Magic: The Gathering: Is Turing Complete
Magic: The Gathering: Is Turing Complete
Magic: The Gathering: Is Turing Complete
Abstract—Magic: The Gathering is a popular and famously successful and highly flexible framework for modelling games
complicated trading card game about magical combat. In this as computations.
arXiv:1904.09828v2 [cs.AI] 23 Apr 2019
paper we show that optimal play in real-world Magic is at The core of this paper is the construction presented in
least as hard as the Halting Problem, solving a problem that
has been open for a decade [1], [10]. To do this, we present a Section IV: a universal Turing machine embedded into a game
methodology for embedding an arbitrary Turing machine into a of Magic: The Gathering. As we can arrange for the victor
game of Magic such that the first player is guaranteed to win the of the game to be determined by the halting behaviour of
game if and only if the Turing machine halts. Our result applies the Turing machine, this construction establishes the following
to how real Magic is played, can be achieved using standard- theorem:
size tournament-legal decks, and does not rely on stochasticity
or hidden information. Our result is also highly unusual in that Theorem 1: Determining the outcome of a game of Magic:
all moves of both players are forced in the construction. This The Gathering in which all remaining moves are forced is
shows that even recognising who will win a game in which neither undecidable.
player has a non-trivial decision to make for the rest of the game
is undecidable. We conclude with a discussion of the implications A. Previous Work
for a unified computational theory of games and remarks about Prior to this work, no undecidable real games were known
the playability of such a board in a tournament setting.
to exist. Demaine and Hearn (2009) [10] note that almost every
real-world game is trivially decidable, as they produce game
trees with only computable paths. They further note that Rengo
Magic: The Gathering (also known as Magic) is a popular Kriegspiel1 is “a game humans play that is not obviously
trading card game owned by Wizards of the Coast. Formally, it decidable; we are not aware of any other such game.” It
is a two-player zero-sum stochastic card game with imperfect is conjectured by Auger and Teytaud (2012) [1] that Rengo
information, putting it in the same category as games like Kriegspiel is in fact undecidable, and it is posed as an open
poker and hearts. Unlike those games, players design their problem to demonstrate any real game that is undecidable.
own custom decks out of a card-pool of over 20,000 cards. The approach of embedding a Turing machine inside a
Magic’s multifaceted strategy has made it a popular topic in game directly is generally not considered to be feasible for
artificial intelligence research. real-world games [10]. Although some open-world sandbox
In this paper, we examine Magic: The Gathering from the games such as Minecraft and Dwarf Fortress can support
point of view of algorithmic game theory, looking at the the construction of Turing machines, those machines have no
computational complexity of evaluating who will win a game. strategic relevance and those games are deliberately designed
As most games have finite limits on their complexity (such to support large-scale simulation. In contrast, leading formal
as the size of a game board) most research in algorithmic theory of strategic games claims that the unbounded memory
game theory of real-world games has primarily looked at required to simulate a Turing machine entirely in a game
generalisations of commonly played games rather than the would be a violation of the very nature of a game [9].
real-world versions of the games. A few real-world games have The computational complexity of Magic: The Gathering in
been found to have non-trivial complexity, including Dots-and- has been studied previously by several authors. Our work is
Boxes, Jenga and Tetris [8]. We believe that no real-world inspired by [4], in which it was shown that four-player Magic
game is known to be harder than NP previous to this work. can simulate a Turing machine under certain assumptions
Even when looking at generalised games, very few examples about player behaviour. In that work, Churchill conjectures
of undecidable games are known. On an abstract level, the that these limitations can be removed and preliminary work
Team Computation Game [9] shows that some games can be along those lines is discussed in [5]. The computational
undecidable, if they are a particular kind of team game with complexity of checking the legality of a particular decision
imperfect information. The authors also present an equivalent in Magic (blocking) is investigated in [3] and is found to
construction in their Constraint Logic framework that was used be coNP-complete. There have also been a number of papers
by Coulombe and Lynch (2018) [7] to show that some video 1 Rengo Kriegspiel is a combination of two variations on Go: Rengo, in
games, including Super Smash Bros Melee and Mario Kart, which two players play on a team alternating turns, and Shadow Go, in which
have undecidable generalisations. Constraint Logic is a highly players are only able to see their own moves.
investigating algorithmic and artificial intelligence approaches board state and a move to the next board state is computable2.
to playing Magic, including Ward and Cowling (2009) [15], However, it is unclear how to prove this beyond exhaustive
Cowling et al. (2012) [6], and Esche (2018) [11]. Esche (2018) analysis of the over 20,000 cards in the game. We leave that
briefly considers the theoretical computational complexity of question open for future work:
Magic and states an open problem that has a positive answer Conjecture 1: The function that takes a board state and
only if Magic end-games are decidable. a legal move and returns the next board state in Magic: The
Gathering is computable.
B. Our Contribution In this conjecture we say “a legal move” because it is also not
This paper completes the project started by Churchill [4] obvious that checking to see if a move is legal is computable.
and continued by Churchill et al. [5] of embedding a universal Chatterjee and Ibsen-Jensen [3] show that checking the legality
Turing machine in Magic: The Gathering such that determin- of a particular kind of game action is coNP-complete, but the
ing the outcome of the game is equivalent to determining the question has not been otherwise considered. Again, we leave
halting of the Turing machine. This is the first result showing this for future work:
that there exists a real-world game for which determining Conjecture 2: There does not exist an algorithm for
the winning strategy is non-computable, answering an open checking the legality of a move in Magic: The Gathering.
question of Demaine and Hearn [10] and Auger and Teytaud
[1] in the positive. This result, combined with Rice’s Theorem A. Previous Magic Turing Machines
[13], also answers an open problem from Esche [11] in the In [4], the author presents a Magic: The Gathering end-
negative by showing that the equivalence of two strategies for game that embeds a universal Turing machine. However, this
playing Magic is undecidable. work has a major issue: it’s not quite deterministic. At several
This result raises important foundational questions about points in the simulation, players have the ability to stop the
the nature of a game itself. As we have already discussed, the computation at any time by opting to decline to use effects that
leading formal theory of games holds that this construction say “may.” For example, Kazuul Warlord reads “Whenever
is unreasonable, if not impossible, and so a reconsideration Kazuul Warlord or another Ally enters the battlefield under
of those assumptions is called for. In section V-A we discuss your control, you may put a +1/ + 1 counter on each Ally
additional foundational assumptions of Constraint Logic that you control.” Declining to use this ability will interfere with
Magic: The Gathering violates, and present our interpretation the Turing machine, either causing it to stop or causing it
of the implications for a unified theory of games. to perform a different calculation from the one intended.
The construction as given in Churchill [4] works under the
C. Overview assumption that all players that are given the option to do
The paper is structured as follows. In Section II we provide something actually do it, but as the author notes it fails without
background information on this work, including previous work this assumption. Attempts to correct this issue are discussed
on Magic Turing machines. In Section III we present a sketch in Churchill et al. [5].
of the construction and its key pieces. In Section IV we provide In this work, we solve this problem by reformulating the
the full construction of a universal Turing machine embedded construction to exclusively use cards with mandatory effects.
in a two-player game of Magic. In Section V we discuss the We also substantially simplify the most complicated aspect
game-theoretic and real-world implications of our result. of the construction, the recording of the tape, and reduce the
construction from one involving four players to one involving
II. P RELIMINARIES two, and which only places constraints on one player’s deck,
One initial challenge with Magic: The Gathering is the matching the format in which Magic is most commonly played
encoding of information. Some cards ask players to choose in the real world (two-player duels). Like the previous work,
a number. Although rules for how to specify a number are not we will embed Rogozhin’s (2, 18) universal Turing machine
discussed in the Comprehensive Rules [16], convention is that [14].
players are allowed to specify numbers in any way that both
players can agree to. For example, you are allowed to choose
the number 2100 or ⌈log 177⌉. This presents an issue brought In this section we give a big picture view of the Turing
to our attention by Fortanely [12]. Consider the following machine, with full details deferred to the next section. The
situation: both players control Lich, Transcendence, and two players in the game are named Alice and Bob.
Laboratory Maniac. One player then casts Menacing Ogre. To construct a Turing machine in Magic: The Gathering
The net effect of this play is the “Who Can Name the Bigger requires three main elements: the tape which encodes the
Number” game – whoever picks the biggest number wins on computation, the controller which determines what action to
the spot. This makes identifying the next board state non- take next based on the current state and the last read cell, and
computable [2], so we require that any numbers specified by the read/write head which interacts with the tape under the
a player must be expressed in standard binary notation. control of the controller.
We believe that with this restriction Magic: The Gathering is 2 We avoid the term “computable game” which is more commonly used to
transition-computable, meaning that the function that maps a mean that the game has a computable winning strategy.
A. The Tape lasts indefinitely.)” So we create a large number of copies
As the rules of Magic: The Gathering do not contain any of Rotlung Reanimator and edit each one. A similar card
concept of geometry or adjacency, encoding the tape itself Glamerdye can be used to modify the colour words within
is tricky. Our solution is to have many creature tokens with card text.
carefully controlled power and toughness, with each token’s Thus, we edit a Rotlung Reanimator by casting two copies
power and toughness representing the distance from the head of Artificial Evolution replacing ‘Cleric’ with ‘Aetherborn’
of the Turing machine. The tape to the left of the Turing and ‘Zombie’ with ‘Sliver’ and one copy of Glamerdye to
machine’s current read head position is represented by a replace ‘black’ with ‘white’, so that this Rotlung Reani-
series of creature tokens which all have the game colour mator now reads “Whenever Rotlung Reanimator or another
green, while the tape to the right is represented by white Aetherborn dies, create a 2/2 white Sliver creature token”4 .
tokens. Our distance-counting starts at 2, so there is one 2/2 This Rotlung Reanimator now encodes the first rule of the
token representing the space currently under the head of the q1 program of the (2, 18) UTM: “When reading symbol 1
Turing machine; a green 3/3 token represents the tape space in state A, write symbol 18 and move left.” The Aetherborn
immediately to the left of the Turing head, a green 4/4 is creature token represents symbol 1, the Sliver creature token
the space to the left of that, and so on. Rogozhin’s universal represents symbol 18, and the fact that the token is white leads
Turing machine starts with the read head in the middle of the to processing that will cause the head to move left.
tape [14]. We similarly have seventeen more Rotlung Reanimators
To represent the symbols on the tape, we use creature types. encoding the rest of the q1 program from [14]. Between them
We choose 18 creature types from the list of creature types in they say:
Magic to correspond to the 18 symbols in Rogozhin’s (2, 18) 1) Whenever an Aetherborn dies, create a 2/2 white Sliver.
UTM. We can choose these creature types to begin with suc- 2) Whenever a Basilisk dies, create a 2/2 green Elf.
cessive letters of the alphabet: Aetherborn, Basilisk, Cephalid, Whenever a . . . dies, create a 2/2 . . .
Demon, Elf, Faerie, Giant, Harpy, Illusion, Juggernaut, Kavu, 18) Whenever a Sliver dies, create a 2/2 green Cephalid.
Leviathan, Myr, Noggle, Orc, Pegasus, Rhino, and Sliver. For See Table II for the full encoding of the program.
example, a green 5/5 Aetherborn token represents that the 1st
symbol is written on the 3rd cell to the left of the head, and a C. The Read/Write Head
white 10/10 Sliver represents that the 18th symbol is written The operation “read the current cell of the tape” is rep-
on the 9th cell to the right of the head. These tokens are all resented in-game by forcing Alice to cast Infest to give all
controlled by Bob, except the most recently created token (the creatures −2/−2. This causes the unique token with 2 toughness
space the Turing head has just left) which is controlled by to die. It had a colour (green or white) which is irrelevant,
Alice. and a creature type which corresponds to the symbol written
on that cell. That creature type is noticed by a Rotlung
B. The Controller Reanimator, which has a triggered ability that is used to carry
Control instructions in a Turing machine are represented by out the logic encoded in the head of the Turing machine. It
a table of conditional statements of the form “if the machine produces a new 2/2 token, containing the information written
is in state s, and the last read cell is symbol k, then do such- to the cell that was just read.
and-such.” Many Magic cards have triggered abilities which The Turing machine then moves either left or right and
can function like conditional statements. The two we shall use modifies the tokens to keep the tape in order by adding
are Rotlung Reanimator (“Whenever Rotlung Reanimator or +1/ + 1 counters to all tokens on one side of the head and
another Cleric dies, create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token”) −1/−1 counters to all tokens on the other side. Moving left or
and Xathrid Necromancer (“Whenever Xathrid Necromancer right will be accomplished by casting first Cleansing Beam
or another Human creature you control dies, create a tapped and then Soul Snuffers.
2/2 black Zombie creature token”). We will use both, and the
difference between tapped and untapped creature tokens will D. Adding a Second State
contribute to the design of the Turing machine. Everything described so far outlines the operation of one
Each Rotlung Reanimator3 needs to trigger from a dif- state of the Turing machine. However, our Turing machine
ferent state being read – that is, a different creature type requires two states. To accomplish this, we leverage phasing:
dying – and needs to encode a different result. Fortunately, an object with phasing can ‘phase in’ or ‘phase out’, and
Magic includes cards that can be used to edit the text of other while it’s phased out, it’s treated as though it doesn’t exist.
cards. The card Artificial Evolution is uniquely powerful for We can grant phasing to our Rotlung Reanimators using the
our purposes, as it reads “Change the text of target spell or enchantment Cloak of Invisibility (“Enchanted creature has
permanent by replacing all instances of one creature type with phasing and can’t be blocked except by Walls”) and create a
another. The new creature type can’t be Wall. (This effect second set of Rotlung Reanimators to encode the program
3 For now we will speak about Rotlung Reanimator for simplicity. Some of 4 Throughout this paper, card text that has been modified using cards such
these will in fact be Xathrid Necromancers as explained in the next section. as Artificial Evolution is written in italics.
q2 . At the moment we read the current cell, exactly one set of if able.” When the card resolves, it would normally be put
Rotlung Reanimators will be phased in. into her graveyard, but Alice is enchanted by Wheel of Sun
Objects with phasing phase in or out at the beginning of and Moon, which causes it to be placed at the bottom of her
their controller’s turn, effectively toggling between two states. library instead, allowing her to redraw it in the future and
Accordingly we will arrange for the turn cycle to last 4 turns keeping the cards she needs to cast in order. After her upkeep
for each player when no state change occurs, but just 3 turns step, Alice proceeds to her draw step and draws the card that
when we need to change state. she will cast next turn.
Alice has no choices throughout this process: she does
control one land, but it remains permanently tapped because
Now we will provide the full construction of the Magic: The of Choke (“Islands don’t untap during their controllers untap
Gathering Turing machine and walk through a computational steps”), so she is unable to cast any of the spells she draws
step. The outline of one step of the computation is as follows except via Wild Evocation’s ability. Neither player is able to
(Bob’s turns are omitted as nothing happens during them): attack because they both control a Blazing Archon, “Creatures
T1 Alice casts Infest. Turing processing occurs: a white or can’t attack you.”
green token dies, a new white or green token is created. Bob has no cards in hand and controls Recycle, which reads
(in part) “Skip your draw step”. This prevents Bob from losing
T2 Alice casts Cleansing Beam, putting two +1/ + 1 count-
due to drawing from an empty library.
ers on the side of the tape we are moving away from.
T3 If the Turing machine is remaining in the same state, B. Reading the Current Cell
Alice casts Coalition Victory. If it is changing state,
On the first turn of the cycle, Alice is forced to cast Infest,
Alice casts Soul Snuffers, putting a −1/−1 counter on
“All creatures get −2/−2 until end of turn.” This kills one
each creature.
creature: the tape token at the position of the current read
T4 If the Turing machine is remaining in the same state, this head, controlled by Bob. This will cause precisely one creature
is the point where Alice casts Soul Snuffers. Otherwise, of Bob’s to trigger – either a Rotlung Reanimator or a
the next computational step begins. Xathrid Necromancer. Which precise one triggers is based
on that token’s creature type and the machine’s current state,
A. Beginning a Computational Step and Casting Spells corresponding to the appropriate rule in the definition of the
At the beginning of a computational step, it is Alice’s turn (2, 18) UTM. This Reanimator or Necromancer will create a
and she has the card Infest in hand. Her library consists of the new 2/2 token to replace the one that died. The new token’s
other cards she will cast during the computation (Cleansing creature type represents the symbol to be written to the current
Beam, Coalition Victory, and Soul Snuffers, in that order). cell, and the new token’s colour indicates the direction for the
Bob’s hand and library are both empty. The Turing machine machine to move: white for left or green for right.
is in its starting state and the tape has already been initialised. Alice controls Illusory Gains, an Aura which reads “You
At the start of each of Alice’s turns, she has one card in control enchanted creature. Whenever a creature enters the
hand. She’s forced to cast it due to Bob controlling Wild battlefield under an opponent’s control, attach Illusory Gains to
Evocation, which reads “At the beginning of each player’s that creature.” Each time one of Bob’s Rotlung Reanimators
upkeep, that player reveals a card at random from their hand. or Xathrid Necromancers creates a new token, Illusory
If it’s a land card, the player puts it onto the battlefield. Gains triggers, granting Alice control of the newest token on
Otherwise, the player casts it without paying its mana cost the tape, and reverting control of the previous token to Bob.
So at any point Bob controls all of the tape except for the (“Creatures of the chosen type have shroud. (They can’t be
most recently written symbol, which is controlled by Alice. the targets of spells or abilities.)”) This makes it so that the
only legal target for Cleansing Beam is the one tape token
C. Moving Left or Right that Alice controls thanks to her Illusory Gains.
If the new token is white, the Turing machine needs to Recall that this token is white if we’re moving left, or green
move left. To do this we need to take two actions: put a if we’re moving right. Cleansing Beam is about to deal 2
+1/ + 1 counter on all white creatures (move the tape away damage to each white creature if we’re moving left, or to
from white), and put a −1/−1 counter on all green creatures each green creature if we’re moving right. Alice and Bob
(move the tape towards green). We rephrase this instead as: each control a copy of Vigor – “If damage would be dealt
put two +1/ + 1 counters on all white creatures, and put a to another creature you control, prevent that damage. Put a
−1/−1 counter on all creatures. +1/ + 1 counter on that creature for each 1 damage prevented
On Alice’s second turn, she casts Cleansing Beam, which this way.” So Cleansing Beam ends up putting two +1/ + 1
reads “Cleansing Beam deals 2 damage to target creature and counters on either each white creature or each green creature.
each other creature that shares a color with it.” Bob controls On the last turn of the cycle, Alice casts Soul Snuffers, a
Privileged Position so none of Bob’s creatures can be targeted 3/3 black creature which reads “When Soul Snuffers enters the
by any spell Alice casts. Alice controls some creatures other battlefield, put a −1/−1 counter on each creature.” There are
than the tape token, but they have all been granted creature two copies of Dread of Night hacked to each say “Black
type Assembly-Worker by a hacked Olivia Voldaren, and creatures get −1/−1”, which mean that the Soul Snuffers’
Alice controls a Steely Resolve naming Assembly-Worker triggered ability will kill itself, as well as shrinking every other
creature. The creatures comprising the tape have now received that card is skipped and she moves on to draw Soul Snuffers
either a single −1/−1 counter, or two +1/ + 1 counters and a in turn T2’s draw step, so she will cast it on turn T3.
−1/−1 counter. The net result of this is that the computation step is 3
To ensure that the creatures providing the infrastructure turns long for each player when the state is changing, but
(such as Rotlung Reanimator) aren’t killed by the succession 4 turns long for each player when the state is not changing. In
of −1/−1 counters each computational step, we arrange that the normal 4-turn operation, Bob’s phasing Reanimators and
they also have game colours green, white, red and black, Necromancers will phase in twice and phase out twice, and be
using Prismatic Lace, “Target permanent becomes the color in the same state on one cycle’s turn T1 as they were in the
or colors of your choice. (This effect lasts indefinitely.)” previous cycle’s turn T1. But when changing state, they will
Accordingly, each cycle Cleansing Beam will put two +1/+1 have changed phase by the next cycle’s turn T1, switching the
counters on them, growing them faster than the −1/−1 counters Turing machine’s state.
shrink them. This applies to each creature except Vigor
itself; to keep each player’s Vigor from dwindling, there is E. Out of Tape
a Fungus Sliver hacked to read “All Incarnation creatures
have ‘Whenever this creature is dealt damage, put a +1/ + 1 The Turing tape can be initialised to any desired length
counter on it.’ ” before starting processing. But it is preferable to allow the
machine to run on a simulated infinite tape: in other words,
to assume that any uninitialised tape space contains symbol
D. Changing State
3 (the blank symbol in the (2, 18) UTM), represented by
The instruction to change state is handled by replacing seven creature type Cephalid. This is accomplished by having the
of Bob’s Rotlung Reanimators with Xathrid Necromancer. ends of the currently-initialised tape marked by two special
These two cards have very similar text, except that Xathrid tokens, one green Lhurgoyf and one white Rat. Suppose we’ve
Necromancer only notices Bob’s creatures dying (this is not exhausted all the initialised tape to the left. This means that
a problem, as the active cell of the tape is always controlled the casting of Infest on turn T1 kills the Lhurgoyf rather than
by Bob), and that Xathrid Necromancer creates its token one of the normal tape types. This does not directly trigger
tapped. any of the normal Reanimators/Necromancers. Instead, Bob
For example, when the q1 program (State A) sees symbol 1, has another Rotlung Reanimator hacked to read “Whenever
it writes symbol 18, moves left, and remains in state A. This Rotlung Reanimator or another Lhurgoyf dies, create a 2/2
is represented by a phasing Rotlung Reanimator under Bob’s green Lhurgoyf creature token”, and Alice has a Rotlung
control saying “Whenever Rotlung Reanimator or another Reanimator hacked to read “Whenever Rotlung Reanimator
Aetherborn dies, create a 2/2 white Sliver creature token.” or another Lhurgoyf dies, create a 2/2 black Cephalid creature
By contrast, when the q1 program sees symbol 11, it token.” Bob’s trigger will resolve first, then Alice’s.
writes symbol 12, moves left, and changes to state B. This is First, Bob’s Reanimator trigger creates a new Lhurgoyf just
represented by a phasing Xathrid Necromancer under Bob’s to the left of the current head. (Alice’s Illusory Gains triggers
control saying “Whenever Xathrid Necromancer or another and gives her control of this new Lhurgoyf, but that will
Kavu creature you control dies, create a tapped 2/2 white soon change.) We have one copy of Shared Triumph set to
Leviathan creature token.” Lhurgoyf (“Creatures of the chosen type get +1/+1”) so this
In both cases this token is created under Bob’s control on token arrives as a 3/3.
turn T1, but Alice’s Illusory Gains triggers and grants her Second, Alice’s Reanimator trigger now creates a 2/2 black
control of it. In the case where it’s tapped, that means at Cephalid under Alice’s control. The same two copies of Dread
the beginning of turn T2, it will untap. This causes Alice’s of Night as before are giving all black creatures −2/−2, so the
Mesmeric Orb’s trigger to be put on the stack at the same time black Cephalid will arrive as a 0/0 and immediately die.
as Bob’s Wild Evocation’s trigger (since no player receives The death of this Cephalid triggers one of the regular
priority during the untap step). Alice is the active player, so phasing Reanimators of Bob’s just as if a tape cell containing
Alice’s trigger is put on the stack first and then Bob’s [16]; so symbol 3 had been read: a new 2/2 token is created and
the Wild Evocation trigger resolves, forcing Alice to cast and Illusory Gains moves to that new token. The green Lhurgoyf
resolve Cleansing Beam, before the Mesmeric Orb trigger token serving as an end-of-tape marker has been recreated one
resolves. step over to the left.
When the Mesmeric Orb trigger does resolve, it tries to The situation for the white Rat representing the right-hand
put the Coalition Victory from the top of Alice’s library into end of the tape is exactly equivalent. Bob has a Rotlung
her graveyard. But Wheel of Sun and Moon modifies this Reanimator hacked to read “Whenever Rotlung Reanimator
event to put Coalition Victory onto the bottom of her library, or another Rat dies, create a 2/2 white Rat creature token”;
just underneath the Cleansing Beam that’s just resolved. Alice has a Rotlung Reanimator hacked to read “Whenever
Once all these triggers are resolved, Alice proceeds to her Rotlung Reanimator or another Rat dies, create a 2/2 black
draw step. When the state is not changing, she will draw Cephalid creature token”; and we have another Shared Tri-
Coalition Victory at this point, but when the state is changing, umph set to Rat.
(This algorithm would be a little more complex if reading real-world game of Magic in which a player has infinitely
symbol 3 could cause a state change in the (2, 18) UTM, but many meaningfully different moves available to them has the
thankfully it cannot.) potentially to highly impact the way we understand and model
games as a form of computation.
F. Halting Indeed, this result raises several interesting philosophical
We choose to encode halting as making Alice win the game. questions about games as a form of computation. Some
When the Turing machine doesn’t change state, Alice casts authors, such as Demaine and Hearn [9], have sought a formal
the card Coalition Victory on her third turn. It reads “You win framework for modelling games that is strictly sub-Turing.
the game if you control a land of each basic land type and a Unlike the open-world, non-strategic games in which Turing
creature of each color.” This normally accomplishes nothing machines have been constructed before, Magic: The Gathering
because she controls no blue creatures (Prismatic Lace has is unambiguously a two-player strategic game like such models
been used to give her creatures of all the other colours). She attempt to represent. Therefore this result shows that any sub-
does, however, control one land, and also controls Prismatic Turing model is necessarily inadequate to capture all games.
Omen, which reads “Lands you control are every basic land Quite the opposite: it seems likely that a super-Turing model
type in addition to their other types.” Recall that Choke is in of games would be necessary to explain Magic. The naı̈ve
play, preventing her from activating the mana ability of this extension of Demaine and Hearn’s Constraint Logic to allow
land. for unbounded memory appears to be meaningless, although
When the halt symbol is read (symbol 17 in state A), the it’s possible that a clever approach would bring success.
appropriate phasing Reanimator of Bob’s reads “Whenever Open Problem 3: Does there exist a generalisation of
Rotlung Reanimator or another Rhino dies, create a 2/2 blue Constraint Logic that explains the computational complexity
Assassin creature token.” Alice’s Illusory Gains takes control of Magic: The Gathering?
of this Assassin token in the usual way in turn T1. She now Although our construction is reducible to the Halting Prob-
meets the condition for Coalition Victory when she casts it lem, the fact that even evaluating a board is non-computable
on turn T3, and wins the game. is strongly suggestive that the complexity of strategic play is
If the encoded machine does not in fact halt then the game greater than that. We believe there is strong evidence that the
has entered an unbreakable deterministic infinite loop, which true computational complexity is far higher. In particular, we
is specified as a draw by rule 104.4b [16]. conjecture:
Conjecture 4: Playing Magic: The Gathering optimally is
V. D ISCUSSION at least as hard as 0(ω) .
A. Consequences for Computational Theories of Games Whether or not it is possible for there to be a real-world
This construction establishes that Magic: The Gathering is game whose computational complexity is strictly harder than
the most computationally complex real-world game known in 0(ω) is an interesting philosophical question. If not, then this
the literature. In addition to showing that optimal strategic conjecture would imply that Magic: The Gathering is as hard
play in Magic is non-computable, it also shows that merely as it is possible for a real-world game to be.
evaluating the deterministic consequences of past moves in
Magic is non-computable. The full complexity of optimal B. Real-world Playability and Legality
strategic play remains an open question, as do many other While there are practical difficulties involved with correctly
computational aspects of Magic. For example, a player ap- setting up the necessary board state, such as running out of
pears to have infinitely many moves available to them from space on your table, a sufficiently tenacious player could set
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We have presented a methodology for embedding Ro-
gozhin’s (2, 18) universal Turing machine in a two-player
game of Magic: The Gathering. Consequently, we have shown
that identifying the outcome of a game of Magic in which all
moves are forced for the rest of the game is undecidable. In
addition to solving a decade-old outstanding open problem, in
the process of arriving at our result we showed that Magic:
The Gathering does not fit assumptions commonly made by
computer scientists while modelling games. We conjecture that
optimal play in Magic is far harder than this result alone
implies, and leave the true complexity of Magic and the
reconciliation of Magic with existing theories of games for
future research.
We are grateful to C-Y. Howe for help simplifying our Tur-
ing machine construction considerably and to Adam Yedidia
for conversations about the design and construction of Turing