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1st and 2nd Semester, 1st Year P.G


Semester: I Credits : 4
Category Major Core (MC) No. of hrs: 60 (5hrs/wk)
1. To understand the path, feasibility and mechanism of a reaction.
2. To suggest synthetic route for simple organic compounds based on stereochemistry.
3 To understand the techniques involved in the determination of mechanism of reactions and
to propose methods to determine the mechanism of reaction
4 To understand the concept of stereochemistry and reaction mechanism.
Unit-1: Mechanisms and Methods (10 hrs)
1.1 Types of mechanism, reagents and reactions.
1.2 Thermodynamic and kinetic requirements of reactions; Baldwin rules for ring closure;
Hammond postulate; microscopic reversibility and Marcos theory
1.3 Methods of determining mechanism: Non-kinetic methods: identification of products and
intermediates; isotopic labeling; stereo chemical evidences; isotopic effects; cross-over
experiments, trapping of intermediates. Kinetic methods - relation of rate with the
mechanism of reaction.
Self study:
Acids and bases; Bronsted theory; proton transfer reactions; measurement of solvent acidity;
hard and soft acids and bases; effect of structure and medium on the strength of acids and
Unit-2: Rearrangement Reactions (10 hrs)
2.1 Types of rearrangements: Nucleophilic; free radical and electrophilic reactions.
2.2 Mechanisms: Nature of migration; migratory ability and memory effects, ring enlargement
and ring contraction rearrangements
2.3 Reactions: Wagner-Meerwin and related reactions, Benzil-benzilic acid, Favorskii,
Hoffmann and related rearrangements, Beckmann, Neber, Baeyer-Villiger, Stevens, Claisen
rearrangements, boron-carbon migration, Non-1,2-rearrangements, Fischer-indole synthesis,
Arndt-Eistert synthesis,
Self study:
Longer nucleophilic, carbene and dienone-phenol rearrangements.
Unit-3: Oxidation and Reduction Reactions. (10 hrs)
3.1 Mechanisms: direct electron transfer, hydride transfer, hydrogen transfer, displacement,
addition-elimination and formation of ester intermediates
3.2 Oxidation Reactions: Hydrogen elimination; oxidation of alcohols and amines; Reactions
involving cleavage of C-C bonds: cleavage of double bonds; oxidative decarboxylation.
3.3 Reduction Reactions: Replacement of oxygen by hydrogen - Wolff Kishner and
Clemmenson reductions; Removal of Oxygen from substrate; Reduction with cleavage;
MPV reductions.
Self study:
Oxidative and reductive coupling reactions
Unit-4: Stereochemistry-I (15 hrs)
4.1 Optical isomerism due to asymmetric and dissymmetric carbon atoms.
4.2 Racemic modifications: Racemisation by thermal, anion, cation, reversible formation;
Epimerisation, mutarotation
4.3 Cram’s and Prelog’s rules; D, L, R, S-notations; Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rules, absolute and
relative configurations; configurations of allenes, spiranes, biphenyls, cyclooctene and
4.4 Criteria for optical purity; Resolution of racemic modifications; asymmetric
transformations; asymmetric synthesis; destruction.
4.5 Geometrical isomerism: E, Z notations, geometrical isomerism in C=C and cyclic systems.
Unit-5: Stereochemistry-II (15 hrs)
5.1 Conformation and reactivity of acyclic systems; intramolecular rearrangement;
neighbouring group participation; Curtin-Hammett principle
5.2 Stability of six and seven-membered rings; mono and disubstituted cyclohexanes;
conformation and reactivity in cyclohexane systems.
5.3 Fused and bridged rings; bicyclic and poly cyclic systems; decalins and Brett’s rule.
5.4 Optical rotation and optical rotatory dispersion; conformational asymmetry, ORD curves;
octant rule; configuration and conformation; Cotton effect; axial haloketone rule;
Determination of configuration
5.5 Stereoselective and stereospecific synthesis.
Self study:
Specific and molar rotations; polarimetry; Fischer, Newmann and Sawhorse notations;
optical isomerism of lactic and tartaric acids.
Text books
1. J. March and M. Smith, Advanced Organic Chemistry, 5th edn, John-Wiley and Sons. 2001.
2. E. S. Gould, Mechanism and Structure in Organic Chemistry, Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Inc., 1959.
3. P. S. Kalsi, Stereochemistry of carbon compounds, 3rd edn, New Age International Publishers,


1. E. L. Eliel, Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds, Tata-McGraw Hill, 2000.

2. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry. Vol-2, 5th edition, Pearson Education Asia, 1975
3. I. L. Finar, Organic chemistry, Vol-1, 6th edition, Pearson Education Asia, 2004
4. F.A. Carey and R.J. Sundberg, Advanced Organic Chemistry Part-A and B, 4th edn, Kluwer
Academic / Plenum Publishers. 2000.
5. S. H. Pine, Organic Chemistry, 5th edn, McGraw Hill International Edition, 1987.
6. L. F. Fieser and M. Fieser, Organic Chemistry, Asia Publishing House, Bombay, 2000.
7. D. Nasipuri, Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds, 2nd Edn, New Age Publishers, 2005.


Semester : I Credits : 4
Category : Major Core (MC) No. of Hours : 60 (5 hrs/wk)
1. To understand the different kinds of chemical forces in molecules.

2. To identify the nature of chemical bond in a given inorganic compound.

3. To predict the nature and topology of inorganic compounds.

4. To know the existence of compounds through weak chemical forces.

5. To identify relevant inorganic compounds for specific applications.

Unit-1: Atomic Structure and Periodic Table (7 hrs)

1.1 Modern views on atomic structure: Wave mechanical description of electron and orbitals-
radial density functions and orbital energies, angular functions and orbital shapes.

1.2 Slater orbitals and their uses: Computation of effective nuclear charge and radii of atoms and

1.3 Modern periodic table: Periodic properties, trends and the underlying reasons.

Self study
(a)Study the trend in the atomic and ionic radii, ionization potential, and electron affinity
along the period of the periodic table.

(b) Electronic configuration: the exchange energy and Aufbau principle.

Unit-2: Ionic Compounds (18 hrs)

2.1 Packing of ions in crystals and crystal structures-ccp, hcp, bcc, and fcc.
2.2 Radius ratio and structure of ionic lattices: Geometrical method of computing radius ratio,
radius ratio and coordination number, stoichiometry and crystal structures.

2.3 Lattice energy: Born-Lande equation, modified Born-Lande equation, factors affecting lattice energy.

2.4 Born-Haber cycle: Thermochemical calculations, radii of nonspherical ions, solubility and
thermal properties of ionic compounds as a function of Uo andHf.

2.5 Polarization in ionic compounds: covalency and Fajans rules, effects of polarization.

2.6 Crystal defects: Schottky defects, controlled valency, F-center, and Frenkel defect.

2.7 Nonstoichiometric compounds-, interstitial-, and electron deficient compounds.

Self study
(a)Layer lattices, applications, and properties of crystal defect.

(b) Thermodynamic parameters which affect lattice energy and factors which affect ionic

(c)Predicting the existence of certain ionic compounds and the nonexistence of hypothetical

compounds from thermochemical calculations.

Unit -3: Covalent Bond (18 hrs)

3.1 Molecular topologies: Shared and lone pairs and Lewis structures, isoelectronic and isolobel
relationships, hybridization and geometry, VSEPR model, and Bent’s rule.

3.2 Molecular Orbital Theory: Symmetry of molecular orbitals formed from atomic orbital
overlap, Extended Huckel theory of Hartree-Fock approximation (SCF), LCAO-MO model,
TASO, LUMO, and HOMO concepts in bonding.

3.3 MO energy level diagrams of homodiatomic and heterodinuclear molecules (CO, NO, and

3.4 Bonding in metals: Packing of atoms in metals, band theory of metals and metallic
properties, insulators, and semiconductors.

Self study
(a)Qualtitative MO energy level diagram of heterodiatomic molecules and concept of electronegativity.

(b) TASO, LUMO, and HOMO in MO formation and reactivity of molecules.

Unit-4: Weak Chemical Forces (7 hrs)

4.1 van der Waals forces: Inclusion compounds-layer, channel, and cage structures (gas
hydrates and clathrates).

4.2 Hydrogen bonding: Types, associated molecules, and molecular self assembly.

4.3 Supramolecular architectures formed by weak chemical forces.

Self study
(a)Structural features of zeolites and clathrates.

(b)Nature and importance of supramolecular assemblies formed by van der Waals forces

and H-bonding.

Unit-5: Acid-base theory and Solvent Systems (10 hrs)

5.1 Acid-Base theories: Bronsted-Lowry, Lux-Flood, Usanovich, Lewis, and solvent system.
definitions, measures of acid-base strength, acid-base interactions, hard and soft acid and
bases, classification, HSAB principle, levelling effect, symbiosis, proton sponges.

5.2 Non aqueous solvents: Classification-protonic and aprotic solvents, super acids, molten salts
as solvents, and ionic liquids.

Self study
(a)Classification of acids and bases by class-a , class-b, and borderline.

(b) Use of ionic liquids in synthesis. Reactions in liquid ammonia and liquid SO2.

(c)Strengths of protonic acids: Binary acids, oxo acids, pure acids and relative acidities,

Properties of perchloric acid, fluorosulfuric acid, trifluoromethanesulfonic acid.

Text Books
1. F.A.Cotton, G.Wilkinson, C.A. Murillo and M.Bochmann, . Advanced Inorganic Chemistry;
6th ed.; Wiley Interscience: New York, 1988.

2. K.F.Purcell and J.C. Kotz, Inorganic Chemistry; Saunders: Philadelphia, 1976.

3. J.E.Huheey, E.A. Keiter and R.L. Keiter , Inorganic Chemistry; 4th ed.; Harper and Row:
NewYork, 1983.

1. T.Moeller, . Inorganic Chemistry, A Modern Introduction; John Wiley: New York, 1982.

2. D.F.Shriver , P.W..Atkins and C.H. Langford; Inorganic Chemistry; 3rd ed.; Oxford
University Press: London, 2001.

3. G.H.Stout and L.H.Jenson, X-Ray Structure Determination; 2nd ed.; John Wiley & Sons:
New York, 1989.

4. A.R.West, Solid State Chemistry and its Applications; John Wiley & Sons: New York,

5. G.Rhodes, Crystallography Made crystal Clear; Academic Press, Inc.: New York, 1993.

6. C.Hammond, The Basics of Crystallography and Diffraction; Oxford University Press;


7. L.Smart and E.Moore, Solid State Chemistry, An Introduction; 2nd ed.; Nelson Thornes
Ltd.: Cheltenham, 1996.
Semester : I Credits : 4
Category : Major Core (MC) No. of Hours : 60 (5 hrs/wk)
1. To understand the physical
and mathematical aspects of quantum mechanics.
2. To familiarize with the
required mathematics for solving quantum mechanical problems.
3. To understand the
quantum mechanical approach to the atomic and molecular electronic

Unit 1: Mathematics for Quantum Mechanics and Postulates of Quantum Mechanics

1. 1 Coordinate systems: Cartesian, spherical polar, cylindrical and elliptical. Real and complex
functions: Odd, even, orthogonal and normalized functions. Differential equations: order
and degree. Solutions to typical differential equations.
1.2 Operators: linear, differential, Hermitian and Hamiltonian operators
1.3 Eigen functions and Eigen values
1.4 Failure of classical mechanics: Black body radiation, photo electric effect, and Compton
effect. The need for Quantum Mechanics.
1.5 Postulates of Quantum of Mechanics and Schrodinger wave equation

Unit 2: Some Quantum mechanical models and their applications (12 hrs)
2.1 Particle in a box (1D and 3D). Degeneracy and its application to linear conjugated
molecular systems.Free particle. Bohr’s correspondence principle. Quantum Mechanical
tunneling: Tunneling in some typical chemical reactions, inversion of ammonia, proton
transfer reactions.
2.2 Rigid Rotor: Wave equation and solution. Calculation of rotational constants and bond
length of diatomic molecules.
2.3 Harmonic Oscillator: Wave equation and solution. Anharmonicity, force constant and its
Unit 3: Application of Quantum Mechanics to Hydrogen and poly electron atoms
(14 hrs)
3.1 Hydrogen atom and Hydrogen like ions: Solution to hydrogen and hydrogen like wave
equation. Radial and angular functions.Quantum numbers n, l, m and s & their importance.
Radial distribution functions and hydrogen like orbital and their representation.
3.2 Approximation Methods: Variation method- Trial wave functions, variational integral and
its application to particle in a 1D box.
Perturbation method and its application. Hartree-Fock Self Consistent Field Method.
3.3 Quantum mechanical treatment of angular momentum - Simultaneous measurement of
some properties: Evaluation of commutators such as [x, px],
2 2
[x, px ] , [Lx, Ly] and [Lx , Lx] and their significance.
3.4 Helium atom: Electron spin, Pauli Exclusion Principle and Slater determinant. Derivation
of atomic term symbols.
Unit 4: Molecular Quantum Mechnaics and Chemical bonding (11 hrs)
4.1 Hydrogen molecule: Molecular orbital theory and Heitler-London (VB) treatment. Energy
level diagram.
4.2 Hydrogen molecular ion: Use of linear variation function and LCAO methods.
4.3 Electronic structure of conjugated systems: Huckel method applied to ethylene, allyl
systems, butadiene and benzene.
Unit 5: Group theory and its applications. (14 hrs)
5.1 Group and subgroup. Symmetry elements and operations. Classification of molecules into –
non axial, axial,and dihedralpoint groups.
5.2 Matrix representations of symmetry operations. Reducible and irreducible representations,
classes of operations.
5.3 Great orthoganility theorem: Reduction formula. Construction of character table for C2v
and C3v point groups.
5.4 Applications of group theory to molecular vibrations (IR and Raman) and chemical
Text books
1. N. Levine, Quantum Chemistry, IV edition. Allyn& Bacon Inc.. 1983.
2. A. Vincent- Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory. A Programmed Introduction to
Chemical Applications. John and Willy & Sons Ltd. 1977.
3. D.A. McQuaric and J. D. Simon.Physical chemistry - A Molecular Approach, Viva Books
Pvt. Ltd.. New Delhi. 1998.
4. D. A. McQuarie, Quantum Chemistry. Viva Books PW. Ltd..New Delhi. 2003.
5. T.Engel and R.Philip , Quantum Chemistry And Spectroscopy,5th , ed., Pearson, New
Delhi, 2006.
6. F. A. Cotton, Chemical Applications of Group Theory. 2nd ed..John Wiley & Sons, 1971.
7. K. V. Raman, Group Theory and its Applications to Chemistry, Tata McGraw-Hill, New
Delhi, 1990.
1. R. K. Prasad. Quantum Chemistry through problems and Solutions, New Age International
Publishers- New Delhi. 1997.
2. R.P. Rastogi and V.K. Srivastava.An Introduction to Quantum Mechanics of Chemical
Systems.Oxford&: IBH Publishing Co.. New Delhi_ 1986,
3. R.L. Flurry. Jr. Symmetry Group Theory and Chemical Applications.PrenticeHall.Inc..
4. P.W. Atkins and J. de Paula. Atkins’ Physical Chemistry, VII ed. Oxford University Press.
5. J. M. Hollas, Symmetry in Molecues, Chapman and Hall, London,1972.
6. H. Eyring, J. Walter and E. Kimball, Quantum Chemistry, Wiley International Edition,
John Wiley, London, 1989.
7. W. J Moore, Physical Chemistry, Longman, 5th ed., London, 1974.
8. G. W. Castellan, Physical Chemistry, Addison-Wesley, 4th ed., London, 1996.

Semester: I Credits: 4

Category: Major core (MC) No. of hrs: 60 (5 hrs/wk)


1. To understand the concepts of data analysis.

2. To learn the basic analytical methods and to have a sound knowledge of chemistry

involved in an chemical analysis.

3. To know the principle and instrumentation of different analytical techniques.

Unit-1: Data analysis (10


1.1 Errors: Precision and accuracy, Classification of errors, minimisation or elimination of

1.2 Statistical methods: Treatment of random errors, reliability of results,
rounding up of results from chemical computation, confidence interval, comparison of

results-students t-test, F-test and linear regression for deriving calibration plots.

Self Study: Normal error curve and its importance.

Unit-2: Chromatography (10 hrs)

Principle and instrumentation of

2.1 Gas chromatography: carrier gas, columns, detectors- hot-wire detector, flame ionisation

detector, photo ionisation detector and ECD. Determination of C,H,N and S.

2.2 HPLC: Column, solvent delivery system, sample injections, Detectors. Advantages of
HPLC. Applications of HPLC in the separation of cations, and lipids. Elementary concepts
of UPLC.

2.3 Electrophoresis and capillary electrophoresis.

Self Study: Principle of paper, TLC and column chromatography.

Unit-3: Titrimetric methods of analysis (10 hrs)

3.1 Difference between titrimetic and volumetric analysis, Principle and reactions involved in
acid-base, redox, complexometric and precipitation titrations, Different methods of
expressing concentration terms, calculations involving stoichiometry- acid base and redox

3.2 Acid-base titrations in nonaqueous solvents: Principle, Properties – acidic and basic
properties, autoprotolysis constant of solvents, dielectric constant and its effect on solvent
behaviour. Detection of equivalence point – titrations in ethylene diamine, glaciel acetic
acid, methanol and ethanol.

Unit-4: Thermal and electroanalytical methods (15 hrs)

4.1 Thermogravimetry: Principle, factors affecting thermogram, instrumentation and

thermal decomposition of CaC2O4.H2O and CuSO4 .5H2O. Differential techniques:

Instrumentation, experimental, instrumental factors of DTA. Thermal behaviour of

CuSO4 .5H2O by DTA. Principle and determination of purity of pharmaceuticals, phase

transition studies by DSC.

4.2 Electrogravimetry: Principle, instrumentation, deposition and separation. Electrolysis at

constant current and estimation of copper.

4.3 Coulometry: controlled potential coulometry, Principle and separation of nickel and

cobalt, coulometric titration, instrumentation - Estimation of Sb(III).

4.4 Potentiometry: Potentiometric titration, equivalence point potential for (i) Fe2+/ Fe3+-
Ce3+/Ce4+ system (ii) Fe2+/ Fe3+- MnO4-,H+/Mn2+ system, determination of
concentration of the species at the equivalence point. Ion selective electrodes,
coated/modified electrodes, Biochemical electrodes. Solid state ion selective detectors.

4.5 Voltammetry: D.C and A.C. polarography, principle, Ilkovich equation,

instrumentation, role of supporting electrolyte, polarographic maximum. cyclic
voltammetry, anodic and cathodic stripping voltammetry.
Unit-5: Spectrometry (15 hrs)

5.1 Spectrophotometry: Beer Lambert ’s law , spectrophotometric titrations, determination

of Fe (III) with EDTA and determination of Fe (III) in the presence of aluminium.

5.2 Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy: Principle, instrumentation- Burner, furnace,

resonance line source, detectors. Spectral and chemical interferences, determination of

alkali metals in blood serum, Determination of lead in petrol. Principle of Inductively

coupled plasma (ICP).

5.3 Flame Spectrometry: Principle, instrumentation and interferences, determination of

alkali metals, Determination of iron in non-ferrous alloys.

5.4 Turbidimetry: Principle, instrumentation - determination of sulphate and phosphate

5.5 Fluorimetry: Principle, relationship between excitation spectra and fluorescence

spectra, factors affecting fluorescence emission, determination of quinine in tonic water

and determination of codeine and morphine in a mixture.

Text Books:

1. Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West and F. James Holler, Fundamentals of analytical

Chemistry, Harcourt Asia Pvt. Ltd., 2001.

2. R.A. Day, Jr. and A.L. Underwood, Prentice-Hall of India, 2001.

3. H. Kaur, Instrumental methods of chemical analysis, Pragati Prakashan Publishers, 2003.

4. G.H. Jeffery, J. Bassett, J. Mendham and R.C. Denney, Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative
Chemical Analysis, Longman Scientific and Technical, 1989.

1. D. A. Skoog, D.M. West and F. J. Holler, Analytical Chemistry An Introduction. Saunders
College Publishers, 1990.

2. J. Mendham, R.C. Denney, J.D. Barnes and M. Thomas, Vogel’s Text book of

Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd.. 2004.

3. J.G. Dick, Analytical Chemistry. Sir George Williams University. McGraw-Hill Book

Company, New. York. 1973.

4. H.H. Willard, L.L. Merritt, J.A. Dean and F.A. Seattle, Instrumental methods of analysis,

5th Ed., Harcourt Asia Pvt. Ltd., India, 2001.


Semester : I Credits : 2
Category : Major core (MC) No. of Hours : 50 (4 hrs/wk)

To develop analytical skill in (i) separation of organic mixture (ii) organic qualitative
analysis and (iii) organic preparations involving two or three stages.

1. Separation and analysis: Two component mixtures

2. Preparations: Two or three stage processes involving nitration, halogenation, diazotization,
rearrangement, hydrolysis, reduction, alkylation and oxidation
A. Two stage preparations
a) p-Bromoacetanilide from Aniline
b) p-Nitroaniline from Acetanilide
c) 1,3,5-Tribromobenzene from Aniline
d) Acetyl salicyclic acid from Methyl salicylate
e) Benzilic acid from Benzoin
f) m-Nitroaniline from Nitrobenzene
g) b-Naphthol from Naphthalene

B. Three stage preparations

a) 1-Bromo-2-(bromomethyl)naphthalene
b) Sulphanilamide from acetanilide
Text books
1. N.S. Gnanapragasam and G. Ramamurthy, Organic Chemistry – Lab manual, S.
Viswanathan Co. Pvt. Ltd, 1998.
2. J.N. Gurtu and R. Kapoor, Advanced Experimental Chemistry, S. Chand and Co., 1987
3. Vogel’s Text book of Practical Organic Chemistry, 4th Edition, ELBS/Longman, England,


Semester: I Credits: 2
Category: Major core (MC) No. of hrs: 50 (4 hrs/wk)
1. To impart the skill in quantitative estimation of metal ions by colorimetric methods and
complexometric titration.

2. To identify the methodology to quantitaively separate and estimate mixture of metal ions.

3. To identify the methodology to estimate a metal ion in the presence of another metal ion.

4. To improve the skill in preparations of metal complexes.

1. Colorimetry (visual)
1.1 Estimation of iron

1.2 Estimation of nickel

2. Complexometric Titration
2.1 Estimation of zinc, nickel, aluminium, and calcium.

2.2 Estimation of mixture of metal ions-pH control, masking and demasking agents.

2.3 Determination of calcium and lead in a mixture (pH control)

2.4 Determination of manganese in the presence of iron

2.5 Determination of nickel in the presence of iron

3. Gravimetry and Titrimetry

3.1 Determination of nickel by gravimetry and copper by titrimetry in a mixture.

3.2 Determination of barium by gravimetry and calcium by complexometry in a mixture.

4. Preparations and estimation of one metal ion in one experiment:
4.1 Potassium tris(oxalato)ferrate(III)

4.2 Hexaamminenickel(II) tetrafluoroborate

4.3 Potassium tetrachlorocuprate(II)

4.4 Tris(thiourea)(sulfato)zinc(II).

Text book
1. G.H.Jeffery, J.Bassett, J.Mendham and R.C.Denney, Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative
Chemical Analysis; 5th ed., ELBS, 1989.


1.J.D.Woollins, Inorganic Experiments; VCH: Weinheim, 1994.

2. G.Pass, and H.Sutcliffe, Practical Inorganic Chemistry; Chapman Hall, 1965.

3. W.G.Palmer, Experimental Inorganic Chemistry; Cambridge University Press, 1954.

Semester : II Credits : 4
Category : Major core (MC) No. of hrs: 60 (5 hrs/wk)
1. To understand the mechanism of organic chemical reactions.
2. To appreciate the concept of substitution, addition and elimination reactions and their
reaction mechanisms.
3. To comprehend the importance of heterocyclic compounds.
Unit-1: Aromatic and Aliphatic Electrophilic Substitution (15 hrs)
1.1 Aromaticity of non-benzenoid and heterocyclic compounds - Aromatic electrophilic
substitution: Mechanism, orientation and reactivity - Quantitative treatment of reactivity in
the substrates and reactivity of the electrophiles. Selectivity relationship: Hammett and Taft
equations, the effect of the leaving group, Linear Free energy relationship.
1.2 Reactions involving a) Nitrogen electrophiles: nitration, nitrosation and diazonium coupling
b) Sulphur electrophiles: sulphonation c) Halogen electrophiles: chlorination and
bromination d) Carbon electrophiles: Friedel-Crafts alkylation, acylation and arylation
1.3 Aliphatic substitution Mechanisms: SE2 and SEi, SE1; Substitution by double bond shifts;
other mechanism: addition-elimination and cyclic mechanism.
1.4 Hydrogen as electrophile: (a) Hydrogen exchange; hydro-dehydrogenation; keto-enol
tautomerism. b) Halogen electrophiles: Halogenation of aldehydes and ketones; carboxylic
acids c) Nitrogen electrophiles: aliphatic diazonium coupling; direct formation of diazo
compounds; direct amination; insertion by nitrenes. d) sulphur electrophiles: sulphonation,
sulphenylation. e) carbon electrophiles: acylation; alkoxy carbonyl alkylation; alkylation;
Stork-enamine reaction; insertion by carbene.
Self study:
Kolbe-Schmitt reaction, amidation with isocyanates, hydroxyalkylation, haloalkylation.
Metal electrophiles, cleavage of alkoxides.
Unit-2: Aromatic and Aliphatic Nucleophilic Substitution (15 hrs)
2.1 Mechanisms: SNAr, SN1 and Benzyne mechanisms. - Reactivity, Effect of structure, leaving
group and attacking nucleophile.
2.2 Reactions: O and S-nucleophiles, Bucherer and Rosenmund reactions, von Richter,
Sommelet-Hauser and Smiles rearrangements.
2.3 SN1, ion pair, SN2 and neighbouring group mechanisms. Nucleophilic substitutions at an
allylic carbon, aliphatic trigonal carbon and vinyl carbon.
2.4 Reactivity: Effect of substrate, attacking nucleophile, leaving group and the medium -
Swain-Scott, Grunwald-Winstein relationship - Ambident nucleophiles
Self study:
Hydrolysis of alkyl halides, acyl halides, anhydrides, carboxylic esters and amides.
Goldberg and Rosenmund-von Braun reactions, Stephens-Castro coupling.
Unit-3: Elimination and Free Radical Reactions (10 hrs)
3.1 E2, E1, E1cB and E2C mechanisms. - Syn eliminations - E1-E2-E1cB spectrum. Orientation
of the double bond: Hoffmann and Saytzeff rules
Reactivity: Effect of substrate, attacking bases, leaving group and medium. Mechanisms and
orientation in pyrolytic eliminations.
3.2 Long Lived and short lived radicals - Detection of radicals and characteristics of free radical
reactions and free radical rearrangements.
Reactivity: Reactivity on aliphatic, aromatic substrates, reactivity in the attacking radical,
effect of solvent.
Self study:
Chugaev reaction, Hofmann degradation, Cope elimination, Bamford-Stevens reaction, epi-
oxy elimination and Sandmeyer reactions.
Unit-4: Addition to Carbon Multiple Bonds (10 hrs)
4.1 Mechanism: Electrophilic, nucleophilic, free radical addition.
4.2 Orientation and Reactivity: Stereochemical orientation, addition to cyclopropane rings.
4.3 Reactions: Addition to double and triple bonds.
4.4 Carbenes and their addition to double bonds.
4.5 Stereochemical aspects of addition reactions.
Self study:
Stork-Eschenmoser hypothesis, Nazarov cyclization, Michael and Koch reactions.
Mechanistic study with specific examples, factors influencing addition reaction.
Unit-5: Heterocyclic Chemistry (10 hrs)
5.1 Nomenclature, reactivity, aromaticity, spectral properties.
5.2 Synthesis and reactions of indole, isoindole oxazole, imidazole, thiazole, pyridines,
pyrimidine, pyridazine, pyrazine, chromans, chromons, coumarins, carbazoles, uracil, uric
acid and xanthines.
Self study:
Synthesis and reactions of five membered (pyrrole, thiophene, furan) and six membered
heterocyclic compounds (pyridine), fused rings (quinoline and isoquinoline)
Text books
1. J. March and M Smith, Advanced Organic Chemistry, 5th edn, John-Wiley and sons, 2001.
2. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry Vol-2, 5th edn, Pearson Education Asia, 1975.
3. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry Vol-1, 6th edn, Pearson Education Asia, 2004.
4. F. A. Carey and R. J. Sundberg, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Part A and B, 4th edn, Kluwer
Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2000.
1. S. H. Pine, Organic Chemistry, 5th edn, McGraw Hill International Edn, 1987.
2. L. F. Fieser and M. Fieser, Organic Chemistry, Asia Publishing House, Bombay, 2000.
3. E.S. Gould, Mechanism and structure in organic chemistry, Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc.,
4. T. L. Gilchrist, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Longman Press, 1989.
5. J. A. Joule and K. Mills, Heterocyclic Chemistry, 4th Edn, John-Wiley, 2010.
Semester : II Credits : 4
Category : Major Core (MC) No. of Hours : 50 (4 hrs/wk)
1. To know the structure and bonding in inorganic chains, rings, and cages.
2. To identify ligands of main group elements and complexing agents for main group metals.
3. To identify specific reagents of main-group elements used in synthesis.
4. To understand theory of radioactivity and applications of radioisotopes.
5. To know the working principle and safety features of nuclear reactors.
Unit-1: Inorganic chains, rings, and cages (20 hrs)
1.1 Catenation and heterocatenation: ; Allotropes of carbon, graphite, diamond, fullerenes and
carbon nanotubes. Heterocatenation - by coupling cyclic silicon and phosphorous compounds.
1.2 Alkali and alkaline earth metal complexes: complexes of b-diketones, crown ethers,
cryptands, and calixarenes; biological roles of alkali and alkaline earth metal ions and
1.3 Electron defficient, electron precise, and electron rich compounds: Boranes and carboranes:
synthesis of neutral boron hydrides, polyhedral borane anions and dianions, structure of
polyhedral boranes-nido-, arachno-, and closo-frameworks, PSEPT (Wade’s rules) and
polyhedral geometries; carboranes-synthesis and polyhedral geometries, metalloboranes,
and metallocarboranes. Silanes and cyclopolysilanes, hydrometallation-hydroboration and
hydrosilylation. Hydroboration reaction as precursor for metalloborane and heteroborane
1.4 Boron-nitrogen compounds: azaboranes, pyrazaboles, borazines, and B-N clusters.
1.5 Silicates: classification-orthosilicates, noncyclic silicate anions, cyclic silicate anions,
infinite chain anions, infinite sheet anions, framework minerals, and zeolites-typical
examples and structure, cyclic siloxanes
1.6 Poly acids: structure of isopoly and heteropoly anions and polycations of W and Mo.
1.7 P-N and P-S compounds: polyphosphazene, cyclophosphazenes, and cyclic aminophosphanes,
phosphorus-oxide and phosphorus-sulfide cages.
1.8 Cyclic sulfur-nitrogen compounds: tetrasulfur-tetranitride, polythiazyl, and SxNy compounds.
Self study.
(a) Synthesis and uses of polyanions and cations.
(b) Natural and synthetic zeolites and application of zeolites as catalysts.

Unit-2: Main group organometallics and reagents and synthesis (10 hrs)
2.1 Organometalics of Li, Be, and Mg: synthesis and applications.
2.2 Organometalics of Si and Al: silsesquioxanes, aryl- and alkyl silicon halides, aluminium
2.3 Specific reagents of main-group elements: fluorinating agents-ClF, ClF3, and BrF3 (harsh);
SF4, SbF3, and SbF5 (moderate) and organometal reagents-Grignard reagents, organolithium,
diorganomercury, and diorganomagnesium.
Self study
(a) Special techniques for the synthesis of inorganic compounds: the chemical vacuum line,
plasmas, photochemical apparatus, and electrolysis.
(b) Synthetic importance of diborane, boranes, PCl3, and silylating agents.
(c) Illustrative examples of N and P ligands.

Unit-3:Halogen and noble gas chemistry (10 hrs)

3.1 Halogen oxides and oxo compounds: Dichlorine monoxide, chlorine dioxide, dibromine
monoxide, and iodine pentoxide-preparation and properties; halogen oxyfluorides
trioxohalofluorides) and ionic oxyhalogen species.
3.2 Xenon oxides and fluorides: Xenon trioxide, difluoride, tetrafluoride, xenon oxofluoride.
3.3 Halogen compounds of nitrogen: nitrogen trifluoride, tetrafluorohydrazine, dinitrogen
difluoride, haloamines, oxohalides, and nitrogen trifluoride oxide.
3.4 Sulfur fluorides: Synthesis and reactivity of disulfur difluoride, sulfur tetrafluoride,
substituted sulfur fluorides.
Self study
(a) Structure of halogen oxides and halogen oxo compounds with the aid of VSEPR model.
(b) Reactivity of the halides of N, S, and Xe and applications.

Unit-4: Radiochemistry (5 hrs)

4.1 The nucleus: Structure of nucleus, quadrupolar nucleus, factors affecting nuclear stability
binding energy per nucleon, n/p ratio, magic number, odd-even rule. - nuclear models-liquid
drop model, shell model, collective model,
4.2 Radiochemistry: Natural and induced radioactivity; radioactive decay-a-decay, b-decay,
n-decay; neutron emission, positron emission, electron capture; Geiger-Nattal rule,
radioactive displacement law, radioactive series.
4.3 Measurement of radioactivity: ionization chamber, GM counters, scintillation counters.
Self study
(a) Types of nuclei-isotopes, isotones, isobars, nuclear isomers. Radioactive isotopes and
radioactive decay series.
(b) Half life period, lifetime, decay constant -relationship between them.

Unit-5: Nuclear Reactions (5 hrs)

5.1 Types of nuclear reactions: Spallation, fusion-hydrogen bomb, stellar energy, nuclear fission-
theory of nuclear fission; chain reaction, nuclear cross section,, critical mass; atom bombs,
nuclear fission reactors, breeder reactors - fuels used in nuclear reactors, moderators,
coolants; nuclear fusion; separation of isotopes, nuclear reactors in India.
5.3 Reprocessing of spent fuels: Nuclear waste streams from nuclear reactors, sequestering
agents for radioisotopes, solvent extraction, ionic liquid technology.
5.4 Applications: Dating of objects-principles and applications, neutron activation analysis,
isotopic dilution and labeling studies, nuclear medicine-99mTc radiopharmaceuticals.
Self study
(a) Isotopes used in nuclear fission reactions.
(b) Radioisotopes used in noninvasive imaging techniques in nuclear medicine.

Text books
1. F.A.Cotton, G. Wilkinson,C.A. Murillo and M.Bochmann, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry;
6th ed.; Wiley Interscience: New York, 1988.
2. J. E.Huheey, E.A.Keiter and R.L.Keiter, Inorganic Chemistry; 4th ed.; Harper and Row:
New York, 1983.
3. D.F. Shriver, P.W. Atkins and C.H. Langford,. Inorganic Chemistry; 3rd ed.; Oxford
University Press: London, 2001.
4. K.F.Purcell and J.C. Kotz, Inorganic Chemistry; Saunders: Philadelphia, 1976.

1. T.Moeller, Inorganic Chemistry, A Modern Introduction; John Wiley: New York, 1982.
2. H.J.Arnikar, Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry, 4th ed., New Age International, New Delhi,
3. A.K.Srivatsava,and P.Jain, P. Essential of Nuclear Chemistry, S. Chand, New Delhi, 1989.
4. G. Friedlander, G.; Kennedy, W.and J.M. Miller Nuclear and Radiochemistry; 2nd ed.; John
Wiley and& Sons Inc., 1964.
5. S. Glasstone, . Source Book on Atomic Energy; 2nd ed.; Van Nostrand Co. Inc., New
Jersey, 1958.
Semester: II Credits : 4
Category: Major Core (MC) No. of Hours : 60 (5 hrs/wk)
1. To learn the quantization of energy and interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter.

2. To understand the fundamentals of different branches of spectroscopy.

3. To elucidate the structures of molecules using different spectral techniques.

Unit-1: Rotational and Vibrational Spectroscopy (15 hrs)

1.1.Diatomic molecules as rigid rotors: intensity of spectral lines, selection rules, effect of
isotopic substitution. Diatomic molecules as non-rigid rotors: centrifugal distortion constant,
rotational spectra of linear and symmetric top polyatomic molecules.
1.2.Vibrating diatomic molecule: energy of diatomic molecules, simple harmonic oscillator-energy
levels, transitions, selection rules. Anharmomic oscillator - energy levels, selection rules.
Diatomic vibrating rotator - P, Q, R branches.
1.3.Vibrations of polyatomic molecules: Symmetry and fundamental vibrations, overtones,
combination, difference bands. Influence of rotations on the spectra of polyatomic molecules -
parallel and perpendicular vibrations in linear and symmetric top molecules.
1.4.Interpretation of IR spectra of organic and inorganic compounds: Frequencies of various
functional groups containing oxygen , nitrogen and hydrocarbons. Factors affecting the
fundamental vibrational frequencies. Linkage, geometrical isomers, coordinated and lattice
water. NO3-, ClO3-, ClO4-, and SO42-.
1.5.Raman Effect: Rayleigh and Raman scattering, Stokes’ and anti-Stokes’ radiation, molecular
polarizability, selection rules.
1.6.Raman spectra: Rotational Raman spectra - linear molecules, symmetric top and spherical top
molecules. Vibrational Raman spectra - symmetry and Raman active vibrations, rule of mutual
exclusion. Rotational fine structure. Structure determination from Raman and Infra-red.
Unit 2: Electronic spectroscopy (9 hrs)

2.1.Electronic spectra of diatomic molecules: Born-Oppenheimer approximation, Franck-Condon

Principle, selection rules, intensity of electronic transition, vibronic coupling, types of
electronic transitions.
2.2.Characterization of organic compounds: application of Woodward-Fieser rules to conjugated
dienes, α,β - unsaturated carbonyl compounds, benzene and its substituted derivatives,
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polyenes, poly-ynes, and heterocyclic compounds.
2.3.Charge transfer transitions: intensity, electronic spectra of charge transfer complexes of
organic compounds, charge transfer transitions in inorganic and coordination compounds.
2.4.Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES): principle of PES and ESCA.
Unit-3: Mass spectroscopy (6 hrs)

3.1. Determination of molecular formula: molecular ion, nitrogen rule, isotope peaks,
metastable ions, Mc Lafferty rearrangement, Retro Diels Alder reaction.
3.2.Fragmentation: Basic fragmentation types and rules, Fragmentation patterns of
hydrocarbons, oxygen and nitrogen containing organic compounds and carbonyl compounds.
Unit-4 : Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR and EPR) (20 hrs)
4.1 Theory of NMR spectroscopy: nuclear spin, magnet ic nuclei, nuclear magnet ic
mo ment, NMR transit ion, Bloch equat ions, relaxat ion mechanisms.
4.2 Parameters of NMR: chemical shift, shielding and deshielding, factors affect ing
chemical shift-induct ive effect, anisotropy, hydrogen bond. Region of proton
chemical shift in organic molecules, chemical shift equivalence and magnet ic
equivalence. NMR of paramagnet ic compounds: Shift reagents in NMR.
4.3 Spin-spin splitt ing: mechanism of spin-spin splitt ing, applicat ion of spin-spin
splitt ing to structure determinat ion. Coupling constants: mechanism o f
coupling, geminal coupling, vicinal coupling, variat ion of coupling constants
with bond angle, dihedral angle, ring size, hetero atom. Long-range coupling,
aromat ic coupling, virtual coupling.
4.4 FT and 2D NMR spectroscopy: principle of FT-NMR, FID. Introduction o f 2D
techniques: COSY and HeteroCOSY. 13 C, 19 F, 31 P NMR- spectra of t ypical
4.5 Electron paramagnet ic resonance spectroscopy: theory of EPR, presentat ion o f
the spectrum, nuclear hyperfine splitt ing in isotropic systems.
4.6 EPR spectra of anisotropic systems: anisotropy in g-value, causes o f
anisotropy, anisotropy in hyperfine coupling, hyperfine splitt ing caused by
quadrupolenucleii. EPR spectra of systems wit h more than one unpaired
electrons: Zero-field splitt ing, causes of ZFS, ZFS and EPR transit ions. EPR of
triplet napht halene, copper salen complex and high-spin Mn(II) complexes.
4.7 Structural elucidat ion of organic compounds by combined spectral techniques.
Unit-5: NQR and Mossbauer Spectroscopy (10 hrs)
5.1 Principle of NQR spectroscopy: nuclear charge distribut ion and quadrupo le
mo ment, quadrupole nucleus and its interact ion wit h electric field gradient,
nuclear orientat ions, asymmetry parameter, quadrupole energy levels,
transit ions in spherical and axially symmetric fields, effect of magnet ic field.
5.2 Applications of NQR spectroscopy: quadrupole coupling constant and its
interpretat ion, structural informat ion from NQR spectra of haloorganic
compounds and complexes, point group symmetry, phase transit ions, chemical
bonding and hydrogen bonding.
5.3 Principle of Mössbauer spectroscopy: Doppler shift, recoil energy. Isomer shift,
quadrupole splitt ing, magnet ic interact ions. Applicat ions: Mössbauer spectra of
high and low-spin Fe and Sn compounds.
Text books
1. C. N. Banwell and E. M. McCash, Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, 4th ed., Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2000.
2. R. M. Silverstein and F. X. Webster, Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds, 6th
ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2003.
3. W. Kemp, Applications of Spectroscopy, English Language Book Society, 1987.
4. J. R. Dyer, Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organic compounds.
5. D. H. Williams and I. Fleming, Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry, 4th ed., Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1988.
6. D. Pavia, G. M. Lampman, and G.S. Kriz , Introduction to Spectroscopy, 3rd ed., John
Vondeling, Florida, 2006.
7. K. V. Raman, R. Gopalan and P. S. Raghavan, Molecular Spectroscopy, Thomson and Vijay
Nicole, Singapore, 2004.
8.R. S. Drago, PhysicaI Methods in Chemistry; Saunders: Philadelphia, 1977.


1. P. Atkins and J. de Paula, Physical Chemistry, 7th ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford,
2. I. N. Levine, Molecular Spectroscopy, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1974.
3. A. Rahman, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-Basic Principles, Springer-Verlag, New York,
4. K. Nakamoto, Infrared and Raman Spectra of Inorganic and coordination Compounds, Part
B: 5th ed., John Wiley& Sons Inc., New York, 1997.
5. J. A. Weil, J. R. Bolton and J. E. Wertz, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance; Wiley
Interscience: 1994.
6. L.D. Field, S. Sternhell, and J. R. Kalman, Organic Structures from Spectra, 3rd ed., John
Wiley & Sons Ltd England, 2003.
7. J. W. Akitt, NMR and Chemistry, 3rd., ed Chapman & Hall, London,1992.
8. Jack K. Becconsall Basic ond and two dimensional NMR Spectroscopy, 4th., ed, Wiley – VCH,
9. R. V. Parish, NMR, NQR, EPR, and Mossbauer Spectroscopy in inorganic chemistry, Ellis
Horwood, London.
10.G. M. Bancroft, Mössbauer spectroscopy, Mc Graw Hill, London, 1973.
Semester: II Credits: 3
Category: Major Core (MC) No. of Hours: 50 (4 Hrs/Wk)
1. To develop analytical skill in organic quantitative analysis
2. To understand the techniques involved in estimations of organic compounds.

Unit 1: Estimations
a) Phenol and aniline
b) Ketones (ethyl methyl ketone)
c) Sugars (Glucose)
d) Ascorbic acid (Vitamin-C tablets)
e) Amino groups (aniline)
f) Nitro groups (aromatic nitro compounds)
g) Amino acids (Glycine)
Unit 2: Extraction and estimation
a) Caeffine from coffee
b) Nicotine from tobacco leaves
c) Citric acid from citrus fruits
Unit 3: Separation of components of a mixture (Demonstration)
a) Thin layer chromatography
b) Column chromatography
c) Paper chromatography.

Text Books
1. N. S. Gnanapragasam and G. Ramamurthy, Organic Chemistry – Lab manual, S.
Viswanathan Co. Pvt. Ltd, 1998.
2. J. N. Gurtu and R. Kapoor, Advanced Experimental Chemistry, S. Chand and Co., 1987


1. Vogel’s Text book of Practical Organic Chemistry, 4th Edn, ELBS/Longman, England, 1984.
Semester: II Credits: 3
Category: Major Core (MC) No. of Hours: 50 (4 hrs/wk)

1. To study the principle of distribution of common and rare metal ions in diffferent groups.
2. To know the inter- and intra group precipitation and separation of metal ions.
3. To improve the skill in the qualitative analysis of rare metal ions in different groups.
4. To identify the methodology to analyse a metal ion in the presence of another metal ion.

1. Theoretical Principles

1.1 Classification of cations into groups, group reagents

1.2 Inter group and intragroup separations
1.3 Confirmatory test for cations -the reaction and the product

2. Analysis of mixture of cations

Analysis of a mixture of four cations containing two common and two rare cations.
Rare cations:
Group-I: W and Tl
Group-II: Se, Te and Mo
Group-III: Tl, Ce, Th, Zr, V and Cr.
Group-VI : Li and Na

Text Books

1. V. V. Ramanujam, Inorganic Semimicro Qualitative Analysis; 3rd ed., The National

Publishing Company, Chennai, 1974.
2. Vogel’s Text book of Inorganic Qualitative Analysis, 4th Ed, ELBS, London, 1974.
Semester : II Credits :3
Category : Subject Elective (SE) No. of hrs / wk: 50(4 Hrs/Wk)

1. To enable the student to understand and appreciate the importance of
2. To understand the techniques involved in the extraction and methods of
determination of structure of natural products.

Unit - 1: Carbohydrates (10hrs)

1.1 Configuration and conformations of monosaccharides, anomeric effect, epimerization and
mutarotation. Determination of ring size of monosaccharides.
1.2 Synthesis, industrial and biological importance of glycosides, amino sugars, sucrose and
1.3 Industrial and biological importance of cellulose, starch, glycogen, dextran, hemicellulose,
pectin, agar-agar, cytosine, crysin.
1.4 Glycolysis and its reversal; TCA cycle. Relation between glycolysis and respiration.
Unit - 2: Proteins and nucleic acids (12hrs)
2.1 Classification – properties - 3D structure of protein; Determination of C and N-terminal
amino acid sequence – denaturation and renaturation of proteins.
2.2 Separation and purification of proteins – dialysis – gel filtration - electrophoresis.
2.3 Catabolism of amino acids: transamination, oxidative deamination, decarboxylation and
urea cycle.
2.4 Introduction, structure and synthesis of nucleosides and nucleotides, protecting
groupsforhydroxy group in sugar, amino group in the base and phosphate functions.
2.5 Methods of formation of internucleotide bonds: Structure of RNA and DNA, Crick-Watson
2.6 Solid phase synthesis of oligonucleotides. Role of nucleic acids in the biosynthesis of
Unit - 3: Alkaloids and terpenoids (10hrs)
3.1 General methods of structural elucidation of alkaloids.
3.2 Structural elucidation of papaverine and cocaine; synthesis and functions of atropine,
heptaphylline, morphine.
3.3 General methods of determinat ion of structure of terpenoids.
3.4 Structural elucidat ion of cadinene, vitamin A, abiet ic acid; synt hesis and
funct ions of gibberelic acid, zingiberine and squalene
Unit 4: Steroids (10hrs)
4.1 Conformations of stereoids - molecular rearrangements (acid, base catalysed, and
4.2 Synthesis of steroids – ring forming reaction and control of ring junction stereochemistry.
4.3 Synthesis and functions of cholesterol, androgens, oestrone, progesterone and cortisone.

Unit - 5: Anthocyanins and flavonoids (8hrs)

5.1 General nature and structure of anthocyanins.
5.2 General methods of synthesizing anthocyanidins.
5.3 Structural elucidation of cyanidin chloride, pelargolidin chloride, Hirsutidin chloride.
5.4 Flavones – flavonols – isoflavones.
5.5 Biosynthesis of flavonoids.

Text books
1. T. K Lindhorst, Essentials of Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, Wiley VCH, 2007.
2. G. K. Chatwal, Organic Chemistry on Natural Products, Vol. 1, Himalaya Publishing House,
Mumbai, 2009.
3. G. K. Chatwal, Organic Chemistry on Natural Products, Vol. 2, Himalaya Publishing House,
Mumbai, 2009.
4. O. P. Agarwal, Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, Vol. 1, Goel Publishing House,
Meerut, 1997.
5. O. P. Agarwal, Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, Vol. 2, Goel Publishing House,
Meerut, 1997.
6. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry Vol-2, 5thedn, Pearson Education Asia, 1975.

1. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry Vol-1, 6 edn, Pearson Education Asia, 2004.
2. Pelletier, Chemistry of alkaloids, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co, 2000.
3. Shoppe, Chemistry of the steroids, Butterworthes, 1994.

Semester: II No. of Credits: 3

Category: SE (Subject Elective) Total Hrs: 50 (4 hrs/wk)

1. To understand the medicinal properties of various functional groups.
2. To learn the different types of drugs and their modes of action.
3. To learn drug design and structure activity relationship in terms of physico-
chemical properties.

Unit-1: Drugs – Introduction (10

1.1 Nature and sources of drugs: Terms and terminology used in pharmaceutical chemistry.
Classification and nomenclature of drugs, biological, chemical & trade name (commercial).
Generic and proprietry drugs.
1.2 Pharmaceutical aids: Organic pharmaceutical aids. Preservatives, antioxidants,
sesqustrants, emulsifying agents, colouring, flavouring and sweetening agent, stabilizing
and suspending agents – ointment bases and related agents and solvents.
1.3 Chemical structure and pharmacological activity: Effects of some functional groups –
unsaturation chain length, isomerism, halogens – amino group, nitro and nitrite compound –
nitrite acidic group, aldehyhyde and ketone group, hydroxyl group, alkylsp. etc. Mechanism
of drug action and metabolism of drugs-Chemical pathways and factors.

a) Different types of chemical poisons in environment - Biological response to drugs.

b)Blood-composition of blood, blood grouping and matching, haematological agents-

coagulants, anticoagulant drugs.Biochemical analysis of Urine, Serum, Blood Urea, Bile

Unit-2: Drugs and Mode of Action (10


Pharmacological classification of drugs-

2.1 Sulphanamides: Properties, mechanism of action of sulpha drugs - Synthesis of

sulphanilamide, Sulphadiazine, Sulphapyridine

2.2 Anticovulsant agents: – Hydantion, Barbiturates, Valium(Diazepan). Analgesics, antipyretic

and anti-inflammatory agents – Narcotic analgesic: Morphine, Codine – Structure activity
relationship of morphine – Synthetic analgesic – Pethadine, Benzomorphan, non-narcotic
analgesics - Nalorphine, Aspirin

2.3 Anaesthetics: Local anaesthetics – Requisites – benzocaine, Procaine – Synthesis –

Advantages & Disadvantages,

2.4 Antiseptics & Disinfectants: Distinction between antiseptics and disinfectants,

standardisation phenol coefficient

2.5 Antibiotics: Classification based on the spectrum of biological action of antibiotics and the
chemical structure. Penicillin, Streptomycine – Structure, properties, structure and activity


a) Cancer and Antineoplastic drugs - drugs.

b) Diabetes and hypoglycemic drugs- chemical structure of insulin, hypoglycaemic agents.

Unit -3: Drug Designing (10Hrs)

3.1 Physicochemical properties evolved in the design, preparation of dosage forms. solubility
and partition coefficients – cut-off point, Meyer Overton theory, Ferguson principle, bio-
activities, Hammett sigma values – steric factors partition coefficients π values – surface
3.2 Pharmacokinetics: Close, dosage forms and routes to drug administration, factors influencing
dosage and drug action –Tolerance. Pharmacokinetic factors – Administration, absorption,
distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs. Pharmacokinetics – drug plasma
concentration, first-order and zero-order, kinetics. Volume of distribution (1/2), half-life
(1/2), drug dosage, therapeutic drug monitoring.Pharmacodynamics-receptor binding,
effects on the body, desired activity and undesirable effect.
3.3 Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR): Mathematical models, Linear Free
Energy Relationships. Substituent effect analysis: mechanism of drug action, active site
studies, drug design. LCAO – MO –SCF, Semi empirical and HMO methods and
application of quantum chemistry to simple biological problems.


a )chelation – importance of chelation in medicine, design of antibacterial and antifungal


b) physiochemical properties involved in the design- Hydrogen ion concentration, pH and

buffers. Colloidal state, membrane phenomena, osmosis, adsorption surface tension,
viscosity, ionization constants,

Unit-4: Bioavailability of Drugs (15


4.1 Drug absorption and drug disposition: Factors affecting drug absorption including
physicochemical, biological and pharmaceuticals. Passive and active diffusion

4.2 Bioavailability:Factor affecting the drug bioavailability, rate of dissolution, pH and drug
absorption, particle size, clinical application. Invivo-Invitro correlation of rate of

4.3 Drug release: Drug delivery systems- oral controlled release. Commercially marketed oral
osmotis systems (any four), sustained release of drugs. Mechanism of DDS entering the
main stream – A brief survey of applications of pharmaco kinetic in clinical situations.

4.4 Prodrugs and drug delivery system: Ideal drug carriers, characteristic properties of carriers,
types and utility of prodrugs, examples for - carrier linkages of various functional groups,
ester, enol, phosphonate, mannich bases, sulphonamides producing site specificity,
mechanism of prodrugs, activation of prodrugs for site specificity, antibody directed
Abzyme prodrug therapy (ADAPT), antibody targeted chemotherapy, reversible redox drug
delivery system to CNS.
4.5 Targeted delivery systems -macromolecular delivery systems, synthetic polymers, role of
dendrimers , spacer and ampicillin, advantatages and disadvantages of macromolecules in
DDS. Nano medicines -application of quantum dots and ligand targetted accumulation of
liposomal DDS as diagnostic sensor in the treatment of cancer and nanonephrology.


a) Storage of pharmaceutical substances – Capsule– hard gelatin capsules, soft gelatin

capsules, encapsulation.

Unit-5: Screening and testing of drugs (5 hrs)

5.1 Screening of drugs- Principles of screening methods, clinical trial, screening methods for
evaluation of anti- inflammatory, analgesics, antipyretics, antiulcer, anticonvulsants,
antidiabetic, diuretic and drugs active on CNS.

5.2 Basic concept of quality assurance & requirement of GMP (WHO, USFDA, MHRA) ISO
and ICH requirements of quality GLP Guidelines GCP

5.3 Biological testing of drugs: Testing drugs in vitro – enzyme inhibition, receptor studies,
efficacy microbiological testing, screening & testing by NMR testing drugs in Vivo: test
systems: drug potency therapeutic ratio.
Self study:
a ) Registration of drugs for importing and manufacturing in India, DCCI and CDSCO.
b) Introduction to IND, NDA, ANDA for Registration in USA.

Test Books

1. J. Ghosh, A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, New Delhi: S. Chand & Company,

2. P. Parimoo, A Textbook of Medical Chemistry, New Delhi: CBS Publishers.1995.
3. S. Ramakrishnan, K. G. Prasannan and R. Rajan, Textbook of Medical Biochemistry,
Hyderabad: Orient Longman. 3rd edition, 2001.
1. F. S. K. Barar, Essential of Pharmacotherapeutics, New Delhi: S. Chand & Company,
2. S. N. Pandeya and J. R. Dimmock, An Introduction to Drug Design, New Delhi: New Age
International. 1997.
3. G. Patrick, Medical Chemistry, New Delhi: Viva Books, 2002.
4. Richard B. Silverman. The organic chemistry of drug design and drug action, 2nd ed.,
Academic Press, 2004.

Semester : II Credits: 3

Category: Subject elective (SE) No. of hrs: 50 (4hrs/wk)


1. To understand the basic concepts of catalysis

2. To know the different methods of catalysis
3. To learn the various techniques and mechanisms involved in catalysis.
Unit -1: Introduction to catalysis (7 hrs)
1.1 Activity, selectivity, promoters, stabilisers and poisons, Catalysts deactivation, Turn over
number, inhibitors.
1.2 Thermodynamic consideration in catalysis: Energy factor , significance of activation
parameters and application to kinetic systems.
1.3 Physical adsorption-Unimolecular adsorption- types of adsorption isotherms,
Multimolecular adsorption-BET method, Harkins-Jura equation.
1.4 Chemisorption of gases on metals and oxides

Unit - 2 : Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis (12 hrs)

2.1 Acid-base catalytic reactions, protolytic and protropic mechanisms, activation energy of the
processes, catalytic activity and acid-base strength, acidity functions: Hammett-Zucker
treatments, linear free energy relationships.

2.2 Homogeneous catalysts for the polymerization of olefins, oxidative dehydrogenation, Ethyl
benzene to styrene, Ziegler-Natta polymerization.
2.3 Partial oxidation: n- butane to maleic anhydride, propylene to acrolene, Fisher-Tropsch
synthesis, catalytic reaction of cracking, shape selective catalysis: Zeolites-Alkylation of
aniline with alcohols.
2.4 Catalysts for the production of petrochemicals- production of aromatics, para-xylene,

cumene, linear alkylbenzenes and methanol.

2.5 Phase transfer catalysis – Rhodium water soluble catalyst systems with carboxylated and
sulfonated phsphines for hydroformylation reactions.
Unit - 3: Photocatalysis and Electrocatalysis (10 hrs)
3.1 Thermal and photochemical reactions between H2-Cl2 and H2-Br2 and H2- I2 reactions,
fluorescence, phosphorescence and quenching-Stern-Volmer equation.

3.2 Photocatalytic studies using non-stiochiometric oxides such as n-type and p-type
semiconductors (TiO2, ZnO, Cr2O3, doped and coupled semiconductors for the degradation
of dyes)
3.3 Solar energy conversion, electrochemical cells, photoelectrolysis of water and photocatalytic
3.4 Photocatalytic reduction of dinitrogen, photocatalysis for organic reactions-oxidation,

reduction, polymerization, substitution and isomerization reaction using TiO2.

Unit -4: Biocatalysis: Mechanism and Application (11 hrs)

4.1. Mechanisms: Covalent catalysis, acid-base and metal-ion catalysis, entropy and geometric
effects, structural complementary of the active site to the transition state, prevention of the
side reactions, the size of the enzymes
4.2 Applications of enzymes in organic synthesis: Oxidoreductase: Oxidation - Alcohols,
epoxides, sulfoxides, amino acids, lactones, Oxidoreductase: Reduction-α-hydroxyamino
acid, Transferase: Amino acids, amines.

Unit -5: Techniques in Catalysis (10 hrs)

5.1 Structural characterization-BET surface area method, pore volume, and pore size
distribution-BJH method, t-plot method, XRD, SEM, TEM, AFM, STM, TPR and TPD
5.2 Special relevance to metal oxides with different structures

Text Books

1. B. Viswanathan, S. Sivasanker and A.V. Ramaswamy, Catalysis: Principles and Applications,

Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004
2. G.C. Bond, Heterogeneous catalysis: Principles and applications, Oxford University Press,
Ely House, London W.I, 1974.
1. V. Murugesan, A. Banumathi and M. Palanichamy, Recent Trends in Catalysis, Narosa

Publishing House, New Delhi, 1999

2. K.J. Laidler, Chemical Kinetics, Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi,1973

3. D.K. Chakrabarty, Adsorption and Catalysis by solids, Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi,


4. J.M Thomas, W.J. Thomas, Principles and practice of Heterogeneous Catalysis, Wiley-VCH,

New York, 1996.

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