Cooling System For Photovoltaic Module: List of Symbols and Abbreviations

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Recent Researches in Environmental and Geological Sciences

Cooling System for Photovoltaic Module

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Craiova
107, Decebal Bl., 200440, Craiova, Tel.0251 435 724, Fax. 0251 435 255, ROMANIA;;

Abstract: - The paper presents a solution focused on increasing efficiency of photovoltaic module by reducing
losses due to warming photovoltaic cells. The solution consists in a water cooling system applied to the back of
photovoltaic module. To achieve the cooling system was first made a numerical analysis of heat transfer in a
photovoltaic panel. Simulation of numerical model for heat transfer in PV module was performed using
dedicated software named Quick Field. Using an infrared camera the thermal processes have been viewed for
the achieved system.

Key-Words: - PV module, cooling system, photovoltaic system, heat transfer, simulation, quick field software

List of symbols and abbreviations x - absorbing plate thickness.

Ac – PV module surface
Ga – solar radiation
PV- photovoltaic 1 Introduction
Qu - useful heat supplied by the PV Crystalline silicon currently offers a yield of 15-
Ql - heat loss of cooling system 16% and some studies consider that its limits would
(τα )ε - transmission-absorption product be reached approximately 25% under laboratory
Tp- upper surface of the absorbing plate temperature conditions [1]. Although other materials such as Ga,
Ta –ambient temperature offering a yield of 30%, prohibitive price makes
UL- global coefficient of losses them suitable only for space applications. Recently,
m& - mass flow of fluid researchers of U.S. universities have announced that
Cp – specific heat of fluid was obtained a photocell with a yield of 60%. It's a
α - absorbing plate absorbance big step towards the upper limits of efficiency
n- refractive index of the transparent plate photovoltaic cells [3]. Very complex technology and
k - thermal conductivity of insulation materials used do remain only the state of
L- insulation thickness laboratory. Therefore, in the next decade, nothing
Ue - lateral loss coefficient seems to threaten the supremacy of silicon. Recently
U - thermal conductivity of the insulation side more and more companies have been able to
Liz – lateral insulation thickness, increase the yield offered by solar cells based on
Al – lateral surface silicon. In March 2003, BP Solar announced an
Ut - loss coefficient from the top efficiency of 18.3%, while Sanyo has already put on
N - number of transparent plates the market a cell with an efficiency of 19.5% [9].
ep - thermal emissivity of the surface absorbing plate Overheating of a PV module decreases
εp - thermal emissivity of the transparent plate performance of output power by 0.4-0.5% per 1°C
over its rated temperature (which in most cases is 25
β - angle of the PV module
degrees C). This is why the concept of "cooling of
σ - Boltzmann’s constant
PV" has become so important [2].
hw - convective heat transfer coefficient due to wind
To reduce this phenomenon can be applied on
V – wind speed
the back to panel a cooling water system, which can
D - distance between the tubes
provide hot water for domestic applications [2].
d0- outside diameter of the tubes
di - inside diameter of the tubes
hf - heat transfer coefficient of the absorbing plate
ka – absorbing plate thermal conductivity

ISBN: 978-1-61804-110-4 133

Recent Researches in Environmental and Geological Sciences

2 Mathematic Model of Cooling constructive parameters of subassemblies that make

up the cooling system. Obtaining a maximum output
System for Photovoltaic Panel requires an optimization process of building solar
The temperature which a PV module works is an
collectors. To this end it is necessary to know the
equilibrium point between the heat generated by the
analytical form of efficiency to identify parameters
PV module and the heat losses to the surrounding
that it depends. Research is needed on the size of the
environment. The different mechanisms of heat
collector efficiency parameters influence, followed
losses dissipation are conduction, convection and
by optimization of collectors building on the
radiation. Conductive heat losses are due to different
influential parameters for obtaining maximum yield
temperatures between the PV module and other
materials with which the PV module is in contact.
Processes involved in these conversions are
The ability of the PV module to transfer heat to its
illustrated in Figure 1.
surroundings is characterized by the thermal
Figure 1 shows a schematic drawing of a solar
resistance [5].
panel which isconsidered as a multi-layer wall. A
Convective heat transfer arises from the transport
PV panel is composed of three layers, the glass
of heat away from a surface as the result of one
cover, the solar cell and the frame.
material moving across the surface of another. In
Defining the analytical form of efficiency is
PV modules, convective heat transfer is due to wind
based on the energy balance equation, considering
blowing across the surface of the module. The last
the processes taking place in a photovoltaic panel.
way in which the PV module may transfer heat to
the surrounding environment is through radiation. Efforts have been made to combine a number of
Cooling system efficiency used to PV panel the most important factors into a single equation
expresses the conversion efficiency of solar which will describe the thermal distribution.
radiation unused in the photovoltaic process into
heat [7]. This is the impact on the physical and

Figure 1: Thermal processes of PV panel

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Recent Researches in Environmental and Geological Sciences

Energy balance equation for a cooling system in 1/ 2

y = 0,5 D(U L / k a x )
steady operating regime is described by the relation:
GaAc(τα )e = Qu + Ql (1)
Useful heat provided by the absorber plate is: 3 Simulation of Heat Transfer in PV
Qu = Ac Ga(τα )e − U L T p − Ta( )] (2)
Instantaneous efficiency of the cooling system is Based on the numerical model developed
defined by the ratio of useful energy and energy previously was made heat transfer simulation using
absorbing by absorber plate. dedicated software named Quick Field [11].
Qu Quick Field is a very efficient Finite Element
η= (3) Analysis package for thermal and stress design
Ga ⋅ Ac
simulation with coupled multi-field analysis. It
The final yield explicit equation is given by:
combines a family of analysis modules using the
mC p   U L AcF ′   latest solver technology with a very user-friendly
η= 1 − exp −  ⋅
model editor (preprocessor) and a powerful
U L ⋅ Ac   m& C p   (4)
postprocessor [14].
 τα T − Ta  We started the simulation of heat transfer surface
⋅ 2 2
−UL i 
1 − (1 − α )(n − 1) / (n + 1) Ga  PV panel.
UL is given by: The simulations were done using standard
dimensions of a specific existing PV panel in the
U L = Ub +Ue +Ut (5)
Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
with: To obtain a correct result is necessary to define
k conditions on the surface boundaries [11].
Ub = , These conditions have been defined in the
Also, the losses coefficient sidewise in[W/m2K ], is program by specific blocks called by labels.
In simulation of heat transfer phenomena were
influenced by insulation and is described by the
taken into consideration specified in Figure 1.
following expression:
Figure 2 encompasses the simulation results. It
U  Al  contains the heat transfer on surface of PV module.
Ue =   (6)
Liz  Ac 
Loss coefficient at the top depends on a complex of
factors which include glass surfaces, PV cells, seals.
This can result in [W/m2K] by relation:
Ut = +
N 1
C  T p − Ta  hw
 
Tp  N + f 
σ (Tp2 + Ta2 )
1 2 N + f − 1 + 0,133ε P
+ −N
ε p + 0,00591Nhw εg
Figure 2: Simulation results of heat transfer on the
PV module surface
Cooling system efficiency factor F′ is expressed
In Figure 2 we can see that the boiling point of
1/U L the PV panel surface is reached in its center.
F′ =
 1 1  Heat transfer is achieved in the direction of the
(D + d o ) + Rb + 
 arrow, i.e. from center to periphery. Also, notice
 U L (d 0 + f D
′ ) πd i h f  that the coldest areas of the panel are situated on the
tanh( y ) corner panel.
f′= In second time was made the simulation of heat
transfer in PV module section. Results of simulation
where: are shown in Figure 3.

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Recent Researches in Environmental and Geological Sciences

4 Experimental Results
The PV panel made in the present study
comprises a commercial PV module and a cooling
system (figure 5). A USP 150 mono, crystalline
solar PV module (1600 mm x 800 mm) (rated
150Wp, 42 V peak voltage) was adopted to be
combined with a water cooling system. The cooling
system adheres to the back of the commercial PV
module. Thermal grease was used between the plate
and the PV module. For better contact. Below the
heat collecting plate, a PU thermal insulation layer
is attached using a fixing frame.
Figure 3: Simulation results of heat transfer on the
PV module section

In the third time was made the simulation of heat

transfer in cooling system.
The components of cooling system and the Figure 5: Section of cooling system
simulation results are depicted in Figure 4.
The experimental system was built using the PV
module and cooling system combined with a water
storage tank (Figure 6). To enhance the heat
transfer of cooling system, we installed a DC pump
to circulate the water from the tank through the
cooling system.
For a solar water heater, there exists a critical
inlet water temperature that is proportional to the
ambient temperature, the solar radiation intensity,
and the thermal parameters of the cooling system
Ensuring water circulation pump is controlled by
a microcontroller that collects information on the
panel temperature by two temperature sensors
mounted on it.

Figure 4: Simulation results of heat transfer on the

cooling system

Figure 6: Experimental PV system

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Recent Researches in Environmental and Geological Sciences

For view online thermal processes in the system In figure 10 is shown the water temperature of
developed was used an infrared camera. cooling system to entrance and exit.
The following figure shows images taken with
infrared camera.

Figure 10: Evolution of water temperature

In captured images are seen in the maximum
temperature attained on surfaces, as follows: 51oC
for front surface of PV module, 42o C for back
surface of PV module with disconnected water
Figure 7: Captured image on the front surface of PV pump, 39oC for back surface of PV module with
module connected water pump.

5 Conclusion
The analysis of mathematical models, graphs
obtained by simulation and experimental results
shows the influence of temperature on
monocrystalline silicon PV module performance,
USP 150.
The experimental results emphasize the good side
of a PV system operation and on the other hand,
accuracy and efficiency of the cooling system
designed for photovoltaic panel that can be applied
successfully in domestic solar applications.

Figure 8: Captured image on the back surface of PV

module with disconnected water pump Acknowledgment
This work was supported by the strategic grant
POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61968, Project ID 61968
(2009), co-financed by the European Social Fund,
within the Sectorial Operational Programme
Human Resources Development 2007-2013.

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