May Newsletter 2019
May Newsletter 2019
May Newsletter 2019
J a m e s
Volume 14, Issue 9 May, 2019
Special Person Day This month in Unit 5 we Last month our Second Graders are
are using information in bar discovering the literary
school held it’s Annual
Our class had a lot graphs to solve put togeth-
Earth Day Expo. Since genre of biographies.
er/take apart and comparing
of fun hosting problems having one or more MCMA is a Michigan Students are reading
steps. We are also gather- Green School, this expo about many different
“Special Person Day”
ing, organizing and displaying helps us fulfill our Emer- people and the important
on Tuesday, April 23. data through our study of
ald status. The event things they have done in
graphs. Second Graders are
We really appreciate also interpreting data in
was held in the gym and their lives. We are fo-
displayed many resource- cusing on chronological
all of our special visi- graphs and using the data to
problem solve. Our math ful projects. Our class order, timelines and sig-
tors who came to series presents real world nificant events that are
concentrated on planting
spend the morning problem solving situations
bean seeds without using often times included in
which helps the students to biographies. These are
with us. The stu- see the importance of un-
true life stories written
dents worked very derstanding some of the
to highlight different
challenging tasks at hand.
hard on their plays This unit also focuses on aspects of a person’s life.
and were excited to understanding time. We I have encouraged all stu-
discuss analog clocks, digital dents to visit their local
share them with all clocks and elapsed time. library to find more cool
of you. facts about other people!
Summer Camp
Summer Camp: Join us for imagination with unique treats,
“While we try to teach our our Summer Camp Fine Art Fun arts & crafts, and educational
children all about life, our Camp! We are currently plan- activities. Enroll now to secure
children teach us what life ning exciting activities for our a place for your child in our fun
children in Preschool through and exciting summer program.
is all about”
Fifth Grade. The summer our Dates for Summer Camp Ses-
-Maria Montessori campers will go on many excit- sion I: June 17-July 19 Session
ing field trips, participate in II: July 15-August 16 Session
activities planned to encourage I & II: June 17-August 16
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