounced effect of light catalyzed reactions is observed with light in the
lower wavelengths of the visible spectrum and in the UV spectrum (Bekbolet 1990).
Contrarily, Shiku et al. (2004) working on films based on fish sarcoplasmic
proteins, and Artharn et al. (2007), working on films based on fish muscle proteins,
determined no transmittance between 200 and 280 nm. It is highly possible that this
excellent capacity as a UV barrier was caused by the presence of nondissolved
proteins, constituting physical barriers (Villalobos et al. 2005; Monedero et al.
2009). However, Fang et al. (2002), in working with whey-based films, obtained
28 Physical Properties of Edible Gelatin Films Colored with Chlorophyllide 669
Transmittance (%)
190 290 390 490 590 690 790
Wave length (nm)
values for transmittance between 6 and 7 also between 200 and 280 nm. The great
barrier property of gelatin-based films could be explained by the presence of amino
acids containing aromatic rings in their residues, as can be seen in the aminogram
determined by Sobral et al. (2001).
The values of the color parameters determined in the present study were similar
to those obtained by López-Carballo et al. (2008), who characterized edible films
prepared with 10 g of gelatin/100 mL, 2.5 g glycerol/100 mL and 80 mg of
670 P.J.A. Sobral et al.
Concentration of chlorophyllide
0 2 4 6 8 10
a* –1.5
b* 3.0
0 2 4 6 8 10
Concentration of chlorophyllide
Fig. 28.3 Parameters a* (top) and b* (bottom) of gelatin films containing different chlorophyllide
chlorophyllin E-140 or E-141/mL: a*¼ 3.2 and 4.4, b* ¼ 7.2 and 4.6, and
L* ¼ 85 and 87, respectively. According to these authors, the films had a vivid
green-yellow color as compared to the gelatin films.
An increase in chlorophyllide concentration also caused a linear increase (28.5)
in the total color difference (Fig. 28.4), signifying that the films containing additive
evidently became more colored with greater pigment concentration.
Nevertheless, the values for DE* were not as high as those that would have been
expected from the presence of pigment in the formulation. Although the gelatin films
with added chlorophyll were more colored than films based on various other proteins
without the addition of pigments, such as gelatin (Vanin et al. 2005) and ovoalbumins
28 Physical Properties of Edible Gelatin Films Colored with Chlorophyllide 671
0 2 4 6 8 10
Concentration of chlorophyllide
Fig. 28.4 Color difference (DE*) in gelatin films containing different chlorophyllide concentrations
(Gennadios et al. 1996), they were apparently less colored than other films, also those
containing no pigments such as films based on Nile Tilapia myofibrillar proteins
(Sobral 2000) and soy proteins (Kunte et al. 1997) (Table 28.2).
672 P.J.A. Sobral et al.
The quality of fitting can be also observed in Fig. 28.7, where it is possible to
observe the capacity of all models to predict the experimental data. The data are
closely banded around the straight line with a slope of 45 , which indicates the
effectiveness of the (28.6)–(28.9) in describing the effect of pigment concentration
and thickness on color parameters.
The linear behavior between the total color difference and thickness of biopolymer-
based films was verified by Sobral (1999, 2000) working with gelatin and Tilapia
myofibrillar protein films (respectively). However, no paper was found in the
specialized literature on the effect of the concentration of a pigment on the actual
effect of the thickness.
Moreover, it can be noted now that the thicker films (x!0.400 mm) presented
very high color difference values (DE* ffi 23), much higher than those observed for
colorless films (Table 28.2).
28 Physical Properties of Edible Gelatin Films Colored with Chlorophyllide 673
Thickness (mm)
0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.450
a* –4
0g chlorophillide
2g chlorophillide
–6 4g chlorophillide
–7 6g chlorophillide
8g chlorophfilide
–8 10g chlorophillide
b* 10
0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.450
Thickness (mm)
0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.450
Thickness (mm)
Fig. 28.5 Parameters a* (top), b* (middle), and L* (bottom) of gelatin films containing different
chlorophyllide concentrations, as a function of thickness
674 P.J.A. Sobral et al.
0 g chlorophillide
20 2 g chlorophillide
4 g chlorophillide
6 g chlorophillide
15 8 g chlorophillide
10 g chlorophillide
0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.450
Thickness (mm)
Fig. 28.6 Total color difference (DE*) in gelatin films containing different chlorophyllide con-
centrations, as a function of thickness
25 95
Predicted DE* values
Predicted L* values
0 75
0 5 10 15 20 25 75 80 85 90 95
Experimental DE* data Experimental L* data
Experimental a* data 15
–8 –6 –4 –2 0
Predicted b* values
Predicted a* values
–4 6
0 3 6 9 12 15
–8 Experimental b* data
Fig. 28.7 Predicted values using (28.7)–(28.9) against experimental data of color parameters
(slope of straight lines is 45 )
28 Physical Properties of Edible Gelatin Films Colored with Chlorophyllide 675
28.8 Conclusion
Acknowledgements to the Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo (FAPESP)
and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for their support.
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DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4, # Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
680 Index