CAPF INTERVIEW 2019 Free Booklet PDF

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M-2, Himalika Commercial Complex, Behind UCO Bank, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar,
Near Batra Cinema, Delhi - 110009. Ph.: 09811299811, 09990840999.
Career Quest Institute for Interview Training, Delhi || PH: 09811299811, 09990840999
HOW TO PREPARE? You have to concentrate on the following areas :
1) Background including education, family etc.
You may call it interview but the more appropri- 2) Home state/dist.
ate term is the personality test. This is the fi- 3) Subjects studied at graduation/PG level.
nal stage of the CAPF examination. This 150 4) Hobbies & interests.
marks (200 marks according to OLD pattern) 5) About India and World. (Social-Political- Eco-
test, may not be of the qualifying nature, is very nomic).
crucial in putting your rank up or down the final
list. Therefore one should take this final step very Frankly, speaking, it is impossible to improve your
seriously. personality with a week or fifteen days, whether
you study specially for it or not. But it is fact that
The interview shouldn’t normally require any extra everyone taking the personality test prepares for
preparation other than being aware of issues and it rather diligently.
especially those related to one’s home state. De- Personality test also means you have to dress
tailed Application Form is most important. well in a formal outfit, but again there is no hard
& fast rule about it. It is very useful to join a good
One should prepare his Bio-data, Home-state/ Mock-Interview sessions.
town, Socio-Economic-Political problems of In-
dia, options subjects and subjects of gradua- We made out stand very clear on contentious
tion/post-graduation, hobbies. issues so that we might not be trapped in by the
Personality Devel- It is very important to
opment Programme think about immediate
and some mock in- issues and problems
terview sessions are systematically and
extremely helpful. give cogent and un-
ambiguous answers
One should be pre- during the interview,
pared on the infor- and the essential re-
mation mentioned in quirements for these
the Detailed Applica- are familiarity with a
tion Form DAF. wide range of issues,
clarity of thought and
While facing the in- a systematic, though
terview Board, the not rigid, outlining of
most important at- the various features
tributes that count are : calmness and smile on and aspects in involved, together with atleast
the face, natural tone and expression. some original, convincing arguments.
One needs to be honest and say sorry if not sure Excessive emphasis (like ready-made answers)
about any fact. on coaching mars candidates easiness and
Asked yourself why I wanted to join CPF? Why The interest/hobbies indicated should be genu-
did I leave a good career or job (If any)? Work ine.
on your Bio-data and try to make as far away
question as possible. Tensions and excitements have to be
channelised to a creative expression and ac-
The interview depends upon with what frame of commodative answers.
mind one appears before the Interview panel.
Be confident, Interview is not question-answer One should not be too rigid or too soft regarding
session, in real sense it is purposeful conver- his/her opinions. It is better to be on the side of
sation. Speak freely during the interview. flexibility rather than that of rigidity.
Make short notes of all the current events in the The Interview/Personality Test would be con-
preceding six months. ducted by a Board of competent and unbiased
Career Quest Institute for Interview Training, Delhi || PH: 09811299811, 09990840999
persons who will have before them a record of interest.
the candidates. The candidate will be asked
questions both in his/her own field as well as The object of the interview is to assess the per-
matters of general interest to test his/her aware- sonal suitability of the candidate for a career in
ness and understanding. In broad terms, this will public service by a Board of competent and un-
be an assessment of not only his/her mental cali- biased observers. The test is intended to judge
bre but also his/her social traits and integrity of the mental calibre of a candidate.
character. The Board would broadly assess the
candidate inter-alia in the following : In broad terms this is really an assessment of
not only his intellectual qualities but also social
(i) Physical Make-up traits and his interst in current affairs. Some of
(a) Appearance (b) Bearing the qualities to be judged are mental alertness,
(c) Manners and Mannerism critical powers of assimilation, clear and logical
exposition, balance of judgement, variety and
(ii) General Intelligence, Aptitude and Inter- depth of interest, ability for social cohesion and
est leadership, intellectual and moral integrity.
(a) Ability to perceive, analyse and present facts
and situation. (b) Work related aptitudes, like The technique of the interview is not that of a
discipline, empathy etc. (c) Extra-curricular ac- strict cross-examination but of a natural, though
tivities-participation in games, sports, debates directed and purposive conversation which is
etc. intended to reveal the mental qualities of the
(iii) Disposition
(a) Leadership, drive, determination, quick de- The interview test is not intended to be a test
cision making etc. (b) Self-reliance. (c) Ability to either of the specialised or general knowledge
face stress and crisis. (d) Courage-moral and of the candidates which has been already tested
physical. through their written papers.

(iv) Behavioural aspect of personality Candidates are expected to have taken an intel-
(a) Inter-personal relations with superiors and ligent interest not only in their special subjects
subordinates. (b) Commitment to values, integ- of academic study but also in the events which
rity, secular and national orientation. are happening around them both within and out-
Wish you all the best ! side their own state or country as well as in
modern currents of thought and in new discov-
UPSC Approach eries which should rouse the curiosity of well
The candidate will be interviewed by a Board who educated youth.
will have before them a record of his career. He - Sanjeev Kabeer,
will be asked questions on matters of general Director, Career Quest, Delhi

The mediocre teacher tells. "In order to succeed, your de-

The good teacher explains. The sire for success should be
superior teacher demonstrates. greater than your fear of fail-
The great teacher inspires. ure."
"Success usually comes to
those who are too busy to be "There are no secrets to suc- "The secret of success is to
looking for it."
cess. It is the result of prepara- do the common thing uncom-
tion, hard work, and learning monly well."
"There are two types of people from failure."
who will tell you that you can- "All progress takes place out-
not make a difference in this "Some people dream of suc- side the comfort zone."
world: those who are afraid to
cess while others wake up and
try and those who are afraid you
will succeed."

Career Quest Institute for Interview Training, Delhi || PH: 09811299811, 09990840999
CAPF is organised forces which work in far more trying circum-
stances than any other police or civil service.
group A Central Service Their demands had been opposed by both the
government and the IPS Association.
The Supreme Court in Feb 2019 upheld the
judgement of the Delhi High Court granting the It was a concern flagged by SC in its judgement
status of organised group ‘A’ services to the as well. “In order to overcome the stagnation
Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) officers problems, the 6th Pay Commission recom-
and granting them Non Functional Financial mended NFFU to all Group A Officers in various
Upgradation (NFFU). In a landmark judgement Organised Group A Services. The purpose of
by Justices Rohinton Fali Nariman and M R granting NFFU was to give relief to Group A Of-
Shah, the court said ficers facing the prob-
the CAPF officers– lem of stagnation as
from BSF, CRPF, fallback option when
SSB, ITBP and CISF– regular promotions do
will now be granted the not come into various
NFFU and will be con- factors. It has come
sidered as organised on record that CPMFs
group A Central Ser- are facing huge prob-
vices. lems of stagnation,
more particularly, on
NFFU is basically a one hand they are not
raise in salary and being granted the pro-
perks of an officer if he motions as most pro-
reaches a seniority motional posts are
level that makes him filled by deputation,
eligible for promotion but cannot be promoted and, on the other
because of lack of vacancies. In simple terms, hand, they are denied NFFU.”
NFFU will help an Assistant Commandant draw
the salary of a deputy commandant if he has The SC brushed aside all objections by the gov-
not been promoted despite reaching the required ernment and IPS Association saying that in no
seniority. It is available to all civil services–such way this was going to affect the deputation of
as the IAS, IPS, IRS and IFS– but had been de- IPS officers in the CAPFs. It also dismissed
nied to paramilitary forces by the Home Ministry petitions seeking permission to file a special
on the ground that they do not fall in the cat- leave petition in the case saying the “permis-
egory of “organised services” . The judgement sion is declined” . The judgement also recorded
will come as a huge relief to over 6000 officers how DoPT had once included the CAPFs into
of the CAPFs which are beset with career stag- organised services but government later made
nation due to lack of vacancies at higher levels a U turn. “It appears from the material on record
and IPS officers filling all top posts. that right from 1986 onwards, in various Mono-
graphs CAPFs were included in the list of Group
Delhi High Court judgement in 2015 said that “A” Central Civil Services. The Government took
benefits contemplated by VIth Central Pay Com- ‘U’ turn and a stand was taken that CAPFs are
mission by way of NFFU to remove disparity be- not Organized Group “A” Central Services, ” the
tween all India services and other organised order said.
group ‘A’ services to be granted to the CAPF of-
ficers. A long standing argument of the home Ministry
in this matter has been that it could create a
The denial of NFFU had been a cause of much command chaos in the forces as a second in
frustration among the officers many of who never command earning the same salary as the com-
even reach the level of commandant in their mandant would not listen to him. Force officers
careers as posts of DIG and above were filled have however argued that seniority in forces and
by IPS officers on deputation. This was among command structure is never governed by sal-
the reasons for high rate of attrition from the ary but the post.

Career Quest Institute for Interview Training, Delhi || PH: 09811299811, 09990840999
This strange stand taken by the government was
also criticised by The High Court when it said Union Minister while informing the Lok Sabha
that NFFU was by its definition “non-functional”. stated that 14,587 paramilitary soldiers had left
“The Government’s contention that NFFU can- their jobs in 2017, compared to 3,425 force per-
not be granted since the CAPFs comprise a strict sonnel in 2015.
hierarchy with a well defined Command and
Control structure; that any interference with this Border Security Force (BSF) and Central Re-
structure would be detrimental to the interest of serve Police Force (CRPF), in particular, have
the forces and would adversely affect its opera- seen the most outflow of personnel. The nodal
tion and functioning; It was thus, claimed that all ministry, however, clarified that the reasons cited
posts in the CAPFs are functional and there is by paramilitary personnel ranged from personal
no room for Non Functional posts, is untenable and domestic issues including children and fam-
because by very definition there is no interfer- ily, health issues and illness of self or family.
ence with functions, duties or the posts but only
an increase in the financial prospects, ” the High Social and family obligations and commitments
Court order granting relief to CAPF officers had to enjoying a civilian life and enhanced pension-
said. ary benefits on completion of 20 years of ser-
Describing the appeals made by the central gov-
ernment and the IPS Association, the apex court The ministry data presented to Lok Sabha indi-
said that even otherwise considering the fact that cate that in 2015 more CRPF soldiers quit but
by granting RPF (Railway Protection Force) as in 2017 more BSF soldiers were hanging their
an organised group A central services, the rights boots. In 2015, the number of BSF personnel
of the IPS, if any for their appointment on depu- who either voluntarily retired or resigned was 909
tation on some posts in RPF cannot be said to it shot up by more than seven times to 6,415 in
have been affected. It said merely because 2017.
some posts in the RPF might have been re-
quired to be filled in by way of deputation also, This also corresponds to the number of ceasefire
grant of status of organised group ‘A’ central violations by Pakistan. However, sources say the
services to RPF shall not affect the IPS. The reason for quitting of soldiers is primarily per-
senior officers of the central armed police forces- sonal and not professional reasons.
BSF, CRPF, CISF, ITBP and SSB will be con-
sidered for grant of NFFU. The largest paramiitary force -- Central Reserve
------------------------------------------------------------- Police Force -- also saw the exit of 1,376 per-
sonnel in 2015 but number rose alarming to
Personal reasons main 5,123 in 2017. At No. 3 is Central Industrial Se-
cause for jawans quitting curity force (CISF) with 768 soldiers from force
quitting in 2015 and 1,560 in 2017.
paramilitary forces
Home ministry data show an alarming rise in The lowest attrition rate according to Home Min-
soldiers opting for voluntary retirement. istry is from Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP),
Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) and Assam Rifles.
In 2017, BSF saw the most number of person- While 76 personnel quit or voluntarily retired from
nel quitting followed by CRPF and CISF. ITBP in 2015, the number rose to 305 in 2017.
Among the top reasons are personal including For SSB the numbers were 183 in 2015 and 548
children and family issues, health. in 2017, and for Assam Rifles 113 in 2015 and
Reasons not cited include tough working condi- 636 in 2017.
tions and outstation postings.
Tough working conditions, outstation postings
Latest data shared by Ministry of Home Affairs and stress are some of the reasons which are
show that a year 2017 saw a sharp increase in not cited by the ministry.
voluntary retirements and resignations in para- ------------------------------------------------------------
military forces known as the Central Armed Po- Join us for best
lice Force (CAPF). interview preparation course!
Career Quest Institute for Interview Training, Delhi || PH: 09811299811, 09990840999
Pathalgadi Issue The leaders of Pathalgadi movement prepared
an 11-point charter of demands that they sent to
Pathalgadi is a stir against Centre, state gov- various authorities including President. The de-
ernments. Pathalgadis reject government's mands of the Pathalgadis can be summarized
rights over forests and rivers. Over the last one as:
year, the Pathalgardi groups have been active
across four districts of Jharkhand - Khunti, The gram sabhas should get all the funds ear-
Gumla, Simdega and West Singhbhum. All are marked for the tribal sub-plan
Maoist-infested districts. (Source India Today) The tribal people should not be branded as
naxals and sent to jail
Who are Pathalgadis? Changes in the land acquisition laws should be
Pathalgadi simply translates into the planting a revoked
stone order. Stone plaques and signboards have All police and paramilitary forces should be with-
come up in over 200 villages of Jharkhand in drawn from the Scheduled Areas and their
recent months. These stone orders dismiss the camps dismantled
authority of the central or the state governments A separate education board - Adivasi Board - with
on their villages. distinct syllabus should be created for tribal stu-
Usually placed at the entry points of tribal dents.
villages, these stone plaques have provisions
of the Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Ar- The Opium Angle
eas) Act, 1996 or PESA written on them. These Jharkhand has emerged as one of the big cen-
are meant to serve as warnings to the outsid- tres of illegal opium cultivation in India. The po-
ers. The stone plaques and signboards also lice have attributed the recent challenge to law
contain "orders" prohibiting outsiders from en- and order by Pathalgadi supporters to a bunch
tering the tribal village. of opium cultivators.
They proclaim allegiance to the Consti- According to police, the opium cultiva-
tution but reject any authority except their gram tors are instigating disillusioned tribal youths to
sabhas (village assemblies). They claim to be use them as a shield for their opium cultivation.
the real "Bharat Sarkar" (the government of In- Jharkhand police have launched a drive to de-
dia). Their fight is aimed to reclaim their rights stroy opium crops in the state.
over "jal, jangal and zameen (water, forest and The police have said that around 23,000
land)". acres of opium cultivation have been destroyed
Pathalgadis have their presence in this year. Nearly 50 cases have been registered
Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and parts of in this connection.
West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh. Security agencies say that the Maoists
force tribal villagers to do opium cultivation to
Birsa Munda Connection raise funds. Opium cultivation and trade are ille-
The Pathalgadis are most active in Khunti, the gal in India except under certain conditions. But
district where tribal freedom fighter Birsa Munda the contraband has a big international market
was born and took on the British might in 19th and the Maoists, security agencies say, fund their
century. The Pathalgadis held their biggest cer- operations through illegal trade of opium.
emony in Feb. 2019 at Kochang in the district.
The participants were armed with rifles More points:
including AK-47. Curiously, the police did not The Pathalgadis call themselves the followers
prevent the meeting despite having intelligence of Sati Pati cult of Gujarat. Sati refers to mother
inputs. and Pati to father.
The Pathalgadis endorsed what was The cult claims that the tribals were given rights
achieved by the Birsa Munda movement - the over rivers, forest land and forest produce by
Chotanagpur Tenancy Act (CNT) in 1908. This Queen Victoria.
law prohibited the transfer of tribal land to non- Kunwar Keshri Sinh, the former leader of the
tribals while favouring community ownership. Sati Pati cult, gathered a huge number of fol-
The Santhal Parganas Tenancy Act (SPT) of lowers.
1949 maintained the same position. His son, Kunwar Ravindra Sinh is the current
leader of the cult that is hugely popular in and
What are specific demands of Pathalgadis? around Tapi district of Gujarat.
Career Quest Institute for Interview Training, Delhi || PH: 09811299811, 09990840999
The Pathalgadis have been distributing the cop- lature of the State, which is applicable to the area
ies of Heaven's Light Our Guide, a publication in question.
associated with the Order of the Star of India. The Governor may by public notification
It is an order of chivalry of the British empire that direct that any particular Act of Parliament or of
was founded by Queen Victoria in 1861. the Legislature of the State shall not apply to a
Scheduled Area or any part thereof in the State
Scheduled Areas or shall apply to such area subject to such ex-
The Scheduled Tribes live in contiguous areas ceptions and modifications as he may specify.
unlike other communities. It is, therefore, much The Governor of a State having Sched-
simpler to have area approach for development uled Areas therein, shall annually, or whenever
activities and also regulatory provisions to pro- so required by the President of India, make a
tect their interests. report to the President regarding the adminis-
In order to protect the interests of the tration of the Scheduled Areas in that State and
Scheduled Tribes with regard to land alienation the executive power of the Union shall extend to
and other social factors, provisions of “Fifth the giving of directions to the State as to the ad-
Schedule” and “Sixth Schedule” have been en- ministration of the said area.
shrined in the Constitution. Tribes Advisory Council [TAC] shall be
The Fifth Schedule under Article 244 (1) established in States having Scheduled Areas.
of the Constitution defines “Scheduled Areas” The TAC may also be established in any State
as such areas as the President may by Order having Scheduled Tribes but not scheduled Ar-
declare to be Scheduled Areas after consulta- eas on the direction of the President of India.
tion with the Governor of that State. The TAC consists of not more than twenty mem-
The Sixth Schedule under article 244 (2) bers of whom, as nearly as may be, three fourth
of the Constitution relates to those areas in the are from the representatives of Scheduled Tribes
north east, which are declared as “tribal areas”, in the Legislative Assembly of the State. The role
and provides for a District or Regional Autono- of TAC is to advice the State Government on
mous Councils for such areas. These councils matters pertaining to the welfare and advance-
have wide ranging legislative, judicial and execu- ment of the Scheduled Tribes in the State as
tive powers. may be referred to it by the Governor.
The Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled
States having Fifth Schedule Areas Areas) Act, 1996, which the provisions of
At present, 10 States namely Andhra Pradesh, Panchayats, contained in Part IX of the Consti-
Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, tution, were extended to Scheduled Areas, also
Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, contains special provisions for the benefit of
Odisha, Rajasthan and Telangana have Fifth Scheduled Tribes.
Schedule Areas. -------------------------------------------------------------
The Fifth Schedule of the Constitution Google Review for Career Quest
deals with the administration and control of I am Arushi Mishra. I have secured AIR 2 in
Scheduled Areas as well as of Scheduled Tribes Indian forest services examination 2018. This
residing in any State other than the States of was my first interview and career quest was the
Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram. Tribal only institute I came to for my preparation. I had
habitations in the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, joined the course for interview. Sanjeev sir did 3
Karnataka, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and things that worked wonders : Firstly, he started
Jammu & Kashmir have not been brought un- from the basics that was helpful for a beginner
der the Fifth or Sixth Schedule. like me. Secondly, he not only did cover all the
topics but also developed the thought process
The advantage of Scheduled Area for tackling questions. Thirdly, the immensely
The Governor of a State which has Scheduled positive attitude of sir towards interview process
Areas is empowered to make regulations in re- and student's strength made our group confi-
spect of the following: dant on our ability. The results were out and al-
Prohibit or restrict transfer of land from tribals; most everyone in the group got through. I scored
Regulate the business of money lending to the 189/300 in the interview and got selected. I would
members of Scheduled Tribes. In making any strongly suggest the institute for any beginner
such regulation, the Governor may repeal or searching for direction, confidence and quality
amend any Act of Parliament to or of the Legis- driven interview sessions. Thank you!
Career Quest Institute for Interview Training, Delhi || PH: 09811299811, 09990840999
>>> 1 >>> 2
“Career quest
Highest Interview Marks in has helped me
UPSC: Ayman Jamal - 206 in the most cru-
Ayman Jamal secured AIR 499 in Civil Services cial phase of
(IAS) Exam 2018. She attended ‘Complete Inter- my journey to
view Course’ at Career Quest. We congratulate her success-the
for success & securing highest Interview marks in interview. I
CSE. joined CQ after
Civil Services
“I came to Career Main Exam-
Quest coaching first 2016.
time for my UPSC As-
sistant Labour Com- The detailed
missioner interview and orientation regarding the different aspects of
Kabeer Sir's guidance interview-posture, timing, structuring the an-
helped me a lot. swer, accepting your ignorance with grace
etc. gave me an in-depth idea regarding in-
I already had a very bad terview preparation.
experience of interview
when I appeared for my Though many people tell that interview is all
NABARD grade B interview without any help from about luck, I feel there is a lot to be prepared
any institute. I had many misconceptions, like for interview. Unlike written exams, the inter-
coachings are waste of money and time, also I had view is a personality test rather than knowl-
many myths related to the whole idea of what inter- edge test. So, it involves questions that you
views are about. may not be able to answer.

All these myths and misconceptions about inter- Here, Sanjeev Kabeer sir’s analogy of inter-
view were cleared during the short span of 8 days view to a cricket match is praiseworthy. There
I spent doing classes here at Career Quest. It helped will be some balls in which u have to just de-
me a lot. It helped me work on my personality, on fend the wicket, some in which you can hit a
my attitude, on my vocabulary and on how to reply six and even others which you can get a run
even if I have to deny that I don’t know the answer. or two. It is all about understanding the na-
ture of the question and answering accord-
I finally made it to the final list of ALC and Career ingly.
Quest has a big role to play in that. After this suc-
cess I again came to institute for my Bihar Public Kabeer Sir’s vast experience in interview
Service (BPSC) interview (60th to 62nd) and again guidance is worth noting because all other
it proved to be very beneficial for me. I got 85 marks coaching centres just let u take a mock, while
in personality test of BPSC out of 120 and I am sir takes into consideration each and every
allotted revenue officer's post. aspect of the interview. He helps us to pre-
pare for questions from our hobbies to home
The third time I came to Career Quest and seek state to cadre preference in a comprehen-
Sanjeev Kabeer Sir's guidance was for my UPSC sive manner.
Civil Services Exam (IAS) interview. My interview
was on 27th March 2019. I scored 206 marks in This helped me to refine my answers in the
UPSC CSE interview, which is the highest marks final interview.
given in the interview. I cleared the UPSC CSE Thank you sir. I wish success to all aspirants
exam with 499th rank. and am sure that CQ will help them just the
way it did for me.
Kabeer Sir's guidance made me aware of what is
needed and what isn't required for an interview Ann Mary George, IFS
preparation. I gained more confidence here. I am (Indian Foreign Service)
really glad I came at CQ.” Rank-123, CSE-2016

Career Quest Institute for Interview Training, Delhi || PH: 09811299811, 09990840999
CAPF Topper's Interview Chairman: Ok you mean to say that China is
developing Maritime Silk Road for their economic
Experience: Swapnil Pawar development, then why we are concerned about
UPSC CAPF (Assistant Commandant) 2016, that?
AIR 09 Me : sir with Maritime Silk Road China is con-
structing a strings of pearls , chain of
BE Mechanical, COEP Topper ports surrounding india such as
Interview marks - 102/150 hambantota in Sri Lanka, Gwadar in
Chairman - Mr. Arvind Saxena sir Pakistan . so it is directly affecting
Interview date - 10th January India's role in Indian ocean as Net se-
2017 forenoon session curity provider to small Nations. it af-
Timing - 10:40 A.M to 11:15 a.m. fects our external security also.

I was second one in all Aspirant chairman: What is TPCT?( about my

without blazer. I caught with se- college name)
vere cold. I came to know that I ME: sir TPCT is Terna Public Chari-
am second in line for interview. table Trust which involved in various
this Itself increased my shiver- social and charitable activities. it also
ing more than normal. My talking runs various schools colleges and
manner disturbed hospitals.
with shivering cold . i demanded a cup of tea to Chairman: What is Terna?
a peon saying that I would not be able to speak me: Sir Terna is longest river in my district.
a single word without a cup of tea. With the last Chairman :ok (passing the Baton towards an-
sip of tea , a peon came to me to direct me to- other member)
wards interview room. Member : Why you want to join CRPF?
me: Sir it gives me opportunity to give exposure
me:( pushing door with one hand) may I to my personality to various internal security
come in sir? challenges and law and order problems.
Chairman: Yes come in.
Me: Good morning sir,( with loud and clear voice Member : Tell us something about history of
said 4 times with one second gap in between) CRPF?
Chairman: Please sit down. Sir Central Reserve Police Force was estab-
me: Thank you sir. lished before independence as a crown repre-
Chairman: So swapnil what do you know about sentative police force in 1939 as viceroy's force
IR? in a desire to help princely states to calm down
Me: Sorry Sir I do not understand your question( political unrest and to maintain law and order.
short from IR confused me since I was expect- Later on this force is recalibrated as Central
ing a start from biodata) Reserve Police Force in 1949 with the mandate
of internal security.
Chairman: I mean to say India's relations with
its neighbours and other countries such as Sri Member : What are the specialised child agen-
Lanka, Nepal ,Bhutan ,Bangladesh. cies of CRPF?
me : Sir Sri Lanka is undergoing a transforma- me: sir there are two specialised child agencies
tion from presidential form of Government to of CRPF first one is rapid action force which
prime ministerial form of government. We have was established in 1992 with the objective of
some differences and conflicts such as 13th controlling civil unrest, Rio control , crowd contol
Amendment that is giving autonomy to Northern with minimum response time.
provinces Indian origin sri Lankan Tamils, Second one cobra force commando battalion
fisherman's issue etc( I was blank after this be- for resolute action is force established in 2008
fore switching to Nepal). with the mandate to fight against left wing ex-
Chairman: What is Maritime Silk Road?
me: Maritime Silk Road is initiative taken by Member: Who are the social reformers of
China so as to increase their Exports. Maharashtra?
me: sir if I mention about social reformers of
Career Quest Institute for Interview Training, Delhi || PH: 09811299811, 09990840999
maharashtra ....three names comes to my mind tre. India is indestructible Union of destructible
first mahatma Phule ,dr Babasaheb Ambedkar States.
and shahu maharaj.
Member: What is contribution of Jotiba Govind (interrupting)
phule? member: What?( with scaring laugh - amrish
Sir mahatma phule has immense contribution Puri style) what India is Indestructible Union of
in the society. He worked for social upliftment of destructible States, how?
the marginalised people along with his wife me:( though I was correct i was lowest in my
Savitribai Phule,he established 1st girls school confidence at this juncture due to scary laugh )i
in Pune. asked for time- sir may I take few seconds.
me:(after 4. 5 seconds) sir India is not like United
Member: is there Any organisation related to States of America where state boundaries are
Mahatma Phule? rigid. But under article 3 of our Constitution we
Me:Yes sir, satyashodhak Samaj is the can alter the boundaries of states with passing
organisation related to Mahatma Phule, it was parliament Act.
established in 1875 to find the truth of the soci- Member: Swapnil compare in between between
ety and to give justice to marginalised people.... hockey, kabaddi and cricket?( my game -
It exist now also. Kabaddi)
member: W hat is contribution of Shahu me: Hockey is our national game we won 8 gold
Maharaj? medal in olympics.Kabaddi is our Desi game
me: I was blank which becoming popular in recent days and
cricket is most popular game of our country (
Member: Does he worked in the same direction interrupting).
as like phule?
me: Yes sir Shahu maharaj also worked for the member: Which game will you choose in be-
social upliftment of the marginalised people . he tween these three?
is the first one to give reservation to socially me: sir as per my interest I will choose Kabaddi.
backward classes in 1904. member: Ok Swapnil you mean to say that in
member : After introduction of BT Cotton , is it democracy there is right to choice.
that farmers suicide rate in Maharashtra in- Me: Yes sir, right to choice must be there in
creased? democracy.
me: Sir due to BT Cotton ,input cost has in- member: What you have learnt from Kabaddi?
creased so there is less or zero profit margin me: Sir, physical fitness ,flexibility mental alert-
for farmers because of which farmers suicide ness, quick decision making, team coordina-
increased(interrupting) tion sportsmanship are some of qualities which
I learnt from Kabaddi.
member: But I have heard that due to bT cot- member: Should NCC be made compulsory?
ton, india became topmost cotton producer. me: Sir NCC is not a military program . it's a
me: sir, there are other factor also due to which personality development and educational
farmer suicide has increased. programme . instead of imposing any idea we
member: State two cases in which Central gov- should promote that idea to increase its accep-
ernment has intervened in the states jurisdic- tance. in fact NCC was compulsory in period
tion. between 1963 to 1967.
me: Sir few days before West Bengal chief min-
ister blamed Central Government for deploying member: Ok Swapnil you mean to say that in
Central armed police forces in her state without democracy there is right to choice.
her consultation. Me: Yes sir
And second case is misuse and abuse of ar- Member: Should we bring self driving Cars to
ticle 356 president rule. India? Many people who are engaged in this pro-
fession as taxi drivers would be unemployed
Member: Where it was misused? what is your opinion on this .?
me: Sir it was misused in Arunachal Pradesh me : Sir technology is good for the development
and Uttarakhand. of the nation .the people who will be unemployed
member: What do you know about federalism? can be employed in other sectors. the manu-
me: Sir India is Federal state with strong cen- facturing of accessories of self driving Cars will
Career Quest Institute for Interview Training, Delhi || PH: 09811299811, 09990840999
generate further employment opportunities to FeedBack About Career Quest Interview
absorb those who got unemployed by this in- Classes by Swapnil Pawar,CAPF AC:
vention . Google like companies has invested (As Shared on Email and WhatsApp)
heavily in projects like project moonshot for self
driving cars. ( it seems that interview panel was Before joining Career Quest I was skeptical to
not much convinced by my answer) join it. Because I was feeling following the flock
of ship to one classroom in the market of
Member : what was this National Integration UPSC. I was further questioned by my con-
meet? science.
me: sir National integration meet
It was all India Inter School meet organised by I was in fear to lose my original personality in
novodaya Vidyalaya Samiti at new delhi under the name of class with fabricated answers . But
Ministry of HRD .one cultural performance was With each class proceedings i came to realised
invited from each state and I represented my that I have chosen the right place where I can
state with cultural folk dance called 'Jogwa'. learn how to answer and why to answer specifi-
member: What are the threats to the national cally instead of what to answer.
me: Sir there are many threats to National Inte- I believe that this is the right place one can get
gration such as regionalism, casteism, linguism your assessment in very precise Manner.
,separatism. One will never get score below what sir has
allotted you in mock interview. the precise as-
member: How we can increase the national sessment is very much necessary to improve
integration? your performance ... strength-
me: sir Dr ening your strong areas and
Babasaheb hiding your weak areas . many
Ambedkar interview coaching has multi
said that it is member interview panel....
the most vi- which I thought weakness of
tal need of career quest.... but one mem-
the time to to ber panel in the career quest
arouse the is itself it's strength .
feeling and
sense of In total I appeared for two
common na- mocks . first mock was blun-
tionality der . sir gave me 74 marks
amongst the with some dose. this dose
masses. (Statement copied from delhi metro became booster for me. I still remembers sir's
advertisement)we can Increase the feeling of critique of mine after 1st interview...... "Why you
national integrity with seminars, conferences, are giving chance to other aspirants though you
spreading and publishing literature on it .we can are much more competent than anyone else?
also implement schemes such like in navodaya these words further boosted my confidence and
Vidyalaya's Inter School interstate migration keep me away from inferiority complex.
scheme to know each other's culture.
chairman: Ok thank you swapnil "The thirst and the Quest of my career is
quenched by the precise assessment and mo-
( at the time of exit from interview room I was tivation by sanjeev kabir sir". Thank you for be-
pulling door . the voice from Panel member sug- ing a part of my success.
gested me to push door outside i humbly
thanked them without turning back for their Yours obediently
suggestion.) After interview i felt i could have Swapnil Pawar, CAPF Rank 9
answered better than this .......but that moment

Admission Open now!

Career Quest Institute for Interview Training, Delhi || PH: 09811299811, 09990840999

“ Joining Career Quest for interview preparation for CPF (AC) Exam-2011, was one
of the important decisions of my life. I remember my first day at the institute, when I
met sir, and during the first meeting I realised that it was a correct decision to reach
Career Quest. Sir, made me feel relaxed and confident, during the course of my
preparation. The way he moulded my confidence in such a short span of time, was
tremendous, and it only showed his delivering skills.

Eventually, sir made me gain enough confidence which prepared me to face an interview at UPSC. The
mock interview sessions were also very useful in gaining fluency. While I left the classes after the course
was over, I continued with what sir had advised and went for the interview. And when I came out of the
UPSC after interview, I then realised the completeness with which sir had guided me and how all that
fructified after a good interview. I thank sir once again for all the support and patience which he showed
which resulted in my success. Thank You Sir!”
- Prashant Singh, AIR- 126


Prashant Singh AIR – 126 CPF (AC) Examination-2011

Interview Held on 26-09-2012. Venue- UPSC- Dholpur House
Time- Morning- 9am to 1pm. Board- Prof. Purushottam Agarwal. Duration – 30 minutes.
1.Please come in Prashant, please have a seat.
2.So u have done NCC? Have you submitted the NCC Certificate?
3.What is your service preference?
4.Your hobby is watching movies? Have you watched Gangs of Wasseypur (both parts)
5.Briefly state the positives and negatives of the movies.
UPSC EXAM 6.Do you feel that muslim community has been depicted in

CPF AC Now! 7.What

very poor light in the film?
magazines do you read? In English or Hindi?
8.Are you aware of an incident which happened in your school
Calcutta branch (La- Martiniere Boys)
INTERVIEW 9.Why do you wish to join CRPF?
10.Are you aware of the problems being faced by CRPF?
Trusted and dedicated institute for Interview coaching. 11.How will you be able to address them?
Join the best for SUCCESS! 12.What is the issue regarding the deployment of Army in
Call: 09811 29 9811 Call: 09990840999
Naxalite area?
13.What is Armed Forces Special Powers Act?
14.What is a disturbed area?
15.Name a place in Lucknow which was the centre of action during the Revolt of 1857.
16.What is your philosophy of leadership, and how would you use it on the ground with your men.
17.Questions on US Presidential Elections, the candidates and their parties.
18.What is Corporate Social Responsibility? And what percentage is used by Corporate, and whether it
should be increased?
19.What is Corporate Governance?
20.Which agency in India ensures the implementation of Corporate Governance?
21.Why don’t common people feel very comfortable in approaching the Courts?
22.What is Minor Mischief?
23.Why LL.M? What is the area of specialisation?
24.Are you preparing for Civil Services also?
25.Why CPF and not Laywer?

Career Quest Institute for Interview Training, Delhi || PH: 09811299811, 09990840999
Career Quest Topper’s
CAPF AC Interview Questions:
Yuvrajsinh Gohil, BA Economics
(Interview Marks 104)
1)tell me a famous personality resembles your name-
2)do you inspire from him and why
3)do you remember the famous 6 sixes he hitted when
and against which team?
4)who was the bowler-
5)you played 2 nationals in hockey?
6)give me some present Indian hockey players name-
7) member 2) recently there was world record of hit-
ting 400 sixes by one player?
8)what is Interpol and which agency is co ordinating
with it in india
9)you are coming from Gujarat where people usually
don’t prefer to join these type of services then why u
are here to join this service?
10)don’t you want to join military even it is very presti-
gious job as well as good facilities and standard of
living? We are proud of
11)m3) I will ask u from your graduation subject, ok?-
12)what is budget and why we make budget? Usha Kiran, the first
13)what is difference between direct tax and indirect
woman CRPF officer to
14)what is difference between tax and fees? be part of COBRA.
15)what is the problem in our sample survey datas
and what steps should be taken to correct it?
She attended CAPF Interview
16)m4)the image of police force is not good in our Guidance course at
society so what steps you will take to change it in posi- CAREER QUEST
tivity? ---------------------------------------------
17)why Russian dis integration was blood less or low Google Review:
bloodshed? I joined Career quest for CAPF(AC) 2017
18)what is tried?- army,navy,air force combinely called interview as I have heard so many won-
as tried. derful reviews about Sir Kabeer's guid-
19)why we use nuclear submarines more now a days? ance. And as expected,this classes com-
20)m5)what is UAV? What is its use? Why CRPF is pletely change my life. Sir taught me how
using very much now a days in naxalite areas? to approach towards Interviews in the most
21)about night vision camaras used in UAV. unique way.Before joining this class,I was
22)how many SAINIK SCHOOLS are there in Gujarat having ZERO confidence for interview but
and why they are famous for? after joining Sir's Classes,my confidence
23)what qualities you have in you so that we select reached to a level which I have never ever
you for this post? imagined. Today I have scored 101 in the
24)chaiman) what is relation between inflation and CAPF interview and this success goes all
growth? the way to Kabir Sir! Thank you sir for
25)what is stagflation and what Is more worst then changing my life!
stagflation? Pfokreni Payio Basete
26)during which time period world economy was suf- Manipur
fering from high stagflation? CAPF(AC)2017,
27) what is UNI POLAR and BI POLAR world? AIR 121 Interview 101
28)so do you think our present world is UNI POLAR?
No mam infact its multi polar.
29)how and give example? Join CQ to give your best
in CAPF interview.

Career Quest Institute for Interview Training, Delhi || PH: 09811299811, 09990840999

Central Industrial Security Force (C.I.S.F.)
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2018 { conducted by UPSC }
Career Quest TOPPERS! 24 selections out of 29 posts


3 0800800 PIYUSH ATRI
4 0800477 ANAND SINGH

16 0800461 SURJEET SINGH
20 0800716 ASHISH ANAND
21 0801298 ABINASH KUMAR
22 0800304 PRABAL PRATAP SINGH Interview
23 0800122 DEVENDRA PRATAP SINGH Training
24 0801348 VARUN KUMAR

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Career Quest Institute for Interview Training, Delhi || PH: 09811299811, 09990840999

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