This document outlines a monthly household budget including income, expenses for home, daily living, transportation, health, insurance, education and other categories. It provides budget and actual amounts for each category as well as differences between them.
This document outlines a monthly household budget including income, expenses for home, daily living, transportation, health, insurance, education and other categories. It provides budget and actual amounts for each category as well as differences between them.
This document outlines a monthly household budget including income, expenses for home, daily living, transportation, health, insurance, education and other categories. It provides budget and actual amounts for each category as well as differences between them.
This document outlines a monthly household budget including income, expenses for home, daily living, transportation, health, insurance, education and other categories. It provides budget and actual amounts for each category as well as differences between them.
INCOME Budget Actual Difference [42]MONTHLY BUDGET SUMMARY
Wages & Tips 2,000.00 2,000.00 - Budget Actual Difference Interest Income - Total Income 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 Dividends - Total Expenses 1,345.00 1,486.00 (141.00) Gifts Received - NET 655.00 514.00 (141.00) Refunds/Reimbursements - Transfer from Savings - Other - Other - Total INCOME 2,000.00 2,000.00 -
HOME EXPENSES Budget Actual Difference SAVINGS Budget Actual Difference
Mortgage/Rent 1,100.00 1,100.00 - Emergency Fund - Electricity 50.00 67.00 (17.00) Transfer to Savings - Gas/Oil 43.00 52.00 (9.00) Retirement (401k, IRA) - Water/Sewer/Trash 7.00 7.00 - Investments - Phone 25.00 25.00 - College - Cable/Satellite 35.00 35.00 - Other - Internet 15.00 15.00 - Total SAVINGS - - - Furnishings/Appliances 0.00 150.00 (150.00) Lawn/Garden 0.00 0.00 - OBLIGATIONS Budget Actual Difference Home Supplies 20.00 15.00 5.00 Student Loan - Maintenance 50.00 20.00 30.00 Other Loan - Improvements 0.00 0.00 - Credit Card #1 - Other 0.00 0.00 - Credit Card #2 - Total HOME EXPENSES 1,345.00 1,486.00 (141.00) Credit Card #3 - Alimony/Child Support - DAILY LIVING Budget Actual Difference Federal Taxes - Groceries - State/Local Taxes - Personal Supplies - Legal Fees - Clothing - Other - Cleaning Services - Total OBLIGATIONS - - - Dining/Eating Out - Dry Cleaning - BUSINESS EXPENSE Budget Actual Difference Salon/Barber - Deductible Expenses - Discretionary [Name 1] - Non-Deductible Expenses - Discretionary [Name 2] - Other - Other - Other - Total DAILY LIVING - - - Total BUSINESS EXPENSE - - -
CHILDREN Budget Actual Difference ENTERTAINMENT Budget Actual Difference
Medical - Videos/DVDs - Clothing - Music - School Tuition - Games - School Lunch - Rentals - School Supplies - Movies/Theater - Babysitting - Concerts/Plays - Toys/Games - Books - Other - Hobbies - Total CHILDREN - - - Film/Photos - Sports - TRANSPORTATION Budget Actual Difference Outdoor Recreation - Vehicle Payments - Toys/Gadgets - Fuel - Other - Bus/Taxi/Train Fare - Total ENTERTAINMENT - - - Repairs - {42}
Registration/License - PETS Budget Actual Difference
Other - Food - Total TRANSPORTATION - - - Medical - Toys/Supplies - HEALTH Budget Actual Difference Other - Doctor/Dentist - Total PETS - - - Medicine/Drugs - Health Club Dues - SUBSCRIPTIONS Budget Actual Difference Emergency - Newspaper - Other - Magazines - Total HEALTH - - - Dues - [42] Club Memberships - INSURANCE Budget Actual Difference Other - Auto - Total SUBSCRIPTIONS - - - Health - Home/Rental - VACATION Budget Actual Difference Life - Travel - Other - Lodging - Total INSURANCE - - - Food - Rental Car - EDUCATION Budget Actual Difference Entertainment - Music Lessons - Other - Tuition - Total VACATION - - - Other - Total EDUCATION - - - [42] MISCELLANEOUS Budget Actual Difference Bank Fees - CHARITY/GIFTS Budget Actual Difference Postage - Gifts Given - Other - Charitable Donations - Other - Religious Donations - Other - Other - Other - Total CHARITY/GIFTS - - - Total MISCELLANEOUS - - -