The Butler Did It Script
The Butler Did It Script
The Butler Did It Script
Reporter/Judge/Jury Voices
Act 1
Scene 1 - Andrew’s Interrogation:
(The Curtains are closed. Spotlight on the interrogation table at the side of the stage. Andrew sits at
the interrogation table next to Dawson. Andrew is clearly uneasy.)
Andrew: I can only imagine what the world is saying out there. If only they knew how it all
happened. I’m ruined. Ruined I tell you.
Dawson: Sorry, can I say something? Do you believe in fate Mr Butler, because I do. I mean, I
shouldn’t say this, but if Mr McConn hadn’t had acute appendicitis, and if Miss Donaldson wasn’t on
maternity leave and if… well you know, this hadn’t happened, and that hadn’t happened, then I’d still
be stuck in the office doing document reviews and cite checking instead of being here with you…
Doctor Bungledoor, I mean Andrew Butler, representing you and your family against this unjust
slander. If it isn’t fate that brought us together, I don’t know what it is. And I don’t mind saying, I find
it all a little bit exciting.
Andrew: Exciting? Exciting isn’t the word I’d use for it Dawson. I’m on a murder charge.
Dawson: You didn’t do it.
Andrew: Of course not.
Dawson: And together we’ll prove it! And in the meantime, you know what they say, ‘there’s no such
thing as bad publicity’. I know it’s probably not the best time to ask, but when this is all over… could
you possibly sign my T Shirt?
(Bridge and Henderson enter and sit opposite. Bridge clicks on the tape machine.)
Henderson: Interview resumed at 11:36. Present is Detective Bridge, myself Detective Henderson with
Mr Andrew Butler and his temporary attorney.
Bridge: Well, well, well! If it isn’t the famous Andrew Butler. Star of stage and screen. How the
mighty have fallen sir. I saw you on the T.V. just a week ago in that comedy thing ‘No Flies On Me’.
Quite ironic, sunshine, cause there must be hundreds of flies on you now as you’re up to your neck in it!
That’s not to say I don’t appreciate being in the presence of a fine actor. I’ve seen proof of your talent.
Although, I love a good work of fiction as much as the next person, there is a time and a place, and this
is not it. I can smell a story you know, Mr. Butler, and this has the unmistakable aroma of S H one T.
Dawson: Have you a question for my client, Detective, or can we leave? (Smiles proudly at
Henderson: Oh we have plenty of questions, don’t you worry about that. It’s answers we’re short of.
For instance, there are a few things regarding the events of yesterday that don’t add up.
Andrew: Truth is often stranger than fiction.
Bridge: Come off it. We know you did it.
Andrew: And what did I do?
Bridge: I’d rather hear it from the horse’s mouth. If you know what I mean.
Andrew: Nay, detective, I’m afraid not.
Bridge: Right, enough small talk. Let’s cut to the chase. Where were you yesterday morning?
Andrew: I’m a busy man. I’m afraid you’ll have to be a little more precise Detective Bridge.
Henderson: Let’s start at about nine o’clock then.
Dawson: You don’t have to comment.
Andrew: (After a thought) No comment.
Bridge: No comment?
Andrew: No.
Bridge: And why not?
Andrew: It’s personal.
Henderson: Nothing’s personal in here, buddy.
Dawson: Mr Butler is not compelled to comment.
Act 2
Scene 1 - Inspector Talk/Friday 11:15am:
(Spotlight on Bridge and Henderson at their desk drinking from Duncan Donuts cups.)
Bridge: What a day.
Henderson: Tell me about it.