ICNA Conference Speakers 2019 Final
ICNA Conference Speakers 2019 Final
ICNA Conference Speakers 2019 Final
Houriya Ahmed, a researcher at the Centre for Social Cohesion in London, has said of ICNA:
"The irony of groups like ICNA is that they take advantage of democratic values
to spread a message that is monolithic, anti-democratic, and isolating. They want
to implement Sharia law in place of Western government… Organizations like
ICNA are also smarter than their parent organization, Jamaat-e-Islami in
Pakistan. Whereas the Pakistani group openly preaches its intolerant views, this
group presents a smoother message in line with American values. However, its
ideology and aims actually contradict democratic values and law."
Indeed, as early as 2000, ICNA identified itself as an American front for Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), a
genocidal South Asian Islamist movement. In 1971, Jamaat-e-Islami helped pro-Pakistani
militias murder thousands of Bangladeshi intellectuals and independence activists. One
prominent JI war criminal, Ashrafuzzaman Khan, served in New York as the ICNA's secretary-
general, vice-president, and a general ICNA board member as well. In 2013, a war crimes
tribunal in Bangladesh convicted Khan of serving as a death squad leader for a JI killing squad,
which, according to court documents, “committed the criminal act of murder of 18 intellectuals
including university professors, doctors, journalists constituting the offence of crimes against
humanity.” Khan was named by prosecutors as the “chief executor,” whose victims were
kidnapped and “taken to killing fields at the outskirts of the Dhaka city and were brutally killed.”
In 2013 and 2016, JI's own website reported that ICNA protested the convictions and sentences
handed down by the tribunal to senior JI leaders such as Khan. Still, also in 2013, ICNA’s New
York chapter quietly removed the names of executive board members, including Khan, from its
web page.
Along with its close links to Jamaat-e-Islami, ICNA has a history of promoting extremist
speakers and Islamist ideas. ICNA’s recommended reading lists for members include the works
of Syed Abul Ala Maududi, JI’s founder and theological leader; and Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, the
extremist spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, who was recently sentenced in absentia to
life in prison by Egypt for “incitement to murder” and involvement with violence.
In 1998, in the wake of the U.S. embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, ICNA claimed that
Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban were being used by the U.S. government as "an easy escape
goat [sic] to divert attention from Lewensky Gate [sic] or to cover intelligence failures in
tracking the real culprits." Later, ICNA's website carried calls to support the "jihaad against the
kuffaar [non-believers] in Kashmir, Afghanistan, Palestine, Bosnia etc." Other posts have
included support for the Sudanese regime and claims that reports of Sudan’s campaign of
genocide and mass slavery were false Western propaganda.
Muslim American Society (MAS)
The Muslim American Society was founded in 1993 in Falls Church, Virginia, as an organization
claiming to work for a more “virtuous and just” America. But despite its sanitized appearance,
MAS was described by federal prosecutors as “the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in
America.” Indeed, MAS’s original websites also describe the organization’s development as an
outgrowth of organizations (such as the North American Islamic Trust and the terror-linked
Muslim Arab Youth Association) known to be founded by Muslim Brotherhood members and
identified as Brotherhood-sympathetic in internal MB memoranda. Three MAS founders were
listed in a telephone book of American Muslim Brotherhood leaders, and a former member,
Mustafa Saied, admitted that MAS’s founding Brotherhood members voted to call themselves
MAS to conceal the Brotherhood connection.
From the beginning, MAS has both employed and excused apologists for terror. For example,
MAS’s former Executive Director, Mahdi Bray, was caught on tape raising a fist in agreement at
a 2000 pro-Hamas, pro-Hizbollah event. Bray also traveled to Egypt in 2008 to attend a vigil in
support of Brotherhood officials on trial. And during Bray’s tenure as MAS executive director,
the organization issued a press release calling the 2003 arrest of Hamas backer and convicted
terrorist financer Abdulrahman Alamoudi a “witch hunt.” MAS dismissed as trumped-up anti-
Muslim bias not only Alamoudi’s case (despite his guilty plea), but also that of Sami Al-Arian—a
member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad's governing board.
MAS’s connections with and support for Muslim Brotherhood entities resulted in its designation
as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates in 2014.
For instance, the 2016 MAS-ICNA conference featured Sümeyye Erdoğan Bayraktar, the
daughter of Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. She used her address to defend her
father's regime, mischaracterizing Erdoğan’s crackdown on political opponents and journalists
and denying that democracy and press freedoms are under assault in Turkey.
In a 2010 Huffington Post article defending Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf of the Cordoba House
(the “Ground Zero Mosque”), he claimed that "Dr. Ingrid Mattson, Shaykh Hamza Yusef, and
Imam Zayd Shakir['s]...American Muslim message since 9/11 has been resolutely non-violent,
ecumenical, and anti-Islamist."
This claim is false for each of the three individuals named. In a 2007 article, Ingrid Mattson
approvingly quoted the Malaysian Islamist Anwar Ibrahim when he excused Osama Bin Laden’s
terrorism: "Bin Laden and his protégés are the children of desperation; they come from
countries where political struggle through peaceful means is futile." In 2011, Hamza Yusuf
attacked Rep. Peter King (R-NY) for investigating American Muslim radicalization, saying
supporters of King’s congressional hearing on the subject used “scare tactics” that demonize
innocent Muslims. And Zayd Shakir openly calls for the U.S. government to be replaced by an
Islamic regime. Additionally, in a 2007 blog post, he promoted 9/11 conspiracy theories, arguing
that there were “glaring weaknesses and inconsistencies in the official narrative” of the 9/11
In another 2010 piece—this one for Dalia Mogahed's Institute for Social Policy and
Understanding (ISPU), for which he is a fellow, Barzegar bemoans the fact that the United
States has shown hostility towards Hamas, writing, "From boycotting the democratically
elected Hamas government in Palestine to pouring millions into promoting moderate (read
secular) Islamic institutions, western policy has aimed only at thwarting rather than engaging
with Islamic politics." In the same piece, he also blames the United States and Israel for
Hezbollah's control of Lebanon: "After 30 years of boycott and repeated Israeli fiascos,
Lebanon is now effectively ruled by Hezbollah."
In 2012, he argued of Sam Bacile's notorious anti-Muhammad farcical film (The Innocence of
Muslims) that "one look at Sam Bacile’s film will demonstrate that its vitriolic message
elevates it to the status of a hate crime" and that it demonstrates how the "incessant
stubbornness of...the West’s commitment to “free speech” is "ludicrous."
Barzegar uses his social media to sanction Islamist violence. In one instance, he posted a
photo of a violent Gaza protestor launching a rock from a long sling. Barzegar's caption reads,
"Say it. Go ahead. Don't be afraid: Takbeer! [I.e. recite the “Allahu akbar.”] Some of ya'll forgot
how it sounds, this is what it looks like."
AbdelRahman Murphy
AbdelRahman Murphy is a former employee of the terrorism-linked Islamic Society of Boston
(ISB) as well as a student of Abdul Nasir Jangda, a Deobandi cleric who has defended the use
of female sex slaves within Islam and supports the killing of apostates and adulterers.
Murphy works with Jangda at the Qalam Institute, a Deobandi seminary that frequently runs
events with the ISB. One of the Qalam Institute's most popular courses – titled "The Prophetic
Code” – warns Muslims to seek “cleanliness” and “purity,” meaning “do not resemble the
On Twitter, Murphy has posted: “Israeli terrorist running over a Palestinian native with his
Mercedes. There is no such thing as an innocent Israeli.” In addition, he once posted a video
praising Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the founder of the terrorist group Hamas.
Abdool R. Khan
Abdool Khan has served as the imam of the ICNA-VA Masjid in Alexandria, VA since 2013, and
is a graduate of the Islamic University in Madinah. He is the chairman of the ICNA Shari’ah
Council and a member of the Fiqh Council of North America.
He spoke at the 2005 ICNA conference in a session called “The Making of a Proper Muslim from
the Perspectives of Al Banna and Al Mawdudi” (founders of the Muslim Brotherhood and
Jamaat-e-Islami respectively), in which he claimed that Western powers were trying to
delegitimize Islam.
He has been a frequent guest of the MAS-ICNA convention, having spoken at the 2013, 2014,
and 2016 events (in one of his MAS-ICNA lectures, he praises Muslim Brotherhood spiritual
leader Yusuf Al Qaradawi, saying that Qaradawi valued “social welfare”, “freedom” and “human
Abdul-Nasir Jangda
Jangda is a Texas-based cleric who studied Islam and the Qur’an at a Pakistani Deobandi
seminary. Deobandis are a particularly hardline sect of south-Asian Islam, but Jangda’s
seminary—Jamia Binoria in Karachi, Pakistan—is exceptionally troubling. In 2009, BBC
journalist John Humphreys reported that Jamia Binoria was “brainwashing” children into
supporting terrorism. Indeed, in 2015, Pakistani law enforcement raided the seminary after
including it on a list of madrassahs (Islamic seminaries) linked to terrorist organizations.
Jangda is now an instructor at the hardline seminary Qalam Institute and is closely involved
with Quranic educational programs in the United States. According to a dossier of some detailed
notes published by Jangda's students, Jangda has reportedly taught: “The thing to understand is
that the husband has his set of divinely given rights one of which is the right to have his physical
desires satisfied.”
Jangda has also described the Jews of Mecca as “really bad people” who were “very hateful, very
spiteful,” and “the enemy” and advocates the killing of apostates and adulterers. And, those who
do not accept Islam, Jangda warns in a sermon titled "A Tour of Paradise and Hellfire," will be
"chained up in so many chains… they will walk around in the pits of the fire of hell, inside this
fire dragging these chains along with them…. And then they will be put inside the fire and
burned to a crisp."
Ahmed Shehata
Ahmed Shehata is a prominent Islamist activist in America and a lobbyist for the Muslim
Brotherhood (he was named by Egyptian newspaper El Watan as a Muslim Brotherhood
operative). He has also worked for Islamic Relief and the Muslim American Society—two
prominent Islamist groups designated as terrorist organizations by the United Arab Emirates in
2014—and is closely involved with Egyptian Americans for Democracy and Human Rights,
another Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood proxy.
In March 2019, Shehata participated in an annual Egypt Lobbying Day to express support for
deposed Muslim Brotherhood president Mohamed Morsi. He was accompanied by Hani Elkadi,
a New Jersey-based activist who is referred to in Arabic media as a Muslim Brotherhood
"leader" in America. Elkadi openly supports violent jihadist organizations in Egypt, and
routinely publishes anti-Semitic and pro-Islamist rhetoric on his social media accounts. Elkadi
was a particularly vocal supporter of Mohamed Kamal, the late jihadist leader behind the U.S-
designated terrorist organizations Liwa Al Thawra and Hasm.
Also joining them was Amr Darraj–who is wanted by Egyptian authorities on charges of
coordinating terrorist activity in Egypt from his home in Turkey—and Ayat Oraby—who, in a
2016 Arabic-language video on her Facebook account denouncing Egypt's Coptic Christian
population, declared that "the Crescent must always be on top of the Cross" and urged her
audience to "Boycott the Christians economically."
Altaf Husain
Altaf Husain has a multitude of extremist connections. He is a former Vice President of the
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and a former two-term president of the Muslim
Students’ Association (MSA)—an organization created by Muslim Brotherhood members and
termed an “incubator” for Islamist extremism by the NYPD.
In his capacity as ISNA leadership, Husain disinvited Muslim activist Wajahat Ali from ISNA’s
2018 conference because Ali participated in a dialogue with liberal Zionists as part of the
Shalom Hartman Institute's Muslim Leadership Initiative (MLI). The program includes travel to
Israel to meet with Israelis and Palestinians to learn about their perspectives. Ali published
ISNA's letter on his Facebook page telling him he no longer was welcome: "Other than our creed
as Muslims, there is perhaps nothing more exemplary and unifying than our community's
support for the Palestinian people of all faith traditions, in their struggle against occupation and
dispossession," Husain wrote. Ali apparently failed to meet that standard, and letting him speak
"would cause us to conflict with our principles and potentially harm the purposes for which our
organization exists."
Ali Tos
Ali Tos is a representative of the Diyanet, Turkey’s Directorate of Religious Affairs, which has
been aggressively promoting Turkish interests and supporting Islamism in Europe and America.
Tos’ Facebook page shows that he works for the Diyanet Center of America (DCA), which will
soon celebrate the three-year anniversary of its opening. It was established with great fanfare,
with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and other officials from his Justice and
Development Party (AKP) attending the event. On its website, DCA states that it “works in full
cooperation with the Religious Affairs Directorate of the Republic of Turkey (Diyanet),” which
financed its establishment with a cool $100 million in state money.
As Turkey’s main Islamic authority, the Diyanet holds a legal monopoly on Muslim religious
affairs in the country. Under the influence of Erdoğan, the Diyanet’s budget has quadrupled and
it has become infiltrated by Islamist ideology. In July 2017, the Diyanet directorate published a
report stating that Islam is “superior” to Christianity and Judaism and insisting that “Interfaith
dialogue is unacceptable.”
Asif Hirani
Asif Hirani serves as the Resident Scholar of Worcester Islamic Center in Massachusetts.
Hirani previously served as the imam of the Muslim Community of New Jersey Masjid in
Woodbridge New Jersey, the mosque where convicted terrorist Ahmad Khan Rahami
worshipped. (Rahami wounded 31 people by detonating a pressure cooker bomb in Chelsea,
Manhattan on September 26, 2016.) Hirani occupied his position as Director of Religious
Affairs at the mosque during the time of the bombing, and though the mosque published a
condemnation of the attack, Hirani's internet presence shows that he is not as moderate as
this condemnation might make him out to be.
For instance, recently Hirani tweeted his happiness that the European court of human rights
ruled that "insulting Prophet Muhammad" can land a person in jail. In the same tweet, he
claimed that insulting Muhammad should not fall under protected freedom of expression, and
advocated that "other western countries learn and do the same for all the Prophets."
Azam Nizamuddin
Azam Nizamuddin serves as the Deputy Director and General Counsel for the North American
Islamic Trust (NAIT). Founded in 1973 by members of the Muslim Student Association (MSA),
the North American Islamist Trust (NAIT) today "maintains its foundational supporting
relationship with MSA and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)." Indeed, NAIT's board
is led by senior ISNA staff.
According to NAIT: "As a Waqf, NAIT holds titles to the real estate assets of Islamic centers and
schools in more than forty States. Properties held as Waqf are operated primarily for the
purpose of religious worship." NAIT also manages the Iman Fund, a no-load mutual fund, and
runs American Trust Publications (which publishes Islamic literature, including the works of
Brotherhood luminary Yusuf al Qaradawi) and the Islamic Book Service.
A 1987 FBI investigation of NAIT concluded that the organization supported the “Islamic
Revolution.” “Their support of JIHAD (a holy war) in the U.S. has been evidenced by the
financial and organizational support provided through NAIT from Middle East countries to
Muslims residing in the U.S. and Canada,” the FBI report concluded.
Dunia Shuaib
Dunia Shuaib is a popular speaker in Islamist circles. Shuaib claims that ISIS’s penchant for
burning its prisoners alive is no worse than Israeli and American military actions, which she
refers to as “terrorism.” Shuaib has promoted the videos of Neturei Karta, an extremist fringe-
Jewish organization which claims that all Middle Eastern conflict is the fault of “Zionist Jews”.
Shuaib writes that a Neturei Karta activist “exposes the truth about Zionism.” Neturei Karta is
an ally of the Iranian regime and supports a number of far-Right and neo-Nazi organizations
across Europe.
Fahad Tasleem
Fahad Tasleem is a lead instructor at the Islamic Education and Research Academy (iERA), a
prominent British Salafi organization that the U.K. charity regulator recently censured for not
discouraging "terrorism and/or extremist views."
Tasleem also coordinates ICNA’s WhyIslam campaign. Visitors to WhyIslam website are
informed about the correct method of stoning under Sharia law: "the person was held fast in a
fixed position, and a stone or rock that it took two men to lift (i.e. was heavier than one man
could lift alone) was to be dropped to crush the head." On WhyIslam, homosexuality is
condemned as "evil" and polygamy is encouraged.
Azeez has published Facebook posts in support of Babar Ahmad, a Taliban fundraiser who ran a
website advocating for jihad against the “infidels” and listing detailed instructions on sending
funds to named Taliban officials in Pakistan. The U.S. government also claimed that Ahmad was
linked to a Chechen terror leader “who participated in, among other things, the planning of the
Moscow theater attack in October 2002,” in which 120 civilians were killed.
Azeez has also disseminated sermons warning of the violent, fiery consequences of committing
adultery; and opinion pieces that condemn the “hypocrisy of the West” for “ignoring the
context” of the Charlie Hebdo attacks.
Hassan Shibly
Hassan Shibly is the son of Syrian immigrants and grew up in Buffalo, New York. He serves as
the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Florida branch.
Under his leadership, CAIR-Florida co-sponsored a July 2014 pro-Hamas rally outside the
Miami branch of the Israeli consulate, where attendees repeatedly screamed, "We are Hamas,"
"Let's go Hamas," and "Hamas kicked your ass." Following the rally, the event organizer, Sofian
Zakkout, wrote in Arabic, "Thank God, every day, we conquer the American Jews like our
conquests over the Jews of Israel!"
Shibly also employs open anti-Semites in his office. One of these is CAIR Florida
communications director Wilfredo Amr Ruiz. Ruiz has published an article on the Islamist
website WebIslam parroting classic antisemitic falsehoods—including the popular Nazi canard
that the Talmud, an ancient Jewish text, instructs Jews to bury Jesus next to the grave of
Muhammad, where Jews then "throw dead dogs and monkeys." Ruiz also claimed that the
Talmud refers to Christians as "idolaters, murderers, fornicators, filth, and beasts" and that it
includes repeated calls to intolerance and mistreatment, exhorting the Jew to deceive the
Christian and "not assist him during illness, pregnancy or death." [....] Ruiz also "liked" a
Facebook comment denying the Holocaust and asserting, "Hitler was not to [sic] bad after all."
When MEF alerted Shibly and CAIR-Florida to Ruiz’s behavior, Shibly refused to comment on
these sentiments.
Even more disturbing, if possible, is Shibly's own hateful behavior. In April 2017, he wrote a
Facebook post in which he promoted an Al Jazeera video lauding convicted Palestinian
terrorist Marwan Barghouti as a "hero." In November 2017, Shibly endorsed Khatme
Nubuwwat (KN), an international network dedicated to inciting violence and hatred against
Ahmadiyya Muslims, a peaceful Muslim sect that has suffered persecution at the hands of
Islamists. Shibly seems not to care that KN has also used threatening language against the
United States, labeling America "the land of infidels."
Shibly has publicly defended the death penalty for apostasy, and condemned homosexuality,
saying it’s a quick way “to earn God’s wrath.” Shibly also has a notable history of defending
Islamist terrorist groups. In 2006 he said Hezbollah was “absolutely not a terrorist
organization.” (In 2011 Shibly would recant his Hezbollah support as the views of a naïve 19-
year-old.) In 2014 he tweeted, “God as my wittiness [sic], Israel & it’s [sic] supporters are
enemies of God and humanity! How many more children must Israel kill 4 U 2 C?#Gaza”.
Shibly also accused the FBI of unjustly killing Ibrahim Todashev, a friend of the Boston
Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, and assisted the family with filing a lawsuit.
On February 26, 2019, Shibly published a piece in Newsweek in which he argues that an
American ISIS bride should be allowed back into the US—and identifies himself as her
Hatem Bazian
Hatem Bazian is a co-founder of Zaytuna College, as well as the founder of Students for Justice
in Palestine (SJP) and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), which are both widely
considered to be part of the terror group Hamas’s network in America.
Bazian has a long history of promoting extremism and anti-Semitism. According to the Journal
of Counterterrorism and Security International, in 1999, Bazian told an AMP conference that:
In the Hadith, the Day of Judgment will never happen until you fight the Jews. They are
on the West side of the river, which is the Jordan River, and you're on the East
side...until the trees and the stones will say, oh Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me.
Come and kill him! And that's in the Hadith about this, this is a future battle before the
Day of Judgment.
In 2002, dozens of SJP members at UC Berkeley were arrested while attempting to disrupt a
Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony. At a subsequent rally to protest the arrests, Bazian
declared: “Take a look at the type of names on the building around campus — Haas, Zellerbach
— and decide who controls this university.”
In 2004, Bazian was filmed at a Berkeley anti-war rally issuing a public call for violence:
“We’ve been watching intifada in Palestine, we’ve been watching an uprising in Iraq, and the
question is, what are we doing? How come we don’t have an intifada in this country?...They’re
going to say it’s a Palestinian being too radical. Well, they haven’t seen radicalism yet!”
Today, Bazian’s extremism has not relented. In 2017, he was rebuked by UC Berkeley (but not,
seemingly, Zaytuna) for retweeting two anti-Semitic images that accuse "Ashke-Nazis" of rape,
murder and organ trafficking.
More recently, a new lawsuit alleged that Bazian created AMP as a successor organization to the
Islamic Association for Palestine, a Hamas front, which was forced to shut down to avoid
millions of dollars of legal judgments over the murder of David Boim. Bazian was described as
being a featured speaker at several IAP events, and a friend of IAP leader Rafeeq Jaber.
Hussain Kamani
Kamani is American-born and studied for several years at an extremist Deobandi seminary in
England. He works as an instructor for the Qalam Institute. In his courses and lectures, Kamani
has said of sex slavery:
And then Allah...said if a person wishes to fulfil his desires, his common desires,
there are only two ways he can fulfill these desires where he will not be held
responsible for it. ... How? What are the two things? ... The first thing is that he
fulfills his desires with a spouse. The second thing is that he fulfills his desires
with a female slave that belongs to him.
One of the Qalam Institute’s most popular courses–titled “The Prophetic Code” and taught by
Kamani–warns Muslims to seek “cleanliness” and “purity”, and therefore “do not resemble the
Jews.” Kamani also cites Quranic commentary to advise parents: “Order your children to pray at
the age of seven. And beat them (lightly) if they do not do so by the age of ten.”
In a talk titled “Sex, Masturbation and Islam,” Kamani explains that Muslim men may fulfill any
sexual desires “with a female slave that belongs to him.” Those who commit adultery or have sex
outside of marriage, Kamani explains, must be “stoned to death.” And when Muslim husbands
are learning to “train their wives,” beating them, Kamani concedes, should only be a “last
measure.” Western society, Kamani also declares, is “filth. … We are surrounded by filth … our
environment is full of this filth, everywhere we turn.”
Ieasha Prime
Ieasha Prime is the Women’s Program Coordinator at the infamous Dar al-Hijrah (DAH)
mosque in VA. DAH has been a subject of controversy for some time; al Qaeda terrorist Anwar al
Awlaki served as DAH’s imam in the months before the 9/11 attacks. More recently, another
DAH imam, Shaker Elsayed, stirred controversy by condoning female genital mutilation (FGM).
In January 2018, DAH hosted a women’s convention in response to Elsayed’s remarks, but the
attendees were reportedly unable to have an honest, comprehensive discussion of FGM. While
the FGM panel was moderated by Ieash Prime herself (she also served as a speaker at the
speaker at the 2017 Women’s March on Washington), journalist Hannah Allam reported that
“the key dispute was sidestepped: Does the mosque believe there’s a religious argument for any
form of genital cutting?” Prime even “dismissed the idea that keeping Elsayed on staff cost Dar
al-Hijrah credibility in addressing FGM.”
Jawad Ahmed
Jawad Ahmed serves as the imam at the Islamic Society of North Jersey (ISNJ). He graduated
from International Islamic University in Islamabad, and earned a has Certification and Teaching
License for Arabic and Islamic Studies from Al-Azhar University in Egypt.
His mosque, the ISNJ, has a habit of hosting extreme speakers. For example, in April 2019, the
mosque’s annual fundraising dinner will feature Yusuf Estes—an imam who holds such extreme
views that he was denied entry into Singapore in 2017. Previously, Estes expressed support for a
fatwa advocating the killing of homosexuals. He justifies violence against disobedient wives,
claims that Jews control the media, and refers to apostates as "traitors" who should be "dealt
with as such."
Ihsan Bagby
Ihsan Bagby is an associate professor of Islamic studies at the University of Kentucky. He also
sits on the board of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), serves as a board
member at large for the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and is the general secretary of
the Muslim Alliance of North America (MANA)—terror-linked Islamist groups, one and all.
MANA considers as its “ameer” (ruler) the cop-killer Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, and is led by Siraj
Wahhaj, who was named in a federal prosecutor's list of "unindicted persons who may be alleged
as co-conspirators" in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Other senior members have
included Luqman Ameen Abdullah, a radical imam shot to death after opening fire during an
FBI raid, and Kenny Gamble, a record producer reportedly assembling a "black Muslim enclave"
in South Philadelphia.
A Muslim convert who once asserted that "there is no way we can be fully committed to the
institutions and ideologies of this country," Bagby frequently appears in articles voicing views
typical of CAIR, ISNA, and MANA. Furthermore, his population surveys of the American
Muslim community have been criticized as fabricated, designed to exaggerate Muslim political
Khaled Lamada
Khaled Lamada is a prominent Egyptian-American, who has a long history of involvement with
Muslim Brotherhood organizations. His social media accounts are filled with Muslim
Brotherhood insignia, including the notorious R4BIA sign exhibited by Muslim Brotherhood
supporters since 2013. Writing and sharing posts mostly in Arabic, Lamada has also circulated
text praising the "jihad" of the "Mujahidin of Egypt" for "causing the Jews many defeats." He has
republished claims on Facebook that praise Hamas for inflicting a "huge defeat" against the
"Zionist entity."
Further, Lamada has circulated videos that claim the current leader of Egypt, President Sisi, is
secretly Jewish, and that he opposes the Muslim Brotherhood on the orders of the Jews. One
video further claims that Jews are sowing division among Egyptian Muslims by encouraging
sexual activities. Lamada's only comment about these anti-Semitic conspiracies is: "I hope this is
not true." Lamada has even disseminated claims that America is controlled by a Zionist lobby,
which is working to demonize Muslims and plan an invasion of Sudan and the Nile Valley.
Linda Sarsour
Linda Sarsour, a noted Palestinian-American activist, desires a “one-state solution” to the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which necessarily implies the end of Israel as a Jewish state. This
implication was reinforced in 2015 when she falsely tweeted that “Palestine existed before the
State of Israel.” Sarsour is a frequent participant and fundraiser for Al-Awda, a pro-Palestinian
group that endorses terrorism, routinely calls for the destruction of Israel, and uses the Hamas
slogan, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Sarsour also claimed that Umar Farouk
Abdulmutallab, the 2009 “underwear bomber,” was a CIA provocateur. (She was confusing
Abdulmutallab with someone else.)
In 2011, she expressed open desire to “take away the vaginas” of two female anti-Islamism
activists: Brigitte Gabriel and Ayaan Hirsi Ali — herself already a victim of FGM in Somalia.
Instead of using her platform to stand up for oppressed women and victims of sexual
harassment, Sarsour creates division between American Muslims and other American
communities. In a speech for the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), she notoriously
pressured her followers to wage a form of “jihad” through activism against “those who oppress
our communities … here in these United States of America where you have fascists and white
supremacists and Islamophobes reigning in the White House.” In the same speech, Sarsour
reminded her audience, “Our number one and top priority is to protect and defend our
community, it is not to assimilate and please any other people and authority. … Our top priority
and even higher than all those other priorities is to please Allah and only Allah.”
In one critique of Sarsour, feminist writer Aki Muthali asks why such an outspoken advocate for
minority civil rights would neglect to mention egregious, systematic oppression of such
communities in the wider Muslim world: “I find it amusing that Linda Sarsour, who is
appropriating the struggles of African Americans under the guise of “solidarity”, has never once
addressed any of these issues regarding ‘power and bigotry’.… Is it not dubious to march for
Africans in one land while remaining silent about Africans being abused and enslaved by the
Arabs in another land?” In other critiques, writers mention Sarsour’s friendly relationship with
the anti-Semitic Louis Farrakhan, or Sarsour’s public praise for convicted murderers such as
Rasmea Odeh.
Mikaeel Smith
Another ICNA speaker, Mikaeel Smith is a graduate of Dar ul-Uloom al-Madania, an Islamic
seminary in New York that belongs to the Deobandi sect–a hardline South Asian movement
whose offshoots include the Taliban. Accordingly, in an article published at Muslim Matters,
Smith describes homosexuality as "evil" and like a "tumor." Referring to the death sentence
prescribed by sharia law, Smith notes that "when living in America, or any other non-Islamic
country for that matter ... the penal law and some aspects of civil law are not to be
implemented." He adds, however, that, "this does not mean that a Muslim should lose sight of
what his or her belief deems to be ideal."
Mohsin Ansari
Mohsin Ansari is the chairman of Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD), an
Islamist charity that is openly connected to terrorism. He is also an alumnus of Islami Jamiat-e-
Talaba, the student wing of the violent Jamaat-e-Islami's branch in Pakistan. Today he runs a
"networking" group for its graduates in the United States. Ansari frequently promotes JI on his
Facebook account, attends JI rallies and events in America, Europe, and Pakistan, and has
approvingly shared photos of Jamaat-e-Islami rallies in Pakistan at which the crowds wave
placards reading: "Death to Israel. Death to America."
Ansari also devotes dozens of Facebook posts to praising JI terrorist operatives convicted for
their roles in the 1971 mass killings, claiming that the "Pakistani nation will remember these
heroes for centuries to come." He even boasts of meeting with the son of a JI war criminal,
Motiur Rahman Nizami, whom Bangladesh's International War Crimes Tribunal convicted of
genocide, rape, and torture, and who was subsequently executed for his crimes. But Ansari
assured his Facebook followers that the war criminal Nizami had been a mujahid [holy warrior]
and is now a Shaheed [martyr].
Ansari's social-media accounts are replete with extremist rhetoric and praise for other Islamist
causes. He has frequently expressed support for Turkey's Islamist president, Recep Tayyip
Erdoğan, at one point exclaiming that Erdoğan's party, the AKP, is in power despite the "power
brokers of the world, the liberal anti Muslim media headed by Jews."
Mohamed Qatanani
Imam Mohammad Qatanani, the leader of the Islamic Center of Passaic County, has fought a
deportation order after federal officials found he failed to disclose a previous conviction in Israel
for membership in Hamas. The case is ongoing, but according to his own lawyer, Qatanani was
also a member of the student chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan. A July 2008 N.J.
Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness intelligence report about the state's Hamas
network identifies Qatanani as a Hamas supporter. In 2015, former board members and a
congregant of Qatanani’s Islamic center filed a lawsuit alleging that Qatanani had used $88,000
of the mosque’s money to fund his legal battle.
In 2007, Qatanani prayed for the defeat of “occupation and oppression” in Iraq, Palestine, and
Chechnya. He also preached that Jews and Christians “will be swiftly punished by Allah” and
that Muslims should not speak badly of Sheikh Yousef Qaradawi, the spiritual leader of the
Muslim Brotherhood.
Mohammad Elshinawy
Mohammad Elshinawy claims he was under NYPD surveillance from 2004. According to the
NYPD's case synopsis, Elshinawy is a hardcore Salafi and many of his students expressed
interest in jihad.
Elshinawy states that women who do not wear hijab that covers their entire body (except for the
face and hands) are condemned to hellfire, and are likely to get breast cancer:
"Sister, wallahi, I fear for you. How many beautiful girls with beautiful skin got
tried with skin cancer that is so common females now-a-days! How many
beautiful girls had to go through a procedure, an agonizing, depressing grievous
procedure, because she is tried with breast cancer! You think these diseases were
always so common. Wallahi, they were not – not in the age of obedience."
Mujtaba Mohammed
Mujtaba Mohammed is a Democratic member of the North Carolina General Assembly. On
November 6, 2018 he was elected with 81.74% of the votes. Mohammed has been an outspoken
supporter of congresswoman Ilhan Omar, tweeting #Istandwithilhan and criticizing a fellow
Democrat who refunded a donation from Omar.
Nihad Awad
Nihad Awad is the Executive Director and co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic
Relations (CAIR). During the early 1990s, when Awad worked for the (now defunct) Hamas
front organization Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), the organization distributed a
pamphlet (stamped with its logo) called "America's Greatest Enemy: The Jew! And an Unholy
Alliance!" The anti-Semitic booklet was featured in counterterrorism expert Steven Emerson's
1994 PBS documentary "Terrorists Among Us." According to Emerson, Awad allowed the
booklet to be distributed at the 1995 Muslim Arab Youth Association (MAYA) conference in
Chicago, at which Muhammad Siyam, a high-ranking Hamas official, told the crowd, "Finish off
the Israelis! Kill them all! Exterminate them! No peace, ever!"
Awad has also parroted the common anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that Jews control the
American government. In a 1998 lecture at Georgetown University, Awad told his audience that
U.S. policy is "driven in part by the Jewish origin of many Clinton administration officials."
Awad continued, "Who of Clinton's advisors ... is opposing the latest agreement with Iraq? Look
at their names. Look at ... their ethnic or religious or racial background. You will see that these
are the same groups that belong to the same interest groups in the administration."
Omar Suleiman
Imam Omar Suleiman was condemned by moderate Muslim activists in 2013 after he described
homosexuality as a "disease" and a "repugnant shameless sin." He refers to the Islamic death
penalty for the "people that practiced sodomy."
In a 2012 talk titled "Fighting Zina," Suleiman claims that women who are too close with their
brothers are likely to commit incest. Women, he declares, should never be alone with a man
outside of her family. Further, he warns, without condemnation, that women who commit
adultery risk being killed by a family member.
Suleiman also works as an instructor at the Al Maghrib Institute, a prominent Salafist
institution. His colleagues include Abdullah Hakim Quick, who calls upon God to "clean and
purify Al-Aqsa from the filth of the Yahood [Jews]"; and Abu Eesa Niamatullah, who says of
Jews: "They find it so easy and natural to do what they do....Look at them today, look at the way
they massacre. They blow up babies like as if it's a computer game. They have no humanity, no
morality, no ethics."
Oussama Jamal
Oussama Jammal is the General Secretary of Islamist umbrella association US Council of
Muslim Organizations. He is also the director of a MAS department named Public Affairs and
Civic Engagement (MAS-PACE). Jammal is also the Vice President of the Mosque Foundation in
Bridgeview, IL (also known as the Bridgeview Mosque), which has a long history of connections
to terrorism. In 2003, Jammal raised $50,000 at a Mosque Foundation prayer service for terror
operative Sami al-Arian, the North American representative of Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Rowaida AbdelAziz
Rowaida AbdelAziz is a reporter at the Huffington Post, where “she focuses on Islamophobia
and social justices issues within the Muslim community.” In April 2019, AbdelAziz tweeted,
“Sharia Law is a-coming. Bigots beware” in response to an article reporting that Muslim women
wearing hijabs will be given legal exemption from Minnesota’s “hands-free” device law while
Saad Tasleem
Saad Tasleem is a former punk-rock band leader, and current instructor at the AlMaghrib
Institute, a Salafi religious training organization. He is a frequent tweeter, and has called Israel a
“terrorist state.” Tasleem equates Israel with ISIS, and writes that “There is no doubt that
history will look back at those who supported Israel's brutal occupation of Palestine and the
savagery and violence against its people just as we now look back at those who supported the
Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's.”
Saad Tasleem is the brother of Fahad Tasleem, who is a lead instructor of the radical group
Shakeel Syed
Shakeel Syed is a southern California-based Islamist activist who championed the lost legal
cause of the so-called Irvine 11—a group of 11 anti-Israel students at UC Irvine who pre-planned
and orchestrated coordinated disruptions of a public lecture by Israeli Ambassador Michael
Oren in 2011. 10 of the 11 students were prosecuted for conspiracy and disrupting a public
Syed has also advocated the release from incarceration of Islamist professor, Tariq Ramadan,
who stands accused of several violent rapes in France.
Suleiman Hani
Suleiman Hani is a hardline cleric who promotes 9/11 conspiracy theories—he notes “the very
strange collapse of building 7” and “the arguments about the actual perpetrators of 9/11 (and the
plethora of evidence on both sides of the debate).” He concludes that “this smokescreen of a ‘war
on terror’ has continuously been exposed as a war on Islam multiple times.” He also warns
Muslims against looking at women, claiming that “lowering your gaze” will provide “insight” —
the “opposite of that is the blindness which Allah attributed to the homosexuals.”
Hani frequently presents shows on Huda TV, an Islamic television station that hosts prominent
extremist clerics. Hani uses his program on Huda TV to claim that the kuffar [unbelievers] will
suffer the “abode of hellfire. … This is what they gathered from their evil.” He states that “the
disbelievers, these are the evil people. … they will be beaten and hammered and turned to dust
and then returned back. They will be given a bed of fire, full of darkness.” Those who commit
adultery, Hani continues, will be “put in a pit of fire.”
Tahera Rahman
Tahera Rahman is well-known for being the first full-time hijabi newscaster in the United
States. Her official Facebook page has ‘liked’ extreme Islamist organizations such as the Yaqeen
Institute and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
Yaqeen was founded by hate preacher Omar Suleiman, who was condemned by moderate
Muslim activists after he described homosexuality as a "disease" and a "repugnant shameless
sin" as noted above. He refers to the Islamic death penalty for the "people that practiced
sodomy." Other Yaqeen Institute "advisors" include Tariq Ramadan, a prominent Muslim
Brotherhood ideologue who has reportedly claimed that killing Israeli children is "contextually
explicable"; and Hatem Bazian, who has called for an "intifada in this country that changes
fundamentally the political dynamics," similar to the "uprising in Iraq" and the "intifada in
On Twitter, Rahman also betrays her own biases. For instance, in 2015, she tweeted a saying
frequently used to justify Palestinian terrorism against Israelis (“Do not tell the oppressed how
to react to their oppression. #Palestine”) and in 2014, she tweeted gleefully about interviewing
the rabidly anti-Semitic founder of the Electronic Intifada fringe website, Ali Abunimah—who
argues that the Jewish national movement is “a continuation of the Holocaust.”
Tawfique Chowdhury
Chowdhury is the Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Mercy Mission. Chowdhury appeared on an
ISIS “hit list” after he presented a speech to British anti-terrorism expert. But despite being
presented as anti-extremist figure preaching peace in many newspapers, Chowdhury does not
seem to reject extremism in his organization. Mercy Mission’s projects include organizations
such as the Al Kauthar Institute, which employs hate preachers such as Assim al-Hakeem.
Assim al-Hakeem is a Saudi cleric who believes that apostates, as well as Jews and Christians
who “talk against Mohammad”, should be executed; that the torture of criminals, sex-slavery
and female genital mutilation are “permissible” in Islam; that non-Muslims in Muslim countries
should be made to pay a special tax for their protection; that Muslims living in non-Muslim
countries are required to have “an attitude of enmity and hatred of the kaffirs [infidels]”; that “it
is not permissible for a wife to refuse fulfilling her husband’s [sexual] desire”; and that women
are forbidden to be political leaders.
Waleed Basyouni
Basyouni is the vice-president of Al Maghrib Institute, a hardline Salafi institution. He is also a
member of the North American Imam Federation (NAIF). A video on the website of the
California-based Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America shows Basyouni delivering a speech
called "Reclaiming Islam From the Extremists" in which he insists that Hamas is not a terrorist
"As for Hamas, they are not included in the group that I am talking about today ...
Hamas, it is a political issue putting it or listing it as a terrorist group. What defines a
terrorist group is not the State Department for us. What defines a terrorist group is not
the NATO. What defines terrorists for Muslim scholars like me or students of knowledge
like myself will be the Quran and Sunnah."
He has also claimed that ousted Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak’s regime failed because it
was too secular: “When I look at what is happening in the world and you see that people are
scared of Islam and Islamists, it makes me ask the question; was Mubarak ruling Egypt with
Islam? They were ruling Egypt with secularism that came from the West…Isn't it the right of
people that they live with Islam, their religion and allow it to guide them? The failure of these
systems is an excellent example that these secular systems don't work. It created corrupt
dictatorships in these regions."
Wesley Lebron
Also known as AbdurRazzaq Abu Sumayyah, Wesley Lebron is a Puerto Rican convert to Islam.
He runs the New Jersey chapter of IslamInSpanish, which circulates Islamic knowledge in the
Spanish language. On Facebook, Lebron is a vociferous anti-Semite. He warns Muslims “not to
become like the Jews”, and posts links titled “Zionist Jew Bill Maher owned by Glenn
Greenwald” and “Jews did 9/11.”
Yaser Birjas
Yaser Birjas was born in Kuwait and attended the Islamic University in Madinah. In 1997, Birjas
traveled to Bosnia for what he describes as relief work as a youth counselor.
Birjas immigrated to the US in 2000, and serves as a professor at the AlMaghrib Islamic
seminary, an orthodox Islamic institution whose founder, Muhammad Alshareef, wears the term
"homophobic" like a badge of honor. Alshareef has told students, "Homophobia means a fear of
homosexuality. Alhamdulillah [praise God], we have a fear of homosexuality. And then they will
say it as if it is a derogatory term, but in fact it is a praiseworthy term."
Yasir Qadhi
Yasir Qadhi is a frequent speaker for ICNA events, and is one of the most well-known Islamist
preachers in the United States. His extremism started early; as a Master’s student at the Islamic
University of Madinah, in 2001, Qadhi delivered a viciously anti-Semitic talk: “As for 80 to 90
percent of the Jews in our times, they are Ashkenazis, i.e. Khazars, i.e. Russians. … Look at them
— white, crooked nose, blonde hairs… These are not a Semitic people,” he said. Qadhi then told
his audience to read Hoax of the Holocaust, which he called “a very good book.” Later, Qadhi
called his rant against Jews a youthful indiscretion, and professed his appreciation for Jews. Yet
in the same year, Qadhi also defended notorious Holocaust denier David Irving.
Though he has insisted otherwise, Qadhi’s extremist sympathies are not solely confined to his
youth. In October 2016, Qadhi defended the Taliban to a commenter on Qadhi’s Facebook page,
writing: “The Taliban might have had strange beliefs and customs (from your perspective), but it
was their country that was falsely invaded, and they did what every single nation would do. Fight
back. Sadly, some American politicians have far more blood on their hands than the Taliban and
Al Qaeda combined…”
And, in March 2017, Qadhi wrote about convicted Al Qaeda fundraiser Babar Ahmad on
Facebook, saying: “Honored to know Babar Ahmad as a friend.” In July 2014, Ahmad was
sentenced to twelve-and-a-half years in prison for providing material support to terrorists.
Ahmad, who pled guilty to the charges against him, was the operator of the website Azzam
Publications, which raised money and recruited fighters for Al Qaeda and the Taliban. In March
2016, Qadhi wrote: “I was honored to perform hajj one year with Babar Ahmad.”
Yusuf Islahi
Yusuf Islahi, a leader of the Indian branch of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI Hind) has spoken for ICNA
many times before. Indeed, he was described on the 2016 MAS-ICNA convention website as a
member of the Central Advisory Council of JI Hind. He is also a chief patron of the ICNA
WhyIslam proselytizing project. Islahi reportedly claims that Jews were behind the 9/11 attacks
(as part of a conspiracy to defame Islam), which he nevertheless describes as a befitting
response to American arrogance.
“Do not take the initiative in offering ‘Salam’ to the Jews or Christians. The Holy
Qur’an affirms the fact that the Jews are the worst nation as regards their
disbelief, denial of truth, tyranny and savagery, falsehood and deception. Allah
showered countless bounties upon this nation, yet they always displayed
ingratitude to Him and persisted in their foul practices. It is the same nation
which assassinated the venerable Prophets sent by Allah. Hence the believer
should eschew all such conduct which shows even the slightest trace of respect or
esteem for the Jews.
On the other hand, the believers should adopt such conduct towards the Jews
that they should be repeatedly reminded of the fact that recompense for offering
the most hideous opposition to Truth is always disgrace and humiliation. The
Holy Prophet [S.A.W.] has observed: ‘Do not take the initiative in saying ‘Salam’
to the Jews and Christians. When you meet them on the way, force them to move
over to the edge of the road.’ (Al-Adab-ul-Mufrad) The implication is that you
should walk with such dignity and in a stately manner that the Jews and
Christians should move over to the edge leaving the road open for you.”
Zahra Billoo
Zahra Billoo has served the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as the executive
director of its San Francisco Bay Area chapter since 2009. In 2017, Billoo questioned whether
U.S. soldiers should be honored or remembered on Memorial Day, saying the holiday is a
“struggle” for her. When faced with opposition, she took a step further and called the U.S.
military murderers and occupiers, and compared U.S. military operations to Taliban terrorism.
Indeed, Billoo once tweeted that she “feels more responsible for and outraged by US military
terrorism in Pakistan than Taliban terrorism there.”
In 2011, Billoo’s CAIR chapter was condemned for discouraging Muslims from cooperating with
the FBI on matters related to terror. Billoo had also accused the Bureau of “creating terror plots
that don’t exist” and suggested that the FBI itself might have planned the foiled terrorist
activities. And, at the 2017 Islamic Society of North America conference, Billoo warned that the
US Government aims to persecute Muslims: “We [know they have done this] with other
communities, that they’re going to send us to concentration camps.”
In November 2014, her chapter of CAIR honored convicted Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
member Sami Al-Arian with the “Promoting Justice Award,” despite the fact that he pleaded
guilty to funneling money to PIJ. She has continued to tweet in defense of Al-Arian (even once
saying that she “finds inspiration” from him, as well as from the aforementioned Tariq
Ramadan). She regularly refers to Israel as an “apartheid” state and supports Hamas itself.