Cooling System For Photovoltaic Module: List of Symbols and Abbreviations
Cooling System For Photovoltaic Module: List of Symbols and Abbreviations
Cooling System For Photovoltaic Module: List of Symbols and Abbreviations
Abstract: - The paper presents a solution focused on increasing efficiency of photovoltaic module by reducing
losses due to warming photovoltaic cells. The solution consists in a water cooling system applied to the back of
photovoltaic module. To achieve the cooling system was first made a numerical analysis of heat transfer in a
photovoltaic panel. Simulation of numerical model for heat transfer in PV module was performed using
dedicated software named Quick Field. Using an infrared camera the thermal processes have been viewed for
the achieved system.
Key-Words: - PV module, cooling system, photovoltaic system, heat transfer, simulation, quick field software
4 Experimental Results
The PV panel made in the present study
comprises a commercial PV module and a cooling
system (figure 5). A USP 150 mono, crystalline
solar PV module (1600 mm x 800 mm) (rated
150Wp, 42 V peak voltage) was adopted to be
combined with a water cooling system. The cooling
system adheres to the back of the commercial PV
module. Thermal grease was used between the plate
and the PV module. For better contact. Below the
heat collecting plate, a PU thermal insulation layer
is attached using a fixing frame.
Figure 3: Simulation results of heat transfer on the
PV module section
For view online thermal processes in the system In figure 10 is shown the water temperature of
developed was used an infrared camera. cooling system to entrance and exit.
The following figure shows images taken with
infrared camera.
5 Conclusion
The analysis of mathematical models, graphs
obtained by simulation and experimental results
shows the influence of temperature on
monocrystalline silicon PV module performance,
USP 150.
The experimental results emphasize the good side
of a PV system operation and on the other hand,
accuracy and efficiency of the cooling system
designed for photovoltaic panel that can be applied
successfully in domestic solar applications.
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