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A Novel Current Sensor for Home Energy Use

Pengfei Gao, Student Member, IEEE, Shunfu Lin, Member, IEEE, and Wilsun Xu, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents a novel magnetic sensor array

based technique for measuring currents in a group of enclosed
conductors. It is designed specifically for monitoring the real-time
power consumptions of North American homes. The technique
consists of three key components: magnetic field sensors deployed
in close proximity of the power conductors to be measured; algo-
rithms to compute the conductor currents based on the magnetic
fields measured; a simple, integrated sensor calibration and com-
munication scheme. Prototype devices have been developed based
on the technique. Extensive lab and field tests have demonstrated
that the technique can provide adequate current measurements
for residential homes. Combining with the non-intrusive load
monitoring methods, the proposed measurement technique repre-
sents an attractive platform to create a complete home energy use
tracking system.
Fig. 1. Magnetic sensor array based current measurement technique.
Index Terms—Current measurement, magnetic field sensor
array, power monitoring. 1) The first type is to use an optical reader to read the power
indicator of a utility revenue meter, thereby infer the power
consumption of a home. The reader is typically mounted
I. INTRODUCTION on the cover of the meter [8]. This technique has several
disadvantages. One of them is that the data collected do
not have sufficient resolution and contain inadequate in-
I N RECENT years, the increasing awareness on energy con-
servation and the development of smart grid have created a
great need to monitor the energy use of homes, especially that
formation for the NILM algorithms. For example, reactive
power and harmonic information cannot be collected using
this technique.
consumed by individual appliances [1], [2]. Such information
2) The second type is to access the data collected by the smart
will enable residential customers to make informed decisions
meters (if they are available) [1], [9]. Unfortunately, the
on the energy conversation and to participate in the demand re-
majority of smart meters installed so far have low data
sponse programs. The utility companies will also be able to gain
refreshing rate, such as one sample per 15 minutes, due
in-depth understanding on the characteristics of the residential
to the communication constraints. More importantly, there
loads and improve their demand response programs.
are ownership and legal challenges for a home owner to
The research and development of innovative techniques for
access the data in real-time, at least for the foreseeable
the home energy use monitoring have, therefore, attracted a lot
future. The future smart meters could stream the power
of interests. One proposed direction is to monitor major house-
data wirelessly to homes. However, this will not happen
hold appliances using a sensor network [3], [4]. A competing
soon since the installed smart meters cannot be replaced
direction is to measure only the total power consumption of a
just in a few years.
home and then decompose the power data into individual appli-
3) The third type involves installing traditional current and
ance level through intelligent algorithms [5]–[7]. This direction
voltage probes inside a customer’s electrical panel [2],
is called NILM (Non-intrusive Load Monitoring). Regardless
[10]. This approach is able to collect high quality data
which direction is followed, there is a need to monitor the total
for NILM analysis. However, it is not practical for many
power entering a home.
home owners since the installation of the measuring
Literature survey showed that three types of techniques have
probes requires licensed professionals.
been proposed or developed to accomplish the task of tracking
This paper presents an innovative measurement method and
the total power consumption of a home, as follows:
hardware, named the magnetic sensor array technique, for mon-
itoring home energy use. As shown in Fig. 1, the measuring de-
Manuscript received May 24, 2013; revised August 22, 2013; accepted Oc- vice, composed by an array of magnetic field sensors, is clamped
tober 02, 2013. This research is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engi-
neering Research Council of Canada and Alberta Technology Innovates. Paper
on the conduit feeding into the electric panel. Based on the sur-
no. TSG-00414-2013. rounding magnetic fields sensed by the magnetic sensors, con-
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ductor currents inside the conduit are determined computation-
University of Alberta, Canada (e-mail:;; ally.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online The most obvious advantage of the proposed technique is its
at easiness for installation. There is no electrical contact to the con-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSG.2013.2284760 ductors so a home owner can install it by himself/herself. Addi-

1949-3053 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 2. The magnetic sensor array deployed around a conduit.

tionally, the sensor can deliver data with a resolution of 1 sample Fig. 3. Magnetic sensor array with an automated calibrator.
per second or higher. Currents in both hot conductors are avail-
able and the harmonic currents are also available. Therefore,
netic sensors to create an over-determined linear system, opti-
it is an ideal fit for NILM-based home monitoring strategy. The
mization algorithms are used to determine the currents by mini-
proposed technique has been evaluated through extensive tests
mizing the differences between the calculated and measured .
in multiple residential houses. Satisfactory measurement perfor-
Extensive case studies revealed that this approach is not appli-
mances have been achieved.
cable to home monitoring either, as the optimization algorithms
rarely converge to the correct results, in addition to requiring
very long computing time.
The proposed measurement technique includes two key com- This paper proposes a calibration scheme to determine
ponents. The first component, shown in Fig. 2, is a set of mag- . A calibrator, which is the second key component of
netic field sensors that surround the conductors whose currents the proposed technology, is connected to the conductors at a
are to be measured. In the figure shown, there are three conduc- home outlet downstream of the sensor array (Fig. 3). Using
tors A, B and N, which is the typical situation in North America. the power electronic switching, the calibrator draws specific
Conductor A is energized with and B with ,N currents and current patterns for a short period in an automated
is the neutral. Three sensors, 1, 2 and 3 are deployed outside the manner. The characteristics of the currents drawn are made
conduit. known to the sensor array through a power line communication
According to the electromagnetic theory, an AC current car- (PLC) scheme that is also realized by the calibrator (explained
rying conductor will produce a magnetic field in its surround- later). The sensor array uses these known patterns and current
ings. The strength of the magnetic field at a point in space, information to establish the matrix . Once this relationship
i.e., the sensing point, is proportional to the current and is in- is established, the sensor array can start to “measure” the
versely proportional to the distance between that point and the conductor currents by calculating them using that relationship
conductor. Since many different types of sensors can be used to and the sensed magnetic fields.
measure the magnetic field strength, we define the sensor output One of the main innovations of the proposed calibration
as the vector . For this linear system, the following relation- scheme is that the calibration current contains a special pattern:
ship will hold: it is created every other cycle. The difference of the currents
between two consecutive cycles is the calibration current. As
a result, this scheme is immune from background waveform
distortions and the impact of currents from other loads can be
The second advantage of drawing current every other cycle
(2) is that the peak instant of the calibration current can be detected
at the sensor side. This instant is used to synchronize the phasor
with the phasor . Note that to solve for , both phasors
where , and denote the output of sensors 1, 2 and 3; , must be synchronized to the same time instant.
and represent the AC current flowing through the conduc- The calibration current is determined and trans-
tors. Equation (1) states the relationship in time-domain while mitted to the sensor location by the calibrator. In other words,
(2) indicates the frequency-domain relationship. the calibrator is also a power line communication device, which
Since the positions of the sensors and conductors are fixed, is the third innovation of the proposed technique. As a result, the
the coefficient matrices are constant. If the matrices are known, sensor system does not require other communication means.
we can solve for the currents either in time domain or frequency
(3) The calibrator is expected to create three distinct momentary
current patterns. The scheme to achieve this goal is shown in
It can be seen that establishing the relationship between the Fig. 4. In this scheme, simple thyristor switches are used to
sensor outputs and the conductor currents holds the key for mea- create the calibration current every other cycle.
suring the conductor currents. A commonly known method to
determine is to obtain the geometric information of the con- A. Calibration Scheme
ductors and sensors [11]–[14]. However, this approach is not ap- The principle of the calibration scheme is demonstrated as
plicable for home monitoring since such required information is follows. During a single calibration event that lasts for 12 cy-
not attainable. References [15] and [16] utilize redundant mag- cles, the conductor currents consist of the currents drawn by the
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 5. Circuit analysis when calibration is performed on phase A-N.

Fig. 4. The system configuration of the sensor array with the calibrator.

calibrator and the currents from other electrical loads also con-
nected in the circuit, as follows:


The corresponding sensor output is represented as .

After the waveforms of are acquired, their cycle
data is subtracted by the cycle data ,
creating a new set of data denoted as . If the cycle-by-
Fig. 6. Thyristor voltage and current waveform for resistive connection.
cycle subtraction is performed on the current , one will
get similarly. Since the loads draw the same current
every cycle during this short calibration period, the equation
holds, which leads to:

The calibrator is designed to draw three distinct current
patterns from various conductor combinations (A-N, B-N and Fig. 6 shows the calibration current as well as the thyristor
A-B). Three calibration events will result in: voltage waveform before and after the thyristor conduction.
In the actual implementation, the calibration current is pro-
(6) cessed by the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The FFT window
starts at the current peak as shown in Fig. 6. This window po-
where , and represent three different current patterns. sition must be detected and used at the sensor location so that
For the above equation, both and are known. and are synchronized.
So the matrix can be solved as follows: Fig. 7 illustrates one set of waveforms during the calibration
process. The firing angle is set to after the rising edge of
(7) carrier voltage . Each calibration pattern in one segment
consists of two cycles, the first cycle of Segment 1 contains the
calibration signal and the second cycle does not. It can be seen
B. Characteristics of Calibration Current that during the calibration, a current pulse is suddenly injected
The case of using phase A and the neutral for calibration is into phase A-N. Meanwhile, phase B current is not involved and
shown in Fig. 5(a). In this circuit, represents the system the current flowing through phase B remains almost unchanged.
impedance upstream of the calibrator. There is an impedance
in series with the thyristor. Its purpose is to limit the cali- The current waveforms shown in Fig. 7 are the currents en-
bration current. Extensive studies conclude that a resistor is the tering a home, i.e., those measured at the electric panel. The
best option from a number of perspectives, such as the size and calibration current that the sensor array used to generate the ma-
the cost. The simplified equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 5(b). trix is actually sampled at the calibrator location. To verify
The load is neglected in the equivalent circuit as its impact on the consistency of the calibration current at the two different
the calibration current is small, which is similar to the short-cir- locations, two consecutive cycles of the conductor current
cuit analysis where the loads can be neglected. are subtracted by each other. The results should be equal to the
The steady-state phase A-N voltage is expressed as current drawn by the calibrator. Fig. 8 shows the comparison
of and the actual calibration current seen at the
(8) sensor. It can be seen that the agreement is quite good. The small
difference of the waveform is caused by the existence of the
If the thyristor firing angle is selected as , the corresponding system impedance . Although very small, could cause
waveforms of the thyristor current, i.e., the calibration current the voltage drop between the sensor location and the calibrator
is: location during the calibration, which has a minor impact on the
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 9. Two-phase calibration scheme for the actual implementation.

The values of and are dependent on the impedance

parameters of the residential system. From (10), the calibration
current in (5) becomes:


Substitute (11) to (5) results in:


where is the modified coefficient

matrix, which is determined through the simplified calibration
process. The above equation reveals that this matrix can be de-
termined by drawing calibration current at phase A first and then
at phase B, as follows:
Fig. 7. Carrier voltage and conductor current pre and during A-N calibration. 1) The first calibration: After installing the sensor array, the
home owner can plug the calibrator into any outlet to ac-
tivate the first calibration on one of the phases. Assuming
it is performed between phase A-N, the calibration current
pattern is .
2) The second trial calibration: the sensor array stored the in-
formation from the first calibration and waits for the cal-
ibration signal on the other phase. Like the first calibra-
tion, the user can perform the second trial calibration on
another arbitrary outlet. However, it is possible that the
Fig. 8. Current waveform after the subtraction for phase A-N calibration.
outlet is in the same phase as the outlet. The sensor
can detect this case by comparing the matrices. If
current from other background loads connected in parallel with the two calibrations are on the same phase, one column
the calibrator. of will be linearly correlated. A threshold based
on the distance of the two matrices is used to determine
C. Actual Implementation if the outlet is in the same phase as the first outlet.
If yes, a sound will be activated, informing the owner to
For the actual implementation, the calibrator is a portable de- find another outlet. If no sound occurs, the calibration is
vice that draws the current from two outlets only (A-N and B-N). completed, which generates the other current pattern as
This is shown in Fig. 9. This simplification has two advantages. .
Firstly, it simplifies the calibrator and reduces its cost. Secondly, Typical home panels have labels indicating the locations of
it avoids the use of four-prong outlets which are difficult to ac- the outlets associated with each phase. Using this information,
cess in some homes. (Such outlets are available only at loca- a user does not need to try multiple times to complete the cali-
tions such as the washing machine and the electric range). Note bration process.
that the currents flowing through A and B conductors will return
through the neutral N. D. Communication Scheme
A detailed circuit analysis will show that the neutral current The magnitude and phase of the calibration current are com-
is related to the phase currents linearly as follows: municated from the calibrator to the sensor utilizing the PLC
technology [17]. The patterns of calibration current are used
(10) to represent a sequence of digital information. At the upstream
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 12. The prototype of the sensor calibrator.

Fig. 10. Sensor detected representing information using a sequence of pulses.

Fig. 11. The PLC frame structure.

sensor array location, this sequence of pulses will be sensed and

decoded based on the pre-defined PLC protocol. For example,
the thyristor can be fired in a specific sequence that rep-
resents digital bits, as shown in Fig. 10. Two cycles are needed Fig. 13. The three sensor outputs during one calibration.
to represent one digital bit, i.e., if the subtraction of the two cy-
cles includes the injected pulse, it represents a bit “1.” The idle E. Hardware Structure
status, otherwise, represents “0.” The hardware implementation of the calibrator is shown in
A typical calibration and communication transaction can be Fig. 12. The size is slightly larger than a smart phone. The
described as the following steps: Normally, the sensor considers anti-paralled thyristors serve to generate current pulses through
the power line as the idle status, i.e., the calibration is not en- the conductors of interest. The 1% tolerence power
abled. It computes the two phase conductor current by Eqn. resistors are intergrated in series connection with the thyristor
(13) with the sensor outputs and the previously stored matrix pair. The current sensors are embeded on the printed circuit
, if applicable. Once the user activates the calibration, board to measure the calibration current accurately. Initiated by
the calibrator injects one pulsed current sequence as a frame of pressing the activition botton by the user, the calibration request
command to inform the sensor the beginning of the calibration. is made. Gating signals to the thyristors from a MCU creates a
The frame structure is defined in the proposed PLC protocol and sequence of signal pulses. A optical coupler acts as the isolation
is demonstrated in Fig. 11(a). interface between the control end and the high voltage side to
The one phase calibration lasts for the time of (typically achieve safe operation.
200 ms when the calibration patterns consists of 6 signal con-
taining cycles and 6 void cycles to facilitate the detection on IV. SENSOR ARRAY
the sensor array unit). After a short delay of time , which the
sensor used to accomplish the data storage for , the cal- A prototype of sensor array system has been developed to
ibrator sends another frame of command to inform the sensor evaluate the performance of the proposed calibration scheme,
the beginning of the data transmission. Four data frames are which is explained in this section.
required for one single phase calibration: the real part and the
imaginary part of the fundamental component of the calibration A. Extraction of Sensor Output
current, and then the 3rd harmonic of the calibration current. There are two power monitoring states of the system. The
One completed calibration and communication period defined first one is the calibration state. Fig. 13 shows the sensor output
by the PLC protocol in a completed calibration process is fur- during this state. The first cycle of segment 1 contains the
ther illustrated in Fig. 11(b). calibration current. It shows up in the voltage output of the
In the actual calibration scheme, it requires at least two cali- sensor circuits. Due to the existence of the background current
brations on phase A-N and B-N, respectively. The PLC transac- drawn by other loads, three sensor outputs on the cycle 2 are
tion is repeated in each calibration. After receiving all the data not zero. To obtain the sensor output related to the calibration
for and , the sensor will be able to update the current only, a signal extraction algorithm subtracts the void
matrix and then starts to refresh the phase current com- cycle (cycle 2) from the signal containing cycle (cycle 1) on
putation results. each of the sensor output waveform respectively.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 14. Extracted sensor outputs that are due to the calibration current.

Fig. 16. Lab experimental bench with sensor array installed.

Fig. 15. Circuit diagram of the magnetic sensor array.

The post-subtraction waveforms for the three sensors, i.e.,

, and , are depicted in Fig. 14. The FFT window
is selected starting from the top peak of the wave-
forms. This window is similarly used in Section III-A for the
calibration current so the synchronization for
and is guaranteed. Based on the FFT results of
and , the coefficient matrices
at both the fundamental (60 Hz) and 3rd harmonic (180 Hz)
frequencies are computed and stored in the sensor circuit
memory unit.
The second state of the scheme is the regular recording state
wherein the device computes the two phase currents based on Fig. 17. Lab experiment results, 1 point/second.
the measured magnetic fields in real-time according to Eqn.
(13). There are several ways to utilize the computed results,
such as displaying them, recording them or transmitting them to two-phase currents were measured by the current probes Fluke
other locations. The choice depends on the specific applications i1000 s. A data acquisition system consisting of an NI-DAQ in-
to be developed using the technology. One example is shown in strument and a laptop continuously recorded the reference cur-
Section VI. rents, which were compared with the computed currents by the
proposed technique.
B. Hardware Structure The variation of the load currents are accomplished by
varying different loads supplied by the panel. Fig. 17 shows
The sensor array consists of a front-end analog chain to the comparison of the calculated currents by the technique
process the sensor signals, a MCU for control and post- compu- (“sensor”) and those measured directly by the current probes
tation, and some peripherals: a 6-channel 16-bit simultaneous (“CT”). The results show that the sensor array technology can
analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and a power supply circuit “measure” the conductor currents well, especially the funda-
connected to high voltage side. The block diagram of the sensor mental frequency components. The 3rd harmonic currents are
array device can be seen in Fig. 15. generally acceptable when they have higher magnitudes. Note
The input of the analog front-end is the sensor output voltage. that the system is not intended to measure the 3rd harmonic
It followed by a low-pass filter that attenuates the high fre- accurately. The results are intended for the NILM algorithms.
quency noises. Considering the wide range of current usage of The algorithms do not need precise 3rd harmonic currents, but
normal residential homes, two-stage amplifiers are selected to requires the knowledge on the instants and the ranges of the
improve the sensitivity under both small current and large cur- magnitude changes [6].
rent situations. Unless saturated, the second stage output is used Field tests of the technology have been implemented in over
to take the input range of ADC sufficiently. A final low-pass 10 residential homes. Each test has been run typically for a
filter reduces the aliasing before sampling the two-stage signals. few days to weeks. Two representative installations (one indoor
The sampling rate of the ADC is 128 points/cycle (7.68 kHz), and one outdoor) are shown in Fig. 18. The installations were
which is enough to provide the fundamental and harmonic infor- completed by the house owners without the help from the re-
mation. A picture of the prototype magnetic sensor array device searchers. According to the users’ feedback, the average time
has already been shown in Fig. 1. for the installation, calibration and internet connection is ap-
proximately 15 minutes.
Sample test results of the above two houses are presented
in Figs. 19 and 20. They are compared with the CT results.
The proposed sensor array system was tested in lab first. An Long-time monitoring reveals that the power error is around
experiment bench as seen in Fig. 16 mimicked the typical elec- , depending on the real-time load level. The
tric panel setup in a residential home. The reference values of the energy estimation error is less than 3%.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



Fig. 18. Field test installations in two pilot residential houses.

i.e., the current level less than 1 A. This error is mainly due to the
weak magnetic field. Fortunately, the standard deviation for
both phases is independent of the current level and remained at
around 50 mA for both phase A and phase B. Overall, it is very
promising that the fundamental current error is within 5% for
the loading above 1 A.
It can be seen that the prototype sensor array technology has
a satisfactory performance when measuring currents above 1 A,
which is sufficient for home energy use tracking (not for billing).
The main problem encountered in the field is the magnetic field
interference. Research is ongoing to address this issue. Solu-
tions under investigation include shielding and adding more
sensors. Additional research or tests are needed to confirm the
long term performance of the scheme under various temperature
Fig. 19. One day of real life measurement in test house #1. conditions.


One of the direct applications of the proposed technology
is to monitor the energy use of homes. In this research work,
an internet based home energy use tracking system named the
EnerTracker has been developed. The EnerTracker system is
shown in Fig. 22. In the figure, the sensor unit (item 1) collects
the current data using the proposed measurement technique. It
then transmits the data to a receiver (item 2) using 433 MHz
low-power RF communication with the baud rate of 1.2 Kbps.
The receiver is connected to the homeowner’s internet router
through an ethernet cable. So the data is shipped to a remote
internet server (item 3). Data analytics such as the execution
of NILM algorithms are performed at the server location. The
results are displayed in an internet website (item 4). It is worth-
while to note that the calibrator also performs the function of re-
ceiver in the EnerTracker design. This means that after the cal-
ibration process is completed, the user connects the calibrator
(i.e., the receiver) to the internet router. In addition, a voltage
sensor is intergrated into the calibrator. This enables the calcu-
lation of the active and reactive powers. The estimated cost of
Fig. 20. One day of real life measurement in test house #2. materials for the system is about $15 US.
Technical characteristics of the EnerTracker system are as
To quantify the measurement error of the proposed system, follows. The data refresh rate is 1 sample/second. One sample
the ‘error band’ characterized by the bias and standard de- data contains 1) two phase 60 Hz and 3 rd harmonic currents, 2)
viation are determined (see Fig. 21) [18]. The results for two phase active and reactive powers and 3) one phase 60 Hz
the 60 Hz current are reported in Table I. It is observed that the voltage. The system can track the power/energy use character-
major error of bias is contributed by the light load situations, istics of major home appliances, such as the washing machine,
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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This paper has presented a novel magnetic sensor array tech- tomatic communication system for distribution networks. Part II: In-
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The main contributions of this research work include 1) the Grid, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 787–796, Jun. 2012.
proposition of an easy-to-use, reliable calibration scheme to Pengfei Gao (S’10) received his B.S. and M.Eng. degrees in electrical engi-
overcome the major challenge of the array-sensor based mea- neering from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, in 2008 and 2010,
surement techniques, 2) the integration with a PLC scheme into respectively. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in electrical and computer en-
the calibrator to create an self-contained system, 3) the adoption gineering at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. His main research
interests include smart grid, adaptive sensor array technique, and power sig-
of the technique to the special situation of the residential homes naling technology.
such as two-phase calibration, 4) the development of prototype
devices, 5) the extensive tests to verify the performance of the
proposed technology, and 6) the illustration of its application
through the EnerTracker system. Shunfu Lin (M’12) received his B.S. in applied physics in 2002, and Ph.D.
in nuclear technology and application in 2007 from the University of Science
and Technology of China. He worked for the Corporate Technology of Siemens
Limited China as a Research Scientist in power monitoring and control of low-
ACKNOWLEDGMENT voltage distribution system from Jul. 2007 to Sep. 2009. He was a Postdoctoral
Fellow at the University of Alberta, Canada, from Oct. 2009 to Oct. 2010. Dr.
The work presented in this paper is a team effort over the past Lin is currently a distinguished professor at the Shanghai University of Electric
3 plus years. Various contributions from the following individ- Power, China. His research interests include power quality and smart grid tech-
uals are fully acknowledged: Y. Dong, J. Gallant, C. Lerohl, S. nology of LV distribution system.
Li, D. Yan, and Y. Zhao.

REFERENCES Wilsun Xu (F’05) received his Ph.D. degree from the University of British Co-
lumbia, Vancouver, Canada, in 1989. From 1989 to 1996, he was an Electrical
[1] T. Lui, W. Stirling, and H. Marcy, “Get smart,” IEEE Power Energy Engineer with BC Hydro, Vancouver. Currently, he is with the University of Al-
Mag., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 66–78, May/Jun. 2010. berta, Edmonton, Canada, as a Research Chair Professor. His current research
[2] P. Wallich, “Parsing power,” IEEE Spectrum, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 23–24, interests are power quality, power disturbance analytics, and power system mea-
Mar. 2013. surements.

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