Cobp Phi 2013 2015 Ssa 02 PDF
Cobp Phi 2013 2015 Ssa 02 PDF
Cobp Phi 2013 2015 Ssa 02 PDF
1. Challenges. Economic growth has been impeded in the Philippines by the unreliability
and high cost of the power. Reliable and secure electricity services at competitive rates are
essential to improving the investment climate in a country that has limited fossil fuel reserves and
therefore is highly dependent on renewable and imported energy.1 The Philippines has some of
the most expensive electricity in Southeast Asia, averaging $0.18 per kilowatt-hour in 2009
because (i) archipelagic geography makes electricity costly in some areas; (ii) generation,
transmission, and distribution systems are inefficient; and (iii) investment in the sector is low,
coupled with the high cost of investments made during the country’s power crisis in the 1990s.
The challenge in the energy sector is to ensure sustainable and reliable supply at reasonable
cost. A problem tree summarizing the issues in the energy sector is on page 5 of this document.
2. Incomplete power sector reform, high prices, and energy security. Severe power
shortages in the 1990s brought in additional generation on take-or-pay contracts, which became
liabilities when expected demand growth did not materialize. The Asian Development Bank
(ADB) supported the government’s power sector restructuring program, including the passage of
the Electric Power Industry Reform Act in June 2001 and subsequent unbundling of the sector to
create competition in generation and retailing and, as a surrogate for competition, effective
regulation of monopoly transmission and distribution systems. 2 Although power sector
unbundling has achieved certain milestones—establishing an independent regulator, privatizing
more than 3,000 megawatts (MW) of generation assets previously owned by the government,
selecting independent power producer administrators, and awarding transmission concessions
to private management—reform remains incomplete and has not delivered sufficient benefits.3
3. Lack of competition in the power sector has contributed to the Philippines’ poor total
factor productivity record, as power is a key input to all industry. The policy intent of unbundling
the power sector was to ensure appropriate investment and efficient operation through increased
competition. Due to delayed implementation of open access, power sector reforms have,
however, not yet translated in real declines in electricity prices.
4. Sustainable power supply, which is reliable and has reasonable social and environmental
costs, is key to increasing infrastructure investment. Inefficiencies in the wholesale power market
and the amount of power domestic appliances use worsen social and environmental costs,
making the whole energy cycle unsustainable and blocking investment, especially in
5. Emissions and energy security. As most fossil fuels are imported, carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions can be a proxy for measuring import dependency or lower energy security in the
The Visayas and Mindanao suffered power shortages in mid-2010 because the dependable capacity of
hydroelectric plants declined. Self-sufficiency—the use of indigenous oil, coal, natural gas, geothermal, hydro, wind,
solar, biomass, coco methyl ester, and ethanol—was 59.2% in 2009. As of December 2009, installed
electricity-generating capacity was 15,610 megawatts. Fossil-fuel power plants are mostly on the Luzon grid; the
Mindanao grid depends heavily on hydropower.
ADB. 2006. Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors: Proposed Program Cluster
Loan to the Republic of the Philippines for Power Sector Development Program. Manila; ADB. 2002. Report and
Recommendation of the President to the to the Board of Directors: Proposed Loan to the Republic of the Philippines
for the Electricity Market and Transmission Development Generation Project. Manila.
World Bank. 2011. Philippines Discussion Notes: Challenges and Options for 2010 and Beyond. Washington, D.C.
Philippines. Under a scenario of ―business as usual‖ from 2007 to 2030, the power sector’s
greenhouse gas emissions were to increase by 400%, from 26 tons of CO2 equivalent to 140. An
alternative scenario with a net increase of emissions of only 15%–30% by 2030 is possible to
achieve with a 10%–15% improvement in energy efficiency across all sectors and increased use
of renewable energy. Energy efficiency is the key component of this alternative scenario.
6. Energy efficiency in the transport sector. Inefficient transport contributes to the air
pollution common in all the main cities and towns in the Philippines, with the transport sector
using two-thirds of the government’s annual oil imports, worth $10 billion. Transport sector
energy consumption will continue to grow at an average annual rate of 3.2%, with road transport
accounting for 90% of energy demand for transport by 2030. The transport sector, mainly
tricycles, jeepneys, and buses, contributes a large portion of CO2 emissions, as 3.5 million
registered motorcycles and tricycles release 10 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each
year and consume close to $2 billion worth of fuel. Introducing new technology is the immediate
option to mitigate transport emissions. Electric vehicles are 3–5 times more efficient than
gasoline-powered vehicles. The public transport sector can save a significant portion of imported
energy by switching to energy-efficient electric vehicles.
7. Renewable energy law and investment. The potential for renewable energy is high.
The estimated potential for renewable energy is 2,000 MW for biomass; 3,400 MW for
hydropower, of which 1,700 MW is small hydro; 1,070 MW for geothermal; and 500 MW for wind,
as well as large but unquantified potential for solar. To catalyze investment in renewable energy,
in 2008, the government approved the Renewable Energy Law. The Renewable Energy Law
provides for various incentives such as the proposed feed-in tariff to encourage investments in
the renewable energy sector. 4 Delays in the implementation of most of these incentives
particularly the feed-in-tariff has led to only a miniscule investment in the sector to date.5 For the
desired objectives of the Renewable Energy Law to be achieved, a broad market transformation
is needed. The transformation would involve adoption of large-scale new technology, more
responsive regulation and consumer acceptance.
8. Electricity demand forecast. The Philippines will have nearly 68% of its population
living in cities by 2030. Total household consumption is expected to more than double under
current energy policies, while adopting energy-efficiency standards could shave as much as
9.5% off residential power demand. In its 2009–2030 Philippine Energy Plan,6 the Department of
Energy (DOE) forecasts average annual electricity demand growth of 4.6%, which means that
the country will need to add 16,550 MW of generation capacity from 2009 to 2030.
9. Energy independence and market reforms are the main strategic focuses of the
government’s energy development plan. The government aims to achieve universal access to
modern electricity services. The interim target of 90% household electrification by 2017 entails
connecting over 3 million additional households. The government plans to undertake an expert
review of the power sector, review the performance of the Electric Power Industry Reform Act,
and make appropriate changes that will support achieving the government’s principal objectives
The incentives include a renewable energy certification scheme, feed-in tariffs, renewable energy portfolio
standards, net metering schemes, priority dispatch options, and support for renewable energy host communities.
On 27 July 2012, the Electricity Regulatory Commission approved P9.68/kWh (23 c/kWh) feed-in tariff—about half
of the P17.95 proposed by the National Renewable Energy Board in 2011. This is an absolute tariff (and not an
adder to retail tariff) and is on the low side considering that the average feed-in tariff ranges from 14.2 to 53.4 c/kWh.
Available at:
10. The DOE has aggressively introduced and promoted the use of biofuels, mainly
sugarcane- and cassava-based ethanol and biodiesel for transport. The government also
adopted the use of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) to
diversify the country’s fuel resources for transport and decrease vehicular emissions. Lack of the
necessary infrastructure is main bottleneck for wide adoption of these fuels. The Autogas
Program includes safety improvement measures and development of standards for LPG use.
11. The Fueling Sustainable Transport Program. The DOE is set to implement this to
synchronize and integrate into one comprehensive government program all efforts to mitigate the
impact of continuously increasing oil prices, lessen dependence on oil, and encourage migration
from gasoline- and petrodiesel-fueled vehicles to low- and zero-emission vehicles. This will
accelerate the promotion and utilization of alternative fuels for public transport such as CNG and
LPG, as well as new technologies such as electric buses, cars, jeepneys, and tricycles. The DOE
has set the following targets for the program: (i) pilot run of electric tricycles and jeepneys and
LPG jeepneys in Metro Manila, demonstration run of electric buses and cars, and commercial
run of CNG buses on selected routes by 2011; (ii) 10% reduction of gasoline- and
petrodiesel-fueled transport and the construction of a CNG daughter station in Metro Manila by
2012; (iii) 20% reduction of gasoline- and petrodiesel-fueled transport in Metro Manila by 2015;
and (iv) 50% reduction of gasoline- and petrodiesel-fueled transport in the Philippines by 2020.
12. ADB is a lead development agency in the Philippine energy sector. Since 1971, ADB has
provided 29 loans totaling $2.33 billion to the energy sector. ADB recently approved a loan and
grant for the Philippine Energy Efficiency Project7 to start a comprehensive energy efficiency
program and identify a range of pilot projects that will be scaled-up during country partnership
strategy implementation. Through its Private Sector Operations Department, ADB has provided
financial support to the winning bidder for the 600 MW Masinloc coal-fired power plant and has
financed the new 200 MW Visayas base load coal-fired power plant.8
13. The supply of sustainable, reliable electricity from diverse sources is particularly
important for promoting sustainable growth in the Philippines. ADB's strategy is based on an
assessment of current sector issues, the Philippine Development Plan, 2011–2016, and ADB’s
Energy Policy.9 The program addresses the recommendation made in the country assistance
program evaluation regarding the need to expand support for more efficient energy use and
enhanced capacity in generation using renewable energy.10
14. ADB will (i) continue to support power sector restructuring through private sector lending;
(ii) build regulatory capacity to ensure that regulatory decisions balance investor and consumer
ADB. 2009. Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors: Proposed Loan to the
Republic of the Philippines for the Philippine Energy Efficiency Project. Manila.
ADB. 2008. Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors: Proposed Loan to the Republic
of the Philippines for the Acquisition and Rehabilitation of the Masinloc Coal-Fired Thermal Power Plant. Manila;
ADB. 2009. Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors: Proposed Loan to the Republic
of the Philippines for the Visayas Base-Load Power Development. Manila.
ADB. 2009. Energy Policy. Manila.
ADB. 2008. Country Assistance Program Evaluation: Philippines—Increasing Strategic Focus for Better Results.
interests; (iii) introduce electric vehicles and alternative fuels to improve long-term energy
security and reduce short-term pollution and health problems; and (iv) promote renewable
energy and energy efficiency through public or private sector lending. A sector results framework
(page 5) summarizes the country outcome, country sector outputs, and ADB sector operations.