SPSS Notes: Open Files / Import Data From Excel
SPSS Notes: Open Files / Import Data From Excel
SPSS Notes: Open Files / Import Data From Excel
Terms in Hebrew:
וסטיית התקןStandard Deviation
( ציון תקןstandardized values – Z score
mark V in the box at the bottom of
Descriptives – look up)
דרגות חופשdegrees of freedom
will be the number of groups
less than 1
– מסולם רווח\מנהscale data
Data is presented to two decimals with rounding 5 up – שמיnominal data
3.06 = 3.1 סדר- ordinal data
שונויות- variance
Steps in Preparing Data for Analysis:
Count Variable: Creates a variable that tells you how many times certain conditions
(such as a number or name) appear in a selected variable
o Transform Count values within cases
o Counts number of times a response shows up (times person answer “never”)
Missing variables
If you do not want to count cases with missing vairables go into compute and write
MEAN.X() X means the number of required entries to be counted within selected data
example: MEAN.4(S1,S2,S3)
Compute: Create a new variable from a number of raw
o Create an average / sum or any other manipulation of
variable \ variables
o Transform Compute variable function group all
function and special variables mean replace ?
with the variables you want to create an average with
o Used for creating an average for a group of like scales
(transforming 5 different likert scales assessing
satisfaction to create one general satisfaction score)
Hypothesis Testing
Type 1 error (alpha error): I rejected the null hypothesis although it was correct
Type 2 error: I did not reject the null hypothesis, although it is incorrect
Types of hypothesis:
Two-tailed hypothesis: A connection hypothesis without direction: more stringent
Single-tail hypothesis: Conjecture contact with direction: less stringent
Always two-tailed hypothesis ( ex: Is there a relationship between location and anxiety)
o Case Example: is there a connection between eye color and preferred learning style.
Participants: 100 participants
Independent variable: Eye color (brown, blue or green)
Dependent variable: Preferred learning style (face-to-face, online or both)
Ho: no connection between eye color and preferred learning style.
H1: is a link between eye color and preferred learning style.
o Requirements:
Random sampling
Independence between observations
Foreign and exhaustive categories
No more than 20% of cells with a predicted incidence are less than 5
does not indicate the intensity of the effect size but only if significance exists
When the difference between the expected value and the actual value is less than 5, this
difference is not significant (20%)
Statistics Window:
Chi square
Nominal = Phi and Cramer’s V
Cells Window:
A two factor analysis was conducted to examine if there’s a link between eye color and preferred
learning style. The two variables were eye color (brown, blue or green) and preferred learning style (face
to face, online or both).
The two variables were significantly related, 22 (4, N = 100) = 13.00, p = 0.011.
findings showed face-to-face learning style was most preferred by those with brown eyes (41.9%), blue
eyes (33.3%), and a slight preference for green eyes (6.7%).
The highest preference for online style was among those with green eyes (50.0%), but other colors also
had high percentages: brown eyes (45.2%) and blue (41.0%).
The highest preference for both learning styles was found among those with green eyes (43.3%) while
the numbers were lower in blue eyes (25.6%) and walls (12.9%).
The intensity of the association between eye color and preferred learning style was high, as measured
by the Cramer's V = 0.25.
Second Use of this Test: examine the distribution of one variable ()טיב התאמה
Case: whether there is a connection between color distribution of eyes in the sample of the research
and if it was generalizable to the general population.
A single-factor analysis was performed to examine if the size of the groups of eye colors in the sample
matched the distribution of eye color in the population.
A significant discrepancy was found between the size of the groups in the sample and the expected
population: 22 (2, N = 100) = 208.72, p <0.001.
findings showed there was a much lower sample of brown eyes (31%) than expected in the population
(82%). This reversal was found in blue and green eye colors (39 and 30 percent) in which the predicted
was 13 and 5 percent respectively.
The intensity of the effect found (ie, the size of the sample's non-conformity to the population) was very
strong, as measured by the Kramer index for examining the effect size: Cramer's V = 1.02
parametric test
compares data to normal distribution
Is based on:
o The gap between the two averages
o Variance of the variable
o And sample size
Indices of normal distribution
similar to chai squared test except the variables are higher quality (scale)
Case Example:
Effect size table (ignoring positive / negative sign):
o Up to 0.2: negligible
o 0.2-0.5: Weak
o 0.5-0.8: Medium
o 0.8 or higher: strong
A one-sample t-test was conducted to assess whether the average number of hours of television viewing
among Jerusalem residents was 22, the general average of Israeli citizens.
The findings show that the average Jerusalem sample (M = 22.78, SD = 2.71)
Significantly higher than the 22 (the average known to us in the rest of the country);
t (59) = 2.24, p = 0.029. The effect size (d = 0.29) indicates a weak effect.
Paired-Samples t-test
Paired-Samples T-Test: used when the observations are paired; compare two measurements that
belong to the same unit
difference between the averages of the same people in two different courses
difference in the ratio of students to distressed families before and after a year of practical work
o T1 to T2
Husband and wife or parent and child comparisons
o Group Comparison
(H1): Young people watch more hours on average on Thursdays than on Sundays
(H0) Thy Watch the same amount of hours/no difference
o one-tailed hypothesis
Effect size (Sig. 2-tailed) (ignoring positive / negative sign) (Same as One-Sample T-Test):
Up to 0.2: negligible
0.2-0.5: Weak
0.5-0.8: Medium
0.8 or higher: strong
A paired samples t-test was conducted to assess whether the television viewing of young people on
Thursdays is higher than the television viewing on Sundays. The results indicate that the average level of
viewing on Thursdays (M = 3.78, SD = 1.12) is significantly higher than the average TV viewing on
Sundays (M = 3.32, SD = 1.29); t (59) = -2.29, p = 0.013. The effect size (d = 0.30) indicates a weak effect.
Independent Sample T-Test - When we want to compare the averages of two independent groups
(H1): is a difference between women and men in number of times they fall asleep in front of TV
(H0) no difference between women and men in number of times they fall asleep in front of TV
Independent Variable – Gender
Dependent Variable – number of times falling asleep
Levin’s Test
designed to examine the hypothesis of equality of variance ( )שוויון השונויותAre the two groups
we are comparing actually comparable – is the data roughly distributed in the same way or not)
Levene's Hypotheses
o H0 the equality of variance is assumed p>.05
o H1 the equality of variance is not assumed p<.05
If results of Levin test are significant, - there is no equality of variance, so we will use the second
row of output in which there is a correction to the test, which allows us to report the results
despite the violation of equality. If it is not significant, stick with the upper row
Effect Size:
slightly different because it takes into account the size of the two groups
d = t*√[(N1+N2)/(N1*N2)] = -13.143 / [(31+29)/(31*29) = -3.40
Effect Size Scale:
o זניח:0.2 עד
o חלש:0.2-0.5
o בינוני:0.5-0.8
o חזק: ומעלה0.8
The test showed a significant difference between men and women at their level of recurrence (t
(58) = -13.14, p <0.001). Men reported an average of less than (M = 5.68, SD = 1.25) compared
to women (M = 13.69, SD = 3.14). The effect size found (d = -3.40) indicated a very strong effect.
ANOVA is looking at the differences within the group and between groups
greater the variance between groups (explained variance) than the variance within the groups
(unexplained variance - the variance of the error): the evidence for real (non-random) errors
between the groups is "more convincing".
Another formulation: a large difference between sample averages and smaller within the scores
of each group: leads to greater confidence in probabilistic conclusions (and a smaller probability
of error in obtaining 1H).
The test will examine the relationship between the explained variance and the error variance
The effect size will be the ratio of the explained variance to the general variance
The degree of freedom is required for the test:
o dfwithin (error) = ( סך התצפיותn) – ( מספר הקבוצותk) בתוך
o dfbetween = ( מספר הקבוצותk) – 1 בין
o dfTotal = ( סך התצפיותn) – 1 כולל
Case Example:
examine whether type of treatment child was receiving had an effect on his mental well-being.
o Participants: 30 children
o Type of treatment:
Without treatment (control group)
Short treatment
Long treatment
o Dependent variable: the degree of mental well-being a year later
(An 8-point scale, 1: low, 8 high)
If Sig < .05 (Levine Test is significant) the variances are not equal so you run a Dunnet T
If Sig > .05 (Levine Test is not significant) the variances are equal so you run a Tukey
if Sig> .05, the assumption of variance being equal is preserved, and we continue the test. In
Anova, even if assumption is not maintained, we continue the test but will have to change
something in the analysis, similar to what we did in the T test. (Tukey)
look at Tipil and error
Effect Size:
IMPORTANT: Unlike Cohen's D, in this case the number has significance: the independent variable
explains h2 percent of the variance in the dependent variable (this is why it cannot go through 1 and
note how this is reflected in the calculation of the index)
The null hypothesis (H0) was rejected: at least one group was different from the other groups
An asterisk (*) in the mean difference column (Mean Difference) means a significant difference in the
level (significance of .05 is also expressed in the sig column
Univariate One-Way ANOVA was conducted to examine relationship between type of treatment child
was given and level of mental well-being.
independent variable included three types of treatments: no treatment (control group), short-term
therapy and long-term treatment. The dependent variable was the level of mental well-being of the
child at the end of the year.
The result of the analysis of variance is significant (F, 2, 27) = 40.50, p <.001. The intensity of the effect,
as assessed by a square, was found to be high, with the type of treatment explaining 75% of the variance
in the child's mental well-being
To examine the differences between the different levels of the independent variable, we chose to make
post-hoc comparisons using the Tukey index (after a preliminary test that did not show a significant
difference between variances).
It appears that the average mental well-being of children in long-term care is significantly higher (M =
6.60, SD = 1.07) than children in short-term care (M = 3.60, SD = 0.84) and no treatment (M = 3.00, SD =
0.94). No significant difference was found between the last two frames.
long-term therapy is more beneficial for mental well-being than the other two types of treatment.
Split cases:
o Data Select cases condition is satisfied If (select case you want to isolate and
type like so: Xvariable=1 (if 1=bachlors, 2=masters, and 3=doctorate) then run bivariate
Split file is similar to select cases but analyzes the different groups at the same time and they will be
displayed separately in the output.
USE: When you want to isolate nominal data to run correlation on each separately
o Ex: education level (bachelors, masters, doctorate) to 3 different verbal tests
two options for splitting, an option for comparison analysis and a separate analysis option
(Organize output by groups). The outputs are similar, use convenience.
Try to split the file into the sample, and see if there are changes in the pattern of the
relationship in your analysis.
Split file
Split file comparison analysis or separate analysis option select the variable you want to separate
output on (education level) bivariate correlation
When there is at least one scale variable, we can look for cases in which a change in the value of
one variable results in a change in the value of another variable - correlation
There is no dependent variable and independent variable, only a relationship (symmetric index).
For example:
Pearson and Spearman measure direction and intensity of a linear relationship between two variable
when assessing a scale variable.
The stronger the relationship between the variables, the more accurate the prediction.
Need to assess:
Relationship type
Context direction: direct (positive), reverse (negative)
The strength of the connection (no connection, weak link, strong bond)
Context (linear, non-linear)
The level of education in the number of years of schooling and the level of monthly income
The age of the child and the number of cases of violence to which he participated
Number of hours of study per exam and test score
Number of cases of violence against social workers and satisfaction with work
1 and -1, means full linear connection, that is, there is no error
The statistics (and the size of the effect) indicate both the intensity of the relationship and the direction
of the relationship (positive or negative)
The relationship is linear. There may be a non-linear connection and then no adapter is found or no high
correlation is found
Analyze Correlate
Bivariate select
correlation test options
means and SD
Missing values
Pairwise option
Listwise option
Pairwise: If there are more than two variables and want as many observations as possible
(comparing gender to height and weight but participant 6 didn’t fill in weight. SPSS will still
compare gender and height for that participant)
Listwise: you want to delete any subject that has no value even in one variable (Will entirely
ignore participant 6)
Worth checking:
Exceptional observation is an observation that is inconsistent with the vast majority of observations.
Sometimes we will observe outliers when there is a relevant and defined condition for this. Of course we
will report this in the results section
A significant positive correlation was found between the psychometric score and the BA degree
(rp = 0.78, p <0.001). The significance of the finding is that the higher the psychometric score, the higher
the BA score. The strength of the received connection is high.
use when at least one of the two variables is ordinal and of course if both are Ordinal.
A variable will be considered an ordinal if it has at least 3 values.
done the same way as Pearson, but choose Spearman
The test and its polynomials are almost identical to Pearson, except for the variable scale
The number of visits per year, and the auditor's level of anxiety
The number of delays to practical work, and the ranking of the instructor at the end of the year.
Rating level of satisfaction with course, and rating level of satisfaction with grade in the course.
effect size has an additional function: possibility of comparing effect sizes between different tests.
seeing if a result in one test (Anova) is more significant than a result in another test (chai-squared).
Cronbach's alpha
Are the items in the tool testing the same content (internal consistency within tools)
examines correlation between all items in the research tool.
High alpha indicates pattern of responses to the various questions is consistent among subjects.
Higher the correlation, the more reliable the test, - proves the questions relate to same content.
The alpha range is between 0 and 1 (similar to correlations tests)
An inter-item reliability test was conducted to examine the internal consistency of the X research tools.
An internal consistency level of Alpha Kornbach of Y. was found. After we omitted Z1 and Z2, which
showed a weaker link to the content world of the research tool, the cornebach alpha increased to T,
Internal nicely between the N-2 questions remaining in the questionnaire.
We may also want to provide the reader with a list of questions or a list of questions that have been
omitted and a rationale for their lack of connection to the world of content.
Paste: Save actions that have been made, reusable. To work with a lot data must learn to use this ability.
Actions saved in Syntax allow for repeated analysis of the data at a different time, sending analytical
methods that you have produced to other researchers, and of course more accurate and rapid changes
of analyzes when needed, as well as creating new ones.