Dilemma 1
Dilemma 1
Dilemma 1
Standards Addressed in Lesson: 5 – U1.3.2 Describe the life and cultural development of people
living in western Africa before the 16th century with respect to economic (the ways people
made a living) and family structures, and the growth of states, towns, and trade.
5 – U1.4.1 Describe the convergence of Europeans, American Indians and Africans in North
America after 1492 from the perspective of these three groups
Instructional Resources: TCI Social Studies Alive textbook and blue workbook, website- spirituals
Consideration of Learners:
How have you responded to your diverse learners? Consider UDL (Multiple means of Engagement,
Representation, Action & Expression) & principles of differentiation. If appropriate, identify individual
accommodations you will make in response to needs or interests of students.
Students are able to work in whatever area is most comfortable for them with sections of solo and
group work included.
Students that would have difficulty reading recieve highlighted copies of pages indicating important
COVENANT MANAGEMENT: Relationship & community building (Note any specific ways in which you
plan to build or strengthen relationships and community: student-student & teacher - student.]
Review expectations for group work: how can we work well in partners, how do we encourage and
support one another?
Use popsicle sticks to choose groups and get in their spots.
Slave Trade
Middle Passage
Slave Auctions