Data On Stakeholder Identification

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Papers on Identification of Stakeholders based on attributes.

1 Corporate social responsibility and the identification of stakeholders

2 Two approaches to stakeholder identification

3 A model for stakeholder classification and stakeholder relationships

4 Three elements of stakeholder legitimacy

5 A Framework for Stakeholder Identification and Classification in
Construction Projects

Papers on Identification of Coordination Practices.

1 A Framework for Coordination Process into Construction Projects

2 Ranking and classification of construction coordination activities in

Indian projects

4 Critical determinants of project coordination





2 Unleashing the Hidden Potential of Value Creation in Construction

Project Delivery: The Joint Effect of Coordination and Collaboration on
Project Value

3 Forming Risk Clusters in Projects to Improve Coordination between Risk


Exploring Coordination Goals of Construction Projects

5 Evaluating the Project Coordination Performance Using Information

Authors Journal Name Year of Publication

Vos, Janita F.J. University of 2002


Alexander W. Cappelen Éthique et 2004

and Economics

Emerson Wagner Mainardes, Management 2012

Helena Alves and Ma ´rio Decision

Adel e Santana Journal of Business 2012

Aki Aapaoja, Harri Haapasalo Open Journal of 2014
Business and

Wesam S. Alaloul a, Mohd MATEC Web of 2016

Shahir Liew and Noor Amila Conferences
BWA Zawawi

Kumar Neeraj Jha a & Sudhir Construction 2007

Misra b Management and
D. Darshi de Saram1 and Syed JOURNAL OF 2001

K.N. Jha a,*, K.C. Iyer b, International 2006

Journal of Project

K C Iyer1 and K N Jha Department of Civil 2003

Engineering, Indian
Institute of
Technology, Delhi
Quality in the 2014

Boris Heredia-Rojas1 and Li Liu2 ICCREM 2016

Franck Marle1 and Ludovic- Journal of 2014

Alexandre Vidal2 Management in


Fang-Ying Shen1 and Andrew S. MANAGEMENT IN

Pelin Ipek TIMURCAN1 and Construction

Sevgi Zeynep DOGAN2 Research Congress
Research Gap/Question Research Objective

To solve the mangerial problem of identifying To explore to what extent Critical Systems
stakteholders Heuristics can help resolving the
managerial problem of identifying
stakeholders, particularly the affected.

To present two different ways of approach for the To discuss the extent to which these two
identification of stakeholders. approaches can justify the main features
of the traditional stakeholder model.

To present a stakeholder classification method. This paper aims to develop a new model
of stakeholder classification and a model
for explaining the relationship between
the organization and its respective

To focuse attention on the stakeholder attribute of To develop a framework of stakeholder

legitimacy. legitimacy.
The construction projects face challenges in not To introduces a framework that is
only identifying and managing stakeholders but developed to assist project managers in
also satisfying facilitating stakeholder management and
their requirements. requirement engineering, especially in
the project initiation phase.

Effective To propose a framework for coordination

coordination is vital in construction projects process in construction projects, as well
success and mitigate the fragmentation dilemma, as its relationship
however it is often with performance. The objective of the
difficult to achieve and need iterative process. framework is to provide a roadmap for
Coordination is core issue to improve the construction parties to realize
performance in construction operational excellence so that collectively
project. stakeholders can recognize the effect of
coordination process application on
the project performance.

The efforts of contractors, consultants and owners To classify and rank the construction
need to be appropriately coordinated in large civil coordination activities in Indian projects.
engineering projects, whose success can be
defined in terms of compliance to schedule,
economy in cost,
adherence to quality, and non-occurrence of
There is a lack of formal understanding on how This research was directed at identifying
dayto-day coordination is actually achieved on a what activities are performed to achieve
construction project. coordination and, which among those are
the most important and
more time-consuming for a construction

Coordination among project participants is an To do Literature review and interviews of

important function having considerable effect on experts to find conordination activities.
the outcome of a construction project.

With the arrival of large projects involving To do analysis of critical coordination

multiple participants, the coordination has activities.
become all the more important. Yet no adequate
emphasis seems to have been given to
understand and develop coordination as an
important management function.
To discuss the relationship between
project coordination and communication,
to describe the roles and responsibilities
of team members related to these two
areas, and to outline communication
tools and methods that contribute to
quality in the constructed project.

Formal contracts and relationships are the two To examines how coordination and
main types of project governance approaches. collaboration jointly impact on project
Some studies have found that the two approaches value.
are substitutive, while others have shown that
they are complementary rather than mutually

Due to the growing complexity of projects, their To aim at grouping risks so that the
risks have increased in number and criticality. Risk communication and coordination
lists thus need to be broken down into smaller, between the actors who are committed in
more manageable clusters. Classical clustering the management of the project and its
techniques are generally based on a single risks are facilitated
parameter, like risk nature, criticality, or
ownership. Risk interactions are therefore not
properly considered when building up clusters

Effective coordination has been regarded in both To study coordination methods and goals
theory and practice as a critical factor of success for construction projects to identify what
in construction projects. Previous coordination coordination goals are adopted and to
studies have focused on the time spent on what extent goals are achieved.
coordination, its frequency, and its relationship
with performance. However, coordination goals
have received less attention, and their
relationships with coordination methods and
performance are not known.
Evaluation of coordination performance in a To present a novel approach for
project network requires reliable measures and measuring network centrality using the
monitoring methods for effective management. concept of information centrality.
Recent literature includes studies addressing the
relationship between coordinative activity and the
configuration of communication networks. In
these works, the role of network centrality is
investigated through the basic standard centrality
measures of degree, betweenness and closeness

Tto identify and prioritise coordination factors that

influence the performance of building projects in
Malaysian context.

Construction projects performance requires improvement to fulfil

the complexity of the stakeholders’ needs and expectations.
Coordination process is proposed as an efficient solution for
weak performance of construction projects. Therefore,
coordination factors are vital in ensuring a successful
implementation of all project phases.

Critical Systems Heuristics can be viewed a modelling

methodology. The normative aspect of modelling is crucial in this
methodology. Using the distinction between “the involved” and
“the affected” a variety of boundary judgments is discussed.
Special attention is given to the so-called “witness” as a
representative of the affected.

Discussion about the relationship approach and the assignment


The new proposed model is based on an empirical study that

comprises an exploratory study based on 15 interviews and a
confirmatory study based on 684 questionnaires answered by staff
of 11 public universities. The main variable deployed is the
stakeholder’s respective level of influence from the organization’s
management perspective, that is, their level of legitimacy, power
and urgency.

A framework of stakeholder legitimacy based on its three aspects

– legitimacy of the stakeholder as an entity, legitimacy of the
stakeholder’s claim, and legitimacy of the stakeholder’s behavior
was developed.
Constructed framework was presented in this paper to
facilitate the systematic identification, classification and
management of project stakeholders in terms of the functional
role of project stakeholders, salience and probability to
impact/ability to contribute to the project.

The data were obtained from literature review and structured

interviews with five experts. The
analysis produced the framework of coordination based on the
extensively used procedures for information and data
flow between stakeholders.

Based on the hypothesis that coordination activities

affect the different dimensions of project success differently, and
that different stakeholders prioritize the
activities differently, a questionnaire survey covering senior Indian
construction professionals was carried out.
For this a list of 59 coordination activities influencing successful
completion of a construction project was
drawn up. These coordination activities were ranked for the four
success dimensions using statistical tools on
the responses received.
Initially, the array included 64 coordination issues; a questionnaire
was developed for construction project managers to indicate the
importance and time consumed on a 3 point scale (i.e., high, mid
or low)

Literature review and interviews of experts led to the

identification of 59 construction coordination activities.A second
level of questionnaire survey was then conducted using the 20
coordination activities

The present study identifies 59 coordination activities. Through a

questionnaire survey conducted among Indian construction
professionals and subsequent analysis, 33 important coordination
activities are selected that has significant contribution in checking
cost overruns. Factor analyses of responses on important activities
was done.
It discusses about the Key team members,developing coordination
processes,team member relationships.

A cross sectional survey using questionnaire was the means of

data collection. It can be used to recollect field data to test
particular theoretical relationships between variables and to
validate models of these relationships

This paper is based on an optimization algorithm that maximizes

interaction rate within the risk clusters. This paper focuses on two
additional points. First, the optimization problem formulation is
enriched by some constraints related to the risk owners, not only
to the risks. Second, a frequency approach is introduced to test
different configurations in order to improve the robustness of the
clustering decision.

erived.Aquestionnairewasdesignedaccordingly and sent to seven
contractors for survey. Follow-up interviews were conducted with
three or four managers and engineers from each contractor.
The methodology of the study involves two parts: (1) Conducting
social network analysis for the email dataset obtained from the
wayfinding signage design project; calculating information
centrality measures; and defining centrality indices for project
participants; and (2) Evaluating correlation between coordination
performance and network centrality of project participants.

A vast body of literature on coordination process was reviewed

and resulted in 53 coordination factor. Three rounds of Delphi
technique were conducted. The most effective coordination
factors were ranked based on the Relative Importance Index (RII)
such as Scheduling (RII = 0.97), Quality assurance plan (RII = 0.93),
and all parties’ participation in plans (RII = 0.89). These
coordination factors have fulfilled the research gap and provided
better management and higher performance for project parties.
Analytical tools and techniques Outputs/Results

It is an article based on Literature. Generally, it can be concluded that CSH has the potential
to deal with the modelling and the normative issue
concurrently. This conclusion as such makes it
worthwhile to further explore the stakeholder identifying
capabilities in the context of corporate social

Paper is based on literature review. According to relationship approach, special obligations

arise between individuals or groups only if a specific
relationship exists between them.The assignment
approach challenges the claim that obligations only arise
if a particular relationship exists between the company
and a group.

Exploratory The new model proposes six stakeholder types

study(interviews,questionnaires),basic descriptive (regulator, controller, partner, passive, dependent and
and factor analysis. non-stakeholder). To explain the relationship between
the stakeholder and the organization, the traditional
needs-satisfaction vision was expanded. The variables of
relevance, mutual influence and participation were
found to be important in explaining the organization and
stakeholder relationship. This study contributes both in
simplifying stakeholder classification and in explaining
the relationships between parties.

Discussion based on literature. The perceived legitimacy of a stakeholder’s claim and

behavior qualify the perceived legitimacy of the
stakeholder as an entity, the previous two aspects being
circumstance-bounded; the latter being built over time.
Discussion based on literature. The application of the framework focuses particularly
on the possibilities of influencing project success and
value creation during the early project phases. The
framework has the potential to improve the value
creation of projects by systematizing stakeholder
identification, classification, prioritization, and
involvement. This framework
could also help to prevent conflicts among major
stakeholders from involving them in the project and from
facilitating the assessment of the project’s purpose,
constraints, and means of execution.

Discussion based on literature and Interviews. Evidence from literature indicated that the current
practices of construction management and the utilized
approaches fail to deliver projects on time, at budget,
at desired quality. However, managing the interaction
activities and combined effects of interdependence is a
first concern in coordination process since their
interactions highly affects project performance

Spearman's rank correlation,Regression,ANOVA Results show that project coordination issues can be
addressed by
attending to essentially the four broad groups of
coordination activities—resource handling, planning,
building and contract implementation
Questionairre. Thirty-three responses received from practitioners in the
Hong Kong and Singapore construction industries
indicate that identifying strategic activities and potential
delays and ensuring the timeliness of all work are the
most important activities. Conducting regular meetings
and project reviews and analyzing the project
performance, detecting variances and dealing with their
effects (16th and 17th, respectively in order of
importance) appear to be the most time-consuming

Multinomial logistic regression,Questionairre Results of a questionnaire survey conducted among

Indian construction professionals on these coordination
activities recognized 20 important coordination
activities essential for achieving day-to-day project
coordination.Analyses of responses on the 20
coordination activities found that only six activities are
significant in enhancing
coordination rating of the project. The analyses indicated
that the extent of contribution of different coordination
activities varies with
the present coordination ratings of a given project.

Factor analysis,Questionairre,ANOVA Factor analyses of responses on important activities

reveal contribution of coordination activities in seven
different areas to achieve cost adherence. These areas
are planning; execution; team building; documentation;
fulfilment of contractual obligation; resource
identification; and monitoring of critical path activities.
Discussion by author. The following are basic tools and tactics to achieve
project coordination:
• A clear definition of the owner’s project objectives; •
Coordination procedures that are appropriate for the
project scope; • Schedules and regular updates, which
should be tied directly into submittal, and material and
equipment procurement schedules; • Budgets, cost
studies, and alternative proposals; • Written contract
clarifications; • Progress reports, either written or oral; •
Joint reviews of documents, models, budgets, and
schedules; • Adequate distribution and review of field
reports and lab tests; • Joint visits to worksites, vendors,
fabrication shops, and test facilities; •F ormal compliance
reporting; • Procedures for reporting design and/or
construction discrepancies; • Well-defined contract
change order procedures; and • Coordination meetings.

Survey data was analyzed using partial least We analyze the effects of value creation logics on project
square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). value. H1 postulates the positive influence between
PLS-SEM was chosen to performing this contractual agreements and coordination. This
exploratory study due to several reasons such as hypothesis is supported because p-value is significant
fewer demands of sample size, not require (p<0.01).
normal-distributed data and it is able to handle
reflective and formative constructs

Frtequency analysis. It enables meaningful and operationally realistic actors

groups to be organized regarding not only the interaction
rate between risks but also the relationships between
risk owners. This clustering approach encourages people
to meet together and communicate and coordinate
better, which will hopefully contribute to prevent some
undesired complex phenomena.

Questionairre answers analysed. The analysis results indicate that most coordination
methods have multiple goals; written coordination
methods such as plans, schedules, reports, and contract
documents tend to have appropriate goals; and projects
performed well by using coordination methods
effectively to achieve the coordination goals
Spearman rank correlation Findings suggest the existence of a high correlation
between coordination scores and the centrality indices.
A centrality index augmented by information centrality
measure has potentials for assessing the coordination
performance in construction management research, and
it is promising for the structural analysis of project
communication networks.

Future Scope/Limitations

Undoubtedly, empirical research should further explore and

clarify the practical relevance of CSH for stakeholder
identification in general, and for identification of the affected,
more specifically. Although this paper has focused on the
witness as a stakeholder category, it is assumed that the
complete set of boundary judgments is helpful for identifying
stakeholders, i.e. affected and involved.

Three possible types of relationships; contractual, economic and

social are discussed.Important traditions in moral philosophy
identify these relationships as the basis for special obligations.
However, these traditions do not succeed in justifying the
traditional list of stakeholders.

The study proposes a new model for stakeholder classification

based on empirical research carried out with public
organizations, therefore it is advisable to test this new
classification scheme with other types of organizations.

Legitimacy of entity, claim, and behavior are continuous

variables and exist in degree in the perception of managers,
these aspects are treated as dichotomous variables when the
eight situations that represent the possible combinations of
legitimacy aspects are described.This is a limitation of this
The framework points out to researchers the need
for further study of suitable ways to take into account the
variations in stakeholder salience during the project.
The systematic identification, classification, and ultimately
involvement of stakeholders usually require additional time and
resources, which might be a challenge
in the application of the framework

Number and type of respondents can be increased.

Number of respondents for interview can be increased.

Can be done for Indian Industry

Can be based from literature study of Indian Papers.

In this paper importance of coordination related activities for

minimizing cost is only
discussed which can be extended to schedule,quality and
dispute prevention.
This study has limitations that should be considered to suggest
new future research. The findings were obtained from a survey
to only construction project managers of a relatively small
sample in Chile. Further investigations are necessary to
generalize the findings to different industries and contexts (e.g.
involving clients in the survey, incluing data from countries
culturally diverse, etc.).

Even if the structure of project risk lists may vary (size of the list
and density of the interactions between the risks), the clustering
method does not depend on the application field and general
conclusions about it can be extended to any domain. This could
be an opportunity for future works to implement risk clustering
on existing complex systems

This research explores coordination goals to pave the way for

further study. Theway of evaluating goal achievement and
replacement possibility ofcoordination methods has been
presented. More projects can be studied to see whether
different patterns or results emerge. For example, projects at
the beginning and middle construction stages can be surveyed
to examine whether more instruction and information sharing
goals show up.
The only limitation for this study can be given as the network

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