Padma River The Downstream of The
Padma River The Downstream of The
Padma River The Downstream of The
Padma River the downstream of the ganges, more precisely, the combined flow of the Ganges
and the jamuna after their confluence at goalandaghat. In Bangladesh the Ganges is popularly
known as the Padma from its point of entrance at Manakosa and Durlabhpur unions of shibganj
upazila, nawabganj district. This name (Padma or Podda) is sometimes applied to the Ganges as
far up as the point at which the Bhagirathi leaves its rightbank, and according to the Hindus, it
takes the sanctity of the Ganges with it. It is hydrographically more correct to use the name
Ganges to refer to the river up to its confluence with the Jamuna (brahmaputra), and the
downstream after the confluence as the Padma. The Padma is also sometimes wrongly referred to
as the Ganges. The river between Aricha and Sureshwar (Chandpur) is therefore best called
The Padma is 120 kilometres long and from 4 to 8 km wide. The very important Goalandaghat-
Chandpur steamer route is mostly on this river. Near Tepakhola, 14 km from Goalandaghat, the
small Faridpur Khal distributary takes off from the rightbank. Fifty kilometres further down the
arial khan takes off from the rightbank. Fourteen kilometres further downstream the Lohajang
river falls into it at lohajang upazila on the leftbank, and the Kristanagar river branches off from
the opposite side. A few kilometres from Lohajang, the Shosha Khal and the Naria Khal take off
from the rightbank, join up and as one stream falls into the Arial Khan south of madaripur. The
Padma joins the Meghna 5 km from Sureshwar in a maze of shifting shoals and chars. The
Lower Meghna is actually a continuation of the joint flow of the Padma and the Meghna.
The Ganges-Padma is the major hydrodynamic system that formed one of the world's largest
delta complex covering a major portion of the country and also a greater part of West Bengal in
India. For a long period of development of the Ganges Delta, the river shifted southeast and has
reached its present position in the Bengal Basin. The hydrology and drainage systems of the
Ganges Delta in the southwestern part of Bangladesh are intimately related to the mighty Ganges
and the fluvio-hydrological setting of the Bengal Basin. The deltaic estuaries of the Ganges-
Brahmaputra-Meghna system drain the combined discharges of these river systems, amounting
on an average of 35,000 cumec. However, during the monsoon the discharge of the Padma rises
to the order of 750,000 cumec with a corresponding increase in its sediment load. The low-level
discharge of the river during the dry season is of the order of 15,000 cumec, and naturally very
little sediment is borne by the river during this period. In the deltaic portion the river width
ranges from 1.6 to 8.0 km and sometimes it shows a braided character although it is a
meandering river. [Masud Hasan Chowdhury]