Unit 1 The Basic Computer: Structure Page Nos
Unit 1 The Basic Computer: Structure Page Nos
Unit 1 The Basic Computer: Structure Page Nos
1.7 Solutions/Answers
The use of Information Technology (IT) is well recognised. IT has become a must for I
the survival of all business houses with the growing information technology trends.
Computer is the main component of an Information Technology network. Today,
computer technology has permeated every sphere of existence of modem man. From
railway reservations to medical diagnosis, from TV programmes to satellite launching,
from matchmaking to criminal catching - everywhere we witness the elegance,
sophistication and efficiency possible only with the help of computers.
In this unit, you will be introduced to one of the important computer system .
structures: the von Neumann Architecture. In addition, you will be introduced to the
concepts of a simple model of Instruction execution. ?his model will be enhanced in
the later blocks of this course. More details on these terms can be obtained from I
further reading. We have also discussed about the main developments during the
various periods of computer history. Finally, we will discuss about the basic
components of microprocessors and their uses.
After going through this unit you will be able to:
define the logical structure of the computer;
define the instruction cycle;
define the concept or Interrupt;
discuss the basic features of computers; and
define the various components of a modern computer and their usage.
The von Neumann architecture was the first major proposed structure for a general-
purpose computer. However, before describing the main components of von Neumann
Introduction to Digital
architecture, let us first define the term 'computer' as this will help us in discussing
about von Neumann architecture in logical detail.
Computer is defined in the Oxford dictionary as "An automatic electronic apparatus
for making calculations or controlling operations that are expressible in numerical or
logical terms". I
The definition clearly categorises computer as an electronic apparatus although the
first computers were mechanical and electro-mechanical apparatuses. The definition
also points towards the two major areas of computer applications viz., data
processing's and computer assisted controlsloperations. Another important aspect of
the definition is the fact that the computer can perform only those operations1
calculations, which can be expressed in Logical or Numerical terms.
Some of the basic questions that arise from above definition are:
How are the data processing and control operations performed by an electronic device
like the computer?
Well, electronic components are used for creating 5asic logic circuits that are used to
perform calculations. These components are further discussed in the later units.
However, for the present discussion, it would be sufficient to say that there must be a
certain unit that will perform the task of data processing and control.
What is the basic function performed by a computer? The basic function performed by
a computer is the execution of the program. A program is a sequence of instructions,
which operates on data, to perform certain tasks such as finding a prime number. The
computer controls the execution of the program.
What is data in computers? In modem digital computers data is represented in binary
form by using two symbols 0 and 1. These are called binary digits or bits. But the data
which we deal with consists of numeric data and characters such as decimal digits 0 to
9, alphabets A to Z, arithmetic operators (e.g. +,-, etc.), relations operators (e.g. =.> ,
etc.), and many other special characters (e.g.;,@,{,], etc.). Therefore, there has to be a
mechanism for data representation. Old computers use eight bits to represent a
character. This allows up to 7,' = 256 different items to be represented uniquely. This
collection of eight bits is called a byte. Thus, one byte is used to represent one
character internally. Most computers use two bytes or four bytes to represent numbers
(positive and negative) internally. The data also includes the operational data such as
integer, decimal number etc. We will discuss more about data representation in the
next unit.
Thus, the prime task of a computer is to perform instruction execution. The key
questions, which can be asked in this respect, are: (a) how are the instructions
supplied to the computer? and (b) how are the instructions interpreted and executed?
Let us answer the second question first. All computers have a Unit that performs the
arithmetic and logical functions. This Unit is referred to as the Arithmetic Logic Unit
(ALU). But how will the computer determine what operation is to be performed by
ALU or in other words who will interpret the operation that is to be performed by
This interpretation is done by the Control Unit of the computer. The control unit
accepts the binary form of instruction and interprets the instruction to generate control
signals. 'These control signals then direct the ALU to perform a specified arithmetic or
logic function on the data. Therefore, by changing the control signal the desired
function can be performed on data. Or conversely, the operations that need to be
performed on the data can be obtained by providing a set of control signals. Thus, for
a new operation one only needs to change the set of control signals.
The unit that interprets a code (a machine instruction) to generate respective control
signals is termed as Control Unit (CU). A program now consists of a sequence of
codes. Each code is, in effect, an instruction, for the computer. The hardware
I .
interprets each of these instructions and generates respective control signals such that I
The B:~sicComputer,
the desired operation is performed on the data.
The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and the Control Unit (CU) together are termed as
the Central Processing Unit (CPU). The CPU is the most important component of a
computer's hardware.
All these arithmetic and logical Operations are performed in the CPU in special
storage areas called registers. The size of the register is one of the important
considerations in determining the processing capabilities of the CPU. Register size
refers to the amount of information that can be held in a register at a time for
processing. The larger the register size, the faster may be the speed of processing.
But, how can the instructions and data be put into the computers? The instructions and
data to a computer are supplied by external environment; it implies that input devices
are needed in the computer. The main responsibility of input devices will be to put the
data in the form of signals that can be recognised by the system. Similarly, we need
another component, which will report the results in proper format. This component is
called output device. These components together are referred to as inputloutput (110)
In addition, to transfer the information, the computer system internally needs the
system interconnections. At present we will not discuss about InputlOutput devices
I and system interconnections in details, except the information that most common
input'output devices are keyboard, monitor and printer, and the most common
interconnection structure is the Bus structure. These concepts are detailed in the later
Input devices can bring instructions or data only sequentially, however, a program
may not be executed sequentially as jump, looping, decision-making instructions are
normally encountered in programming. In addition, more than one data element may
be required at a time. Therefore, a temporary storage area is needed in a computer to
store temporarily the instructions and the data This component is referred to as
The memory unit stores all the information in a group of memory cells such as a
group of 8 binary digits (that is a byte) or 16 bits or 32 bits etc. These groups of
I memory cells or bits are called memory locations. Each memory location has a unique
1 address and can be addressed independently. The contents of the desired memory
I locations are provided to the CPU by referring to the address of the memory location.
The amount of information that can be held in the main memory is known as memory
capacity. The capacity of the main memory is measured in Mega Bytes (MB) or Giga
Bytes (GB). One-kilo byte stands for 2" bytes, which are 1024 bytes (or
approximately 1000 bytes). A Mega byte stands for 220bytes, which is approximately
a little over one million bytes, a giga byte is 230bytes.
Let us now define the key features of von Neumann Architecture:
The most basic function performed by a computer is the execution of a
program, which involves:
the execution of an instruction, which supplies the information about an
operation, and
o the data on which the operation is to be performed.
The control unit (CU) interprets each of these instructions and generates respective
control signals.
The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) performs the arithmetic and logical
Operations in special storage areas called registers as per the instructions of
control unit. The size of the register is one of the important considerations in
Introduction to Digital
amount of information that can be held in a register at a time for processing.
The larger the register size, the faster may be the speed of processing.
An Input/ Output system involving 1/0 devices allows data input and reporting
of the results in proper form and format. For transfer of information a computer
system internally needs the system interconnections, One such interconnection
structure is BUS interconnection.
Main Memory is needed in a computer to store instructions and the data at the
time of Program execution. Memory to CPU is an important data transfer path.
The amount of information, which can be transferred between CPU and
memory, depends on the size of BUS connecting the two.
It was pointed out by von-Neumann that the same memory can be used for
Storing data and instructions. In such a case the data can be treated as data on
which processing can be performed, while instructions can be treated as data,
which can be used for the generation of control signals.
The von Neumann machine uses stored program concept, i.e., the program
and data are stored in the same memory unit for execution. The computers prior
to this idea used to store programs and data on separate memories. Entering and
modifying these programs was very difficult as they were entered manually by
setting switches, plugging, and unplugging.
Execution of instructions in von Neumann machine is carried out in a sequential
fashion (unless explicitly altered by the program itself) from one instruction to
the next.
Figure 1 shows the basic structure of a conventional von Neumann machine
Registers rithmcti
and Logic
I l-J
C o ~trol
A von Neumann machine has only a single path between the main memory and
control unit (CU). This featurdconstraint is referred to as von Neumann bottleneck.
Several other architectures have been suggested for modem computers. You can know
about non von Neumann architectures in hrther readings.
Check Your Progress 1
1) State True or False
a) A byte is equal to 8 bits and can represent a character internally.
3) Why is memory needed in a computer?
2. main ()
! 3. {
4. int a =5, b=2, c;
i / 5. c= a-tb;
6. printf ("hThe added value is: % d", c);
The program at line 4 declares variables that will be equivalent to 3 memory locations
namely a, b and c. At line 5 these variables are added and at line 6 the value of c is
The instruction execution is performed in the CPU registers. But before we define the
process of instruction execution let us first give details on Registers, the temporary
storage location in CPU for program execution. Let us define the minimum set of
registers required for von Neumann machines:
Accumulator Register (AC): This register is used to store data temporarily for
computation by ALU. AC is considered to contain one of the operands. The result of
computation by ALU is also stored back to AC. It implies that the operand value is
over-written by the result.
Memory Address Register (MAR): It specifies the address of memory location from
which data or instruction is to be accessed (read operation) or to which the data is to
be stored (write operation). Refer to figure 3.
Memory Buffer Register (MBR): It is a register, which contains the data to be written
in the memory (write operation) or it receives the data from the memory (read
Program Counter (PC): It keeps track of the instruction that is to be executed next,
that is, after the execution of an on-going instruction.
Instruction Register (IR): Here the instructions are loaded prior to execution.
Comments on figure 3 are as follows:
All representation are in decimals. (In actual machines the representations are in
The Number of Memory Locations = 16
Size of each memory location = 16 bits = 2 Bytes (Compare with contemporary
machines word size of 16,32, 64 bits)
Thus, size of this sample memory = 16 words (Compare it with actual memory)
size, which is 128 MB, 256 MB, 5 12 MB, or more).
In the diagram MAR is pointing to location 10.
The last operation performed was "read memory location 10" which is 65 in
this. Thus, the contents of MBR is also 65.
Location Address
Now let us define several operation codes required for this machine, so that we can
translate the High level language instructions to assembly/machine instructions.
Operation Definitionloperation (please note that the address part in
the Instruction format specifies the Location of the
Operand on whom operation is to be performed
LOAD as "Load the accumulator with the content of memory"
STORE as "Store the current value of Accumulator in the
as "Add the value from memory to the Accumulator"
A sample machine instructions for the assumed system for line 5 that is c = a + b in
the program would be:
LOAD A ; Load the contents of memory location A to Accumulator
ADD B ; Add the contents of B to contents of Accumulator
and store result in Accumulator.
STORE C ; Store the content into location C
Please note that a simple one line statement in 'C' program has been translated to
three machine instructions as above. Please also note that these translated instructions
are machine dependent.
Now, how will these instructions execute?
Let us assume that the above machine instructions are stored in three consecutive
memory locations 1 , 2 and 3 and the PC contains a value (I), which in turn is address
of first of these instructions. (Please refer to figure 4 (a)).
AmMAR 14
First the address of the next instruction is calculated, based on the size of
instruction and memory organisation. For example, if in a computer an
instruction is of 16 bits and if memory is organized as 16-bits words, then the
address of the next instruction is evaluated by adding one in the address of
the current instruction. In case, the memory is organized as bytes, which can
be addressed individually, then we need to add two in the current instruction
address to get the address of the next instruction to be executed in sequence.
Now, the next instruction is fetched from a memory location to the CPU
registers such as Instruction register.
The next state decodes the instruction to determine the type of operation
desired and the operands to be used.
In case the operands need to be fetched from memory or via Input devices, then
the address of the memory location or Input device is calculated.
Next, the operand is fetched (or operands are fetched one by one) from the
memory or read from the Input devices.
Finally, the results are written back to memory or Output devices, wherever
desired by first calculating the address of the operand and then transferring the
values to desired destination.
Please note that multiple operands and multiple results are allowed in many
computers. An example of such a case may be an instruction ADD A, B. This
instruction requires operand A and B to be fetched.
In certain machines a single instruction can trigger an operation to be performed on an
array of numbers or a string of characters. Such an operation involves repeated fetch
for the operands without fetching the instruction again, that is, the instruction cycle
loops at operand fetch.
Thus, a Program is executed as per the instruction cycle of figure 5. But what happens
when you want the program to terminate in between? At what point of time is an
interruption to a program execution allowed? To answer these questions, let us discuss
the process used in computer that is called interrupt handling.
1.4.1 Interrupts
The term interrupt is an exceptional event that causes CPU to temporarily transfer its
control from currently executing program to a different program which provides
service to the exceptional event. It is like you asking a question in a class. When you
ask a question in a class by raising hands, the teacher who is explaining some point
may respond to your request only after completion of hislher point. Similarly, an
interrupt is acknowledged by the CPU when it has completed the currently executing
instruction. An interrupt may be generated by a number of sources, which may be
either internal or external to the CPU.
The Basic Computer
Some of the basic issues of interrupt are:
What are the different kinds of interrupts?
What are the advantages of having an interruption mechanism?
How is the CPU informed about the occurrence of an interrupt?
What does the CPU do on occurrence of an interrupt?
Figure 6 Gives the list of some common interrupts and events that cause the
occurrence of those interrupts.
There needs to be a line or a register or status word in CPU that can be raised on
occurrence of interrupt condition.
Once a CPU knows that an interrupt has occurred then what?
First the condition is to be checked as to why the interrupt has occurred. That includes
not only the device but also why that device has raised the interrupt. Once the
Introduction to Digital
interrupt condition is determined the necessary program called IS& (Interrupt
servicing routines) must be executed such that the CPU can resume further operations.
For example, assume that the interrupt occurs due to an attempt by an executing
program for execution of an illegal or privileged instruction, then ISR for such
interrupt may terminate the execution of the program that has caused this condition.
Thus, on occurrence of an Interrupt the related ISR is executed by the CPU. The ISRs
are pre-defined programs written for specific interrupt conditions.
Considering these requirements let us work out the steps, which CPU must perform on
the occurrence of an interrupt.
The CPU must find out the source of the interrupt, as this will determine which
interrupt service routine is to be executed.
The CPU then acquires the address of the interrupt service routine, which are
stored in the memory (in general).
What happens to the program the CPU was executing before the interrupt? This
program needs to be interrupted till the CPU executes the Interrupt service
program. Do we need to do something for this program? Well the context of this
program is to be saved. We will discuss this a bit later.
Finally, the CPU executes the interrupt service routine till the completion of the
routine. A KETURN statement marks the end of this routine. After that, the
control is passed back to the'intermpted program.
Br troduction to Digital interruption would be when it has completed the previous instruction and is about to
start a new instruction. Figure 7 shows instruction execution cycle with interrupt
cycle, where the interrupt condition is acknowledged. Please note that even interrupt
service routine is also a program and after acknowledging interrupt the next
instruction executed through instruction cycle is the first instruction of interrupt
servicing routine.
In the interrupt cycle, the responsibility of the CPUProcessor is to check whether any
interrupts have occurred checking the presence of the interrupt signal. In case no
interrupt needs service, the processor proceeds to the next instruction of the current
program. In case an interrupt needs servicing then the interrupt is processed as per the
Suspend the execution of current program and save its context.
Set the Program counter to the starting address of the interrupt service routine of
the interrupt acknowledged.
The processor then executes the instructions in the interrupt-servicing program.
The interrupt servicing programs are normally part of the operating system.
After completing the interrupt servicing program the CPU can resume the .
prcgram it has suspended in step 1 above.
Check Your Progress 2
I) State True or False
ii) MAR and MBR both are needed to fetch the data /instruction from the
v) In case multiple interrupts occur at the same time, then only one of
the interrupt will be acknowtedged and rest will be lost.
2) What is an interrupt?
The ancestors of modern age computer were the mechanical and electromechanical
devices. This ancestry can be traced as far back as the 17th Century, when the first
machine capable of performing four mathematical operations, viz. addition,
subtraction, division and multiplication, appeared. In the subsequent subsection we
present a very brief account of Mechanical Computers.
1.5.1 The Beginning
Blaise Pascal made the very first attempt towards automatic computing. He invented a
device, which consisted of lots of gears and chains which used to perform repeated
additions and subtractions. This device was called Pascaline. Later many attempts I
were made in this direction.
Charles Babbage, the grandfather of the modem computer, had designed two
The Difference Engine: It was based on the mathematical principle of finite
differences and was used to solve calculations on large numbers using a formula. It
was also used for solving the polynomial and trigonometric functions.
The Analytical Engine by Babbage: It was a general purpose-computing device,
which could be used for performing any mathematical operation automatically. The I
basic features of this analytical engine were:
It was a general-purpose programmable machine.
It had the provision of automatic sequence control, thus, enabling programs to
alter its sequence of operations.
The provision of sign checking of result existed.
A mechanism for advancing or reversing of control card was permitted thus
enabling execution of any desired instruction. In other words, Babbage had
tievised the conditional and branching instructions. The Babbage's machine was
fundamentally the same as the modem computer. Unfortunately, Babbage work
could not be completed. But as a tribute to Charles Babbage his Analytical
Engine was completed in the last decade of the 2 0 century
~ and is now on
display at the Science Museum at London.
The next notable attempts towards computers were electromechanical. Zuse used
electromechanical relays that could be either opened or closed automatically. Thus,
the use of binary digits, rather than decimal numbers started, in computers. i
- I
Haward Mark-I and the Bug
The next significant effort towards devising an electromechanical computer was made
at the Harvard University, jointly sponsored by IBM and the Department of UN Navy,
Howard Aiken of Harvard University developed a system called Mark I in 1944. Mark
I was a decimal machine, that is, the computations were performed using decimal
Some of you must have heard a term called "bug". It is mainly used to indicate errors
in conlputer programs. This term ..;coined
a when one day, a program in Mark-I did
not run properly due to a moth short-circuiting the computer. Since then, the moth or
the bug has been linked with errors or problems in computer programming. Thus, the
process of eliminating error in a program is known as 'debugging'.
Introduction to Digital The basic drawbacks of these mechanical and electromechanical computers were:
Frictionlinertia of moving components limited the speed.
The data movement using gears and liners was quite difficult and unreliable.
The change was to have a switching and storing mechanism with no moving
parts. The electronic switching device "triode" vacuum tubes were used and
hence the first electronic computer was born.
The trends, which were encountered during the era of first generation computers were:
But how do we characterise the future generation of computers? 'I'hc Dasic c:'omputer
Different circuits can be constructed on different wafers. All these packaged circuit
chips then can be interconnected on a Printed-circuit board (for example, a
motherboard of computer) to produce several complex electronic circuits such as in a
The Integration Levels:
Init~ally,only a few gates were integrated reliably on a chip. This initial integration
was referred to as small-scale integration (SSI).
With the advances in microelectronics technologies the SSI gave way to Medium
Scale Integration where 100's of gates were fabricated on a chip.
Next stage was Large Scale Integration ( I ,000 gates) and very large integration (VLSI
1000,000 gates on a single chip). Presently, we are in the era of Ultra Large Scale
Integration (ULSI) where 100,000,000 or even more components may be fabricated
on a single chip.
What are the advantages of having densely packed Integrated Circuits? These are:
Reliability: The integrated circuit interconnections are much more reliable than
soldered connections. In addition, densely packed integrated circuits enable
fewer inter-chip connections. Thus, the computers are more reliable. In fact, the
two unreliable extremes are when the chips are in low-level integration or
extremely high level of integration almost closer to maximum limits of
Low cost: The cost of a chip has remained almost constant while the chip
density (number of gates per chip) is everincreasing. It implies that the cost of
computer logic and memory circuitry has been reducing rapidly.
Greater Operating Speed: The more is the density, the closer are the logic or
memory elements, which implies shorter electrical paths and hence higher
operating speed.
Smaller computers provide better portability
Reduction in power and cooling requirements.
The third generation computers mainly used SSI chips. One of the key concept which
was brought forward during this time was the concept of the family of compatible
computers. IBM mainly started this concept with its system/360 family.
A family of computers consists of several models. Each model is assigned a model
number, for example, the IBM system/360 family have, Model 30,40, 50.65 and ?5.
The memory capacity, processing speed and cost increases as we go up the Isdder.
However. a lower model is compatible to higher model, that is, program written on a
lower model can be executed on a higher model without any change. Only the time of
execution is reduced as we go towards higher model and also a higher model has more
The Basit: Computer
number of instructions. The biggest advantage of this family system was the flexibility
in selection of model.
For example, if you had a limited budget and processing requirements you could
possibly start with a relatively moderate model. As your business grows and your I
processing requirements increase, you can upgrade your computer with subsequent
models depending on your need. However, please note that as you have gone for the
computer of the same family, you will not be sacrificing investment on the already
developed software as they can still be used on newer machines also.
Let us summarise the main characteristics of a computer family. These are:
member is a subset of higher end member. A
program written on lower end member can
But how was the family concept implemented? Well, there were three main features
of implementation. These were:
Increased complexity of arithmetic logic unit;
Increase in memory - CPU data paths; and
Simultaneous access of data in higher end members.
The major developments which took place in the third generation, can be summarized
Semiconductor Memories
Initially the IC technology was used for constructing processor, but soon it was
realised that the same technology can be used for construction of memory. The first
memory chip was constructed in 1970 and could hold 256 bits. The cost of this first
chip was high. The cost of semiconductor memory has gone down gradually and
presently the IC RAM'S are quite cheap. Although the cost has gone down, the
memory capacity per chip has increased. At present, we have reached the 1 Gbits on a
single memory chip. Many new RAM technologies are available presently. We will
give more details on these technologies later in Block 2.
Keeping pace with electronics as more and more components were fabricated on a
single chip, fewer chips were needed to construct a single processor. Intel in 1971
achieved the breakthrough of putting all the components on a single chip. The single
chip processor is known as a microprocessor. The Intel 4004 was the first
microprocessor. It was a primitive microprocessor designed for a specific application.
Intel 8080, which came in 1974, was the first general-purpose microprocessor. This
microprocessor was meant to be used for writing programs that can be used for
general purpose computing. It was an 8-bit microprocessor. Motorola is another
manufacturer in this area. At present 32 and 64 bit general-purpose microprocessors
are already in the market. Let us look into the development of two most important
series of microprocessors.
Nonthreaded program instructions are executed in a single order at a time, till the
program completion. Supposr a program have 4 tasks namely A, B, C, D. Assume
that each task consist of 10 instructions including few 110 instructions. A simple
sequential execution would require .4+ B -+ C -+ D sequence.
The other architecture that has gained popularity over the last decade is the power PC
family. These machines are reduced set instruction compGter (RISC) based
technologies. RISC technologies and are finding their application because of
simplicity of Instructions. You will learn more about RISC in Block 3 of this course.
The IBM made an alliance with Motorola and Apple who has used Motorola 68000
chips in their Macitosh computer to create a POWER PC architecture. Some of the
processors in this family are:
The VLSI technology is still evolving. More and more powerhl microprocessors and
more storage space now is being put in a single chip. One question which we have still
not answered, is: Is there any classification of computers? Well-for quite sometime
computers have been classified under the following categories:
Engineering workstations
Mini computers
Super computers
Network computers.
A microcomputer's CPU is a microprocessor. They are typically used as single user i
computer although present day microcomputers are very powerful. They support
highly interactive environment specially like graphical user interface like windows.
These computers are popular for home and business applications. The microcomputer
originated in late 1970's. The first microcomputers were built around 8-bit
microprocessor chips. What do we mean by an 8-bit chip? It means that the chip can
retrieve instructionsldata from storage, manipulate, and process an 8-bit data at a time
or we can say that the chip has a built- in 8-bit data transfer path.
An improvement on 8-bit chip technology was seen in early 1980s, when a series of
16-bit chips namely 8086 and 8088 were introduced by Intel Corporation, each one
with an advancement over the other.
8088 was an 8/16 bit chip i.e. an 8-bit path is used to move data between chip and
primary storage (external path), but processing was done within the chip using a 16-
bit path (internal path) at a time. 8086 was a 16116-bit chip i.e. the internal and I
external paths both were 16 bits wide. Both these chips could support a primary basic
memory of storage capacity of 1 Mega Byte (MB).
Similar to Intel's chip series exists another popular chip series of Motorola. The first
16-bit microprocessor of this series was MC 68000. It was a 16132-bit chip and could
support up to 16 MB of primary storage. Advancement over the 16/32 bit chips was
the 32/32 chips. Some of the popular 32-bit chips were Intel's 80486 and MC 68020
Most of the popular microcomputers were developed around Intel's chips, while most
of the minis and super minis were built around Motorola's 68000 series chips. With
the advancement of display and VLSl technology a microcomputer was available in
very small size. Some of these are laptops, note book computers etc. Most of these are
of the size of a small notebook but equivalent capacity of an older mainframe.
The workstations are used for engineering applications such as CAD/CAM or any
other types of applications that require a moderate computing power and relatively
high quality graphics capabilities. Workstations generally are required with high
resolution graphics screen, large RAM, network support, a graphical user interface,
and mass storage device. Some special type of workstation comes, without a disk.
These are called diskless terminals/ workstations. Workstations are typically linked
together to form a network. The most common operating systems for workstations are
UNIX, Windows 2003 Server, and Solaris etc.
Please note that networking workstation means any computer connected to a local
area network although it could be a workstation or a personal computer.
Workstations may be a client to server Computers. Server is a computer that is
optimised to provide services to other connected computers through a network.
Servers usually have powerful processors, huge memory and large secondary storage
The term minicomputer originated in 1960s when it was realised that many computing
tasks do not require an expensive contemporary mainframe computers but can be
solved by a small, inexpensive computer.
Introduction to Digital The mini computers support multi-user environment with CPU time being shared
among multiple users. The main emphasis in such computer is on the processing
power and less for interaction. Most of the present day mini computers have
proprietary CPU and operating system. Some common examples of a mini-computer
are IBM AS1400 and Digital VAX. The major use of a minicomputer is in data
processing application pertaining to departmentslcompanies.
Mainframe computers are generally 32-bit machines or higher. These are suited to big
organisations, to manage high volume applications. Few of the popular mainframe
series were DEC, IBM, HP, ICL, etc. Mainframes are also used as central host
computers in distributed systems. Libraries of application programs developed for
mainframe computers are much larger than those of the micro or minicomputers
because of their evolution over several decades as families of computing. All these
factors and many more make the mainframe computers indispensable even with the
popularity of microcomputers.
The upper end of the state of the art mainframe machine are the supercomputers.
These are amongst the fastest machines in terms of processing speed and use
multiprocessing techniques, where a number of processors are used to solve a
problem. There are a number of manufacturers who dominate the market of
supercomputers-CRAY, IBM 3090 (with vector), NEC Fujitsu, PARAM by C-DEC
are some of them. Lately, a range of parallel computing products, which are
multiprocessors sharing common buses, have been in use in combination with the
mainframe supercomputers. The supercomputers are reaching upto speeds well over
25000 million arithmetic operations per second. India has also announced its
indigenous supercomputer. They support solutions to number crunching problems.
Supercomputers are mainly being used for weather forecasting, computational fluid
dynamics, remote sensing, image processing, biomedical applications, etc. In India,
we have one such mainframe supercomputer system-CRAY XMP-14, which is at
present, being used by Meteorological Department.
Let us discuss about PARAM Super computer in more details
PARAM is a high-performances, scalable, industry standard computer. It has evolved
from the concepts of distributes scalable computers supporting massive parallel
processing in cluster of networked of computers. The PARAM's main advantages is
its Scalability. PARAM can be constructed to perform Tera-floating point operations
per second. It is a cost effective computer. It supports a number of application
PARAM is made using standard available components. It supports Sun's Ultra
SPARC series servers and Solaris Operating System. It is based on open
environments and standard protocols. It can execute any standard application
available on Sun Solaris System.
Some of the applications that have been designed to run in parallel computational
mode on PARAM include numerical weather forecasting, seismic data processing,
Molecular modelling, finite element analysis, quantum chemistry.
It also supports many languages and Softcare Development platforms such as:
Solaris 2.5.1 Operating system on 110 and Server nodes, FORTRAN 77, FORTRAN
90, C and C++ language compilers, and tools for parallel program debugging,
Visualisation and parallel libraries, Distributed Computing Environment, Data
warehousing tools etc.
Check Your Progress 3 The Basic Computer 1
1) What is a general purpose machine?
This completes our discussion.on the introductory concepts of computer architecture.
The von-Neumann architecture discussed in the unit is not the only architecture but
many new architectures have come up which you will find in further readings.
The information given on various topics such as interrupts, classification, history of
computer although is exhaustive yet can be supplemented with additional reading. In i
fact, a course in an area of computer must be supplemented by further reading to keep
your knowledge up to date, as the computer world is changing with leaps and boursds. I
In addition to further readings the student is advised to study several Indian Journals
on computers to enhance his knowledge.