Room Rental Agreement

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Room Rental Agreement

This [RENTAL AGREEMENT] is a legally binding document agreed upon by the homeowner, henceforth
known as “Landlord”, and the renter, henceforth known as “Tenant”.

Rental property located at [PROPERTY ADDRESS] in the State of [STATE NAME].

Landlord Name: [JOHN DOEGRY]

Tenant Name: [SAMANTHA GREY]

The undersigned agree to a [______] year lease of the above-mentioned property. On the [_____] day, in the
month of [________________], in the year [_______], the Tenant agrees to pay $[AMOUNT] as the security
deposit, $[AMOUNT] for the first month’s rent, and $[AMOUNT] for the last month’s rent. Monthly rent shall be
made by the [_______] day of every month. Rent shall be $[AMOUNT] and made payable to [JOHN
DOEGRY]. At the termination of the lease, the Tenant shall have their security deposit returned to them in full if
the property has been maintained properly.

The undersigned Tenant has inspected the room located at the above-mentioned property, and is satisfied with
the conditions of the room.

The Landlord has agreed to provide the following utilities:

1. Water – Tenant pays [______]% of monthly bill.

2. Electricity – Tenant pays [______]% of monthly bill.
3. Trash – Tenant pays [______]% of monthly bill.
4. Internet – Tenant pays [______]% of monthly bill.
5. Gas – Tenant pays [______]% of monthly bill.

The Landlord agrees to the following conditions: The main rooms of the house are permissible. The rental
room shall be off limits to anyone living within the home that is not the Tenant. The yard and outdoor furniture
shall be maintained by the Landlord. The Tenant is allowed set schedules of “quiet” within the property.

In the case that the Tenant or Landlord wish to terminate this agreement, 60 days notice in writing must be

The undersigned agree to all of the conditions of this [RENTAL AGREEMENT].

I, [JOHN DOEGRY], agree to honor all of the terms of this agreement, dated on this the [______] day in the
month of [__________________], in the year [________].

Landlord Signature:

I, [SAMANTHA GREY], agree to honor all of the terms of this agreement, dated on this the [______] day in the
month of [___________________], in the year [_______].

Tenant Signature:
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