Box Culverts Bar Bending Schedule
Box Culverts Bar Bending Schedule
Box Culverts Bar Bending Schedule
Length of Total
All bending dimensions in accordance with
Type No. in each bar Weight weight Shape & Size
No.of Bar Total BS4466 unless otherwise stated
Member Bar Mark & each
Mbrs spacing No.
Size (Y) member M1 M2 M3 M4
(mm) kg/m (kg) comments
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
04A Y20 2 150 74 148 6200 2.467 2263.719 250 5700 250
05 Y16 5 150 148 740 8000 1.579 9347.680 250 7500 250
06 Y12 2 150 72 144 1808 0.888 231.193 600 180 778 250
07 Y12 6 150 296 1776 1843 0.888 2906.573 300 1243 300
Length of Total
All bending dimensions in accordance with
Type No. in each bar Weight weight Shape & Size
No.of Bar Total BS4466 unless otherwise stated
Member Bar Mark & each
Mbrs spacing No.
Size (Y) member M1 M2 M3 M4
(mm) kg/m (kg) comments
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
04A Y20 2 150 74 148 6200 2.467 2263.719 250 5700 250
05 Y16 6 150 148 888 8000 1.579 11217.216 250 7500 250
06 Y12 2 150 72 144 1808 0.888 231.193 600 180 778 250
07 Y12 7 150 296 2072 1843 0.888 3391.002 300 1243 300
Length of Total
All bending dimensions in accordance with
Type No. in each bar Weight weight Shape & Size
No.of Bar Total BS4466 unless otherwise stated
Member Bar Mark & each
Mbrs spacing No.
Size (Y) member M1 M2 M3 M4
(mm) kg/m (kg) comments
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
04A Y20 4 150 74 296 6200 2.467 4527.438 250 5700 250
05 Y16 4 150 148 592 8000 1.579 7478.144 250 7500 250
06 Y12 2 150 72 144 1808 0.888 231.193 600 180 778 250
07 Y12 6 150 296 1776 1843 0.888 2906.573 300 1243 300
Length of Total
All bending dimensions in accordance with
Type No. in each bar Weight weight Shape & Size
No.of Bar Total BS4466 unless otherwise stated
Member Bar Mark & each
Mbrs spacing No.
Size (Y) member M1 M2 M3 M4
(mm) kg/m (kg) comments
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
01AA Y16 2 150 74 148 22400 1.579 5234.701 250 21900 250
04A Y20 4 150 74 296 6200 2.467 4527.438 250 5700 250
05 Y16 4 150 148 592 8000 1.579 7478.144 250 7500 250
06 Y12 2 150 72 144 1808 0.888 231.193 600 180 778 250
07 Y12 7 150 296 2072 1843 0.888 3391.002 300 1243 300
Length of Total
Weight All bending dimensions in accordance with
Type each bar weight Shape & Size
No.of Bar No. in each Total BS4466 unless otherwise stated
Member Bar Mark &
Mbrs spacing member No.
Size (Y) M1 M2 M3 M4
(mm) kg/m (kg) comments
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
04A Y20 4 150 74 296 6200 2.467 4527.438 250 5700 250
05 Y16 4 150 148 592 8000 1.579 7478.144 250 7500 250
06 Y12 2 150 72 144 1808 0.888 231.193 600 180 778 250
07 Y12 6 150 296 1776 1843 0.888 2906.573 300 1243 300
Length of Total
Weight All bending dimensions in accordance with
Type each bar weight Shape & Size
No.of Bar No. in each Total BS4466 unless otherwise stated
Member Bar Mark &
Mbrs spacing member No.
Size (Y) M1 M2 M3 M4
(mm) kg/m (kg) comments
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
01AA Y16 2 150 74 148 22400 1.579 5234.701 250 21900 250
04A Y20 4 150 74 296 6200 2.467 4527.438 250 5700 250
05 Y16 4 150 148 592 8000 1.579 7478.144 250 7500 250
06 Y12 2 150 72 144 1808 0.888 231.193 600 180 778 250
07 Y12 7 150 296 2072 1843 0.888 3391.002 300 1243 300
Box 547.327
approach slab 0.806
wingwalls 43.483
retainingwall 116.512
Apron 115.336
headwall 2.064
total 825.528