Defence Research and Development Organisation (Drdo) &: Recruitment & Assessment Centre (Rac)
Defence Research and Development Organisation (Drdo) &: Recruitment & Assessment Centre (Rac)
Defence Research and Development Organisation (Drdo) &: Recruitment & Assessment Centre (Rac)
8. Nationality _____________________________
* In chronological order from X Standard(SSLC/HS/HSC) onwards
** In case of CGPA/CPI, please give marks in percentage also alongwith the conversion formula.
# Specify the gap with reasons in Education career, if any.
14. Specialisation :
(Enclose details in separate sheet)
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15. Employment Record (Attach separate sheet in following format, if necessary):-
Name & Period of Designation Scale of Detailed Reason for leaving
address of service of the post pay of description
employer/ From To held each post of work
b) Will you join on minimum Basic Pay of Scientist ‘B’ (Yes / No) :
18. Are you under any contractual obligations to serve Central/State Govt/Any other Public Sector Undertaking
or Autonomous body and if so, give details :
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22. Have you been interviewed for any recruitment/selection by RAC during the past one year ?
If yes, give particulars:
S.No No. and Date of Advt Name of Posts & Date of Remarks
Discipline Interview
24. Any other information you may wish to add (use separate sheet if necessary).
25. Declaration,
I declare that the foregoing information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief and
nothing has been concealed/distorted. If at any time, I am found to have concealed/distorted any material
information, my appointment shall be liable for termination/cancellation without notice. If offered appointment, I
will join on specified date and subsequently, take up duty in the discharge of Government assignments
anywhere in India as and when required.
Place: --------------------------------
Date: Signature of Candidate
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