Guidelines For Planning A Township

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 Use of Land for different categories in a Township Project

1. Residential
2. Commercial
3. Institutional
4. Parka and Open spaces
5. Roads, Parking, Amenities and Utilities

 Land Utilization Pattern

The land utilization pattern to be followed for the planning of the mega
township projects shall be as detailed below

A. Area Under Residential and Commercial Use

i. 5% or according to Regional Planning Department shall be
reserved for EWS housing.
ii. Promoter shall provide EWS housing in the shape of flatted
development subject to the covered area norms of not less
than 20 sq. meters and not more than 40 sq. meters per flat.
However, such flats shall be sold/leased to such persons of
EWS category, in such manner and on such terms and
conditions, as may be prescribed by the Competent
iii. All sites of group housing will have one road of minimum
width of 18 meters . with individual site area not less than
10,000 Sq. meters.
iv. Other residential development excluding EWS housing
should not be more than 45% of the total area excluding
EWS housing.
v. The Commercial space in residential township projects
should not be more than 5% of total area to be developed or
as per Regional Planning Department.
vi. In 5% of commercial area only 0.5% of area should be
provided for Convenient Shopping.

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vii. Subject to overall area limit of 0.5% convenient shopping

shall be located only on roads having width of 18 meters or
at the junction of 12 meters wide roads
viii. The parking norms for commercial component shall be
provided @ 2.5 ECS per 100Sq. meters of the total built up
area. While working out the total built up area, the area
under basement shall be excluded when used exclusively for
ix. For the provision of parking, the space standards for ECS
shall be as under:
23 Sqm per ECS for open parking.
28 Sqm per ECS for covered parking at ground level.
33 Sqm per ECS for parking at basement level

B. Area Under Roads, Open Spaces, Public/Community Building

and Other Uses

The overall area in the project under roads, parks, play grounds &
open spaces, public and community buildings/institutions, water works,
electric grid station, parking, pavements etc., shall be subject to following

i. Overall area shall not be less than 50% of the project area
excluding the area under EWS housing.
ii. Unless otherwise specified the area under Institutional Category
shall not exceed 10% of the project area excluding the area
under EWS housing.
iii. Area under Parks, Open spaces and Play grounds shall not be
less than 6% of the project area excluding the area under EWS
iv. Area under Roads, Parking, Pavement, Utilities like water
works, EGS, STP, Rain Water Harvesting etc, shall not be less
than 34% of the project area excluding the area under EWS
v. One Nursery cum Primary School for a population of 5000 with
minimum area of 0.3 Hectare.

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vi. One High/Higher Secondary School for population of 15,000

with minimum area of 1.6 Hectare
vii. Minimum 25% of the site area shall be earmarked as play area.
viii. Community centre should be provided in the township as per
Regional Planning Department.

 Determining Of Population In Project Area

i. For Plotted Development @ 15 persons for each plot provided

in the plan.
ii. For Flatted Development @ 300 persons per acre for the area
under flatted development.
iii. In case of projects having both plotted and flatted development
population shall be calculated for each component based on
norms prescribed above. In case of commercial/institutional
areas, the population density shall be considered @ 100 persons
per acre of commercial/institutional area.

 Parks, Open Spaces and Play Grounds

i. Total area earmarked for Parks/Open Spaces, Playgrounds shall

not be less than 6%. However, open spaces with less than 15
meter width shall not be counted in the area under green parks.
ii. Open spaces coming under the HT lines and less than 15 meter
in width shall not be counted towards parks/open spaces.
iii. Open spaces shall be distributed over the entire Sector/project
area in order to optimize the utilization of such spaces by the
majority of residents.
iv. One Sector level/major park with minimum area of 1.25 hectare
should be provided, preferably along the shopping street in the
center of the sector.

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 Road Network

i. No outer/peripheral road in such areas shall be less than 30

meters in width.
ii. All External Sector roads having width of 30 meters shall, in
addition, be provided with 8 meter service roads on either side
along the entire length of such roads.
iii. Unless otherwise permitted, one entry from each side of the
sector shall be allowed with a minimum width of 18 meters.
iv. Major inner loop within the sector shall have a minimum width
of 18 meters.
v. No internal road shall be less than 12 meters in width.

 General

i. State government shall have the power to change/relax the

guidelines in case of hardship or existence of special
ii. In case of dispute in interpretation of guidelines, the decision of the
competent Authority shall be final and binding.

 Norms For Township Project

i) Minimum plot Not less than 10,000 sq. meters

ii) Maximum ground Not exceeding 40% of the site area
iii) Maximum FAR Not exceeding 1.5
iv) Basement Basement shall be permitted under the entire
area of building envelop (zoned area). The
area under basement shall not be counted
towards FAR. Basement shall not be used for
habitable purposes.
v) Maximum height As prescribed in the zoning plan subject to the
condition that maximum height shall not
exceed 30 meters. Further, the height of the

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building shall not exceed the width of the

front road plus the front setback.
vi) Stilts Stilts shall be permitted within the zoned area
subject to the condition that area under stilts
shall not exceeds the maximum area permitted
at the ground level. However, area under
stilts, when used for parking, shall not be
counted towards FAR
vii) Setbacks As defined in the zoning plan. However,
minimum setback on all sides shall not be less
than1/3rd of the height of the building on each
side or 6 meter whichever is more.
viii) Distance between Minimum distance between two buildings
buildings within a site or adjoining sites shall not be
less than 2/3rd of the average height of
buildings in case air, light and ventilation is
drawn but not less than 2/5th of the average
height of buildings when no air, light and
ventilation is drawn.
ix) Open spaces and Minimum 25% of the area of the site shall be
organized parks used for landscaping. Minimum area of the
organized park area shall be 15%
x) Parking Parking shall be provided @ 1.33 ECS
(Equivalent Car Space) for every 100 Sq.
meters of built up area on all floors in case of
housing other than LIG/EWS. However, for
LIG/EWS housing the norms shall be 0.66
ECS. Space standards for ECS shall be as
under: a) 23 sq. meters per ECS for open
parking at ground level b) 28 sq. meters per
ECS for covered parking at ground level. c)
33Sq. meters per ECS for parking at basement
level. However, area of the site to be used for
Roads and Parking at ground level shall be
restricted to 20%.
xi) Balconies Area under balcony/balconies shall not exceed
15% of the plinth area of the flat. The
maximum depth of balconies shall not exceed
1.8 meters. Area of balcony over and above
15% shall be counted towards FAR. No
balcony shall project beyond the setback lines
xii) Common Area for common facilities such as recreation
facilities hall, library, consumer store, reading room,
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maintenance store, society office shall not

exceed 2.5% of the site areas subject to the
maximum of 6000 sq. feet. The area shall
count towards FAR.
xiii) Fire safety As per BIS standards. However, all buildings
with height 15 meters or above would require
prior clearance for fire safety
xiv) Lifts and Number and size of lifts and staircases to be
staircases provided, shall be as per BIS standards.
xv) Structural Building shall be made structurally safe so as
stability to withstand any natural disaster and shall be
designed by a qualified Structural Engineer as
per the provisions of National Building Code.
xvi) Accessibility Site shall at least have accessibility from a
road of minimum 18 meters width. Building
shall be made accessible to physically
challenged persons.
xvii) Rain water Adequate arrangement, shall be made for rain
harvesting water harvesting as per the norms specified by
the Central Ground Water Board or by the
Competent Authority.
xviii) General a) All buildings shall be designed by qualified
Architects registered with the Council of
b) Construction of water tanks, solar panels,
machine rooms for lifts, muleteers for
staircase and water tanks shall be permitted,
on the top floor subject to the following
1. The construction shall be recessed by
minimum of 3 meters from the outer line of
the parapet.
2. The maximum height of such portion of
buildings shall not exceed 3 meters above the
3. No habitable construction shall be allowed
in the area.
4. No toilet shall be permitted on the terrace.
5. The area of such construction shall neither
be counted towards the FAR nor shall the
height count towards the overall height of the

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