This document provides parameters for overhead electrification (OHE) systems, including:
1. Normal heights and diameters of contact wires under different temperature and track conditions, minimum heights at structures, and maximum wire slopes.
2. Gaps and stagger distances between parallel contact wires on tangent and curved tracks.
3. Implantation distances and encumbrance for OHE masts.
4. Electrical clearances and jumper wire specifications.
5. Tension lengths and sag for regulated and unregulated OHE.
This document provides parameters for overhead electrification (OHE) systems, including:
1. Normal heights and diameters of contact wires under different temperature and track conditions, minimum heights at structures, and maximum wire slopes.
2. Gaps and stagger distances between parallel contact wires on tangent and curved tracks.
3. Implantation distances and encumbrance for OHE masts.
4. Electrical clearances and jumper wire specifications.
5. Tension lengths and sag for regulated and unregulated OHE.
This document provides parameters for overhead electrification (OHE) systems, including:
1. Normal heights and diameters of contact wires under different temperature and track conditions, minimum heights at structures, and maximum wire slopes.
2. Gaps and stagger distances between parallel contact wires on tangent and curved tracks.
3. Implantation distances and encumbrance for OHE masts.
4. Electrical clearances and jumper wire specifications.
5. Tension lengths and sag for regulated and unregulated OHE.
This document provides parameters for overhead electrification (OHE) systems, including:
1. Normal heights and diameters of contact wires under different temperature and track conditions, minimum heights at structures, and maximum wire slopes.
2. Gaps and stagger distances between parallel contact wires on tangent and curved tracks.
3. Implantation distances and encumbrance for OHE masts.
4. Electrical clearances and jumper wire specifications.
5. Tension lengths and sag for regulated and unregulated OHE.
Normal height of contact wire 5.60m (pre sag Stagger of catenary wire on tangent 0 Short time min.
Short time min. Horizontal electrical 220mm
at support point for regulated of 100mm) track at support for single cantilever clearance OHE Gap between two parallel running 200mm Long time min. vertical electrical 320mm Normal height of contact wire 5.55m (pre sag contact wires at uninsulated overlap. clearance at support point for regulated of 50mm) Gap between parallel running contact 500mm Long time min. horizontal electrical 320mm OHE wires at insulated overlap. clearance Normal height of contact wire 5.75m (temp. Height of contact wire of turnout OHE 5 cm Stagger of contact wire at section 0 or ± at support point for unregulated range 4° to 65 above contact wire of the main line OHE insulator 100mm max. OHE °c) Track separation at turnout and cross 150 – 700 Stagger of contact wire at PTFE 0. Normal height of contact wire 5.65m (temp. over at the location of obligatory mm neutral section at support at support point for unregulated range 15 to structure. Earthing resistance of FOB/ ROB/ 10 Ω OHE 65°c) Minimum implantation at obligatory 3m Girders/ Bridges/ Platform shed & Minimum height of contact 5.80m. structure/ mast supporting more than one other overline structures. wire at loco inspection pit OHE Cross section area and length of C 50mm2, Minimum height of contact 5.50m. Normal implantation (standard) 2.50m jumper wire 1.7m wire at level crossing ±0.03 Cross section and length of F jumper 50mm2, 1.6 Height of the “height gauge” at 4.67m Minimum implantation (critical) with 2.36 m wire m level crossing CEE approval Cross section area and length of G 105mm2, Minimum height of contact 4.92m Minimum implantation on platform 4.75m jumper wire 3.5 m wire at over line structure Normal encumbrance 1.4m for Distance of G jumper from obligatory 5.6 m Dia of new contact wire 12.24mm 72 m Span mast towards overlap side. Condemned dia of contact wire 8.25mm Maximum permissible slope of contact 3mm/mtr Fixed length of the dropper wire 105 mm on main line wire on main line The distance of the first dropper from 2.25 m Condemned dia of contact wire 8.00mm Maximum permissible slope of contact 5 mm/ mtr support on loop lines/ yard lines wire in yards Swept zone clearance of section 1.726 m Stagger of contact wire on ± 200mm Short time min. Vertical electrical 270mm insulator at trailing side tangent track clearance Swept zone clearance of section 1.60 m Stagger of contact wire at ± 300mm insulator at facing side curved track For the section insulator, the distance 220 mm. The distance between male and 500mm between contact wire and runner on female contact of Isolator in open ± 50 either side should not be less than position should be Minimum working clearance 2 mtr Maximum tension length for regulated 1500 m. The axial distance between catenary 450 mm GOVERNMENT OF INDIA OHE & contact wire at the location of MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS Normal sag of regulated OHE 100 mm section insulator shall not be less Maximum span length on tangent track 72 m. than (For Official Use) for regulated OHE The section insulator is to be located 1.65m beyond the point where the centre Maximum tension length for unregulated 2000m. distance between the two tracks is OHE equal to or more than IMPORTANT OHE PARAMETERS ZY value of winch type ATD at half Z = 1250, ` tension length (750m) at 35°c in mm Y = 2500 CAMTECH/E/2003/OHE/1.0 XY value of 3 pulley type ATD at half X=750, tension length (750m) at 35°c in mm Y=2500 MAY, 2003 The difference in length of adjacent 18m. spans on main line should not be more than Centre Minimum length of dropper in the span 150 mm for In case of overlap type turnout, the 54m turnout span should be less than or equal Advanced to Maintenance With crossed type equipment with actual 54 m Excellence in Maintenance crossings of OHEs at facing turnouts, the TECHnology anchor span should be restricted to Leaning of mast should be attended if 15cm. leaning at top exceeds Maharajpura, Gwalior – 474 020 Phone No. 0751 – 2470740; Fax No. 0751 - 2470841