Book of Romans Bible Study
Book of Romans Bible Study
Book of Romans Bible Study
By Fred R. Coulter
© 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2009, 2012
Fred R. Coulter
Christian Biblical Church of God
P.O. Box 1442
Hollister, CA 95024-1442
All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes, no part of this publication
may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without the written permission of the
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Romans Series #1
With this sermon we are going to begin an Testament which they use to justify their
extended series on the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to belief that professing Christians are not
the Romans. We will take whatever time it takes to required to keep the commandments and
go through and study it. Let’s take a survey and you laws of God. Once these basic teachings
will see that there are four main parts to the study are misinterpreted and misunderstood, then
booklets: many other basic doctrines, which the
Apostle Paul wrote about in Romans, are
1. Introduction also stripped of their true meaning.
2. The main body of the translation
3. The special word studies from the Greek Since some of the things, which Paul wrote
4. The Greek Interlinear in the Epistle to the Romans, are very
difficult to understand, it is essential to
In the introduction the only thing I’m going to undertake special word studies of the
mention is that in the original, inspired order of the Greek. As we study each important
placements of the books of the New Testament they doctrine through these special word
should come as follows: Matthew, Mark, Luke John, studies, we will learn that while some of
Acts, James, 1st, 2nd Peter, 1st, 2nd, 3rd John, Jude, and the teachings he was inspired to write are
then Romans. “difficult to understand,” they are not
Romans has some things which are very impossible to understand. In fact, we will
difficult to understand, but we’ll try and make them learn as we study these doctrines, with the
understandable. We have five pages of the aid of these special word studies that they
Introduction and then we come to the body of the are not as difficult or as hard to
translation. If you turn there you’ll see we have understand, if each doctrine is carefully
beginning with chapter one we have large type and studied in a systematic way.
wide margins so you can whatever notes you want to Let’s just take a survey of the major topics.
make on it. I tried to make this translation as
exacting as I possibly could, which will be a great 1. To Believe (pg 1)—that starts right out in
advantage over the first series we did ten years ago, the first chapter.
because I would have say the King James says this,
but it really means this. This translation eliminates I took all the verses out of Romans and listed them
all of that. Just read through the translation and I by chapter where it talks about to believe. To believe
think you will find that it reads very well. There are is the verb form of faith.
29 pages for the text of the translation. 2. Faith (pg. 4)—With all of the Scriptures
Then you come to the Special Word Studies pulled in full—‘en toutoo.’ What I did, I
from the Greek. I just want to cover a couple of pulled in all the definitions, as they
things from the first two paragraphs: applied, out of the Belief’s booklet, into
each special word study. But, I didn’t put
The Apostle Paul’s Epistle to the Romans any of the Scriptural references other than
is one of the most important books of the those which are in Romans. Otherwise, we
New Testament. would have such voluminous things here
Without a doubt it is the most important. we could never get on with it.
It contains the fundamental basis of true Notice how many [Scriptures] we had on faith and
Christian Scriptural salvation… belief.
The wording of that is very deliberate! It has to be 3. Grace of God (pg. 8)—again, I took the
true, it has to be Scriptural, it has to be Christian, definition out of the Belief’s booklet and
and it has to be salvation. put it in there so that we have a full
understanding of it.
…through faith in Jesus Christ by grace.
Most professing Christian religions 4. Justification (pg. 11). What I’m going to
misunderstand and misinterpret what Paul do in my personal study, while we are
wrote concerning faith and grace vs law going through this, I am going to translate
and commandment-keeping. The Epistle to key sections of Galatians, because you
the Romans is one of the books of the New
Romans Series #1
a) Commandment (pg 20)—the Greek Psalm 138:1: “I will praise You with my
word and definition for it whole heart; before the gods I will sing praise to
b) The Law (pg 20) You…. [That doesn’t mean he’s going out before the
c) The Law with the Definite Article pagan gods and singing praise unto God. It is in the
(pg 21 face of any other god—which is not a god—he will
d) Law used without the Definite sing praise to the true God! That’s what that phrase
Article (pg 23)—a very important means.] …I will worship toward Your holy temple,
section. As we’re going to see, that and praise Your name for Your loving kindness, and
is going to be a key to understanding for Your Truth…” (vs 1-2)—which we know Jesus
what Paul taught—very important! said, ‘Your Word is Truth.’ We can put all of those
e) Work, Works, Works of Law and to back together with Psa. 119:
Work (pg 25)—you go ahead and • Your commandments are true
read the section there, but I’ll just • Your laws are true
mention this: • Your precepts are true
• Your judgments are true
In the book of Romans a great error in —and everything that has to do with Psa. 119.
translation was done. I explain it here. The term in
the Greek: works of law—which then is ‘ergoon Now, the last part of v 2: “…for You have
nomou’ means works (plural) of a law or any law. magnified Your Word above all Your name.” The
The King James translators added two definite Word of God is more important than the name of
articles: the works of the law—and they didn’t make God, because the Word of God is what God has
it italics so we would know they added it. That’s not spoken and God cannot lie! The name of God: God
in the Greek. It makes a vast difference in our will change His name in relationship to the covenant
understanding of what Paul wrote. When you say He enters in with the people.
‘the works of the law’ what do you think of? For example: Exodus 3:14: “And God said to
Commandment-keeping! That’s where they get off Moses, ‘I AM THAT I AM.’…. [Which means I am
and say you don’t have to keep the commandments. what am and will be what I shall be!] …And He
So, I’ll leave you in suspended animation with that said, ‘Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, “I
since we’re just doing a survey! AM has sent me to you.”’” We could do a whole
I’ve taken these in importance as we meet study, especially in the book of John, concerning ‘I
them as we come along: AM.’
6. Hope (pg 28)—that actually comes from Exodus 6:2: “And God spoke to Moses, and
the word faith. said to him, ‘I am the LORD.’… [YHVH. I just
7. Love (pg 29)—I took the full definition of listened to a tape by some ‘Christian’ Jews where
love out of the Beliefs booklet; plus, I they pronounce it: YaHoVa—very interesting!]
added quite a section, which was not in the …And I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob
Beliefs booklet, on pgs 30-31, explaining as God Almighty [El Shaddai]. But I was not known
the difference between ‘agape’ and to them by My name JEHOVAH’” (vs 2-3). That
‘philos’ and the verbs of them, too. I think was not the covenant name that He used with
you’ll find it very interesting. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. When we are born into
Romans Series #1
Romans Series #1
Though it contains some of the elements of Then it says, v 11: “Cretes and Arabians…”
a true letter—a personal communication If you just picture this in your mind, that is covering
prepared for a particular group of readers a huge geographical area. If you also remember that
rather than a literary construction everything that happened in the life of Jesus was not
employing the form of the letter—it done in a corner and it was well known, and that
approaches more nearly any other of the most of these people had already probably heard
apostles writings to be a formal theological about the events surrounding the crucifixion; had
treatises. already heard about the events surrounding those
Absolutely is! dead saints who were resurrected and came back into
the city. Yea, maybe even talk to some of them and
Certainly, it must be said that the said, ‘Were you really dead?’ Yes, and let me tell
exposition of theology is not developed in you what it was like when I woke up in the grave.
the immediate relationship to the particular Then someone said, ‘Yeah, let me tell you what it
problems or errors of the Roman Church. was like when they came and knocked on the door
What they’re saying here: Paul does not enumerate and I opened it and there they were!’ These were
in this letter particular problems of the Church at amazing times that were going on. This is the start of
Rome like he does in 1st and 2nd Corinthians. the Church at Rome.
They say nothing is known of the founding We are not told how many of these people at
of the Roman Church. Rome who were baptized, but there were 3,000 who
were, and many of them stayed well beyond so they
That’s partially a true statement, partially not a true could be with the apostles and learn and so forth. So,
statement. Let’s see what we know about the we do have an inkling of when the Church at Rome
founding of the Church. Today, we may not know began.
certain facts because they weren’t written down and
recorded for us—that is true. So we have to take Now, back to the Illustrated Dictionary of
everything at face value the way it is, but we can the Bible:
ferret out certain things if we would.
The Church at Rome was composed
On the day of Pentecost, Acts 2:7: “And they mainly of Gentiles.
were all amazed, and marveled, saying to one
another, ‘Behold, are not all these who are speaking I’m sure that at first it was composed mainly of
Galileans? Then how is it that we hear each one in Jews, then later Gentiles.
our own language in which we were born?’….
[Now, let me give you a geographical location of Then you had a problem when Claudius
these that are mentioned]: …Parthians and Medes forbad all the Jews to be in Rome—he
and Elamites, and those who inhabit Mesopotamia… chased them out. That’s when Priscilla and
[that is all of the area east of Palestine, including Aquilla left and that they were able to
Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, TransJordan, all the way teach Apollos at that time. Then the Jews
over to the Indus River where Elam was—way east.] would come back, then that created
…and Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia… another problem. It was a Greek-speaking
[All of those are in Asia Minor; so just think of the society. The letter was basically written to
whole country of Turkey—Jews from every area of pave the way for Paul to come on his visit.
there.] …both Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the The best we have we have to where he was
parts of Libya which are near Cyrene… [Egypt, when he wrote it is the city of Corinth,
Libya, Cyrene, which may be close to Cyprus. We because he sent Phoebe, one of the
know that when Paul started his ministry after his deaconesses, to hand-carry the epistle to
ordination, he went to the island of Cyrus.] …and the Church at Rome. Now, there is
the Romans who are sojourning here [strangers]… evidence that the Church at Rome
[these may have been proselyting Gentiles.] (We all consisted of many, many house
know it says): …both Jews and proselytes’” (vs 7- churches…
10). Sound familiar?
…and that this epistle was passed around
There were Jews from Rome, strangers from to all of those house churches.
Rome—and I’m sure some of the strangers from
Rome included some of the Roman guards who were That’s why when you read in Romans 16, you have
there, some of the Roman officials who were there. all of these greetings, and then he says, ‘…unto the
They were the occupying power that was in the area Church in the household’ and so forth. It was written
of Judea. between 54-57A.D.
Romans Series #1
Now, I want to read to you from The Word Now then, let’s illustrate some of the
Commentary concerning a little bit about the problems that the Jews had with Gentiles. They give
introduction to Romans. You have to weed through a quote here out of the Book of Jubilees (chapter
so much to get a few little good things out of them, 22:16)—and lo and behold I’ve got a Book of
because basically these people who write the Jubilees at home and I look to see if it was correct
commentaries are not believers. Most of them are and it is correct: Book of Jubilees (chapter 22:16):
agnostics; many of them are atheists and could care
less. That’s why the theology of Christianity in the Here is the attitude that the Jews had
world is so bad today, because the teachers at the toward the Gentiles: “Separate yourselves
seminaries are debunking and knocking down the from the Gentiles….
Word of God. He brings out that Paul was a Jew. I want you to think about how Peter got snagged in
We’ll talk about that a little bit later and get into this a little later in Gal. 2.
some of the Scriptures. I think they make a mistake
here by saying: …Do not eat with them. Do not perform
deeds like theirs. Do not become
The all consuming nature of his associates of theirs. Remember, their deeds
evangelistic drive is sufficiently clear from are defiled. All their ways are
such passages… contaminated and despicable and
and he reiterates them. abominable.”
…and must have been a determinative So, here’s the solution:
factor in framing and shaping this letter.
The point may be thus: From his own Foristious writes: “In his wisdom, the
perspective, Paul was first an evangelist legislator
and missionary, and only secondarily a I think that’s referring to Moses, but please let’s
theologian. understand one thing: When the Jews speak of
I think that is an incorrect statement. They are Moses, that includes everything that they have done
making comparisons with their knowledge of down through the centuries to add to it. They
theology today, in how they do it, in relationship to considered what they did was equivalent to and, yes,
what Paul did or didn’t do. You can’t make any of in many cases, greater than what Moses did. They
those comparisons at all because he was an apostle got carried away to such an extreme that they said
of God. that if a rabbi would make a decision counter to the
laws in the Scripture, that God Himself was bound
Also, something that was very important. I to uphold that decision because of the importance of
think that Paul also understood that sooner or later the rabbis.
there were going to be vast problems in Jerusalem.
He did not write this letter to the Jews which are in Comment: That sounds like the Catholics.
Jerusalem. He wrote this letter to the Romans. Yes, indeed! We will find in another study that
Catholicism came out of Alexandrian Judaism—
Then it talks considerably about the Gentiles without a doubt!
who were there. One thing we will see is that Paul
brought all human beings to the same level—didn’t Separate yourselves. Do not eat with them
matter whether you were Jew or Gentile, free or and so forth.
bond, rich or poor—you are all sinners by nature. So, here’s his letter:
The book of Romans tells us how God is
overcoming that particular problem. It also talks In his wisdom the legislator surrounded us
about how that the churches may have begun in the with unbroken palisades and iron walls to
synagogues—which is true—and that there were a prevent our mixing with any of the other
lot of what they call God-fearing Gentiles who were peoples in any matter. So, to prevent our being
following all the precepts of Judaism, save perverted by contact with others, or by mixing
circumcision. Then they conclude by saying: with bad influences, he hedged us about on all
sides with strict observances connected with
The Epistle of Romans contains four meat and drink and touch and hearing and
distinct areas: Jews unconverted, Jews sight after the manner of the law.
converted, Gentiles unconverted, Gentiles
converted. That is heart and core and part of the problem in
Romans and especially in Galatians. They also had
We’ll cover those basically in the first three chapters another problem, which was this: They had a sense
as we get to it. of distinctiveness, that they, because of their
physical inheritance and their religion and
Romans Series #1
circumcision that they were privileged above any This is why they considered themselves ‘the
other people. privileged elect.’ To this day it comes down.
Whenever you talk with someone who is a Jew, he
Go to Romans 2:25 and let’s read something always lets you know, ‘I am a Jew.’ Paul said it
here: “For on the one hand, circumcision profits if doesn’t make any difference. Coming from Paul that
you are observing the law… [notice, I added the is just like sticking a knife under the fifth rib. What
because it’s not in the Greek.] …on the other hand, they did, they separated themselves with the
if you are a transgressor of law, your circumcision distinction of circumcision, food laws and the
has become uncircumcision!” An unthinkable Sabbath.
statement! You need to understand this! This is
powerful! This is unthinkable! because these Now, let’s go the Scriptures. I want to bring
people—the Jews, converted and unconverted— to your attention a book The Harmony of the Life of
figured they had special privilege over everybody. St. Paul—not as the Catholics view it—by Frank J.
This is tough stuff here! Goodwin ( He lays out parallel accounts
about Paul’s life. I’m going to cover the Scriptures
Verse 26: “Therefore, if the uncircumcision that are laid out here.
is keeping the requirements of the law, shall not his
uncircumcision be reckoned for circumcision? And Let’s begin with the early training of Saul.
shall not the uncircumcision by nature, who are Remember, his name originally was Saul. Was there
fulfilling the law, judge you who, with the letter and not another man who was called Saul, who was the
circumcision, are a transgressor of the law?” (vs 26- first king? Was he not a failure because of
27). You talk about fighting words of the highest disobedience and his lying cursed all the way
nature! Now you know why the Jews were out to kill through? Yes! Now we have Saul, and we’re going
Paul at every turn. And we’ll see later some more to find out that God deals only in the impossible!
reasons. The Jews figured because they were Jewish What do I mean by that?
by genetics, Judaism by religion, that they had
special gifts and special favors of the covenant and When Satan got Adam and Eve to sin, I bet
the law. That’s when we come to Rom. 7 and we’ll that Satan thought ‘it’s impossible for God to work
see why Christ had to die. His plan.’ But He had a way! Then we got Cain to
do what he did, and ‘oh no, it’ll never go, I’ve really
Here is part of the curse that they brought got it.’ But God raised up a replacement. Then we
upon the Gentiles. This is taken from the Psalm of got the whole world to sin and God had to destroy it
Solomon. I did not have that book to find out with the Flood, and Satan said, ‘Now I’ve got them,
whether it is true or not. The Psalm of Solomon is God has got to destroy all of them.’ But there was
not in the Scriptures. This is an apocrypha writing. Noah. So God did the impossible and saved the
And it’s very doubtful that Solomon wrote this, but human race through Noah. Then it came the Tower
here is the quote just show the attitude: of Babel right after and it was ‘Boy, now I’ve got
them all together’ and God did the impossible and
The destruction of the sinner is terrible, but confused their languages and scattered them abroad.
nothing shall harm the righteous. Then God also did something else which was
That is ‘we Jews who are circumcised are righteous. impossible: He called Abraham at age 75!
All Gentiles uncircumcised are sinners by nature. (go to the next track)
Look at the conflict that this creates.
At the impossible age of 100—and Sarah
Nothing shall harm the righteous of all was 90—Isaac was born! Then Rebecca could not
these things, for the discipline of the conceive, so impossible she did conceive and born
righteous for the things done in ignorance two sons; the same way with Rachel and Jacob, that
is not the same as the destruction of the she could not conceive and final did. Then we come
sinners. to the greatest impossibility of all: God became a
I want you think about why God had to destroy human being! God walked the earth manifested in
Jerusalem, destroy the temple, scrape it off the face the flesh! God in the flesh—not a hundred percent
of the earth! Because of these attitudes right here. flesh—could not have been, but you understand
what I’m saying—DIED! Another impossible
The Lord has spared His devout, He will thing!—and was resurrected back to life! Another
wipe away their mistakes with discipline. impossible thing! Then God calls us—that’s
Their own works! another impossible thing!—to fulfill what Paul
wrote. He calls those that are nothing to bring
For the life of the righteous goes on about the destruction of those that think they are
forever, but sinners shall be taken away to everything! It’s exemplified in Paul’s life.
Romans Series #1
Paul was not liked by hardly anybody, the Greek speaking. Otherwise Paul did his own
except those who knew him personally greatly loved translating.
him. Everybody else hated him. So, let’s pick up on
his early training. Let’s come to Acts 21:39. I’m not Let’s think about this for a minute. If he did
going to give the flow or the context of these, I’m his own translating and was a Hebrew of Hebrews
just going to pick out the verses, and he’s laid it out and knew the Hebrew language concerning sacred
here in a very good harmony. By the way there’s names, if it were important, he would have gone into
also a Harmony of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles, it in detail. Furthermore, knowing both Hebrew and
that’s quite good, too. Greek, would he have not inserted the Hebrew
names of God? Yes! So therefore, God inspired him
Acts 21:39: “But Paul said, ‘I am a man who to write it wholly in Greek the way we have it today.
is indeed a Jew… [When he says ‘I am a Jew’ he is That’s important! So, if you get any sacred-namers
not saying that he is from the tribe of Judah. He is coming after you, you’ve got them! Gottcha!
saying he is a practicer of Judaism. It’s important to
understand.] …a citizen of Cilicia from Tarsus, Then he says, “…with respect to law, a
which is no insignificant city….” Then there are Pharisee” (v 4). Boy oh boy oh boy!
some other places there. I will just give you these Now, let’s look a little bit at his education.
references: Acts 22:3; 23:34. In both of these he says Let’s come to Acts 22:3. Let’s understand
that he was ‘of Tarsus’; so that’s where he was born. something: Paul—called Saul before he was called
Now, let’s come to 2-Corinthians 11:22. Paul—was well known! He was a gifted man of
This is interesting, speaking of the false apostles, accomplishments. Acts 22:3: “I am a man who is
Paul says: “Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought
Israelites? So am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? up in this city… [he was talking to the Sanhedrin in
So am I.” We’ll see a little later when we get into Jerusalem; brought up in Jerusalem] …at the feet of
chapters 9-11, that not all the seed of Abraham are Gamaliel… [the leading teacher of the law and
the ‘children of the promise.’ What are some of the Judaism at the time] …having been instructed
‘seed of Abraham’ that are not the ‘children of according to the exactness of the law of our fathers,
promise?’ Ishmael, the six sons by Katura, Esau being a zealot for God, even as you all are this day.”
(from Isaac). Then we have of the 12 sons that were Now, he shows in Rom. 10 that their was misplaced.
chosen, there were those who were chose from They had a zeal, but not the true knowledge.
within: Ephraim and Manasseh. So, it’s interesting, Acts 23:6: “Now when Paul learned that one
part were Sadducees and the other part were
• there were false apostles saying they were
Pharisees, he cried out in the Sanhedrin, ‘Men and
brethren, I am a Pharisee, and a son of a
• there were false apostles saying they were Pharisee…” As far as credentials in Judaism, you
Israelites can’t get any better, no better, the top! Crème de la
• there were false apostles saying they were crème!
of the seed of Abraham
Acts 26:4: “The manner of my life from
Now then, he goes one step further. Let’s go come to childhood, which from the beginning was among my
Philippians 3:4: “Though I might also have reason nation in Jerusalem, all the Jews know… [He was a
to trust in the flesh. If any other thinks he has cause public figure. Who can we think of today that has a
to trust in the flesh, I have much more: Circumcised reputation like this that we would know? He [Paul]
on the eighth day; of the race of Israel, from the was well known!] (The Jews knew this): “…who
tribe of Benjamin… [He was Benjamite, not a knew me from the first, if they are willing to testify,
Judahite] …a Hebrew of Hebrews…” He spoke that according to the strictest sect of our religion, I
Hebrew; wrote Hebrews; plus, being born in Tarsus, formerly lived as a Pharisee” (vs 4-5). Now again,
he wrote and spoke Greek and was very fluent in an impossible thing—right? Call someone so
both. One of these reference books that I read steeped in Pharaiseeism and legalism and lawism!
mentioned—which I think is true—that Paul did his An impossible thing, to teach grace—correct? Yes!
own translation of the Old Testament into Greek, But he was taught.
with the exception of the book of Hebrews. I am
convinced that he had Luke write the book of 1-Timonthy1:12—we know that he said,
Hebrews. They don’t know who the author was, but concerning law, that he was blameless. “And I thank
I’m here to tell you that any writing with the name Jesus Christ our Lord, Who has empowered me, that
of Paul on it would have been burned on arrival at He counted me faithful, putting me into the
Jerusalem. No one would have ever read it. In the ministry… [I think that’s something that should be
book of Hebrews, the Septuagint translation was emphasized. He was put into the ministry! Paul
used, because that’s what they used at Jerusalem for certainly did not appoint himself—did he? No!]
Romans Series #1
…who was previously a blasphemer and a destroy! This means as a wild boar with tusks is
persecutor and a violent person; but I obtained rooting up! Here in California we have what are
mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief” (vs 12- called feral pigs—don’t we? These are the wild pigs!
13). What do they do? They come in at night and destroy
and tear everything up! You can have the loveliest
Let’s see what he did to persecute the garden in the world and it can be all gone the next
Church; Saul the persecutor. Our first introduction to morning when you wake up! All the feral pigs come
Saul is in the book of Acts, chapter seven. This is the in and root it up!] (Notice what he did. Look at the
account of Stephen’s witness to the Sanhedrin— authority that he had): …going from house to house,
Boy! what a witness! I tell you, that was something! entering in and dragging out men and women, and
It was so profound that when they were stoning delivering them up to prison. Therefore, those who
Stephen, he said, ‘I looked up into heaven and I saw were scattered passed through everywhere,
the throne of God and the Lord standing at the right preaching the Word of the Gospel” (vs 1-4).
hand.’ He wasn’t sitting, he was standing watching
what was going on. You have to search here and there through
the New Testament to understand how the Apostle
Acts 7:57: “Then they cried out with a loud Paul was before his conversion. So he put a little
voice, and stopped their ears, and rushed upon him here and a little there, because he didn’t want to brag
with one accord, and cast him out of the city and on the whole story all at once because it was so
stoned him. And the witnesses laid down their gruesome.
garments at the feet of a young man called Saul” So,
he was right there urging them on—‘yes, go get Acts 22:4: “And I persecuted this way… [the
him.’ way of Christ] …unto death, binding and delivering
up to prisons both men and women, as also the high
• Don’t you think that Saul knew of Jesus? priest and all the elderhood [high priest] bear witness
• Don’t you think that he knew of the to me… [the high priest was right there when he was
ministry of Jesus Christ? being questioned at this particular junction] …from
• Don’t you think that he took the whom I received letters to the brethren… [other
Pharisaical stance fellow Jews, not brethren in the Church in this
that He [Christ] was born of fornication? particular case] …and went to Damascus to bring
that He was a blasphemer? bound to Jerusalem those who were there also, in
that He was the Son of Belial? order that they might be punished” (vs 4-5).
that He was the Son of Baalzebub?
• Don’t you think that He understood that Verse 19: “And I said, ‘Lord, they
Jesus was crucified? themselves are aware that I imprisoned and beat in
• Could it be that He was there when Paul every synagogue those who believe in You.’” What
was crucified? are we really looking at here? Let’s get a
contemporary person of notoriety of about the same
Howbeit, not in the judgment, but perhaps maybe as ilk and we will understand the magnitude of what we
a spectator. Doesn’t say! He didn’t say! But at least are talking about. Let’s think of the two letters
you have to consider these things. ‘SS’—the Gestapo. Let’s think of the famous
general of the ‘SS’ who carried out the final
• Was he not the leader in the forefront of solution: Heinrich Himmel; who, by the way, was a
persecuting and killing the brethren of trained Jesuit. That’s equivalent to what Saul was
God? before he was called. Now, you talk about an
Yes! And we’re going to see how effective he was at impossible thing! Can you imagine a synagogue of
it. “And they stoned Stephen, who called upon God, Jews receiving, in open arms—hugging, kissing and
saying, ‘Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.’ And he fell embracing—Heinrich Himmel? NO! Even though he
to his knees and cried with a loud voice, ‘Lord, do said, ‘I’m sorry, I’ve repented, I’ve repented to God;
not lay this sin to their charge.’ And after he had said I have a message to you from God.’ BAM! Get out
this, he died” (vs 59-60). Was part of the answer to of here! Now you know why the Jews didn’t like
this prayer the call of Saul? I don’t know! Saul, who became Paul.
Acts 8:1: “Now Saul had consented to killing Let’s come to Acts 26:9—he shows his
him. And that day a great persecution arose against the deliberation in it; he shows his planning; his
Church that was in Jerusalem; and all the believers plotting; his scheming; his evil thoughts toward it.
were scattered throughout the countries of Judea and Acts 26:9: “For this very reason, I truly thought in
Samaria, except the apostles. And devout men buried myself that I ought to do many things contrary to the
Stephen and made great lamentation over him. But name of Jesus the Nazarean, Which I also did in
Saul was ravaging the Church… [This means to Jerusalem; and many of the saints I shut up in
Romans Series #1
prisons, having received authority from the chief shows the amazing ability of God to reach down and
priests… [It’s like going to a judge and you get an call Saul. God had this in mind from the beginning,
order. This was a court order from the Sanhedrin because Paul said, ‘I was called from my mother’s
giving legal authority to do this. Amazing stuff!] womb.’
…and when they were put to death, I gave my full
consent against them…. [said, ‘yes, do it.’] …And So, we don’t know what God is going to do
by punishing them often in all the synagogues, I with anybody—do we? No! And not knowing what
compelled them to blaspheme. And being God is going to do with anyone, therefore, if we
exceedingly furious against them, I persecuted them show them the Truth, strength and love of God,
even as far as to foreign cities” (vs 9-11). He wasn’t perhaps that will inspire them to repent! That’s
going to let any them get away. important! Look here, he was right on his mission;
dedicated, determined, evil thoughts in his mind to
We will see his attitude later. I imagine there get them!
were many, many times, later when he was
converted, when the Apostle Paul was praying, that So he’s knocked off his horse and Jesus said,
he thought about these things and it inspired him to “I am Jesus, Whom you are persecuting. It is hard
work harder. It brought him to a deeper level of for you to kick against the pricks” (v 5). They’re
conversion and repentance. I imagine that he also talking about a special plant in the area of Palestine
had dreams where he would see the faces of those that would grow about four inch spikes. You’ve
people that he was doing that to. Can you imagine probably seen that that’s what they made the ‘crown
what it’s going to be like at the resurrection when of thorns’ out of. Can you imagine with your bare
they are all resurrected, having been martyred by feet kicking against something like that? That’s what
Saul and lo and behold standing on the same sea of Christ was telling him. ‘Look, that’s pretty tough
glass is the one who did it? You talk about an doing it—isn’t it?’
impossible thing! Verse 6: “Then, trembling and astonished, he
Galatians 1:13: “For you heard of my former [Saul] said, ‘Lord, what will You have me to do?’….
conduct when I was in Judaism… [The Jews’ [I guess he knew that God was dealing with him—
religion in the Greek—if you will look at the right? Talk about a change!] …And the Lord said to
Interlinear—is Judaism.] …how I was excessively him, ‘Get up and go into the city, and you shall be
persecuting the Church of God and was destroying told what you must do.’ Now the men who were
it; and I was advancing in Judaism far beyond many traveling with him stood speechless; for they indeed
of my contemporaries in my own nation… [which heard the voice, but they saw no one. Then Saul
were in Christ. He didn’t show up there. We’ll see arose from the ground; but when he opened his eyes,
that he did for a little bit, but God gave him a vision he saw no one. And they led him by the hand and
‘you better get out of here’—and he did.] …being brought him to Damascus…. [You talk about a
more abundantly zealous for the traditions of my humble calling! SLAM! BAM! BOOM! Knock him
fathers” (vs 13-14). down and blind! What was the lesson that Christ was
teaching him? He was spiritually blind in doing
Verse 23: “They only heard, ‘The one who what he was doing.] …But for three days he was not
once persecuted us is now preaching the Gospel— able to see, and he did not eat or drink” (vs 6-9). I’ll
the faith which he once destroyed.’ And they bet he was praying! I’ll bet he was repenting!
glorified God in me” (vs 23-24). He said he wasn’t
fit to be called an apostle because he persecuted the “Now there was in Damascus a certain
Church (1-Cor. 15:9) disciple named Ananias. And the Lord said to him in
a vision, ‘Ananias.’ And he said, ‘Behold, I am here,
Acts 9:1: “Now Saul, still breathing out Lord.’ And the Lord said to him, ‘Arise and go into
threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the street which is called Straight, and inquire in the
the Lord, went to the high priest, asking him for house of Judas for one named Saul from Tarsus; for
letters… [give me arrest warrants; give me behold, he is praying, and he has seen in a vision a
authority] …to take to the synagogues at Damascus, man named Ananias coming and putting his hands
so that if he found any who were of that way, he on him, so that he may receive sight.’ Then Ananias
might bring them bound, both men and women, to answered, ‘Lord, I have heard from many people
Jerusalem…. [Just like the Gestapo—right? Take about this man, how many evil things he has done to
them out of their homes and take them away!] Your saints in Jerusalem. And even in this place he
….But it came to pass while he was journeying, as has authority from the chief priests to bind all who
he drew near to Damascus, that suddenly a light call on Your name’” (vs 10-14). That’s why Christ
from heaven shined round about him. And after had to give him a vision. Do you think Ananias
falling to the ground, he heard a voice say to him, would have believed any human being if they would
‘Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?’” (vs 1-4). It have come and said, ‘Hey, great news, guess what?
Romans Series #1
Saul has repented!’ You’re kidding? ‘No, he’s down independence that he needed to uphold the Truth of
at this house.’ I’m not going there. ‘The Lord said to God. It gave him great insight into the problems of
go lay your hands on him.’ Not a chance! So that’s Judaism as it began to infiltrate back into the Church
why God had to do it directly. later. So, he received it of the Lord.] …that Christ
died for our sins, according to the Scriptures; and
Verse 15: “But the Lord said to him, ‘Go, for that He was buried; and that He was raised the third
this man is a chosen vessel to Me, to bear My name day, according to the Scriptures; and that He
before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of appeared to Cephas, and then to the twelve. Then He
Israel; for I will show him what great things he must appeared to over five hundred brethren at one time,
suffer for My name.’…. [And he did! That’s why of whom the greater part are alive until now, but
Paul said, ‘I joy in tribulation.’ He felt that was his some have fallen sleep. Next He [Christ] appeared to
own compensation for having wreaked havoc against James; then to all the apostles; and last of all He
the Church.] …Then Ananias went away and came appeared to me also, as one who was born of a
into the house; and after laying his hands on him, he miscarriage” (vs 3-9). That’s what he considered
said, ‘Brother Saul… [I’ll bet that was hard coming himself.
out!] …the Lord has sent me, even Jesus, Who
appeared to you on the road in which you came, so “For I am the least of the apostles, and am
that you might receive sight and be filled with the not fit even to be called an apostle, because I
Holy Spirit.’ And it was as if scales immediately fell persecuted the Church of God. But by the grace of
from his eyes, and he instantly received sight; and he God I am what I am, and His grace toward me has
arose and was baptized. And after eating food, he not been in vain; rather, I have labored more
was strengthened. Then Saul was with the disciples abundantly than all of them… [Yes, and we’ve got
in Damascus for a number of days. And in the 14 Epistles of Paul, the backbone of New
synagogues he immediately began to proclaim Testament doctrine of which the book of Romans
Christ, that He is the Son of God” (vs 15-20). I is the foundation. Very important!] …however, it
mean, this is an amazing turn about! was not I, but the grace of God with me” (vs 9-10).
“And all who heard him were amazed and Let’s see where the Apostle Paul became
said, ‘Is not this the man who destroyed those who Paul instead of Saul (Acts 13) and let’s see that after
called on this name in Jerusalem, and who came here he was called, baptized, went to Arabia for three
for this purpose, so that he might bring them bound years, came back and showed himself to the apostles
to the chief priests?’ But Saul increased even more in for two weeks, apparently. Then he started
power, and confounded the Jews who dwelt in witnessing in the synagogues in Jerusalem. God
Damascus, proving that this is the Christ” (vs 21- finally had to tell him, ‘Get out of Jerusalem!’ In the
22). So then he had to escape being let down in a modern vernacular, ‘your name is mud and your
basket out the back window over a wall. He went to person is dead.’ He went on down to Tarsus where
Arabia where he was for three years being taught of he was.
Christ directly by dreams and visions.
Acts 11:19—let’s see how he got out of
Now, let’s go to 1-Corinthians 15, and we’ll Tarsus: “Now those who had been scattered by the
look at that account there for just a minute. When persecution that arose concerning Stephen went
you truly, truly understand about the Apostle Paul— through Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch,
how he was called, what he did—that ought to give speaking the word to no one except Jews only. But
us great hope! You run around with a guilt feeling certain men among them who were Cypriots and
because you’ve had this sin or that sin or the other Cyrenians came to Antioch and spoke to the Greeks,
sin. Is Christ not able to forgive that? Yes! If He’s preaching the Gospel of the Lord Jesus” (vs 19-20).
able to forgive Saul, He’s can forgive you. That’s So we don’t know how many of those also went
what Paul said when he wrote to Timothy. He said, over to Rome. God gave them tremendous ability
‘Of a truth, Christ came to forgive sinner of whom I with His Holy Spirit to go out and preach.
am the chief! And he called me to set a pattern for
all those who would believe afterward.’ So, we can “And the hand of the Lord was with them,
have great hope in it. and a great number believed and turned to the Lord.
Now the report concerning them was heard in the
1-Coprinthians 15:3: “For in the first place, I ears of the Church that was in Jerusalem, and they
delivered to you what I also had received… [He sent out Barnabas to go as far as Antioch. When he
received it directly of Christ. Why could he not arrived and saw the grace of God, he rejoiced; and
receive it from any man? I don’t think there was any he exhorted them all to cleave to the Lord with
man who would teach him. Would Peter? Would purpose of heart, for he was a good man, and was
James? Would John? No! Christ had to do it filled with the Holy Spirit and with faith. And a
directly! That gave Paul, after conversion, a great large multitude was added to the Lord. Then
Romans Series #1
Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter
Exception: Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to
the Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
Romans Series #2
Survey & Chapter 1:1-7
This is going to be a unique series; unique spirit and not in the letter; whose praise is not from
from the point of view that I don’t think that you men by from God” (vs 28-29).
would be able to get this course at any college; not
even in any of the colleges in the Churches of God Then Romans 3: He shows all have sinned;
that I know of that will go right into the book of all have come short of the glory of God; no one is
Romans the way that we are going to do it. doing righteousness. Then he sums it up by this:
Romans 3:19: “Now then, we understand that
I first did a series in Romans ten years ago whatsoever the law says, it is speaking to those who
and at that time I just went through the King James are under the law, so that every mouth may be shut,
and the Greek Interlinear. So, when I would come to and all the world may become guilty before God.”
the places where there was a difficult translation or a This is really telling us that the whole world is under
wrong translation in the King James, then I would law to God.
explain it. But it made it a little bit awkward,
because I was going back and forth and most of the I also will let you know that wherever you
brethren, at that time, just had a King James and it see italics, those are words of clarification.
was hard for them to follow-thru with the shifting Sometimes where there is not a definite article, it is
back and forth. very warranted to put one in when you consider the
whole context. Other places it is not warranted to put
Survey of the Book of Romans in at all, because it shouldn’t be there.
With the translation I’ve got all of those Verse 20: “Therefore, by works of law…
difficult things already taken care of. What I want to [that’s one of those instances; no definite article
do this time is I want to go through and let’s just ‘the’ for law.] …there shall not be any flesh…” Any
survey a little bit of the book of Romans all the way human being; he’s talking about whether Jew,
through. (From The Epistle to the Romans, An In- whether Greek, whether Barbarian, whatever system
Depth Bible Study). If you want to know the purpose of religion or law you may have, because the pagan
statement for the whole book of Romans here it is religions have different works for justification—
right here: don’t they? Various bathings, cuttings! Some in
India have it where they run a sword through the
Romans 1:17: “For therein the righteousness sides of their cheeks or tongue or nose. Those are
of God is being revealed… [present tense passive] ‘works of law’ seeking to make them acceptable to
…from faith into faith according as it has been God. That’s what this is talking about and is quite a
written: ‘The just shall live by faith.’” Then subject when we get there, we’ll cover it in detail.
everything else flows from that. Right after that, he
starts showing what all the pagan religions did—yes, “…justified before Him; because by law is
all the religions—and how they ended up. the knowledge of sin” (v 20). I put the there because
it’s warranted to go ahead and ad a definite article at
Romans 2: He starts out talking to the that particular point.
individual person. What he shows is that there are
two ways to go: God’s way, or the way of the flesh Let’s come to Romans 4; really quite a
or the world. Now, let’s come to the end of chapter profound chapter and lays some more of the
two; very important. What he does, he starts groundwork for justification and showing that
‘leveling the playing field.’ What do I mean by that? Abraham is the ‘father of the uncircumcision’ and
The Jews thought that they had a special playing the ‘father of the circumcision’ and that we are
field with God or a special relationship with God, saved ‘by faith.’
and that regardless of what they did God had to Romans 5 tells us little bit more about this
honor that relationship because of His pledge. justification and what God has done. It comes down
However, Paul comes along and makes this all the way through chapter 6, and I want to tie that
completely different; he changes it. in with the last two verses of chapter three. We need
Romans 2:28: “For he is not a Jew who is to understand something very important, which is
one outwardly, neither is that circumcision which is this: Most theologians—especially Protestant
external in the flesh; rather, the one who is a Jew is theologians—will tell you that Paul, in introducing
one inwardly, and circumcision is of the heart, in the grace and faith, is saying that if you believe in Christ
in faith through grace you have no works required at
all; hence, there is no commandment-keeping or
Romans Series #2
Survey & Chapter 1:1-7
law-keeping; hence, the laws of God are null and consciousness of sin in the sense that they have to
void. Holy Spirit to convict them.
Now then, here’s what Paul said, Romans That’s one good measure of ‘do you have the
6:1: “What then shall we say? Shall we continue in Holy Spirit? The measure is this: When you have
sin, so that grace may abound?…. [I made a sinned you are convicted of it mentally, yes, because
‘stylistic’ type of translation, v 2]: …MAY IT it’s the Holy Spirit convicting you! Furthermore,
NEVER BE!….” when you do something and you come to the
consciousness of it later on, that it was really a
Let’s go to the Interlinear section [found in the dastardly deed, that’s God’s Spirit showing you the
Romans 6:1: “What
Special Word Studies from the Greek (pg 413)]
operation of the law of sin and death within you.
then shall we say? Shall we continue in sin that
grace may abound? May it not be!….” (vs 1-2). Romans 8 shows how the final justification
takes place: We have to led of the Holy Spirit.
Notice the translation by the King James, v Romans 8:28, where he sums up the whole struggle
2: “God forbid!….” That is a strict interpretation. of sin once we’ve been justified. “And we know that
That is not a translation at all, because this reads in for those who are loving God… [I’m going to have
the Greek, v 2, ‘me ginoito’—which means may this quite a bit to say about present tense when we get a
thought never be! ‘Don’t ever let this thought come little bit more into the study.] …all things are
into existence,’ is what he’s saying. It’s not ‘God working together for good, of those who are called
forbid’—God is not going to forbid anything. If He’s according to His purpose.” Notice again, it is for
allowed sin the way that He’s allowed sin, He’s not those who ‘loving God.’ Then he goes on showing
going to ‘forbid.’ that ‘nothing shall separate us.’ Look at all of these
“MAY IT NEVER BE!…. [I’ve put it all in trials. I mean, these are something—right? Yes!
caps with an exclamation point to show that this is Nothing will be able to separate us!
such an imperative statement.] …We who died to Romans 9, 10, 11 picks up on another whole
sin… [How did you die to sin? Baptism!] …how topic that he needs to cover; having to do with Israel
shall we live any longer therein? in the flesh and does God still have an obligation to
Let’s come back to Romans 3:30: “Since, them because of the promises given to the fathers
indeed, it is one God Who will justify the and why God cut off Israel.
circumcision by faith, and the uncircumcision Let’s come to Romans 11:32—this is the
through faith. Are we, then, abolishing law through summation of it all: “For God has given them all
faith? MAY IT NEVER BE!…. [‘me ginoito’— over to unbelief, in order that He might show mercy
don’t ever let this thought come into existence.] to all…. [This is where the beginning of the
…On the contrary, we are establishing law!” (vs 30- understanding of the second resurrection takes place,
31). We will get into why we are establishing law; right here. If God gives someone over to unbelief,
that’s very important. Notice, in each case the whose responsibility it is to take away that unbelief?
definite article is not there, so he’s not talking about God’s! So if He doesn’t do it, can He justly
just the law, concerning the laws of God. He’s condemn someone to the Lake of Fire? No! God is
talking about law—meaning everything of God in just!] (Paul did not understand that, but he did
addition to those things in the Old Testament and understand this): …O the depth of riches of both the
everything concerning what Christ said. Remember wisdom and the knowledge of God! How
what Jesus said, ‘If you love Me keep My unfathomable are His judgments and
commandments.’ He didn’t say, ‘sin all you want.’ incomprehensible are His ways! For who has known
Romans 7—the first part talks about the the mind of the Lord, or who has become His
marriage law and the releasing of Christ from the counselor? Or who has first given to Him, and it
people of the Old Covenant by His death. It talks shall be recompensed to him? For from Him, and
about the internal struggle that Christians go through through Him, and unto Him are all things; to Him be
in overcoming sin. A lot of people think—and it’s a the glory into the ages of eternity. Amen” (vs 32-
Protestant misnomer—that if you are right with God 36). So he ends the section right here.
and you are on God’s side so to speak, you shouldn’t
have one bit of trouble. So hence, we get the feeling • Romans 12 gives us some good Christian
then if we have trials and difficulties then somehow living principles.
God is against us, and we go around with a guilt • Romans 13 has to do with the civil rulers
complex. ‘Oh my, what have I done?’ Rather, Paul is and powers that are there.
showing us that we have the eternal conflict of I want to cover something that will help and give us
overcoming. Please understand, people in the world a little overview as we’re going through here.
do not have the conflict. They have no Romans 13:8: “Do not be obligated to anyone in
Romans Series #2
Survey & Chapter 1:1-7
anything, unless it is to love one another. For the one The suspect retrieved his Bible, realized he
who is loving the other has fulfilled the law; because was wrong and threatened to kill Taylor,
it says, ‘You should not commit adultery. You shall witnesses said.
not commit murder. You shall not steal. You shall
not bear false witness. You shall not lust’; and if How about that! Arguing over the Scriptures unto
there be any other commandment… [How broad an death! The epitome of law! What was the law? Did
application is that? It says, ‘if there be’—it’s in the you do this correct? No love! BAM! I wonder what
subjunctive meaning it’s all inclusive.] …it is they’re going to say when Christ resurrects them to
summed up in this saying, by this standard; ‘you the second resurrection and says: ‘Remember that
shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ Love does not argument you had?’ That’s why love is that which
do any wrong toward his neighbor; therefore, love is brings ‘fullness to the law.’
that which brings fullness to law” (vs 8-10). Romans 14—and the first verse is the verse
That’s quite different from the King James to understand chapter 14. You have to come all the
translation. Protestants will read the King James, way down to v 21. Romans 14:21 gives you the key
which says, v 10: “…love is the fulfilling of the to understanding, so in a sense, if you read this first:
law.” So therefore, if we’re loving, ‘we don’t have to “for it is better not to eat flesh, or drink wine, or do
keep the law.’ But that is not what it means! Jesus anything else by which your brother stumbles, or is
said—we’ve already covered it—‘If you love Me, offended, or is made weak. Do you have faith? Have
keep My commandments.’ it to yourself before God. Blessed is the one who is
not condemning himself in what he approves” (vs
Can you have law-keeping and 21-22). This does away with all thoughts of
commandment-keeping without love? You can! Not changing the Sabbath Day to Sunday—does it not?
toward God and not truly toward your neighbor, but If you are to assemble on the Sabbath Day, how can
in general it can be done. What is a classic example you have faith to yourself alone? You can’t!
of that? Where they had laws, they had rules, they
had regulations and they carried them out? Yes, the Romans 15 talks about—leading up to the
Nazis! So love is what brings fullness to the law! end of it—hope; talks about God’s Spirit. Beginning
That fills the law full! Because you are loving! in v 24 he talks about going on to Spain. It’s is very
That’s why, when you go back to Deut. 5 the law is interesting. Notice the very last verse—v 32—ends
given, then God tells them, ‘Hear, O Israel, you shall with an ‘Amen.’ When I was translating this, it was
love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all very evident that there were editing or additions to
your mind, with all your strength!’ Love then is that this that Paul made at a later time. Some of those
which fulfills the law, or fills it full. you can detect by the ‘Amen.’
Let me give you an example. This was taken Romans 16:20: “But the God of peace will
from this morning’s San Francisco Chronicle of the bruise Satan under your feet shortly, The grace of
exact antithesis of using the Scripture without love: our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.” Then he
has another thought he wants to put on there, but he
Man, 38, Killed over Bible Contest. doesn’t want to change v 20. So then he talks about
Dadeville, Alabama: “A man who lost an Timothy (v 21) and the different ones there, and then
early morning Bible quoting contest Gaius (v 23).
allegedly killed the man who beat him,”
police said. Gabriel Taylor, 38, was shot Then he says, v 24: “The grace of our Lord
once in the face outside his apartment Jesus Christ be with all of you. Amen.” Then he
Thursday. Police are searching for the adds something else he wanted to put there. So then
suspect whose name was not revealed and he put this last section]: …Now to Him who has the
who has believed to have left Dadeville, power to establish you according to my gospel and
about 50 miles northeast of Auburn, the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the
Alabama. revelation of the mystery which in the ages of the
past has been kept secret, but now is made manifest,
Taylor, a preacher’s brother, and the and by the prophetic Scriptures, according to the
suspect were comparing their Bible commandment of the Eternal God, has been made
knowledge outside an apartment complex, known to all the nations unto the obedience of
each quoting versions of the same passage. faith… [We’ll see ‘obedience of faith’ again in Rom.
1; so he ends where he begins.] …to the only wise
If you’ve read New Age Bible versions you’ll know God, through Jesus Christ, to Whom be the glory
the problems they have. into the ages of eternity. AMEN” (vs 24-27). So
there’s another ‘Amen.’
Romans Series #2
Survey & Chapter 1:1-7
Romans Series #2
Survey & Chapter 1:1-7
Romans Series #2
Survey & Chapter 1:1-7
understanding and gift that God gave to all the a man? That becomes a very complicated topic. But
original apostles because they didn’t have the New the nature of God is most important because you
Testament. They had to go back to the Old must know the right God and you must know His
Testament and extract all of these things out of it. right nature, otherwise you have the wrong God.
Here’s part of it where He’s talking about His
second coming, and yet, we will see this has to do Here Jesus did something to them, Matthew
with Christ’s own name O Immanuel which is God 22:41: “While the Pharisees were assembled
with us! “…And the stretching out of his wings shall together, Jesus questioned them, saying, ‘What do
fill the breadth of your land, O Immanuel.” you think concerning the Christ? Whose son is He?’
They said to Him, ‘The Son of David.’ He said to
Let’s come to Luke, the first chapter, and them, ‘How then does David in spirit call Him Lord,
let’s see concerning the begettal of Jesus Christ and saying, “The LORD said to my Lord, ‘Sit at My
the prophecy that was given by Gabriel when he right hand, until I make Your enemies a footstool for
came and announced to Mary what would happen. Your feet”? Therefore, if David calls Him Lord, how
The angel Gabriel came, Luke 1:27: “To a virgin is He his Son?’” (vs 41-45). They couldn’t answer
betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the that!
lineage of David; and the name of the virgin was
Mary. And after coming to her, the angel said, ‘Hail, We just saw the begettal of Christ there in
you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you; Luke 1, now let’s go to Psalm 110:1, where He is
blessed are you among women.’…. [Now, ‘highly called the Lord. “The LORD… [YHVH—and I
favored’ means you have been graciously blessed!] think it’s interesting, to a tape by a ‘Christian’ Jew
…But when she saw him, she was greatly perplexed who has radio program, and he calls YHVH—not
at his message, and was considering what kind of YHWH—and he pronounced it Ya-ho-va, the soft ‘j’
salutation this might be” (vs 27-29). sound. If you had the harder ‘j’ sound it would be
Ja-ho-va. Only once did he say, Yahweh.] (So this
(go to the next track) first one is): …The YHVH said unto my [Adonai]
“Then the angel said to her, ‘Do not be Lord…” Adonai, which then is ‘Lord.’ Notice the
afraid, Mary, because you have found grace with difference in the spelling—one is all caps and the
God; and behold, you shall conceive in your womb other one is lower case. Who was Lord over David
and give birth to a son; and you shall call His name in the sense that it was not God? Was there anyone
Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son higher than David? This is why it reveals two who
of the Highest; and the Lord God shall give Him the were called ‘God’ under various titles of Jehovah,
throne of David, His forefather… [direct fulfilling of Adonai and El Shaddai and all of the others.
that Scripture] …and He shall reign over the house “…‘Sit at My right hand until I make Your
of Jacob into the ages, and of His kingdom there enemies as Your footstool.’ The LORD shall send
shall be no end.’ But Mary said to the angel, ‘How the rod of Your strength out of Zion saying, ‘Rule in
shall this be, since I have not had sexual relations the midst of Your enemies.’ Your people will offer
with a man?’ And the angel answered and said to themselves in the day of Your power, in the beauties
her, ‘The Holy Spirit shall come upon you, and the of Holiness from the womb of the morning: Yours is
power of the Highest shall overshadow you; and for the dew of Your youth. The LORD has sworn and
this reason, the Holy One being begotten in you will not repent, ‘You are a priest forever after the
shall be called the Son of God.’” (vs 30-35). order of Melchizedek.’ The LORD at Your right
It’s very interesting in the Greek. The Greek hand shall strike through kings in the day of His
does not mean shall be born. The Greek here is the wrath…. [This is talking about the second return of
present tense participle of being begotten—that Christ—isn’t it?] …He shall judge among the
which is in you, “the Holy One being begotten in nations, He shall fill them with dead bodies; He shall
you shall be called the Son of God.” We’re going to shatter chief men over the broad earth. He shall
see He was called the Son of God in the flesh, and drink of the brook by the way; therefore He shall lift
He was called the Son of God after the resurrection, up the head” (vs 1-7). You see how many things are
as well. But some people believe that He was not the blended in together. That’s why going through and
Son of God until the resurrection. That is not so! trying to pick out these prophecies in the Old
Testament, sometimes you have to pick out a phrase
We’re going to see there are two distinct or a verse right in the middle of it all.
things here. Let’s go to Matthew 22. When we go
through some of these things, let’s always remember Let’s go to Psalm 2 and let’s see where it
that there is nothing impossible for God to do. Later, talks about ‘this day I have begotten you’ which
when we get to Rom. 8, we will cover a little bit refers what we read in Luke 1. I’m not going to go
more about the nature of God; we’ll go into that in through all of Psa. 2, but much of that could be
detail. Someone always asks: How can God become applied today in exactly what is happening in this
Romans Series #2
Survey & Chapter 1:1-7
coming world-government and so forth; everybody Version, they translate this ‘the one and the only Son
getting away from God into the great apostasy. of God.’ What does that do? That closes it off—
doesn’t it? Yes!]: …gave His only begotten Son, so
Psalm 2:7: “I will declare the decree of the that everyone who believes in Him may not perish,
LORD. He has said to Me, ‘You are My Son; this but may have everlasting life.”
day I have begotten You.’…. [This could not refer to
David, because David was already a full-grown John 5:17: “But Jesus answered them, ‘My
man! David says): … …the LORD. He has said to Father is working until now, and I work.’ So then,
Me… [referring to the One Who became the Son] on account of this saying, the Jews sought all the
…‘You are My Son; this day I have begotten You.’” more to kill Him, not only because He had loosed
There was only one day when that occurred— the Sabbath, but also because He had called God His
correct? Then He was known as the only begotten own Father, making Himself equal with God.
Son of God! We are begotten sons, but not like Therefore, Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Truly,
Christ. That’s why He is called the only begotten. truly I say to you, the Son has no power to do
And begotten refers to when He was conceived anything of Himself…’” (vs 17-19). So, He called
physically in the womb of the virgin Mary. Himself the ‘Son of God/the Son of man.’
Let’s look at some other Scriptures which Verse 25: “‘Truly, truly I say to you, the
show that He was called while He was in the flesh, hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear
the Son of God. Let’s go to Mark 1:1: “The the voice of the Son of God; and those who hear
beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of shall live.’” So He called Himself the Son of God/the
God.” That’s what He’s called. Jesus even called Son of man—referring to His physical existence.
Himself the Son of God. But we’re also going to see
that He was not the Son until He was begotten. John 9:35: “Jesus heard that they had cast
him out… [the man who was born blind, whom He
John 1:50[transcriber’s correction]: “Nathanael healed] …and when He found him, He said to him,
answered and said to Him, ‘Rabbi, You are the Son ‘Do you believe in the Son of God?’…. [referring to
of God; You are the King of Israel.’” So they knew. Himself] ...He answered and said, ‘Who is He, Lord,
Remember when the wise-men came; they came to that I may believe in Him?’ And Jesus said to him,
Herod and they wanted to know ‘Where is He that is ‘You have seen Him, and He is the one Who is even
born King of the Jews?’ They knew that He was to now speaking to you.’ Then he said, ‘Lord, I
be born in Bethlehem. believe.’ And he worshiped Him” (vs 35-38). Called
the Son of God! The Son of God is worthy of
• They knew the town. worship.
• They knew that He was to be born.
• They knew He was to be called Immanuel. Let’s look at something else. We’ll see right
• They knew that He was to be the Son of in the first chapter of John that before He was the
God and the King of Israel. Son of God—begotten of God—He was called the
So that’s quite an admission—isn’t it? Word and He was God. This is important to
understand because all Trinitarians believe that the
Now then, let’s see what Jesus referred to Son was eternally the Son, the Father was eternally
Himself in another type of reference, v 51[transcriber’s the Father and that the Father has eternally begotten
correction]: “Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Because I the Son. That is not true. Jesus did not become the
told you, ‘I saw you under the fig tree,’ do you Son of God until His begettal. ‘This day I have
believe? Greater things than these shall you see.’ begotten You’—the only begotten Son of God.
And He said to him, ‘Truly, truly I say to you,
hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels • One of Elohim became the Son at that
of God descending to and ascending from the Son of point.
man.’” (vs 51-52). • The other of Elohim—meaning God—
became the Father.
That’s quite a thing—isn’t it?—called
Himself the ‘the Son of man’ and angels ascending John 1:1: “In the beginning was the Word… [That’s
and descending upon Him. Don’t ask me exactly what He was called, the Word of God.] …and the
how that worked because I can’t tell you. But, I’m Word was with God, and the Word was God….
sure that’s one of the reasons why He was able not [These are all past tense forms translated was, the
to sin, in addition to being filled with the Holy Spirit Greek is ‘eimi’—which could also have the
and begin begotten by God the Father. meaning: before the beginning was the Word, and
the Word WAS with God at that time, and the Word
John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that WAS God before the beginning. Now, what does it
He gave His only begotten… [In the New say of Christ? Slain before the foundation of the
International Version and New American Standard world—correct? Yes!] …He was in the beginning
Romans Series #2
Survey & Chapter 1:1-7
with God. All things came into being through Him, the Church; Who is the beginning, the firstborn
and not even one thing that was created came into from among the dead… [So He was the beginning
being without Him. In Him was life…” (vs 1-4). of those who are resurrected from the dead; not
That can only be God, therefore, God Christ could meaning that He was the beginning of the creation of
not have been a created being and He did not exist God when God decided to create. Do you understand
until the time of His begettal by the Father—that is the difference?] …Who is the beginning, the
not correct! firstborn from among the dead…”—‘prototokos’,
the firstborn.
Verse 14: And the Word became flesh… [If
you become something, that means you’ve already Now, let’s go to Romans 8 and we will see
have been something before that.] (So, He): where He is the firstborn, and if you’re the firstborn,
…became flesh and tabernacled among us (and we what does that automatically tell you? That tells you
ourselves beheld His glory, the glory as of the only there are more to come—correct? When you have an
begotten with the Father), full of grace and truth.” only child, how many are there? One! Romans 8:29:
“Because those whom He did foreknow, He also
Verse 18: “No one has seen God at any time; predestinated to be conformed to the image of His
the only begotten Son, Who is in the bosom of the own Son, that He might be the firstborn among
Father, He has declared Him.” That’s talking about many brethren.” Now we’re into the Family of God
the only begotten Son. He did not become a Son at this point—are we not? Yes! In this case again it is
until He was begotten. ‘prototokos’—firstborn.
Now let’s look at the term firstborn, because Let’s go to the book of Hebrews and let’s
that has to do with the resurrection. Let’s go to look at it where we have a little difficulty. Hebrews
Matthew, the first chapter. I want to show you the 1:4: “Having been made so much greater than any of
difference between begotten and born—especially the angels, inasmuch as He has inherited a name
firstborn. Matthew 1:23: “‘Behold, the virgin shall exceedingly superior to them. For to which of the
be with child and shall give birth to a son, and they angels did He ever say, ‘You are My Son; this day
shall call His name Emmanuel’… [we read that [today] I have begotten [which comes from ‘genes’]
prophecy back in Isa. 8:8] …which is, being You’? And again, ‘I will be a Father to Him…
interpreted, ‘God with us.’ And when Joseph was [When the begettal took place, that’s when the One
awakened from his sleep, he did as the angel of the of Elohim became the Father.] …and He will be a
Lord had commanded, and took his wife to wed; but Son to Me’? And again, when He brought the
he did not have sexual relations with her until after Firstborn [‘prototokos’] into the world… [This could
she had given birth to her son, the firstborn; and he refer to after His physical birth] …He said, ‘Let all
called His name Jesus” (vs 23-25). the angels of God worship Him’” (vs 4-6). Did not
There’s a difference in the Greek in the the angels worship Christ? What happened when He
phrase only begotten and firstborn. Only begotten in was born? The heavens opened up and departed and
the Greek is ‘monogenes’—‘mono’—we have even the shepherd saw the angels singing and gave him a
in the English—is only; ‘genes’ means begotten. message. What were they singing? Glory to God in
Firstborn is quite different: the Greek is the Highest!
‘prototokos’—‘proto’ we even have in English: We’ve covered many things which are on the
prototypes, the first one of a kind; ‘totokos’ comes Messiah. Some Sabbath when you’re not able to get
from to give birth. So, ‘prototokos’ means you are to church and you have it, listen to it; and if you
already born, the firstborn. Whereas, ‘monogenes’ don’t have it, I recommend you get it; get the CDs
means to be begotten, not yet born. Are we begotten which have the whole complete Messiah. If you
of the Holy Spirit now? Yes! But we are not born of don’t feel like reading and studying the Bible that
the resurrection, yet—are we? No! day, just put that on—it’s about two hours
Let’s go to Colossians, the first chapter, and altogether. You will have a sermon sung to you like
let’s see this concerning ‘prototokos.’ Then we are you have never heard in your entire life. One of
going to see a couple of places where they have them, which I really like, the soprano has it and it
mistranslated only begotten—‘monogenes’—to read talks about this instance where the angels are
firstborn. Or they have translated ‘prototokos’— singing: It’s ‘Glory to God, Glory to God in the
meaning firstborn—to read ‘monogenes.’ That is not highest.’ Marvelous! It’s just magnificent! I really
correct. love to listen to the Messiah.
Here is where we have it concerning Jesus Hebrews 1:5 (KJV): “For unto which of the
was born again. Did we not just read where Jesus angels said He at any time, ‘You are My Son, this
was called the firstborn of Mary—‘prototokos.’ day have I begotten you? And again, I will be to
Colossians 1:18: “And He is the Head of the body, Him a Father, and He shall be to me a Son? And
Romans Series #2
Survey & Chapter 1:1-7
again, when He brings in the first begotten… [Not in the Greek. The word ‘palin’ is not there. That was
correct!—‘prototokos’—firstborn!] …into the an interpretation by the translators.
world, He says, ‘And let all the angels of God
worship Him’” (vs 5-6). We also have one other thing concerning
this. Romans 1:4—resurrected, He “…was declared
Now, let’s apply this again to firstborn from the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit
the dead. Let’s go to Revelation, the first chapter, of Holiness, by the resurrection from the dead—
and we’re going to see another mistranslation in the Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Rom 1:4). Let’s look at a
King James; Revelation 1:5: “And from Jesus couple of Scriptures prophesying of His being
Christ, Who is the faithful witness, and the first resurrected.
begotten of the dead…” Not a correct translation,
blatantly wrong! This does not come from ‘genes’ or Psalm 16:8 talks about He would not leave
‘gennao’ whatsoever. This is ‘prototokos’— His soul in hell. “I have set the LORD always before
firstborn. Me…. [That’s another reason why Christ did not
sin.] …Because He is at My right hand, I shall not
Read it the way it should read: “And from be moved. Therefore, My heart is glad and My glory
Jesus Christ, the faithful Witness, the Firstborn rejoices; My flesh also shall rest in safety, for You
from the dead [‘eknekros’—which means out from will not abandon My soul to the grave [hell]; neither
the grave, out of the earth. So, He is ‘the Firstborn will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption….
from among the dead.’ [That was the promise given by the One Who
became the Father. Since it’s impossible for God to
Let’s look at this again in Acts 13:22, and lie, Jesus knew He would be resurrected. He knew
let’s put this all together: “And after removing him that!] …You will make known to Me the path of
[Saul], He [God] raised up David to be their king… life; in Your presence is fullness of joy. At Your
[raised up here means to raise up a physical right hand are pleasures forevermore” (vs 8-11).
person.] …to whom He also gave testimony, saying, That is also talking about the resurrection.
“I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after
My own heart, who will perform all My will.” Of Peter quoted that on the Day of Pentecost
this man’s seed has God according to His promise (Acts 2). He was resurrected from the dead by the
raised up to Israel a Savior, Jesus’” (vs 22-23). Spirit of Holiness.
Verse 33 (KJV): “…God has fulfilled the Spirit of Holiness—let’s see what that is.
same unto us, their children, in that He has raised up John 17:1: “Jesus spoke these words, and lifted up
Jesus again…. [‘again’ is not in the Greek. Raise up His eyes to heaven and said, ‘Father, the hour has
again could have reference toward the resurrection, come; glorify Your own Son, so that Your Son may
but this is to ‘raise up Jesus the man, not raise up also glorify You; since You have given Him
from the resurrection. We’ll see the next verse he authority over all flesh, in order that He may give
talks about that.] …as it is also written in the second eternal life to all whom You have given Him. For
Psalm, You are My Son, this day have I begotten this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only
You.’… [That was the day of His begettal, having true God, and Jesus Christ, Whom You did send. I
nothing to do with the resurrection.] …And as have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the
concerning that He raised Him up from the dead…’” work that You gave Me to do. And now, Father,
(vs 33-34). There we have raised Him up from the glorify Me with Your own self… [which then is the
dead. That is the resurrection part of it. The other Spirit of Holiness] …with the glory that I had with
one: He has raised up Jesus has exactly the same You before the world existed [was (KJV)]’” (vs 1-5).
meaning that He raised up David (v 22), exactly the
same verb and exactly the same language. I don’t want to burden you down with too
much Greek, but I need to mention this. The word
This also has to do with this prophecy that translated ‘was’ comes from the Greek word ‘eni’
was given to Moses—Deuteronomy 18:15: “The which means and is the present infinitive to be—
LORD your God will raise up unto you a Prophet before the world came into being, that’s what it
from the midst of you, of your brethren… [of the means: “…with the glory that I had with You before
flesh] …One like me…. [referring to Moses himself] the world existed [came into being].” Again,
…To Him you shall hearken…. [v 18]: …‘I will showing that He was God before He became human.
raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, He is asking for that glory back. Through the power
One like you, and will put My words in His of the resurrection the Spirit of Holiness.
mouth….’” (vs 15, 18). This is talking about the
physical life and ministry of Christ. Romans 1:5: “Through Whom we received
the grace and apostleship… [We’re going to talk an
So, back there in Acts 13 when it says, ‘and awful lot about grace later on. Suffice it to say at
He raised up Jesus’ it does not mean again. It’s not this point, this is the gift of grace given for his
Romans Series #2
Survey & Chapter 1:1-7
Romans Series #3
Chapter 1:7-16
I want us to think about what a tremendous 4. and open their minds for conversion
thing it is that we have the New Testament. What I
would like you to do is turn right there on pg. 1, That’s really a tremendous thing! We realize that the
chapter 1 of the In-Depth Bible Study. I think this Apostle Paul wrote some things difficult to
will help you understand why the New Testament is understand; we haven’t gotten to those parts yet. I
really a personal message, inspired of God, just wanted to be sure and cover that by way of
beginning first of all with the Gospels—the ministry, review.
words and teachings of Jesus Christ—and then the Romans 1:7: “To all those who are in
book of Acts shows us the acts of the apostles. Every Rome…” That’s an interesting way to put it because
other book of the New Testament—with the as it has been mentioned by several in different
exception of Revelation—is called an epistle, commentaries, that there were probably many ‘house
meaning a letter. churches’ in Rome. Therefore he didn’t write it to
What I want you do is look at the word the ‘Church at Rome’ like he did when he wrote to
epistle at the top of pg. 1, it says The Epistle to the the Church at Corinth—it says ‘Paul and apostle to
Romans. I want you to draw a line between the ‘E’ the Church of God which is at Corinth.’ It’s for
and the ‘p’; I want you to do the same thing between those who are in Rome!
the ‘t’ and the ‘l’; I want you to isolate out the word “…beloved of God, the called saints….” We
‘pist.’ The reason I’m doing this is because—write showed last time how it is that God the Father is the
that right below it and put at the end of it ‘os’: One Who intervenes and calls. God the Father is
‘pistos’—which is to believe. directly and personally involved in everyone’s life
I want you to do that again: write ‘pist’ and that He calls, and it’s really important to really
add two more letters at the end of that—you’re understand that and realize that.
getting a little Greek lesson here—‘is’—‘pistis’; so Let’s look at what it means to be ‘beloved’
we have two words out of that stem—‘pistos’ which of God. I think that’s very important for us to
means faithful or faithful one and ‘pistis’ which realize—to be beloved of God. Let’s begin in
means faith. It’s interesting that root word ‘pist’ in Matthew, the third chapter. One thing that is
epistle is actually a part of faith. So in a sense you important for us realize, they also know this, too,
could say the epistle are personal letters of faith. just from the point of view of mental soundness,
When we view it that way then we’re going to emotional soundness and physical well being is this:
understand how important the Word of God is. If you know that someone loves you that gives you a
What would God tell you if He were here great deal of confidence and hope—doesn’t it?
today? Think on that for just a minute. What would When it’s the other way around. When you don’t
He tell you? A lot of people say, ‘Well, if God know that someone loves you or not—you become
would tell me, I’d believe Him.’ He already has! He what? Very insecure—don’t you? You always do! or
would say the same thing, would He not? Yes! So frustrated! and that can generally end up in anger.
that’s why when you look at this personal letter of That’s why, brethren, it’s so very important that the
faith, inspired by God and Jesus Christ because They love of God be preached, because we are the beloved
do it together. Why is this important? If you know of the Father.’ That’s why He called us. God did not
that it comes directly from God in the form of call us to be in fear and trepidation and to have guilt
personal letter, are you not going to want to feelings falling all over us all the time.
understand it even more? Yes, you are! You realize Matthew 3:17—after Jesus was baptized and
then that this is a personal message from God. The came up out of the water: “And lo, a voice from
reason that it is is because God personally inspired heaven said, ‘This is My Son, the Beloved, in
that there would be enough Bibles around the world Whom I have great delight [well pleased (KJV)].’”
so that Same word: beloved! What does that mean to us?
1. it would be a witness to all people Let’s see what it really means. To be beloved
2. that He would have His Word so that means to be a recipient of love, and that means that
everyone would be able to look at it if they you in turn love back. That’s what God wants it to
were willing to do so be. This gives us the definition of what it means to
3. so that with it then God could call those be beloved, John 15:9: “As the Father has loved
people that He chooses to call Me… [Think on that statement for just a bit. Did the
Romans Series #3
Chapter 1:7-16
Father love Jesus Christ perfectly, with absolute that are pleasing in God’s sight? We can! We can do
perfect, profound, Godly love? Yes! He’s drawing a those things which are pleasing in God’s sight:
comparison here.] …I also have loved you… [in the
same way. That’s why it’s important when we’re • by loving God
going through the Scriptures that we keep that • by loving Christ
foremost, and that’s what Paul is leading up to as we • by loving each other
will see in the book of Romans; he builds it. But • by loving His Word
what I want to do is bring in these factors so we • by believing Him
understand what he’s doing as we’re going along.] • by doing the things that He says
…As the Father has loved Me, I also have loved
you; live [continue (KJV) in My love.” There are All of those are well pleasing! Based on that then
many other Scriptures we can bring to it, but I just we’re going to do it from the heart. God doesn’t
want to bring this particular one. want us to be coerced into doing anything. True love
is really a choice. ‘Beloved’ means you are the
John 16—this is a Scripture we’ve covered recipient of the love of God, you are the object of
many times, but I want to cover it again so that we His affection. Now then, what does that do to guilt?
understand that Paul also knew about the love of What does that do to condemnation? Gets rid of it!
God and what it means to be beloved of God. When Gets rid of it entirely—doesn’t it? Yes! And that’s
you understand that you’re beloved of God, this is God’s whole purpose that He do that.
not to puff you up, because it won’t puff you up. It’ll
actually cause you to be much more humble; not Verse 18, again: “‘Behold My Servant,
from the point of view that you make yourself Whom I have chosen; My Beloved, in Whom My
humble, but to understand what an awesome thing it soul has found delight. I will put My Spirit upon
is that God the Father loves you. That’s why a false Him, and He shall declare judgment to the Gentiles.”
humility, just to make yourself meek or humble in And part of that is what the Apostle Paul is doing in
the eyes of men, is not the kind of humility that writing this epistle.
comes from God. The kind of humility that comes Again, it tells how Jesus was the Beloved
from God is when you understand that the greatest Son. This is when they were on the Mt. of
being in the whole universe Himself personally Transfiguration, Matthew 17:5: “While he was
loves you. That’s what it means to be beloved. speaking, a bright cloud suddenly overshadowed
Let’s also understand something else: God them; and behold, a voice out of the cloud said,
the Father is perfectly capable of loving every ‘This is My Son, the Beloved, in Whom I delight.
human being that He calls with the same kind of Listen to Him!’” Isn’t it much easier to listen to God
love, with the same intensity, with the same purpose and the words of God if you love Him? Yes! You’re
and meaning as He can for each one of us. going to be very anxious—are you not? Yes you are!
You’re going to be very willing—aren’t you? Yes,
John 16:27: “For the Father Himself loves you are!
you… [is loving you] …because you have loved Me,
and have believed that I came forth from God.” Now let’s come over here to Ephesians
Remember what we talked about in the word 5:1—here it’s translated just a little differently, but it
epistle—‘pistos’ and ‘pistis’—believe; same thing, is the same word as beloved—‘agapetos.’
to faithize. It all comes together: love, belief and “Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved
faith all work together. children…. [If you know the Father loves you—
which He does; and if you know that Christ loves
you—which He does; are you not going to be
Matthew 12:14: “Then the Pharisees went wanting to follow God as beloved children? Sure you
out of the synagogue and held a council against Him will! And that’s what God wants.] (notice then what
to discuss how they might destroy Him…. [Isn’t that He says that follows up with it and sort of ties all of
the way that it always is when there’s a spirit of this together): …and walk in love, even as Christ
Satan the devil around, when there’s a spirit of also loved us, and gave Himself for us as an offering
carnality around, they cannot stand the true love of and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savor”
God. They’ve always got to do something to destroy (vs 1-2). We can do those things which are pleasing
it.] …But when Jesus knew of it, He withdrew from to God without a doubt.
there; and great multitudes followed Him, and He
healed all of them. And He strictly commanded them Let’s look at a couple of more places Let’s
not to make Him known publicly; so that it might be go to the Epistle of First John. John uses the term
fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, beloved more than anybody else. Some of these are
saying, ‘Behold My Servant, Whom I have chosen; basic Scriptures that we have covered before, but
My Beloved, in Whom My soul has found what we need to do with these basic Scriptures that
delight….” (vs 14-18). How can we do the things we covered before, we need to take those and use
Romans Series #3
Chapter 1:7-16
those as building blocks as we’re going along to help Verse 8: “The one who does not love does
give us a greater and greater understanding. not know God because God is love.” We need to
reflect on that in relationship to the number of times
1-John 3:1: “Behold! What glorious love the we have heard the Gospel of Christ preached without
Father has given to us, that we should be called the the love of God. There’s a time to warn the wicked
children of God! For this very reason, the world of their sins—absolutely correct! They don’t like it
does not know us because it did not know Him. when they’re warned, but that doesn’t mean that that
Beloved… [the object of God’s love] …now we are is not love, because if there is not love there would
the children of God, and it has not yet been revealed be no warning. The warning is always given so that
what we shall be; but we know that when He is you might repent. That’s why God does all of those
manifested, we shall be like Him, because we shall things the way that He does. That’s why He doesn’t
see Him exactly as He is” (vs 1-2). That’s a unleash His wrath until the very end, as we find in
tremendous amount of love—isn’t it? That God is the book of Revelation. God is hoping that as many
going to make you like He is! All of this is all would, as many as possible, would choose to repent.
contained in the one word beloved. So, when Paul
tells those in Rome—beloved in Rome… “The one who does not love does not know
God because God is love. In this way the love of
1-John 4:7: “Beloved, we should love one God was manifested toward us: that God sent His
another because love is from God… [this means only begotten Son into the world, so that we might
love comes out from God and is a spiritual gift. live through Him” (vs 8-9). That’s why it’s also very
That’s why people just getting together and being important for us to understand that we are not live on
nice to one another and having the spirit of rah rah- the brink of disaster all the time. What do I mean by
ism they cannot develop the love of God from within that? That you load yourself down with guilt,
themselves, because it doesn’t come from with figuring ‘I’m never going to make it, I am not
themselves. It comes from God the Father Who worthy.’ Listen, no one is worthy, and God has
puts it within you! And it comes entirely differently called you because you’re not worthy! No one is
than most people suspect.] …and everyone who going to make you worthy except Christ. Can you
loves has been begotten by God, and knows God.” make yourself Christ? No! That’s a ridiculous
Everyone that is loving has been begotten of statement. I ask it that way because can you make
God and is knowing God. Again, we’re going to yourself worthy? No! Only Christ. That’s the whole
focus in on the present tense. God is always thing when we get into the righteousness of faith—
concerned with the present tense, the minute right “…so that we might live through Him.”
now. You cannot do anything about the future today. “In this act is the love—not that we loved
You may make plans; you can even make plans to God; rather, that He loved us and sent His Son to be
go on a trip, but you can’t go until that day arrives— the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved
can you? And, likewise in our lives—as a I have us, we also are duty-bound to love one another” (vs
explained before, but is something we need to 10-11). All of that is tied up in the one word beloved
constantly understand—we have enough of the law of God.
of sin and death in us that we are going to do those
things which are sin. And we need God’s Romans 1:7: “…beloved of God, the called
forgiveness to overcome. saints. Grace to you and peace from God our Father
and our Lord Jesus Christ.” I’m not going to spend a
Once we have sinned it’s immediately in the lot of time on grace at this particular junction. I’m
past. So we need to repent. We are always, in the just going to go to a couple of verse with this, but
present tense are: grace is the definition of our relationship with Christ
and God the Father. So when Paul puts it here at the
• knowing God beginning of each one of the epistles that he is
• loving God writing, he is conveying something from God to us.
• believing in God There can be nothing greater than the grace of God!
• trusting in God “…Grace to you and peace…”
• looking to God
Romans 5:1-2: “Therefore, after having been
—on a constant ongoing basis. That way then, that justified by faith, we have peace with God… [We’re
ensures that we will have that kind of attitude now going to look at peace because grace and peace go
and if we continue with it we will tomorrow, and if together constantly.] …through our Lord Jesus
we continue with it, we will the next day and the Christ; by Whom also we now have the access…
next month and the next year and so forth. That’s [It’s the particular access to God] …by faith into this
why that’s important. That’s why the New grace in which we now stand…” Grace, as we will
Testament is written that way. see, is a definition or quality of the relationship that
Romans Series #3
Chapter 1:7-16
we have with God the Father and Jesus Christ; ignorant, brethren, that many times I proposed to
meaning that we are come to you but I was hindered until the present, in
order that I might also have some fruit among you,
• recipients of His love even as I have among the other Gentiles. I am a
• recipients of His blessing debtor to both Greeks and barbarians, to both the
• recipients of everything that comes from wise and the unintelligent; so, as much as is in me, I
God am ready to preach the Gospel to you who are in
Verse 8: “But God is demonstrating His very own Rome. For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of
love to us, because that, while we were still sinners, Christ, because it is the power of God unto salvation
Christ died for us. Therefore, much more, having to everyone who is believing—both to the Jew first,
been justified now by His own blood, we shall be and to the Greek” (vs 13-16).
saved from wrath through Him. For if, while we Let’s go through these verses. Let’s
were still enemies… [To be an enemy is the opposite understand that in almost every epistle that Paul
of peace; enmity the same root for enemies. In fact, wrote, he has something to do with letting the
in the Greek it’s the same word.] …we were brethren know that he is thinking of them, he is
reconciled to God through the death of His own Son, praying for them, he is hoping for them and so forth.
still greater yet, after being reconciled, we shall be
saved by His life” (vs 8-10). Let’s go to the book of Colossians and let’s
read how he did I there. Each one is personal; each
Let’s look at a definition of that; here’s what one is directly for that church or that group.
it means to be an enemy of God in your mind by Colossians 1:3: “We give thanks to the God and
wicked works, Romans 8:7: “Because the carnal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying for you
mind is enmity… [same Greek word for enemies; at continually… [Every time Paul writes an epistle he
odds, fighting against, resisting, not at peace with— always says, ‘We’re praying for you.’ I think that’s
a vast difference; he’s comparing the two] …against very encouraging. We also all need to pray for each
God, for it is not subject to the law of God—neither other. Brethren, that’s something we need to do
indeed can it be!” So that’s what it means to be an everyday is pray for all the brethren,
enemy of God. That’s what it means to not have
peace with God. • that they would be inspired
• that they would be helped
Romans 1:7: “…Grace to you and peace • that they would be uplifted if they have
from God our Father… [It comes from the Father; difficulties and trials
and again, I want us to understand how much the
• that they would be healed of whatever
Father is involved in our lives.] …and our Lord
Jesus Christ. On the one hand, I first thank my God diseases they may have
through Jesus Christ… [Notice his thanks are not to • that they may be given wisdom to
the Father[transcriber’s correction] directly, but to God the understand some things that they may need
Father through Christ. Quite important that we to do for the care of their own body, in
understand that relationship.] …for all of you, for case that’s something they need to do
your faith is spoken of in the whole world; because I might mention that I send out an awful lot of
God is my witness, Whom I serve in my spirit in the anointed cloths and in almost every case God
Gospel of His Son, how unceasingly I make mention intervenes and answers—not because I send them
of you; in my prayers I am always beseeching, that out, but because we’re looking to God. It’s not what
if by any means I now at last shall be prospered by any minister can do, and it’s not what the cloth can
the will of God to come to you. For I am longing to do, nor the olive oil on the cloth, but it’s faith in
see you, so that I may impart to you some spiritual Christ that does it. That’s what’s important. He also
gift in order that you may be established; even I may let’s us know that we have our own responsibility to
be comforted together with you through the faith in take care of our bodies in the way that we should.
each one of us, both yours and mine” (vs 7-12). But also part of our prayers is that the brethren will
“On the other hand” (v 13)—much of that is understand.
missed in the Greek. Maybe the translators do not • that they will be spared and protected from
translate on the one hand/on the other hand. There the false prophets
are two Greek words: ‘men’ to begin with and then • that they will have their minds opened so
‘de’ at the other end—‘men de’ meaning on the one they will be able to identify these false
hand/on the other hand. Sometimes it’s a little things coming along
awkward to do so, but I think it gives a good
comparison as we’re going through. This is why it’s so important we get into the Word of
God in detail. There are so many out there now that
“On the other hand, I do not wish you to be sound so good, that sound so smooth, that sound’s so
Romans Series #3
Chapter 1:7-16
convincing, but they are just flat false prophets. the Gospel of His Son… [Make special note of the
Likewise, we need to follow Paul’s example and do Gospel because there are quite a few verses right
that. here in the beginning part of Romans that covers the
Gospel.] …how unceasingly I make mention of you;
Verse 3: “…praying for you continually in my prayers I am always beseeching, that if by any
since hearing of your faith in Christ Jesus, and the means I shall now be prospered by the will of God to
love that you have toward all the saints; because of come to you. For I am longing to see you, so that I
the hope that is laid up for you in heaven, which you may impart to you some spiritual gifts, in order that
heard before in the Word of the Truth of the you may be established” (vs 8-11).
Gospel… [the Message] …which has come to you,
even as it also has in all the world, and is bringing What he is really saying, and this is
forth fruit… [constantly, present tense] …just as it is something that is true—and I think that maybe
among you, from the day that you heard and knew Sabbath services have been misused by so many for
the grace of God in Truth” (vs 3-6). Then it talks so long: When we get together with the Spirit of
about Epaphras and the kind of opening that he God and study His Word, what it is when we learn
brings. together, it is a spiritual gift that is begin imparted.
WHY? Because it’s an operation of grace! If you
Let’s go to 1-Corinthians, the first chapter, understand the Word of God then that’s part of a
and let’s see how Paul wrote these. It is an spiritual gift. In other words, it is to be a benefit for
individual way to each one that he was addressing in all of us. The reason it is a benefit is because on the
the epistles that he wrote. 1-Corinthians 1:1: “Paul, Sabbath Day we fellowship with God the Father and
an apostle of Jesus Christ, called by the will of God, Jesus Christ. They are the Ones that we are really
and Sosthenes our brother, to the Church of God that coming together to know and understand Their will.
is in Corinth… [a smaller church rather than So therefore, a spiritual gift! Isn’t that something!
groupings of ‘house churches’ such as in Rome]
…the called saints who have been sanctified in He said, v 11: “…I may impart to you a
Christ Jesus, together with all those in every place spiritual gift… [by teaching.] …in order that you
who are calling on the name of Jesus Christ our may by established.” Establishing is so important.
Lord, both theirs and ours: Grace and peace be to We need to be established, which means built upon
you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ and on God the Father.
Christ…. [Notice how similar this is, and he’s (go to the next track)
bringing this as a tremendous thing to open his
letters.] …I thank my God always concerning you, Romans 16:25: “Now to Him Who has the
for the grace of God that has been given to you in power to establish you…” That’s very important so
Christ Jesus; and that you have been spiritually that we’re not tossed ‘to and fro with every wind of
enriched in Him in everything, in all discourse and doctrine.’
knowledge, according as the testimony of Christ was • We are established!
confirmed in you; so that you do not lack even one
spiritual gift while you are awaiting the revelation of • We have the faith!
our Lord Jesus Christ, Who will also strengthen you • We have the grace!
to the end that you may be unimpeachable in the day • We have the love!
of our Lord Jesus Christ” (vs 1-8). • We have the hope!
Again, in every one of these personal letters We have all of those things; those are the things
there is a personal introduction, there is a personal which establish us. “…according to my gospel and
reference to God the Father and Jesus Christ and our the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the
continuing relationship with Them. Let’s come back revelation of the mystery that in past ages has been
to Romans, the first chapter, and let’s continue on. kept secret… [If you study Ephesians, Philippians
It’s quite a wonderful thing the way the Apostle Paul and Colossians like we have, you will see that later,
does in bringing how then he is personalizing when he wrote Ephesians, that God had given him a
everything. That’s the way that God does. God does greater insight into the ‘mystery’ of God—that is the
it individually for each one of us. Paul was inspired secret of God’s plan! And we’re to be established in
to write the same way. that.] …but now is made manifest… [to be revealed]
…and by the prophetic Scriptures, according to the
Romans 1:8: “On the one hand, I first thank commandment of the eternal God, has been made
my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, for your known to all the nations unto the obedience of
faith is spoken of in the whole world; because God faith…” (vs 25-26). Notice that we come back to the
is my witness, Whom I serve in my spirit… [We’ll obedience of the faith again. That is something!
talk about the Spirit of God and the spirit of man
when we get further into the book of Romans.] …in What does it mean to be made known to all
Romans Series #3
Chapter 1:7-16
the nations? I think there are two meanings to that: But, here is the thing that I think is really
wonderful: “…after you have suffered a little
1. It was made known in a greater way in the while… [Remember: suffering will not last forever!
first century than we’ve ever understood Remember that! A trial will not last forever!]
2. It is also a prophetic statement that is …Himself perfect you, establish… [that’s the
going to, again, be done at the end whole purpose of it; to establish you] …strengthen,
Sometimes we have more than one meaning in the and settle you” (v 10)—on Christ Who is the Rock.
same thing. They don’t know now, and part of what That’s a wonderful promise.
we’re doing here is being re-established in all of this If you currently have a trial which is hard to
so that we know! Brethren, we don’t know what bear right now. What you do is you take these verses
God has in mind down the road. But whatever God and you get on your knees and you go to God and
has in mind, we need to be fully equipped and you lay it out to Him just like this and claim the
prepared to do it. Notice he begins and he ends by promise that God will make you “…perfect,
saying to establish you. establish, strengthen and settle you.” He’ll do that
Verse 25: “Now to Him Who has the power through
to establish you…” Again, going to Christ and God
• His grace
the Father! They will establish us in ALL
circumstances. • His Spirit
• His comfort
Now, let’s go to 1-Peter, the fifth chapter.
Here again, it talks about to be established. It also He will do that! That’s something we need to realize
gives us a little insight as to why we go through the because v 11 says, “To Him be the glory and the
things that we go through. power into the ages of eternity. Amen.”
1-Peter 5:6: “Be humbled therefore under the Go back to v 7: “Casting all your cares upon
mighty hand of God so that He may exalt you in due Him…” Does that mean that you quit worrying?
time; casting all your cares upon Him…” (vs 6-7). Some people are just natural ‘worry-warts.’ Some
That’s where it all needs to go! people love to worry; that’s their occupation. That is
their mental and emotional occupation. If nothing is
• whatever the problem wrong, they’re worried, because nothing is wrong!
• whatever the difficulty Sometimes they will even create something that is
• whatever the anxiety wrong when there’s nothing wrong, because they
• whatever the depression must worry! Unfortunately, that’s the way some
• whatever the trial people are. So, especially for those people. Don’t
create a worry when there’s nothing to worry about.
cast it all upon God—“…because He cares for you. But if there is something, what you do is bring it to
Be sober! Be vigilant! For… [in these circumstances God and you cast it to Him. Can He not help you?
then] …your adversary the devil is prowling about Yes, He can!
as a roaring lion, seeking anyone he may devour….
[and he surely is] …Whom resist, steadfast in the Do not exaggerate a problem, too. What you
faith… [You can’t resist him yourself; it has to be in might do is take a look at your problems, as they
the faith. How did Jesus resist Satan the devil? He come along, and sort of do a scale of ten. Ten is an
quoted the Word of God—didn’t He? Yes, He did! utter disaster. Zero is placid calmness. Do not take a
How are we to resist him? By the Word of God, by problem that is 1.2 and make it a 6.8, if you
Christ in us!] …knowing that the same afflictions understand what I mean. Keep it all in perspective.
are being fulfilled among your brethren who are in On the other hand, if you have a problem that is 9.5
the world. Now may the God of all grace… [Again don’t view it as a zero, because you’re headed for
showing that relationship that we have with God.] utter destruction. You have to have a proper balance.
…Who has called us unto His eternal glory in Christ That’s why you “cast your cares upon the Lord.”
Jesus, after you have suffered a little while…” (vs 7- I have a question for all of the ‘worry-warts’:
10). Has your worried ever solved a problem by just
Suffering is the only way that we can really worrying? or Did you have to take some action in
learn; and we’ve all had our share of suffering one addition to worrying? Yes! If you take some action
way or the other: mental, physical, spiritual, then you get your mind on doing something rather
emotional, trauma, stress—we’ve all had that, than fretting. Worrying is running the problem over
haven’t we? We’ve all personally experienced and and over and over in your mind. It’s kind of like a
we’ve all prayed for one another in those car not in gear, you’re just running the engine and
circumstances—haven’t we? We’ve all helped each you’re getting nowhere and you’re accomplishing
other in those circumstances—haven’t we? Yes! nothing! What you have to do is look at the problem
Romans Series #3
Chapter 1:7-16
Romans Series #3
Chapter 1:7-16
longing to see you, so that I may impart to you some spiritual salvation] …to everyone who is
spiritual gift…” believing—…” (v 16). Wherever you see, all the
way through the translation and any of the
• spiritual understanding translations that I have done, everyone who is
• spiritual learning believing or who is believing (sometimes it’s in the
• spiritual experience plural) that is a present tense participle. Greek has a
“…in order that you may be established… lot of participles.
[Everything that we are doing, our whole life Let’s go to the Interlinear section—the last
experience is to be established in Christ!] …Even section of the Special Word Studies from the Greek
that I may be comforted together with you through booklet—and I want to show you how you can
the faith in each one of us, both yours and mine” (vs recognize a participle. Most of the time they are
11-12). That’s a tremendous thing, brethren. When quite easy. You might not be able to recognize all of
we’re all loving God, we’re all hoping in God, we’re them, but it’s very important. A participle is present
all believing God and we all come together, God tense—and this is what I think is so important and
gives us a special blessing of His Spirit and love to what is missing in most of the translations: the
each other that you do not have on any other day of present tenseness of what you are doing.
the week, except on the Sabbath when we come
together. I have experienced that over and over again Let’s look at the Greek here (Rom. 1:16); as
and so have you. It’s a tremendous blessing! If you you can see with the Greek Interlinear that I have in
don’t believe that, sometime when you just feel kind the study booklet, I magnified it 28%. “For I am not
of lazy—I know you have and I know I have—you ashamed of the glad tidings of the Christ… [not a
just stay home and what do you have on that Christ, but the Christ.] …for power… [notice word
Sabbath? You’ve got a miserable Sabbath—don’t above for power—d-u-n-a-m-i-s] …of God it is unto
you? Ever had that happen? By the end of that salvation to every one that believes…” or who is
Sabbath Day, you say, ‘Oh, God, I’m not going to believing. Wherever you see ‘he that’/‘the one that’
do this again.’ you will know that it is a participle present tense in
almost every case.
Verse 13: “On the other hand, I do not wish
you to be ignorant, brethren, that many times I have Now, let’s go to the Special Word Studies from
proposed to come to you, but I was hindered until the Greek:
the present, in order that I might also have some fruit The Apostle Paul’s epistle to the Romans
among you, even as I have among the other is one of the most important books of the
Gentiles.” New Testament. It contains the
We’re talking about spiritual fruit! Also, as fundamental basis for true Christian
we will see when we get to the end of it, that fruit Scriptural salvation through faith in Jesus
also has to do with reaping the physical things so Christ by grace.
that they could finance his trip to go on to Spain, just That is a loaded statement, trying to define clearly
like he did with the Church at Corinth. So we have everything that we have there.
both physical and spiritual fruit there.
Most professing Christian religions
Verse 14: “I am a debtor to both Greeks and misunderstand and misinterpret what Paul
barbarians, to both the wise and the unintelligent… wrote concerning faith and grace vs law
[you can actually translate that the unknowing, the and commandment-keeping. The epistle to
unknowledgeable, the foolish. But I thought the the Romans is one of the books of the New
unintelligent or the unlearned.] …so, as much as is Testament which they use to justify their
in me… [Was Paul wholehearted or not? Yes, he belief that professing Christians are not
was! That’s a good example for us.] …I am ready to required to keep the commandments and
preach the Gospel to you who are in Rome. For I am laws of God. Once these basic teachings
not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ…” (vs 14-16). are misinterpreted and misunderstood, then
We have Gospel (vs 16, 15, 9 & 1) What did many other basic doctrines, which the
Paul preach? The Gospel!—which is the good news Apostle Paul wrote about in Romans, are
of God’s salvation now and in the coming kingdom. also stripped of their true meaning.
“…because it is the power of God… [It is to Since some of the things which Paul wrote
bring power in your life by the Holy Spirit. The in the epistle to the Romans are very
word power here in the Greek is ‘dunamis’—from difficult to understand, it is essential to
which we get the English word dynamite or energy undertake special word studies of the
or power.] …unto salvation… [to bring you eternal, Greek. As we study each important
Romans Series #3
Chapter 1:7-16
doctrine through these special word man. It is not to acknowledge and say, ‘Well, I
studies, we will learn that while some of believe He was a good person.’ This is a complete,
the teachings he was inspired to write are trusting, spiritual relationship with Him.
“difficult to understand,” they are not
impossible to understand. In fact, we will He spiritual meaning in the New
learn as we study these doctrines, with the Testament is: 1) a fully convinced
aid of these special word studies that they acknowledgement.
are not as difficult or as hard to understand No doubts! The way (that we’ve discussed in the
if each doctrine is carefully studied in a past) that you get rid of doubts is that you face the
systematic method. doubt and understand how to get rid of the doubt.
So, we’re going to look at the one To Believe. What You can’t erase it! Too many people, when they
I’ve done in this case is put a definition so we know have a doubt, say, ‘Oh I shouldn’t doubt.’ When you
exactly what it is: have faith you can disprove the doubt—can you not?
That’s what you are to do, you are to disprove the
To Believe: True belief in (into)… doubt. Now, the most important:
Our faith and believe comes from us out of our being 2) a self-surrendering fellowship with God
to Christ, into His very being and back to us. And the Father and Jesus Christ.
we’ll see that’s what the whole operation from faith
unto faith is all about. So I put ‘into’ in parenthesis That’s what it really means; that kind of belief.
there. 3) a fully assured and unswerving
…Jesus Christ is the basic fundamental confidence
building block of true Christianity…. Now, let’s look at #2 and we’ll amplify that just a
Notice what he said back there to everyone who is little bit: a self-surrendering fellowship with God the
believing. That’s where you start. Father and Jesus Christ. Let’s go to the Epistle of
First John, the first chapter; and this was the first
…Such a belief means that cone believes lesson that we learned—wasn’t it? The very purpose
that Jesus Christ is the Savior of mankind, and reason why John wrote the Epistles of 1st, 2nd &
the Son of God, born of the virgin Mary, 3rd John.
that He died for the sins of the world and
each human being, that through His blood 1-John 1:3: “That which we have seen and
we have the forgiveness of sin, that He was have heard we are reporting to you in order that you
raised from the dead by the power of God also may have fellowship with us; for the
the Father and that He is at the right hand fellowship—indeed, our fellowship—is with the
of God the Father as our High Priest. Father and with His own Son Jesus Christ. These
things we are also writing to you, so that your joy
That is a full definition of what you are to believe. may be completely full” (vs 3-4). What I want you
to understand in all of this is that this kind of belief
1) The verb from in the Greek is is to bring the joy which comes from God. When
‘pisteuoo’… you fully understand that your fellowship is with
I gave you the Greek spelling in Greek letters and God the Father and with Jesus Christ—and no man
then I give you English spelling of it. Whenever you in-between—that is a wonderful thing to understand.
see the double ‘oo’ at the end, that is to be Brethren, that’s the very purpose of why God
pronounced with a long ‘oh’ sound—that comes created you so that you can have that.
from the Greek letter ‘omega.’ If you want to know Now then, because it is a full self-
what the Greek letter ‘omega’ looks like, look at the surrendering fellowship with god the Father and
last letter in Greek word ‘pisteuoo’—it looks like a Jesus Christ, this is something, brethren, that you are
funny ‘w’ with sort rounded on each side. That is an never to let any man interfere with under any
‘omega’ and is pronounced ‘oh’—while in the circumstances. No one is to interfere with that!
English a double ‘oo’ is actually pronounced ‘oo’ as That’s why a hierarchy type thing is wrong. They
in the word ‘look’ or ‘too’—but this should be generally superimpose between you and God a
pronounced ‘oh’ structure of men. God does not want that. That’s
…‘pisteuoo’ literally means to faithize, to why overseers are to be on the sidelines overseeing
believe, be persuaded, to rely upon, to trust that everything is done and run smoothly and is
and to put your trust in. functioning correctly. But they are never to place
themselves between God the Father, Jesus Christ
That’s all of the meaning to believe in Christ. It’s and the individual, because your fellowship is direct
not to acknowledge, mentally, that He existed as a and it is self-surrendering.
Romans Series #3
Chapter 1:7-16
Let’s go back to the definitions and let’s …means to obey hence to be obedient,
understand that it was ‘self-surrendering.’ This faithful; to trust hence, trusting. Also
means it’s a choice. It is a choice that you do. means of persons, one whom we may trust
Surrendering the self by choice is the greatest and trustworthy of things.
decision that you can make! Then comes the
Notice we have pgs. 2-4 just in the book of Romans
• love of God explaining the various facets about believing!
• Spirit of God
• salvation of God Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter
Exception: Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to
• knowledge of God the Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
All of that flows from that. Then you will be: Scriptural References:
3) A fully assured and unswerving 1) Romans 1:7
confidence. 2) Matthew 3:17
There are a couple of other uses that you can look at. 3) John 15:9
4) John 16:27
When used with the following 5) Matthew 12:14-18
prepositions, the meaning becomes more 6) Matthew 17:5
specific: 7) Ephesians 5:1-2
A) with ‘eis’—pronounced ice. You can 8) 1 John 3:1-2
even recognize the Greek letters—can’t 9) 1 John 4:7-11
you?—it’s the same in English. [When you 10) Romans 1:7
have] ‘eis pisteuoo’ means unto or into, 11) Romans 5:1-2, 8-10
implying direction toward and into, 12) Romans 8:7
towards the object of faith, to give up one’s 13) Romans 1:7-16
self to. 14) Colossians 1:3-6
15) 1 Corinthians 1:1-8
So, if you’re believing in Jesus Christ, you are 16) Romans 1:8-11
giving yourself up to Jesus Christ—full surrender. 17) Romans 16:25-26, 25
B) with ‘en’—‘n’ in the Greek looks a 18) 1 Peter 5:6-11, 7
‘v’—‘en pisteuoo’ means in, within, in 19) Romans 5:1-5
referring to the foundation of the faith; 20) Romans 1:11-16
‘to put confidence in.’ 21) 1 John 1-3-4
C) with ‘epi pisteuoo’—means upon, FRC:bo
implying ‘repose, rest’ and ‘reliance Transcribed: 10-15-10
upon’ or ‘with a view to that reliance.’
2) A middle voice…
Middle voice is something we do not have in
English. Middle voice is not quite as anything we
know in English. Middle voice in Greek means you
are the subject and you’re also the object. You
receive. You do it for yourself. I suppose the closest
thing we would have to it would be I feed myself.
You’re doing that for yourself.
…form of the verb ‘pethoo’—means to
allow oneself to be persuaded or
convinced by any fair means. But
especially by words, to be won over or
prevailed upon.
And you might add: ‘by words to be won over or
prevailed upon’ by the Word of God.
3) The adverbial form from ‘pistos’…
Notice, we’re almost back where we began—
Romans Series #4
Chapter 1:17-32
Epistle of Romans IV
Chapter 1:17-32
Fred R. Coulter—August 17, 1996
Romans 1:16: “For I am not ashamed of the salvation. Salavation has three distinct aspects to it:
Gospel of Christ…” Remember, all the way through
here Gospel is mentioned in v 1, 9, 16, 19; the 1. You have been saved!
Gospel then is the good news of God, the message of Ephesians 2:8—let’s read it into the record so that
salvation and the coming Kingdom of God. It’s not we get it very clearly here. This is going to fit in
just the Gospel of the Kingdom of God alone, but it with what Paul is going to be giving us in the rest of
is the Gospel of Grace, which then is salvation and the Epistle to the Romans. Put in your notes verses
the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. 1-8, but I’m only going to read v 8: “For by grace
you have been saved…” In the Greek, having
Let’s see the difference of that back in Acts been saved. This means that you have been saved
20 where we have both of them defined side-by-side, from your sins and from Satan the devil—that’s in
right along side of each other so that we know that the context. We’re saved from the ‘prince of the
the Gospel is not just the Kingdom of God, but it has power of the air’ and we were ‘dead in our sins.’
to do with the Gospel of Grace which is the Gospel So having been saved because there is no such
of Salvation, which Paul is talking about here in thing as ‘once saved always saved.’ Otherwise
Romans, the first chapter. there would not be the unpardonable sin.
Acts 20:21—where Paul was giving a 2. You are being saved!
witness and a testimony to those elders from That is the present passive tense, you are being
Ephesus and Paul was the one who raised up the saved!
Church at Ephesus, so he obviously had authority to
talk with them and admonish them. He called them 1-Corinthians 1:18 (KJV)—this is not
down to Miletus and gave them this testimony: reflected in the King James this way: “For the
“Earnestly testifying, both to the Jews and the preaching of the cross is to them that perish
Greeks, repentance toward God and faith toward our foolishness, but unto us who are saved it is the
Lord Jesus Christ…. [that’s all a part of the Gospel] power of God.” This should read (FV): “For to those
…And now behold, I am bound in the spirit, and am who are perishing, the preaching of the cross is
going to Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall foolishness; but to us who are being saved, it is the
happen to me there; except that the Holy Spirit fully power of God.”
testifies in every city, saying that bonds and Present tense passive—are being saved. So
tribulations await me. But I myself do not take any the Gospel is “the power of God unto salvation”
of these things into account, nor do I hold my life (Rom 1:16). It is unto those “who are being saved, it
dear to myself, so that I might finish my course with is the power of God” (1-Cor. 1:18).
joy, and the ministry that I received from the Lord
Jesus, to fully testify the Gospel of the grace of 1-Corinthians 15:1—we have the same
God…. [That’s the Gospel of Salvation, the Greek word, which is present tense passive—are
Kingdom of God is also salvation—salvation for the being saved. “Now I am declaring to you, brethren,
world. The Gospel of Grace is to those who are the same Gospel that I proclaimed to you, which you
called now.] …And now behold, I know that you all, also received, and in which you are now
among whom I have gone about proclaiming the standing… [That’s an interesting phrase—isn’t it?
Kingdom of God… [so there it is right there all We’re to stand in the Gospel, which means it’s a
together.] …will see my face no more” (vs 21-25). way of life, a way to live, our standing before God.]
…by which you are also being saved… [notice
So, Paul talks about the Gospel of Christ— why]: …if you are holding fast the words that I
Romans 1:16: “…because it is the power of God proclaimed to you; otherwise you have believed in
unto salvation to everyone who is believing… vain” (vs 1-2).
[Wherever you see that, you will see that quite often
in the translation of Romans—it is a present tense 2-Corinthians 2:15: “For we are Christ’s
participle, meaning the one who is believing! sweet perfume to God among those who are being
Everything we do in our relationship with God is saved… [It’s a process. That’s why our prayers are a
always based upon our present tense relationship savor.] …and among those who are perishing.”
with Him.] …both to the Jew first, and to the 3. You shall be saved!
Currently there are some that are saying that the love
Let’s understand something concerning of God (John 3:16) only applies to those in the
Romans Series #4
Chapter 1:17-32
Romans Series #4
Chapter 1:17-32
faith. How can that be? Christ in you is the ‘hope of the natural use of sex into that which is contrary to
glory.’ And if Christ is in you, then you can develop nature; and in the same manner also the men, having
and have the faith of Christ. left the natural use of sex with the woman, were
inflamed in their lustful passions toward one
It’s not something you unlock, it’s another—men with men sexually committing
something that God gives! This is the kind of faith shameless acts, and receiving back within
that we need to have. We’ll also see in another place themselves that which was a fitting fate. And in
where we are told to have God’s faith—so that exact proportion as they did not consent to have God
becomes even more to it. Faith is really quite a in their knowledge, God abandoned them to a
thing! The faith that it is, it is faith into faith. reprobate mind, to practice the things which are
Let’s look at the phrase: “…The just shall immoral; having been filled with all unrighteousness,
live by faith” (Rom. 1:17). The word in the Greek sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, malice;
for ‘just’ means the righteous. That has an awful lot full of envy, murder, strife, guile, evil dispositions;
to do with the imputed righteousness of Christ. We whisperers, slanderers, God-haters, insolent,
have what God is doing with His righteousness: arrogant, boasters, inventors of evil things and
practices; disobedient to parents. They are void of
1. He is counting us righteous understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural
2. He is imputing His righteousness to us affection, implacable and unmerciful; who, despite
3. He is giving His righteousness to us having known the righteous judgment of God, that
Isn’t that something? Isn’t that a greater those who commit such things are worthy of death,
righteousness than any of us could do? That’s what not only do they practice these things themselves,
He’s doing! but they are also approving of those who are
committing them” (vs 26-32).
Habakkuk 2:4—“…the just shall live by
faith.” That’s where it comes from, and this is the I just read to you the nightly news and world
spiritual application of it. history. Let’s go back a look at some of these things.
First of all, I want to read something to you. This is
Romans 1:18: “Indeed, the wrath of God is taken from a book written by Aldous Huxley, Ends
revealed from heaven… [present tense—is being and Means, (pgs 312, 315-316, 318). I think you’re
revealed, made evident in lives of sinners] …upon going to be amazed at this. I know a doctor who
all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who knew the wife of Aldous Huxley and said that his
suppress the Truth in unrighteousness… [that’s end was most miserable indeed!
exactly what they are doing. They are holding back
the Truth, they are suppressing the Truth so that it These are reasons and motives for denial
won’t get out.] …because that which may be known of a special creation of everything and for
of God is manifest among them, for God has an explanation of creation without a
manifested [revealed] it to them; for the invisible Divine Creator.
things of Him from the creation of the world are I had motive for wanting the world to have
perceived, being understood by the things that were a meaning. Consequently assumed that it
made, both His eternal power and Divinity; so that had none, and I was able without any
they are without excuse; because when they knew difficulty to find satisfying reasons for this
God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were assumption. For myself, no doubt for most
thankful; but they became vain in their own of my contemporaries, the philosophy of
reasonings, so that their foolish hearts were meaninglessness was essentially an
darkened” (vs 18-21). instrument of liberation from a certain
“While professing themselves to be the wise system of morality. We objected to the
ones, they became fools, and changed the glory of morality because it interfered with our
the incorruptible God into a likeness of an image of sexual freedom. We objected to the
corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed political, economic system because it was
creatures, and creeping things. For this cause, God unjust. There was one admirably simple
also abandoned them to uncleanness through the method of justifying ourselves in our
lusts of their hearts, to disgrace their own bodies political and erotic revolt. We could deny
between themselves, who exchanged the Truth of that the world had any meaning
God for the lie; and they worshiped and served the whatsoever. Similar tactics had been
created thing more than the One Who is Creator, adopted during the 18th century and for the
Who is blessed into the ages. AMEN” (vs 22-25). same reasons. The chief reason for being
philosophical was that one might be free
“For this cause, God abandoned them to from prejudices. Above all, prejudices of a
disgraceful passions; for even their women changed sexual nature. It was the manifestly
Romans Series #4
Chapter 1:17-32
poisonous nature of the fruits… [of that Him; being rooted and built up in Him, and being
previous moral system] …that forced me confirmed in the faith, exactly as you were taught,
to reconsider the philosophical tree from abounding in it with thanksgiving. Be on guard so
which they had grown. that no one takes you captive through philosophy
and vain deceit… [We just read some of this
That is quite an awesome statement. You think of it philosophy of Aldous Huxley.] …according to the
all coming out of his mouth. It shows of the eating traditions of men, according to the elements of the
of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This is world, and not according to Christ. For in Him
what happens with people: Satan sets up a system [Christ] dwells all the fullness of the Godhead
that becomes corrupt—like the Protestants and the [Deity] bodily; and you are complete in Him, Who is
Catholics—and then people come along and reject it. the Head of all principality and power” (vs 6-10).
Instead of trying to get to something that is true—
what do they do? They go clear over to Satan’s side So, God made it very manifest to them. I
the other way. think, in every generation, God does something so
that they know. Look at this generation; look at the
Romans 1:18: “Indeed, the wrath of God is tremendous things we have to analyze the creation,
being revealed from heaven upon all ungodliness and yet, people still don’t believe in God. But God
and unrighteousness of men, who are suppressing has made it known through the things which He has
the Truth in unrighteousness… [I just read what he created.
said is an exact fulfillment of that—without a
doubt!] …because that which is known of God is Let’s come back to Romans 1:21:
manifest among them, for God has manifested it to “…because when they knew God…” [What does it
them” (vs 18-19)—that is, revealed it! He did before mean to know God? ‘Hereby we know Him IF we
the Flood. keep His commandments’—correct? So, they had
known God! They turned their backs on God!]
• Was God not there personally with Adam …they glorified Him not as God, neither were
and Eve? Yes! thankful; but they became vain in their own
• Was God not there with Enoch and Noah? reasonings… [futile in their thinking; would end in
Yes, He was! nothing] …so that their foolish hearts were
• Was He not there after the Flood? Yes! darkened…. [What happens when the heart is
They knew God! You talk about having something darkened? Satan comes along and says, ‘It’s light,
revealed to you, I would think that the Flood—if you brother.’ Always does!] …their foolish hearts were
lived through it—ought to be a lifelong memory- darkened. While professing themselves to be the
lasting, etched in your mind experience you would wise ones… [The ones who tell you what wisdom is.
never forget—correct? But then there’s another They have placed themselves in place of God.] …the
generation—right? Then there’s another generation wise ones, they became fools” (v 22). Let’s tie some
after that! All of them come to this rebellion. It may other Scriptures together with this and see how all of
not be quite as bad as that, but it ends up in the same this comes together.
way. Psalm 14—this is what they do. And when it
Here’s how they knew: “For the invisible comes to this point, it is really a difficult proposition
things of Him from the creation of the world are to get a person turned around. That’s why God alone
perceived… [clearly perceived] …being understood has to deal with them. That’s why we will see the
by the things that were made, both His eternal power penalty gets progressively more difficult as we go
and Divinity; so that they are without excuse” (v 20). along. Psalm 14:1: “The fool has said in his
Let’s understand something here that God always, heart… [If you truly, truly say that in your heart
always does: Before He acts to carry anything out, then you’re in trouble!] …‘There is no God!’ They
He always gives a warning, so they are without are corrupt; they have done abominable works, there
excuse! We can apply that to what’s going to is none who does good.”
happen at the end-time. Jesus came—and remember Let’s see what this results in. I think all we
what He said?—‘If I had not come, then they would have to do is look at the fruit of the society around
have had excuse for their sin. But now that I have us. Whenever they reject God—what happens?
come, they have no cover for their sin.’ So, the very There is never a vacuum that does not remain
fact of Christ coming is very profound in that. They filled—correct? Who fills that vacuum when you
are without excuse! reject God? Satan the devil!
Let’s understand a couple of these things as Psalm 36:1: “The wicked utters transgression
we see this. Let’s see how this is done. We also have in his heart. There is no fear of God before his eyes,
the same thing in Colossians 2:6: “Therefore, as you for he flatters himself in his own eyes until his
have received Christ Jesus the Lord, be walking in iniquity is found to be hateful. The words of his
Romans Series #4
Chapter 1:17-32
mouth are iniquity and deceit; he has stopped acting when good comes. But he shall inhabit the parched
wise and doing good. He plots iniquity upon his bed; places in the wilderness, in a salt land that is not
he sets himself in a way that is not good; he does not inhabited’” (vs 5-6). That’s part of the wrath of God!
hate evil” (vs 1-4). In another place it says that they There it is right there. We have great living
‘think on their bed to rise early and do the evil.’ That testimony of that. It’s called the Sahara Desert. It
happens! That all comes right along with that. This used to be a wonderful place with a lot of grass and
is quite something! cattle and animals and everything; a great, wonderful
breadbasket. Now what is it? Sand, heat, wind,
Proverbs 12:15: “The way of a fool is right in scorpions, camels and few Arabs, etc.!
his own eyes… [you can’t tell them anything] …but
he who listens to advice is wise.” Verse 7—on the other hand: “Blessed is the
man who trusts in the LORD and whose hope is the
Proverbs 16:2—let’s build the case: “All the LORD. For he shall be like a tree planted by the
ways of a man are clean in his own eyes… [They waters; it sends out its roots by the river, and it shall
think it’s right! It’s good! They justify it!] …but the not fear when the heat comes, but its foliage shall be
LORD weighs the spirits…. [v 25]: …There is a green; and he is not worried in the year of drought,
way that seems right to a man… nor will it cease from yielding fruit” (vs 7-8).
• It seems right! Jeremiah also said, ‘Oh, Lord, correct me, for the
• They get all excited about it! way of man is not in him to direct his steps.’ But he
• It feels wonderful! It looks so good! said, ‘Be merciful.’
…but the end thereof is the way of death.” This is Now, let’s look at this on a grander scale.
repeated in Prov. 14:12. That ties right in with what Let’s look at this from a national level; when a
Jesus said: ‘Broad is the way and wide is the gate whole nation comes to this point. You can apply
which leads unto destruction, and many there be these individually, to individual persons. You can
who go in at that gate.’ apply them nationally to any nation. Then we will
see you can apply it to the whole world. This is all
Let’s tie this together with the way that the profound! The reason I’m going through it here, is to
human heart is; go to Jeremiah 17. This is one of the show the background that Paul is bringing into these
first Scriptures we ever learned. I think that the verses. He’s bringing so much into them!
beginning point of conversion for any person is
when he or she applies this Scripture personally. I Hosea 4:1—again, we’re going to have
think that’s a beginning point. living testimony of today: “Hear the Word of the
LORD, children of Israel, for the LORD has a
Jeremiah 17:9: “The heart is deceitful above controversy with the inhabitants of the land, ‘There
all things… [It is! Without a doubt we’ve all is no truth… [it says they ‘suppress the truth in
deceived ourselves, even when we think we’re doing unrighteousness.’ Boy! They’re sure doing that—
good. Of course, it’s always an excuse to do evil, aren’t they? Religion, education, politics,
because it’s going to bring good. That’s the whole economics, all of our food chain is ladened with all
basis of the abortion controversy we have in the kinds of deceit and trickery in it, because of what
United States today. How many deceitful plans were they do to it and put in it and so forth.] …no truth,
hatched which haven’t worked?] …and desperately nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land….
wicked; who can know it? I the LORD search the [When they come to that they don’t want God in
heart, I try the reins, even to give to each man their knowledge. We just read it!] …By swearing,
according to his ways, according to the fruit of and lying, and killing, and stealing, and the
his doings” (vs 9-10). God is going to hold all committing of adultery they break out; and blood
accountable. touches blood. Therefore, shall the land mourn, and
Let’s see how bad it can get. Let’s go to v everyone who dwells in it shall languish, with the
1—this is something: “The sin of Judah is engraved beasts of the field and with the birds of the heavens.
with a pen of iron, with the point of a diamond; it is Yes, the fish of the sea shall also be taken away” (vs
carved upon the tablet of their heart and upon the 1-3). Just be alert! Every once in a while, there’s an
horns of your altars.” You think about that in on-going report that ‘we’re running out of fish.’
relationship to what is the complete opposite of this They’re being taken away because of sin.
verse? To have the laws of God written in your heart
and mind! It actually means inscribed! Verse 6: “My people are destroyed for lack
of knowledge…. [When you get rid of the
Verse 5: “Thus says the LORD, ‘Cursed is knowledge of God and don’t what to retain Him in
the man who trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm, your knowledge, then you’re on your way to
and whose heart departs from the LORD. For he destroying yourself. It’s an automatic thing that
shall be like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see happens.] …Because you have rejected
Romans Series #4
Chapter 1:17-32
knowledge… [Notice how this ties in with ‘they are from him!” (vs 20-23). They don’t want you to have
without excuse.’] …I [God] will also reject you… it. They don’t want you to point out the evil. Oh yes,
[You never want to get into a position, ever, let Michael Jackson get away with it. Let him
brethren, that God rejects you. I think some of the payoff, let him bribe, declare him righteous and
brethren you know are still going along with all of wonderful and good. That’s just one little example.
these damnable lies taking place in the Churches of You could name hundreds, thousands of names—
God that if you can do anything to help them, to couldn’t you?
redeem them, so they don’t come to the point of
rejecting God. That really leads to some terrible Verse 24: “Therefore as the fire devours the
consequences there.] …from being as a priest to Me. stubble, and the flame burns up the chaff; their root
Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I will shall be like rottenness, and their blossoms shall go
also forget your children.” So, it happens to your up like dust because they have cast away the law of
children! Now they’re really going to get it—O-B-E: the LORD of hosts, and despised the Word of the
outcome based education. They’re going to graduate Holy One of Israel.” Not satisfied with that, they’re
from high school with a third grade mentality— going to do it on a grand, global scale.
don’t know how to do mathematics, don’t know how Psalm 2—here’s the grand, global scale. This
to spell, don’t know how to speak. But they’re happy is what is happening right now. I can’t think of any
and well-adjusted socially. Psalm that more depicts the forming of the United
(go to the next track) Nations and its continuing reign over the world than
Psalm 2:1: “Why do the nations rage and the people
Verse 7: “As they were increased, so they plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves,
sinned against Me. I will change their glory into and the rulers take counsel together against the
shame. They eat up the sin of My people, and they LORD and against His Christ… [Oh yes, let’s all
set their heart on their iniquity…. [They can hardly gather together here] …saying, ‘Let us break Their
wait to do more] …And it has become, like people, bands asunder and cast away Their cords from
like priest; and I will punish them for their ways, and us.’…. [‘There is no God!’] …He who sits in the
reward them for their doings, for they shall eat and heavens laughs; the LORD scoffs at them. Then He
not have enough. They shall commit whoredom and shall speak to them in His wrath, and in His fury He
not increase because they have stopped taking heed terrifies them” (vs 1-5). Then it talks about the
to the LORD” (vs 7-10). coming of Christ to setup the Kingdom of God.
Let’s see what happens here, because it’s a One other Scripture to fulfill the vanity of
progressive thing; it’s a step-by-step thing and it their own wiseness. God taunts them a bit. They’re
builds. Each time something happens and the out there making all of these things; all of their gods
continue in it, then they build for the next one. It’s and all of the likeness of everything. So, God takes
just like perverseness. A person does not become them to task. Isaiah 40:18: “To whom then will you
perverted immediately. It is done step-by-step, a compare God? Or what likeness will you compare to
little at a time. Here a little change, there a little Him? The workman melts a graven image, and the
change as they’re moving and nudging along. goldsmith spreads it over with gold, and casts silver
Isaiah 5:18 “Woe to those who draw iniquity chains. He who is too poor for that offering chooses
with cords of vanity, and sin with cart ropes; who a tree… [a totem pole] …that will not rot; he seeks
say, ‘Let Him hurry and hasten His work, so that we for a skillful workman for himself to prepare a
may see it; and let the purpose of the Holy One of graven image that will not totter. Have you not
Israel draw near and come, so that we may know!’” known? Have you not heard? Has it not been told
(vs 18-19). That is that they may reject it. That’s you from the beginning?….” (vs 18-21). God has
what they want to do. left a witness in every generation, brethren—one
way or the other. The things that we have in history
“Woe to those who call evil good and good we cannot count on as true history. The ones who
evil… [That’s the wrath of God being revealed. Is were the victors wrote the history and they put in
not ‘WOE’ the wrath of God?] …who put darkness there what they wanted. But I’m sure that God left a
for light and light for darkness; who put bitter for witness to them.
sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are
wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own “‘…Have you not understood from the
sight!…. [professing themselves to be the wise ones, foundations of the earth? It is He who sits above the
‘they became fools!’] …Woe unto them that are circle of the earth, and its people are like
mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle grasshoppers; It is He who stretches out the heavens
strong drink… [you can apply that spiritually and like a curtain, and spreads them out like a tent to
physically.] …Who justify the wicked for a bribe, dwell in; Who brings the rulers to nothing; He
and take away the righteousness of the righteous makes the judges of the earth as vanity. No sooner
Romans Series #4
Chapter 1:17-32
are they planted, no sooner are they sown, no sooner God gave them over. He can use various things to do
do they take root in the ground, then He shall blow it, but HE] …abandoned them… [abandon is little
upon them, and they shall wither, and the whirlwind better than just ‘gave over’ because abandon means
shall take them away like stubble. To whom then to leave them by themselves completely.] …to
will you compare Me, or who is My equal?’ says uncleanness through the lusts of their hearts, to
the Holy One…. [Here’s what He revealed to disgrace their own bodies between themselves, who
them]: …Lift up your eyes on high, and behold, exchanged the Truth of God for the lie…” (vs 24-
who has created these things… [He spoke that they 25)—NAV—New Age Versions.
existed, brethren! That’s tremendous!] …who brings
out their host by number? He calls them all by What is the timeframe of all of this? I think
names by the greatness of His might, for He is from Adam and Eve through all of mankind! It’s
strong in power; not one fails. Why do you say, O constantly applying. The Word of God is always in
Jacob, and O Israel you speak, ‘My way is hidden use and living and applying for those who are
from the LORD and my cause is disregarded by my righteous and for those who are evil.
God?’” (vs 21-27). You’re never, never going to get Verse 25: “Who exchanged the Truth of
away from God. That’s the whole lesson of the God for the lie; and they worshiped and served the
whole thing, created thing more than the One Who is Creator,
Who is blessed into the ages. AMEN…. [Who is the
• whether it’s an individual who’s a ‘fool in
created being that wants to be worshiped as God?
his heart’
Lucifer; Satan! An angel of light, but his light is
• whether it is a nation that rejects darkness.] …For this cause, God abandoned them to
knowledge of God and ‘casts the law of disgraceful passions; for even their women
God behind exchanged the natural use of sex into that which is
• whether it is a whole global organization contrary to nature” (vs 25-26).
getting rid of God
What I want you to do is this: Go to v 23 and
God holds them all accountable! circle ‘changed’; then come down to v 25 and circle
Let’s finish Romans 1:23: “…and changed ‘exchanged’; then come down to v 26 and circle
the glory of the incorruptible God into a likeness of ‘exchanged.’ You find a change, which becomes a
an image of corruptible man, and of birds, and four- cause, and exchange which then becomes a cause.
footed creatures, and creeping things.” What I’ve Go to v 24 and circle ‘this cause.’ See how that
done, I drew a bracket on the left side. We’re going pattern falls—change glory for this ‘cause’; who
to find there are three categories of sins in these exchanged the Truth (v 26) for this ‘cause.’ Then
behaviors: God abandoned them!
1. vs 19-23—sin against God and the Look at the first abandoned, v 24: “…God
Truth—that’s where it begins also abandoned them…”—gave them over. That
2. vs 24-28—sins against oneself—when follows right after ‘this cause.’ Same way in v 26:
you reject God, the first thing you do is “For this cause, God abandoned them…” There is a
begin sinning against yourself in your own three-step thing that takes place. It gets more intense
mind, in your own wickedness as it goes along.
Not satisfied with that, that translates into: Verse 28: “And in exact proportion as they
3. vs 29-32—sins against others did not consent to have God in their knowledge…
Let’s think about this for just a minute and [that’s the cause. God is just because it’s in exact
understand exactly what this is defining. What is the proportion.] …God abandoned them to a reprobate
first and great commandment? You shall love the mind, to practice the things which are immoral.” A
Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and ‘reprobate mind’ means one devoid of judgment or a
being! And love the Truth, too—correct? Yes! What carnal, evil mind, because you exchange and then
is the second commandment? You shall love your you create a cause; then you exchange again and you
neighbor as yourself! Here they commit their sins create a cause. And every time there’s a cause, God
against themselves and then bring in others for their abandoned them, gave them over. You can see this
sins and sin against others. So, there we have in a person’s life, or a country’s life. I don’t know
outlined the two major commandments of God, right where we are in this country on this scale, but we
there. Isn’t that amazing? Stop and think about that! must be getting kind of close to the third one now;
then it gets really worse.
Let’s come back to v 24 and let’s look at the
sins against themselves. “For this cause, God also This is how perversion takes place a bit at a
abandoned them… [The King James says ‘gave time. I imagine that if you took someone who was a
them over.’ Notice that God is doing this Himself. very young person, and before they were able to
Romans Series #4
Chapter 1:17-32
have been changed by choice or by association and in his ways despises Him.” That’s what happened.
practice—let’s just take the example of a These people despised God as we read in Rom. 1. It
homosexual: If you would have shown them at the takes place step-by-step-by-step. That is what’s
beginning, the ending and all the vileness of it, they happened to the whole society to where now that if
would be shocked; they would never accept it. But if there was anything on television back when they
they’re taken step-by-step, thought-by-thought, first came out—the middle 50s—anything where
manipulation-by-manipulation—you can also do the there was the slightest immodesty, it met with
same thing with religion; we’ve seen it—right? You revulsion and threats of withdrawal of commercials.
present an idea that’s contradictory, but you present Today, it is almost open ‘pornea’—to use a Greek
it in such a way that it causes confusion and you can word. On the television screen: male and female,
lead people step-by-step and pervert them into male and male, female and female, and then you
accepting the wrong thing. have these wonderful open, frank, afternoon talk
shows where they talk about every perverted thing
The ultimate perversion in religion is this: that anyone has ever done under the sun. And ‘my,
You, as a person, could be moved—and it could that is interesting; tell us what you think; tell us how
happen today just as it did in the past—step-by-step- you felt.’ If I would have shot the television every
by-step—and the end result is offering your children time I felt like shooting it, I probably would have
in sacrifice in the fire to Molech; then to eat their gone through hundreds and hundreds of televisions.
flesh. To us that’s very repugnant, but people did
that. Stop and think! How did they get to that point Proverbs 28:6: “Better is the poor who walks
where they thought what they were doing was right. in his uprightness than he who is perverse in his
ways, though he is rich.” You can plug in any name
It is amazing! In a sense—not quite that bad, you want there. Now you see why God hasn’t called
but in a sense, in degree—that is what has happened many mighty, many noble. Why? How far down the
in the Churches of God. Then when someone final perversion trail have they gone? We don’t know!
reaches a plateau or a barrier through whatever And in saying that, we don’t judge them. All we
means that they will no longer go through, maybe know is we can look and see what is happening. God
they can retrieve themselves. But I know it’s very alone knows the heart and He’s going to call them
difficult! Very difficult for them to understand how into judgment.
much God has for them. They’re kind of like the ten
virgins in Matt. 25. They go out and say, ‘Hey, we This is something! In preparing for this, it
want to buy. What do you have? Tell me quickly.’ was just amazing to me all of these things. Go back
What do we say? We can’t tell you! The best we can and I want you to think if you can remember the first
say is here’s a thousand tapes, good luck—not quite. statement that was made which began to pervert the
But they haven’t realize what they have missed, Gospel and you let it slide. Can you remember that
because they’ve been take a step at a time, a step at a first statement? Can you remember the first thing
time, a step at a time. They kept moving the that took place? I can think of two:
threshold of resistance out a little further, out a little
further, out a little further. 1. You’re not physically healed with the
stripes of Christ
Jeremiah 3:20: “‘Surely as a wife 2. Sabbath does not begin until it’s dark
treacherously departs from her husband…
[‘Treachery’ implies thought, plan, will, Those two are profound. For me it was the Gospel of
perversion—knowingly.] …so you have dealt the Unseen Hand. When you really understand that,
treacherously with Me, O house of Israel,’ says the that was, in fact, another gospel. I can’t read
LORD…. [Here’s the result of it]: …A voice was Revelation and see an ‘unseen hand.’ I see Christ
heard upon the high places weeping and coming in the power and glory of God!
supplications of the children of Israel; for they have Isaiah 30:1: “‘Woe to the rebellious children,’
perverted their way… [step-by-step] …and they says the LORD, ‘who carry out a plan, but not of Me;
have forgotten the LORD their God.” and who form an alliance, but not of My Spirit, that
Let’s see what happens here; a strange thing they may add sin to sin; those who set out to go
happens. Something happens mentally in the down to Egypt… [that’s what’s happening today,
perversion that they no longer recognize it. It comes right now] …and have not asked at My mouth; to
to the point that those who are doing right are now take refuge in the stronghold of Pharaoh and to seek
viewed as perverted. That’s really the turning of shelter in the shadow of Egypt!’” (vs 1-2).
things upside down—isn’t it? When that happens, How many times have you heard of this
that is a cause that God is going to do something. grand event to celebrate New Years, that’s coming
Proverbs 14:2: “He who walks in his in the year 2000, that’s going to be right there at the
uprightness fears the LORD, but he who is perverse pyramids in Egypt right in front of the Sphinx? I
Romans Series #4
Chapter 1:17-32
mean, a literal fulfillment of this in our day! And politically, economically, whatever—and where did
remember how many times we’ve covered Rev. 11 I get those thoughts from? That’s a big assignment,
where it says ‘Sodom and Egypt.’ but try it. If you can’t stand it a week, do it two days.
And for all you football fans, we’ll give you a pass
Verse 8: “Now go, write it before them in a on Sunday.
tablet, and note it in a book, so that it may be for the
time to come forever and ever… [that’s us now] 1-Timothy 6:3 “If anyone teaches any
…that this is a rebellious people, lying children. different doctrine, and does not adhere to sound
They are children who will not hear the law of the words, even those of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the
LORD; who say to the seers, ‘See not,’ and to the doctrine that is according to Godliness.” That,
prophets, ‘Do not prophesy to us right things, speak brethren, is why knowing your Bible is true and
to us smooth things, prophesy [deceits] illusions… correct.
[See how the perversion takes place. ‘Let’s all be
positive; don’t rock the boat.’] …go out of the way, There is a man who is saying, ‘I don’t have a
turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of belief statement because a belief statement makes
Israel to cease from before us.’ Therefore, thus says you stuck in one point. And my beliefs have
the Holy One of Israel, ‘Because you have despised changed over the years, so I don’t have a belief
this word, and trust in oppression and perverseness, statement.’ Yet, people follow him and listen to his
and rely on them; therefore, this iniquity shall be to tapes and say, ‘Oh, he’s a wonderful man.’ Listen!
you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high Let me tell you straight out something very plain:
wall, whose breaking comes suddenly, in an God sent us a statement of beliefs! [the Bible]. He
instant’” (vs 8-13). Just like a dam that is full of inspired it to be written and gave each one of us a
water, especially and earthen dam and it’s sogged all copy of it. Now, who does not want us to have that?
the way through, and then BAM! it breaks open all Satan! Why? If we have the sound words of Christ
the water just comes out in such great force. and the sound doctrine of Christ, we will know the
words to salvation—correct? Yes! So therefore, any
That happened to the dam up on the Snake man who brags and says, ‘I don’t have a statement
River near the Tetons. I use to visit out that way and of beliefs,’ if I were you, brethren, if you heard
we’d come down along the Snake River we would someone preaching that, I would run away from him
come up alongside the dam and here’s this little river so fast, because he’s got a scheme somewhere in it.
going down along. And here’s this lake that runs for You may not understand it. He may even appear to
30-miles. One time we were traveling there and be very humble.
Delores said, ‘I wonder what would happen if that
ever broke.’ I said, ‘Ah, no, it’ll never break.’ Guess The Scripture is: ‘I change not.’ The true
what happened? It broke! Wiped everything out! doctrines of God do not change. Are you going to
That’s how God says the destruction is going to change from Sabbath to Sunday? So, we’re up
come, just like that; just like a wall breaking out against some very sophisticated preaching. When I
suddenly. The perversion becomes terrible. cover some of these things, some people get all
‘excited’ that there’s mean ole nasty Fred going after
Let’s go to 1-Timothy, the sixth chapter. It so-and-so again. Mean ole nasty Fred is not going
affects doctrine, our thinking and the way that we do after so-and-so again. However, what responsibility
things. If you have a TV addiction, let me ask you to does God lay upon us to defend the Truth. He does!
try something. Try no TV except news for a whole I’m not going to deal in personalities. I will deal
week. Then ask yourself the question—because I with Scriptural Truth. Some of these things I’m
want you to go back to the television the next week going to have to cover, I mean, it is so bad! One of
and I want you to analyze it—what is the purpose of the big problems you have is all of those who listen
this program? whether it be an afternoon soap or who are the enablers.
whether it be a primetime sitcom. I want you to
think about all of the psychological programming You don’t have these things according to
that is being done. They will make statements and doctrine, which is according to Godliness—that is
do things, laugh at sin and perversion. I want you to how to become how God is—for those who are not
think about what is going into the minds of willing to declare their doctrines or have a doctrinal
everybody and maybe what has gone into your mind. statement of belief to say exactly what they
I think you will see, if you look at it carefully, that believe—I will do this, I will say that the belief
there is a planned and programmed perversion of all booklet that we have [Beliefs of the Christian
viewers to control their thoughts, to manipulate Biblical Church of God], if you examine it carefully,
what they think, to tell you what you ought to think. there are only two mentions of the Christian Biblical
Church of God. That’s on the front cover and the
Then I want you to ask yourself this return address and then in the section concerning
question: Why do I believe certain things— elders. Otherwise, you will see the beliefs booklet
Romans Series #4
Chapter 1:17-32
that we have contains pure Scriptural doctrinal results that we just read here in the first chapter,
statements all the way through. which we will read in the second and the first part of
the third chapter. That’s why it all has to be of God!
Notice what God says, through Paul writing
to Timothy, it says of this kind of person, v 4: “He is Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter
proud and knows nothing. Rather, he has a morbid Exception: Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to
attraction to questions and disputes over words, from the Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
which come envy, arguments, blasphemy, wicked
suspicions, vain reasonings of men who have been Scriptural References:
corrupted in their minds and are destitute of the 1) Romans 1:16
Truth—men who believe that gain is Godliness. 2) Acts 20:21-25
From such withdraw yourself” (vs 4-5). That’s 3) Romans 1:16
what needs to be done. If you’re hearing anything 4) Ephesians 2:8
like that, then you need to withdraw yourself from it. 5) 1 Corinthians 1:18
Remember the three sections of sin against 6) 1 Corinthians 15:1-2
God: 7) 2 Corinthians 2:15
8) Romans 5:6-10
1. against God and Truth 9) Romans 1:17-18, 17
2. against self 10) Galatians 2:20
3. against others 11) Romans 1:17
then we have: 12) Habakkuk 2:4
• change 13) Romans 1:18-32, 18-20
• exchange and exchange 14) Colossians 2:6-10
for which we have 15) Romans 1:21-22
• cause and cause 16) Psalm 14:1
• abandon and abandon 17) Psalm 36:1-4
18) Proverbs 12:15
Can you think of anything worse than for God to 19) Proverbs 16:2, 25
abandon you? Just leave you over to your own evil? 20) Jeremiah 17:9-10, 1, 5-8
Romans 1:29: “Having been filled with all 21) Hosea 4:1-3, 6-10
unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, 22) Isaiah 5:18-24
covetousness, malice; full of envy, murder, strife, 23) Psalm 2:1-5
guile, evil dispositions, whisperers, slanderers, God- 24) Isaiah 40:18-27
haters, insolent, arrogant, boasters, inventors of evil 25) Romans 1:23-26, 24, 26, 28
things and practices, disobedient to parents…. [I 26) Jeremiah 3:20
think the schools are fomenting that more than 27) Proverbs 14:2
anything else, under the guise of self-expression and 28) Proverbs 28:6
self-esteem.] …They are void of understand, 29) Isaiah 30:1-2, 8-13
covenant breakers… [you might think about that in 30) 1 Timothy 6:3-5
relationship to those people who turn their back on 31) Romans 1:29-32
God, because they’ve broken the everlasting
covenant.] ...without natural affections, implacable Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
and unmerciful; who, despite having known the • Ephesians 2:1-7
righteous judgment of God… [God always gives • John 3:16
them a witness somewhere along the line.] …that • Proverbs 14:12
those who are committing such things are worthy of • Matthew 25
death, not only do they practice these things
themselves, but they are also approving of those who • Revelation 11
are committing them” (vs 29-32). There you have
the result of evil. Also referenced:
Why does Paul do this in the first chapter? • Sermon Series: The Two Righteousnesses (#s 5-6
Romans Series)
Then he carries on into the second chapter and the • Book: Ends and Means by Aldous Huxley
first part of the third chapter. What he’s doing is • Booklet: Beliefs of the Christian Biblical
showing the hopeless condition of men! That only Church of God
the salvation of God and of Christ can save them
from this mess. I’ll project ahead just little bit FRC:bo
further: If you try to do it yourself—from within Transcribed: 10-21-10
yourself—you’re going to end up with the same
Romans Series #5
The Two Righteousnesses #1
Let’s go to 1-John 3 and review just a little very important for us to understand: When we leave
bit and then we will cover a subject that I’m sure the righteousness of God, and we know that we are
that some of you have never heard discussed quite departing from the righteousness of God, and we
this way: The Two Righteousnesses. I think will help have God’s Spirit in us, God’s Spirit will convict us
us understand more clearly what God requires of us of it until we repent. That’s what we see that a lot of
and why commandment-keeping is also required for people now are beginning to do.
salvation. We’ll match up a couple of these verses
and then we will see if we can understand it in a Isaiah 43:24—the last half of the verse:
little clearer light. I want to review just little bit “…you have made Me… [God says to Israel]
concerning the problem of sin before we get into the …serve with your sins… [How do we make God to
two righteousnesses. ‘serve with our sins’? By living in sin when we know
we shouldn’t live in sin! So, what does God do then?
1-John 3:3: “And everyone who has this hope He convicts us in heart and in mind and conscious
in Him purifies himself, even as He is pure. Everyone until we respond to that conviction because it’s
who practices sin is also practicing lawlessness, for impossible to continue practicing sin when you have
sin is lawlessness. And you know that He appeared the begettal of the Holy Spirit! Sooner or later
in order that He might take away our sins; and in
Him is no sin. Everyone who dwells in Him does • you’re going to be convicted
not practice sin…. [You cannot have it as the King • you’re going to repent
James has it, ‘cannot sin’—being an impossibility— • you are going to change
otherwise the other verses in John would make no “…you have made Me serve with your sins; you
sense.] …anyone who practices sin has not seen have wearied Me with your iniquities. I, even I, am
Him, nor has known Him. Little children, do not He who blots out your transgressions for My own
allow anyone to deceive you; the one who practices sake, and will not remember your sins. Put Me in
righteousness is righteous, even as He is righteous. remembrance… [respond to what God is saying]
The one who practices sin is of the devil because the …let us plead together; declare yourself, that you
devil has been sinning from the beginning. For this may be justified” (vs 24-26). How then are you
purpose the Son of God appeared that He might justified? By the sacrifice of Christ!
destroy the works of the devil. Everyone who has
been begotten by God does not practice sin So, it is a real call to repentance. We have
because His seed of begettal is dwelling within him, that category of sinning that takes place where a
and he is not able to practice sin because he has person is living in sin, but knows better than living
been begotten by God. By this standard are in sin, is convicted of it and sooner or later comes to
manifest the children of God and the children of the point that they say, ‘God, You are right!’ God
the devil. Everyone who does not practice says, ‘Let us reason together. Let us plead together.
righteousness is not of God, and neither is the one You repent of your sins and I blot them out.’
who does not love his brother” (vs 3-10). Matthew 13:37—here is another type of
Let’s go back and just compare a couple of sinner that comes within the midst. These type of
verses here for just a minute. Verses 4 & 8: These sinners are sinning from the beginning, just as the
two verses parallel each other. Let’s read them devil was. These are the children of the devil in the
together and then we’ll cover a couple of things. midst of the children of God. These cause problems.
Verse 4: “Everyone who practices sin… [living a We’ve all experienced it—haven’t we? And sooner
life of sin as a practice, as a way of living] …is also or later God will take care of it.
practicing lawlessness…. [against law; you don’t Matthew 13:37: “And He answered and said
want law; you don’t want to have anything to do to them, ‘The one Who sows the good seed is the
with it; you reject it] …for sin is lawlessness…. [v Son of man; and the field is the world; and the good
8]: The one who practices sin is of the devil because seed, these are the children of the Kingdom… [as
the devil has been sinning from the beginning…. expressed by John, ‘Here are manifest: the children
[Telling us that the devil has been against God’s of God, the children of the devil.’ The children of
laws from the beginning.] …For this purpose the God are practicing righteousness; the children of the
Son of God appeared that He might destroy the devil are not practicing righteousness.’] …but the
works of the devil.” tares are the children of the wicked one. Now the
Now, let’s look a little bit about sin and see enemy who sowed them is the devil; and the harvest
what happens. Isaiah 43—here’s something that’s is the end of the age… [So we’re going to see this
Romans Series #5
The Two Righteousnesses #1
manifest in our time—right? Have we seen it? Yes!] Now, let’s look at the other two verses here
…and the reapers are the angels. Therefore, as the and see how they connect. 1-John 3:5: “And you
tares are gathered and consumed in the fire, so shall know that He appeared in order that He might take
it be in the end of this age’” (vs 37-40). away our sins; and in Him is no sin. Everyone who
dwells in Him does not practice sin; anyone who
• God allows the tares to grow with the practices sin has not seen Him, nor has known Him.
wheat Little children, do not allow anyone to deceive you;
• He allows the evil to come within the the one who practices righteousness is righteous,
Church to see IF we love God more than even as He is righteous” (vs 5-7).
anything else
• or to see how we are going to stand How can you be as righteous as Christ is
• what kind of direction are we going to take righteous? That’s the question! Let’s cover this a
—because evil people come up within the midst. little bit more in detail and let’s talk about the two
righteousnesses. There are two righteousnesses that
Verse 41: “‘The Son of man shall send forth God requires. I think this will help us understand
His angels, and they shall gather out of His kingdom justification by faith a little bit more. First of all,
all the offenders and those who are practicing let’s come to Deuteronomy, the fourth chapter, and
lawlessness; and they shall cast them into the let’s see what God said of the righteousness that
furnace of fire; there shall be weeping and gnashing God gave to the children of Israel.
of teeth’” (vs 41-42).
Deuteronomy 4:1: “And now, O Israel,
I believe that there will be some who commit hearken to the statutes and to the judgments which I
the unpardonable sin—without a doubt. But there teach you, in order to do them, so that you may live
will be a lot who will not commit the unpardonable and go in and possess the land which the LORD God
sin. That they will repent, because when it comes of your fathers gives to you. You shall not add to the
right down to—even though they have all their word which I command you; neither shall you take
problems and difficulties—the final thought in their away from it, so that you may keep the
mind, saying, ‘Okay, I willingly reject God,’ I don’t commandments of the LORD your God which I
think those who truly have the Holy Spirit of God command you” (vs 1-2). What did they do
will be very many that will do that. There will be immediately? Started taking away and started
some because this tell us that here. adding to! That became their sin just as much as
Hebrews 10:26: “For if we willfully… transgressing the commandments of God.
[rather than following the will of God. This is Verse 6: “And you shall keep and do them…
different than willingly succumbing to a temptation. [all the commandments, statutes and judgments of
This is willful, with forethought, with determination, God] …for this is your wisdom and your
just as the devil because he sinned from the understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall
beginning.] …go on sinning after receiving the hear all these statutes and say, ‘Surely this great
knowledge of the Truth, there is no longer any nation is a wise and understanding people.’ For what
sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying expectation of nation is so great whose God is so near to them, as
inevitable judgment and of fierce fire, which will the LORD our God is, whenever we call upon Him?
devour the adversaries of God…. [we just read that And what great nation has statutes and judgments
in Matt. 13] …Consider this: anyone who rejects the that are so righteous as all this law which I set
law of Moses dies without mercy under the before you today?” (vs 6-8). So, it was to be
testimony of two or three witnesses. How much righteousness.
worse punishment do you think he will deserve who
has trampled underfoot the Son of God, and has Everyone will say, ‘Okay, that was for the
regarded the blood of the covenant, with which he nation of Israel.’ Let’s go to Romans, the third
was sanctified, as an unholy thing, and has scorned chapter, and let’s understand something very
the Spirit of grace? For we know Him Who has important. As I’ve said recently and I’ll say again:
said, ‘“Vengeance belongs to Me. I will God requires that all human beings keep His laws
recompense!” says the Lord.’ And again, ‘The in the letter of the law! Most people don’t
Lord will judge His people.’…. [Here’s New comprehend that because they say, ‘God gave the
Testament doctrine]: …It is a fearful thing to fall law to Israel and it’s for Israel.’ God requires all
into the hands of the living God” (vs 26-31). human beings to keep the law.
That is, IF you be in this spiritual Romans 3:20: “…for through the law is the
condition—a very fearful thing! That’s why those knowledge of sin.”
who die in the faith have a special and a particular • the law tells us what’s right
blessing which alone comes from God. • the law tells what sin is
Romans Series #5
The Two Righteousnesses #1
We also know in Romans 4:15: “For the law took away everything that he had. Job 1:22: “In all
works out wrath; because where no law is, there is this Job did not sin, nor charge God foolishly.”
no transgression.”
So then again, Satan came before God and
Romans 3:9: “What then? Are we of said, ‘Yes, well, You know, you just took away all
ourselves better?…. [‘We Jews because we received the physical things that he had. Skin for skin, let me
the law.’] …Not at all! For we have already charged touch him and he’ll curse You to Your face.’ God
both Jews and Gentiles—ALL—with being under says, ‘Okay, you go ahead and touch him, but you
sin.” IF there was no law, there would be no sin. So, can’t take his life.’ So then Job was smitten with
how can God hold all nations responsible for sin boils from head to toe. I don’t know anyone who’s
unless He requires that they keep His laws? He really been afflicted that bad. I have never, never
cannot! But the fact that He does and says that met anyone who had boils from head to toe. I know
they’re all under sin show that there is the one is plenty bad enough. Just one! Have them so
righteousness that God expects of all human beings: bad that all you could do is just kind of scrape them;
to keep His laws in the letter of the law! That’s why throw ashes on them to try and dry them up. Job sat
that in almost every nation there are laws against for seven days without saying a word. His wife said,
adultery, murder and thievery. Are those not part of ‘Go ahead and curse God and get it over.’ He didn’t
the laws of God? Yes! Do those who transgress those do it. His friends came over and said, ‘Oh Job came
considered sinners? Yes! along and said, ‘Oh, Job, you’re just a rotten sinner,
because you know that God doesn’t punish unless
Verse 10: “Exactly as it is written: ‘For there there is sin.’
is not a righteous one—not even one!…. [Why? This
is talking about perfect righteousness. There is It’s very interesting all the things that are
none! Are all sinners? Yes! Even in the first said here. Every philosophy and justification of
righteousness that is required: to keep the laws of religion, reason for life, reason for death, reason for
God in the letter of the law? Yes!] …There is not one tragedy is here in the whole book of Job. Job got so
who understands; there is not one who seeks after angry and upset that he said, concerning God:
God. They have all gone out of the way; together
they have all become depraved. There is not even Job 9:32: “For He is not a man, as I am, that
one who is practicing kindness. No, there is not so I should answer Him, that we should come together
much as one!’” (vs 10-12). That is when you get in [judgment] court… [He wanted to go to court!
down to the real heart and core of human nature. That’s what he’s saying.] …there is no umpire… [a
referee, a mediator] …between us… [‘What God has
Verse 13: “‘Their throats are like an open done to me is unfair.’] …who might lay his hand
grave; with their tongues they have used deceit; the upon us both” (vs 32-33). This went on and on and
venom of asps is under their lips… [It sounds like you can read it all.
Washington, D.C.; I tell you, the things going on
there are just unreal. This is a whole summary of all Eliphaz the Temanite was talking to Job and
human endeavor and all human ways.] …whose Job was saying what he had done and how good he
mouths are full of cursing and bitterness; their feet was, and so forth. That only made Job more angry
are swift to shed blood; destruction and misery are because he knew that that first righteousness was
in their ways; and the way of peace they have not required, but yet, he was wondering why he was
known. There is no fear of God before their eyes’ being afflicted.
Now then, we know that whatever the law says, it
speaks to those who are under the law… [That is Job 22:1: “And Eliphaz the Temanite
everyone!]…so that every mouth may be stopped, answered and said, ‘Can a man be profitable to God,
and all the world may become guilty before God. or can a wise man be profitable to Him?’” What can
Therefore, by works of law there shall no flesh be you add to God? What profit are you to God?
justified before Him…”(vs 13-20). The first ‘You’re so high and mighty, Job. Is it any pleasure
righteousness cannot justify you to God. There is no to the Almighty that you are righteous… [‘Job, it
way, because it is required! doesn’t count! Why are trying to be good and then
come along and fool us and say you didn’t sin.’]
Now, let’s take another little look at Job’s …or is it a gain to Him that you make your ways
life. Job had the first righteousness—the letter of the blameless?’” (vs 1-3). So, this argument went on and
law righteousness. That’s why the book of Job is so on and on. Great philosophies going back and forth!
important. When it talks about Job being perfect and All the while he’s sitting there scraping potsherds,
upright, it means in the letter of the law he was puss, blood, ashes, flies, maggots. When he said,
perfect and he was upright. Was that enough? We ‘The worms destroy my flesh’ he was looking at
know the story. Satan came and said ‘Let him be in maggots in his flesh. You talk about a creepy,
my hand.’ So God said, ‘He’s in your hand.’ God crawly situation.
Romans Series #5
The Two Righteousnesses #1
Job 27:1 And Job continued his speech, and thing. Put in your margin: 1-Cor. 4:7—you have
said, ‘As God lives, He has denied me justice… nothing that you didn’t receive! Beginning with
[that’s unfair of You, God] …and the Almighty has your life, the creation that God has made, the laws
made my soul bitter. As long as my breath is in me, that God has given—everything! There is nothing in
and the breath of God is in my nostrils, my lips shall this world that anyone has that they didn’t receive.
not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit. Job didn’t understand that at this point! So all three
Far be it from me that I should declare you to be of the men ceased to talk to him because he was
right… [you three sitting in front of me] …until I die righteous in his own eyes.
I will not retract my integrity from me…. [Now he’s
beginning to look back and see everything he’s ever Verse 2: “Then was kindled the anger of
done is good—which is the first righteousness—and Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite, of the family of
he’s really getting upset.] …I hold fast my Ram. His wrath burned against Job, because he had
righteousness, and I will not let it go; my heart shall justified himself rather than God…. [The only
not shame me so long as I live’” (vs 1-6). I’ve been One Who is always righteous in everything that is
honest through and through, in every cell of my done is God! Not a man; God!] …Also his wrath
body! was kindled against his three friends, because they
had found no answer and yet had condemned Job”
“‘Let my enemy be like the wicked, and he (vs 2-3).
who rises up against me as the unrighteous. For what
is the hope of the hypocrite, though he has gained So then he stood up and said (paraphrasing):
much, when God takes away his life? Will God hear ‘Well, I’ve been sitting around here listening to you
his cry when trouble comes upon him? Will he guys argue back and forth all this time. I sat here as
delight himself in the Almighty? Will he always call the youngest one amongst you and I was listening to
upon God?’” (vs 7-10). As I have called upon God. all of this wisdom pouring forth from you old men,
So, he’s really getting himself worked up in a you great men, and I’ve learned one thing: Great
frenzy. men are not always wise! What I’ve heard going on
here has really been kind of stupid! I want to start
Job 29:14—this is the classic one: “‘I put on out and I want to tell you something. First of all, I’m
righteousness, and it clothed me; my justice was like here because of the Spirit of God that created me. I
a robe and a diadem. I was eyes to the blind and feet want to tell you a little something about God.’ He
to the lame. I was a father to the poor; and the cause comes right to the heart of the argument:
which I did not know, I searched out. I broke the
fangs of the wicked, and plucked the prey out of his Job 34:5: “For Job has said, ‘I am righteous;
teeth. Then I said, “I shall die in my nest, and I shall but God has denied me justice.’” So, that was the
multiply my days like the sand.” My root was spread whole heart and core of what he was saying.
out to the waters, and the dew lay all night upon my Job 35:1: “And Elihu answered and said, ‘Do
branch. My glory was fresh in me, and my bow was you think this to be right, you that say, “My
renewed in my hand. They listened to me, and righteousness is more than God’s”?’” That was Job’s
waited, and kept silent at my counsel’” (vs 14-21). I whole problem. But this righteousness that he said
was so perfect that every word that dropped out of was more than God’s was only what God required
my lips they were waiting to hear. anyway. That’s why we’re all sinners. All are under
After my words they did not speak again; sin! Even if you keep all of this first righteousness
and my speech dropped on them. And they waited perfectly, you don’t have the second righteousness,
for me like the rain… [Ohhh, here’s almighty, which leads to life. That’s what you need.
righteous Job!] …and they opened their mouth wide • The first righteousness is for this physical
as for the latter rain. I smiled on them when they did life only, which is required of God by all
not believe; and the light of my countenance they human beings.
did not cast down. I chose out their way, and sat as • The second righteousness, we will see,
chief; and I lived like a king in the army, as one who comes from God for eternal life.
comforts the mourners’” (vs 22-25). So he was
‘perfect’—and he knew it! Ask him; he could tell Verse 13: “Surely God will not hear vanity, neither
you. will the Almighty regard it…. [Why? Because all
men are vanity! Though they are required to keep
The first righteousness can’t save you! But, the first righteousness! (the book of Eccles.—where
it is required! Finally, when you get to that point, it starts out: ‘Vanity of vanities, all is vanity, says
and you ever wonder why your friends quit talking the preacher.’) God won’t regard it.] …How much
to you, maybe read Job 32:1: “And these three men less when you say you do not see Him! The cause is
ceased to answer Job, because he was righteous in before Him; you must wait for Him. And now
his own eyes.” Job didn’t understand one basic because it is not so, He has visited in anger yet he
Romans Series #5
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does not understand even his great extremity…. man. I will demand you, and you declare unto Me.
[You’re not even looking to God, Job. You’re only Will you even annul My judgment? Will you
looking to yourself!] …Therefore does Job open his condemn Me so that you may be righteous? And
mouth in vain; he multiplies his words without have you an arm like God? Or can you thunder with
knowledge’” (vs 13-16). In other words, Job, all a voice like His?…. [Now, Job, stand up! Let’s see
your wisdom is stupidity! you do this]: …Deck yourself now with majesty and
excellency, and array yourself with glory and
Job 36:1: “Elihu also proceeded and said, beauty. Cast abroad the rage of your wrath; and
‘Bear with me a little, and I will show you that I behold everyone who is proud, and abase him. Look
have yet to speak on God’s behalf. I will fetch my on everyone who is proud, and bring him low; and
knowledge from afar, and I will ascribe tread down the wicked in their place. Hide them in
righteousness to my Maker…. [not to me, to my the dust together; and bind their faces in darkness.
Maker!] …For truly my words are not false; He who Then I will also confess to you that your own
is perfect in knowledge is with you…. [that is God] [righteousness] right hand can save you’” (vs 6-14).
…Behold, God is mighty, yet He does not despise
any; He is mighty in strength of understanding’” (vs All the first righteousness is required, but it
1-5). Then he goes forth and he keeps talking with can’t save you! That’s what to understand. This is
Job. Finally, he ends up to where then he went as far where the Protestants get it all so confused! They
as he could. say that one set of righteousness is required of the
Gentiles, another set of righteousness is required of
Job has to face the reality of God! God was the Israelites and we have a better set of
very kind. After Job had gone through all the things righteousness, because now we can ignore the
that He had gone through. Job 38:1 “Then the commandments of God and choose which ones we
LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, have. Does that not sound like Job? Can their own
‘Who is this that darkens counsel by words without righteousness of Sunday-keeping save them? No!
knowledge?…. [Did I hear some things being said
down here which were really not very smart?] Now let’s understand a verse or two that is a
….Now gird up your loins like a man; for I will little difficult, but I think now we can begin to
demand of you, and you shall answer Me…. [Job, understand just a little bit of it. Let’s go to Galatians,
here are some britches, you try these on for size.] the third chapter. Most people in the Church of God
…Where… [if you want to have a betwixt between who keep the commandments of God—and
us] …were you when I laid the foundations of the unfortunately, most Churches of God do preach a
earth? Declare it, if you have understanding! Who form of salvation by works, because they don’t
has determined its measurements, if you know? Or understand the first righteousness is required. In
who has stretched the line upon it? On what are the other words, God could not convict the whole world
foundations fastened to? Or who laid its of sin unless the commandments of God were
cornerstone’” (vs 1-6). Then He talks about how He binding upon everyone, because where there is no
made and created everything that there is. law there is no sin! It’s that simple!
Verse 18: “Have you surveyed the breadth of (go to the next track)
the earth? Declare it, if you know it all!…. [Let’s Here’s something to understand: Salvation is derived
hear it, Job!] …Where is the way where light from law-keeping, but law-keeping is required.
dwells?…. [Tell Me!] …And as for darkness, where Salavation is a gift of eternal life which only comes
is the place thereof” (vs 18-19). Then God goes on from God—which then is the second righteousness
saying, ‘Job, you look out here at the whole that you cannot earn!
universe—did you do this?’
• You cannot earn the second righteousness!
Job 40:1: “And the LORD answered Job and • You cannot, by law-keeping, qualify for it!
said, ‘Shall he who contends with the Almighty
• You qualify by repenting, not by doing
instruct Him?…. [Are you really, Job, going to good!
come and teach Me? That’s what He’s saying.]
…He who reproves God, let him answer it.’…. • Did Job qualify for eternal life by all the
[Anyone going to get mad at God? What could Job goodness that he did? No!
say?] …And Job answered the LORD and said, • Was all of his righteousness good enough
‘Behold, I am vile!…. [I guess!] …What shall I for eternal life? No!
answer You? I will lay my hand on my mouth….
[It’s about time!] …Once I have spoken; but I will Now you can understand Galatians 3:21: “Is
not answer; yea, twice, but I will proceed no the law then contrary to the promises of God? MAY
further.’ And the LORD answered Job out of the IT NEVER BE! For if a law had been given that
whirlwind, and said, ‘Gird up your loins now like a had the power to give life… [eternal life; that’s
Romans Series #5
The Two Righteousnesses #1
what it’s talking about. There is no law which can have faith, and I have works.’ My answer is: You
give eternal life.] …then righteousness… [the prove your faith to me through your works, and I
second kind of righteousness, unto salvation] will prove my faith to you through my works….
…would indeed have been by law.” But, the whole [This does require action, absolutely!] …Do you
experience of Job is telling that the second believe that God is one? You do well to believe this.
righteousness—which is required for salvation—is Even the demons believe—and tremble in fear….
not produced by law-keeping. Let’s look at that and [The fact that a person believes in God is no great
analyze it and understand it. Let’s go back to merit to anything. In other words, God is saying that
Romans, the third chapter. if you don’t believe in a Creator God you’re an
idiot—even unconverted! Worse than the demons
Romans 3:20: “Therefore, by works of law because they believe in God.] …But are you willing
there shall no flesh be justified before Him… [By to understand, O foolish man, that faith without
keeping the laws, any law, that is not going to works is dead? Was not Abraham our father
qualify you for salvation, because ‘justified’ means justified by works… (vs 18-21).
to be qualified for salvation in His sight.] (the
second righteousness is this): …But now, the Paul is saying that he was justified by faith—
righteousness of God that is separate from law has he believed God. Do these two verses contradict
been revealed…” (vs 20-21). Is there a righteousness each other? No! Certain things require a belief,
with the letter of the law? Yes! A righteousness of because you can’t see them. Certain things require
law-keeping! action, based upon that faith, because it’s something
you are to do. Both are correct! Both are right! But
• all Your commandments are righteous these then, being justified by works, are works of
• all Your statutes are true faith and belief, based upon what God has said.
• commandments are true
“Was not Abraham our father justified by
So there is a letter of the law righteousness, which works when he offered up Isaac, his own son, upon
God requires of all human beings. Now, there is a the altar? Do you not see that faith was working
spiritual righteousness which must be given—you together with his works, and by works his faith
can’t earn it! There is no law to bring this was perfected? And the Scripture was fulfilled
righteousness to you. This second righteousness which says, ‘Now Abraham believed God, and it
must be given—that’s why it’s called a gift, and it was reckoned to him for righteousness’; and he was
comes through grace. called a friend of God” (vs 21-23).
Verse 21: “But now, the righteousness of Let’s just review these two accounts: Let’s
God that is separate from law has been revealed, go back to Genesis 15 and we will see the kind of
being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets; even righteousness which is imputed. It is given because
the righteousness of God that is through the faith of it is a righteousness you cannot earn. Then we’re
Jesus Christ, toward all and upon all those who going to see how that is even more magnified in the
believe; for there is no difference” (vs 21-22). This New Testament for us.
righteousness comes by belief! It is given to you as
a gift because you believe. That’s what we’re talking Genesis 15:1: “After these things the Word
about here. of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying,
‘Fear not, Abram, I am your shield and your
Verse 31: “Are we, then, abolishing law exceedingly great reward.’ And Abram said, ‘Lord
through faith? MAY IT NEVER BE! Rather, we are GOD, what will You give me since I go childless,
establishing law.” Why? Because your heart is made and the heir of my house is this Eliezer of
right! That’s how you establish it. Damascus?’ And Abram said, ‘Behold, You have
Now, let’s look at Abraham and what he did. given no seed to me… [I’m going to make it easy on
Romans 4:1: “What then shall we say that our father You, God—isn’t that nice of me to do so?] …and lo,
Abraham has found with respect to the flesh? For if one born in my house is my heir.’ And behold, the
Abraham was justified by works, he has a basis for Word of the LORD came to him saying, ‘This man
boasting, but not before God…. [Just like Job. Job shall not be your heir; but he that shall come forth
gloried before God and God finally said, ‘Look, Job, out of your own loins shall be your heir.’ And He
not right.’] …For what does the Scripture say? ‘And brought him outside and said, ‘Look now toward the
Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him heavens and number the stars—if you are able to
for righteousness’” (vs 1-3). count them.’ And He said to him, ‘So shall your
seed be’” (vs 1-5).
We have another story about Abraham, and What work was required? Faith! No work!
this is where a lot of people get really confused. There was no work required! God said, ‘Look! Can
James 2:18: “But someone is going to say, ‘You you count them?’ It’s an impossible task! I mean,
Romans Series #5
The Two Righteousnesses #1
they’re still counting today, and they say there are the uncircumcision’ and we come all the way down
billions and billions and billions more! When they here to Romans 4:20: “And he did not doubt the
think they’re done counting, they think, ‘Boy! promise of God…” It’s going to be really fantastic—
We’ve missed this part of the universe and there are isn’t it? We’re going to be there in the first
billions more stars and galaxies over there.’ resurrection. Can you imagine what it’s going to be
when God says to Abraham, ‘Abraham, come here.’
“And he believed in the LORD…. [and that And he stands right up alongside Jesus Christ and
belief was] …accounted it to him for righteousness” Jesus Christ says, ‘Now, Abraham, because you
(v 6). Believing God, by faith, is the very first step believed Me here is the fulfillment of what you
to the righteousness which God gives you, and you believed. All of these are your children.’ Not only
can’t earn that righteousness. just the physical children but now all of these are the
Genesis 22—here’s the account that James spiritual children. ‘If we’re Christ’s then we’re
was talking about. So, we have the two accounts: Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the
We have the one where belief is required; we have promise’—right? Yes!
the one where a work is required. But even the work “And he did not doubt the promise of God
cannot save you even though it’s required. The work through unbelief; rather, he was strengthened in the
must be based on faith, because you believe that faith, giving glory to God… [Just the opposite of
God is. What does it say concerning faith? The one Job. Job was looking to himself and giving himself
who comes to God must believe that He is and is a all the glory. He was trusting in what he did rather
rewarder of them that diligently seek Him! Here in than trusting in God.] …for he was fully persuaded
Gen. 22 came the final test. He said, ‘Okay, I want that what He has promised, He is also able to do….
you to offer an offering.’ [God could do it! Though Abraham could not count
Genesis 22:1: “And it came to pass after the stars, God could do it! ‘Is there anything too
these things that God tested Abraham, and said to difficult for God?’ No!] …As a result, it was also
him, ‘Abraham!’ And he said, ‘Here I am.’ And He imputed [counted, given] to him for righteousness.
said, ‘Take now your son, your only son Isaac, But it was not written for his sake alone, that it was
whom you love, and go into the land of Moriah, and imputed to him; rather, it was also written for our
offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the sakes, to whom it shall be imputed—to those who
mountains which I will tell you’” (vs 1-2). believe in Him Who raised Jesus our Lord from the
dead; Who was delivered for our offenses and was
You know the rest of the story. God raised for our justification” (vs 20-25).
intervened just when he was ready to raise the knife
and cut the throat of Isaac. And I’m sure, as I’ve said The second righteousness is that spiritual
many times, that God supernaturally created that ram justification which is a gift of the forgiveness of
in thicket. Had it been in the thicket when they were sins and the right standing before God! No man
walking up the hill, surely they would have seen it— can earn the right standing and the righteousness of
right? I mean, you would see a ram if you’re going Christ!
up a mountain. So then, because he obeyed—based
• Who alone earned the righteousness of
upon belief—then his righteousness was perfected.
Which is telling us then, the same thing with the Christ? Christ did!
righteousness that God gives us, because we believe • Can you do better than Christ? No!
and we have faith, that is the second righteousness, • Can you do greater than Christ? No!
which then God adds to that righteousness. This Therefore, you can’t earn it. It must be given as a
follows right along with what we just read gift upon repentance! We receive this justified gift of
concerning Abraham and concerning the second righteousness through belief.
Romans 5:1: “Therefore, having been
After He fed the 5,000 with the manna, they justified by faith, we have peace with God through
chased Him down and found Him and said, ‘Oh, our Lord Jesus Christ…. [Then it shows how the
boy, what are we going to do so we can get bread?’ whole process of the Christian life works]:
John 6:29 “Jesus answered and said to them, ‘This is …Through Whom we also have access by faith into
the work of God: that you believe in Him Whom He this grace… [When you get on your knees and pray,
has sent.’” That belief, by faith, is not contingent you don’t see God, you don’t hear God, you’re not
upon a law—is it? No! This righteousness— in a temple, and God says that this is so important
believing in Christ—does something special for us, that this be ‘between you and Me that you go in your
just as it did to Abraham. closet and you pray alone in secret.’ That’s by faith!]
Romans 4—Paul goes through and explains …into this grace…” (vs 1-2).
all about that he’s the ‘father of the circumcision and • What is this grace that we are accepted,
Romans Series #5
The Two Righteousnesses #1
that we have given to us the grace of life! There is no law you can keep which will be a
Christ? guarantee of eternal life! You must be justified by
• That we have given to us the righteousness the sacrifice of Christ and that justification only
of Christ? comes by repentance and belief. Therefore, all the
• That we have given to us the right Sabbath-keeping—although God requires it of
standing that only Christ has? everyone—is not going to make you qualified for
eternal life. It doesn’t mean, as the Protestants say,
That is the gift! Righteousness #1—commandment- ‘Well we can keep any day.’ NO! Because Sunday is
keeping and law-keeping—never, never, never, not required! Sunday is worse because it’s your own
NEVER earns the second righteousness! But the righteousness. The Sabbath is God’s righteousness
first righteousness is required just to exist in this #1.
world. The second righteousness is required for
salvation, and that is only by faith through Christ. “Knowing that a man is not justified by
works of law… [In the Greek, the definite article the
“…this grace in which we stand, and we (KJV) is not here. It’s ‘works of law’—any law,
ourselves boast in the hope of the glory of God. And Judaism, whatever, does not justify you.] …but
not only this, but we also boast in tribulations, through the faith of Jesus Christ…” (v 16). It doesn’t
realizing that tribulation brings forth endurance, and show this in the King James, but in the Greek it
endurance brings forth character, and character means Jesus’ own faith. It’s the only thing that
brings forth hope…. [You have to go through quite a justifies you. So the gift of righteousness is Christ’s
bit before you come to the point that you really have faith in you; the Holy Spirit in you. So that within
and understand that hope. Once you have the you, you develop the righteousness and the faith of
experience then you have the hope.] …And the hope Jesus Christ.
of God never makes us ashamed because the love of
God has been poured out into our hearts…” (vs 2-5). • Did Jesus believe?
That is part of the grace and justification and • Did Jesus have faith?
righteousness #2. • Did Jesus have love?
• Who are we that we should receive the Spirit • Was Jesus always righteous before God?
of God? Yes!
• Who are we that we should receive the love • Was Jesus always justified before God?
of God? Yes!
That’s what it’s talking about. “…we also have
That’s what it’s talking about! “And the hope of God believed in Christ Jesus in order that we might be
never makes us ashamed because the love of God justified by the faith of Christ, and not by works of
has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy law; because by works of law shall no flesh be
Spirit, which has been given to us” (v 5). Then he justified…. [for salvation!] …Now then, if we are
goes on and shows how sin came into the world and seeking to be justified in Christ, and we ourselves
so forth. are found to be sinners, is Christ then the minister of
Verse 17: “For if by the offense of the one sin? MAY IT NEVER BE!…. [No! It’s your own
man death reigned by the one… [I’ve heard people sinful nature that’s doing it—not Christ!] …For if I
say, ‘When I see Adam I’m going to ask why did build again those things that I destroyed, I am
you do that?’ He made all mankind suffer.] …how making myself a transgressor. For I, through law,
much more shall those who receive the abundance of died to law, in order that I may live to God” (vs 16-
grace and the gift of righteousness…” 19). Because the ‘wages of sin is death.’ He died
Righteousness #2 is a gift! What kind of unto law that He might live with the Spirit of God,
righteousness is that that can only be given? You justified by Christ, the gift of righteousness imputed
can’t earn it. Granted, we’ll give you righteousness to him, which can only come from God by belief and
#1 over here, all of it, perfecto, as Job. You still faith in Christ and His sacrifice.
can’t earn righteousness #2; it is a gift! It says you Verse 20: “I have been crucified with
can’t earn it, it must be given! Since you don’t have Christ… [through the operation of baptism (Rom 6)]
it inherently, it must be imputed; that is credited to …yet I live. Indeed, it is no longer I… [He’s not
you, given to you, a gift! Let’s see what kind of living for himself] …but Christ lives in me….
righteousness this is. It’s by the faith of Jesus! It is a [That’s the only purpose for his continuing in the
gift! flesh.] …For the life that I am now living in the
flesh, I live by faith—that very faith of the Son of
Galatians 2:16: “Knowing that a man is not God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me.”
justified by works of law…” Now you can That’s what we are to believe! That is righteousness
understand it—right? Justified to what? To eternal #2—or the second righteousness—
Romans Series #5
The Two Righteousnesses #1
• which you can’t earn and the Truth is not in him…. [Which means Christ is
• which you can’t work for not in him. Why? Because Jesus said, ‘I am the Way,
• which you can’t qualify for without the the Truth and the Life’—correct? Yes!] …On the other
sacrifice of Christ hand, if anyone is keeping His Word…” (vs 3-5). It
goes beyond just commandment-keeping. If you are
There is no law given under heaven whereby you justified with the gift of righteousness and God says,
may keep that law and have eternal life. Law does
not give eternal life. The second justification in • Every time I view you, I view you through
righteousness is that justification which qualifies the eyes of Christ.
you for it, which is by the “…faith of the Son of • Every time to come to Me and repent of
God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me. I do your sins, Christ is there to forgive.
not nullify the grace of God; for if righteousness is • Every time you ask in faith, I view it as
through works of law… [Now do you understand Christ asking.
that? If it can come by any law you can do]: …then
Christ died in vain” (vs 20-21). Because the second That’s a tremendous gift—isn’t it? Oh, yes! “On the
righteousness can only be given and imputed to you; other hand, if anyone is keeping His Word, truly in
it cannot be earned! If you have all of your sins this one the love of God is being perfected…. [On an
forgiven and you are told to walk in the ongoing basis.] …By this means we know that we are
commandments of God in faith—should we then in Him….. [You see how the second righteousness
keep the commandments of God? Yes! How? brings what the first righteousness cannot do.
Always remember: There are two righteousnesses of
Let’s come back to Romans 7:6 and see; God!] …Anyone who claims to dwell in Him is
here’s how we’re to do it. “But now we have been obligating himself also to walk even as He Himself
released from the law because we have died to that walked” (vs 5-6).
in which we were held so that we might serve in
newness of the spirit, and not in the oldness of the Now we can answer this question: How is
letter.” The same law, but now in newness of spirit that you are righteous as Christ is righteous? That’s
with Christ in us, with understanding motivated by a pretty bold statement—isn’t it? You think on that
the grace and love of God and the Spirit of God. for a minute! That is really a pretty bold statement.
That is how we are to conduct our lives with the 1-John 3:7: “Little children, do not allow anyone to
righteousness #2. deceive you; the one who practices righteousness
is righteous, even as He is righteous.”
With that in mind, let’s go back and review
just a few verses in 1-John and let’s see why then it That is the second righteousness, which is
has been written in the way that it has been. 1-John imputed and given by God as a gift! So, not only do
1:7: “However, if we walk in the light, as He is in we want righteousness #1, we want righteousness
the light, then we have fellowship with one another, #2, which is the very faith and the righteousness of
and the blood of Jesus Christ, His own Son, cleanses Jesus Christ—given to us as a gift. It’s given to us
us from all sin…. [That is the second righteousness: • to inspire us to want to do better!
is cleansing, ongoing.] (v 9): …If we confess our • to go beyond!
own sins, He is faithful and righteous, to forgive us • to love God with all our heart, mind, soul
our sins, and to cleanse us from all and being!
unrighteousness.” The grace and justification.
That’s why it’s given. So let’s attain to
1-John 2:1: “My little children, I am writing righteousness #2!
these things to you so that you may not sin…. [It’s
in that subjective tense: may not sin.] …And yet, if Questions from audience:
anyone does sin, we have an Advocate with the
Father—Jesus Christ the Righteous—and He is the • Under the Old Covenant, were people
propitiation for our sins; and not for our sins only, required to keep righteousness #1? Yes!
but also for the sins of the whole world” (vs 1-2). • Are people in the world today are
Which then, God is going to take care of in His time. required to keep righteousness #1? Yes!
Righteousness #2 is by the calling of God.
Notice what follows right along with it.
That’s why God does not require the world to
When we have this righteousness and this
keep righteousness #2. They can’t, because they
justification and this standing before God, v 3: “And
don’t’ have the Spirit of God! Only those who
by this standard we know that we know Him: if we
have the Spirit of God can keep righteousness
keep His commandments…. [How? In newness of
spirit—that’s how!] …The one who says, ‘I know
Him,’ and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter
Romans Series #5
The Two Righteousnesses #1
Scriptural References:
1) 1 John 3:3-10, 4, 8
2) Isaiah 43:24-26
3) Matthew 13:37-42
4) Hebrews 10:26-31
5) 1 John 3:5-7
6) Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-8
7) Romans 3:20
8) Romans 4:15
9) Romans 3:9-20
10) Job 1:22
11) Job 9:32-33
12) Job 22:1-3
13) Job 27:1-10
14) Job 29:14-25
15) Job 32:1-3
16) Job 34:5
17) Job 35:1, 13-16
18) Job 36:1-5
19) Job 38:1-6, 18-19
20) Job 40:1-14
21) Galatians 3:21
22) Romans 3:20-22, 31
23) Romans 4:1-3
24) James 2:18-23
25) Genesis 15:1-6
26) Genesis 22:1-2
27) John 6:29
28) Romans 4:20-25
29) Romans 5:1-5, 17
30) Galatians 2:16-21
31) Romans 7:6
32) 1 John 1:7, 9
33) 1 John 2:1-6
34) 1 John 3:7
Transcribed: 10-26-10
Romans Series #6
The Two Righteousnesses #2
We defined that the Bible shows that there substances, then someone comes up with another
are two righteousnesses: substance, which is not on the list and they can’t
convict them; because where there is no law there is
1. The righteousness of the letter of the law, no sin. So, it the same way with God: where there is
which God requires of every human being no law He does not judge. We’re going to see that
2. The righteousness which leads to God required of all human beings to keep the first
salvation, which can only come through righteousness, which is the commandments of God
Jesus Christ. That righteousness no one in the letter. God requires that of all human beings;
can earn! otherwise, there would be no sin.
We went through and showed how even Job in his Romans 3:9: “What then? Are we of
perfection could not even earn that. Let’s come to 1- ourselves better? Not at all! For we have already
John 3:4. because this is really loaded tremendously charged both Jews and Gentiles—ALL—with being
with so many things: “Everyone who practices under sin…. [So, if there was no law, and the law
sin… [practicing, living in, ongoing] …is also was only for Israel, then how could God judge the
practicing lawlessness, for sin is lawlessness.” In Gentiles for not keeping the law? There would be no
other words, against law! sin!] …exactly as it is written: ‘For there is not a
Then we come down here showing the righteous one—not even one! There is not one who
difference, v 5: “And you know that He appeared in understands; there is not one who seeks after God.
order that He might take away our sins; and in Him They have all gone out of the way…’” (vs 9-12).
is no sin. Everyone who dwells in Him does not Carl [Franklin] sent me something very
practice sin… [this is not just saying church interesting, and it’s from part of a 20-volume set
members; this is anyone!] …anyone who practices called The Origins of Judaism. That, with the
sin has not seen Him, nor has known Him. Little menorah, the three candles in the middle represents
children, do not allow anyone to deceive you; the the ‘mother god of life.’ When they have the whole
one who practices righteousness is righteous, even as thing in a special way that they do it, it’s a
He is righteous” (vs 5-7). Christmas tree called the tree of life. It is something!
Then it shows the contrast, v 8: “The one It blew my mind! To understand some of the
who practices sin is of the devil because the devil teachings of the things of Judaism, go back to the
has been sinning from the beginning. For this ‘mother goddess’ and ‘mother earth’ and the ‘tree of
purpose the Son of God appeared that He might life.’ So all have sinned—Jews and Gentiles!
destroy the works of the devil.” When did the works “‘…there is not one who seeks after God.
of the devil begin with mankind? Adam and Eve— They have all gone out of the way; together they
didn’t it? Yes, it did! have all become depraved. There is not even one
Let’s go through and cover a couple of other who is practicing kindness. No, there is not so much
things so that we can understand as we’re going as one! Their throats are like an open grave; with
along. We’ll just review a couple of other Scriptures. their tongues they have used deceit; the venom of
There’s something we need to understand about asps is under their lips, whose mouths are full of
God: James 4:12: “But there is only one Lawgiver… cursing and bitterness; their feet are swift to shed
[God is Lawgiver. We’re going to see that God gave blood; destruction and misery are in their ways; and
laws which are required of all human beings.] the way of peace they have not known. There is no
…Who has power to save and to destroy….” fear of God before their eyes.’ Now then, we know
that whatever the law says, it speaks to those who
This is very important and also profound in are under the law… [Who is under the law?] …so
our understanding concerning how God deals with that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world
human beings. Romans 4:15: “For the law works out may become guilty before God” (vs 10-19).
wrath; because where no law is, there is no This first righteousness—righteousness #1—
transgression.” This is a principle that applies with is required, but it cannot bring eternal life. That’s
God. It is a principle that applies even in the why it says, v 20: “Therefore, by works of law there
world—doesn’t it? Can they convict you of shall no flesh be justified before Him… [because it’s
something whereby there is no law which defines all required] …for through the law is the knowledge
what you did is a crime? No, they can’t! The cannot! of sin.
That’s part of the problem they’ve had with some of
the substance abuse. They’ve listed all the illegal Now, let’s go back to Genesis 1, and let’s
Romans Series #6
The Two Righteousnesses #2
add some things; think about it as we’re going account of the creation of Adam and Eve, the tree of
through. Since God is Lawgiver, is there anything the knowledge of good and evil, and the garden that
that God does that does not have a lawful purpose? God created. Verse 15: “And the LORD God took
Even when God has created all that there is to create, the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to
it runs by law—doesn’t it? Everything that God has dress it and keep it.” This show we’re all
created runs by law—doesn’t it? So, we find that responsible; we have things to do. We have to work.
God made heaven and earth. We find that God said, What does the New Testament say about work? If
‘Let there be light’ and there was light. He separated you won’t work, you won’t eat—New Testament
the light from the darkness. Was His word a doctrine. So, he was to dress it and keep it.
command? God said! Was His Word then law? Yes!
God said! All the way through you can find that • God made us to work!
with everything that there is: with the air, with the • God made us to think!
water, with the animals, with the land, with the • God made us to talk!
birds, with the fish, with everything that there is • God made us to create!
there are laws connected with it—correct? Yes! • God made us to build!
Same way with man; man is made in the image of
To do all of these things because we’re made in the
likeness and image of God.
Now, God got done with everything that He
Verse 16: “And the LORD God commanded
had made and, Genesis 1:31: “And God saw
the man… [When God spoke, it’s a command! What
everything that He had made, and indeed, it was
is one of the names of Jesus Christ? The Word! He
exceedingly good. And the evening and the morning
brings the Word of God! When He speaks is it of
were the sixth day.” It dawned on me when I was
God? Yes! Same thing here] …God commanded the
studying this: Gen. 2, God starts out with the
man, saying, ‘You may freely eat of every tree in the
commandment that all human beings forget the
garden… [Not only that, before He said, ‘Now look,
swiftest. He starts out and reveals the Sabbath Day! here’s the whole world, have dominion over it. Be
That’s why Jesus said that He was ‘Lord of the
fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.’ Now
Sabbath’ because it was ‘made for mankind.’
He says, ‘I’m putting you in this garden and you can
Therefore, you can say the Sabbath—and all the
eat of every tree except one]: …But you shall not
commandments of God—are universal moral laws
eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
that God requires of all human beings. That’s why
for in the day that you eat of it in dying you shall
He put it first, because it is the most neglected. It is
surely die’” (vs 16-17).
the most often transgressed, and it’s going to be one
of the first ones that Satan’s going to come along Then we come to the detailed creation of Eve
say, ‘You don’t need to do that.’ and lo, and behold, what do we have out of this? The
law of marriage—correct? Do we not, when there’s
So, God shows that specifically by creation
a wedding ceremony, read this as part of the Law of
He made the Sabbath. Genesis 2:1: “Thus the
God in binding that marriage? Yes, indeed!
heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host
of them. And by the beginning of the seventh day Genesis 3:1: “Now the serpent was more
God finished His work which He had made. And He cunning than any creature of the field which the
rested on the seventh day from all His work which LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, ‘Is
He had made. And God blessed the seventh day and it true that God has said, “You shall not eat of any
sanctified it because on it He rested from all His tree of the garden?”’” What is one of the first things
work which God had created and made” (vs 1-3). that people come across in their belief in God?
Someone is going to say you don’t have to believe
Now, the seven-day cycle of one week does
that; that’s not necessary; God is expecting too much
not fit in with anything. It doesn’t fit in with the
of you. But God has given everything!
monthly cycle of the moon. It doesn’t fit in with
equally divisible numbers with the year—as the Let’s analyze this account just a little bit.
earth goes around the sun. So it is a special, Remember: Where there is no law there is no sin! If
perpetual, eternal sign that God is Creator! When God says something, is it a law? Yes, it is! God
you go through and you look at all the languages of commanded! He said don’t do it. Someone came
the world, it all reflects back to that Saturday is the along and said ‘it’s all right to do.’ And you know
Sabbath. I think, even in Spanish, Saturday is called how the appeal was: It’s going to make you wise;
‘Sabado’—isn’t it? I have a whole list of languages you’re not going to die; you’re really going to be like
where Saturday is the Sabbath and everybody knows God. You can take that same philosophy and apply it
it. Why? Because it comes from creation! to so many, many different things.
Now then, it gives us a more detailed • Did they break the first commandment? Yes,
Romans Series #6
The Two Righteousnesses #2
they did! They put another god before the God do something? I mean, think of it!] …And the
true God. LORD said to Cain, ‘Why are you so angry? And
• Did they break the second commandment? why has your countenance fallen? If you do well,
Yes, they did! The tree of the knowledge of shall you not be accepted? But if you do not do well,
good and evil became their idol; that’s what sin lies at the door….’” (vs 5-7).
they wanted.
Remember, where there is no law there is no
• Did they break the third commandment? sin! Not only that, he was in an accusative attitude
Yes, they did! They accepted the blaspheme toward God. We know that this could not have been
of Satan. the offering of the firstfruits of the ground, because
• Did they break the fourth commandment? It God would accept that—correct? Where you have
doesn’t tell us directly! What does James the firstling of the herd, you know then there has to
say? If you break one point of the law, be the law the firstling of the firstfruits. Do you
you’ve broken it all! think that God is only going to give the firstfruit
• Did they break the fifth commandment? Yes! requirement to Israel alone and not give it to Adam
God being their Creator. and Eve? There couldn’t be any sin! Then Cain gets
• Did they break the sixth commandment? . mad and he gets jealous and he rises up and he kills
• Did they break the sixth commandment? his brother. Was there a penalty extracted for it? Yes,
Yes, they did! They brought the law of sin there was! It wasn’t the death penalty, but he was
and death to all human beings. sent out to be in the worst part of the earth, called
• Did they break the seventh commandment? the ‘land of Nod’ or the ‘land of wandering.’
Yes, spiritually! Plus we don’t know what all
they got into, except they found that they Genesis 6:5—here’s a whole universal sin!
were naked and they were ashamed. When I get articles on tinkering with the genes—I
• Did they break the eighth commandment? have several at home that I’m going to bring—and
Yes, they did! They stole, right on down to what they are trying to do. Makes you wonder when
the tenth commandment, they coveted. it says in Matt. 24 that ‘as it was in the days of
Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the
So all the commandments of God were broken in Son of man.’ What were they doing? How bad was
this incident. Remember, where there is no law it? What was it that they were actually able to
there is no sin! Was there sin? Were they cast out? produce? Did they have a civilization like ours, or
Yes, they were! God then gave them hope with the greater? We don’t know! How bad was it?
promise of the coming Messiah. What else did sin
do? Genesis 6:5: “And the LORD saw that the
wickedness of man was great on the earth, and every
• Sin removed them from the presence of imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only
God! evil continually.… [constantly, from his youth up]
• Sin removed them from the blessing of (It was so bad): …the LORD repented that He had
God! made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His
heart” (vs 5-6). That’s pretty bad! When you go back
Furthermore, it brought death to all human beings and and you understand that ‘God doesn’t delight in the
now they had to go out and work in ‘sweat of their death of the wicked.’ How many times have we gone
brow’ to produce whatever it was they had to through and seen that God would hold back His
produce. hand of correction if there were someone who was
Then we come to Genesis 4 and all of this is righteous. But here, God was so grieved; no telling
to show that God’s commandments are universal how bad it got! Could they have had a technological
moral laws which apply to all human beings and God society like we have today? Could have! I see no
expects them to be kept. What do we have here? The reason why not. There’s nothing new under the sun.
difference between Cain and Abel! You know the “And the LORD said, ‘I will destroy man
whole account there. Abel brought an offering whom I have created from the face of the earth, both
according to the commandments of God, which was a man and beast, and the crawling thing, and the fowl
firstling of the flock and it was accepted. Cain of the air; for I repent that I have made them.’ But
brought an offering of the ground, of his own Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD” (vs 7-
choosing, rather than what God had required. 8). Now, it’s got to be really, really bad in order to
Genesis 4:5: “But He did not have regard unto also destroy all the animals. This makes me wonder
Cain and his offering. And Cain was extremely if they were not tinkering with the genetics. Are we
angry and his countenance fell…. [There you go, if tinkering with the genetics today? Oh, yes! Yes,
you don’t do it God’s way, why get mad at God? Is indeed! Many of the things that we have that we just
he going to change God? Are you going to make accept for normal: tomatoes, apples, corn, beans,
Romans Series #6
The Two Righteousnesses #2
and will give to your seed all these lands. And in LORD showed signs and wonders, great and
your seed shall all the nations of the earth be grievous, upon Egypt, upon Pharaoh and upon all his
blessed… [God wanted His way to go to all nations. household, before our eyes. And He brought us out
That becomes very important—so that what? So that from there so that He might bring us in to give us the
all nations would know God’s way—right? Yes!] land which He swore to our fathers. And the LORD
…because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My commanded us to do all these statutes—to fear the
charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My LORD our God for our good always…’” (vs 18-
laws” (vs 4-5). 24).
Since Christ is the ‘same yesterday, today There are some Protestants that think that
and forever,’ which laws were those? All of them! God gave the Laws of God to Israel to them harm, to
That means the Sabbath. That means at least the do them hurt! Some people have written that the
beginning of the Holy Days. We can go through Sabbath was given as a sign of their unfaithfulness,
Abraham’s life and pull out quite a few things and of the gross evilness, so therefore, ‘we’re
concerning the Holy Days—can’t we? With the justified in keeping Sunday.’ Anything but following
sacrifice of Isaac—do we not have a type of the what God says!
Passover with Christ? Yes! Yes, we do! You could
probably go through and pick out some of the other “‘…so that He might preserve us alive, as it
Holy Days, too, that go along with it. So, there is today. And it shall be righteousness…
again, God expects that all people are to keep His [righteousness #1] …for us if we observe to do all
commandments! these commandments before the LORD our God as
He has commanded us’” (vs 24-25). You can go
Exodus 19:5 “‘Now therefore, if you will through and read all the things in there concerning
obey My voice indeed, and keep My covenant, then what God was going to say.
you shall be a special treasure to Me above all
people; for all the earth is Mine. And you shall be to Genesis 15:16: “But in the fourth generation
Me a kingdom of priests and a Holy nation.’….” (vs they shall come here again… [out of Egypt] …for
5-6). What were they to teach all the nations? the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.” Think of
it! God gave the Amorites another 400 years, plus
• God’s way! some. Their sin was not yet to the full! Remember,
• God’s laws! where there is no law there is no sin!
• God’s commandments! Let’s see some of those sins, Leviticus 18:1:
Correct? Yes! “And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying…
[Whenever your read that, think in the back of your
We’ll see that, Deuteronomy 6:17: “You mind: Obey My voice!] …‘Speak to the children of
shall diligently keep the commandments of the Israel and say to them, “I am the LORD your God.
LORD your God, and His testimonies, and His As they do in the land of Egypt where you dwelt,
statutes which He has commanded you…. [How did you shall not do…. [Whatever it was that they did in
they receive this? They heard the voice of God! God there—their religion, way of life, idols, superstition;
spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Speak unto the children of and the more we find out about Egypt, the more we
Israel, saying, obey My voice!’] …And you shall do realize that they were in just gross Satanism and
that which is right and good in the sight of the demonism.] …And you shall not do as they do in the
LORD…” (vs 17-18). In other words, all of His land of Canaan, where I am bringing you. Neither
commandments, all of His laws are right and good. shall you walk in their ordinances. You shall do My
What did the Apostle Paul say concerning the judgments and keep My ordinances, and walk in
commandments of God? They’re Holy, just and them. I am the LORD your God”’” (vs 1-4). Now,
spiritual! All the laws! all the way through this section, and all the way
through the book of Leviticus[transcriber’s correction], God
“…so that it may be well with you… [Does says, ‘I am the Lord your God.’ Whenever he says
God want to see anybody suffer? No! Does he that He’s emphasizing something.
delight in the death of the wicked? No!] …and so
that you may go in and possess the good land which Then He says, v 5: “And you shall keep My
the LORD swore to your fathers, to cast out all your statutes and My judgments, which if a man does, he
enemies from before you as the LORD has spoken. shall live in them. I am the LORD.” Here are all the
When your son asks you in time to come, saying, letter of the law, which means if it’s in the letter of
‘What are the testimonies and the statutes and the the law, please understand that the spirit is even
judgments which the LORD our God has more binding—correct? Is it not? What did Jesus
commanded you?’ Then you shall say to your son, say concerning—because these list all the sex sins—
‘We were Pharaoh’s slaves in Egypt, and the LORD adultery? You have heard it said in past times, ‘You
brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand. And the shall not commit adultery,’ but I say to you, you
Romans Series #6
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shall not look upon a woman to lust after her in your for those sins and transgressions, God has judgment.
heart, because you have committed adultery with her The whole of the prophets have to do with all the
already! So wherever the first righteousness—the world sinning, if you want to summarize it.
letter of law—is required, know and understand that
the spirit of the law is greater and more binding. Let’s come to Matthew, the fifth chapter. I
Then God shows right here you shall not approach need to define, again, the two kinds of
your mother, your father, your aunt, your uncle, your righteousnesses. We will see that always, the first
brother, your sister, your cousin; or any animal; or kind of righteousness is required of anyone
homosexuality—male or female. converted and unconverted. The second
righteousness is a gift of God, which you cannot
Come down to v 24: “Do not defile earn! It’s not required by people that God does not
yourselves in any of these things, for in all these the call. Have you ever thought of that? God has to call
nations which I cast out before you are defiled…. in order for you to have the second righteousness
[Defilement comes because of sin!] …And the land given to you. What did Jesus say? None can come
is defiled. Therefore I visit its wickedness against it, unto Me except the Father Who sent Me draw him!
and the land itself vomits out those who live in it. Can you walk up to God and demand the second
You shall therefore keep My statutes and My righteousness? Well, if it’s a gift, the Giver has to
judgments, and shall not commit any of these decide whom He’s going to give it to! You can’t
abominations, neither the native, nor any stranger that demand it from God! The first righteousness is
lives among you…” (vs 24-26). What is this telling us? required by everyone.
God expects even strangers to obey the laws—doesn’t
He? Yes! Now, let’s see what Jesus says here,
Matthew 5:17: “Do not think that I have come to
“For the men of the land who were before abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to
you have done all these abominations, and the land abolish, but to fulfill.” The things pertaining to
is defiled. You shall not do these so that the land Himself and the things pertaining to all the
may not spew you out also when you defile it, as it prophecies, and those who believe He did away with
spewed out the nations that were before you; for the law. Then you have to ask that since you believe
whoever… [anybody] …shall commit any of these that He did away with the law, did He do away with
abominations, even the souls who commit them shall the prophets? If you believe that Jesus Christ is
be cut off from among their people. And you shall returning, according to the prophecies, then you
keep My ordinance, so as not to do any of these must believe that He didn’t do away with the
abominable customs which were committed before prophets. Since there is judgment for sin, you have
you, and that you do not defile yourselves in them. I to believe that the laws and commandments of God
am the LORD your God” (vs 25-30). are still in effect, otherwise, there is no sin—for
(go to the next track) where there is no law there is no sin! If Christ
abolished everything, and abolished the law, there is
• What are these called? Ordinances! no sin! Therefore, you don’t have to repent because
• What are they based upon? The seventh there’s no such thing as a sinner. You might have to
commandment! You shall not commit go over that again.
Verse 18: “For truly I say to you, until the
• A sub-category of the seventh
heaven and the earth shall pass away… [it’s still
commandment—right? Yes! here] …one jot or one tittle shall in no way pass
• Does God expect everyone to keep those from the Law until everything has been fulfilled….
laws? Yes! [Of course, everything hasn’t been fulfilled.
• Did even the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Remember what we started out with: ‘If you will
Hivites, the Hittites, the Jebusites all indeed’—what? Obey My voice!] …Therefore,
commit these things—what did God do? whoever… [Just for Jews? ‘Whosoever’ means any
God judged them and sent them off—right? person!] …shall break one of these least
Yes, He did! commandments, and shall teach men so, shall be
Where there is no law, there is no sin! called least in the Kingdom of Heaven… [required
of everybody. Which laws? Not one jot or one title!
I want to mention this: You can read all of What do you know about that!?] …but whoever
the prophets and in that you will see that God has shall practice and teach them, this one shall be called
specific prophesies concerning nations because of great in the Kingdom of Heaven. For I say to you,
their sins—correct? Yes! Especially read the book of unless your righteousness shall exceed the
Amos. He says, ‘For three sins, yea, and for four. In righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, there is
Syria, Damascus, in Judah, in Israel, and Ammon.’ no way that you shall enter into the Kingdom of
Where there is no law, there is no sin! Therefore, Heaven” (vs 18-20).
Romans Series #6
The Two Righteousnesses #2
They kept the laws of God in the letter. What • Is any of it done away? No!
was their sin with the laws of God? You can have • You can ask this question: Do you believe
sin on both sides: righteousness #1 and that love is done away? Of course, they
righteousness #2! What was their sin of will say, ‘Of course, not!’ Jesus said then,
righteousness #1 that God required them to do? No, ‘If you love Me keep My commandments’
not not believing in Christ. That was a sin, but not • If you love God, what are you going to
pertaining to the Law. They added! What did God do? Keep His commandments!
say? You shall not add to or diminish a word what I • Why? Because all of His commandments
tell you! What did they do? They added to and made are based on love!
their righteousness a counterfeit of the righteousness • What if they still say they don’t want to do
of God #1! This is why He is saying, “…unless your that, but
righteousness exceed what they are doing…” How we’re going to be selective and we’re
can your righteousness ‘exceed’ the commandments going to do what we think is right
of God, which are called righteous? Only if you have we’re going to use the name of Jesus
the second righteousness given to you! That comes because we know He the Savior
with God’s Spirit. Read all of Matt. 5 & 6. He shows we’re going to go out and we’re going
how it should be kept in the spirit—correct? Yes! to do lots of good works, because we
Are those based on the laws and commandments of know He’s our Master
God? Yes! Every single one of them is! we know we’re doing New Testament
Now we blend from the first righteousness things
into the second righteousness, Matthew 6:33: “But but as far as keeping that Law, we don’t
as for you, seek first the Kingdom of God and His believe we have to keep the Law
righteousness…” You can take this and do an awful Matthew 7:21: “Not everyone who says to Me,
lot with this verse. ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter into the Kingdom of
• Has God ever sinned? No! Heaven; but the one who is doing [practicing] the
• God created the Sabbath—correct? Yes! will of My Father Who is in heaven.”
• God created humans beings; He gave His • Is it God’s will that you reject His
commandments and His laws—correct? commandments? No!
Yes! • Is God righteous? Yes!
Now, we are to “…seek His righteousness…” in • Is His will righteous? Yes!
Whom there is no sin! That’s why we’re to hunger • What was God’s will when he spoke to the
and thirst after that righteousness. What if someone children of Israel?
comes along and says, ‘Look, I really don’t think we When He spoke to Adam and Eve?
ought to keep the commandments of God, we ought When He judged the other nations?
to just have love’—which is what you hear. Well, • Was it not His will, based on
we have two answers to that: Jesus answers the righteousness, that they were sinning, they
question, and He really sets the stage for everything were going against God? Yes!
that there is. Remember, the two things that we’re
So, you have to be practicing “…the will of My
repeating in the ‘indeed, if you will obey My voice’
Father Who is in heaven. Many will say to Me in
and ‘where there is no law there is no sin!’ Jesus that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy through
gave the ‘great law’ and the commandment:
Your name? And did we not cast out demons
through Your name? And did we not perform many
Matthew 22:37: “And Jesus said to him, works of power through Your name?’” (vs 21-22).
‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. All of those should be done. There’s nothing
This is the first and greatest commandment…. wrong with what they did. And that’s the point!
[That’s what needs to be taught, because if you People look at those things and they say, ‘Since you
really love God then you will do what He wants. want to keep the commandments, how can you say
You will truly obey His voice.] …and the second these things are wrong?’ No one is saying those
one is like it: You shall love your neighbor as things are not right!
yourself. On these two commandments hang all the
Law and the Prophets.’ (vs 37-40). So, for those who • Is it not good to cast out demons in the
say we ought to have love, yes, that’s true, we ought name of Christ? Yes!
to have love; but then, • Is it not good to help the poor and
suffering in the name of Jesus? Yes!
• What hangs from that love? All the law • But does that give you license to do away
and the prophets!—doesn’t it? Yes! with the Word of God, the commandments
Romans Series #6
The Two Righteousnesses #2
Romans Series #6
The Two Righteousnesses #2
There was a storm over on the east coast 1. The letter of the law, which God
which was supposed to come and wipe out Cuba, but requires of all human beings.
somehow it backed up and went the other way and 2. The righteousness of Christ, which can
came around on the backside of Florida, the east only be given and imputed to you as a
side, cut across Florida, went south again, then went gift of God—you cannot earn it.
north and wiped out all those homes right along the
North and South Carolina coast. They were built Romans 9:30: “What then shall we say? That the
what? On the sand dunes! It showed this one picture Gentiles… [Gentiles is just a Jewish word which
of this tremendous house. They had all these pillars really means nations. If you have a New King James
all sunk down into the sand and here comes this version, it probably has ‘nations’ there.] …who did
hurricane—big waves, I mean, monster waves, just not follow after righteousness… [Because God
take your breath away—and then it started eating didn’t give them the Ten Commandments—right?
away. The house began to sag and then just like No, He didn’t! They weren’t trying to follow
everything else, here comes this one last huge wave righteousness.] …have attained righteousness, even
and just wiped out the house to sea and that was it. the righteousness that is by faith…. [There are the
two righteousnesses: #1 of the law, #2 of faith]
Everyone is going to have trials. You think …But Israel, although they followed after a law of
because you’re in the Church of God you’re the only righteousness [#1], did not attain to a law of
one in the world who has trials? Everybody in the righteousness [#2]. Why? Because they did not seek
world has trials. So, “…the winds blew, and beat it by faith, but by works of law; for they stumbled at
upon that house; and it fell, and great was the fall of the Stone of stumbling, exactly as it is written:
it. Now it came to pass that when Jesus had finished ‘Behold, I place in Sion a Stone of stumbling and a
these words, the multitudes were amazed at His Rock of offense, but everyone who believes in Him
teaching; for He taught them as one Who had shall not be ashamed.’” (vs 30-33).
authority, and not as the scribes” (vs 27-29). You
better believe that He taught as One having Romans 10:1: “Brethren, the earnest desire
authority, because He was the Son of God! of my heart and my supplication to God for Israel is
for salvation. For I testify of them that they have a
Luke 17:5: “Then the apostles said to the zeal for God, but not according to knowledge….
Lord, ‘Increase our faith.’ But the Lord said, ‘If you [Were they sincere? Yes! If you are sincere—but not
had faith as a tiny mustard seed, you might say to according to knowledge—does that count? No! God
this sycamine tree, “Be rooted up, and be planted in is Lawgiver!] …For they, being ignorant of the
the sea,” and it would obey you. But which of you righteousness that comes from God, and seeking to
having a servant plowing or shepherding will establish their own righteousness, have not
immediately say to him when he comes in from the submitted to the righteousness of God…. [#1 or #2]
field, ‘Come and sit down and eat’? Rather, will he …For Christ is the end of works of law for
not say to him, “Prepare what I may eat, and gird righteousness…” (vs 1-4).
yourself, and serve me while I eat and drink; and
afterwards you may eat and drink”?…. [Here’s quite This is where the Protestants come in and
a parable!] …Is he thankful to that servant because say, ‘Yes, Christ ended the law’; doesn’t mean that
he did the things that were commanded him? I think whatsoever. Christ is the end purpose, the ‘teleios,’
not” (vs 5-9). If you keep the law of righteousness #1, it is to
what? Lead you to Christ and righteousness #2!
We could add in here to reflect back to The That is the purpose of righteousness #1. Doesn’t end
Two Righteousnesses #1—Job, where are you? He it! Otherwise, there would be no sinners. It’s not the
thought that all the things that he was commanded to end of the law. He is the purpose of the law for
do should earn him something with God. It didn’t! righteousness.
“Likewise, you also, when you have done all the
things that are commanded you, say, ‘We are “…to everyone who believes!…. [Then he
unprofitable servants, because we have done that goes on to describe the second righteousness,
which we were obligated to do’” (v 10). righteousness #2, which only God can give. But he
Righteousness #1 is everyone’s duty to do! describes by beginning with the first righteousness.]
…For Moses wrote concerning the righteousness
That’s why when the young man came to [#1] that comes through the law, ‘The man who has
Jesus and said, ‘Good Master, what should I do that practiced those things shall live by them.’…. [They
I may inherit eternal life?’ Jesus said to keep the weren’t doing that!] …But the righteousness [#2]
commandments! ‘Which ones?’ Go sell all that you that comes through faith speaks after this manner:
have and come and follow Me! Now I think we’ll be ‘Do not say in your heart, “Who shall ascend up to
able to understand Romans 9 & 10 very clearly, once heaven?”’ (that is, to bring Christ down.) ‘Or, “Who
we understand there are two righteousnesses: shall descend into the abyss?”’ (that is, to bring
Romans Series #6
The Two Righteousnesses #2
Christ up from among the dead.) But what does it • we’re to walk in newness of life
say? ‘The Word is near to you, in your mouth and in • be obedient from the heart unto the
your heart.’ This is the word of faith that we are righteousness that is in Christ
proclaiming: That if you confess with your mouth
the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God Those are the two righteousnesses! Where it says in
raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. For 1-John 3, that ‘if you are practicing righteousness,
with the heart one believes unto righteousness you are righteous even as He is righteous,’ because
[#2]…” (vs 4-10)—because God gives it to you. Christ is in you! That is a gift of God, which leads
to the eternal life, which can only come from the
Romans 4:21—concerning Abraham: “For righteousness of Christ. Remember, there are the
he was fully persuaded that what He has promised, two righteousnesses:
He is also able to do. As a result, it was also imputed 1. Letter of the law!
to him for righteousness [#2]…. [Which is the 2. Christ in you!
righteousness of Christ; must be given, you can’t
earn it. It is given when you believe!] …But it was Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter
not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to Scriptural References:
him; rather, it was also written for our sakes, to 1) 1 John 3:4-8
whom it shall be imputed—to those who believe in 2) James 4:12
Him Who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead; Who 3) Romans 4:15
was delivered for our offenses and was raised for our 4) Romans 3:9-20
justification” (vs 21-25). 5) Genesis 1:31
Romans 5:17: “For if by the offense of the 6) Genesis 2:1-3, 15-17
one man [Adam] death reigned by the one, how 7) Genesis 3:1
much more shall those who receive the abundance of 8) Genesis 4:5-7
grace and the gift of righteousness [#2]… [That 9) Genesis 6:5-8
God looks at you through the eyes of Christ; that 10) Exodus 19:5
God views you as Christ. You still do righteousness 11) Genesis 12:4
#1 and now with Christ in you—what does it do? 12) Genesis 13:13
This gift of righteousness—what does it do, with the 13) Genesis 18:19
Holy Spirit of God in you? It writes the laws and 14) Genesis 26:4-5
commandments in your heart and in your mind! 15) Exodus 19:5-6
How does a person behave? By what they think! 16) Deuteronomy 6:17-25
That’s how! This is a gift!] …reign in life by the 17) Genesis 15:16
One, Jesus Christ.) So then, even as by the one 18) Leviticus 18:1-5, 24-30
transgression condemnation came unto all men, in 19) Matthew 5:17-20
the same way also, by the one act of righteousness 20) Matthew 6:33
shall justification of life come unto all men. For 21) Matthew 22:37-40
even as by the disobedience of the one man many 22) Matthew 7:21-23
were made sinners, in the same way also, by the 23) 1 John 2:3-4
obedience of the one Man shall many be made 24) Matthew 7:23-25
righteous” (vs 17-19). 25) 1 Corinthians 3:11-13
26) Matthew 7:24-29
Why? Because Christ in you is the hope of 27) Luke 17:5-10
glory—right? Christ in you is going to motivate you 28) Romans 9:30-33
with the love of God—correct? Can you earn that? 29) Romans 10:1-10
No! Verse 20: “Moreover, the law entered… [to 30) Romans 4:21-25
show what sin is] …so that transgression might 31) Romans 5:17-21
abound; but where sin abounded, the grace of 32) Romans 6:1-2
God did super-abound; so that even as sin has
reigned unto death, so also might the grace of God Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
reign through righteousness unto eternal life through • Matthew 24
Jesus Christ our Lord” (vs 20-21). • Genesis 11
• Matthew 25
Romans 6:1: “What then shall we say? Shall
we continue in sin, so that grace may abound? MAY Also referenced:
IT NEVER BE! We who died to sin, how shall we • Books: The Origin of Judaism (20 vol. Set)
live any longer therein?” (vs 1-2). Then he goes • Sermon: The Two Righteousnesses #1
through the whole thing showing
• why we were baptized unto the death of Christ Transcribed: 10-26-10
Romans Series #7
Romans 2:1-5
We’re going to review just a little bit of rebellion. I think we’re going to be surprised how
Romans 1 for just a minute, because the question vast that has been!
came up: Since all sin is against God, how can a So, when they disobey their parents they sin
person sin against himself? Let’s go back to Romans against their own selves—don’t they? How many
1 and let’s see how we outlined this. Remember that teenagers have died premature deaths because they
vs 19-23 were the sins against God and the Truth. didn’t listen to father and mother? because they stole
The sins against themselves—vs 24-28—notice how a car and got drunk and had a wreck? or they didn’t
it starts out, that’s why it’s sin against themselves. listen to father and mother and not only did the sin
against themselves by doing that but they went out
Romans 1:24: “For this cause… [because and go t pregnant or got a girl pregnant? All of those
they committed idolatry] …God also abandoned are sins against themselves. You can also sin against
them to uncleanness through the lusts of their hearts, yourself by ‘shooting yourself in the foot’; by eating
to disgrace their own bodies between themselves.” unclean foods. Not only is it a sin against God, it’s a
Then it lists all the sexual sins that they had. sin against your body. You can sin against yourself.
Now then, the next section we have, vs 29- I’d like to review that it was confirmed by a
32, are sins against others. First of all the first doctor who personally knew Aldus Huxley’s wife
commandment is ‘you shall have no other gods and Aldus Huxley—I know the doctor personally,
before Me.’ Then the greatest commandment is first person—that Aldus Huxley died a very terrible
‘loving God.’ Then you will ‘love your neighbor as death; so bad that he didn’t even want to tell me
yourself.’ If you sin against your neighbor, you can about it. What I want to do is review what Huxley
sin against yourself. How can you sin against wrote, just understanding what it has to say
yourself? concerning why they did the things that they did.
Here’s one obvious sin. You can sin against First, let’s read the first couple of verses in
yourself, and it ties right in with what it’s talking Roman 2, and this whole section that we’re going to
about in Rom. 1, because it’s talking about sexual study this time will begin in v 1 thru 11. It has to do
sins, 1 Corinthians 6:18: “Flee sexual immorality… an awful lot with judging.
[fornication—from the Greek word ‘porneia’—
which means any kind of sexual sin.] …Every sin Romans 2:1: “Therefore, you are without
that a man may commit is outside the body… [if you excuse, O man [any person], everyone who is
steal, that’s outside your body; if you murder, that’s judging; for in that in which you are judging the
outside your body] …but the one who commits other, you are condemning your own self; for you
sexual immorality [‘porneia’] is sinning against his who is judging, you yourself are doing the same
own body.” It also affects the mind, so you can sin things. But we know that the judgment of God is
against yourself. according to Truth upon those who are committing
such things…. [refers back to everything going back
How’s another way you can sin against to Rom. 1] …Now do you ponder this yourself…”
yourself? The fifth commandment is a bridge (vs 1-3). This is one of those middle verbs; that you
commandment between the first four and the last think and you get the result yourself
five, which is ‘honor your father and mother that
your days may be long on the land that you go to “…O man, anyone who is judging those who
possess.’ are committing such things and you are practicing
them yourself. Do you think that you shall escape the
Ephesians 6:1—talks about honoring your judgment of God? Or are you despising the riches of
father and mother, that it is ‘a commandment with His kindness and forbearance and long-suffering, not
promise.’ “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, knowing that the graciousness of God leads you to
for this is right. Honor your father and your mother, repentance? But even according to your own
which is the first commandment with a promise.” hardness and unrepentant heart, you are storing up
How many teenagers, young people, have had their wrath for yourself against the day of wrath and
lives cut short because they don’t honor their father revelation of God’s righteous judgment, Who will
and mother? They don’t obey their father and render to each one according to his own works. On
mother, and we’re set in a society today that the one hand, to those who with patient endurance in
everything is programmed to take those minds—as good works are seeking glory and honor and
Rush Limbaugh says ‘of mush’—and mold them to immortality, He shall give eternal life. Now on the
Romans Series #7
Romans 2:1-5
one hand, to those who are contentious and who are That’s what happened to it. Yes, we have freedom!
indeed disobeying the Truth, but are obeying ‘It interfered with our sexual freedom.’
unrighteousness, He shall give indignation and
wrath, tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of We objected to the political, economic
man who is committing evil acts, both of the Jew system because it was unjust. There was
first, and of the Greek; but glory and honor and one admirably simple method of justifying
peace to everyone who are working good, both to the ourselves in our political and erotic revolt.
Jew first, and to the Greek, because there is not any We could deny that the world had any
respect of persons with God” (vs 3-11). That’s the meaning whatsoever.
whole key, right there! Without meaning, without vision, without
Let’s see why these things were done. We’re purpose, the people ‘perish’—correct? Yes!
going to see what God is going to do. We’ll talk a Similar tactics had been adopted during the
little bit about judging in just minute, but I want to 18th century and for the same reasons. The
come to v 2 and look at that and then I’ll re-read chief reason for being philosophical was
these statements of Aldus Huxley and some new that one might be free from prejudices.
information that I have on him. Above all, prejudices of a sexual nature. It
Verse 2: “But we know that the judgment of was the manifestly poisonous nature of the
God is according to Truth…” That’s always fruits of that system that forced me to
important to remember. Compare that with Rom. reconsider the philosophical tree from
18:1—What are they doing? They are suppressing which they had grown.
the Truth! So the very thing that they hate, the very That is the morality of the Church of England.
thing that they despise is what is going to judge
them. Now, let me read you something else. This is
from the book Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story
Statement of Aldus Huxley (Ends and of the Committee of 300, very interesting book! If
Means, pgs 312, 315-316, 318): you think you’ve understood conspiracies, you don’t
These are reasons and motives for denial understand anything until you read that book. It is
of a special creation of everything and for absolutely amazing! It’s written by Dr. John
an explanation of creation without a Coleman, and here’s what he wrote on pg. 134. I
Divine Creator. want you to think about this concerning the press,
concerning the electronic media:
I had motive for wanting the world to have
a meaning. Consequently assumed that it The role of the electronic media in our
had none, and I was able without any society is crucial to the success of
difficulty to find satisfying reasons for this brainwashing large population groups.
assumption. Brainwashing!
Make their own reasoning, their own logic! Exactly the same pattern will follow in the
For myself, no doubt for most of my case of rock music!
contemporaries, the philosophy of He said if deprived of media attention it would
meaninglessness was essentially an eventually take its place in history—be gone!
instrument of liberation from a certain
system of morality. We objected to the Following the Beatles…
morality because it interfered with our Who incidentally were put together by the Tavistock
sexual freedom. Institute. You might as well learn that name, because
They always promise them freedom, but they that is the brains behind all of these things in the
themselves are the slaves of their own corruption— world, that control it, and this is where Satan the
never fails! 2-Peter 2:18: “For they speak bombastic devil, I believe, meets with those people who are in
words of vanity… [I’m giving you a summary of the communication with him.
Democratic Convention this week] …enticing others …other made in England rock groups,
through the lusts of the flesh by granting who, like the Beatles, had theo-adorno
indulgences to sin, and ensnaring those who had write their occultic lyrics and compose
indeed escaped from those who live in deception. their music. I hate to use the beautiful
While promising them freedom, they themselves are words in the context of Beatle mania. It
actually slaves of corruption because by whatever reminds me of how wrongly the word
anyone is overcome, he is also held in bondage” (vs lover is used when referring to the filthy
18-19)—and eventually into death, we can add. inner action between two homosexuals
Romans Series #7
Romans 2:1-5
Romans Series #7
Romans 2:1-5
• who have gone against the Truth thing to ‘oh well, we shouldn’t judge at all.’ It’s
• who have hardened their heart amazing!
• who have gone against God Matthew 23:23: “Woe to you, scribes and
—and the judgment of God does not linger; it is Pharisees, hypocrites!…. [One who says one thing
coming! already executed upon them! and does another—isn’t that correct? Yes! Isn’t that
what Paul is talking about in Rom. 2:1—you are
Members of the Orphic/Dianistic cults in hypocrites because you are judging those and you’re
Hellenistic Greece and the Orius/Horus doing the same thing.] …For you pay tithes of mint
cults in Egypt, which the Victorian society and anise and cummin, but you have abandoned the
embraced, all smoked opium—it was the more important matters of the law—judgment, and
in thing to do! mercy and faith…. [you must have judgment
I think, brethren, we just need to understand that before mercy. Too many people get very muddle-
that’s the basis of all the things being taught in headed and they put mercy before judgment. You
school; the basis of everything that comes out on cannot have mercy until there is first judgment,
television; and we are living in a complete because you don’t know what to give mercy
manufactured and psychological controlled society! concerning about unless there is a judgment. So,
We need to get away from that and really get our Christ was saying they should have had judgment.]
minds on Christ. …These you were obligated to do… [Most turn that
around and say, ‘it’s the tithing you ought to have
Let’s come back to Romans 2:1, and every done’—no! It’s the other way around: judgment,
time these people do it, they always come up with mercy and faith] …and not to leave the others
‘don’t judge’—don’t they? “Therefore, you are undone.” That is of tithing.
without excuse… [There is no excuse; they know!
They knew! They, having known God!] …O man, Let’s look at the parallel account in Luke
everyone who is judging; for in that which you are 11:42, because when that happens there’s something
judging the other, you are condemning your Own that drastically and grossly missing: “But woe to
self; for the one who is judging, you yourself are you, Pharisees! For you pay tithes of mint and rue
doing the same thing.” It’s hypocritical for Bill and every herb, but you pass over the judgment and
Clinton to get up there and say, ‘Well, let’s have a the love of God….” You cannot have proper
war on drugs’ when he was right in the middle of it judgment unless you love God. Why is that?
with his grubby fingers, with millions! And in his Because judgment must be according to Truth—
state was the main port for the CIA to bring it in correct? Yes! And if you love God then you’re going
from Central America. to love the Truth. There’s one very important thing
in judgment: You cannot have a hidden agenda; you
And everyone who loves Ollie North, tough! cannot have your own opinions or your own ideas.
He was in on it, too. Whenever you get up that high You must judge righteous judgment—very
in this world, you’re either going to become a part of important! You can’t do it without love. You pass
it, or you’re going to be rejected. That’s just the way over judgment and the love of God. This is really
that it is. We’ve had the same thing in the Church— amazing stuff here.
haven’t we? People would get up there and condemn
all the brethren for the least little thing, and they Here is a Scripture that is used always. This
themselves were doing worse sins. We’re dealing is a misuse of Scripture, because it does not tell us
with great hypocrisy. not to judge, it tells us how to not judge improper
Let’s look at some of the judging here, v 2: judgment, but it also tells us what a proper judgment
“But we know that the judgment of God is according is, Matthew 7:1: “Do not condemn [judge] others, so
to Truth… [That is the only way, brethren, that there that you yourself will not be condemned [judged].”
can be judgment. There must be Truth. That’s why Therefore, you should no say so about whatever
God is Judge! That’s why Christ is Judge! Right? anybody does concerning anything. If the keep
He’s the Way, the Truth and the Life!] …upon those Sunday don’t judge them! If they keep Christmas,
who are committing such things.” don’t judge them! If they eat unclean meats, don’t
judge them! If they have idols, don’t judge them!
Let’s look at some of the great sins that have That’s NOT what this means! What are some of the
taken place religiously because of the lack of rules of Bible study?
judgment. Here’s what happens. We’ve seen this
happen in the Church of God, too—haven’t we? • What does it say?
Then what happens? They go from one ditch to the • What does it not say?
other—don’t they? They go from judging everything • What is the context—the verses before, the
under the sun and every little, teeny, weeny physical verses after?
Romans Series #7
Romans 2:1-5
Let’s read the verses after, v 2: “For with what lesson here. Never judge another person’s heart. You
judgment you judge, you shall be judged… [God may judge their fruits, but you can’t judge their
always does that—doesn’t He? He always does heart, because you don’t know their heart.
that!] …and with what measure you mete out, it
shall be measured again to you. Now why do you Lot’s of times people get themselves into
look at the sliver that is in your brother’s eye, but trouble because it works the other way around,
you do not perceive the beam in your own you’re wondering what the other person is thinking
eye?…. [We’re talking about hypocritical of you. If they don’t have exactly the right look on
behavior as it interferes with judgment. We are their face looking at you, you think that maybe
not talking about the absence or the doing away they’re thinking something evil of you, and maybe
of judgment.] …Or how will you say to your they’ve got a pain in their back and they can’t help
brother, ‘Allow me to remove the sliver from your the look on their face. Their concern has nothing to
eye’; and behold, the beam is in your own eye? You do with you. What it is, you have your mind on
hypocrite, first cast out the beam from your own eye, yourself and you’re so concerned about it that you
and then you shall see clearly to remove the sliver make a bad judgment. This is what the Pharisee was
from your brother’s eye” (vs 2-5)—which means doing.’
you’re to make a proper judgment. I love this section here. A good lesson on
John 7—here’s how we’re told to make how to answer; you never address it directly at first.
judgment. The truth of the matter is, everything you Let them expose their own hand first; that’s what
do all day long is some kind of judgment—is it not? Jesus did, v 40: “Then Jesus answered and said to
Decide what time to go to bed, what time to get up, him, ‘Simon, I have something to say to you.’ And
what to eat, what clothes to put on, where you’re he said, ‘Teacher, say on.’ ‘There were two debtors
going to go, how you’re going to do it. All of those of a certain creditor; one owed five hundred silver
are judgments—aren’t they? They are decision you coins, and the other fifty. But when they did not
have to make. God made us to be decision and have anything with which to pay him, he forgave
judgment making people; that’s the way we are them both. Tell Me then… [he’s trapped!] …which
made to function. That way we can discern good of them will love him most?’ And Simon answered
from evil and right from wrong. and said, ‘I suppose the one whom he forgave the
most.’…. [Notice, he wasn’t dogmatic, but he said,
John 7:24: “Judge not according to ‘I suppose.’] …And He said to him, ‘You have
appearance… [That is just to the outside judged rightly’” (vs 40-43). This tells us a
circumstances. You don’t know.] …but judge judgment—right?—just a decision.
righteous judgment.” How do you do that? You get
to the truth of the matter and you understand all “And after turning to the woman, He said to
the facts involved! Let’s see an example of that with Simon, ‘Do you see this woman?…. [‘Yeah, I’ve
Christ. been sitting here condemning her ever since He’s
been here.’] …I came into your house, and you did
Luke 7:36: “Now one of the Pharisees not provide any water to wash My feet; but she has
invited Him to eat with him. And after going into the washed My feet with her tears and wiped them with
Pharisee’s house… [this is Simon the Pharisee] the hairs of her head. You did not give Me a kiss;
…He sat down at the table. And behold, a woman in but she, from the time I came in, has not ceased to
the city who was a sinner, when she knew that He ardently kiss My feet. You did not anoint My head
was sitting in the Pharisee’s house, took an alabaster with oil; but she has anointed My feet with ointment.
flask of ointment; and she stood weeping behind For this cause, I tell you, her many sins have been
Him, and knelt at His feet, and began to wash His forgiven because she loved much. But to whom little
feet with her tears and to wipe them with the hairs of is forgiven, he loves little’” (vs 44-48). So, we have
her head; and she was ardently kissing His feet and the same thing. You do no ever have proper
anointing them with the ointment” (vs 36-38). judgment when there is no love; it’s an
We’ve got a little inner-play of judgment, “And He said to her, ‘Your sins have been
here. “But when he saw this, the Pharisee who had forgiven.’… [Then they made another bad
invited Him spoke within himself, saying… [This is judgment—didn’t they?] …Then those who were
a judgment; this is the kind of judgment not to make. sitting with Him began to say within themselves,
This is a Matt. 7 judgment not to make, because the ‘Who is this, Who even forgives sins?’ But He said
Pharisee was a hypocrite and we see his hypocrisy to the woman, ‘Your faith has saved you. Go in
exposed—don’t we?]: …‘This man, if He were a peace’” (vs 49-50). That’s quite a thing showing the
prophet, would have known who and what the righteous judgment!—isn’t it? Yes!
woman is who is touching Him because she is a
sinner’” (v 39). Always condemning! Let’s learn a Here’s another judgment, and here’s a
Romans Series #7
Romans 2:1-5
Romans Series #7
Romans 2:1-5
Jesus said to her, ‘Neither do I condemn you. Go, Him, ‘Where is Your Father?’ Jesus answered, ‘You
and sin no more’” (vs 7-11). know neither Me nor My Father. If you had known
Me, you would also have known My Father’” (vs
Why? First of all, the act of adultery requires 16-19).
two. The Law of Moses specified that the man and
the woman were to be stoned. How could she be Verse 23: “And He said to them, ‘You are
caught in the very act of adultery without them also from beneath; I am from above…. [Could it be any
bringing the man? So Jesus may have written down clearer that Jesus came from heaven? No!] …You
there: Where is the man? How did you catch her? are of this world; I am not of this world. That is why
This was a trial with insufficient evidence, wrongly I said to you that you shall die in your sins; for if
carried out; improper application of the Law of you do not believe that I AM, you shall die in your
Moses. It was not a matter of mercy, it was a matter sins.’ Then they said to Him, ‘Who are You?’ And
of a mistrial. Another thing: Jesus at that time was Jesus said to them, ‘The one that I said to you from
not Judge. There was a proper procedure to do it. the beginning. I have many things to say and to
They were to go to the judges—were they not? So judge concerning you; but He Who sent Me is
again, this whole thing was completely contrived. true, and what I have heard from Him, these
And Jesus said to her, ‘Neither do I condemn you. things I speak to the world’” (vs 23-26). He
Go, and sin no more.’ So Christ knew there was sin. didn’t speak His own words. With this is there a
This got them all discombobulated and upset. They conflict? He says, ‘I have many things to judge
had been had. They had nothing to accuse Him on. of you’; but He also says, ‘I judge no man.’ Is it
The woman was let go. The trial did not take place. because He judges righteous judgment? Yes! If
you judge according to the Word of God, are you
Verse 12: “Then Jesus spoke to them again, judging your own? No! You’re judging according
saying, ‘I am the Light of the world; the one who to the Word of God!
follows Me shall never walk in darkness, but shall
have the light of life.’ Therefore, the Pharisees said Let’s see what Jesus said. Here is why
to Him, ‘You are testifying about Yourself; Your most people judge incorrect judgments: they’re
testimony is not true.’ Jesus answered and said to political! That’s why! Or they have a hidden
them, ‘Even if I testify about Myself, My testimony agenda. Or they have something that they want to
is true, because I know where I have come from and do themselves.
where I am going. But you do not know where I
come from and where I go. You judge according to John 12:42: “But even so, many among the
the flesh; I judge no one’” (vs 12-15). rulers believed in Him; but because of the
Pharisees… [political decision—correct?] …they did
So Jesus could have, if He wanted to placate not confess Him, so that they would not be put out of
the Pharisees—if Jesus were on an ecumenical the synagogue… [and you can add any club in there
movement with the Pharisees—He could have said, you want to put in there] …for they loved the glory
‘This is a good opportunity to get in good favor with of men more than the glory of God” (vs 42-43).
the Pharisees. I will condemn this woman for the There you go, you can never make a proper
sake of our ecumenical movement.’ Didn’t do it— judgment without the love of God. There it is again!
did He? No!
“Then Jesus called out and said, ‘The one
(go to the next track) who believes in Me does not believe in Me, but in
‘You judge after the flesh because you want Him Who sent Me. And the one who sees Me sees
to keep in your political mode.’ Have you ever been Him Who sent Me. I have come as a light into the
victimized by a wrong, expedient political world so that everyone who believes in Me may not
judgment? If you never have, you will! If you never remain in darkness. But if anyone hears My words
have, you’re in great shape, but most of us are and does not believe, I do not judge him… [How
probably here because you’ve had some sort of can Jesus say, ‘I judge him’ and yet, say, ‘I judge
wrong judgment brought upon you—correct? One not’? Here it is, right here!]: …for I did not come to
way or the other! judge the world, but to save the world. The one who
rejects Me and does not receive My words has one
Verse 16: “Yet if I do judge, My judgment is who judges him; the Word which I have spoken…
true, for I am not alone; but I and the Father Who [Since He spoke all the words of the Old Testament,
sent Me…. [God is love and God is Truth, and so that also includes that.] …that shall judge him in the
therefore, His judgment would be just and true!] last day’” (vs 44-48). That is righteous judgment, the
…And it is written in your law that the testimony of Word of God.
two men is true…. [Now he had them!] …I am one “For I have not spoken from Myself; but the
Who bears witness of Myself, and the Father, Who Father, Who sent Me, gave Me commandment
sent Me bears witness of Me.’ Then they said to Himself, what I should say and what I should speak.
Romans Series #7
Romans 2:1-5
And I know that His commandment is eternal life. judges righteously; He’ll take care of it!
Therefore, whatever I speak, I speak exactly as the
Father has told Me’” (vs 49-50). So, if He did make • We are not the sword of the Lord!
those judgments—which He did—then they were • We are not the judgment arm of Christ!
right, proper, righteous, true and correct judgments. Let’s all keep that in mind.
That’s why all judgment has been placed in His
hands. Here’s what’s happening in the Churches of
God today, 1-Peter 4:17: “For the time has come for
Let’s look at a couple of other things judgment to begin with the household of God…
concerning judgment and judgment is going to take [Brethren, that’s what we are seeing today!
place, 1-Peter 1:17—here’s the most important thing Everybody is being tested as to whether they are
concerning judgment: “And if you call upon the going to love God and follow His Word or not—
Father, Who judges according to each man’s work every single person.] …and if it first begins with us,
without respect of persons… [there is always a what will be the end of those who do not obey the
judgment going on—always, it’s ongoing] …pass Gospel of God?… [So their day is coming. Don’t be
the time of your life’s journey in the fear of God.” envious of the wicked.] …And if the righteous are
1-Peter 2:19[corrected]—this shows about how saved with much difficulty, what will become of the
Jesus, in His judgment and what He did when He ungodly and the sinner? For this reason also, let
was faced with a crucifixion: “Because this is those who suffer according to the will of God
acceptable: if, for the sake of conscience toward commit their souls to Him in well doing, as to a
God, anyone endures sorrows, suffering unjustly. faithful Creator” (vs 17-19). That’s exactly what
For what commendation is there if, disobeying and Jesus Christ did.
being beaten, you endure it? But if while doing good Let’s go to James 2:1: “My brethren, do not
you endure suffering, this is acceptable with God; have the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of
for to this you were called because Christ also glory, with respect of persons…. [Then he gives a
suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you good example here]: …Now then, if a man comes
should follow in His footsteps, Who committed no into your synagogue wearing gold rings and dressed
sin; neither was guile found in His mouth; Who, in splendid apparel, and there comes in also a poor
when He was reviled, did not revile in return…” (vs man in lowly apparel, and you give preference to the
19-23). one who is wearing the splendid apparel…” (vs 1-3).
That’s why all of this militant movement of That’s what’s happened! How many times have you
the sovereignist and the freemen in fighting against heard people talking about someone who has lots of
the government with weapons in the name of Christ money? God does not care; He’s not impressed with
is wrong; should not be! Jesus said, ‘If My kingdom that, He owns the universe. How many times have
were of this world, then would My servants fight.’ people been looked down upon just by their
It’s not of this world, so we should not fight. appearance?
“…when suffering, He threatened not, but Let me ask: How would you look if for six
committed Himself to Him Who judges righteously” months you had no home, you had no job, you could
(v 23). So, that’s what we need to do, brethren. not bathe, you could not wash your clothes, you
Commit ourselves to God “…Who judges could not change your clothes and your home was a
righteously.” Especially if you have someone who’s luxurious refrigerator box? And someone came
an enemy, who’s after you. along and said, ‘You are evil. You deserve that.’
How many times have you done that to people
Pray that God will intervene and take care of yourself? But someone comes along in a Rolls
it. Cannot God take care of an enemy or some wrong Royce and ‘Whooooo!’ And didn’t we have a whole
against you better than you doing it? He can do it in church run on that? I mean, think of that, brethren!
such a way that it will astound you. It may take more Even in one church it was said that ‘no one should
time, but He’ll do it. I mean, you can have be ordained who is not a successful, wealthy
immediate results if you run down and shoot businessman.’ Now, that’s respect of persons to the
someone dead! That’s immediate! But that’s against
highest degree—isn’t it? Yes!
God! It takes more love and it’s a whole lot harder
to ask God to intervene and to change the “…and say to him, ‘ Seat yourself here in the
circumstances. If you’ve got a tough boss, God can best place’; and you say to the poor man, ‘ Stand
take care of him. He can either remove the boss, or over there,’ or, ‘Sit here under my footstool’; then
change jobs for you. God can do it, and when He have you not passed judgment among yourselves,
does it, it will be breathtaking! I’ve seen that happen and have made yourselves judges with evil
many times. God can deliver you from all kinds of opinions?…. [Worst thing in the world you can do is
things, if you just commit yourself to Him that judge a person’s thoughts. You don’t know what’s in
Romans Series #7
Romans 2:1-5
their mind. You don’t know!] …My beloved this is quite important for us to understand.
brethren, listen. Did not God Himself choose the
poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the Luke 13:1: “Now at the same time, there
kingdom, which He has promised to those who love were present some who were telling Him about the
Him?…. [Notice how judgment always gets back to Galileans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their
love.] …But you have dishonored the poor man. Do sacrifices.” That’s kind of a nasty thing—right? I
not the rich oppress you, and do they not drag you imagine there were a lot of people saying, ‘Boy, you
into the courts? Do they not blaspheme the worthy know, they were real sinners. They had to be
name by which you are called? If you are truly because God caused their blood to be mixed with the
keeping the Royal Law according to the Scripture, sacrifices.’ Or you see some disaster come along and
‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself,’ you are you say, ‘Ah, they deserved it! Glad You got them,
doing well. But if you have respect of persons, you God! BAM!’ One thing remember: Never rejoice in
are practicing sin, being convicted by the law as the day of the destruction of your enemy. You don’t
transgressors” (vs 3-9). know if a person deserves it or not. There was a
young man we were just told of who was out
That’s something—isn’t it? Now do you working on the highway. You know the sections of
understand what’s happening in the Churches of the portable barriers that they have, these big
God? Let’s hope so! Now, there’s a final judgment, concrete sections? Well, he was out there working
which is the judgment to be cast into the Lake of and because of an inattentive crane operator and his
Fire. helper, they let it drop right on the man and broke
his leg in nine places and he’s near death. You can’t
One other thing we’re going to add to say that person deserved it. I mean, he just happened
Romans 2:2 is that they’re going to judged to be there. That’s what Christ wants us to
“…according to Truth…” which is what they understand. We cannot make ourselves more
suppressed. righteous before God by condemning people that we
Verse 3: “Now, you ponder this yourself, O think are wicked when we don’t know they’re
man, anyone who is judging those who are wicked. That’s what Christ is talking about here.
committing such things, and you are practicing them “And Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Do
yourself: Do you think that you shall escape the you suppose that these Galileans were sinners above
judgment of God?” We’ve seen that, too—haven’t all Galileans, because they suffered such things? No, I
we? Where the high-ranking ministers do not have tell you; but if you do not repent, you shall all
the same standards applied to them as they do for the likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the
local elders. NO! They apply to everybody who’s tower in Siloam fell, and killed them… [Or we could
going to be a teacher. Did they escape the judgment say, ‘the 243 that were on Flight 800 and it was
of God? No! They fell right into it—didn’t they? blown out of the sky. Whatever it may be! Whatever
“Or are you despising the riches of His disaster! Whatever may happen!] …do you suppose
kindness and forbearance… [The delaying of that these were debtors above all men who dwelt in
executing of wrath. You need to be careful of that; Jerusalem? No, I tell you; but if you do not repent,
delay of judgment.] …and long-suffering, not you shall all likewise perish’” (vs 2-5). God wants
knowing that the graciousness of God leads you unto us to repent with a special kind of repentance, that
repentance?” (v 4). That’s something to understand. He is leading us with His graciousness!
• We are called by grace. You cannot talk about repentance without
• We stand before God by grace. Acts 2. Do you not think that the Spirit of God was
• We have direct access to God the Father moving these men and women to repentance while
by grace. Peter and the other apostles were speaking? Was it
not the graciousness of God to move them so that
And “…the graciousness of God leads you to the 3,000 were baptized that day? Absolutely had to
repentance.” God is the One Who led you to be!
repentance. Why did you ever come to see yourself
as you really are in the first place? Why did you Acts 2:37: “Now after hearing this, they
come to recognize that you were evil just like were cut to the heart… [Why? Because they let
everybody else? God led you to that! God’s graciousness get to them!] …and they said to
Peter and the other apostles, ‘Men and brethren,
Now, let’s talk about how God leads you, what shall we do?’ Then Peter said to them, ‘Repent
after we talk about some repentance. This kind of and be baptized each one of you in the name of Jesus
repentance is very important. Let’s go to Luke 13; Christ for the remission of sins, and you yourselves
this also ties in with judgment. Is it not a judgment shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (vs 37-38).
of God to lead you to repentance? Yes, it is! I think So the kind of repentance that we are talking about
Romans Series #7
Romans 2:1-5
here is repentance that leads to conversion, and it’s a Notice how this progresses here: you’re trusting in
complete turning from your way to God’s way. It’s the Lord.] …let me never be ashamed; deliver me in
not just a change of mind. It’s not just sorrowful Your righteousness…. [If He’s going to lead you in
because you got caught in evil. But it’s a complete His righteousness, He will deliver you.] …Bow
repentance toward God. down Your ear to me; deliver me quickly; be my
strong Rock, a fortress of defense to save me; for
Acts 3:19: “Therefore, repent and be You are my Rock and my fortress; therefore for
converted in order that your sins may be blotted Your name’s sake lead me and guide me. Pull me up
out.” That’s the whole purpose of it. One thing that out of the net that they have hidden for me, for You
is true: The more that you love God, the more God are my strength…. [This goes right into the words of
is going to lead you into a deeper repentance! The Christ]: …Into Your hand I commit my spirit; You
two go hand-in-hand. The reason being is that you have redeemed me, O LORD God of Truth” (vs 1-
see the greatness of God and you see the goodness 5). That’s how He’s going to lead you.
of God and you see the love and mercy of God more
and more and more. And then you see the utter evil Psalm 43:1: “Vindicate [judge] me, O God…
of your own self. That’s what the graciousness of [That’s Who you want to judge you—isn’t it? If you’re
God does, it leads you! in a repentant attitude, yielded to God, loving Him—
what do you think the judgment is going to be? A
Let’s look at some other things here righteous judgment—is it not? Yes!] …and plead my
concerning leading you; so very important. We have cause against an ungodly nation. Oh, deliver me from
to be led, brethren, led of God—that’s what’s so the deceitful and unjust man, for You are the God of
important—led of His Holy Spirit. His Holy Spirit is my strength; why do You cast me off? Why do I go
the Spirit of Truth! Spirit of righteousness! Romans mourning under the oppression of the enemy? Oh,
8:14: Because as many as are being led… [that is a send out Your light and Your Truth; let them lead
present tense passive—being led] …by the Spirit of me…” (vs 1-3).
God, these are the sons of God.”
• the Truth of God is going to lead you.
• God’s Spirit won’t beat you!
• the righteousness of God is going to lead
• God’s Spirit will not pull you! you
• God’s Spirit will not push you! • the Light of God is going to lead you
• God’s Spirit will not drive you!
—and as long as you’re walking in the Light, and
You have to be involved with yielding to the Spirit coming to the Light…
of God to lead you! And it’s going to lead you in
many important things. John 3—this is a very important and
fundamental Scripture. This is what the Spirit of
There are many Psalms and we’re going to God will always do:
see how God is going to lead us, and it’s going to be
in the right way, and it’s going to be in the proper • lead you in the right way
way. Psalm 5:7: “But I, in the abundance of Your • give you the right understanding
lovingkindness, I will come into Your house; I will • give you the right Truth, through His Word
bow down in Your fear toward Your Holy temple….
[Brethren, we have the wonderful blessing of when John 3:19: “And this is the judgment: that the light
we pray, when we get on our knees and say ‘Our has come into the world, but men loved darkness
Father’ we have direct access to God the Father in rather than the light because their works were evil.
heaven above. That ought to give you a whole lot of For everyone who practices evil hates the light, and
confidence in your prayers. That ought to give you does not come to the light, so that his works may not
just a whole lot of hope and understanding that God is be exposed; but the one who practices the Truth
gracious enough to do that.] …Lead me, O LORD, comes to the light… [It’s a constant coming. if the
in Your righteousness… [God is not going to lead Light of God and the Truth of God and the
you into any area of covetousness. If you’re led righteousness of God is leading you through His
away by your own lust, don’t think that God is Spirit, you’re constantly coming to the Light]: …so
leading you. He’s not! It is a choice set before you. that his works may be manifested, that they have
Are you going to choose God’s way and let His been accomplished by the power of God” (vs 19-21).
Spirit lead you? Lead you in righteousness?] That’s important, brethren! Very important!
…because of my enemies; make Your way straight Psalm 43:3 “Oh, send out Your light and
before my face” (vs 7-8). Your Truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to
Psalm 31:1—let’s see how God will lead us. Your Holy mountain and to Your tabernacles…. [It’s
He leads us there in righteousness: “In You, O the ultimate fulfillment of God’s plan to be living
LORD, have I taken refuge… [‘put my trust’ (KJV). with Him—the whole meaning of the Feast of
Romans Series #7
Romans 2:1-5
Tabernacles.] …Then I will go to the altar of God, to this table spiritually and your enemies are all out
God my exceeding joy; yea, upon the lyre I will there killing themselves. That is amazing! When
praise You, O God, my God” (vs 3-4). God answers a prayer and does this, He will do it
according to your thoughts.
Let’s look at a couple of other Psalms and
see how they fit in with this, too. Psalm 27:11: “…You anoint my head with oil; my cup
“Teach me Your way, O LORD, and lead me in a runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow
level path… [one that is straight and true and not full me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the
of confusion] …because of my enemies.” house of the LORD forever [New Jerusalem]” (vs
5-6). Now, speaking of ‘making a table in the
Psalm 25:4: “Show me Your ways, O presence of your enemies’ and answering prayers
LORD; teach me Your paths…. [I think that God even to a thought that you might have. I had this
can do so much more with us when we come to the prayer that was just a thought. I didn’t give it any
point and the heart and the attitude like this: That we other consideration until lo and behold a year later,
go to God, not to prove to God how good we are or after the prayer was completely answered and I
how worthy we are, or whatever it is; but we go to understood, then I thought back on that thought and
God and ask God to]: …Show me Your ways, O I remembered that I thought that thought. God
LORD; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your answered that as a prayer.
Truth and teach me… [God will!] …for You are the
God of my salvation; on You do I wait all the day Ephesians 3:20: “Now to Him Who is
long. Remember, O LORD, Your tender mercies and able… [has the power—the ‘dunamis’—through His
Your lovingkindness, for they have been of old. Do Spirit.] …to do exceeding abundantly above all that
not remember the sins of my youth, nor my we ask or think, according to the power that is
transgressions; according to Your lovingkindness working in us.” God will do that, and when it does—
remember me for Your goodness’ sake, O LORD. when that happens—you just feel so grateful and so
Good and upright is the LORD; therefore He will thankful and you feel like the smallest person in the
teach sinners in the way” (vs 4-8). So, that’s how world, that God would consider that thought and
He’s going to lead. answer it. It’s really quite something!
Verse 10[transcriber’s correction]: “All the paths of Here’s the opposite of it, the opposite of
the LORD are mercy and Truth to those who keep being tenderhearted, letting God lead you, let the
His covenant and His testimonies.” ‘grace of God lead you continually.’ And it will lead
you in a deeper and more profound and mature
Let’s see what else He will do, Psalm 23:1: repentance, constantly. Romans 2:5: “But even
“The LORD is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He according to your own hardness and unrepentant
makes me to lie down in green pastures… [you can heart… [hard-heartedness; that is the hallmark of
have the full Word of God] …He leads me beside today] …you are storing up wrath for yourself
the still waters….” (vs 1-2). No stormy troubles against the day of wrath and revelation of God’s
(Matt. & Luke—walking on the sea; the storm. What righteous judgment.”
did Jesus do when He got in the ship? He
commanded and the wind stopped and the sea was Who was the one who had the hardest heart
suddenly absolutely still! God can do this to recorded in the Bible? Most notorious hard heart
difficulties and problems in your life, but you have I there ever was? Pharaoh! It works this way: He
wait on the Lord. And when He does it, don’t go out hardened his heart, and then when God brought
and stir it up! Enjoy it! Let the ‘peace of God rest things that should soften it, it didn’t, so God
upon you.’ hardened his heart. It was a parallel action just like
we read in Rom. 1, where they reach a certain point
“He restores my soul; He leads me in the and then God abandons them over to certain things.
paths of righteousness for His name’s sake…. So, God hardened the heart of Pharaoh.
[That’s so very important, especially with the days
ahead of us.] …Yea, though I walk through the How does a heart begin to harden? Let’s see
valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for there is a process that happens. It doesn’t happen all
You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they at once. I think pride is the first thing that starts
comfort me. You prepare a table for me in the hardening the heart. Why is that? If you have pride,
presence of my enemies….” (vs 3-5). you won’t listen! This gives us the process; here’s
what God says:
That is so good! Have you ever had that
happen, that you just pray about something and just Deuteronomy 30:15: “Behold, I have set
put it in God’s hands, saying, ‘Oh please, God, just before you this day life and good, and death and
work this out.’ God lays out a table right in the evil… [That’s what faces every one of every day—
presence of your enemies. Then you are feeding at right?] …in that I command you this day to love the
Romans Series #7
Romans 2:1-5
LORD your God… [That’s what God wants first, 6) Romans 2:1-2
foremost and primary to everything.] …to walk in 7) Matthew 23:23
His ways, and to keep His commandments and His 8) Luke 11:42
statutes and His judgments so that you may live and 9) Matthew 7:1-5
multiply. And the LORD your God shall bless you in 10) John 7:24
the land where you go to possess it” (vs 15-16). 11) Luke 7:36-50
Now, you would think that with that promise that 12) Matthew 8:1-2
people would be willing—right? But they’re not! 13) John 5:20-30
14) John 8:1: 1-19, 23-26
Here’s the process, and it has to do with the 15) John 12:42-50
heart, v 17: “But if your heart turn away so that 16) 1 Peter 1:17
you will not hear, but shall be drawn away and 17) 1 Peter 2:19-23
worship other gods and serve them, I denounce to 18) 1 Peter 4:17-19
you this day that you shall surely perish…” (vs 17- 19) James 2:1-9
18). That’s exactly what he’s talking about (Rom 2). 20) Romans 2:2-4
So there’s 21) Luke 13:1-5
1. pride 22) Acts 2:37-38
2. you turn 23) Acts 3:19
3. you will not hear 24) Romans 8:14
4. you harden your heart 25) Psalm 5:7-8
26) Psalm 31:1-5
Let’s see what happens to those who ‘harden’ their 27) Psalm 43:1-3
hearts. They think they’re right. 28) John 3:19-21
Proverbs 29:1: “A man who hardens his 29) Psalm 43:3-4
neck when reproved shall be suddenly broken—and 30) Psalm 27:11
that without remedy.” That’s just a living law! You 31) Psalm 25:4-8, 10
can see that time and time again. 32) Psalm 23:1-6
33) Ephesians 3:20
Proverbs 28:14: “Blessed is the man who 34) Romans 2:5
fears always, but he who hardens his heart shall 35) Deuteronomy 30:15-18
fall into mischief.” Trouble and difficulty is going 36) Proverbs 29:1
to come. And what happens when that takes place? 37) Proverbs 28:14
The heart even gets harder! If anything is brought 38) Proverbs 21:29
up, to say, ‘You shouldn’t do this, you shouldn’t do
that.’ Don’t talk to me! I don’t want to hear this! Scripture referenced, not quoted:
You’re just picking on me! Don’t judge me! You’re
just trying to force your things upon me! ‘No, I just • Romans 1:19-23, 25-32
want to see you live. I don’t want to see you hurt • Romans 18:1
yourself. Well, I’m capable of taking care of myself!
SLAM! BAM! Generally our young folks go out the Also referenced:
door in a huff! If they fall into a little mischief, and
• Sermon: Epistle of Romans #4
their heart is really not totally hardened, they come
back and admit. But, if they don’t, it gets them in • Books:
trouble even further. Ends and Means by Aldus Huxley
Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the
Proverbs 21:29: “A wicked man hardens his Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman
face, but as for the upright, he establishes his way.” ( also
Directs in a right and proper way. (
Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter
Exception: Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to FRC:bo
the Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter Transcribed: 11-21-10
Scriptural References:
1) Romans 1:24
2) 1 Corinthians 6:18
3) Ephesians 6:1
4) Romans 2:1-11
5) 2 Peter 2:18-19
Romans Series #8
Chapter 2:5-29
Let’s pick it up in Romans 2:5: “But even the people of Israel, but also to the churches today,
according to your own hardness and unrepentant because they all sort of intertwine together here,
heart, you are storing up wrath for yourself against Ezekiel 3:4: “And He said to me, ‘Son of man, go!
the day of wrath and revelation of God’s righteous Go up to the house of Israel and speak to them with
judgment.” That doesn’t mean just at the day of the My words…. [Of course, every prophet only
return of Christ, because the judgment is on the preaches the words of God—correct? Yes!] …For
house of God today. Judgment is always on you are not sent to a people of a strange speech and
everyone all the time, one way or the other. If we of a difficult language, but to the house of Israel; not
have been called—which we have; and if we have to many people of a strange speech and of a difficult
the Holy Spirit of God—which we do; then language, whose words you cannot understand.
judgment is upon us. But judgment is also upon the Surely, if I had sent you to them, they would have
world, too. hearkened to you’” (vs 4-6). Isn’t that amazing! He
said in another place, ‘You go to and fro across the
Let’s review just how the heart is hardened. whole world and see.’
Here are four steps of hardening the heart:
• Has it ever been known that a nation
1. pride enters in
changed their gods?
2. turn from God
3. will not hear • Has India ever changed its gods? No!
4. you harden your heart • Have the Tibetans ever change their gods?
It’s a choice that you make. It is not a good, nor is it • Have the Muslims changed their god? No!
a right choice that should be made, nor that anyone
should do. ‘My people Israel forsake Me, the Fountain of
Living Water!’ It’s amazing thing! We’re seeing the
• Do you suppose that Paul could have been same thing happen in the Church today.
writing about himself?
• When he was Saul was he not hard-hearted Verse 7: “‘But the house of Israel will not be
against the Lord? willing to hearken to you, for they will not be
• Was he not hard-hearted against the willing to hearken to Me; for all the house of Israel
Christians? are of a hard forehead and a stubborn heart…. [You
can’t penetrate it! You have a head like a billiard
Yes! Dragging them off into prison, seeing them ball, it won’t get in!] …Behold, I have made your
killed! So he’s speaking from experience. I know face strong against their faces…” (vs 7-8). That’s
one thing that’s important, brethren. God will want what needs to be, brethren. The day is going to come
every one of us to go through certain experiences. when we’re going to have to face the world. We’re
Not all experiences are pleasant. Some of them are going to preach to the world, and I know that day
very nasty and mean. Nevertheless, experience is will come when God opens the door. This is the way
what develops the love of God. that we need to do it. We need not be afraid of
offending, because if you preach without offense,
So Paul, in writing from his own experience, then you’re not preaching Christ. It doesn’t mean
is able to make it clear what it is if you don’t repent you deliberately go to offend, but the Truth alone
and you choose to harden your heart. When God will offend.
dealt with him, he didn’t harden his heart—did he? I
mean, he was slammed off that donkey, mule,
jackass, or horse—whatever he was on—to the “…and your forehead strong against their
ground. He immediately got the point—didn’t he? foreheads. I have made your forehead as an adamant
Then he said, ‘Yes, Lord, what would you have me stone, harder than flint. Do not be afraid of them or
do?’ That’s what it needs to be in all of these things. dismayed by their faces, for they are a rebellious
So, if you have a very difficult problem hit you, and house.’ And He said to me, ‘Son of man, receive all
it really knocks you for a loop, ask God, ‘Lord, what My words which I shall speak to you. Receive them
is it that You want in this situation?’ He’ll let you to your heart… [That’s New Testament doctrine,
know one way or the other. brethren. That’s the whole thing that God wants us
to have, to receive those things in our heart.] …and
Let’s go to Ezekiel, the third chapter. I want hear with your ears’” (vs 8-10). Jesus said in one
you to think about this in relationship, not only to place, ‘Let this sink deep into your ears.’ In other
Romans Series #8
Chapter 2:5-29
words, penetrate your mind. Then He told him to go, confronted with grave and difficult situations, to ask
and so forth. God to give us the words, to say what is right. “Then
He said to the man who had the withered hand,
Let’s see something else in Jeremiah 7—this ‘Stand up here in the center.’ And He said to them…
is important for us to understand. When you harden [all the rest] …‘Is it lawful to do good on the
your heart, it’s a choice. You don’t have to harden Sabbaths, or to do evil?…. [Gotcha!] …To save life,
your heart. When people harden their hearts, what do or to kill?’ But they were silent…. [He shut their
they do? They get mad at God! What on earth good mouths!] …And after looking around at them with
is going to do to get mad at God? Are you going to anger… [Only place! Some people think that if you
change God? No! get angry, why, you’re sinning; you’re out of
Jeremiah 7:23: “But this thing I commanded control. Not necessarily! Some people think if you
them, saying, ‘Obey My voice… [And how many raise your voice then you’re not Christian. Well,
times have we seen that? Obey My voice!] …and I Jesus looked around with anger.] (Why?): …being
will be your God, and you shall be My people; and grieved at the hardness of their hearts…” (vs 3-
walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, so 5). Here Christ was going to do a wonderful thing!
that it may be well with you.’ But they did not obey, Heal the man with the withered hand. They would
nor bow their ear, but walked in their own counsels, rather let the man have the withered hand and not be
in the imagination of their evil heart…” (vs 23-24). healed, that they could have something to accuse
Collective—their evil heart! We don’t have that in Christ over. That’s a pretty hard heart—isn’t it? Yes!
English; if you sent this to your English teacher, she “He said to the man, ‘Stretch out your hand.’
would correct you for non-agreement of subject and And he stretched it out, and his hand was restored as
object—right? But God looks at it collectively and sound as the other. Then the Pharisees… [all
singularly. rejoiced! Thanked God, embraced Jesus and were
“…and went backward and not forward. converted! NO!] (What did they do?): …left and
Since the day that your fathers came out of the land immediately took counsel… [they had a committee]
of Egypt until this day, I have even sent to you all …with the Herodians… [work out a political
My servants the prophets, daily rising up early and decision] …against Him as to how they might
sending them, yet they did not hearken to Me, nor destroy Him” (vs 5-6).
bow down their ear, but hardened their neck. They Now, the disciples were not without their
did worse than their fathers. Thus you shall speak all hardness of heart, Mark 16. This will teach us a
these words to them, but they will not hearken to little bit about belief. Since we have the full
you; you shall also call to them, but they will not Scripture for us and with us—that we can look at all
answer you. But you shall say to them, ‘This is a the time, we can read and study and we are to
nation which does not obey the voice of the LORD believe—I want you think about this in relationship
their God, nor receives correction; truth has to how you believe.
perished, and is cut off from their mouth’” (vs 24-
Mark 16:9: “Now after Jesus had risen…
That’s what happens when people harden [That means after. In the Greek this is the aorist
their heart and turn against God. It’s one thing to sin tense, He already had been raised.] …early the first
and repent. It’s even one thing to sin and delay day of the weeks He appeared first to Mary
repentance for long, long time, but it’s entirely Magdalene, from whom He had cast out seven
another thing to harden your heart and then God has demons. She went and told it to those who had been
to deal with you in wrath. We don’t want that to with Him, who were grieving and weeping. And
happen to any of us, or any of the people of God. when they heard that He was alive and had been
God say, ‘As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten.’ seen by her, they did not believe it [#1]….
[Probably said, ‘Oh now, Mary, are those demons
Let’s come to the book of Mark, chapter back with you again?’ Didn’t believe!] …Now after
three. Here’s we’re going to see an example of what these things, He appeared in a different form to two of
really angers God. This is the only account where it them as they were walking, going away into the
said that Jesus was angry. Mark 3:1: “And again He country. And they went and told it to the rest; but they
went into the synagogue, and a man who had a did not believe them either [#2]. Afterwards, as they
withered hand was there. And they were watching were sitting to eat, He appeared to the eleven and
Him to see if He would heal him on the Sabbath, in reproached them for their unbelief and hardness of
order that they might accuse Him” (vs 1-2). Jesus heart, because they did not believe [#3]…” (vs 9-14).
knew their thoughts—didn’t He? How does God look upon a true witness? Very
Notice how Jesus handled this; may we all profoundly—right? If you say that it’s true, and it’s
learn from this; may we all be able, when we’re something you should believe, you better believe it!
Romans Series #8
Chapter 2:5-29
Here’s another good lesson for us to confidence and rejoicing of the hope firm to the end.
understand concerning believing God, Luke 1:18. The For this reason, even as the Holy Spirit says, ‘Today,
angel came and announced what would happen with if you will hear His voice…’” (vs 6-7). Notice how
his wife and John the Baptist was to be born. “Then it keys on hearing the voice of God. Notice that is
Zacharias said to the angel, ‘By what means shall I the greatest sin that God starts out with—they
know this?…. [A simple question if you’re 60 or ‘didn’t obey My voice, didn’t believe My words.’
70—correct? Just a simple question!] …For I am an This is for us, too. Everyday is today. Will you hear
old man, and my wife is advanced in years.’ And the the voice of God today? That’s why so much of the
angel answered and said to him, ‘I am Gabriel, who Bible is written in the present tense.
stands in the presence of God; and I was sent to
speak to you, and to announce this good news to • you are doing
you. But behold, you shall be silent and unable to • you are keeping
speak until the day in which these things shall take • you are believing
place, because you did not believe my words, “…harden not your hearts, as in the rebellion, in the
which shall be fulfilled in their time’” (vs 18-20)— day of temptation in the wilderness…” (v 8). That’s
in their set and due time. a choice that they made. After being brought out of
Now then, think about this for a minute: Egypt, seeing the death of the firstborn, all of the
How do you suppose that God is going to look upon other plagues, walking through the Red Sea, then
those ministers—whoever they are, whichever they come into the desert in the Wilderness of Sin
church or denomination they are in—who come and (Exo. 16) and they’re all hungry and they said, ‘God,
say that You brought us out here to destroy us. Can You give
us meat to eat?’
• the Lord did not mean this
• the Sabbath Day doesn’t count, you can How much better would it have been if they
worship on Sunday would have said, ‘Almighty God, thank you for
• you can eat unclean meats rescuing us from Egypt. We know this is a harsh and
a hard and a difficult environment out here in the
• it’s all right to keep Christmas and Easter
desert. Now, in Your greatness and Your love for us,
Is that not on step to hardening their if You see fit, could You please provide us some
heart? food? Some meat? We would really like to have
Is that not disbelieving God in a gross
some meat.’ What did He do? He sent them gourmet
quail—right? Yes, He did! Even though they were
I tell you one thing: Anyone who says that Christ rebellious! Just think how much better it would have
didn’t mean what He said and the laws and gone for them. Think how much better it would have
commandments of God do not mean what they say, been when Moses was on the mountain. Instead of
they’re in deep trouble with God! It wasn’t that saying, ‘As for this man Moses, we don’t know
Zacharias disbelieved, he just asked a question! If where he is. This think is smoking and burning up.
God says He sends Gabriel to you, and it’s truly After all no man could live up there on top of that.’
Gabriel and he tells you something from God, you’d If they would have said, ‘My, he’s still up there.
better believe it! How much more the words of Boy! God has something real important for us.’ Just
Christ? I call to your attention Deut. 18, that you think how history would be different! A simple
speak the words of God. That’s important for us to choice rather than the hardening of the heart!
know and realize.
“‘…where your fathers tempted Me and tried
Let’s go to Hebrews, the third chapter. This Me, and saw My works forty years’” (v 9). Three
was written—and I fully believe this—by Luke miracles, continuous, ongoing:
under Paul’s direction. Anything that Paul would
have written with his signature on it, sent to the Jews 1. the cloud by day—which kept the heat off of
in Jerusalem, would have been burned on arrival—
2. the fire by night
guaranteed! That’s why it doesn’t say, ‘I Paul, an
apostle.’ Karl [Franklin] believes that the book of 3. the manna six days of the week for 40 years
James was a cover letter that went with Hebrews, to —which means that miracles do not convince
send it together. That’s very possible. anybody. You must believe with the heart.
Let’s understand something about hardening “‘Because of this, I was indignant with that
the heart. This has directly to do with the Sabbath generation, and said, “They are always going astray
Day. Hebrews 3:6: “But on the other hand, Christ in their hearts, and they have not known My ways.”
was faithful as the Son over His own house; Whose So I swore in My wrath, “If they shall enter into My
house we are, if we are truly holding fast the rest—”’ Beware, brethren… [take heed, brethren, a
Romans Series #8
Chapter 2:5-29
message for us today] …lest perhaps there be in any says to each one of the Churches—each one! Then
of you an evil heart of unbelief, in apostatizing from He begins to enumerate their works—doesn’t He?
the living God. Rather, be encouraging one another We’re not going to go through a long, detailed thing,
each day, while it is called ‘today,’ so that none of but nevertheless, I want to read this.
you become hardened by the deceitfulness of sin”
(vs 10-13). That’s how it happens. Then you get Revelation 2:2—to the Church of Ephesus
comfortable with sin, and when you get comfortable He says: “I know your works, and your labor, and
with sin you don’t want to hear the Truth. Then your endurance, and that you cannot bear those who
when you don’t want to hear the Truth, then you are evil; and that you did test those who proclaim
reject the Truth. When you reject the Truth then you themselves to be apostles, but are not, and did find
begin hardening your heart. them liars.” So, He’s going to judge according to the
Notice the direct statement here, v 14: “For
we are companions of Christ, if we truly hold the • Verse 9—Smyrna: “I know your works
confidence that we had at the beginning steadfast and tribulation and poverty…”
until the end. As it is being said, ‘Today, if you will • Verse 13—Pergamos: “I know your
hear His voice, do not harden your hearts, as in the works and where you dwell…” God
rebellion.’” (vs 14-15). That applies to us, that we knows!
don’t harden our hearts. • Verse 19—Thyatira: “I know your works,
and love, and service, and faith, and your
Now, let’s go back to Romans 2:6—here’s a endurance, and your works; and the last
truism that always is so; it says concerning the are more than the first.”
righteous judgment of God: “Who will render to
each one according to his own works.” Which is Revelation 3:1—Sardis: “…I know your works,
another proof that this is an ongoing judgment— and that you have a name as if you are alive, but are
isn’t it? Yes! And that’s based on how he lives his dead.” That’s got to be almost the worst kind of
life. condition to be in.
What kind of works are we to have today? • Verse 8—Philadelphia: “I know your
The whole thing gets into works vs faith, and we’ll works…”
see how that works out. Let’s go to Ephesians, the • Verse 15—Laodicea: “I know your
second chapter. Let’s understand that the works we works…”
are to walk in are the works of love and faith and the ‘Every man’s work is going to be tried in the fire’ as
commandments of God in the spirit. What is the to what sort it is (1-Cor. 3). If it’s gold, silver or
opposite of being hard-hearted? Tenderhearted— precious stone it will endure and get better. If it’s
correct? Yes! Can we, brethren, ask God to help us wood, hay and stubble it’s going to get burned up—
have a tender heart? Just like Christ. It was said of POOF!—and it’s gone!
Christ that He grew up like a ‘tender branch’ before
the Father. Can we have a tender heart to God and We’ll see later all those concerning the
still be strong? Yes, indeed! That will, with Christ in second resurrection, but right now we’ll just go to
you, make you strong. If you have a tender heart Revelation 22:12: “And behold, I am coming
then you’re going to do those things that please God. quickly; and My reward is with Me, to render to
each one according as his work shall be.” So, God
Ephesians 2:8: “For by grace you have been judges us!
saved through faith, and this especially is not of
your own selves; it is the gift of God, not of Let’s see the comparison here. What Paul is
works… [that is of your own] …so that no one may doing, he’s showing the comparison of really
boast. For we are His workmanship… [These are the yielding to God and following the Gospel and not
works that we are to do with Christ being the doing that. Romans 2:7: “On the one hand, to those
Workman.] …created in Christ Jesus unto the good who with patient endurance in good works are
works that God ordained beforehand in order that we seeking… [present tense] …glory and honor and
might walk in them” (vs 8-10). It’s true that God immortality, He shall give eternal life…. [Brethren,
judges everyone according to the way that they live, may we all be counted in v 7] …Now on the other
which is their works. Remember this, this is a great, hand, to those who are contentious and who are
profound truth: Nothing can substitute for the indeed disobeying the Truth, but are obeying
sacrifice of Christ!—nothing! We are to have good unrighteousness, he shall give indignation and
works. God is going to judge us. wrath, tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of
man who is committing… [present tense] …evil
Let’s go to Revelation 2 & 3; let’s see how acts… [wherever you see ‘who is’ in my translation,
God judges the Church that way. Let’s see what He that is a present tense participle] …both to the Jew
Romans Series #8
Chapter 2:5-29
first, and to the Greek” (vs 7-9). Christian Biblical Church of God booklet, that the
giving of money is not required for salvation,
Back in v 8, it means this: When you are because you can’t buy salvation. What if you have
disobeying the Truth it can also have the meaning no money to give? Are you excluded from the
that you are won over to living evil—“…obeying Kingdom of God because you can’t give? No! But
unrighteousness, he shall give indignation and those who have should tithe, that’s fine. We’ve lived
wrath, tribulation and anguish…” through it—haven’t we?—where the words of the
What he’s doing here in v 9, He is warning righteous were perverted. Yes, we have! And we’ve
the pending destruction of Jerusalem. This is one of suffered by it—haven’t we?
the first warnings. What happened was, Judaism was Verse 20: “You shall follow that which is
actively denying Christ, building up everything to altogether just so that you may live and inherit the
deny Christ. That’s why it’s awfully hard to find the land which the LORD your God gives you.” That
historical Jesus in other writings. They made sure it also has to do, very profoundly, with the Church,
was excluded. As we mentioned concerning with the Kingdom of God.
Josephus, he was #1 in doing that.
Romans 2:12: “For as many as have sinned
Verse 10: “But glory and honor and peace to without law… [not the absence of; this means
everyone who is working… [present tense] …the without the knowledge of law] …shall also perish
good… [which comes from God] …both to the Jew without law… [because the ‘wages of sin is death.’
first, and to the Greek; because there is not any It still applies to them.] …and as many as have
respect of persons with God” (vs 10-11). This comes sinned in law shall be judged by law.” That’s what
as a profound revelation! The Jews always figured James said to those who were about to be judged by
that God had respect unto them—correct? They were ‘the royal law.’
the chosen people. ‘Since we were the chosen people
and came from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, God has All of this that we are about to get into is so
to respect us.’ profound, a witness against the Jews. I want you to
understand that in the terms that Paul wrote it; he
Comment was made that in today’s paper, in uses the word law or the law 19 times. It becomes
reference to the coming Rosh Hashanah or Feast of very important for us to realize.
Trumpets. The Jews said that God needs them and
they need God and God needs their worship. Now “(Because the hearers of the law are not just
you see why God said, ‘I hate your feast days. I before God, but the doers… [the Greek there is
despise them!’ It’s not designed that you can come ‘poieo’—those who are practicing] …of the law
to God and brag. They are designed so we come and shall be justified” (v 13). What does justification
fellowship with God the Father and Jesus Christ, the mean? Right standing with God, having your sins
whole total reverse of that. This is a profound forgiven, thru the sacrifice of Jesus Christ! So, this
revelation to the Jews, because all Gentiles were shows you have to doing, practicing, keeping the
counted as ‘goy-yeem’—cattle! Sinners by nature! law and there shall be justification for you.
Unclean! That you are not to have anything to do
with them; you were not even to eat with them. Was Verse 14; this becomes very difficult for the
that not the sin of Peter and Barnabas? Yes! So, Paul Jews: “For when the Gentiles… [notice that the
writes and says, ‘There’s no respect of persons with definite article ‘the’ is in italics, which means that it
God.’ is not there in the original Greek, but it is warranted
to have it there and does not change the meaning.
Let’s go back to Deuteronomy 16—and Some cases it is not warranted to insert the article
wouldn’t it be nice if there were not respect of ‘the’] …which do not have the law, practice the
persons in the court today? Yes! (I’m going to save things contained in the law, these not having the
much concerning judgment, I have a booklet Judge law are a law unto themselves.” This is astonishing
Righteous Judgment.) Deuteronomy 16:18: “You to the Jews! Quite a revelation! I’m sure it was to
shall appoint judges and officers for yourself in all Paul, having been a Pharisee in the past.
your gates which the LORD your God gives you,
tribe by tribe. And they shall judge the people with “Who are themselves showing the work of
righteous judgment…. [by the laws of God] …You the law… [this is the only place in the entire New
shall not pervert judgment; you shall not respect Testament where the term the work of the law is
persons, nor take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes used and the definite articles are there in the Greek.
of the wise and perverts the words of the righteous” Every other place it is works of law. When we get to
(vs 18-19). chapter three we’ll get into that a little bit more, but I
want you to be aware of that right here, right now.]
That’s why it’s wrong to call brethren ‘tithe- …written in their own hearts… [We’re talking about
payers.’ That’s why we have in our Beliefs of the the same thing that God wants of us—right? Yes!]
Romans Series #8
Chapter 2:5-29
…their consciences are bearing witness, and their (go to the next track)
reasonings also, as they are accusing or defending What is a Pentateuch? First five books of the Bible!
one another); in a day when God shall judge the That’s just a fancy word for the first five books of
secrets of men, according to my gospel by Jesus Moses,
Christ” (vs 15-16).
…or “all the laws of God,” as found in all
Let’s go to the Greek Interlinear, Romans the Scriptures. The Divine Law, meaning
2:13: “(for not the hearers of the law… [look at the code of law, which was given to Adam,
three letters in the Greek above of the—‘t-o-u’; Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and to
that’s what it is in the Greek: ‘tau, omikron, all the children of Israel, which were
upsilon’—this is the definite article of the law. finally re-codified under Moses. The laws
Rather than having two words as it is in English, of God, as prescribed by God, in His laws,
they do it with a different spelling. Every definite commandments, statutes and judgments—
article in the Greek is spelled differently, depending based on law—which includes all the
on its application. But it still, nevertheless, is there written laws of God as contained in the
so you can understand it—of the law] …(are) just Scriptures—Old Testament and New
with God… [before God] …but the doers of the Testament.
law… [the definite article: ‘tou nomos’] …shall be
justified. For when nations [Gentiles] which not Law with the Definite Article, “the
law… [the definite article is not there] …have by Law”—[Romans] Chapter Two:
nature the things of the law… [definite article] 13: (Because the hearers of the law are not
…practice… [‘poieo’—practice, do. It’s not just a just before God, but the doers of the law
matter that you do it one time, it is that you have a shall be justified.
principle that you practice.] ...these, law not having , 17: Behold, you who are named a Jew, and
to themselves are a law; who show the work of the you yourself are resting in the law, and are
law… [‘tau ergon tou nomos’—the works of the law. boasting in God…
I will show you the difference between that and
works of law when we get there, but I want you to ‘God is on our side.’ NO! It’s the other way around,
note that very carefully. you better be on God’s side!
One of the worst translations in the King 18: and you know His will, and are
James is ‘the works of the law’—they inserted ‘the’ approving of the things which are more
and ‘the’ as the definite article and they are not there excellent, and are being instructed out of
in the Greek. Very important! Once you understand the law
that, that is just going to lift so many, many thing to 20: An instructor of the foolish, a teacher
your understanding, that you will be able to see it. of babes, having the form of the
Now, I know it’s a little technical; I’m not going to knowledge and of the Truth contained in
get any more technical than this—just enough so the law.
you can look at it and understand it. That’s why if
you have a Greek Interlinear, it’s good for you to Notice, it is only the form and knowledge of the
have to go through and read the English, even Truth. Jesus Christ is what? The Way, the Truth and
though you don’t read the Greek. the Life! So then He gives fullness to everything!
The Law does not!
Let’s go to the Special Word Studies in the
Greek, pg. 20, right at the very bottom—The Law: 23: You who are boasting in law… [no
definite article] …are you not dishonoring
The English word “the law” with the God through your transgression of the
definite article comes from the Greek ‘ho law?
nomos’… 26: Therefore, if the uncircumcision is
keeping the requirements of the law,
Notice, the definite article in what is called the shall not his uncircumcision be reckoned
‘nominative case’ is a single letter. Whereas, of the for circumcision?
law then is in the genitive case, which then has three 27: And shall not the uncircumcision by
letters. That’s why Greek becomes very nature, who are fulfilling the law, judge
complicated. In English it’s all simple, you can’t you who, with the letter and circumcision,
miss it. So, here in the Greek it is ‘ho nomos’: are a transgressor of the law?
…and means “the law” or the entire set of “the Now, let’s go back and study this a little more in
laws and the commandments” as found in the detail, because those are pretty powerful words.
Pentateuch… Let’s come back to the study translation, chapter
Romans Series #8
Chapter 2:5-29
two. All the way through this is talking about what the ways of God with your traditions! Or avoiding
God is going to do and is doing and how God views the Law of God!
humanity. This comes as a shock to the Jews that
God is going to deal with the Gentiles on an equal “You who are boasting in law, are you not
footing. That’s important for us to know and dishonoring God through your transgression of the
understand. law?…. [Yes! And that’s why the Church of God is
going through what it’s going through!] …For this
Verse 16: “In a day when god shall judge the very reason the name of God is being blasphemed
secrets of men, according to my gospel…” When is through you among the Gentiles, exactly as it has
God going to judge the secrets of men not called? been written” (vs 23-24). Has not the name of God
Let’s put it this way: Are we being judged today? been besmirched because of the behavior of the
Yes, judgment is on the house God! We are going to Churches of God with all of their heavy-handedness
be in the first resurrection. There is a book of Life and weird doctrines and strange things that they are
and our names are written there—correct? And even doing, and that some of them have done? Yes!
our new name is written there—right? Do you Instead of preaching the love of God, the grace of
suppose there is a book, which recalls all of the evil God, and obedience, they look and see what’s
ones that have committed the unpardonable sin? happening to the Church of God and wonder: Where
There would have to be! How are they going to be can there be God?
resurrected unless their name is in the book of the
incorrigible wicked? I know there is no ‘thus sayeth “For on the one hand, circumcision profits if
the Lord’ Scripture. I realize that, but we are trying you are observing the law… [but only then] …your
to deduce this from the facts that we already know circumcision has become uncircumcision!” (v 25).
from the Scripture. That is a tremendous statement! To say that you’re
circumcision shall be counted as uncircumcision,
How is God going to know those who are that’s something! There could be no greater fighting
going to be in the second resurrection to be given an words than those. That’s why the rabbis have said,
opportunity for salvation? Would not their names ‘Jesus we understand, Paul we will never forgive!’
also be written in a book for the second resurrection? Now you know. These are the most powerful words.
Yes! That’s when God is going to ‘judge the secrets.’ This is like putting a dagger in the heart. Sticks pride
right where it pops!
Verse 17: “Behold, you who are named a
Jew, and you yourself are resting in the law, and are Verse 26: “Therefore, if the uncircumcision
boasting in God”—to the exclusion of everybody is keeping the requirements of the law, shall not his
else. I wrote down to the Church of God today. Have uncircumcision be reckoned for circumcision?” But
we done that? ‘Oh, we’re Christians; we’re going the covenant to covenant to covenant! We’ll cover
into the Kingdom of God and everybody else is that in Rom. 4. That’s almost blasphemous to a Jew,
going to hell in a hand-basket. We have the Sabbath! because they’re not looking to the heart, they’re
We tithe!’ Sounds a little bit like Luke 18—doesn’t looking to the flesh, the outside not to the inside.
it? Wrong emphasis!—right? Listen, whenever God God looks to the inside and not the outside!
deals with those He’s called—be it Israel when He
called them or us now—God always deals with Here’s even greater fighting words, v 27:
those He called to correct them first! That’s what “And shall not the uncircumcision by nature, who
Paul is leading up to here. are fulfilling the law, judge you… [Think of that! A
Gentile sit in judgment of a Jew! Unthinkable!
Verse 18: “And you know His will, and are Blasphemous, but true!] …who, with the letter and
approving of the things which are more excellent, circumcision, are a transgressor of the law? For he is
and are being instructed out of the law… [There not a Jews who is one outwardly, neither is that
were already listening to it. They weren’t doing it.] circumcision which is external in the flesh; rather,
…Now, you are persuaded that you yourself are the the one who is a Jew is one inwardly, and
guide of the blind, a light for those in darkness, an circumcision is of the heart, in the spirit and not in
instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, having the letter; whose praise is not from men but from
the form of the knowledge and of the Truth God” (vs 27-29).
contained in the law. What then, you who are
teaching another, do you not also teach yourself?…. Let’s go back to v 21; this becomes a very
[Very profound thing, brethren! This is very important and very profound thing that we all need
profound!] …The one who is preaching, ‘Do not to know and understand! “What then, you who are
steal!’ Are you stealing? The one who is saying, ‘Do teaching another, do you not also teach yourself?” In
not commit adultery!’ Are you committing adultery? other words, what you teach must apply to you.
The one who is abhorring idols, are you committing Here’s another principle, which is very
sacrilege?” (vs 18-22). What is sacrilege? Replacing profound and very important for us to understand,
Romans Series #8
Chapter 2:5-29
Matthew the tenth chapter. Brethren, I have in 1972, I thought that everyone lived by the Truth
experienced this, through the years that we have and Law of God. I thought the ones who would do
been going, many, many times. Matthew 10:24— that would be the evangelists most of all. But, much
from the words of Christ: “A disciple is not above to my chagrin and experience, I found out that they
his teacher… [this shows there has to be teachers, didn’t, and I found that they hated each other and
there has to be disciples. We’re all disciples of fought against each other and there were political
Christ. Is anybody above Christ? No!] …nor a battles going on, stabbing each other in the back,
servant above his master. It is sufficient for the spying on each other. That’s why I wrote my
disciple that he become as his teacher…” (vs 24-25). Harmony of the Gospels as a sanity project. That’s
what it really was. It’s bad news! Can the teachers of
There’s a great principle that we can learn God’s Word possibly teach the brethren when they
here, which is this: The goal of every teach should themselves are living in sin? No way! God is going
not be to, in pride, flaunt his knowledge at people; to cut them off! We’re seeing that happen today. And
like scholars do to make you feel dumb and stupid— you boast in the Law, and you dishonor God through
have you ever experienced that? Yes! The your transgressions and so forth! No way! That’s not
responsibility of any teacher is to teach all of those what God wants.
he’s teaching to know as much as he knows, as
much as he can. I can’t teach you all Greek, and not Let’s look at the thing concerning
all of you need to know Greek. But if I can teach circumcision. Circumcision is two-way proposition.
you enough that it will help you understand the word Circumcision of the heart, of the mind—that’s what
of God that it will help you understand the Word of we’re going to look to. There’s something you need
God even more—isn’t that better? Yes! Does that not to do and let’s see what it is; then there’s something
help you? Yes! that God will do, Deuteronomy 10:16: “Therefore,
circumcise the foreskin of your heart, and be no
Now then, I found that the more I teach the longer stiff-necked… [hard-hearted, disobedient]
brethren, and I learn myself, the more that God …For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord
teaches me that I can teach in turn. That’s called of lords, a great God, the mighty and awesome God
growing in grace and knowledge! That how we Who does not respect persons nor take a bribe” (vs
grow in grace and knowledge. Fully 50-percent of 16-17). Isn’t that what we just read there in Rom. 2,
what I’ve preached on through the years has come ‘God is not respecter of persons’? Yes!
from questions from brethren, because we all work
together and we all learn together. When we’re here So there’s something we need to do. How do
on the Sabbath Day and God’s Spirit is here and we you circumcise your heart? You surely don’t have an
are here to fellowship with God the Father and Jesus operation and open up this and wonder what this is?
Christ, what God loves is that we’re all yielded to ‘Now my heart is circumcised; I got that thing cut
Him in spirit and truth in studying His Word. out’ and stitch yourself back up. No! That means
that it begins by responding to God’s graciousness in
• God will inspire us leading you to repentance. Your part in the operation
• God will teach us of circumcision is repentance; repentance and a
• God will make it so that we will know and willingness to obey—that’s your part.
learn and understand
Now, let’s see God’s part, Deuteronomy
I think that’s wonderful thing, brethren, that God 30:1—this is talking about a time when the children
made that possible. That’s why it’s very important of Israel are out in captivity and they come to
that anyone who is teaching teach himself and then themselves and start repenting. “…where the LORD
teach those he’s teaching. And with that reach out your God has driven you, and shall return to the
more and more and more! Can we ever come to the LORD your God and shall obey His voice according
fullness of the Word of God in a single lifetime? No! to all that I command you today, you and your
But can we strive toward that? Is that not the goal children, with all your heart and with all your soul,
we need to reach to? Yes! That’s very important and then the LORD your God will turn away your
I think it’s very inspiring once we understand it. captivity. And He will have compassion on you…
Romans 2:21: “What then, you who are [See how God responds? IF you return to Him then
teaching another, do you not also teach yourself? He will return to you!] …and will return and gather
The one who is preaching, ‘Do not steal!’ Are you you from all the nations…” (vs 1-3).
stealing? The one who is saying, ‘Do not commit Verse 6: “And the LORD your God will
adultery!’ are you committing adultery?…” (vs 21- circumcise your heart… [How does He do that? By
22). giving His Holy Spirit! That’s how God circumcises
One of the things that just flabbergasted me your heart. That is the circumcision ‘made without
when I first went down to Pasadena on a Sabbatical hands.’] …and the heart of your seed… [To do
Romans Series #8
Chapter 2:5-29
what?] …to love the LORD your God with all that ‘neither one of them avail anything.’] …rather,
your heart and with all your soul, so that you it is the inner working of faith through love.” That’s
may live.” what is the important thing!
Let’s come to Colossians, the second Galatians 6:12: “As many as desire to make
chapter; let’s see how that’s described with the a good impression in the flesh… [brag in the flesh;
circumcision of Jesus Christ, the circumcision ‘made make proselytes—yes! ‘Brother, are you
without hands.’ This is what we want, brethren. circumcised?’ They even had them coming up in
Colossians 2:9: “For in Him [Christ] dwells all the Gal. 2, spying! What were they doing? They had
fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are spies going into the men’s room—‘is you is or is you
complete in Him.” We don’t need philosophies of ain’t!’ They’re called false brethren! What
men. We don’t need traditions of men. We don’t righteousness is there in that? None! That’s why he
need the theology of men. We don’t need the Dalai says circumcision or uncircumcision avails nothing!]
Lama or the pope to tell us how we need to live in …these are the ones who compel you to be
Christ. You are complete in Him. Also, brethren, we circumcised, and only in order that they may not be
have the complete Word of God, which makes even persecuted for the cross of Christ; for those who are
greater for us—doesn’t it? Yes! circumcised, neither do they keep the law
themselves… [That’s exactly, precisely what
“Who is the Head of all principality and Paul was writing about.] …but they want you to
power” (v 10)—which means don’t get involved be circumcised in order that they may boast in
with any of these spiritualist things or demons or your flesh. But as for me, MAY IT NEVER BE that
lights and tweetings and poppings and voices, I boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ,
because your leaving Christ when you do that. through Whom the world has been crucified to me,
That’s what he says the rest of the chapter. and I to the world. For in Christ Jesus neither
“In Whom you have also been circumcised circumcision nor uncircumcision is of any spiritual
with the circumcision not made by hands, in force; rather, it is a new creation that avails…. [Be
putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the created in Christ Jesus; have the mind of Christ, the
circumcision of Christ; having been buried with love of God—that’s what’s important.] …And as
Him in baptism… [That’s how you are circumcised many as walk according to this rule, peace and
spiritually; of the heart. Now unto the covenant that mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God”
was with Israel and Abraham, only the males could (vs 12-16). So, we are the true Israel of God,
be circumcised, because it was in the flesh. Now because we are spiritual Israel.
then, the circumcision of the spirit—as Paul is Romans 2:26—this is something!
talking about—the circumcision of Christ ‘made “Therefore, if the uncircumcision is keeping the
with out hands’ applies to male and female.] …by requirements of the law… [How important is
which you have also been raised with Him through keeping the requirements of the law?] (So important
the inner working of God, Who raised Him from the that): …shall not his uncircumcision be reckoned for
dead. For you, who were once dead in your sins and circumcision?” God looks to the heart!
in the uncircumcision of your flesh… [There it is,
He takes that away!] …He has now made alive with Acts 15—this is where they had the great
Him, having forgiven all your trespasses” (vs 11- controversy. If you will read very carefully the book
13). of Acts, you do not find the Pharisees associated
with the Church of God any longer after this
We don’t want to get into a controversy conference. Acts 15:8: “And God, Who knows the
about circumcision—to do it or not do it—because heart… [This is a better and more interesting and
that doesn’t count. I had one man come up to me and more profound statement in the Greek—the heart-
say, ‘Must I be circumcised to be saved?’ He had knowing God. God knows the hearts of all men!]
been involved with some of these ‘sacred namers’ …bore witness to them by giving them the Holy
and here he was 42-years-old. I said, ‘No!’ So I Spirit, even as He did to us, and made no difference
turned here: between us and them, and has purified their hearts
Galatians 5:6: “Because in Christ Jesus through the faith” (vs 8-9). That’s what Paul is
neither is circumcision of any force, nor talking about. So their uncircumcision is reckoned as
uncircumcision… [Because you have the two uncircumcision.
extremes. The Jews were saying, ‘We’re Romans 2:27: “And shall not the
circumcised; we’re of God.’ And the Gentiles uncircumcision by nature, who are fulfilling the
coming along saying, ‘Look, you’re stupid. Why law…” Present tense. God doesn’t want us just to
would you be circumcised? How are you of God?’ keep the law, brethren. God does not want us to just
You have both of these things. So, Paul is saying look at the letter. God wants it to be fulfilled in us.
Romans Series #8
Chapter 2:5-29
Romans Series #9
Chapter 3:1-20
I want to cover a couple of things here in the circumcision is uncircumcision.’ If you still have
way of review of Romans 1, and let’s see where Paul your teeth in your mouth when you’re done saying
sets the whole theme for the book. It actually goes it, you’ll be lucky. That is unthinkable!
from this place clear up to Rom. 3:20—all of that is Circumcision was a token of the covenant that they
included in one big section leading up to how we are were in a special relationship with God. So a Jew to
in right standing with God. look at this would think this is beyond belief—the
tooth grinding and gnashing kind of response.
Romans 1:17: “For therein… [in the Gospel]
…the righteousness of God is being… [present Verse 26: “Therefore, if the uncircumcision
tense, always] …revealed from faith into faith… is keeping the requirements of the law, shall not his
[the Greek means that—into—your faith toward uncircumcision be reckoned for circumcision?”
God, God back to you with His faith and His faith in Again, unthinkable! Those of the Gentiles are ‘goy-
you and then back to God] …according as it has yeem’; they’re animals; they’re made to be used, to
been written: ‘The just shall live by faith.’” This be abused, to rob, steal from, used, and so forth. This
continues all the way through showing the problems is almost unreal!
and difficulties of human nature, civilization-wide,
individually, collectively with the Jews, collectively Verse 27: “And shall not the uncircumcision
with the Gentiles. It’s all broken down into those by nature, who are fulfilling the law…” Not only
various categories from Rom. 1:18 thru 3:1. are we to keep the law, we are to fulfill the law
spiritually. It’s like with the Sabbath, yes, we are to
Verse 18: “Indeed, the wrath of God is being keep it from sundown to sundown, that is absolutely
revealed from heaven upon all ungodliness and correct, without a doubt! But because you cease
unrighteousness of men, who are suppressing the from work does not necessarily mean you’re
Truth in unrighteousness.” Then he gives all the observing the Sabbath. And to observe the Sabbath
indictment of chapter one. does not necessarily mean that you are fulfilling the
Sabbath. What do I mean by that? If you understand
Roman 2:1—he begins with the individual: that on the Sabbath Day God spiritually fellowships,
“Therefore, you are without excuse, O man, with His Spirit—God the Father and Jesus Christ
everyone who is judging…” So, he brings it down to do—and then you make this day the delight that it
an individual level because where in the Greek it should be; you put the Sabbath Day to its fullest,
says O man meaning any human being. Then he maximum spiritual use, then you are fulfilling the
shows that the judgment of God is according to Sabbath Law. Same way with how do you fulfill the
Truth; it is going to be the judgment of God; and law concerning God? You love God with all your
shows that he is going to give the blessings for heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, and
obedience and the curses for disobedience to the Jew with all your being! You are fulfilling the first
first and then to the Greek, and that God is no commandment. You are not merely having no other
respecter of persons. gods before Him, but you constantly spiritually
Verse 24—this will tie in with chapter three. striving and seeking God.
I want you to especially notice this: “For this very Likewise if you’re going to fulfill the law to
reason the name of God is being blasphemed… ‘love your neighbor as yourself,’ then you will do all
[When we get to chapter three, we’re going to find of those things which then go above and beyond. If
out that they were blaspheming what Paul was doing there are some of your neighbors who are very
in preaching the Truth. Here is the comparison, and difficult to love, the best way you can love them is
he’s really saying to the Jews, ‘because of your stay away from them, lest they rob you or hurt you
behavior’): …God is being blasphemed through you or something like that.
among the Gentiles, exactly as it has been written.
For on the one hand, circumcision profits if you are Notice, these are fighting words! If this were
observing the law; on the other hand, if you are a out west it would now be a duel in the street, v 27:
transgressor of law, your circumcision has become “And shall not the uncircumcision by nature, who
uncircumcision!” (vs 24-25). are fulfilling the law, judge you… [No one judges a
Jew. Who are you to judge a Jew! And for Paul to
That is an unthinkable statement! I mean, if say the uncircumcision is going to judge a Jew—
you want to really get on totally the wrong side of Whooooo! That’s strong language.] …who, with the
any Jew, walk up to him and say, ‘Your letter and circumcision, are a transgressor of the
Romans Series #9
Chapter 3:1-20
law? For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, wording in the Greek. Oracle comes from the word
neither is that circumcision which is external in the ‘logion’—which means the sayings. Christ is called
flesh; rather, the one who is a Jew is one inwardly, ‘ho logos’—which is singular, the Word. They were
and circumcision is of the heart, in the spirit and entrusted with the words of God, not just restricted
not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but to Scripture alone. Therefore, we can rightly
from God” (vs 27-29). We went through in great conclude that from this the information concerning
detail what it meant to have the circumcision of the calculated Hebrew calendar is in entirely correct.
Jesus Christ, the circumcision of the heart ‘made
without hands.’ Now then, let’s go to 2-Timothy, the third
chapter, and let’s see where it talks about the
Now, we come to Romans 3:1-8. We’ll read Scriptures. The Greek word for Scriptures is
it first and then we’ll go back and we will analyze ‘graphe’—which means writing, Holy writings!
each verse as we go along. “What then… [We’re Whereas, ‘logion’ means words—which can mean
going to find that Paul says ‘what then’ or ‘what additional instructions, not necessarily included in
shall we say then’ many, many times. Paul is dealing the Scriptures. When Ezra edited the Scriptures did
in situations, which then must be addressed directly.] he leave out other writings? Yes, he did! He left out
…is the advantage of the Jew, or what is the profit of the book of Jashur; he left out many parts of the
the circumcision? Much in every way. First, because chronicles of the kings of Israel and the kings of
that they were indeed entrusted with the oracles of Judah, because if he didn’t do that we would have a
God. What then is the situation if some did not Bible that would be three feet thick.
believe? Shall their unbelief nullify the faith of God?
MAY IT NEVER BE!…. [This is very emphatic!] 2-Timothy 3:15: “And that from a child you
…Now then, let God be true but every man a liar! have known the Holy Writings [‘graphe’], which are
Exactly as it has been written, ‘That You [God] able to make you wise unto salvation through faith,
should be justified in Your words, and You shall which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-
overcome when You are being judged by men.’ But breathed and is profitable for doctrine… [teaching;
if our unrighteousness brings to reality God’s interesting that that’s first—isn’t it?] …for
righteousness…” (vs 1-5). Notice the difference conviction, for correction, for instruction in
here. Going right back to what we just read in Rom. righteousness; so that the man of God may be
1:17-18—the righteousness of God is being complete, fully equipped for every good work” (vs
revealed and also the wrath of God against all 15-17). So there is a difference and that difference is
unrighteousness is being revealed. brought out there by Paul in both places. When it
talks about the oracles of God, they were entrusted
“But if our unrighteousness brings to reality with the oracles of God.
God’s righteousness then what shall we say? Is
God unrighteous Who is inflicting His wrath? (I am Let me just mention this: Carl Franklin is
speaking according to man’s view). MAY IT going to have ready the history of the Hebrew text.
NEVER BE! Otherwise, how shall God judge the I’ll give you just a summary of it: The temple scrolls
world? For if, by my falsehood [lie], the Truth of were removed from Jerusalem—before the
God has shown itself supremely great, to His glory, destruction of the temple—to Tiberias and they set
why am I still being judged as a sinner?…. [Again, up a school of Levites in Tiberias. These were the
we’re into the situation concerning judging.] …And Masoretes. They were there until the 570sA.D. when
not, according as we are being blasphemously they had persecution; then they took their scrolls and
charged, even according as some are affirming that went to western Spain and became known as the
we say, ‘Let us practice the evil things in order that Sephardic Jews. Let’s understand that the word
good things may come’? Their condemnation is ‘Jews’ in this sense that Paul is using is not referring
deserved!” (vs 5-8). to one who is of the tribe of Judah. It’s referring to
one who is living in Judea and could be one from
Verses 1: “What then is the advantage of the Judea, one from Benjamin—which he was a
Jew, or what is the profit of the circumcision? Much Benjaminite—or Levite, as was Barnabas and some
in every way…” (vs 1-2). That is IF they keep the of the priests who were converted.
law; IF they keep the covenant. What is the
advantage if they don’t? They have the advantage of So, when it says ‘they were entrusted with
the first wrath—don’t they? The wrath of God is the oracles’ it was the Levitical Masoretes within the
coming on those who sin, ‘the Jew first and then the Jewish community who were the ones who had
Greek’ (Rom 2). charge of taking care of the Word of God. They are
the ones who had the correct pronounciation
Verse 2: “…First [primarily], because that
they were indeed entrusted with the oracles of God.” In the middle of the 1200s—I think about
Let’s understand something here concerning the 1260-70-80, somewhere right in there—there was a
Romans Series #9
Chapter 3:1-20
lot of persecution in Spain and they grabbed up their form of the verb you are being judged. Since it’s
scrolls, went over to northern Italy and there is talking about God, where it says, “…You [God]
where they put together and translated the should be justified in Your words… [If every man is
manuscript of what we have in the King James a liar, no man can be justified in his words—can he?
version today. That was subsequently published and No! So it has to refer to God.] …and You shall
then it went north from Italy into southern Germany overcome when You are being judged… [and
and was there for Martin Luther and William obviously then] …by men.’” Do men judge God?
Tyndale, and that is the text that they used to Yes! Let’s look at some examples. How do they
translate for the German Bible and for what now we judge God? James, the fourth chapter! We need to
have as the King James Bible, what Tyndale did. read it into the record at this particular point because
it’s very important that we do. And most people
There is also another Masoretic community judge God whether they know they are judging or
within the Jewish community, which is a rabbinic not, but
masoretic group. They are the ones who worked for
the pope to produce the text, which is in the Catholic • Is that going to change God? No!
Bible—considerable different than the one that is in • Is that going to change His faithfulness? No!
the King James Bible. Carl Franklin did the message • Is that going to change His laws? No!
on that: The Catholic Pope and the Rabbi. They • Is that going to change His commandments?
worked up a text out of that. So, you need to know No!
from whence the text comes, because there’s so
much confusion. James 4:11: “Brethren, do not talk against one
another…. [We are to judge righteous judgment.]
Romans 3:3: “What then is the situation if …The one who talks against a brother, and judges
some did not believe?…. [What if the whole world his brother, is speaking against the law, and is
doesn’t believe God? Does that change God? No!] judging the law…. [Here’s the point]: …But if you
…Shall their unbelief nullify the faith of God? MAY judge the law, you are not a doer of the law; rather,
IT NEVER BE!….” (vs 3-4). In the Greek this is you are a judge…. [Who are you judging then? You
very emphatic! It’s pronounced this way: ‘me are judging the Lawgiver!] (That’s what he says):
genoito’’—and this means may it never come into …But there is only one Lawgiver… [So, if you’re
being! That’s how strong it is. ‘me genoito’ comes judging the Law, you’re judging God! Is God going
from the word beget—‘gennao.’ So this is don’t to overcome you if you judge Him? Without a
even let this thought come into existence; don’t let it doubt!] …Who has power to save and to destroy.
even be formed. Who are you that you presume to judge another?”
“…Now then, let God be true but every man (vs 11-12).
a liar! Exactly as it has been written…” (v 4). What Who was someone very famous in the
we’re going to find here is that the depth of Paul’s Scriptures that judged God? Job! Let’s go back and
writing in relationship to the Scriptures is going to look at ’ole Job here. Job 9—this is one of my
really be something! favorite Scriptures in Job, so you may see me go
We will see where he quotes this from— back there every once in a while when I’m talking
every man a liar! That’s why it says in another place about judging God and judging the Law and so forth.
trust no man. Psalm 116:11: “I said in my haste, Job is complaining to God, all the stuff he’s
‘All men are liars.’” And it seems as though this suffering through. Was Job receiving wrath from
nation has been taken over by so many lies that it’s God for his sins? Though in the letter he appeared
almost impossible to find the truth, tell the truth, or perfect? Yes! Who did he use to bring that wrath?
wring it out of someone—especially those who are Satan the devil! Who else? His three friends! Who,
running for President. It’s almost an evaporated for weeks of arguing back and forth couldn’t figure
quality. All men are liars. One thing for sure: If out the truth. They brought up every philosophy that
you’re going to get into politics and you’re going to there was ever to bring up concerning God and man.
rise in politics, you must first prove that you will lie. No one could answer Job. He’s complaining about
Absolutely have to, without a doubt! You are lied to God:
if you become a candidate, because they don’t tell Job 9:32: “For He is not a man, as I am, that
you who’s really in charge. I should answer Him, that we should come together
in [judgment] court; there is no umpire between us
Romans 3:4: “…Exactly as it has been who might lay his hand upon us both” (vs 32-33)—
written, ‘That You [God] should be justified in Your and say, ‘Now, God, take it easy here. And, Job,
words, and You shall overcome when You are being you’re right over here. God, You’re wrong over
judged by men.’” I pondered that when I was here. Job, You’re wrong over here.’ That’s what Job
translating it because that is a particular infinitive wanted.
Romans Series #9
Chapter 3:1-20
Let’s see what Job did, Job 34:1: “And will it be to You? What profit shall I have, more than
Elihu… [the youngest one. Remember, the first if I had sinned?” I will answer your words, and your
words he said, ‘I thought that old men were wise, companions with you. Look to the heavens, and
but I’ve been sitting here listening to this and found see… [There’s good advice. Whenever you get
out you’re not. I being a young man sat here and ‘bigger than your boots,’ get out of them, go out at
kept my mouth shut, but I was ashamed at all your night and look at the heavens and see, and then
foolishness. Now, let me speak; I am bursting to you’re going to understand how great God is! And
speak; my spirit is to explode in me if I don’t how nothing that man really is compared to God!
speak.’] …answered and said, ‘Hear my words, O And to judge the One Who created all of this has got
you wise men; and give ear to me, you who have to be the greatest height of folly! You need to repent
knowledge; for the ear tries words, as the palate of it lest God come and do to you like He did to
tastes food. Let us choose for ourselves what is Job.] …and behold the clouds; they are higher than
right; let us know among ourselves what is good. you. If you sin, what do you do against Him? Or if
For Job has said, “I am righteous; but God has your transgressions are multiplied, what do you do
denied me justice… [What did he do? He judged to Him? If you are righteous, what do you give Him?
God!—didn’t he?] …should I lie against my right? Or what does He receive from your hand?’” (vs 1-7).
My wound cannot be cured; I am without The truth is, God gives us everything! He gives us
transgression.”…. [God is not fair! That’s what he everything!
said.] …What man is like Job, who drinks up
scorning like water; who goes in company with the Verse 13: “‘Surely God will not hear vanity,
workers of iniquity, and walks with wicked men?…. neither will the Almighty regard it. How much less
[That’s what he thought of his three companions when you say you do not see Him! The cause is
there.] …For he has said, “It profits a man nothing before Him; you must wait for Him. And now
when he delights himself in God”’” (vs 1-9). because it is not so, He has visited in anger yet he
Absolutely the opposite of what God said. does not understand even his great extremity…. [as
Job accused him of] …Therefore, does Job open his
“‘Therefore, hearken to me, O you men of mouth in vain; he multiplies his words without
understanding; far be it from God to commit knowledge’” (vs 13-16).
iniquity; and from the Almighty, that He should
commit iniquity. For the work of a man shall He How did God answer Job? Think of this
render unto him, and cause every man to find way: If you had someone give all those stout words
according to his ways. Yea, surely God will not do against you, and all of those accusations against
wickedly… [even though He judges] …neither will you—how would you answer them? Probably not
the Almighty pervert judgment’” (vs 10-12). too kindly! And you would probably feel well
deserved in not doing so—right? Yes! Notice how
Verse 18: “‘Who says to a king, “O God answers Job; almost like Elihu:
worthless one;” and to nobles, “O ungodly ones”?
How much less to Him who does not respect the Job 40:1: “And the LORD answered Job and
persons of princes, nor regard the rich more than the said, ‘Shall he who contends with the Almighty
poor?…. [That is God!] …For all of them are the instruct Him?…. [Like He said in Isa. 40: ‘Who has
work of His hands’” (vs 18-19). told God how to make the heavens? Who has been
His counselor? No man!] …He who reproves God…
Verse 35: “‘Job has spoken without [judges Him, because you can have no reproof
knowledge, and his words were without wisdom. My without judgment.] …let him answer it.’ And Job
desire is that Job may be tried unto the end… [and answered the LORD and said, ‘Behold, I am vile!….
God did] …because his answers are like those of [Now you’re getting the point, Job!] …What shall I
wicked men. For he adds rebellion to his sin; he answer You? I will lay my hand on my mouth….
claps his hands among us, and multiplies his words [It’s about time!] …Once I have spoken; but I will
against God’” (vs 35-37). That’s kind of strong not answer; yea, twice, but I will proceed no
indictment. That fits right in with what Paul wrote further’” (vs 1-5). This is a very profound key and
here when people are judging God. deep repentance when you understand the total
wickedness of yourself and understand the total
Job 35:1: “And Elihu answered and said, ‘Do righteousness of God. Then you have made the first
you think this to be right… [probably looked him step in a deeper conversion and a greater relationship
right in the eye—here’s Job all fettered over with with God just like Job did.
these boils and scraping flies all around, throwing
ashes in the air, puss running down, dried puss and “And the LORD answered Job out of the
blood and everything—and said]: …‘Do you think whirlwind, and said, ‘Gird up your loins now like a
this to be right, you that say, “My righteousness is man. I will demand you, and you declare unto Me.
more than God’s”? For you say, “What advantage Will you even annul My judgment?…. [Almost like
Romans Series #9
Chapter 3:1-20
Paul said, ‘Will their unfaithfulness annul the may be very severe. God may, as He has of nations,
righteousness of God? MAY IT NEVER BE!’] sent in other nations for destruction. But God is not
…Will you condemn Me so that you may be unrighteous in doing that.
righteous? And have you an arm like God? Or can
you thunder with a voice like His? Deck yourself Look what He told Saul to do in going into
now with majesty and excellency, and array yourself the Amalekites (1-Sam 15). He told them to kill
with glory and beauty. Cast abroad the rage of your everyone, because ‘that is My judgment.’ Was
wrath; and behold everyone who is proud, and abase God’s judgment unrighteous to kill everyone, young
him. Look on everyone who is proud, and bring him and old, men, women and infants, and all cattle and
low; and tread down the wicked in their place. Hide everything? No! If you know the history of the
them in the dust together; and bind their faces in Amalekites, they were evil people, indeed! What
darkness. Then I will also confess to you that your they did when they brought captives, they didn’t kill
own right hand can save you’” (vs 6-15). them, they cut off their noses and left holes in their
faces; and cut off their ears. So God was righteous in
That’s the whole lesson of Romans! Your destroying that civilization. Same way with the
own righteousness cannot save you! In other words, civilizations in South and Central American;
God was telling Job, if you are not God, there is no heinous, barbarian, cannibalistic, vicious, cruel,
salvation in any human being. That’s what He’s cutting off heads, arms, legs, tongues and gouging
saying, very clearly! out eyes. That’s why those civilizations are no
longer there. God is not unrighteous in inflicting His
• Did not God overcome when He was wrath! “MAY IT NEVER BE! Otherwise, how shall
judged by Job? Yes, He did! Completely! God judge the world?”
• Did not Job repent totally, absolutely? Yes,
he did! Let’s look and see how God is going to
• Did not God then bless him beyond that, judge the world in His wrath. Let’s go to Revelation,
after it was over? Yes, He did! chapter 16; we’ll see that. The world does not
understand the plan of God, nor understand the
So, it’s the same thing in our lives, exactly! When meaning of the Last Great Day, after the Feast of
we come to that same experience that Job did—and I Tabernacles; nor do they understand the second
think a lot of us need to—then we can also receive resurrection; nor do they understand that they’re
the blessings of Job. given over to blindness. That God has a day where
Romans 3:5: “But if our own He’s going to undo all of these things in His way
unrighteousness brings to reality God’s and in His time, just like He did with Job while Job
righteousness…” How can it do that? When there’s was still alive in his particular case.
so much evil around it makes you understand there Revelation 16:5: “Then I heard the angel of
has got to be good, and there’s got to be God, Who the waters say, ‘You are righteous, O Lord, Who are,
is righteous! Who’s going to uphold it! In other and Who was, even the Holy One, in that You have
words, when you see all of the wickedness out here executed this judgment. For they have poured out
in the world, and all of these people going through the blood of saints and of prophets, and You have
what they are going through—and are judging God given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.’ And
by what they are doing and what they are saying—it I heard another voice from the altar say, ‘Yes, Lord
is really proving that God is righteous! God Almighty, true and righteous are Your
“…then what shall we say? Is God judgments’ (vs 5-7). That’s what Paul was making
unrighteous Who is inflicting His wrath?…. [against clear here. He had to set the stage for what he’s
those who do so, as He did against Job] …(I am going to bring a little bit later.
speaking according to man’s view)…. [That’s what
Job thought—wasn’t it? Did he not think that God Now, let’s come back here to Romans 3:7—
was wrong in correcting him? Did he not think that he brings up something that’s important for us to
God was unrighteous because He did not recognize realize. “For it, by my falsehood [lie], the Truth of
Job’s righteousness? Yes! See how this ties in with God has shown itself supremely great, to His
Job?] (but notice the answer): …MAY IT NEVER glory…” He was being accused because of God’s
BE!…. [‘me genoito’] …Otherwise, how shall God mercy and grace, that God does not give mercy and
judge the world?” (vs 5-6). grace; God only gives judgment. We’re going to see
what happened with that. It is the Truth of God!
If you have a standard of righteousness and Notice as you go through this:
you declare what righteousness is—like the Ten
Commandments or any other righteousness of • the Truth of God
God—and then you transgress that, there must be a • the judgment of God
penalty. There must be a judgment. That penalty • the righteousness of God
Romans Series #9
Chapter 3:1-20
—all the way through in every one of these things. work a work in your days, a work that you will in no
“…why am I still being judged as a sinner?…. [Men way believe, even if one declares it to you.’ And
were judging him—right?] (Here’s what they were when the Jews had gone out of the synagogue, the
saying): …And not, according as we are being Gentiles entreated him that these words might be
blasphemously charged…” (vs 7-8). Because there is spoken to them on the next Sabbath. Now after the
grace and mercy and repentance that God is synagogue had been dismissed, many of the Jews
extending first to the Jew and then to the Gentile, is and the proselytes who worshiped there followed
that blaspheming God? No! Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them,
persuaded them to continue in the grace of God” (vs
Notice the contradiction here that they who 40-43). Which is what? The forgiveness of sin by
were withholding the truth were blaspheming God. believing in Christ! That is the grace of God.
Those who are withholding the truth are judging
God, yet, the Gospel is true and God is true. Here’s Notice, here is where you can connect
what they were saying because of the mercy and Sabbath-keeping and grace together; profound
grace, which God is giving: “…even according as Scripture. Someone just gave me a booklet by
some are affirming that we say, ‘Let us practice the someone against the Sabbath, there are many out
evil things, in order that the good things may come’? there. “And on the coming Sabbath, almost the
Their condemnation is deserved!” (v 8). whole city was gathered together to hear the Word
of God. But when they saw the multitude, the Jews
We find a little later in the book of Jude were filled with envy; and they spoke against the
where Jude records that ‘men crept in unaware who things proclaimed by Paul, and were contradicting and
were turning the grace of God into lasciviousness.’ blaspheming” (vs 44-45).
The grace of God was never given to give us
lasciviousness, to continue in sin, to do evil things, (go to the next track)
that more grace may come; the more we sin the more That’s exactly what Paul was talking about
grace we receive. We’ll find out that that is entirely in Rom. 3. Acts 13:46: “But Paul and Barnabas
wrong! spoke boldly, saying, ‘It was necessary for the Word
Let’s see Paul experience in preaching Christ of God to be spoken to you first; but since you reject
when he came to the Jews. You need to understand it and do not judge yourselves worthy of eternal life,
how horrendous it was to speak against Moses in the behold, we turn to the Gentiles’” Boy! That set them
view of the Jews. Whereas, Paul was not speaking on edge!
against Moses, he was showing that Moses only Acts 14:19—this was to Lystra, after they
brought us to a certain level. Now God, through had preached: “Then Jews from Antioch and
Christ, was bringing us to a greater level. Iconium came there; and after persuading the
Acts 13:38—he was preaching in the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him
synagogue: “Therefore, be it known to you, men and outside the city, supposing that he was dead.” So
brethren, that through this man the remission of sins they came and stirred up the people to stone Paul.
is preached to you. And in Him everyone who Anyone want to be Paul? Any volunteers? No! The
believes is justified from all things… [that is put in only thing we can do is read what Paul went
right standing with God] …from which you could through; none of us can every compare what we do
not be justified by the Law of Moses” (vs 38-39). A as to what Paul went through. So we get stuck on the
great and profound truth you need to understand. All freeway! I mean, come on! Or have a flat tire on the
of the sacrifices under the Old Covenant—to the way to church. Have you been run out of a
tabernacle or temple—merely justified one to the synagogue?
temple or tabernacle; they were never justified to Acts 17:5: “But the unbelieving Jews
God the Father in heaven above, was never intended became envious and took to them certain evil men of
to do so, was not in God’s plan to do so. the baser sort; and when they had gathered a huge
So, the Jews, however, construed it to be that crowd, they set the city in an uproar; and they
these things could, in fact, do what the sacrifice of assaulted the house of Jason, looking for Paul and
Christ was designed to do—forgive sin in heaven Silas, to bring them out to the people.” What they
above. So when he said, “…from which you could did, they finally got them out of there and then they
not be justified by the Law of Moses” it was again went on down to Thessalonica, went out by night
pushing one of the hot buttons of the Jews. Then he and so forth.
gave them a warning:
Acts 18:4—Paul came to Corinth and went
Verse 40: “Take heed, therefore, lest that into the synagogue: “And he reasoned in the
which is spoken in the Prophets come upon you: synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded both Jews
‘Behold, you despisers, and wonder and perish; for I and Greeks. Now when Silas and Timothy came
Romans Series #9
Chapter 3:1-20
down from Macedonia, Paul was stirred in his spirit anything better than any other human being? No!
and was earnestly testifying to the Jews that Jesus Everyone has different skills and different abilities
was the Christ. But when they set themselves in on the physical level, but that does not count before
opposition and were blaspheming… [that’s what God spiritually. So no one is better than any other.
he’s talking about in Rom. 3] …Paul shook his He says, “…Not at all! Because we have already
garments and said to them, ‘Your blood be upon charged both Jews and Gentiles—ALL—… [and
your own heads. I am pure of it. From this time that’s emphatic in the Greek] …with being under
forward I will go to the Gentiles’” (vs 4-6). I tell sin.” Every human being has the law of sin and
you, that’s something! Go through and read all the death within him. You receive that by inheritance;
rest of what Paul had to go through. That’s quite a it’s within your genes. We’ll cover that when we
thing! come to Rom. 7, where he defines the law of sin, and
Rom. 8, where he defines the law of sin and death.
Romans 3:8: “…Their condemnation is
deserved!…. [What was the final condemnation of But let’s look at human nature. The problem
the Jews who rejected Jesus Christ? Destruction of then is with this kind of nature, are we ever going to
the temple and Jerusalem and the whole Levitical be made right with God? (two sermons: The
priestly system—final condemnation.] …What Impossible Work of God). We’re going to look at
then?….” (vs 8-9). human nature, and as we do let’s ask: How is it that
God is going to take this and make it Holy,
• v 1—What then? righteous, perfect character to be son or daughter of
• v 3—what then? God. You talk about a mystery!
• v 9—what then?
One of the things we need to come to
He does this all the way through; we’ll see it time understand is that God is calling us. Also, on a
and time again. deeper, more profound basis, as we proceed with our
“…Are we of ourselves better? Not at all! Christian life, we need to understand that these
Because we have already charged both Jews and Scriptures are not talking about someone else. We
Gentiles—ALL—with being under sin. Exactly as it need to apply them to ourselves! Granted, there are
has been written: ‘Because there is not a righteous degrees of evil among people. That is true. People
one—not even one! There is not one who can exercise themselves to evil, like it was said of
understanding; there is not one who is seeking after Ahab: ‘He has given himself over to do evil’ and be
God. They have all gone out of the way; together involved in the occult with Jezebel his wife. He
they have all become depraved. There is not even killed an innocent man to take his vineyard because
one who is practicing kindness [graciousness]. No, he wanted it, among other things. But he still
there is not so much as one! Their throats are like an repented—didn’t he? Yes, he did! So, if you think
open grave which has been opened; with their you’re so bad God can’t forgive you, always
tongues they are deceiving; the venom of asps is remember Ahab. If you think someone else a little
under their own lips, whose mouth is full of cursing worse, always remember Manasseh. God forgave
and bitterness; their feet are swift to shed blood; both of them, so there’s hope for everyone. God
destruction and misery are in their own ways; and does not delight in the death of the wicked.
the way of peace they did not know. There is no fear All of us have the law of sin and death in us.
of God before their own eyes.’ Now then, we Just like the lesson of unleavened bread, ‘a little
understand that whatever the law says, it is speaking leaven leavens the whole lump.’ So, if you have
to those who are under the law, so that every mouth human nature, you have it there. You may not have
may be shut, and all the world may become guilty had the same opportunity to have it stirred up or
before God…. [Who is under the law? Everybody! developed in a greater, more full-fledged evil, but
They are under sin; they could not be charged with the evil is still there.
sin.] …Therefore, by works of law there shall not be
any flesh justified before Him; because by law is the Let’s go to Mark 7:21: “For from within…
knowledge of sin” (vs 9-20). [not something that comes from without] …out of
the hearts of men, go forth evil thoughts… [He starts
Verse 9: “What then? Are we of ourselves with that—doesn’t he? And most of these evil
better?…. [that ties in with v 1 concerning the thoughts then are directed as to why you don’t have
advantage of the Jew; although this could also to keep the first four commandments. Think on that!
include the Gentiles who have been called, forgiven, Because all of the rest of these follow the
baptized, and received the Holy Spirit.] …Not at commandments almost right down the line.] …evil
all!….” thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts,
And “…we of ourselves…” means out from! covetousness, wickednesses, guile, licentiousness,
In other words, inherently within us do we have an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness; all these
Romans Series #9
Chapter 3:1-20
evils go forth from within, and these defile a man [or pen of iron, with the point of a diamond; it is carved
woman]” (vs 21-23). upon the tablet of their heart and upon the horns of
your altars.” Isn’t that something? Every thought! It
Now, when you’ve just taken a shower and says in Gen. 6 that every thought of man is evil
you have your best hairdo or haircut or the cleanest continuously! Then it gets to this point, even
shave you can get, or you just trimmed your beard included in your religion.
and you have on the best smelling stuff you can
possibly have. You put on your best close and you Verse 9: “The heart is deceitful above all
look in the mirror and you say, ‘Ahaaa, don’t you things… [This is what we need to really recognize
look so good?’ That’s a little conceit—right? and understand. Some of our greatest thoughts that
Remember this: we have about ourselves are the most deceitful
things in the world. They are!] …and desperately
Psalm 39:4: “‘O LORD, make me to know wicked; who can know it?…. [God does!] …I the
my end and the measure of my days, what it is, that I LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give
may know how short lived I am…. [Isn’t it to each man according to his ways, according to the
something, a little virus can take you down— fruit of his doings” (vs 9-10). God is going to take it
SNAP!—just like that! And God uses those little all into account. This is why Paul is coming up with
things to prove to you that it doesn’t take very these things, leading up to a very profound thing.
much!] …Behold, You have made my days as a
handbreadth, and the span of my days is as nothing How are you going to take this, being so evil
before You. Surely every man at his best state is and wicked, and convert it so it can become a Son of
altogether vanity…. [At his best, his smartest, his God? That has got to be a marvelous thing, indeed,
strongest, most handsome, most beautiful, most brethren! So the whole thing that God is doing is just
voluptuous] …is altogether vanity. Selah…. [meditate absolutely wonderful beyond words. And to even
and think on this] …Surely every man walks about in comprehend or understand that we have a part in that
a vain show! Surely they are in an uproar in vain. He is just marvelous! I think if the brethren really knew
heaps up riches and does not know who shall gather and understood this, there wouldn’t be so many
them. And now, LORD, what do I wait for? My ‘restless, dry leaves’ blowing around with ‘every
hope is in You…. [When you see all this vanity, wind of doctrine’ out there in the world.
what hope do you have in yourself? None! It has to
be in God!] …Deliver me from all my Jeremiah 10:23—here’s the point that we
transgressions; make me not the reproach of the have to come to; and another point which is very
fool” (vs 4-8). profound and important that we need to really
understand: “O LORD, I know that the way of man
We’re going to take a little thumbnail sketch is not in himself… [If you trust in yourself and you
of the election, right here, Psalm 62:9: “Surely men trust in your own judgment and you trust in your
of low degree are vanity…” You can take it to the own ways, you’re going to be disappointed.] …it is
other extreme. If you’re not your best, what if you not in man who walks to direct his steps…. [We
are at your worst? You’re cruddy and smelling and need God to lead us! (Psa. 23).] …O LORD, correct
need a shave and a bath and your hair is messed up me, but with judgment; not in Your anger, lest You
and your clothes are rotten and falling off of you and bring me to nothing” (vs 23-24). This is a real point
your teeth are falling out of your head and you’re of conversion. When you come to this point of real
chewing and spitting tobacco and swearing and conversion, then something else is going to happen.
cursing, drinking cheap wine and you’re living under
the freeway bridge. It’s still vanity. Psalm 119:128 will happen. This is one of
my favorite parts of all of Psa. 119. When you come
“…and men of high degree are a lie… [Isn’t to the true point of conversion—notice where we’re
that something! What is the highest degree you can coming from in this—from the total evil:
go in Masonry or whatever? It’s all a lie—isn’t it? It
is absolutely true that no man can be a Mason and be • accusing God
a Christian, because you’re worshipping and serving • judging God
another god. I don’t care what they put on that altar • hating God
in the middle of their meeting room.] …when • sinning
weighed in the balance, they are altogether lighter • transgressing
than vanity. Trust not in oppression, and do not take
—all of these things! Then we are to come to this
pride in stolen goods; if riches increase, do not set
point, Psalm 119:128: “Therefore I esteem all Your
your heart upon them” (vs 9-10).
precepts concerning all things to be right, and I
There can come a time when you exercise hate every false way.” That’s something! That
yourself to wickedness that it can come to this, means therefore then, that we are not judging God—
Jeremiah 17:1: “The sin of Judah is engraved with a are we? Nor are we judging the Word of God in a
Romans Series #9
Chapter 3:1-20
light to make us look better. But we are letting the contentions, divisions, sects… …” (v 20). We could
Word of God interpret itself and judge for us what almost give a sermon on every one of these. God
we should do. doesn’t want this in His Church either. There are
some people who bring them into the Church, and
Proverbs 14:12—here’s another one we that’s a shame. It doesn’t need to be. If they want all
should memorize. I think this is one of the first ones these things and all the strife and heresies, go
that I heard when God was calling me that really someplace else and have it to yourself; don’t disturb
rung a bell in my mind. “There is a way which the rest of us. That’s what we have to let be known.
seems right…” That has happened.
• it looks good But, where there is the true atmosphere of
• it feels good love and we’re all truly seeking God, there’s no
• it sounds good. place for them to ‘hang their hat’ on to sit there and
You can even work business plans in a computer and wait for a later date to come in do things. It won’t
make it look really great! It “…seems right to a man, happen! That’s why God has brought us down to
but the end thereof is the way of death.” It is just ground zero, to start all over again with virtually
not going to work! And if we’re honest with nothing. I was thinking that there were 700 who kept
ourselves and look back on our lives and think about the Feast of Tabernacles with us, I remember when
all the things that we have done, that didn’t work there were just seven of us. When you have that all
out. I can look back and see the things that I have stripped away, and you say, ‘Oh, God, where are
done and see what, in a sense it kind of gets to the You; help us to understand Your way.’ Then he
one Scripture where God says to Israel, ‘You made begins showing us; then we can recognize any of
Me serve with your sins.’ That’s really profound— these things early and then they can’t stay. Those
isn’t it? We look back and we just have to really be who are dedicated to self and evil cannot stay where
honest with ourselves. The thing which will help us there is the love of God—period! They can’t! So
more than anything else is to let the Spirit of God let then it becomes self-purging that way.
us be honest with ourselves and strip away all the Heresies, we’ve got so many now it’s almost
deceit. Then we really understand, yes, this just the like raking up all the leaves under your tree and you
way that human nature is and this is the way that I get them in a nice great big pile and you’re just
am—and I have human nature. Only God can save getting ready to put them into the bag so you can
me from it. have them carried away and then all of a sudden 100
• it seems right mph wind comes and all these leaves are blowing
• it looks right everywhere! That’s just about the state of the Church
of God today with the various churches. There are
• it sounds good doctrines going 100 mph everywhere just like that.
But, it’s not! This is what Paul is getting to here as So, we’re going to have to address some of these
he builds his case. heresies.
Now, let’s come to Galatians, the fifth “…envyings… [I’m better than you]
chapter, and these are all called the works of the …murders… [there have been murders in the sense
flesh. Again, notice how these conform with the Ten that there have been people who have committed
Commandments and the other commandments of suicide over the terrible things within the Church.
God. Galatians 5:19: “Now, the works of the flesh That is murder in a sense that you would cause
are manifest… [openly known] …which are these: someone to be so discouraged and lose hope in God
adultery, fornication, uncleanness, licentiousness, that they would commit suicide. In the world you
idolatry, witchcraft, hatred…” (vs 19-20). can understand that, but in the Church of God that
shouldn’t be! If there’s the love of God, that won’t
Sounds like the nightly news; the evening or be. What God wants us to understand how bad and
morning newspaper, the television guide—doesn’t evil the human condition can be so that we can
it? Have you noticed how much more witchcraft and repent and that He can convert us and He can change
demonism that there is on television now than ever, us. That’s the whole thing that God wants to do.
ever before? They have these graphics that they can
now do just absolutely unreal things, just mind- There’s a profound less we’re going to learn
boggling. I’m only telling you what I see in a little here. “…drunkenness, revelings and such things as
boop on the advertisements they have for these these… [anything similar to that] …concerning
movies or whatever—I’m not watching them or which I am telling you beforehand, even as I have
going to them. But just to kind of keep up on what also said in the past, that those who do such things
things are going on, it is getting something! shall not inherit the Kingdom of God” (v 21).
“…strifes, jealousies, indignations, Profound truth: You cannot accomplish spiritual
Romans Series #9
Chapter 3:1-20
Verse 22: “But the fruit [the result] of the Psalm 5:9: “For there is no truth in their
Spirit is love, joy, peace… [That’s what God wants mouth; their inward part is destruction; their throat is
us to have. I would have to say that at this Feast of an open grave; they flatter with their tongue. Hold
Tabernacles we had love and joy and peace like them guilty, O God; let them fall by their own
we’ve never had before. There was one small glitch. counsels; cast them out in the multitude of their
Isn’t it nice to only have one small glitch? Yes!] transgressions, for they have rebelled against You”
…long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, (vs 9-10).
meekness, self-control; against such things there is As we are going through this, this show you
no law” (vs 22-23). When you have that, you don’t how the Apostle Paul rightly divided the Word of
have to create all kinds of things to bind people God to prove his point, to pick a verse here, a verse
together, because then it is spiritually done. That’s there and so forth.
what Christ is trying to do with the Church. That’s
the whole lesson that He wants us to learn now. Psalm 139: 4—this is talking about the
tongue, but not necessarily in the deceiving way:
Verse 24: “But those who are Christ’s have “For there is not a word on my tongue, but, lo, O
crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts. If we LORD, You know it altogether.”
live by the Spirit, we should also be walking by the
Spirit. We should not become vain-glorious, Romans 3:14: “Whose mouth is full of
provoking one another and envying one another” (vs cursing and bitterness; their feet are swift to shed
24-26). blood; destruction and misery are in their ways; and
the way of peace they did not know” (vs 14-17).
Romans 3:10—what we are going to do,
we’re going to look at every one of the Scriptures Isaiah 59:7: “Their feet run to evil… [Boy!
from the Old Testament where he is quoting. Isn’t that true today?] …and they make haste to shed
“Exactly as it has been written, ‘Because there is not innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of
a righteous one—not even one!’” iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths.
They have not known the way of peace, and there is
Ecclesiastes 7:20: “For there is not a [just] no justice in their ways. They have made crooked
righteous man… [‘dikaios’] …on earth who does paths for themselves; whoever goes therein shall not
good and does not sin.” know peace” (vs 7-8).
Romans 3:11: “There is not one who is Romans 3:18: “There is no fear of God
understanding; there is not one who is seeking after before their own eyes.”
God. They all have gone out of the way; together
they have all become depraved. There is not even Psalm 36:1: “The wicked utters transgression
one who is practicing kindness. No, there is not so in his heart…. [his own heart] …There is no fear of
much as one!” (vs 11-12). God before his eyes, for he flatters himself in his
own eyes… [how good I am] …until his iniquity is
Psalm 12:2: “They speak falsehood each one found to be hateful. The words of his mouth are
with his neighbor; with flattering lips and a double iniquity and deceit; he has stopped acting wise and
heart they speak. The LORD shall cut off all doing good. He plots iniquity upon his bed; he sets
flattering lips, and the tongue that speaks proud himself in a way that is not good; he does not hate
things, who have said, ‘With our tongue we shall evil” (vs 1-4).
prevail; our lips are our own; who is lord over us?’”
(vs 2-4). So, the Apostle Paul shows the things
concerning human nature. Because of this and
Psalm 14:1 “The fool has said in his heart, because of the nature that we have, let’s begin to
‘There is no God!’ They are corrupt; they have done understand, Romans 3:20: “Therefore… [because of
abominable works, there is none who does good. the condition of the human heart apart from God]
The LORD looked down from heaven upon the …by works of law… [‘the works of the law’ is not
children of men to see if there were any who correct, and the King James becomes very
understand, who seek after God. They have all misleading. When it says ‘the works of the law’ it
turned aside, together they have become corrupt; doesn’t mean that.] (It means): …by works of law
there is none who does good, no, not even one” (vs there shall not be any flesh justified before Him;
Romans Series #9
Chapter 3:1-20
Scriptural References:
1) Romans 1:17-18
2) Romans 2:1, 24-29
3) Romans 3:1-8, 1-2
4) 2 Timothy 3:15-17
5) Psalm 116:11
6) Romans 3:3-4
7) James 4:11-12
8) Job 9:32-33
9) Job 34:1-12, 18-19, 35-37
10) Job 35:1-7, 13-16
11) Job 40:1-15
Romans Series#10
Chapter 3:20-26
We can see one of the most profound Verse 21 is another difficult thing. When I
mistakes that they made in the King James Version first read this, it was one of the most difficult things
of the Bible, which led to people believing that you for me to understand. I had just come into the
didn’t have to keep the laws of God. Romans 3:20 Worldwide Church of God, was accepted to and
(KJV): “Therefore, for the deeds of the law… [the going to Ambassador College and was studying the
definite article before the words deeds and law is not Bible and all this sort of thing.
in italic. When you read that you think it’s talking
about what? The Ten Commandments! Verse 21 (KJV)—this becomes almost a
contradiction. We’re going to see that it’s very
Romans 3:20 (Interlinear)—let’s look at contradictory from a couple of points of view. “But
something here that is very important for us to now the righteousness of God without the law…”
realize, which shows that the King James translators What does ‘without’ mean to you? It can mean apart
should never have inserted those two definite from; it can mean the absence of, too—can’t it?
articles. “Wherefore by works of law…” Look at the Cannot without mean the absence of? How can you
Greek words right above it. There are no definite have righteousness in the absence of law?
articles, and it is “…by works of law…” Why is that
important? Because it’s giving an overall principle Verse 31 (AT): “Are we, then, abolishing law
not necessarily related to the Ten Commandments! through faith? MAY IT NEVER BE! On the
“…by works of law not shall be justified any flesh contrary, we are establishing law!” How can you
before Him; for through law [is] knowledge of sin.” establish law when you have no law? And this is
exactly what the Protestants assume—we don’t need
Romans 3:20 (AT)—“Therefore, by works of any law—but they never address establishing law.
law there shall not be any flesh justified before Him; So this is really quite a contradictory thing!
because by law is the… [notice that when I put the
definite article there when it wasn’t in the Verse 21 (AT): “But now, at this time, quite
Interlinear, I put it in italic form so that you would separate from law, the righteousness of God has
know that it was an insertion.] …knowledge of sin.” been revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the
Prophets; even the righteousness of God which is
In the next sermon we’re going to cover this through faith of Jesus Christ, toward all and upon
because we need to go all the way through Rom. 3 all those who are believing [present tense]; for there
and then come back to it. But, let’s remember one is no difference, because all have sinned and they are
profound, important thing: Nothing can substitute falling short of the glory of God” (vs 21-23). Nearly
for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ! Nothing can every place where you see the ‘ing’ it is either a
substitute for the life, the crucifixion and death, present tense verb or it is a present tense participle.
and resurrection of Jesus Christ!
“We are being justified gratuitously by His
• Can Sabbath-keeping substitute for Christ? grace through the redemption which is in Christ
No! Jesus; Whom God has displayed publicly as a
• Do the Jews understand the Sabbath and propitiation through faith in His blood, for a public
keep it, in their way? Yes! declaration of His righteousness, in the respect of the
• Do they have Christ? No! passing over of the sins which had taken place
before, through the forbearance of God; for a
‘Works of law’ in this case is a broad principle publicly declaration of His righteousness in the
statement, which means the work of any law cannot present time, for His might be just, and the One Who
accomplish what the sacrifice of Christ does! is justifying the one who is of the faith of Jesus.
Therefore, where is boasting? It is excluded!
If you keep that in mind, then it will simplify Through what law? Is it through works of law? No,
some of the most complicated Scriptures that we by no means! Rather, it is through a law of faith….
find in the New Testament, especially written by the [That is almost contradictory.] …Consequently, we
Apostle Paul. That’s a hard principle for law-keepers reckon that a man is being justified by faith, separate
to understand. All commandment-keeping is from works of law. Is He the God of the Jews only?
required by everyone, whether you are justified or Is He not then also God of the Gentiles? YES! He is
not. The keeping of it does not justify you. The also God of the Gentiles, since, indeed, it is one God
keeping of it just keeps you from sinning, because Who will justify the circumcision by faith, and the
the law is the knowledge of sin, that’s all. uncircumcision through faith. Are we, then,
Romans Series#10
Chapter 3:20-26
abolishing law through faith? MAY IT NEVER BE! Who gave us the law of sin and death. That’s why
On the contrary, we are establishing law!” (vs 24- we are sinners from birth.
Let’s come back to v 21, and we will see So, quite separate from law—which tells us
why we are establishing law. Let’s answer the what the knowledge of sin is—the righteousness of
question of righteousness of law: “But now, at this God has been revealed through Christ. That is the
time, quite separate from law, the righteousness of righteousness of God that He would be so righteous
God has been revealed…”—life death and and good as to provide a way to be put in right
resurrection of Christ—past tense. standing with Him. That is the righteousness of God
‘being witnessed to by the prophets’ (Rom. 3:21)
Romans 1:17; it ties right back in there.
Remember, vs 17-20 are all one connected thought: From the Special Word Study from the
how we come to the righteousness of God. “For Greek booklet, pg 16, the last section of
therein [the Gospel] the righteousness of God is Righteousness of Faith: The English word
being revealed…” “righteousness” comes from the Greek
word ‘dikosunee,’ and means: the doing or
Romans 3:21: “…has been revealed…” It is being what is just and right, or righteous.
being revealed on an ongoing basis to all of those It is the character and the acts of a person
whom God is calling, and it has been once revealed commanded and approved of God in virtue
in the life permanently as a public declaration once of the fact that the individual is in
for all. That was separate from the law. That was submission and is obedient to His will as
separate from the Ten Commandments. That was His perfect ideal and His perfect standard.
separate from the righteousness of the law, which As such it is not only what God demands
they had with Moses under the Old Covenant. from a person, but what He gives… [God
is giving something of His righteousness.]
Let’s look at the righteousness, which was …or imputes to the individual by faith.
by law. This is the thing that got me when I first read Therefore, it is the person’s righteous
it in the King James. How can you have standing before God as imputed to him or
righteousness without law? The absence of it? her by God’s act of justification through
Deuteronomy 6:24 “And the LORD commanded us His deliverance from all that stands in the
to do all these statutes—to fear the LORD our God way of being righteous.
for our good always so that He might preserve us Not just the forgiveness of sin; that is only the first
alive, as it is today. And it shall be righteousness start of it.
for us if we observe to do all these commandments
before the LORD our God as He has commanded We’re going to get these definitions in our
us.” There is a righteousness of the law, but this is mind clearly so that when we go back and study the
not God’s righteousness. Does God have a greater Scriptures we will know what we’re talking about
righteousness than just the Ten Commandments, or very clearly.
the laws and statutes? Yes, He does!
pg. 11, Justification: Justification is freely
Psalm 119:172: “My tongue shall speak of granted… [no charge, no cost, no work]
Your word, for all Your commandments are …to the called and repentant believer by
righteousness.” So, how could you have God the Father through the sacrifice of
righteousness separate, or removed from, the law, or Jesus Christ. Justification takes place when
the absence of law? I couldn’t understand that. This the believer’s sins are removed by the
is what is so difficult for people to understand when blood of Jesus Christ and he or she is put
they read the King James and especially that no one into right standing with God the Father. In
is going to be justified by the works of the law. order to receive God’s gift of justification,
a person must repent toward God, believe
Let’s see what the answer is. What did we in the sacrifice and blood of Jesus Christ
cover all the way up to this point? We covered all for the remission of sins, and be baptized
the sins of the civilizations, the sins of the Jews, all by immersion….
the sins of the Gentiles. All are under sin—correct?
That every mouth may be stopped? Now then, if And we will see when we get to Rom. 6 why
God has shut us up to sin (Galatians)—He shut immersion is so very important.
everyone up to sin and ‘no one is righteous, no, not …The believer is then cleansed from sin
one!’ How then can a person ever be right with God? and is without condemnation, placing him
So God is the One Who has to take the action to or her in right standing with God the
make it so, because God is the One Who included all Father. This state of justification is called
under sin, shut them all up under sin. God is the One the “gift of righteousness” because…
Romans Series#10
Chapter 3:20-26
Here is the righteousness of God; I want you to deed, an action, or the result or object of a
understand what God does and then you’ll work or endeavor; a work as a single act;
understand why no work of any law can accomplish that which is brought into being by a work
this. or labor; an accomplishment, an
occupation or work. In the singular, when
…the righteousness of Jesus Christ is the definite article is used, it is ‘to ergoon,’
freely imputed… [given freely; un-worked and means “the work.” In the plural it is
for; unearned] …to the believer by God the ‘toon ergoon,’ and means the works. Many
Father. The English word “justification” times ‘toon ergoon,’ in the plural, is
comes from the Greek word ‘dikaioosis’… used…
Notice how closely that is to ‘dikosunee’; the first —a long o or omega in the Greek language.
part of the word is exactly the same because it comes Wherever you see ‘o-n’ in nearly every case with a
from the same stem. verb it is plural. Notice the ending which is singular:
…which means the action of God which ‘ergon’ vs ‘ergoon’; there can be no disputing which
establishes right, therefore justification. is which.
The establishment of a man as just by …without the article and is used mainly in
acquittal from guilt. the term works of law, ‘ergoon nomou,’
I hope you’re all understanding as we go along, and means any work, deed or endeavor of
because if you do, you are going to understand some any law. The translators of the KJV added
of the most complicated Scriptures in the entirety of two definite articles….
the New Testament and the writings of the Apostle We covered that—and made to read improperly ‘the
Paul to which even scholars stumble. So this is why works of the law.’ Then I talked about not using the
I’m going through it very carefully so that we italics, we already covered that.
establish all of our definitions as we are going along …By adding these two definite articles to
here. the phrase, works of law, ‘ergoon nomou,’
When all of those who were of the 5,000 that to make it read “the works of the law,” this
were fed by Jesus Christ and they came to Him phrase was, in turn, misinterpreted to mean
saying, ‘Good Master, what should we do that we all the laws and commandments of God.
may work the works of God.’ Remember what Hence, it paved the way for greater
Jesus’ answer was? John 6:29: “…This is the work misinterpretation that obedience to laws
of God: that you believe in Him Whom He has and commandments of God were not
sent.” Believe on Christ. To be convicted in heart required for salvation. [Key, very
and mind and belief is greater than a work you can important point.]
do out here. In the entirely of the New Testament, there
Have you ever been compelled to obey a law is only one Scripture in which the definite
that you didn’t believe in or agree with? All of us article “the: is used in connection with
have! Yes, indeed! Though you kept it in the letter “work” or “works,” in conjunction with the
out here—did you keep it in your mind, up here, phrase “works of law.” That is found in
with a willing heart? No! That is precisely why the Romans 2:15 and in the Greek reads: to
first step in belief in Jesus Christ is the spiritual ergon tou nomou, and is translated, “the
work of believing. That is not something that is done work of the law”…. [that’s the only place.
without the body, so to speak; something you can do Every other place it is “works of law.”
aside from that. What happens when you are in that Then I explain that and so forth.]
frame of mind? Especially if you’re in the service To help us understand all of this concerning the
(military)—hurry up and wait! Stand in line! And all righteousness of God, and it has been revealed that
this sort of thing! The orders of the sergeant and the the righteousness of God means this: God, in His
lieutenant, and you see all these ridiculous things righteousness, provided Jesus Christ.
coming down, all of the laws from bureaucrats that
are coming down today—do this, do that, do the Romans 3:21: “But now at this time, quite
other thing. Some of them are so stupid that for a separate from law, the righteousness of God has
six-year-old boy kissing a girl he was arrested for been revealed, being witnessed by the law and the
sexual harassment. prophets; even the righteousness of God which is
pgs 25-26: “Work,” “Works,” “Works of through faith of Jesus Christ… [Many of those who
Law” and “to Work”: The English word write commentaries cannot figure out why Paul
“work” or “works” is translated from the would use the personal possessive of Jesus, which
Greek word, ‘ergon,’ and means: a work, a means Jesus’ own faith, the faith of Jesus. That has
Romans Series#10
Chapter 3:20-26
to be given. This kind of faith has to come from that went with that.
God—you can’t work it up yourself, it has to come
from Christ.] …towards all and upon all those who You can go back and read all the accounts
are believing, for there is no difference” (vs 21-22). there and one that is really profound is where all of
John 3:16—this ties right back with it: “For those who were resurrected back to physical life and
God so loved the world that He gave His only went and appeared to many in the city. If one of my
begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in Him relatives came back from the dead, that would be
may not perish, but may have everlasting life.” This mighty convincing to me! It was done ‘publicly.’
is how it is done through Jesus Christ. You have to What did the Apostle Paul say when he was talking
believe. to Festus and Agrippa? This was not done in a
corner! You know!
What we’re talking about here is one of the
greatest events in all the history of the world. That “…in respect of the passing over of the sins
God would manifest Himself in the flesh; take upon which had taken place before, through the
Himself the form of human flesh, just like we have; forbearance of God; for a public declaration of His
and to live a perfect life and become that perfect righteousness in the present time, for His being just
sacrifice for all mankind. That’s why it says later on and the One Who is justifying the one who is of the
‘as a public proclamation’—that’s what it means in faith of Jesus” (vs 25-26).
the Greek. I think this gives a whole lot more Let’s go back and look at some of the things
powerful understanding of it, that God did this as a where this was testified before in the Law and the
profound thing right in the middle of history. Prophets. This is another thing that was kind of a
Romans 3:23: “Because all have sinned… little disconcerting in trying to understand this. If
[Jews and Gentiles have all sinned] …and they are you do away with the law, what good does it do to
falling short of the glory of God. We are being… have it testified in the Law and the Prophets? It
[present tense passive] …justified gratuitously by wouldn’t! Let’s look at the law, ‘witnessed to by the
His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Law and the Prophets.’ The first place this is done is
Jesus” (vs 23-24). ‘Redemption’ means to be freed in Gen. 3:15 [corrected]—the first prophecy of the
from. What was the other profound event in history coming of Christ, a foretaste of it, a witness of it.
that God did? Not as profound as this—that was the The next one we have is Abel (Gen. 4:1-4).
Passover in Egypt—bringing the children of Israel Hebrews 11:4—where it talks about Abel.
out of Egypt. God intervened in history to do it. Remember that he did what God asked him to do
Now then, he’s comparing it to that. When and he believed God, and what he did was by faith.
they came out of Egypt it was known everywhere— “By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent
all of the plagues and all of the things and all of the sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness
power of God. And the children of Israel didn’t want that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts;
to believe; they didn’t want to accept God. Isn’t that and through it, though he died, he is yet speaking.”
something? With God right there they didn’t want to So, he was accounted righteous because he believed
do it! You talk about how difficult human nature God!
really is. That is the epitome of it! Can you imagine, It’s the same way with Abraham. Here is the
every day for 40 years, having manna and still not pattern, and I think when we get to Rom. 4, you’re
believe in God? Can you believe every day and going to be surprised how much the New Testament
every night seeing the pillar of the cloud and the fire must be based upon Abraham rather than being
and still not believing in God? That is amazing— based upon Israel. I don’t want that to blow your
isn’t it? To me, that is amazing! mind; it doesn’t change anything, but it gives us a
greater and more appreciative understanding. I think
Verse 25: “Whom God has displayed you’re going to be surprised how much Abraham is
publicly… [And gave four witnesses—didn’t He? mentioned in the New Testament, especially by the
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John written for us so that Apostle Paul.
we would know. Could not depend upon men for us
to that, but God had to do it.] …as a propitiation Genesis 15:6: “And he [Abraham] believed
through faith in His blood…” Let’s look at the word in the LORD. And He accounted it to him for
‘propitiation’ meaning a continual atoning action. It righteousness.” That is imputed! There’s a witness
is nearly the same word as used for the mercy seat of of it.
God. This is telling us that through Christ we have Right in the Ten Commandments is a witness
direct access to God the Father for the mercy seat of this, Exodus 20:3: “You shall have no other gods
and the forgiveness of sins on a continuous, ongoing before Me. You shall not make for yourselves any
basis, “…through faith in His blood for a public graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in
declaration of His righteousness…” (v 25)—and all
Romans Series#10
Chapter 3:20-26
the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or LORD passed by before him and proclaimed, ‘The
that is in the waters under the earth. You shall not LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious,
bow yourself down to them, nor serve them, for I, the longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth,
LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the keeping mercy to the thousandth generation,
iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but
and fourth generation of those who hate Me, but Who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the
showing mercy… [A form of what? Kindness, iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon
righteousness!] …to thousands of those who love the children’s children, to the third and to the fourth
Me and keep My commandments” (vs 3-6). generation.’ And Moses made haste and bowed his
head toward the earth, and worshiped. And he said,
As I’ve said before, if anyone starts saying to ‘If now I have found grace in Your sight, O LORD, I
you that the commandments have nothing to do with pray You, let my LORD go among us, although it is
love, you take them right back there and say, ‘All a stiff-necked people. And pardon our iniquity and
right, right in the Ten Commandments God shows our sin, and take us for Your inheritance.’” (vs 6-9).
love and commandment is there, and that’s the same So God did. That’s a foretaste of His kindness and
as John 14:15: ‘If you love Me, keep My mercy.
commandments.’ Precisely, exactly the same. Here’s
also part of it, showing God’s righteousness, which (go to the next track)
then is exemplified Now let’s look at one more, Numbers 14:19,
• by His mercy just to show God’s mercy: “‘I beseech You, pardon
• by His love the iniquity of this people according to the greatness
of Your mercy, and as You have forgiven this people
• by His grace
from Egypt even until now.’ And the LORD said, ‘I
• by His kindness have pardoned according to your word…. [Now,
• by His forgiveness how quick was that? Just as soon as Moses asked!
• by His forbearance How quick does God forgive your sins? Just as soon
This is where the children of Israel had sinned. as you ask!] …But truly, as I live, all the earth shall
Exodus 32:9: And the LORD said to Moses, ‘I have be filled with the glory of the LORD. Because all
seen this people, and behold, it is a stiff-necked those men who have seen My glory and My miracles
people. And now leave Me alone, so that My wrath which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and have
may burn hot against them and that I may consume tempted Me now these ten times, and have not
them. And I will make of you a great nation’” (vs 9- hearkened to My voice” (vs 19-22). This ties right in
10). Notice how humble Moses was. He didn’t say, with what Paul was talking about the goodness and
‘Yeah, Lord, just you and me; let’s go for it.’ righteousness of God vs the wrath of God. If you do
that which is right and you believe God—goodness!
“…And Moses prayed to the LORD his God, If you do that which is wrong and evil—wrath! Just
and said, ‘LORD, why does Your wrath burn hot exactly what we have here.
against Your people whom You have brought forth
out of the land of Egypt with great power and with a We’ll take a quick survey of quite a few
mighty hand? Why should the Egyptians speak and Psalms, then we’ll go to the prophets. Psa. 5 talks a
say, “He brought them out with an evil intent, to kill lot about God’s righteousness. This is why David
them in the mountains and to consume them from was a man ‘after God’s heart’—Psalm 5:8: “Lead
the face of the earth”? Turn from Your fierce wrath, me, O LORD, in Your righteousness… [not his
and repent of this evil against Your people. own; in God’s righteousness] …because of my
Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Your enemies; make Your way straight before my face.”
servants…” (vs 10-13). So even everything with
Israel was based upon that—wasn’t it? Yes! Psalm 103:1—here’s part that is very
important for us to understand, not only was this a
“…to whom You swore by Your own self, Psalm of the present time, but this was also a
and said to them, “I will multiply your seed as the prophecy of the future. “Bless the LORD, O my
stars of the heavens, and all this land that I have soul; and all that is within me, bless His Holy name.
spoken of will I give to your seed, and they shall Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His
inherit it forever.”’ And the LORD repented of the benefits… [let’s not forget His spiritual benefits;
evil which He spoke of doing to His people” (vs 13- those are far more important than any physical
14). That’s an expression of God’s righteousness— benefits] ….Who forgives all your iniquities, Who
right? A foretaste of undeserved forgiveness— heals all your diseases” (vs 1-3). That’s something—
correct? Yes! isn’t it? God does! God will! Maybe there are a lot
Exodus 34:6—this is when Moses was able of thing we need to do, that’s true, but He still heals!
to see the backside of the Lord in glory: “And the I have a letter from a man back in the New
Romans Series#10
Chapter 3:20-26
York whose daughter I anointed back in Rochester. prophecy, when you take and apply it to what we are
She was supposed to have glasses for 20/50 vision going through and what Christ has done.
and she went to have the examination and they said
there was nothing wrong with her eyes. They had Psalm 11:7: “For the LORD is righteous, He
another examination and her eyes are20/25—that loves righteousness; the upright will behold His
was right after she was anointed. We’ve had many face.” Isn’t that something! And I think this,
different healings that God has given, and God will brethren, and I’ve experienced this. Hopefully I can
do more. But, I’m also convinced that we have to experience it on a more continuing, ongoing basis:
become more yielded to God, more living within the The more I seek to love God and ask God for His
righteousness of God and letting God use us in the Spirit and His love, and ask to help me use it,
way that He wants us to. Everything comes from especially in those circumstances that I’m just not
God! likely to do—to be loving to someone who is not
love to you. The more that I see that, many of the
Verse 4, this is New Testament doctrine: sins and problems and difficulties are overcome
“Who redeems your life from destruction….” without having to beat the flesh. Maybe if all of us
[Destruction in the Lake of Fire—correct? You’re could concentrate on doing that and ask God to
redeemed! The redemption that is in Christ Jesus. really grant us His righteousness, which He’s freely
given; and to grant us His love, which He wants us
Romans 3:24: “We are being justified to have—because it says ‘the righteous Lord loves
gratuitously by His grace through the redemption righteousness’ and to grant it to us! That’s
which is in Christ Jesus.” tremendous!
Psalm 103:4: “…redeems your life from Psalm 15:1: “LORD, who shall dwell in Your
destruction; Who crowns you with lovingkindness… tabernacle? Who shall dwell upon Your Holy hill? He
[This is what we need, brethren. This is what God who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and
wants to establish in His Church] (that He can): speaks the truth in his heart” (vs 1-2). If Christ is in
…crowns you with lovingkindness… [and His there, that’s what we will have, brethren.
goodness. That’s what God wants. He’s sick and
tired of all of this playing corporate church.] (This is Psalm 22:30—I think this is very profound,
what He wants to give us): …and tender mercies.” because this is the whole prophecy of the crucifixion
of Jesus Christ—correct? Where they would pierce
Verse 8: “The LORD is merciful and His feet, strip His flesh. He could count His bones.
gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in mercy. He Forsaken of God. After this is all done, Psalm 22:30:
will not always chasten, nor will He keep His anger “A seed shall serve Him…” We are that seed—did
forever. He has not dealt with us according to our you know that? If you have the Spirit of God as a
sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities” (vs begettal—which you do—you are that seed! ‘We
8-10). No! He has said, know that we are in Him because His seed abides in
• I give you the life of Jesus Christ! us (1-John). What did God tell Abraham when He
• I impute to you the righteousness of Christ! took him abroad and showed him all of the stars? So
• I give to you the Holy Spirit! shall your seed be! We are the seed, brethren, that
serve Him, because of the crucifixion of Christ, and
Then after that, we have been given a this is all a witness to the righteousness of God that
propitiation, continuously! “For as the heavens are He would do this for us.
high above the earth, so is His mercy toward those “…it shall be told of the LORD to the
who fear Him…. [How much more to those that love coming generation. They shall come and shall
Him.] …As far as the east is from the west, so far declare His righteousness unto a people that shall
has He removed our transgressions from us…. [This yet be born… [prophesying right down to Christ]
all testifying of the coming grace.] …As a father has …that He has done this” (vs 30-31). That God
compassion upon his children, so the LORD has would do this; make this public declaration; make
compassion upon those who fear Him, for He this public crucifixion. Then we have here Psalm 23,
knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust. which follows right after. In the Companion Bible it
As for man, his days are as grass; as a flower of the says, ‘…my seed shall serve Him…’—instead of ‘a
field, so he flourishes, for the wind passes over it, seed.’ That would be fine. I see no contradiction
and it is gone; and its place shall know it no more. with it, because we are the seed of the Father—
But the steadfast love of the LORD is from correct? Yes! All of this is witnessing in the Law, the
everlasting to everlasting upon those who fear Him, Psalms and the Prophets.
and His righteousness is unto children’s children, to
those who keep His covenant, and to those who Psalm 97:6: “The heavens declare His
remember His precepts to do them” (vs 13-18). That righteousness… [Again, this goes back to the
is quite a Psalm, all of Psa. 103 in New Testament covenant that God made with Abraham] …and all
Romans Series#10
Chapter 3:20-26
the people see His glory.” (Rev. 22, ‘we shall see
Him face-to-face.’) Isaiah 45:19: “I have not spoken in secret, in
a dark place of the earth. I did not say to the seed of
Psalm 111:3: “His work is glory and Jacob, ‘Seek me in vain.’ I the LORD speak
majesty… [especially the work that He is doing in righteousness, I declare things that are right.” There
us] ..and His righteousness endures forever.” again is foretaste of the coming righteousness.
Psalm 119:142: “Your righteousness is an Verse 22: “Turn to Me, and be saved, all the
everlasting righteousness, and Your Law is the ends of the earth… [Salvation was not available until
Truth.” Christ came, so this is a prophecy of it.] …for I am
God, and there is none else. I have sworn by Myself,
Now, let’s look in the Prophets. First of all the word has gone out of My mouth in
go to Isaiah 53; here’s one of the most profound righteousness, and shall not turn back [empty], that
ones. This is a written, public proclamation’ (Gal. unto Me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall
3:1). They had Scriptures in all the synagogues— swear.’ One shall say, ‘Only in the LORD do I have
didn’t they? They knew! Yes! If you go through it— righteousness and strength… [that’s all the
Isa. 53—this is talking about the life, death and righteousness that God gives to us] …even to Him
resurrection of Christ and that He bore our sins.’ shall men come. And they are ashamed, all who are
That is the righteousness of Christ. That is the angry against Him.’…. [When God opens their eyes
righteousness that God gives to us because He bore to understand what a magnificent thing that God has
our sins. done—through his righteousness and the life and
Isaiah 53:5: “…But He was wounded for our death of Christ—they’re going to be ashamed.
transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; the That’s what repentance is all about, even for us.]
chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with …In the LORD shall all the seed of Israel be
His stripes we ourselves are healed…. [v 12]: justified, and shall glory” (vs 22-25).
…Therefore, I [God the Father] will divide to Him a Isaiah 51:1: “‘Hearken to Me, you who
portion with the great, and He shall divide the spoil follow after righteousness, you who seek the LORD:
with the strong; because He has poured out His soul Look to the rock from which you were cut, and to
to death; and He was counted among the the hole of the pit from which you were dug. Look to
transgressors; and He bore the sin of many, and Abraham your father… [we’re going to see
made intercession for transgressors.” Abraham come into this very profoundly] …and to
This is why it is so profound: God created Sarah who bore you; for I called him alone, and
everything through Jesus Christ—correct? Jesus blessed him, and made him many.’ For the LORD
Christ—the Lord God of the Old Testament, the One shall comfort Zion; He will comfort all her waste
Who became our Savior—made and created Adam places; and He will make her wilderness like Eden,
and Eve. He is the One Who gave to them the law of and her desert like the garden of the LORD. Joy and
sin and death, which is sin, passed down to all of us. gladness shall be found in it, thanksgiving and the
He is the One Who had to be punished for ALL voice of melody” (vs 1-3). That’s what we are to
iniquity and sin. Because God [Christ] created all participate in as kings and priests with Christ—
humankind, Who is responsible for all of it—the correct? Yes!
good and the bad, the right and the wrong, the
righteousness and the evil? God is! Is it not a “‘‘Hearken to Me, My people; and give ear
tremendous thing that God and His righteousness to Me, O My nation; for instruction shall proceed
would put upon Himself the judgment of sin—of from Me, and I will make My justice as a light to the
death—that He gave to every human being: the people. My righteousness is near… [to us we
wages of sin is death! That is really something! already have it, brethren] …My salvation has gone
out… [through Christ] …and My arms shall judge
And this is what we’re talking about, the people; the isles shall wait upon Me, and on My
brethren, in all of this: that God Himself did it! Since arm they shall trust. Lift up your eyes to the heavens,
God did it, no work of any law that we can do can and look upon the earth beneath; for the heavens
accomplish the same thing! That’s what He’s talking shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall
about here. When we’re talking about God’s become old like a garment; and its inhabitants shall
righteousness and God’s righteous judgment, did die in the same way. But My salvation shall be
God not them judge Himself as being responsible for forever, and My righteousness shall not be
all of His creation and willing paid the penalty for all abolished…. [an everlasting righteousness,
sin of all people for all time? Yes! And if the Creator brethren] …Hearken to me, you who know
did that, His life is worth every human life all righteousness, the people in whose heart is My
combined together—correct? Has to be! Otherwise it law… [this is a prophecy of what would happen
could not apply to all human beings. after Christ came. This is us, brethren, today; and all
Romans Series#10
Chapter 3:20-26
of those from the time of Christ down to today that over… [What is Christ called for us? Our
God has called. We know righteousness!] …in Passover!] …the passing over of the sins which had
whose heart is My law… [and that is righteous thing taken place before, through the forbearance of God;
to do that] …do not fear the reproach of men, nor be for a public declaration of His righteousness in the
afraid of their revelings; for the moth shall eat them present time… [God wants it known. This is what
up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like has been missing so much] …for His being just and
wool; but My righteousness shall be forever, and My the One Who is justifying the one who is of the faith
salvation from generation to generation’” (vs 4-8). of Jesus” (vs 25-26).
All of these then are the prophecy of what God
would do. Do you see what a great and profound and In the next sermon, we’ll cover a little bit
tremendous thing that God has done? This is what more concerning the faith of Jesus; that is Jesus’
Paul is talking about! own faith and the works of law.
Jeremiah 31:3: “The LORD has appeared to Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter;
except where noted
me from afar, saying, ‘Yea, I have loved you with an Exception: Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to
everlasting love… [That’s the righteousness of the Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
God.] …therefore, with loving-kindness I have Scriptural References:
drawn you.’”
1) Romans 3:20-21, 31, 23-31, 21
Verse 33: “‘But this shall be the covenant 2) Romans 3:21
that I will make with the house of Israel after those 3) Romans 1:17
days,’ says the LORD. ‘I will put My law in their 4) Romans 3:21
inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and I will 5) Deuteronomy 6:24
be their God, and they shall be My people.’” This is 6) Psalm 119:172
not just to the house of Israel as the physical tribes 7) John 6:29
of Israel. This is a prophecy of the Church being the 8) Romans 3:21-22
true Israel of God. That’s what God has done for us. 9) John 3:16
“…put My law in their inward parts, and write it in 10) Romans 3:23-26
their hearts…” Isn’t that the righteousness of God? 11) Hebrews 11:4
Only God can do that with His Spirit and by 12) Genesis 15:6
conversion. 13) Exodus 20:3-6
Then we see in the book of Ezekiel where 14) Exodus 32:9-14
He says He doesn’t ‘delight in the death of the 15) Exodus 34:6-9
wicked, but that they would turn’ back to God 16) Numbers 14:19-22
instead of going their own way. 17) Psalm 5:8
18) Psalm 103:1-4
Let’s come back to our study translation of 19) Romans 3:24
Romans, and let’s read this with all that we have in 20) Psalm 103:4, 8-18
mind. Romans 3:23: “Because all have sinned, and 21) Psalm 11:7
they are falling short of the glory of God. We are 22) Psalm 15:1-2
being justified gratuitously by His grace through the 23) Psalm 22:30-31
redemption which is in Christ Jesus... [John 14:6—‘I 24) Psalm 97:6
am the Way, the Truth and the Life.’] …Whom God 25) Psalm 111:3
has displayed publicly…”(vs 23-25). Right up on 26) Psalm 119:142
top of that hill; Jesus on that cross or stake— 27) Isaiah 53:5, 12
whatever it was—without any clothes in; nothing to 28) Isaiah 45:19, 22-25
cover His shame; beaten, scourged, bleeding to 29) Isaiah 51:1-8
death, fulfilling the will of God. Finally, having that 30) Jeremiah 31:3, 33
spear thrust into His side that I’m sure went up and 31) Romans 3:23-26
pierced His heart so that all of His blood would be
shed. Scripture referenced, not quoted:
“…displayed publicly as a propitiation • Genesis 3:15; 4:1-4
through faith in His blood, for a public declaration of • John 14:15
His righteousness… [Remember the Centurion that • 1 John
was there? Remember what he said when he saw the • Psalm 23
veil in the temple rent—torn in two from top to • Revelation 22
bottom? He said, ‘Surely this was the Son of God!’ • Galatians 3:1
Even that man could see that.] (Notice what this • John 14:6
accomplished then): …in the respect of the passing
Romans Series#10
Chapter 3:20-26
Transcribed: 11-21-10
Romans Series #11
Chapter 3:20-26
I want to reiterate something that’s very in the book of Romans, we have come to chapter
important. Let’s go to 2-Timothy, the fourth chapter. three. In this particular section we really needed to
I feel in this time and considering all the doctrinal cover some things out the book of Galatians. Let’s
things going around are like a big windstorm, and turn to The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
there are so many different doctrinal things that are Galatians booklet. The reason that I’m doing these
coming. It’s amazing what people will believe. I had translations is:
an elder—who’s been an elder for years and years—
call me because he read an article claiming that 1. So that I can prove to myself as a
Jesus was not the Messiah; that the New Testament teacher what the Truth really is.
was all a pagan mythology; we should not follow The New Testament is based on Greek and I have
anything in the New Testament at all. He was about studied the Greek now for some 19-years.
ready to be carried away with that doctrine sweeping 2. The world today is going away from the
through his congregation. It’s going to hit every Truth.
church, every congregation. I was in a Bible bookstore and there was not a New
Therefore, we need to be prepared, and the King James Version on the shelf. They’re all NIVs!
lack of true doctrinal understanding and preparation If you’ve not heard the two sermons—New Age
by one of the largest Churches of God has caused its Bible Versions—you need to hear them, you need to
fall. It has caused many brethren to fall with it get the book, New Age Bible Versions by Gail
because they were not doctrinally grounded in the Riplinger. This is has motivated me to translate as
Truth. One woman expressed it real well several accurately and precisely as I can from the Greek text
weeks ago: I would go to church and I used to take of 1550, called The Textus Receptus. Carl [Franklin]
notes, then gradually I was just hearing the same today is doing a sermon on the Preservation of the
thing over and over again, so I quit taking notes and Text—the New Testament. I’m going to do one on
just turned in my Bible. Gradually, over a period of the indication within the Scriptures on how the
time, I just sat there with my Bible in my lap. She apostles knew that they were writing the New
said, ‘I knew I was in trouble when I found myself Testament. God did not leave it to word of mouth.
sleeping or going to sleep most of the time.’ This is God did not leave it to the Catholics 300 years later
what has happened to so many people. to canonize the Scriptures. As we will see, it was
finished with John. That’s why at the end of
Revelation John wrote what he wrote.
Then, when they’re confronted with sound
doctrine here’s what happens: 2-Timothy 4:3: “For In the book of Galatians I found one
there shall come a time when they will not tolerate explosion and two bombs. What do I mean? An
sound doctrine… [sound doctrine is based on the explosion is something that really gets you excited
Truth of the Scriptures] …but according to their own when you clearly understand it! It’s there in the
lusts they shall accumulate to themselves a great Greek. A bomb is one that is so absolutely moving
number of teachers, having ears itching to hear what in its understanding that it’s like a bomb going off.
satisfies their cravings; and they shall turn away Let’s look at the minor explosion. In going through
their own ears from the Truth; and they shall be Galatians there are about four different ways to
turned aside unto myths” (vs 3-4). So, you have a approach Galatians. We’re going to come and do
complete process that takes place, to turn people some of it in chapter two today, but I want to cover
away 180-degrees around and go the opposite one part of it here:
direction. There are plenty of teachers out there—
wanna-bes, would-bes—whomever you have—who Galatians 2:11: “But when Peter came to
want to be teaching. Antioch, I withstood him to his face, because he was
Therefore, doctrine is very important! to be condemned… [not just blamed, condemned,
Doctrine means teaching. Sound doctrine means the public condemnation] …because before certain ones
proper teaching from the Scripture. We based that came from James, he was eating together with
on what Jesus said. Jesus said, ‘I am the Way, the Gentiles. However, when they came, he drew back
Truth, and the Life.’ Sound doctrine must be based and separated himself… [from the Gentiles] …being
on the Scriptures. afraid of those of the circumcision” (vs 11-12).
There was a circumcision part within the Church
In this series that we’ve been going through (Acts 15); they were the Pharisees.
Romans Series #11
Chapter 3:20-26
Also, I’ll call your attention to when that relationship between God and man from that time
incident occurred in Acts 15, we no longer hear of forward. Do you think that God would leave it to
the Pharisees within the Church. I believe that was just word of mouth? No!
the first separation and those people became the
Ebonites who followed the Pharisaical way (see Luke wrote sometime in the 50sA.D. Luke
sermon Scripturalism vs Judaism). was what to the Apostle Paul? Luke was his
traveling companion and physician! I guess he
Verse 13: “And the rest of the Jews also needed a personal physician, being stoned, beaten,
played the hypocrite with him… [Greek: left to drown and the whole thing. The book of Luke
‘hupokrites’] …insomuch that even Barnabas was is really Paul’s gospel. In other words, Luke wrote
carried away with their hypocrisy.” The account in under the supervision of Paul.
the King James kind of softens it a bit and doesn’t
give you the full flavor as to what was happening. Luke 1:1: “Since many have taken in hand to
Why was this a great hypocrisy for Peter? He went compile a written narration of the matters… [They
to Cornelius, the first account of the Gentiles— were delivering what? Written accounts of the life of
right? What did he tell Cornelius? ‘I see that God is Christ! That’s what they were doing.] …which have
no respecter of persons and that I should not call been fully believed among us as they delivered them
any man common or unclean.’ What is an unclean to us, those who from the beginning had been
person, according to a description of Judaism? An eyewitnesses and ministers of the Word, it seemed
unclean person is a Gentile who is not circumcised! good to me also, having accurately understood
That’s why Peter was the hypocrite; he knew better. everything from the very first, to write these things
That’s why Luke wrote of the account in the book of in an orderly sequence to you… [a systematic,
Acts. I don’t think if Peter would have been in chronological order] …most excellent Theophilus,
charge of writing the book of Acts. He would have so that you might know the absolute certainty of the
been too inclined to include that little episode in the things in which you have been instructed” (vs 1-4).
light of this. Now then, let’s re-read Gal. 3:1 in the light
Galatians 3:1 (AT)—this was one of the of that. This then gives a much more powerful
bombs! “O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched impact of what was happening. It wasn’t that
you into not obeying the Truth, before whose eyes someone was coming along and kind of changing
Jesus Christ, crucified, was set forth in a written their oral traditions or instruction. It was written!
public proclamation [for all to read]?” Galatians 3:1: “O foolish Galatians, who has
bewitched you into not obeying the Truth, before
(KJV): “O foolish Galatians, who has whose eyes Jesus Christ, crucified, was set forth in a
bewitched you, that you should not obey the Truth, written public proclamation [for all to read]?” That
before whose eyes Jesus Christ has been evidently was the first big bombshell! When I went through
set forth, crucified among you?” that I was excited all day. There it is! Look at this!
This is tremendous!
Notice the difference in the translation: Why would I
translate it “…in a written public proclamation…” Gal. 4—we’ll look at the second bombshell.
This one was even more so. This is one of the key,
(Interlinear)—come to the end of the most important doctrinal point of the anti-law people
second/third line of the first verse where it says: within the Church and out of the Church; they turn
“…was openly set forth…”—‘prographo’—meaning to and read:
written before. What are the Scriptures called in the Galatians 4:10 (KJV): “You observe days,
Greek? All Scripture—‘graphe’—is given by and months, and times, and years.” So they were
inspiration of God. So he is pointing to two things, I observing Sabbath and the Holy Days and things
believe: like this.
1. the Scriptures of the Old Testament, Let’s read some of this in context in the
because it was written translation. Let’s follow it through, and as we’re
2. the writing of the New Testament doing this let’s understand something that most
Did you know that they found a Greek written people have not understood. And, as a matter of fact,
partial text of the book of Matthew, not Aramaic— we did not understand until the last 20-plus years,
that becomes important—but Greek; that they can because we didn’t research deep enough, or there
conclusively date to be as early as 54A.D. Let’s were some things that were not written to provide
understand something clearly here: the coming of the information for us—which is this: There were
Christ—the first coming—was the greatest Jews who believed in circumcision and keeping
fulfillment of Bible prophecy. The establishment of law—their own code of law—who were sun-
the New Covenant was going to be the profound worshippers. They were the Essenes. Their Sabbath
Romans Series #11
Chapter 3:20-26
was in the middle of the week on a Wednesday, and you are doing! Now, let’s compare that with John,
they had a solar calendar of 364 days. They were the seventh chapter. I wanted to cover these
coming along and that’s part of the problem that we particular three places because I feel that these are so
have here: pagan Jews. That sounds like a important for us in understanding what Paul was
contradictory term, but it’s not; they were sun- writing.
worshippers. So, they were coming along requiring John 7:16: “Jesus answered them and said,
circumcision and keeping of law as the Essenes ‘My doctrine [teaching] is not Mine, but His Who
would do. sent Me.’”
Galatians 4:8 (AT): “But on the other hand, • Would Jesus have changed anything that
when you did not know God, you were in bondage to the Father had given or that they had
those who are not gods by nature…. [very key agreed and given at any time? No!
important statement there] …but on the other hand, • How much less Paul?
after having known God—rather, after having been • How much less another man?
known by God—how is it that you are turning back
again to the weak and impotent elemental spirits, to “‘If anyone desires to do His will…’” (v 17). Very
which you again desire to be in bondage? You are important thing! A key in understanding Truth and
of yourselves… [not of God[…observing days, and doctrine is to do it!
months, and times and years. I am afraid for you, • How many people who no longer keep the
lest somehow I have labored among you in vain” (vs Sabbath understand the Sabbath?
8-11). • How many people who have given up
Why did I translate v 10: “…You are of eating unleavened bread during the Feast
yourselves…”? The reason is this: The Greek has a of Unleavened Bread still understand what
particular, special, very exacting verb called the sin is?
middle voice. We don’t have this in English quite It’s been my observation that when people quit
this way. The middle voice in Greek means this: You doing it they are violating a Scriptural principle and
are the subject and the object. So, if you’re doing they cease to understand. When it came out that ‘this
something for yourself, you’re not doing it to God. is the Feast of Unleavened Bread and if you want to
What he’s saying is that these days that they were put out the leaven that’s all right; if you don’t want
keeping—days, month, years, times—were not of to put out the leaven that is all right. If you want eat
God. But to those who were, by nature, not gods and unleavened bread, that’s all right; if you want to eat
was a conflict with what God had been teaching leavened bread, that’s all right. If you want to come
them. This has nothing whatsoever to do concerning to the Night to be Remembered, that’s all right; if
Sabbath Days or Holy Days. How do we know that? you don’t want to come, that’s all right.’ Christ said
Here’s how we know: none of that!
Colossians 2:16: “Therefore, do not allow “‘If anyone desires to do His will, he shall
anyone to judge you in eating or in drinking, or with know of the doctrine, whether it is from God, or
regard to a Festival [Holy Day]… [Did Paul know
whether I speak from My own self. The one who
how to write ‘a Holy Day’? Yes, he did!] …or new speaks of himself is seeking his own glory; but He
moon, or the Sabbaths.” Who seeks the glory of Him Who sent Him is true,
• Did Paul know how to write Sabbaths? and there is no unrighteousness in Him’” (vs 17-18).
• Did Paul know how to write Holy Days? Do we not believe that Christ taught Paul the same
• Did Paul know how to write new moon? thing? Certainly! Paul did not do anything that was
Yes, he did! not the will of God!
• Why then did he not do so in Gal. 4, if That’s what this is so important. If you are
that’s what they were doing? Because they observing for yourself—there is right there: “The
were not doing that! one who speaks of himself is seeking his own
• If you have a Sabbath on a Wednesday, are glory…” So if they are observing these days on their
you observing the Sabbath or a day? A own, they are not observing it to God. Can you
day! observe Christmas to God if you put God’s name on
• If you are keeping the first day of the it? No! It was not ever a teaching of God! These
week, are you observing the Sabbath or a things help firm up and solidify and give strength to
day? A day! the Word of God—the way it should be.
But more particularly so when you consider the Now, let’s come back to the Epistle of
middle voice verb, which is you’re doing it for Romans, chapter three. I want to cover it in depth
yourself: this is of your own initiation; this is what today; let’s understand something that’s very, very
Romans Series #11
Chapter 3:20-26
important here. We’re going to cover one of the different aspect of your relationship with God.
places where the King James translators have caused That’s what’s so important.
no end of confusion.
Romans 3:20 (Int): “Wherefore by works…”
Romans 3:20 (KJV): “Therefore, by the Notice there is no definite article there.
deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in
His sight… [Is this not the very Scripture that is Romans 2:15 (Int): “Who shew the work of
used to say that ‘you do not have to keep the law’? the law…” I want you to understand something very
This is one of them; one of the major ones. If you important and very profound. This is the only place
read that, it makes you wonder why should I keep in the entire New Testament where it is the definite
the commandments? What did Jesus say to the rich article—“…the work of the law…”—is used; the
man who asked, ‘What should I do that I may inherit only place. There is a difference between works of
eternal life?’ He said, ‘Keep the commandments’— law and the work of the law. But in any even, neither
didn’t He? What did the Apostle John write in 1- one of them justifies you. That’s where everyone
John 2: ‘Hereby we know that we know Him if we gets all confused. I know you don’t know the Greek,
keep His commandments, and the one who says I but I’ll help you understand those things as we go
know him and is not keeping His commandments, is along.
a liar and the Truth is not in him.’ How can you Romans 3:21 (AT): “But now at this time,
square this up? How can you say you have to keep quite separate from law…”
the commandments when it says here: “Therefore,
by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be (KJV): “But now the righteousness of God
justified in His sight…”? without the law…”
The word deeds in the Greek is ‘ergon’— That really throws a curveball into it—doesn’t it?
meaning works. If works don’t count, how can Jesus ‘Without’ in English generally means the absence
do this: Revelation 2:2—to the Church at Ephesus: of: I’m without a wife; I have none. But that’s not
“I know your works…” Are all those works in vain what the Greek means. Again, this (KJV) translation
if you can’t be justified? Is that what He’s saying? has caused no end of confusion. So I translated it the
This is the very heart and core of the technical thing way it should be:
that is killing all the Churches of God right today. (AT): “But now separate from law…” I’ll
By bringing in lawlessness because they focus in on leave out the italicized words that I put in there for
something and apply it in a wrong way, so they clarification. Notice the definite article is not there.
come to a wrong conclusion. Every one of the
churches: (Int): “But now apart from law…” There’s
no definite article. It’s not ‘ho nomos’; it’s just
• v 9: “I know your works…” ‘nomos’ or in this case ‘nomou’ because of the tense
• v 13: “I know your works…” that it’s in.
• v 19: “I know your works…”
• v 23: “And I will kill her children with (AT): “…separate from law, the
death; and all the churches shall know that I righteousness of God has been revealed, being
am He Who searches the reins and hearts; witnessed by the law and the prophets.” That’s
and I will give to each of you according to where I ended up in the previous sermon. I went
your works.” through and showed many of the places how the law
was prophesying of this justification to take place.
If your works don’t justify you, why should you
have works? That is the question! But is that what Verse 22: “Even the righteousness of God
Paul is talking about? We can go through and see, which is through faith of Jesus Christ… [that’s
yes, works are important—the right kind. It’s keyed possessive; Jesus’ own faith] …towards all and upon
right here in v 23. all those who are believing, for there is no
Romans 3:20 (AT): “Therefore, by works of difference, because all have sinned, and they are
law… [compare that with the King James—what is falling short of the glory of God. We are being
missing? The definite article ‘the.’ Why did I not put justified gratuitously by His grace through the
it there? It’s not in the Greek! That’s a very redemption which is in Christ Jesus; whom god has
important point of understanding.] …there shall not displayed publicly as a propitiation through faith in
be any flesh justified before Him… [Why?] His blood…” (vs 22-25). It was public! It was
…because by law is the knowledge of sin.” known! Propitiation means a continuous ongoing
source of mercy and relationship with God. That’s
The Law was never designed to justify you. differentiated from ‘expatiation’—means to put
The Law was designed to show what sin is and what aside one thing, at one time. Propitiation means
you ought to do. Justification is another whole continuous; which is quite different.
Romans Series #11
Chapter 3:20-26
“…through faith in His Blood, for a public commandments of God are required to be kept. Can
declaration of His righteousness, in the respect of the the law-keeping of the Catholics in doing laps
passing over of the sins which had taken place around the beads—hail, Mary, and our father? Does
before, through the forbearance of God; for a public that ‘law-keeping’ justify you? No! That is a
declaration of His righteousness in the present time, substitute for the sacrifice of Christ.
for His being just and the One Who is justifying the
one who is of the faith of Jesus” (vs 25-26). …and he or she is put into right standing
with God the Father. In order to receive
God did something to all human beings, God’s gift of justification…
which He alone can solve.—this ties in with the first
part of Rom. 3—Galatians 3:22 [corrected]: “But the If you kill someone and a person is dead, what can
Scriptures have shut up all things under sin…” you do to bring the person back alive? Nothing! That
Everyone has been condemned to live under sin. is the only way you could make that right—isn’t it?
God shut them all up. How did this happen? God So it’s the same way with being in right standing
gave us all the ‘law of sin and death’ from Adam with God. When you sin there’s nothing you can do
and Eve! to make it right before God. If you steal, you may
make recompense, but that is putting you right with
How are you going to make that right? If we, the person you stole from, but you broke God’s
being sinners, by nature, can we do anything truly, Law! How are you put in right standing with God?
truly righteous? Even if we wanted to? No! We By repentance!
can’t! The whole book of Job teaches us that. We (go to the next track)
may be sincere. We may even evidence some good
things, because human nature is a mixture of good Is repentance and operation of law? or Is it
and evil. But can do something truly righteous? No! an operation of the heart? Operation of the heart!
Even if we kept the Sabbath perfectly all of our life! Who leads you to repentance? God does! So, it’s an
That’s not to denigrate Sabbath-keeping; Sabbath- operation of God. That’s why only God can justify,
keeping is a great and wonderful commandment of and it’s through the sacrifice of Christ.
God; that’s just to illustrate a point. What are we In order to receive god’s gift of
talking about: the righteousness of God? What does justification…
that mean? What is justification? What does that
mean? Let’s understand that as we are going You can’t pay for it! You can’t walk up and say, ‘I
through, so we can understand what we are talking killed that person, God, here’s $100,000.’ God’s
about. They are two separate and different things! going to say, ‘Wait a minute, this person could have
Keeping law and justification are two different, been (not going to tell this person about the second
separate things! resurrection at this point), a very son of God, just
like Me.’ Now, what value are you going to put on
Let me use an example. Most of us have cars that? You can’t make it right with any amount of
in which we use gasoline for fuel—correct? Yes! money.
Could you take that same car and put water in the
gas tank and make it run? No! Water was not …a person must repent toward God,
designed to be used in a gasoline engine. As a believe in the sacrifice and blood of Jesus
matter of fact, if you put the water in, you’re going Christ for the remission of sin, and be
to ruin the engine—correct? It is the same way with baptized by immersion. The believer is
an operation of God. Law-keeping—commandment- then cleansed from sin and is without
keeping—is required of God without a doubt, but condemnation, placing him or her in right
that does not do the operation of justification. standing with God the Father. This state of
Justification means being put in right standing with justification is called the “gift of
God! righteousness” because the righteousness
of Jesus Christ is freely imputed to the
Special Word Studies from the Greek, pg believer by God the Father.
11—Justification: Justification is freely
granted to the called and repentant believer And that makes you truly in right standing with
by God the Father through the sacrifice of God! You stand before God through the blood of
Jesus Christ. Justification takes place when Christ as if Christ Himself were standing there in
the believer’s sins are removed by the your place—and He is! That’s what justification
blood of Jesus Christ… means.
What is the only means of justification? The The English word “justification” comes
sacrifice of Christ! An easy way to remember it is: from the Greek word ‘dikaioosis,’ which
Nothing can substitute for the sacrifice of Christ! means the action of God which establishes
No law-keeping of any kind. All the laws and right, therefore justification. The
Romans Series #11
Chapter 3:20-26
establishment of a man as just by acquittal long as you don’t do the specific act, you have not
from guilt. sinned. For example: murder or adultery. If you
don’t do the specific act in the letter, you have not
pg. 13, Justification: The English word sinned, but in the spirit you have sinned. That’s why
justification comes from the Greek word it’s this way.
‘dikaiooma’ and means the end result of We read the part under Chapter Three, and
making right or just. The result of the act God imputes that to us. Come over to the section
of God which sets one forth as righteous, Works of Law, pg 25. I know this is technical, and I
or the act of justification accomplished in know this is a little heavy, but, brethren, this is so, so
the sinner. important. This is why people get taken down
Let’s see about concerning the righteousness of God, doctrinally, because they don’t know the Word of
because God has to make right something that He God and they don’t know the difference between
did, and only He can make it right. How do you commandment-keeping and justification. They don’t
solve the problem of putting everybody under sin? know the difference between keeping the
We didn’t ask to be; we don’t want to be, but we are. commandments of God and works of law.
So, only God can do that, and it is His righteousness Pg. 25, Work, Works, Works of Law and
that does it. to Work: The English word “work” or
pg. 16—the last full paragraph in the “works” is translated form the Greek word
explanation of righteousness (see sermons: ‘ergon’…
The Two Righteousnesses—the I want you to look at that word and you’ll be able to
righteousness of law and righteousness of tell the difference. This is singular.
…and means a work, a deed, an action, or
The English word “righteousness” comes the result or object of a work or endeavor;
from the Greek word ‘dikiosunee’ and a work as a single act; that which is
means the doing or being what is just and brought into being by a work or labor; an
right, or righteous. It is the character and accomplishment, an occupation or work. In
the acts of the person commanded and the singular, when the definite article is
approved of God in virtue of the fact that used, it is ‘to ergon,’ and means the work.
the individual is in submission and is In the plural it is ‘ergoon,’ and means the
obedient to His will as His perfect ideal works. In the plural it is ‘toon ergon’…
and His perfect standard. As such it is not
only what God demands from a person, but Notice the difference in the Greek wording there.
what He gives, or imputes to the individual Where you see the funny looking ‘w’—it’s actually
by faith. Therefore, it is the person’s an ‘omega’ giving it the long ‘o’ sound—
righteous standing before God as imputed
to him or her by God’s act of justification …‘toon ergon’ and means the works.
through His deliverance from all that Many times in the plural it is used without
stands in the way of being righteous. the article and is used mainly in the term
the works of law, ‘ergoon nomou’; and
No law accomplishes that! Justification is a means any work, deed or endeavor of any
righteous act of God! law….
Chapter One (Romans) (pg. 16): v 17: “For How many have ever seen or read parts of the book
therein the righteousness of God is being The Code of Jewish Law? The Code of Jewish Law
revealed from faith into faith… will tell you what works of law is from a Jewish
perspective. The Catholic Catechism will tell you
Why did I translate it that way? Because the Greek what the code of Catholic law is from a Catholic
means the active involvement of the faith—Christ’s perspective. If you had the writings of the Buddhists,
faith in you and your faith back into Christ. It’s you would have the seven steps to nirvana—which
into—faith into faith. is the code of their law, same way with the Hindus.
…according as it has been written: ‘The …works of law, ‘ergoon nomou’; and
just shall live by faith.’” means any work, deed or endeavor of any
What’s the difference with living by faith and
keeping the commandments of God and living by the The translators of the KJV added two
letter of the law and not having faith? The difference definite articles ‘the’ to the phrase ‘works
is of the heart! By faith and the love of God you of law’—‘eroon nomou’—and improperly
desire to do the will of God; whereas in the letter, as made it read ‘the works of the law.’
Romans Series #11
Chapter 3:20-26
Romans Series #11
Chapter 3:20-26
nature, how is God going to solve the problem? He great God is, that He would do this for us in such a
has judged us all sinners—correct? Yes! ‘The wages wonderful and profound way!
of sin is death.’
Let’s come to Luke 22; let’s look at some of
• How is God going to solve this problem? the things of how difficult this was for Christ. Let’s
• Who created mankind? Jesus Christ! understand something a little bit more: Why Jesus
• Who gave mankind the law of sin and did what He did when He went and prayed. Luke
death, or the human nature that we have? 22:39: “Then He left the house and went, as He was
God did! accustomed, to the Mount of Olives; and His
• How is God going to make this right for all disciples also followed Him. And when He arrived
human beings since God did it, and shut us at the place, He said to them, ‘Pray that you do not
up under sin? enter into temptation.’ And He withdrew from them
All have sinned and come short of the about a stone’s throw; and falling to His knees, He
glory of God! prayed, saying, ‘Father, if You are willing to take
The wages of sin is death! away this cup from Me… [What cup is this? Why
would He say, ‘remove it’? It was so difficult!]
Let’s go to 2-Corinthians, the fifth chapter, and let’s …nevertheless, not My will, but Your will be
see what happened. God, in His righteous judgment done.’…. [He always did the will of the Father.]
of Himself! God judged Himself. That’s pretty …Then an angel from heaven appeared to Him,
heavy! Think on that! Since God is responsible for strengthening Him. And being in agony, He prayed
all of this, God must take care of it—correct? If God more earnestly. And His sweat became as great
is righteous, should He not then judge Himself with drops of blood falling down to the ground” (vs 39-
the same judgment that He judged us? That is heavy! 44).
We’re getting into some deep and profound things
which really show the love of God. So, what did He Why was He so traumatized at this particular
do? Christ came in the flesh! One of Elohim Who point? He knew the crucifixion and everything that
became Christ, divested Himself of being God would happen; He would be taking upon Himself
and took upon Himself the same kind of flesh that publicly once for all, all the sins of human kind! So,
we have and with the law of sin and death within symbolically, in order to get rid of all of the sins of
His members. Since He gave it to human beings, He humankind and those sins that were caused by the
took it upon Himself as a human being so that He great whore He drank of that cup to get rid of those
would in effect become sin for us. I want you to sins—symbolically.
think about how great this is! How marvelous this is, Revelation 17:2 talks about the ‘great
that God would do it. whore’; she caused all the sins on the earth. “‘With
2-Corinthians 5:18: “And all things are from whom the kings of the earth have committed
God, Who has reconciled us to Himself through fornication, and those who dwell on the earth were
Jesus Christ, and has given to us the ministry of made drunk with the wine of her fornication.’ Then
reconciliation; which is, that God was in Christ, he carried me away in the spirit to a wilderness; and
reconciling the world to Himself… [So, even God I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet beast that had
the Father was experiencing, because of having the seven heads and ten horns, full of names of
Holy Spirit in Christ to the fullness] …..not blasphemy. And the woman was clothed in purple
imputing their trespasses to them; and He has and scarlet, and was adorned with gold and pearls
entrusted to us this message of reconciliation. and precious stones; and she had a golden cup in her
Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ; and God, hand, filled with abominations and the filthiness of
as it were, is exhorting you through us. We beseech her fornication” (vs 2-4). That cup that was so hard
you on behalf of Christ, ‘Be reconciled to God.’ For for Christ to take was the sins of the whole world.
He made Him Who knew no sin to be sin for us, so There’s no law; that was His choice. That was the
that we might become the righteousness of God in righteous judgment of God!
Him” (vs 18-21). So therefore, when God begins to call us and
That being the case, is God fair? Yes! More then we are convicted of sin and He forgives our
than fair! We know all the Scriptures where ‘He was sins, we know that they are taken care of
tempted like as we are, yet without sin…” and so completely—
forth. That shows the righteous judgment of God • freely, because of the act of God!
upon Himself for all human beings. But, it is so • freely, because there’s no way you can buy
special that He, in particular, that He can apply it to this!
every human being individually one at a time.
• freely, because there’s no way you can
This is given, brethren, to inspire us of how work for it!
Romans Series #11
Chapter 3:20-26
Romans 3:24: “We are being justified gratuitously we will go through in understanding works of law! If
[freely] by His grace through the redemption which you understand that, then this will help you greatly
is in Christ Jesus…. [Therefore, it can’t be by a in your relationship with God, because now then you
work.] …Whom God has displayed publicly as a know that any time you can go to Christ, you live
propitiation through faith in His blood, for a public under His grace, we are to grow in grace. If grace is
declaration of His righteousness, in the respect of the only the forgiveness of sin, how are you going to
passing over of the sins which had taken place grow in the forgiveness of sin? No! Grace means
before, through the forbearance of God; for a public that it based and motivated on
declaration of His righteousness in the present time,
for His being just and the One Who is justifying the • loving God
one who is of the faith of Jesus” (vs 24-26). • seeking to please Him
Knowing that it is that free, fantastic and marvelous • letting Christ live in you like the Apostle
act of God that all of this is possible. Paul said
Galatians 2:14: “But when I saw that they —that’s how you grow in the grace and knowledge.
did not walk uprightly according to the Truth of the
Gospel, I said to Peter in the presence of them all, ‘If Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R.
Coulter; except where noted
you, being a Jew, are living like the Gentiles and not Exception: Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle
according to Judaism, why do you compel the Paul to the Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
Gentiles to Judaize?’…. [separate—Jews over here, Scriptures in Galatians from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to
Gentiles over here] …We who are Jews by nature— the Galatians, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
and not sinners of the Gentiles—knowing that a man Scriptural References:
is not justified by works of law… [Separation was a
work of law. They felt better! They felt in right 1) 2 Timothy 4:3-4
standing with God! They had separated themselves 2) Galatians 2:11-13
from them. But, they knew better.] …but through the 3) Galatians 3:1
faith of Jesus Christ, in order that we might be 4) Luke 1:1-4
justified by the faith of Christ, and not by works of 5) Galatians 2:1
law; because by works of law shall no flesh be 6) Galatians 4:10, 8-11
justified! Now then, if we are seeking to be justified 7) Colossians 2:16
in Christ, and we ourselves are found to be sinners, 8) John 7:16-18
is then Christ the minister of sin? MAY IT NEVER 9) Romans 3:20
BE! For if I build again those things that I destroyed, 10) Revelation 2:2, 9, 13, 19, 23
I am making myself a transgressor. For I through 11) Romans 3:20
law died to law… [the wages of sin death] …in 12) Romans 2:15
order that I may live to God!” (vs 14-19). 13) Romans 3:21-26
14) Galatians 3:22
Here’s how He died! Here’s how all of us 15) Romans 3:26-31
died! We just described a little bit of what Christ 16) 2 Corinthians 5:18-21
went through in burying the sins of the whole world. 17) Luke 22:39-44
Now it’s applied and imputed to each one 18) Revelation 17:2-4
individually. 19) Romans 3:24-26
“I have been jointly crucified with Christ… 20) Galatians 2:14-21
[That’s what the Greek means. When you are Scripture referenced, not quoted: Acts 15
baptized, you are jointly baptized into His death!]
…yet I live. However, it is not longer I, but Christ Also referenced:
lives in me!…. [which is the gift of the Holy Spirit] • Booklet: Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
…For the life that I am now living in the flesh, I live Galatians
by faith—that very faith of the Son of God… • Books:
[Christ’s very own faith, and that can only come as a
New Age Bible Versions by Gail Riplinger
gift from God.] …Who loved me and gave Himself Code of Jewish Law by Solomon Ganzfried &
up for me. I do not nullify the grace of God; for if Hyman E. Goldin
righteousness… [to achieve the justification] …is • Sermons:
through law, then Christ died in vain” (vs 20-21). New Age Bible Versions I & II
This is important to really understand. I Preservation of the Text (Carl Franklin)
don’t think we will have anything quite as heavy as Scripturalism vs Judaism
this. I think this is the most technical and the The Two Righteousnesses I & II
heaviest part of the study of the book of Romans that FRC:bo
Romans Series #11
Chapter 3:20-26
Transcribed: 11-21-10
Romans Series #12
Galatians Translation
Galatians Translation
Fred R. Coulter—January 4, 1997
Open to the Study Translation of the book of the Jews joined him… [because that’s what it means
Galatians, chapter two, and open your King James in the Greek] …insomuch that even Barnabas was
Version, chapter two. We’re going to do some carried away with their hypocrisy” (vs 11-13). Why
alternate reading. Galatians is the most difficult, the was this to be a condemnation? Peter, of all people,
hardest to understand and the most misunderstood should have known better! Now you know why Acts
book of the whole Bible. Unfortunately, most people 10 is in the Scriptures. It tells the account of a
go to Galatians first rather than later. Let me give Gentile, an Italian, whose name was Cornelius. He
you, for an example, the writings of the Apostle sent three men, on the instructions of an angel, to go
Paul, the order of difficulty of these three technical and find Simon Peter—the Apostle Peter. He found
books: him and brought him to Cornelius.
1. Hebrews—the easiest to understand, Acts 10:24: “And on the next day, they came
though there are some technical points to Caesarea. Now Cornelius was expecting them and
there had called together his kinsmen and his intimate
2. Romans friends. And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met
3. Galatians him and fell at his feet, worshiping him…. [You can
tell Peter was not the first pope. He didn’t say,
In order to understand Galatians, you should ‘Cornelius, glad to see you’re on your knees, kiss
understand Hebrews first, then Romans, then my ring.’] …But Peter raised him up, saying, ‘Stand
Galatians. Why do I say that? Almost all Protestant up, for I myself am also a man.’ And as he was
doctrine is based upon misinterpretations and talking with him, he went in and found many
misunderstandings of Hebrews, Romans and gathered together. And he said to them... [I want you
Galatians. Not only do the Protestants to read this very carefully]: …‘You know that it is
misunderstand it, they go to it and they use certain unlawful for a man who is a Jew to associate with
verses to do away with the requirement to keep the or come near to anyone of another race….” (vs
commandments of God. Plus, the translation of the 24-28).
King James Version of the Bible gives credence to
their interpretations of it. We’ll compare that when Which law in the Bible says it’s unlawful?
we get to Romans and here in Galatians in just a This is good instruction on what does it say and
minute. In translating Galatians I found one what does it not say so we can understand it.
explosion and two bombshells. Let’s look at the first “…‘You know that it is unlawful for a man who
explosion: is a Jew…” He did not say, ‘the Scriptures say’ that
an Israelite cannot keep company of one of another
Galatians 2:11 (KJV): “But when Peter was nation. What does the Old Testament tell us about
come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, the inter-relationship of the children of Israel and
because he was to be blamed. For before that certain Gentiles? One law! One standard for the Gentiles
came from James, he did eat with Gentiles: but when that live within Israel! They followed the same law.
they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, They had the same judgment. They had the same
fearing them which were of the circumcision. And standard—correct? What law is this talking about?
the other Jews dissembled likewise with him; Tradition! A law of the Jews! A Jew is one who
insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away with practices Judaism. Judaism is not the religion of
their dissimulation” (vs 11-13). What does Moses—did you know that? Most people don’t!
‘dissimulation mean to you? Pretend! hypocrisy! Judaism, while it claims to follow the religion of
The Greek does show hypocrisy. Why was he Moses, does not! The rabbis in Judaism proclaim
hypocritical? that their sayings and their laws are greater than the
(AT): “But when Peter came to Antioch, I laws in the Bible. If anyone transgresses their laws,
withstood him to his face because he was to be they are subject to hell.
condemned… [not just blamed. The King James What God was doing in this particular
translators softened the meaning of it. This is pretty instance with Peter was this: He was showing that
sharp language, condemned.] …Because before that law of Judaism had no standing before God, had
certain ones came from James… [Who was James? no standing within the Church of God. God was now
James was the brother of the Lord, the apostle at going to deal with all nations, all people, and He was
Jerusalem!] …he was eating together with the going to deal with them without the laws of Judaism.
Gentiles. However, when they came, he drew back
and separated himself [from the Gentiles], being I want to show you what Jesus said
afraid of those of the circumcision. And the rest of concerning the traditions of men. The traditions of
Romans Series #12
Galatians Translation
men then were codified into law. Next sermon I’m lips, but their hearts are far away from Me….”’”
going to read to you out of the Code of Jewish Law. (vs 5-6). I want you to understand that! God is
I’m going to read to you out of the code of Buddha interested in the heart—is He not? Can you do
law, Hindu law, Muslim law and Catholic law. I will something outside of your body with your hands and
show you a work of law from Scripture, a work of your feet and rules and regulations but it does not
law from every one of these. But here’s what Jesus affect your heart? Certainly! So God is saying that
said concerning their traditions. I know this may be a He wants the heart made right. “…you
little repetitious from what we had before, but it’s hypocrites…”—those are not very nice words.
very important that we understand this concept. Christ was not an ecumenist. He didn’t come along
Remember: Jewish law is not Scriptural law— and say, ‘Well now, you scribes and Pharisees, I
please understand that! Jewish law, Catholic law, know that you have your ways, but I have My way
Hindu law, Muslim law, Buddhist law—ALL—are and what we need to do is we’ll just get along and
all against the commandments of God! If you don’t love each other until the crucifixion and then you
believe that then you watch PBS—there should be can hate Me and kill Me. How’s that? Does that
separation of religion and state—Deepak Chopra is a sound like a good game plan?’ No way!
wizard of the Hindu religion. Listen to him and pick
up all the works of law that they have: “…‘Well did Isaiah prophesy concerning
you hypocrites, as it is written, “This people honors
• meditation Me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from
• breathing Me. But in vain… [emptiness, purposelessness, no
• reading account, no good, nothing to God] …do they
• thinking worship Me, teaching for doctrine the
—all works of law! Declared by Christ null and commandments of men.” For leaving the
void! Chopra wrote the book: Seven Laws of commandment of God…’” (vs 6-8). That’s what
Spiritual Success. happens when you have all of these traditions, when
you have all of these works of law (see #10 this
Mark 7:1 “Then the Pharisees and some of series). I’m building on that with this. What happens
the scribes from Jerusalem came together to Him. when you lay aside the commandment of God? Let’s
And when they saw some of His disciples eating just see if we can apply some principles:
with defiled hands (that is, unwashed hands), they
found fault. For the Pharisees and all the Jews, If you look at a commandment of God and
holding fast to the tradition of the elders, do not eat you say, ‘We’ll change that, we don’t need that’—
unless they wash their hands thoroughly. Even when what are you doing?
coming from the market, they do not eat unless they • Taking away from the Word of God!
first wash themselves. And there are many… [he’s • Deciding for yourself right and wrong!
including it all, not just hand-washing, but
• Out and out judging God, because you are
everything that they do] …other things that they
judging what God has spoken is unworthy
have received to observe, such as the washing of of your attention and obedience!
cups and pots and brass utensils and tables” (vs 1-4).
Very basic! Very profound! Very necessary to
Now, I’ll just tell you one of the Sabbath understand!
commandments that they have, which is a little
hilarious! If on the Sabbath a bushel basket of apples “‘…you hold fast the tradition of men, such
is turned over and they spill on the ground; if they as the washing of pots and cups; and you practice
are not spread too far, you may push them back in many other things like this.’ Then He said to them,
‘Full well do you reject the commandment of God…
the bushel basket and set the basket upright. If they
[Not only do they lay it aside, then they]: …reject
are spread abroad too far, you may not pick them up
and put them back into the bushel basket because the commandment of God, so that you may observe
that is harvesting. However, you may eat them one your own tradition’” (vs 8-9)—which is saying,
at a time. Many such things like that. ‘We are better than God!’ Think about that! Think
about that in relationship to Sabbath-keeping and
Verse 5: “For this reason, the Pharisees and Sunday-keeping. Jesus said the ‘Sabbath was made
the scribes questioned Him, saying, ‘Why don’t for man and not man for the Sabbath; therefore, the
Your disciples walk according to the tradition of the Son of man is LORD of the Sabbath Day.’ He’s not
elders, but eat bread with unwashed hands?’ And He Lord of Sunday. Men come along and what do they
answered and said to them, ‘Well… [beautiful— do? They judge God! They want to keep their
‘Isaiah spoke of you beautifully] …did Isaiah tradition of Sunday-keeping! They set aside, reject
prophesy concerning you hypocrites… [same word the commandment of God that they may keep their
referring to Peter back in Galatians—‘hupokrites’] own tradition, which is a work of Protestant and
…as it is written, “This people honors Me with their Catholic law. It doesn’t come from God.
Romans Series #12
Galatians Translation
There was a survey sent out: Dear Brethren, happening in the world today. They are setting aside,
we’ll keep this anonymous, all you have to do is put rejecting and making the Word of God of none affect
in the first three numbers of your zip code—Do you in those people’s lives.
want to keep the Holy Days? Yes or no! If we want
to keep the Holy Days, should we keep them in Let’s go to John 14; let’s see something else;
August or September? Yes or no! And the answer this is very important! The keeping of the
was already completed when they got it back. ‘Well, commandments of God is required and is a
we’re not going to keep them at all.’ reflection of our love to God! Let’s see that
summarized, John 14:23: “Jesus answered and said
They have judged God! They have set aside to him, ‘If anyone loves Me, he will keep My Word;
the commandments of God!—with their own and My Father will love him, and We will come to
reasoning. Also breaking the third commandment— him and make Our abode with him. The one who
taking God’s name in vain. How dare you say does not love Me does not keep My words…
something ‘God said’ when He didn’t say. How [That’s strong! These two verses contrast one with
many times have we covered Deut. 18? Think on the other.] …and the Word that you hear is not
that! Can a man speak for God when God hasn’t Mine, but the Father’s, Who sent Me” (vs 23-24).
spoken something? NO! A lot of people think that Again, I call to your remembrance Deut. 18:18-20—
the Jews kept the laws, but they didn’t, they kept very important!
their own. The ‘Friends of the Sabbath’ and their
ecumenical thing is a huge trap as big as the Grand This tells you what? You can do this
Canyon. It’s like flying around in a helicopter concerning any commandment. If you keep Sunday,
observing the Grand Canyon, and it’s all wonderful you have set aside the commandment of God; you
until you crash to the bottom. It’s going to happen. have rejected the Word of God, and though you
profess you love God, you don’t love God! It’s an
Verse 10: “‘For Moses said, “Honor your impossibility! Do you comprehend that? they may
father and your mother”; and, “The one who speaks feel good. They may behave decently. But, always
evil of father or mother, let him be put to death.” But remember, good behavior can also come from the
you say, “If a man shall say to his father or mother, tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
‘Whatever benefit you might receive from me is
corban’ (that is, set aside as a gift to God)… • All goodness of men is not Godliness,
[Merchandised for money; same old thing it’s from God!
always been—right? Yes!] …he is not obligated to That is profound to understand.
help his parents.” And you excuse him from doing • All righteousness of men is not the
anything for his father or his mother, nullifying the righteousness of God!
authority of the Word of God by your tradition That is also profound to understand. These two
which you have passed down; and you practice verses encapsulate the whole thing—don’t they?
many traditions such as this’” (vs 10-13). Let’s see this again concerning Peter. What
Now, let’s go back and review: First of all was God inspiring Peter to understand? He was
they set aside, v 9: “…‘Full well do you reject the inspiring Peter to set aside the unlawful laws of the
commandment of God… [v 13]: …Nullifying the Jews—correct? Yes! Acts 10:28: “And he said to
authority of the Word of God by your tradition them, ‘You know that it is unlawful for a man who
which you have passed down; and you practice is a Jew to associate with or come near to anyone of
many traditions such as this.’” those are pretty another race. But God has shown me… [By what?
strong words—aren’t they? There are some people What did He show Paul? By Divine revelation—
today, brethren, who are following Judaism; they are correct? Did he not have a vision? Yes, he did!
rejecting Jesus Christ; rejecting the New Testament Divine revelation is pretty profound—isn’t it? That’s
as pagan. There is an active mood to do away with direct form God—isn’t it? Yes! Can there be any
Christ—in any form—in every church, everywhere, greater instruction? No!] …that no man should be
regardless if they are Sunday or Sabbath-keepers called common or unclean.’” Big time understanding
that name the name of Christ. We need to be fully necessary!
aware that that is the program that’s going on. They
In the Jews’ view, how is a man common?
have eliminated Christ from the government. They
and How is a man unclean? Do you know? When I
have eliminated Christ from radio, television,
tell you this, you’re going to understand why Paul’s
schools, public affairs and they’re going to eliminate
writing in Rom. 2, about the uncircumcision that
Him from the churches.
keep the righteousness of the Law shall judge the
If you don’t believe that, watch that 50th circumcision who break the Law. How do they break
anniversary for the U.N., the inner-faith service from their law? By boasting in tradition and breaking the
San Francisco. Brethren, this is exactly what’s commandments of God!
Romans Series #12
Galatians Translation
• A man who is common is this: A Gentile acceptable to Him. The word that He sent to the
who has been circumcised—he is common! children of Israel, preaching the Gospel of peace
He is common because he is not a genetic through Jesus Christ (He is Lord of all), you have
born Jew, but a proselyte. That means knowledge of; which declaration came throughout
being circumcised and following Judaism. the whole of Judea, beginning from Galilee, after the
• A man who is unclean: A man who is a baptism that John proclaimed’” (vs 31-37).
Gentile who was not circumcised and has Let’s add a little more fuel to Peter’s fire.
not followed anything concerning the true We won’t burn him at the stake, but we will find out
God. why he was called the hypocrite. The account in Gal.
Those are commonly called in the world ‘goyim’ or 2 happened after Acts 15:5—there had been much
cattle. Maybe this will help you understand every disputing: “But there stood up certain of those who
time a Jew speaks he always says, ‘I am a Jew.’ The believed, who were of the sect of the Pharisees,
reason he does this is to get leverage over you, saying, ‘It is obligatory to circumcise them [the
because he thinks he’s superior. Anyone who is not Gentiles], and to command them to keep the Law of
a Jew is a ‘goyim.’ You’re either common or Moses.’”
unclean and ‘you’re not worthy of us. We are How are we going to understand that? First
worthy to use you, abuse you, lie to you, steal from of all, the Pharisees’ version of the Law of Moses
you and take advantage of you, because we are the was not the Law of Moses, but very much akin to
chosen people.’ That’s all in the Talmud. the Catholic view of the Bible. They don’t follow it,
How many listen to Rush Limbaugh? Man but they have their traditional—and from the
called up and said, ‘Jewish descent dittos.’ He had to writings of the fathers’ application of their religion.
immediately say he was a Jew. Someone is surely The Pharisees were exactly the same way. Did we
going to say, ‘Fred is an anti-Semite.’ NO! Jews are just not read where they rejected the Law of Moses?
anti other people—period! They don’t like to tell Their version of the Law of Moses was all of their
you that. They are anti-Christ! They will not admit own laws; they presumptuously and arrogantly
it, but they are! What God was doing here was called the Law of Moses. This is what is being
striking—BAM!—all of this down. If you think it’s talked about here.
bad today, trust me, back then it was far worse—far, Now then, “…‘It is obligatory [needful] to
far worse! circumcise them [the Gentiles], and to command
Peter was the one who was used to do this— them to keep the Law of Moses.’” Furthermore, it
the first one! Verse 29: “‘For this reason, I also came was obligatory to do so, because unless they were
without objection when I was sent for. I ask physically circumcised, salvation was impossible!
therefore, for what purpose did you send for me?’ They were even twisting and perverting the true
And Cornelius said, ‘Four days ago I was fasting religion of Christ very early on. That’s what it
until this hour, and at the ninth hour I was praying in means.
my house; and suddenly a man [an angel] stood Verse 6: “Then the apostles and the elders
before me in bright apparel’” (vs 29-30). Do you gathered together to see about this matter. And after
know why God had to do this supernaturally, by much discussion had taken place, Peter stood up and
vision, to Peter and by an angel to Cornelius? The said to them… [We got them on record in Acts 10—
Jews would have never let Christianity get out of correct? Now we’ve got them on record here.]
Judaism. They would have cloistered it in as a little …‘Men, brethren, you know that from the early
teeny-weenie sect of Judaism and used it to their days, God made the choice among us that by my
own advantage. God was opening it up. mouth the Gentiles should hear the Word of the
Verse 31: “‘And said, “Cornelius, your Gospel, and believe. And God, Who knows the
prayer has been heard and your alms have been heart… [in Greek this means the heart-knowing
remembered before God. Now then, send to Joppa God!] …bore witness to them by giving them the
and call for Simon who is surnamed Peter; he is Holy Spirit, even as He did to us, and made no
lodging by the sea in the house of Simon, a tanner. difference between us and them, and has purified
When he comes, he will speak to you.” Therefore, I their hearts through the faith’” (vs 6-9).
sent for you at once; and you did well to come. So Now then, let’s come back to Galatians, the
then, we are all present before God to hear all things second chapter. There are other details that are there.
that have been commanded you by God.’…. [Why Galatians 2:12: “Because before certain ones came
was Peter the hypocrite?] …Then Peter opened his from James, he was eating with the Gentiles….
mouth and said, ‘Of a truth I perceive that God is [putting no difference—correct?] …However, when
not a respecter of persons, but in every nation the they came, he drew back and separated himself
one who fears Him and works righteousness is [from the Gentiles], being afraid of those of the
Romans Series #12
Galatians Translation
circumcision…. [A political move; a reversion to onboard computer and finds out there is a warrant
Judaism. He was afraid they would go back and tell for your arrest. He comes back to you and says to
James that he was eating with Gentiles.] …And the you, ‘Get out of the car, you’re under arrest’—slaps
rest of the Jews also played the hypocrite with him, the handcuffs on you, throws you in back of police
insomuch that even Barnabas was carried away with car, takes you on down to the jail and now your car
their hypocrisy” (vs 12-13). This was big deal! is towed and put over here and you’re going to pay
storage. You stay in jail overnight and you come
Think of it this way: You come to church before the judge and the judge says, ‘Why didn’t you
one day and you hear there’s going to be a big answer the notices for your fine.’ Well, I don’t
meeting and Peter’s going to be there and Paul is believe there should be a stop sign there. ‘But you
going to be there and certain ones from Jerusalem didn’t pay the fine.’ So now, he slaps on a stiffer
are going to be there—this may have been a Feast sentences. He was not justified! His work of law
day—and you’re all excited and you come and the could have been pay the fine, you’re justified.
deacon stands at the door and says, ‘Gentiles to the
right, Jews to the left; Gentiles eat over here, Jews Is there any work of law to justify you before
eat over there.’ How are you going to feel? God in heaven above?
Verse 14: “But when I saw that they did not One more example: Supposing you
walk uprightly according to the Truth of the Gospel, murdered a man. Now you’ve transgressed the Law
I said to Peter in the presence of them all, ‘If you, of God. What is going to justify you to God? Not
being a Jew, are living like the Gentiles… [eating murdering any longer? Repentance! That’s all! Just
with them, mingling with them and so forth] …and like the stop sign: If you go before the judge because
not according to Judaism, why do you compel the you’re hauled in because you didn’t pay that fine.
Gentiles to Judaize?…. [and separate themselves You said, ‘Judge I’ve stopped at every stop sign
from the Jews. Judaize has nothing to do with the since then.’ He says, ‘That doesn’t matter, you’re
Law of God. Is there any place in the Scriptures supposed to stop at all of them.’
which says you cannot eat with one of another (go to the next track)
nation? NO!] …We who are Jews by nature—and
not sinners of the Gentiles—knowing that a man is If you separate yourself from the Gentiles to
not justified by works of law…’” (vs 14-16). eat, does that make your heart right or wrong? It
makes it wrong! God is interested in the heart—
Let’s review: Justification mean to be made remember we said, the heart-knowing God!
right with God the Father in heaven above. That
justification comes from the heart, in believing on Galatians 2:16: “Knowing that a man is not
Christ through repentance and baptism. There is no justified by works of law…”
place in all the Scripture which says: do this law and (KJV): “Knowing that a man is not justified
you are right with God. There is no law designed to by the works of the law…” Here we see the terrible
do that. What is law designed to do? To show what mistranslation. Both of those definite articles the are
sin is! Can law give you life? NO! God can! Let me not in the Greek. It does not mean by keeping the
use a couple of examples here to show justifying by commandments of God, but by works of law. Both
works of law, and we’ll use a work of law we can of the definite articles the are not in the original
relate to today; then we’ll show the difference. Greek! This is why there’s so much confusion.
If you go through a stop sign and you get a
ticket, you have transgressed the law which says, ““Knowing that a man is not justified by
‘thou shalt not go through a stop sign.’ Suppose you works of law, but through the faith of Jesus
ignore the ticket. You decide, ‘I don’t believe there Christ…” What does faith require? Is faith
should be a stop sign there so I am not going to pay something external or internal? Internal! You must
this fine. I’m convinced there should not be a stop believe—don’t you? That’s the only way you’re
sign here. It’s irritating to me; I don’t want one.’ So justified because of what God did through Jesus
you ignore the fine. They send you a notice: We’re Christ. As we pointed out, God took upon Himself
going to increase your find unless you pay it by such when Jesus was manifested in the flesh, all the sins
and such a date. You ignore it. Payment of the fine of the whole world. You must believe on that
would justify you for that transgression. You justification!
continue to ignore it; they send you another notice.
Finally, after a certain period of time, they issue a • Are we all evil by nature? Yes! We all have
warrant for your arrest. One day you’re driving human nature!
down the street and you have another traffic • Can we do anything purely righteous?
infraction, a policeman pulls you over, reads your • Can we do something as righteous as God
license number, pulls that license number up on his is righteous? No!
Romans Series #12
Galatians Translation
Since we cannot do that, there is nothing that His death? Therefore, we were co-buried with Him
we can do to make ourselves righteous before God, by the baptism into the death… [His death] …so
as God demands that we are righteous, unless we that, just as Christ was raised up from the dead by
believe in Christ and unless that righteousness is the glory of the Father, in exactly the same way also,
imputed to us—it’s of the heart! we should walk in newness of life. For if we have
become co-joined together in the likeness of His
“…even we have believed in Christ Jesus, in death, so also shall we be in the likeness of His
order that we might be justified by the faith of resurrection. Knowing this, that our old man was co-
Christ, and not by works of law; because by works crucified with Him in order that the body of sin
of law shall no flesh be justified!” (v 16). Isn’t going might be destroyed, that we should no longer be
to happen! enslaved to sin; because the one who has died to sin
• unless you repent has been justified from sin” (vs 1-7).
• unless you believe That’s what it means in Galatians 2:20: “I
• unless you obey have been jointly crucified with Christ…” What God
• unless you love God literally does when you are baptized. He literally
I hope this makes it real clear. takes the sacrifice of Christ and places that, imputes
Verse 17: “Now then, if we are seeking to be that, to you as your death! That’s what it means.
justified in Christ… [through faith] …and we Now you understand why baptism has to be by water
ourselves are found to be sinners, is then Christ the immersion. You can’t sprinkle. You’re not buried
minister of sin?…. [Because you still have human with sprinkling.
nature and you still sin. Did Jesus make you sin? No! “I have been jointly crucified with Christ, yet
He is there to forgive it because He is the I live. However, it is no longer I; but Christ lives in
‘propitiation.’] …MAY IT NEVER BE!” The Greek me!…. [How? By the power of the Holy Spirit of
there is ‘me ginoito’ which means don’t ever let this God! We are to have Christ formed in us!] …For the
thought come into existence—MAY IT NEVER BE! life that I am now living in the flesh, I live by faith—
A true, literal translation would be: MAY THIS that very faith of the Son of God, Who loved me and
NEVER BE CONCEIVED OF, because ‘gennao’ gave Himself for me…. [That’s something! God
means to impregnate. May this never come into does this, brethren, on an individual basis. That’s
existence or be conceived of. what’s so fantastic about it.] …I do not nullify the
Verse 18: “For if I build again those things grace of God; for if righteousness… [that right
that I destroyed, I am making myself a standing before God] …is through law, then Christ
transgressor…. [Peter, you’re a sinner before died in vain” (vs 20-21).
everybody.’ And written in Scripture for all time. If you can make yourself right by separating
That had to be pretty tough stuff that Peter was from the Gentiles, Christ is no effect; He died in
doing—right?] …For I, through law died to law…” vain! Whatever law you want to have: washing of
(vs 18-19). What does this mean? Let’s see if we can pots and cups—and you’ll find from The Code of
answer the question this way: ‘the wages of sin is Jewish Law what that means.
death’; ‘sin is the transgression of the law’
I want to cover two other things here. Let’s
• How could Paul write this if he were read from the King James Version Galatians 3:1; this
literally dead? He couldn’t! is one of these big bombs! “O foolish Galatians, who
• What death did he die? has bewitched you, that you should not obey
the Truth before whose eyes Jesus Christ has
“…in order that I may live to God! I have been been evidently set forth, crucified among you?”
crucified with Christ…” (vs 19-20). Why did I What does ‘set forth’ mean to you? Shown,
translate it that way? Because that’s what the Greek portrayed, talked about, prophesied. The Greek
means! Crucified together, jointly. is even stronger.
Romans 6:1—this tells us how we die: (AT): “O foolish Galatians, who has
“What then shall we say? Shall we continue in sin, bewitched you into not obeying the Truth…” Is
so that grace may abound? MAY IT NEVER BE!…. that happening today? Yes! What is Truth?
[the same expression—Paul uses this over and over
again—‘me ginoito’] …We who died to sin… • Your Word is Truth!
[That’s what you died to. What Judaism and • Your law is Truth!
Judaism’s law sin? Yes! Was Peter going back and • Your commandments are Truth!
sinning? Yes!] …how shall we live any longer
therein? Or are you ignorant that we, as many as “…before whose eyes Jesus Christ, crucified, was
were baptized into Christ Jesus, were baptized into set forth in a written public proclamation [for all to
Romans Series #12
Galatians Translation
read]?” That is much more profound that just eyewitnesses and ministers of the Word. Who were
‘evidently’ set forth. Why did I translate it that way? the ministers of the Word? The apostles! Yes! This is
basic! They were writing it up and delivering it to
(Interlinear): “O senseless Galatians… [That the disciples—correct? Yes!] …it seemed good to
means without brains; you aren’t even thinking! If I me also, having accurately understood everything
were translating it into German it would be ‘dumb from the very first, to write these things in an orderly
heads’] …who you bewitched, the Truth not to sequence to you, most excellent Theophilus, so that
obey? Whose before eyes Jesus Christ was openly you might know the absolute certainty of the things
set forth among you—crucified?” Look at the two in which you have been instructed” (vs 1-4). Pretty
words: powerful case—isn’t it?
• ‘was openly’—the four Greek letters are In Gal. 3:1 they had Jesus Christ publicly
pronounced ‘proe’ which means before proclaimed in a written proclamation that He was
publicly. crucified; which then is the whole story and the life
• ‘set forth’—those Greek letters are of Christ—correct? Yes! The more I get into the
pronounced ‘graphe’ Scriptures, the more excited I become. I tell you
the whole word is ‘proegrapho’—meaning written. when I was translating this back in Gal. 3:1 and I
• What are the Scriptures called? The saw ‘grapho’ I just about came unglued! I about
Scriptures are called ‘graphe.’ blew out of my seat and smashed my head on the
• What are we then talking about? They had ceiling—WOW! Look at that! Many people won’t
to have had the Old Testament—correct? get excited over that, but I did!
• Was not all the prophecies of Christ Galatians 3:2: “This only I desire to learn
written as a ‘public declaration’ in the Old from you: did you receive the Spirit of God by
Testament? Yes! works of law, or by the hearing of faith? [How are
• What else could this include? This was they going to hear? They are going to hear what?
written in about 54A.D.—what else could What was written! Is that not exactly what we are
this include? New Testament Scripture! doing here today on the Sabbath Day? Are we not
• Could this also have included the book of hearing the words of faith? Yes!] …Are you so
Luke? foolish that after having begun in the Spirit, you are
• Who was Luke? The one who traveled with now being perfected in the flesh [through carnal
Paul; wrote the book of Acts! means]?” (vs 2-3). That’s what Peter was doing—
• What was the first coming of Jesus Christ? wasn’t it? The carnal mean of separating!
• Was it not the most profound event in the Galatians 4:8 (KJV): “Nevertheless then,
history of the world? Yes! when you knew not God… [What is this telling us?
• Should that not have been written about? They had no connection with God! They were
Yes! Gentiles, they knew not God! They weren’t like the
• Was God going to leave the writing of the Jews who had the knowledge of God, but weren’t
New Testament to people who didn’t doing it. These had no knowledge of God.] …you
believe in Christ and let them write it after did service unto them which by nature are no
the death of the apostles? gods…. [Who wants to have religious service done
• Do you think that the new disciples were to them, which are not gods by nature? Demons!]
without written record of Christ? …But now, after you have known God, or rather are
They have found and could date accurately to 54A.D. known by God, how turn you again to the weak and
a fragment of the book of Matthew written in Greek! beggarly elements, unto which you desire again to
Let’s read the first few verses in Luke because this be in bondage? You observe days, and months, and
gets exciting. times, and years. I am afraid of you, lest I have
bestowed upon you labor in vain.” (vs 8-11).
Luke 1:1: “Since many have taken in hand to (AT): “Now on the one hand, when you did
compile a written… [set forth; draw up] not know God, you were in bondage to those who
…narration… [What is that? Writing a history— are not gods by nature…. [What is bondage? Sin!—
correct?] …of the matters which have been fully correct? Yes!] …But on the other hand, after having
believed among us, as they delivered them to us… known God—… [There are two words in the Greek
[Luke is saying, ‘We received some of these written which should be translated ‘on the one hand’ and ‘on
narrations’—right? Yes! It’s like delivering the the other hand’ they are there, but were not
newspaper.] …those who from the beginning had translated by the King James translators. I think it’s
been eyewitnesses and ministers of the Word… good because it shows the contrast.] …rather, after
[What is this telling us? Clearly, those were having been known by God—how is it that you are
Romans Series #12
Galatians Translation
turning again… [What does that mean? Going back Holy Days—period! All of the Protestant theologians
to; they left it and were going back to. It does not say that it does—and it doesn’t! What you’re really
say ‘how are you turning to?’ It’s turning again to.] dealing with is this: You’re dealing with something
…to the weak and impotent elemental spirits… that many of the theologians always do. They go to a
[without power; nothing to it] …to which you again verse to prove their position, but it proves the
desire to be in bondage? You are of your own selves opposite! That’s what we’re dealing with here. They
[not of God] observing days, and months, and times were doing it for themselves.
and years” (vs 8-10).
How many have seen the calendar
Why did I translate that ‘you are your own presentation of the Theraputes and the Essenes. The
selves observing’? This is the other one that I hit the Essenes were a Jewish sect. They were pagan sun-
ceiling when I came to this—this just blew me right worshipers. They were Levites. They believed in
away! In the Greek there is a special form of voice circumcision. They believed in keeping law and
called the middle voice. Let me tell you what that works of law. But, on their calendar—which was a
means and then I’ll try an explain it so you can 364 day calendar—their Sabbath was on a
understand it. ‘Middle voice’ means you are the Wednesday. Is that a day? Yes! Is Sunday a day? Yes!
subject and you are the recipient of your action—you So is Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and
receive your action. It’s all contained in one form of Thursday and Friday! The Sabbath is GOD’S day,
the verb. Let me use a couple of English examples THE Sabbath, the seventh day! Which God, by
here: I [subject] see [verb] the car [object]. Your action of creation, made for us to observe and fellowship with
seeing the car. How could we express something Him on the Sabbath. Does any man have the right to
similar where you received that action. Stand in front do away with what God has created and say, ‘I’m
of a mirror and say: ‘I see myself.’ You are doing the serving God’? NO! Likewise the Holy Days—does
action and you are receiving the benefit of seeing any man have the right to say you don’t keep these
yourself. when God says, ‘You shall keep them’! NO!
This means “…You are of your own selves… So, those were the profound things in
[You’re the subject and the recipient of the action.] Galatians. I know it’s complicated enough even with
…observing days, and months, and times and years.” it. Trust me, brethren, understand this: IF you
In other words, they’re not doing it to God. They are understand these sermons you understand the most
not doing it from the Scripture to God. They are difficult parts of the New Testament, bar none! They
observing it on their own initiative and notice what are technical! They are difficult! But they are also
they are observing: days, months, times and years. understandable! That’s something, I’m amazed! I’ve
got people writing me and telling me they have never,
• Did the Apostle Paul know how to write never heard anything like their getting in this series
‘Sabbath’? Yes! on Romans and this is what it needs to be. They need
• Did he know how to write ‘new moon’? to know the doctrinal onslaught is coming and unless
Yes! you know and you are rooted and grounded in the
• Did he know how to write ‘Holy Day’? Yes! Word of God, you’re going to get swept away—
Colossians[transcriber’s correction] 2:16: “Therefore, do not
allow anyone to judge you in eating or in drinking, Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter;
or with regard to a festival, or new moon, or the except where noted
Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
Sabbaths.” Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
Scriptures in Galatians from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
• If he were talking about the Sabbath, would Galatians, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
he not have said Sabbath instead of days?
Scriptural References:
• If he were talking about the new moon, 1) Galatians 2:11-13
would he not have said new moon rather 2) Acts 10:24-28
than months? 3) Mark 7:1-13, 9, 13
• If he were talking about Holy Days, would 4) John 14:23-24
he not have said Holy Days instead of 5) Acts 10:28-37
times? 6) Acts 15:5-9
Yes! 7) Galatians 2:12-20
Now, let’s look at this again. What were they 8) Romans 6:1-7
doing? They were going back to something they had 9) Galatians 2:20-21
been doing before—correct? They were returning 10) Galatians 3:1
again. Days and months and times and years has 11) Luke 1:1-4
nothing, nothing, nothing to do with Sabbath and 12) Galatians 3:2-3
Romans Series #12
Galatians Translation
Transcribed: 12-10-10
Romans Series #13
Works of Law
We won’t be spending much time in through. First of all he starts out with the whole
Romans today, because what I want to do is follow burnt offering. Leviticus 1:2: “Speak to the children
up on what the various religions have as their works of Israel and say to them, ‘If any man of you brings
of law. Let’s just review a little bit: an offering to the LORD, you shall bring your
offering of the domestic animals of the herd and of
To be justified before God, through Christ, the flock. If his offering is a burnt sacrifice of the
means you have been justified to God the Father in herd, let him offer a male without blemish…. [These
heaven above by faith and belief in the sacrifice of are all rules of law for this work of law. This was a
Christ and His resurrection. Nothing can substitute work of law!] …He shall offer it of his own
for the life, death and resurrection of Christ. No voluntary will…’” (vs 2-3).
other means of justification to God the Father is
possible—period! This is all based upon the heart; This is free choice and will. This was one
repentance and yielding to God, and with this where there was no constraint to do so; ‘Thus says
then—with faith and belief in Christ and receiving the Lord, you shall do this’; but it is one where you
of the Holy Spirit—you remain in a state of grace, feel that you want to express to God at the temple
justified to God on an ongoing basis. your desire to do His will, then you would offer this
as a burnt offering. There is no sin involved with
We do have things that we need to do, but this.
these are done from the heart, first of all loving God
with all your heart, mind, soul and being. Believing Leviticus 2:1—the meal offering. In the
the Word of God—believing God—and keeping His King James many places where it should read meal
commandments is a reflection of your love for Him, offering it is ‘meat offering’; which then confuses
which is entirely different than works of law. A everyone. This consists of “And when anyone will
person who has once been justified this way, if they offer a grain [meal] offering to the LORD, his
turn and go the other way, or if they completely just offering shall be of fine flour…. [There were many
let everything slide away into oblivion by their symbolic things having to do with fine flour.] (and
choice, then there is no more redemption or then): …And he shall pour oil on it and put
justification for them. That can happen, so we need frankincense on it.” If you want a recall good
to understand that. breakdown of the sacrifices, you might get the book
The Law of the Offerings by Andrew Jukes. So, this
Today I want to show what are works of law, is a meal offering. It’s going to be a sweet savor (v
and you’ll recall how I explained that the King 2), and he gives all the instructions for it.
James Version creates some difficulty by saying
‘the works of the law’; it should be ‘works of law.’ I • Leviticus 3—peace offering
want to cover works of law out of the Old • Leviticus 4—sin offering
Testament; works of law out of the Code of Jewish
Law; then I’m going to show works of law from the The reason I’m going to focus on Lev. 4, is because
book My Catholic Faith, which is a catechism book a sin offering is an obligatory, commanded work of
of the Catholics—I think you’ll be surprised how law by God when they sinned.
similar the works of law is similar to what the Jews Leviticus 4:1: “And the LORD spoke to
have. Then I’m going to show some of the things
Moses saying, ‘Speak to the children of Israel,
from Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism and
saying, “If a soul shall sin through ignorance against
Mohammadism or the Muslim religion. I think when
any of the commandments of the LORD concerning
we get done with it we will see; and as we go
things which ought not to be done, and shall do any
though let’s ask: Can any of these things do the
one of them—if the priest who is anointed… [It starts
work that Christ did to bring us to justification; to
out with any of the children of Israel, then he breaks
bring us to forgiveness and grace and salvation? The
it down according to the categories—first of all: the
answer is NO!
priests, then it gives the kind of offering that he will
Leviticus 1—this has nearly all of the bring.] …if the priest who is anointed, sins, resulting
instructions for works of law through the sacrificial in guilt to the people, then he shall bring for his sin,
system. All of these sacrifices constitute a work of which he has sinned, a young bull from the herd, a
law—every one of them! These are the laws for the perfect one, to the LORD for a sin offering. And he
offerings. We’re not going to read every one, but shall bring the young bull to the door of the
we’re going to survey the chapters as we are going tabernacle of the congregation before the
Romans Series #13
Works of Law
LORD…”’” (vs 1-4). I want you to understand Verse 13: “‘And if the whole congregation
something very, very important here: All of these of Israel sins through ignorance…” Then there was
offerings, when they were completed and there was something they were to do. They would bring the
forgiveness given to them, was justification to the offering of the bullocks.
temple or tabernacle only. It was not justification to
God the Father in heaven above. That’s a distinction Verse 15: “‘“And the elders of the
that Paul is making in Gal. 3. congregation shall lay their hands on the head of the
young bull before the LORD, and the young bull
“‘“…and he shall lay his hand on the young shall be killed before the LORD.”’” In every one of
bull’s head, and kill the young bull before the these things the laying on of hands on the animal
LORD. And the priest who is anointed shall take of was a confession and an admission of sin.
the young bull’s blood, and shall bring it to the
tabernacle of the congregation. And the priest shall Verse 22: “‘“When a ruler has sinned and
dip his finger in the blood and sprinkle of the blood through ignorance has acted against any of the
seven times before the LORD, at the front of the veil commandments of the LORD his God, which is not
of the Holy place”’” (vs 4-6). Notice, all of these are to be done, and is guilty; or if his sin which he has
works of law. You’re to do this; you’re to do that; sinned shall be made known to him, he shall bring
you’re to do the other thing—very specifically in a his offering, a kid of the goats, a male without
specific place in a specific manner. blemish”’” (vs 22-23).
“‘“And the priest shall put some of the blood Notice that we are going down in value and
on the horns of the altar of sweet incense before the also in type. First we had the priest, then we had all
LORD, which is in the tabernacle of the Israel, now then we have a ruler, and, v 26: “‘“And
congregation. And he shall pour all the blood of the he shall burn all its fat upon the altar, as the fat of
young bull at the base of the altar of burnt offering, the sacrifice of peace offerings. And the priest shall
which is at the door of the tabernacle of the make an atonement for him for his sin, and it shall
congregation. And he shall lift up from it all the fat be forgiven him.”’” There are two types of
of the young bull for the sin offering: the fat that forgiveness:
covers the inward parts and all the fat on the inward 1. Old Testament forgiveness
parts, and the two kidneys and the fat on them With the exception of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and
beside the loins, and he shall remove the fold above those who were called among the prophets, that
the liver with the kidneys. Even as it was taken from forgiveness was only to the temple or tabernacle.
the young bull of the sacrifice of peace offerings, 2. New Testament forgiveness.
the priest shall burn them upon the altar of the burnt
offering. And the skin of the young bull, and all its Verse 27. “‘“And if any one of the common people
flesh with its head and with its legs and its inward sins through ignorance by doing that which is not to
parts, and its dung, even the whole bull shall he be done against one of the commandments of the
carry forth outside the camp…”’” (vs 7-12). That is LORD, and is guilty, or if his sin which he has
essential to understand in type, referring to Christ sinned shall be made known to him, then he shall
Who was killed ‘without the camp’ as the sin bring his offering, a ewe of the goats, a female
offering. without blemish… [for the ruler it was a male; here
he was to bring a female without blemish] …for his
“‘“…to a clean place, where the ashes are sin which he has sinned. And he shall lay his hand
poured out, and burn it upon the wood with fire. It on the head of the sin offering…”’” (vs 27-29).
shall be burned where the ashes are poured out”’” (v
12). This later became what was known as the Then we come down to the last line, v 31:
Miphkad Altar. The Miphkad Altar was to the east “‘“…and it shall be forgiven him…. [Again, to the
of the temple. They would have to cross the Kidron temple All of this activity was done at the temple. A
Bridge, go up on the Mt. of Olives and there was the work of law!] …And if he brings a lamb for a sin
Miphkad Altar. It was a big altar where they took all offering, he shall bring a female without blemish….
of the sin offerings and they wholly burnt them. [Then all of those things, and the last part of v 35
Every sin offering had to be wholly burnt. They says]: …and it shall be forgiven him.”’”
could not have any participation in eating any of the Then we have other works of law and
meat. It was to be wholly burnt, and then they had a sacrifices that were done. These are the trespass
conduit which came out of the bottom of the offerings (Lev. 5-6). Leviticus 7:1 “And this is the
Miphkad Altar where they would shove the ashes law of the trespass offering….” Everyone of these
down and those would go down into the Valley of was a work of law. Verse 37—this is a summary of
Hinnom or Gehenna. That’s where we get all the all seven chapters: “This is the law of the burnt
wicked will be burned up and be in Gehenna. This is offering, of the grain [meal] offering, and of the sin
where originally comes from. offering, and of the trespass offering, and of the
Romans Series #13
Works of Law
consecrations, and of the sacrifices of the peace has become High Priest of the coming good things,
offerings, which the LORD commanded Moses in through the greater and more perfect tabernacle…
Mount Sinai, in the day that He commanded the [referring the temple in Jerusalem] …not made by
children of Israel to offer their sacrifices to the human hands (that is, not of this present physical
LORD, in the wilderness of Sinai” (vs 37-38). creation). Not by the blood of goats and calves, but
by the means of His own blood, He entered once for
We could go through and show all of the all into the Holiest, having by Himself secured
different things that had in addition to it, beginning everlasting redemption for us” (vs 10-12). Notice
in Lev. 12, after the law of clean and unclean meats. the contrast and the difference. The temple on the
Why is the law of clean and unclean meats not a earth is only temporary. The rituals that went with
work of law in the sense that the others were? That that temporary temple cannot produce the spiritual
is a law and commandment we should keep, but justification needed to put you in right standing with
why is not a work of law? Has to do with health. It God the Father in heaven above—only the sacrifice
does not have to do with a ritual cleansing of sin. It of Christ with His own blood!
has to do with keeping you healthy, and what you
should not eat. Verse 13: “For if the blood of goats and
bulls, and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those
Lev. 12—concerning the situation with birth who are defiled, sanctifies to the purifying of the
and the cleansing of the body. Lev. 13—all the flesh.” It did not purify the heart! Purify the flesh!
things concerning leprosy. This is combination of They were in physical good standing with God; they
health laws and works of law, because when they were justified to the temple. That’s all they needed
were done, when they were cleansed that had to because they were not being called unto salvation.
bathe themselves and offer an offering. All the way That’s why so very few were called before hand.
through in the book of Leviticus we have many, But after Christ came, then there was the calling
many works of law! unto eternal life and unto eternal salvation.
Let’s see what the Apostle Paul wrote Then he gives the comparison here, v 14:
concerning the works of law back in the book of “To a far greater degree, the blood of Christ, Who
Hebrews, chapter nine. This is important for us to through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without
realize; important for us to understand. As we spot to God, shall purify your conscience from dead
covered last time, ‘All were shut up under sin’ (Gal. works… [which are the result of sin] …to serve the
3:22). How could all be ‘shut up under sin’ if their living God.” Notice the complete difference here.
sins were forgiven? This is the argument that
Judaism makes, because they don’t understand the I again want to continue to show the
forgiveness of sin to the temple is different than difference between works of law—which had one
forgiveness of sin to God the Father in heaven operation to justify you to the temple in the flesh—
above, through Jesus Christ—they’re two different vs the calling of God—the justification through faith
operations, completely. in Christ, which God gives by His grace. Then we’re
also going to see something else as we go along,
Hebrews 9:8[transcriber’s correction]: “While the only those who have the Spirit of God are truly
first tabernacle is still standing; which is a symbol justified to God the Father in heaven above. That is
for the present time, in which both gifts and also called the gift of righteousness, which we’ll
sacrifices are being offered that are not able to cover in Rom. 5 when we get there.
perfect the one performing the service, as pertaining
to the conscience” (vs 8-9). God wants a change of Hebrews 10:1: “For the law, having only a
heart, not just a ritual that is done without. He wants shadow of the good things that are coming…” All of
a change of heart—through the circumcision of the these things look toward Christ. That’s why Jukes,
heart—because all the things that are done through in his book The Law of the Offerings goes through
Christ are because of and shows that the
• faith • offerer represented Christ
• love • the priest represented Christ
• believe • the animal represented Christ
—and because you do it from the heart! That’s
what’s so important to realize and understand. —but when you have the real thing, then that which
is in type is completely put away. That’s what Paul
Verse 10: “These services consist only of is telling us here with this.
meat and drink offerings, and various washings and “…and not the image of those things, with
physical ordinances, imposed until the time of the the same sacrifices which they offer continually
new spiritual order…. [That was the coming of year-by-year, is never able to make perfect those
Christ in the New Testament] …But Christ Himself who come to worship.” That’s why Paul is telling
Romans Series #13
Works of Law
the Galatians ‘after having begot in the Spirit are it would be more like a justification of paying a fine
you now being perfected by carnal means?’ No to the judge than it was to have repentance toward
physical, carnal means can do something God and not have a sacrifice. That’s why Psa. 51 is
spiritually. You can clean the flesh, but you can’t so very important with David’s repentance. He
clean the heart without repentance and the Spirit didn’t go offer a sacrifice! These could not take
of God. What does he mean ‘perfect’? The only way away sins. Christ can take away sins. That’s what
you can have an perfection is through Christ! Can the whole thing is all about. I want us to understand
you have any perfection through an animal and really have it clear in our minds that it’s not
sacrifice—which is really of a lower state of possible “…for the blood of bulls and goats should
existence than you—correct? Nothing of a lower take away sins” (v 4)
state of existence can exalt you to higher state in
relationship to God. That’s why Christ had to do Verse 11: “Now every high priest stands
what He did to come and do and be the sacrifice, ministering day by day, offering the same sacrifices
and then be resurrected so the greater can sanctify repeatedly, which are never able to remove sins.”
the lesser, being us. You can never have something That is completely remove it from you; cannot be!
of a lesser value sanctify the greater. Never work! Only to the temple! So, the works of law as
contained in the Old Testament only justified to the
These things God had to portray what—in a temple. They were to be done in specific ways, with
lower sense, because people who are carnal and do specific animals, with specific qualifications of the
not have the Spirit of God—cannot be animals—without blemish and so forth. This
comprehended; the spiritual things of God. So, these justified them to the temple that God would
were given, as Paul said, until the time of continue working with Israel through the temple and
reformation or the time when Christ would come, priesthood. That was it! They could worship God in
when then these things would symbolize—the actual the physical sense. They could pray to God and have
thing of Christ coming and having lived and died their prayers answered, because of this. But they
and being resurrected; then did the heart-cleansing, were not offered salvation, nor were they offered the
the conscience-cleansing, the perfecting through the Holy Spirit. So therefore, they had the physical
Spirit of God—which could not be done with an things which they did. These are Scriptural works of
animal. The Greater is doing the perfecting! As I law.
said last time, if you understand these technical
things that we are covering in Rom. 8, 9 & 10 and Now what happened when the temple was
the one we did on Galatians, then you understand no longer in existence? Let’s go to Matthew 16 and
some of the most technical things in the Scriptures, let’s sort of pave the way. After the temple was
which nearly all theologians do not comprehend in destroyed, they no longer had any means of physical
its fullest extent. justification to the temple. You couldn’t do it. There
was no temple. There was no priesthood. There was
Verse 2: “Otherwise, would they not have no altar. There was nothing, it was gone! God had to
ceased to be offered?…. [If you had something that get rid of it completely, because people always go
made you perfect, you would have nothing else left back to try and do physical things rather than the
to do—correct? That’s why we’re not going to be spiritual things.
totally perfected until the resurrection. That is the
ultimate goal!] …For once those who worship had Matthew 16:6: “And Jesus said to them,
been purified, they would no longer be conscious of ‘Watch out, and be on guard against the leaven of
sin. On the contrary, in offering these sacrifices year the Pharisees and Sadducees.’” We’re going to see
by year, there is a remembrance of sins, because it is why He said that in just a minute.
impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take Verse 12: “Then they understood that He did
away sins” (vs 2-4). not say to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the
Is this a conflict with what we find back in doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” Why
Lev. concerning the forgiveness when they offered would He say that? Their doctrine did not even
them. In offering the animal that would be in lieu of follow the laws in the Old Testament. They were
their life since the ‘wages of sin is death.’ I don’t completely removed from it.
know how much they understood that that was Matthew 23—here’s where He excoriates
actually so, but I think that they understood that they the scribes and the Pharisees, called them
had to be made right at the temple. What this did, ‘hypocrites.’ You can read the whole thing, but I
this justified them to the temple. It forgave them for want to cover, Matthew 23:14[transcriber’s correction]:
their sins in the physical sense, but it didn’t purge “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For
the conscience; it didn’t change the heart. Was it you shut up the Kingdom of Heaven before men…
more a justification of paying a fine than [That’s what physical works of law do. They have
understanding the spiritual things? I would say that you so busy doing physical things that you lose all
Romans Series #13
Works of Law
knowledge of the Kingdom of God.] …for neither have set the Lord always before me.”
do you yourselves enter, nor do you allow those Now then, let’s see what they do with that Scripture
who are entering to enter.” to make a burden grievous to be born:
Verse 23: “Woe to you, scribes and The aforesaid is a cardinal principle in the
Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithes of mint and Torah and a fundamental rule of life
anise and cummin, but you have abandoned the among the pious. For the attitude and
more important matters of the law—judgment, and conversation of a man when he is in the
mercy and faith. These you were obligated to do, presence of a king are not the same as
and not to leave the others undone. Blind guides, when he is in his own home among his
who filter out a gnat, but swallow a camel!” (vs 23- family and his intimates. In the presence
24). What did He mean by that? I don’t think very of royalty a man takes special care that his
many people are familiar with the Code of Jewish speech and demeanor be refined and
Law translated by Ganzfried and Goldin; it has correct. How much more should a man be
literally thousands and thousands of law in it, careful of his deeds and words, realizing
covering every situation of everything that you do in that the Great King, the Holy One, blessed
our entire life, everyday from the time you get up in be He, whose glory fills the whole
the morning until the time that you go to bed. It universe, is always standing by him and
covers everything concerning observing all his doings, as it is said in the
Scriptures: “Can a man hide himself in
• Sabbath laws secret places that I cannot see him?” says
• Holy Day laws the Lord. “Do I not fill heaven and earth?”
• how you should sleep (Jer. 23-24). Bearing this in mind, he will
• how you should dress acquire a feeling of reverence and humility
• what you should do in case of a fire on the and he will be ashamed and afraid to do
Sabbath anything wrong.
• how you should run your family
Judaism and all the rules of law that they have are
• the sexual laws
designed to make you feel guilty of your
• and so forth wrongdoing, which then is the opposite of what God
Let’s survey this book, Code of Jewish Law. If you wants. God wants you to love Him
have never heard of it before, you will have never
• knowing that He will take care of you
understood what works of law really means from the
Jewish point of view. Then when we are done with • knowing that He will forgive your sins
this we will do works of law from a Catholic point • not going around with a complete guilty
of view. We’ll see that all religions have works of conscious all the time.
law. In order to keep up with all of this, they had laws
If you were a good Pharisaic Jew, in order to into minutia. Let’s see how they took this:
have justification you would always have to do (2). A man should be conscious of the
everything that was prescribed. The Jews believe it presence of God even while still lying in
this day. I’ll just have to state that I am not an anti- bed; and as soon as he awakes he should
Semite—please understand that! Jews, and Judaism acknowledge the loving-kindness of the
in particularly, are anti-Christ—you need to Lord, blessed be He, inasmuch as the soul,
understand that! You also need to understand that which was committed to God faint and
Jews are not near Christians. They are far removed! weary, was restored to him renewed and
They have been set aside and rejected by God refreshed, thus enabling him to serve God
because He has chosen the Church (Rom. 9, 10 & devotedly all day. For this is the goal of
11). And by saying that does not mean that the Jews every man; as it is said: “hey are now
are more evil than other people, but here’s what they every morning; great is Thy faithfulness.”
replaced. Remember, they rejected the (Lam. 3:23), which means , every morning
commandments of God, they set aside the man is like a newborn living being…
commandments of God, they made the I don’t feel that way every morning—do you?
commandments of God of none of effect because of
their traditions. …and for this he must thank God with all
his heart. While still in his bed he should
Volume 1; Code of Jewish Law, Chapter say: “I thank Thee, O living and eternal
1: Rules of Conduct upon Rising in the King, Who has mercifully restored my
Morning: soul within me; Thy faithfulness is great.”
(1). [They take a verse from] Psa. 16:8: “I (One may say this prayer although one’s
Romans Series #13
Works of Law
hands are yet unwashed, since the name of on. But as his hands are still unwashed, he
God is not mentioned in it). When saying may not say the benediction on putting it
this prayer, one must pause briefly on.
between the words behemiah (graciously) However, if his hands are washed he may say the
and rabbah (great). benediction.
Now, let’s see what the hand washing was. Here (3). The ritual hand-washing in the
you get a whole blend of paganism. morning is performed as follows….
Remember, if you don’t do this, this is mortal sin!
Chapter 2—Hand Washing in the See why Paul is saying works of law ‘can never
Morning: (1). Since every man upon justify you’? Can this replace the sacrifice of Christ?
rising from his sleep in the morning is like NO!
a newborn creature, insofar as the worship
of the Creator is concerned, he should …Take a cup of water with the right hand
prepare himself for worship by washing and put it in the left; pour some water
his hands out of a vessel, just as the priests upon the right hand. Take the cup back in
used to wash their hands daily out of the the right hand and pour some water on the
wash-basin before performing their service left. This performance is repeated three
in the Temple, (Zohar, quoted in Beth times. It is best to pour the water over the
Joseph)…. hands as far as the wrists, but in case of
Notice, they’re misapplying a Scripture, which was emergency it suffices if the water covers
for priests alone. This is how the minutia comes the hands up to the joints of the fingers….
(5). Before the morning hand-washing,
…This hand –washing is based on the one should not touch either the mouth, the
biblical verse (Psa. 26:6-7): “I will wash nose, the eyes, the ears, the lower orifice
my hands in innocency, and I will or any kind of food, or an open vein,
compass Thy altar, O Lord; that I may because the evil spirit that rests upon the
publish with a loud voice,” etc. There is hands before washing them will cause
another reason given by the Kabbalists… injury to these things.
These are almost like voodoo superstitions—aren’t
Please understand all Judaism is based upon the they? Not much different! This, brethren, is total
Kabbalah. And please understand that all Masonry Satanism! This is not righteousness toward God at
is based upon the Kabbalah. What is the Kabbalah? all, but it is a work of law—would you not agree?
The Kabbalah are the pagan, satanic writings of the
Jews for their secret Judaism mystic religion! (6). It is best to perform the morning
ablution with water poured form a vessel
…for this morning hand-washing; when a by human effort, just as it must be done
man is asleep, the holy soul departs from when washing the hands before meals.
his body, and an unclean spirit descends (See chapter 40, below). But in case of
upon him…. emergency, and one wishes to pray, one
How many saw Fiddler on the Roof? Remember the may wash his hands in any manner, even
section when he was dreaming and saw all these when the water is not poured by human
ghosts and everything like this, that was portraying effort, and one may pronounce the
something like this—evil spirits. benediction: Al netilat yadayim
…When rising from sleep, the unclean (concerning the washing of the hands). If
spirit departs from his entire body, except there is a river or snow at hand, one should
from his fingers, and does not depart until dip the hand in it three times. If, however,
one spills water upon them three times there is no water in any form available, one
alternately. One is not allowed to walk may wipe one’s hands with some material,
four cubits (six feet( without having one’s and say the benediction: “Blessed art…for
hands washed, except in cases of extreme cleansing (not washing) the hands.”
necessity. Afterwards, upon finding water and the
required vessel, one must wash the hands
Concerning garments: properly without pronouncing any
(2). The first garment which a male must benediction.
put on, is the tallit katan (the small four-
fringed garment, commonly known as the Can you imagine trying to keep this in mind? You’d
ara kanforth, four cornered), for one is not go crazy just waking up in the morning. Hold on, I
allowed to walk even as much as four haven’t even started yet! This is men only. How can
cubits without having a fringed garment you keep track of it? That’s why Christ said, ‘You
Romans Series #13
Works of Law
reject, you set aside, you make void the when it is uttered in a secular tongue, like
commandments of God through your traditions.’ Gott in German or Boga in Polish….
There are hundreds and hundreds of these. You
(8). If a person rises from his sleep while it can’t sing hymns in the shower—shame! shame!
is still night, and washes his hands as is But please realize that you have just started. You
required, and then stays awake until dawn; must have the morning benedictions. What may not
or if he falls asleep again while it is yet be done from dawn until praying time.
night; or if he sleeps sixty breaths (about
one-half hour)… Chapter 8: (6). It is forbidden even to
You’re to count these! begin the study of the Torah after dawn.
But if one is accustomed to attend
…in the daytime; or if he is awake the regularly the synagogue service and there
whole night—in all these cases it is is no likelihood that he will overlook the
doubtful whether or not hand-washing is time, one may begin studying after the rise
necessary. He shall therefore, wash his of dawn. One may also study the Torah
hands alternately three times (as prescribed together with others before praying, if they
in paragraph 3), but without pronouncing will have no chance to study later, because
the benediction. the collective merit of a group is very
Chapter 4—Rules of Decency: great….
That’s also in Catholicism.
Oh, now we get into this, this is really something!
…They must take care, however, not to
(1). A person should accustom himself to overlook the time set for praying.
respond to the call of nature once in the
evening and once in the morning… Then you’ve got your fringes. You’ve got to have
What if you have something in-between? your fringe. Then you have phylacteries. Do you
know what a phylactery is? You’ve seen the Jews
…such a habit is conducive to alertness have this little leather thing that they have on their
and cleanliness. right hand; it’s tied with leather tongs up to their
This is sometimes humorous! Hold on! elbow, then they have this leather thing upon their
If he is unable to ease himself, he should forehead; it’s a little round thing. What they do, they
walk a distance of four cubits (six feet), put Scripture and prayers in these. Those are their
repeating it several times if need be; or he phylacteries. Then they have merit badges for their
should divert his attention from other good works that they put on. No wonder Jewish kids
matters…. run away from home! When you see the orthodox
Jews—with their hats, curls, wearing all black—
(go to the next track)
these are the ones that do these things.
He who defers easing himself, is guilty of Chapter 10: (8). No conversation is
violating a biblical command (Lev. 11:43): permitted between the putting on of the
“Ye shall not make yourselves tefillah [fringes] …of the hand and that of
detestable;”… the head [phylacteries]. It is even
Has nothing to do with that! forbidden to wink the eyes or motion with
…and he who defers urination, is also the hands….
guilty of violating the Divine Promise Can’t even do that. There are some others.
(Deut. 7:14): “There shall not be male or Chapter 11—The Mezuzah
female barren among you.” (1). It is a Divine Command to affix a
Now, how does that have to do with that? Nothing! mezuzah to every door of the house….
(2). A man must exercise modestly when What is that? That is the little thing that has the Ten
in the lavatory; he should not expose Commandments written on it! Then it tells who
himself before he sits down… should affix it; how it should be affixed; when
They’ve got all kinds of things with that. Now, should it be; when you should repair it; where it
here’s the one that gets you: should be—above ground/below ground—and so
(14). It is forbidden to speak or to think of
any holy mater in the bathhouse. It is Chapter 12—Purity of Body, and Places
forbidden to utter any name by which the for Holding Services
Holy One, blessed be He, is known, either Chapter 13—The Sanctity of the
in a bathhouse or in a filthy alley, even Synagogue and the House of Study:
Romans Series #13
Works of Law
(4). It is forbidden to eat, drink, or sleep in How many rules do you have to have for silent
places of worship, even if it is only a short prayer?
Thou shalt not sleep in church! (11). It is necessary to bend the knees and
…But it is permissible to sleep there for bow four times while saying the Shemoneh
the sake of a meritorious act [a work of Esreh, at the beginning and at the end of
law], when one, for instance, wishes to the first benediction, and at the beginning
spend the night of Yom Kippur and the end of the benediction Modim (we
[Atonement] in the synagogue. But one give thanks). When we say Baruh (blessed
must keep at a distance from the holy ark. art) we bend the knees, and then we say
It is likewise permissible to have in the attah (Thou) we bow, so that the vertebrae
synagogue a sacramental meal, provided of the spinal column protrude, and we also
there is no drunkenness and no frivolity bow our heads. Before pronouncing the
connected with it. Those who study in the name (Adonai), we slowly raise ourselves
synagogue regularly are likewise allowed to an erect position, for it is written (Psa.
to eat and sleep there even regularly, in 146:8): “the Lord raises up them that are
order that they may not lose time. bowed down.”….
Isn’t that a contradiction? Yes! There is always an (17). If a worshiper feels that a bad odor is
exception! Mormons who have their ‘holy garments’ about to come out of him, and he cannot
can never be without the garment touching them restrain himself, then if he prays privately
someplace. So when they take a shower they can at his own house, he should walk four
hang it on their arm alternately or when they take a cubits either backwards or to his side, let
bath they can hang it on their arm or their foot off wind, wait until the odor vanishes, and
alternately; but they are never, never to be without then return to his place and say: “Master of
their ‘holy underwear.’ the Worlds! Thou hast created us full of
orifices and vessels. Our shame and
Chapter 16—The Shema and its disgrace are revealed and known unto
Benedictions: Thee. We are a shame and a disgrace while
There’s a whole chapter on laws regarding the we are alive, and worms when we are
reading of the Shema: The Shema is a chant. Of dead.” After that he may conclude his
course, they don’t do it, this whole thing denies it. prayer. If a person lets off wind
accidentally at the place where he prays, or
(2). The Shema may be read either sitting when he prays with a congregation and he
or standing. [Thank you] If the worshiper would be embarrassed to walk backward,
happens to be seated, he is not permitted to hen he need not walk away from his place,
rise; but it must not be read while lying nor need he say “Master,” etc., but he
[down]; and if he is already lying, he should wait until the odor vanishes and
should recline to one side. If he is ill and it conclude his prayer.
is difficult for him to lie on his side, then
he should at least incline a little to one The truth is, if your prayer is from the heart, God
side. could care less!
(10). If one has read the Shema privately Chapter 21—The Making Up of Omitted
and then entered the synagogue and found Prayers [that’s like penance]
the congregation reading the Shema, he Chapter 22—The Tahanun (Petition for Grace)
must read the entire Shema with them, so Chapter 23—The Reading of the Torah
that he may not appear as if he does not
wish to accept the yoke of the kingdom of (1). The person who takes the sefer torah out
heaven… of the holy ark to carry it to the reading
The yoke of bondage that they were talking about in They lock the Bible up in their holy ark, then they
Acts 15 and Paul was talking about in Gal. 5—this take it out.
is the yoke! I’m reading it to you. If you be …should walk with it northward, which is
circumcised then you must keep all these laws, on his right side, and when he takes it back
which are called ‘the Law of Moses’—not the Law to the ark, he should walk with it
of Moses as we know in the first five books of the southward. The sefer torah, however,
Bible. should always be carried on the right arm.
It is the duty of every person past whom
Chapter 18—The Shemoneh Esreh (Silent the sefer torah is carried, to accompany it
Prayer) to the reading desk.
Romans Series #13
Works of Law
(2). He, who is called up to the reading of between them, which will serve to wash
the Torah should wrap himself in a fringed the food down and to rinse the mouth.
tallit, and take the shortest way going up to Oh my, you can’t even swallow!
the reading desk, and the longest way
going down. If the two ways are of equal Chapter 34—Laws Concerning Charity
distance, he ascends at his right and Who to give, when to give, how to give, what to
descends at his left. It is customary for the give
person called up to the Torah, not to Chapter 36—The Salting of Meat
descend until after the one called up after
him had said the last benediction. Chapter 38—Laws Concerning Bread,
My, you talk about confusion! Cooked food, and Milk of a Non-Jew
Chapter 24—Laws Concerning “Errors (1). The sages have forbidden us to eat the
and Defects in a Sefer Torah bread of a non-Jew. In some localities,
All about when a letter is there and so forth; many they do buy bread of a non-Jewish baker,
hundreds of laws. either when there is no Jewish baker in that
locality, or when there is one, but his bread
Chapter 27—Study of the Torah is inferior to that of the non-Jewish baker.
(1). Every man should set a certain time However, they are more strict regarding
for the study of the Torah after praying, the bread of a non-Jewish private person…
and he should not utilize it for any other
purpose, even when he expects to make (2). if a Jew has thrown even one piece of
big profits by a transaction…. wood into a non-Jewish oven at the time it
I don’t think that’s enforced! was heated, the bread baked in that oven is
…If he has very important business to no longer considered as the bread of a non-
transact, he should first study at least one Jew.
verse of the Torah or one law, then attend Can you imagine that? Let me put a piece of wood
to his affairs and thereafter, complete his on there. There are many other laws, that’s just the
regular assignment…. bread.
Did you know that the Orioles baseball team in Chapter 40—Washing of the Hands Before
Baltimore has a section for Kosher Jews where they Meals [You’ve got to do it before meals, as
can go down and they can do this very thing—that well]
they can pray at the seventh inning stretch, they can (1). Before eating bread over which the
have their Kosher food, they can say their prayers, benediction Hamotzi (who bringeth forth)
then they go back up and enjoy the game—on the is said, one must wash his hands first. If the
Sabbath! So they have their little Torah thing down bread is no less than the size of an egg, he
there. must say the benediction for washing
Chapter 28—The Scroll and Other Holy hands; but if it is less than that, he need not
Books say the benediction.
Chapter 29—Moral Laws [hundreds of (2). The water used for washing the hands
them!] must be poured out of a vessel that is
Chapter 30—Tale-bearing, Slander, perfect, having neither a hole nor a crack. It
Vengeance and Bearing a Grudge [all must also be even at the top without any
kinds of things concerning that] indents or projecting parts. When using a
vessel having a spout, we must not let the
Chapter 33—Things Forbidden Because water run through the spout, because that
They are Dangerous [pay special attention part is not the vessel…
to this] You pour it to the side, etc. This is something! Now
(1). It is forbidden to eat fish together with you know what it means to be an Orthodox Jew.
meat, even with poultry fat, because it is
dangerous. One should not roast meat and Chapter 43—Benedictions Over Special
bake fish at the same time in a small over, Courses, During Meals
unless either one or the other is covered; You pray all the time: ‘O Lord, thank You for this
but it may be done in our ovens which are bite; thank You for this grape; thank You for this
large. potato’ in a special benediction.
(2). If one eats fish immediately after Chapter 44—Laws Concerning the
eating meat, or vice versa, one should eat Washing of Hands and the Saying of Grace
some bread or drink some beverage After Meals
Romans Series #13
Works of Law
Chapter 46—Forbidden Foods [All kinds (9). On seeing a great Jewish scholar,
of stupidity in there.] distinguished for his knowledge of the
(35). Fruits that usually have worms when Torah…
they are attached to the tree, may be eaten (10). On seeing a king of any of the
without examination, if twelve months nations…
have passed from the time they have been (11). On seeing graves of Israelites…
picked off the tree, as no boneless creature Then they give all the benedictions to say.
can exist longer than twelve months, and (13). On seeing an Ethiopian, or a red
they have therefore, become as dust. Indian, or an Albino, or a freak, or a giant,
However, as it is possible that the fruit has or a dwarf, or one who is wholly ulcerous,
become wormy after being picked, it or one whose entire hair is matted, or an
should be examined and cleansed from all elephant, or an ape, we say: “Blessed art
worms and animalcula found upon the Thou, O Lord our God, King of the
surface. Afterward they should be4 placed universe, who varies the forms of His
in cold water and thoroughly stirred. As creatures.”….
the worms and worm-eaten particles will
rise to the surface, they should be thrown (14). On seeing for the first time a lame
away…. person, or one without hands or, feet, or a
Did you know that? Do you have a pan of cold blind person, or one who is afflicted with
water next to you… Africans wouldn’t do that, they leprosy, or with scurfs, if they have been
love termites. Can you imagine converting an thus afflicted from birth, we say the
African to being an Orthodox Jew? benediction…
Then they have a whole list of things concerning
Volume 2—Chapter 48—Benedictions commerce and what you should do with that. The
Over Five Species of Grain long and the short of it is, if you do it cleverly and
Benediction for each one and then over Matzo and according to the law you can cheat the Gentiles.
over bread that is not Matzos.
Chapter 67—Vows and Oaths
Chapter 49—Benedictions Over Wine and Chapter 71—The Order of the Night
Hatov Vehametiv Long rules! You have rules before going to bed.
Chapter 50—Benediction Said Before Chapter 72—The Holiness of the Sabbath
Enjoying Food and Drink These are some of the lesser laws:
(11). A Jew must read every week the
Chapter 51—The Concluding Benediction entire weekly portion of the Torah…
You’re praying all the time! That’s why Jews run They have set out: read this, read that, read the
around mumbling under their breath. They’re really other.
praying. (12). On Friday, one must wash the face,
Chapter 53—Benediction Over Soup, hands and feet in warm water, and if
Fruit, and Vegetable Extracts possible, one should bathe the whole body
Chapter 55—Order of Precedence Relating in warm water and then immerse in a ritual
to Benedictions pool.
Chapter 56—Benedictions Pronounced (14). On Friday one must wash his head,
Erroneously pare his nails, and cut his hair if too long.
So, if you get the wrong one, you’re in deep trouble! Finger and toe nails should not be cut on
Romans Series #13
Works of Law
the same day. Nor should the nails and the closer to the wick, and then one will be
hair be cut on Rosh Hodesh (New guilty of “igniting.” Two persons,
Moon)… however, may read one subject out of one
book, because if one will attempt to tilt it,
(19). The law permitting us to place the other one will remind him. It is,
victuals in an oven on Friday, even when however, the prevailing custom to permit
its door is not sealed with mortar, applies studying before the light of our modern
only to meat, or peas, or any kind of candles, in which the tallow or the wax
dough….then the door must be sealed with firmly sticks to the wick. But one must
mortar…. If one puts a pot of coffee into a make a certain mark, so as to remember
hole in the ground on Friday… not to snuff off the wick. According to the
It’s more work to dig a hole and put a pot of coffee view of Maimonides, the last named act is
in the ground and then cover it to keep it warm than a violation of a Mosaic Law….
to turn on an electric switch. All these had to do (2). It is forbidden to open a door or a
before electricity came along. window opposite a burning candle, lest the
Chapter 73—Work Done by a Non-Jew on flame be extinguished; but one may close
the Sabbath [a non-Jew can do certain the window or the door. It is forbidden to
things and so forth] open or to close the door of an oven in
Chapter 74—Embarking on a Vessel on which a fire is burning, for by so doing,
the Sabbath [to go on a ship] one either increases or decreases the fire.
(3). Pouring boiling gravy on pieces of
(1). We must not board a sea-going vessel bread or matzah is forbidden. Once should
the three days preceding the Sabbath, that first pour the gravy into a dish, let it cool
is from Wednesday on. But if we are off until it is fit to eat…
bound on a sacred mission, we may (4). It is forbidden to place fruit or water
embark even on a Friday. upon a hot stove, because the water might
(2). It is permissible to board a river boat, boil and the fruit might bake….
even on a Friday, even if the boat is pulled (5). On the Sabbath, it is forbidden to store
by animals. away victuals in any wrapping, even if it
Chapter 75—The Sabbath Candles [you would not increase its warmth….
have to light the candles and it’s more You’re going to love this one:
meritorious if you light more] (25). The law forbidding “construction”
Chapter 76—Prayers on Sabbath and applies also to edibles, as for instance,
Festivals making cheese, or arranging fruit in a
Chapter 77—The Kiddush and the Sabbath certain orderly way. Therefore, when
Meal [prayers for Sabbath meals] making a salad of sliced onions and eggs
(20). On the Sabbath, it is forbidden to or the milt of herring, one must be careful
abstain from food, even for a short time for not to arrange them symmetrically, but put
the purpose of fasting. And it is forbidden them on the plate at random.
to abstain from eating until noontime, even In other words, just slop your food out—that’s all
if it is not intended as a fast. right on the Sabbath.
(21). It is forbidden to grieve over any (27). Whatever a Jew is forbidden to do on
distress, God forbid, but one should pray the Sabbath, is forbidden also to have it
for mercy to the Master of Mercy. done through a non-Jew. Nevertheless, in
(22). On the Sabbath one should partake the winter time, since it is permissible to
generously of fruits and delicacies, and make a fire in the stove through a non-Jew
inhale sweet odors, in order to complete for the purpose of heating the house, the
the total of one hundred benedictions…. custom prevails that the non-Jew places
Can you imagine that every Sabbath, a hundred the cold victuals on the stove before he
benedictions. makes the fire; since the intention in
making the fire is not to warm the victuals
Chapter 80—Some Labors Forbidden on but to heat the house….
the Sabbath Let’s have a law around it!
(1). It is forbidden to do work that requires (29). It is forbidden to wipe anything with
concentration before a lamp. The Rabbis a sponge that has no handle.
have forbidden this, lest one forgets and (30). It is forbidden to spit in a place where
tilts the lamp in order to bring the oil the wind will scatter the saliva.
Romans Series #13
Works of Law
These are all on the Sabbath! Messiah will return instantly! Then the work of law
brings the Messiah! They believe it to this day. How
(31). A maiden is forbidden either to make can they think it pleases God? It doesn’t!
braids or to take them apart on the
Sabbath. From My Catholic Faith:
(35). If one is caught in the rain and his Commandments of the Church [which then
clothes get wet, he may go home and are works of law!] When does the Catholic
remove the clothes, but he is not allowed Church have the right to make laws? The
to spread them out so that they may dry… Catholic Church has the right to make laws
(36). If one walks and reaches a brook, one from Jesus Christ...
may jump over it even if it is wide; Not so!
jumping is better than the effort of walking Who said to His apostles, the first bishops
round about it…. of His church, “Whatsoever you bind on
What if he’s short and falls in the middle of it? earth shall be bound in heaven.”
(37). If one goes to perform a religious Now, let’s look at some of these:
duty, such as a meeting his father, his The first commandment of the Church is
teacher, or a person greater in wisdom than this: What sin does a Catholic commit,
he is, he may cross the stream, providing who through his own fault misses mass on
he does it in an unusual manner, for a holy day or a Sunday, day of obligation?
instance, if he does not remove his hands A Catholic, who through his own fault
from underneath the overcoat, so as to misses mass on a Sunday or a holy day of
remember not to wring the clothes. obligation commits mortal sin.
(38). Wet mud on a garment may be Then he must do penance. Then it gives all the other
scraped off with a fingernail or with a commandments: Liturgically worships the sacrifice
knife, but not when it is dray, for it is then of the mass. Here’s the second commandment—fast
equivalent to the act of “grinding.” days. Here are their laws:
(42). On the Sabbath, it is forbidden to A fast day is a day in which only one full
paint anything even with a dye that is not meal is allowed. But in the morning or
permanent. Therefore, a woman is not evening some food may be taken—the
allowed to use rouge. When our hands are quantity and the quality of which are
colored by fruit juice, we must not touch determined by the approved local custom.
any garment, because we thus dye it. We
are likewise forbidden to wipe a bleeding Are we obligated to observe fast days in
nose or wound with a cloth. the church? Who are? All persons between
the ages of 20-59 are obligated to observe
(46). It is forbidden to untie any knot the fast days of the church.
which may not be tied on the Sabbath….
I have solved that problem! I have elastic Then they have days of abstinence. Partial
shoestrings and I tie them once a year. abstinence.
(52). It is forbidden to catch any living When a great concourse of people or if the
thing on the Sabbath, even a flea, but if an public health is concerned a bishop can
insect stings a person, it may be removed grant a dispensation.
and thrown off, but one is not allowed to Forty days fasting of Lent
kill it, because it is forbidden to kill on the
Sabbath, anything that possesses life. It is, Let’s go to the third and fourth commandment of the
however, permissible to kill lice, since church:
they are created only by perspiration What is meant by the commandment to
(nevertheless, those found on clothes may confess our sins at least once a year?
not be killed, but should be thrown off; That’s a commandment of the church, a work of
only those found in the head may be law!
killed). By the commandment to confess our sins a
least once a year is meant we are strictly
There’s a perfect example of the letter of the law obligated to make a good confession
conceived by the mind of man to have minutia to within the year if we have a mortal sin to
cover every detail. The whole purpose of all these confess.
Jewish laws is, that if you fence a person in and
make them do all these things, then they cannot sin. Then it gives all the things concerning the graces
When all Jews everywhere all keep the law, then the that go with it.
Romans Series #13
Works of Law
Romans Series #13
Works of Law
appearance of wisdom in voluntary worship of They say there are 339-million gods; that’s why you
angels, and self-abasement… [they’re worshipping see all of these things on their temples and
their own will] …and unsparing treatment of the pyramids, and so forth. It goes through all the things
body, not in any respect to the satisfying of the that they need to do. it talks about vegetarianism and
needs of the flesh” (22-23). And that’s what it is what they must do with that. It gives a whole
with Hinduism and Buddhism—they neglect the dissertation on that.
flesh; they actually run things through their ears,
nose and mouths and hung with hook on their back, Re-incarnation [coming back in the flesh]
lay on spikes—those are all works of law! Karma [circumstances you go through]
Why do Hindus regard the cow as sacred?
Here are the four noble truths that Buddhism We cannot give anything away that it
describes; to be fully understood: comes back to you. A few years ago in the
Madris, an American devotee said to me,
1. the universality of suffering “Shall I give money to the beggar who is
2. to be abandoned—the desire to control asking?” I said, “Give him ten rupees.”
things which causes suffer
3. to be made visible the final liberation of People who ask if cows are considered
nirvana, which is achieved as the cause sacred should understand that Hindus
of suffering is eliminated. regard all living creatures as sacred—
4. the mind experience is complete and mammals, fish, birds and more. The cow
total liberation; to be brought into symbolically represents all living creatures
being to the Hindu. The cow represents the life
and sustenance of life in the Hindu. It
Truth of the Eight-fold Path: represents our soul, our intellect, our unruly
1. right understanding emotions. The cow supercedes us because
2. right thinking it is so giving, taking nothing but grass and
3. right speech grain.
4. right conduct
5. right livelihood A Hindu has to change his name.
6. right effort
7. right mindfulness Islam and the Muslims:
8. right concentration Five pillars of Islamism: Every action done
Works of law! with the awareness that it fulfills the will
Confucianism: of God is considered to be an act of
worship in Islam.
Respect and religious ritual
Love within the family Declaration of Faith
Love of parents for their children and Here are the five pillars:
children for their parents Prayers are prescribed five times a day as
Reciprocity among friends duty toward God [a work of law!] Fasting
Honest in business transactions during the month of Ramadan—this means
Kindness and benevolence toward abstention from food, beverages and sex
strangers from dawn until sunset
Loyalty to the state, coupled with But woe! Look out for the night!
elementary democracy within the village Zakat is a proportionally fixed contribution
Confucianism does not contain all of the collected…
elements of some other religions like All of them have: you got to give—everyone of
Christianity and Islam. It is primarily an them.
ethical system. Oneness of God
It gives some of the doctrines of Confucius and what Concept of human right
he had to say. I won’t get into that. Mohammad Islamic religion
Oneness of God
Oneness of mankind
Hindu Oneness of messengers and message
God and gods of Hinduism: Devotion to They’re setup for the one-world government, too!
God and the gods of Hinduism is known as It’s all going to happen!
‘bhakti.’ Great indeed are the gods which Other related aspects:
has sprung out of Brahman calendars
Romans Series #13
Works of Law
diet Now maybe you will understand those
place of worship Scriptures even more. Can you, after receiving the
holy days Spirit of Christ, follow any of these codes of Jewish
law? Follow any of the code of Catholic law? or if
Contributions in North America: we had a detailed thing concerning the code of
Muslims are not established in North Islamic law? or Buddha law? or Hindu law? Would
America. The Sears Tower and the John that make you right before God? No! It cannot!
Hancock Building were designed by a
Muslim chief architect. Only the greater can justify the lesser!
I did not know that! Probably was a Mason. Then it The lesser cannot justify himself to the greater!
tells about Allah. Many, many works of law that Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R.
they have. Someone brought me a Life Magazine Coulter; except where noted
today: Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
The Mystery of Mary—2000 years after Scriptures in Galatians from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
Galatians, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
the Nativity, the mother of Jesus is more
beloved, more powerful and controversial Scriptural References:
than ever before.
There’s a great ‘Mary movement’ going on. This 1) Leviticus 1:2-3
woman in Georgia has thousand of people come 2) Leviticus 2:1
there and she gets messages from Mary. There are 3) Leviticus 4:1-13, 15, 22-23, 27-29, 31-32, 35
apparitions that happen to the sun. What she does, 4) Leviticus 7:1, 37-38
she gives them works of law: pray more; have more 5) Hebrews 9:8-14
‘hail Marys’ and ‘our fathers’; pray with the rosary 6) Hebrews 10:1-4, 11
everyday. All of those things are works of law! 7) Matthew 16:6, 12
8) Matthew 23:14, 23-24
Romans 3:20: “Therefore, by works of law 9) Colossians 2:18, 20-23
there shall not be any flesh justified before 10) Romans 3:20
Him…” Now do you understand why? No works of 11) Galatians 2:16-18
any law puts you in right standing with God in 12) Galatians 3:2
heaven above. That can only be done with the
sacrifice of Jesus Christ! No work of Jewish law! Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
No work of even Biblical law can do that! Keeping
the commandments is required, but that doesn’t • Leviticus 2:2; 3; 5-6; 12-13
replace Christ. Christ, for example, is ‘Lord of the • Galatians 3:22
Sabbath.’ Sabbath-keeping does not replace the • Romans 5. 8-11
Lord. Do you understand that? It cannot! • Psalm 51
Galatians 2:16: “Knowing that a man is not • Acts 15
justified by works of law, but through the faith of • Galatians 5
Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus,
in order that we might be justified by the faith of Also referenced: books:
Christ, and not by works of law; because by works My Catholic Faith by Louis La Ravoire
of law shall no flesh be justified!” Law was not Code of Jewish Law by Solomon Ganzfried & Hyman Goldin
made to justify you to God the Father in heaven The Law of the Offerings by Andrew Jukes
above. Only Christ can do that!
“Now then, if we are seeking to be justified Transcribed: 12-10-10
in Christ, and we ourselves are found to be sinners,
is then Christ the minister of sin? MAY IT NEVER
BE! For if I build again those things that I
destroyed, I am making myself a transgressor” (vs
Galatians 3:2: “This only I desire to learn
from you: did you receive the Spirit of God by
works of law, or by the hearing of faith?…. [—
which led you to repentance and baptism?] …are
you so foolish that after having begun in the Spirit,
you are now being perfected in the flesh?” (vs 2-3).
Romans Series #14
Romans 4:1-8
Epistle of Romans XI
Chapter 4:1-8
Fred R. Coulter—February 1, 1997
Romans 3:31: “Are we, then, abolishing law nation of Israel that were given to Abraham—you
through faith? MAY IT NEVER BE!…. [Don’t even have the two of them combined here in ‘a great
let this thought come into existence! The King nation.’ What will be the greatest nation on earth
James translates it ‘God forbid’ but that is when Christ returns? Spiritual Israel, the Church,
completely incorrect.] …On the contrary, we are the bride of Christ—correct? Yes! So keep that in
establishing law.” mind.
Then what he does in Rom. 4 is use “…And I will bless you and make your name
Abraham as an example. It is also a very important great…. [Everything that was done—from the Old
thing for us to understand. In establishing law, what Testament—from this time forward always relates
is that God is doing with the Holy Spirit? He is back to the name of Abraham. When we come to the
giving us the heart, the desire and the ability to keep New Testament, that also relates back to Abraham.
the law the way He wants it kept. That’s why you’re His name is great!] …And you shall be a blessing.
establishing law. And I will bless those that bless you and curse the one
who curses you. And in you shall all families of the
We have here the beginning of the operation earth be blessed’” (vs 2-3). Now, you might put there:
of grace. Grace, as we know, is one of the most
misunderstood topics. Let’s get a comparison. Rom. • spiritually through Christ
4 is dealing with the individual. There are lessons for • physically through Israel
each one of us on an individual basis. That’s why it all the nations will be blessed.
begins with Abraham. You will find that Rom. 4-8
all deal with the individual. When you come to Rom. “Then Abram departed, even as the LORD
9-11 you dealing with the other half of Abraham’s had spoken to him….” (v 4). Which translated in
promises—that he received from God—having to do another term means Abraham obeyed the voice of
with the nation Israel and the calling of Israel and God—correct? Yes! We’ve covered that, and we’ve
what God did there. We’re also going to cover quite keyed in on that several times, but I want to read it
a few things concerning Abraham—Old Testament into the record here. We always begin with what we
and New Testament. I want to cover Rom. 4 as it know; the simple and easy to understand and then
pertains to the things that are there as it pertains to we begin to build toward the more difficult—build
Abraham. ‘precept upon precept, line upon line’ and put the
whole spiritual story together.
Here, Gen. 12, God is dealing with Abraham
on an individual basis—one-to-one. That’s why it’s Genesis 26:4—God is talking to Isaac: “And
so very important that our relationship with God be I will multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens
that same way. That’s we are to learn. We are and will give to your seed all these lands….”
accountable and responsible to God on a one-to-one Spiritually and physically! We are all as Isaac (Gal.
basis. 4). Is God going to give all these countries to Christ
and the Church when Christ returns? Yes! We can
Genesis 12:1: “And the LORD said to also not only think of this as spiritual and physical,
Abram, ‘Get out of your country, and from your but we can also think of past and future—when
kindred, and from your father’s house into a land Christ returns. Do they have to come through Israel
that I will show you.’” When this statement was for those blessings? Yes!
made, this was right after the great apostasy led by
Nimrod and the Tower of Babel and the world going “…And in your seed shall all the nations of
for all the pagan religion of the goddess-worship and the earth be blessed… [that ties in physically and
everything that you would read of in The Two spiritually.] (Here is the reason, not because of what
Babylons that overspread the whole earth. Right of Isaac did—Isaac was the seed of promise):
the middle of this, God called Abraham. And he …because Abraham obeyed My voice… [(see
said: sermon Obey the Voice of God!) That is the key,
profound, important thing! When God deals with
Verse 2: “‘And I will make of you a great someone on a one-to-one basis, the most important
nation….” This has tremendous significance thing is believing God and obeying His voice!]
spiritually and physically, because there were …and kept My charge… [whatever God would say
promises that were spiritual promises given to emphatically to do] …My commandments, My
Abraham and there were physical promises for the statutes, and My laws’” (vs 4-5).
Romans Series #14
Romans 4:1-8
Who’s laws are they? God’s! Since the Jacob as God Almighty [El Shaddai]. But I was not
covenant to Israel was based on the promise given to known to them by My name JEHOVAH [YHVH].’”
Abraham, and God gave laws to Israel, what did (vs 1-2). That’s important for us to understand. That
God say concerning His laws that He gave to Israel? also helps substantiate that not only did Moses bring
Whose were they? They were God’s laws—correct? together certain documents, to bring the book of
Do you suppose that God gave one set of laws to Genesis together, but that he also wrote in there the
Abraham and his household and a different set of YHVH because God was not known by that name
laws to Israel? Of course not! No! Since everyone until He began dealing with the children of Israel. At
likes to think there was no law until it was given at least to say, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did not know
Sinai, they’re dealing with a period of 2,500 years. Him by the name Jehovah, but El Shaddai or God
Do you suppose that God would allow the world to Almighty. So that’s another thing for ‘sacred
go without His laws and commandments for a little namers’ to remember. If you want to get back really
over half of the whole history of the world? No! to the faith once delivered, why not just go to El
Let’s go to Exodus and we will clear up
another little problem. Let’s see the first thing that Again, God reiterates, after the children of
God told Moses when He called him. This is the Israel sinned (Ex. 32), and He told them He would
story of the ‘burning bush.’ Exodus 3:4: “And the eliminate all the children of Israel and He would do
LORD saw that he had turned aside to see. God it through Moses. This is what He said to Moses
called to him out of the midst of the bush, and said, when He said that He would fulfill His promise
‘Moses! Moses!’ And he said, ‘Here I am.’ And He through him.
said, ‘Do not come near here. Put off your sandals
from your feet, for the place on which you stand is Exodus 33:1: “And the LORD said to
Holy ground.’…. [The ground was Holy because Moses, ‘Depart, go up from here, you and the people
God’s presence was there. Same way with us; we’re whom you have brought up out of the land of Egypt,
a Holy people because we have the Spirit of God in to the land which I swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and
us.] …And He said, ‘I am the God of your fathers, to Jacob, saying, “To your seed I will give it.”’”
the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God Moses intervened and God said, ‘Okay’—He would
of Jacob.’…. [Even in beginning to deal with Israel, do it. However, in Exo. 32, He said, before Moses
it goes back to Abraham.] …And Moses hid his intervened, ‘Stand aside and I’ll fulfill My promise
face, for he was afraid to look upon God” (vs 4-6). through you.’ Again, He reiterates Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob.
Verse 13: “And Moses said to God, ‘Behold,
when I come to the children of Israel, and shall say Deuteronomy 1:8—just before they’re ready
to them, “The God of your fathers has sent me to to go into the promised land, He does exactly the
you,” and they shall say to me, “What is His name?” same thing again. “Behold, I have set before you the
What shall I say to them?’ And God said to Moses, land. Go in and possess the land which the LORD
‘I AM THAT I AM.’…. [That is very important, has sworn to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and
especially when you get into the Gospel of John and to Jacob, to give to them and to their seed after
into the book of Revelation. (see sermon I AM). This them.” Whenever God does anything major, it is
literally means I will be what I shall be. In other ‘Abraham, Isaac and Jacob’—always! Going back to
words, whenever God begins dealing with someone, the fathers. That would be an interesting study for
He has a name that goes with the covenant. We’re you to do: look up all the places where it says
going to see this in just a minute.] …And He said, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Old Testament and
‘Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, “I AM the New Testament. I think you will be quite
has sent me to you.”’ And God said to Moses again, shocked at how many times it’s mentioned.
‘You shall say this to the children of Israel, “The Let’s come to the New Testament now, the
LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, book of Luke, chapter one. I don’t think that we
the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me have noticed this before quite in this way, in
to you. This is My name forever, and this is My title relationship to the prayer of Mary. Notice that Mary
from generation to generation”’” (vs 13-15). had to also have understanding of the Scriptures. She
However, when He was dealing with Abraham, also had to have understanding of the prophecies.
Isaac and Jacob, you find something a little different. She also had to understand what God was doing.
Exodus 6:1 “And the LORD said to Moses, Luke 1:46: “Then Mary said, ‘My soul
‘Now you shall see what I will do to Pharaoh; for magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has exulted in God
with a strong hand he shall let them go, and with a my Savior; for He has looked upon the humble
strong hand he shall drive them out of his land.’ And estate of His handmaid; for behold, from this time
God spoke to Moses, and said to him, ‘I am the forward all generations shall count me blessed,
LORD. And I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to because the Mighty One has done great things to me,
Romans Series #14
Romans 4:1-8
and Holy is His name; and His mercy is toward working, but who is believing on Him… [Not only
those who fear Him, from generation to generation. do you have to believe what God says, you have to
He has worked strength with His arm; He has believe on Him—the Father and Christ] …Who is
scattered the haughty in the imagination of their justifying the ungodly, his faith… [because of
hearts. He has put down rulers from thrones, and has believing] …is reckoned for righteousness.” There’s
exalted the lowly. He has filled the hungry with quite a bit in here. ‘Righteousness’ means right
good things, and the rich He has sent away empty. standing with God the Father in heaven above
He has helped His servant Israel, in remembering because of being justified. Let’s cover ‘Who is
His mercy, exactly as He spoke to our fathers, to justifying the ungodly.’ Does that mean that God—
Abraham and to his seed forever’” (vs 46-55). So, even looking at the wicked in the world—
even Mary knew! automatically justifies the ungodly? NO! Something
has to be done. Is it a work? It can’t be a work,
What I want to do with this is show that it because you’re not going to obligate God! What is it
began with Abraham; everything else continued with that a sinner has to do? Repent! That is an action, but
Abraham through Isaac, through Jacob, through it is an action from what? The heart! From within!
Israel and they all refer back to Abraham and to That cannot be purchased. That has to be something
‘Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.’ May did exactly the that you choose; something from you innermost
same thing here. It’s very important for us to being that you do.
understand this, when we realize how God deals
with each of us on an individual basis. There’s a Let’s go to Matthew 21—here’s a little
reason for it. lesson for us in this. It has to be something that you
choose to do—to do the will of the Father. Here’s a
Romans 4:1: “What then… [this then is comparison. This is based upon belief and action:
answering the question concerning how you Christ was asking the Pharisees that were gathered
establish law.] …shall we say that our father around Him, Matthew 21:28: “But what do you
Abraham… [Notice he didn’t go to Jacob. He think? A man had two sons, and he came to the first
didn’t go to Benjamin, because Benjamin was the one and said, “Son, go work in my vineyard today.”
tribe from which Paul was a descendant of. So even And he answered and said, “I will not”; but
New Testament grace, all New Testament theology afterwards he repented and went. Then he came to
is based upon Abraham.] …has found according to the second son and said the same thing. And he
the flesh? For if Abraham was justified by works… answered and said, “Sir, I will go”; but he did not go.
[we’ve covered in great detail works of law.] …he Which of the two did the will of the father?’ They
has a basis for boasting, but toward God. For what said to Him, ‘The first one.’ Jesus said to them, ‘I
does the Scripture say? ‘And Abraham believed tell you truly, the tax collectors and the harlots are
God, and it was imputed to him for righteousness.’ going into the Kingdom of God before you….
But for the one who is working, the reward is not [Because the tax collectors and harlots repented.]
reckoned as a gift; rather, it is reckoned as an …For John came to you in the way of righteousness,
obligation” (vs 1-4). That makes it much easier to and you did not believe him [Matt. 3]; but the tax
understand. collectors and the harlots believed him. Yet you,
If you agree to work for someone for ‘thus after seeing this, did not afterwards repent and
and such’ amount of money, and you have a contract believe him’” (vs 28-32). There is a clear example
which you signed, or you have a verbal agreement that God is not going to justify anyone unless there
which you have agreed—are not those thing due you is repentance and action based upon that repentance,
upon completion of work? Is it not then an and it must be from the heart!
obligation? You cannot obligate God by what you It’s very interesting, when you talk about the
do! So this is not an employer/employee contractual scribes and the Pharisees, not only were they
labor contract agreement. This is beginning to bring unclean in what they did, but Jesus said they were
us into the understanding of grace. So, “…for the ‘unclean within’; like sepulchers. That’s why the
one who is working, the reward is not reckoned as a New Covenant has to do with the heart. God wants
gift; rather, it is reckoned as an obligation” (v 4).
• a change of heart
Now we are talking about something entirely
different. Now we are talking about how does God • a change of mind
make an individual right? Put in right standing with • a belief in Christ
Him, because God will only deal with those people Here’s how there is repentance. Let’s go back to
that He puts in right standing with Himself on an Psalm 51—here is David’s repentance after the
individual basis—that’s what we’re talking about affair with Bathsheba. This is really a tremendous
here. example of the right kind of repentance. Psalm 52:1:
Verse 5: “Now, to the one who is not “Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Your
Romans Series #14
Romans 4:1-8
lovingkindness; according to the greatness of Your righteousness… [put in right standing with God.
compassion, blot out my transgressions. Wash me You believe in God the Father and Jesus Christ and
thoroughly from my iniquity… [internally, mentally, accept that sacrifice and let God apply that to you.
spiritually] …and cleanse me from my sin, for I That is counted as righteousness. It doesn’t mean
acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is ever that you do not keep the commandments of God, of
before me” (vs 1-3). When you sin like David did, course you do! But this righteousness is a great right
that sin just kind of beats in the forefront of your standing with God!] …just as David also declares
mind constantly, especially when God leads you to the blessedness of the man to whom God is imputing
repentance and you come to see how evil the evil righteousness separate from works” (vs 5-6).
really is. Then you realize that it’s ever before you.
What is the difference between repentance
Verse 4: “Against You, You only, have I and a work? Repentance comes from the heart and
sinned…[Let’s understand something here. You can that’s toward God on an individual one-to-one
sin against an individual, because you violate them relationship. A work would be like for the Catholics,
one way or the other. But that sin is still against do so many ‘hail Marys’ and ‘our fathers.’ Or like
God. Did not David do that with Bathsheba and the Jews, when one sins he should go out and do
killing her husband, and causing Joab to put him in good works to compensate for it. That is the
the forefront of the battle and the whole deceptive difference. You could do the work without
thing to try and cover it? Yes! You can even sin repentance and then go to God and say, ‘I have done
against your own body, as Paul says if you commit this, therefore, You must accept me.’ NO! God is
adultery, fornication (1-Cor. 6). And sinning against saying, ‘I want the inside clean, I want the heart
your own body means that you can reap all of those clean, I want the repentance from the inside.’ So,
things which come from fornication, every bit of it: that’s separate from works.
mental turmoil, possibility of disease, everything
that goes along with it—you sin against your own Verse 7: “‘Blessed are they whose
body, but ALL sin is against God. Repentance has to lawlessnesses [iniquities] are forgiven, and whose
begin by going to God and then you go to your sins have been covered. Blessed is the man to whom
brother. the Lord will not in any way impute sin’” (vs 7-8).
“…and done evil in Your sight, that You Let’s go back to the book of Psalms and see
might be justified when You speak and be in the how this operates. Psa. 32 is where this quote is
right when You judge. Behold, I was brought forth taken from—Psalm 32:1: “Blessed is the man whose
in iniquity… [Talking about having the law of sin transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
and death within him. His mother did not commit Blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not
adultery and then conceive David, but this is just impute iniquity and in whose spirit there is no guile”
talking about the whole sinful nature of human (vs 1-2). You can see what this repentance does.
nature.] …and in sin did my mother conceive me. ‘where there is no guile’ means taken away all the
Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts… inner hypocrisy! There is no secret agenda. There is
[that’s what God wants cleaned up] …and in the no saying one thing with your mouth and then
hidden part You shall make me to know wisdom. denying it with your heart—that’s guile!
Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash Verse 3: “When I kept silent, my bones wore
me, and I shall be whiter than snow” (vs 4-7). You away through my groaning all the day long, for by
can tie this in with Isa. 1, when God calls upon Israel day and by night Your hand was heavy upon me…
to repent. [correction to lead him to repentance] …my strength
was sapped as in the heat of summer. Selah” (vs 3-
Verse 8: “Make me to hear joy and 4)—think on this! So God’s hand was heavy to bring
gladness… [because after repentance, then it brings him to repentance. It is God, as we saw (Rom 2:4)
forth the joyful fruits of righteousness afterwards] that it is ‘graciousness of God which leads you to
…that the bones which You have broken may repentance’—true, deep heartfelt repentance, God
rejoice. Hide Your face from my sins, and blot out leads you to.
all my iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (vs 8-10). Verse 5: “I acknowledged my sin to You…
That’s the kind of repentance that God wants. When [you’re not to confess your sins to a priest; to God!]
it talks about God justifying the ungodly, that’s what …and my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, “I will
it means. When the ungodly, as David was in his confess my transgression to the LORD,” and You
behavior with this and what he did, when he forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah…. [Stop and
repented then God forgave him. think and meditate on this!] …For this reason let
every godly one pray to You in a time when You
Romans 4:5: “…Who justifies the ungodly… may be found…” (vs 5-6). That says an awful lot,
[upon repentance] …his faith is reckoned for too—doesn’t it? That there’s a time to repent and
Romans Series #14
Romans 4:1-8
there’s a time to change—when God may be found! until your right, I’ll guarantee you one thing: You’re
There are going to be an awful lot of people, I’m going to be miserable. You are going to be
afraid, that are going to find there’s going to come a depressed. You are going to feel cutoff because you
time when God will not hear, when He cannot be are. You can’t make yourself right. Can you, with
found. Just like He told Jeremiah, ‘Don’t pray for what you do, do the work of the sacrifice of Christ?
this people. Don’t raise up a voice, I won’t listen to No! So therefore, you can’t make yourself right,
you.’ because the only thing that makes you right is
“…surely in the floods of great waters they
shall not come near him. You are my hiding place… Psalm 86:1: “Bow down Your ear, O LORD,
[righteousness/right standing with God] …You shall answer me, for I am poor and needy…. [That’s all of
preserve me from trouble; You shall encircle me us all the time] …Preserve my soul, for I am Holy…
with songs of deliverance. Selah. You said, ‘I will [that is chosen of God and have God’s Spirit] …O
instruct you… [this is coming from God—He’s You my God, save Your servant who trusts in You.
going to instruct us] …and teach you in the way Be merciful to me, O LORD, for I cry unto You all
which you should go; I will counsel you, My eye day long. Rejoice the soul of Your servant, for to
shall be upon you. Be not like the horse, or like the You, O LORD, do I lift up my soul, for You,
mule, which have no understanding—which must be LORD, are good [gracious] and ready to
harnessed with bit and bridle, else they will not forgive… [God has given a promise that if you
come near you.’” (vs 6-9). repent He will forgive. (see booklet: Grace of God)]
and rich in mercy to all those who call upon You.
In other words, don’t be like a horse or a Give ear, O LORD, to my prayer, and attend to the
mule. What’s that old saying: How do you get a voice of my supplications. In the day of my trouble I
mule to understand? You hit them right between the will call upon You, for You will answer me” (vs 1-
eyes with a two-by-four! Unfortunately, there are a 7). Don’t wait until the trouble overwhelms you.
lot of people today that not even the two-by-four is
doing any good. They say, ‘You’re speaking evil of (go to the next track)
me.’ No! It’s a call to repentance. The next thing to Call on God first! Look to Him!
happen is that God will build a fire under them.
Psalm 85:1: “O LORD, You have shown
Notice what happens if you act like a horse favor to Your land; You have brought back Jacob
or a mule, v 10: “The wicked has many sorrows… from exile…. [This is also a prophecy of the
[because they don’t repent and they refuse to heed.] bringing of Israel together again.] …You have
…but His steadfast love surrounds him who trusts in forgiven the iniquity of Your people; You have
the LORD…. [Think how many times has the mercy covered all their sins. Selah…. [Only God can do
of God, through His angels, protected us and God that!] …You have taken away all Your wrath; You
just kept us from a lot of stupidity and evil and have turned from the fierceness of Your anger….
wretchedness; just taking us out of the way. We [Joel 2 & 3] …Restore us, O God of our salvation,
don’t know! I think at the resurrection we’ll find out and cause Your anger toward us to cease. Will You
many, many times!] …Be glad in the LORD and be angry with us forever? Will You draw out Your
rejoice, you righteous; and shout for joy, all you anger to all generations?…. [Sometimes if you
upright in heart” (vs 10-11)—because you’ve had neglect God you’ll feel like that.] …Will You not
the heart-cleaning. give us life again, so that Your people may rejoice in
In this kind of repentance and the kind of You? Show us Your mercy, O LORD, and grant us
justification that God wants to give, God wants you Your salvation. I will hear what God the LORD will
to repent when you know that you have sinned. If speak; for He will speak peace to His people, and to
you wait until you’re right—which is a contradictory His saints, but let them not turn again to folly” (vs 1-
statement. If you sin and then say ‘I can’t pray 8). And oh my, that’s sure a good warning today.
because I’ve sinned.’ or ‘I’ll go to God when I make Don’t let the people of God “return to folly.”
myself right.’ We’ve all done that—haven’t we? But “Surely His salvation is near to those who
it needs to dawn on us. How can we, as individuals, fear Him, so that glory may dwell in our land. Mercy
make ourselves right and then go to God and say, and Truth have met together; righteousness and
‘God, I’ve made myself right, now You forgive me peace have kissed each other. Truth shall spring out
for this sin.’ What are you trying to do? You’re of the earth, and righteousness shall look down from
trying to earn forgiveness—correct? That then is a heaven. Yea, the LORD shall give that which is good,
work—is it not? Yes! That’s why you have to repent. and our land shall yield its increase. Righteousness
As soon as you know you have sinned, shall go before Him and shall set us in the way of
repent in that instant! That’s what you need to do. His steps” (vs 9-13)—so that we follow and walk in
I’ll tell you what, if you think you’re going to wait His steps.
Romans Series #14
Romans 4:1-8
Let’s go to 1-John, the first chapter, and let’s understand their sins and recover themselves from
show that in the New Testament. I think it’s very that.
important for us to realize that the New Testament
consistently carries forward all of those things which Let’s show that this is something that we
we find in the Old Testament. Many of those things need to consider every single day and every
concerning repentance and salvation in the Old single time that we pray. Has to do with our
Testament are prophecies for what is happening prayers, Matthew 6:9: “Therefore, you are to pray
today. This ties in with the kind of relationship—the after this manner: ‘Our Father Who is in heaven,
one-to-one relationship—that God wants us to have hallowed be Your name; Your kingdom come; Your
is tied in with Abraham, and the lesson that we are will be done on earth, as it is in heaven…’” (vs 9-10)
going to learn in Rom. 4. When you were praying this, ‘Your will be done on
earth’—what does that mean? Right here on the
1-John 1:6 “If we proclaim that we have earth! But when you are particularly praying that;
fellowship with Him, but we are walking in the that is that God’s will be done in your life, that on an
darkness, we are lying to ourselves, and we are not individual basis is what it means. God’s will is going
practicing the Truth. However, if we walk in the to be done on the earth, without a doubt! There’s no
light, as He is in the light, then we have fellowship way it’s not going to be done, so that means in your
with one another… [individual relationship, the own life.
fellowship with God the Father and Jesus Christ first
and then one with another second] …and the blood “‘Give us this day our daily bread; and
of Jesus Christ, His own Son, cleanses us from all forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our
sin…. [and that means from every sin] …If we say debtors… [we need forgiveness everyday—don’t
that we do not have sin… [therefore, we don’t need we? Why? We still have the law of sin and death in
to repent] …we are deceiving ourselves, and the us! I doubt if there is one day we could ever say, ‘I
Truth is not in us” (vs 6-8). Tie that in with what we have lived a perfect day today.’ I will not be raising
just covered in Psa. 51—He wants Truth in the my hand on that one!] …and lead us not into
inward parts; what we covered there in Psa. 85-86 temptation, but rescue us from the evil one….
about Truth inside. [Notice how that follows right on the heels of
forgiving our debts and our sins.] …For Yours is the
Verse 9: “If we confess our own sins… Kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
[repentance to God through Christ] …He is faithful Amen.’…. [Notice that it doesn’t stop right there.]
[unwavering] and [just] righteous, to forgive us our “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your
sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” heavenly Father will also forgive you” (vs 11-14).
That’s what it means that God ‘justifies the ungodly’
upon repentance—that’s what it’s talking about. The Notice how much this forgiveness and
Jews, for Judaism, mock this and say, ‘Well, we repentance is to involve; not just for the self. It’s one
don’t read in the Old Testament that God justifies thing to say, ‘Father, forgive me, but not him.’ If
the ungodly.’ They don’t go through the whole God grants forgiveness to you, don’t you want God
operation of how it’s done. You will see that to grant that to someone else? Should you not be
Judaism says you have to be your own redeemer. willing to forgive someone else? Yes! It’s also based
upon our choices and our decision. This thing of
Verse 10: “If we say that we have not sinned, justifying the ungodly has quite a bit more to do than
we make Him a liar… [You talk about the height of just the flat statement of it. This has to do with your
sin; making God a liar! People can make God a liar interaction of other people, more than just people in
in many ways, by saying ‘God didn’t mean this general. You don’t have to ask God to forgive the
when He said thus and such.’ or ‘God didn’t mean grocer down the street that you just walk in and buy
that we were to keep the Sabbath.’ or ‘God didn’t something from whenever you buy it, because he
mean we were to keep the Holy Days.’ What you’re hasn’t done anything to you. If he rips you off and
doing, you’re saying God is a liar. And we’re going overcharges you $20 and you go down and try and
to have to really get these things straight and lay it get that taken care of, and he does do it, then you
out for everyone to understand.] …and His Word is forgive him and so forth.
not in us.”
Quite a discussion here on what it means to
How can you have the Word of God in you if forgive men their trespasses and if you don’t then
you make God a liar? If God is true and Holy and God won’t forgive you. Does that mean that you
righteous, and perfect, and you make Him a liar, is forgive someone as Bill Cosby already forgave the
God going to stand still for that? Is any man going to man who killed his son, though they don’t know
continue in that without some kind of punishment who it is. That’s fine. I hope that he really has. That
and recompense upon them? NO! Without a doubt doesn’t mean that the killer won’t be brought to
it’s going to come! Hopefully, they will repent and justice, nor will justice not be executed upon him.
Romans Series #14
Romans 4:1-8
Also, it has to do with Matt. 18—if your brother sins feeling because how then can you love and help that
against you and repent then you will forgive him person at a later date? You cannot do it! Very
‘seven times seventy.” There has to be repentance profound! Very important! All of this comes to bear
involved in it. in Rom. 4 and having to do with Abraham, and
having to do with the whole principle of how God
What if there is someone who does not deals with people. What have we been talking
repent and has done some terrible, evil, personal about? The heart and the mind! We’ve been talking
things to you—how do you handle that? You ask about the inner work of belief and faith vs the outer
God to give you a forgiving heart so that when or if work of works; and the outer work of circumcision.
they repent, you will be able to forgive that
individual. The reason is, God does not want you to Let’s come back to Romans 4:8: “Blessed is
go around carrying these burdens of unforgiveness the man to whom the Lord will not in any way
in your heart, because that’s where bitterness impute sin.” Once they have been forgiven (Psa.
comes from. That’s why all of these things are very 103). He forgives all of our sins and all of our
important. That’s why this thing of coming to God, iniquities and removes them from us as far as the
where He justifies you, grants you His Spirit, leads east is from the west.’ And when there is, there is no
you to repentance, all come together in this. It’s not imputing of sin. How can there be if it’s forgiven? If
just that single statement—all of it! That’s why you it’s totally covered by Christ? That is the
have to put together all of the Word of God so that blessedness of grace!
you have a full understanding.
Verse 9: “Now then, does this blessedness
Classic example: Many people have never come upon the circumcision only… [the so-called
forgiven Herbert Armstrong for what he did. They ‘chosen people’] …or also upon the uncircumcision?
have remained bitter, hostile, angry—you can put For we are saying that faith was imputed to
any name in there you want, but I use that one Abraham for righteousness…. [That’s what the
because many are familiar with it. I talked to one Scripture says.] …Therefore, in what condition was
man on the phone and as soon as I mentioned his it imputed?…. [Paul has a great big ‘gotcha!’ for all
name, BAM! it was nothing but bitterness, hatred of the technicalities and all the legalists of the Jews,
and a diatribe—I couldn’t believe it! Did his lack of because now they can go back and read in Gen. 15
forgiveness to Herbert Armstrong cause him great when this was given. Then they can go back and
problems with God and other people? Yes! Now read when he was circumcised.] …While being in
then, the reason you are to forgive someone like that, circumcision, or in uncircumcision? Not in
or anybody, is because God may lead the individual circumcision, but rather in uncircumcision” (vs 9-
to repentance. I’m sure that God led Herbert 10). Very important! Belief was from the heart!
Armstrong to repentance. This is what set that man
afire when I said it, because he couldn’t conceive And he received the sign of circumcision, as
that God would lead him to repentance. a seal of the righteousness of the faith that he had
while in the condition of uncircumcision… [which is
Just go back and read 1-Chron. 35 about true, but we are going to see that there were two
Manasseh. God can lead anyone He desires to distinct covenants—actually three altogether: Gen.
repentance, if they have a willing heart. I think that 15; 17, 22. All three of those were separate
Herbert Armstrong did, and I think that he repented. covenants with different circumstances.] …for the
Now what are all these bitter people—who are purpose of becoming the father of all those who are
hostile and angry against him—going to do? That’s believing… [That goes right back to Gen. 12:1-2: ‘I
why Paul has given this. Then on a personal, will make you a father of many nations’—for those
individual basis—problems with a marriage, with who are believing.] …though they have not been
husband/wife, with divorce—that are lying deep in circumcised, in order that the righteousness of faith
the bosom. then there has to be an attitude of might also be imputed to them” (v 11).
forgiveness toward that individual so that if and
when they repent then you can go ahead and say ‘I So, not only do we have the law, but we also
forgive you, too.’ If you don’t forgive then it’s going have case history. What Paul is doing in a legal
to cut you off from God and your Father is not going sense is what? He’s using a legal term which is
to forgive you your trespasses. God makes it very called ‘precedent.’ Precedent is the ground of law.
important for you. He gives you incentive—doesn’t Precedent is what God has done, which then took
He? place before the circumcision occurred, so therefore,
that was purposefully done by God so that He could
call all of those who were not circumcised and bring
What if you go to God and say, ‘I know I them to the faith of Christ. That’s what he’s saying.
have to forgive this individual’ but I really don’t
want to. Then what do you do. That’s a place to Verse 12: “And for him to become the father
start. You need to do that; you need to get rid of that of circumcision, not just to those who are of the
Romans Series #14
Romans 4:1-8
circumcision only, but also to those who are walking your heir; but he that shall come forth out of your
in the footsteps of the faith of our father Abraham, own loins shall be your heir.’…. [What proof? God
which he had while in the condition of did not take him down to the local health food store
uncircumcision. For the promise to Abraham, or to and buy him potency pills. He did not give him a
his seed, that he should be heir of the world, was not secret potion. What did He do? There was not works
through law; rather, it was through the righteousness involved—right? Right!] …And He brought him
of faith; because if those of law be the heirs, then outside and said, ‘Look now toward the heavens…
faith is made void, and the promise has been made [Why is this so important? What did Jesus say?
of no effect” (vs 12-14). That’s why he started with Heaven and earth may pass away, but My Word
the promise. shall not!] (So if He takes him out and shows him
the heavens at night and He says): …and number the
Genesis 15—we will look at the detail of stars—if you are able to count them.’ And He said to
when this occurred. Then we will compare that with him, ‘So shall your seed be.’” (vs 4-5).
James 2, because there is supposedly a conflict in the
Bible—which there never is. And the conflict is • What was the only thing that Abraham
supposedly that James says that Abraham was could do?
‘justified by works’; Paul says Abraham was • Was there a work? No!
‘justified by faith.’ Let’s look at the faith one first. • Was there something that God said go do
Genesis 15:4: “And behold, the Word of the and it will happen? No!
LORD came to him saying, ‘This man shall not be But He showed him the heavens. If God is standing
your heir…” That’s a very interesting thing we need right next to you and showing you the heavens and
to understand. showing you the stars that He has created and says,
• Was the proclivity there for Abraham to do ‘I’m going to give you seed from your own body
some kind of work? Yes! and they’re going to be just like all of these stars’—
• Was the proclivity there—and it’s with • You believe!
everyone of us—to do something for God? • You believe that God told you the truth!
‘We’ll tell God how to do this’—right? Or we will • You believe that God was able to perform
misapply a law that God already had to the wrong it!
circumstances. That belief in the Word of God and the goodness of
Verse 1: “After these things the Word of the God—though yet unfulfilled—was counted as
LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, ‘Fear not, righteousness! Verse 6: “And he believed in the
Abram, I am your shield and your exceedingly great LORD. And He accounted it to him for
reward.’ And Abram said, ‘Lord GOD, what will righteousness.” So there was no work to do! No
You give me since I go childless, and the heir of my commandment to follow! Correct? Yes!
house is this Eliezer of Damascus?’…. [This was Let’s go to the book of James and let’s look
one of the laws: If you have no seed you can take at the other account, and we will see that lo and
your chief servant and you can appoint him as your behold there is no contradiction at all. James 2:18:
heir.] …And Abram said, ‘Behold, You have given “But someone is going to say, ‘ You have faith, and
no seed to me; and lo, one born in my house is my I have works.’ My answer is: You prove your faith
heir.’” (vs 1-3). to me through your works, and I will prove my faith
to you through my works. Do you believe that God
Now he didn’t just exactly understand what is one? You do well… [He’s saying, ‘That’s no big
was going to happen—right? He was called at age deal, everybody ought to know that.’] …to believe
75 and now we’re probably dealing with about 85 at this. Even the demons believe—and tremble in fear.
this particular place, and the promise was given, but But are you willing to understand, O foolish man,
never received. How is God going to make of him that faith without works is dead? Was not Abraham
the ‘father of many nations’ and the whole ‘world be our father justified by works when he offered up
blessed in him,’ and his wife through all these years Isaac, his own son, upon the altar?” (vs 18-21).
of marriage didn’t have single child. Lo and behold
many times they probably tried and tried and tried Are we talking about Gen. 15 or Gen. 22?
and after being about 85-years-old you get a little We’re talking about two different occurrences—
weary in trying—correct? You’ve pretty well correct? This one of offering up Isaac was in Gen.
concluded that nothing is going to happen—right? 22, different occurrence. Was there something he
Yes! was to do? Yes! If he believed God, was he to do
what God said? Yes!
Verse 4: “And behold, the Word of the
LORD came to him saying, ‘This man shall not be Verse 22: “Do you not see that faith was
Romans Series #14
Romans 4:1-8
working together with his works, and by works his Ephesians 2:8: “For by grace you have been
faith was perfected? And the Scripture was fulfilled saved through faith, and this especially is not of
which says, ‘ Now Abraham believed God, and it your own selves; it is the gift of God, not of
was reckoned to him for righteousness’ ; and he was works… [that you do of your own initiative] …so
called a friend of God…. [He added a little bit to that no one may boast…. [One of the works of
it—didn’t he? Yes, he did! He added: and he was a Abraham that he thought of was: ‘Let it be Eleazar,
friend of God.] …You see, then, that a man is my chief servant’—correct?] …For we are His
justified by works, and not by faith only” (vs 22- workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto the good
24)—when works are required! You have to works… [that’s how faith is made perfect; by good
understand that. works.] …that God ordained beforehand in order
that we might walk in them” (vs 8-9). That’s the way
What work could Abraham do after God of the Lord; to walk in them! That’s what Abraham
said, ‘Look into the heavens and I’m promising you did. Here is the work that Abraham had to do: In
that that’s how your seed is going to be.’ He’d obeying the voice of God, does this conflict with
already been doing the works and trying for how what he did in Gen. 15? No!
many years—correct? Yes, indeed! This occurrence
was that there was something he had to do. • he believed
Verse 25: “Now, in the same manner also, • counted to him for righteousness
was not Rahab the harlot justified by works when, • Isaac was born
after receiving the messengers, she sent them out a However old he is at this particular case, it says
different way? For as the body without the spirit is ‘lad.’ I would have to say he would probably have to
dead, in the same way also, faith without works is be just before 20-years-old, after thinking that
dead” (vs 25-26). through again—when this occurred. Otherwise you
Let’s see that God commanded him to do wouldn’t call him a ‘lad.’ When he’s 21, he’s a man.
something, and let’s recall what we started out with in Genesis 22:5: “And Abraham said to his
Genesis. 26:5: “Because Abraham obeyed My voice young men, ‘You stay here with the donkey, and I
and kept My charge, My commandments, My and the boy will go yonder and worship, and come
statutes, and My laws.” again to you.’ And Abraham took the wood of the
Genesis 22:1: “And it came to pass after burnt offering and laid it upon Isaac his son…. [That
these things that God tested Abraham, and said to was quite a task. Think about that! Of course, Isaac
him, ‘Abraham!’ And he said, ‘Here I am.’ And He knew what was going to happen—carrying the wood
said, ‘Take now your son, your only son Isaac… for his own death.] …And he took the fire pot in his
[Ishmael was not counted as his son, though he was. hand, and a knife. And they both went together. And
Why? Because Ishmael came from Hagar!] …whom Isaac spoke to Abraham his father and said, ‘My
you love, and go into the land of Moriah, and offer father.’ And he said, ‘Here I am, my son.’ And
him there for a burnt offering upon one of the he said, ‘Behold the fire and the wood. But where
mountains which I will tell you.’ And Abraham rose is the lamb for a burnt offering?’…. [He knew!]
up early in the morning and saddled his donkey, and …And Abraham said, ‘My son, God will provide
took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his Himself a lamb for a burnt offering.’ So they both
son. And he split the wood for the burnt offering, went on together” (vs 5-8).
and rose up and went to the place of which God had That’s faith, too—isn’t it? That had to be
told him. Then on the third day Abraham lifted up imputed to him for righteousness—correct?
his eyes and saw the place afar off” (vs 1-4). He was Believing, even in spite of doing the things that had
doing everything that God said. If you believe God said to do. Yes, God will provide! Great lesson for
are the works you are to do? Yes! If God says, us—right? Even at the last minute, God will
‘Remember the seventh day, to keep it Holy’—the provide—correct? And with every temptation He
Sabbath Day—‘and do no work in it’—what are you will provide a way of escape—won’t He? Yes! There
to do? You’re to observe the seventh day Sabbath as it is!
God said! Verse 9: “And they came to the place of
which God had told him. And Abraham built an altar
Let’s tie this all together; there are works we there and laid the wood in order. And he bound his
are to do! Let me call your attention to what Jesus son Isaac and laid him on the wood, upon the altar.
said to all of the churches: ‘I know your works!’ And Abraham stretched out his hand and took the
Did He have things to say about their works? Yes! knife to slay his son…. [Did everything that God
Did He say He was going to judge them by their said right down to the last detail!] …And the angel
works? Yes! Some of their works were not the good of the LORD called to him from the heavens and
works which God ordained for them to walk in. said, ‘Abraham! Abraham!’ And he said, ‘Here I
Romans Series #14
Romans 4:1-8
am.’ And He said, ‘Do not lay your hand upon the voice.’” (vs 16-18).
lad, nor do anything to him, for now I know that
you fear God…” (vs 12). So we conclude where we began. Is that not
important? That’s why everything for the New
Look at all the trying and testing that he Testament is based upon the faith and belief of
went through, and God finally said, ‘Now I know’! I Abraham on an individual, one-to-one
think that’s what God wants to know from us today. relationship, so that you can be in right standing
Does God now know that we love God and fear with God.
Him, and will do the things that He wants us to do?
Are we going to have the same faith as Abraham? Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter;
except where noted
And that’s the whole story, which Paul is writing Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
about in Rom. 4, and that James is writing about if Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
we have the faith that we say we have—are we Scriptural References:
going to do the things that God wants us to do? 1) Romans 3:31
“…now I know… [And I think that’s what 2) Genesis 12:1-4
coming upon the Church today—God wants to 3) Genesis 26:4-5
know, and know without a doubt!] …seeing you 4) Exodus 3:4-6, 13-15
have not withheld your son, your only son, from 5) Exodus 6:1-2
Me.’…. [I don’t care what the Arabs say, this was 6) Exodus 33:1
NOT Ishmael! There’s no way it can be.] …And 7) Deuteronomy 1:8
Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked. And, behold, 8) Luke 1:46-55
behind him a ram was entangled in a thicket by its 9) Romans 4:1-5
horns…. [I believe God instantaneously created a 10) Matthew 21:28-32
perfect animal sacrifice as a substitute.] …And 11) Psalm 51:1-10
Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up for 12) Romans 4:5-8
a burnt offering instead of his son. And Abraham 13) Psalm 32:1-11
called the name of that place The LORD Will 14) Psalm 86:1-7
Provide; so that it is said until this day, ‘In the 15) Psalm 85:1-13
mount of the LORD it will be provided’” (vs 12-14). 16) 1 John 1:6-10
17) Matthew 6:9-14
Then we come to the final, concluding 18) Romans 4:8-14
promise to Abraham. God swearing by Himself! 19) Genesis 15:4, 1-6
This is why everything—Old Testament and New 20) James 2:18-26
Testament—on into the Kingdom of God all hinges 21) Genesis 26:5
upon Abraham all of the way through. Verse 15: 22) Genesis 22:1-4
“And the angel of the LORD called to Abraham out 23) Ephesians 2:8-9
of heaven the second time, and said, ‘By Myself 24) Genesis 22:5-18
have I sworn,’ says the LORD…” (vs 15-16).
Everything that God does because of Abraham was Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
because God has sworn by Himself. It doesn’t • Galatians 4
depend on the goodness of the offspring— • Exodus 32
• Matthew 3
• though He hopes they would be good
• 1 Corinthians 6
• though He hopes they would obey Him
and be righteous • Isaiah 1
• though He hopes they would keep Him as • Romans 2:4
their God • Joel 2; 3
“…‘because you have done this thing, and have not • Matthew 18
withheld your son, your only son; that in blessing I • 1 Chronicles 35
will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply • Psalm 103
your seed like the stars of the heavens… [Started • Genesis 17
right out where we began in Gen. 15. What are the Also referenced:
saved going to look like in their glory? The stars of Book: The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop
heaven! This is referring to the spiritual seed.] …and Sermons:
as the sand which is upon the seashore…. [That is
the physical seed, the physical children of Israel.] • Obey the Voice of God
…And your seed shall possess the gate of his • I AM
enemies. And in your seed shall all the nations of the Booklet: The Grace of God in the Old Testament
earth be blessed, because you have obeyed My FRC:bo Transcribed: 12-17-10
Romans 14—B.S
Romans 14—A Bible Study
Fred R. Coulter—March 7, 2009
This is a special Bible study. I have that’s the meaning here. Does not have anything to
accumulated some questions that have come in do with Holy Days.
concerning various topics in the Bible, and so we
will look at those and analyze those, and answer the Now in that vein, what was my approach to
questions concerning it. translating the New Testament and the Old
Testament? Well, first of all the Bible tells us, ‘Your
Now first of all, let me give you just a little Word is truth.’ The Bible says that
background in my thoughts and approach of first
translating the New Testament, and then with the • Your commandments are true,
great help of Michael Hiest—who’s in the back row • Your laws are true, and
there and he believes in what Jesus said. I told Mike • Your Word is true from the beginning.
that I could handle the English part of it if he would So what was given in the original books of Moses;
handle the Hebrew part of it—and he’s done a the Prophets; the Writings; the Gospels; the General
wonderful job of going through and bringing up to Epistles; the Epistles of Paul; the book of
clarity and everything up to what we need to have so Revelation; the originals were inspired directly by
it accurately reflects the Hebrew and gives us the God and Paul calls them God breathed. Now always
sense of what it’s really talking about. remember this, because the excuse comes up, ‘Well,
Now the first question is--let’s come to men wrote it’—true, but remind them of Baalim.
Amos 3:3. Now someone sent me a question on this Because Baalim was a false prophet; Baalim wanted
because on a Church of God website, they put up to do his own thing; Baalim wanted to have the
there that Amos 3:3 means that to walk together money, and when he got up to curse, what
means to have an appointment. Now it could mean happened? God made him bless. Right? Simple
that in the Hebrew, but they stretched it to mean that answer—if God can made Baalim speak the truth,
that applies to the appointed Feasts of God, which it who is an inveterate liar and greedy and covetous,
doesn’t. So let’s read it here. can He make men dedicated to God write the truth
and put it in the way that He wants it? Of course.
Amos 3:1 (pg 672): “Hear this word that the
LORD has spoken against you, children of Israel, Now let’s come to 2-Peter, the first chapter,
against the whole family which I brought up from and we’ll see how Peter brings it out. So we
the land of Egypt, saying, ‘You only have I known approach all of God’s Word as truth, which means
of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish that we need to get the best Hebrew text and the best
you for all your iniquities’” (vs 1-2). Now that’s Greek text to translate from. And that’s why we have
what we’re going through today, and I’ve got a letter the commentary concerning which text, how do we
coming out (a nine page letter) showing that it’s not know which one, and so forth. We have all of that
the physical problems or the economic problems that covered there in the commentary. Now here’s
are our problems, it’s the underlying spiritual another reason that Jesus did what He did, because
problems behind that; that the nation needs to repent just like with us, I’m sure in our lives in coming to
of. Because the economic problems, the political God, what did God do with us? Was there a signal
problems are only a reflection of the moral problems point in your life that you can look back and
and the one who was elected president was elected remember and say, ‘Yes, God started dealing with
by the majority of people who believe very similar me here.’ Everyone can raise a hand, right? Yes,
to what he believes. So we are seeing some of the indeed. The twelve apostles were with Jesus three
punishment here. and a half years and He took Peter, James, and John
up to the Mount of Transfiguration. He didn’t take
Verse 3: “Can two walk together unless they all twelve, just those three; and was transfigured
be agreed?” Now walking together means you walk before their eyes and they saw Moses and Elijah
with God in His way. Now you could stretch it to talking, kind of like we would say today, in a vision
mean an appointment, but to stretch it further to would be like a television projection, only from
mean an appointment with Feast days—though that God. And what was the message from God directly
may be generally a true premise—that is not what to those three apostles? ‘This is My Son, My beloved
the verse means. It means just what it says. If you’re Son, in whom I am delighted. Listen to Him.’ Now
going to be on God’s side, you walk with Him. God that burned in their minds.
is not going to compromise and come on your side,
your way. You have to repent, and come to God on Now let’s take Peter one step further.
His side and walk in His way. Most of the Christian Remember in the last chapter of the Gospel of John,
denominations of the world have it backwards. So when the disciples were out there fishing, and Jesus
Romans 14—B.S
came and fixed the fire alongside the shore. They and New Testament—is God breathed.’ So what I
hadn’t caught anything so He said, ‘Throw the net am doing, I’m covering this to see the Bible
down on the other side,’ and they brought in a approach on what we need to do, and the Bible
fantastic haul of fish. And after they were done approach on how I did the translating because when
eating, Jesus said to Peter, ‘Peter, do you love Me?’ I read the question here, you’ll understand.
He said, Yes, Lord, I love you. He said, ‘Feed My “…which you do well to pay attention… [Which he
sheep.’ Now I won’t go into the particulars of the said he was going to write it so they would
two different words of love there. That’s for a more remember it] …as to a light shining in a dark
in-depth study. place… [The Word of God is a light, in darkness;
Christ is the Light of the world; the world is
So He asked him a second time, ‘Peter, do darkness, so this is for us who are living in a dark
you love Me?’ And he said, ‘Yes, Lord, you know I world; but we know how to live our lives because of
love you.’ He said, ‘Shepherd My sheep.’ So He the light of the Word of God.] …until the day
asked him the third time—now why did He ask him dawns… [that means the return of Christ] …and the
three times? That’s the juxtaposition of denying morning star rises in your hearts” (v 19). That’s the
Christ three times, right? He said, ‘Peter, do you resurrection, because those who are resurrected are
love Me?’ He said, Yes, Lord! He was grieved. He going to what? Shine as the stars of heaven. Dan. 12
said, ‘Feed My lambs.’ We will see Peter learned and Matt. 13:43, right? Yes.
that lesson. All the other apostles were standing
there watching this take place. They learned that Now, put all of that together with v 20:
lesson as well. So here we have men, called of God, “Knowing this first, that no prophesy of Scripture…
filled with God’s Spirit, dedicated to the Truth, [now prophesy does not mean just the Old
dedicated to going into all the world and preaching Testament prophesies, this means anything that God
the Truth; and yes, that prophesy extends down to has inspired] …originated as anyone’s own private
our day through their writings because we preach the interpretation…. [Now the King James does not
Word. They wrote it and now we have it. have that properly translated. This makes it clear and
this is what I have done in translating the New
So let’s read right here in 2-Peter 1:16 (pg Testament and Old Testament as well.] …Because
1,134): “For we did not followed cleverly concocted prophesy was not brought at any time by human
myths as our authority, when we made known to will, but the Holy men of God spoke as they were
you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, moved by the Holy Spirit” (vs 20-21). So that’s how
but we were eyewitnesses of His magnificent I approached it.
glory…. [So here he is talking about he is going to
die pretty soon—did he remember it? Yes, indeed. So the question is--Romans 14 (a letter was
Motivated everything that Peter did except his sent to me):
mistakes.] …Because He received glory and honor
from God the Father when the voice came to Him In discussing Romans 14:5 you added the
from the Majestic Glory, ‘This is My Son, the words, for eating meat.
Beloved, in Whom I am well pleased’” (vs 16-17). So the question is why did I do that?
Now he is making a point here. He wants them to
understand about the Word of God. The person with whom I was discussing it
said, ‘Fred is being presumptuous with the
Verse 19: “We also possess the confirmed text as he attempts to clarify a common
prophetic Word…” Now what does that mean? Not error regarding what day of the week is
only the prophesies of the Old Testament concerning Holy.’
Christ being confirmed to them, having been with
Christ and lived with Him for three and a half years Wrong assumption. We’ll get to that. ‘
and taught by Him for three and a half years, but it ‘It was not, what day do we eat meat?
was confirmed by Christ Himself who was God Fred’s translation puts a different slant as
manifested in the flesh. So even though we’re small to the subject as if when to eat meat was
and we’re a small little part of what God is doing, the only thing people were judging their
we need to do what we can do, and ask God to bless brothers about.’
us and help us and inspire us in everything that we
do. Just like it was impacted here upon Peter, “…the Not quite, misunderstood. See, when you come to a
confirmed prophetic Word.” Bible question you have to ask….that’s why we
have the Fourteen Rules of Bible Study.
Now the other meaning of this is: the
confirmed, inspired Word of the New Testament; so By the way, in the homeschooling magazine
this contains the meaning of both. Just like Paul The Link we put an advertisement for the Bible in
wrote to Timothy that ‘you knew the Holy Writings there, and we’ll do three issues. And also they
from a child’; and that ‘all Scripture—meaning Old started a religious section; so I asked if they would
Romans 14—B.S
like an essay. They said sure, send it. You know So if you go into a concordance and try and look up
what the essay was about? The Fourteen Rules of a derivation of the declension of that verb, you won’t
Bible Study. And that’s in the Bible and that’s in the find it. Likewise, with erev and between the two
New Testament. There’s a way to study the Bible. evenings. You will never find it in Strong’s
You do not come with preconceived notions. Concordance, because he didn’t break it down that
fine. So there it was, He said, ‘At sunset (ba erev)
Just like when first confronted with the you’ll see the glory of the LORD,’ and at sunset…
problem concerning the 14/15 Passover, I had to ask [which on the Sabbath day ends the Sabbath day,
the question, because you have to be honest. If you and it was the Sabbath day, He sent the quail] …He
can’t be honest with the Word of God, what can you said, ‘You will eat flesh between the two
ever be honest with in anything, right? And so, the evenings’—between sunset and dark. Now you can’t
word was coming down that the Passover really was eat the quail before they come. And God was
on the fifteenth. We were keeping it on the teaching them about the Sabbath, so do you think
fourteenth; and that between the two evenings meant God would work on the Sabbath to give them an
between noon and evening on the fourteenth. And excuse to say, ‘Well, God worked on the Sabbath;
that’s the typical Jewish interpretation; because in therefore, we can work on the Sabbath’? No way. So
the Diaspora they cannot keep a fourteenth Passover there it was, when I found that I bolted right out of
because Num. 9 says they have to be in the land bed because I was studying in bed about eleven
when they keep it. So the Jews who do not accept o’clock at night trying to figure this out, and I was
Jesus are right in what they are saying concerning going through McGill’s Hebrew Interlinear and I
the fifteenth Passover for the Jews in the Diaspora, could see that the two words were different. There it
but they are not correct because Jesus said, ‘Go into is. So that’s in the Bible. So it doesn’t matter who
all the world and teach them everything that I have says what; what is sunset; what is evening. That is
taught you,’ which included the fourteenth Passover. God’s definition of using it, quoting God Himself.
So, I just finished with the first edition of the No higher authority.
Harmony of the Gospels and in there I had written So I will show you why, in Romans 14, I
that if there were any changes or information have translated it the way that I have translated and
concerning the Passover, I’d be sure and let there’s a very good reason for it. Continuing now:
everyone know and change what needed to be
changed; because that’s what has to be at every time. ‘Some chose to fast on some days.’
Because as human beings we can make errors, and
we can do things that are not right; inadvertently, We will see not so, but that is in a commentary, so if
that can happen. So I said to myself, Okay, if we you read the commentary and you don’t know the
cannot find in the Bible where ba erev (sunset) is Greek and you don’t know how Greek is laid out,
used and ben ha arbayim (between the two then you will assume that the commentary is correct,
evenings) is used, to show exactly what God meant because you know less than the writer of the
by those two Hebrew terms, if we can’t find it in the commentary, correct? But don’t assume that all
Bible, then we have to go with what the Jews have commentaries are correct. You must prove all things
given as the interpretation of it. And so that’s what by the Word of God.
started out the study which became the Passover ‘Some ate meat on some days, some never
book, which is now over 500 pages, which if you ate meat at all, and they were disrupting
don’t have one, we’ll send it to you. and judging each other.’
Just to make a long story short to show you That part is correct, over what days and what days to
how if you search the Scriptures with an open mind, not eat meat on.
you will find the answer; but you never go with a
pre-conceived conclusion in your own mind first, ‘If we are presumptuous with the text,
except you want the Truth of God and rightly someone who knows the text will use our
divided and rightly put it together. words to discredit our teachings. Fred is
not completely wrong, but his added words
So there’s a distinct place in Exo. 16 that do not accurately reflect the complexity of
tells us exactly how God used ba erev (sunset) and what Paul was writing.’
ben ha arbayim (between the two evenings), and that And we will see that they do.
was essential because if your knowledge of Hebrew
only goes to Strong’s Concordance, you will never ‘I found this common to Fred’s teachings.’
find ben ha arbayim there, because it is under erev. Whoever that man is, have him address them to me.
You need to understand this, just like in English. That would be nice.
The verb to be is used how many different ways? I
am, he is, she is, they are, they were, they have been, ‘He’s presumptuous with too many things
I was, I have gone, all of those are of the verb to be. that hurt his credibility.’
Romans 14—B.S
So let’s come to Romans 14:1 (pg 1,158). the Church for two weeks, brand new people, he
Now first of all I’m going to read it in the King invited them over for a barbeque and gave them,
James. If you have a King James, you can follow ‘Here’s a glass of wine, friend, and here’s a big
along; if you don’t have a King James, you can see steak.’ Welcome to the Church. That’s not the way
the difference in it. “Him that is weak in the faith that you handle it.
receive you, but not to doubtful disputations. For
one believes that he may eat all things…” (vs 1-2). Verse 4 (KJV): “Who are you that judges
Now people read that and say, ‘Oh, you can eat another man’s servant? To his own master he stands
unclean meats!’ But here’s another thing that’s or falls. Yea, he shall be holden up and God is able
important to understand which is this: you have to to make him stand. One man esteems one day above
put it together with all the rest of the Bible. We’ll do another; another esteems every day alike. Let every
that in just a minute. man be fully persuaded in his own mind” (vs 4-5).
What does that mean? Can you choose which day to
You know in the Old Testament we are not worship on? That’s what the Protestants believe.
to eat certain meats. If you watch the Travel Channel Then why have the command for the Sabbath? Why
you can see these guys consume everything. I even did Jesus keep the Sabbath when He was here? Why
saw them eat in a Vietnamese restaurant, came in did the apostles keep the Sabbath? Why did Paul in
and—you order a live snake and the waiter brings it Acts 13 teach the Gentiles to keep the Sabbath and
right up to your table and he kills it right there in preach grace on the Sabbath? Because you see, you
front of you and takes out the heart and you it eat need to realize Protestantism is filled with the spirit
while it’s raw and still beating. So if want some of anti-Christ, which has so many counterfeit
stomach-turning events watch the Travel Channel, doctrines and teachings to lead people away that
and watch those guys eat those things. I don’t know sound blessedly true. Well, they’re not. So we won’t
how they could eat them. Anyway, in watching that, get into that.
especially when he went through the Chinese
markets, I could understand Acts 10 more with “He that regards the day, regards it unto the
everything coming down from heaven, all kinds of Lord… [for what? What are you regarding to God?
animals, and so forth, because at any Chinese, how What does that mean?] … and he that regards not the
shall we say, fast-food bazaar you can get anything day to the Lord, he does not regard it. He that eats, is
that you want. There was one thing that I remember eating to the Lord, and he gives thanks; and he that
that this big fat fellow really loved, he said, ‘Oh, that eats not, to the Lord he eats not and gives thanks” (v
donkey-hide was really delicious.’ We’ll see, no, 6). Now fasting is not just the abstinence of food, it
you can’t eat all things. Try a little arsenic, that will is what? Abstinence of food and drink.
help prove it to you. “…another who is weak, eats So let’s see if we can unravel this. Let’s
herbs. Let not him that eats despise him that eats come over here to another verse just across the way,
not…” (v 3, KJV). What is it talking about? Eating v 14. You take verse one and verse fourteen and you
food with meat and eating herbs with no meat. That tie those together and I just imagine, I don’t know
is the subject. We’ll see that a little later. how many of you have been Protestants, but you’d
“…and let not him which eats not… [meat, be in a Protestant church and the minister would
not fasting. You can’t interject fasting here in the stand up and say, ‘See, we can eat anything we want
middle of this, because it’s completely out of to.’ And here’s another mistranslation. Verse 14
context.] …the one which eats not, judge him that (KJV): “I know, and am persuaded by the Lord
eats…” (v 3). We could have today. We have a lot of Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself… [So, a
vegetarians today. I even have a cookbook, A hog is not unclean, but they still can’t figure out the
Hundred Percent Vegetarian Recipes. I haven’t read smell in Iowa and they need $140-million from the
it yet, but at least I’ve got it. And there are many government to run a study on it. Now what does that
people today because of the diseases that we have mean? Unclean. And why did I translate it
today, they have to be vegetarians. They cannot eat common?] …but to him that esteems anything to be
meat, especially in the case of cancer; because the unclean, to him it is unclean.” Now, what is that? Is
protein feeds the covering on the cancer tumor so it that a new doctrine? Can you declare beef unclean
gathers in more of the dead cells to build the cancer when God says it’s clean? Well, if it’s got a lot of
tumor even bigger, because that’s the body’s hormones in it, been fed the way men feed it today,
reaction to try and get rid of the cancer if it can’t get it’s probably very unhealthy. But they didn’t have
rid of it otherwise. Because we all have cancer cells that problem then.
in our system every day, which are the slough-off Let’s read on and we’ll get the topic here.
cells when they die. I remember a minister in the big “But if your brother be grieved with your meat, now
church we used to go to, there were some brand new walk you not charitably. Destroy not him with your
Seventh Day Adventist converts who did not eat meat, for whom Christ died. Let not then your good
meat and did not drink wine. So after they were in be evil spoken of; for the Kingdom of God … [now
Romans 14—B.S
here is the subject] … is not meat and drink” (vs meats… [So I have and commanding, because] …
15-17). He starts out with meat or vegetarianism and …forbidding to marry; and commanding to abstain
here v 17 he says it’s not meat and drink. He doesn’t from meats… [Now notice, here is the key
say it’s not Sabbath/Sunday. So one of the fourteen understanding to lead you to the truth. So when in
rules of Bible study is: doubt, read the verse] …which God created to be
received with thanksgiving by the faithful, even by
• who wrote it those who know the truth” (vs 1-3).
• when did he write it
• to whom was he writing it What is truth? ‘Your Word is the truth.’
• what is the context of it What is the truth concerning clean and unclean
• what is the verse before meats? Lev. 11 and Deut.14. “…and nothing to be
• what is the verse after refused, if it is received with thanksgiving,
• what is the context of the chapter in the Because… [Now this tells us you are not to pray
whole book, if you need that over unclean meats, when you understand it.]
…Because it is sanctified by the Word of God and
and so forth. So we will apply that. “…but
prayer” (vs 4-5). Sanctified means being set aside as
righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit”
Holy by the Word of God. First He tells you, you
(v 17).
can eat these things, you can’t eat these things, these
Hold your place here in Romans 14 because are clean, and these are unclean. Isn’t that what it
we’ll come back. Let’s answer the question number tells us? Yes! And prayer—isn’t that what Jesus did?
one, which is right here. Romans 14:2 (pg 1,158): Yes, when He fed the 5,000, He fed the 4,000. You
“Now on the one hand, one believes he may eat all notice He didn’t take the 2,000 swine into which He
things that are lawful… [now I inserted the words in cast the demons and bless the swine flesh. No, He
italics that are lawful. Why? Because that’s a sent them on into the swine and what did they do?
Biblical interpretation of what this means. They drowned in the sea. Good riddance to bad
Otherwise God would be a liar, wouldn’t He? If He swine flesh. Those were being grown there for the
said things were unclean and you shouldn’t eat them, Roman soldiers, you know that don’t you, and for
and even today if you’re not in the Church and go to the non-believing Jews.
the doctor and you have heart problems, he says,
‘Stop that swine.’ Right? Because they know it’s not Being sanctified by the Word of God is the
good for you. Why did I insert that are lawful? I’ll key. It could also be translated, food, but that also
answer that in just a minute.] …but on the other defines meat by the very nature of it. Let’s read v 4
hand, another one, who is weak, eats only again and see how I translated it in the light of what
vegetables.” we just read. “For every creature of God designated
for human consumption is good… [Now why did I
Now let’s come to 1-Timothy 4 and we will put designated for human consumption?] (Because v
answer the question. Here again I also did some 5 says): …it’s sanctified by the Word of God…
insertion of words to make it clear, because they [God designated it] …and prayer. [last part v 4]:
come to 1-Timothy 4:1 (pg 1,218) and read it and …and nothing to be refused if it be received with
say that if you ask a blessing on it, you can eat it! thanksgiving.”
Well, try that with arsenic. So what I did in
translating here, I used the Greek, I followed the
So when we come back here to Romans 14,
Greek, I was honest with the Greek, I prayed every
now let’s go back there, this explains to you why I
day, ‘God, help me so I am not presumptuous. I
don’t want to put in anything that should not be inserted the words all things that are lawful, because
there. I don’t want to add to it; I don’t want to take you are not going to eat things that are unlawful, if
you follow the Word of God—because there’s unity
from it.’ But when you translate from one language
of Scripture between the Old and New Testament.
to another, you sometimes need more words than
Romans 14:2: “…on the other hand, another one,
you do in the original Greek. And in our modern day
who is weak, eats only vegetables.” Why? Now they
you sometimes need some clarifying words so it
had a particular problem where they lived. The
becomes understandable, and all of those I put in
problem was this: they did not have supermarkets
italics, so the reader would know.
like we have today and you can go and get
1-Timothy 4:1: “Now the Spirit tells us everything all cut up and taken care of. And if you
explicitly that in the latter times some shall didn’t raise animals, because you didn’t live in the
apostatize from the faith, and shall follow deceiving country, but you lived in the city, where did you get
spirits and doctrines of demons; speaking lies in your meat? Well, you got your meat from the local
hypocrisy, their consciences having been cauterized temple, because that’s where they were sacrificed.
with a hot iron, forbidding to marry… [wonder what And the local temple was pagan; that’s addressed in
church has that] …and commanding to abstain from 1-Cor. 8. We won’t have time to go through that.
Romans 14—B.S
And Paul even allowed them to eat the to make holy when God made the Sabbath Holy? Of
cooked portion of the food at the restaurants which course not! So what is it referring to? The subject is
were right alongside the shanties, right alongside the what? To eat food with meat or to not eat food with
temple, just like you see many of the markets in meat. Correct? So that’s why I added in here for
other countries where they have little shanties where eating meat. Because even today… well, I think the
they sell them. So he said, ‘If it’s sacrificed to an Catholics have done away with eating fish on
idol, an idol is nothing; and it doesn’t change the Friday, but that would be an example of it.] …but on
composition of the meat, and it is not contaminated, the other hand, another may hold every day to be
because an idol, we know, is nothing.’ Now other alike….” (v 5). For what? For eating meat or for
people said, ‘The sacrifice to an idol—I’m not going eating vegetables, no meat. It could apply to both.
to eat anything there.’ And I can tell you this for
sure, that if you have modern day Jews they go by “…and the one who does not regard the day
kosher—correct? Yes. They wouldn’t buy anything is not regarding it to the Lord… [So you see that
from an outfit like that, you can be guaranteed and flies in the face of anything having to do with
they would tell you, ‘I eat only vegetables, because I selecting Sunday vs Sabbath.] …The one who eats
can’t find any meat fit to eat.’ Correct? Yes, you meat is eating to the Lord because he gives thanks to
would, without a doubt. So this is what we are God; and the one who does not eat meat is
dealing with here. That’s why there were vegetarians abstaining to the Lord, and is giving thanks to God”
and that’s why there were those who were meat (v 6). Does he still ask the blessing on his
eaters along with the rest of their food. vegetables? Yes. So this has nothing to do with
fasting, because Paul would be completely
Verse 3: “The one who eats meat should not incongruous in writing this if the whole topic of the
despise the one who does not eat it. And the one whole chapter is to eat meat or not eat meat and then
who does not eat meat should not condemn the one all of a sudden have one verse just inserted there
who eats it, for God has received him.” So there is where it says, eat not, in the King James, that’s
the subject (vs 2-3)—to eat meat or not eat meat is fasting. That’s not fasting! ‘Well, it’s in a
the subject. Now in Greek when you go down, you commentary.’ That doesn’t mean the commentary is
could almost divide this into A/B. The one who eats right.
meat, the one who doesn’t eat meat. A/B. And you
go down and that’s how the Greek handles it. “For no one among us lives to himself, and
Fasting is not even in the picture. Sunday keeping or no one dies to himself…. [Now then he gives an
choosing any day to worship on is not even in the overall principle here. Now when you take it with
picture; has nothing whatsoever to do with what eating or not eating meat, then you understand it has
Paul is writing about. nothing to do with Sabbath or Sunday. It has nothing
to do with choosing which day you think is Holy,
(go to track #2) but here is the sum of the whole matter] …For if we
Let me just add here, in studying any live, we should live unto the Lord; and if we die, we
Scripture, you cannot study a Scripture in isolation, should die unto the Lord. So then, whether we live
unless it is absolutely clear in what it’s saying, like or whether we die, we are the Lord’s” (vs 7-8). And
some of the Proverbs. Scriptures that have to do with that’s the whole key for our lives. Don’t get all
doctrine, you must study, putting the rest of the messed up with eating meat or not eating meat or
Bible together: a little here, a little there; precept vegetables or whatever it may be. They’re received
here, precept there; line here, line there; and you of God; they’re accepted of God; and that’s what
must put the Word of God together and remember Paul is saying here. Because they were fighting back
this: Never take one part of the Bible to fight against and forth, because there were Jews in with the
or nullify another part of the Bible. That is the Gentiles and the Jews were saying, ‘Oh, no, don’t
theory of subtraction. The way you understand the eat any of this meat sacrificed down here at the
Scripture is to put it together, which is addition. You temple of Zeus or Jupiter.’
always add it. Verse 9: “It is for this very purpose that
Now let’s continue on and we will again see Christ both died and rose and is living again, so that
this A/B pattern. This is where the Protestants say He might be Lord over both the dead and the living.
that you can choose any day you want to worship on, Now then, why do you judge your brother?... [so
this is where the Jehovah Witness’ say, ‘Well, every that’s the topic, because when you choose a day to
day is holy.’ My answer for the JW’s is this: if every worship on from your own prerogative and your
day is holy, when do you work? own choice, who are you judging? Another person
or God? You are judging God. What did James say?
Romans 14:5: “…someone may prefer one ‘If you judge the law, you’re not a doer of the law.’
day above another day… [for what? You know it You end up like Job where God said to Job, ‘Job,
can’t be Sabbath vs Sunday. Did God ever give man why do you annul My judgments that you may be
the prerogative to choose which day that man wants righteous?’ You can read about the book of Job.
Romans 14—B.S
to become disillusioned and you’re going to be mad
“Now then, why do you judge your brother? and you’re going to be angry and you’re going to be
Or why do you despise you brother? For we all stand hateful and bitter, because you looked to a man
before the judgment seat of Christ. Because it is rather than to God. Now all people in those
written: ‘For as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee categories, regardless of where you are, regardless of
shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to whether you’re Catholic or Protestant or you’ve
God’…. [That’s going to happen; the day is been in the Church of God, you need to do as the
coming.] …So then, each one of us shall give Bible shows us. Learn the lesson, but don’t relive it
account of himself to God” (vs 10-12). in your mind and your emotions, because you are
Now here is a great truth contained in this. If polluting your mind and emotions with things from
you cannot stand for the Truth when you are by the past and you need to grow in grace and
yourself, or whether you’re in groups of people, then knowledge and develop the character and mind of
you have no conviction. Here’s another great truth Christ. So ask yourself a question, if it’s a dead
with that. You are really who you are when you are horse, leave it alone. Just remember, you tripped
by yourself and no one else there and it’s just over it; don’t do it again.
between you and God. So whether you love God Now v 13. This is the sum of the subject:
and keep His commandments or not and are faithful “Therefore, we should no longer judge one
to God, it has to be at all times, whether you’re with another… [In what? In the things that he has
people or whether you’re alone. Because if you can’t covered here—right? Yes.] …but judge this instead:
stand for the Truth alone, standing in a group or Do not put an occasion of stumbling or cause of
congregation is not going to make you stand for the offense before your brother.” Now let’s ask a
Truth either as we have seen—correct? And that’s question here that’s important. If this were a
why we are all going to give account to God, controversy between Sabbath and Sunday, don’t you
because He is going to judge us individually think that that controversy would present a great
according to our relationship with Him and stumbling block? By the very nature of it. So you
according to the degree of our love and obedience to can’t read into this that it’s about any day you want
Him. to make holy. You can’t read into it a day that you
Now here’s another great truth that you need are fasting. The whole topic is to eat meat or not eat
to understand. This has caused so many problems meat. Then what meat do we eat? Those that are
with people in many churches, not only Churches of lawful. So that’s why I inserted those things.
God, but Protestant churches and so forth, which is Verse 14 is another very problematic verse.
this, and every Catholic needs to listen up. Never “I understand and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus
give your total love and devotion, which belongs to that nothing is…” King James says unclean by itself.
God alone, to a man, a pope, a leader, a priest, an That’s not the word for unclean. The Greek word for
evangelist, a minister or teacher. Because if those unclean is ‘akathartos’ and the word for common is
who are teaching do not teach the Word of God and ‘koinos.’ Now what is the difference? So I translated
they are selective in it and twist and distort the it common because it is ‘koinos’—which means
Scriptures, then they are serving themselves and common. Where are these two words used together
have not been sent from God. Or you can have in the New Testament so we can have another
someone who you thought was honest and true and understanding of the difference between common
right; and later on they begin changing because and unclean?
something happens when they look and see their
paycheck is going to disappear. That happens in all Let’s come to Acts, the tenth chapter, and
churches. Look what happened two weeks ago down then we’ll have a little explanation as to what is
at the Crystal Cathedral—split between father and unclean and what is common. Now here again the
son. Yes, and the father said, ‘All you loyal, big Protestants go there and say, ‘Look, all these animals
givers, send us money. We need money.’ Sound came down in sheets to Peter, and so forth, and that
familiar? Yes indeed. means we can eat unclean animals.’ All right, we’ll
serve them up some lizard tail and see how they like
Those are great truths you need to that! Or how about snakes’ tongues. What did Peter
understand. That’s why you are not to look upon a say when he was commanded to rise and eat? What
minister or a priest or an elder overly much, but that did Peter say? He says, ‘I’ve never eaten anything!’
he should teach the Word of God. He is not in place Acts 10:28 (pg 1,094)—after he came into
of God and never give your love and devotion that Cornelius’ house. “And he said to them… [now this
goes to God to a man, because I’ll tell you what is a key thing to understand] …‘You know that it is
happens. When that man sins, because all men and unlawful for a man who is a Jew to associate with or
women sin—correct? And when they sin greatly, come near to anyone of another race… [Question.
then because you have not given that loyalty and Where do you find that in the Old Testament? You
love to God, what’s going to happen? You’re going don’t! Where do you find that law? In the code of
Romans 14—B.S
Jewish law by the traditions of the Jews.] …But God become a stumbling stone to themselves and a lot of
has shown me that no man should be called common people.
or unclean.” There you have the two words— Now back to Romans 14:14: “I understand
common (koinos) and unclean (akathartos). and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus that nothing is
common of itself, except to the one who regards
What is common in the Jewish point-of-view anything to be common—to that one it is
of mind concerning men? Common was a proselyte common…. [So here in order to assuage the
Jew who was circumcised and allowed entrance into problem, he said you can have personal conviction
the God-fearing section of the synagogue. They were of this yourself, but do not force it upon anyone else.
common. They were allowed in, but since they were And I am sure that was for the Jewish converts who
of Gentile origin, in the Jew’s mind, they would were together with the Gentiles that he allowed that.]
always remain common. The Jews considered …But if, because of meat, your brother is offended,
themselves clean, because of circumcision and race. you are no longer walking according to love. With
Unclean. Why would he call a man unclean? your meat, do not destroy the one for whom Christ
That would be an uncircumcised Gentile. Now that’s died” (vs 14-15). That’s the whole subject here, not
why we send out the Code of Jewish Law to any who which day to worship on, not fasting, but the way
want it. Unless you have the Code of Jewish Law that you eat.
you cannot understand what Paul is writing about. Now we could do the same thing today in a
And that’s where the Protestants all come little different way. What if your health is such that
completely wrong. So the next time you’re you just cannot eat anything with refined sugar in it?
confronted with a Protestant, you need to ask him, And then you see someone come along with a huge
‘What do you know about Judaism? Have you ever dessert, a giant banana split with four big scoops of
read The Code of Jewish Law?’ What’s that? So we ice cream and you have all kinds of syrup just
are not dealing with a law of God; we are not oozing and goozing down and you used to eat those
dealing with a categorization of common or unclean things and think it was good. And it was topped with
according to God’s way of doing things, but whipping cream and it looked so good and you say
according to Jewish tradition. That’s where to yourself, ‘Oh, boy, they’re certainly bad people
everybody gets off the beaten path. That’s why when for eating that.’ What it is, is this: one day they will
you read Acts 11; those in Jerusalem were in an have to pay the penalty for it, but in the meantime if
uproar when they heard that Peter had done this! they can still handle it, that’s their choice. But if they
Because even the Church at that time, the Jews come to you and say, ‘Why don’t you eat this?’ You
thought, ‘The Messiah is only for us.’ So Peter had can say, ‘I used to eat that, but my body can no
to say, ‘Hey! Wait a minute! No, it’s not.’ longer handle it and maybe you need to consider that
Paul is talking about there that nothing is the day may come when you can’t handle it either.’
common of itself. Now what about food? How could Well, what should I do? Today we can answer it
you have common food or unclean food, which has very easily. Go on line; go to the web site: white
nothing to do with meats? This way; tradition of the sugar is sin. But don’t run up to them and say, ‘Look
Jews was this: if a Gentile made or kneaded bread, what you got! Don’t you know what that’s going to
and there was not a Jew around to supervise it, it was do to you?’ Hey, man, this is great stuff. Get away
unclean. Now bread of itself is not unclean from me! That’s how it would be. So this is what he
regardless who baked it or kneaded it. Doesn’t is saying here: don’t destroy people for how they eat.
contaminate it. Now if it was done under the By the time they come in a congregation, they know
supervision of a Jew, like a Gentile working in a about the Sabbath, they know about the Holy Days,
Jewish household, and made the bread, it would be they know about clean and unclean foods, so those
common. But that didn’t make it common anymore are not the questions involved here.
than if it was in a Gentile bakery, but the bread is Verse 16: “Therefore, do not let your good
unclean. So this what Paul is talking about here. be evil spoken of. For the kingdom of God is not a
‘Nothing of itself is common.’ And the word there is matter of eating and drinking; rather, it is
common, it is not unclean. righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit”
Let’s come back to Romans 14 again. So if (vs 16-17). Now notice what Paul does—he takes
you don’t have the Code of Jewish Law, I have two you from a mundane issue of eating meats or not
hundred copies and I don’t know if I can get any eating meats, then the spiritual principle behind
more after that, so if you don’t have one, you get it judging and not judging, and then he brings you
and you will find how the Orthodox Jews, the back to what? Looking to Christ. Paul really had a
successors of the Pharisees, got way off track and purpose in this and you have to go through the
are completely wrapped up in their own traditions, whole chapter to get the flow of it. So he’s saying
wrapped around the Word of God. And that has now get your bearings to understand what is the
principle thing first. The Kingdom of God.
Romans 14—B.S
Verse 18: “Because the one who serves understand Romans 14 more, and I hope it helps you
Christ in these things is well pleasing to God and to understand why it was translated the way that it
acceptable among men. So then, we should pursue was. And I didn’t do anything arbitrary in it. I didn’t
the things of peace and the things that edify one do anything presumptuous in it, though some people
another. Do not destroy the work of God for the sake may think that it was presumptuous. But all of the
of meat” (vs 18-20). Now this is another Scripture italicized words were added to clarify the flow of the
that has been twisted and turned around—right? meaning as it comes down through the Greek, so
Because everyone thought the work of God was the that we can understand it. And that way then we’re
work being done at headquarters somewhere. That’s able to read it and understand it realizing there’s no
the work of God! Oral Roberts said it was over at his conflict between what is called the Old Testament
place and he built his big tower and said, ‘If you and the New Testament. There’s no conflict between
don’t send the money to build this big tower, God is any of the other things that we know we need to do
going to let me die.’ Here comes in all kinds of and keep.
money. Well, he didn’t die and he built the tower,
and one of these days there may be an earthquake in Scriptural References:
Oklahoma City and it’s gone. 1) Amos 3:1-3
What is the greatest work of God? 2) 2-Peter 1:16-17, 19-21
Conversion. Which is what? The work of God in 3) Romans 14: 1-6, 14-17
you; the inner working of the Holy Spirit; the 4) Romans 14:2
changing and converting of your mind and your 5) 1-Timothy 4: 1-5
heart, and dedication to God. That’s the work of God 6) Romans 14:2-9, 13-14
that he is talking about here. The work of God is not 7) Acts 10:28
publishing or books or magazines; that assists people 8) Romans 14:14-21, 23
to help let them yield to God so God can work with Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
them, but that is not the work of God. Because you
can take a Bible, you can have a Bible, and if you • Daniel 12
put it on your shelf even though it may be • Matthew 13:43
considered a work of God, it is doing absolutely no • Numbers 9
work on the shelf—right? You’ve got to read it. So • Exodus 16
don’t destroy them for that. • Acts 10, 11, 13
“…All things that are lawful are indeed • Leviticus 11
pure” (v 20). Now why did I put all things that are • Deuteronomy 14
lawful? Is adultery pure? Fornication pure? Lying, • 1-Corinthians 8
cheating, stealing pure? No. No. So it has to be all Also referenced:
lawful things, so where you have the phrase all
things, it does not include anything that is unlawful; Books:
otherwise that would be contrary to the Word of • Fourteen Rules of Bible Study by Fred
God. Coulter
• The Link, (home-schooling magazine)
“…but it is an evil thing for someone to • Harmony of the Gospels by Fred Coulter
cause an occasion of stumbling through his eating. It
is better not to eat meat, or drink wine, or anything • The Christian Passover by Fred Coulter
else by which your brother stumbles, or is offended, • McGill’s Hebrew Interlinear
or is made weak” (v 20-21). That is the sum of the • Strong’s Concordance
whole chapter, right there. Having nothing to do • Code of Jewish Law by Solomon Ganzfried &
Hyman E. Goldin
with Sabbath keeping, having nothing to do with
which day you will choose to worship on and you FRC:lp
Transcribed: 5-5-09
could apply regarding the day the way the Formatted: bo—5/24/09
Protestants look at as the holidays that they keep.
“But the one who doubts is condemned if he
eats, because his eating is not of faith; for everything
that is not of faith is sin” (v 23). So there you get
into your right conscience or wrong conscience or
whatever. So there’s the meaning of chapter 14.
Now, the other questions I’ll have to save for
when I get back to Hollister and to Fairfield, because
I don’t have time to go into those. So we’ll go ahead
and end it here, but I hope that this helps you
Romans Series #15
Romans 4:8-25
This is all part of trying to get through the operation to get you to that standing of righteousness
whole Bible verse-by-verse with a study translation, is justification! So when justification happens,
so we can really understand the Scriptures. That’s righteousness is imputed to you, then you are in
what it’s all about, otherwise, you just end up that blessed standing before God, as Paul was
‘playing religion’ or you have study projects. I think bringing out.
it’s important that while we’re going through that we
look at the Greek, look at the Hebrew, taking it in- Then the question becomes: Is it only for
depth so we can put the whole Bible together and we those who are circumcised? “…or also upon the
can understand the Truth of God as best we can. uncircumcision?….”
Romans 4:8: “‘Blessed is the man to whom Verse 10: “Therefore, in what condition was
the Lord will not impute any sin.’…. [that came it imputed?…. [to Abraham] …While being in
because of repentance and turning to God and circumcision, or in uncircumcision? Not in
accepting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Now we start circumcision, but rather in uncircumcision.”
a whole new section here, which has to do with We will see that there was quite a differential
Abraham and his faithfulness. In the imputing of of time when this occurred. Here is the promise that
faith to Abraham there were two different events was made, Genesis 15:5: “And He [God] brought
under which this occurred. him [Abraham] outside and said, ‘Look now toward
1. Gen. 15—when the only thing he could do the heavens and number the stars—if you are able to
is believe God, when God said, ‘Your seed count them.’ And He said to him, ‘So shall your
shall be as the stars of heaven.’ seed be.’ And he believed in the LORD. And He
2. Gen. 22—where he took his son out, as he accounted it to him for righteousness” (vs 5-6).
was asked by God, to take him to one of However, this was not while he was in a condition of
the mountains of Moriah and there offer being circumcised, rather uncircumcised—great,
him for a burnt offering. very important thing! Abraham was 85-years-old.
Rather than have a dispute with Paul and James over Genesis 17—now Abraham is 99-years-old.
works and no works the incidents that Paul gives was So that makes it 25 years from his calling! For 25
the one where there were no works. In the incidents years Abraham
given by James in James 2, it was required that he • walked with God
do something. It was a matter of different • talked with God
requirements, so rather than have a great theological • obeyed God
battle like so many religionists do today: Paul was • believed God
against works, and James was for works! In order to
complete the second one there had to be works. So now then comes the circumcision. We will see
that the first covenant was for the spiritual sons; the
“Now then, does this blessedness come upon second covenant (Gen. 15) was for the physical sons.
the circumcision only…” (v 9)—‘this blessedness’ So therefore, the token of this covenant was
means two things: circumcision.
1. You have imputed righteousness to you Genesis 17:1: “And when Abram was
because you believe! ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to Abram
2. You do not have sin imputed to you and said to him, ‘I am the Almighty God! Walk
because you repent! before Me and be perfect…. [As we go through here,
This is the ‘blessedness’—that is being in standing I want you to see how many of these things are very
before God in this position, which is called similar to the wording of the New Testament. (Matt.
‘blessedness.’ 5:28: we are to ‘become perfect as the Father in
heaven is perfect.’ We have the same requirement
“…or also upon the uncircumcision? For we here.)] …And I will make My covenant between Me
are saying that faith was imputed to Abraham for and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.’ And
righteousness” (v 9). This means that because he Abram fell on his face. And God talked with him,
believed, it was counted to him for righteousness, saying, ‘As for Me, behold, My covenant is with
which put him in right standing with God as you, and you shall be a father of many nations.
righteous! That is the standing: righteousness! The Neither shall your name any more be called Abram,
Romans Series #15
Romans 4:8-25
but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made Verse 12: “‘And a son of eight days shall be
you a father of many nations’” (vs 1-5). circumcised among you, every male child in your
generations; he that is born in the house, or bought
• What’s important about the Word of God? with silver of any foreigner who is not of your seed.
It’s true! He that is born in your house, and he that is bought
• What does that mean? Never fails! with your silver, must be circumcised. And My
In other words, if God says He’s going to do covenant shall be in your flesh… [It’s different
something, it is as good done! It’s going to happen! from the covenant which is to be in your heart—
That’s very important for us to understand as we go completely different!] …for an everlasting
along with this. God said, “‘…I have made you a covenant. And the uncircumcised male child whose
father of many nations’” but Abraham hadn’t even flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul
had his son yet! That’s not counting Ishmael, shall be cut off from his people—for he has broken
because Ishmael—as far as the children of promise My covenant’” (vs 12-14). Then He gave the
are concerned—does not count! blessing to Sarah.
Verse 6: “‘And I will make you exceedingly Verse 23: “And Abraham took his son
fruitful, and I will make nations of you, and kings Ishmael, and all that were born in his house, and all
shall come from you. And I will establish My that were bought with his silver—every male among
covenant between Me and you and your seed after the men of Abraham’s house—and circumcised the
you in their generations for an everlasting flesh of their foreskins in the same day, even as God
covenant…’” (vs 6-7). So this is separate from the said to him. And Abraham was ninety-nine years
covenant in Gen. 15. All the covenants with old…” (vs 23-24). Inclusive counting—25 years
Abraham come from Gen. 15. So Gen. 17 is another from when he was called; that he
covenant. Gen. 22 is a third covenant. • loved God
Why does God have to make different • served God
covenants? Separate covenants? Covenant law • obeyed God
requires that once you make the covenant, you • believed God
cannot add to or take away from! However, you can
make another covenant side-by-side. This is why we —and all of that was imputed as righteousness to
have another covenant agreement. This is important! him, for the very purpose that when we come to the
New Testament covenant, that it can be imputed to
“‘And I will establish My covenant between those who are commonly called Gentiles and were
Me and you and your seed after you in their never circumcised in the flesh, that they could have
generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to the same standing before God the Father and Jesus
you and to your seed after you. And I will give the Christ without the requirement of physical
land to you in which you are a sojourner, and to your circumcision. That’s why what we covered in Rom.
seed after you, all the land of Canaan, for an 2 is so very, very important.
everlasting possession. And I will be their God.’
And God said to Abraham, ‘And you shall keep My This was the whole point that Paul was
covenant, you and your seed after you in their making, Romans 4:11: “And he received the sign of
generations’” (vs 7-9). Read and study Gen. 15, 17 circumcision, as a seal of the righteousness of the
& 22 and make the comparisons between these three faith that he had while in the condition of
covenants. I think you’ll find it very interesting. uncircumcision… [Whatever God commanded him
to do, or asked him to do, he did! And that’s part of
Verse 10: “‘This is My covenant, which you the righteousness.] …for the purpose of becoming
shall keep, between Me and you and your seed after the father of all those who are believing, though they
you. Every male child among you shall be have not been circumcised, in order that the
circumcised. And you shall circumcise the flesh of righteousness of faith might also be imputed to
your foreskin. And it shall be a sign of the covenant them.”
between Me and you’” (vs 10-11). This established
the physical covenant between God and Abraham’s One very, very important thing to
descendents of Israel. You’ve heard many times that understand: When it came time to open the way for
the covenant with Israel was a physical covenant— calling to eternal salvation, God opened it to all
correct? Physical requirements, letter of the law nations with the beginning of the New Testament
keeping, physical blessings, physical cursings— Church. That’s why a very few years after the
correct? Yes! No promise of eternal life! The Church started—which we know started the Day of
promise of eternal life came in Gen. 15 & 22! This is Pentecost (Acts 2)—by time we get to Acts 10
for the establishment of the physical nation of Israel Cornelius is brought on the scene; a Gentile. Then it
and the covenant that would follow. goes from there to all the other nations. So in effect,
Romans Series #15
Romans 4:8-25
God was showing—as was revealed to Peter—that the righteousness of faith; because if those of law be
He was no respecter of persons. When it came time the heirs, then faith has been made void…” (vs 12-
to offer eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, He 14).
offered it to all people at the same time! That’s why
the covenant with Israel was a physical covenant. No Very important to understand: You cannot
promise of eternal life; that was separate. This is accomplish and receive eternal life through works of
what Paul is bringing out here. law! Only in belief in Christ and faith in the
sacrifice of Christ, and belief in God! Are there
Throughout the Israelite nation there is still people who keep the Sabbath, but don’t believe in
the practice of circumcision, although it’s becoming Christ? Yes! The whole history of the Jews, from the
less and less of a majority thing now. Was it time of the beginning of the New Testament Church
required for them to receive the blessings? What we until now, is a testimony that eternal life cannot
are receiving now is the result of the promises given come through law! That does not mean that we are
the Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, more than what we not required to keep the commandments of God.
would be receiving under what the Old Covenant
would produce for those people who would be in a If it were, “…then faith has been make void,
condition of circumcision. However, a lot of those and the promise has been made of no effect” (v 14).
who, in studying the Scriptures, saw that Can you take the promise of God and make the
circumcision God honored went ahead and had promise of God of no effect? No way! So, what he
circumcision for all the male children. But it doesn’t was doing was, he was saying to the Jews, ‘Look, I
put a person in better standing with God because want you to understand something concerning law’:
they are. That’s the whole lesson. Was Abraham in • Law cannot accomplish the giving of
better standing with God after he was circumcised? eternal life.
Before he was circumcised? or Was it the same • Law cannot accomplish what belief will
standing whether he was or not? So, Gen. 17 is a accomplish.
separate covenant for the physical nation of Israel.
Verse 15: “For the law works out wrath… [Why?
For, v 11: “…all those who are believing, Because it defines the penalty for breaking the law,
though they have not been circumcised, in order that which is sin! That is wrath! That is punishment!]
the righteousness of faith might also be imputed to …because where not any law is, neither is there any
them… [to believe God is greater than circumcision; transgression.”
to believe God causes you to do what God wants
you to do without having to say, ‘this is the law unto They’re just stating a simple fact. That’s why
death if you don’t do it.’ You establish law with there are always laws. That’s why there needs to be
desire in the heart; that’s the righteousness of faith.] repentance, because sin is the ‘transgression of the
…and for him to become the father of circumcision. law.’ It defines it. No law can give eternal life! No
not just to those of the circumcision only, but also to law! What if there was a law which read: ‘If you
those who are walking in the footsteps of the faith of keep the Sabbath perfect for one thousand Sabbaths
our father Abraham…” (vs 11-12). Gen. 26:5— in a row’—that would be basically a little over 20
showing the obedience. If you’re going to walk the years—you could receive eternal life.’ What if a
way that Abraham did, you’re going to obey. He person kept 999 Sabbaths perfectly and died and
‘obeyed My voice. kept My charge, My come up to receive eternal life, and it was said, ‘No,
commandments, My statutes and My laws’ you missed one, sorry about that; you did not fulfill
the law—no eternal life!’ Law just tells us what sin
“…which he had in the condition of is!
uncircumcision. For the promise to Abraham, or to
his seed, that he should be heir of the world, was not Verse 16: “For this reason… [this right
through law… [covenant and promise equate; a standing with God] is of faith, in order that it
covenant is always based upon a promise. So, the might be by grace…” Now we’re beginning to be
promise to Abraham or to his seed, that he should introduced to grace. Grace covers your whole
become heir of the world. It expands from the land standing before God! Does any human being
of Canaan to the north, to the south and to the east deserve to be held blameless? No! Does any human
and west, but now it’s understood to be the whole being deserve to be in right standing, himself? No!
world. That’s how it expands!] …not through law… • God does it by calling!
[In other words, there was not a law which was ever
made which was told to Abraham, ‘Abraham, keep • God does it by choice!
this law and you will be heir of the whole world.’ • God does it by grace!
NO! He had to believe God, because believing God We’re beginning to be introduced to grace. “…that it
is greater than law-keeping—and there was no law might be by grace; to the end that the promise might
made that it could be done.] …rather, it was through be certain to all the seed: not to the one who is of the
Romans Series #15
Romans 4:8-25
law only, but also to the one who is of the faith of persuaded that what He has promised, He is also
Abraham, who is the father of us all” (v 16). Now able to do” (vs 18-21). You can also translate that
Paul introduces something very profound that we’re just little bit differently. You can translate it ‘had
going to understand in Gal. 3. Abraham is the father the power to perform.’ So, whatever God says,
of us all. What does this tell us? Christianity began because if God is God—which He is; and God is
with Abraham! Abraham is the forefather for what true—which He is; whatever God says will happen!
would follow with Christ. In-between Abraham and He was able to do!
Christ we had the covenant with Israel—correct?—
which would come up to the time of Christ. Why “As a result, it was also imputed to him for
was that necessary? To fulfill the promises in the righteousness…. [So, he had righteousness imputed
flesh, and to have it enacted at the set time of God’s to him on many occasions—didn’t he? Yes, he did!]
plan! So, he becomes the father of us all. …But it was not written for his sake alone, that it
was imputed to him; rather, it was also written for
Verse 17: “(Exactly as it is written: ‘I have our sakes, to whom it shall be imputed; to those who
made you a father of many nations.’) before God in are believing in Him Who raised up Jesus our Lord
Whom he believed, Who gives life to the dead, and from the dead; Who was delivered for our offenses
calls the things which are not as though they are; and was raised for our justification” (vs 22-25).
who against hope believed in hope…” (vs 17-18).
Sometimes we get down to the nitty-gritty of things and Let’s go back and do a word analysis here;
everything is so bleak that there’s nothing you can hope let’s go back to the first part of Rom. 4. and look at
in, except hope! Do you understand what that means? If the verse where believed or believing is used.
you have no job and you have no food and you have no Romans 4:
clothes and you have no home (I’m using extreme • v 3—“… ‘Now Abraham believed
measures here) and you’re standing up before the firing God…’”
squad—what is your only hope? Hope in God! • v 5—“Now to the one is not working, but
The Apostle John had something very similar to who is believing on Him…”
that. He was arrested, carted off to the Isle of Patmos, • v 11—“…for the purpose of becoming the
convicted, sentenced to death, to be boiled in oil. They father of all those who are believing…”
got him all ready, dropped him in the boiling oil and the —that is the literal, precise translation—it’s active,
tradition is that God just expelled him right out of the ongoing! In other words, when do you believe God?
boiling oil—just like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Only when you’re in trouble, that He will rescue? or
I imagine the Apostle John said the same thing that Do you believe Him all the time in all
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego said: ‘Doesn’t matter circumstances? You are believing in an active,
if you want to throw me into the boiling oil, throw me present tense, ongoing way.
in, but God is able to protect me if it’s His will.’ That’s • v 17—“…Whom he believed…”
what Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego told
• v 18—“Who against hope believe in
Nebuchadnezzar. They said, ‘We’re not going to bow
down to your idol.’ I’m going to throw you into the fiery
—I think that is one of the strongest, most
furnace. ‘If God wants to, He can save us; if not we’ll
encouraging thing that you can have—believe in
die.’ That’s hoping in hope!
hope! It’s kind of like we’ve said before: when all
What about Abraham? Here he was 99-years- else fails, remember God loves you! The world may
old and his wife being ten years younger—Isaac was not hate you; everyone around may hate you. When it’s
a child of pre-menopause. There is no way except it be all over and done, God loves you! That’s why He’s
promise! But because he believed God, God did it! called you! That’s believing! “…hope believe in
That’s hoping in hope! hope…”
“…in order that he might become a father of • v 24—“to those who are believing on Him
many nations, according to that which was spoken, ‘So Who raised up Jesus our Lord from the
shall your seed be.’ And he, not being weak in the dead.”
faith… [He had some doubts and hesitations and Sarah So, we’ve got six times belief is mentioned. That
had her little ‘laugh’ session. Abraham also snickered a comes right along with faith. Believing is the verb
little bit, and God just told them ‘nope, it’s going to form of faith. In the Hebrews believe means to
be.’] …considered not his own body as already having faithize. Faith is the noun.
become dead, being about one hundred years old, nor
yet did he consider the deadness of Sarah’s womb; but • v 5—“…his faith is reckoned for
because of the promise of God, he did not doubt righteousness.”
through unbelief; but after giving glory to God, he • v 9—“…For we are saying that faith was
was strengthened in the faith; and he was fully imputed to Abraham for righteousness.”
Romans Series #15
Romans 4:8-25
That’s interesting—isn’t it? If you believe God, God when you put it all together. In other words, from
adds to you faith—doesn’t He? your heart—which you are motivated to do—that’s
what God is going to judge you on. What your
• v 11—“…as the seal of the righteousness motive was, not what your action was. Why?
of the faith which he had while in the Because people can do apparently good things on
condition of uncircumcision…” the outside, but what is their heart and their motive?
• v 12—“…those who are walking in the “…He ‘searches the reins…” How does God test the
footsteps of the faith of our father heart? It’s almost like there’s a spiritual
Abraham…” connection—isn’t there? That’s called ‘the reins.’
You could almost give a whole sermon on what does That’s how He looks upon us. That’s why it’s so
it mean to walk in the footsteps of our father very important.
Abraham? I know in the difficulties that people have
• v 13—“…rather, it was through the been going through, they have missed the whole
righteousness of faith” thing concerning the love of God. If you do that,
• v 14—“Because if those of the law be the then you’ve missed the whole thing, regardless of
heirs, then faith has been made void…” what you’re focusing on. If you’re going to love
God—and that’s choice from your heart—
• v 16—“For this reason it is of faith… bu5t
everything that you do is based upon that. That’s
also to the one who is of the faith of
what God desires more than anything else. He wants
you to keep the Sabbath. He wants you keep the
• v 19—“And he, not being weak in the Holy Days. He wants you do those things, but He
faith…” wants you to do if from the heart! He wants your
• v 20—“…he was strengthened in the converted heart! That’s what is being explained
faith” here in Rom. 4.
You put those all together, that actually gives you a Let’s look at a couple of other things that are
formula of how to grow in faith and be strengthened very important for us to realize. Let’s look at
in faith by believing in God. Faith ten times; six believing with some other Scriptures and see how
times believe/believing. Then we have imputed (you this applies. Come to Hebrews 11:6; here is a basic,
can do that yourself). Imputed means it’s given to fundamental thing. Has God ever revealed Himself
you; you have not earned it. It is given to you as a to an atheist? I’m sure that in an extreme case, like
gift, because God wants you to have it. That’s Saul who became the Apostle Paul, God can reach
what’s so important concerning your standing with down and call anyone. However, I’m talking in
God. It’s not what you can do to make yourself right general here. If a person doesn’t believe in God, is
to God, because there’s nothing you can do to make God going to reveal Himself to them? No! It’s a
yourself right. But if you believe that God will fundamental thing.
forgive your sins, God imputes righteousness to you.
By grace then you have that standing before God! Hebrews 11:6: “Now without faith… [the
The distinction between circumcision and absence of faith] …it is impossible to please God.
uncircumcision is profound, because it’s showing For it is mandatory… [It’s a requirement] …for the
this: True spirituality is not based upon any physical one who comes to God… [notice who’s doing the
characteristics, but based upon your belief! That coming; you’re coming to God] …to believe that
involves your whole being. Whatever you believe as He exists… [that He is] …and that He is a rewarder
a person, that’s what you’re going to act upon. This of those who diligently seek Him.” What are we to
belief comes from the heart. Not only when Christ seek? God! Many people have a ‘religion’ to seek ‘a
comes, but what does Christ do in our lifetime for benefit.’ Do you understand the difference?
us? What is He more concerned about than anything (go to the next track)
else? Your heart! That’s what He’s more concerned If you’re seeking a benefit, you’re coming to
about. God for what? For yourself! That’s right, selfishness
Let’s go to Revelation 2:23—here He’s resents. God, I want. In other words, you’re coming
talking about the false doctrines, because of Jezebel, to God with a condition—correct? Yes, you are! Just
the false prophetess: “And I will kill her children like when Christ was on the cross, they said, ‘If You
with death; and all the churches shall know that I come down off the cross we’ll believe that you’re
am He Who searches the reins and hearts… the Son of God.’ Coming to God with a condition!
[That’s what God is interested in. As you believe in But you have to come to God and believe that He is,
your heart that’s how you act, that’s how you and you have to diligently seek Him. Why is that
function.] …and I will give to each of you according more important? Because if you seek Him diligently
to your works.” It’s very interesting—isn’t it?— and seek Him with a the whole heart, you’ll find
Romans Series #15
Romans 4:8-25
Him! God wants you to understand Him! sealed.’ Therefore, they said to Him, ‘What shall we
do, in order that we ourselves may do the works of
What good would it do to receive all kinds of God?’” (vs 25-28). They wanted a pronouncement—
blessings and not know God? Would you be a better correct? What would that be? Like a law! If you give
person? No! Chances are you’d be worse—right? a pronouncement, it’s like a law—isn’t it? Do this!
It’s the same way in prayer. You go in prayer and Do that! Do the other thing! People want to do good
you have a long list. Prayer is to seek God; to love things to receive good things. But that has nothing to
God! The list becomes secondary. Or you could put do with conversion. That has nothing to do with
it another way, you can’t go to God with a position loving God. That has nothing to do with
or a condition. You go to God with a position— worshipping God.
‘Okay, God, I will believe You if thus and such.’
You’re taking a position. That’s why when Verse 29: “Jesus answered and said to them,
repentance comes it is unconditional. That’s why ‘This is the work of God: that you believe in Him
when God grants repentance, it is from the heart, not Whom He has sent.’” In other words, believe on
just repenting of an action that you have done. You Christ. That is a greater requirement than a physical
must seek Him! Seek with Him with all your heart, thing. This ties right in, this is absolutely no
all your soul and all your being! That is the different, with Abraham. God took him abroad and
fundamental thing concerning belief and faith. said, ‘Look at all the stars, if you’re able to number
them so shall your seed be.’ And Abraham believed
Let’s come to the Gospel of John and do just God! This is what Jesus is saying!
a little bit of survey. Here’s a classical example of
seeking something, having a position, to come to “Therefore, they said to Him, ‘What sign will
God as a condition. John 6:11—this is the feeding of You perform, that we may see it and believe You?
the 5,000; this is quite a thing: “And Jesus took the What work will You do?…. [Now they came on and
loaves; and when He had given thanks, He said, ‘Gotcha!’] …Our fathers ate manna in the
distributed them to the disciples, and the disciples to wilderness, as it is written… [quoted Scripture]
those who were sitting; and in like manner the small …“He gave them bread to eat that came down from
fish, as much as they desired. And when they were heaven.”’ Then Jesus said to them, ‘Truly, truly I say
filled, He said to His disciples, ‘Gather together the to you, Moses did not give you the bread from
fragments that are left over, so that nothing may be heaven; but My Father gives you the true bread from
lost.’ Then they gathered them together, filling heaven…. [He completely shifts away from the
twelve baskets with fragments from the five barley physical thing to the spiritual thing immediately.
loaves, which were left over by those who had eaten. They couldn’t understand that.] …For the bread of
Now when the men saw the miracle that Jesus had God is He Who comes down from heaven and gives
done, they said, ‘Of a truth, this is the Prophet Who life to the world.’ Therefore, they said to Him,
was to come into the world.’” (vs 11-14). They were ‘Lord, give this bread to us always.’ Jesus said to
looking for the Messiah at that time. When they say them…” (vs 35).
this, they said, ‘Man, He’s it!’
Now He really confounded them—didn’t
“Because Jesus perceived that they were He? The reason is, is to make it spiritually
about to come and seize Him, so that they might discernable for those who seek a position, those who
make Him king… [They had a political position have a condition, they will never understand it.
now; they had a Champion Who would feed them. Those who are seeking God and believing God, they
That’s what they were after.] …He withdrew again will understand it; that’s why He gave it this way.
to a mountain by Himself alone” (v 15). They
couldn’t find Him; later they found Him. He had “Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life;
gone up on the mountain and went down across the the one who comes to Me shall never hunger; and
sea. the one who believes in Me shall never thirst at any
time. But as I said to you, you also have seen Me,
yet you do not believe’” (vs 35-36). So, when you
Verse 25: “And after finding Him on the have a petitioner seek a position, you’re not seeking
other side of the sea, they said to Him, ‘Rabbi, when God; you’re not believing God! There it is right
did You come here?’ Jesus answered them and said, there form what Jesus said.
‘Truly, truly I say to you, you do not seek Me
because you saw the miracles… [that is to believe John 7:37—something else that happens
that He was the Son of God] …but because you ate with belief that cannot come by law, which is the
the bread and were satisfied…. [They had a receiving of the Holy Spirit. “Now in the last day,
condition: food.] (Then Jesus gives them the lesson): the great day of the Feast, Jesus stood and called out,
Do not labor for the food that perishes, but for the saying, ‘If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and
food that endures unto eternal life, which the Son of drink. The one who believes in Me, as the Scripture
man shall give to you; for Him has God the Father has said… [the benefit and blessing of belief] …out
Romans Series #15
Romans 4:8-25
of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.’ But them, ‘Many good works I have showed you from
this He spoke concerning the Spirit, which those My Father. For which of them are you about to stone
who believed in Him would soon receive; for the Me?’ The Jews answered Him, saying, ‘We will not
Holy Spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not stone You for a good work, but for blasphemy, and
yet glorified” (vs 37-39). There comes the blessing because You, being a man, are making Yourself
and the benefit. God’” (vs 29-33). That’s the whole thing today of
Judaism against Christianity!
Which is greater, the Holy Spirit, which
leads to eternal life, that you receive because you Verse 34: “Jesus answered them, ‘Is it not
believe; or to have physical food given to you even written in your law, “I said, ‘You are gods’”?….
for the rest of your life until you die, but you never [They go back and change that to ‘judges.’ It doesn’t
receive eternal life? There’s no comparison. That’s mean judges. It means gods—Elohim!] …If He
why no law can give eternal life. It has to be based called them gods, to whom the Word of God came
on faith and belief! That alone comes from God! We (and the Scriptures cannot be broken)… [That’s a
can’t go to God and demand it. God won’t give it profound verse—isn’t it? The Scripture cannot be
that way. broken! That’s something to always understand. You
may transgress a law, but you can’t break the
Sidebar: I got a call from a man who read Scriptures.] …why do you say of Him Whom the
John 10:22: “Now it was winter, and the Feast of Father has sanctified and sent into the world, “You
Dedication was taking place at Jerusalem” and are blaspheming,” because I said, “I am the Son of
everyone looks at that and thinks that was the God”?…. [He made it clear!] …If I do not do the
dedication of the temple after it was dedicated from works of My Father, do not believe Me. But if I do,
the ‘abomination made desolate’ by Antiochus even if you do not believe Me, believe the works;
Epiphanies during the days of the Maccabees, from so that you may perceive and may believe that the
which the Jews have the practice of Hanukkah or Father is in Me, and I in Him.’ Then they again
Festival of Lights. He asked me this question: Could sought to take Him…” (vs 34-39).
this not also be the dedication which came from the
time of Ezra when the second temple was really Those are pretty strong words. When you
dedicated.? Which as also in winter in the month of compare the lack of believe and so forth. He even
Adar? I said I never thought of that until he brought says, “…believe the works; so that you may
it up. So, I looked it up and thought it’s very perceive and may believe that the Father” and that’s
possible. But a lot of people turn here and say that the first step that ‘you may believe Me.’ That’s what
Jesus kept Hanukkah, so therefore we should keep people need to do in their lives, too.
Hanukkah. Well, what if it’s the other dedication?
We don’t know, it doesn’t tell us. Let’s go to Ephesians, the first chapter.
Here’s part of the spiritual blessing that come from
Let’s continue right along with it, v 23: “And belief, from faith—Ephesians 1:17: “That the God of
Jesus was walking in the temple in Solomon’s porch. our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give
Then the Jews encircled Him and said to Him, ‘How you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the
long are You going to hold us in suspense? If You knowledge of Him…. [Brethren, we need that more
are the Christ, tell us plainly.’ Jesus answered them, than ever before, especially now in the times we’re
‘I have told you, but you do not believe. The works living in and all the things we have to fight against;
that I am doing in My Father’s name, these bear with all the false doctrines and so forth.] …And may
witness of Me. But you do not believe because you the eyes of your mind be enlightened… [by the
are not of My sheep, as I said to you. My sheep hear Spirit of God] …in order that you may comprehend
My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. what is the hope of His calling… [There we go
And I give them eternal life, and they shall never beyond just hoping in hope. Now that we know what
perish; and no one shall take them out of My hand’” the hope of His calling is] …and what is the riches
(vs 23-28). If you get down and discouraged and of the glory of His inheritance in the saints” (vs 17-
think all is lost and there’s no hope and you can’t 18). It’s going to be something!
even hope in hope, turn right here and claim this
promise. No one, not even you—you could if you I’m viewing these doctrinal wars and
rejected God—can take yourself away from Christ if spiritual battles a little differently now. Sometimes
you love Him, if you believe Him—never happen! you can get exhausted by them. I know I do! So
many false doctrines, so many false ideas coming
Verse 29: “‘My Father, Who has given them along. It just sort of wears you to a nub—doesn’t it?
to Me, is greater than all; and no one has the power You need to look at it this way. Look at the other
to seize them from My Father’s hand. I and the side of the coin. Since there are so many forces
Father are one.’ Then the Jews again picked up against true Christianity and what we are learning
stones so that they might stone Him. Jesus answered and doing and practicing and believing, it’s got to be
Romans Series #15
Romans 4:8-25
worth an awful lot—right? I mean, if eternal life here, as theologians, they never read the Scriptures.
didn’t amount to very much, do you think Satan They claimed authority over them, but they never
would be that active trying deceive, trying to take read them.] …“The Stone that the builders rejected,
away, through every kind of thing at you? No! Look this has become the head of the corner. This was
at it the other way around, it’s got to be important! from the Lord, and it is wonderful in our eyes”?
It’s got to be so that we understand the Truth and Because of this, I say to you… [the Scribes,
believe the Truth and live by the Truth. There’s one Pharisees and chief priests] …the Kingdom of God
thing about Truth, Truth is re-provable and re- shall be taken from you… [that’s what was proposed
provable and re-provable, because there is no lie of in Exo. 19; they did not do it] …and it shall be given
the Truth. That is what is so great, brethren! So, the to a nation that produces the fruits of it…. [Who was
inheritance is going to be something! that nation? That is the Church of God! We will be a
might nation of kings and priests—won’t we? (Rev.
Verse 19: “And what is the exceeding 20)—to serve with Christ as kings and priests? Yes!]
greatness of His power toward us who believe… …And the one who falls on this Stone shall be
[there again, that is present tense: who are broken; but on whomever it shall fall, it will grind
believing!] …according to the inner working of His him to powder.’” (vs 42-44).
mighty power”—which then is the Holy Spirit of
God within us! I want you to think of the Scripture which
says, ‘the Scripture can’t be broken.’ Heaven and
Now, let’s go look at another aspect of this, earth shall pass, but ‘My words shall not pass.’
the spiritual and physical applications of Romans
4:17: “(Exactly as it is written: ‘I have made you a Verse 45: “Now after hearing His parables,
father of many nations.’)….” What does the fullness the chief priests and the Pharisees knew that He was
of that sentence mean? When do you suppose that speaking about them…. [Now they had a political
this would reach its fullest point? After the consequence to watch out for.] …And they sought to
Millennium! After the 100-year White Throne arrest Him, but they were afraid of the multitudes,
Judgment period, and the bringing of New because they held Him as a prophet” (vs 45-46).
Jerusalem to the earth and there are the nations that
are saved! That’s going to be something! That is 1-Peter 2; let’s see how that shifted from
going to be phenomenal! Israel to the Church and now the application to what
will then be the Church resurrected, or the true
Let’s look at two different sections of this; spiritual nation of Israel when Christ returns. Notice
let’s go to Exodus 19—the physical nation of Israel, the parallel of what I just read in Matt. 21. 1-Peter
who was to help bring the Word of God to the 2:6: “For this reason it says in the Scripture,
world. That was one of their profound missions. ‘Behold, I place in Zion the Cornerstone, chosen and
Exodus 19:4: “You have seen what I did to the precious; and the one who believes in Him shall
Egyptians… [That was pretty awesome! You go never be put to shame.’ The preciousness is to you,
back and read everything that was done.] … and how therefore, who believe; but to those who disobey, the
I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you unto Stone that the builders rejected has become the Head
Myself. Now therefore, if you will obey My voice of the corner, and a Stone of stumbling and a Rock
indeed, and keep My covenant, then you shall be a of offense; especially to those who stumble at the
special treasure to Me above all people; for all the Word, being disobedient, unto which unbelief they
earth is Mine. And you shall be to Me a kingdom of also were appointed. But you are a chosen stock, a
priests and a Holy nation. These are the words royal priesthood, a Holy nation, a people for a
which you shall speak to the children of Israel” (vs possession of God, that you might proclaim His
4-6). In that then is the preliminary overview of the excellent virtues, Who called you out of darkness
whole covenant that God established with Israel. into His marvelous light; who once were not a
They were to be a kingdom of priests and a Holy people, but now are the people of God; who had not
nation. If they did that, just think how much better received mercy, but now have received mercy” (vs
off the world would have been. They didn’t do that. 6-10).
Let’s come down to the time of Christ, That’s something—isn’t it? There is the
Matthew 21; let’s see what Jesus said. This was the complete shifting of it, from the nation of Israel.
beginning of the ending of that covenant with Israel. Now you understand why Paul said, ‘circumcision
Let’s see what He warned the successors of that avails nothing.’ We’re going to learn even more why
kingdom: the scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees. it avails nothing.
Matthew 21:42: “Jesus said to them, ‘Have Galatians (study translation), start out in
you never read in the Scriptures… [Isn’t that Galatians 3:1. When we read through this it will
interesting? I would have to say that most make it so much more understandable for you. With
theologians never read the Scriptures. The Jews the things we’ve covered up to this point. “O foolish
Romans Series #15
Romans 4:8-25
Galatians, who has bewitched you into not obeying delivered from the requirement to keep law? or Are
the Truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ, crucified, you delivered from the curse? The curse is
was set forth in a written public proclamation [for all transgression! Now then, the New Covenant does
to read]? This only I desire to learn from you: did not have the same requirements of the Old
you receive the Spirit of God by works of law, or by Covenant—does it? No! There’s no temple! If you
the hearing of faith?’ (vs 1-2)—by the calling; by want to go back and do the things of the Old
repenting! How did we receive the Spirit of God? Covenant, you must have a temple. Can you have a
That’s how we received it! temple? No! There’s not one! So you’re cursed if
you try to do the things that are under that, because
“Are you so foolish that after having begun you can’t do that.
in the Spirit, are you now being perfected in the
flesh?…. [That is the whole problem with all of Same way with all of the washings, all of the
these heresies and things that are coming along oblations, all of the works of law. That’s why the
today. ‘We’re now going to have something new. New Covenant is based upon belief. Now it is
We’re now going to have something different.’ spiritually applied. Another thing that’s important:
Physical means; carnal means!] …Have you suffered according to the Old Covenant you could not keep
so many things in vain, if indeed it has been in the Passover out of the land of Israel, so therefore, if
vain?” (vs 3-4). If you are relying on works of law, you took the Passover outside the land of Israel you
then it was indeed in vain! would be cursed! But the Old Covenant Passover
has one meaning; the New Covenant Passover has
“Therefore, consider this: He Who is another meaning. This is why he’s saying it.
supplying the Spirit to you, and Who is working
deeds of power among you, is He doing it by works What else would bring a curse? If you didn’t
of law or by the hearing of faith?…. [because you do all the traditions, and all the added things! In
believe God; you hear His Word; you believe His other words, if you are going to follow Judaism—
Word] …It is exactly as it is written: ‘Abraham which is what he’s saying here as we found in Gal.
believed God, and it was reckoned to him for 2—you must do every single law that the Jews
righteousness.’…. [There is the crossover from have—period! You can’t do that. And if you break
Romans to Galatians—right there! Belief! Not a one—which you’re going to—you’re going to be
work.] …Because of this, you should understand that under a curse so therefore, if you’re under a curse
they who are of faith, these are the true sons of how are you going to get out from underneath it?
Abraham” (vs 5-7). Now we are into that spiritual Only through Christ! He’s delivered us from the
nation of Abraham. curse of the law!
“Now the Scriptures seeing in advance that Verse 11: “Therefore, it is clearly evident
God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and God that no one is being justified before God by means of
preached the Gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, law; because it is written, ‘The just shall live by
‘In you shall all the nations be blessed.’” (v 8). True faith.’”
New Testament Christianity goes back to Abraham!
Once you understand that, you will understand the • believe God
great problems of trying to mix in Judaism or • believe Christ
Catholicism or Protestantism in with it—or • keep His laws and commandments from
Muslimism or Hinduism, whatever you want to try the heart
and mix in with it. It goes back to Abraham. • believe that the sacrifice of Christ covers
all your sins
Verse 9: “It is for this reason that those who • believe that you stand before God
are of faith are being blessed with the believing blameless—which you do
Abraham…. [That’s quite interesting the way that he
put it. Abraham was already dead, but he had this in When you get to feeling really low, understand God
the present tense form showing that all during has you before Him as blameless! Not without sin,
Abraham’s life—after he was called—he was but blameless!
believing! This is an example for us to be believing.] Verse 12: “Now then, the law is not based on
…For as many as are relying on works of law are faith… [No it isn’t! In order to define everything,
under a curse, because it is written, ‘Cursed is there must be a law for everything, and this is the
everyone who does not continue in all things that whole curse of all law! Be it Judaism! Be it
have been written in the book of the law to do American law! Look at how many laws have been
them.’” (vs 9-10). added from the Constitution. I mean, you’ve got
Now then, let’s answer that question: What laws, statutes, ordinances, regulation—book after
does it mean? Protestants say that we are delivered book after book. This is what it’s talking about here.
from the law. What does Paul write? Are you Then you have those judges who get it all mixed up
Romans Series #15
Romans 4:8-25
even more. Then you don’t know.] …law is not were the promises spoken. He does not say, ‘and to
based on faith; but, ‘The man who practices these your seeds,’ as of many; but as of one, ‘and to your
things shall live in them.’” There’s nothing wrong Seed,’ which is Christ…. [We will see the parallel
with that if you’re living within them. However, it with Isaac when we get to that.] …Now this I say,
doesn’t keep you from sinning. If you keep the that the covenant… [with Abraham] …ratified
Sabbath wonderfully this week, but you ‘blow it’ beforehand by God to Christ—… [There was a
next week…. It’s not based on faith. covenant made by God to Christ. Most people don’t
realize that.] …the law, which was given four
Verse 13: “Christ has redeemed us from the hundred and thirty years later, cannot annul, so as to
curse of the law, having become a curse for us…” make the promise of no effect” (vs 16-17).
Think about that; let this sink deep into your heart
and your mind as you come to the Passover time. The law given at Sinai cannot change the
The Creator Who was perfect and Holy and promise given to Abraham, because the promise
righteous altogether became a human being, never given to Abraham is prima-facie—that means it’s
sinned, became a curse. He said, ‘Ok, the way that the primary source of the covenant down to Christ
I’m going to redeem mankind is I redeem them from and with us. Nothing can change that! The law was
the curse that I put upon them because of sin, and I given, but that didn’t change the promise. The
take it myself.’ promise here in this case is the covenant.
• Is that not just? Yes, it is! “Now this I say, that the covenant ratified
• Is that not righteous! Yes, it is! beforehand by God to Christ—the law, which was
• Does God understand? Yes, He does! given four hundred and thirty years later, cannot
annul, so as to make the promise of no effect….
“…(for it has been written, ‘Cursed is everyone who [What was the promise? That your seed shall be as
hangs on a tree,’)… [that’s why He was crucified] the stars of heaven! What are the stars of heaven?
…In order that the blessing of Abraham might come What do they symbolize? They symbolized glorified
to the Gentiles by Christ Jesus, and that we might spirit beings resurrected from the dead—correct?
receive the promise of the Sprit through faith…. The righteous shall shine as the stars of heaven—
[and based on that we have to remain in the faith. that was the promise!] …For if the inheritance is by
This is all what he’s leading up to.] (Very important law… [which was 430 years later—now you’ve
thing for us to understand): …Brethren, (I am changed the conditions. You cannot change the
speaking from a human perspective,) even when a conditions of a covenant.] …it is no longer by
man’s covenant has been ratified, no one nullifies it, promise. But God granted it to Abraham by
or adds a codicil to it” (vs 14-15). What is a promise” (vs 17-18).
‘codicil’? A legal attachment! That’s what it means
in the Greek. We’ll understand the difference If you understand this part of Galatians, you
between a testament and a will; a covenant and a understand the most complicated theological
testamental will: questions which have divided Protestantism for 400
years. It is complicated, I know that, but if you can
• Covenant—once it’s made no one can add understand it—which I’ll try and make it as
to or take from. It’s enforced immediately, understandable as I can—then you understand more
based upon your promise to perform. than the Protestants.
• Will—being a testamental will—is not in
effect until the person dies and can be Verse 19: “Why then the Law?…. [the
changed at any time up to that person’s giving of the Law to Israel] …It was placed
death; or the person can nullify it himself. alongside the promises… [It didn’t change the
Not so, a covenant. promise, but ‘was placed alongside’ it] …for the
purpose of defining transgressions, until the Seed
A covenant you make, it stands, you cannot change should come to whom the promise was made… [it
it, you cannot alter it, you cannot add to it— was only going to come down to Christ] …having
especially the covenant with God. This is what we’re been ordained through angels in the hand of a
dealing with here. We’re going to compare that mediator.”
between the promise given to Abraham and the law
given to Israel later. This is the whole heart and core
and dispute of Protestantism. No man is going to do
that; no one can! Not even the Maker! Not even he Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter;
except where noted
maker of a covenant can himself change it. He can Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
make another agreement alongside it, but it doesn’t Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
change what was given originally. Scriptures in Galatians from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
Galatians, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
Verse 16: “Now to Abraham and to his Seed
Romans Series #15
Romans 4:8-25
Scriptural References:
1) Romans 4:8-10
2) Genesis 15:5-6
3) Genesis 17:1-14, 23-24
4) Romans 4:11-25
5) Revelation 2:23
6) Hebrews 11:6
7) John 6:11-15, 25-36
8) John 7:37-39
9) John 10:22-39
10) Ephesians 1:17-19
11) Romans 4:17
12) Exodus 19:4-6
13) Matthew 21:42-46
14) 1 Peter 2:6-10
15) Galatians 3:1-19
Romans Series #16
Galatians 3
We are in the book of Galatians, the study • What happens when you have sinned?
translation. I want to show you how that Abraham, • Now what state are you in? You’re a
and the promises given to Abraham, all tie in with sinner!
everything that God has done from Abraham down Which means you are cutoff from
to now. That which is related to Abraham, Isaac, God!
Jacob, to the nation of Israel and then down to the Which means that you are subject to
Church and down to us and down to the Gentiles. the death penalty!
All is related to Abraham. Which means that you are under a
As we’ve seen in Rom. 4, how everything curse!
ties back to Abraham, also in Gal. 3 everything ties Verse 13: “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of
back to Abraham. This is the whole point that Paul is the law… [Notice that you cannot make that read
making. There is nothing that is not related to that ‘Christ has redeemed us from the law’—but]
Abraham in everything in the Bible, from the time of …the curse of the law…. [We need the law to tell us
the calling of Abraham down to the fulfillment of what sin is, but when you sin it is the curse!]
the book of Revelation—everything ties back to …having become a curse for us…” (v 13).
Here is how Jesus became a curse for us. In
Galatians 3:11: “Therefore, it is clearly other words, taking upon Himself the penalty for our
evident that no one is being justified before God by sins, upon our repentance, but also the sins of the
means of law…” Why? How is a person justified whole world in the overall scheme of God’s plan. 2-
before God? And ‘before God’ means in the Corinthians 5:19: “Which is, that God was in
presence. Christ… [That’s something to think about—isn’t it?
• Repentance! God the Father—through the power of the Holy
Spirit and Jesus Christ—also experienced human
• Grace! living through Christ. Not directly as Christ did, but
• Forgiveness! God was in Christ] …reconciling the world to
• Sacrifice of Christ! Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them…”
All applied to the individual. Is that a defined law? Here again we have the word imputing,
No! What is the purpose of law? To point out what which we also saw that when we repent and accept
sin is! the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and are put in right
“…because it is written, ‘The just shall live standing with God the Father—God does what? He
by faith.’…. [What does that mean? Remember, that imputes righteousness to us! So here it says He’s not
ties right back to Rom. 1:17—the just shall live by imputing their trespasses to them: “…and He has
faith! What does that mean? You live by believing entrusted to us this message of reconciliation.
God! That’s what it means. That’s how you live by Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ; and God,
faith. Whatever you do then is based upon believing as it were, is exhorting you through us. We beseech
what God has said.] …Now then, the law is not you on behalf of Christ, ‘Be reconciled to God.’ For
based on faith… [It’s not, it just defines. To believe He [God the Father] made Him [Jesus Christ] Who
comes from the inside. To have a law out here—on knew no sin to be sin for us… [He took the curse!]
the outside—is not faith.] (here’s the comparison— …so that we might become the righteousness of God
see sermons on the Two Righteousnesses—this in Him” (vs 19-21). So you see how all that ties in
series): …but, ‘The man who practices these with what we covered concerning the righteousness
things shall live in them’” (vs 11-12). That’s what of God. that God gives you. That is something—
God commanded them to do. isn’t it?
• Has anyone ever lived within the law, We look at ourselves and we know our own
except Christ? human nature, and we know all the difficulties that
• Has anyone ever perfectly kept the law, we have within us. We know the carnalities which
except Christ? No! are still there—don’t we? We can fool other people
• What happens when you break the law? but we can’t fool God. We can fool ourselves if we
Sin! have self-deception, but on the other hand, God is
willing to overlook that; God is willing to inspire us
‘Sin is the transgression of the law’ (1-John 3:4) to want to do His way and serve Him by saying, ‘If
Romans Series #16
Galatians 3
Romans Series #16
Galatians 3
gave sovereignty to all of the nations, God gave to codicil. You put an attachment to that will or write a
all of the nations the administration of death— new one. You can do it because the will is not in
correct? Whether they followed God’s law or not He force until you die. In your second will you say, ‘So
gave it to them. and so have turned out to be dirty rats. So therefore,
I disinherit them. I will give them $1 and they can
When you have that, you cannot have have nothing of my estate.’ Covenantal law is
another sovereign organization come within a different. The promises given to Abraham could not
sovereign nation and exercise the death penalty. You be broken! Nor could they be changed! That’s what
cannot do that. God would not have that conflict. he’s explaining here.
How long do you think the Church would last if, in
whatever nation it were, when their was a “Brethren (I am speaking from a human
transgressor—for example: within a congregation perspective), even when a man’s covenant has been
there was adultery, we had a trial, we gave the death ratified, no one nullifies it, or adds a codicil to it….
penalty—we took them out and stoned them? We [That’s what the Greek literally means.] …Now to
would be going against the sovereignty that God Abraham and to his Seed were the promises
gave to the civil governments to do that. In the New spoken…. [He’s going from Abraham to Christ]
Covenant—with the covenant that comes from …He does not say, ‘and to your seeds,’ as of many;
Abraham down to us through Jesus Christ—we do but as of one, ‘and to your Seed,’ which is Christ.
not have the administration of death. That’s very Now this I say, that the covenant—ratified… [a
important for us to realize. confirmed covenant is standing; it must be executed
from the time it’s confirmed] …beforehand by God
Here’s a good example: When Christ was to Christ—the law… [which was given to Israel—
brought before Pilate, what did the Jews say? They correct?—law covenant to Israel] …which was given
said, ‘We have a law that He’s worthy of death four hundred and thirty years later, so as to make the
because He’s made Himself the Son of God.’ But promise of no effect” (vs 15-17). That is exactly
they couldn’t put Him to death—could they? They what Judaism tries to do! To say that the covenant
wanted to, so what they did, they manipulated and given to Israel—hence to Judah—is the greatest,
used the civil authorities to do it. That sounds like most important thing. Therefore, everyone must
something you could even watch in the news keep the laws or the Noahide Laws, if you’re a
today—correct? Why was that done? Some people Gentile.
like to say the Jews killed Christ. No, they had a part
in it. The Jews like to say the Roman soldiers killed Paul is saying it cannot annul, “…so as to
Christ. No, they had a part in it. Who killed Christ? make the promise of no effect.” What was
Every sinner that’s ever lived! That’s why God had promised? The Seed! What was promised? The
the Jews, on the one hand, for condemnation; covenant, the same kind of covenant that Abraham
Gentiles, on the other hand, to execute the death; but had! That is not the covenant that the children of
they were all involved, so that sin comes upon all Israel had. They did not have the same covenant.
people—Jews and Gentiles. All have to come to They had a separate covenant. Once we understand
Christ, to that same sacrifice, for the forgiveness of these and clarify this step-by-step, it will become
sin. very, very clear.
Galatians 3:15: “Brethren (I am speaking Verse 18: “For if the inheritance is by
from a human perspective), even when a man’s law…”—through law. Let’s look at it this way: We
covenant has been ratified [confirmed]…”—and I can look at covenantal law and we can look at
explain the difference between covenant and testamental law. What if you made out a will—
testament: testamental law—and you had ten children. You
said, ‘I’m going to give ten percent of everything I
• A covenant is and irrevocable promise, have to each one of my children.’ What if there was
which must be fulfilled or you die. With a law of the land which said that the state must first
covenantal law you can’t add to it, you take fifty percent of that? That law will make your
cannot change it. Once the agreement is will of no effect. At a minimum, it will cut it in half.
made, you must stand by it. That’s what we’re talking about here.
• Testamental law, for writing a will, says
what’s going to happen after you die. “For if the inheritance is by law, it is no
Testamental law, with a will, you can longer by promise…. [God promised eternal life. It
change as long as you’re living. starts out with the promise of eternal life to begin
with (Gen. 15). So that’s primary to everything else
I bequeath to my son, my daughter, and so and so. coming down.] …But God graciously granted it by
Then you find out that they are completely unworthy promise…. [Since God did this, what’s the next
of it. What do you do? You make what is called a question?] (If God did this): …Why then the law? It
Romans Series #16
Galatians 3
was placed alongside the promises… [the promises Verse 21: “Is the law then contrary to the
given to Abraham—you can’t add to; you can’t take promises of God? MAY IT NEVER BE!…. [Most
away, but you can place it alongside.] …for the emphatically—‘me ginoito’! Why? Because the laws
purpose of defining transgressions, until the Seed came from the mind of God. They’re not contrary to
would come to Whom the promise was made… [the the promises. But they cannot replace the promises.
promise was made to Christ] …have been… [the law] That’s what we’re talking about.] …For if a law had
…ordained through angels in the hand of a mediator” been given that had the power to give life, then truly
(vs 18-19). righteousness would have been by law.” What if
there was a law which said if you kept the Sabbath
Who was the mediator of the covenant given perfectly for a thousand times you would make it
to Israel? Who was the first mediator? Moses! Then into the Kingdom of God and be granted eternal life,
you have Joshua. Later then it split down into two and you did 999 and you died? God says, ‘Nope,
parties to do it. It was the elders and the high priest. you didn’t do it.’ What if you had a long life and you
Then it became the high priest and the king. They did your thousand Sabbaths early—right around 20-
mediated. years of Sabbath-keeping—now you are qualified,
Verse 20: “Now then, a mediator does not act you are guaranteed to get in. God must give it to
on behalf of one…” A mediator negotiates terms you. Therefore, by law, you can do anything you
between two parties. Did not Moses do that? When want to now and go sin, and God must take you in
did Moses do this particularly? When the children of because you have fulfilled the law of the 1,000
Israel rebelled while he was receiving the Ten Sabbaths and you kept them perfectly.
Commandments. God said, ‘Look, let Me aside, I’ll Now, do you understand why it cannot be by
destroy all of them and I’ll replace My promise to law? It has to be by promise and continuous faith
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob through you.’ What did and belief in God. “…For if a law had been given
Moses do? He said, ‘Oh, God, no! Blot my name out that had the power to give life, then truly
of the book of Life, but don’t destroy all the children righteousness would have been by law.” What does
of Israel, lest the Gentiles say that You brought them the law have power to do? To bring death! Not life!
out here in the wilderness to kill them.’ This is very
important for us to understand! Verse 22: “But the Scriptures have shut up
all things under sin…” That is a great and profound
“…but… [in respect to the promise of grace] verse! That ties in with Rom. 3: ‘All have sinned and
…God is one” (v 20). God acted unilaterally. There come short of the glory of God!’ All are shut up
was no mediating between. God decided He was under sin! That means that God has said that
going to do this Himself. everyone that ‘I do not personally deal with, I will
Let’s understand something that the only let them remain in a condition of sin. They can do
Mediator that we have today is Christ Who is God. good or evil, but unless I call them they are going to
What does this also tell us? Here’s a very important have to wait’—as we know for the second
principle—I realize this is technical and somewhat resurrection. But He ‘shut them all up under sin.’
complicated, but let’s see if we can make it easy: When you watch the news and you see all this sin
When you pray, is there a Mediator that you go to? going on, don’t say, ‘How can that be? Isn’t that
No! You get right on your knees and you say, ‘Our terrible?’ NO! God has just closed them off to sin.
Father in heaven…’ Christ is the Mediator at the right They can’t understand! Shut them up!
hand of God Who is also God. There’s no human There’s going to be a great lesson learned in
mediator between you and God—correct? What does the long run, but the reason is this: “…so that by the
this do for a Catholic priesthood? Think on that! faith of Jesus Christ… [Christ’s own faith] …the
Makes it null and void! Non-Scriptural! Think of promise might be given to those who believe” (v
what that does when you create a structure which 22). This belief then is based on loving God with all
imposes itself—which it can’t do! The truth is, no your heart, all your mind, all your soul and all your
man can come between you and God! They can being!
claim that, and if you submit to that, then you’re
limiting your access to God, because of lack of faith. • When you have that kind of belief and
faith, do you want to sin? No!
• a Catholic priest cannot do it • When you understand the laws of God as
• a Buddha priest cannot do it they apply to us today, are you not going
• a minister cannot do it to regulate your life with God’s Spirit so
• a headquarters cannot do it that you’re going to keep those laws? Yes!
You have direct access to God! That’s exactly what That’s the whole operation by faith and belief as we
we’re talking about here in the overall principle. covered last time, by those who believe!
Romans Series #16
Galatians 3
Verse 23: “Now before faith came, we were • we need God’s way
guarded under law… [He shut up everything unto • we can’t keep the law without God’s Spirit
sin, but then with the covenant to Israel that was a • we need God’s forgiveness
better state of being. That guarded you!] …having • we don’t to die
been shut up unto the faith that was destined to be • we do want eternal life
revealed. In this way, the law was our tutor to lead
us to Christ…” (vs 23-24). The King James says —and that comes by promise! That has to come
‘schoolmaster’ and that sounds kind of harsh, but the from within your being because of what you believe.
Greek really means ‘tutor’—to teach. Verse 25—this is the one where the
Have you ever had a tutor? I had to have two Protestants tear everything apart: “But since faith
tutors. When I started college, after being in the has come, we are no longer under a tutor…”
service and worked in a restaurant for a couple of ‘Hooray! We don’t have to keep any law! No law!’
years, my English was so bad, I sort of snuck into Not so!
the ‘bone-head’ English class, without taking a test.
Let’s go to Hebrews 10:12—I don’t know
Six weeks down into it, the head of the department
how they explain this: “But He [Christ], after
came in and asked, ‘How did you get in this class?’ I
offering one sacrifice… [of Himself] …for sins
was getting a courtesy D-minus. It was bad! ‘You’ve
forever… [It is profound that it is one sacrifice for
got to take a test.’ That was Dr. Sharp who was also
all sins forever, so therefore, it had to be the Creator
head of the German department. He had these
Who took that upon Himself. Only the Creator can
blazing, steely eyes! So I took the test and it came
make right what went wrong with what He created.
back that I qualified for the bottom 25% of the class
That’s how He makes it right!] …sat down at the
for English for the foreign born. That’s right! I was
right hand of God. Since that time, He is waiting
stuck with a problem! I had to pass ‘bone-head’
until His enemies are placed as a footstool for His
English or I could not continue at the college. I
feet. For by one offering He has obtained eternal
could not go back and take it the second time.
perfection for those who are sanctified…. [That is
I asked if I could stay in the class if I get those who are called and receive the Holy Spirit.]
someone to help me. So, I got this private school Dr. …And the Holy Spirit also bears witness to us; for
Moore and she said come on over and they got a after He had previously said, ‘“This is the covenant
teacher. They had a private school which was in that I will establish with them after those days,” says
three homes, and it was only three block from my the Lord…’” (vs 12-16). That is after the days that
apartment. This teacher said, ‘Let’s see where you the covenant with Israel would cease. Technically,
are, go to the blackboard.’ It brought back all those when did the covenant with Israel cease? When
miserable days in English. She took out the seventh Christ died! Technically, that’s when it ceased!
grade workbook and said, ‘Write out this sentence There was the overlap of 40 years until the transition
and diagram it.’ The thing I hated—I hated from the temple service over to the New Testament
diagramming—came upon me! She said, ‘Okay, Church.
let’s try the sixth grade book. Fred, here’s the
subject and here’s the verb—you got that?’ Finally, But He’s saying right here, v 16: “‘“This is
the covenant that I will establish with them after
the third grade book—this is literally true!—third
grade book! That’s where I started. I went three days those days,” says the Lord, “I will give My laws into
their hearts, and I will inscribe them in their
a week and she had me stand there everyday,
minds.”’” To actually etch them, and we know now,
scientifically, that’s how we learn. Our brains are
To make along story short, I brought my actually programmed by electronic chemical
English up. Incentive to learn, incentive is a good etchings in the brain. That’s where He wants the
thing and I had it. I learned it. I brought my grade on laws. Not on a tablet of stone that we can look at and
it, and I got a A-minus for the last six weeks and an say ‘that’s a nice memorial, look at that, that’s
A-minus on the final test, so I passed that course good.’ God wants it in your heart and your mind!
with a B-minus and went on to English 101. My That is the covenant that we are talking about here.
other tutor was a German tutor. But I have to tell Galatians 3:25: “But since faith has come,
you, I learned more about English taking German we are no longer under a tutor… [We are directly
than I did studying English. That’s what a tutor will under what? God! Christ! That’s what’s important!]
do for you. …because you are all sons of God through faith in
Christ Jesus…. [That’s what we all need to
“…to lead us to Christ…” (v 24) That’s understand! We’re all sons of God! There aren’t any
what it’s to do. To show us, to lead us to the point greater or lesser. Christ is the greater and all the rest
that we understand that we’re helpless; of us are the lesser—if you want to put it that way.]
Romans Series #16
Galatians 3
…For as many of you as were baptized into Christ “…how shall we live any longer therein?”
did clothe yourselves in Christ” (vs 25-27). That’s “Or are you ignorant that we, as many as
an interesting expression—isn’t it? Referring to the were baptized into Christ Jesus, were baptized into
garments of righteousness. His death?…. [That’s the whole purpose and
(go to the next track) meaning of baptism.] …Therefore, we were co-
buried… [that’s what the Greek means] …with Him
What is this telling us? Everything that we through the baptism into the death… [His death] …so
do is centered around Christ! You have “…clothed that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the
yourselves in Christ.” Let’s ask some simple glory of the Father, in exactly the same way also, we
questions: should walk in newness of life. For if we become
• Did Christ ever sin? No! conjoined together in the likeness of His death, so
also shall we be in the likeness of His resurrection”
• Are you to sin? No! (vs 3-5). That is a marvelous thing, brethren!
• If you are clothed with Christ, how does Tremendous thing to understand that!
God look at you? As if you are Christ!
“Knowing this, that our old man was co-
Isn’t that an amazing thing? You stop and think crucified with Him in order that the body of sin
about that! God the Father views you exactly as He might be destroyed… [co-crucified! Remember what
views Jesus Christ! This is to encourage us. In the Jesus said, ‘If any man follow Me, let him take up
long haul, if you don’t understand that, and how God his cross and come after Me.’ So, not only did all
has brought you into this relationship with Him, and humanity crucify Christ because of their sins, all
you try and do things on your own, sooner or later humanity will be crucified through Christ, through
what’s going to happen? You’re going to get the forgiveness of their sins—hand-in-hand] …that
overwhelmed because you of yourself cannot stop our old man was co-crucified with Him in order that
sinning! How infrequently you sin, you have a the body of sin might be destroyed… [progressive
sinful nature, and you can’t stop sinning. That leads thing: growing, changing, overcoming] …that we
you to despair! God says, ‘Look, let’s reverse this should no longer be enslaved to sin. Because the
whole thing!’ one who has died to sin has been justified from
• you believe in Jesus Christ sin…. [that is through the operation of baptism]
• you believe in Me …Now if we died together with Christ, we believe
• you believe in His sacrifice that we shall also live with Him” (vs 6-8).
• you believe that your sins are forgiven You see then how Romans helps clarify
Come to God in repentance and ‘I will count you as Galatians. I think one of the biggest mistakes that
righteous as Christ.’ You’re going to have to do too many people do is that they immediately run to
something. You’re going to have to be baptized into Galatians, start drawing all kinds of conclusions
Christ. when they don’t understand Romans and they don’t
understand Hebrews. That’s why going through the
Romans 5:20: “Moreover, the law entered, book of Romans, now when we come to the book of
so that the transgression might abound; but where Galatians it’s easier to understand.
sin abounded, the grace did super-abound; so that
even as the sin… [when you have a sinful nature, Galatians 3:27: “For as many of you as were
that’s what it’s called: the sin!] …reigned unto death, baptized into Christ did clothe yourselves in
in exactly the same way also, the grace… [which Christ…. [That doesn’t tell us the whole operation
comes from Christ] …might reign through that we read in Rom. 6 about being co-crucified with
righteousness unto life eternal through Jesus Christ Him.] (this is spiritually speaking, not physically.
our Lord” (vs 20-21). Spiritually speaking in your standing before God):
…There is neither Jew nor Greek; there is neither
bond nor free; there is neither male nor female; for
Romans 6:1: “What then shall we say? Shall you are all one in Christ Jesus” (vs 27-28).
we continue in sin so that grace may abound?….
[NO! NO! God does this magnificent, wonderful That does not change our physical being.
thing that, through grace, He deals with you] That is our spiritual standing! All men are still
…MAY IT NEVER BE!…. [‘me ginoito’] …We men—hopefully! All women are still women—
who died to sin… [we’re going to see how we died hopefully! That does not change, but our standing
to sin] …how shall we live any longer therein?” (vs before God changes! Why is that important? Under
1-2). What happens when you find yourself sinning, the covenant with Israel, you had this: You had the
and you don’t repent? You get miserable—right? Israelites, then you had the Israelite men, then the
Why do you get miserable? Because God’s Spirit is women; they always had to deal through their
leading you to repentance! That’s what it’s doing! husbands. But, not with Christ! We all deal direct
Romans Series #16
Galatians 3
with God the Father—men and women! Free and nations; you can tie in with that toward our day and on
bond! Tall or short! Skinny or fat! Young or old! We back toward Christ; all those that God has ever called
can add all of that too it—you’re all one in Christ! of every family, of every nation, of every race.
Notice where this ends up, v 29: “Now then, A very simple account, v 4: “Then Abram
if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, departed, even as the LORD had spoken to him….
and heirs according to the promise”—to receive [He did what God wanted. He believed God.] …And
eternal life! That’s given by promise. Lot went with him. And Abram was seventy-five
years old when he departed from Haran. And Abram
Let’s go back and look at the things took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother’s son, and all
concerning Abraham. Genesis 12:1: “And the LORD their substance that they had gathered, and the people
said to Abram… [Abraham got his new name before that they had gained in Haran….” (vs 4-5). This was a
the resurrection—didn’t he? We didn’t! God huge caravan, brethren! This is like we would think of
changed it from Abram to Abraham.] …‘Get out of after watching some of the movies, a rich Middle
your country, and from your kindred, and from your Eastern sheik—who had money, wealth, everything!
father’s house into a land that I will show you.” Now he was asked to leave the land. Why is that
I want you to notice the same requirements important? Left his family, left his land. Why is that
here. I want you to compare what Jesus said and important? If you give up land, you virtually give up
what He required of Abraham. Luke 14:25: “And your status of being anything in that world! So he had
great multitudes were going with Him; and He a lot required of him.
turned and said to them, ‘If anyone comes to Me and Genesis 15—this must have been when
does not hate his father, and mother, and wife, and Abraham was about 84-years-old—somewhere around
children, and brothers and sisters, and, in addition, there. All the rest of the covenants of God come from
his own life also, he cannot be My disciple…. chapters 15, 17 and 22, but chapter 15 is the primary.
[Almost identical! He said, ‘Get out of your country, Genesis 15:1: “After these things the Word of the
and from your kindred’ and you go!] …And LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, ‘Fear not,
whoever does not carry his cross and come after Me Abram, I am your shield and your exceedingly great
cannot be My disciple’” (vs 25-27). reward.’” You might go through some of the Psalms
What if Abraham said, ‘Lord, that’s and look up ‘shield’ and ‘great reward’ and see how
requiring too much.’ That would have been it— God still does that for His people today. You can put
right? God would have chosen somebody else— in there Eph. 6: We’re to have the ‘shield of faith’
correct? Yes! Same thing. With Abraham we’re and all of this. That’s all part of it!
dealing with the beginning, so God says: “And Abram said, ‘Lord GOD… [He’d been
Genesis 12:2: “‘And I will make of you a wandering around for about nine years, close to ten
great nation…. [We’re going to see that great nation years, and he says—notice he talked with God.
was not Israel. That great nation is the firstborn at That’s the kind of relationship that God wants us to
the resurrection, the Church. Is that not greater than have with Him, that we can go to Him and talk to
any nation on earth? Yes!] …And I will bless you Him]: …what will You give me since I go
and make your name great…. [Why? Because childless…’” (vs 1-2). If you’re 84 and you have no
everything that God does from this time on comes children and God keeps telling you that ‘in you shall
under the covenants that He made with Abraham! all the earth be blessed.’ How’s that going to be?
Everything!] …And you shall be a blessing. And I This is another lesson. Abraham proposed a way that
will bless those that bless you and curse the one who he could work it out legally.
curses you. And in you shall all families of the earth be Here’s what he proposed: “‘…and the heir of
blessed.’” (vs 2-3). Notice, that is including all my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?’…. [It was
humankind. That’s why when we get back into legal that if you had no children, you could take the
Galatians it says, ‘There’s neither male nor female, leading servant in your house and make him your
Scythian or bond, and so forth—all mankind. legal son and be heir to everything that you had.
When God opened eternal salvation to Here he was trying to propose a way, by law.]
mankind, He opened it to all nations within that …And Abram said, ‘Behold, You have given no
timeframe of the apostles. Israel did not have eternal seed to me; and lo, one born in my house is my
salvation ever offered to them. Otherwise, eternal life heir.’ And behold, the Word of the LORD came to
would come by law. But eternal life does not come by him saying, ‘This man shall not be your heir… [it’s
law. It comes by promise! Here’s the promise: “…all not going to be by law, but by promise] …but he
families of the earth be blessed.” You can take this one that shall come forth out of your own loins shall be
verse and tie in with that the 144,000 of Rev. 7; the your heir.’” (vs 2-4). (sermons: The Impossible Work
great innumerable multitude of all kindreds and of God I & II). Whatever God does He does from an
Romans Series #16
Galatians 3
impossible point of view as humans look at it. covered before, but never have we put them together
in this sequence. The reason that I’m putting them
If you put it today and you put it into today’s together in this sequence is very important. The
world, and you said, ‘Okay, let’s take bets on this. Bible tells us that we learn ‘precept upon precept;
What’s your bet that at 100-years-old he’s going to here a little, there a little’ and when you go back
have a kid?’ I don’t know what the odds would be. over these things you build. God gives the
“And He [God] brought him outside and understanding: building and building and building
said, ‘Look now toward the heavens… [So we know and putting it together—very important.
this has to be at night.] …and number the stars—if 1-John 3:1: “Behold! What glorious love…
you are able to count them.’…. [I think the Schocken [there again, we have it based on love—don’t we?
Translation says, ‘Now count the stars, count them God loved us first!] …the Father has given to us,
if you’re able to number them’—with that double that we should be called the children of God! For
emphasis.] …And He said to him, ‘So shall your this very reason, the world does not know us
seed be.’ And he believed in the LORD. And He because it did not know Him. Beloved, now we are
accounted it to him for righteousness” (vs 5-6). the children [‘teknon’] of God… [Why does he say
Let’s go to the book of Daniel 12. If the seed ‘now’ though we’re not? When God says something,
are going to be as the stars of heaven,’ what is He it’s going to happen—correct? Yes! God has the
promising first, before Israel? Daniel 12:1: “And at power to make it happen.] …and it has not yet been
that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince revealed what we shall be; but we know that when
who stands for the children of your people. And He is manifested, we shall be like Him, because we
there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was shall see Him exactly as He is.” (vs 1-2). We’ll be
since there was a nation even until that time. And at like Him!
that time your people shall be delivered—every one Revelation 1:13: “And in the midst of the
who shall be found written in the book…. seven lampstands one like the Son of man, clothed
[‘delivered’ means raised, because your name is in in a garment reaching to the feet…” Didn’t we read
the book of Life.] …And many of those who sleep in where we ‘clothed ourselves with Christ’? That
the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting means
life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
And they who are wise shall shine as the brightness • with His attitude
of the firmament…” (vs 1-3) That’s how you’re • with His love
going to be in glorified form. • with His obedience
So, what God was telling Abraham right at —and those translate into the righteousness of the
first was, He was giving him His promise of ‘a great saints are the fine linen—correct? This is marvelous,
nation, of spirit beings who will shine like the stars.’ brethren, how this ties in from Gen. to Rev.
That’s why He didn’t take him out onto the desert.
There’s a lot of desert in the Middle East and it “…and girded about the chest with a golden
would be very easy to do so—right? And say, breastplate. And His head and hair were like white
‘Abraham, look at all this sand, so shall your see be.’ wool, white as snow; and His eyes were like a flame
He took him out and showed him the stars, because of fire; and His feet were like fine brass, as if they
it is a promise of eternal life; everything hinges on glowed in a furnace; and His voice was like the
that. sound of many waters. And in His right hand He had
seven stars, and a sharp two-edged sword went out
I think that it’s amazing that when you begin of His mouth, and His countenance was as the sun
to understand how much Abraham is involved in the shining in its full power” (vs 13-16). Jesus said that
plan of salvation, beginning from Gen. 15, it helps the ‘righteous shall shine as the stars of heaven.’
clear up so many different things. We’re going t see Now we are the sons of God. All of this goes clear
all the way through the New Testament that back to Gen. 15.
Abraham is mentioned.
That’s why when He solidified the promise
Matthew 13:43, talking about the time of the to Abraham, he started with eternal life, for a
resurrection: “Then shall the righteous shine forth as purpose, and did it when Abraham was in
the sun in the kingdom of their Father… [eternal circumcision, for a purpose. So that he would know
life; eternal glory—that ties right back in with Gen. that it would go to all people. Can you imagine the
15] …The one who has ears to hear, let him hear.” legal precedent that people would stand by if He did
it after he was circumcised? If you think they had a
I want you to understand the consistency of feud about circumcision in the New Testament
God’s promise given to Abraham flowing through Church at the beginning of it, think of what would
the whole of the Bible. All of these verses we have have happened if Abraham would have been
Romans Series #16
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circumcised first, before this promise! All of these everlasting [age-lasting] covenant, to be God to you
things are profound, fundamental building blocks. and to your seed after you. And I will give the land
to you in which you are a sojourner, and to your seed
Genesis 15:5: “And He brought him outside after you, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting
and said, ‘Look now toward the heavens and number possession. And I will be their God.’ And God said
the stars—if you are able to count them.’ And He to Abraham, ‘And you shall keep My covenant, you
said to him, ‘So shall your seed be.’ And he and your seed after you in their generations. This is
believed in the LORD…. [Believing God is the most My covenant, which you shall keep, between Me
important thing! Then you will act upon that belief! and you and your seed after you. Every male child
Whatever you believe you act upon.] …And He among you shall be circumcised” (vs 3-10).
accounted it to him for righteousness” (vs 5-6).
Now we’re down to the physical nation, so
Read John 14, 15, 16, & 17—that is what we have a physical token. Before it was eternal life
Jesus instructed the disciples, and it is a detailed and then got down to the physical nation, but it was
explanation on the Passover night of eternal life. basically eternal life. Therefore, it was belief with no
That was the same night that He took Abraham out circumcision. Now then, here is a physical covenant
and said, ‘Look!’ being established:
Verse 18: “In the same day the LORD made “…Every male child among you shall be
a covenant with Abram, saying, ‘I have given this circumcised. And you shall circumcise the flesh of
land to your seed, from the river of Egypt to the your foreskin. And it shall be a sign of the covenant
great river, the river Euphrates”—and so forth. between Me and you…. [this is an entirely different
There was the covenant. It began with eternal life, situation than the first one. Gen. 15 has nothing to
came down to the children of Israel, the land and so say about circumcision.] …And a son of eight days
forth. shall be circumcised among you, every male child in
Genesis 17—another 15 years later, still your generations; he that is born in the house, or
waiting, 99-years-old; God wanted it not to be just bought with silver of any foreigner who is not of
difficult, He wanted it to be absolutely impossible! your seed. He that is born in your house, and he that
Nothing’s impossible for the Lord. Genesis 17:1: is bought with your silver, must be circumcised.
“And when Abram was ninety-nine years old, the And My covenant shall be in your flesh for an
LORD appeared to Abram and said to him, ‘I am the everlasting [age-lasting] covenant” (vs 10-13).
Almighty God! Walk before Me and be perfect.” Then He gives the blessing to Sarah and so forth.
Same requirement we have for the New Verse 15: “And God said to Abraham, ‘As
Testament—right? Yes! for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name
“And I will make My covenant… [Why does Sarai, but her name shall be Sarah. And I will bless
He have to make another covenant? Did we just not her, and give you a son also of her. Yes, I will bless
read that the Lord made a covenant with Abraham her, and she shall be a mother of nations—kings of
(Gen. 15:18)? Yes!] (Why does He come and say): people shall be from her.’ And Abraham fell upon
…I will make My covenant between Me and you, his face and laughed, and said in his heart, ‘Shall a
and will multiply you exceedingly’” (v 2). Why is child be born to him that is a hundred years old?
there another covenant? We have one covenant, this And shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear?’ And
is number two covenant—why? You cannot add to Abraham said to God… [Let’s be practical about
(Galatians)! But you can make another covenant— this!] …‘Oh, that Ishmael might live before
correct? Yes! That’s why! Here’s another aspect to You!’…. [After all, Sari even encouraged that,
fulfill the covenant to the physical nation of Israel. Lord.] …And God said, ‘Sarah your wife shall bear
you a son indeed. And you shall call his name Isaac.
Verse 3: “And Abram fell on his face. And And I will establish My covenant with him for an
God talked with him, saying, ‘As for Me, behold, everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him’”
My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father (vs 15-19). Then we’ll see in Gal. 4 that has to do
of many nations…. [then He begins defining it a with the Church. This also is a type of Christ.
little more] …Neither shall your name any more be
called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I Verse 20: “‘And as for Ishmael, I have heard
have made you a father of many nations. And I will you. Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him
make you exceedingly fruitful… [no child yet!] fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly. He shall
…and I will make nations of you, and kings shall beget twelve princes, and I will make him a great
come from you…. [now we’re talking about nations nation. But I will establish My covenant with Isaac,
on the earth and kings on the earth] …And I will whom Sarah shall bear to you at this set time in the
establish My covenant between Me and you and next year.’ And He left off talking with him, and
your seed after you in their generations for an God went up from Abraham” (vs 20-22). And
Romans Series #16
Galatians 3
Scriptural References:
1) Galatians 3:11-13
2) 2 Corinthians 5:19-21
3) Galatians 3:13-14
4) John 4:19-24
5) Galatians 3:15-25
6) Hebrews 10:12-16
7) Galatians 2:25-27
8) Romans 5:20-21
9) Romans 6:1-8
10) Galatians 3:27-29
11) Genesis 12:1
12) Luke 14:25-27
13) Genesis 12:2-5
14) Genesis 15:1-6
15) Daniel 12:1-3
16) Matthew 13:43
17) 1 John 3:1-2
18) Revelation 1:13-16
19) Genesis 15:5-6,18
20) Genesis 17:1-13, 15-22, 25-26
Romans Series #17
Abraham and the Covenants of God
We’re not going to cover anything in the why it was circumcision for the physical seed,
book of Romans this time, but what is related to physical people, for a physical covenant for the
Abraham and salvation or Abraham and the children of Israel as they would be through Isaac.
covenants of God. Everything that God has done Though Isaac comes both the children of Israel, the
from the time of Abraham to now, comes from physical seed; through Isaac also comes the spiritual
Abraham and is mentioned all the way through. children. This is an aspect of it here.
The first covenant was given in Gen. 15, Then the promise was given that Isaac would
where God said, ‘Look at the stars of heaven and if be born, v 21: “But I will establish My covenant
you can number them so shall your seed be.’ Which with Isaac… [So God already told Abraham what
then was the promise of the spiritual, glorified sons the name of the child would be before it was born;
of God. before it was even conceived.] …whom Sarah shall
bear to you at this set time in the next year.” We
When we come to Genesis 17 we find don’t have an exact date for that, and it’s very hard
something that was a little different. Now it was to speculate when it was, so we won’t do that. But it
going to nations and kings (v 6), the father of many was at the set time that God had determined.
nations (v 5), then we come over and the same
blessing is given to Sarah: ‘You’ll be the mother of Then they had the circumcision that day and
nations, kings of people shall come from you’ and so that confirmed the covenant. Notice with this one,
forth (v 16). This is the physical covenant for God did not do anything in the way of confirming
physical Israel. This is another covenant. this covenant with a sacrifice that God passed
through, as we found in Gen. 15. This one, the
The thing we need to understand about a physical people did the physical circumcising and
covenant is this: Once a covenant is made, no one that was the token of the covenant.
changes it; not even the covenant maker. In order to
have something different, you have to make a new Now when we come to Gen. 22, we have
covenant. This is the second covenant given to something which guarantees both of them. I’m not
Abraham, which then is going to guarantee the going to get into the chronology of this; I will
physical nation of Israel. In this one, as compared to expand upon this later, but let’s look at it and go
the one in Gen. 15, there was not a sacrifice that was through it and then we’re going to see something
given with the animals, but the sacrifice was the quite important.
circumcision. There was the covenant cut—notice
what it is: Genesis 22:1: “And it came to pass after
these things that God tested Abraham, and said to
Genesis 17:4: “As for Me, behold, My him, ‘Abraham!’ And he said, ‘Here I am.’”
covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of
many nations. Neither shall your name any more be Let’s understand, let’s come over here to
called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I Genesis 23 and get some sort off perspective of his
have made you a father of many nations. And I age at this particular time. Right after this Sarah
will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make died. Genesis 23:1: “And Sarah was a hundred
nations of you, and kings shall come from you. twenty-seven years old, these were the years of the
And I will establish My covenant between Me and life of Sarah.” Abraham was ten years older so that
you and your seed after you in their generations for meant that he was 137-years-old. This means that at
an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to the time, the oldest—and we’ve speculated on the
your seed after you” (vs 4-7). So they agreed to it. age of Isaac, but we didn’t tie it into the age of his
mother. She was 90-years-old when Isaac was born.
Abraham was 100. So this means that he could be a
After the covenant was made then was the maximum of 37-years-old and for us to say 30-
circumcision, v 10: “This is My covenant, which years-old would not be out of sight. There’s one
you shall keep, between Me and you and your seed little difficulty we have, he is called ‘the lad.’ So we
after you. Every male child among you shall be don’t know what the exact age is. I would assume
circumcised. And you shall circumcise the flesh of that he would be around 20 where he could be
your foreskin. And it shall be a sign of the covenant mature enough, but still be called ‘a lad.’
between Me and you” (vs 10-11). There was no
animal sacrifice given here, yet, there was the We’re going to see several parallels between
shedding of blood to guarantee the covenant. That’s what God the Father did and what Jesus Christ did in
Romans Series #17
Abraham and the Covenants of God
relationship to Isaac. Genesis 22:2: “And He said, my son.’ And he said, ‘Behold the fire and the
‘Take now your son, your only son Isaac… [Was wood. But where is the lamb for a burnt
Isaac his only son? No! Ishmael was his son through offering?’…. [there was the missing ingredient]
Hagar. But this is his only son by the miraculous …And Abraham said, ‘My son, God will provide
birth, through Sarah, and the one to whom the Himself a lamb for a burnt offering.’….” (vs 7-8).
promises would go.] (So therefore, he is reckoned Isaac also had to believe this—correct? You don’t
as): …you only son Isaac, whom you love… [and find him rebelling; you find him just questioning.
you could put a lot of different Scriptures there, that Much like Christ when He prayed that last prayer:
‘the Father loves Me and I love the Father,’ Jesus ‘Not My will be done, but Your will be done.’
said, and so forth.] …and go into the land of Moriah,
and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of “…So they both went on together. And they
the mountains which I will tell you.’” came to the place of which God had told him. And
Abraham built an altar… [I don’t imagine he was
People seem to think that Mt. Moriah was doing this too swiftly. To build an altar you take
the place where the temple was later built. But this is huge round stones. An altar that was to be built had
‘one’ of the mountains of Moriah. So you could to be built of whole stones; no tools put on it. And it
actually have a situation this way: It’s pretty clear had to be big enough to lay Isaac out on; so it was
that Jesus was crucified on the Mt. of Olives, which quite a job in building the altar.] …there and laid the
would be one of the mountains of Moriah, because wood in order. And he bound his son Isaac and laid
that was just across the Kidron Valley where the him on the wood, upon the altar.” (vs 8-9). I wonder
temple was. That’s very possible that this is where what was on Isaac’s mind when this was happening;
this even took place. It’s not like the Islamic religion when Abraham said ‘God will provide a lamb, a
has: They said that God told Abraham to take sacrifice.’ Yet, it hadn’t been provided. There it was
Ishmael and to offer him. But Isaac was the one, not all ready.
Ishmael. Ishmael is not counted in the promises.
God did not forget him, but he is not in the promises So he put him on the wood, v 10: “And
given to Abraham. Abraham stretched out his hand… [We can learn a
lesson here, a very deep and profound lesson.
Verse 3: “And Abraham rose up early in the Sometimes God does not rescue us until the very last
morning and saddled his donkey, and took two of his second. Why? To test our heart, our mind and our
young men with him, and Isaac his son. And he split attitude to see what we’re going to do! That’s what
the wood for the burnt offering, and rose up and happened here.] …and took the knife to slay his
went to the place of which God had told him. Then son.” I don’t know if he had it raised up in the air. I
on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw don’t know exactly what it was. But generally with a
the place afar off…. [This is really quite a test for sacrifice they would slit the throat of the lamb,
him. But it is a very example of God the Father and which was not a raising of the knife, it was just
Jesus Christ.] …And Abraham said to his young taking the knife and slitting the throat.
men, ‘You stay here with the donkey, and I and the
boy will go yonder and worship, and come again to Verse 11: “And the angel of the LORD
you’” (vs 3-5). He had faith right there. He was called to him from the heavens and said, ‘Abraham!
believing (Heb. 11) that regardless of what Abraham!’ And he said, ‘Here I am.’ And He said,
happened, God would be able to raise Isaac from the ‘Do not lay your hand upon the lad… [He hadn’t
dead because he conceived him from the dead come to that point, yet.] …nor do anything to him,
through a figure in a dead body—Abraham’s body for now I know that you fear God… [when we
and Sarah’s body.. look back at all of the years, Abraham here was
probably 130-plus years old. We figured he was 137
Verse 6: “And Abraham took the wood of in Gen. 23:1, so he must have been close to that. He
the burnt offering and laid it upon Isaac his son…. was called at age 75. So, if he was a 135-years-old
[What is the parallel with Christ here? Christ bore then we have a total of 60 years that he was tested;
His own cross—didn’t He? At least part of the way.] 60 years to know, to know that you know. That’s
…And he took the fire pot in his hand, and a knife. what God was saying here: ‘Now I know that I
And they both went together.” This was between just know!’] …seeing you have not withheld your son,
the father and the son. Just exactly like the sacrifice your only son, from Me.’” (vs 11-12).
of Jesus Christ. It was for the world, but it was an
agreement between the One of Elohim Who became Let’s go to one of the very basic Scriptures
the Father and the One of Elohim Who became the in the New Testament, Luke 14. We’re to do the
Son. same thing. In a sense this was Abraham ‘counting
the cost’—was it not? Yes! This is something that we
“And Isaac spoke to Abraham his father have to know and live all of our lives so that God
and said, ‘My father.’ And he said, ‘Here I am, will know.
Romans Series #17
Abraham and the Covenants of God
Luke 14:26: “If anyone comes to Me and Abraham out of heaven the second time, and said,
does not hate his father, and mother, and wife, and ‘By Myself have I sworn,’ says the LORD…” (vs
children, and brothers and sisters… [that means to 14-16). God was inspired by what Abraham did.
love God more! Did Abraham love God more than God doesn’t need to swear. Men swear so that they
he loved Isaac, though Isaac was his only son whom will have conscience against lying. You promise to
he loved? Yes, he did! And more than his wife? Yes! ‘swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing
And his other children? Yes! And his brethren and but the truth.’ Whatever God says is truth, so He
sisters? Yes!] …and, in addition, his own life also… doesn’t need to swear. This makes a double
[That’s the same requirement—isn’t it?] …he cannot guarantee from this time forward everything that
be My disciple.” This means the impossibility of God promised Abraham was going to happen, and it
being a disciple of Christ. did not depend on the righteousness of the
descendants, but on the promises of God. That’s
Verse 27: “And whoever does not carry his something we need to understand!
cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.” So
it’s the same thing. Bearing your cross is whatever “…‘By Myself have I sworn,’ says the
trouble or difficulty that comes upon you in LORD, ‘because you have done this thing, and have
following God, regardless of where He takes you or not withheld your son, your only son; that in
leads you or the circumstances. So likewise, it’s the blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying I will
same thing here with Abraham. He was fulfilling multiply your seed… [Notice the two-fold aspect of
that term of the New Covenant: to love God more the rest of this verse; we have two descriptions
than anything else! That there would be nothing at describing what God was going to do: (#1) the
all between him and God. That is difficult for human spiritual creation of the spiritual nation, which is]:
beings to do, because we love our own; we like to …like the stars of the heavens… [that is the spiritual
ask God to help us in everything, but when it comes creation] …(#2) and as the sand which is upon the
to really just laying our lives out like that—and seashore…. [that is physical Israel] …And your seed
bearing the cross, as Christ said—that is a difficult shall possess the gate of his enemies. And in your
situation. So Abraham did that; also Isaac had to do seed… [this then is referring to Christ—singular!]
that—correct? He was willing to die! He was willing …shall all the nations of the earth be blessed,
to bear the wood on which he would be burned—a because you have obeyed My voice’” (vs 16-18).
type of the cross. There it is again!
Genesis 22:12: “‘…for now I know that you Everything from the Bible now—the rest of
fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son, the Bible—flows from Abraham! All of the rest of
your only son, from Me.’ And Abraham lifted up his the plan of God is contained in those three covenants
eyes and looked…. [I’m sure that he was looking all of Gen. 15, 17 & 22. All of it now is guaranteed!
the time before that, too.] …And, behold, behind God swore by Himself and He cannot go back on
him a ram was entangled in a thicket by its horns….” His word. It is going to happen! Let’s see how this is
(vs 12-13). referred to time and time again. We’re going to take
a survey showing that everything else in the rest of
Let’s look at this just a little bit. As I’ve said the Bible is keyed upon these three covenants.
before—and I’m more convinced of it now, not that
I’m trying to convince myself of something that is This was the encounter with Esau when
not Scriptural—this ram, notice it was not a lamb, Jacob was fearing for his life, Genesis 32:9: “And
full, mature. This ram, I believe, was supernaturally Jacob said, ‘Oh God of my father Abraham, and God
created for this event. Just like Isaac was of my father Isaac… [He referring back to those
supernaturally created to carry on the seed of promises; reminding God was what He had
Abraham. Also, we have that it is a substitute promised.] …the LORD, Who said to me, “Return to
sacrifice in place of Isaac. your country and to your kindred, and I will deal
well with you.” I am not worthy of the least of all
“And Abraham went and took the ram and the mercies and of all the truth… [When you think
offered it up for a burnt offering instead of his son” you’re on the brink of death, notice what it does to
(v 13). We have the same substitute type of offering your attitude. He was very tender before God.]
that Christ gave to us, that instead of us dying for …which You have done to Your servant…’” (vs 9-
our sins, He died for our sins; He was made sin and 10).
we were made righteousness. Quite a profound
lesson! This is all contained here.
He’s looking at it now from God’s
Verse 14: “And Abraham called the name of perspective. When he was with Laban, he was
that place The LORD Will Provide; so that it is said looking at it from his own perspective. He said,
until this day, ‘In the mount of the LORD it will be ‘Look, I’ve been here for seven years and then you
provided.’ And the angel of the LORD called to made me work 14 more years for my two wives.
Romans Series #17
Abraham and the Covenants of God
Now I’m going to go. I need to get out from under you,” and they shall say to me, “What is His name?”
your hand.’ Now he’s looking at it as a tender mercy What shall I say to them?’ And God said to Moses,
because God kept him alive and blessed him, etc. ‘I AM THAT I AM.’…. [We’re going to see that
that’s important in the New Testament in
“‘…for with my staff I passed over this relationship to the seed of Abraham.] …And He
Jordan, and now I have become two bands. Deliver said, ‘Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, “I
me, I pray You, from the hand of my brother, from AM has sent me to you.”’ And God said to Moses
the hand of Esau; for I fear him, lest he come and again, ‘You shall say this to the children of Israel,
strike me, and the mother with the children. And “The LORD God of your fathers, the God of
You said, “I will surely do you good, and make Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of
your seed as the sand of the sea, which cannot be Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name
numbered for multitude.”’” (vs 10-12). He was forever, and this is My title from generation to
looking to the physical nation as the sand of the sea. generation.”’” (vs 13-15).
Then all the rest is the story about how God gave
him favor in the sight of Esau and so forth. This is something that we need to go through
and show, just for the sake of repetition, how this
This is the account of Isaac. Genesis 26:24: follows through everything. If you look at modern
“And the LORD appeared to him [Isaac] the same Protestantism, they use Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
night, and said, ‘I am the God of Abraham your but say there were no laws connected with it, so
father. Do not fear, for I am with you, and will bless therefore, we are free to not have to keep any of the
you and multiply your seed for My servant commandments of God except those that we deem
Abraham’s sake.’” Then he built the altar. So there that are good enough in our sight. That’s the
we have God again referring to Isaac and it was for complete opposite.
the sake of Abraham.
Exodus 6:1: “And the LORD said to Moses,
Gen. 28:3: “And may God Almighty bless ‘Now you shall see what I will do to Pharaoh… [I
you and make you fruitful, and multiply you, so don’t think he had a clue what was going to happen.]
that you may be a multitude of people. And may He …for with a strong hand he shall let them go, and
give you the blessing of Abraham to you and to your with a strong hand he shall drive them out of his
seed with you, so that you may inherit the land in land.’ And God spoke to Moses, and said to him, ‘I
which you are a stranger, which God gave to am the LORD. And I appeared to Abraham, to
Abraham.’…. [this is the blessing of Isaac to Jacob] Isaac, and to Jacob as God Almighty [El Shaddai].
… So Isaac sent Jacob away….” (vs 3-5). But I was not known to them by My name
This is where Jacob complained to Laban, JEHOVAH’” (vs 1-3). This tells us with each
Genesis 31:41: “And I have been twenty years in covenant God has covenant names to go with the
your house. I served you fourteen years for your two covenant. He was El Shaddai with Abraham, Isaac
daughters, and six for your flocks. And you have and Jacob. Here He is now Jehovah the Lord unto
changed my wages ten times. Unless the God of my the children of Israel.
fathers, the God of Abraham, and the fear of Isaac “‘And I have also established My covenant
had been with me, surely now you would have sent with them… [It was already done; He promised it.]
me away empty….” (vs 41-42). …to give them the land of Canaan, the land of their
Let’s see what God says to Moses when He pilgrimage, in which they were strangers. And I have
begins dealing with Moses and the children of Israel. also heard the groaning of the children of Israel,
This is when he had the first encounter with the those whom the Egyptians are keeping in bondage.
‘burning bush.’ Moses came up to see it. Exodus And I have remembered My covenant. Therefore,
3:4: “And the LORD saw that he had turned aside to say to the children of Israel, I am the LORD, and I
see. God called to him out of the midst of the bush, will bring you out from under the burdens of the
and said, ‘Moses! Moses!’ And he said, ‘Here I am.’ Egyptians, and I will rescue you out of their
And He said, ‘Do not come near here. Put off your bondage. And I will redeem you with an
sandals from your feet, for the place on which you outstretched arm, and with great judgments. And I
stand is Holy ground.’ And He said, ‘I am the God will take you to Me for a people, and I will be to you
of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of a God. And you shall know that I am the LORD
Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’….” (vs 4-6). Again, your God, Who brings you out from under the
before He starts anything to do with Israel, it comes burdens of the Egyptians. And I will bring you into
back to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. the land concerning which I did swear to give to
Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob. And I will give it to
Verse 13: “And Moses said to God, ‘Behold, you for a heritage. I am the LORD!’” (vs 4-8).
when I come to the children of Israel, and shall say
to them, “The God of your fathers has sent me to Notice, right in the beginning, in dealing
Romans Series #17
Abraham and the Covenants of God
with the children of Israel, He starts out with think that after 40 years of manna they would have
Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Now let’s see how this learned which day was the Sabbath. You would
carries through. think they would have learned who God was.
This is Moses talking with God. Moses takes Moses is telling the people what God has
the words of God and holds them up to God to make said, Deuteronomy 1:8: “Behold, I have set before
sure that God will be true to His word, Exodus 32:7: you the land. Go in and possess the land which the
“And the LORD said to Moses, ‘Go! Get you down, LORD has sworn to your fathers, to Abraham, to
for your people, whom you brought out of the land Isaac, and to Jacob, to give to them and to their
of Egypt, have corrupted themselves.’” Isn’t that seed after them.”
always one of the traits of the children of Israel—not
only the physical children of Israel, but look how Deuteronomy 9:26—he reiterating the prayer
quickly the Church. Who would believe that they in Exo. 32: “I prayed therefore to the LORD and
would have Easter sunrise services in Big Sandy, said, ‘O, Lord GOD, do not destroy Your people and
and in the Auditorium, dedicated to God, paid for by Your inheritance which You have redeemed through
God’s tithes and so forth? Your greatness, which You have brought forth out of
Egypt with a mighty hand. Remember Your
Verse 8: “‘They have turned aside quickly servants, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Do not look
out of the way which I commanded them. They have to the stubbornness of this people, nor to their
made them a molten calf, and have worshiped it, and wickedness, nor to their sin’” (vs 26-27). So, he was
have sacrificed to it, and said, “These are your gods, reiterating: you’re here because I intervened with
O Israel, who have brought you up out of the land of God and God saved you.
Egypt.”’…. [Which was not so!] …And the LORD
said to Moses, ‘I have seen this people, and behold, Three is the number of finality or
it is a stiff-necked people. And now leave Me alone, completeness, so we have Abraham, Isaac and
so that My wrath may burn hot against them and that I Jacob. But the thing that I want us to have impressed
may consume them. And I will make of you a great upon our minds is that everything from Abraham,
nation.’…. [He said, ‘If they sin I’ll just go ahead and Isaac and Jacob is depended upon what they did.
work it through you. It’ll take a little longer, but I’ll That comes down to Christ.
do it.’] …And Moses prayed to the LORD his God, • we saw at the beginning of Deuteronomy
and said, ‘LORD, why does Your wrath burn hot • we saw it at the beginning before the
against Your people… [God says, ‘your people’ (v exodus began
7); down here Moses says back to God, ‘Your • we saw it when Moses appealed to God
people.’] …whom You have brought forth out of the not to vent His wrath
land of Egypt with great power and with a mighty
hand? Why should the Egyptians speak and say, “He Here God is showing the same thing. When He
brought them out with an evil intent, to kill them in finishes the covenant, He finishes it where He
the mountains and to consume them from the face of began—with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
the earth”? Turn from Your fierce wrath, and repent Deuteronomy 30:19: “I call heaven and earth to
of this evil against Your people’” (vs 8-12). That’s a record this day against you that I have set before you
prayer we ought to pray for the Church today— life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore,
right? That God may redeem some that are headed choose life, so that both you and your seed may
for judgment! live… [everything we do is a choice] …that you
may love the LORD your God, and may obey His
Notice what he appeals to; he didn’t say, voice, and may cleave to Him; for He is your life
‘Yeah, God, I’m the one, You called me.’ and the length of your days, so that you may dwell
“‘Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Your in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers—
servants, to whom You swore by Your own self, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob—to give it to
and said to them, “I will multiply your seed as the them” (vs 19-20). That was finishing the covenant;
stars of the heavens, and all this land that I have going into the land.
spoken of will I give to your seed, and they shall
inherit it forever.”’ And the LORD repented of the Joshua 24:1—after they divided the land;
evil which He spoke of doing to His people” (vs 13- Joshua is giving his farewell sermon before he died:
14). So that’s pretty powerful when you go back and “And Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel to
claim the promise given to Abraham, Isaac and Shechem and called for the elders of Israel, and for
Jacob. their heads, and for their judges, and for their
officers. And they presented themselves before
Now, let’s come to the book of God…. [that was right at the tabernacle of the
Deuteronomy, the end of the 40 years of wandering congregation] …And Joshua said to all the people,
and all the trouble, death and destruction. You would ‘Thus says the LORD God of Israel, “Your fathers
Romans Series #17
Abraham and the Covenants of God
dwelt on the other side of the River in old times who murmured shall learn instruction’” (vs 22-24).
[after the Flood], Terah the father of Abraham, and That’s a whole converted process—may that happen
the father of Nahor, and they served other gods. And in the Church of God!
I took your father Abraham from beyond the River,
and led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and We also find something very interesting here
multiplied his seed and gave him Isaac. And I gave in Isa. 51: not only do we have the mention of
to Isaac Jacob and Esau. And I gave Esau Mount Abraham, but we have also the mention of Sarah.
Seir for his own, but Jacob and his sons went down Isaiah 51:1: “Hearken to Me, you who follow after
to Egypt. I sent Moses also, and Aaron, and I righteousness… [Let’s tie this in with the book of
plagued Egypt, according to that which I did among Romans and what we’ve study on the righteousness
them. And afterward I brought you out. And I of God’; the imputed righteousness which is given,
brought your fathers out of Egypt. And you came to that God gives to you.] …you who seek the
the sea, and the Egyptians followed after your LORD… [that’s a prophecy of us] …Look to the
fathers with chariots and horsemen to the Red Sea”’” Rock from which you were cut… [that Rock is
(vs 1-6). Now you are here because of Abraham, Christ] …and to the hole of the pit from which you
Isaac and Jacob. We’ll just summarize the rest of it. were dug…. [Look to your meager beginnings]
He gave the rest of the warning and so forth. Again …Look to Abraham your father, and to Sarah who
we see that it is appealed to Abraham, Isaac and bore you… [Sarah is likened unto the Church] …for
Jacob all the way through. I called him alone, and blessed him, and made him
many” (vs 1-2). This goes right back this time
Psalm 105:5: “Remember His marvelous straight to Abraham.
works which He has done, His wonders, and the
judgments of His mouth, O you seed of Abraham Micah 7:18: “Who is a God like You, Who
His servant, you children of Jacob His chosen. He is pardons iniquity and passes over the transgression of
the LORD our God; His judgments are in all the the remnant of His heritage?…. [That’s talking about
earth. He has remembered His covenant forever, the spiritually, the Church.] …He does not keep His
word which He commanded to a thousand anger forever because He delights in mercy. He will
generations; the covenant which He made with turn again; He will have compassion upon us. He
Abraham, and His oath to Isaac; and He confirmed it will subdue our iniquities. Yea, You will cast all
to Jacob for a statute, and to Israel for an everlasting their sins into the depths of the sea” (vs 18-19).
covenant” (vs 5-10). Notice the progression of this That’s a guarantee of the removal of sin. What does
again: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and then the it say of our sins in Psa. 103? ‘He pardons all of our
confirmation of it with the giving of the law. iniquities and forgives all of our trespasses and
removes them from us as far as the east is from the
(go to the next track) west.’ Now we have it ‘cast into the depths of the
Everything is threaded through the promises, sea.’ When you repent and you go to God and you
or coming from the promises given to Abraham, ask God to have mercy on you and forgive you, it’s
Isaac and Jacob; everything that God did from that like going out here to the deepest part of the Pacific
time on. Comment on ‘a thousand generations’—if Ocean and dropping a huge rock down into the
you figured a generation was 20 years, that would be ocean and it’s gone forever! Think of that!
20,000 years. God is literally saying that He’s not Verse 20: “You will perform the Truth to
going to run out of time to complete His plan. If you Jacob, and mercy to Abraham, which You have
figured each generation was 35 years, then He had sworn to our fathers from the days of old.” There
35,000 years. In calculating the generation in Matt. we have it again.
1, I found one set to be 42 years—so that would be
42,000 years. This is an expression of determined Let’s understand something about Matthew;
exaggeration—not to exaggerate the numbers—to he was:
show that it’s going to be forever. You can’t number • a Levite
a thousand generations. This means the expanse of
time out into eternity. • a tax collector
• kept records
Isaiah 29: 22: “Therefore thus says the • knew Greek (the book of Matthew was
LORD, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house written in Greek)
of Jacob, ‘Jacob shall not now be ashamed, nor shall They began writing the New Testament
his face now become pale. But when he sees his immediately. Why? Because the New Testament—
children, the work of My hands, in his midst, they the same as the Old Testament was written for the
shall sanctify My name, and sanctify the Holy One Old Covenant—was written because it was the New
of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel. Those who Covenant, and all of the things here have to do with
erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and those the New Covenant going out from here. Notice how
Romans Series #17
Abraham and the Covenants of God
Matthew starts this; no doubt, right at the beginning: around him and he ate locust. I think that was
actually eating real locust and honey—high in
Matthew 1:1: “The book of the genealogy of protein. I’ve never had locust. I don’t necessarily
Jesus Christ, the son of David… [the promise was want to try one.
given to David] …the son of Abraham.” Notice
where he starts]: …Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac Luke 13:24: “Strive with your whole being
begat Jacob” (vs 1-2) and so forth. Everything here to enter in through the narrow gate… [the difficult
is keyed back to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. gate; true Christianity is difficult] …for many, I say
to you, will seek to enter in, but shall not be able….
How did they get all of these things? Let’s [That’s also a very interesting statement—isn’t it?
just think about the account of Mary and Elizabeth. Unless God opens the door, you’re not going to go
What was it Elizabeth said? Were there a crowd of there—doesn’t matter what you do!] …Once the
reporters there writing down what she said? No! She Master of the house has risen up and has shut the
probably wrote it down afterwards, or someone door, and you begin to stand outside the door and
came to her and said, ‘What did you say?’ Here’s knock, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us’; then shall
what I said. Same thing with Mary. This was just He answer and say to you, ‘I do not know you or
between her and Elizabeth. It wasn’t a public thing. where you are from.’ And you shall begin to say,
So that had to be written down. ‘We ate and drank in Your presence, and You have
The father of John the Baptist understood taught in our streets.’ And He shall say, ‘I tell you, I
what was going on, here’s what he said. Luke 1:67: do not know you or where you are from. Depart
“And Zacharias his father was filled with the Holy from Me, all you workers of unrighteousness.’ There
Spirit, and prophesied, saying, ‘Blessed be the Lord, shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see
the God of Israel, because He has visited and has Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in
worked redemption for His people, and has raised up the Kingdom of God, but you yourselves are cast
a horn of salvation for us in the house of His servant out” (vs 24-28).
David; exactly as He spoke by the mouth of His So this may be a warning for all of those
Holy prophets since the world began; salvation from who are inclined to go to Judaism. He’s talking to
our enemies and from the hand of all those who hate those who practice Judaism. If you want Judaism,
us; to fulfill the promise of mercy made to our maybe the door is going to be shut to you. You need
fathers, and to remember His Holy covenant, the to think before you start running off after some of
oath that He swore to Abraham our father; to these false doctrines and all of the little clever-
grant us that, being saved from the hand of our sounding things that people do. I got word back that
enemies, we might serve Him without fear, walking some people have followed Darrell Condor in spite
in holiness and righteousness before Him all the of everything. And that there are some people who
days of our lives. And you, little child, shall be now say—and they are practicing it—that you have
called the prophet of the Highest; for you shall go to have a prayer shawl to pray. And the prayer shawl
before the face of the Lord, to prepare His ways… has to have the fringe on it. All of that is practicing
[Did they know what was happening? Yes! Did they Judaism. You cannot perfect spiritual things with
understand the mission of John the Baptist? Yes!] physical means!
…to give the knowledge of salvation to His people
by the remission of their sins, through the deep inner This has to do with the firstfruits and it also
compassions of our God; in which the dayspring has to do with firstfruit pretenders. The firstfruits
from on high has visited us, to shine upon those who that are willing to listen we can admonish and they
are sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death, to will change. Those who need a little stronger, we
direct our feet into the way of peace.’ And the little can get stronger with them. Those who are
child grew and was strengthened in spirit; and he downright stubborn we have to reveal to them what
was in the wilderness until the day of his appearing God is going to do in judgment in hopes that they
to Israel” (vs 67-80). would have the fear of God. One thing about all of
these doctrines that are going around, I wrote in
God literally separated John the Baptist so he December that this year we’re going to be
wouldn’t be all involved with all the Judaism and all SLAMMED with all these false doctrines, and they
of the politics and their school. He was probably are coming harder and faster and heavier than I ever
taught directly by the Spirit of God, by his father out figured. If you are not loving God and keeping His
in the wilderness. His father surely knew what was commandments, you’re going to join the group of
going to happen, otherwise he couldn’t have the ‘workers of iniquity,’ because iniquity is
prophesied this—could he? transgression and lawlessness.
Then he appeared—BAM! All of sudden
there was John the Baptist, had a Nazarite Vow, long “There shall be weeping and gnashing of
hair, clothed in camel’s hair and had a leather girdle teeth when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob
Romans Series #17
Abraham and the Covenants of God
and all the prophets in the Kingdom of God, but you according to the promise.”
yourselves are cast out” (v 28). Again, the spiritual
Kingdom of God is appealed to when? Abraham, There we have it, all the way through. You can tie
Isaac and Jacob! This verifies everything that I have and go back to Rom. 4, all the places: Abraham all
been covering here that everything in the Bible from the way through.
Abraham, keys from Abraham on down to the Now, let’s go to the book of Hebrews,
fulfillment of the plan of God. chapter two, and let’s see how it is further defined in
Verse 29: “Then they shall come from the relationship to Abraham. This is very interesting and
east and the west, and from the north and the south, also very profound, because the book of Hebrews
and shall sit down in the Kingdom of God…. [the was written to the Jews who were still there in
resurrection] …And behold, there are the last who Jerusalem, and were thinking that if they would all
shall be first, and the first who shall be last.” So just get together and they would all offer the animal
again, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! sacrifices. That’s what happened in 66A.D. They had
3-million Jews there to keep the Passover. They
Notice how this ties in with ‘your seed shall thought they would force God to keep from
be as the stars of heaven’—the glorified sons of destroying the temple, because it was well known
God. Luke 20:34: “And Jesus answered and said to that it was going to be destroyed. God had warned
them, ‘The children of this age marry and are given them. They didn’t hear. They said, ‘We’re going to
in marriage; but those who are accounted worthy to force God. We’ll all come together and if we all
obtain that age… [the age to come, the Kingdom of show our righteousness, God is going to have to
God] …and the resurrection from the dead, neither forestall His hand.’
marry nor are given in marriage; and neither can
they die any more, for they are equal… [in God is interested in repentance—not works!
existence] …to the angels, and are the children of So they were all killed. Read in Josephus, the
God, being children of the resurrection. But that the slaughter of Jerusalem—both accounts of the fall. It
dead are raised, even Moses showed by his words at was something! I mean, it got down to cannibalism
the burning bush, when he called the Lord the God and zealots running back and forth, killing, looting,
of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of taking—it was unreal! That’s why Paul goes through
Jacob; for He is not the God of the dead, but of the showing that it has to be the sacrifice of Christ, not
living; for all live unto Him” (vs 34-38). There the animal sacrifices. He showed here that the One
again, Kingdom of God goes back to Abraham, Isaac of Elohim Who became Christ didn’t take upon Him
and Jacob. the nature of angels.
We’re going to just take a look at how the Hebrews 2:14: “Therefore, since the children
whole covenant with Christ, and with us, keys back are partakers of flesh and blood, in like manner He
to Abraham; and Paul knew that. Galatians 3:6: “It is also took part in the same, in order that through death
exactly as it is written: ‘Abraham believed God, and He might annul him who has the power of death—
it was reckoned to him for righteousness.’ Because that is, the devil; and that He might deliver those
of this, you should understand that they who are of who were subject to bondage all through their lives
faith, these are the true sons of Abraham” (vs 6-7). by their fear of death. For surely, He is not taking
We’re going to look at some false ‘sons of upon Himself to help the angels; but He is taking
Abraham.’ upon Himself to help the seed of Abraham” (vs 14-
16). And that’s right exactly where we started in
Verse 8: “Now the Scriptures seeing in Matt. 1—right? Yes!
advance that God would justify the Gentiles by faith,
and God preached the Gospel beforehand to Hebrews 6:9—reiterates the promises: “But,
Abraham, saying, ‘In you shall all the nations be although we speak these things, beloved, we are
blessed.’ It is for this reason that those who are of persuaded of better things concerning you… [that is
faith are being blessed with the believing Abraham” rather being a castoff] …even the fruits that
(vs 8-9). accompany salvation. For God is not unrighteous to
forget your work, and the labor of love by which you
have showed honor to His name, in that you have
• Verse 14: “In order that the blessing of served the saints and are continuing to serve them….
Abraham might come to the Gentiles by [God isn’t going to forget that] …But we earnestly
Christ Jesus…” desire that every one of you be demonstrating the
• Verse 16: “Now to Abraham and to his same diligence, unto the full assurance of the hope
Seed were the promises spoken….” That until the end… [you have to have the faith unto the
refers to Christ. end; the hope unto the end] …so that you do not
• Verse 29: “Now then, if you are Christ’s, become lazy, but that you be imitators of those who
then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs through faith and steadfast endurance inherit the
Romans Series #17
Abraham and the Covenants of God
promises. For God, after promising Abraham… Greek: ‘ego’ or ‘emi.’ Most of the time they are used
[again keying the whole thing of eternal life on separately, but when it is used emphatically, it really
Abraham] …swore by Himself… [Gen. 22] …since is saying: I AM I AM. And that ties back to Exo. 3:
He could swear by none greater, saying, ‘Surely in ‘who shall I say to the children of Israel has sent
blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying I will me?’ Say to them ‘I AM that I AM has sent you.’
multiply you.’ Now after he had patiently endured, What Jesus is saying is that He is the One Who
he obtained the promise. For indeed, men swear by spoke to Moses. Now we will see that He is also the
the greater, and confirmation by an oath puts an end One Who says that He was the One Who spoke to
to all disputes between them. In this way God, Abraham.
desiring more abundantly to show the heirs of the
promise the unchangeable nature of His own “‘…and that I do nothing of Myself. But as
purpose, confirmed it by an oath; so that by two the Father taught Me, these things I speak. And He
immutable things, in which it was impossible for Who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me
God to lie…” (vs 9-18). alone because I always do the things that please
Him.’…. [That’s what we need to have in our lives,
That’s believing God; that’s part of faith. strive for that.] …As He spoke these things, many
When we don’t believe what God says, we are believed in Him. Therefore, Jesus said to the Jews
making God a liar. That’s what people don’t who had believed in Him, ‘If you continue in My
understand. You may not be fully convinced, but at word… [conditional] …you are truly My disciples.
least believe it and hold that belief until you are fully And you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall
convinced. Don’t make God a liar! set you free’” (vs 28-32).
“…we who have fled for refuge might have Notice what they said here, v 33: “They
strong encouragement to lay hold on the hope that answered Him, ‘We are Abraham’s seed… [this is
has been set before us; which hope we have as an important to understand, because He makes a
anchor of the soul, both secure and steadfast, and difference in this section here concerning the ‘seed
which enters into the sanctuary within the veil” (vs of Abraham’ and the ‘children of Abraham.’ Who
18-19). In other words, He’s saying ‘coming right were some of the seed of Abraham who were not
into the presence of God!’ That’s something! God counted as the children of Abraham? Ishmael, Esau,
cannot lie! All the promises are based upon that Edom, all the sons through Keturah, all the sons of
which was given to Abraham. Ishmael, all of the sons of Esau! So, rather than
saying yes, we need the Truth, that will make us
Let’s come back and look at some of the free] (they said): …We are Abraham’s seed and
false claims that people hold onto. There are those have never been in bondage to anyone. What do
who claim to be Abraham’s seed but are not. They You mean by saying, “You shall become free”?’”
don’t do the works of Abraham. This is when John Let’s understand that at the time they were saying
the Baptist began preaching. He said: this, they were in servitude to the Roman Empire.
Matthew 3:2: “…‘Repent, for the Kingdom “Jesus answered them, ‘Truly, truly I say to
of Heaven is at hand.’…. [v 7]: “But after seeing you, everyone who practices sin is a servant of sin.
many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his And the servant does not live in the house forever;
baptism, he said to them, ‘You brood of vipers… but the Son lives forever. Therefore, if the Son shall
[these were the political ministers of his day] …who set you free, you shall truly be free. I know that you
has forewarned you to flee from the coming wrath? are Abraham’s seed; but you are seeking to kill Me,
Therefore, produce fruits worthy of repentance… because My words do not enter into your minds. I
[evidence of change] …and do not think to say speak the things that I have seen from My Father,
within yourselves, “We have Abraham for our and you do the things that you have seen from your
father”… [It’s not dependent on the physical things father.’ They answered and said to Him, ‘Our father
of Abraham. You have to follow the spiritual is Abraham.’ Jesus said to them, ‘If you were
example of Abraham in order to say that he is your Abraham’s children, you would do the works of
father.] …for I tell you that God is able from these Abraham’” (vs 34-39).
stones to raise up children to Abraham’” (vs 7-9).
Then he warns them that they’re going into the Lake
of Fire unless they change. Notice that He changed it from ‘seed’—
which He said they were—to ‘children.’ Could this
John 8:28—there’s quite an encounter here; be that there were a lot of these Jews who were there
quite an exchange: “Then Jesus said to them, ‘When believing superficially on Him, that these were some
you have lifted up the Son of man, then you of the Esauites who embraced Judaism? He said ‘if
yourselves shall know that I AM…’” Here is a you were the children of Abraham’—so there’s a
special expression in the Greek. It is a double ‘I difference. This was a superficial belief. He was
AM’; you have two ways of saying ‘I AM’ in the telling them, if you believe you have to obey My
Romans Series #17
Abraham and the Covenants of God
words and believe the Truth! one whom God has sent and the one whom God is
calling. The one whom God has sent speaks the
They were believing, like basking in the light words of God. The ones whom God is calling hears
or the shadow of someone who’s important. Not the Word of God.
believing unto salvation—believing and seeing Him.
John 8:47: “‘…For this reason you do not
“…Jesus said to them, ‘If you were hear, because you are not of God.’…. [But they were
Abraham’s children, you would do the works of standing there professing they believed in Him. So a
Abraham.’ [Quite a difference! We’re talking about separation that has to take place and that’s what God
the ones who were the spiritual sons of Abraham vs is doing.] …Then the Jews answered and said to
the physical seed which may not necessarily be of Him, ‘Are we not right in saying that You are a
Israel or of Judah.] …But now you seek to kill Me, a Samaritan and have a demon?’…. [That shows the
man who has spoken the Truth to you, which I have depth of their belief. They didn’t believe in Him at
heard from God… [In other words, ‘I heard what all. They were only there cleaving in flatteries.]
I’m saying from God the Father.’] …Abraham did …Jesus answered, ‘I do not have a demon. But I
not do this…. [Abraham believed! What He’s honor My Father, and you dishonor Me. Yet I do not
doing is showing the difference in their belief. They seek My own glory; there is one Who seeks and
didn’t believe! They wanted salvation, but they judges. Truly, truly I say to you, if anyone keeps My
wanted it on their terms. They wanted it their way, words, he shall not see death forever’” (vs 47-51).
not God’s way.] …You are doing the works of your Quite a different expression.
father.’ Then they said to Him, ‘We have not been
born of fornication. We have one Father, and that is Verse 52: “Then the Jews said to Him, ‘Now
God.’ Therefore, Jesus said to them, ‘If God were we know that You have a demon. Abraham and the
your Father, you would love Me, because I prophets died; yet You say, “If anyone keeps My
proceeded forth and came from God. For I have not words, he shall not taste of death forever.” Are You
come of Myself, but He sent Me. Why don’t you greater than our father Abraham who died? And the
understand My speech? Because you cannot bear to prophets, who died? Whom do You make Yourself
hear My words’” (vs 39-43). In other words they to be?’ Jesus answered, ‘If I glorify Myself, My
cannot understand His message! glory is nothing. It is My Father Who glorifies Me,
of Whom you say that He is your God. Yet you have
“‘You are of your father the devil, and the not known Him; but I know Him. And if I say that I
lusts of your father you desire to practice. He was a do not know Him, I shall be a liar, like you. But I
murderer from the beginning, and has not stood in know Him, and I keep His Word…. [This was quite
the Truth because there is no Truth in him. a heated debate going on back and forth. I imagine
Whenever he speaks a lie, he is speaking from his that those Pharisees were out there just getting
own self; for he is a liar, and the father of it. And angrier and angrier and tighter and pinched-faced
because I speak the Truth, you do not believe Me. more by the minute.] …Abraham your father was
Which one of you can convict Me of sin? But if I overjoyed to see My day; and he saw it, and rejoiced.’
speak the Truth, why don’t you believe Me? The one Then the Jews said to Him, ‘You are not even fifty
who is of God hears the words of God’” (vs 44- years old, and You have seen Abraham?’ Jesus said
47). to them, ‘Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham
Here you have a double action taking place. was born, I AM’” (vs 52-58). He was telling them
He that is of God, hears the words of God. God also He was God!
has to separate out of all those people amongst the Then they all ran to Him and embraced Him
people of God who do not hear the words of God; and kissed Him and were sorry for what they did.
they want to have their Xmas, their Easter and NO! “Then they picked up stones to throw at Him.
whatever they want to do. But Jesus concealed Himself and went out of the
This tie right in with it, because it’s a two- temple, passing through the midst of them, and in
fold thing, John 3:33: “The one who has received this manner departed” (v 59). Quite a story! That’s a
His testimony has set his seal that God is true; for He powerful lesson for us!
Whom God has sent speaks the words of God; and That shows us that everything that we have
God gives not the Spirit by measure unto Him’” (vs concerning what God is doing comes from the time
33-34). In other words he’s talking of the Son. But of Abraham, and everything refers back to Abraham,
also it is true that whomever God sends as teacher or Isaac and Jacob and all is keyed on the promises
minister, coming in the name of God, the way that given to Abraham—Old Testament and New
you know that he’s from God is whether he speaks Testament.
the words of God or not. That is the test. Now then,
when someone is speaking like Christ is, then the test
is: Do they hear the words of God? So you have the
Romans Series #17
Abraham and the Covenants of God
Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter;
except where noted
Scriptures in Galatians from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
Galatians, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
Scriptural References:
1) Genesis 17:4-7, 10-11, 21
2) Genesis 22:1
3) Genesis 23:1
4) Genesis 22:2-12
5) Luke 14:26-27
6) Genesis 22:12-18
7) Genesis 32:9-12
8) Genesis 26:24
9) Genesis 28:3-5
10) Genesis 31:41-42
11) Exodus 3:4-6, 13-15
12) Exodus 6:1-8
13) Exodus 32:7-14
14) Deuteronomy 1:8
15) Deuteronomy 9:26-27
16) Deuteronomy 30:19-20
17) Joshua 24:1-6
18) Psalm 105:5-10
19) Isaiah 29:22-24
20) Isaiah 51:1-2
21) Micah 7:18-20
22) Matthew 1:1-2
23) Luke 1:67-80
24) Luke 13:24-29
25) Luke 20:34-38
26) Galatians 3:6-9, 14, 16, 29
27) Hebrews 2:14-16
28) Hebrews 6:9-19
29) Matthew 3:2, 7-9
30) John 8:28-47
31) John 3:33-34
32) John 8:47-59
Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
• Genesis 15; 17:16
• Hebrews 6:11
• Psalm 103
• Romans 4
Also referenced: Book: Josephus
Transcribed: 12-21-10
Romans Series #18
Romans 4:16-25; 5:1-14
Epistle of Romans XV
Chapters 4:16-25 & 5:1-14
Fred R. Coulter—May 10, 1997
Let’s briefly review concerning Abraham. That’s why He says, ‘I have made you a father of
Romans 4:16: “For this reason it is of faith, in order many nations. Do you believe that, Abraham?’ And
that it might be by grace… [We’re going to talk he still had quite a few years to go before Isaac was
about grace today, but I’m not going to do an in- born. Why? Because God cannot lie! That’s why!
depth series on grace going through Romans (see
sermon series on Grace)] …to the end that the Hebrews 6:13: “For God, after promising
promise might be certain to all the seed…”—the Abraham, swore by Himself… [This is an added
physical seed as well as the spiritual seed. Those surety that God gave.] …since He could swear by
who have been begotten by God the Father, because none greater, saying, ‘Surely in blessing I will bless
remember, in Gen. 15:4-5 we have the two promises: you, and in multiplying I will multiply you.’ Now
after he had patiently endured, he obtained the
1. The promise of the physical seed which promise” (vs 13-15). Imagine how happy he was
then would come through Isaac to Israel when Isaac was born! Now he didn’t have to hope
2. The promise of the spiritual seed who will for Isaac, because Isaac was there. If you have what
be as stars of heaven. you’re hoping for, then you don’t hope for it,
because you already have it. He obtained the
“…not to the one who is of the law only… [that’s promise—Isaac. But there are many other promises
the thing that the Jews are hung up on to this day. yet to be fulfilled in the realm of the promises given
They feel that no one has a right but them. But Paul to Abraham.
is saying NO!] …but also to the one who is of the
faith of Abraham… [That’s why it talks about his “For indeed, men swear by the greater…
faith being while he was in a condition of [they come in and put their hand on the Bible] …and
uncircumcision.] …who is the father of us all, confirmation by an oath puts an end to all disputes
(exactly as it has been written: ‘I have made you a between them. In this way God, desiring more
father of many nations.’)… [notice God said ‘I have abundantly to show the heirs of the promise the
made you’—why? Because God talks about those unchangeable nature of His own purpose, confirmed
things that are not as though they are.] …before God it by an oath… [In other words, if God says
in Whom he believed, Who gives life to the dead, something that is it! That is true!] …so that by two
and calls the things which are not as though they immutable things…” (vs 16-18):
are; who against hope believed in hope…” (vs 16-18).
1. the existence of God—He’s eternal
We’re all going to come to a time in our lives 2. that He swore by Himself
when things will get so down and so hard and so “…in which it was impossible for God to lie…” (v
depressing and almost nowhere to go. You’re in this box 18).
canyon and can’t get out and the only thing you can do What happens with most theologians today?
is look to God and hope in hope and trust in God’s They say God lied! ‘Christ didn’t mean this; God did
Word, because God is true and cannot lie. mean that.’ Isn’t that what they say? Yes, they do!
“…in order that he might become a father of How do they say it? They say the principle of the
many nations, according to that which was spoken, ‘So Sabbath is one day in seven. Since it’s more
shall your seed be.’ And he, not being weak in the convenient for us to meet on Sunday than on
faith, considered not his own body, as already having Saturday, that’s why we go to church on Sunday.
become dead, being about one hundred years old, nor They have just made God a liar! Same thing
yet did he consider the deadness of Sarah’s womb; But concerning any doctrine you want to take: clean and
because of the promise of God, he did not doubt unclean meats, Holy Days, Passover—anything! The
through unbelief…” (vs 18-20). Word of God has been tried and purified seven
times—hasn’t it? Yes! It’s impossible for God to lie!
Let’s understand something concerning the
‘promise of God.’ Why is it important to believe Notice what this is to do for us: “…we who
God? Because God cannot lie! That’s why it’s have fled for refuge… [when your in a time of
important. Now God was willing more abundantly to trouble and difficulty; you can always know that
show the surety of His promise. This I will cover a God is there] …might have strong encouragement to
little bit, Gen. 22 where the promise was given. This lay hold on the hope that has been set before us;
is something we need to understand, brethren: If which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both
God says something, it is! Do you understand that? secure and steadfast… [How sure and steadfast?]
Romans Series #18
Romans 4:16-25; 5:1-14
…and which enters into the sanctuary within the • You have greater conviction
veil” (vs 16-19). That’s saying, brethren, we have
direct access to God the Father in heaven above right Verse 21: “And he was fully persuaded… [What
into the Holy of Holies. And He has promised that happened in the days of Elijah? That’s what it’s like
He will hear. That is a magnificent thing to in the Church today. ‘How long halt you between
understand. That’s why then your prayers will two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow Him. If
become far more effective when you pray with that Baal be God, follow him.’ Then Elijah proved that it
understanding, and when you know that you get on was the LORD Who was God.] …fully persuaded…
your knees and you say, ‘Our Father’ you are heard [That’s where we need to be.] …that what He had
right in the throne room of God in the Holy of promised… [Not only the promises to Abraham, but
Holies in heaven above. also, brethren, we have the promise of eternal life.
And we need to be fully persuaded that God will
I want you to think on that. And I want you keep His promise—correct? Yes! He will!] …He is
understand that. Because the times that we are also able to do.” Which means that God has the
headed for are going to be so absolutely up-heaving power to perform it.
and ‘every which way but loose’—that’s what’s
going to happen to this society. We’ve seen it When you’re fully persuaded, let’s see what
already as a precursor happen within the Church— kind of attitude we need to have when we are fully
correct? Yes! If you don’t have this strong persuaded. I’ll tell you something else that happens,
consolation to know that you have direct access to too, brethren. When you are fully persuaded, God
God the Father, with Jesus Christ at the right hand as begins to grant you greater faith and greater
our High Priest, then discouragement can get you understanding. You grow in it! It’s not something
down. You don’t need to let it get you down. that God just pours into your head. You grow in it!
Verse 20: “Where Jesus has entered for us as Here’s the attitude that we need to come to,
a forerunner, having become a High Priest forever to be fully persuaded. Here is the most fully
according to the order of Melchisedec.” That’s what persuaded attitude of all, Psa, 119. These two verses
this whole book of Hebrews is about. It is a you will hear me go to quite often because they’re
profound book. What it does, it shows that very profound. These are fundamental in the
everything as a Christian bypasses and completely foundation of our belief and faith. If you have belief
renders null and void all of the physical temple and faith, then you can have hope, because you
things and rituals that was done at the temple in understand that what God said is true.
Jerusalem. This is important for us to understand, Psalm 119:127: “Therefore, I love Your
because when they build the temple again in commandments… [If you love God you will love
Jerusalem, believe me there is going to be a push for the Truth, and if you love the Truth you will love
all Christians to join in on the sacrifices; and a push His commandments, you will love the Word of God
for all of them to join in on the 15th Sadar Passover. and all of that together.] …above gold—… [the
This is why God has given us time to really get our greatest physical possession you can have] …yea,
noses in the Bible, that we can above fine gold …. [purified many times over] (and
• know the Word of God you come to this point): …Therefore, I esteem all
Your precepts concerning all things to be right…
• believe the Word of God
[Not just what you agree with. The only agreement
• hope in the Word of God is that you agree with God.] …and I hate every false
• understand the things that are going to way” (vs 127-128).
happen and the times in which we are
living Romans 4:21: “And he was fully
persuaded… [That’s how we have to be concerning
Romans 4:20: “But because of the promise of God, everything, brethren—fully persuaded!] …that what
he did not doubt through unbelief; but after giving He had promised, He is also able to do. As a result,
glory to God… [Remember: You have nothing you it was also imputed to him for righteousness….
didn’t receive! Give glory to God for everything!] [granted righteousness; given. To believe God and to
…he was strengthened in the faith.” Notice what this believe His Word is greater than a work of law. And
does. When you understand that everything that you you are imputed righteousness from God because
have has come from God, every fiber of your being, that is the greatest thing that you can do—believe
the knowledge of God, the calling from God, the God.] …But it was not written for his sake alone,
Word of God, and you give glory to God for it— that it was imputed to him; rather, it was also written
what happens? Strengthens your faith! for our sake, to whom it shall be imputed; to those
• You have greater faith who are believing on Him Who raised Jesus from
• You have greater belief the dead; Who was delivered for our offenses and
was raised for our justification” (vs 21-25).
Romans Series #18
Romans 4:16-25; 5:1-14
You might go back and review in the Special Romans 5:1: “Therefore, after having been
Word Study justification. Justification means to be justified by faith, we have peace with God through
put in right standing with God the Father in heaven our Lord Jesus Christ; by Whom we also we now
above, through the forgiveness of your sins—you are have the access by faith… [very important to
justified! We have two things here: understand it is the access; there is only one way]
…into this grace in which we now stand, and we
1. delivered for our offenses ourselves are boasting in the hope of the glory of
2. raised for our justification God. And not only this, but we also boast in
He had to be raised in order to be accepted as the tribulations, all the while we are realizing that
sacrifice for all the sins of mankind. tribulation brings forth endurance, and the endurance
brings forth character, and the character brings forth
1-Corinthians 15:12: “But if Christ is being hope…. [You will notice that I repeated ‘brings
preached that He rose from the dead… [Let’s forth’ in v 4 in italics. The way that the Greek is
understand that this is probably less than 30 years constructed, it is referring back to where it is ‘brings
after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Remember, at forth endurance’ (v 3).] …Now the hope of God never
the beginning he says that Christ ‘rose according to makes us ashamed because the love of God has been
the Scriptures’; was seen of the 12 and then 500 of poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit,
the brethren all at once. Then Paul saw Him last of which has been given to us” (vs 1-5).
all.] (Yet, here in the Church they are saying):
…how is it that some among you are saying that Let’s go back and look at some very key,
there is no resurrection of the dead?” So, if you think important things:
people left the faith quickly in the recent present
time, they were doing it then with the apostles right • v 1—faith
with them. That’s amazing! • v 2—faith, hope
• v 4—hope
Verse 13: “For if there is no resurrection • v 5—love
from the dead, neither has Christ been raised….
[This is going to give you a good sequence of how to We have faith, hope and love—correct? That’s the
logically build your case with proper deductive same thing we find in 1-Cor. 13:13—when
reasoning.] …And if Christ has not been raised, then everything else fails, these three remain and live:
our preaching is in vain, and your faith is also in faith, hope and love—and the greatest of these is
vain. And we are also found to be false witnesses of love! You see how that Paul, in writing, incorporates
God… [You’re lying for God!] …because we have the same thing here, almost the same kind of
testified of God that He raised Christ, Whom He did structure of it.
not raise, if indeed the dead are not raised. For if the • we are justified by faith
dead are not raised, neither has Christ been raised. • we have peace with God
But if Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain;
you are still in your sins” (vs 13-17). You have not Why is it important that we have peace with God?
been justified. That’s why he says in Rom. 4:25 that Why does he say that we have peace with God? We
‘He was raised for our justification.’ were the enemies of God. We’re not longer the
enemies, nor are we at war with God. We have
Verse 18: “And those who have fallen asleep peace with God! Christ is called ‘the Prince of
in Christ have then perished. If in this life only we Peace’ (Isa. 9:6).
have hope in Christ, we are of all people most
miserable. But… [after all the IFs] …now Christ has Let’s see what Jesus said; let’s see what kind
been raised from the dead; He has become the first- of peace we have. This is the kind of peace that we
fruit of those who have fallen asleep” (vs 18-20). need along with faith and hope and love to really
That’s very powerful, brethren. help us and inspire us and guide us. These are the
things then that will cast out fear—‘perfect love
I’ll tell you another thing, too, your faith in casts out fear.’
the Word of God is the evidence of the resurrection
of Jesus Christ. Did you know that? They virtually
have succeeded in removing all historical evidence On the Passover night, as part of the
of Christ and the Church. That’s why belief in the Passover instructions, Jesus said, John 14:27: “Peace
Word of God becomes very important. (See sermon I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the
series on Justification. As we go through the Epistle world gives do I give it to you…. [We’re going to
of Romans I’m going to refer to sermon series so we see how the world gives peace in just a bit.] …Let
won’t have to take the time to go through them now. not your heart be troubled, nor let it fear.” He gives
Those are still valid.) us that peace! That’s tremendous!
Romans Series #18
Romans 4:16-25; 5:1-14
Let’s see how the world gives peace. We’re have a spiritual life that is constructed out of
going to see how it is in the world. I want you to untempered mortar rather than through the blood of
think about the Middle East peace process. Is there Christ and the Holy Spirit.
peace? No! Are they trying to build peace? Yes! Will
it work? No! Isaiah 59:1: “Behold, the LORD’S hand is
not shortened that it cannot save, nor is His ear
Ezekiel 13:10: “Because, even because they heavy that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have
have seduced My people, saying, ‘Peace’; and there come between you and your God, and your sins have
was no peace—…” I want you to look at the peace hid His face from you, that He will not hear” (vs 1-2).
efforts around the world. Remember WWI, the war
to end all wars? Didn’t do it, did it? Remember • We are to be the opposite with peace with God.
WWII, to make the world safe for democracy? • We are to have direct access to God.
Didn’t do it! Didn’t stop wars! We’ve had nearly a • We have our sins forgiven.
hundred wars since then. Every time ‘peace, peace.’ • We have the grace of God to cover us in which
Soon as a peace agreement is signed they look for a we are living in.
way around it—don’t they? That is the peace of the So therefore, God hears us.
world. It’s going to happen in the end-time, there’s “For your hands are defiled with blood…
going to be ‘peace, peace.’ When they shall say [you can think of this in the government; you can
‘peace and safety’ then what ‘sudden destruction think of this in churches; wherever it applies, it is
will come upon them.’ Here’s how they do it: true.] …and your fingers with iniquity; your lips
“…and when anyone builds a weak wall they have spoken lies, your tongue has muttered
cover it with whitewash [untempered mortar]” (v perverseness. None calls for justice…” (vs 3-4). Oh,
10). What is ‘untempered mortar’? That’s mud! It’s they do, but in their own way! Rather than God’s
not concrete, because if you have concrete in the justice they want their justice. That’s what’s
sand, it will temper and get hard. Mud works just happening over there in the former Yugoslavia—
fine as long as the weather is hot and it is dry. Croatia, Serbia, Herzegovina, and Bosnia. Now it’s
happening again in Albania. It’s happening in the
I remember seeing a documentary of one of Sudan. It happened between the Indians and
the cities in the Saudi Arabian desert. They built Pakistanis. Everyone wants peace on their terms.
their building out of adobe mud. They didn’t bake Happening with the Jews and the Arabs. They found
them or anything, they just built them. Of course, it an Arab man killed who had been selling property to
doesn’t rain in the desert, except once in a great the Jews. How can you ever get peace?
while. Then they had a great rainstorm and guess
what? The city walls just melted down and the house “…nor does anyone plead for truth; they
and the buildings were collapsing. That’s what’s trust in vanity and speak lies…. [sounds like a
going to happen with this peace. We have one-world presidential campaign—doesn’t it?] …They
government, one-world religion, they’re going to conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity. They
bring ‘peace’ to the earth. Look what’s going to hatch adders’ eggs and weave the spider’s web…
happen: [Oh, they have their plan and their design.] …he
who eats their eggs dies, and that which is crushed
Verse 11: “ Say to those who cover it with breaks out into a viper…. [So, it becomes worse!]
whitewash… [all the peace agreements; all the …Their webs shall not become clothing, nor shall they
ecumenical movements] …that it shall fall; there cover themselves with their works; their works are
will be a flooding rain; and you, O great hailstones, works of iniquity, and the acts of violence are in their
shall fall, and a stormy wind will break forth. And, hands. Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to
behold, when the wall has fallen, shall it not be said shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of
to you, ‘Where is the whitewash with which you iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths”
have covered it?’ Therefore thus says the Lord (vs 5-7). I just read to you the nightly news and the
GOD, ‘I will cause a stormy wind to break forth in prime time programs that follow—isn’t it? Yes!
My fury. And there shall be a flooding rain in My
anger, and hailstones in fury to destroy it. And I will “They have not known the way of peace…
break down the wall that you have covered with [Why? Because the way of peace is through Christ!]
whitewash, and bring it down to the ground; yea, I …and there is no justice in their ways. They have
will expose its foundation…. [you can tie that in made crooked paths for themselves; whoever goes
with Rev. 16 & 18] …And it shall fall, and you therein shall not know peace” (v 8).
shall be destroyed in her midst; and you shall Let’s look at how we begin to restore peace
know that I am the LORD.” (vs 11-14). in an individual particular way. Let’s go to Psalm
Let’s see how they’re going to do this; let’s 119:165. Here is the beginning of peace: when you
see what happens. Same way in our lives, we can quit making war with God. “Great peace have those
Romans Series #18
Romans 4:16-25; 5:1-14
who love Your law, and there is no stumbling block great stupidity that you have been exercising. I
for them.” Why? Because remember driving down the road one day—praying
while I’m driving—and ‘Oh, God, teach me how to
• you have hope in God think! I don’t know how to think! I’ve made so
• you know what is right many mistakes, I don’t which way to come and go.’
• you keep His commandments because you I hope I’m learning that and I know God is teaching
love Him me and helping me; it’s something that we need to
all of that is all the peace of God. have. It comes only from the Word of God! That’s
Let’s see how that is to work in our lives. how we make peace with God and let it rule in our
Let’s come to Colossians, the third chapter. It is to hearts.
have a moving and profound impact in our lives. Romans 5:2: “By Whom… [through Whom;
With this peace there are things that we need to do. through Jesus Christ] …also we now have the
Colossians 3:12: “Put on then, as the elect of God… access… [What is that access? We saw part of it.
[that means personally, hand-chosen by God.] Entrance into the Holy of Holies in heaven above]:
…Holy and beloved, deep inner affections, kindness, …by faith… [the access, not an access; that’s why I
humility…” left the definite article there, it is in the Greek]
And since we have nothing we didn’t …into this grace in which we now stand…”
receive, what are we to brag about of anything that You are standing in the grace of God. In
we have? The more that we understand that—the other words, the grace of God is covering you like
more that we praise God for it; the more that we love an umbrella relationship from God and you are
God because of it—then God is going to give us standing in that grace. Every aspect of your
greater understanding, give us greater love and all of relationship with God is based upon that grace.
those things will come, brethren. That’s why no hierarchical church can truly preach
“…meekness and long-suffering; forbearing the grace of God because they dispense it with their
one another, and forgiving one another… [this is the rules the way that they want it—just like the
whole story of the unleavened bread] …if anyone Catholic Church. They have works of grace, which
has a complaint against another… [being not at are the seven things of the sacraments of the
peace with him] …even as Christ forgave you, so Catholic Church.
also you should forgive. And above all these things Let’s see what true grace is all about. Let’s
put on love… [That’s the whole goal, brethren! Ask go to the Special Word Study (pg 8)—The Grace of
God to help you understand His love, study His love God. (see sermon series on Grace.)
(see sermon series on Love) it will make a profound
change in your life. When we were going through Grace as defined in the New Testament…
that series, as we study this, it made profound
changes in our lives. I’m glad that we have it so that There is a grace of the Old Testament, but it is not as
now the brethren coming along we can say, ‘Here’s profound as the New.
the whole package.’] …which is the bond of …comes from the Greek word ‘charis,’
perfection” (vs 12-14). That’s how you become which means favor, grace, gracious help or
perfect. care…
“And let the peace of God rule in your Remember, you’re standing in this. as I’m reading
hearts… [This really is the greatest mental health these words, I want you to think that you are
program in the world, right there.] …to which you standing in this grace before god and that all of these
were called into one body, and be thankful…. [How things apply to you, and all of these things are given
do you let it rule in your heart?]: …Let the Word of to inspire you to love God even more; to inspire you
Christ dwell in you richly…” (vs 15-16)—fully, to want to keep the commandments of God even
profoundly. That’s why more. That’s why Paul said, ‘What, shall we sin that
grace may abound, God forbid!’ Just think: You’re
• we need to know the Word of God
standing before God in this.
• we need to live by the Word of God
• we need to think by the Word of God …goodwill, the gracious intention of God
—that’s dwelling in us richly! “…in all wisdom…” or gift; the practical application of
(v 16). And it will help you overcome your stupidity. goodwill, a favor, gracious deed or
I still ask God: Help me to think, I don’t know how benefaction, a store of grace…
to think as I ought to. What do I mean store of grace? What does that have
Do you ever make so many mistakes and to do? Christ is called the propitiation, continual
blunders, and all at once it hits you? You realize the mercy seat for our sins. But Grace goes beyond that.
Romans Series #18
Romans 4:16-25; 5:1-14
You are in a ‘store of grace.’ you in this state and this condition and it will
become a very profound spiritual experience for you,
John 1:14: “And the Word… [the One Who and it will happen. It did with us when we were
became Christ] …became flesh and tabernacled gong through and understanding about grace. There
among us (and we ourselves beheld His glory, the will come a time, as you begin to understand this
glory as of the only begotten with the Father), full of and grow close to God in the love of God, that there
grace and truth” will be a definite spiritual experience that you will
• Is God eternal? Yes! go through—while you are praying, while you are
• Is His love eternal? Yes! studying, while you are going through a trial and
• Is His grace eternal? Yes! difficulty—that will be a profound landmark in your
spiritual life, that you will know that it has
That ‘store of grace’ for us is never ending. Do you something that has occurred that didn’t occur before
understand that? It’s never ending. Our relationship and in this life.
with grace through grace with God is one that is
never ending. …a store of grace, a state of grace, a deed
of grace and a work of grace…
“John testified concerning Him, and
proclaimed, saying, ‘This was He of Whom I said, What is a work of grace?
“He Who comes after me has precedence over me • Forgiveness of sin!
because He was before me.”’…. [that means existed • Granting you the Holy Spirit!
before me] …And of His fullness…” (vs 15-16). • Giving you understanding of the Word of
The Greek is ‘pleroma.’ God!
• Being able to teach the Word of God is a
• Does God ever run dry? No! gift of God that God gives
• Does God ever run out? No! …to be grateful, gratitude or thanks. Grace
• Is God always full? Yes! denote the state of relationship between
“And of His fullness we have all received, and grace God and the believer through Jesus
upon grace…. [A store of grace; grace upon grace.] Christ.
…For the law was given through Moses… [Up to Defines the relationship. We are standing in that
that time the greatest authority they had was the Law grace.
of Moses.] …but the grace and the Truth… [true When grace is used as part of an opening
access to God the Father in heaven above; the grace greeting or closing salutation, it is used to
in which you are in the right standing with God the confer Divine grace to the one who is
Father and Jesus Christ constantly.] …came through reading the epistle.
Jesus Christ” (vs 15-17). It comes no other way.
That’s what we mean ‘a store of grace.’ Ephesians 1:1 “Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by
the will of God, to the saints who are in Ephesus and
Think of that, brethren. I want you to to the faithful in Christ Jesus: Grace and peace be to
understand that. When you start comparing your you… [which is God’s favor and blessing and
human nature and your weakness and your calling of goodness and kindness] …from God… [now,
God, you’ll look at that and maybe become currently] …our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”
discouraged. But remember, there is grace, which is (vs 1-2). That’s why he opens all the epistles that
greater than you. There is God Who is greater than way. That’s why it’s there, for us to read.
you. That’s why He’s given grace.
(go to the next track)
Grace is the free and undeserved gift of
God the Father through Jesus Christ. The
This has to do with eternal life, and that’s the grace of God is the greatest expression of
greatest grace of all—isn’t it? This grace should God the Father’s love and all-
happen now; this is applied to us now. The greatest encompassing mercy. Grace is more than
grace is eternal life, that is true, but this is happening the forgiveness of sins. To be under grace
now. We are in that relationship of grace with God means to continually be receiving…
the Father and Jesus Christ now! ‘By grace are you
saved and that not of yourself.’ That saved means Here’s what it means to stand in this grace:
have been saved from Satan and the world. …God’s Divine love, favor, blessing,
How do you understand that other than gracious care, help, goodwill, benefits,
intellectually? You must understand it spiritually gifts and goodness.…
and you must really ask God to help you understand Part of those blessing are the blessing of trials.
this grace by understanding what He has done to put …God the Father is the Source from
Romans Series #18
Romans 4:16-25; 5:1-14
which grace is granted to the believer…. Only those who keep His commandments
That’s what we just read: ‘Grace be to you and peace can abide in His love and remain under His
from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.’ grace. Every believer who receives the
grace of God has a personal obligation to
…The ONLY MEANS by which grace is God the Father and Jesus Christ to forsake
granted to the believer is through the birth, his or her old sinful thoughts and practices
life, crucifixion, death and resurrection of and to live a new life, daily growing in the
Jesus Christ as the perfect sacrifice of God grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. For
the Father. every believer who lives under grace, Jesus
This becomes a very profound and all encompassing Christ acts as Redeemer, High Priest and
thing. Advocate. If the believer commits a sin,
The believer enters the grace of God He intercedes to propitiate the Father and
through faith in the sacrifice of Jesus to obtain His mercy and grace. The grace
Christ for the forgiveness of his or her sins. of God, which comes through Jesus Christ,
God the Father grants his grace to each keeps the repentant believer in a continual
believer upon repentance of sins and state of blamelessness and sinlessness.
baptism by immersion, which is the Do you understand that? I hope you do! See
outward manifestation of repentance. sermons: The Righteousness of the Law and The
Through grace, the believer’s sins are Righteousness of Faith. Those both fit in here very
forgiven and the righteousness of Jesus profoundly into what we’re talking about. That
Christ is imputed to him or her. we’ve just covered here concerning grace is a very
Not only are the sins forgiven, but the gift of detailed and compact description of grace. This is
grace/the gift of righteousness is given to you. That based upon all of the 150-plus Scriptures which bear
is wonderful! Brethren, I don’t think we really fully upon grace and the meaning of it in our lives. That’s
comprehend the greatness of the work of God to why it’s important to go through the whole series,
bring us to Him in this condition, that He would because we go through every Scripture in the Old
view us the same way He does Jesus Christ. That is and New Testaments where it talks about the grace
something! of God.
Grace establishes a new spiritual Romans 5:2: “By Whom also we now have
relationship between the believer and God the access by faith into this grace in which we now
the Father and Jesus Christ. stand, and we ourselves are boasting in the hope of
That’s why we stand in the grace. the glory of God. And not only this, but now we also
boast in tribulations… [mostly after the fact, when
Through the unearned and unmerited gift we have learned the lesson] …all the while we are
of grace, the believer is not only chosen, realizing that tribulation brings forth endurance” (vs
called, forgiven and accepted by God the 2-3). That’s the whole purpose of these trials! And
Father through his Beloved, but is also there will come a time in your life that God is
begotten with the Holy Spirit, making him working with you and perfecting you and you are
or her a children of God and an heir of going through nothing but a series of trial after trial
eternal life. From this point, the spiritually after trial, and it seems like to be in unremitting end.
begotten believer begins a new life under You’re anything but joyful! I know what I’m saying,
grace. As the Scriptures reveal, living brethren, because I have been there.
under grace requires the believer to live by
every Word of God with complete love Have you ever seen this beachside torture,
and devotion to God the Father and Jesus where they dig a vertical hole in the sand and they
Christ. Grace does not grant one license to put you in up to your neck at low tide and then the
practice sin by ignoring or rejecting the tide starts coming in and the waves start coming in.
commandments of God. There you are you can’t move. Many times we get to
the trials that we feel just like that. The waves are
What we are talking about here, brethren, is this: I overwhelming! At that point I don’t think anyone
talked to man the other day and he said, ‘We need to rejoices in a trial. Here’s what we have to understand
discern the difference between someone who is concerning these trials:
religious and someone who is converted.’ That was
profound, deep insight on his part. What has been Let’s go to Hebrews 12:6: “For whom the
the problem with churches and religions? They’re Lord loves He chastens, and He severely disciplines
religious, they are not converted! They don’t have every son whom He receives.’…. [these are the trials
the grace of God. we go through] …If you endure chastening, God is
dealing with you as a Father with His sons. For who
Romans Series #18
Romans 4:16-25; 5:1-14
is the son whom the Father does not chasten?…. Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes, which are in the
[That means God the Father. He chastens everyone dispersion: Greetings! Consider it all joy, my
of us.] …But if you are without chastisement, of brethren, when you are beset by various trials,
which all are partakers, then you are bastards and not knowing that the testing of your faith produces
sons. Furthermore, we have had our fleshly fathers endurance” (vs 1-3). Patient endurance; that’s what
who chastened us, and we respected them; should we we are experiencing right now, we are at the
not all the more willingly be subject to the Father of endurance kind of stage so then God is going to help
spirits, and live forever? For in the first case, they us graduate beyond that for other things that He
chastened us for a few days in whatever way seemed wants us to learn and grow into: the very character
good to them; but in the second case, He chastens us of God!
for our own benefit that we may be partakers of His
Holiness” (vs 6-10). That’s why Paul said he “But let endurance have its perfect work, so
rejoiced in tribulation. He saw the other end of the that you may be perfect and complete, not lacking in
tunnel. anything. However, if anyone lacks wisdom…
[that’s why you have the trials. You ask God for
“Now truly, no chastisement for the present wisdom] …let him ask of God, Who gives to
seems to be joyous, but grievous… [it does; painful, everyone freely and does not reproach the one who
miserable, upset at night, can’t sleep, worrying, asks; and it shall be given to him. But let him ask in
stewing, fretting] …nevertheless, afterwards…” (v faith… [because you believe God. That’s why it
11). When it’s all over and done. I’ll have to say that starts out with faith, and then hope, and then love;
some of the trials I’ve gone through, I really didn’t and all of this is because of grace.] …not doubting at
learn or understand what they really meant until all because the one who doubts is like a wave of the
years later. Then all of a sudden BING! I sea that is driven by the wind and tossed to and fro”
understood! So, if you’re going through trials and (vs 4-6).
tribulations and difficulties now, ask God for
understanding. Ask for His grace to go through it. Water must have support. Water of itself has
Ask for His grace and wisdom to understand it. no form and the wind can blow it. Now, that’s kind
“…afterwards it yields the peaceable fruits of of like what has happened in the Church—right?
righteousness to those who have been exercised by You can keep the Sabbath if you want to, but if you
it” (v 11). don’t want to you don’t’ have to. You can eat
unleavened bread during the Days of Unleavened
Let’s go to 1-Peter, the fifth chapter, and Bread if you want to, but you can eat leavened bread
let’s see that there is hope. They don’t continue if you would rather. You can go to church on
forever. Notice how this ties in with grace, 1-Peter Sunday if the Sabbath is not good enough for you,
5:10: “Now may the God of all grace, Who has and you can keep Christmas or not keep Christmas.
called us unto His eternal glory in Christ Jesus, after You can keep the Feast of Tabernacles or not keep
you have suffered a little while, Himself perfect you, the Feast of Tabernacles. And by the way, when do
establish, strengthen, and settle you.” That’s why we you think it would be most convenient for you to
‘boast in tribulation.’ keep the Feast of Tabernacles.
Romans 5:3: “…all the while we are All of those are the wind. What are we
realizing that tribulation brings forth endurance… subject to today? Every wind of doctrine! And if you
[Let’s see how that endurance will come along] have no faith and the wind of doctrine comes in,
…and the endurance brings forth character…” (vs 3- you’re just like a wave. ‘Well, that sounds
4). Because you learn and you understand and you interesting!’ Someone was telling me that he was
realize; now you understand talking to a minister about the 14th/15th Passover
thing. After he got done explaining it, the minister
• WHY you have to do this said, ‘I knew that once’—which was a profound
• WHY you must obey God statement! It had been blown away! What happens
• WHY you must love God then?
That is the character that comes with trials. You Verse 7: “Do not let that man expect that he
learn that all your anger and all your frustration and will receive anything from the Lord. He is a double-
all your depression didn’t save you out of it—didn’t minded man, unstable in all his ways” (vs 7-8).
it? No! God had to rescue you—didn’t He? Yes, He That’s what Satan wants to get people into, this
did! Then you have the character that comes from double-mindedness! That’s why the trials must be
God because you realize that He can do it. used to develop character. What that does, that
Let’s go to James, the first chapter, and let’s brings you understanding, and understanding then
see why we are to count all of these trials a joy. brings you hope, because endurance brings forth
James 1:1: “James, a servant of God and of the Lord hope.
Romans Series #18
Romans 4:16-25; 5:1-14
Romans 5:5: “Now the hope of God never for the ungodly. For rarely will anyone die for a
makes us ashamed…” Never, brethren! You should righteous man, and yet perhaps someone might even
never be ashamed of the hope of God, the hope of have the courage to die for a good man. But God is
the resurrection, the fact that you’re a Christian, that demonstrating His very own love to us, because that
you believe in Jesus Christ, that you keep the while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (vs 6-
commandments of God and the Sabbath and the 8).
Holy Days, and the whole package! You have
nothing to be ashamed about! The world ought to be That’s what it means, John 3:16: “For God
ashamed of the way that they are living! so loved the world… [all His enemies, right?] …that
He gave His only begotten Son, so that everyone
“…because the love of God has been poured who believes in Him may not perish, but may have
out into our own heart… [That’s quite an everlasting life.” That’s why we are told to love our
expression—isn’t it? That’s what you need. You enemies, because Christ did.
need the love of God]: …poured out into our own
heart through the Holy Spirit which was given to Romans 5:9: “Therefore, much more, having
us.” been justified now by His own blood… [that was
taken into the Holy of Holies] …we shall be saved
Again, I recommend the Love series and in from wrath through Him. For if, while we were still
that I did the one sermon: The Love of God and Your enemies, we were reconciled to God through the
Second Calling. That one is very important for you death of His own Son, still greater yet, after being
to understand. You will experience what we did with reconciled, we shall be saved by His life….
that, also. [Because He lives, we will live. The greatest grace
of all, eternal life.] …Now not only this, but we are
John 15:7—we’re just going to summarize a also boasting in God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
little bit concerning the love of God: “If you dwell in by Whom we have now received the reconciliation”
Me, and My words dwell in you… [Do you (vs 9-11).
understand why that’s important? Yes, very
important!] …you shall ask whatever you desire, Then we come to a very important section of
and it shall come to pass for you. In this is My Scripture, where he begins to explain how the world
Father glorified, that you bear much fruit; so shall got this way. Everything from Rom. 1:1 down to
you be My disciples. As the Father has loved Me, I Rom 5:11 is building up to this one place. Now then,
also have loved you; live in My love” (vs 7-9). Let he’s going to give us understanding as to how the
the love of God be poured out! Poured out into your world got into its sinful condition. Verse 12:
heart! That means you have to open your mind and “Wherefore, even as by one man sin entered into the
heart to receive it. Unfortunately, too many people world, and death by sin; as a result, death passed
who have practiced religion rather than the love of into… [became a part of] …all mankind; and it is for
God, have a little teeny hole into their minds, of this reason that all have sinned.”
which hardly the love of God even has a chance of
penetrating the hole so it can be poured in there. It When God created Adam and Eve, He
doesn’t have it. created them with a neutral mind. They weren’t
hostile to God when He created them. But He also,
Continue or “…live in My love. If you keep just like He does today, set choices before them. In
My commandments, you shall live in My love; just reference: Deut. 30:15-20, where He says, ‘Behold
as I have kept My Father’s commandments and live this day I set before you life and good, and death and
in His love” (vs 9-10). That’s how the love of God is evil—choose life.’ He essentially did the same thing
going to be poured out into our hearts, through the here. All of humanity from Adam hinged upon what
Holy Spirit which God has given us. That is also a Adam did. Notice what He says in instructing.
grace of God, because it’s a gift of God. Concerning Remember, the Word of God is true; it is living.
faith, hope and love: Anything God says in the way of a command, if you
break it you have sinned—correct? Yes!
• We are to walk by faith!
• We are to live by hope! Genesis 2:16: “And the LORD God
• We are to dwell in love! commanded the man, saying, ‘You may freely eat of
every tree in the garden, but you shall not eat of the
Very simple, but very profound! The greatest of tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for in the
these is love. Here’s the great thing about it, day that you eat of it in dying you shall surely die’”
brethren: (vs 16-17). So the day before he ate of it he was not
subject to death. But, he did not have eternal life
Romans 5:6: “Therefore, when we were either. Adam and Eve were created neutral. They
without strength, at the appointed time… [at the very could choose God’s way, as pictured by the tree of
set time that God had predetermined] …Christ died life and go that way—and the world would have
Romans Series #18
Romans 4:16-25; 5:1-14
been different. Or, they could have eaten of the tree the first sin was the prophecy that there had to be the
of the knowledge of good and evil—which they atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ to take care of sin.
did—and now God’s plan would go in that
direction. But notice what happens. Satan always Now then, something happened to them.
comes along and he twists and turns things— Let’s see, v 16: “To the woman He said, ‘I will
doesn’t he? greatly increase your sorrow and your conception—
in sorrow shall you bring forth children…. [that
Yes, the Hebrew means ‘in dying you shall doesn’t mean just in childbearing; that means that
die’—the process of death shall start. They lived to your children growing up and all the trials and
be 900-years-old, and I’ve often wondered: What did difficulties that they go through and all the
they think at year 500? ‘We’re still here, look at all horrendous worrying and stewing that you do as
this time.’ Year 600! How about year 800? ‘I guess mothers and grandmothers—correct? Yes! That’s
we’re not going to die.’ But if a day be a thousand what it means!] …Your desire shall be toward your
years, he died in that day—did he not? From that husband, and he shall rule over you.’…. [I don’t care
day on, if you have the possibility of dying, you are what women think, that hasn’t changed!] …And to
dead, as far as God is concerned. It’s only a matter Adam He said, ‘Because you have hearkened to the
of time—is it not? Yes! So, let’s read what Satan did voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree—of
here. He came along and the first thing he does is which I commanded you, saying, “You shall not eat
challenge. The best way to get someone involved, to of it!”—the ground is cursed for your sake. In
begin leading them astray is to let them correct a sorrow shall you eat of it all the days of your life. It
misstatement that you give. Here’s what he said: shall also bring forth thorns and thistles to you, and
thus you shall eat the herbs of the field; in the sweat
Genesis 3:1: “Now the serpent was more of your face you shall eat bread until you return to
cunning than any creature of the field which the the ground, for out of it you were taken; for dust you
LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, ‘Is are, and to dust you shall return’” (vs 16-19).
it true that God has said, “You shall not eat of any
tree of the garden?”’ And the woman said to the Let’s go back to Romans 5:12: “Wherefore,
serpent, ‘We may freely eat the fruit of the trees of even as by one man sin entered into the world, and
the garden, But of the fruit of the tree which is in the death by sin; as a result, death passed into all
middle of the garden, God has indeed said, “You mankind… [He’s telling you how we have the
shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you human nature that we do, and we are all subject to
die.”’ And the serpent said to the woman, ‘In dying, death from the instant of conception until whatever
you shall not surely die!” (vs 1-4). He accuses God time we die. Is that not true? Yes!] …and it is for
of lying. And you know the rest of the story. this reason that all have sinned”
What happened? When they got caught, v Not only was death passed into human
11: “And He [God] said, ‘Who told you that you beings, and that is something that we inherit
were naked? Have you eaten of the tree which I genetically. They can’t figure it out, but all cells in
commanded you that you should not eat?’ And the the human body have a point of aging and then final
man said, ‘The woman… [Always got to blame termination. Also, along with that is the proclivity to
somebody else—isn’t that true? Yes! Who was he sin. Came right along in the same package. That’s
really blaming, the woman or God? He was blaming why Paul says:
God!] (He said): …The woman whom You gave to
be with me… [In other words, if you hadn’t given Romans 8:2: “Because the law of the Spirit
me this woman, Lord, I wouldn’t have eaten of it.] of life in Christ Jesus has delivered me from the law
…she gave me of the tree, and I ate.’ And the LORD of sin and death.” So not only it was it the law of
God said to the woman, ‘What is this you have sin, but the law of death passed into all human
done?’ And the woman said, ‘The serpent deceived beings.
me… [someone else made me do it] …and I ate’” Romans 5:12: “…as a result, death passed
(vs 11-13). And God said, ‘I understand your into all mankind and it is for this reason that… [we
intentions were well.’ NO! have a nature of death] …all have sinned… [We’re
“And the LORD God said to the serpent, going to understand that a little bit more and he
‘Because you have done this you are cursed above clarifies it] …because before the law… [that is given
all livestock, and above every animal of the field. to Israel] …sin was in the world. Now then, sin is
You shall go upon your belly, and you shall eat dust not charged when law does not exist” (vs 12-13).
all the days of your life. And I will put enmity So what is he saying? There was law before the law
between you and the woman, and between your seed to Israel! Otherwise sin cannot be charged! Sin is
and her Seed; He will bruise your head, and you what? The transgression of the law!
shall bruise His heel’” (vs 14-15). Right then with Let’s see sin way before—which then is the
Romans Series #18
Romans 4:16-25; 5:1-14
culmination of the world which ended in the have the nature that we have. God has done it to
Flood—of the giving of the law to Israel, which was mankind, so who has to solve the problem? God
some 3,000 years into the history of mankind. Do does! And that’s the rest of the story of the book of
you think God would go 3,000 years without having Romans.
laws. He’s the Lawgiver! He’s the Creator! It’s
absurd! But some people believe it, which is lie. Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter;
except where noted
Not only is sin not charged where there is no Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
law, but look at how the world was, Genesis 6:5:
“And the LORD saw that the wickedness… [There Scriptural References:
couldn’t be wickedness if there wasn’t law— 1) Romans 4:16-20
correct? You can go back to the account with Cain 2) Hebrews 6:13-20
and Abel. God told Cain ‘sin lies at the door.’ There 3) Romans 4:20-21
was law!] …of man was great on the earth, and 4) Psalm 119:127-128
every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was 5) Romans 4:21-25
only evil continually…. [So bad that] …And the 6) 1 Corinthians 15:12-20
LORD repented that He had made man on the earth, 7) Romans 5:1-5
and He was grieved in His heart. And the LORD 8) John 14:27
said, ‘I will destroy man whom I have created from 9) Ezekiel 13:10-14
the face of the earth… [You talk about being 10) Isaiah 59:1-8
discouraged! Even God was discouraged here!] 11) Psalm 119:165
…both man and beast, and the crawling thing, and 12) Colossians 3:12-16
the fowl of the air; for I repent that I have made 13) Romans 5:2
them.’ But Noah found grace in the eyes of the 14) John 1:14-16
LORD” (vs 5-8). 15) Ephesians 1:1-2
16) Romans 5:2-3
That’s why grace is so profound, brethren. 17) Hebrews 12:6-11
Did not grace save all of physical mankind? Yes! 18) 1 Peter 5:10-11
Through Noah and his family! Verse 9: “These are the 19) Romans 5:3-4
generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man and 20) James 1:1-7
perfect in his generations, for Noah walked with 21) Romans 5:5
God.” Walking with God is saying 22) John 15:7-10
• he obeyed Him 23) Romans 5:6-8
• he kept His commandments 24) John 3:16
• he did that which was right in the sight of the 25) Romans 5:9-12
Lord 26) Genesis 2:16-17
27) Genesis 3:1-4, 11-19
Verse 11: “Now the earth also was corrupt before God, 28) Romans 5:12
and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked 29) Romans 8:2
upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt—for all 30) Romans 5:12
flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth. And God 31) Genesis 5:5-9, 11-13
said to Noah, ‘The end of all flesh has come before 32) Romans 5:13-14
Me, for the earth is filled with violence through
them. And, behold, I will destroy them with the Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
earth’” (vs 11-13). • Genesis 15:4-5; 22
• Romans 13:13
So people who read Romans 5:13, do not • Isaiah 9:6
have clue as to what they are talking about—that’s • Revelation 16, 18
why Paul wrote it, “Because before the law, sin was • Deuteronomy 30:15-20
in the world. Now then, sin is not charged when law
does not exist. nevertheless, death… [the wages of Also referenced: Sermons and Sermon Series:
sin is death] …reigned from Adam until Moses, • Grace
even upon those who had not sinned in the likeness • Justification
of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of the • Love
One Who was coming” (vs 13-14). There you have • Righteousness of the Law
it! There was sin! The law of sin and death was • Righteousness of Faith
given to Adam and Eve, passed on to all the progeny • The Love of God & Your Second Calling (part of
of mankind from that time on down to now and we the Love series)
all inherit the law of sin and death and that’s why we FRC:bo Transcribed: 12-21-10
Romans Series #19
Romans 5:13-21; 6:1-13
I want to read something that I think is quite fundamental law! Notice how they are slipping into
important for us to realize what is happening and the an explanation.
kind of reasonings that people use to get around the
laws and commandments of God. When we Between the time of Adam and Moses
understand about grace, we must realize we cannot everyone sinned. They were doing things
have grace unless there is law. You must law and you God did not want them to do. God’s law
must have grace. existed even though it had not yet been
written down, and everyone was
In a study correspondence course recently transgressing that unwritten law.
published by the Worldwide Church of God, we now
have a standard Protestant explanation for Rom. 5, Well, if you don’t have it written down, you don’t
which we have just been studying. have a law. We’re talking about a time period of
approximately 3,000 years. Do you think that those
Question: Did sin exist before the law was people could not write during the 3,000 years and
given through Moses? (in ref. to Rom. have things written down? Let’s look in the book of
5:13)…. Genesis and see where there had to be a law written
down. It’s the same way today. Can you be arrested
Let’s read that: Romans 5:13: “Because before the for not stopping at a stop sign where no stop sign
law, sin was in the world. Now then, sin is not exists? Even if someone gave you a ticket for not
charged when law does not exist.” stopping at a stop sign where no stop sign existed,
…Since sin implies the existence of a you would go to court and you could show the judge
law… that there was no stop sign there and it would be
thrown out—correct?
Sin does not imply the existence of a law; sin says
definitely that there is a law. Otherwise, as it says We already covered Gen. 3 where they had
here, there is no sin! sinned, and ‘sin is the transgression of the law.’
Also, we’re going to see that with every covenant
Romans 4:15: “For the law is working out relationship there are laws. Genesis 4:3: “It came to
wrath; because where there is not any law, neither is pass that Cain brought to the LORD an offering of the
there any transgression.” You tie that in with Rom. fruit of the ground…. [Why bring of the ‘fruit of the
5:13. There can be no question that there was law! ground’? Are there laws concerning things relating to
Since sin implies the existence of a law, the fruit of the ground? Yes! The tithe of what you
does the existence of sin before Moses produce. The firstfruits of your trees.] …And Abel also
imply that there was a law before Moses? brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat of
it…. [‘firstlings’ means that God had to define that the
Comment: Paul is discussing the time firstborn was His, just like He did later on.] …And the
period between Adam and Moses. Sin LORD had regard unto Abel and his offering, but He
entered the world through one man Adam. did not have regard unto Cain and his offering. And
And where there is no law there is no sin, so then Cain was extremely angry and his countenance fell.
there had to be laws in order for Adam to have And the LORD said to Cain, ‘Why are you so
sinned. angry? And why has your countenance fallen? If you
do well [correctly]… [correctly shows that there had
The penalty for sin is death. Paul tells us to be something to define right and wrong, and that
that death entered humanity through Cain had to have known it.] …shall you not be
Adam. All humans except Jesus Christ accepted? But if you do not do well, sin… [which is
have sinned, and death therefore, has the transgression of the law] …lies at the door….”
power over everyone. Paul uses the word (vs 3-7). So, we have sin there.
‘law’ in two different senses: One law was
given through Moses, but before that Genesis 6:11 “Now the earth also was corrupt
particular law was given, a more before God… [You can’t have any definition of
fundamental law existed. corruption unless you have a definition of what is good
and right and true and Holy.] …and the earth was filled
There’s no such thing as ‘more fundamental law’ with violence…. [sounds much like today] … And God
than the Ten Commandments. There can be no more looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt—
Romans Series #19
Romans 5:13-21; 6:1-13
for all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth” paraphrased).
In the New Testament we’re to have them
(vs 11-12). Whenever God has His way it’s written written upon the tablets of our heart.
down, had to have been written down. So, God
judged the world because of sin. Let’s put all of this together to show that
everything that God does is based upon His love.
If you want an interesting study, go back and His law is based upon His love. Matthew 22:37:
study all the Ten Commandments before Moses. “And Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord
They are all there. Let’s finish this one section here your God with all your heart, and with all your soul,
with Abraham, because everything comes back to and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest
Abraham. This is one that we will cross paths commandment; and the second one is like it: You
considerably. shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two
commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets”
The reason that the blessing were coming (vs 37-40). Everything that God does is based upon
(stated in v 4), Genesis 26:5: “Because Abraham the love of God—our love to God, God’s love to us.
obeyed My voice… [That is the first Therefore, it must be defined. And in order for God
commandment—isn’t it? If you want a fundamental to hold them accountable for sin before what is
commandment that’s before all, that is it: the voice called ‘the giving of the law to Israel’ there had to be
of God; obey the voice of God! That’s what Adam law, and it had to be defined, and it had to be written
and Eve did not do. That’s what the others did not down, otherwise there would not be a law.
do. And then when God gives something, then it’s
written down.] …and kept My charge, My I’ll just mention here that when you go
commandments, My statutes, and My laws.’ through and you analyze—and different ones have
done this—the Ten Commandments and all the rest
• Whose commandments were they? of the statutes and judgments are also based on ten—
• Whose laws were they? five and five. Five for slaves—five for male, five for
• Whose charges were they? female. Then you have five for taking life—murder
• God’s! and accidental. Then you have bodily injury; five for
Does God ever change? No! Jesus Christ the same stealing; and so forth. It breaks it all down in what is
yesterday, today and forever! Therefore, ‘My called ‘ pentad’—five.
commandments, My statutes, My laws, obey My Why then did God define it so clearly for
voice’ to Abraham is exactly the same thing we have Israel? The way that God designed the Bible was so
here: it would not be totally full of repetition. One set of
Deuteronomy 6:1: “Now these are the His laws would be perfectly fine, and especially
commandments, the statutes, and the judgments defined to Israel because Israel’s job then was to
which the LORD our God commanded to teach you take it to the whole world. In Egypt they lost the
so that you might do them in the land where you go Sabbath, but God still held them to it—didn’t He?
to possess it, that you might fear the LORD your Exo. 16—when they came out, He said, ‘How long
God, to keep all His statutes and His commandments refuse you to keep My Sabbath and My
which I command you, you, and your son, and your commandments?’ Here, before the Sabbath
son’s son, all the days of your life, and so that your commandment was given, and remember what the
days may be prolonged” (vs 1-2). Then he [Moses] Sabbath commandment says. It starts out, the first
shows that this is all based upon love. word, ‘Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it Holy.’
So therefore, how can you remember it if it hasn’t
Verse 3: “Hear therefore, O Israel, and be been defined and if it hasn’t been written down.
diligent to observe it, so that it may be well with
you… [to do it means to observe to do everything After He gave them the manna and the quail
that God has said! That’s a blanket statement.] and everything, Exodus 16:25: “And Moses said,
…and that you may greatly multiply, as the LORD ‘Eat it today, for today is a Sabbath to the LORD.
God of our fathers… [Why go back to the fathers— Today you shall not find it in the field. Six days you
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—because that’s where it shall gather it, but on the seventh day, the Sabbath,
started.] …has promised you, in the land that flows in it there shall be none.’ And it came to pass that
with milk and honey. Hear, O Israel. Our one God is some of the people went out on the seventh day in
the LORD, the LORD. And you shall love the order to gather, but they did not find any. And the
LORD your God with all your heart and with all LORD said to Moses, ‘How long do you refuse to
your soul and with all your might. And these words keep My commandments and My laws?…. [Of
which I command you this day shall be in your course, all of that is based upon the voice of God—
heart” (vs 3-6). Then it says ‘you shall teach them’; isn’t it? Yes, it is! So here He is holding them to it!]
you shall write them, you shall bind them upon your …See, because the LORD has given you the
hand and bind them upon your forehead (vs 7-8 Sabbath, therefore He gives you the bread of two
Romans Series #19
Romans 5:13-21; 6:1-13
days on the sixth day. Let each one stay in his place. life. That’s what he’s showing here.
Do not let any one go out of his place on the seventh
day’” (vs 25-29). That’s why when we come to the Verse 18. So then, just as by the one
Ten Commandments, He says, ‘Remember the transgression there resulted judgment unto
Sabbath…’ condemnation to all men, exactly in the same way
also, by the one act of righteousness shall result in
Moses’ father-in-law saw Moses out there justification unto life toward all men; because even
sitting from sunup to sundown. Moses explains to as by the disobedience of the one man, many were
his father-in-law that when the people come, Exodus made sinners, in exactly the same way also, by the
18:16: “When they have a matter, they come to me. obedience of the One, many shall be made righteous.
And I judge between one and another, and I make Moreover, the law entered, so that transgression
known the statutes of God and His laws.’” How is he might abound; but where sin abounded, the grace
going to make them know the statutes and the laws did super-abound; so that even as sin has reigned
if they weren’t given for a considerable time later in unto death, in exactly the same way also, the grace
Exo. 20? How would Moses know them if he didn’t might reign through righteousness unto life eternal
have some of it written down someplace? How could through Jesus Christ our Lord” (vs 18-21).
he know? Did he just have it all in his head? Is that
what it was? No! It had to be written down What we have here, brethren, this section of
someplace! Scripture is some of the most profound and deep
knowledge we can have of what God is doing. So, if
We see that there had to be a written law. you understand this you are going to understand a
God made us as intelligent beings: to write, to read, very profound thing that even theologians miss the
to study, to speak. So therefore, there can be no mark! That’s something that I want to impress upon
doubt that He had it written down. Let’s just review you. It will be a little difficult, but if we can get
a few things here. We are to: through this I think it will really help you in your
relationship with God.
• walk by faith
• live by hope What he’s doing in Rom. 5:12 is showing the
• dwell in love effect on all mankind. Adam’s actions, through
transgressions, determined the character of this
Now let’s come back to Romans 5:12: “Wherefore, present age. We have Adam on the one hand, on the
as by one man… [We’re going to see the other hand we have Christ. So, we’re comparing
comparison between the one man Adam and Christ.] Adam and Christ—one man and one man.
…sin entered into the world, and death by sin; as a
result, death passed into all mankind; and it is for Christ’s actions, or righteousness, determines
this reason that all have sinned.” He’s going to begin the character of the Church and the coming age.
making the comparison here. Adam—death: Adam and his way equals
Verse 13: “(Because before the law, sin was death. ‘As in Adam we all die.’
in the world. Now then, sin is not charged when law Christ’s death: Life
does not exist; nevertheless, death reigned from We’re comparing death with life. Let’s look at the
Adam until Moses, even upon those who had not difference between the first Adam and the second
sinned in the likeness of the transgression of Adam, Adam. There are several occasions where Paul uses
who was a type of the One Who was coming. But the difference between Adam and Christ. 1-
shall as the offense was, even so shall the free gift Corinthians is called ‘the resurrection chapter.’
be? Because if by the transgression of the one man
many died, how much more profoundly did the 1-Corinthians 15:45: “Accordingly, it is
grace of God, and the gift of grace, which is by the written, ‘The first man, Adam, became a living soul;
one man Jesus Christ abound unto many? And the the last Adam… [referring to Christ] …became an
free gift is not like that which came by the one who ever-living Spirit.’…. [How? By the resurrection
had sinned: because on the one hand, judgment was from the dead! But also because He [Christ] never
by one unto condemnation… [that is to all people] sinned! We’re talking about sinfulness vs
…but on the other hand, the free gift is to the sinlessness.] …However, the spiritual was not first,
justification of many offenses. For if by the offense but the natural [physical]—then the spiritual” (vs 45-
of the one man death reigned by the one, how much 46). Remember, there’s always a profound parallel in
more profoundly shall it be to those who are the Bible. You have the physical, then you have the
receiving the abundance of grace and the gift of spiritual. You have the natural, then you have the
righteousness, that they shall reign in life by the One supernatural, being Christ. The physical is always
Jesus Christ.)” (vs 13-17). first.
Notice the comparison between death and “The first man is of the earth—made of dust.
Romans Series #19
Romans 5:13-21; 6:1-13
The second man is the Lord from heaven. As is the beings. No human has ever sinned in that same
one made of dust, so also are all those who are made similitude. All of the rest of us are at a lower level
of dust; and as is the heavenly one, so also are all with it.
those who are heavenly. And as we have borne the
image of the one made of dust, we shall also bear the Verse 14: “…[Adam] who was a type of the
image of the heavenly one” (vs 47-49). Then he One Who was coming…. [the second Adam, Christ]
finishes off there with the resurrection. (Then he begins to define it a little bit more): …But
shall not as the offense was… [since it came by one]
First Adam: …even so shall the free gift be? Because if by the
1. he disobeyed and displeased God transgression of the one man many died, how much
2. he sinned more profoundly did the grace of God, and the gift
3. he disbelieved God and believed his wife of grace… [Why do we have ‘gift of God’ and ‘gift
and Satan of grace’? What is the difference?] …which is by the
one man Jesus Christ abound unto many?” (vs 14-
Second Adam—Christ: 15). Which then he’s leading up to eternal life—
1. He obeyed and pleased God—‘I always do death vs life! sin vs righteousness!
those things which please My Father.’
2. He was sinless—without sin “And the free gift is not like that which came
3. He believed by the one who had sinned… [In other words, the
4. He loved God—and humankind and His free gift is not by inheritance—it is a gift!]
creation because He died for them …because on the one hand, judgment was by one
5. He gave His life unto condemnation… [that is to all people] …but on
the other hand, the free gift is to the justification of
—the first Adam was not willing to do any of those many offenses” (v 16).
things. As we go through here, we’re going to see
this comparison between Christ and Adam. What is the ‘free gift’? That has got to be
different from the gift of grace. What is the ‘free
From Romans 5:13 through v 17 is a gift’? Christ and His sacrifice! That is the free gift
parenthetical statement, all one thought. In that you cannot earn! As we go through this, always
translating this, it became very evident to me that remember, nothing can substitute for the life and
when Paul was getting this in the finalized form, that death and resurrection of Christ! That’s a very
vs 13-17 was an explanation that he added at a later profound thing we must understand. That’s why
time to clarify the problem. Let’s take the last law-keeping cannot forgive sin—was never designed
sentence in v 12 and then read the first sentence in v to. Law-keeping is to keep you from sinning, not to
18 and see how those connect. Then you can see forgive sin. All of your law-keeping after sin cannot
how the parenthetical statement is there to fit in. forgive the sin that was sinned. Just like if you break
Verse 12: “…and it is for this reason that all the Sabbath today, can all your law-keeping and
have sinned…. [v 18]: …So then, just as by the one keeping the Sabbath perfectly from then on cover for
transgression there resulted judgment unto the breaking of the Sabbath today? No! So it a ‘free
condemnation to all men…” You can see how those gift.’ It’s very close to the ‘gift of grace.’
two statements connect directly. But then what he
did, he put in the basis of the comparison between 1 John 4:9—I believe this defines the free
Christ and Adam in a more defined way gift and part o f the gift of grace. “In this way the
love of God was manifested toward us: that God
Verse 13: “(Because before the law, sin was sent… [Gave! ‘For God so loved the world that He
in the world. Now then, sin is not charged when law gave…’ (John 3:16)—that is the free gift.] …His
does not exist; nevertheless, death reigned… [the only begotten Son into the world, so that we might
‘wages of sin is death’ (Rom. 6:23)] …from Adam live through Him…. [Notice the contrast between
until Moses, even upon those who had not sinned in death and life.] …In this act is the love—not that we
the likeness of the transgression of Adam…” (vs 13- loved God; rather, that He loved us and sent His Son
14). Why was Adam’s sin so particularly egregious to be the propitiation for our sins?…. [Not only did
or difficult? Because: He send His Son as the ‘free gift’ but the ‘gift of
1. he was created by God directly grace’ is the ongoing propitiation.] …Beloved, if
2. he had direct access to God all the time God so loved us, we also are duty-bound to love one
3. he was living right there where God was another” (vs 9-11).
living in the Garden of Eden
4. he believed Satan instead of God • The ‘free gift’ is Christ.
• The ‘gift of grace’ goes beyond just the
and he had every opportunity to believe God. His sin forgiveness of sins. Christ as the
resulted in death being passed unto all human propitiation is the start of it.
Romans Series #19
Romans 5:13-21; 6:1-13
1. forgiveness of sins that. Let’s see what he did, and he did this for 55
2. imputing of righteousness—because you years. He started out young—didn’t he? Yes, he did!
believe by faith
3. eternal life 2-Chronicles 33:1: “Manasseh was twelve
4. receiving the Holy Spirit years old when he began to reign, and he reigned
5. direct access to God fifty-five years in Jerusalem. But he did that which
was evil in the sight of the LORD… [gave himself
That’s the gift of grace. It is more than just one over to it] …like the abominations of the heathen
thing. It is a bundle of things together. That’s whom the LORD had cast out before the children of
something that the whole book of Hebrews really Israel, for he built again the high places which
emphasizes. That what we have, brethren, is a Hezekiah his father had broken down, and he reared
superior relationship to God than any other people up altars for Baalim, and made groves, and
through all history, because we have direct access to worshiped all the host of heaven, and served them.
God the Father. That is all part of the gift of grace. And he built altars in the house of the LORD…
[extra altars for those gods] …of which the LORD
Romans 5:15: “But shall not as the offense had said, ‘In Jerusalem shall My name be forever.’”
was, even so shall the free gift be? Because if by the (vs 1-4). In other words, right where God put His
transgression of the one man many died, how much name, he went in and raised up these idols.]
more profoundly did the grace of God…” The grace
of God is what we stand in; that is our whole “And he built altars for all the host of heaven
relationship with God. Everything that we have from in the two courts of the house of the LORD. And he
God comes from His love through His grace— caused his sons to pass through the fire in the valley
everything! of the son of Hinnom. He also observed times, and
used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt
Verse 1: “Therefore, after having been with a familiar spirit, and with wizards. He did much
justified by faith, we have peace with God through evil in the sight of the LORD to provoke Him to
our lord Jesus Christ; by Whom also we now have anger. And he set a carved image, the idol which he
the access… [directly to God the Father; that’s why had made… [he went into the idol business himself
it is the access. It is not just an access, but the and made it himself] …in the house of God, of
access.] …by faith into this grace in which we now which God had said to David and to Solomon his
stand…” (vs 1-2). It’s your whole standing; your son, ‘In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have
whole relationship before God. chosen before all the tribes of Israel, I will put My
The reason that I’m emphasizing this is name forever. Nor will I any more remove the foot
because when we come to the first part of Rom. 6, it of Israel from out of the land which I have set apart
is going to present us with a question that most just for your fathers—if only they will take heed to do all
seem to totally miss. that I have commanded them, according to the whole
law and the statutes and the ordinances by the hand
Verse 15: “…did the grace of God, and the of Moses.’ But Manasseh led astray Judah and the
gift of grace, which is by the one man Jesus Christ people of Jerusalem, and caused them to do worse
abound unto many. And the free gift is not like that than the nations whom the LORD had destroyed
which came by the one who had sinned…” (vs 15- before the children of Israel” (vs 5-9).
16). It’s not imparted now by inheritance. The law of
sin and death we all have is given by inheritance. Now you see why Paul is emphasizing where
We inherit human nature, but you do not inherit the by the sin of one man many were made sinners and
nature of God. That must be given as a gift. And condemned unto death. Now with Christ, even this
only then at the resurrection will it be fulfilled. kind of behavior, upon repentance, can be forgiven.
“…because on the one hand, judgment was Verse 10: “And the LORD spoke to
by one unto condemnation… [all have sinned and Manasseh and to His people, but they would not
come short of the glory of God] …but on the other listen. Wherefore the LORD brought upon them the
hand, the free gift is to the justification of many commanders of the army of the king of Assyria, who
offenses: (v 16). In other words, since Christ died took Manasseh with hooks and bound him with
and rose from the dead for justification, what sins chains and carried him to Babylon. And when he
cannot be covered by His sacrifice? Only the sins was in affliction, he sought the LORD his God and
which are not repented of! humbled himself greatly before the God of his
fathers” (vs 10-12).
I’ve said before and I’ll say again: If God
can forgive King Manasseh for his sins—and I don’t When is it that person is going to make the
know of any of us that I have ever met in the Church choice to repent? Look, he had 55 years of
who have sinned like King Manasseh. Let’s look at abominable, just detestable behavior, and causing
Romans Series #19
Romans 5:13-21; 6:1-13
Romans Series #19
Romans 5:13-21; 6:1-13
of the world. All it is, is one chronicle of murder, license to sin? NO! Let’s define it a little bit further.
intrigue, invasion, war, slavery, capitulation, revolt— Do we have license to do away with the laws of God
just like we’re having right now in Zaire; the troops by saying ‘God didn’t mean this; God didn’t mean
are moving in to take over the capital of Kinshasa; that. God didn’t mean for you to keep the Sabbath
same thing! and one day in seven is good enough. God didn’t
mean that this image—that you created—is an idol,
Verse 21: “…sin has reigned unto death… you just use for a reminder.’ All the way down
[from Adam unto the end of this present age] …in through all the commandments of God and the
exactly the same way also, the grace… [the whole whole relationship that God wants us to have.
operation of God] …might reign through
righteousness unto life eternal through Jesus Christ “MAY IT NEVER BE!…. [The King James
our Lord.” says ‘God forbid!’ but this means]: …MAY IT
NEVER BE!…. [in the most emphatic form] …We
The comparison is this: Death from Adam to who died to sin… [we’re going to see how we died
the end of this age; eternal life and righteousness to sin] …how shall we live any longer therein?” (v
beginning with Jesus Christ and the Church down 2). We’re going to see there’s a difference between
through eternity. There is the comparison. living in sin and living a righteous life though you
Romans 6 is really very important. What this sin and repent. A vast difference! When you’re
is, it gives us the definition of the individual living in sin, you have no consciousness of sin, you
application of this grace to each person, in the just on your way. You may feel bad when you do
covenant relationship with God. We have to be in a something bad, but that’s only because of your own
covenant relationship with God. Just a little overview personal feelings. You have no repentance toward
before we get into it. Romans 6-8—Paul God in that.
mentions/writes about “We who did to sin, how shall we live any
• sin—36 times longer therein? Or are you ignorant that we, as many
• death—15 times as were baptized into Christ Jesus, were baptized
• law—30 times into His death? Therefore, we were co-buried…
• flesh—15 times [I’m going to do a special word study in the Greek on
• body—8 times these words that Paul used, because there are many
things that we are ‘co-joined’ with.] …with Him by
What we are going to see is how then God applies the baptism into the death… [What was the death?
what we just covered in Rom. 5. How does He apply The death of Christ!] …so that, just as Christ was
it to you, to me and to all of those that He calls? raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, in
How then we move from this life of sin and flesh exactly the same way also, we also should walk in
into a life, which then will result in righteousness newness of life. For if we have been co-joined
and eternal life. What we’re really doing in this, this together in the likeness of His death, so also shall we
is defining how we move from self—all the sin and be in the likeness of His resurrection. Knowing this,
all that stands for—into Christ, and all of what that that our old man was co-crucified… [Now that is
means. quite a term—isn’t it?] …with Him in order that the
body of sin might be destroyed, so that we should no
Here is the problem and the solution: longer be enslaved to sin” (vs 2-6).
• problem: sin solution: grace Now he’s beginning to answer the individual
• problem: death solution: life sin problem. Now that we have grace we are not to
• problem: flesh solution: spirit live in sin. Let’s come up to v 3: “Or are you
Romans 6:1: “What then shall we say?…. [In ignorant that we, as many as were baptized into
the light of everything we’ve read down through Christ Jesus, were baptized into… [Baptism is
Rom. 5] …Shall we continue in sin so that grace complete immersion. You’re baptized]: …into
may abound?…. [Because he said, ‘where sin Christ Jesus… [and]: …were baptized into His
abounded grace did super-abound’] …MAY IT death?”
NEVER BE!….” (vs 1-2). In any relationship with Think of everything that the death of Christ
God, you cannot live in sin! Because we have sinful signifies:
nature, He’s provided a way out of it, but we can’t
live in it. There’s an extreme difference. • His beating
• His crucifixion
Manasseh was living in sin. His only way out • His death on the cross
was repentance, and God accepted that. Once
forgiven, once having been brought under the grace • His burial
of God, and you stand in that grace—do we have You are now joined to that! You are made a part of
Romans Series #19
Romans 5:13-21; 6:1-13
that, because if Christ died for you, you then die for sin] …may live unto righteousness; by Whose
Christ. So you’re joined together! stripes you were healed… [that’s for physical
healing.] …For you were as sheep going astray, but
Verse 4: “Therefore, we were co-buried… you have now returned to the Shepherd and
[buried with Him, just like He was in that grave three Guardian of your souls” (vs 22-25).
days and three nights, so you in the watery grave were
co-joined in that burial. You are burying the old, Walk in newness of life. God wants you to
sinful self.] …with Him by the baptism into the be inspired, brethren. God wants you to be uplifted.
death…” That’s the whole meaning of baptism. You go along and maybe you have sour, rotten day.
That’s why baptism must be by immersion. It cannot What do you do? You live in misery that day—don’t
be by sprinkling. And this is where the Protestants go you? It’s miserable and you don’t want to pray, you
so far off base. They say that once we have the grace don’t want to study and you do want to go to God,
of God we don’t even need to be baptized. If you are and you get more miserable and more guilty. God
not baptized and the old self buried, you are not wants to inspire you with this kind of operation for
buried and co-joined in the death of Christ. Therefore, you to know that you can come to Him anytime
you cannot walk in newness of life. instantly. He doesn’t want you to continue in your
misery, which results in death. Walk in newness of
For example: If you fell in deep sleep and life! Be inspired for the great things that God has
never died, you get up and walk, it’s still the same old done for you, and done for you personally, because
life—isn’t it? But if you really fell asleep and you you’re co-buried with Him.
died and then you were resurrected out of that
death—are you not walking anew? Yes, you would Romans 6:5: “For if we have been co-joined
be! It’s the same way with baptism. That’s why it is together in the likeness of His death…” That’s what
“…co-buried with Him by the baptism into the you’ve done with the old self through baptism. The
death…” (v 4). Greek there means knitted. When you knit, it’s all
together; you can’t separate one from the other—can
The comparison continues; notice how that you? No! Or if you weave, you have the same thing.
Paul, all the way through, showing one then the other. Weaving is just another form of knitting. “…have
He’s showing sin and then righteousness; death and been co-joined together in the likeness of His
then life. He’s showing how we die. “…so that, just death…” That’s how to consider the old self, buried
as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of in that watery grave of baptism.
the Father, in exactly the same way also, we also
should walk in newness of life” (v 4). How should we “…so also… [a guarantee] …shall we be in
walk? In exactly the same way! Exactly! the likeness of His resurrection…. [We just read that
(1-Cor. 15; that if we have born the image of the
Did Christ sin? No! If we are to walk in earthy, we shall bear the image of the heavenly. The
exactly the same way, should we walk in sin? No! 1- actual Greek there is if we have born the image made
Peter 2:19: “Because this is acceptable: if, for the of dust so shall we bear the image of the heavenly.]
sake of conscience toward God, anyone endures …Knowing this… [this is something we have to
sorrows [grief]… [If you’re going to ‘walk in constantly, on-goingly know] …that our old man
newness of life’ in this wicked world, you’re going was co-crucified…” (vs 5-6). [The same as Christ
to endure grief! You’re going to have tribulation! being crucified on the cross. Since He represented
The world is living in sin and you’re not.] … all mankind, you were there with Him by the
suffering unjustly. For what commendation is there operation of baptism.
if, disobeying and being beaten, you endure it? But
if while doing good you endure suffering, this is This is why these statements are made, and
acceptable with God… [Because Christ did the same Jesus made these ahead of time. When we have
thing!] …for to this you were called… [This is what peace with God, sometimes this puts us in hostility
you were called to] …because Christ also suffered even with our family. Let’s go to Matthew 10:34:
for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on the
in His footsteps” (vs 19-21). Walking right in the earth… [that is as the world thinks of peace, of
steps of Christ; walking in newness of life. people getting along with people. No, it’s not the
time yet.] …I did not come to bring peace, but a
“Who committed no sin; neither was guile sword.” This is a spiritual sword (Heb. 4:12—the
found in His mouth; Who, when He was reviled, did Word of God is living and power and sharper than
not revile in return; when suffering, He threatened any two-edged sword. That’s the sword He brought,
not, but committed Himself to Him Who judges because He carried no physical sword.
righteously; Who Himself bore our sins within His
own body on the tree, so that we, being dead to “For I have come to set a man at variance
sins… [the same terminology as Paul; we are dead to against his father, and a daughter against her mother,
Romans Series #19
Romans 5:13-21; 6:1-13
and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. sin…. [Meaning those sins have been removed. You
And a man’s enemies shall be those of his own are acquitted!] …Now if we died together with
household. The one who loves father or mother more Christ… [that means jointly died with Christ] …we
than Me is not worthy of Me… [to be co-joined into believe that we shall also live with Him, knowing
His death; to be co-crucified with Him] …and the that Christ… [we’re to know; be convinced of this;
one who loves son or daughter more than Me is not understand it as a fact] …after having been raised
worthy of Me…. [Here’s where the co-crucified from the dead, dies no more; death no longer has any
comes in]: …And the one who does not take up his dominion over Him. Because when He died to sin…
cross and follow Me… [we are to walk in the [not His own, but of His creation] …He died once
footsteps of Christ; in newness of life] …is not for all… [death/life; sin/grace] …but in that He
worthy of Me” (vs 35-38). lives, He lives unto God…. [which tells us what we
should be doing; living to God] …In exactly the
In other words, how are you ever going to be same way also… [see the comparison. He gives us
worthy of Christ if you’re never baptized? If you the thing very concrete to look to.] …In exactly the
never bury the old self? If you never crucify the old same way also you reckon [calculate] yourselves to
self? Notice what we have to do in this world: be dead to sin, indeed… [You’ve died through
Verse 39: “The one who has found his life baptism; you have died by being co-crucified with
shall lose it; and the one who has lost his life for My Christ] …but alive to God through Christ Jesus our
sake shall find it.” Just the opposite of self. Get self Lord” (vs 7-11). That’s the very reason we live, right
out and Christ in! This is the opposite of self. there!
There’s a parallel in Luke 14:26—about picking up Notice what this does, v 12: “Therefore, do
your cross and following after Him. Another place not let sin rule in your mortal body by submissively
says that you ‘take up your cross daily’ which then obeying it in the lusts thereof.” Tie this in with v 6:
implies concerning the suffering that we would go “…that we should no longer be enslaved to sin”; v
through. 12: … do not let sin rule in your mortal body by
Romans 6:5: “For if we have become co- submissively obeying it in the lusts thereof.”
joined [knit] together in the likeness of His death, so How are we going to recognize this? There is
also shall we be in the likeness of His resurrection.” a process to sin, and there is a process with the
What does that tell us? We’re also going to be knit thoughts and the choices as it comes along. Before
together—aren’t we?—raised together “…in the you were baptized, you just went along with the
likeness of His resurrection.” There are many whole regime of sin, regardless of what it was—
Scriptures which bring that out. Most notably: even the sin which seemed like good things to do.
1-John 3:1: “Behold! What glorious love the Like Christmas: If you listed all the lies that
Father has given to us, that we should be called the Christmas stands for. It’s just astounding! Yet,
children of God! For this very reason, the world people think it’s a wonderful thing. We’re going to
does not know us because it did not know Him. see there is a process. What we need to learn to do,
Beloved, now we are the children of God, and it has brethren, is by exercising the Spirit of God and by
not yet been revealed what we shall be; but we know choice. You exercise the Spirit of God by choice.
that when He is manifested, we shall be like Him, The Spirit of God will lead you, but you must use it.
because we shall see Him exactly as He is” (vs 1- You must choose. Let’s see how this process works:
2). There it is, in the likeness of His resurrection. James 1:12: “Blessed is the man who
Notice the progress here, Romans 6:6: endures trials… [this can mean any affliction]
“Knowing this, that our old man was… [past tense, …because, after he has been proved, he shall receive
at baptism] …co-crucified with Him in order… a crown of life, which the Lord has promised to
[present tense] …that the body of sin might be those who love Him.” Again, we’re coming back to
destroyed… [from present to future tense] …that we the love of God. Verse 12 is the kind of trial which
should no longer be enslaved to sin.” In other words, is building character.
sin and the lust of the flesh is not going to enslave Here’s the other kind of trial, v 13: “Do not
us. It will be there. There will be the pulls of the let anyone who is tempted say, ‘I am being tempted
flesh! There will be the pulls of sin! But it’s not by God’ because God is not tempted by evil, and He
going to enslave us, that you become a bond-slave to Himself tempts no one with evil.” What does God
sin. do? he sets before you choices! He doesn’t come
Verse 7: “Because the one who has died to along with something evil. He sets before you
sin… [How do you die to sin? Through baptism! choices. Who’s the one that comes along with
And through the renewing of the covenant with something evil? Satan does! Not God! God gives
Passover—every year.] …has been justified from you choices. He says, ‘Behold, I set before you life
Romans Series #19
Romans 5:13-21; 6:1-13
and blessing/evil and death, therefore, choose life.’ 24) 1 John 3:1-2
But, He doesn’t tempt you with evil. 25) Romans 6:6-12, 6, 12
26) James 1:12-15
Here’s the process, v 14: “But each one is 27) Romans 6:12-13
tempted when he is drawn away and is enticed by his
own lust.” So human lust gets involved. ‘Well, now Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
that’s a pretty good idea.’ “…and is enticed…”—
which means he mulls it over. He thinks about it. • Genesis 3
Then he decides ‘this is good’ or good for him. He • Deuteronomy 6:7-8
wants to do it. • Exodus 20
The next step, v 15: “And after lust has • Romans 6:23
conceived… [meaning it’s locked in together; the • John 3:16
evil and the lust are joined in conception] …it gives • Hebrews 4:12
birth to sin; and sin, when it is completely finished, • Luke 14:26
brings forth death.” At any point along here you can
make the choice to stop and you can go to God for Also referenced:
forgiveness and ask Him to help you with His grace
to lift you out of it. Book Encyclopedia of World History by William L. Langer
Sermons: The Two Righteousnesses I & II (see this series)
Romans 6:12—this is how: “Therefore, do
not let sin rule in your mortal body by submissively FRC:bo
Transcribed: 12-21-10
obeying it in the lusts thereof…. [put away the lust]
…Likewise, do not be yielding… [present tense]
…your members as instruments of unrighteousness
to sin; rather, be yielding yourself to God, as those
who are alive from the dead, and your members as
instruments of righteousness to God. For sin shall
not rule over you, because you are not under law,
but under grace” (vs 12-13).
Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter;
except where noted
Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
Scriptural References:
1) Romans 5:13
2) Romans 4:15
3) Genesis 4:3-7
4) Genesis 6:11-12
5) Genesis 26:5
6) Deuteronomy 6:1-6
7) Matthew 22:37
8) Exodus 16:25-29
9) Exodus 18:16
10) Romans 5:12-21
11) 1 Corinthians 15:45-49
12) Romans 5:12, 18, 13-16
13) 1 John 4:9-11
14) Romans 5:15, 1-2, 15-16
15) 2 Chronicles 33:1-13
16) Romans 5:16-19
17) Romans 3:10
18) Romans 5:20-21
19) Romans 6:1-6, 3-4
20) 1 Peter 2:19-25
21) Romans 6:5-6
22) Matthew 10:34-39
23) Romans 6:5
Romans Series #20
Romans 6-8:4
Let’s review just a little bit. Let’s go back believing, for there is no difference, because all have
and follow the progression of things so we can sinned, and they are falling short of the glory of
understand where we are in Rom. 6 right now. God” (vs 21-23). So this justification by belief then
We’re going to see the comparison all the way is given freely.
through of what Paul is doing here to show the
solution to the sin problem. Romans 4 talks about Abraham and what he
did, and how he was justified by belief. Here’s how
Romans 1:17: “For therein… [in the Gospel] we are to live our lives by faith. We are to
…the righteousness of God is being revealed… [a
continuous present tense] …from faith into faith… • walk by faith
[from God’s faith to us, our faith back to God, and • live by hope
back into us and back to God] …according as it has • dwell in love
been written: ‘The just shall live by faith.’” That’s how we are to do it. He begins to address the
Then he shows the opposite, v 18: “Indeed, problem of how sin did enter into the world, and it
the wrath of God is being revealed… [on a came through Adam. Because of that, we all—by
continuous basis] …from heaven upon all inheritance—inherit human nature. Human nature he
ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who are begins to define step-by-step and the solution for it.
suppressing the Truth in unrighteousness.” Here is the conclusion of everything from
Then he goes on showing that—and I think Rom. 5:12 to 8:14—here’s the conclusion of it,
it’s very profound that we realize something very Romans 8:1: “Consequently now, there is not any
important—physical status, being a Jew or an condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who
Israelite, has no standing spiritually with God. Why? are not walking according to the flesh, but according
All must repent! All must be baptized! That’s what’s to the Spirit. Because the law of the Spirit of life in
important. What Paul is showing here, as we saw in Christ Jesus… [the power of grace] …has delivered
Rom. 2, is that he was really telling the Jews that me from the law of sin and death” (vs 1-2). The law
unless they believe in Christ, and unless they keep of sin and death is what all of us have inside of us.
the commandments of God, their circumcision is That’s why it’s completely precluded that anyone
made uncircumcision and furthermore, the could be perfect in the flesh, or that anyone—except
uncircumcision will judge them! Those are Christ—could keep the commandments of God
tremendous, fighting words. perfectly. You can be in the letter of the law, perfect
in some things, as Job was. How was his heart?
Romans 3—talks about what God is doing to Needing a vast overhaul! That’s the whole point.
justify. We need to review that again concerning
justification. Romans 3:20: “Therefore, by works of Let’s look at some things concerning the first
law… [We’re going to see why in a more profound Adam and the second Adam and just briefly review.
way today. When I first read this I just couldn’t Romans 5:12: “Wherefore, even as by one man
grasp it. Here we were keeping the commandments [Adam] sin entered into the world, and death by sin;
of God and so forth—right? But I misunderstood the as a result, death passed into all mankind, and it is
application of it.] …therefore, by works of law there for this reason that all have sinned.”
shall not be any flesh justified before Him…” Why? We used to believe that babies are born
Because law was not designed to justify you before neutral and perfect. Nonsense! They have human
God the Father in heaven above! The sacrifice and nature and by the time they are six months old
resurrection of Christ was. We will see one of the they’re already expressing their human nature. They
reasons that this is, is because of the very nature of already are! That’s compared with the second Adam,
human beings. Human beings cannot keep the law Who was Christ.
perfectly. Only Christ did!
What did the first Adam do?
Then he begins to give the solution in v 21:
“But now at this time, quite separate from law, the 1. He disobeyed God and was displeasing to
righteousness of God has been revealed, being Him!
witnessed by the law and the prophets; even the 2. he sinned!
righteousness of God which is through faith of 3. he disbelieved God and believed his wife and
Christ, toward all and upon all those who are Satan
Romans Series #20
Romans 6-8:4
The second Adam, Christ: this, then you are understanding some of the most
deep and profound things that God can teach us; but
1. He obeyed God, always doing the things that absolutely necessary for us to grow in grace and
pleased Him! knowledge and overcome and realize our standing
2. He was sinless—without sin! before God.
3. He believed God!
4. He loved God! “So then, just as by the one transgression
5. He gave His life! there resulted judgment unto condemnation to all
men, exactly in the same way also, by the one act of
I want you to look at something which is very righteousness shall result in justification unto life
important for us to understand, v 15: “But shall not toward all men; because even as by the disobedience
as the offense was, even so shall the free gift be?…. of the one man, many were made sinners, in exactly
[What is the ‘free gift’? Jesus Christ! ‘God so loved the same way also, by the obedience of the One,
the world He gave His only begotten Son.’ That many shall be made righteous. Moreover, the law
means the free gift of everything that Jesus stands entered, so that the transgression might abound…
for.] …Because if by the transgression of the one [we come to a higher level of the understanding of
man many died, much more profoundly did the the law, which then makes sin exceedingly sinful]
grace of God, and the gift of grace, which is by the …but where sin abounded, the grace did super-
one man Jesus Christ abound unto many.” abound… [God is able to cover all of those
So, you have: transgressions] …so that even as the sin reigned
• free gift unto death, in exactly the same way also, the grace
• grace of God might reign through righteousness unto life eternal
• gift of grace through Jesus Christ our Lord” (vs 18-21).
“…which is by the one man Jesus Christ abound This is very profound, Romans 6:1: “What
unto many. And the free gift is not like that which then shall we say? Shall we continue in sin so that
came through the one who had sinned, because on grace may abound? MAY IT NEVER BE!….” (vs 1-
one hand, judgment was by one unto condemnation; 2). Let’s just survey a little bit.
but on the other hand, the free gift is to the Verse 15: “What then? Shall we sin, because
justification of many offenses” (vs 15-16). That is we are not under law, but under grace? MAY IT
Christ giving of Christ: NEVER BE!”
• His life Romans 7:7: “What then shall we say? Is the
• His death law sin? MAY IT NEVER BE!….”
• His crucifixion Verse 13: “Now then, that which is good, has
• His resurrection it become death to me? MAY IT NEVER BE!….”
That is the free gift! These are all the mistakes that all the
Now then, other things come from that, v 17: theologians make constantly! Yet, Paul said, “MAY
“For if by the offense of one man death reigned by IT NEVER BE!”
the one, how much more profoundly shall it be to Romans 6:2: “MAY IT NEVER BE! We
those who are receiving eh abundance of grace and
who died to sin… [How did you die to sin? Through
the gift of righteousness, that they shall reign in life
baptism!] …how shall we live any longer therein?”
by the One Jesus Christ.” So, right here we have
three gifts defined or listed: Rom. 6 begins the application of the
covenant of God. Recall to remembrance what I
• the free gift gave concerning the covenant sacrifice of Gen. 15,
• gift of grace as it relates to the death of Christ. The death of
• gift of righteousness Christ becomes a very profound, pivotal point in
All necessary for salvation! The free gift of Christ history. Yes, in all eternity! His death then is
with His life, death and resurrection comes first. something that we participate in.
Then you have the gift of grace, which then begins Verse 3: “Or are you ignorant that we, as
the operation of grace. Then you have the gift of many as were baptized into Christ Jesus, were
righteousness, which is the imputing of the baptized into His death?” Now we’re going to start
righteousness of Christ to everyone He calls. solving the problem.
I know we’re getting into very detailed • the problem is sin—the solution is grace
theology today. We are going to understand what • the problem is death—the solution is life
theologians do not understand. If you can understand • the problem is flesh—the solution is spirit
Romans Series #20
Romans 6-8:4
Here’s how it’s accomplished, v 4: Galatians 2:20: “I have been jointly crucified
“Therefore, we were co-buried… [just as Christ was with Christ… [co-crucified] …yet I live…. [Here we
in the tomb; just as Christ died] …with Him by the are the same thing—right? We are living!]
baptism into the death… [that’s what it is in the …However, it is no longer I… [This is the point we
Greek, into that very same death as Jesus Christ] all need to come to.] …but Christ lives in me! For
…so that, just as Christ was raised up from the dead the life that I am now living in the flesh, I live by
by the glory of the Father, in exactly the same way faith—that very faith of the Son of God, who loved
also, we should walk in newness of life…. [complete me and gave Himself up for me.” That’s what Christ
newness of life] …For if we have become co- did! Also, part of the things that we are promised are
joined… [knit or fused] …together in the likeness of part of the sufferings that Christ went through.
His death…” (vs 4-5).
We are dead to sin, but alive to God! What I
What are we also saying with this? We’re to want you do is look at these things on a ‘A/B’—
going to see that we are also saying that as Christ we’re going to see ‘A/B’ all the way through. ‘A’—
died, we also enter into the covenant relationship dead to sin; ‘B’—alive to God through Christ.
with Him, with the same death, through baptism. We Because of this, here’s what we need to do:
died to sin! Just as the death of Christ and the whole
purpose of God was irrevocable and He was Romans 6:12: “Therefore, do not let sin rule
resurrected from the dead, so likewise our decision in your mortal body… [Notice, it doesn’t say you
with baptism is irrevocable and the resurrection have no proclivity to sin at all; don’t let it rule!
cures the problem. That’s why we went through James 1, how sin
comes about—step-by-step.] (Don’t let it rule): …by
“…co-joined together in the likeness of His submissively obeying it in the lusts thereof.” We are
death, so also shall we be in the likeness of His to put sin to death through the power of the Holy
resurrection” (v 5). As Jesus said, ‘He who follows Spirit. We’re going to see there’s this constant
after Me must hate his father and mother, brother struggle going on; constant choices laid before us.
and sister, children, lands and life, yea, his own life People in the world don’t go through this. They have
also. And whosever does not pick up his cross and no consciousness of it. But we who have the Holy
come after Me cannot be My disciple.’ So we are Spirit go through this. We have this fight! this battle!
crucified with Him! this war!
“…so a so also shall we be in the likeness of Verse 13: “Likewise, do not be yielding your
His resurrection. Knowing this, that our old man was members as [A] instruments of unrighteousness to
co-crucified with Him in order that the body of sin sin; rather, be yielding yourselves to God, as those
might be destroyed… [a progressive thing that is who are alive from the dead, and your members as
worked at through the Spirit of God to destroy the [B] instruments of righteousness to God. For sin
body of sin] …that we should no longer be enslaved shall not rule over you, because you are not under
to sin’ because the one who has died to sin has been law, but under grace” (vs 13-14). This is a very
justified from sin” (vs 5-6). Freely! It is a gift of profound verse right here. It is misunderstood by the
righteousness! Freely! Protestants who say that ‘if you’re under grace you
don’t have to do anything’; misunderstood by those
“Now, if we died together with Christ, we who are under law by misinterpreting grace. Here’s
believe that we shall also live with Him, knowing one way that it was interpreted before; they would
that… [This is what we have to understand and read it: ‘Sin shall not rule over you because you are
realize] …Christ, after having been raised from the not under the penalty of the law’—which is not a
dead, dies no more; death no longer has any true statement.
dominion over Him, because when He died to sin,
He died once for all… [God is going to apply that • Was ancient Israel under the penalty of
to all human beings in His plan. That’s something law? Yes!
we need to understand.] …but in that He lives, He • Did sin rule over them? Yes!
lives to God. In exactly the same way also, you
reckon yourselves to be dead to sin, indeed, but alive “…but under grace….” If you insert the word
to God through Christ Jesus our Lord” (vs 8-11). penalty between ‘under’ and ‘law,’ then you must
also insert penalty between ‘under’ and ‘grace’: ‘you
Now we are going to see a comparison going are not under the penalty of law, but under the
through here. We are to be alive to God, but dead to penalty of grace’—which is ludicrous, there’s no
sin—that we should not serve sin any longer. Let’s such thing as the penalty of grace. It is the opposite.
see how that is done. He’s talking about exactly the So, what does this mean? Let’s look at it under law.
same thing here: Under law means
• you’re living in the flesh
Romans Series #20
Romans 6-8:4
• you have works of law 1-Kings 11:1: “And King Solomon loved
• you have a physical temple many foreign women, even the daughter of Pharaoh,
• You have justification to the temple Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians,
Hittites; of the nations which the LORD had said to
Did any of those things ever change the heart? Let’s the children of Israel, ‘You shall not go in to them,
go to Heb. 9, and then we will look at what and they shall not go in to you; surely they will turn
happened to the one who even built the temple. away your heart after their gods.’ But Solomon
Hebrews 9:11: “But Christ Himself has clung to these in love. And he had seven hundred
become High Priest of the coming good things, wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines….
through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not [A thousand women!] …And his wives turned
made by human hands (that is, not of this present away his heart, for it came to pass when Solomon
physical creation). Not by the blood of goats and was old, his wives turned away his heart after other
calves, but by the means of His own blood, He gods. And his heart was not perfect with the LORD
entered once for all into the Holiest, having by his God as was the heart of David his father” (vs 1-
Himself secured everlasting redemption for us…. 4). Here he had all of it right there. Did being under
[Again, we are getting the comparison between the law solve the problem of human nature? NO!
spiritual and the physical.] …For if the blood of Verse 5: “For Solomon went after Ashtoreth,
goats and bulls, and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled the goddess of the Sidonians, and after Milcom, the
on those who are defiled, sanctifies to the purifying abomination of the Ammonites; and Solomon did
of the flesh” (vs 11-13). evil in the sight of the LORD and did not go fully
What does this mean? What were they after the LORD like his father David. Then Solomon
purified to? They were purified to the temple! They built a high place for Chemosh, the abomination of
were sanctified to the temple! That was it. They were Moab... [He went into the pagan temple-building
not justified to God the Father in heaven above business!] …in the hill which is before Jerusalem,
because that requires something greater. Even and for Molech, the abomination of the children of
though they would do these works of law, what was Ammon. And likewise he did for all his foreign
still a problem? There was a vast problem we will wives, and burned incense and sacrificed to their
see. Let’s see what the problem was. gods” (vs 5-8).
Galatians 3:22—this is talking about the You talk about being ‘hen-pecked’! You talk
time up to Christ: “But the Scriptures have shut up about giving into your wives! I mean, Adam was
all things under sin… [Who shut them up under sin? bad, it was difficult, but Solomon was impossible!
God did! Why? Because of the sin of Adam! That’s He was so harried by his wives. ‘Build me this! You
why!] …so that by the faith of Jesus Christ the built it for that one there, you build one for me. I
promise might be given to those who believe. Now, want one for my god, she has one for her god. Do
before faith came we were guarded under law, you love me? If you loved me you’d build one for
having been shut up unto the faith that was destined me!’ So, he was the most ‘hen-pecked’ rundown
to be revealed” (vs 22-23). man toward the end of his life, it was unreal! All of
this didn’t change his heart and then you read the
Let’s see what the predicament was and then book of Ecclesiastes and you find out how cynical
we will see how that actually worked out. They are that he really was in his view of life, though being
‘shut up unto faith.’ They are ‘shut up unto sin.’ true what he wrote.
Romans 11:32: “For God has given them all over to
unbelief, in order that He might show mercy to all.” What was the law concerning wives. I think
we’re see a good example of the breaking of law,
What happens when you’re under law and right here. This is not defining anything that is good.
you do the things according to law—what happens? This is defining something which is inherently
Law does not change the heart, because law cannot multiplying over evil.
impart the Spirit of God! Law can modify your
behavior for a time. Let’s look at the example of “And the LORD was angry with Solomon
Solomon who built the temple. God gave David the because his heart was turned from the LORD God of
plans for everything to build the temple. David set Israel…” (v 9). Remember when the Ten
back the iron, the brass, the gold, the silver—set that Commandments were given? What did God say?
all in store—commanded that Solomon build it Deut 5: ‘Oh that there would be such a heart in them
according to the plans that he gave. Look what that they would keep My commandments always’
happened. God also appeared to him twice—didn’t They were shut up unto sin’; they were ‘shut up
He? Solomon gave a tremendous dedicatory prayer from the faith’; they were all concluded in
when the temple was dedicated. Notice what unbelief—the whole world!
happened to Solomon. Now let’s see what happened to Israel. After
Romans Series #20
Romans 6-8:4
all of that: LORD had charged them not to do like them” (vs
• Did punishment change them?
• Did correction change them? • Has this not also happened in the Church?
You can apply this to the world today. • Have they left God and become vain?
• Do all the laws that are created make • Yes!
I submit to you that being now in endorsed by the
• Does it change the heart? NO!
International Four-Square Gospel Pentecostal
As a matter of fact, even those who enforce the law Church that you are bonafied fake Christians is an
become the oppressors using law—don’t they? abomination to God! It is foolishness and vanity.
That’s what all ‘tongues-speaking’ is.
• Would you not say this nation is under the
system of judges and law? Yes! What happened? Verse 16: “And they left all
• Has it cured any sin? No! the commandments of the LORD their God and
• Is every new law enacted something which made molten images, two calves for themselves.
then makes righteousness in the hearts of And they made a grove, and worshiped all the host
people? No! of heaven… [What is my horoscope today?] …and
• What happened when they reduce the served Baal. And they caused their sons and their
speed limit to 55? We all went over it— daughters to pass through the fire…. [Today it’s
right? Yes! modern rock music, the school system and the
witchcraft that goes on, actively taught.] …And
We were all used to going 75 mph and that was the they used divination and sorceries, and sold
law at one time. They reduced it to 55, now they themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD, to
have it back up to 65. Let’s see what the children of provoke Him to anger. So the LORD was very
Israel did. After hundreds of years of being under angry with Israel and removed them out of His sight;
law, not one was left, only the tribe of Judah by itself”
(vs 16-18)—and Judah heard, feared and repented.
• Did it solve the sin problem? No! NO!
• Did it change the heart? No!
“Also Judah did not keep the commandments
Let’s see what happened, 2-Kings 17:9: “Now the of the LORD their God, but walked in the statutes
children of Israel secretly did things that were not which Israel made. And the LORD rejected all the
right against the LORD their God. And they built seed of Israel, and afflicted them, and delivered them
high places in all their cities for themselves from the into the hand of spoilers until He had cast them out
Watch Tower to the fortified city. And they set up of His sight” (vs 19-20). What do you think God is
images and groves for themselves in every high hill, going to do to those people who reject the New
and under every green tree. And they burned incense Covenant, today?
in all the high places, like the nations whom the
LORD had removed from before them, and they It didn’t solve it. Being under law does not
practiced evil things to provoke the LORD to anger, get rid of sin. That’s why sin ruled over Solomon,
for they served the idols of which the LORD had sin ruled over the children of Israel and Judah. Sin
said to them, ‘You shall not do this thing.’ And the rules over everyone because they are under law.
LORD testified against Israel and against Judah, by Now then, being under law without the temple, you
all the prophets, by all the seers, saying, ‘Turn from can’t even be justified to a temple. Under law there
your evil ways and keep My commandments and is no justification to God, because there is grace.
My statutes, according to all the law which I
commanded your fathers, and which I sent to you by Now let’s look at what it means to be under
My servants the prophets’” (vs 9-13). Never grace. We will call this the power of grace, the work
penetrated! of grace. Let’s see what it is, how it works. Grace is
the entire action of God toward you. It is the grace of
“Nevertheless, they would not hear, but God, coming from God to each of us:
hardened their necks, like the neck of their fathers
who did not believe in the LORD their God. And 1. God calls you—that’s the first operation
of grace; God does it!
they rejected His statutes and His covenant which He
made with their fathers, and His warnings that He 2. God leads you to repentance—that is the
testified against them. And they went after vanity, grace of God! You become conscience of
and became vain… [And that, brethren, is exactly sin!
where this society is today. You can see the reflected 3. you are baptized with Christ—after
in the television. It is vain! It is stupid!] …and went repentance. Repent and be baptized.
after the nations around them, concerning whom the That is an operation of God whereby you’re co-
Romans Series #20
Romans 6-8:4
buried, co-crucified with Him—knit together with suffered. Everyone of us have suffered. Some are
Him in the likeness of His death. still suffering some of the things. In the future there
will also be suffering.] …Behold, the devil is about
4. you are justified to God in heaven above to cast some of you into prison, that you may be
and have entrance into the Holiest. tried; and you shall have tribulation ten days. Be
Think of that, brethren, entrance into the Holiest in faithful unto death, and I will give you a crown of
heaven above. That is awesome! I tell you, the next life” (vs 8-10). Looking at it on the outside, it didn’t
time you get on your knees and pray, ask God to look very profitable—did it? No! But inside there
help you understand that. Ask God to help you was something else that was happening with these
realize that you have the great and awesome blessing people.
and privilege, through Christ, to come into His very Galatians 5:16: “But this I am saying, walk
presence with your prayers. by the Spirit… [be led by the Spirit of God] …and
5. you receive the Holy Spirit—the begettal you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” Now we’re
of the Holy Spirit in you, to lead you. going to see that there is a tension between the Spirit
of God—which is in you, and the pull of the law of
That is the beginning of the process of conversion. sin and death—which is in you. That’s why the first
Conversion is a process, which is very difficult. resurrection is a better resurrection, because of what
6. you receive the gift of righteousness we go through. And we are suffering with Christ.
You need it in order to be allowed to come into the Verse 17: “For the flesh lusts against the
very presence of God in heaven above, you need to Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh, and these
have that grace so He accepts you as He did Christ. things are opposed to each other, so that you cannot
Let that inspire you, brethren. do those things you wish to do. But if you are led by
the Spirit, you are not under law” (vs 17-18). No,
7. we walk in newness of life you are not under the condemnation of law.
8. we have the fruits of the Holy Spirit
9. Christ in you—Christ is being formed in Now then he gives the work of the flesh—we
you just read it back with Solomon, v 19: “Now the
10. eternal life works of the flesh are manifest, which are these:
adultery, fornication, uncleanness, licentiousness,
That is the power and operation of grace. idolatry, witchcraft…” (vs 19-20)—of which he did
Now you understand why it says that ‘in this all of it—didn’t he? Yes, he did!
grace wherein we are standing.’ We are under that Verse 22: “But the fruit of the Spirit is
grace, under all of this together. That’s the whole love… [That’s why it’s a very important thing, one
amount of it put together, brethren. of the very important things we can learn in the trials
Let’s see how there is a tension. This is the we are going through is this: ‘God, help me to
battle and this is the confrontation. And add to that understand Your love. Help me in these situations
there is also Satan and the world out there putting that are impossible, to express the love of God to
extra pressure upon people and it will vary from other people.’ And it’s difficult, brethren. I know,
time-to-time. I’ve been there!] …joy peace, long-suffering,
kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control;
against such things there is no law” (vs 22-23).
Let’s go to Revelation 2 for just a minute.
Here is a perfect example that you don’t look to the But, here’s what we do, v 24: “But those
outward circumstances of what is happening in a who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh together
Christian’s life. with the passions and lusts. If we are living by the
(go to the next track) Spirit, we should also be walking by the Spirit. We
should not become vainglorious, provoking one
To the Church of Smyrna, Revelation 2:8: another and envying one another” (vs 24-26).
“And to the angel of the church of the Smyrneans
write: These things says the First and the Last, Who We will see the same thing all the rest of the
was dead but is alive. I know your works and way through; Romans 6:15: “What then? Shall we
tribulation and poverty… [Looking at it from the sin, because we are not [A] under law, but [B] under
outside, you would say, ‘Whew! Doesn’t pay to be a grace? MAY IT NEVER BE! Don’t you understand
Christian.’ God is not for me.] …(but you are rich), that, to whatever you are yielding yourselves as
and the blasphemy of those who declare themselves servants for obedience… [whatever person,
to be Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. whatever thing, whatever it is] …you are servants to
Do not fear any of the things that you are about to whatever you are obeying, whether it is [A] of sin
suffer…. [There are times when we suffer. I have unto death, or it is [B] of obedience unto
Romans Series #20
Romans 6-8:4
righteousness?” (vs 15-16). Notice obedience unto the end thereof is eternal life. For the [A] wages of
righteousness—that perfect righteousness which sin is death, but the [B] free gift of God is eternal
comes from Christ, through His Holy Spirit. life through Christ Jesus our Lord” (vs 22-23). The
free gift is eternal life, but the free gift is the giving
Verse 17: “But thanks be to God, that you of Christ, and the free gift of God is eternal life—
[A] were servants of sin, but now you [B] have which we have here. Now we see the requirements
obeyed from the heart… [that’s what God wants, of what we are to do. This is a very detailed way of
conversion of the heart—obedience and willingness saying forsake the flesh and walk in righteousness in
from the heart] …that form of doctrine which was the Spirit.
delivered to you… [which is the whole Gospel,
everything that Christ taught] …and after having We’re confronted with a legal problem,
been set free [A] from sin, you became the [B] which Paul begins to solve in Romans 7. I’m not
servants of righteousness” (vs 17-18). going to go into great detail here on this, but just
sufficient enough to let you know that the covenant
Now, let’s understand something here with Israel was a marriage covenant and that had to
important: set free is to be set free as a slave; to be a be solved.
servant is to be, the Greek: ‘doulos’ which means
you are now a slave of righteousness unto God! But Romans 7:1: “Are you ignorant, brethren,
you do it by choice. In the Roman Empire there were because I am speaking to those who know law, that
those who freely chose to become slaves, because of the law rules over a man for as long a time as he
whatever circumstances. He’s using that analogy. may live?” All law rules over you—doesn’t it?
We are to be ‘slaves of righteousness.’
• Does the law of gravity rule over you so
Verse 19: “I am speaking from a human long a time as you live? Yes!
point of view because of the weakness of your flesh; • Do not the laws in your body rule your
because just as [A] you had yielded your members in body as long as you live? Yes!
bondage to uncleanness and to lawlessness unto • Are you not under law in the world? Yes!
lawlessness, so now in exactly the same way, [B] be • Are not God’s laws ruling over you as long
yielding your members in bondage to righteousness as you live?
unto sanctification.” Isn’t that something? If you are • Who gave the Ten Commandments? God
yielding yourselves as members in bondage to did!
righteousness—guess what—you have no sin! God • Who gave all the other laws? God did!
imputes the righteousness to you in a greater way.
• Who amplified them in Matt. 5-7? Jesus
And another thing will happen, brethren, God’s
Christ did!
Spirit will help convict you of sin even quicker, so
that you can repent. Now then, we come to a specific law, v 2: “For the
woman who is married is bound by law to the
Verse 20: Because when you were [A] the
husband as long as he is living; but if the husband
slaves of sin, you were [B] free from righteousness. should die, she is discharged from the law of the
Therefore, what was the fruit that you had then, in husband. So then, if she be married to another man,
the things of which you are now ashamed? For [A]
as long as the husband is still living, she shall be
the end result of those things is death. But now, after called an adulteress; but if the husband should die,
having been freed from sin, and after having become
she is free from the law which bound her to the
servants to God, you have your fruit unto
husband… [That’s what we are talking about. We
sanctification, and [B] the end thereof is eternal life” are not talking about a theological argument that you
(vs 20-22).
are now free from any requirements of the laws of
What would you give for eternal life? That’s God—that is a ludicrous conclusion to draw from
what he’s really saying here. Can you imagine what this.] …so now she shall no longer be called an
kind of thing you could sell if you had the formula to adulteress, even though she has become married to
perpetuate life even in the flesh for another 100 another man” (vs 2-3).
years? Do you realize how much money you could
Verse 4: “In exactly the same way, my
make? How much people would pay? But is a
brethren, you were also made dead to the marriage
hundred years eternal life? NO! What would people
law of the Old Covenant by the body of Christ…”
give to receive eternal life? What does God require
Let’s think this through for just a minute. Marriage
you to give for eternal life? Your life! Just like Christ is binding until the death of one of the individuals—
gave His life!
correct? Yes! Does God live by His own laws? He
Verse 22: “But now, after having been [A] would have to because He’s Lawgiver, and the
freed from sin, and after having become [B] servants Lawgiver cannot be a lawbreaker. Who is the
to God, you have your fruit unto sanctification, and lawbreaker? Satan the devil! In making this marriage
Romans Series #20
Romans 6-8:4
covenant with Israel—though He had to put her oldness of the letter…” (v 6), because the ‘oldness of
away in divorce—did He marry another nation? No! the letter’ just builds a mound of things against God
He kept part of it—Judah—and kept the covenant and created death, hatred, bitterness, wrath and
with her until Christ. In order to terminate that anger—didn’t it? Yes! Back to the Jews: Did all of
covenant—since covenants cannot be terminated by your anger over the Holocaust change your heart?
fiat; covenants must be terminated by death—one of Did it change the hearts of other people? Have all of
two things had to happen: your bitterness and anguish against God, in
producing so many atheists—has that solved the
1. all Israel had to die—God would have to problem of sin? That’s what Paul is saying right
kill all of them here—has it? No!
2. God had to die “What then shall we say? Is the law sin?
MAY IT NEVER BE!…. [Of course, the law can
That’s why Christ came and died—one of the main never be sin! NO!] …But I had not known sin,
reasons—to end that covenant because He could not except through the law. Furthermore, I would not
even be engaged, betrothed, to the Church unless He have been conscious of lust, except the law had said,
first died. That’s why Christ died. To release old ‘You shall not covet’” (v 7). Why? Because the
Israel from the covenant, by the body of Christ, desires of the flesh and the desires of the mind are
“…in order for you to be married to another, Who just natural and good to the carnal mind!
was raised from the dead, that we should bring forth
fruit to God” (v 4). Then he starts the deep, internal Ephesians 2:2 shows the naturalness of sin
tug of war. Even though we have the Spirit of God and lust. You can’t know what it is unless God
in us, we still have human nature—the law of sin defined it for you. “In which you walked in times
and death—in us. He wants to bring out some very past according to the course of this world, according
important points here. to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is
now working within the children of disobedience…
Verse 5: “For as long as we were in the [and they think it’s good and marvelous and
flesh, the passions of sins, which were through the wonderful and fine, because they’ve been ‘shut up
law, did produce within our own beings that which under sin’; they’ve been ‘shut up from the faith’;
resulted in the bringing forth of fruit unto death. But they’ve been ‘shut up unto unbelief.’ Then God
now at this time, we have been discharged from the intervenes to call.] …among whom also we all once
law… [of the marriage covenant] …because we had our conduct in the lusts of our flesh, doing the
have died… [Didn’t we die in the operation of things willed by the flesh and by the mind… [all
baptism after He died? Yes! So, our covenant vow great, wonderful human things] …and were by
with Christ is also unto death—is it not? Yes! His nature the children of wrath, even as the rest of the
death!] …to that in which we were held; therefore, world. But God, Who is rich in mercy, because of
the result is that we are to serve in newness of the His great love with which He loved us” (vs 2-4)—
spirit… [that’s how we are to serve] …and not in reached down with His grace—‘by grace you have
the oldness of the letter” (vs 5-6). been saved through faith.
I could not help but think of that poor Baptist When we were in the flesh, like Paul said,
minister standing up there in front of this whole Romans 7:7: “…I wouldn’t have been conscious of
room full of Jews trying to explain to them why he lust except the law had said, ‘You shall not covet.’
thought that the Baptist should evangelize the Jews. But sin, having grasped an opportunity by the
That poor man didn’t have a clue! I’ve thought about commandment… [figuratively speaking] …worked
that if I were ever put in that position, what would I out within me every kind of lust… [Not only did he
say? I thought that I would start this way: All of you begin to see lust, but then there was every kind of
in this room are circumcised and that is the token of lust.] …because apart from law, sin was dead….
the covenant that God gave to Abraham, but there is [But the law was there and sin was alive!] …For
something else that God said that He desired from once I was alive without law; but after the
you, which you need to do, and that is ‘circumcise commandment came, sin became alive, and I died”
the foreskin of your heart.’ You know and all of (vs 7-9). How did he die? By baptism! ‘I am
your rabbis know that you have created traditions crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live, and the
and laws that have built a great shield about you and, life I live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of
in fact, have built an iron room between you and God’ That is His very own faith.
God. Now God is calling upon you to let Him
circumcise your heart.
“And the commandment, which was meant
That’s as far as I’ve gotten on it. I would use to result in life… [Didn’t God say if you keep the
all Old Testament Scriptures. That’s what God is commandments, you’ll prolong your days? You’ll be
doing here. “…newness of the spirit and not the happy? It will be well with you? But it didn’t solve
Romans Series #20
Romans 6-8:4
the inherent sin problem.] (So I): …was found to be has it become death to me? MAY IT NEVER BE!
unto death for me; because sin, having taken But sin, in order that it might truly be exposed as sin
opportunity by the commandment, deceived me, and by that which is good to me, was actually working
by it killed me” (vs 10-11). Sin is deceitful! What out death; in order that, by the means of the
can happen with the deceitfulness of sin? commandment, sin might accordingly become
exceedingly sinful” (vs 11-13).
Hebrews 3—let’s see the warning that was
given. Sin can be very deceitful. Why? Because sin Have you ever been going down the road one
can be very pleasurable for a short season! Sin can day, thinking about things and maybe thinking about
be exciting, for a short time! If you don’t believe God and so forth. All of sudden it comes in your
that try driving 120 mph one time. I remember when mind that you really understand how sinful that
I got my 1956 Ford V8—I was 21-22—and I got one thing you did back when really was. And then you
that was brand new and I only paid $3600 for it. It have an instant repentance right there and say, ‘Oh,
was a two-door hardtop, first time they came out God, I never knew how bad that was.’ I don’t know
with the hardtop. The top was black and the top part about you, but I’ve experienced that, more than
of the car was white and then it had this Nike-like once. You then see the ‘exceeding sinfulness’ of it.
chrome coming down the side and the bottom of it
was black. It had dual exhaust. It had a automatic Verse 14: “For we understand that the law is
transmission, and at that time, Richfield put out spiritual; but I am carnal, having been sold as a
Richfield boron gasoline, the greatest thing to ever slave under sin… [That’s the problem with being
hit the market. under law. The law is spiritual, but the people were
carnal.] …because what I am working out by myself,
I was taking a trip down to California and I I do not know… [Have you ever done things where
put in his Richfield boron, and I was cruising down you say, ‘Why did I do that?’ I don’t know why I did
the freeway, the first freeway in Oregon. I thought, I that! I do that all the time. I did that just last week.
wonder how fast this will go. I kicked it up to 80, 85, Very bad!] …For what I do not desire to do, this I
90, 95, 100, I got up to 105 and Whooooo!. My heart am doing… [Ever find yourself doing something
was just pounding and I thought, Man! What if I get you don’t want to do, and you really hate what
a flat tire? I immediately took it down from there you’re doing, but you’re doing it, and it’s stupid!
and never went 105 mph again. Although, my wife That’s what he’s talking about here.] …moreover,
occasionally thinks I do. There was that excitement what I am hating, this I am practicing” (vs 14-15).
for a while and no highway patrol—God was This is the struggle that goes on spiritually! If God
merciful to me! What I’m trying to point out here is would condemn us every time this happened we
the deceitfulness of human thinking, which can lead wouldn’t exist! That’s why there’s grace!
you into greater and greater sin!
“But if I am practicing what I desire not to
Hebrews 3:7: “For this reason, even as the do, I agree with the law that it is good. Now then, I
Holy Spirit says, ‘Today, if you will hear His am no longer working it out by my own self; rather,
voice… [That’s what God wants all the way it is the sin which is dwelling within me” (vs 16-17).
through. ] …harden not your hearts, as in the All of us have that law of sin and death. That’s why
rebellion, in the day of temptation in the wilderness, I started out in Rom. 8, so we could understand what
where your fathers tempted Me and tried Me, and he’s doing. First of all, he showed the commitment
saw My works forty years. Because of this, I was through baptism there in Rom. 6. Then he shows
indignant with that generation, and said, “They are what we are to do: forsake sin and follow
always going astray in their hearts, and they have not righteousness. Then in Rom. 7, he says, ‘When you
known My ways.” So I swore in My wrath, “If they are doing this, there’s going to be this inner struggle.
shall enter into My rest—”’ Beware, brethren, lest
perhaps there be in any of you an evil heart of Verse 18: “Because I fully understand that
unbelief, in apostatizing from the living God. there is not dwelling within me—that is, within my
Rather, be encouraging one another each day, while fleshly being—any good thing!…. [this is what Job
it is called ‘today,’ so that none of you become did not understand] …For the desire… [and we all
hardened by the deceitfulness of sin” (vs 7-13). So, desire] …to do good is present within me… [Even
it is the sin that is deceitful thing. When Paul when people commit murder, they are desiring to do
recognized that deceitfulness, he was as good as good with this murder. When they steal, they’re
dead! desiring to do good with this stealing. After all there
is a benefit, so they think. But the ‘wages of sin is
Romans 7:11 “…sin deceived me, and by it death.’] …but how to work out that which is good, I
killed me. Therefore, the law is indeed Holy… [The do not find. For the good that I desire to do, I am not
law is good.] …and the commandment Holy and practicing; but the evil that I do not desire to do, this
righteous and good. Now then, that which is good, I am doing. But if I do what I do not desire to do, it
Romans Series #20
Romans 6-8:4
is no longer I, working it out by myself, but the sin • Develop customers, clients, technical
which is dwelling within me” (vs 18-20). That’s why knowledge—whatever it may be?
there can be no good thing in the flesh. • Educate yourself to be the finest thing you
“Consequently, I find the law, that when I can be in this world?
desire to practice the good, the evil is present with But are you converted? NO! Unless you have the
me” (v 21). Have you ever done something really Spirit of God! You can pull yourself up by the
uplifting and you feel very inspired in it, and you bootstraps. I remember 12-15 years ago, Zig Ziegler
know that God was with you in it. Then two or three came into town and my son David wanted to go see
days later, what happens? BAM! you do something Zig Ziegler. I took him and Jonathan to see Zig
carnal and nasty! Did you intend to do it? No! Did Ziegler. Zig Ziegler is one of the greatest promoters
you do it? Yes! Why did you do it? Because of sin of building the self; that you can become what you
dwelling in you! And as long as you are in the flesh want to be by thinking and doing. He even brings in
you have sin dwelling in you. That’s why you must some of the commandments of God, and he even
overcome daily. That’s why you go through these brings in love—doesn’t he? But he doesn’t know the
trials. That’s why you have this inner battle going love of God! He is building on that ‘eros phileo’
on; so that you will really love God and love the love which is carnal, self-centered love. Be better!
good, and serve Him with all your heart. When you Earn more! Be younger! Be stronger! Be more
do that you are under His grace and God does not beautiful! Be richer! Have more possessions! And
condemn you. by the way, ‘pay my fee and buy my tapes and buy
Let’s see the solution that Paul brings out, v my books so I can be more wealthy and greater and
22: “Because I delight in the law of God according stronger and more perfect.’
to the inward man; but I find another law within my Does that change the heart? You can
very own being… [it’s part of him] …that is accomplish certain things with that, but is that
warring… [that’s the war, brethren, that’s the fight] conversion? NO! Does it change the heart? NO! It
…against the law of my mind, and that is making me may re-direct the carnal heart in other carnal
a prisoner to the law of sin which is within my very pursuits, but the law of sin and death and the carnal
own being. O what a wretched man I am! Who shall heart remain the same and remain under law! That’s
deliver me from the body of this death? I am what Christ meant: ‘He who seeks to save his life
thinking God through our Lord Jesus Christ for this shall lose it’; because a change of one carnal
salvation! On the one hand, as a result of this inner position to another carnal position—though in the
war, I myself serve the law of God with my mind; on mind’s eye of the person doing it—doesn’t convert
the other hand, with the flesh, the law of sin” (vs 22- the heart. ‘But he who loses his life for My sake,’
25). Christ said, ‘shall find it.’ And that’s what Paul is
• So that you progressively overcome! defining here.
• So that the body of sin might be destroyed! Now, because God put in you the law of sin
and death, because you are struggling against sin,
That is the battle! One thing that is very, very true: because you have the Holy Spirit of God residing in
People who do not have the Holy Spirit do not have you at the same time that this is going on, through
this battle! So, if you have this battle, what is this? the grace of God you are not under condemnation.
This is proof you have the Spirit of God and that Now do you understand why he says, ‘What? Shall
God is dealing with you! That’s something, we sin that grace may abound.’ No, no, no! This is
brethren! Now you see why you can’t overcome so that you will be inspired to want to come closer to
human nature with human nature? It’s just like God.
saying, take this oil that’s been spilled on the floor
and clean up this oil which is on the floor. It is an
incongruous statement. That’s why he says, Romans 8:1:
“Consequently now, there is not any… [NOT
• Can you overcome the law of sin and ONE, even though you may feel guilty in heart and
death with the law of sin and death? No! need to repent, you go repent.] …condemnation to
That’s an incongruous statement. those who are in Christ Jesus, who are not walking
• Can you help yourself in a carnal way? according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.”
• Become more successful? And the very fact that you have this struggle; and the
• Follow the laws of success? very fact that you are wanting to go God’s way; and
• Develop a business? the very fact that you are striving to go God’s way
• Develop speaking ability? shows that you are “…walking according to the
• Develop vocabulary? Spirit.”
Romans Series #20
Romans 6-8:4
Romans Series #21
Romans 7:12-8:17
We’re now in Romans 7, and I want to good has it become death to me? MAY IT NEVER
review just a little bit and then what I want to do is BE!…. [Here is the reason: It is to point out the need
finish Rom. 8. and then the rest of Romans begins to for grace! That’s why it’s Holy righteous, just and
fit into the Feast days—it’s a whole different good.] …But sin, in order that it might truly be
application of things. Now, let’s come here to exposed as sin in me by that which is good to me,
Romans 7:12: “Therefore, the law is indeed Holy, was actually working out death; in order that, by the
and the commandment Holy and righteous and good. means of the commandment, sin might accordingly
Now then, did that which is good has it become become exceedingly sinful.” In other words, you
death to me?…. [How is something that is Holy and know what sin really is. It gets back to the whole
righteous and good produce death?] (v 14): …For thing concerning the Feast of Unleavened Bread—a
we understand that the law is spiritual; but I am little leaven leavens the whole lump. When you
carnal, having been sold as a slave under sin” (vs begin to find out how exceedingly sinful sin is, you
12-14). begin to understand even the thoughts in your mind,
and that’s where sin originates—correct? In your
Why is that something so good points out mind! If you didn’t have a mind you wouldn’t sin.
death? That was a problem. The reason is that the You could just be a robot; anybody want to be a
law shows what sin is, and the transgression of the robot? ‘How exceedingly sinful sin is’—that’s the
law is sin, and the wages of sin is death. Is not whole purpose of it.
God’s judgment Holy, righteous, true, good? Yes! Is
that not also true of judging sinners? Yes! “For we understand that the law is
spiritual… [which means it’s always operating
God’s judgment—even the seven last because it is spiritual. It does not matter—God is no
plagues—because He’s executing His judgment respecter of persons. What did he talk about (Rom.
against gross sin and rebellion, Revelation 16:2: 2) in the application of blessings or in the
“And the first angel went and poured out his vial application of punishment? It’s spiritual! It’s living!]
onto the earth; and an evil and grievous sore fell …but I am carnal, having been sold as a slave under
upon the men who had the mark of the beast, and sin” (v 14). So, what God’s wants done with this—
upon those who were worshiping his image. And the which did not happen until the coming of the Holy
second angel went and poured out his vial into the Spirit; until God was revealing this to the apostles,
sea; and it became blood, like that of a dead man; especially to the Apostle Paul—is the way you
and every living soul in the sea died. And the third overcome sin is to understand it when it begins in
angel poured out his vial upon the rivers, and into the mind. That’s what this is leading to:
the fountains of waters; and they became blood.
Then I heard the angel of the waters say, ‘You are • to a conviction of how wrong sin is
righteous, O Lord, Who are, and Who was, even the • to a conviction that you have been sold
Holy One, in that You have executed this judgment. unto sin
For they have poured out the blood of saints and of • to a conviction that you need the
prophets, and You have given them blood to drink; righteousness of God
for they are worthy.’ And I heard another voice from
the altar say, ‘Yes, Lord God Almighty, true and and you cannot produce it yourself, but it must be
righteous are Your judgments.’” (vs 2-7). imputed to you. That’s why!
He was judging them because of their gross Here’s what else happens here, v 15:
sins. It talks about Babylon whose sins have “Because what I am working out by myself, I do not
‘reached up into heaven.’ So you have that the know…. [Have you ever done things and then after
commandments are Holy, right and good and they it’s all done you ask yourself: Why did I do that?
judge right from wrong. If you’re on the sinning side And you can’t give an answer, because it was of and
of the ledger it is unto death. If you’re on the by yourself, from within.] …For what I do not desire
righteous side of the ledger it is life. Since you have to do, this I am doing… [People don’t want to sin.
in your member the law of sin and death it ends up Some people do; they end up being the incorrigible,
being sin for you once the consciousness—that God unless they repent.] (So here is this paradox):
brings out to you concerning sin—really comes to …moreover, what I am hating, this I am practicing.”
your understanding. What is one of the things that you begin to see? One
of the worst sins that happens is this: You begin to
Romans 7:13: “Now then, did that which is judge other people’s minds and hearts! You can see
Romans Series #21
Romans 7:12-8:17
by the fruits that there is evil there. That’s what adultery, fornication, fraud—Gal. 5, the works of
happens. God wants you to judge yourself! God want the flesh—idolatry, witchcraft, variance, strife,
you to see what you are doing! emulation—sounds like some churches we know of.
Verse 16: “…I agree with the law that it is God wants a personal conviction, by you—
good…. [absolutely good and righteous and Holy] with His Spirit—against sin! Let’s notice what
…Now then, I am no longer working it out by my happens when that is not done, Heb. 3. There are
own self; rather, it is the sin which is dwelling things in the Greek which are not brought out in the
within me” (vs 16-17). What he’s building up to is King James or other translations. I want you to see
the definition of the law of sin and death so we can the progression here:
understand that.
Hebrews 2:1 “For this reason, it is
What are the fruits of sin? We also need to imperative that we give much greater attention to the
understand this: Sin always affected other people. things which we have heard, lest at any time we
Let’s think of some cases: should slip away.” Not that they slip away, because
the Word of God never slips away; the promises of
• How about Adam? Affected the whole God never slip away; it is we who slip away from it.
human race—right? Yes! What he’s talking about here is a progression of
• How about Cain? Murdered his brother! what happens when you slip away. You end up in a
• How about the Tower of Babel? more serious condition.
• How about Sodom and Gomorrah? Hebrews 3:8: “Harden not your hearts, as in
• How about David? the rebellion, in the day of temptation in the
Now David was a man after God’s own heart, wilderness, where your fathers tempted Me and tried
but Me, and saw My works forty years. Because of this,
• Did his sins affect people? Yes! Look what I was indignant with that generation, and said, “They
happened with Bathsheba! are always going astray in their hearts, and they have
not known My ways.” So I swore in My wrath, “If
• Did it affect his whole family from then
they shall enter into My rest—”’ Beware, brethren,
on? Yes!
lest perhaps there be in any of you an evil heart of
Part of the penalty that God gave upon David was, unbelief… [a hardening of the heart] …in
‘because you have done this your family is going to apostatizing from the living God” (vs 8-12). How
be turned upside down from this day forward.’ Was does that occur?
it? Yes! (Comment concerning the second
“Rather, be encouraging one another each
commandment: ‘unto the third and fourth
day, while it is called ‘today,’ so that none of you
become hardened by the deceitfulness of sin….
• How about when David numbered Israel? [Because you no longer have righteousness toward
70,000 died! sin. You’re not allowing the working of the Holy
• How about when Solomon did what he Spirit—as described in Rom. 7—to work with you,
did? God took away the ten tribes! to convict you, to show you the sinfulness of sin!]
And we could go right on down the line, many …For we are companions of Christ, if we truly hold
others: the confidence that we had at the beginning steadfast
until the end. As it is being said, ‘Today, if you will
How about good affecting others. Yes! God also hear His voice, do not harden your hearts, as in the
says, ‘Unto a thousand generations I will bless those rebellion’” (vs 13-15).
who keep My commandments’—correct? So what
do we have: This is why Paul is bringing out that the
place of overcoming sin begins with the conviction
• Noah—Did his righteousness affect of sin when the thought starts in your mind. That’s
everybody? Yes! We’re here! what he’s talking about—very important to realize.
• Abraham—by believing God and having It’s the sin that’s dwelling in you. That’s why he
God’s righteousness imputed to him, it has wants you to understand, don’t be surprised if you
affected eternity forever! I never thought sin, because it’s part of you. But what do you do
of that until just now! when you recognize it becomes the important thing.
• How about what Christ did? Hopefully you can cut it off while it’s still in the
• How about what Moses did? temptation process, before it develops—as we saw in
James 1.
So you have those two things, very important for us
to understand. And what has been the world because Romans 7:18 “Because I fully understand
of sin? Misery, wretchedness, crime, murder, that there is not dwelling within me—that is, within
Romans Series #21
Romans 7:12-8:17
my fleshly being—any good thing!….” That is good and you really want to get rid of, but it’s there. I
in the sense of righteousness. Let’s look at it this could probably list off some words and you could
way: If you’ve ever lived back in areas where they give me the answer back. Example:
have a lot of snow in the wintertime, when the snow
first comes down it looks so gorgeous and white and • What is the real thing? Coke!
lovely and soft and clean and wonderful. Then it • Nothing tastes good like…. a cigarette
snows some more and then it clears up, and then it should!
snows some more and then it clears up and it piles Gottcha!
up. When it begins melting in the springtime, what I was talking to someone the other day. The
happens? It is dirty, ugly and you look at that and most frustrating thing is to be praying and all of
wonder: How did all that dirt get there? sudden a commercial come coursing through. That’s
Well, liken that to human nature and the just an example of it. How many times have you’ve
whited snow to a whited scepter. It looks beautiful been admiring something and your attention is been
outside but you really don’t know what’s in there. drawn away to lust? How many times have you been
The lesson is this: You can never have anything looking at something really nice and then you covet
purely good in the sense that God is good from to have? All of that is the sin dwelling within you!
being solely human. Why? Because there is the law When you started thinking about it or observing you
of sin and death—that’s why! That’s why God must didn’t have this thought in your mind. Because of
impute His righteousness to you. That’s why the ‘prince of the power of the air’ there are times
salvation cannot be earned. It has to be a gift. when things will come into your mind that Satan is
sending. Did you know that? Have you ever
He began to see “…that is, within my fleshly experienced that?
being—[dwells] any good thing! For the desire to do
good is present within me… [and everyone has that Ephesians 2:2: “In which you walked in
desire—everybody!—except the most incorrigible.] times past according to the course of this world,
…but how to work out that which is good, I do not according to the prince of the power of the air, the
find” (v 18). Isn’t that true? Every time you think spirit that is now working within the children of
that everything is going just hunky-dory and disobedience.” It’s likened to television and radio
wonderful, SLAM! BAM! something happens— waves, and that is true. Right here in this room there
right? And you did not intend it that way. are countless different radio and television, cellular
phones and all of that, which if we had the
Verse 19: “For the good that I desire to do, I equipment, we could tune it all in here and just be
am not practicing; but the evil that I do not desire to inundated. But thankfully, God didn’t make us with
do, this I am doing. But if I do what I do not desire mind that would tune into it as with the apparatus
to do, it is no longer I, working it out by myself, but that was designed for it. But Satan is there trying to
sin which is dwelling within me…. [That means I send his missiles of lust into your mind.
myself am not dedicated to this. My choice, my
goal, my purpose, my life is not to this] …but the Verse 3: “Among whom also we all once had
sin which is dwelling [residing] within me… [part of our conduct in the lusts of our flesh, doing the things
his being]…. [He’s leading up to the final solution to willed by the flesh and by the mind, and were by
sin and death.] …Consequently, I find this law, that nature the children of wrath, even as the rest of the
when I desire to practice the good, the evil is present world.” I remember when I was pastoring down in
with me…” (vs 19-21). This is to emphasize all of the Los Angeles area, I had everything from the
these: Chavez Ravine on the north and the Long Beach
freeway on the east, all the way south to San Pedro
• the law Bay and west to the ocean. I had all the area of
• the good Watts—after the burning of Watts took place. I had
• the evil all of Hollywood, all that whole scene. There were
times when I was driving down in the area of Watts
There’s another way of saying that; the and all of sudden I started getting these thoughts of
movie with Clint Eastwood: The Good, the Bad and hate. I wasn’t think of it! That was not in my mind. I
the Ugly. It’s present with me—isn’t that true? How had no thought of it until all of a sudden—BAM!
many times have you been thinking something, there it was! hate, murder, death—and here I am in
listening to some music, watching a movie—movie the middle of Watts!
now will bring you down in the first ten seconds—or Then one time I was driving down Sunset
you’re riding along, and thinking of something real Blvd. and all of sudden come these thoughts of
good and all of sudden BAM! an evil thought comes homosexuality in my mind. I thought, now what
coursing through your mind. Or, more than likely, a happened? I finally figured out that it is the demons
silly, stupid commercial that you heard sometime in the area that can project that kind of thing into
Romans Series #21
Romans 7:12-8:17
people’s minds and if you ‘toy’ with those things changed completely ‘in the twinkling of an eye at the
they will capture you into the sin. When I left the last trump.’
area, these things left. So, Satan is able to reach into
human nature and cause these things. Here’s the conclusion of the whole thing.
Here is the solution to the mess of human kind—in
That will help you understand why the particularly applying to us. Everything from Rom.
temptation of Christ was so powerful! Satan used 1:17 is coming down to this conclusion in Rom. 8:1-
everything he could to tempt Christ into sinning 4. Go back and review it and study it. It takes you all
once! I think we’ll understand a little more of that as the way down,
we go along.
• explaining the human condition in the
Romans 7:20: “…but the sin which is world
dwelling within me…. [is causing this] • explaining the human condition with
…Consequently, I find the law, that when I desire to individual Gentiles and Jews
practice the good, evil is present with me, because I • Rom. 3—that ‘all of sinned and come short
delight in the Law of God according to the inward of the glory of God’ and God’s solution is
man; but I find another law within my very own Jesus Christ
being…” (vs 20-23). That’s why there must be • Rom. 4—shows how Abraham had the
conversion, which takes place from within; not imputed righteousness
discipline, which comes from without. Conversion • Rom. 5—shows how then ‘we were
from the Holy Spirit takes place within; religion justified even whole we were enemies’ God
without the Holy Spirit requires discipline from sent His Son to die for us
without, but it doesn’t convert. • Rom. 6—we are ‘co-buried’ with Christ’,
“But I find another law within my very own co-crucified with Christ’; brought into this
being that is warring against the law of my mind, relationship with God
and that is making me a prisoner to the law of sin • Rom. 7—we have this great inner
which is within my very own being” (v 23). There struggle—now what are we going to do?
he defines it: the law of sin! We started out in Rom.
Our first thought is that if there is sin, we’re cutoff,
5:12 how death entered in because of the sin of
nevermore to be in God’s presence again. NOT SO!
Adam. So, we had death, now we have the law of
Let’s see what the solution is:
Romans 8:1: “Consequently, there is not any
This is where every Christian comes to,
condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus…
sooner or later, v 24, “O what a wretched man I am!
[there’s a condition] …who are not walking
Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?”
Ever come to the point you think ‘O how wretched, according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit;
how miserable, how rotten, stupid, foolish’? because the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ
Sometimes you get all ground up in the Jesus has delivered me from the law of sin and
wretchedness of things that take place in this world death…. [There are the two contrasts: the law of
and they just grind you to a pulp. That takes you the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus vs the law of sin and
death—which is in us] …For what was impossible
down as well.
for the law to do…” (vs 1-3). The law cannot give
Verse 25: “I am thanking God, through our life. It can define sin. It can show you right from
Lord Jesus Christ, for this salvation!….” What a wrong, but it can’t give you life. Why? Life must
marvelous thing is that God would do this! What a come from God! God is a living being. The law,
marvelous thing it is that God would though it is spiritual, is not a living being.
• call us “…was impossible for the law to do in that it
• lead us was weak through the flesh… [Why is the law ‘weak
• help us through the flesh’? It’s like getting up there, like a
• grant us these things batter, with two strikes against you before you even
• give to each one of us His own righteousness step into the batter’s box. The flesh is weak since it
has ‘the law of sin and death’ within it. That’s why!]
(to solve the problem): …God, having sent His own
That’s why Paul began to understand this. Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin
“…On the one hand, as a result of this inner war, I condemned sin in the flesh; in order that the
myself serve the Law of God with my mind; on the righteousness of the law should be fulfilled in us.
other hand, with the flesh, the law of sin” (vs 25). As who are not walking according to the flesh, but
long as you have flesh there’s going to be sin, because according to the Spirit” (vs 3-4).
it inherent in there, in our genes as it were. That’s
why we have to be ‘born again’ from the dead, or Now let’s see how the law of the Spirit of
Romans Series #21
Romans 7:12-8:17
Life in Christ Jesus is walking in the Spirit. You can righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ:
connect those two together. Here’s how it works in Grace and peace be multiplied to you… [Think
us: about that! We’ve gone over grace; He wants it
multiplied! Increased! Not just grow a little bit, but
1. you have crucified the flesh multiplied!] …in the knowledge of God and of Jesus
How? Rom. 6: our Lord” (vs 1-2). Brethren, don’t we have it here.
• through baptism We have a greater opportunity to grow than almost
• co-crucified, co-buried any generation that has been on the face of the earth.
2. you are living by every Word of God in
newness of spirit • We have the Word of God!
3. you walk by faith • We have the education!
4. you live by hope • We have the tools to study!
5. you dwell in love
6. instead of the fruits of the flesh, you have But, what has happened to most people? They’ve
the fruits of the Spirit become blitzed out in a fog of pseudo intellectualism
and they could care less about the Word of God, but
Galatians 5:22: “but the fruit of the Spirit is love, it’s the greatest thing that there is. It’s even
joy, peace, long-suffering… [I don’t think you can happened to the churches, even happened to the
have joy and peace until you have suffered. So when people of God! So, we have that opportunity to let it
you understand the value of suffering, then you have [grace and peace] multiply.
joy and peace when it’s over with.] …kindness,
goodness, faith, meekness, self-control… [If God is Verse 3: “According as His Divine power
in control, you should have self-control—correct? has given to us all things that pertain to life and
Yes!] …against such things there is no law. but those Godliness…” Whatever we need, brethren, God is
who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh together there to help! Listen, this is also true:
with the passions and lusts” (vs 22-24). • When you get old and weak and feeble,
7. you are growing and developing God still loves you!
spiritually • When you’re in trouble, in desperation and
trials, God still loves you!
What is the thing that is going to help you grow
more than anything else? The Proverb says, Use the tools that God gives you; He’s given us
‘Without vision the people perish.’ Peter gives us everything “…that pertain to life… [eternal life]
one of the greatest visions—part of it, I think that …and Godliness through the knowledge of Him
John adds to that in the Epistles of John and the Who called us by His own glory and virtue” (v 3).
book of Revelation—how then we need to structure I want you to see the hope that is given here,
our lives in Christ, we see the great and tremendous 1-John 3:1: “Behold! What glorious love the Father
vision that God has given us. I don’t think we has given to us, that we should be called the children
understand, brethren—in translating the book of of God!…. [Think of that! God has called you to be
Hebrews, I am profoundly overwhelmed at how His very own son or daughter] …For this very
great and how marvelous and what an absolutely reason, the world does not know us because it did
fantastic privilege that God has given us through the not know Him. Beloved, now we are the children of
High Priesthood of Christ, to be able to have direct, God, and it has not yet been revealed what we shall
instantaneous access to God the Father, through be; but we know that when He is manifested, we
prayer, in the Holiest place in the universe. It takes a shall be like Him, because we shall see Him exactly
while for that to sink in. It takes a while to grow in as He is…. [What is this to do for every one of us?]
that. As you grow in that, it becomes a very …And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies
humbling experience. Especially when you look and himself, even as He is pure” (vs 1-3).
see the sinfulness of sin that’s in your own nature—
that I see in my own nature—that God would grant How? By the Spirit of God! By all the things
us this! So, having that focus of vision is so that you are living in and exercised with, whether it
important, and Peter does it right here: is the trials you are going through; the joys you are
2-Peter 1:1: “Simon Peter, a servant and an going through. You have the vision; you see that this
apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have obtained is what God has called you to.
the same precious faith… [the very faith of Christ
given to you through the righteousness of God. As • to impel you
we have been studying the imputed righteousness, • to always inspire you
the perfection, the beauty, the righteousness, the • to always uplift you
cleanness, the goodness of God.] …as ours by the That’s what God wants with the Church:
Romans Series #21
Romans 7:12-8:17
Romans Series #21
Romans 7:12-8:17
right? Yes! Is not then God a righteous Judge, even want you think about the churches that you know.
of Himself? Yes! This is profound, brethren! This is James 4:1: What is the cause of quarrels and
marvelous! This is tremendous what God is doing! fightings among you? Is it not mainly from your
own lusts that are warring within your members?
Let’s review the operation of grace again: You lust, and have not; you kill, and are jealous, and
The operation or power of grace. Do you think that are not able to obtain; you fight and quarrel, but still
God is going to risk what Christ has done—in you do not have, because you do not ask…. [Then
overcoming Satan the devil and being victorious they say, ‘Okay, I’ll ask.’] …Then you ask, and you
over death and over sin—for a flim-flam kind of do not receive, because you ask with evil motives,
thing? No! That’s why it’s done by the operation of that you may consume it on your own lusts” (vs 1-
grace. That’s why the operation or power of grace 3). ‘Oh, God, let me win the lotto. Oh, God, let me
begins: have this. Let me have that. After all, if you were a
1. God calls God of blessing, bless me with it.’ So He blesses
2. God leads you to repentance you with a trial so that you may have the right
3. you are baptized with Christ attitude!
4. you are justified to God the Father in Would that Worldwide could have learned
heaven above this before they went down the tube, v 4: “You
5. you receive the Holy Spirit to lead you adulterers and adulteresses… [spiritually and
6. you have the gift of righteousness physically] …don’t you know that the friendship of
7. you walk in newness of life the world is enmity [hostility] with God? Therefore,
8. you have the fruits of the Holy Spirit whoever desires to be a friend of the world makes
9. Christ being formed in you himself an enemy of God.” That’s why the carnal
10. eternal life mind cannot be subject to the law of God.
Tie that together with what we just covered here That’s why when you have a carnal minded
about walking in the Spirit and you see how then we professing Christianity, why must you do? You must
stand in grace. It’s all the operation of God, based come along and say, well, this law of God didn’t
upon the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. That is a mean this. He really didn’t mean that, but He really
marvelous thing, brethren! Here’s the whole purpose meant something else! You can plug in any law you
of all of it: want there: Sabbath, Sunday, Christmas, Easter,
Romans 8:4: “In order that the New Years, clean and unclean meats, adultery,
righteousness of the law should be fulfilled in fornication, honoring father and mother, idols,
us… [the very character of God] …who are not taking God’s name in vain. They must adjust it
walking according to the flesh, but according to the because it just like the children of Israel standing
Spirit, because those who are walking according to there on the Day of Pentecost hearing God give the
the flesh, are minding the things of the flesh… [the Ten Commandments, and they said, ‘Oh, Moses,
Greek is literally the mind of flesh] …but those who don’t let Him speak anymore, it’s killing us. You go
are walking according to the Spirit are minding the to God, you speak to Him. We’ll listen!’ The carnal
things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is mind’s got have some space. You cannot have this
death, but to be spiritually minded is life and condemnation of sin. After all, God is not fair.
peace… [because Christ is in you] …because the Romans 8:7: “Because the carnal mind is
carnal mind is enmity against God… [that’s where enmity against God… [Hostile! Hostile enemy! Not
we get the word ‘enemy’; means hostility, it is at peace; at war!] …for it is not subject to the law of
hostile to God.] …for it is not subject to the law of God—neither indeed can it be! Now then, those who
God—neither indeed can it be!” (vs 4-7). That’s why are in the flesh cannot please God” (vs 7-8). This is
you have the circumcision made ‘without hands’— very powerful in the Greek. Defined in two words:
of the heart (Rom. 2). ‘ou’ or ‘ooks’—the impossibility of it; cannot comes
Here’s what happens when you have a carnal from the word ‘dunatos’—which the root is power.
religion. I don’t care what kind it is—whether it is What he’s saying is that the carnal mind has no
Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Buddhist or New Age, power at all to please God. Why? Because the carnal
whatever it is—here is the result of all of it. That’s mind says, ‘God, I’ve got to have my little bit of
why religion cannot be made to serve the sin.’
righteousness of God, because it’s man’s—or Verse 9: “However, you are not in the flesh,
Satan’s—invention to look good. I think the epitome but in the Spirit, if, indeed the Spirit of God is
of it is Christmas. I want you to think about the dwelling within you…. [this verse is a very
world in general. I want you to think about powerful, key verse of understanding. How many
organizations in our civilization here in America. I times have you heard it said, ‘How do you know
Romans Series #21
Romans 7:12-8:17
who a Christian is?’ This defines it unequivocally.] But when the Comforter comes, even the Holy Spirit,
…Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, which the Father will send in My name… [the Father
he does not belong to Him.” And it’s just like this: sends it in Christ’s name] …that one shall teach you
You either have the Spirit of God or you don’t! all things, and shall bring to your remembrance
Same thing, a woman is not almost pregnant, she everything that I have told you” (vs 23-26).
either is or isn’t! Who makes that determination?
God does! To whom does He give His Spirit? John 15:26—a little bit different phase of the
Holy Spirit: “But when the Comforter has come,
• to those who are called which I will send to you from the Father… [It says
• to those who are baptized ‘the Father will send it in MY name (John 14:26)]
• to those who obey Him (and it says here): I will send to you from the
Father…” What is the sum of it? It is the Spirit of
That’s who He gives His Spirit to. God is not in the God which comes from the Father and Jesus Christ,
business of playing tiddly-winks and ‘mickey- performing two functions:
mousing’ around with pretend religion. God is in the
business of creating Christ in you unto eternal life! 1-John 3:9: “Everyone who has been
That is profound! That’s why there has to be this begotten by God does not practice sin, because His
dividing point; no doubt about it. seed of begettal… [The begettal of God the Father,
that you are a son or daughter of God] …is dwelling
Verse 10: “But if Christ be within you, the within him… [So, the function of the Holy Spirit
body is indeed dead because of sin… [Why? from the Father is the begettal to be His son or
Because you’ve been crucified with Christ, buried daughter.] …and he is not able to practice sin
with Christ, having your heart circumcised—with because he has been begotten by God.”
the circumcision ‘made without hands’—and
receiving the Spirit of God. It’s dead; count it dead. Now, let’s see it in 1-John 5:1: “Everyone
The law of sin and death is still there to bother you. who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been
Grow in the love and Spirit of God so that you can begotten by God; and everyone who loves Him [the
overcome. Knowing that when you die, that’s the Father] Who begat also loves him who has been
end of the flesh.] …however, the Spirit is life begotten by Him. By this standard we know that we
because of righteousness”—which then is the love the children of God: when we love God and keep
imputed righteousness of Christ. His commandments. For this is the love of God: that
we keep His commandments; and His
Verse 11: “Now if… [conditional] …the commandments are not burdensome” (vs 1-3). Those
Spirit of Him Who raised Jesus from the dead is are the two functions of it.
dwelling within you, then He Who raised Christ from
the dead will also quicken your mortal bodies, Romans 8:11: “Now if the Spirit of Him
because of His Spirit that dwells within you.” Let’s Who raised up Jesus from the dead is dwelling
notice two things; we’re going to see there are two within you… [because you’ve been begotten of the
aspects to the Spirit of God working within us: Father] …then He Who raised up Christ from the
dead will also quicken… [make alive] …your mortal
1. the Spirit of Christ (v 9) bodies, because of His Spirit which is dwelling
2. the Spirit of Him (v 11) or the Spirit of the within you. So then, as a result, we are not debtors to
Father which raised up Jesus from the dead the flesh, to live according to the flesh” (vs 11-12).
Let’s see how it works, John 14:23: “Jesus answered And if you want to know that you’re
and said to him, ‘If anyone loves Me, he will keep growing in the Spirit and away from walking in the
My Word…” flesh, if the things of the world turn you off more
Verse 15: “If you love Me, keep the and more then you are walking in the Spirit because
commandments—namely, My commandments.” it’s the Spirit of God that is doing that. Those who
We’re down to not only commandments but words. are walking in the flesh are concerned with the
That is expanded out to: ‘man shall not live by bread things of the flesh. That’s all they think about.
alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth That’s all they talk about. They run to it.
of God.’
I remember one time there was a minister
Verse 23: “…and My Father will love him, who came over and we followed him out of Salt
and We… [not I, but WE—Christ and the Father] Lake City as we were going to the Feast of
…will come to him and [WE will] make Our abode Tabernacles. Of course, there was no speed limit on
with him. The one who does not love Me does not that part of the highway, and that’s where the
keep My words; and the Word that you hear is not Bonneville Salt Flats are, so you going along about
Mine, but the Father’s, Who sent Me. I have spoken 80 mph, and we agreed to stop and get something to
these things to you while I am yet present with you. eat. So we’re zooming across there and as soon as
Romans Series #21
Romans 7:12-8:17
we came to the first casino this minister stops, parks Belial? Or what part does a believer have with an
his car and gets out his change and starts going on unbeliever?…. [my best friend is an atheist] …And
all of these slot machines. I’m sitting there what agreement is there between a temple of God
(thinking) what on earth is this? He could hardly and idols?…. [Regardless of what you say—oh,
wait! Was he ‘walking according to the flesh’? Yes! these are just reminders—NO! they’re idols!
I was shocked. I didn’t say anything to him because Covetousness is idolatry, we just read it—right?
he was a ‘pastor’; if you know anything about rank. Yes!] …For you are a temple of the living God…”
(vs 14-16).
Those who live according to the flesh they
want the things. They want this, they want that, they When Christ came, He said, ‘Sacrifice and
want the other thing. They’re striving here and there offerings You desire not, but to do Your will, O
and nothing pleases them. They eat this, they eat God.’ and ‘You have prepared a body for Me.’ The
that, they eat the other thing and nothing satisfies greatest thing God can do is not to build a greater,
their palette. They listen to this, the listen to that, bigger, better building or temple, but to have His
they listen to the other thing and nothing satisfies. Spirit in you, do dwell in you! That is a marvelous
Why? Because they’re deficient in the heart, they’re work indeed!
only half here and they need the Spirit of God.
“…exactly as God said: ‘I will dwell in them
Verse 13: “Because if you are living and walk in them… [Remember, wherever you go
according to the flesh, you are destined to die… [that Christ is there. Whatever you do Christ is there.
is without salvation] …but if by the Spirit you are Think on that for a minute. If He’s in you, is He not
putting to death the deeds of the body, you shall there? Yes!] …and I will be their God, and they shall
live.” be My people. Therefore, come out from the midst
of them and be separate,’ says the Lord, ‘and touch
Colossians 3:1: “Therefore, if you have been not the unclean, and I will receive you; and I shall be
raised together with Christ, seek the things that are a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and
above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of daughters,’ says the Lord Almighty” (vs 16-18). God
God. Set your affection on the things that are above, is not slighting women when He says ‘sons’ and
and not on the things that are on the earth…. [That ‘sonship.’ After all Rev. 12 shows Israel depicted as
is, you’re walking according to the Spirit.] …For a glorified woman—correct? Yes! Who made
you have died, and your life has been hid together women? God did!
with Christ in God. When Christ, Who is our life, is
manifested, then you also shall be manifested with Romans 8:14: “For as many as are being led
Him in glory. Therefore, put to death your members by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God. For
which are on earth—sexual immorality, you have not received a spirit of bondage again unto
uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil desires, and fear… [Who does the spirit of bondage come from?
covetousness, which is idolatry. Because of these Satan the devil!] …but you have received the Spirit
things, the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of of sonship…” (vs 14-15).
disobedience” (vs 1-6). That expounds it a little bit
there from Rom. 8:13. To describe what kind of spirit we are to
have, and contrast this with Rom. 8—1-John 4:18:
Romans 8:14: “For as many as are being “There is no fear in the love of God… [that’s the
led… [present tense] …by the Spirit of God, these spirit we need to have] …rather, perfect love casts
are the sons of God…. [You have to be led. The out fear… [it’s a process—being put out] …because
Holy Spirit is not going to push you. You can liken fear has torment. And the one who fears has not
it unto a string. Tie a string on the back of your car been made perfect in the love of God.”
and then push your car with the string—it won’t go.
Tie the string on the front of your car and pull your Do you want to know why there was no love
care and it will break. That’s why the Spirit LEADS ever taught in the churches where they ran it by fear?
you, meaning you must choose!] …For you have not Because they’re a contradiction! You cannot preach
received a spirit of bondage again unto fear, but you the love of God if you run it by intimidating fear or
have received the Spirit of sonship, whereby we are by oppressive, tyrannical hard hands; it won’t work.
calling… [present tense] …out, ‘Abba, Father’” (vs You can’t be perfected in love.
14-15)—directly into the Holiest in heaven above. Verse 19: “We love Him because He loved
The ‘Spirit of sonship’—we are the sons of God. us first.” That’s what it’s talking about here, the
2-Corinthians 6:14—notice the contrast same thing. Notice how consistent the message of
again: “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. God is throughout—whether you go to the Gospels,
For what do righteousness and lawlessness have in whether you go to the book of Acts, the Epistles of
common? And what fellowship does light have with Paul or the General Epistles, or the book of
darkness? And what union does Christ have with Revelation, it’s all the same story; yes, it is.
Romans Series #21
Romans 7:12-8:17
Scriptural References:
1) Romans 7:12-14
2) Revelation 16:2-7
3) Romans 7:13-17
4) Hebrews 2:1
5) Hebrews 3:8-15
6) Romans 7:18-21
7) Ephesians 2:2-3
8) Romans 2:20-25
9) Romans 8:1-4
10) Galatians 5:22-24
11) 2 Peter 1:1-3
12) 1 John 3:1-3
13) 2 Peter 1:4-10
14) Romans 8:3
15) Hebrews 2:9-10, 14-18
16) Hebrews 4:14-16
17) 1 Peter 2:22-24
18) Romans 8: 4-7
19) James 4:1-4
20) Romans 8:7-11
21) John 14:23, 15, 23-26
22) John 15:21
23) 1 John 3:9
24) 1 John 5:1-3
25) Romans 8:11-13
26) Colossians 3:1-6
27) Romans 8:14-15
28) 2 Corinthians 6:14-18
29) Romans 8:14-15
30) 1 John 4:18-19
31) Romans 8:16-17
Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
• Romans 5:12
• Galatians 2
• Romans 6
• Philippians 2
• Revelation 12
Also referenced: Sermon Series: Epistles of Peter
Transcribed: 12-31-10
Romans Series #22
Romans 8:14-39
Romans 8:14: “For as many as are being led they do it before the blood temperature goes down,
by the Spirit of God… [present tense passive. It they can feed them intravenously; they can have the
won’t pull you, it won’t push you, it won’t force food processed and digest; they make the breathing
you, but you must let it lead you.] …by the Spirit of work and all of that. They’ve done that quite a
God, these are the sons of God. For you have not number of people, but they have no consciousness.
received a spirit of bondage again unto fear, but you
have received the Spirit of sonship… [not adoption, The Spirit of God unites with our spirit
because adoption is you take a child who has a together. It’s just exactly the same thing as a begettal,
genetic inheritance different than yours and you because we’re begotten of God the Father. “…for the
adopt it as yours. This is sonship because we have Spirit searches all things—even the deep things of
the spiritual genetic inheritance coming from the God. For who among men understands the things of
Father.] …whereby we call out, ‘Abba, Father.’ The man except by the spirit of man which is in him? In
Spirit itself is bearing witness with our own spirit, the same way also, the things of God no one
that we are the children of God. Now, if we are understands except by the Spirit of God. Now we
children, we are also heirs, truly, heirs of God and have not received the spirit of the world… [the
joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we are jointly spirit of bondage] …but the Spirit that is of God, so
suffering together with Him, so that we may also be that we might know the things graciously given to us
jointly glorified with Him” (vs 14-17). by God… [God wants us to know, brethren, and
that’s a marvelous and wonderful thing.] … which
Let’s go back and analyze this and look at things we also speak, not in words taught by human
this a little bit more and see some very important wisdom, but in words taught by the Holy Spirit in
things concerning it. Verse 15: “For you have not order to communicate spiritual things by spiritual
received a spirit of bondage again unto fear…” This means” (vs 10-13).
is talking about the bondage of sin—the spirit of
bondage. That’s what they had a one time. He says • 1-John 4:6—of Satan’s spirit there is the
you haven’t received it again. The ‘spirit of bondage spirit of deception
unto fear’ comes from Satan the devil. • v 3—it is also called the spirit of
Ephesians 2—He is the ‘prince of the power
of the air’; that spirit of rebellion that is inner- What happens when you put a whole society all
working within the ‘children of disobedience.’ So wrapped up in this? Rev. 12:9—Satan is ‘deceiving
what we are doing, we are comparing with this the the whole world’—correct? Yes! What happens
children of the devil and the children of God. That is when you have a whole civilization or a whole
the spirit of Satan, the spirit of bondage unto fear. generation deceived
Let’s see another aspect of this; we’re going • with the spirit of fear unto bondage
to see: • with the spirit of the world
• with the spirit of deception
1. the spirit of man • the spirit of antichrist
2. the Spirit of God What does the society turn into?
3. the spirit of the world
4. the spirit of Satan Let’s see how this happens: We see this in the world.
We see this in the Church. We can see it in
1-Corinthians 2:10: “But God has revealed individual’s lives—whether they be in the world or
them to us… [the things of God’s plan which He has in the Church. Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed
prepared for us, to those that love Him] …by His for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected
Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things—even the knowledge, I will also reject you from being as a
deep things of God. For who among men understands priest to Me. Since you have forgotten the law of
the things of man except by the spirit of man which your God, I will also forget your children…. [Quite
is in him?….” (vs 10-11). The part of his mind which a heavy penalty to pay—right?] (When they forget
gives him thought and choice and consciousness and the Law of God): …As they were increased, so they
emotions, which is separated from the soul. The soul sinned against Me…. [and continue growing in that
is the physical chemical operation of the body, such sin] …I will change their glory into shame. They eat
as the lungs, heart and blood. You can keep a brain- up the sin of My people, and they set their heart on
dead person alive on artificial life-support systems. If their iniquity. And it has become, like people, like
Romans Series #22
Romans 8:14-39
priest; and I will punish them for their ways, and • Spirit of promise
reward them for their doings, for they shall eat and
not have enough. They shall commit whoredom and Ephesians 1:13: “In Whom you also trusted after
not increase because they have stopped taking heed hearing the Word of the Truth, the Gospel of your
to the LORD. Whoredom and wine and new wine salvation; in Whom also, after believing, you were
take away the heart. My people seek advice from sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise… [That’s
their wooden idols, and their rod declares to them, the begettal you receive with the laying on of hands
for the spirit of whoredoms has caused them to go at the time of baptism.] …which is the earnest…
astray, and they have gone a whoring away from [That is just the down-payment, that is just the
under their God’” (vs 6-12). beginning] …of our inheritance… [We’re going to
examine inheritance and we’re going to see that that
We’re seeing that progressively occur more entails quite a bit.] …until the redemption of the
and more in America and in the world. You end up purchased possession, to the praise of His glory” (vs
with a whole spirit of whoredoms: spiritually, 13-14). The ‘redemption’ then is at the resurrection.
physically, mentally. How many saw where the That is the final redemption for us.
Southern Baptists voted to boycott Disneyland?
They have a very good point, because Disney is in 1-Peter 1:3—here is something that the
the forefront of putting into the minds of little translators had no alternative to do, but to translate it
children: Satanism, witchcraft, sorcery, one-world this way: “Blessed be the God and Father of our
government, one-world religion and the whole thing. Lord Jesus Christ, Who, according to His abundant
Just like the cartoons, if you can stand it sometime, mercy, has begotten us again… [Couldn’t use born
watch the cartoons and you will see that Satan is again because a father does not ‘born again.’ He can
being invited into every home. When the spirit of only engender—that is beget—so they had to
deception comes with the great falling away, it is translate it]: …begotten us again unto a living hope
just going to be like giving candy to children. It’s through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the
going to go down so easily. That’s what happens dead; unto an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled
when you have the spirit of Satan the devil, with and unfading, reserved in heaven for us… [So Christ
bondage unto fear, the spirit of the world, the spirit is going to bring it with Him when He comes.]
of deception, the spirit of antichrist—all of that …who are being safeguarded by the power of God
comes together in a whole package called the spirit through faith, for salvation that is ready to be
of whoredoms. revealed in the last time” (vs 3-5).
Now then, let’s look at the other side of it, • 1-John 3:5-6—that we are begotten and have
Romans 8:15: “For you have not received a spirit of the ‘sperma’ of God’s Spirit in our mind
bondage again unto fear, but you have received the • 1-John 5:1—talks about being begotten
Spirit of sonship, whereby we are calling out, ‘Abba, Why does it say “…begotten again…”? Does that
Father.’” This is an interesting thing, ‘Abba, Father.’ mean we were begotten before? Yes, when we were
It combines the Aramaic ‘Abba’ and the Greek begotten of our fleshly father and mother. So now
‘Pater’—Abba, Father.’ Notice, for all the ‘sacred we’ve been begotten again by our heavenly Father.
name’ buffs: it is not Jehovah or YHVH or
Yehoshua, or anything like that. We are in a ‘family’ 1-Peter 1:10: “Concerning which salvation
relationship. That’s why it is ‘Father.’ the prophets who prophesied of the grace that would
come to you have diligently searched out and
Let’s look at this a little bit more: “…the intently inquired, searching into what way and what
spirit of sonship…” Verse 16: “The spirit itself is manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in
bearing witness with our own spirit that we are the them was indicating… [Here we have the Spirit of
children of God [‘teknon’—meaning your own Christ, which was in the prophets. There we have the
offspring, through your own begettal. So we are Spirit of God as defined through Christ.]
God’s own children. That’s why it’s called the …testifying beforehand of the sufferings of Christ,
“spirit of sonship.” and these glories that would follow” (vs 10-11).
We have what is called ‘the spirit of Isn’t it amazing? Not only did Jesus Christ
promise’; we have the earnest. It is the down- empty Himself from being God to become a human
payment. It is the beginning. It’s not the fullness of being, but He also prophesied what was going to
it yet, but we have the promise, the spirit of promise. happen to Him. He knew what was going to happen
So it’s called and the glory that should follow.
• Spirit of sonship Verse 12: “To whom it was revealed that,
• Spirit of God not for themselves, but to us they were ministering
• Spirit of Christ these things, which now have been announced to
Romans Series #22
Romans 8:14-39
you by those who have preached the Gospel to you disclose to you the things to come” (v 13). It’s not a
by the Holy Spirit, sent from heaven—into which matter of being able to, for prophecy, look at the
things the angels desire to look.” world news and make proclamations. Have we not
been off on nearly all of it? And just to give you a
Let’s see the operation of the Spirit of Christ, little something to think on for prophecy:
and what the Spirit of God is to do for us. This is
what we need. Brethren, God does not want us to As the end of WWII the United States had
remain in spiritual kindergarten. In talking to a the largest standing army in the history of whole
woman recently—when a minister said the members world. It required with the 12-million men under
can’t be trusted—I said God’s trusts the members. arms—this is not counting what any of the other
He’s given them His Holy Spirit—hasn’t He? Is that nations had—took the mobilization of the whole
not trusting them? And He’s going to trust them with country; dedication of the whole economy. I want
the whole world ruling under Christ. The thing is, you to, if we can, expand our minds out and see if
the brethren can be trusted! And should and ought to we can think what kind of economy is going to be
be trusted. But like everything else, we all need to necessary for the Oriental nations to produce an
grow in wisdom and understanding so that we can army of 200-million with sophisticated weapons.
be. There’s a whole lot that we have not understood. We
get excited when we see things in Europe or hear of
Isaiah 11:2—talks about Christ: “And the things in Palestine. But they never come to pass—do
Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him, the spirit of they?—yet! Why? Because the East must be taken
wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and care of, too.
might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the
LORD. And His delight shall be in the fear of the So what we need to do is ask God to give us
LORD. And He shall not judge according to the His Spirit so it will show us the things to come,
sight of His eyes, nor after the hearing of His ears. when we need to understand. Otherwise, we walk in
But with righteousness He shall judge the poor, and faith. Not that we never don’t walk in faith. That was
shall reprove with equity for the meek of the we’re not going to get carried away. It’s going to
earth….” (vs 2-4). That’s what it is to do. To bring a show us things. How about the things in the Bible?
spirit of: How about the things that God is teaching us out of
His Word? That’s why it’s so very important that we
• wisdom apply ourselves. God has given us His Spirit. We
• understanding have minds. He’s given us His Word. We need to
• counsel apply ourselves to really know the Word of God.
• might God’s Spirit is going to lead and help us, and teach
• knowledge us the things we need to know. So, it is the Spirit of
And fear means in awe in the love and Truth. Also put these down:
understanding of God! This is what the Spirit of God • Galatians 6:1—it is the Spirit of meekness
is to do for us. • 1-Peter 4:14—the Spirit of glory
The Spirit of God is called the Spirit of Truth • Hebrews 10:29—the Spirit of grace
(John 14:17; 15:26). This very important for us The Holy Spirit being the Spirit of Truth, the
really focus in on. If the Spirit is going to lead us— begettal from God to give us:
which it will; and not push us—which it won’t; if
God is going to give us the understanding, through • wisdom
His Spirit, of the deep things of God then we can • understanding
claim this promise as we come to God. We’ve seen • counsel
this down through the years, that we have been • might
doing what we have been doing, brethren. • knowledge
• fear of the Lord
John 16:13: “However, when that one has • the Spirit of promise
come, even the Spirit of the Truth, it will lead you • the Spirit of glory
into all Truth…” This is what is so important. It’s • the Spirit of grace
going to guide us into all the Truth—IF what?
We’re also going to see that it has a whole lot more
• we are loving God to do with what God wants us to have. It is called
• we are keeping His commandments here:
• we are following the lead of the Holy Spirit
2-Timothy 1:7: “For God has not given us a
“…because it shall not speak from itself, but spirit of fear… [That comes from the world;
whatever it shall hear, it shall speak. And it shall bondage unto fear: fear of death, fear of all the
Romans Series #22
Romans 8:14-39
things that are in the world] …but of power… with Him” (vs 16-17). What are we going to inherit?
[power from God to grow, to change to overcome] Eternal life!
…and of love… [One man said that Fred Coulter
preaches too much on love and grace. Well, that’s You can’t do that as a physical human being.
okay. Since love is the greatest and we stand in 1-Corinthians 15:49: “And as we have borne the
grace I don’t think I can preach too much on that.] image of the one made of dust, we shall also bear the
…and of sound-mindedness.” With the Spirit of image of the heavenly one.” Is that not a guarantee
God you’re able to see and know and understand. that you’re going to be in the Kingdom of God, that
You don’t get carried away with weird, strange self- you’re going to have eternal life? You are walking
serving things going down the road. The whole around with a guarantee that you’re going to have a
purpose of why we come together on the Sabbath is spiritual body if you remain faithful unto the end.
to be edified, up-lifted, built in Christ—all based on Don’t let anything ever discourage you; because of
the Spirit of God. We can tie in there the fruit of the the great hope that God has for you.
Spirit (Gal. 5:22). “…we shall also bear the image of the
We’re going to see that the Spirit of God is heavenly one. Now this I say, brethren, that flesh
totally the opposite of the spirit of Satan. Instead of and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God…” (vs
the spirit of bondage again unto fear, we are told this 19-50). It’s going to be eternal life and the Kingdom
by the World of God, 1-John 4:18: “There is no of God. The Kingdom of God is going to be a vast
fear in the love of God… [If you are fearing God inheritance. I mean, look at the world today. God
with all your heart, mind, soul and being—and created the world—created mankind and everything
loving Christ, and you know that God is loving on it—and He said to mankind, ‘Here’s the world,
you—you have no fear.] …rather, perfect love casts have dominion over it.’ The whole world He gave to
out fear… [Which means as you grow and mature man. If He did that for physical human beings, what
in love it’s going cast out those fears.] …because is He going to do for His family of spirit sons and
fear has torment. And the one who fears has not daughters? Think on that!
been made perfect in the love of God.” Right there is “…nor does corruption inherit
a Scripture which tells you what’s wrong with the incorruption…. [we’re going to inherit
Churches of God that don’t understand about the incorruptibility] …Behold, I show you a mystery:
love of God. He that “…fears has not been made we shall not all fall asleep, but we shall all be
perfect in the love of God.” changed, in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, at
No wonder they don’t grow in knowledge the last trumpet; for the trumpet shall sound, and the
and understanding. No wonder all of the difficulties dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be
and problems that are going on. And the way that changed…. [We’re going to inherit eternal life;
they deceive themselves then is they close their eyes inherit the Kingdom of God] … For this corruptible
to all the obvious and say marvelous and wonderful must put on incorruptibility, and this mortal must put
this is. But, it’s going to be just like a blind man on immortality. Now when this corruptible shall
walking along and he’s going to hit a wall head-on have put on incorruptibility, and this mortal shall
and he’s not going to know what hit him, have put on immortality, then shall come to pass the
unfortunately. Verse 19: “We love Him because He saying that is written: ‘Death is swallowed up in
loved us first.” victory’” (vs 50-54). That’s going to quite a thing,
brethren! We are going to inherit the Kingdom of
There we have it, the spirit of Satan, which God.
can work with the spirit of man; the Spirit of God,
which has the aspect of the Spirit of Christ and the What else? If we are being formed in Christ,
begettal of the Father; and the Spirit of God then is will we not, with God being our Father, inherit what
going to lead us in all of these things. That’s how comes from Him as a permanent part of our eternal
we’re led by the Spirit of God. being? Just like our own children inherit from us a
permanent part of their own being coming from
mother and father—correct? Yes! Now then, what
Romans 8:16: “The Spirit itself is bearing else do we do with our children? What do they
witness with our own spirit that we are the children inherit? A name—do they not? They inherit a name!
of God…. [So the Holy Spirit of God unites with God the Father is going to name each one of us.
our spirit and we actually have—if we could see it, Christ is going to give us the name.
brethren—the spiritual DNA as it were from God, so
that Christ can be formed in us.] …Now if we are Revelation 2:17: “The one who has an ear,
children, we are also heirs… [What is it that we’re let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To
going to inherit?] …truly heirs of God and joint the one who overcomes I will give the right to eat of
heirs with Christ; if, indeed, we are jointly suffering the hidden manna; and I will give him a white stone,
with Him, so that we may also be jointly glorified and on the stone a new name written, which no one
Romans Series #22
Romans 8:14-39
knows except the one who receives it.” So with a to suffer] …so that we may also be jointly glorified
new life comes a new name. with Him.” The three things which brings us to that
point that we can do that:
Revelation 3:12: “…I will write upon him
the name of My God, and the name of the city of My Romans 6:4: “Therefore, we were co-
God, the New Jerusalem, which will come down out buried… [jointly buried] (v 5): …we have become
of heaven from My God; and I will write upon him co-joined together in the likeness of His death, so
My new name.” So we’re going to receive what? also shall we be in the likeness of His resurrection.
Knowing this, that our old man was co-crucified
• a new name with Him…” (vs 4-6). So the Greek is the same
• name of the Father meaning. It means that we are joint heirs; that means
• name of New Jerusalem with Him—co, joining.
• the name of Christ
When we jointly suffer—and there’s going
—all four! Most of us have three names in our name to be suffering, there’s just no way around it. Paul
right now—first, middle and last. Here we’ll have even said in Philp. 3, that if he could be ‘conformed
four. Let’s see if that’s the same thing that Christ to the suffering of Christ.’ That’s hard for me to
received. understand. That’s how much he understood that
Hebrews 1:1: “God, Who spoke to the there was spiritual character from suffering. Look
fathers at different times in the past and in many what it’s going to result in:
ways by the prophets, has spoken to us in these last Romans 8:17: “…so that we may also be
days by His Son, Whom He has appointed heir of all jointly glorified with Him.” If the first three in Rom.
things, by Whom also He made the worlds; Who, 6 are accomplished—co-buried, co-crucified and co-
being the brightness of His glory and the exact joined in the likeness of His death—then we shall be
image of His person… [So will we; we will have the joint heirs, if we jointly suffer, and be jointly
express image of God the Father in varying form— glorified.
won’t we? Yes, we will!] …and upholding all things
by the word of His own power…” vs 1-3). Here’s what He’s leading to, brethren—
here’s the whole thing, v 18: “For I am reckoning…
Christ controls the universe. In inheriting the [present tense—you’re always doing this. You’ve
Kingdom of God it’s going to be that we inherit the heard about counting the cost; you always count the
Kingdom of God and Christ on the earth, first; then cost and you are always reckoning.] …that the
that grows and expands, and at the end of the sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be
Millennium and at the end of the Great White compared with the glory which shall be revealed in
Throne Judgment—what happens then? God the us.” We haven’t suffered anywhere near what a lot
Father sends New Jerusalem down from heaven and of people have suffered. Let’s see what they
He re-creates the heavens and the earth, the whole suffered, and they did it by faith. That’s why we
universe—and we inherit that! You think about how have to:
inspiring that is. That’s what God has given us,
brethren. That’s what God has set out before us! • walk by faith
We’re going to see why that’s important as we go • live in hope
through the rest of Rom. 8. • dwell in love
“…when He had by Himself purged our Hebrews 11:33—notice what happened here in faith:
sins… [by Himself, He did it] …sat down at the “Who by faith were victorious over kingdoms,
right hand of the Majesty on high; having been made worked righteousness, obtained promises, shut the
so much greater than any of the angels, inasmuch as mouths of lions, quenched the fury of fire, escaped
He has inherited a name exceedingly superior to the edge of the sword, were strengthened from
them” (vs 3-4). So, we’re going to inherit weakness, became mighty in war, and turned back
the armies of foreigners. Women received their dead
• eternal life restored to life; and others were tortured, not
• a new name accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a
• the Kingdom of God superior resurrection; and others endured the trial of
cruel mockings and scourgings; yes, and moreover,
That’s what it means, Romans 8:17: “…truly heirs of chains and imprisonment” (vs 33-36).
of God and joint heirs with Christ… [Whatever
Christ owns, we own. Think of that! That’s why it Brethren, they could only do that if they had
talks about the riches of the glory of God. God is the faith, the hope, and the love of God. You’re not
going to give that.] …if, indeed, we are jointly going to do it otherwise. That’s why we need to be
suffering with Him… [think about what Christ had strengthened. We don’t know what lies ahead. Look
Romans Series #22
Romans 8:14-39
at what happened to some of the others: unless you even have the minimal of God’s laws,
unless you have even the minimal understanding of
Verse 37: “They were stoned to death, they human love, it’s going to be a total disaster. But God
were sawed in two, they were brutally interrogated, has subjected it unto hope.
and slaughtered by the sword. They went about in
sheepskins and in goatskins, being destitute, Romans 8:21: “In order that the creation
oppressed, and ill-treated; of whom the world was itself shall be delivered from the bondage of
not worthy… [Paul is saying that the sufferings of corruption into the freedom of the glory of the
this present time are not worthy to be compared with children of God.” That’s when we reign and rule
the glory which shall be revealed in us] …they with Christ. We are going to help bring the
wandered in deserts and in mountains, living in knowledge of God to the whole world, that’s going
caves and in holes in the earth. But these all, though to permeate the world so much, just like the ocean
they had received a good report through faith, did covering the earth today, of which the earth is
not obtain the promise, because God had determined covered two-thirds to three-fourths with water. Can
in advance to provide something superior for us so you imagine that? Shows you how little we know.
that without us they would not be made perfect” (vs Oh my, brethren, how little we know!
37-40). They’re awaiting the resurrection. We need
to count that, too, brethren. I know it’s difficult Verse 22: “For we know that all the creation
when we’re going through it, but there is an end to is groaning together and travailing together until
these things. now.” Just like it’s all in a great upheaval of pain.
You get this World-Watch Weather Spot and there
Romans 8:19: “For the earnest expectation of are always earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes,
the creation is itself awaiting the manifestation of the floods, fire, disaster, insects, wild animals, deadly
sons of God… [God’s whole plan, the whole bacteria and disease. It’s all travailing in pain
creation, is awaiting for us to be resurrected and to together. What’s going to happen?
appear. Isn’t that something? The whole creation!
The whole creation is waiting for the completion of Let’s go to Revelation, the fifth chapter, and
God’s plan.] …because the creation was subjected to let’s see what the whole creation is going to do when
vanity, not willingly, but by reason of Him who they see the deliverance that is coming. It’s going to
subjected it in hope” (vs 19-20). Subject to vanity! change, everything is going to be changed around.
Revelation 5:11: “And I saw… [when he saw that
(go to the next track) Christ was able to open the seals] …and I heard the
There’s even a whole book in the Bible voices of many angels around the throne, and the
devoted to vanity: Ecclesiastes 1:1: “The words of voices of the living creatures and the elders, and
the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem…. thousands of thousands… [even the angels are
[Solomon is explaining his whole life.] …‘Vanity of awaiting the completion of God’s plan; that’s going
vanities,’ says the Preacher, ‘vanity of vanities! All to marvelous to them] …saying with a loud voice,
is vanity’” (vs 1-2). And the whole creation was ‘Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain to receive
made subject to it. Now willingly. No one ran up to power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and
God and said, ‘make me vain.’ You just are. honor, and glory and blessing.’ And every creature
that is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the
“What profit does a man have in all his labor earth, and those that are on the sea, and all the things
which he labors under the sun?” (v 3). Then he goes in them, I heard saying… [Here the whole creation is
on and explains the whole thing. “Vanity of vanities! giving praise and honor and glory for the salvation
All is vanity!” All the physical things, all the wealth, that God is going to bring to even the physical
all the riches all the trials and all the things, up and world.] …‘To Him Who sits on the throne, and to
down, inside and out, young and old, the alive, the the Lamb, be blessing, and honor, and glory, and
dead, the drunk, the addicts—all of it all combined. I sovereignty into the ages of eternity.’” (vs 11-13)
think he did everything. I think he squandered
money. He had more women than he knew what to So when the creation is delivered from this,
do with—a thousand women. He probably died a and we are the one who are going to help deliver it.
very old and dissipated man; with a thousand That’s why we need to know the Word of God, the
women you cannot help but that. love of God, and we are going to be the first ones to
bring hope to this world. Think on that, brethren!
God has shut the world up to sin, shut it up That’s something! There is no comparison to what
to blindness, shut it up unto death, shut it up unto God has called us to and what you look at in the
futility, and that’s why nothing in the world works world.
out. Turn on the news. Everything is wrong. Romans 8:23: “And not only that, but even
Everything is a disaster. Nothing is working right. we ourselves who have the firstfruit of the Spirit, we
Why? Because if you’re made subject to vanity, ourselves are also groaning within ourselves…
Romans Series #22
Romans 8:14-39
[Don’t we? The troubles, the trials, the sickness, may attain unto the resurrection of the dead; not as
disease, aches, pains, the emotional and mental and though I have already received, or have already been
spiritual upset and turmoil that we go through— perfected… [NO! We moan and groan because
right? Yes!] (We groan, we moan): …awaiting the we’re imperfect.] …but I am striving, so that I may
sonship—the redemption of our body”—the also lay hold on that for which I also was laid hold
resurrection! The finality of the plan of God. of by Christ Jesus” (vs 10-12). That’s the whole
goal. Notice how in everything he kept this in the
Verse 24: “Now, by hope we were being forefront of the brethren, kept this in the forefront of
saved… [That was an interesting translation. It is an his writings; in the forefront of his mind.
aorist past tense passive: ‘were being saved.’ He’s
projecting to a completion of this. That’s how we’re Verse 13: “Brethren, I do not count myself
saved.] …but hope that is seen is not hope… [You as having attained; but this one thing I do—
already have it, you don’t need to hope for it. If forgetting the things that are behind…” Brethren,
you’re already born again you don’t need to be born that’s what you must do! Whatever is in the past you
again, so you see the foolishness of born again. You have got to forget it! If you’re having a hard time
don’t have it, it’s to come!] …because whatever doing it, ask God to help you forget it. Forget those
anyone sees, why is he still hoping for it?…. [If you things that are in the past. What can you do about
want a car, why do you hope for it if you have the them? Can you change it? Can you make yourself
keys and it’s sitting right in front of you. You go younger? Can you re-create dark hair on your head
drive it. Why hope for a house if you already have again, or replace that which has fallen out? No! You
one.] ….But if we are hoping for what we do not can’t do that! You may weep at the loss of it, but
see, we ourselves through patience are waiting for forget it! Or whatever in the world you had to give
it” (vs 24-25). up.
Let’s see how Paul did this, Philippians, the “…and reaching forth to the things that are
third chapter; let’s see how he waited; let’s see how ahead… [to reach ahead; to grow in grace and
he counted it; let’s see what he looked to—the hope knowledge] …I press… [with vigor; with energy;
of the resurrection! This is another way of with his whole being.] …toward the goal for the
explaining that all the things in the world are not prize of the high calling of God in Christ
worthy to be compared: Jesus…. [God is going to help you] …So then, let
as many as be perfect be of this mind…. [You can’t
Philippians 3:8: “But then truly, I count all be perfect in the flesh. But just in case your
things to be loss for the excellency of the knowledge attitude’s not too good and you’re having difficulties
of Christ Jesus my Lord… [Everything! Nothing!] with it—I’ve experienced this too]: …And if in
…for Whom I have suffered the loss of all things, anything you are otherwise minded, God will reveal
and count them as dung… [Greek: ‘skubalon’] even this to you” ( vs 13-15). Isn’t that wonderful,
…that I may gain Christ and may be found in Him, that God would reveal to you the things that are
not having my own righteousness, which is derived holding you back. That’s a promise. Claim that
from law, but that righteousness which is by the promise, brethren, He’ll give it to you.
faith of Christ—the righteousness of God that is
based on faith… [that’s how you attain to the Verse 20: “But for us, the commonwealth of
resurrection] …that I may know Him, and the power God… [this is an interesting word in the Greek—
of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His ‘politeia’—meaning our politics—not in any
sufferings, being conformed to His death” (vs 8-10). political party on earth, but in heaven] …exists in
the heavens, from where also we are waiting for the
Notice his attitude. He wanted to know the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; Who will transform
fellowship of the suffering of Christ. And living in our vile bodies… [Think of that! Change it!] …that
the comfortable world that we are living in, it’s very they may be conformed… [co-glorified with Christ!]
hard to get that perspective as Paul had it, but he …to His glorious body, according to the inner
knew! He suffered! Remember when he was called, working of His own power, whereby He is able to
God told Ananias that ‘he is a chosen vessel unto subdue all things to Himself” (vs 20-21). That’s
Me so that he may go to the Gentiles and the what it means. That’s why we have this hope. That’s
children of Israel and for the things which I have what we’re waiting for. We’re waiting with patience.
called him to suffer.’ Because as he persecuted the Paul had patients, but he sure was excited about it—
Church before he was called, so he continued to wasn’t he? Yes!
suffer within the Church after he was called, so that
he might know the great glory of God! Romans 8:26: “Now then, in the same way
also, the Spirit is conjointly helping us… [Working
“…and the fellowship of His sufferings, with us, helping us. God’s Spirit is working with us!
being conformed to His death; if by any means I …in our weaknesses… [The King James says
Romans Series #22
Romans 8:14-39
‘infirmities’ but that’s not correct. Infirmities today and stood at the altar; and much incense was given
is more like a sickness. This is weakness. I guess to him, so that he might offer it with the prayers of
with carnal minds we’re sick. God knows we have all the saints on the golden altar that was before the
weaknesses!] …because we do not fully understand throne. And the smoke of the incense went up
what we should actually pray for, it is really before God from the hand of the angel, ascending
necessary… [This shows that even the most intent with the prayers of the saints” (vs 1-4). That’s the
things in our life, we don’t know how to do it best way that we can find from the Bible, to give
exactly as God wants us to, and ‘necessary’ means us the best description of what happens to our
that it is obligatory.] …but the Spirit itself… [That’s prayers. That God will hear! God will answer!
why the Spirit is called the Comforter, the Helper.] And He’ll go above and beyond and we’re even
…is making intercession for us with groanings told that God is able to do things above what we
which cannot be expressed by us.” can even ask or think.
What does this mean? These are groanings Romans 8:27: “And the One Who [Christ] is
which we cannot express verbally. This has nothing searching the hearts comprehends what the strivings
to do with speaking in tongues. Speaking in of the Spirit are… [going to God] …because it is
tongues—the gibberish or even in another making intercession for the saints according to the
language—is something which we can utter— will of God…. [That defines the activity of the Holy
correct? We can’t utter this! We can’t express it! Spirit with us.] …And we know that for those who
That’s why in our prayers, there are some things that are loving God… [showing a present tense active,
you go to God with, ‘Oh, God, I don’t’ know how to ongoing thing. If you’re not loving God, it won’t
express this.’ God’s Spirit helps you and transmits to work for you.] …all things are working together
God, in God’s language, your heart. That’s what it for good… [ALL things! Sometimes the only thing
means here. It makes ‘intercession for us with we can do is go to God and say, ‘God, help me to
groanings which cannot be uttered.’ Our prayers understand how this is going to be, because I, at this
come up into the very presence of God. moment, don’t understand it. It will work for good!
…for those who are called according to His
A woman wrote and said: Fred Coulter, I purpose” (vs 27-28).
can’t understand you when you say ‘we come into
the presence of God.’ She didn’t listen to the rest of There is an end to these things and the
it when I said, ‘by prayer into the Holiest of all in difficulties once we understand it. 1-Peter 5:6: “Be
heaven above.’ Let’s see our prayers coming up humbled therefore under the mighty hand of God…
before God. I don’t know exactly how this is done, [That’s what all of these circumstances are to do,
but the Spirit conveys it up to God’s throne, and regardless of what happens] …so that He may exalt
around God’s throne are the 24 elders. you in due time… [God will do that! He will help
you! In His time; in His way!] …casting all your
Revelation 5:8 “And when He took the book, cares upon Him, because He cares for you” (vs 6-7).
the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders Sometimes we have to go to God in tears, sobbing
fell down before the Lamb, each having harps and and crying and just say, ‘Oh, God, I just don’t know,
golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers I just don’t understand, help me to understand. Help
of the saints.” me to realize and understand what these things are
So, however that gets up to God to get there, that I’m going through.’
to show, to express our prayers to God in a way that “Be sober! Be vigilant! For your adversary
God instantly understands. I do believe that the Holy the devil is prowling about as a roaring lion, seeking
Spirit filters out all of the nonsense that comes into anyone he may devour” (v 8). When these trials and
our minds—like when you’re praying, ‘Did I turn difficulties come, if you don’t realize they ‘all work
off the stove? Did I leave the iron on? Did I shut the together for good’ then you can become a victim of
garage doors? Did I lose my wallet?’ That’s all Satan the devil. Begin accusing God and saying, ‘it’s
filtered out. Or worse, yet, some stupid commercial never worked; God doesn’t hear our prayers; God
ding-a-linging through your mind, that you can’t get doesn’t answer.’ Yes, He does! But His answer may
rid of. Or some silly tune that is stupid and inane! be different than you expect.
That doesn’t go to God. The Holy Spirit filters all of
that out and send the meaning of your heart to God “Whom resist, steadfast in the faith…
in expressible language that God understands. [You’ve got to resist IN the faith, not with carnal
means. Resisting Satan with carnal means is falling
Revelation 8:1: “Now when He opened the right into His trap—BAM! Gottcha!] …knowing
seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about a that the same afflictions are being fulfilled among
half hour. Then I saw the seven angels who stand your brethren who are in the world. Now may the
before God, and seven trumpets were given to them. God of all grace, Who has called us unto His
And another angel, who had a golden censer, came
Romans Series #22
Romans 8:14-39
eternal glory in Christ Jesus, after you have He has spread a net for my feet; He has turned me
suffered a little while, Himself perfect you, establish, back; He has made me desolate and faint all the day.
strengthen, and settle you” (vs 9-10). And God will The yoke of my transgressions is bound by His
do that! All things work together for good! hand; they intertwine; they rise on my neck….
[bearing all the sins of the world] …He has made my
Romans 8:29: “Because those whom He did strength to falter; the LORD has delivered me into
foreknow, He also predestinated… [He foreknows their hands—those whom I cannot withstand” (vs
us by calling us, and we answer the call. 12-14). Unless there be the resurrection. So, not
Predestination here is not fatalism. Fatalism is: there even that was against us.
is nothing you can do to change anything. This is it
for your whole life. I guess fatalism is also bound up Romans 8:33: “Who shall bring an
in what they call ‘Karma’—isn’t it?] …to be accusation against the elect of God?….” Satan is
conformed to the image of His own Son… [We just there accusing day and night before the throne of
read it how we’re going to have our bodies God, and Christ is saying, ‘My grace covers them,
fashioned like unto His glorious body.] …for Him to Father. Impute My righteousness to them, Father,
be the firstborn among many brethren.” He is the that they may attain to the resurrection of dead.’
First of the firstborn. We are the Church of the Satan is there saying, ‘See, see!’ I imagine Satan is
Firstborn. He is the Firstborn among many brethren. there saying, ‘God, You made a mistake. How could
You do Your plan with these people? Look at all of
Verse 30: “But whom He predestinated, those their sins.’
He also called; and whom He called… [He’s talking
in the sense of having it completed. When God says “…Who shall bring an accusation against the
something it is as good as done—correct? Yes!] elect of God? God is the One Who is justifying.
…those He also justified; and whom He justified, Who is the one that is condemning? Christ is the
those He also glorified…. [And to have a bit of the One Who died!…. [took all the condemnation]
Spirit of God is also a glorification, too—isn’t it? …But rather, He is the One Who has been raised up,
Yes!] …What then shall we say to these things? If Who is also at the right hand of God, Who is making
God is for us, who can be against us?” (vs 30- intercession for us” (vs 33-34). He Spirit is making
31)—or what can be against us? Nothing! Nothing! intercession, bringing it to Christ Who is
Though you die! If you die, you have conquered. Do accomplishing the intercession for us—both! This is
you know that? You have accomplished the point where we need to come, brethren. This is the:
where God wants you if you die and are in the grave
before Christ returns. Then you await the • conviction of mind
resurrection. Can anything be against you? Nothing • conviction of faith
can be against you! No one! No person! Not even • conviction of hope
Satan! • conviction of love
Notice what he bases this on, v 32: “He Who Verse 35: “What shall separate us from the love of
indeed did not even spare His own Son, but Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution,
delivered Him up for us all… [and you go through or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?
all that Christ suffered and went through] …how Accordingly, it is written, ‘For Your sake we are
shall He not grant us all things together with killed all the day long; we are reckoned as sheep for
Him?…. [He has inherited everything and we’re the slaughter’” (vs 35-36). And that day is going to
going to share in that—co-heirs! come again, brethren. The day is going to come that
is going to test our resolve of faith and hope and
If you get to thinking that you have suffered, love. We don’t know how long down the road it is.
go back to Lamentations; this is actually a prophecy If it isn’t for us, then we need to have that available
of Christ’s suffering. If you have the full Messiah, to strengthen the brethren who follow after us.
this will be one of the songs that is there.
Lamentations 1:12—this is Jeremiah’s lamentation; I was talking to a woman on the phone the
it’s referring to Jerusalem, but where did Christ die? other day. I said I don’t know how long in prophecy
In Jerusalem! “Is it nothing to you, all you who pass we have to go. If it’s five years that puts you and I
by? Behold and see if there is any pain like my pain five years closer to three score and ten—right? So if
which is done to me… [the sorrow of Christ—this is we have ten years I’m going to be 73—right? If we
the prophecy] …with which the LORD has afflicted have twenty years I’ll be 83 or in the grave
me in the day of His fierce anger…. [Remember, somewhere in-between. Just like Paul, he wrote this
Christ took upon Him the whole wrath of all the sins not knowing that it was going to be for us today. Nor
of mankind. Was there any greater sorrow than the do we know if it’s going to be for some of those
sorrow that Christ had? No!] …From on high He has whom God is going to send to us for them
sent fire into my bones and it prevailed against them. tomorrow. But we must have that strength of
Romans Series #22
Romans 8:14-39
conviction of spirit and hope and faith and love. temple of My God, and he shall not go out any
more; and I will write upon him the name of My
Verse 37: “Nay, in all these things we are God, and the name of the city of My God, the New
more than conquerors through Him Who loved us.” Jerusalem, which will come down out of heaven
Conquerors means overcomers. We are more than that! from My God; and I will write upon him My new
God is going to give us the help and strength to name. The one who has an ear, let him hear what the
overcome. Not only is this a command and a promise, Spirit says to the churches” (vs 12-13).
but it’s really quite a wonderful thing the way Christ
give hope with this. Verse 21—to the Church of Laodicea: “To
the one who overcomes will I give authority to sit
Revelation 2:7: “The one who has an ear, let with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and
him hear… [If your ears are opened and your heart is sat down with My Father in His throne. The one who
tender and your mind is receptive, hear!] …what the has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the
Spirit says to the churches. To the one who churches” (vs 21-22).
overcomes… [the one who conquers, is victorious in
spite of all these things] …I will give the right to eat Romans 8:37: “Nay, in all these things we
of the tree of life that is in the midst of the paradise are more than conquerors through Him Who loved
of God.” us. For I am persuaded… [This is our persuasion,
brethren, that we need to come to.] …that neither
Verse 10—the Church of Smyrna: “Do not death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor
fear any of the things that you are about to suffer. powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor
Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall
prison, that you may be tried; and you shall have be able to separate us from the love of God, which is
tribulation ten days. Be faithful unto death, and I in Christ Jesus our Lord” (vs 37-39)—and I’m going
will give you a crown of life. The one who has an to add there: AMEN!
ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
The one who overcomes shall not be hurt of the That’s the whole thing—beginning with
second death” (vs 10-11). Rom. 1 and coming all the way through Rom. 8—
showing how God is going to solve the problem of
Verse 17—to the Church of Pergamos: “The sin and bring us into His Kingdom.
one who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says
to the churches. To the one who overcomes I will Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter;
give the right to eat of the hidden manna; and I will except where noted
give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
written, which no one knows except the one who
receives it.” Scriptural References:
Verse 26—to the Church of Thyatira: “And 1) Romans 8:14-17, 15
to the one who overcomes, and keeps My works 2) 1 Corinthians 2:10-18
unto the end… [the works of God. We are His 3) Hosea 4:6-12
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus] …I will give 4) Romans 8:15-16
authority over the nations… [God wants us filled 5) Ephesians 1:13-14
with the faith and the hope and the love. He wants us 6) 1 Peter 1:3-5, 10-12
educated. He wants us to be able to understand, to 7) Isaiah 11:2-4
know, to make judgments, to have wisdom, to have 8) John 16:13
knowledge—all of those things—to rule the 9) 2 Timothy 1:7
nations.] …and he shall shepherd them with an iron 10) 1 John 4:18-19
rod, as vessels of pottery are broken in pieces; as I 11) Romans 8:16-17
have also received from My Father; and I will give 12) 1 Corinthians 15:49-54
him the morning star. The one who has an ear, let 13) Revelation 2:17
him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (vs 14) Revelation 3:12
26-29). 15) Hebrews 1:1-4
16) Romans 8:17
Revelation 3: 5—to the Church of Sardis: “The 17) Romans 6:4-6
one who overcomes shall be clothed in white 18) Romans 8:17-18
garments; and I will not blot out his name from the 19) Hebrews 11:33-40
book of Life, but I will confess his name before My 20) Romans 8:19-20
Father and before His angels. 21) Ecclesiastes 1:1-3
Verse 12—to the Church of Philadelphia: 22) Romans 8:21-22
“The one who overcomes will I make a pillar in the 23) Revelation 5:11-13
24) Romans 8:23-25
Romans Series #22
Romans 8:14-39
Romans Series #23
Romans 9:1-13
Epistle of Romans XX
Chapter 9:1-13
Fred R. Coulter—January 11, 1998
Let’s just review a few things, which are Romans 8—shows in spite of all of this, there is no
important for us to know, and see how the whole condemnation to those who are in Christ
flow of the book of Romans is put together. • God put the law of sin and death in us to
Romans 1—shows the Gospel and what it is to do • therefore, that is not a condemnation to
• God revealed Himself to mankind you once God has called you and given
you His grace
• now with the Gospel, the righteousness of
God is being revealed from heaven • you are then to overcome
• what happens to any society that rejects • shows how we are to be led of the Spirit
God or that goes into steep paganism • shows we’re to be the sons of God
• ending up with all the things that He • v 28—“And we know that for those who
condemns very strongly are loving God, all things are working
together for good, for those who are called
Romans 2—starts going to the individual according to His purpose”
• v 1—“…you are without excuse, O man,
everyone who is judging…” That is the whole key, the summary of everything
from Rom. 1 all the way down to this point. That if
• then shows the difference between what you’re called according to God’s purpose that
the Gentiles were doing and the Jews were everything is going to work to good. If you’re
doing yielding to God and if you are converted and if
• how that the circumcision would judge the you’re heart is right with God then it will all work
circumcision if the circumcision didn’t for good, regardless of the outside circumstance as
keep the law bad as they may appear, or whatever happens to you
Romans 3—everyone is under sin as an individual.
• No one is without sin Many times we get to thinking that only
• No one can work their way into a righteous those of us with our problems are the only ones with
standing with God; it has to be the problems. That’s not so! God says that in spite of all
righteousness of Christ those problems it will all work together for good.
• vs 22-23—“Even the righteousness of God That God’s calling is sure; that there is nothing that
which is through faith of Jesus Christ, can be against us—not a thing! You need to
towards all and upon all those who are understand that nothing can be against you!
believing; for the is no difference, because
all have sinned, and they are falling short Then Paul goes through this tremendous
of the glory of God. thing that ‘if God is for you, nothing is against you’
and that means absolutely nothing! Romans 8:35:
Romans 4—the account of Abraham “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?….”
Abraham was counted righteous because he [v 28]: If you’re loving God, “…all things are
believed while he was in uncircumcision. So working together for good…” Sometimes you don’t
he could be the father of both those who were understand it, because the circumstances that you
of the circumcision and the uncircumcision look at may look contrary to what you think is good
Romans 5—explains how sin entered into the world for you. Maybe what you’re going through, the good
is going to be a spiritual good, rather than a physical
Romans 6—shows how we are to die with Christ, be good. Not all good is going to be related to a
buried with Him, be raised with Him. We are not to physical good for you. All of the flesh and
go on sinning; “MAY IT NEVER BE!” everything like that is going to perish, so it’s going
to be a spiritual good that’s important.
Romans 7—shows the tremendous inner battle that
everyone who has the Holy Spirit has in overcoming Verse 35: “…Shall tribulation, or distress, or
evil persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or
• evil is within and there automatically sword?…. [None of those things] …According as it
• you find yourself doing the things you has been written, ‘For Your sake we are killed all the
don’t want to do day long; we are reckoned as sheep for the
• you have to recognize that that is the carnality slaughter’” (vs 35-36). One of these days it’s going
of the law of sin and death within you to come down to that.
Romans Series #23
Romans 9:1-13
Maybe the older I get, the closer I get, I think was contrary to what God wanted. It was very
that maybe I won’t go through that, but somebody is difficult for him. So, he has this great grief.
going to have to go through that, so I’m not going to
say that I’m going to be exempt or escape or that any Let’s go back and go through each verse
of us here are going to be exempt or escape from it. here: v 1—“In Christ I am saying the truth…” In a
But I do know, and I’m personally convinced in my sense Paul stood alone. Though he had brethren and
own mind, that there may be a whole lot more time the brethren loved him and so forth, he stood alone.
than we ever counted on for God to finish His plan. He had a very lonely and difficult—as we saw
We don’t know. But for us, the end is going to be— concerning his calling, how he would suffer the
if Christ does not return in our lifetime—whenever thing and go to the Gentiles and go to the Jews.
we die; that’s our end! That would be the same as When he says, “…I am saying the truth, I am not
living until Christ returned. We have to understand lying…” he’s giving a double affirmation. One
that; and it really doesn’t matter. If Satan is out there positive, one negative—“…I am not lying….my
slaughtering true Christians right and left and their own conscience in the Holy Spirit is bearing witness
blood is running deep in the gutters, that is a glory to with me…”—It’s not just something of a ‘rah rah;
God, because He’s going to resurrect them. You let’s not be against these people because they belong
need to really focus in on the spiritual, that’s what to me’ or anything like that. But it was he truly
Paul is talking about all the way through here. understood God’s plan and he could truly see how
that his own kinsmen, of all things, were rejecting
Verse 38: “For I am persuaded… [and this is God. That was a difficult thing for him to
the persuasion we all need to come to] …that neither understand.
death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor
powers, nor thing present, nor things to come, nor This is very similar to what we read of
height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall Moses. “…because I am myself wishing to be
be able to separate us from the love of God, which is accursed from Christ for my brethren… [Paul is
in Christ Jesus our Lord” (vs 38-39). Notice three saying, ‘Look, take my name out of the book of Life,
times he mentions the love of God: that] …my brethren, my kinsmen according to the
flesh…” (v 3). might be saved.’ That’s quite a
• v 35—“love of Christ” statement.
• v 37—“Him Who loved us” We something similar to that with Moses,
• v 39—“the love of God” Exodus 32. It shows the depth of conversion that the
All of this being true, he switches from the Apostle Paul had, his true desire. And isn’t always
individual and your salvation. Now he’s beginning that way? The other day I was in a store and here
to look at the overall plan of God, and he’s was a nice looking family and a nicely dressed
beginning to look at how this relates to the world, young girl—8 or 9, something like that—and the
how we relate to the world and how we see these store filled with all kinds of goods and everything
things that are taking place, and how we can like that. This little girl wanted so much her own
understand the Word of God. way that she was (throwing a tantrum!) right there in
the store. You see that more often than not
Romans 9:1: “In Christ I am saying the truth, nowadays, it’s amazing! I held my tongue! I felt so
I am not lying, my own conscience in the Holy Spirit much like going up and saying, ‘you’re such a
is bearing witness with me, that it is a great grief to spoiled brat.’ But I didn’t!
me and an unceasing sorrow in my heart, because I
am myself wishing to be accursed from Christ for Isn’t it true, when those that have come to
my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh; that point that they reject the best of what is given to
who are Israelites, to whom is the sonship and the them? It’s amazing! They want their own way. So,
glory, and the covenants and the lawgiving, and the the true sign of someone who is deeply converted—
service and the promises; who are of the fathers, and like the Apostle Paul and Moses—let’s see what
from whom came the Christ according to the flesh, Moses said:
Who is over all—God blessed into the ages. Amen” Exodus 32:30: “And it came to pass on the
(vs 1-5). next day, Moses said to the people, ‘You have
sinned a great sin….’” There they were, God had
He’s saying quite a bit here. Paul had the brought them out of Egypt—and this is just the way
worst task in the world, he himself being a Pharisee. it’s been with Israel over and over again down
He had to actually spend his life condemning through history. God led them out, brought them to
everything that he previously stood for. He had to Mt. Sinai, all of the miracles and things that He did
warn all of those of those of his brethren in the flesh to bring them there. Fed them with manna, spoke the
that what they were doing was not right. That though Ten Commandments, and as soon as Moses went up
they had all of these things, what they were doing on the mountain, they said, ‘We don’t know what
Romans Series #23
Romans 9:1-13
happened to him.’ And they made the golden calf. willing to do what God wanted. It all gets down to a
matter of choice, as well.] …and the glory, and the
“‘…And now I will go up to the LORD. covenants [plural] and the lawgiving, and the service
Perhaps I shall make an atonement for your sin.’…. and the promises” None of the Gentiles had that.
[So Moses didn’t want to see the people destroyed]
…And Moses returned to the LORD, and said, ‘Oh, Ephesians 2:8—we see the same thing, what
this people have sinned a great sin, and have made Paul was explaining to the Gentiles concerning this
themselves gods of gold! And now if You would only very thing: “For by grace you have been saved…”
forgive their sin!…. [It doesn’t give the rest of the
conversation there.] …And if not, I pray You, blot me • by grace you’re called
out of Your book which You have written’” (vs 30- • by grace you’re saved
32). If not then, he’s saying, if You don’t forgive • by grace you stand before God
their sin, then just take me away. We are to
• stand in grace
That’s a pretty strong conviction on the part • live by faith
of Moses. We have to stop and ask the question, • walk in hope
each one of us: to whom would I lay my life down to
give up salvation that they may have it? Their depth • dwell in love
of conversion and their thoughts before God were That’s how it has to be, all of those combined
far, far greater than ours. together.
“‘…And if not, I pray You, blot me out of “…through faith, and this especially is not
Your book which You have written’ And the LORD of your own selves… [that’s the hardest thing for
said to Moses, ‘Whoever has sinned against Me, I people to understand. Most people want to go
will blot him out of My book. And now go, lead the ahead and have all of their effort count to make
God give you greater favor because of what you
people to the place of which I have spoken to you.
Behold, My angel shall go before you. And in the do. That is pure human reasoning on trying to
day of My visitation I will visit their sin upon them.’ secure favor with God by what you do. He’s
And the LORD plagued the people because they saying here:
made the calf, which Aaron made” (vs 32-35). So “…not of your own selves…” It’s not
Moses had that thought. going to come from you internally. Remember
Even if you have the desire, here’s another now, we’re talking about eternal life. We’re not
thing that’s important in this: Your desire that talking about decent conduct in this society. We’re
someone be converted does not convert them. That’s talking about God’s granting of eternal life and
a pretty powerful statement. Speaking of the children being a spirit being forever. There are a lot of
of Israel—and this is one thing that Paul understood: things you can do to gain favor in society by being
a good person. That has nothing to do with
Deuteronomy 5:29: “Oh, that there were salvation.
such a heart in them that they would fear Me and
keep all My commandments always, so that it might There’s a poem about the perfect person:
be well with them and with their children forever!” • was politically correct
With human nature like that, you’re just dealing with • never ate cholesterol
constant going against the grain. Paul understood • always exercised
that. He was saying much like Moses, ‘God, if You • always took care of their children
just call all of them, blot my name out of the book of • always did things that were absolutely
Life.’ I’m sure he knew what Moses was told there, perfect as far as the society is concerned
that God is going to do what He’s going to do. There
again, what we’re beginning to see as this develops, When they got to how the world does, to St.
as it comes along, that God is the Sovereign Ruler of Peter’s golden gate, they didn’t qualify because
the universe. What God does, God is going to do! the question was, ‘Where were you when I said to
And how God is going to do it, He is going to do it. do this? Where were you when I called?’ They
We’re going to see that human effort is not going to were perfect, they did everything perfectly in the
make that much of a change with God. letter.
Romans 9:4: “Who are Israelites… [You I need to rehearse just a little bit about Job.
would think the ones had God had chosen—he says Job wanted to effect what God was going to do,
‘Israelites’ here, not Jews. As we’re going to see, it because of what he did. There are times when you
refers to ALL the 12 tribes of Israel, as well.] …to to do that when it’s from the heart. God is
whom is the sonship… [You would think that the interested in the heart—that’s what’s most
one that God had chosen would be the ones so important.
Romans Series #23
Romans 9:1-13
“…not of your own selves, it is the gift of really what they need, they say, ‘I don’t want that.’
God…” if it’s a gift, it’s a gift! If someone gave God says, ‘Okay, I’m going to the Gentiles.’ God, in
you this whole room full of gold and said it’s a going to the Gentiles, is trying to provoke the
gift, then you come back and say, ‘What must I do Israelites to see: ‘If He’s going to them—that we
to have it?’ Well, it’s yours! ‘I want to do reject, don’t accept, don’t want—boy, we’d better
something to earn it.’ It’s yours! ‘You mean, all of find out what this is.’ But they didn’t respond that
that is mine?’ Yes! There are conditions. You have way.
to obey me, but you can’t earn it! That’s why it’s
a gift of God! Verse 13: “But now in Christ Jesus… [When
Christ came, lived His life, was crucified and
“Not of works, so that no one may boast. For resurrected, everything changed from that point on.
we are His workmanship… [That’s what’s What it was in the flesh did not count—whether you
important; God has to do His work in you. That is a were an Israelite or a Gentile. Now it depends on the
greater work, and God’s work in you is a re- calling of God. ] …you who were once far off are
creation.] …created in Christ Jesus unto the good made near by the blood of Christ. For He is our
works…” (vs 9-10). What’s the difference in good peace, Who has made both one, and has broken
works and works? You can have works out here, down the middle wall of partition, having annulled
which are good on the surface. Works is what is in His flesh the enmity… [That is the enmity
initiated by you from within, that you do yourself. between the Jews and the Gentiles—the gospel of
Good works—remember what Jesus told the young hate, which they had; the enmity which they created
man when he came to Him and said, ‘Good Master, with their own traditions and laws and so forth]
what good thing should I do to have eternal life?’ (which are called here): …the law of
What did Jesus say? Don’t call Me good, there’s commandments contained in the decrees of men, so
none good but the Father. Out from human effort, that in Himself He might create both into one new
from human nature, you cannot produce good works man… [that is in Christ] …making peace; and that
of yourself. Why? Because it has to be Christ in He might reconcile both to God in one body through
you! So then these good works are the cross, having slain the enmity by it” (vs 13-16).
• motivated by Christ It’s just like today, I imagine that if you ran a
• motivated by His Spirit survey and went door-to-door in whatever city you
• motivated from a converted heart and mind may be in, and ask, ‘Do you have a Bible in your
and attitude in doing what God wants house?’ you probably would get a unanimous yes. At
least high 80s minimum. ‘Oh, you do. I need to ask
“…created in Christ Jesus unto the good works that you two more questions: Do you read it?’ No! ‘Do
God ordained beforehand in order that we might you believe it?’ No! But God gave it to them—right?
walk in them…. [Fruits of the Spirit (Eph. 5:22)] It’s in there because God made it be there, whether
...Therefore, remember that you were once Gentiles they bought it or Aunt Martha gave it to them, or
in the flesh, who are called uncircumcision by those grandma gave it to them, or whatever. God said He
who are called circumcision in the flesh made by would make His Word available. It’s not way off
hands” (vs 10-11). What happened is: Here are someplace, but close at hand.
God’s chosen people, the ten tribes are sent off into
captivity, the Jews remain and they develop a gospel Here they had everything, and yet, they
of hate. No one can have access to anything but the rejected it, Romans 9:4: “Who are of the fathers…
Jews—period! They had this division. [Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and there’s a
tremendous lesson there in what Abraham, Isaac and
Verse 12: “…and that you were without Jacob did.] …from whom came the Christ according
Christ at that time… [I want you to compare that to the flesh… [proved over and over again in
with what we’re covering here in Rom. 9. It’s Scripture] …Who is over all—God blessed into the
important!] (The Gentiles who were without Christ, ages. Amen. However, this does not mean that the
being): …alienated from the commonwealth of Word of God has failed, because not all of those
Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, who descend from Israel are Israel” (vs 4-6). That’s
having no hope, and without God in the world.” So, quite a statement! If Israel, whose name was Jacob,
you have the two. It’s what Paul is comparing. You how come not all of Israel are Israel? What
have the Gentiles who were in this condition until happened here? How could that be? We’ll see there
Christ, and then you have the Israelites who had are two ways to apply it.
everything. God gave them His Word and chose
them, and they have their condition. “Nor because they are Abraham’s seed does
it mean that they are all children of the promise….
They’re just like the little spoiled girl in the [In other words, God is not going to give it just to
market. When Christ comes along to give them give it because of a physical thing.] …But, ‘In Isaac
Romans Series #23
Romans 9:1-13
shall your seed be called.’ This means that the hardest thing for those who claim to be the ‘chosen
children of the flesh, these are not the children of people’ to understand. Being chosen in one sense,
God; rather, the children of the promise are being at a particular time, doesn’t mean that you’re
reckoned as the seed, because this is the word of chosen for all eternity.
promise: ‘According to this set time I will come, and
Sarah shall have a son.’ And not only that, but Let’s see what the Apostle Paul said. This
Rebecca also having conceived by one, Isaac our will help us to understand that not all that are
father, (but before the children had been born, descended from Israel are Israel. In other words,
neither having done anything good or evil—in order they are not the true spiritual Israelites that God
that the purpose of God according to His own wants through conversion. That’s what he’s saying
selection might stand, not of works, but of Him Who here, Romans 2:17: “Behold, you who are named a
is calling), it was said to her, ‘The elder shall serve Jews, and you yourself are resting in the law; and
the younger.’ Also, exactly as it has been written, are boasting in God, and you know His will…
‘Jacob I loved, and Esau I hated’” (vs 8-13). [supposedly] …and are approving of the things
which are more excellent, and are being instructed
Now we’re confronted with some very out of the law; now you are persuaded that you
perplexing problems—aren’t we? Especially if you yourself are a guide of the blind, a light for those in
think that God has to be fair in the sense of fairness darkness, an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of
that you count fairness. Do you understand what I babes, having the form of the knowledge and of the
mean with that? Have you ever said, when truth contained in the law” (vs 17-20). But a form
something happens to you, ‘It’s not fair!’ I have! I’m of the knowledge is not enough—correct? Having a
sure you have! God’s fairness is His business. God physical genealogy is not enough—correct?
is going to do what He’s going to do, because God is
God and God is sovereign and God has His own free Verse 21: “What then, you who are teaching
choice. God is going to choose whom He’s going to another, do you not also teach yourself?…. [That is
choose—otherwise, God is not God—is that correct? a key, key principle.] …The one who is preaching,
Yes! ‘do not steal!’ Are you stealing? The one who is
saying, ‘Do not commit adultery!’ Are you
Now, let’s go back and let’s look at this committing adultery? The one who is abhorring
again. Verse 6: “However, this does not mean that idols, are you committing sacrilege? You who are
the Word of God has failed…” In other words, if boasting in law, are you not dishonoring God
God not calling all Israel—even though they have through your transgression of the law? For this very
the glory of the covenants, the lawgiving, the reason the name of God is being blasphemed
sonship and the promises—the Word of God has through you among the Gentiles, exactly as it has
not failed because He’s executing it according to been written” (vs 21-24).
His will. What we need to do is find out how He’s
doing it. “…because not all of those who descend So the one who should be bringing the
from Israel are Israel…” (v 6). We can also apply knowledge, the one who should be bringing the
this: What is the Church? The true Israel of God! Truth, have not been doing that. I would have to
The Church! say, we need to include our experience in the
Church of God in that, too. Would you not say that
Galatians 6:15: “For in Christ Jesus neither a lot of the things that we should have been doing
circumcision nor uncircumcision is of any spiritual we have failed in? You think about it! My! My!
force… [Was that not one of the commands of God Did not the whole Church go through the same
that He gave? Why would He go back on that?] experience? Those who should have known better
…rather, it is a new creation that avails…. [Which is have done what? Have gone right back into
greater: removal of a little bit of physical flesh, or a paganism! So what happens when they don’t teach
converted heart and mind and attitude? The latter, of themselves and commit all of these sins?
course!] …And as many as walk according to this Blasphemes God!
rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the
Israel of God” (vs 15-16). That is the Church. The Verse 25: “For on the one hand,
Israel of God is the Church. So that’s why in Rom. circumcision profits if you are observing the law;
9:6, where it says, “…because not all of those who on the other hand, if you are a transgressor of law,
descend from Israel are Israel…”—not all of those your circumcision has become uncircumcision!….
who are of the 12 tribes of Israel have been called [Those are fighting words! To a Jew, those are
into the Church. That’s what He’s saying here. fighting words of the most obnoxious manner.]
…Therefore, if the uncircumcision is keeping the
What happens when God graphs in the requirements of the law, shall not his
Gentiles? They become the true Israel of God! The uncircumcision be reckoned for circumcision? And
physical Israelites are not true Israel. This is the shall not the uncircumcision by nature, who are
Romans Series #23
Romans 9:1-13
fulfilling the law, judge you who, with the letter was!
and circumcision, are a transgressor of the law? For • Was he of promise? No, he wasn’t!
he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, neither is that • Was he an antagonist to Isaac? Yes, he
circumcision which is external in the flesh; rather, was!
the one who is a Jew is one inwardly, and ‘It wasn’t reckoned from thee, in Isaac shall your
circumcision is of the heart, in the spirit and not in seed be called.’ Then when that occurred, when
the letter; whose praise is not from men but from Isaac was born, that was a true miracle of God.
God” (vs 25-29). (go to the next track)
So, that whole thing carries over here into Romans 9:8: “This means that the children
Rom. 9. God is interested in the heart, and God is of the flesh, these are not the children of God; rather,
going to make the choice of whom He’s going to the children of the promise are being reckoned as the
choose and what He’s going to do—not only in the seed”—which then applies to us.
Church but in the world as well. Roman 9:7: “Nor
because they are Abraham’s seed does it mean that “…‘In Isaac shall your seed be called’” (v
they are all children of the promise. But, ‘In Isaac 7). We also had another problem with that—didn’t
shall your seed be called.’” we? Yes, we did! Let’s see how the Church is
reckoned as the seed of Isaac. He was given by
Let’s see what happened when they tried to promise. We are called by promise. We are given the
work it according to their own means. Let’s see Holy Spirit by promise. He talks about the conflict
where the promise was given. Many times we do the that was there at that time:
same thing, we start out by believing God, by being
very spiritual—and then what happens? We try to Galatians 4:22 “For it is written that
complete it with physical means! Abraham had two sons: one by the maidservant and
one by the free woman. Now on the one hand, he
Genesis 15:4: “And behold, the Word of the who came from the maidservant was born according
LORD came to him saying, ‘This man [Eliezer] shall to the flesh… [trying to work out the will of God
not be your heir… [It was true, it was legal, it was their own way] …and on the other hand, he who
proper. If you had a slave born in your house and came from the free woman was born according to
you had no descendants, that you could choose him the promise” (vs 22-23). And even then when God
to be as your descendant, to inherit what you had. He came and said that next year, at this time, she’s
was not proposing something illegal, but he was going to bear. Sarah snickered! God said, ‘You
proposing something that God was not going to do.] laughed.’ Sarah said, ‘No, my Lord, I didn’t laugh.’
…but he that shall come forth out of your own loins Yes, nevertheless, you laughed! He understood it
shall be your heir.’ And He brought him outside and wasn’t a laughing in disbelief, it was a laugh that
said, ‘Look now toward the heavens and number the this thing can happen. That’s why it had to be by
stars—if you are able to count them.’ And He said to promise.
him, ‘So shall your seed be.’ And he believed in the
LORD. And He accounted it to him for God was going to do the impossible thing!
righteousness” (vs 4-6). Can you imagine that? How old was Sarah when
Isaac was born? Way past grandmother stage—90-
Now, we come along here and things did not years-old! I tell you what, you go to and fro in the
happen; things did not happen; things did not world and you find someone 90-years-old that just
happen! Sarah got a little anxious. She said, ‘We’ve gave birth to a child. Can you imagine the kind of
been trying this things for years and years and you publicity that would have been? Can you imagine all
and I know that this scheme is not going to work.’ the special reports and the Oprah shows—‘is this
So, Sarah had plan. Since it was going to come out your child?’ Well tell us how it happened!
of his own bowels, she said, ‘Look, I’ve got my
handmaid here, Hagar (Gen. 16). She said, ‘You go Verse 23: “Now on the one hand, he who
into her and God will raise up seed from her for you; came from the maidservant was born according to
be from your own bowels.’ Well, doing a physical the flesh; and on the other hand, he who came from
thing to try and accomplish a spiritual promise of the free woman was born according to the promise.
God. Have you ever done that? Have you ever tried Which things are allegorized, because these are the
to fulfill something that God has said by you trying two covenants… [What he’s doing, he’s relegating
to do it, rather than waiting on God? I think that’s the Old Covenant to the same status as Ishmael.
the whole lesson that we’re learning today in That’s what he’s doing in this allegory.] …the one
everything we’re doing—right? Yes! You know the from Mt. Sinai, which is Hagar, is engendering
account. Ishmael was born. bondage. Because Hagar is Mt. Sinai in Arabia…”
(vs 23-25).
• Was he of the seed of Abraham? Yes, he
Some people get all upset and say there’s a
Romans Series #23
Romans 9:1-13
Mt. Sinai in Arabia, and that there really wasn’t in because from (the) beginning the devil sins. For
the Sinai Peninsula. Well, I haven’t found any this… [for this purpose] …was manifested the Son of
credence to that whatsoever, but this is an allegory God, that he might undo the works of the devil.
showing that what was done at Mt. Sinai compared Anyone that has been begotten of God… [We have
to what God is doing is the same as being in Arabia, that little Greek word for of—‘ek’—means out from.
and it’s the same as being a descendant of Ishmael, The begettal comes directly from God the Father to
which then is a hated thing. Look how they fight you, out from God and into you] …sin not
over there today in Jerusalem. Can you imagine practices… [cannot be living and practicing sin.
walking up to a Jew today and say ‘you’re the same Why? Because the Holy Spirit of God will convict you
as Ishmael’? I don’t think you could get away quick of it. Can’t practice it. Doesn’t mean you can’t sin,
enough! That’s what he’s doing here. That’s why but you can’t practice it.] (Here’s why): …because
Paul was hated. seed his in him abides, and he is not able to sin,
because of God he has been begotten” (vs 7-10). The
Verse 25: “Because Hagar is Mt. Sinai in Greek for seed is ‘sperma’; so His seed is dwelling in
Arabia, and corresponds to the present Jerusalem, you. That’s why you are counted as the seed, like
and she is in bondage with her children…. [They Isaac, the children of promise.
were slaves to the Romans and couldn’t get away.
They were slaves to the ritual system and couldn’t • you have received the promise of the Holy
give it up.] …But the Jerusalem above is free, which Spirit
is the mother of us all. For it is written, ‘Rejoice, O • you have answered the calling of God
barren who did not bear! Break forth and cry, you • you have now God’s Spirit impregnated
who were not travailing… [that’s talking of Sarah; into you, united with your mind
barren for 90 years and finally break forth] • you are the children of promise
…because many more are the children of the That’s why we are reckoned after Isaac.
desolate [Sarah] than of her who has the husband’”
(vs 25-27). The ‘desolate’ is referring now, in this • It is a unilateral act of God!
particular case, to the Church, now bringing forth • It is a unilateral decision by God!
more children. • It is a unilateral choice by God!
Verse 28: “Now we, brethren, like Isaac, are This should put the brethren in the Church in a
the children of promise.” Why? Because as Isaac whole new perspective concerning how God wants it
was by promise, by the seed of God—have to be a run and how it needs to be. All the children of God
Divine miracle to do that—so we, with the Holy and they belong to Him; all have the Holy Spirit of
Spirit, have the seed of God within us. We are God and it needs to be done as God wants it. That’s
counted as the seed. We are counted as the seed why we are reckoned after the Spirit.
within Christ. Let’s look at that and see how that
takes place. We’ll begin with the very basic and Here’s another problem: Isaac and Rebecca
build up. did not ask for this, but this is what happened,
Romans 9:10: “Now then, not only that, but Rebecca
Acts 2:38 “Then Peter said to them, ‘Repent also having conceived by one, Isaac our father, (but
and be baptized each one of you in the name of Jesus before the children had been born, neither having
Christ for the remission of sins, and you yourselves done anything, good or evil—in order that the
shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit…. [It is a gift purpose of God according to His own selection…
given from God] …For the promise… [Of what? [according to God’s own choice; God is going to
The Holy Spirit!] …is to you and to your children… make the determination. You might label this
[that’s who it was given to, but they rejected it] …and chapter as God’s Free Will! God chose!] …might
to all those who are afar off, as many as the Lord our stand, not of works, but from Him Who is calling), it
God may call’” (vs 38-39). was said to her, ‘The elder shall serve the younger.’
So, we receive the Holy Spirit by promise. Also, exactly as it has been written, ‘Jacob I loved,
and Esau I hated’” (vs 10-13).
You believe and God gives it. When He gives the
Holy Spirit there is what is called the begettal. The That creates great difficulty for people—
Holy Spirit comes directly from God the Father, and doesn’t it? Has that ever created difficulty for you?
the Holy Spirit of God unites with the spirit of your Trying to understand that has created difficulty for
mind. me. I hope I understand it now. Let’s try and make it
as clear as we can. Let’s see how this happened.
1-John 3:7 (Interlinear): “Little children, no
one let lead astray you, be that practices Genesis 25:19: “And these were the
righteousness… [that is true righteousness from the generations of Isaac, Abraham’s son. Abraham begat
heart with the Holy Spirit] …righteous is, even as he Isaac. And Isaac was forty years old when he took
righteous is. He that practices sin, of the devil is;
Romans Series #23
Romans 9:1-13
Rebekah to wife, the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian in this: Never give up salvation for a physical
of Padan Aram, the sister of Laban the Syrian. And thing! One of these days there’s going to come the
Isaac prayed to the LORD for his wife because she mark of the beast. When it comes, you’re either
was barren…. [Isaac was made to learn the same going to receive it or be killed—if you’re living at
lesson as Abraham.] …And the LORD heard him, that time. They’re not going to force it upon you,
and Rebekah his wife conceived. And the sons because Rev. 13 makes it clear. They’re not going to
struggled together within her. And she said, ‘If it is take you and hold you down on the ground and put
well, why am I this way?’ And she went to inquire the mark of the beast on your hand or in your
of the LORD. And the LORD said to her, ‘Two forehead. They’re going to kill you; you have to
nations are in your womb… [This is all of God! God choose it. They’ll be just like this, they’ll wait and
is going to make the choice.] …and two kinds of be very patient:
people shall be separated from your belly. And the
one people shall be stronger than the other people, You run on down to the store and say ‘I want
the older shall serve the younger.’ And when her to buy this.’ No, we can’t, our policy now is you
days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, twins must have this new banking system in your right
were in her womb! And the first came out red, like a hand or in your forehead. ‘How am I going to eat?’
hairy garment all over. And they called his name It’s very simple, just take one of these and you’ll be
Esau” (vs 19-25). Can you imagine that, just a wooly all right. Before you do it you’ve got to go down to
little kid. I’ve often wondered when the child was the local center to get it inserted in you, and when
born and she looked at…. you get down there you have to bow down and
worship this image of the beast. That’s the only way
“And after that his brother came out, and his you can do it. ‘Well, I won’t do it!’ We have
hand took hold on Esau’s heel. And his name was patience; we’ll wait.
called Jacob. And Isaac was sixty years old when she
bore them. And the boys grew. And Esau was a Your food goes down and you begin to make
skilled hunter, a man of the field. And Jacob was a a choice. What if you get to the point where you’re
quiet man, living in tents. And Isaac loved Esau faint like Esau? Near the point of death! Someone
because he ate of his venison. But Rebekah loved comes by and say, ‘Look, it’s real easy. All you have
Jacob. And Jacob boiled soup. And Esau came from to do is go down here to the local center and have
the field, and he was faint. And Esau said to Jacob, this installed. It’s nothing to bow down to the idol. It
‘I beg you, let me eat of the red, this red soup, for I isn’t going to hurt you. You go ahead and do it, you
am faint.’ Therefore, his name was called Edom… can get food and feed your family, feed yourself. I
[which means red] …And Jacob said, ‘Sell me your mean, you’d starve to death?’
birthright today’” (vs 26-31). Why did God work it So we’ll be confronted with something very
out this way? Why did God work it out where his similar to this. If we do that, if we take the mark of
mother had him lie? the beast then we despise our birthright exactly in
So the one of the flesh—Esau—would think it the same way. That’s why when it came time for the
was all done by Jacob himself! But the prophecy blessing, the birthright to be given, it went to Jacob
was ‘the elder shall serve the younger.’ God already instead of Esau. They were enemies! But it was
determined ahead of time how it was going to be. God’s own choice—that’s the thing that’s
What better way to make it look like that it was done important! Let’s understand in this love/hatred, it is
surreptitiously than to have it done the way it was not an emotional thing, but it is of will and purpose.
done. His attitude here of Esau was, ‘Well, just for a God hated the will and purpose of Esau. Jacob was
bowl of pottage take whatever you want.’ He didn’t seeking after God, though in his cunning little
count the birthright in the way that it should have craftiness, he didn’t get it because of that
been. transaction, he had it from conception—that is the
Verse 32: “And Esau said, ‘Behold, I am at
the point of dying… [So he was more than just a Malachi 1:1: “The burden of the Word of the
little faint here] …and what profit shall this LORD to Israel by Malachi. ‘I have loved you,’ says
birthright be to me?’ And Jacob said, ‘Swear to me the LORD. ‘But you say, “In what way do You love
this day.’ And he swore to him, and he sold his us?”…. [That’s the way people are. God has given
birthright to Jacob…. [It was going to be Jacob’s them a great inheritance, a tremendous wonderful
anyway all along, because God said so!] …Then thing, everything they would want physically. Then
Jacob gave Esau bread and soup of lentils. And he they say, ‘When did You love us?’ He sent His
ate and drank, and rose up and went his way. Thus Word! He sent His Son! And they say, ‘When did
did Esau despise his birthright” (vs 32-34). you love us.’] …Was not Esau Jacob’s brother?’
says the LORD. ‘Yet I loved Jacob. And I hated
There’s a physical and spiritual lesson for us Esau… [How did He show that He was against the
Romans Series #23
Romans 9:1-13
will and the purpose of Esau? Look at the difference these things, many believed in Him. Therefore, Jesus
in the lands of inheritance.] …and made his said to the Jews… [A Jew was one who was living
mountains a desolation, and his inheritance to be for in Judea.] …who had believed in Him… [Now He’s
the jackals of the wilderness.’ If Edom says, ‘We are making it a conditional thing]: …‘If you continue in
beaten down, but we will return and build the waste My word, you are truly My disciples. And you shall
places…’” (vs 1-4). know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free.’
They answered Him, ‘We are Abraham’s seed…
This is a whole example of how that Esau [This is why Paul is writing about not all the seed of
went against the will of God, then said, ‘I’m going Abraham are of the ‘children of promise.’] …and
to go ahead and do it anyway! I’m going to go ahead have never been in bondage to anyone. What do You
and take my inheritance back.’ For a time it looked mean by saying, “You shall become free”?’” (vs 28-
like he did it. In history, Esau was likened unto to 33). They were in bondage to the Romans—right
one called Hercules. Esau went around and he then.
conquered all the area that was to be the inheritance
for Jacob. He conquered it and controlled it. That’s Verse 34: “Jesus answered them, ‘Truly,
why when Jacob came back from the east— truly I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a
remember what happened? He said, ‘Oh, I’m fearful servant of sin. And the servant does not live in the
of my brother Esau.’ The servants came and said, house forever; but the Son lives forever. Therefore,
‘Esau’s come with a great troop.’ Jacob said, ‘Oh, if the Son shall set you free, you shall truly be free’”
I’m going to loose my life. I stole the birthright.’ (vs 34-36). How is God going to make them free? By
calling; by choice! By God making the choice to
Jacob sent offerings ahead and Jacob and his call! God, in working out His plan of salvation, is
family stayed way to the back. He sent the sheep not working it out in a haphazard way. God knows!
ahead, sent the cattle ahead, sent all the servants Circumstances that we look at may appear to be
ahead—‘you go get killed for me, first.’ Here he was haphazard, especially through the things that we’re
a big coward way at the back of the line. Finally, he experiencing in the Church today, with the Church
came up to Esau and Esau was appeased by that being scattered every which way but loose. But God
time, because he thought he got the birthright back, knows what He’s doing.
because he conquered those lands. Jacob came and
groveled before his feet and said, ‘Peace! We’re “‘Therefore, if the Son shall set you free, you
brothers, let’s forget this and get up and go along.’ shall truly be free. I know that you are Abraham’s
seed… [Remember, not all the seed of Abraham
After Esau did that, v 4: “…thus says the were the ‘children of promise’—were they?] …but
LORD of hosts, ‘They shall build, but I will throw you are seeking to kill Me, because My words do not
down… [It was taken away from him; so there are enter into your minds. I speak the things that I have
many lessons to be learned here.] …and they shall seen from My Father, and you do the things that you
be called the border of wickedness, and the people have seen from your father.’ They answered and said
with whom the LORD is indignant forever’” (v 4). to Him, ‘Our father is Abraham.’ Jesus said to them,
Esau and Edom has had inroads within the Church, ‘If you were Abraham’s children…’” (vs 36-39).
inroads within the Jewish community…
Notice the difference in the expression: ‘if
Many people don’t realize it, but during the you be Abraham’s seed’; now we have ‘if you be
days of Herod, the line of Herod was half Jewish and Abraham’s children.’ We’re talking about the true
half Edomite. That’s why Esau and Edom are the ‘children of Abraham.’ The ‘children’ are the line
same. What happened was, Herod made all of the that came down unto Christ. The ‘seed’ could be
Edomites—south and east of the land of Israel at that from the house of Esau with no question. Therefore,
time—embrace Judaism. He made them all become you’ve got these Jews that are Jews and are not, but
circumcised and embrace the religion—as it turned are of Esau, whose Father is the devil. So therefore,
out, the religion of the Pharisees. So we have this if they are in the synagogue, they are of the
ongoing conflict between the chosen seed and the ‘synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are
rejected seed constantly going on. Maybe that will not.’ So all of that is tied up here in John 8.
help you understand some of the things that Jesus
said here:
“…Jesus said to them, ‘If you were
John 8:28: “Then Jesus said to them, ‘When Abraham’s children, you would do the works of
you have lifted up the Son of man, then you Abraham…. [What did Abraham do? Obeyed His
yourselves shall know that I AM, and that I do voice, kept His commandments, His laws, His
nothing of Myself. But as the Father taught Me, statutes, and His judgments!] …But now you seek to
these things I speak. And He Who sent Me is with kill Me, a man who has spoken the Truth to you,
Me. The Father has not left Me alone because I which I have heard from God; Abraham did not do
always do the things that please Him.’ As He spoke this. You are doing the works of your father.’ Then
Romans Series #23
Romans 9:1-13
they said to Him… [Rather than saying, ‘Oh, the meal sold his birthright; because you also know
devil is our father? We’d better repent!’ NO! The that afterwards, when he wished to inherit the
will and purpose is for evil, so they got all mad and blessing, he was rejected… [There comes a point in
hostile.] …‘We have not been born of fornication. all of our experiences in life—God chose Esau to
We have one Father, and that is God.’ Therefore, show and prove this very thing down through history
Jesus said to them, ‘If God were your Father…’” (vs and down through God’s dealing with His people
39-42). Which tells you an awful lot—doesn’t it? and down through even into the Church—it’s an
God in heaven above is not the God of Judaism; example and lesson for us.] …and he found no room
that’s what He’s saying, clear as can be! Most for repentance, although he sought it earnestly with
people don’t understand that, because they don’t tears” (vs 12-17).
understand Judaism. It is so pagan and demonic that
most people don’t even realize it. There comes a time when it goes too far!
The whole lesson is: Don’t let it go to the point of
“‘…If God were your Father, you would being too far! Whatever the correction, whatever the
love Me, because I proceeded forth and came from difficulty, let it be exercised and let it be the
God. For I have not come of Myself, but He sent peaceable fruits of righteousness—and that’s the
Me. Why don’t you understand My speech? Because whole lesson of Esau. That’s whole difference
you cannot bear to hear My words. You are of your between Jacob and Esau. Jacob sought God, and was
father the devil, and the lusts of your father you the one whom God had called and chosen. Esau was
desire to practice. He was a murderer from the not the one. And until there is repentance and change
beginning, and has not stood in the Truth because in the right way, it cannot be affected. God is the
there is no Truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, One Who has to call. That’s why God’s plan has to
he is speaking from his own self; for he is a liar, and be greater than what most people think.
the father of it. And because I speak the Truth, you
do not believe Me’” (vs 42-45). Which truth is too Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter;
except where noted
hard to take? Did Jesus ever back off from saying Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
the Truth? It may have offended some people. That’s Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
too bad, but it was the Truth. And this is very Scriptures in Galatians from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
Galatians, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
important! That’s how it ties in with the whole thing
that God is doing in the world, what is happening, Scriptural References:
how these events are taking place. 1) Romans 2:1
Let’s see something else so we don’t have a 2) Romans 3:22-23
will and purpose as Esau had, and when correction 3) Romans 8:28, 35, 28, 35-36, 38-39
comes we don’t want to have the same attitude that 4) Romans 9:1-5, 1, 3
Esau had. Hebrews 12:11: “Now truly, no 5) Exodus 32:30-35
chastisement for the present seems to be joyous… 6) Deuteronomy 5:29
[We’ve all gone through some kind of correction and 7) Romans 9:4
chastisement through circumstances, through 8) Ephesians 2:8-16
experiences in the Church and so forth—haven’t 9) Romans 9:4-13, 6
we? Yes, indeed! It’s not joyous] …but grievous; 10) Galatians 6:15-16
nevertheless, afterwards it yields the peaceable fruits 11) Romans 2:17-29
of righteousness… [and this is conditional—not 12) Romans 9:7
always] …to those who have been exercised by it.” 13) Genesis 15:4-6
So, when the correction comes from God, you have 14) Romans 9:8, 7
to be exercised. Let that correction exercise you, to 15) Galatians 4:22-28
change your heart, mind and attitude. 16) Acts 2:38-39
17) 1 John 3:7-10
“Therefore, lift up the hands that are hanging 18) Romans 9:10-13
down, and revive the weakened knees; and make 19) Genesis 25:19-34
straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be 20) Malachi 1:1-4
turned aside; but let it rather be healed…. [Boy, if 21) John 8:28-45
there’s any one message for the Church today, let it 22) Hebrews 12:11-17
be healed!] …Pursue peace with everyone, and
Holiness, without which no one will see the Lord; Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
looking diligently, lest anyone fall from the grace of
God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble • Ephesians 5:22
you, and through this many be defiled… [and that’s • Genesis 16
happening with many people] …lest there be any • Revelation 13
fornicator or godless person, as Esau, who for one
Romans Series #23
Romans 9:1-13
Transcribed: 1-9-11
Romans Series #24
Romans 9:14-33
God is going to choose! where Moses was going to see God. Exodus 33:19:
God is going to do! “And He said, ‘I will make all My goodness pass
God is going to determine! before you, and I will proclaim the name of the
LORD before you. And I will be gracious to whom I
As He see fit and according to His will! Some of will be gracious, and will have mercy on whom I
these things, as we look at it from a perspective of will have mercy’” (vs 19-20). So, God is the One
human being, we think Who’s going to decide. What He’s doing, He is
• that isn’t right deciding who He is going to choose to do what He’s
• that isn’t good going to because He is God! I think if we understand
• that’s not fair that in relationship to our lives, and our relationship
• that’s sin to God. How do you receive the mercy of God? How
• How could God do this? do you receive the graciousness of God? Since God
isn’t going to do it willy-nilly to everybody, how is it
• Why doesn’t He do that? that we receive it and someone else didn’t? How is
As I mentioned before, the first time I read the book that someone else received it and we didn’t? Because
of Job, I thought that God was wrong. How could God is God!
God do that to a man who was so good? How could The Apostle Paul understood this, 1-
God possibly take someone like Job—he was Timothy, the first chapter. He understood this in
perfect, doing everything just right—and then take relationship to his own life. Remember the one who
all of that away from him. Well, his wife didn’t think was there consenting to the death of Stephen, when
it was too good. She said, ‘Curse God and die.’ And he was being stoned to death, and Stephen said,
his friends said, ‘You’ve sinned! You’ve done this; ‘Lord, lay not this to their charge.’ Saul, the one who
you’ve done that; you’ve done the other thing’; and became Paul, was standing right there holding his
they couldn’t explain why God did what He did. God coat while he was being stoned! God answered
did what He did so He could show His power and Stephen’s prayer, but Stephen never knew it because
His glory, and so that Job could be converted. he died. God called the one who was responsible for
With Job being converted, so he can be in the killing him. God, in doing that, is having ‘mercy on
Kingdom of God as a spirit being, then the end result whomsoever He will have mercy’ and ‘grace on
and the purpose of that is a great and a magnificent whomsoever He will have grace.’ Paul understood
fulfillment of God’s purpose. The reason, in going that!
through these things—that people think that God is 1-Timothy 1:12: “And I thank Jesus Christ
sinning or God is unrighteous—is because they don’t our Lord, Who has empowered me, that He counted
understand the second resurrection. That those me faithful, putting me into the ministry, who was
people who have been blinded or deceived or used in previously a blasphemer and a persecutor and a
certain manners for God’s purpose, that they will violent person… [ravenous to the Church, like a wild
have a chance at the second resurrection. If there boar rooting things up and tearing it apart, with their
were no second resurrection, then you could, indeed, big tusks hanging out the side of their mouths and
say that God was not fair. just rooting and tearing up—that’s what it means in
Romans 9:14: “What then shall we say? Is the Greek.] …but I obtained mercy… [If you and I
there any unrighteousness with God? MAY IT were God we wouldn’t think of calling him. We’d
NEVER BE!…. [I put that in all caps with an say, ‘No way!’] …because I did it ignorantly in
exclamation point, because that’s what it means in unbelief” (vs 12-13).
the Greek; it is very emphatic. The King James says, We need to understand something here: Why
‘God forbid.’ That is not an accurate translation. It does God close up people to unbelief? There are two
means, may this never come into existence!] …For reasons:
He said to Moses, ‘I will show merciful to
whomsoever I show mercy, and I will have 1. He doesn’t want to hold them responsible
compassion on whomsoever I have compassion.’” for salvation at this point, so they’re
(vs 14-15). concluded in unbelief. That’s why they’re
also, as it says that the world is in effect,
Let’s go to where this is quoted from. This is spiritually dead. If they weren’t in unbelief,
right after the incident with the golden calf and then God would have to deal with them for
Romans Series #24
Romans 9:14-33
salvation. But since God is only working speaking of raising up Cyrus to pave the way for the
with the few in the ones He’s calling, He Jews to go back to the Holy Land after the
concludes them unbelief. That’s so He can Babylonian captivity, Isaiah, 41:4: “Who has
have mercy on them at a later time. planned and done it, calling forth the generations
2. So that when the time comes and they are from the beginning?….” There’s another aspect to
resurrected in the second resurrection, they predestination, which is a little greater than the
will understand the great mercy of God. explanation that we’ve had in the past. You’ve heard
me explain a little bit about the covenant in Gen. 15,
So, you have the two aspects of it working here. about the animals being split in two and God
Verse 14: “But the grace of our Lord walking down between them. Why was it that only
abounded exceedingly with the faith and love that is God walked down between those? Why didn’t He
in Christ Jesus.” As I read these things, let’s just say to Abraham, ‘I walked down, now you walk
keep in mind that Christ died while we were yet down’?
sinners! While Christ was on the earth, no one Normally, when you have that kind of
loved Him except His mother and maybe the covenant, both parties walk down through between
Apostle John. He was in a total hostile environment the calves or animals. Why? Because what He
on every side, and yet, He was faithful to the death promised Abraham, only God could do! He said,
of the cross. That’s a lot of love, and that’s a lot of You’re going to have a son of your own bowels.’
faith. Abraham knew he couldn’t do that. All of his
Verse 15: “This is a faithful saying, and walking between the calves wouldn’t perform it. And
worthy of full acceptance: that Christ Jesus came God said, ‘Now look at the stars of heaven and count
into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief…. them, and if you’re able to number them so shall
[He understood from where he was coming—didn’t your seed be.’ Abraham was going to die, so how
he?] …But for this reason I was shown mercy in could Abraham carry out that oath? Only God could!
order that in me first Jesus Christ might demonstrate That’s why God guaranteed it with His walking
all long-suffering, for an example to those who between the sacrificial animals of that covenant
would afterwards believe on Him unto eternal life” sacrifice.
(vs 15-16). That’s quite a verse there! This is to tell “Who has planned and done it, calling forth
us, and he’s saying it in so many words and in a very the generations from the beginning? I, the LORD,
nice way: ‘I did all of this ravaging the Church; I am am the first and the last; I am He.” (v 4). He’s
a chief sinner.’ saying He’s going to take care of His plan from the
So therefore, any of us who come afterward, beginning to the ending. Doesn’t this sound a little
let’s not think, I have sinned such a sin that God bit like Revelation: ‘I am the First, the Last, the
can’t forgive me. Did you kill those in the Church? Beginning, the Ending, Alpha, Omega’? Yes, indeed!
Did you haul them off to be arrested? Were you Verse 8: “‘But you, Israel, are My servant,
hateful, harmful and injurious? No, you weren’t! Jacob… [This has to do with calling Jacob.] …whom
This is a pattern. God is saying that you can look at I have chosen… [That’s why back here in Rom. 9 it
the life of the Apostle Paul and look at the change says according to His own selection, that could be
from being Saul the destroyer to Paul the apostle; according to His own choice. Now we’re dealing
from being the one who was breathing out slaughter, with God’s choice. Why did He choose Jacob?
threatening, and death and hate to the one who was Because He promised Abraham He would! Can God
preaching the love of God. That is the pattern He lie? No! Therefore, He chose him.] …the seed of
wants us to see. Abraham, My friend; Whom I have taken from the
Romans 9:15: “…to those who would ends of the earth, and called you from its uttermost
afterwards believe on Him unto eternal life” (v 16). parts. And I said to you, “You are My servant; I
Not only that, but we have 14 of his epistles which have chosen you, and have not cast you away”’” (vs
show us the way to eternal life. That’s really 8-9).
something—isn’t it? That’s why when he wrote here, Now, as we’re reading thing I want you to
“…‘I will be merciful to whomsoever I show mercy, think of two things:
and I will have compassion on whomsoever I have
compassion’”—Paul understood it! 1. the Church, because a lot of this applies
directly to the Church
Let’s look at some other examples showing 2. physical Israel namely being the
that only God can save. Let’s go back to Isaiah 41, descendants of Joseph—Ephraim and
and this ties in with ‘Jacob I loved’ (Rom. 9:13). Manasseh—but more particularly
We’re going to see some very interesting things. In Manasseh, the United States today—where
the Gospel is being preached from in the
Romans Series #24
Romans 9:14-33
world; from America, that’s where it’s pass through the waters, I will be with you; and
being preached through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When
you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned;
Even the gospel of the Protestants, even though it has nor shall the flame kindle on you, for I am the
many incorrect things in it, at least the name of LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your
Christ is being preached. As Paul would say, ‘Some Savior… [Look what God did to save Israel in the
in contentions, some in sincerity.’ Nevertheless, it is beginning]: …I gave Egypt for your ransom,
being done because God chose Jacob to do it, and He Ethiopia and Seba for you’” (vs 1-3).
chose Joseph to do it.
Destroyed nations! You go back and read
Verse 10: “‘“Do not fear; for I am with and just think about all of the things that took place;
you… [Isn’t it amazing? The one’s whom God is all of the plagues and things leading up to the death
with, they push Him away! And the one’s whom of the firstborn in taking Israel out of Egypt. And
God is has not chosen, they desire. That’s a read it from the point of view, this way: What would
perplexity of human nature.] …be not dismayed… it have been like if I were an Egyptian? and I saw all
[discouraged or frustrated] …for I am your God. I of these things taking place? Just see all your whole
will strengthen you; yea, I will help you; yea, I will country just wasted and devastated! Well, God wants
uphold you with the right hand of My you to know that He’ll fight for you! That’s what
righteousness.”…. [Not your own, but Mine!] He wants you to understand, but it’s by God’s
…Behold, all those who were angered against you choice. God raised up the Egyptians for that very
shall be ashamed and confounded…’” (vs 10-11). purpose.
God is able to take care of the enemies.
Verse 4: “‘Since you are precious in My
• Did that happen? sight, you have been honored, and I have loved you;
• Did that happen to Christ? therefore I will give men for you, and people for
• Were all the enemies confounded? your life.’” That is amazing—isn’t it? So when Paul
• Yes, especially when He was resurrected! says, ‘If God be for you, who can be against you?’
• Has that happened with those who truly Nothing! Nothing! Though at times the
follow God? circumstances may look like everything is against
• Are the enemies taken care of? you and nothing is going right—where is God? He’s
• Yes! there someplace! Have to have more trust in Him!
“‘…they shall be as nothing…. [This ties in with Verse 5: “‘Fear not; for I am with you. I will
Rom. 8, that if you love God ‘all things work bring your seed from the east… [Could this also be
together for good,’ nothing can be against you!] of the resurrection, which is from the east and the
…they shall be as nothing. And those who strive west. We’ve covered having the seed of God within
you, and we are of the promised seed of Isaac.]
against you shall perish…. [Why? Because God
…and gather you from the west. I will say to the
exercises free moral agency to choose you!] …You
shall seek them, and shall not find them; men north, “Give up”; and to the south, “Do not keep
warring against you shall be as nothing, and as a back”; bring My sons from afar and My daughters
thing of naught, for I, the LORD your God, will hold from the ends of the earth’” (vs 5-6).
your right hand, saying to you, “Do not fear; I will Matthew 24:30—here it talks about the
help you.” Do not fear, you worm Jacob… [That’s resurrection: “And then shall appear the sign of the
pretty weak—isn’t it? A worm is very easily Son of man in heaven; and then shall all the tribes of
exterminated; you just squash it! It’s weak, it has no the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man
protection, has no armor, has no claws, no hooves. coming upon the clouds of heaven with power and
It’s just a little piece of flesh out there.] …and men great glory. And He shall send His angels with a
of Israel; I will help you,’ says the LORD and your great sound of a trumpet; and they shall gather
Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel” (vs 11-14). So together His elect from the four winds, from one end
those are some tremendous promises we can hold of heaven to the other” (vs 30-31). I think Isa. 43
onto in looking for the mercy that God is giving. sounds a little bit like that—don’t you?
Isaiah 43:1—now we get into spiritual Jacob Isaiah 43:8: “Bring out the blind people who
that He is creating, the true Israel: “But now thus have eyes, and the deaf who have ears. Let all the
says the LORD Who created you, O Jacob, and He nations be brought together, and let the people be
Who formed you, O Israel; ‘Fear not… [What did gathered; who among them can declare this and show
we read about earlier? That we are created in Christ us the former things? Let them bring out their
Jesus! So here it’s talking about Jacob, the creation witnesses, that they may be justified; or let them hear,
of the Church] …for I have redeemed you; I have and say, ‘It is truth’” (vs 8-9). None can do that, only
called you by your name; you are Mine. When you God! And only God’s Word can do that!
Romans Series #24
Romans 9:14-33
Verse 10: “‘You are My witnesses,’ says the right.’ It took a lot of faith to say, ‘Yep, You’re right,
LORD… [And that’s we are to be, that God is this Lord, we Canaanites are just like dogs.’] …As you
great, and the Word of God is this great!] …‘and My have desired, so be it to you.’….” (vs 25-28).
servant whom I have chosen; that you may know and
believe Me, and understand that I am He. Before Me • Can you change God?
no God was formed, nor shall there be after Me. I, • Can you cause God to choose to give
even I, am the LORD, and besides Me there is no mercy by a right and a proper approach
savior. I have declared, and have saved, and I have and attitude?
shown, when there was no strange god among you; • Yes, you can!
therefore you are My witnesses,’ says the LORD, ‘that So this woman didn’t try an make it so that her will
I am God’” (vs 10-12). That’s why God does these would be superimposed upon God. She came
things the way that He does it, and gives ‘mercy to accepting God’s will—‘yes, that’s truth, Lord.’ Then
whom He gives mercy,’ and is ‘gracious to whom He she gave back another truth—didn’t she? “…‘Yes,
will be gracious.’ Lord, but even the dogs eat of the crumbs that fall
What if you find yourself as one of those from their master’s table.’…. [And that fit right in
looking around thinking God is not fair? Does God with ‘in you shall all the nations of the earth be
just kick you out? No! I think this is quite instructive, blessed’—even to the very lowest.] …And her
Matthew 15:21: “Then Jesus left there and withdrew daughter was healed from that hour” (vs 27-28). So
into the area of Tyre and Sidon; and, behold, a that’s quite a demonstration of the two—isn’t it?
Canaanite woman who came from those borders…” That’s something!
(vs 21-22). What was a Canaanite? They were Let’s see God’s choice; see how He carried it
‘cursed above all people on the face of the earth’ out, Romans 9:16: “So then, it is not of the one who
(Gen. 9). God put them out because of Canaan did. wills, nor of the one who is running; rather, it is of
No access to God. As a matter of fact, they were the God Who is showing mercy.” [All of this is so that
ones that God sent the children of Israel in to take God can show mercy. Just think about how great the
their land. You can’t get any lower than this. You mercy is going to be at the second resurrection and
can’t get any further down the scale that God doesn’t all these people have a second physical life to come
pay any attention to you than this. to the knowledge of the Truth of salvation. That is
“… [she] cried to Him, saying, ‘Have mercy such a merciful thing!
on me, Lord, Son of David; my daughter is Verse 17: “For the Scripture said to Pharaoh,
grievously possessed by a demon.’ But He did not ‘For this very purpose I raised you up… [Can God
answer her a word…. [That must have been quite a raise someone up, like Pharaoh, to take him down?
scene.] …And His disciples came and requested of Yes, He can! And, of course, Pharaoh probably
Him, saying, ‘Send her away, for she is crying out thought his own abilities and all of the gods of Egypt
behind us.’…. [she’s irritating us, she’s hounding us, was doing this. But no, God was doing this for a
she won’t shut up] …But He answered and said… special purpose.] …in order that I might show in you
[His answer is an insult if you look at if from a My own power, so that My name should be declared
human perspective] …‘I have not been sent except to in all the earth.’” Has that not happened from that
the lost sheep of the house of Israel.’” (vs 22-24). He day until now, because of Pharaoh? Yes, indeed!
virtually said, ‘I don’t care who you are.’
Verse 18: “So then, upon whom He wills, He
Notice her response, what did she say? shows mercy… [That’s what Jesus did back in Matt.
‘You’re not fair. How dare you do that.’ NO! “Then 15; He chose to show mercy! Her attitude was such
she came and worshiped Him, saying, ‘Lord, help that He changed His mind. God chose!] …and whom
me!’ But He answered and said, ‘It is not proper to He wills, He hardens…. [God can do that—can’t
take the children’s bread and throw it to the He?] …Will you then reply to me, ‘Why does He yet
dogs.’…. [He in effect called her a dog. Do you see find fault?…. [Well, He made him for a fault, to
the choice of God. But notice what she did. She show what Truth is.] …For who is the one who is
didn’t say, ‘How dare You, that’s insulting.’ NO!] opposing His purpose?’” (vs 18-19).
…And she said, ‘Yes, Lord, but even the dogs eat of
the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.’…. Let’s look at some Scriptures which tie in
[That’s something!] …Then Jesus answered and said with this: Psalm 85—talking about mercy and Truth,
to her, ‘O woman, great is your faith!…. [She didn’t and upon whom He wills, He shows mercy. It’s not
try to change God. That’s the trouble with all the like you go to God and say, ‘God, You’ve got to
complainers and whiners and whimpers and show me mercy.’ No! You go to God and say, ‘God,
criticizers—they try to change God! They try to I’m a great sinner.’ That’s what David did—right?
make their will God’s will. But God is going to make ‘If it be Your will, grant me Your mercy, please do
His will, His will! But she said, ‘Truth, Lord, that’s so.’
Romans Series #24
Romans 9:14-33
Psalm 85:1: “O LORD, You have shown good; turn unto me according to the multitude of
favor to Your land; You have brought back Jacob Your tender mercies. And hide not Your face from
from exile. You have forgiven the iniquity of Your Your servant, for I am in trouble; answer me
people; You have covered all their sins. Selah…. speedily” (vs 14-17). So there’s another good case:
[God will choose to do so when he brings them out When you get in trouble, you go to God right away,
of captivity. This could also be likened unto the don’t wait. Don’t think you’re going to get yourself
Church.] …You have taken away all Your wrath; out of trouble and then go to God because you’re ‘all
You have turned from the fierceness of Your anger. good now, and, God, I’m coming to You because I
Restore us, O God of our salvation, and cause Your got myself out of trouble.’ You go to God when you
anger toward us to cease” (vs 1-4). Notice how he’s are in trouble so that He can get you out of trouble—
approaching God. Maybe for the whole Church this it won’t work any other way!
ought to be the prayer right now. Let God’s anger be
turned away from the Church. Psalm 119—more about the mercies of God
and, in this case, talking about ‘tender mercies.’
“Will You be angry with us forever? Will What is the difference between mercies and tender
You draw out Your anger to all generations? Will mercies? I couldn’t answer you outright or directly,
You not give us life again, so that Your people may except to say that maybe those who suffer more
rejoice in You? Show us Your mercy, O LORD, and appreciate that the mercies of God are very tender,
grant us Your salvation…. [Notice the plea; notice when you’re finally delivered out of your difficulties.
the attitude; notice how he’s coming to God.] …I
will hear what God the LORD will speak; for He will Psalm 119:41: “Let Your mercies come also
speak peace to His people, and to His saints, but let unto me, O LORD… [God is the One Who gives
them not turn again to folly. Surely His salvation is mercy. You don’t go after it, because you can’t get
near to those who fear Him, so that glory may dwell it. God has to give it! You have to have this attitude
in our land. Mercy and Truth have met that we see here.] …even according to Your
together…” (vs 5-10). There it is! didn’t we just see salvation, according to Your Word,
that? Why did Jesus have mercy on the Canaanite Verse 77: “Let Your tender mercies come to
woman? Because she spoke the truth! She said, ‘Yea, me so that I may live, for Your law is my delight.”
Lord, but even the dogs eat the crumbs which fall
from the master’s table.’ Verse 156: “Great are Your tender mercies,
O LORD; according to Your judgments give me
“Mercy and Truth have met together; life.” Not only do we want His mercies, we want His
righteousness and peace have kissed each other…. tender mercies, and loving kindness.
[May that be with the Church!] …Truth shall spring
out of the earth, and righteousness shall look down Psalm 103—this whole Psalm is talking
from heaven. Yea, the LORD shall give that which is about the mercies of God, and how God considers
good, and our land shall yield its increase. us. Let’s understand how we’re to approach God in
Righteousness shall go before Him and shall set us in this. You go to God with the same attitude that the
the way of His steps” (vs 10-13). Again, God is Canaanite woman had: ‘Oh, Lord, of a truth, I’m a
going to do what He’s going to do! sinner.’ Not, ‘Oh, God, why are You doing this to
me?’ Entirely different!
Psalm 69:13—speaking of God’s mercy:
“But as for me, my prayer is to You, O LORD, in an Psalm 103:1 “Bless the LORD, O my soul;
acceptable time; O God, in the abundance of Your and all that is within me, bless His Holy name….
mercy answer me, in the Truth of Your salvation.” [Being wholehearted to God.] …Bless the LORD, O
You’re going to notice that mercy and Truth go my soul, and forget not all His benefits… [What
hand-in-hand, and the reason that they do is because happens when you’re in trouble? You’re in
mercy is granted when the Truth of the difficulty, you’re going through a trial? You forgot
understanding of the conviction of your heart and all that God has done for you in the past, you’re so
mind is such that you realize that your own nature focused on that thing right now. I’ve done that; very
and your own sins, and you’re coming to God and easy to do.] …Who forgives all your iniquities…
asking for His mercy, because you understand in [Which ones won’t He forgive? The unpardonable!
Truth how you need it. And the very fact that you are here today shows that
you have not committed the unpardonable sin. If you
“Deliver me out of the mire, and let me not did, you would be hardhearted and not care, and you
sink; let me be delivered from those who hate me would be long gone. So how grievous are your sins,
and out of the deep waters. Do not let the flood of whatever they may be?] …forgives all your
waters overflow me, nor let the deep swallow me iniquities…” Whatever they may be! I think we
up, and let not the pit shut its mouth upon me. need to hear that. Not just some of them because
Answer me, O LORD, for Your steadfast love is you’ve been a good boy or a good girl. All of them
Romans Series #24
Romans 9:14-33
because you repent! the heavens are high above the earth, so is His mercy
toward those who fear Him” (vs 5-11). That’s why
Let’s see how that is done. Here are part of when God says, ‘I will have mercy on whom I will
the conditions, 1-John 1:6: “If we proclaim that we have mercy, and compassion on whom I will have
have fellowship with Him, but we are walking in the compassion,’ it comes directly from God.
darkness, we are lying to ourselves, and we are not
practicing the Truth.” “As far as the east is from the west, so far has
(go to the next track) He removed our transgressions from us…. [Which
ones? All of them! So many people have been under
Verse 7: “However, if we walk in the light… the administration of fear, to where then they are
[That’s what you’re trying to do, walk in the light of always held in suspense that ‘if you don’t do this’
the commandments of God—correct? Yes!] …as He and ‘if you don’t do that’ and ‘if you don’t do the
is in the light, then we have fellowship with one other thing’ God is going to come and do something
another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, His own Son, evil to you. No! He’s removed them!] …As a father
cleanses us from all sin.” What you do when you go has compassion upon his children, so the LORD has
around with a guilty conscience, you’re saying God compassion upon those who fear Him, for He knows
doesn’t forgive all sin. He forgives ALL sin! our frame; He remembers that we are dust. As for
“If we say that we do not have sin, we are man, his days are as grass; as a flower of the field, so
deceiving ourselves, and the Truth is not in us. If we he flourishes, for the wind passes over it, and it is
confess our own sins… [You have to do something gone; and its place shall know it no more” (vs 12-16).
about it. You have to recognize them and confess I can’t help but think the other night I was
them, not ignore them and bury them, because they watching on Discovery Channel, showing about the
will only fester more and more. That is leaven that is Kalahari Desert. Parts of it are just desolate. Some
buried, which will mold and create more sin.] …He parts of it, it doesn’t rain but once in ten years.
is faithful and righteous, to forgive us our sins, and Amazing! But when it gets the rain, all of a sudden
to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (vs 8-9). here are these flowers that bloom, all the insects come
That is part of the graciousness of God. That’s why to pollinate—they come out at the same time—
you stand in grace. You have this relationship with everything is perfectly timed. Once in ten or how
God. many ever years. It shows just a vast horizon of
Psalm 103:4: “Who redeems your life from beautiful blue and yellow and red marvelous flowers.
destruction… [That means you may have been very But the Kalahari is hot and in about ten days they’re
close to it—right?] …Who crowns you with all gone; all shriveled up! The hot wind off the desert
lovingkindness and tender mercies.” We’ve got: comes in and they’re gone! So God remembers that
we’re just like that.
• mercies
Verse 17: “But the steadfast love of the
• tender mercies LORD is from everlasting to everlasting…”
• lovingkindness
• Will God ever run out of mercy? No!
—all of those coming from God! That’s why,
brethren, it is good. That’s why God wants to know • Will God ever run out of grace? No!
what’s in your heart. That’s why God wants you to • Will God ever run out of truth? Never!
be tenderhearted to Him. That you may receive His “…upon those who fear Him… [love Him] …and
blessings; that you may receive His tender mercies His righteousness is unto children’s children, to
given to you. those who keep His covenant, and to those who
Verse 5: “Who satisfies your desires with remember His precepts to do them” (vs 17-18). So, ‘I
good things; your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy, and I
The LORD executes righteousness and judgment for will harden whom I will harden.’ That’s what God
all who are oppressed. He made known His ways says. And if God made Pharaoh for that purpose,
unto Moses, His acts unto the children of Israel. The God designed Him for that purpose and used him for
LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and that purpose, that’s all the will of God. Looking at it
abundant in mercy…. [That’s how God deals with from a human perspective, without understanding
us.] …He will not always chasten… [In other words, God’s plan, we can think, ‘My, that’s pretty nasty.’
whatever trial you’re in it won’t always be there.
God will lift it sooner or later.] …nor will He keep But it’s not over till it’s over. I wonder what
His anger forever…. [If you’ve done something Pharaoh’s going to think in the second resurrection?
worthy of anger.] …He has not dealt with us Sometimes you leap ahead to try and catch the rest of
according to our sins… [the wages of sin is death] the story. And that will help you understand a little
…nor rewarded us according to our iniquities, for as bit more.
Romans Series #24
Romans 9:14-33
Romans 9:18: “So then, upon whom He does? Are you not willing to be molded and yielded
wills, He shows mercy, and whom He wills, He to God? to do what God wants?] …‘Behold, as the
hardens…. [That’s exactly what God is going to do clay is in the potter’s hands, so are you in My hand,
with the Beast Power. Precisely, absolutely the same O house of Israel. If at any time I shall speak
thing He did with Pharaoh.] …will you then reply to concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to
me, ‘Why does He yet find fault?’…. [So that he pluck it up and to pull it down, and to destroy it’” (vs
show and define the difference between right and 4-7).
wrong, truth and error.] …For who is the one who is
opposing His purpose?’” (vs 18-19). God is saying there are times when He looks
down and He sees the sins of different nations and
Can there be anyone who opposes the will of He has to make a decision—just like with Sodom
God? Opposes the purpose of God? Can there be and Gomorrah. What did He say? I’m coming down
anybody? Not even Satan can do that! The whole to see if the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is as bad as
lesson of Satan is it doesn’t matter who you are, how I hear it coming up to Me. The angels went down to
strong you are, what position you have, you oppose find out, and it was as bad! He also said in another
the will of God you’re not going to change a thing, place that the children of Israel couldn’t go into the
but maybe delay it for a while so God can prove a land yet, as he told Abraham, ‘because the sin of the
point or two. It’s going to be done! Amorites has not yet come to the full.’ He’s talking
about nations. When God looks down on nations on
Verse 20: “Yes, indeed, O man, just who are the earth—I don’t know how He does it, but here
you, you who are answering against God?…. He’s showing that He does it—and many of the
[complain against God; talk against God] …Shall the things that we see on the news in the way of things
thing molded say to the molder, ‘Why did you make that God is in control of.
me in this manner?’…. [These are some pretty strong
words. This is cut and dry—isn’t it? This is no in- • Is God in control of the weather? Yes!
between. God is going to do what He’s going to do.] • Does He send weather for correction? Yes!
…Or doesn’t the potter have authority over the clay, • Does He use it to bring people down, to
on the one hand to make from the same lump of clay humble them? Yes!
one vessel unto honor, and on the other hand to make • Does He use it to get their attention—‘will
another vessel unto dishonor?” (vs 20-21). Even in they return to Me or not?’ Yes!
that God has choice—doesn’t He?
It’s the same way here, v 7: “If at any time I shall
Let’s see how God does this in the world; speak concerning a nation, and concerning a
Jeremiah 18:1—this is where Paul was writing this kingdom, to pluck it up and to pull it down, and to
from: “The Word which came to Jeremiah from the destroy it. If that nation, against whom I have
LORD, saying, ‘Arise and go down to the potter’s spoken, will turn from their evil… [God always
house, and there I will cause you to hear My words.’ gives a chance to turn from the evil. God never does
Then I went down to the potter’s house, and, behold, anything that He does not give information,
he was working at his wheel” (vs 1-3). You’ve seen knowledge and a chance of repentance.] …I will
pictures of these where they have the big wheel, they repent of the evil…’” (vs 7-8).
have the clay and they have water and they spin by
their feet. They’re making whatever they want to. Classic case in Nineveh and Jonah going to
You can make the clay real nice and soft and you can the Assyrians. He came preaching that God was
make it into almost anything. If you make it too hard going to destroy that whole nation in 120 days. Jonah
it lumps up and breaks up. In the middle, while he’s got upset. He was telling God, ‘If I went there and
making something, if he doesn’t like what he’s said so, they would do just like I said. Why did you
making, he just squashes it down with his hands and have me come here and do it.’ He complained to
starts again. Gets a little more water and sprinkles it God. God showed him a thing or two. After he got
on there and gets it the right texture and begins done preaching he sat down in the heat and a gourd
making another vessel. That’s what he was doing. grew up and gave him a little shade and he still
didn’t learn the lesson. God sent a worm to cut it
Verse 4: “And the vessel that he made of down. He said, ‘Oh, God, what did You take down
clay was ruined in the hand of the potter; so he made the gourd for?’ Jonah as always talking against God.
it again into another vessel, as seemed good to the
potter to make it…. [The potter has full choice over What happened after Jonah preached and told
it. This is what God is telling us.] …Then the Word them to repent? They all repented! Lo and behold,
of the LORD came to me, saying, ‘O house of Israel, the king said, ‘I’m declaring a fast. Everybody fast,
can I not do with you even as this potter?’ says the sackcloth and ashes, don’t eat, don’t drink, and none
LORD…. [We might ask this other church: O, of the animals. Maybe God will lift His hand—three-
Church of God, can God do with you as this potter day fast.’ God told Jonah, ‘Look, they repented.’ I
Romans Series #24
Romans 9:14-33
told You they would! ‘Yeah, but you had to go in calling every one of us. If we really understand
preach.’ They had 120 years before they came down. that and fully grasp it then it will just be marvelous,
brethren, indeed! Then he’s showing that God,
Remember what happened when it came to because of man viewing God from the wrong
Josiah and he heard the words of the curse that were perspective, will do the opposite of what man thinks
written in the Book. The temple of the Lord was so God ought to do. Those people who have the name
absolutely deserted and destroyed that they didn’t of God put upon them—Israel—in rejecting God can
even have a Bible. The priests were in there cleaning no longer claim God: I’m Your people! He’ll turn
it out, trying to get it ready to do something and lo and chose those who were not His people and say to
and behold they came across the Book of the them, ‘You are My people.’
Covenant. Hilkiah the priest—who was the great-
grandfather of Ezra—came running and read the Verse 25: “Even as He also said in Hosea, ‘I
words in the ears of the King Josiah and Josiah will call those who are not My people, “My
repented. He said, ‘Oh, this is terrible. Send Huldah people”… [that’s referring to the Church, brethren.]
the prophetess—only a woman left and she was there …and those who were not beloved, “Beloved.”….
in the wardrobe—and find out what the Word of the [You need to understand that, God loves you!]
Lord is. She said, ‘You go back and tell the man that …And it shall be, in the place where it was said to
sent you, King Josiah, because your heart is tender, them, “You are not My people,” there they shall be
God will not bring any of these things in your day.’ called the sons of the living God’” (vs 25-26). The
They had the great reform and the Passover (2- things that are not, the things that are nothing,
Chron. 35). “…they shall be called the sons of the living God!”
What happened after God showed mercy to Verse 27: “But Isaiah cried out concerning
Josiah? He didn’t remember it! Sixteen years later Israel, ‘Even if the number of the children of Israel
there was a battle against the Egyptians and he was shall be as the sand of the sea… [Even though there
told not to go up. ‘I’m going to go up anyway.’ So he are great numbers of the children of Israel] …the
vanity got the best of him. He said, ‘I’ll go up in a remnant shall be saved!’” A small number. So
disguise.’ What happened? An arrow found him! Got therefore, even Israel cannot gloat in the physical
him and he died. That’s when Jeremiah started his things that God has given, because out of that just a
lamentations, because he knew that was it; no more few. If you take away the people who have the Spirit
deferring the anger of God. of God in the United States out of Israel, compared
to the rest of Israel, it’s just a remnant—right? I
Verse 9: “And if at any time I shall speak mean, all we have to do is just look at us. We’re not
concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to the many; we’re the few.
build it and to plant it; if it does evil in My sight…
[Now it’s on the other hand] …that it not obey My Verse 28 (KJV)—this one has been so
voice, then I will repent of the good with which I misused and misunderstood. “For He will finish the
said I would do them good” (vs 9-10). Then God work, and cut it short in righteousness; because a
used this as a demonstration of what He was going to short work will the Lord make upon the earth.” It has
do to all of Judah. been explained this way: ‘Brethren, you better hurry
up and get right with God because the time is short
In all of this, this is to show ‘I will show and He could cut it short at any time.’ That’s not
mercy to whom I will show mercy, and I will have what that means.
compassion on whom I will have compassion.’
Let’s go to Matthew 24, where that has also
Romans 9:22: “And who dares to question been used in the same way; then we’ll get the true
His purpose if God, willing to show His wrath and to meaning of it. I know that when I was translated this,
make known His own power, in much long- I was very surprised at this. I did a lot of double-
suffering, chose to put up with the vessels of wrath checking to make sure that the way I translated it
which have been created for destruction… [That’s was correct.
quite a statement—isn’t it? God raised Pharaoh up
for destruction! For what purpose?] …and that He Matthew 24:21: “For then shall there be great
might make known the riches of His glory unto the tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning
vessels of mercy… [That He may show His mercy to of the world until this time, nor ever shall be again.
those who have been oppressed.] …which He has And if those days were not limited [shortened,
before prepared unto glory, those of us whom He KJV)” (vs 21-22). ‘Shortened’ gives the implication
also called, not from among the Jews only, but also that there is a certain length of time, but God is going
from among the Gentiles?” (vs 22-24). to shorten that length of time. That is not what it
means. He gave a limited number of days or time in
So, he’s showing now this all gets down to which this would happen—which was what? Three
the calling that God has. God had a specific purpose and a half years! He limited the time! He’s not going
Romans Series #24
Romans 9:14-33
to ‘cut it short.’ It’s going to be 3-1/2 years. He’s not because it is a legal premise, legalism which they
going to cut it short at one or one and a half. It’s have done outside the laws of God.
been completely misunderstood. It doesn’t mean to
shorten in the sense that you’re going to cut it off So if anyone comes to you and says to you
from its original intended length. that you, as commandment-keepers, are legalists.
No! It’s the other way around. Legalism has to do
Romans 9:28: “‘For He is accomplishing and with setting up your own righteousness apart from
limiting the matter in righteousness; because the the righteousness of God. So, in both cases, the Jews
Lord is limiting the matter He is doing upon the on one hand never attained it, and the Protestants of
earth.’” How does that tie in with the remnant? God Israel, on the other hand, never attained it—though
has a set time for this age of the Church! He is both of them had the opportunity.
limiting the number that He is calling. That’s what it
means. It doesn’t mean He’s going to cut the time Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter;
except where noted
shorter than supposed, but He has limited the matter. Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
It’s not a universal thing; it’s limited. Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
Romans Series #25
Romans 9:30-10:13
Romans 9:30: “What then shall we say? That keeping, all law-keeping that God has is required
the Gentiles, which did not follow after and good and right and fine and true and should be
righteousness, have obtained righteousness, but it is done in faith. That’s why if you keep the Sabbath,
the righteousness which is by faith. But Israel, which you should keep the Sabbath in faith and in spirit.
was following after a law of righteousness, did not
attain to a law of righteousness. Why? Because their Here’s what happens when you have all the
effort was not by faith, but as it were by works of legalism and why they did not obtain to the
law… [Remember what we said about works of law. righteousness of God. They had many, many
When it is works of law this means a law which was different t laws. Mark 7:1: “Then the Pharisees and
created in addition to the commandments of God, some of the scribes from Jerusalem came together to
such as the Jews have.] …because they stumbled Him. And when they saw some of His disciples
upon the Stone of Stumbling, exactly as it has been eating with defiled hands (that is, unwashed hands),
written, ‘Behold, I place in Sion a Stone of they found fault. For the Pharisees and all the Jews,
Stumbling and a Rock of Offense, and everyone who holding fast to the tradition of the elders…” (vs 1-
is believing on Him shall not be ashamed.’” (vs 30- 3). That is a work of law! Legalism is devising your
33). own religious laws, which then replace the laws of
God, and they get so focused in on it that they do not
Romans 10:1: “Brethren, truly the desire of keep the laws of God in the spirit.
my own heart, and my supplication to God for them,
is for their salvation. Indeed, I bear witness of them Let’s understand something else concerning
that they have a zeal for God, but it is not according to legalism. You have Jewish legalism—which is
knowledge [of God]. For they, being ignorant of the contained in the code of Jewish law and the Talmud
righteousness of God, and seeking to establish their and the Kabala. You have the code of Catholic
own righteousness, have not submitted to the law—which is contained in Catholic law. You have
righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of works the codes of Protestant laws—which are their laws.
of law for righteousness to everyone who is And one of the most outstanding things you can say
believing. For Moses wrote concerning the about having a legal law is the requirement of
righteousness which derived from the law, ‘The man Sunday-worship instead of Sabbath. That is total
who has practiced those things shall live by them.’ legalism. So when you have a Protestant that
But the righteousness which is derived faith speaks commandment-keeping is legalism, NO! it’s the
after this manner…” (vs 1-6). other way around. Commandment-keeping is not
legalism; commandment-keeping is what God
Righteousness from v 30=11 times: requires.
• the righteousness of law vs the • Sunday-keeping is legalism!
righteousness of faith—we covered that • Christmas-keeping is legalism!
very thoroughly in Rom. 5 • Keeping Sabbath in the synagogue the way
• the righteousness of law is the the Jews keep it is legalism!
righteousness that is derived from Israel That is not keeping the Sabbath
from keeping the letter of the law. according to God’s ways.
• the righteousness which is by faith is the
faith that God gives you as a gift, the Let me read to you from the Code of Jewish Law
imputed righteousness of Christ concerning hand washing (vol. 1, chapter 40:
Israel (Rom. 9:31), which had a law of righteousness Washing the Hands Before Meals: (1)
didn’t attain to it. Why? Because their efforts were Before eating bread over which the
not by faith (v 32). But as it were, by works of law, benediction Hamotzi (who bringeth forth)
and they stumbled. They were looking to the is said, one must wash his hands first. If
nationalistic thing; they were looking to their law— the bread is no less than the size of an egg,
The Code of Jewish Law. There are thousand and he must say the benediction for washing
thousands of laws! Here’s what happens with the hands…
works of law: When you have a work of law, which You have to say a benediction for washing hands
you have created, which replaces a law of God, you before you wash them.
have created legalism! You have a religion by …but if it is less than that, he need not say
legalism according to a law. All commandment- the benediction.
Romans Series #25
Romans 9:30-10:13
So, you go around with this little egg-size from his sleep in the morning is like a
thing to measuring your bread. What size of an egg? newborn creature, insofar as the worship of
a canary egg? or an ostrich egg? I mean, who’s to the Creator is concerned, he should prepare
say? You see how these things get all carried away. himself for worship by washing his hands
out of a vessel, just as the priests used to
(2) The water used for washing the hands wash their hands daily out of the wash-
must be poured out of a vessel that is basin before performing their service in the
perfect, having neither a hole nor a crack. Temple….
It must also be even at the top without any
indents or projecting parts. When using a In the first place, they are not priests.
vessel having a spout, we must not let the
water run through the spout, because that This hand-washing is based on the biblical
part is not the vessel proper since it does verse: (Psa. 26:6-7): “I will wash my hands
not hold any liquid. We must, therefore, in innocency, and I will compass Thy altar,
pour the water from the edge of the vessel O Lord; that I may publish with a loud
which contains the liquid. voice,” etc. There is another reason given
by the Kabbalists…
(5) After washing both hands, we rub them
together and then, raise them upward, as it This comes from Kabbalism, the Talmud.
is written (Psa. 134:2): “Lift up your …(Zohar, quoted in Beth Joseph), for this
hands,” etc. Then, before drying them, we morning hand-washing; when a mans is
recite the benediction: “Blessed art Thou, asleep, the holy soul departs from his
O Lord our God, King of the universe, body, and an unclean spirit descends upon
who hath sanctified us by His him. When rising from sleep, the unclean
commandments and hath commanded us spirit departs from his entire body, except
concerning the washing of the hands.”…. from his fingers, and does not depart until
NO! God never commanded concerning the washing one spills water upon them three times
of the hands. alternately. One is not allowed to walk
four cubits (six feet) without having one’s
(6) If after pouring the water upon one hands washed, except in cases of extreme
hand, he touched it with the other hand, or necessity.
someone else had touched it, the water on
the hand becomes contaminated by the The reason all of these are there is to hedge everyone
contact. with so many laws they can’t possibly sin. Sin is in
the mind! These things do not control the mind.
Ooooo, very bad! Anything that is outward, legalism, does not
accomplish the righteousness of faith—which is by
The hand must, therefore, be dried and belief with the Holy Spirit within you! Here’s the
then washed a second time. But if that whole principle of why they do these things: That a
happens aft6er he had pronounced the person will acquire a feeling of reverence and
benediction, the benediction need not be humility and will be ashamed and afraid to do
repeated. anything wrong. That is all negativism. That is all
(11) Before washing the hands, we must religion based upon fear. And this is only sample. It
examine them to make sure that there is no would take me months to read the thousands of these
coating on them, as that would be an laws aloud to you—and you would be bored to death
obstruction between the hands and the upon hearing them.
water. If we have big nails, we must clean Another one is: If two are reading the
them well, so that there would be no clay Scriptures and they have this little lamp—the little
or dirt under them, as that, too, is lamp with the wick hanging out the side—if it runs
considered an obstruction. We must also low on oil you may not tip it to keep the light going.
remove the rings from the fingers before But if there are two of you, one may tip it.
the washing.
And on and on and on and on! There are hundreds of Another one Is: On the Sabbath, if a bushel
laws! Ridiculous! I’ll read the one Hand Washing in basket of apples falls over you may not put them
the Morning, that one is always hilarious—upon back into the basket if they’re spread out too far. If
rising in the morning. Christ condemned it! they’re close you can put them back and set it up.
But if they’re spread out too far, you can’t put them
Vol. 1, Chapter 2, Hand Washing in the back because that’s harvesting. However, you may
Morning: (1) Since every man upon rising eat them one at a time.
Romans Series #25
Romans 9:30-10:13
All of that has nothing to do with God! What merciful to me, a sinner.’ He went down justified,
they wanted to do, instead of filling their minds with not the Pharisee.] …But in vain do they worship Me,
the Word of God, they wanted to fill their minds teaching for doctrine the commandments of men.”
with all of their laws to make them ashamed and to For leaving the commandment of God, you hold fast
control them. That’s why Judaism is anti-God— the tradition of men, such as the washing of pots and
Christ says so! cups; and you practice many other things like this.’
Then He said to them, ‘Full well do you reject the
Mark 7:4: “Even when coming from the commandment of God, so that you may observe
market, they do not eat unless they first wash your own tradition’” (vs 6-9). That’s why they never
themselves. And there are many other things that attained to the righteousness of what God wanted
they have received to observe, such as the washing them to do, because they didn’t live in the
of cups and pots and brass utensils and tables…. commandments of God; they lived in their own!
[and I could read all of those to you] …For this They couldn’t attain to it.
reason, the Pharisees and the scribes questioned
Him, saying, ‘Why don’t Your disciples walk God is turning the tables around completely
according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread and He’s taking the people that they hate—the
with unwashed hands?’ And He answered and said Gentiles—and offering them salvation, and giving
to them, ‘Well did Isaiah prophesy concerning you them justification by faith and righteousness before
hypocrites, as it is written, “This people honors Me God. That’s something!
with their lips, but their hearts are far away from Me.
But in vain do they worship Me…”’” (vs 4-7) Romans 9:32: “why? Because their effort
was not by faith, but as it were by works of law;
Their heart is where? On their laws, not because they stumbled upon the Stone of
toward God! Can you imagine all the picayunishness Stumbling… [What was that ‘Stumbling Stone’?
that goes on: Jesus Christ! The Son of God! The Word of God!]
…exactly as it has been written, “Behold, I place in
• Did you wash your hand? Sion a Stone of Stumbling and a Rock of Offense,
• Did you not wash your hands? and everyone who is believing on Him shall not be
• Did you have it in the right pot? ashamed” (vs 32-33).
• Did you pour it from the edge?
• Did you pour it through a spout? Let’s look at this Rock of Offense and Stone
• Did you have on your right clothes when of Stumbling. We’re going to see some very
you got up in the morning? interesting things here concerning it. You can read in
• Did you wash your hands? the Scriptures that nothing is impossible for God!
And then to whom God gave His Word, they say,
• Did you put on your underwear correct? ‘How can God become a man?’ That’s a big
All of that is there! It is! Do you have your stumbling stone for them.
phylacteries on? Do you have all your merit badges 1-Corinthians 1:21 “For since in the wisdom
on? When they eat a meal of God the world through its own wisdom did not
• there’s a benediction before you start know God… [You’ve got on the other hand the
• there’s a benediction for meat Gentiles who had their problems: ‘We have our
• there’s a benediction for vegetables philosophy and we have our thoughts and our
• there’s a benediction for fruit religion’—which are what? Works of law! Right?
• there’s a benediction for wine Yes!] …did not know God…” Just like the articles
that was given to me. Isn’t it nice that 60% of
• there’s a benediction for water scientist are able to say, ‘We are able to find a place
And you say grace and amen all the way through for God.’ Isn’t that nice. Wait until God finds your
and throw your hands up in the air—hallelujah, and place, you’ll change your mind.
all that sort of thing. NONSENSE! Even most of the “For the Jews require a sign…” (v 22). How
Jews don’t observe those things. but this is what the many did Jesus give?
code of Jewish law has done. That’s why Paul said,
‘They did not attain to the righteousness of God.’ • healed the sick
This is not the righteousness of God. This is the • raised the dead
foolishness of demented minds of religious • gave sight to the born blind
—which the Jews had in their own writing was a
“‘‘…their hearts are far away from Me…. sign of the Messiah. You go back and listen to the
[and that’s what God wants; He wants your heart. sermon The Three Miracles of Jesus. the three major
Just like the Publican who repented, said, ‘God be miracles which were taken right out of the writings
Romans Series #25
Romans 9:30-10:13
of the Jews that these three miracles would prove you sanctify, and let Him be your fear, and let Him
Who the Messiah was. Jesus did all three of them be your dread. And He shall be a sanctuary for
publicly, notoriously, openly, and they still rejected you—but for a Stone of Stumbling, and for a Rock
Him. That’s why he became a Stone of Stumbling. of Offence to both the houses of Israel…’” (vs 11-
14). The house of Judah and the house of Israel.
“For the Jews require a sign and the Greeks How is He a Stone of Stumbling to both? To the Jews
seek after wisdom… [Yes, we must be smart!] …but on the one hand—they rejected Him because they
we proclaim Christ crucified…. [that’s where we
need to focus in on] …To the Jews it is a cause of • did not believe what He did
offense [stumbling block], and to the Greeks it is • did not believe that God could be
foolishness; but to those who are called—both Jews manifested in the flesh
and Greeks—Christ is God’s power and God’s • were not willing to throw away all of their
wisdom’ (vs 22-24). So, those are really some strong laws and follow Christ
words. What were the three miracles?
To the house of Israel, on the other hand, who now
1. man born blind are the Protestants today, basically speaking, He’s a
2. man who was born crippled Stone of Stumbling in as much as they want His
3. raising from the dead grace, but they don’t want to keep His
That’s why Lazarus’ death was so important at the commandments, so they have their own legalism in
last. He let him be dead four days. The Jews say it Sunday-keeping. It’s amazing, brethren! Why
takes 72 hours to be officially dead. So He left him should the Church of God go to the religions of the
dead four days and the disciples said, ‘Why didn’t world and say, ‘How do you worship God? because
You come, he would have lived.’ Lazarus is we want to do the same.’ And that’s how the
sleeping! ‘He’d be lucky if he’s sleeping.’ Finally, Worldwide Church of God was taken down! The
Jesus said, ‘Yes he is dead, but this is for the glory true Christ became a Stumbling Stone. We’re
of God. What did the Jews want to do with Lazarus? called what? A cult, legalists, and all of those
Kill him! and kill Christ! So those are pretty things which are not true!
powerful witnesses. He was a stumbling stone. • You show me one place in the whole
Let’s continue on with this ‘Stone of Scripture where you’re condemned for
Stumbling’; I was amazed at how many times it’s keeping the commandments of God.
mentioned and how this is brought out in so many • You show me one place where you are
different places. 1-Peter 2:6: “For this reason it says condemned for believing in Christ.
in the Scripture, ‘Behold, I place in Zion the • You show me one place where you are
Cornerstone, chosen and precious; and the one who condemned for keeping the same days as
believes in Him shall never be put to shame.’ The Jesus kept.
preciousness is to you, therefore, who believe; but to • You show me one place where you’re
those who disobey… [The worst disobedience is not condemned for not eating unclean meats.
to go out and sin. The worst disobedience is to create
your own righteousness, with your own laws and You can’t! No! No way!
reject the laws of God. What are you doing when “‘…and for a trap and for a snare to the
you do that? You’re making yourself God! That’s inhabitants of Jerusalem. And many among them
why the sinner that repents is justified.] …the Stone shall stumble and fall and be broken, and be snared,
that the builders rejected has become the Head of the and be taken…. [prophecy of the destruction of
corner, and a Stone of Stumbling and a Rock of Jerusalem] …Bind up the testimony, seal the law
Offense; especially to those who stumble at the among My disciples’” (vs 14-16). A prophecy of the
Word, being disobedient, unto which unbelief they New Testament. Christ said He came to ‘fulfill the
also were appointed” (vs 6-8). law’—and that was brought in Matt. 5-7. He filled it
up among His disciples.
Let’s see where this comes out of the book
of Isaiah. I think we’ll be amazed what it says here, “And I will wait upon the LORD, who hides
and how that refers to the Church and the disciples His face from the house of Jacob; and I will trust in
and so forth. Him. Behold, I and the children whom the LORD
has given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel
Isaiah 8:11: “For thus the LORD spoke to from the LORD of hosts, Who dwells in Mount
me with a strong hand, and warned me against Zion” (vs 17-18). That’s what the apostles were.
walking in the way of this people, saying, ‘Do not You read in the book of Acts and see all the signs
say, “A conspiracy!” to everything of which this and wonders that they did—absolutely dumbfounded
people says, “A conspiracy!” And do not fear their the Jews. They were so angry at the miracles and the
fear, nor be afraid. The LORD of hosts, Him shall healings that the apostles were doing. And, of
Romans Series #25
Romans 9:30-10:13
course, it culminated in the final witness against correct? Yes! Matthew 21:42: “Jesus said to them,
them with Stephen, when he was martyred. ‘Have you never read in the Scriptures…
[Interesting statement, isn’t it? They got so busy
Psalm 118:19: “Open to me the gates of with their laws that they never read the Scriptures.]
righteousness; I will go through them, and I will …“The Stone that the builders rejected [Psa. 118],
praise the LORD. This is the gate of the LORD; the this has become the head of the corner. This was
righteous shall enter through it. I will praise You, for from the Lord, and it is wonderful in our eyes”?
You have answered me and have become my Because of this, I say to you, the Kingdom of God
salvation…. [There is a gate of righteousness that we shall be taken from you, and it shall be given to a
go through—what is that? Christ is the door! ‘I am nation that produces the fruits of it…. [That nation is
the door.’] …The Stone which the builders rejected the Church; not yet a nation, but will be a nation of
has become the Head Stone of the corner. This is the spirit beings.] …And the one who falls on this Stone
LORD’S doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is shall be broken… [broken with repentance; you fall
the day which the LORD has made; we will rejoice on the Stone with great repentance and yieldedness
and be glad in it. Save now, I beseech You, O to God] …but on whomever it shall fall, it will grind
LORD; O LORD, I beseech You, cause us to him to powder’” (vs 42-44). Just like a hammer just
prosper now. Blessed is he who comes in the name breaks the stone into nothing.
of the LORD; we have blessed You out of the house
of the LORD” (vs 19-26). “Now after hearing His parables, the chief
priests and the Pharisees knew that He was speaking
What did Jesus say, the last thing He said to about them…. [and they fell at His feet and
Jerusalem? You won’t see Me anymore until you say repented—NO! That’s what they should have done.]
‘Blessed be He who comes in the name of the Lord.’ …And they sought to arrest Him… [they had been
This is all a prophecy about Christ. looking for the opportunity, let’s get Him] …but
Let’s look another prophecy concerning they were afraid of the multitudes, because they held
Christ as far as the Stone is concerned, and then Him as a prophet” (vs 45-46).
we’ll see how this applies as Christ applied it in the Mark 12:10—the parallel account: “‘Have
New Testament. you not read even this Scripture: “The Stone that the
Jeremiah 23:28: “‘The prophet who has a builders rejected, this has become the head of the
dream, let him tell a dream. And he who has My corner; this was from the Lord, and it is wonderful in
Word, let him speak My Word faithfully….” That’s our eyes”?’ Then they sought to arrest Him…” (vs
what it has to be, brethren. That’s why the one thing 10-12)—and so forth.
that was good and right with Worldwide was ‘prove When Peter and the apostles were answering
it in your Bible, prove all things unless it’s in the for the healing of the man at the Gate Beautiful; this
Bible.’ When they got away from that—believe what is what he told them, standing there before all these
I say, do what I tell you—then they got away from religious figures, right in the Sanhedrin. They said,
proving it out of the Scriptures. You have to deal ‘How did you do this? By what name and power?’
faithfully with the Word of God.
Acts 4:8: “Then Peter, filled with the Holy
“…What is the chaff to the wheat?’ says the Spirit, said to them, ‘Rulers of the people and elders
LORD. ‘Is not My Word like a fire?’ says the of Israel, if we are examined this day as to a good
LORD, ‘and like a hammer that breaks the rock in work done to the infirm man, by what power he has
pieces? Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets been cured… [and he’s standing right here next to
who steal My words each one from his neighbor. him] …be it known to you all, and to all the people
Behold, I am against the prophets who use their of Israel, that in the name of Jesus Christ the
tongues and say, “He says,” when I did not say. Nazarean, Whom you crucified, but Whom God has
Behold, I am against those who prophesy false raised from the dead, by Him this man stands before
dreams and tell them, and cause My people to go you whole…. [What a witness this was] …This is
astray by their lies and by their wantonness. Yet I the Stone that was set at naught by you, the builders,
did not send them nor command them; therefore they which has become the Head of the corner. And there
shall not profit this people at all,’ says the LORD” is no salvation in any other, for neither is there
(vs 28-32). And that’s a fulfillment of it here in another name under heaven which has been given
Rom. 9, that they had a law of righteousness, but among men, by which we must be saved’” (vs 8-12).
didn’t attain to righteousness. They brought That’s something! They really brought this out!
everything else in it!
Let’s go to Ephesians, the second chapter,
Let’s come to Matthew 21 and see how and let’s see how the Apostle Paul used it in
Christ used these words, and He used it in no reference to the Church and things done there. Paul
uncertain terms. Of course, He is the Word of God— is completing the thought here about building the
Romans Series #25
Romans 9:30-10:13
Church, talking to the Gentiles. Ephesians 2:19: “So true, my, aren’t we a ‘religious’ people today?
then, you are no longer aliens and foreigners; but Churches everywhere!] …but it is not according to
you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of the knowledge.”
household of God. You are being built up on the
foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Ask them, ‘Have you ever read…?’ No, they
Himself being the chief Cornerstone” (vs 19-20). It’s haven’t read the Bible! ‘Do you have one?’ Yes! ‘Do
interesting, Christ is the only foundation upon which you read it in church?’ Most of the time! ‘How much
you build—correct? do you cover in there?’ well…. ‘Have you really read
it all the way through yourself. I mean, have you sat
I’ve seen how they built the Empire State down one time, read it all the way through—cover to
Building. They had a huge cornerstone that had to be cover—just yourself?’ No, don’t need to do that!
laid absolutely precisely in the right place, and that Catholics are forbidden to do it, so don’t even ask
was way at the bottom of the building, not a them; it doesn’t mean anything to them.
capstone at the top, but right at the bottom of the
building, because that whole building had to be built No, it’s “…not according to knowledge. For
from that one chief cornerstone. Everything else had they, being ignorant of the righteousness of God,
to come from that. It had to have the angles perfectly and seeking to establish their own righteousness,
straight; had to be a perfect 90-degree angle on the have not submitted to the righteousness of God” (vs
corner. It had to be absolutely flat, a 180-degree cut 2-3). {See sermons The Two Righteousness’ I & II
on the top of it, all the way across the surface of it, this series; get Belief’s of the Christian Biblical
and then it had to be laid and squared into the Church of God and read about the two righteousness
foundational setting so that it would lay absolutely there—righteousness of the law and righteousness of
perfect. That would affect clear to the very top of the faith.} The righteousness of faith is:
building. For those of you who build, you know this. • you believe in Christ
Once you lay the foundation, if you get that • you repent, you’re baptized
foundation off just a little bit, you’re going to be • you receive the Holy Spirit
way off when you get up high. • God imputes His righteousness to you
That’s what it’s talking about here, v 21: “In • you stand in grace
Whom all the building, being conjointly fitted
together… [because the Cornerstone is correct] …is Nothing, no law, no rule, no regulation can replace
increasing into a Holy temple in the Lord; in Whom that! Another way to look at it is this: Nothing can
you also are being built together for a habitation of substitute for Christ!—period! nothing!
God in the Spirit” (vs 21-22). Then that is the “….seeking to establish their own
righteousness, have not submitted to the
I don’t think at this point that Paul fully righteousness of God” (v 3).
understood all of how God was going to do what He Let’s see how Paul also brought this up in
was going to do. As you read the Apostle Paul’s Romans 7:5: “For as long as we were in the flesh,
writings, you understand that in his earlier writings the passions of sins, which were through the law…
that he was expecting Christ to return during his [the law defines sin] …did produce within our own
lifetime. Then there came a point—and I think it’s
beings that which resulted in the bringing forth fruit
demonstrative to show that when James, the brother unto death. But now at this time, we have been
Jesus, was martyred about 63A.D. and Christ had not discharged from the law… [which brought that
returned and all the turmoil was going on that God
death. That doesn’t mean that there’s no law to keep.
revealed to Paul that Christ wasn’t returning then.
In other words, the claim of death has been satisfied
But when you read this statement, he has kind of the
upon baptism.] …because we have died to that in
sound that, yes, they’re going to be saved.
which we were held; therefore, the result is that we
Romans 10:1: “Brethren, truly the desire of are to serve in newness of the spirit, and not in the
my own heart, and my supplication to God for them, oldness of the letter” (vs 5-6). That is the
is for their salvation.” So, I would have to say at this righteousness of God—in spirit, not in letter.
point, yes, that’s fine, that’s marvelous, that’s
wonderful, but here there is no understanding Romans 5:15: But shall not as the offense
whatsoever of the second resurrection. There’s kind was, even so shall the free gift be? Because if by the
of an illusion to it (Rom. 11) by saying that by the transgression of one man [Adam] many died… [we
wisdom of God He’s going to work it all out. But all received the sin of law and death] …much more
here there is none. profoundly did the grace of God, and the gift of
grace, which is by the one man, Jesus Christ, abound
Verse 2: “Indeed, I bear witness of them that unto many. And the free gift is not like that which
they have a zeal for God… [This is their own. Isn’t it came through the one who had sinned, because on
Romans Series #25
Romans 9:30-10:13
the one hand, judgment was by one unto NEVER BE! We who died to sin, how shall we live
condemnation; but on the other hand, the free gift is any longer therein?” (vs 1-2). If there is no law you
to the justification of many offenses. For if by the can’t be living in sin. But he’s saying here, “…How
offense of one man death reigned by the one, how shall we live any longer therein?” That shows that
much more profoundly shall it be to those who are the law is established through grace by showing the
receiving the abundance of grace and the gift of true meaning of it.
righteousness… [so, you have the gift of grace and
the gift of righteousness—which is the righteousness Verse 15: “What then? Shall we sin, because
of Christ] …that they shall reign in life by the One we are not under law, but under grace? MAY IT
Jesus Christ” (vs 15-17). NEVER BE!”
That is given to us as a gift! That’s why that Romans 7:7: “What then shall we say? Is the
kind of righteousness can never be substituted for law sin? MAY IT NEVER BE!….” The law is
anything else! Nothing else can replace it. They spiritual and Holy and just and true. Can you do
didn’t submit to the righteousness of God. Another away with something spiritual? MAY IT NEVER BE!
way of putting it: Isn’t Christ also the righteousness So Paul is not by any stretch of the imagination
of God? They didn’t submit to Christ! saying here that Christ did away with the law.
Romans 10:4—this has always been a great I believe this is the most proper translation of
controversy. Here’s where people turn—in the King it, Romans 10:4: “For Christ is the end of works of
James—to show that the law has been eliminated by law for righteousness to everyone who is believing.”
Christ, Romans 10:4 (KJV): “For Christ is the end of What is that to do for us if we are believing?
the law for righteousness to everyone that believes.” Romans 8:3: “For what was impossible for
When they read that they say Christ ended the law. the law to do, in that it was weak through the flesh,
That isn’t what it says. God having sent His own Son in the likeness of
(go to the next track) sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh;
in order that the righteousness of the law should
Someone will get out their Strong’s be fulfilled in us, who are not walking according to
Concordance and you look up the Greek word for the flesh, but according to the Spirit” (vs 3-4). That
end and ‘telos’—it says, end, purpose, goal, is how the righteousness of God is given, and it
attainment, fulfillment. So they say, for those who comes through belief. Belief then means:
still believe in law, Christ is the purpose of the law.
Well, that’s a fairly good understanding of it, but not • repentance
entirely, because what are we talking about here? • baptism
Works of law (Rom. 9:32)—right? • walking in faith
So when it is here, it is: Christ is not the end • receiving the Holy Spirit
of THE law, but Christ is ‘telos nomos’—end of law, • receiving the gift of righteousness
which then understood works of law. Christ • receiving the gift of imputed righteousness
eliminated all the works of law, which were added from Christ
by men. That’s what He’s done! He didn’t end the • you walk in God way with Christ in you
commandments of God. He said, ‘Until heaven and • you walk as Christ walked
earth passes, not one jot or tittle shall pass from the Did Christ ever sin? No! Was He not perfectly
law’—right? Yes! Was Paul saying that Christ ended righteous before God? Yes, indeed! No question!
the law? Does grace end law? No!
He answers the question here, Romans 3:31: Now, let’s come back to Romans 10:5 and I
“Are we, then, abolishing law through faith? MAY think we’ll see the difference: “For Moses wrote
IT NEVER BE!…. [I translated it that way to bring concerning the righteousness which is derived from
out the force of the Greek—‘me ginoito’: Don’t even the law, ‘The man who has practiced those things
let this thought come into mind. ‘Ginoi’ means to shall live by them.’…. [But the problem is, they
even produce the thought, let it come into being. didn’t! They added their own and replaced them!]
This means never let it be!] …On the contrary, we …But the righteousness which is derived from faith
are establishing law!” How do you establish law? By speaks after this manner… [This is quite interesting
having it in your heart and mind! You have the true the way he brings this out here]: …Do not be saying
law that is established; that’s what he’s talking about in your heart, ‘Who shall ascend up to heaven?’
here. (That is, to bring Christ down)…. [because He’s the
only One through Whom there’s salvation. Wasn’t it
Romans 6:1—referring to the righteousness true in pagan religions, if someone could finally get
which is of faith: “What then shall we say? Shall we up to God and finally get the message, finally just
continue in sin, so that grace may abound? MAY IT bring it down so we could do it—oh my, that would
Romans Series #25
Romans 9:30-10:13
be wonderful! But since no one could, no one did!] do it?’ But the word is very near you, in your mouth
…Or, ‘Who shall descend into the abyss?’ (That is, and in your heart, so that you may do it” (vs 11-14).
to bring Christ up from among the dead)” (vs 5-7). So Paul re-interprets this just a little bit,
understanding what it is concerning Christ.
Wasn’t that the whole thing with the
Egyptian religion? They went down into hades in the • Christ is the One Who brought it.
darkness. That was the whole cycle of the sun every • Christ is the One Who has the message.
day, going down through hell. He’s bringing out • Christ is the One Who has the
what everyone would think of. Well, if we could righteousness.
only communicate with those who are dead and find
out what they did which was wrong, then maybe we What would happen if someone went up to heaven
would know what to do. NO! and got it? Whose work would that be? Their own!
If they went into the abyss and got it? Their own
Verse 8: “But what does it say? ‘The Word work! Christ would be left out of it.
is near to you… [How near?] …in your mouth and
in your heart.’ That is the Word of faith which we Romans 10:8: “But what does it say? ‘The
are proclaiming.” What is he saying with this? Does Word is near to you, in your mouth and in your
everyone have the Word of God in their heart, in heart.’ That is the word of faith that we are
their mouth and in their mind? No! What he’s saying proclaiming. So then, if you are confessing with
is that God provided for them in their own language your mouth the Lord Jesus, and are believing in your
so that they would know. Once you have Christ in heart that God raised Him up from among the dead,
you, then it’s in your heart and in your mind. you shall be saved” (vs 8-9). Why does he say
heart? You have to believe it in the innermost part of
Let’s see where this prophecy is taken from your being! That’s why! It’s not just something you
(Deut. 30). This is also fulfilled in having the say, ‘I heard this and I believe it.’ It’s something you
Scripture in your own language. When you believe in your heart. Why? Because you may have
understand that the American Bible Society and to die for it! It has to be with the heart. Men have to
British Bible Society have produced the book of believe God, believe in the Word of God and so
Mark—which what they consider the basic essence forth.
of the Gospel—in over 2,200 languages. It is in your
heart and in your mind. They have the New Verse 10: “For with the heart one is
Testament in over a 1,000 languages. They have the believing unto righteousness… [that’s a true
entire Old and New Testament in over 250 righteousness; that is the most important thing that
languages, and have distributed them into the entire there is, that kind of belief] …and with the mouth
world! You can probably go to a motel some place one is confessing unto salvation, because the
way out in the remote reaches of nothing and open Scripture says, ‘Everyone who is believing on Him
up the drawer and find a Gideon Bible. shall not be ashamed.’ For there is no difference
between Jew and Greek, because the same Lord is
Someone from audience went to a rich toward all who are calling upon Him. For
conference in Southern California and it was at a everyone whosoever may call upon the name of the
rather ritzy hotel and opened the drawer to see if Lord shall be saved” (vs 10-13). What does this tell
there was a Bible and sure enough there was a us? They will be saved if
Gideon Bible, but the pagans had snuck in and there
was a book on Buddhism, too. So the competition is • they believe in Truth!
at hand. Buddhism in the Churches of God was not a • they call upon Him in Truth!
stretch by any imagination. • they repent in Truth!
Deuteronomy 30:11: “For this • they truly believe!
commandment which I command you today is not That’s what it’s talking about, not just some simple-
hidden from you, neither is it far off. It is not in minded profession like the Protestants interpret this,
heaven that you should say, ‘Who shall go up to that if you just say, ‘Do you believe?’ Oh, yes, I
heaven for us, and bring it to us, so that we may hear believe! ‘You’re saved.’ No, it has nothing to do
it and do it?’…. [Isn’t it interesting, the Word of with that.
God—the way it starts in the Gospel of John—“In
the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Everyone wants to do something for God, so
God, and the Word was God.’ That’s why John had that God will do something for them. After the
to write that. And that is so powerful when you feeding the 5,000, they came to Jesus and they
understand that. In Romans, Paul puts in the word wanted to know what they could do so they could
Christ, to bring Christ down.] …Neither is it beyond keep getting this automatic bread. You know, the
the sea that you should say, ‘Who shall go over the never diminishing loaf, you break it off and it grows.
sea for us to bring it to us, so that we may hear it and The never diminishing fish: you cut it and there’s
Romans Series #25
Romans 9:30-10:13
more. What Christ was doing with that and the 12 in the chariot as it’s going along and the Eunuch
baskets of and all of that, He was showing there was says, ‘There’s water, let’s do it!’
plenty of the Word of God to feed all that would
really come. Then it got narrowed down when they “‘…What is preventing me from being
wanted the food. baptized?’ And Philip said, ‘If you believe with all
your heart, it is permitted.’…. [Total commitment!]
So they found Him, John 6:28: “Therefore, …Then he answered and said, ‘I believe that Jesus
they said to Him, ‘What shall we do, in order that we Christ is the Son of God.’ And he commanded the
ourselves may do the works of God?’…. [Everyone one driving the chariot to stop; and they both went
wants to do something for God!] …Jesus answered down into the water, both Philip and the eunuch, and
and said to them, ‘This is the work of God… [Listen he baptized him. But when they came up out of the
very carefully, what is the work of God? Radio time, water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away; and the
television time, print magazines? NO!] (Right there, eunuch saw him no longer, but he went his way
there it is): …that you believe in Him Whom He rejoicing” (vs 37-39). I don’t know what the eunuch
has sent’” (vs 28-29). In other words, you believe thought or where Philip went. I don’t know how
on the Father. That the Father sent Christ, that Christ high in the air he was carried away, or whatever it
is the Christ, He is the Lord, and if you believe with was, but he was gone!
your heart. That takes away all works of law—
correct? Yes, it does, because you have to believe! Mark 16:16—showing that believing is the
That’s why He’s bringing it out this way. That’s part that needs to be emphasized, the believing part!
very important. They were all dismayed at that. They “The one who believes… [believing on an ongoing
didn’t know what to do. basis. In the Greek the words belief and faith are so
close that you could have it: the one who is
They said, ‘Give us bread.’ He said, ‘Okay, faithizing into Christ. You actually have such an
I’ll give you bread.’ Verse 35: “Jesus said to them, ‘I active faith, and it’s not just on Him or on His name,
am the bread of life… [That confounded them even but the Greek has it into! A real spiritual thing
more.] …the one who comes to Me shall never between you and Christ.] …and is baptized shall be
hunger; and the one who believes in Me shall never saved, but the one who does not believe shall be
thirst at any time.’” That’s why faith is so important condemned”—or shall be judged.
and that you believe in your heart to the very depths
of your soul and your being. Romans 3:22: “Even the righteousness of
God which is through faith of Jesus Christ… [Jesus’
A religion is a legal thing that you do. That own faith that brings that righteousness to us; His
is legalism! Do you see the difference between faith in us.] …toward all and upon all those who are
them? Do you understand what He’s talking about? believing, for there is no difference.”
The righteousness of the law, which was given,
that’s fine; and the commandments—that’s in the If you want a Strong’s Concordance study
letter. If they would have done it, they would have sometime, look up the words: believe, believeth,
believed in Christ even more. But they didn’t do it, believed in the book of John. He has more about
so they didn’t believe in Him. You can attain to a believing than anything else. List out all of the
certain level of righteousness with that, but you’ve things that you have to believe. It all comes back to
got to live in them. That doesn’t bring you Christ. believing on Christ and into.
Only God the Father can call you and bring you John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that
Christ. He gave His only begotten Son, so that everyone
Let’s see how this carries on with repentance who believes in Him… [believing, and the Greek for
and belief. This is Philip and the eunuch. The in means into. It is a spiritual something that comes
eunuch was reading in the scroll as he was going from you, to Christ and back to you, because you
along in whatever kind of horse-drawn vehicle: Acts have God’s Spirit in you. It goes to Christ and it
8:34: “And the eunuch answered and said to Philip, goes to Him in heaven above. It’s a very profound
‘I pray you, about whom does the prophet say thing, in Him!] …may not perish, but may have
this?…. [he was reading Isaiah] …About himself, or everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the
about another?’ Then Philip opened his mouth and, world that He might judge the world, but that the
beginning from this Scripture, preached to him the world might be saved through Him. The one who
Gospel of Jesus. And as they were going down the believes in Him is not judged, but the one who does
road, they came upon a certain pool of water; and the not believe has already been judged because he has
eunuch said, ‘Look, there is water!….’” (vs 34-37). not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of
He’s probably saying, ‘Yes, you need to repent; yes, God” (vs 16-18).
you need be baptized; you need to believe on Him. John 12:37—to show how profound that this
the Eunuch is looking at him—eyeball-to-eyeball— is. This is the kind of belief that Paul is talking about
Romans Series #25
Romans 9:30-10:13
here in Rom 10. He’s not just talking about an spoke is what the Father] …gave Me commandment
acknowledgement of a historical character. Himself, what I should say and what I should
“Although He had done so many miracles in their speak…. [That makes it far more profound. Who
presence, they did not believe in Him… [miracles shall go up to heaven to bring Christ down to us?
will not produce belief. You must choose to believe. No, He came voluntarily, and He spoke the words of
You can see all kinds of miracles, but say, ‘Yeah, the Father! Every word is what He was commanded
but….’ What did they say? Yeah, but by they did this to speak and what He should say.] …And I know
by Baalzebub. Yeah, but there was something that His commandment is eternal life. Therefore,
strange about this. Didn’t convince them.] …so that whatever I speak, I speak exactly as the Father has
the word of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled who told Me’” (vs 49-50).
said, ‘Lord, who has believed our report? And to
whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?’ For Hebrews 11:6—a very profound Scripture
this very reason they could not believe because again here: “Now without faith it is impossible to please
Isaiah said, ‘He has blinded their eyes and hardened God….” So, if we do the things that are pleasing to
their hearts… [Why would God do that? Because Him, we do it by faith.
God is going to exercise His will and for those who • You can’t please God by how much you
will not believe, He makes them even harder—‘I give.
would you were hot or cold.’ These are cold.] …so • You can’t please God by who you are.
that they would not see with their eyes and • You can’t please God by how much you
understand with their hearts, and be converted, and I have done.
would heal them’” (vs 37-40). • You must believe!
Brethren, when you read that, think about “…For it is mandatory for the one who comes to
your calling. Think about what God has done. What God to believe that He exists…” (v 6). Once you do
God has done is very special. What God has done in that, it will make a profound change in your life.
calling us is very unique in the world. Once you believe that God the Father is and Christ is
Verse 41: “Isaiah said these things when he His Son Whom He has sent, and He has done all of
saw His glory and spoke concerning Him. But even these things, that will make a great and profound
so, many among the rulers believed in Him; but change in your life.
because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, • You’re setting aside ‘religion.’
so that they would not be put out of the synagogue;
for they loved the glory of men more than the • You’re setting aside works of law—which men
glory of God” (vs 41-43). You can’t mix politics have given.
with true belief in God. It just won’t work! That’s • You’re asking God for a clean heart and a
another reason why the Churches of God are clean mind to do the things that God wants:
failing—too much politics, not enough belief. to love Him
to serve Him
Verse 44: “Then Jesus called out and said, to believe Him
‘The one who believes in Me does not believe in to live by every Word of God
Me, but in Him Who sent Me. And the one who sees
Me sees Him Who sent Me. I have come as a light That’s what God wants! That’s why when you
into the world so that everyone who believes in Me come to Him and believe that is “…and that He is a
may not remain in darkness…. [Then He gives the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (v 6).
key]: …But if anyone hears My words and does When is the reward going to be given? When are
not believe… [When you hear the words of Christ— the words, ‘well done good and faithful servant’
Who is God in the flesh, Who cannot lie, Who will going to be given? At the resurrection!
not lie, Who is total righteousness from God—you Not now in this life. We may have the total
better believe!] …I do not judge him; for I did not opposite of that, brethren. We don’t know what the
come to judge the world, but to save the world. The road is going to hold down in the future. Look how
one who rejects Me and does not receive My words quickly it’s changed just in one week with all that’s
has one who judges him; the word which I have going on in Washington, D.C., and Bill Clinton and
spoken, that shall judge him in the last day’” (vs 44- so forth. He doesn’t believe! No! We may find
48). So, the very words that they reject are the very things change so quickly.
words that are going to judge them. That’s awesome
to contemplate! That’s something! Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter;
except where noted
Verse 49: “‘For I have not spoken from Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
Myself; but the Father, Who sent Me… [In other
words, every word that is here, every word that Jesus
Romans Series #25
Romans 9:30-10:13
Scriptural References:
1) Romans 9:30-33
2) Romans 10:1-6
3) Mark 1:1-9
4) Romans 9:32-33
5) 1 Corinthians 1:21-24
6) 1 Peter 2:6-8
7) Isaiah 8:11-18
8) Psalm 119:19-26
9) Jeremiah 23:28-32
10) Matthew 21:42-46
11) Mark 12:10-12
12) Acts 4:8-12
13) Ephesians 2:19-22
14) Romans 10:1-3
15) Romans 7:5-6
16) Romans 5:15-17
17) Romans 10:4
18) Romans 3:31
19) Romans 6:1-2, 15
20) Romans 7:7
21) Romans 10:4
22) Romans 8:3-8
23) Romans 10:5-8
24) Deuteronomy 30:11-14
25) Romans 10:8-13
26) John 6:28-29, 35
27) Acts 8:34-39
28) Mark 16:16
29) Romans 3:22
30) John 3:16-18
31) John 12:37-50
32) Hebrews 11:6
Also referenced:
Book: Code of Jewish Law by Solomon Ganzfried & Hyman
Romans Series #26
Romans 10-11
This section here is used by Protestants to legalism. There is a proper work of law that God has
show that it’s all right to do away with the laws of given in the way of animal sacrifices for the Old
God. They claim that it’s all right for them to go Covenant. But since Christ is the sacrifice, all those
ahead and pick and choose, which laws they will and animal sacrifices no longer apply. So, Christ ended
will not do based upon how they feel about it. all of the work of law of sacrifices. He also ended
There’s one very important principle, which is the works of law for righteousness.
important for us to realize, which is this: If you
judge the law you are no longer a doer of the law, That’s why I translated Romans 10:4: “For
but a judge! Another important principle that goes Christ is the end of works of law for
along with that—what did James say? If you keep righteousness… [Righteousness now comes in a
the law, yet break it in one point, you have broken different way. Righteousness does not just come
all of the law! So, here’s the thing that happens, and from an exterior thing that you are doing.
here’s the difficulty that occurs. Protestants read this Righteousness now comes from the inside, based
in the King James upon faith and belief, which then is stronger, is
greater, and has more meaning.] …to everyone who
Romans 10:4 (KJV): “For Christ is the end is believing.” That is a present tense participle,
of the law…” So they say Christ ended the law. This showing that it is an ongoing thing that you are
is where they get the theology that the laws of God doing; to the one who is believing, and that’s a
were nailed to the cross. They go from here and then constant thing.
they go to Col. 2; let’s see how they think. That is
the error in their thinking because they assume Verse 5: “For Moses wrote concerning the
certain things not knowing what the Scriptures really righteousness which is derived from the law…
say. Take the first part of Rom. 10:4, where it says [There is a righteousness derived from the Law of
that “…Christ is the end of the law…” and you don’t God, an exterior righteousness.] …‘The man who
know the Scriptures, you could say, ‘Yeah, Christ is has practiced those things shall live by them.’….
the end of the law.’ [That is what Israel did not do. What did Israel try
and do? Being ignorant of the righteousness of God,
Then they come over to Colossians 2:13 they set out to establish their own righteousness. For
(KJV): “And you, being dead in your sins and the the Jews, it’s keeping the Sabbath the way they do.
uncircumcision of your flesh, has He quickened For the Protestants and Catholics, it’s keeping
[made alive] together with Him, having forgiven you Sunday the way that they do. Those are all works of
all trespasses… [through the sacrifice and law—legalisms, which they have created for their
crucifixion of Jesus Christ] …blotting out the own religion. Hence, they have made the great
handwriting of ordinances… [and they claim that mistake. They have left the way of God and have
this means blotting out all the ordinances that were created a religion.
in the Old Testament, but the real wording here
means blotting out the note of debt, which means Another thing that is important to remember:
each one of our individual sins—if they were written Nowhere in the New Testament does it say that
down as a note of debt to God.] …that was against those who follow Christ, belong to the Christian
us, which was contrary to us… [Is sin against us? religion. Everywhere it is the way of the Lord. It’s
Yes! Is sin contrary to us? Yes!] …and took it out of not a religion. Keep in mind, when you have works
the way, nailing it to His cross” (vs 13-14). of law you create a religion. However, even with the
Law of Moses, even if you were going to have the
He nailed what to the cross? Sin! In the righteousness of the law, which is from Moses, then
person of His body, because He was the sin you shall live by them.
sacrifice! That what was nailed to the cross was
Jesus Christ and one sign: ‘King of the Jews!’—in Verse 6: “But the righteousness which is
three languages: Hebrew, Greek and Latin. derived from faith speaks after this manner…
[totally different thing] …‘Do not be saying in your
Romans 10:4—let’s see what this phrase heart, “Who shall ascend up to heaven?”’ (that is, to
really means. We saw last time that Israel was bring Christ down)…. [He was very broad in his
seeking their righteousness by works of law. We said quotation of this, but nevertheless, it applies.] …‘Or,
that a work of law is a law which is created for “Who shall descend into the abyss?”’ (that is, to
someone to do, which is contrary to the Scriptures bring Christ up from among the dead). But what
which God has given. That creates a work of law and does it say? ‘The Word is near to you, in your mouth
Romans Series #26
Romans 10-11
and in your heart.’ This is the Word of faith that we ascended into heaven!
are proclaiming” (vs 6-8). Let’s see where this quote
originally came from. Let’s understand that almost John 6:62: “What if you shall see the Son of
every pagan religion had something to do with the man ascending up where He was before?” That
ascending into heaven and get God and didn’t happen with the apostles. They went out and
righteousness and bring it back down, or descending they stood on the Mt. of Olives and they watched
into the abyss to bring God up. So it applies to Christ ascend up into the heavens. You know the
everybody. This is kind of a universal application of rest of the story. The angels came and said, ‘you
the verse. men of Galilee, why do you stand here gawking up
into the heavens? This same Jesus Whom you have
Deuteronomy 30:11: “For this seen go up shall return in a like manner. But, go to
commandment which I command you today is not Jerusalem as He said.’
hidden from you, neither is it far off. It is not in
heaven that you should say, ‘Who shall go up to Let’s look at descending. Paul talks about
heaven for us, and bring it to us, so that we may hear ascending and descending and it all has to do with
it and do it?’” (vs 11-12). That’s kind of an the same thing here. Ephesians 4:8: For this very
impossible thing—right? And many times with the reason, He says that after ascending on high, He led
arguments of people concerning religion, you end up captivity captive, and gave gifts to men”—led
with impossible arguments—don’t you? ‘Well, for captivity captive is a way of saying that there is no
someone to go to heaven and bring Him back down, sin, no problem, no difficulty that Christ did not
I’ll do it.’ Now we have astronauts that go up into overcome. Satan the devil no longer has any hold. If
the heavens. They haven’t brought anything back people choose to do that, then that’s their choice.
down except a few stones from the moon—right? I But if they repent and flee from that then they will
think an astronaut was up there and said he didn’t not be taken captive. Whereas, if they are not relying
see God. on Christ—Satan comes around and takes them
captive ‘whomever he will’ (1 Peter 5)—those who
Another one is: “Neither is it beyond the sea are not following God? staying close to God. So
that you should say... [Paul does not quote that] “…He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.”
…‘Who shall go over the sea for us to bring it to us,
so that we may hear it and do it?’…. [Paul said Verse 9: “Now He Who ascended, what is it
‘ascend into the abyss.’] …But the Word is very but that He also descended first into the lower parts
near you, in your mouth and in your heart, so that of the earth?”—to experience death. That’s the
you may do it. Behold, I have set before you this day hardest thing for people to grasp. That’s why He
life and good, and death and evil” (vs 13-15). made us in His image. We could be made in His
image—spiritually—so that He could be made in the
So, in quoting this, he brings the application image of man to be the sacrifice. Had to be because
to Christ. What is one of the names of Christ? ‘In the it says that Christ was ‘sacrificed form the
beginning was the Word!’ That’s why Paul used foundation of the world’—correct? Yes! He
Christ instead of the Word. He is using Christ as the experienced death!
whole personification of the Word. What comes
from God? Verse 10: “He Who descended is the same
one Who also ascended above all the heavens…
Let’s look at a couple of other things. Let’s [that is heavens that men can see] …so that He
look at about ascending, John 3:11—Jesus said, might fulfill all things.”
“Truly, truly I say to you, We speak that which We
know, and We testify of that which We have seen; Let’s see what He told John, Revelation 1.
but you do not receive Our testimony. If I have told These things are to give us the faith and the hope,
you earthly things, and you do not believe, how will brethren, that we know that through Christ we have
you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” (vs 11- life. That’s what’s important. Revelation 1:18: Christ
12). What is up there in heaven is so great and said, “[I am] even the One Who is living; for I was
marvelous that it would be virtually impossible for a dead…” Let’s go back and see how He is in His
human being to comprehend it. It would have to be a glorified form. The point I want to make is that the
spirit being in order to do it. One Who was in brilliant glory—Jesus Christ—said
He was dead.
Verse 13: “(And no one has ascended into
heaven, except He Who came down from heaven, Verse 13: “And in the midst of the seven
even the Son of man, Who is in heaven).” That verse lampstands one like the Son of man, clothed in a
is a parenthetical statement written in by John into garment reaching to the feet, and girded about the
the narration to make it absolutely clear that at the chest with a golden breastplate. And His head and
time John was writing this, Christ was the only One hair were like white wool, white as snow; and His
Who has ascended into heaven. No other man has eyes were like a flame of fire… [This gives you a
Romans Series #26
Romans 10-11
vision of what we will look like as glorified spirit who believes in Him may not perish, but may have
beings. Every time I read that I think, boy, that’s everlasting life.” What kind of belief are we talking
something—isn’t it? Can you imagine what it would about? Let’s take our Special Word Study from the
be like what God has out there.] …and His feet were Greek. It’s very hard. We have our problems; we
like fine brass, as if they glowed in a furnace… [just have the world; we have circumstances all involved
like glowing brass as it were in the smelting furnace] in it and it becomes very difficult.
…and His voice was like the sound of many waters.
And in His right hand He had seven stars, and a To Believe: True belief in (into)…
sharp two-edged sword… [the Word of God] …went The Greek means it’s a relationship belief—out
out of His mouth, and His countenance was as the from your heart to Christ, from Christ back to you.
sun shining in its full power” (vs 13-16). Looking
out the window that is beautiful, but if you look …is the basic fundamental building block
straight into the sun, you could go blind if you go of true Christianity. Such a belief means
directly into it. The kind of existence Christ is giving that one believes that Jesus Christ is the
us, through the salvation He is encouraging. Savior of mankind, the Son of God born
of the virgin Mary, that He died for the
Verse 17: “And when I saw Him, I fell at His sins of the world…
feet as if dead… [He was just petrified after seeing
that; you have no thought of anything.] …but He Notice what we are to believe; it entails more than
laid His right hand upon me, saying to me, ‘Do not just ‘yes, I believe Jesus existed as a man.’ It
be afraid; I am the First and the Last, even the one entails all of these things.
Who is living; for I was dead, and behold, I am alive …and each human being, that through His
into the ages of eternity. Amen. And I have the keys blood we have the forgiveness of sin, that
of the grave and of death’” (vs 17-18). Christ is the he was raised from the dead by the power
One Who is going to unlock the grave and raise the of God the Father and that He is at the
dead. Christ is the One Who has ascended; He is the right hand of the God the Father as our
One Who has descended; everything then is High Priest.
complete in Christ. We don’t need to have this
saying here who’s going to go into heaven, who’s Now then, there are some interesting things which
going to go to the abyss, or whatever. happen, that the Greek tells us are very important.
Romans 10:8: “but what does it say? ‘The 1) The verb form in the Greek is
Word is near unto you, in your mouth and in your ‘pisteuoo.’ [It] literally means to faithize,
heart.’…. [I believe that that was a prophecy back to believe, be persuaded, to rely upon, to
in Deut. 30, that God would provide His Word in a trust and to put your trust in.
language that you would understand.] …That is the This is the kind of belief we’re talking about; a
Word of faith which we are proclaiming. So then… total reliance upon Jesus Christ.
[Here’s another one that the Protestants use]: …if
you are confessing with your mouth the Lord Jesus, The spiritual meaning in the New
and are believing in your heart that God raised Him Testament is: [1] a fully convinced
up from among the dead, you shall be saved” (vs 8- acknowledgement. [2] a self-surrendering
9). The Protestants say, ‘Just profess Jesus.’ What fellowship with God the Father And Jesus
does it mean to profess Jesus? What does it mean to Christ.
believe Jesus? Is it just, ‘Oh yes, I believe.’ What That’s what that kind of belief means!
kind of belief? Belief that is in the innermost part
of your being; with your heart. That’s very [3] a fully assured and unswerving
important because as a man thinks in his heart, so confidence.
he is.
A) with the Greek word ‘eis’—means
unto or into, implying direction toward or
Verse 10: “For with the heart one is into the object of faith, to give up one’s
believing unto righteousness, and with the mouth self to.
one is confessing unto salvation, because the
Scripture says, ‘Everyone who is believing on Him When it’s talking about ‘whosoever is believing
shall not be ashamed.’” (vs 10-11).We’ll find out into Jesus Christ’ this is the kind of faith that it’s
what kind of belief this has, what it means. Reading talking about. Complete total faith which comes
the verses that follow helps us understand more from God’s Spirit.
about believing.
Now, let’s go back to John 3 and let’s see
John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that what this is to do for us; see how we are to behave
He gave His only begotten Son, so that everyone after we have this belief. You just can’t take the
Romans Series #26
Romans 10-11
Romans Series #26
Romans 10-11
I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; Romans 10:10: “For with the heart one is
and no one shall take them out of My hand. My believing unto righteousness…” When you have that
Father, Who has given them to Me, is greater than kind of righteousness, God is going to impute the
all; and no one has the power to seize them from My righteousness of Jesus Christ to you.
Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.’” (vs 25-30).
• If you really believe Christ
Then the Jews said, ‘We believe.’ NO! • If you really believe His words
“Then the Jews again picked up stones so that they • If you really believe what He has said
might stone Him. Jesus answered them, ‘Many good • If you really believe that He is our Savior
works I have showed you from My Father. For
which of them are you about to stone Me?’ The Jews Do you desire to sin? No! Can you have a greater
answered Him, saying, ‘We will not stone You for a righteousness than works of law? Works of law is
good work, but for blasphemy, and because You, you can do it in the letter, but your heart could be
being a man, are making Yourself God.’ Jesus almost anything. Now you have to have your heart
answered them, ‘Is it not written in your law, “I said, cured as it were by salvation through Christ, so that
‘You are gods’”? If He called them gods, to whom you believe with the heart and it comes from the
the Word of God came (and the Scriptures cannot be innermost part of your being; part of the way that
broken), why do you say of Him Whom the Father you are, the way that you live.
has sanctified and sent into the world, “You are “…and with the mouth one is confessing
blaspheming,” because I said, “I am the Son of unto salvation, because the Scripture says,
God”? If I do not do the works of My Father, do not ‘Everyone who is believing on Him shall not be
believe Me. But if I do, even if you do not believe ashamed.’…. [You might put there 1-Cor. 13:8—
Me, believe the works; so that you may perceive and love never fails. Faith never makes you ashamed.
may believe that the Father is in Me, and I in Him’” The two go hand-in-hand.] …For there is no
(vs 31-38). difference between Jew and Greek, because the same
So there’s a little extra credibility that Christ Lord of all is rich toward all who are calling upon
gave, the works that He did: the healings, raising of Him. For everyone whosoever may call on the name
the dead, feeding of the 4,000, feeding of the 5,000, of the Lord shall be saved” (vs 10-13).
and all of those works testified of Him. It’s not a When is this going to happen in the greatest
matter of that you have room in your mind that God’s display of salvation that the world has ever seen?
exists. That’s not it, but you have a complete belief That means calling on Him with faith and belief
unto salvation. from the heart (Rev. 7). What do we have here? We
This is the so-called ‘faith chapter,’ but have all these terrible things going on with the
there’s one verse that I believe is the most important Tribulation occurring, death on every hand, one-
verse here, Hebrews 11:6: “Now without faith… quarter of all men killed, the earth in upheaval,
[separate and apart from faith. Faith is the noun, earthquakes, fightings, warrings, everything going
believe is the verb. In the Greek they are the same on. And then we have the 144,000 of Israel who are
root. In English they are spelled differently.] …it is saved. I imagine what they did was just get on their
impossible to please God….” That’s what’s knees and say, ‘Oh, God, save us!’ They would have
important to really understand. That’s why the to. Then the great innumerable multitude, they are
example of the man who brought his son to the saved. What happens when they see all of these
disciples and he had this demon possessed son who catastrophes going on? They get on their knees and
threw him into the water and the disciples couldn’t cry out to God, ‘Oh, God, save me!’ What is God
cast it out. The man said, ‘Yes, Lord, but help my going to do? He’s going to save them! This is the
unbelief.’ Sometimes we have to go to God and last day harvest of the 50-days of Pentecost.
say…since we’re human beings we can’t say we can
perfect faith, perfect belief. We have to grow in it. Verse 14: “Now then, how shall they call
upon Him in Whom they have not believed?….
“…it is impossible to please God…. [if you [That’s a logical question.] …And how shall they
don’t believe Him] …For it is mandatory… believe on Him of Whom they have not heard?….” I
[obligatory, absolutely essential that you believe!] want you to think of this as a prophecy for the end-
…for the one who comes to God to believe that He time. Not only just back then, but continuous. At the
exists, and that He is a rewarder of those who end-time, I think God is going to unfold this where
diligently seek Him” (v 6). there is going to be a tremendous witness that is
The ultimate reward is what? Here and now? going to be given. How that’s going to happen, who
NO! The ultimate reward is eternal life in the all is going to be involved, we don’t know. It might
Kingdom of God! This is what it means to believe in even be beyond the lifetime of some of us; we don’t
the way that Paul was writing about here: know. We’ll just have to wait and see.
Romans Series #26
Romans 10-11
“…And how shall they hear without one God has an affect upon people because it is the
who is preaching? And how shall they preach, unless Word of God that nothing else does. Nothing else
they be sent?….” (vs 14-15). They have to be sent. can do that, because nothing else in the world is
written and inspired by God like the Bible. The
• God is the One Who has to do it. Bible was written just to communicate not just
• God is the One Who has to raise up. words, but to communicate God’s thoughts. It was
• God is the One Who has to call. written for the heart as well as for the mind.
• God is the One Who has to educate.
• God is the One Who has to send. John 6:63: “It is the Spirit that gives life…
[It is the Spirit that inspired the Word of God. That’s
Not knowing how God is going to do it, one of the why the Word of God gives life.] …the flesh profits
things we’re trying to do here is to educate, to teach, nothing…. [Just letters themselves, the physical
to equip and to follow the example that Jesus said, things, mean nothing. It is what happens when it is
‘It is sufficient that the disciple become as the read.] …The words that I speak to you, they are
teacher.’ We don’t know what God may have down spirit and they are life.” That’s what’s important
the road for any of us. When things just fall apart with the Word of God. It conveys a spiritual
everywhere, then it’s going to be neighbor-to- meaning. No other book can do that. That’s why
neighbor and person-to-person. I’m not thinking Paul was saying that hearing comes through the
anything in the way of a media-type thing that we’ve Word of God.
been familiar with in the past. That’s why we want (go to the next track)
to be prepared and know as much as we can.
This is what I think was not only done then,
“…And how shall they preach, unless they but it’s a prophecy for our day, today. Romans 10:18
be sent? According as it is written, ‘How beautiful “But I say, did they not hear?…. [What constitutes
are the feet of those who are announcing the Gospel hearing? They didn’t have radio, television or the
of peace, and those who are announcing the good printing press!] …Yea, rather, into all the earth their
news of good things!’…. [the coming Kingdom of voices went out; their words went out even to the
God] …But all have not obeyed the Gospel, because ends of the habitable world.’…. [The apostles and
Isaiah says, ‘Lord, who has believed our report?’ So disciples preached everywhere!] …Nevertheless, I
then, faith comes by hearing, and hearing through am saying, did not Israel know? First, Moses said, ‘I
the Word of God” (vs 15-17). That answers the will provoke you to jealousy through those who are
question of how faith comes not a people. I will anger you through a people
• that’s why God gave the Sabbath without understanding.’ Then Isaiah was very bold
• that’s why there’s preaching on the Sabbath and said, ‘I was found by those who were not
• that’s why God gave His Word seeking Me, and I became revealed to those who
were not inquiring after Me.’” (vs 18-20). That’s
What happens when you read? You hear yourself because God reached down and called. The whole
think—right? So you’re still hearing—correct? proposition is entirely different. That’s quite a
These people who think they can really learn a lot by prophecy.
speed-reading. I’ve seen them just take a page and
just kind of wishy-wash their finger back and forth Isaiah 65—where this prophecy was given
across the page like a snake traveling 60-miles a by Isaiah. Isn’t that always the way. We can see that
second and flipping the pages and say ‘I’ve read this even in human nature—right? Parents work hard to
whole book.’ Well, what did you learn? provide for their children: provide them a house,
room, clothing, food, everything. Then the children
If I did that, I’d have to say I didn’t learn grow up to be snot-nosed brats! That’s the way
anything. I’m kind of a plotter when it comes to Israel has treated God. God has provided everything
reading. When you read, you’re speaking to for them and then they grow up to be snot-nosed
yourself. So you’re hearing the inspiration is in the brats!
word which comes right off the page. What do we
have? We have 26 letters in the English alphabet— Isaiah 65:1: “‘I revealed Myself to those who
correct. We have the words assembled and put asked not for Me…” Keep in mind that God did not
together on paper so we have a black and white— deal with any of the Gentile nations until beginning
correct? What is the value of it? I mean, we could with Peter in Acts 10. God just left them all on their
have another book, any other book—say the own. Israel was given God’s laws. Israel was given
Encyclopedia Britannica—why doesn’t that bring the temple. They had the priesthood. What did they
faith? It has the same 26-letter alphabet—doesn’t it? do? They became stiff-necked, rebellious; so God
Many of the same words—doesn’t it? Yes! had to cut them off! God said, ‘All those people out
there that you don’t even think are people. You call
The Word of God is special, and the Word of them goyeem. I’m going to call them! They weren’t
Romans Series #26
Romans 10-11
seeking Me. They were out after their other gods.’ highways and byways of the world and bringing
those that He’s going to bring.
But: “…I am found by those who did not
seek Me…. [God just twists it around the other Romans 10:21: “ However, to Israel He is
way—doesn’t He?] …I said, ‘Behold Me, behold saying, ‘The whole day I have stretched out My
Me,’ to a nation not called by My name…. [That hands to a people who are disobedient and
was Church that was not yet formed.] …I have obstinate.’” Just will not! Obstinance is kind of like
spread out My hands all the day to a rebellious cemented rebellion, there is no movement at all!
people who walk in the way that is not good, even Isn’t that true, especially when you look at it with
after their own thoughts; a people who without the Jews and what they have done. In spite of that,
ceasing provoke Me to My face…” (vs 1-3). God still has some promises that He has to fulfill to
Israel and the Jews—does He not? And to whom did
Don’t they do that? They provoke God He give these promises? He gave them to
continually. ‘Oh well, the Sabbath is not important; Abraham—didn’t He? Yes, He did!
the Holy Days are not important; if we have good
thoughts in our heart—we’re fine.’ NO! ‘Well, since, Now, that’s the whole basis for Romans 11:
this a nice little practice that the Baalites have over 1: “Now then, I say did God Himself repudiate His
here; that’s cute and nice, let’s do that. That’s people? MAY IT NEVER BE!…. [He hasn’t cast
interesting—isn’t it? They have fun doing it; let’s them off entirely.] …For even I am an Israelite, of
have fun with them.’ They had the privilege of having the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God
God’s Word given to them, yet, they provoke God to did not repudiate His people whom He foreknew.
anger continually! Not only that: Don’t you know what the Scripture says in the
account of Elijah? How he was pleading with God
“…who sacrifice in gardens, and burn incense against Israel, saying, ‘Lord, they have killed your
upon the bricks; a people who sit among the graves, and prophets, and they have torn down your altars; and I
spend the night in the tombs, who eat swine’s flesh, and alone am left, and they are seeking my life.’” (vs 1-
broth of vile things in their vessels…” (vs 3-4). Raw 3). Sometimes you may feel that way in your
oysters and all the other abominations that they have: how obedience to God; there’s no one else around! Don’t
about a little snake? How about little rat? How about worry, there are others! Don’t know who they are or
tender little mice?—the bones are soft and you can just where they are, but they’re there—God will reveal it
crunch them down, they have good calcium. That’s the in due time.
way people would reason. ‘Who is God to say that this
pork isn’t any good? I know what I’ll do, I’ll clone a pig I got a call from a man very similar to that.
that chews cud, now what are you going to do?’ They He’s said he’s tried every spin-off group under the
won’t follow God! Anything but follow God! sun, and his wife was ready to give up, and he said,
‘No, somewhere, God is doing something
“‘Who say, “Keep to yourself, do not come somewhere. I don’t know where, but God will lead
near me… [good Pharisee] …for I am holier than us to it.’ Someone gave him some of our tapes, and
you.”…. [‘Don’t you dare, you nation or people that he got a care package, and that really helped him a
are not a people, don’t you dare even step in my lot. It’s the same way with us, all the troubles we’ve
room, because I’m holy.’] …These are a smoke in gone through and all the people we know, just
My nostrils, a fire that burns all the day. Behold, remember this: It is not over until it’s over! If God
it is written before Me; I will not be silent, except I can call them out of Catholicism and Protestantism,
will repay; yea, I will repay into their bosom. Your He can call them out of an apostate Church of God
iniquities, and the iniquities of your fathers just as well. They have repenting to do, that is true.
together,’ says the LORD, ‘they that burned incense But, if we can help provide the spiritual tools for
upon the mountains, and blasphemed Me upon the them to do that, then that’s what God would want us
hills. And I will measure their former work into their to do.
bosom.’ Thus says the LORD, ‘As the new wine is
found in the cluster, and one says, “Do not destroy
it, for a blessing is in it,” so I will do for My Verse 4: “But what did the answer from God
servants, that I may not destroy them all’” (vs 5-8). say to him? ‘I have reserved for Myself seven
God says He’s not going to destroy them all. thousand men who have not bowed a knee to Baal.’
Now then, in exactly the same way, at the present
“And I will bring forth a seed out of Jacob, time there has come to be a remnant according to
and out of Judah one who inherits My mountains; God’s election [selection] of grace…. [God selected.
and My elect will inherit it, and My servants will So there is a remnant that God has selected.] …But
dwell there” (v 9). That, brethren, is a prophecy of if the election is by grace, it is no longer by works;
the Church. This is what Paul is talking about: Israel otherwise grace would no longer be grace…. [He
and the Jews rejected God, rejected the Word, has left the ‘religion’ of the works of law and has
rejected Christ. So, He’s going out, literally, into the done it by grace.] …But if it is of works, it is no
Romans Series #26
Romans 10-11
longer grace; otherwise work is no longer work. synagogue on the Sabbath day and sat down…. [His
What then? What Israel was seeking through works, mission was what? To the Jews first, then to the
this it did not obtain. Now, the election [of Israel] Greek!] …And after the reading of the Law and the
obtained… [he was talking of those who were the Prophets, the rulers of the synagogue said to them,
7,000] …it through grace, but the rest [of Israel] ‘Men, brethren, if you have a word of exhortation
were hardened… [God just gave them over to for the people, speak.’ Then Paul stood up and, after
unbelief.] …(according as it is written, ‘God gave beckoning with his hand, said, ‘Men, Israelites, and
them a spirit of slumber, eyes that they are not able those who fear God [Gentiles], listen to me” (vs 14-
to see, and ears that they are not able to hear,’) unto 16). Then he gives a whole dissertation of what
this day” (vs 4-8). happened with Moses and David and then John the
Baptist, and so forth.
Here’s a great principle we need to
understand: God want those to who are converted to Then he starts bringing in the strong meat, v
be ‘hot.’ If you’re going to be converted, be hot and 38: “Therefore, be it known to you, men and
zealous. So, he tells the Laodiceans, ‘be zealous, brethren, that through this man the remission of sins
therefore, and repent.’ He doesn’t like it lukewarm. is preached to you. And in Him everyone who
He said, ‘I would rather have you cold than believes is justified from all things, from which
lukewarm, but since you’re lukewarm, and I’ve you could not be justified by the Law of Moses….
called you, now let’s get on the ball and turn up the [When he said that, he had to give the warning]:
heat and get hot.’ That’s what God wants. …Take heed, therefore, lest that which is spoken in
the Prophets come upon you: “Behold, you despisers,
The people in the world cannot hear and and wonder and perish; for I work a work in your
understand because God has closed their minds. days, a work that you will in no way believe, even if
That’s why our calling is so important. Maybe we one declares it to you.”’ And when the Jews had
ought to value what God has given us in the way of gone out of the synagogue… [they got up and left]
understanding of His Word far more in importance …the Gentiles entreated him that these words might
and thankfulness because of what He’s done. It’s a be spoken to them on the next Sabbath” (vs 38-42).
tremendous thing! It is absolutely marvelous! God Then the whole thing just really turned out to be
has done it. Have you ever tried to talk with quite a thing the next Sabbath.
someone who knows nothing about God and you
mention something about God and it’s kind of just Verse 44: “And on the coming Sabbath,
like talking to a wall? It’s almost like you look in almost the whole city was gathered together to hear
their eyes and it’s sort of a glass over their eyes. the Word of God. But when they saw the multitude,
That is given over to a spirit of slumber. the Jews were filled with envy; and they spoke against
the things proclaimed by Paul, and were contradicting
Verse 9: “Even David says, ‘Let their own and blaspheming. But Paul and Barnabas spoke
table be for a snare and for a trap, and for a stumbling boldly, saying, ‘It was necessary for the Word of
block, and for a recompense to them; let their eyes be God to be spoken to you first; but since you reject it
darkened so that they are not able to see, and bow and do not judge yourselves worthy of eternal life,
down their backs continually.’ Therefore I ask, did behold, we turn to the Gentiles; for so the Lord has
they stumble in order that they might fall? MAY IT enjoined upon us: “I have set You for a light of the
NEVER BE!…. [It’s only temporary] …But by their Gentiles that You should be for salvation unto the
transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles for uttermost parts of the earth.”’ And when the Gentiles
the purpose of provoking them to jealousy” (vs 9- heard this, they rejoiced…” (vs 44-48).
11). However it happened that only a few were
provoked to jealousy. The others got mad and angry, They were happy, but it created a lot of strife
and every time Paul went into a synagogue they had and trouble. But, even though they were in that
a riot. condition, God did not cast them off because He
promised—didn’t He? He still promised to Abraham!
Let’s see that, Acts 13. That’s why the “…and they glorified the Word of the Lord, and
calling of God is a tremendous, absolute marvelous believed, as many as were appointed to eternal life”
miracle—to have your mind and heart opened and to (v 48).
know the Word of God! That is something! You
have to know that God Himself has done it. How
would you like to have the Apostle Paul’s job? Romans 11:11: “Therefore I ask, did they
We’re going to cover some of this in Scripturalism stumble in order that they might fall? MAY IT
vs Judaism. NEVER BE! But by their transgression, salvation
has come to the Gentiles for the purpose of
He comes into the synagogue, Acts 13:14: provoking them to jealousy. But, if their
“Now after passing through from Perga, they came transgression be the riches of the world, and their
to Antioch of Pisidia; and they went into the defeat be the wealth of the Gentiles, how much more
Romans Series #26
Romans 10-11
will their fullness be?…. [He’s projecting forward to in” (vs 23-25). I don’t know exactly how that’s all
the Millennium, the Kingdom of God being on the going to be with working that all out. It’s happened
earth.] …I am speaking to you, the Gentiles, partially. That’s why we have Protestants today. Is
inasmuch as I am an apostle of the Gentiles—I their partial hardening? But still trying follow God
magnify my service, if by any means I shall provoke after their own way? Yes! Yes, indeed!
to jealousy those of my flesh, and some shall be
saved from among them. For if their casting away be Verse 26: “And so all Israel shall be saved…
the reconciliation of the world, what shall their [I don’t think Paul really fully understood the second
reception be, except life from among the dead?” (vs resurrection here, but he did know that all Israel
11-15). Gives you an idea of what’s going to happen shall be saved.] …according as it is written: ‘Out of
with the return of Christ. It’s going to be like ‘life Sion shall come the Deliverer, and He shall turn
from among the dead.’ away ungodliness from Jacob. For this is the
covenant from Me, which I will give to them when I
Verse 16: “Now if the firstfruit is Holy, the have taken away their sins.’ On the one hand,
lump is also Holy; and if the root is Holy, the concerning the Gospel, they are enemies on account
branches are also Holy…. [This goes right back to of you; on the other hand, concerning the election,
Abraham, all of this.] …But if some of the branches they are beloved on account of the fathers” (vs 26-
were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree…” 28). In other words, God still loves Israel, though
(vs 16-17) He uses an olive tree because olive trees they’re rebellious, because of the promises that He
were one of the major crops they had all around the gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He still loves
Mediterranean, plus they have wild olive trees. The them. God is willing to do good to them, if they just
difference between a cultivated olive tree and a wild wouldn’t keep pushing God away. If they just
olive tree was that the wild olive trees had very little wouldn’t keep seeking their own way instead of
fruit, whereas the cultivated had fruit. That’s why he God’s way.
uses this analogy here.
Verse 29: “Because the gifts… [promises to
“…you, being a wild olive tree were grafted the fathers] …are not be repented of by God…. [In
in among them, and you became a fellow partaker of other words, once God made those promises, as we
the root and of the fatness of the olive tree, do not saw, they were irrevocable.] …For indeed, just as
boast against the branches; but if you are boasting you once did not believe God, but now you have
against them, remember that you are not bearing the been shown mercy through their unbelief, in the
root; rather, the root is bearing you” (vs 17-18). In same way also, now… [at this time] …they have not
other places he said ‘If you’re Christ’s then you’re believed in order that by the mercy shown to you,
Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.’ they also may have mercy shown to them. For God
has given them all over to unbelief in order that He
Verse 19: “Will you then say, ‘The branches might show mercy to all…. [That is in the long run
were broken off in order that I might be grafted in’? in His plan.] …O the depth of the riches of both the
That is true! Because of unbelief they were broken wisdom and the knowledge of God! How
off, and you stand by faith. Do not be high-minded, unfathomable are His judgments and
but fear; because if God spared not the natural incomprehensible are His ways!” (vs 29-33).
branches, take heed lest He not spare you either.
Therefore, behold the graciousness and the severity That God would work it out this way (Ezek.
of God: upon those who fell, severity; and upon you, 37) the second resurrection. That’s why when Israel
graciousness, if you continue in His graciousness; or is raised, they said, ‘Oh, we’ve been cut off for our
else you also will be cut off” (vs 19-22). That goes parts. We’ve been forsaken of God.’ He says, ‘No,
right back to Rom. 2:13: God is no respecter of I’m going to put My Spirit in you and you’re going
persons! to live, and you’re going to know Me.’
Verse 23: “Now also they, if they do not Verse 34: “For who did know the mind of
continue in their unbelief, shall be grafted in, the Lord, or who has become His counselor? Or who
because God is able to graft them in again. For if first given to Him, and it shall be recompensed to
you were cut off from an olive tree which by nature him? For from Him, and through Him, and unto Him
is wild, and contrary to nature were grafted into a are all things; to Him be the glory into the ages of
good olive tree, how much more shall those who eternity. Amen” (vs 34-36).
according to nature are from the good olive tree be
grafted back into their own olive tree? For I do not So, he ends that whole section there—those
wish you to be ignorant, brethren, of this mystery, in three chapters—9, 10, 11—have to do with Israel
order that you may not be wise in your own conceits, and their standing in the world today vs the Church
that a partial hardening of the heart has happened and having to do with the calling of God and
to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be come everything that we’re confronted with today.
Romans Series #26
Romans 10-11
Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter;
except where noted
Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
Scriptural References:
1) Romans 10:4
2) Colossians 2:13-14
3) Romans 10:4-8
4) Deuteronomy 30:
5) John 3:11-13
6) John 6:62
7) Ephesians 4:8-10
8) Revelation 1:18, 13-18
9) Romans 10:8-11
10) John 3:16-21
11) John 8:12, 23-24
12) John 10:25-38
13) Hebrews 11:6
14) Romans 10:10-17
15) John 6:63
16) Romans 10:18-20
17) Isaiah 65:1-9
18) Romans 10:21
19) Romans 11:1-11
20) Acts 13:14-16, 38-42, 44-48
21) Romans 11:11-36
Transcribed: 1-16-11
Romans Series #27
Romans 12:1-2
There’s a lot that we can learn here, brethren. Father Who is in heaven.” Here were a lot of people
Romans 12 has to do basically with the inner who had things that they taught, miracles that they
functioning with each other within the Church and performed, but they weren’t keeping the
then right at the end it goes out and interfacing with commandments of God. When you don’t keep the
the public and things like that. commandments of God from the heart, then you are
not pleasing to God. Look at all of Judaism, for
Romans 12:1. “Therefore, I am exhorting example, with all of their laws, with all of their
you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your rules, with all of their regulations. That wasn’t well-
bodies a living sacrifice, Holy and well pleasing to pleasing to God. As a matter of fact, they got so
God, which is your spiritual service. Do not conform wrapped up in law—what did they do? They rejected
yourselves to this world, but be transformed by the the commandments of God! They rejected the will of
renewing of your mind in order for you to prove God! We’ll see they were lacking in mercy.
what is the good and perfect and well-pleasing will
of God” (vs 1-2). Notice he says, well pleasing to “Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord,
God and then the well pleasing will of God. Lord, did we not prophesy through Your name? And
did we not cast out demons through Your name?
What we’re going to study today is going to And did we not perform many works of power
be very important for us to understand: through Your name?’ And then I will confess to
them, ‘I never knew you. Depart from Me, you who
The Will of God work lawlessness.’” (vs 22-23). It’s a very profound
No one is going to be in the Kingdom of thing to really understand the will of God and that
God without doing the will of God—it’s that simple. you do it with all your heart and with all your mind.
We can add many, many verses to it, but what I want God’s will is going to be performed. What do we ask
to do is cover one that is very basic here in Matt. 7. in the prayer everyday? ‘Lord, Your will be done!’
In my recent trip, it became very evident that there There’s something very important with that
are a lot of people out there who are bothering the that we need to understand. We don’t ask God to do
brethren with all sorts of teachings, with all sorts of His will according to ours. That was a problem that
whatever it may be. Job had. When we ask for God’s will—whatever it
Just recently, I had a visit with a man, may be—it may be difficult, there may be
because he thinks he’s now an expert in Strong’s persecution, there may be problems, but that’s just
Concordance, he’s a teacher. We find that all a part of it.
everywhere. Just because you have a little expertise Mercies of God
with Strong’s Concordance or you can read the
Bible, does not necessarily make you a teacher. The Romans 12:1: “Therefore, I am exhorting
kind of thing that’s very important to understand. In you, brethren, by the mercies of God…” Notice what
teaching there are two kinds of things that you learn. Paul is emphasizing here. He didn’t say the law of
First of all, you learn intellectually, and much of God, he didn’t say the power of God, he didn’t say
what has been presented in the Churches of God— the authority of God. He said, “…by the mercies of
and yes, in the world—is intellectual; it is God…” Let’s understand how important the mercies
knowledge. There’s nothing wrong with knowledge. of God really are, and then we’ll find out that there
We’re to grow in grace and knowledge that is true. will come a point when God will take away His
mercies. So, we need to understand that, also.
But, the kind of teaching that God wants is
the kind that is going to be heart moving! In other We’ll see mercy and truth go together.
words, God wants us to speak to the heart. That’s there’s a proper use of mercy. Mercy in this case is
why God says you’re to love Him with all your not what we would call modeled in emotions or
heart, because the heart is the most important thing. ‘muddle-headed mush-mindedness.’ Mercy is when
that becomes well-pleasing to God. But no one is you understand, in Truth, that God is right and you,
going to be in the Kingdom of God unless they are as a human being, need God’s mercy.
doing the will of God. Psalm 61:1: “Hear my cry, O God; attend
Matthew 7:21: “Not everyone who says to unto my prayer…. [Notice how he’s beseeching
Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter into the Kingdom of God; notice the attitude.] …From the end of the
Heaven; but the one who is doing the will of My earth I cry to You when my heart is overwhelmed;
Romans Series #27
Romans 12:1-2
lead me to the Rock higher than me… [This is really you have:
a prophecy of Christ Who is the Rock (1-Cor.
10:4—and that Rock that followed them was • truth
Christ.)] …For You have been a shelter for me, a • mercy
strong tower against the enemy. I will dwell in Your • salvation
tabernacle forever; I will take refuge in the hiding Going hand-in-hand. “I will hear what God the
place of Your wings. Selah…. [Think on this! Just LORD will speak; for He will speak peace to His
think of your own circumstances. I can relate quite people, and to His saints, but let them not turn again
well to some of the things that he says here. I’m sure to folly…. [That’s also another thing concerning
you can in your life, too. mercy. You don’t want to take advantage of it.]
Verse 5: “For You, O God, have heard my …Surely His salvation is near to those who fear
vows; You have given me the heritage of those who Him, so that glory may dwell in our land. Mercy
fear Your name. May You add to the days of the and truth have met together; righteousness and
king’s life; may his years be as many generations. My peace have kissed each other” (vs 8-10). Notice how
he abide before God forever… [Notice then how he that in a Millennial setting that this is, and I’m sure
gets right into eternal salvation. This also could be that that’s going to apply to Israel when they’re
part of the prophecy of Christ Who is the King; part brought out of captivity.
of the prophecy of His bringing mercy.] …prepare Verse 11: “Truth shall spring out of the
mercy and truth to preserve him” (vs 5-7). Of earth, and righteousness shall look down from
course, all the way through the ministry of Christ is heaven. Yea, the LORD shall give that which is good,
was mercy and truth—wasn’t it? Yes, it was! How and our land shall yield its increase. Righteousness
many times was He moved with compassion, and shall go before Him and shall set us in the way of
even in dealing with the Pharisees in the way that His steps’ (vs 11-13).
they were, He had to be very strong with them, but
they got the Truth in love, because it was in love that There’s another thing with mercy that comes
He gave it to them, though it was in power. along, Psalm 101: 1—there’s mercy and justice! “I
will sing of mercy and justice; to You, O LORD, I
Psalm 85—here again it talks about mercy will sing praise.” Now, there’s something very
and truth; so you can’t really separate mercy and important concerning mercy and judgment that we
truth—they go together. It talks about forgiveness need to look at. Before you can have mercy, there
and all of that is part of mercy. We will see how it must first of all be judgment. That’s what the
comes and then we will see one of the problems that scribes and Pharisees were lacking, and we’ll see
the scribes and Pharisees had. They didn’t have love also they were lacking love. Notice what God
or mercy and that created some great problems for considers important:
Matthew 23:23: “Woe to you, scribes and
Psalm 85:1: “O LORD, You have shown Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithes of mint and
favor to Your land; You have brought back Jacob anise and cummin, but you have abandoned the
from exile…. [This is in a Millennial setting as it more important matters of the law—… [What are
were, or you could also tie this in when they came the ‘weightier matters of the law’? Notice he didn’t
back from the Babylonian captivity. But this more say Sabbath and Holy Days. That’s all understood.
fits the Millennium, the captivity of Jacob.] …You What are the ‘weightier matters of the law’?]
have forgiven the iniquity of Your people; You have …judgment, and mercy and faith….”
covered all their sins. Selah” (vs 1-2). First of all,
where there’s mercy and truth, there’s recognition of So, before you can have mercy, you must
sin. Before there is mercy there has to be recognition have judgment, otherwise, how can you have mercy?
of sin. Also, before there can be mercy, there must be
repentance, and repentance then is when there is
Verse 3: “You have taken away all Your judgment. That’s why when you come along and
wrath; You have turned from the fierceness of Your you’re convicted of sin, the judgment is what? The
anger. Restore us, O God of our salvation, and cause wages of sin is death! You’re convicted, so you
Your anger toward us to cease. Will You be angry repent! And God is merciful and what does He do?
with us forever? Will You draw out Your anger to Remove your sins far from you—right? Yes! So then,
all generations? Will You not give us life again, so mercy follows judgment. Then what happens when
that Your people may rejoice in You?…. [This is you have mercy? You’re increased in faith—right?
really a confession and repentance as you’re going You believe and love God even more—don’t you?
along—isn’t it?] …Show us Your mercy, O LORD,
and grant us Your salvation” (vs 3-7). We will see Let’s look at Luke’s account because it’s a
that mercy and salvation also go hand-in-hand. So, little bit different, Luke 11:42: “But woe to you,
Romans Series #27
Romans 12:1-2
Pharisees! For you pay tithes of mint and rue and ‘He that has even that shall be taken from him,
every herb, but you pass over the judgment and the which he thinks he has, and given to another.’ We’re
love of God….” They didn’t have the love of God. seeing that principle happen today! With ministers
There’s one thing for sure, you cannot have proper and Churches of God who think they have it, and
judgment unless you have the love of God; and you they don’t, it is going down, down, down!
cannot have mercy unless you first have judgment.
So, here’s what we have: One young lady who was attending one of
the other Churches of God, after three or four times
• judgment going there, she was so fed up with it, she says she’s
• mercy not going back. The sermons are ‘stupid!’ This is the
• love way it is all over, and people are just sitting there
• faith going to sleep, and they don’t realize that it’s almost
like liposuction of the brain! You’ll have everything
All tied together within the mercies of God. “…It is taken away from you. And the ministers—because
obligatory for you to do these things, and not to set they don’t turn to God and they don’t repent—the
aside those lesser things” (v 42). ceiling of their understanding is getting lower and
John 5:42—here’s a very profound verse, lower and then they have to talk about silly things
and I think we have too much of this like ‘how can you have a schedule to adjust your
[Pharisaicalism] within the Churches of God, and time.’ Nonsense! If you can’t figure that out without
Pharaiseeism is based on self-righteousness: [Jesus Sabbath services and someone telling you, ‘Look, at
said] “But I have known you, that you do not have such and such a time you get up and then you get
the love of God in yourselves.” dressed and then you brush your teeth and then you
have breakfast…’ NONSENSE! ‘Then you go to
You tie that altogether with all of the self- work.’ Listen! If you don’t have that figured out by
appointed ‘teachers’ going around here and there, time you’re 21, you’re in bad shape!
doing this and teaching that and teaching the other
thing. I tell you, brethren, it really makes you want What’s going to happen is we’re going to see
to just go out some place and just hang your head this phenomena occur, Jeremiah 16:1 “The Word of
and bawl about how bad the Church really is—the the LORD came to me, saying, ‘You shall not take a
condition of the brethren. God looks down here and wife for yourself, nor shall you have sons or
He wants to give His love and He wants to give His daughters in this place.’ For thus says the LORD
mercy. But people are running around just doing concerning the sons and concerning the daughters
their own thing. It’s sad! For 15 years I’ve heard of who are born in this place, and concerning their
all the horror stories that people have gone through, mothers who bore them, and concerning their fathers
all because there’s no love of God in the Church. who begot them in this land: ‘They shall die
And then it comes back to me that I preach on the grievous deaths…’” (vs 1-4). Listen, brethren, we
love of God too much. Well, the problem is, you don’t know how long it’s going to be until the end is
don’t have enough of it, that’s why you don’t like it here. This is a warning for us. That’s why Paul is
being preached if you think I preach on the love of beseeching us, ‘I exhort you by the mercies of God.’
God too much. How can you preach on it too much He wants us to turn to God, not to come to this point
when it’s the greatest thing and God is love? here:
So Christ told them, ‘You don’t have the “…of diseases; they shall not be mourned,
love of God.’ You tie that together with all the nor shall they be buried. But they shall be as dung on
things the scribes and Pharisees did. Because they the face of the earth. And they shall be destroyed by
didn’t have the love of God, they didn’t receive the the sword and by famine; and their bodies shall be
mercy of God—didn’t they? No! They received the food for the birds of heaven and for the beasts of the
judgment of God! We need to understand that when earth.’ For thus says the LORD, ‘Do not enter into
God judged Jerusalem and He scraped the earth: got the house of mourning; do not go to weep nor moan
rid of the temple, got rid of that system and sent over them. For I have taken away My peace from
them into captivity. God did not enjoy doing it, but this people,’ says the LORD, ‘even loving-kindness
I’ll tell you one thing, they would not repent. When and mercies. Both the great and the small shall die in
people come to the point that they won’t repent, then this land. They shall not be buried, nor shall men
they’re in terrible shape. mourn for them, nor cut themselves, nor make
themselves bald for them’” (vs 4-6).
Let’s see that there does come a point that
the mercies of God are withdrawn. Brethren, may That’s some pretty strong language. Last place
that not be with the Church, and may that not be you ever want to be is that God withdraws His mercy
with the lives of the brethren. I’ll also tell you, too— and loving-kindness! Because, then it gets to the point,
and I’ve seen it and continue to see it—Jesus said, as it says over here:
Romans Series #27
Romans 12:1-2
Jeremiah 7:16: “Therefore do not pray for that mercy can come. This is the Psalm of
this people, nor lift up cry nor prayer for them, nor repentance that David had when he had the affair
make intercession to Me; for I will not hear you.” with Bathsheba. I imagine that he was flat on the
So, God’s mercies are not there just to be had unless floor when he was saying this. I don’t think he was
there’s great repentance. I’m afraid that the Church lifting up his head very high. Remember what
of God is rapidly reaching that point, and it all lies at happened? Yes, he did, he laid on the floor for seven
the doorsteps of the ministry—and the brethren, days—didn’t he? When Nathan came and said YOU
because they’re responsible, too. God is going to are the man! And David repented!
take away His mercies! And when He does, it’s not
going to be very pleasant; it’s not going to be very Psalm 51:1: “Have mercy upon me, O God,
nice. according to Your lovingkindness; according to the
greatness of Your compassion, blot out my
Let’s look at the things concerning the transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my
mercies of God; let’s look at some more of these and iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin… [this is what
understand how much we need the mercies of God. we need to do, brethren. May this be what the whole
Let’s go to Isaiah 63:7: “I will mention the loving- Church of God and every minister and every one of
kindnesses of the LORD, the praises of the LORD, the brethren will do today. Go to God with this kind
according to all that the LORD has bestowed on us, of attitude. God will forgive!] (but you have to do
and the great good to the house of Israel by which this): …for I acknowledge my transgressions, and
He bestowed on them according to His mercies, and my sin is ever before me” (vs 1-3). So, with great
according to the multitude of His loving- and deep and heartfelt repentance; it was quite a
kindnesses.” That’s why it’s always important, thing!
brethren, that we always keep our heart tender
before God. We need the mercies of God all the If you feel kind of spiritually blah, and you
time. Remember what Jesus said: ‘Blessed are the know you haven’t been doing what you need to do,
merciful for they shall receive mercy.’ It works both and you’ve been busying yourself with things so you
ways: If you receive mercy then you must give don’t have to face the reality of going to God and
mercy. repenting, then what I suggest you do: you take a
deep study through the book of Psalms, and you
Isaiah 63:7: “I will mention the loving- study it on your knees and you let all of these words
kindnesses of the LORD… [We’re going to see apply to you personally, as if these were your words;
mercies and loving-kindness tied together in many as if these were your prayers.
cases.] …the praises of the LORD, according to all
that the LORD has bestowed on us, and the great Psalm 69:13: “But as for me, my prayer is to
good to the house of Israel by which He bestowed on You, O LORD… [Too many times we pray to
them according to His mercies, and according to ourselves—like the Pharisee (Luke 18); the Pharisee
the multitude of His loving-kindnesses, for He was standing praying to himself: ‘God, I thank You
said, ‘Surely they are My people, children that will I’m not like other men,’ etc.] …in an acceptable
not lie.’ So He was their Savior” (vs 7-8). That was a time; O God, in the abundance of Your mercy
time referring to the Church. That is also a prophecy answer me, in the Truth of Your salvation….
of the Church. [mercy, Truth and salvation] …Deliver me out of the
mire, and let me not sink; let me be delivered from
“In all their affliction He was afflicted, and those who hate me and out of the deep waters. Do
the angel of His Presence saved them; in His love not let the flood of waters overflow me, nor let the
and in His compassion He redeemed them; and He deep swallow me up, and let not the pit shut its
bore them, and carried them all the days of old. But mouth upon me. Answer me, O LORD, for Your
they rebelled, and troubled His Holy Spirit… (vs 9- steadfast love is good; turn unto me according to the
10). So you see what happens. We are living in a multitude of Your tender mercies. And hide not
time when everything is nice, everything is Your face from Your servant, for I am in trouble;
comfortable, and economically there’s plenty of answer me speedily” (vs 13-17).
money everywhere; but, those are dangerous
spiritual times when that happens. That’s why we Notice again, repentance and mercy. So, if
need to get our houses in order spiritually; get our Paul is pleading ‘by the mercies of God, present
houses in order economically; before they turn us your bodies a living sacrifice’—that is motivated
into an Indonesia. spiritually, because it is the Spirit that gives life; it is
the Spirit that quickens—that’s what it’s talking
Let’s also notice that repentance and mercy
go together. Repentance, mercy and confession of Psalm 103:1—the whole Psalm is about the
sins all go together. There is no mercy without mercy of God—“Bless the LORD, O my soul; and
judgment and judgment is to bring repentance so all that is within me…” That’s part of being a
Romans Series #27
Romans 12:1-2
living sacrifice. If you’re ‘religious’ you’ve got a Verse 4: “Who redeems your life from
little corner in your mind to do ‘religious’ things. destruction; Who crowns you with loving-kindness
But if you’re walking in God’s way, it is and tender mercies.” That’s why we exist. That’s the
wholehearted and it’s all of you! There’s a very reason why we breathe
difference. That’s why God’s way is not a ‘religion.’
people from the outside would view it as a religion, Verse 8: “The LORD is merciful and
because that’s how they view God’s way. But it is a gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in mercy. He
way of life, a way to live! will not always chasten, nor will He keep His anger
forever. He has not dealt with us according to our
“…all that is within me, bless His Holy sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities, for
name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not as the heavens are high above the earth, so is His
all His benefits” (vs 1-2). How many times did Israel mercy toward those who fear Him” (vs 8-11). That
forget all the benefits and blessings of God—and fear means going on into the love of God. When we
what did it get them into? Nothing but trouble! And do the things that please God—that’s why it’s
I think that’s where we are in the Church today. talking about here to do the things that please God—
They’re forgetting all about the blessings of God; then God’s mercies keep coming, God’s mercies
forgetting all about the goodness, mercy and keep flowing, and that’s what we want.
kindness of God; and fighting and quarrelling and
arguing—it’s a mess, brethren! I tell you, it’s Go through all of Psalm 119 and look up all
affecting down on each one in their own lives, and the areas concerning mercy. That will be another
God is going to keep on doing it until everyone whole study itself. We can’t possibly cover
really turns to God and turns to Him in truth, love everything in this study, otherwise we would never
and mercy! get done with the book of Romans. We would still
be at it five years from now.
Verse 3: “Who forgives all your
iniquities…” That’s why you never come to a point This is something you can always count on,
and say, ‘God can’t forgive me this; God can’t brethren, since
forgive me that.’ What are you doing? You’re setting • God is eternal
yourself up as more righteous than God—right? Yes! • God is love
God can forgive you! If you say God can’t forgive • God is there
me, then you’re just being self-righteous; you’re not • He hasn’t forsaken us
committing the unpardonable sin. The unpardonable
• He’s called us
sin is you wouldn’t care anything about God and
walk off and just hate God and forget God and curse • He’s given us His Spirit
God. I’ve see some of that, too. • He wants us to have His mercies.
“…Who heals all your diseases” (v 3). I just 2-Corinthians 1:3 “Blessed be the God and Father of
might mention here. It’s good to do good things, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the
take care of your body—that’s fine. But, God is the God of all comfort… [If you’re upset and agitated
One Who heals! Never forget that! Even if you do because of things, or things in your life, God is the
the things which are natural, God is still the One One Who will comfort you. It’s a spiritual thing that
Who heals. And in healing, let’s understand, there you have to do. Too many times we try to work it
are certain things we can do, there are other things out on our own. But it’s a spiritual thing that we
that only God can do. We need to look to God for must do.] …Who comforts us in all our
healing. We have a lot of healings, brethren. I send tribulation… [Sometimes you wonder why you go
out anywhere from four to ten anointed cloths every through the things that you do.] (Well, here’s why):
week! And the people are healed. I don’t go making …in order that we may be able to comfort those who
great, long lists on it. I think we need to handle are in any trial, through the comfort with which we
that—not let your right hand know what your left ourselves are comforted by God” (vs 3-4).
hand is doing—let God do the work and let God do That’s part of what we’re trying to do with
the healing. the brethren today, with what we’re doing—help
But He’s also sending a message to us that them, comfort them, restore them to God. but, as
we need to take care of our bodies. I know I’ve let we’ve seen, there are things they have to do.
mine go and I’m paying the price for it with my hip. Verse 5: “For to the degree that the
I’m just asking God to intervene and heal me, and sufferings of Christ abound in us, so also our
I’m doing what I can do, but you know it gives me comfort abounds through Christ. And if we are in
great understanding of the pain and agony that distress, it is for your comfort and salvation, which
people go through, because of what I’ve gone is being worked out by your enduring the same
through. “…Who heals all your diseases.” sufferings that we also suffer; and if we are
Romans Series #27
Romans 12:1-2
comforted, it is for your comfort and salvation (and into His marvelous light; who once were not a
our hope is steadfast for you); knowing that as you people, but now are the people of God; who had not
are partners in the sufferings, you are also partners received mercy, but now have received mercy” (vs
in the comfort” (vs 5-7). So, God is the One Who 9-10). Do you see how all the fits in with what we’re
comforts! studying here? To present your bodies Holy.
Part of this is a spiritual thing that takes Let’s add in here the explanation of clean
time. You don’t necessarily understand this until and unclean foods. They will always turn to Acts
you’ve gone through it and God has blessed you and 10—let’s understand that it has nothing to do with
you’ve been removed from the difficulty. Then you eating clean or unclean foods. Remember what Peter
look back and you see; ‘Ah! Now I know why I said: ‘Lord, I’ve never eaten anything common or
went through this.’ Then you can use that as a lesson unclean.’ Remember when the vision came? Simon
to help other people, to help them. Plus, it gives you the Tanner didn’t come down off the roof and say to
something else; it gives you an understanding that Peter, ‘Come on over here, we’ve got a nice hog we
you don’t judge by appearances. You know that just butchered.’ NO!
there’s more to it than meets the eye. You don’t
judge just by the circumstances that you see. Maybe 1-Timothy 4:1: “Now the Spirit tells us
there are other circumstances which you haven’t yet explicitly that in the latter times some shall
seen. That’s all important. Then that puts you in a apostatize from the faith… [That means they were
frame of mind that you want to do things which are in—right?] (notice where these things come from):
well-pleasing to God. …and shall follow deceiving spirits… [unclean,
lying spirits] …and doctrines of demons… [that’s
Romans 12:1: “…to present your bodies a where these things come from] …speaking lies in
living sacrifice, Holy…” Brethren, this is why we hypocrisy, their consciences having been cauterized
follow the laws of clean and unclean meats. Did you with a hot iron; forbidding to marry; and
know that? Because we’re Holy! commanding to abstain from meats… [notice very
carefully, this is not clean or unclean; this is
Notice why God gave these laws, and this vegetarianism—correct? By command!] …which
applies to us. If we have the Holy Spirit, are we God created to be received with thanksgiving… [Did
Holy people? Yes, we are! Deuteronomy 14:1: “You God create all animals and all things to be received
are the children of the LORD your God. You shall with thanksgiving? NO!] (we’ll define it here): …by
not cut yourselves nor make any baldness between the faithful, even by those who know the Truth” (vs
your eyes for the dead, for you are a Holy people to 1-3).
the LORD your God, and the LORD has chosen you to
be a specially treasured people to Himself, above all What is Truth? Your Word is Truth! So, if
the nations that are on the earth. You shall not eat any we read back in Deut. 14 that we’re Holy people,
abominable thing” (vs 1-3). That’s the whole basis that we are not to eat these things, then that ties right
of the law of clean and unclean. Not whether we in with this, because it is to be “…received with
have refrigerators or have means of preserving and thanksgiving. For every creature of God designated
smoking meats and things like that. It’s that God for human consumption is good, and nothing to be
wants us to be Holy. The other things are all refused, if it is received with thanksgiving, because it
abominations. is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer” (vs 3-
5). So, it’s specifically defined! That’s what it
I was talking to some people who were in the means. If it’s sanctified, it is set aside, it is
congregation when it was announced in the Church specifically defined. Part of presenting your body
of God that it was all right to eat unclean foods. As Holy to God then it is that you obey concerning the
soon as the ‘amen’ was said, there were people out clean and unclean meat laws.
there gathering, deciding where they were going to
go eat their shrimp and lobster and all of that sort of Romans 12:1: “…present your bodies a
thing—the very day! They must have been ‘tares.’ I living sacrifice, Holy and well pleasing to God,
tell you, I can’t stand the smell of some of those which is your reasonable service…. [Let’s look at
things; it’s just nauseating! When you understand the things which are pleasing to God. (It says): …to
about these things. Of course, they’re even many prove what is the good and perfect and well-pleasing
people who understand that the hog isn’t fit to eat. will of God” (vs 1-2). If God says unclean foods are
an abomination, is that part of the good and perfect
1-Peter 2:9—showing that we are Holy will of God? If you eat them, no, it’s not! If you
people. Let’s see how this was not only to Israel, but don’t eat them, yes, it is!
also was a prophecy of us. “But you are a chosen
stock, a royal priesthood, a Holy nation, a people for Let’s talk about pleasing God, Hebrews
a possession of God, that you might proclaim His 11:6, this is where it all starts from, brethren:
excellent virtues, Who called you out of darkness pleasing God!
Romans Series #27
Romans 12:1-2
(go to the next track) almost be guaranteed it. That’s why you have to
Pleasing God and Belief grow in faith and look to God for faith.
This is the faith chapter, very important to Hebrews 11:6 “Now without faith it is
understand, Hebrews 11:6: “Now without faith it is impossible to please God. For it is mandatory for the
impossible to please God….” Means you have no one who comes to God to believe that He exists…
power to please Him. What happens if you know [Have absolutely no doubt about it; that includes
you don’t have enough faith? The kind of faith that everything about God, because if you believe that
God wants us to have is His faith; meaning that the He is, you must also believe everything about Him
faith is a gift of God. and everything that He has done, including sending
His Son Jesus Christ.] …and that He is a rewarder of
You have to go to God and do like this man those who diligently seek Him.” That ties right in
did when he brought his son to have the demon cast with being a living sacrifice; doing the things that
out, Mark 9:17: “Then one from the multitude said, are well-pleasing.
‘Master, I brought my son who has a dumb spirit to
You; for wherever it seizes him it dashes him down; You know, maybe Herbert Armstrong was
and he foams and gnashes his teeth, and is withering right when he said, ‘Brethren, I don’t think half of
away. And I spoke to Your disciples, in order that you are converted.’ I mean, since he’s been gone and
they might cast it out, but they did not have the everything has been scattered, more than half of the
power.’…. [so even the disciples, at that point, Church is gone—right? Where are they?
didn’t have faith. Yet, Christ was right there with Romans 8:5: “Because those who are
them on a day-to-day basis—right? Quite amazing!] walking according to the flesh… [we’ll see how this
…And He answered him, saying, ‘O faithless ties in together, because we’re not to be conformed
generation! How long shall I be with you? How long to the world; if you’re after the flesh you want to be
shall I bear with you? Bring him to Me.’ Then they conformed to the world] …are minding the things of
brought him to Him. But when the spirit saw Him, it the flesh; but those who are walking according to the
immediately threw him into convulsions; and he fell Spirit, are minding the things of the Spirit.” The
down on the ground and began rolling about and things of the Spirit are what? The fruits of the Spirit
foaming at the mouth. And He asked his father, ‘How (Gal. 5:22):
long a time has this demon been with him?’ And he
said, ‘From childhood. For it often throws him both • love
into the fire and into the water, that it might destroy • faith
him. But if You have the power to do anything, have • joy
compassion on us and help us’” (vs 17-22). That’s a • hope
terrible situation, brethren! • peace
“And Jesus said to him, ‘If you can believe, • long-suffering
all things are possible to the one who believes.’…. • goodness
[This is a difficult problem—right? Notice what the • gentleness
father did. First of all, he started out in Truth— • meekness
didn’t he?] …And the father of the little child cried —‘against such there is no law!’ Those are the
out at once, saying with tears, ‘Lord, I believe. Help things of the Spirit.
my unbelief.’” (vs 23-24). And his unbelief was
confounded further because he came to the disciples Verse 6: “For to be carnally-minded is death,
and the disciples couldn’t do it. We’ve had this but to be spiritually-minded is life and peace,
many times, too, with brethren. They come to the because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it
ministers and the ministers don’t have any faith, and is not subject to the law of God—neither indeed can
consequently, they’re not healed. So it works both it be! Now then, those who are in the flesh cannot
ways. You have to start off by admitting that you please God” (vs 6-8). You tie that together with the
don’t have the faith. one who comes to God must believe that He is. It’s
impossible to please God unless you believe that He
When the disciples came and said, ‘Why
is! Why? Because all you’re doing is getting
couldn’t we do it, v 29: “Then He said to them, ‘This
religion for your own selfish self, rather than seeking
kind cannot be made to go out by anything except salvation, which comes from God. That’s quite a
prayer and fasting.’” So that you’re close to God and profound lesson—isn’t it?
you have that spiritual relationship and the Spirit of
God so that these things can be done. If you’re Verse 9: “However, you are not in the flesh,
drifting away and far away from God, you don’t but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God is
have faith. And sure enough there’s going to be dwelling within you. Now, if anyone does not have
some sort of crunch that’s going to come. You can the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him.”
Romans Series #27
Romans 12:1-2
There is the dividing line. They can go through and they figured He should come and save their city and
do a lot of things in the letter of the law. They can save their nation—they were going to take up and go
even recite Scripture. They can even teach. But, if back to the animal sacrifices; they were going to do
they don’t have the Spirit of God ‘they are none of all of the physical things. By that, constrain God to
His.’ That’s why all this separating and things has to intervene and save Jerusalem and the temple.
come on today.
So, Paul is talking here, Hebrews 13:9: “Do
Let’s see how it should be different with us not be carried about by all kinds of strange
than with the world, 1-Thessalonains 4:1: “Now then, doctrines…. [Oh, may we learn that! Yes! Doctrine,
as for the rest, brethren, we are beseeching and exhorting doctrine, who’s got a doctrine!] …For it is good for
you in the Lord Jesus, even as you received from us how the heart to be confirmed by grace and not by foods,
you are duty-bound to walk… [Very important. It is a which have brought no spiritual benefit to those who
walk, a way of life.] …and to please God, that you have been preoccupied with them. We have an altar
would abound still more. For you know what from which those who are serving the present
commandments we gave you through the Lord earthly tabernacle do not have authority to eat…
Jesus; because this is the will of God—even your [That’s something—isn’t it? Saying that the
sanctification—that you abstain from fornication” priesthood had no right to the altar of Christ—that
(vs 1-3)—and so forth; do the things that are is, unless they repented!] …for pertaining to those
pleasing to God! animals whose blood is brought into the Holy places
by the high priest for a sin offering, the bodies of all
This tells us the things that we do to please these are burned outside the camp” (vs 9-11).
God, 1-John 3; what is delightful to Him. I don’t
think that all of the doctrinal stupidity of some of the When they’re burned without the camp there
things that we’ve all gone through was pleasing to was bridge that went from the east end of the temple
God. I know some of these things, brethren, upset area across Kidron and then it went up to the Mt. of
me and just affect me for a long period of time. Olives. That’s why we know Christ was crucified on
When they cut right to the heart you don’t the Mt. of Olives. He was a sin offering—correct?
necessarily overcome it right away. It takes some Yes! And we know by the description of Luke and
time. It just does. Those things weren’t pleasing to Mark and Matthew, that the Centurion saw the veil
God. That can be the same thing with some of the rent, which covered the front of the temple. The only
things that I have heard in arguments and ‘religious’ way you could see that is if you were on the Mt.
things. Olives and you were looking west, toward the
temple. You could not have seen it if He was
1-John 3:22: “And whatever we may ask we crucified down in the low valley; you couldn’t even
receive from Him because… [Notice there’s a joint see the temple, nor in some of the traditional spots
thing]: …we keep His commandments and where they have Him crucified.
practice those things that are pleasing in His
sight…. [So, you see there is a differentiation Near where Jesus was crucified was the altar
between commandment-keeping and doing the where they took out all the sin offerings to burn
things that are pleasing. Commandment-keeping is them totally; burn them to ashes. The wages of sin is
required. Everyone should keep the commandments what? Death! And the ultimate wages of sin is what?
of God! To do the things that are pleasing to God is The Lake of Fire; burned in ashes. That’s why all sin
going above and beyond, and it’s a spiritual thing.] offerings were handled that way.
…And this is His commandment: that we believe on
the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and that we love Verse 12: “For this reason, Jesus… [outside
one another, exactly as He gave commandment to the camp; He was crucified right close to where that
us” (vs 22-23). Is that not pleasing to God? Yes! altar for burning the sin offerings was—called the
Miphkad Altar.] …in order that He might sanctify
Hebrews 13 talks about pleasing God twice the people by His own blood, also suffered outside
here. The book of Hebrews was written to all of the the gate…. [outside the gate of the city; outside the
Jews there in Jerusalem. The reason that Paul’s east gate of the temple] …So then, let us go forward
name is not on it—though it has the hand of Paul to Him outside the camp, bearing His reproach. For
and Luke in it—is because anything coming from we do not have a continuing city here on earth…”
the Apostle Paul to Jerusalem would have been (vs 12-14). That’s what the whole struggle was at
burned on arrival. I mean, even so-called Christians that time with the destruction of Jerusalem coming;
in Jerusalem, of the circumcision party, did not they wanted to preserve the city, the temple and
accept Paul. We need to understand that. A lot of that’s why you read in the book of Josephus so
those of the zealots were not converted. What they many pilgrims came that year that the temple was
were doing, they were going back to all the animal destroyed. The word went out, ‘Let’s all come; let’s
sacrifices and saying—since Jesus didn’t come when all keep the Passover; let’s all have all these animal
Romans Series #27
Romans 12:1-2
sacrifices and God surely will spare us from the life is easy, pleasant and smooth, it’s easy to love the
Romans.’ But it all backfired on them, because those world. Especially when the world is placing it’s
things don’t please God. good foot forward.
“…rather, we are seeking the one that is But here’s what God says, 1-John 2: 15: “Do
coming. Accordingly, let us offer the sacrifice of not love the world, nor the things that are in the
praise continually to God through Him; that is, with world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the
the fruit of our lips openly professing our faith in Father is not in him… [That’s a profound
His name. Now do not forget to do good and to statement—isn’t it? If you have the love of the
fellowship, for with such sacrifices God is well Father in you and you are loving God with all your
pleased” (vs 14-16). Present your bodies whole heart, mind, soul and being, you’re going to
wholly a living sacrifice. This is what it’s talking understand that even the best the world has to offer
about, the kind of living sacrifice of is nothing compared to what God is going to give.
That’s why we don’t love the world.] …because
• service everything that is in the world—… [not part or
• love some—ALL]…the lust of the flesh… [that is
• prayer everywhere today] …and the lust of the eyes, and
• faith the pretentious pride of physical life—” (vs 15-16).
• hope
• mercy Sounds like these soap operas that you
watch. I tell you what, brethren, television is getting
Verse 17: “Follow your leaders, and be submissive, so bad anymore, I’m ready to go to bed at 6:30 in the
because they are looking out for your spiritual well- evening. No question about it! The other night I was
being, as those who must be ready to give an account watching a little bit of baseball and that was boring.
to God in order that they may do this with joy, and You watch a little bit of basketball and that is
not with groaning because that would be unprofitable boring. Then you watch a movie and all they do is
for you. Pray for us; for we are certain that we have kill, lie, cheat and commit adultery. Then you think
a clear conscience, in all things desiring to conduct you’re watching a good movie or documentary and
ourselves well. Now I am earnestly exhorting you to then comes on the most raunchy ad you’d ever see.
do this more diligently that I may be sent back to You think you’re going to watch the Discovery
you more quickly. And may the God of peace, Who Channel, because that’s nice and clean. Then what
raised our Lord Jesus from among the dead—that happens, they put on an ad for some movie
great Shepherd of the sheep—through the blood of somewhere: nudity, killing, blowing up, shooting
the everlasting covenant, perfect you in every good and destroying! It is unreal! Now, we’re going to
work in order that you may do His will…” (vs 17- have 500 channels and nothing on! Used to be you
21). had 15 channels and you had nothing on, now there
are going to be 500 channels and nothing on.
Notice how this ties in with Rom. 12:1-2, They’re dummying people down, down, down even
and, of course, the rest of Rom. 12 tells about how more and more. How many of the barbarian movies
you are perfect in every good work; it lays it out in do they have to have. It seems like every other
full description. movie is barbarian—someone mad and throwing,
“…accomplishing in you that which is well hitting, kicking and dressed up in leather and having
pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ… whips and gauntlets and swords and guns, brass
[there it is, you can’t please God unless it’s through knuckles and motorcycles!
Jesus Christ. What did Jesus say? None can come to “—is not from the Father, but is from the
Me except the Father draw him; and none can world…. [Who is the ‘god of this world’? Satan the
come unto the Father except through Me! That’s devil! He’s the one that’s inspiring all of this.]
how we do the things that are well-pleasing to God.] …And the world and its lust is passing away, but the
…to Whom be the glory into the ages of eternity. one who does the will of God abides forever” (vs 16-
Amen.” (vs 17-21). 17). That’s how you do the things that are pleasing
There are some other things that we can put to God, if you do those things that are the will of the
down there, there are plenty of other Scriptures Father. That’s what’s very important. It says, ‘so that
concerning about doing the things that please God. you may prove what is the good and perfect, well-
I’ll let you do a little extra study in that. pleasing will of God.’ That’s why the carnal mind
can’t do it, because it can’t see that these things are
Let’s come to Romans 12:2: “Do not good and right.
conform yourselves to this world…” It’s going to be
harder today than ever before, because there are so The Renewing the Mind
many things out there that you can just love. When We have to have our minds renewed with the
Romans Series #27
Romans 12:1-2
Spirit of God. That’s why there’s repentance, the old man, which is corrupt according to deceitful
because repentance then brings about the cleaning, lusts… [Put that off. Is it well-pleasing to God that
the cleansing of the Holy Spirit. That’s why then you put away sin? Yes! Is it well-pleasing to God
you need the Word of God, which is the ‘washing of that you put off deceitful lusts? Yes!] …and that you
the water of the Word.’ You literally need the Word be renewed in the spirit of your mind” (vs 19-20).
of God to cleanse your mind, the Spirit of God to That’s what’s so important, brethren, renewed in the
heal your mind. That’s how you are renewed. spirit of your mind:
Ephesians 4:17: “So then, I declare and • be changed
testify this in the Lord that you are no longer to walk • be converted
even as the rest of the Gentiles are walking, in the • grow
vanity of their minds… [What a true statement that • develop
is—‘vanity of vanities, all it is vanity’ and
everything is to puff up the self, improve the self- Being ‘renewed in the spirit of your mind’ there’s
image.] …having their understanding darkened, also something else you need to do. You cannot go
being alienated from the life of God through the out and be like the world and just let all of these
ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of things just pour into your mind. They’re going to
their hearts” (vs 17-18). have an affect on your mind. Here’s what we’re told:
If you take this and do it in reverse, if you’re Proverbs 4:23: “Above all guard the door
over here at one time doing the things that please of your mind with diligence, for out of it are the
God, and you gradually go back to the world and it issues of life.” That’s why it’s important that in
becomes more and more comfortable, and you begin order to renew your mind you have to put in the
to love the world more and more, and you begin to Word of God. You’ve got to put out the deceitful
accept those things more and more—what happens? lusts, but you have to also put out those things that
You end up right here! You are blinded through your are of this world.
own ignorance! You cut yourself off! Then what
happens? “…guard the door of your mind with
diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. Put
Verse 19: “They have cast off all feelings, away from you a deceitful mouth… [pride and
and have given themselves up to licentiousness…” vanity] …and devious lips put far from you. Let
When I was back in Massachusetts at the hotel we your eyes look right on, and let your eyelids look
had the meeting in, they had a prom that night, straight before you” (vs 23-25). There comes times
Sabbath night. I tell you what, they’re all dressed up when things are so bad all around you, that all you
in their tuxedos and their gowns and going to the can do is just put your head down and your eyes
prom. As we got done eating dinner, we came by straight forward and go right straight ahead; get
and here were some of the teacher chaperones all away from it.
dressed up in the bar. They were up there getting
away from it all. They had their ties on and their tux Like Joseph when he was trying to be
on and I walked by and I made the comment, ‘Oh, seduced by the wife of his master, at that particular
the chaperones are here.’ Yes! ‘You’re getting away time when he was in slavery in Egypt—what did he
from it all.’ Yes! As we were walking down the hall, do? He said, ‘No, ma’am! He fled fornication! She
we heard this music, beating of drums, yelling, grabbed his robe and falsely accused him and had
screaming and jumping up and down. We stopped! It him thrown in jail. He was better off in jail, in the
was startling! We opened the door and here are all dungeon. So Joseph did that, he kept his eyes
these lights going around and everybody jumping up straight ahead. You know the rest of the story. God
and down and yelling and screaming! “…cast off all lifted him up in one day and made him #2 in all of
feelings, and have given themselves up to Egypt—in one day, from the dungeon to the throne!
licentiousness…” That’s exactly what was That’s quite a story when you understand about
happening there. These are the leaders of tomorrow! Joseph.
May God help us! Verse 26: “Ponder the path of your feet…
[figure out where you are going: What are you doing
“…to work every uncleanness with spiritually? What are you doing mentally? What are
insatiable desire. But you have not so learned Christ; your thoughts on?] …and all your ways will be
if indeed you have heard Him… [That’s quite a established. Do not turn to the right hand nor to the
statement—isn’t it? That ties in with ‘if you have an left; remove your foot from evil” (vs 26-27). It’s all
ear, let him hear.’ A lot of people hear but they don’t a part of getting out of this world!
hear! That’s what he’s saying here.] …and have
been taught in Him, according to the Truth in Jesus. I tell you, sometimes I kind of feel like the
That concerning your former conduct, you put off prayer: Take me out of the world! Especially when
Romans Series #27
Romans 12:1-2
you get out and see all the people and things like God… [That’s quite a statement—isn’t it? How do
that—it’s something! It’s really something! All of we ‘grieve the Holy Spirit of God’? By doing all
that is part of renewing your mind! What is going to these carnal things! if the Spirit of God is in us and
happen is when you’re renewing your mind and we’re out there doing all these carnal things, then
getting rid of these lusts, then you’re going to have we’re ‘grieving the Holy Spirit of God.’] …by
flashbacks. You’re going to have mental flashbacks which you have been sealed for the day of
take place because you don’t understand how deeply redemption. Let all bitterness, and indignation, and
buried some of these things are in your mind. When wrath, and clamor, and evil speaking be removed
a flashback happens, you ask God to help cleanse from you, together with all malice… [That’s how
your mind and get rid of it. Clean it up and make it you’re renewed in the spirit of your mind.] …and be
right, because God can give you perfect forgiveness kind and tenderhearted toward one another,
and forgetfulness. I think that’s why when we’re old, forgiving one another, even as God has also in
God gives us flashbacks to our youth, so we can also Christ forgiven you” (vs 29-32).
confess those sins that we’ve forgotten.
Romans 12:2: “…for you to prove what is
Ephesians 4:23: “And that you be renewed in the good and perfect and well-pleasing will of God.”
the spirit of your mind; and that you put on the new
man… [step-by-step, new; you’re renewed in mind Ephesians 6:6—talking to servants: “Not
and you put the new man—who is the new man? merely with eye service, as do pleasers of men; but
Christ! Christ in you, the Hope of glory!] …which as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the
according to God is created in righteousness and heart.” That’s how you prove what is the good and
Holiness of the Truth” (vs 23-24). You’re the perfect will of God. You do it from the heart.
workmanship of God! You are being created by Colossians 4:12 “Epaphras, a servant of
Christ and God the Father, right now, for what Christ who is from among you, salutes you. He is
you’re going to be as a Spirit being in the Kingdom always striving for you in his prayers, that you may
of God. That’s why all of this is so important, stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.”
brethren. There you go.
“Therefore, let each one put away lies… That’s quite a message when you understand
[Here’s the carnality that comes out—right? We all when he says, v 16: “After you have read the epistle,
have our carnality that comes out—correct? Yes!] see that it also is read in the Church of the
…and speak the truth with his neighbor because we Laodiceans, and that you also read the one from
are members of one another” (v 25). Then it gives all Laodicea.” We don’t have that one, so it’s quite an
the things that we need to do. When we put out the admonition to the Laodiceans, that you may stand
sin, then that is also pleasing to God. So there are perfect and complete in all the will of God. If you
two things that please God: are rich and increased with goods, there’s a
1. you keep His commandments and love challenge. Let it be the spiritual goods, not the
Him and grow in the spiritual fruits physical goods. Let it be all the will of God.
2. you put away the deceitful lusts and the Here’s something else concerning the
things of carnality pleasing will of God, Hebrews 10:7: “Then said I,
“When you become angry, do not sin…. [That’s a ‘Lo, I come (as it is written of Me in the scroll of the
tightrope to walk—isn’t it? Yes!] …Do not let the book) to do Your will, O God.’” That’s why Christ
sun go down on your anger… [very simple: if you’re came. He says it again in v 9: “Then He said, ‘Lo, I
angry all night you don’t sleep.] …Neither give come to do Your will, O God.’….”
place to the devil…. [If you keep anger, what are Verse 36: “For you need to have endurance,
you doing? Giving place to the devil! Don’t give him so that, after you have done the will of God, you
a place.] …Let the one who stole, steal no more; may receive the promise.” There it shows that not
rather, let him labor with his hands, working at what only does it show that we do it, but we also have to
is good, so that he may impart something to the one have patience and patiently continue doing it. All of
who has need. Do not let any corrupt communication this is very important when you put all of this
come out of your mouth…” (vs 26-29). Now, there’s together.
a challenge—isn’t it? All of us fall short in that—
don’t we? There’s quite a message in Romans 12:1-2:
“…but that which is good and needful for “Therefore, I am exhorting you, brethren, by the
edification…. [In other words, let your mercies of God, to present your bodies a living
communication build up. Don’t be tearing down.] sacrifice, Holy and well-pleasing to God, which is
(Help, edify, show, teach): …that it may give grace your spiritual service. Do not conform yourselves to
to those who hear. And grieve not the Holy Spirit of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of
Romans Series #27
Romans 12:1-2
Scriptural References:
1) Romans 12:1-2
2) Matthew 7:21-23
3) Romans 12:1
4) Psalm 6:1:1-7
5) Psalm 85:1-13
6) Psalm 101:1
7) Matthew 23:23
8) Luke 11:42
9) John 5:42
10) Jeremiah 16:1-6
11) Jeremiah 7:16
12) Isaiah 63:7-10
13) Psalm 51:1-3
14) Psalm 69:13-17
15) Psalm 103:1-4, 8-11
16) 2 Corinthians 1:3-7
17) Romans 12:1
18) Deuteronomy 14:1-3
19) 1 Peter 2:9-10
20) 1 Timothy 4:1-5
21) Romans 12:1-2
22) Hebrews 11:6
23) Mark 9:17-24, 29
24) Hebrews 11:6
25) Romans 8:5-9
26) 1 Thessalonians 4:1-3
27) 1 John 3:22-23
28) Hebrews 13:9-21
29) Romans 12:2
30) 1 John 2:15-17
31) Ephesians 4:17-20
32) Proverbs 4:23-27
33) Ephesians 4:23-32
34) Romans 12:2
35) Ephesians 6:6
36) Colossians 4:12, 16
37) Hebrews 10:7, 9, 36
38) Romans 12:1-2
Romans Series #28
Romans 12
Romans 12:3: “For I am saying through the uncircumcised Gentile that God was accepting his
grace has been given to me, to everyone who is worship. That’s why God then gave the Holy Spirit
among you, not to think more highly of himself than before they were baptized, because, I’m sure, you
he ought to think, but to think as it were with sound- couldn’t have convinced them any other way. So, the
mindedness, as God has divided to each one a revelation that we are to become the very sons of
measure of faith. Because even as one body, we God, you read in the later writings of Paul and John.
have many members, but all members do not have
the same function; in exactly the same way, we, Verse 4: “So that when you read this, you
being many, are one body in Christ, and each one will be able to comprehend my understanding in the
members of one another. But each one has different mystery of Christ)… [the secret of God being
gifts according to the grace which is given to us— revealed] …which in other generations was not
whether prophecy, let us prophesy—according to the made known to the sons of men, as it has now been
measure of faith; or service, let us tend to service; or revealed to His Holy apostles and prophets by the
the one who is teaching, let him tend to teaching; or Spirit… [He is writing as it is now at the date that
the one who is encouraging, let him tend to he’s writing this. He had this revelation and the
encouragement; the one who is giving, let it be with understanding along with the other apostles just
generosity; the one who is taking the lead, let it be before he died. This was quite a profound thing.]
with diligence; the one who is showing mercy, let it …that the Gentiles might be joint heirs, and a joint
be with cheerfulness” (vs 3-8). body, and joint partakers of His promise in Christ
through the Gospel, of which I became a servant
What we’re talking about in all of these according to the gift of the grace of God, which was
things here, through the rest of the whole chapter given to me through the inner working of His
really, is the whole attitude and function of how God power” (vs 4-7).
wants the Church run; how He wants us to function
and interface with each other. What he’s talking about in Romans 12:3:
‘…through the grace that is given to me…” he is
Romans 12:3: “For I am saying through the talking about the special grace that was given to him
grace has been given to me…” Let’s understand as an apostle: to teach, to write and to preach. This
something about the grace, which is given to the is all in accord with what Jesus told the apostles in
Apostle Paul, which should be given to everyone Matt. 13. I am sure that for us in some ways and in
who is then ordained a teacher or an elder. In order some things—I’m sure not in all things—we have
to teach the word of grace, there has to be given a even greater understanding than they did at that
special addition, through the laying on of hands, as time. I don’t want anyone to take that statement
Paul told Timothy: ‘The gift that you receive wrongly. I am not saying that I, as a person, know
through the laying on of my hands for the purpose of more than they did. Of course not, that’s ridiculous!
teaching.’ For the purpose of doing whatever the job But we may understand more things of prophecy
is to do. more clearly than they did. Would you not say?
They were anticipating Christ to return during their
Ephesians 3:1: “For this cause I, Paul, am the lifetime—correct? Yes! So, we do have more
prisoner of Christ Jesus for you Gentiles, if indeed understanding. Hopefully with the Word of God and
you have heard of the ministry of the grace of God the things we have now, and the Spirit of God, we
that was given to me for you; how He made known can claim the promise that Christ gave that ‘the
to me by revelation the mystery (even as I wrote Spirit would lead us into all Truth’—all the things
briefly before” (vs 1-3). We also need to understand that we need to know.
that the understanding of the New Testament plan of
God was unfolded step-by-step to the apostles. There are certain things that God reserves for
When they first began, they really didn’t understand Himself that only God knows. Those things we will
very much other than what was given by the never know. But those things for us that we are to
teachings of Jesus as found in the Gospel. And they know, we will know! That is if we love God and are
really didn’t understand how God was going to reach faithful with His Word and we keep His
out to all nations, though they were told, ‘Go into all commandments, and all of those things are involved.
the world.’
Matthew 13:16: “But blessed are your eyes,
When Peter was sent to Cornelius, he was because they see… [Now we are dealing with some
very surprised that here was someone who was an extra blessings, which come from God.] …and your
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ears, because they hear. For truly I say to you, many God
prophets and righteous men have desired to see what • everyday we seek God
you see, and have not seen; and to hear what you • everyday we study His Word
hear, and have not heard” (vs 16-17). What He told • everyday we pray to Him
the apostles there in John 14, that the Holy Spirit
would ‘bring to remembrance’ everything that He —then He will complete it; no question about it.
said, and then we have this written down for us. Verse 7: “It is indeed right for me to think
That’s quite a gift! That’s quite a revelation—isn’t this of you all because you have me in your hearts,
it? both in my bonds and in the defense and
Philippians 1:1: “Paul and Timothy, servants confirmation of the Gospel, and you are all fellow
of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus who partakers of my grace.” And when he’s referring to
are in Philippi, together with the overseers and his grace here, he’s referring to the Spirit that God
deacons: Grace and peace be to you from God our had given, the teachings that He has given, the
Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (vs 1-2). It’s just understanding of the Word of God, which he’s
like this, brethren, whenever we come before God on written for them. That’s all part of it. Let’s hope we
the Sabbath, God gives us His grace for that can all partake of that same grace with him.
Sabbath. Part of that grace is Romans 12:3: “For I am saying through the
• what we learn grace has been given to me, to everyone who is
• the fellowship that we have among you, not to think more highly of himself than
• the reassurance of the hope and he ought to think, but to think as it were with sound-
understanding that we have mindedness, as God has divided to each one a
measure of faith.” This is so vitally important for us
• reconfirmation of the Word of God
to understand and realize. I think this is one of the
Whenever we read and study, God’s grace is big problems that you have within the ministry and
imparted to us, because God’s grace is an overall within the Church. Too many people are thinking
umbrella in which we live. So, when he says, ‘grace more highly of themselves than they ought to, taking
and peace to you,’ this is an important thing. He’s to themselves names and labels and offices and
imparting a blessing. Just like in Revelation where it things that God has not given; and presenting
says, ‘blessed are those who read and blessed are themselves as some great ‘mucky-mucks.’
those who hear.’ It’s the same way when we come
That’s why on stationary I just have
on Sabbath services, the same thing applies.
‘minister.’ That’s why when people ask me what I
Verse 3: “I thank my God on every am, I tell them I’m a teacher. I don’t want to think
remembrance of you, always making supplication more highly than I ought to, and that’s about as high
with joy in my every prayer for you all, for your as I ought to think. If God wants to make it more
fellowship in the Gospel from the first day until than that, then He’ll have to make it evident, but so
now” (vs 3-5). I imagine so because this church in far He hasn’t. So, I accept that and try and keep it
Philippi was the only church of the Apostle Paul that that way.
wasn’t wracked in ruin with problems. You compare
Here’s an admonition given on how to help
this to the Church at Corinth. I mean, really, there’s
solve problems within the Church, Galatians 6:1:
no comparison with all the problems and difficulties
“Brethren, even if a man be overtaken in some
that they had.
offense, you who are spiritual… [those of you who
have exercised the spirit, who understand the Word
Verse 6: “Being confident of this very thing, of God] …restore such a one in a spirit of meekness,
that He Who began a good work in you will considering yourself, lest you also be tempted. Bear
complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Brethren, one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of
we really need to understand to have that Christ. For if anyone thinks himself to be something,
confidence that God will do it. when he is nothing, he is deceiving himself” (vs 1-
• God has promised! 3). If you really are something, then you are
• God has given His Word! something—that doesn’t mean that at all. It means
• God cannot lie! that if he thinks of himself to be something when he,
• He will do it! as man, is really nothing. All human beings came
from just a little speck of dust. That’s a miracle in
That’s why the only question mark is with us. That’s itself—isn’t it? How did that miracle come about?
why if Because of the work of the God, the grace of God!
That’s how we need to approach things.
• everyday we go to God
• everyday our lives are under the grace of You’ve seen it when a minister, elder or
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deacon will get all carried away with some big, high Romans 12:3: “…but to think as it were with
‘mucky-muck’ and strut around in vanity—what sound-mindedness, as God has divided to each one a
happens? It destroys everyone around him—doesn’t measure of faith.” God has given faith to everyone.
it? That’s why he’s saying this. Notice how the
Apostle Paul looks at these things: • we’re to grow in faith
• we’re to grow in knowledge
1-Corinthians 4:7: “For what makes you • we’re to grow in grace
superior to others?…. [In other words, ‘I’m this, I’m
that, I’m the other, I’m greater, he’s less. I’m more When you do, what do you have? You have
important, he’s nothing.’] (So Paul answers the something that God has given, because you receive
question): …And what do you have that you did not it from Him—correct? Yes!
receive?….” That’s everything in life, everything Verse 4: “Because even as in one body we
there is. What is there in life that you didn’t receive? have many members, but all members do not have
In other words, the only One Who has something He the same function.” That is the whole key in
didn’t receive is God—correct? Yes! And God, everything in how to organize a local
because He’s a God of love and gracious, He’s congregation—according to the function.
giving to us! What a marvelous and miraculous
thing it is that God can take that which is just a 1-Cor. 12 talks about ‘by one Spirit we’re all
speck of dust of nothing and create us as human baptized into one body, which is Christ.’ But we
beings, and then call us and give us don’t have the same function. Everyone has
something different that he or she can do. This is
• His Spirit what we need to understand. That’s not to just
• His Word and understanding rigidly put people in place, but because there’s room
• grant us the mind of Christ for growth in all of these things, that is true. But the
• then resurrect us as a spirit son or daughter way that the congregations and fellowships should
of God be organized is according to function. If you’re
going to have social and you have a social
—at the resurrection is absolutely a miraculous and
committee, fine, have a social committee, but does
fantastic thing!
that need to be a standing committee with authority
These people here in Corinth were acting as with those that are on it? No! That’s for the social.
though that they were high up ‘uppity-uppities’! When you don’t have socials, does the social
“…But if you also received it, why are you boasting committee have any function? No! When you do, do
as if you did not receive it?…. [In other words, you they? Yes!
came across this on your own. You created
It’s the same way with everything else. One
yourself.] …Now you are satiated…. [He has some
of the functions I do, I teach. That’s what I want to
real irony here; I mean, Paul is really cynical in a
do. I don’t want to do all kinds of other things.
couple of places in 1-Cor.] …Now you have been That’s not for me to do. Other people can do that,
enriched. You have reigned without us…. and other people can help and other people can do
[You’ve made it into the Kingdom of God already!]
things, and we can have it to where it is more of a
…And I would that you did reign, so that we also
level playing field for everybody.
might reign with you. For I suppose that God has
made us apostles last, as it were appointed to death; Verse 5: “In exactly the same way, we, being
for we have become a spectacle to the world, both to many, are one body in Christ, and each one members
angels and to men. We are fools for the sake of of one another.” That’s the way we need to consider
Christ, but you are wise in Christ; we are weak, but it, brethren, as a family-type relationship. That’s
you are strong…” (vs 7-10). See what happens when what’s so important. Not a corporate membership.
you get high-minded people thinking greater of Not a stratified membership, but a family
themselves than they ought to. That doesn’t mean membership, which is a created relationship, which
that we go around and we just denigrate ourselves God has made.
and criticize ourselves and are down on ourselves.
No! • Husband/wife relationship is a created
relationship—correct? Yes!
We ought to think sound mindedly. In other • Family relationship is a created
words, with God’s Spirit, we are to think and to relationship—correct? Yes!
understand that what God has given He has given. • Relationships within the Church is also a
We do the best we can with what we have, and if created relationship
anything is going to happen, there is a proverb that
says ‘promotion does not come from the east or the —because God is the One Who has called the
west, but from God.’ That’s what it needs to be. individual. God is the One who has brought them
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together. That’s why the relationship needs to be in a Verse 16: “From Whom all the body, fitly
family relationship considering one another, and that framed and compacted together by that which every
we’re all a part of the Body of Christ. joint supplies, according to its inner working in the
measure of each individual part, is making the
Verse 6: “But each one has different gifts increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in
according to the grace which is given to us— love”—the edifying of the Body of Christ. We all
whether prophecy, let us prophesy—according to the have our ups and downs; we all have our difficulties,
measure of faith.” God has given gifts to everyone, but Christ is always the same.
whether it is
This is why when we come together on the
• to pray Sabbath in Sabbath services, that we need to have it
• to study where we are really taught the Word of God, we are
• to encourage uplifted with His Spirit, uplifted with what is taught.
• to help As soon as we leave we go out and face the world
• to teach and there’s the world again for another week. I know
Ephesians 1: 22: “For He has subordinated all things sometimes when Friday comes along, many of us
under His feet… [If we’re all under Christ, we’re all feel that if we can just get to Friday and kind of trip
under the same thing—aren’t we? Yes!] …and has over the Sabbath sunset line—Aha! The Sabbath is
given Him to be Head over all things to the Church, here! Because of all of the difficulties and problems
which is His body—the fullness of Him Who fills all that we have, I know when I was out doing more
things in all” (vs 22-23). loans, that’s the way I felt. Boy, that was something!
It’s very important to understand how the world
Ephesians 4:1—here it fits in with the functions out there and to realize how great and
functioning of it just like Rom. 12: “Therefore, I, the marvelous the Sabbath is. So, when we come
prisoner of the Lord, am exhorting you to walk together for the Sabbath, let’s not bring the world
worthily of the calling to which you were called… with us, because we’re coming together with Christ.
[notice the attitude that we are to have]: …with all Let’s all be of that one mind and of that one spirit.
humility and meekness, with long-suffering,
forbearing one another in love… [sometimes we do We all have gifts given to us by the grace of
have to put up with things, but forebear with one God and he begins listing some of them for the
another in love] …being diligent to keep the unity of edification of the Church. These are all gifts to help
the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body in the Church.
and one Spirit, even as you were also called in one Romans 12:6: “…whether prophecy, let us
hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one prophesy…” You might note this: There are two
baptism; One God and Father of all, Who is over all, kinds of prophecy:
and through all, and in you all” (vs 1-6).
1. foretelling events
Now, if we consider that, that each one has 2. telling forth the Word of God—inspired
the Spirit from God the Father, won’t we love and speaking
appreciate each other all that much more, and won’t
we be all be willing to put aside all of our stupid, Not necessarily prophesying events to come. The
little carnalities—whatever they are—because we all Greek has the two meanings here.
have them? Yes! If we’re willing to put them aside, “…according to the measure of faith… [and
each one individually, and each one individually is understanding] …or service… [the noun for this is
willing to be forbearing with each other, then we can deacon or ‘diakonos’ and the verb is ‘diakonoi’
grow closer in love and closer in a family which means to serve] …let us tend to service… [the
relationship the way we ought to be. Apostle Paul called himself a ‘diakonos’—a servant.
When he would serve it would be ‘diakonoi’—
Verse 7: “But grace was given to each one of serving] …let us tend to service; or the one who is
us… [everyone has grace] …according to the teaching, let him tend to teaching” (vs 6-7). You
measure of the gift of Christ…. [whatever God have to prepare, you have to study, you have to
determines] …For this very reason, He says that equip yourself, and today, we’re being inundated
after ascending on high, He led captivity captive, with so many papers and things. I got one the other
and gave gifts to men. Now He Who ascended, what day. Did you know that ‘between the two evenings’
is it but that He also descended first into the lower means on the morning of the 13th?
parts of the earth? He Who descended is the same
one Who also ascended above all the heavens so that There are so many people out there
He might fulfill all things” (vs 7-10). Then he shows pretending to be teachers. They don’t know
the whole purpose of it. anything. I’ll tell you one thing I do, brethren—and
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I’m not trying to pat myself on the back, and I’m not will, then he’s going to end up being hypocritical
in anyway intending to do that whatsoever; so don’t like the scribes and Pharisees.] (Paul went on to
take it that way at all. When I bring a sermon or a say): …The one who is preaching, ‘Do not steal!’
lesson I prepare for it and study for it and prepare. If Are you stealing? The one who is saying, ‘Do not
I’m gong to teach I have to know! The only way I commit adultery!’ Are you committing adultery?
know is to get into the Word of God and know The one who is abhorring idols, are you committing
myself. That’s the only way. Have it all prepared sacrilege? You who are boasting in law, are you not
and then I can give you something that is going to dishonoring God through your transgression of the
teach you; something which is going to uplift you. law? for this very reason the name of God is being
blasphemed through you among the Gentiles,
Of course, you still have this, and this is exactly as it has been written” (vs 21-24). We’ve
always true, and this is something that anyone who seen this happen, too—haven’t we?—with different
is going to be teaching needs to realize: Never rely ministers and teachers and things like this. Some of
on the status quo as ever, ever being enough. What them are still going on in their various nefarious
do I mean by that? When it was told that the Church practices.
got off track by Herbert Armstrong, he re-
established the 18 points of Truth. All he did was re- Romans 12:7: “…the one who is teaching,
state the status quo. There was no growth and let him tend to teaching.” That includes:
knowledge of understanding for how many years?
Years and years! Here’s an obligation to everyone • preparing
who teaches has to really understand before God: • educating
• reading
1. You can never, never know as much as • studying
you need to; even in your whole lifetime. • writing
2. You can’t teach other people unless you
also learn and increase in knowledge —doing all of those things. I know this for sure: If
yourself. you write, you’re going to be able to teach better,
because writing makes you congeal your thoughts in
If you properly teach people, you’re going to do as a couchant manner. It’s one thing to get up and talk
Christ said: ‘It’s efficient that the disciple become as and just babble on. It’s another thing to have your
the teacher.’ And the obligation of whoever is thoughts organized and to be able to present them in
teaching, is to teach and lift everybody’s knowledge such a way that everyone is able to understand.
and understanding through that teaching to a higher That’s all a part of teaching. So, when he says ‘tend
level of understanding so that they can be greater to teaching’ this is what he’s meaning.
disciples of Christ. This is going to then increase in
you being able to receive a greater reward in the Verse 8: “Or the one who is encouraging, let
Kingdom of God. That’s what Paul said, ‘You are him tend to encouragement…” Here’s a rule: When
my crown.’ That’s what he was talking about. a person is down, don’t kick him. If they’re down
and out and they’re discouraged, don’t come and
Romans 2:17: “Behold, you who are names a land the world on them. Don’t come and tell them
Jew [teacher], and you yourself are resting in the how bad they are. Don’t come and tell them they
law, and are boasting in God… [by the way, they’re shouldn’t have done this and that and the other
even now allowing minister (in WCG) to be called thing. They already know that! When they are up,
‘reverend’; when the Scripture says that only God’s that’s when to come and bring some of those things.
name is Holy and reverend.] …and you know His If a person is down, encourage them! If they’re up
will, and are approving of the things which are more and encouraged, then they’ll be more than willing to
excellent, and are being instructed out of the law. listen to some of the things which are perceived as
Now you are persuaded that you yourself are a guide problems that they need to work on. I know I am.
of the blind, a light for those in darkness, an When I feel down and miserable, the last thing I
instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, having want is someone to come and crash on me. I might
the form of the knowledge and of the Truth not respond in too kind of a way. That’s the same
contained in the law” (vs 17-20). He’s talking to with all of us.
those who thought of themselves more than they
ought to. That’s the whole process that we need here
in encouraging. That’s one thing the Apostle Paul
He challenges them, v 21: “What then, you did. The Apostle Paul was always encouraging! I
who are teaching another, do you not also teach mean, even in his correction he gave hope. That’s
yourself?…. [That’s what it has to be. If whoever is another thing to remember. If there is correction,
teaching does not teach himself and follow what is then also give hope.
taught—you have to subtract from that human
weaknesses and faults that come along, because they 1-Thessalonians 3:1: “Accordingly, when we
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could not bear to wait any longer, we thought it best to really keep that in mind.
for us to be left in Athens alone; and we sent our
brother Timothy, a servant of God and our fellow Romans 12:8: “…the one who is giving, let
worker in the Gospel of Christ, in order to establish it be with generosity… [not just the penurious little
you and to encourage you concerning your faith, so thing. God is able to give back to you in many, many
that no one might be unduly shaken by these more ways.] …the one who is taking the lead, let it
persecutions. (For you yourselves know that we are be with diligence…” There has to be leadership
appointed to this very thing” (vs 1-3). Paul sent within the fellowship groups. There has to be
Timothy out to be encouraging the brethren when leadership within the Churches of God, but it has to
they were confronted with all of these difficulties. be done with diligence and with the kind of attitude
that we’re talking about here. Just think how much
1-Thessalonians 5: “For you are all children different that our church experiences would have
of the light… [notice how he encourages them here; been if this would have been the guidelines for what
inspires them] …and children of the day; we are not was done. It would have been totally different.
of the night, nor of the darkness…. [Now he gives a
warning.] …So then, we should not sleep, as others “…the one who is showing mercy, let it be
do… [we don’t want to be like that] …but we should with cheerfulness” (v 8). Not with grudgingness—
watch, and we should be sober. For those who are ‘all right I forgive you.’ (see booklet and sermons:
sleeping sleep in the night, and those who are Judge Righteous Judgment)—mercy always comes
drunken get drunk in the night. But we who are of after the judgment, not before. Let me give you an
the day should be sober, having put on the example of that:
breastplate of faith and love… [encourages and Many people think that in John 8, it is
inspires the brethren. For those who are giving showing Christ’s forgiveness. Let’s read it very
encouragement this gives you some methods on how carefully. It’s rather showing His judgment and
to do it.] …and for a helmet the hope of salvation, mercy. This is the account of the woman who was
because God has not appointed us to wrath, but to taken in adultery, John 8:3: “Then the scribes and
obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ” (vs the Pharisees brought to Him a woman who had
5-9). been taken in adultery… [I’ve often wondered, how
They were having a lot of persecution, a lot did they do that?] …and after setting her in the
of problems, and they were really down and out. center, they said to Him, ‘Teacher, this woman was
Always remember that. Whenever you’re down and caught in the very act of committing adultery. And
out, look up to Christ. He’s called you to salvation, in the law, Moses commanded us… [Now you have
so the circumstances around can be changed at any opinionated judgmentalness without righteous
time. judgment and not all of the facts. They’re using the
law as vengeance rather than a way to define right or
“Who died for us, so that whether we remain wrong.] …that those who commit such a sin should
alive until He comes or we fall asleep before that be stoned. Therefore, what do You say?’ Now they
day, together we may live forever with Him…. [at said this to tempt Him, so that they might have cause
the resurrection] …Therefore, encourage one to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote
another, and edify one another, even as you are on the ground with His finger” (vs 3-6). Everyone
already doing” (vs 10-11). This is all part of the has always wondered what was He writing on the
encouragement. So the one “…who is encouraging, ground?
let him tend to encouragement” (Rom. 12:8). (go to the next track)
Isaiah 51:11: “Therefore the redeemed of the I’ll tell you what I think He was writing
LORD shall return and come with singing into down on the ground. Some think He was writing the
Zion… [after they’ve been delivered out of their sins of those who brought her; that’s possible. But,
captivity] …and everlasting joy shall be upon their I’ll tell you what I think after we get through this a
head….” That’s what we want to have with the little bit further.
encouragement; to encourage one another. That’s
not to puff each other’s vanity up or anything like Verse 7: “And as they continued to ask Him,
that, but encourage each other. You’re not going to He lifted Himself up and said to them, ‘Let the
puff up anybody’s vanity if you just encourage them. sinless one among you cast the first stone at her.’….
“…Gladness and joy shall overtake them; [That’s why people think that He was writing down
sorrow and mourning shall flee away. ‘I, even I, am some of their sins.] …And again He stooped down
He Who comforts you. Who are you, that you and wrote on the ground. But after hearing this, they
should be afraid of a man that shall die, or of the son were convicted each by his own conscience, and
of man who is made as grass?’” (vs 11-12). Why be went out one by one, beginning with the older ones
afraid of that. There’s always hope in God. We need until the last. And Jesus was left alone, with the
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woman standing in the center…. [Here’s a whole We can’t be at peace with our neighbor in
crowd of people around and they brought the woman back of us because he doesn’t want to be peaceable.
to the middle and brought her right up to Him. He We were repairing the deck and he called the
stooped down on the ground, they all left and He building department to come out and inspect if we
stood up and here’s the woman there alone.] …And were building a church out there or not. Come on,
when Jesus lifted Himself up and saw no one but the spare us! It should have been evident. We had the
woman, He said to her, ‘Woman, where are your boards all torn up, we had the dry-rot that we had to
accusers? Did anyone condemn you?’ And she said, get rid of. Sometimes there are people you just can’t
‘No one, Lord.’ And Jesus said to her, ‘Neither do I be at peace with. That’s why he says, ‘if at all
condemn you. Go, and sin no more.’” (vs 7-11). possible.’ Those kind of people, you just have to
avoid them. With us, let us be at peace with each
He did not say ‘I forgive you’—did He? This other if at all possible, and I’m sure that it is.
is a type of mercy based upon judgment. What we
really have here is unrighteous judgment on the part “Beloved, do not be avenging yourselves;
of the Pharisees. They took the woman, but who did rather, back away from wrath, because it is written,
they leave behind? The man! Moses said you would ‘“Vengeance is Mine! I will recompense,” says the
take both of them and stone both of them. So could Lord.’ Therefore, if your enemy should be hungry,
it be that He was writing down on the ground, feed him; if he should be thirsty, give him drink; for
‘Where is the man?’ That’s what I believe. He could in doing this you shall be heaping coals of fire upon
have been writing down their sin, too, because He his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome
wrote more than once. He said, ‘I don’t condemn evil with good” (vs 17-21).
you.’ He rendered righteous judgment because you
cannot have adultery with just one party. It requires Let’s go back and look at each of these
two. Therefore, this is an example of showing mercy verses one by one. Verse 9: “Let love be
because the judgment was improper, but He did it unfeigned….” Love has to come from God’s Holy
with cheerfulness because He also said, ‘Go and sin Spirit, from within. It has to be genuine and sincere.
no more’—didn’t He? He said, ‘I don’t condemn You can put it on as a form of vanity and be friendly
you.’ Mercy without cheerfulness is mercy with and outgoing and all this sort of thing, but if it isn’t
condemnation. from the heart, sooner or later it will be known,
because it is ‘feigned’ love. In other words, it’s put
Romans 12:9: “Let love be unfeigned. Be on. With us, with the brethren, we’re to be unfeigned
abhorring that which is evil. Be cleaving to that love of the brethren. I think the closer that we draw
which is good. In brotherly love, be kindly to each other in loving each other comes as a direct
affectioned toward one another. In honor, let each result of drawing close to God and loving Him and
esteem the other more highly than himself. In letting God love us. If we do that, then we are going
diligence, be not indolent; in spirit be fervent; the to eliminate so many difficulties and problems and
one who is serving, be timely… [that’s especially so thoughts that people have one toward another—if
if you’re called to help put out a fire; if it’s too late you’re really following what the Apostle Paul is
it’s all burned up] ….In hope be rejoicing; in teaching here.
tribulation, be enduring; in prayer be steadfastly
continuing…. [All of these are present tense 1-Peter 1:21: “Even for you who through
participles showing that it is an ongoing thing in Him do believe in God, Who raised Him from the
doing these things.] …For the needs of the saints, be dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and
contributing; as to hospitality, be pursuing. Bless hope might be in God. Having purified your lives by
those who are persecuting you; bless and curse not. obedience to the Truth unto unfeigned brotherly
Rejoice with those who are rejoicing, and weep with love through the Spirit, love one another fervently
those who are weeping; be minding the same thing with a pure heart” (vs 21-22). This is what has been
toward one another. Do not be minding high missing in the Churches of God. Satan has
ambitions; rather, be accommodating with those who succeeded through an oppressive hierarchy, and
are humble. Do not be wise in your own conceits” through tares and division in the Church to set
(vs 9-16). You can tie that back in here with v 3— brethren against brethren. That’s not what God
not be wise in your own conceits. wants. And because of this, God is also having to
scatter the Church. “Let love be unfeigned” love of
the brethren with a pure heart.
Verse 17: “Do not be rendering to anyone
evil for evil to anyone. Be honestly providing for Let’s see how it works, Galatians 5:6:
yourselves in the sight of all men. If possible, as “Because in Christ Jesus neither is circumcision of
much as is within you, be at peace with all men.” any force, nor uncircumcision; rather, it is the inner
Sometimes it’s not possible. Sometimes people are working of faith through love.” That’s what God
just cantankerous. wants us to have, otherwise we just degenerate down
Romans Series #28
Romans 12
into carnality. We degenerate down into what they waiting for me now.’ Still had the joy—didn’t he?
were doing here.
“…that you be of the same mind, having the
Verse 14: “For the whole law is fulfilled in same love, being joined together in soul, minding
this commandment: ‘You shall love your neighbor as the one thing [the Kingdom of God]. Let nothing be
yourself.’ But if you bite and devour one another, done through contention or vainglory… [You can
watch out lest you be consumed by one another” (vs probably find a section in every one of the Apostle
14-15). What we’re dealing with is how to combat Paul’s epistles showing this kind of thing.] …but in
the evils of human nature; is what we’re really humility, each esteeming the others above himself.
dealing with, brethren. We can overcome. We can Let each one look not only after his own things, but
grow and change. We can develop the love of God, let each one also consider the things of others” (vs 2-
with His Spirit. 4). That doesn’t mean neglect your things. It means
this: consider the other person’s things as well. Just
He says right here, v 16: “Now this I say, don’t be selfishly looking at yours alone. Consider
walk by the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the lust of the other person.
the flesh.” That’s what we need to do. And if we do
that, that will save us whole lot of pain, agony and Verse 5: “Let this mind be in you, which was
misery. There used to be a western television also in Christ Jesus.” That’s what we need to do
program called ‘Hee Haw’ and they had one section: being of one mind, “…esteem the other more highly
Pain! and Misery! and Agony! And they had than himself.”
different ones stand up out of the cornfield in their
bib-overalls and it was typical of being down and Romans 12:11: “In diligence, be not
out. Well, God doesn’t what us to have that and be indolent… [In other words, if you have something to
filled with backbiting and devouring one another. do, do it, be diligent, do it, get it done.] …in spirit,
be fervent…”—not depressed, not down, but
Romans 12:9: “…Be abhorring that which is zealous. Let’s see what we are to do. If you’re not
evil. Be cleaving to that which is good.” Just an zealous in spirit, then what should you do?
automatic way of living; automatic way of doing
things. If you’re doing that, then you’re going to be 2-Timothy 1:6: “For this reason, I admonish
overcoming and changing as you’re going. That you to stir up the gift of God that is in you by the
which is good, cleave to. That which is evil, put laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a
away from you. spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of
sound-mindedness” (vs 6-7). The way that you are
Verse 10: “In brotherly love, be kindly fervent in spirit is to let God stir that up in you. And
affectioned toward one another. In honor, let each you stir that up in you by
esteem the other more highly than himself.” This is
very important for us to understand. Notice how the • study
Apostle Paul kept admonishing and encouraging the • prayer
congregations to really do this. This is the heart and • knowing God’s Word
core as to why we get together, brethren. Why we • fellowshipping with one another
are brethren. If we don’t love each other, who’s —all of these things together—that’s how you’re
going to love us? Is the world going to love us? No! fervent in spirit. By the way, if you’re Laodicean,
Jesus said the world is going to hate us. If we that’s it to overcome being Laodicean.
backbite and devour each other, who is going to put
us together? Is the world going to put us together?
No! We have a lot we really need to understand and Romans 12:11: “…the one who is serving,
consider. What he’s really saying here, through all of be timely.” If someone has need of clothing, give it
this: get rid of your carnality and put on the love of to them when they need it. Don’t give it to them
God and have the fruits of the Holy Spirit, in a little after their totally naked and destitute. If they need
different terminology by giving you step-by-step on food, don’t wait until they’re on their deathbed. Give
how to do it. it to them when they need it. Let it be timely. Help
them out in the time that they need. I’m sure that
Philippians 2:1: “Now then, if there be any when you have a need, aren’t you glad if it comes in
encouragement in Christ, if any comfort of love, if time? Let’s think of it this way—I can relate
any fellowship of the Spirit, if any deep inner something to all of us: If you have a paycheck
affections and compassions, fulfill my joy…” (vs 1- coming, aren’t you happy when it’s there on time?
2). The Apostle Paul didn’t have too much joy in his What if it’s a month late—now what? It’s the same
life with all that he went through, but yet, he way, if you have need, if you’re sick and in bed and
maintained the joy through the Spirit of God. Yes, he you have something you need that will help you,
did! In spite of everything. Even when he was taken because you have the flu and three days later
off to be killed, he said, ‘There’s a crown of life someone comes over with something to help you
Romans Series #28
Romans 12
with the flu but you’re already up and about. You Always realize there is a way of escape,
needed it when you flat on your back in bed—right? there is hope, there is a way out! God will provide it
even if you’re down flat and you think there is
Same way if you have something of a sinus nowhere else for you to go but down into the earth.
problem or an allergy problem. Whatever it may be. God will still raise you up out of that. God will
If you’re serving, let it be timely. provide a way.
Verse 12: “In hope, be rejoicing…” and What’s that story? The man was starving and
never, never, never give up in hope. There is always he was praying and was asking God to provide food.
hope. Let’s look at the worst case scenario. Where There was nothing there so the kids ran out and
there is life, there is hope! Even in the midst of bought a loaf of bread and threw it in the open
correction, there is hope! Even in the midst of window. The bread came in and he said, ‘Thank you,
destruction, there is hope! You need to understand Lord.’ And the kids were laughing. But God
that. Ezekiel was told that he was the ‘watchman’ for provided it. He may have used the kids to go buy the
the house of Israel, and he was to warn. God says, ‘If loaf, but he got the loaf of bread. It may come from
you don’t warn, I’m going to require the blood at an unexpected source that you would never think of
your hand. But if you do warn and the wicked man it, or an unexpected way that you would think would
doesn’t turn, then it’s going to be his own blood.’ never take place.
Ezekiel 33:10: “‘And you, son of man, speak I remember when I was writing the first
to the house of Israel. Thus shall you speak, saying, edition of the Passover book. When we started out
“When our transgressions and our sins are on us, we said we needed a thorough booklet about 75
and we are wasting away in them, how then shall we pages. Then it grew to 100, then 125, then we
live?” Say to them, “As I live,” says the Lord thought it would be pretty close to 200, well, about
GOD… [Right here in the middle of sin, destruction, 225. We finally ended up with 320, and all during
correction, captivity, misery death, God says]: …“I that time while I was writing and there was very
have no delight in the death of the wicked, except little church income at that time. Delores kept asking
that the wicked turn from his way, and live. Turn me, ‘Fred, where’s the money coming from?’ I’d say
you, turn you from your evil ways; for why will you it would be there when we’re ready. She must have
die, O house of Israel?”’” (vs 10-11). Right in the asked me a half-dozen times, which is fine because
middle of the most severe correction, God gives she didn’t want me to take the grocery money. She
hope! was out working and having a horrible commute
Right in the middle of the Tribulation (Rev. driving 280 miles a day. So, we were really strapped
7)—what does God do? He seals the 144,000 and for money. It was a concern for her—a proper
the great innumerable multitude! Great hope! I tell concern—where’s the money going to come from. I
you, that’s why He’s called the God of hope. Be wasn’t going to write and ask the brethren: ‘send
rejoicing in that. And when you do get discouraged money, brethren.’
and down and out, think of hope and rejoice in that What happens was, there were two real
hope. Don’t focus in on that little problem or estate transactions which were dead. That means
depression that’s right ahead of you. There’s always they had fallen through. But they were resurrected.
a way out. And out of the total of those two transactions, there
Here is the promise; here is the hope, 1-Cor. was $9,000 available which was extra, above and
10, and you can count on this. Sometimes we don’t beyond what our income was and we were able to do
know how much we can bear or not bear. Even in the book. We had enough church income to take care
the final analysis, if you die there’s the hope of the of the rest and then one man sent in $500 and said he
resurrection—right? Even in the very worst-case wanted it to go for the book. So, we were able to do
scenario. the book. To get the whole book and everything, it
was $12,000 for the first edition. That was to get it
1-Corinthians 10:12: “Therefore, let the one printed. We were able to take care of the freight
who thinks he stands take heed, lest he fall. No later. But, you always have hope! You never, never,
temptation has come upon you except what is never give up on hope! Whenever you have a
common to mankind. For God, Who is faithful, will problem and trial, God will provide the way out!
not permit you to be tempted beyond what you are
able to bear; but with the temptation, He will make a Romans 12:12: “…in tribulation, be
way of escape, so that you may be able to bear it” enduring… [that’s hope, rejoicing—tribulation and
(vs 12-13). God will do that! We need to look at it. enduring tie hand-in-hand. Tribulation brings
We need to especially keep that in mind as we’re endurance, and endurance then brings the love of
coming down toward what we might say God.] …in prayer, be steadfastly continuing.” We’re
‘doomsday,’ Armageddon and all that sort of thing. told to be instant in prayer, pray continuously. Let’s
Romans Series #28
Romans 12
be doing that. more that you anticipate that in a great and glorious
Here’s something also to realize in praying,
Rom. 8, I think in Paul writing this, God really “Now, by hope we were being saved, but
inspired him tremendously in it to help the brethren. hope that is seen is not hope; because whatever
For it to come all the way down to this age is really anyone sees, why is he still hoping for it? But if we
something, because we get inspiration from it are hoping for what we do not see, we ourselves
today—don’t we? That’s why the Word of God is so through patience are waiting for it. Now then, in the
great. The mind of Christ inspired it and it is same way also, the Spirit is conjointly helping us in
spiritually based so that when we read it, it inspires our weaknesses; because we do not fully understand
us. When people other than us do it, it can inspire what we should actually pray for, as it is really
them. Going clear back to the time of the Apostle necessary, but the Spirit itself is making intercession
Paul—and I don’t know how far it’s going to go—I for us with groanings, which cannot be expressed by
think that during the Millennium the Apostle Paul is us” (vs 24-26).
going to be encouraging people all the time.
Remember this, this is all part of that whole So, when you are praying, brethren, God’s
sequence that he’s giving in Rom. 12. Spirit in you is conveying to God exactly what your
thoughts are. All of these fleeting little things that
Romans 8:14: “Because as many as are intervene in your thought in your mind, as you’re
being led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of praying, are just all edited out. They don’t go to
God…. [Never forget that’s your calling, brethren! God. As you’re praying on your knees, and you
Always remember that! When you do, you will think ‘did I turn the pot off on the stove, is it going
never let anything get you down.] …for you have to boil over?’ That doesn’t go to God. That doesn’t
not received a spirit of bondage again unto fear, but need to go to God. God wants to know what’s in
you have received the Spirit of sonship, whereby we your heart, what’s in your mind. That goes to God!
are calling out, ‘Abba, Father.’ The Spirit itself is And the Spirit is intervening for us. This is all a part
bearing witness with our own spirit that we are the of the hope that He has given here. We need to
children of God. Now, if we are children, we are understand that the Spirit is making intercession for
also heirs, truly heirs of God and joint heirs with us.
Christ… [Inherit the universe; we need to
understand that that’s a great and marvelous calling. Romans 12:12: “…in prayer, be steadfastly
Really, what things are in the flesh really don’t continuing… [knowing that God’s Spirit is there]
count—do they?] …if indeed, we are jointly …For the needs of the saints, be contributing; as to
suffering with Him, so that we may also be jointly hospitality, be pursuing. Bless those who are
glorified with Him. for I am reckoning that the persecuting you; bless and curse not… [that ties in
sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be with what Jesus said there in Matt. 5:10-12—
compared with the glory which shall be revealed in ‘blessed are you if you’re persecuted.’ You’re to
us” (vs 14-18). What a thing that is going to be. ‘love your enemies and bless those that persecute
you and despitefully use you.’] …bless and curse
“For the earnest expectation of the creation not… [It’s too easy to curse.] …Rejoice with those
is itself awaiting the manifestation of the sons of who are rejoicing… [You have empathy and feeling
God… [That’s hard to comprehend—isn’t it? That with all of those brethren.] …and weep with those
the whole world out there is waiting for God’s final who are weeping” (vs 12-15). There are times that
completion of His plan with the saints in the first you will be empathic and weep with those who have
resurrection. That is hard to contemplate. But it is!] a sorrowful situation. There are times when people’s
…because the creation was subjected to vanity, not lives have really been hurt and crushed. You can’t
willingly, but by reason of Him Who subjected it in help but weep! There are times when I think about
hope, in order that the creation itself shall be what has happened to the Church and I feel like
delivered from the bondage of corruption into the Jeremiah that ‘oh my eyes were rivers of water.’
freedom of the glory of the children of God…. [and
God is going to use us to do that] …For we know Verse 16: “Be minding the same thing
that all the creation is groaning together and toward one another. Do not be minding high
travailing together until now. And not only that, but ambitions…” God is going to take care of the
even we ourselves who have the firstfruits of the calling. That doesn’t mean not to improve yourself;
Spirit, we ourselves are also groaning within that doesn’t mean not to increase in what you’re able
ourselves, awaiting the sonship—the redemption of to do. That means just don’t have high ambitions
our body” (vs 19-23). like this fellow on television that ‘you can do
anything you want to do, you can be anything you
I think the older you get the more that is true. want to be, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps.’
The more pain and suffering that you go through the You can do certain things. You can change certain
Romans Series #28
Romans 12
things. But don’t set out and say, ‘I’m gong to make people” (vs 39-43).
all the money in the world that I can make.’ That’s a
high ambition. ‘I’m going to be President of the Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter;
except where noted
United States.’ That’s a high ambition. If you are, Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
you’d better learn to be a liar like the one that’s in Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
there now [Clinton] or you’re never going to make Scriptural References:
it. Too many times, a lot of these high ambitions
have an evil price tag to go along with it. 1) Romans 12:1-8, 1
2) Ephesians 3:1-7
“…rather, be accommodating with those 3) Matthew 13:16-17
who are humble…. [Those that are in humble 4) Romans 12:3
circumstances. Realize that they need help and so 5) Philippians 1:1-7
forth.] …Do not be wise in your conceits. Do not be 6) Romans 12:3
rendering evil for evil to anyone. Be honestly 7) Galatians 6:1-3
providing for yourselves in the sight of all men. If 8) 1 Corinthians 4:7-10
possible, as much as is within you, be at peace with 9) Romans 12:3-6
all men. Beloved, do not be avenging yourselves; 10) Ephesians 1:22-23
rather, back away from wrath—… [If you have to, 11) Ephesians 4:1-10, 16
and you’re real angry, sleep on it—if you can sleep.] 12) Romans 12:6-7
…because it has been written, ‘“Vengeance is Mine! 13) Romans 2:17-24
I will recompense,” says the Lord.’” (vs 16-19). 14) Romans 12:7-8
There’s a reason why God says this, because there’s 15) 1 Thessalonians 3:1-3
nothing worst than a miserable night’s non-sleep. 16) 1 Thessalonians 5:5-11
Ephesians 4:26: “When you become angry, 17) Isaiah 51:11-12
do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your 18) Romans 12:8
anger…” Don’t go to bed angry. All you’re going to 19) John 8:3-11
do is lose a night’s sleep. What are you going to 20) Romans 12:9-21, 9
solve anyway? Has any anger or frustration or 21) 1 Peter 1:21-22
fighting mental battles at night ever solved the 22) Galatians 5:6, 14-16
problem or convinced the other person to change? 23) Romans 12:9-10
No! Put them into God’s hands. They’re in better 24) Philippians 2:1-5
hands—aren’t they? ‘Oh, God, You know how to 25) Romans 12:11
deal with this. Oh, God, You know how to intervene 26) 2 Timothy 1:6-7
and take care of this. I don’t know the way. I’m 27) Romans 12:11-12
filled with anger and rage, help me to get rid of it, 28) Ezekiel 33:10-11
get it out of my mind. You take care of it.’ God will 29) 1 Corinthians 10:12-13
take care of it! And He’ll take care of it in His time 30) Romans 12:12
and in His way and it will be far better than what you 31) Romans 8:14-26
could do. 32) Romans 12:12-19
33) Ephesians 4:26
So, vengeance belongs to the Lord! And the 34) Deuteronomy 32:39-43
day of vengeance is the Feast of Trumpets. God will
take the vengeance. And if you don’t think God is Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
able to take vengeance, you think about all the
plagues that God brought upon the Egyptians in • 1 Corinthians 12
Egypt. • Revelation 7
Deuteronomy 32:39: “‘See now that I, even I • Matthew 5:10-12
am He, and there is no god besides Me. I kill, and I
make alive… [notice Who has all the power. God Also Referenced: Sermon Series/Booklet
does!] …I wound and I heal. Neither is there any that Judge Righteous Judgment
can deliver out of My hand, for I lift up My hand to FRC:bo
heaven and say, “I live forever! I will make My Transcribed: 1-16-11
arrows drunk with blood, and My sword shall devour
flesh, with the blood of the slain and of the captives,
from the hairy scalp of the enemy.”’ Rejoice, O,
nations, with His people; for He will avenge the
blood of His servants, and will render vengeance to
His foes and will be merciful to His land, to His
Romans Series #29
Romans 13:1-9
Did anybody receive this open letter and cannot accomplish spiritual things with carnal or
treaties by Arthur Ferdig? This basically says that physical means! You can’t do it! That’s important
corporations and corporate law is evil and that what to remember. That’s why we see all of these things
you need to do to come out of Babylon is completely going on around us, all of the doctrines, all of the
get out from underneath the law of the government opinions and a lot of people have a lot of difficulty
of the land and apply the Law of God in your life with it.
and in the land as much as you can.
“…nor handling the Word of God
Well, the problem is, is that there are many deceitfully…” I’m going to give you an example of
misapplied things in this. This is why it’s going to be handling the Word of God deceitfully today, right
very important for us to understand about doctrine. out of this paper by Art Ferdig. This also tells me
Let’s go to 2-Timothy 3 for just a minute; let’s something else. How many remember who Art
understand something that’s very important. This Ferdig was? He was editor-in-chief of The Plain
will cover another thing I’ll touch on a little later. Truth magazine, and he also was a surrogate writer
We need to keep this in mind. for Herbert W. Armstrong. So you see some of the
same problems carried over from that into this.
2-Timothy 3:16: “All Scripture is God-
breathed and is profitable for [prophecy, for Is it going to make any sense to not have any
speculation, for opinions and for whatever you corporations? And think this is righteousness on this
believe.]”—you know that isn’t what it says. But hand—not have any driver’s license, not have any
this is how many people treat the Bible. And another car license, not have any professional license of any
thing that goes right along with that, and this is one kind—but then turn around and ‘handle the Word of
of the major problems today. This is a major God deceitfully.’ What have you accomplished?
problem with this paper by Art Ferdig, saying that if You’ve accomplished nothing! All of this over here
you have a church corporation you’re sinning before leaving these carnal things behind—which are
God, and that you ought to get out of that, you ought neither here nor there to God—and coming over and
to get out of every corporation and then the next step misapplying the Word of God now becomes another
is get rid of your social security number, your problem. I understand you had a visitation by Steve
driver’s license, the license number on your car, and Macmillan up at the Feast. He’s the one who
all of that. All of that is part of evil Babylon. They brought this along.
quote certain Scriptures and sometimes they quote
them correctly, other times they don’t quote them Notice what Paul says here in v 2, again:
correctly. “…but by manifestation of the Truth… [that means
in repentance, disavowed, expunged away as dung,
2-Corinthians 4:1: “Therefore, having this “…the hidden things of dishonest gain, not walking
ministry, according as we have received mercy, we in cunning craftiness, nor handling the Word of God
are not fainthearted. For we have personally deceitfully; but by manifestation of the Truth, we are
renounced the hidden things of dishonest gain… commending ourselves to every man’s conscience
[That is a big problem among those teachers who before God.”
have been in the major Churches of God. A major
problem! Dishonesty! Because they were in a What is the most deceitful way of ‘handling
dishonest system.] …nor walking in cunning the Truth of God deceitfully’? That is to properly
craftiness…” (vs 1-2—having a personal agenda to quote it—quote it exactly—and then misapply it!
accomplish something. That’s why it’s very important that not only do we
understand the Truth—which we need to—we need
to understand why it is true; we need to understand
How is walking in craftiness today? One of the reasons why that it is; then we also need to
the big way that walking in craftiness is understand the errors and why they are errors and
accomplished today is to take something like false doctrine, so we can understand the Truth.
psychology, sales attributes in the world, and apply Because intermixed with this, on the side of
that to promoting a church and promoting the Word ‘teachers’ now we have another problem on the side
of God. That’s craftiness! You’re using the wrong of the hearers. We have two problems in the Church
things. You’re taking carnal things to accomplish a of God today, which are meeting head-on. This is
spiritual goal. Remember, one of the most profound why there is so much turmoil in it.
things that we need to always remember is this: You
Romans Series #29
Romans 13:1-9
Intermixed in this is, 2-Timothy 4:3: “For that He taught, which means then subsequently
there shall come a time when they will not tolerate everything He inspired the Apostle Paul, the Apostle
sound doctrine…” That’s a problem we are having Peter, the Apostle James, Luke, Mark, Matthew and
everywhere. They, in this case, not being the everything is all the doctrine of God the Father
ministers particularly, but the brethren. So, you have through Christ.] …If anyone desires to do… [Greek
two problems: ‘poieo’—means to practice or to keep or to do]
…His will… [You have to do His will—which is
1. people who want to deceitfully ‘handle the what? His doctrine!] …he shall know of the
Word of God’ for their own benefit and doctrine, whether it is from God, or whether I speak
profit and be ‘teachers’ from My own self’” (vs 16-17). Even Jesus didn’t
2. brethren who want to hear all of these speak of Himself. It’s interesting in the Greek: of
things comes from the two letter Greek word ‘ek’—means
So, it’s compounding, and then when they get out from. Meaning He is not speaking of anything
together to hear doctrine, they can’t endure it! They that He originated Himself, coming from His own
can’t handle it! What do they do? “…but according mind.
to their own lusts they shall accumulate to Verse 18: “The one who speaks of himself is
themselves a great number of teachers, having ears seeking his own glory; but He Who seeks the glory
itching to hear what satisfies their cravings; and of Him Who sent Him is true… [in other words,
they shall turn away their own ears from the Truth; Christ is saying that He—Christ—is seeking the
and they shall be turned aside unto myths” (vs 3-4). glory of Him—God the Father—that sent Him.]
• Doctrine is the teaching! …and there is no unrighteousness in Him.”
• Doctrine is what we need to know! Deuteronomy 18—I know for sure that this
• Doctrine comes from God! is going to be one of the most frequently covered
Let’s go to John, the seventh chapter, for just a parts of the Bible this coming year. You can be
minute, please. Let’s understand something very, guaranteed, without a doubt! This is why doctrine is
very important concerning doctrine. Doctrine is not so important. This is why correctly using the Word
opinion. Doctrine should always be interpreted by of God is so important. This is why it needs to be
the Word of God—Scripture interpreting the brought out whenever someone is teaching falsely in
Scripture. Whoever is teaching has to ‘rightly public. We also need to understand: If you make any
divide’ or rightly cut the Word of God. Which tells publication—whoever you may be—and send it out
us then there’s a right way to do it, and there is a to anybody anywhere, don’t get all upset that your
wrong way to do it—correct? Yes! Let’s understand doctrine may be challenged and compared with the
about doctrine: Scriptures. And do not take it as a personal attack.
Doctrine belongs to God the Father. So, if you
John 7:14: “But then, about the middle of the preach false doctrine, you are attacking God the
Feast, Jesus went up into the temple and was Father (in case you don’t know it). I f false doctrine
teaching. And the Jews were amazed, saying, ‘How is pointed out and shown that you’re teaching—
does this man know letters, having never been whoever you are—is wrong, don’t take it as personal
schooled?’” (vs 14-15). Which is a ridiculous insult, take it as a message that maybe you ought to
statement, but it’s telling us that He didn’t learn at check out the Word of God to know whether you
the hands of Judaism, but He was taught of the know it or not. If you get mad at something like that,
Father—that’s who He was taught of. He didn’t go and take it personally, then what are you going to
to their schools, their universities, their rabbinical tell God when He judges you this way?
high echelon school to learn of the rabbis, and then
all of sudden out of that discover God’s Truth. No, Deuteronomy 18:18—these are the words of
He learned of the Father. the Father, speaking of Christ: “I will raise them up
a Prophet from among their brethren, One like you
Verse 16: “Jesus answered them and said, [Moses], and will put My words in His mouth….
‘My doctrine is not Mine, but His Who sent [That’s how He learned from the Father.] …And He
Me….’” That’s a very profound and important shall speak to them… [the future generations of
verse. All of the words of God, as recorded in the Israel and the ministry that He had, as recorded in
Bible, are the teachings of God. Doctrine means Matt., Mark, Luke, and John] …all that I shall
teaching! It’s what it means; it has come from the command Him.” This all that I shall command Him
Father. So therefore, we need to consider very also goes beyond to inspiring the rest of the New
carefully the words of God. Testament. It is the Spirit of Truth coming from
Notice, there is also a very important thing Christ to inspire and make sure that it is done. This
we will do. Jesus said, “‘My doctrine… [everything is all inclusive.
Romans Series #29
Romans 13:1-9
Verse 19: “And it shall come to pass, This is the answer to Rom. 13. I’ll read what
whatever man will not hearken to My words… [the he has written here. What is another rule that you
Father’s words; the Father’s doctrine] …which He always need to have? I have this rule and that is:
shall speak in My name, I [the Father] will require it When you’re sitting around talking about the Bible
of him”—going to be held accountable. and you begin to quote verses and things, and you
start getting wee bit off, open the Bible so you know!
It dawned on me—remember, we read the It’s the same way here.
Kid’s Rights that came in the Post cereal box last
week—never did it say anything about • We are to test!
responsibility. That’s what’s wrong with this age • We are to prove!
today. They demand a ‘right’ but they refuse to be • We are to know!
responsible. They demand a ‘right’ to a fair trial, but
they refuse to be obedient to the law, so they don’t The answer to the authority question [of
have to go to trial. It is their duty to be obedient to Rom. 13] becomes quite plain (and
the law—would you not say? You cannot have logical)…
‘right’s’ without duties. You cannot have the Truth
of God without responsibilities. God is the One Who What is the truth of logic? All logic is not Truth! But
is saying He has the right, He is God, and we have all Truth is logical! But that is not an equal equation
duties. That’s what He’s saying here. as you would do it in algebra. Do you understand
what I mean? That’s a heavy statement: All logic is
Notice that He will require it of him not Truth, but all Truth is logical.
(anybody)—we shall all come before the judgment
seat of Christ, and everyone will give an answer, an …when we understand what Paul is
account, for his life, what he has done (Rom. 14). No actually saying. He instructed Christians to
way around it. No one’s going to change it. Doesn’t obey lawful authority, meaning authorities
matter what you think or feel. It matters what the that God—not Satan—ordained whether
truth is. Have you ever done anything, that when you within the Kingdom of God or the
did it, it seemed and felt so right? Yes, I have! You kingdom of men that are enforcing Godly
have! Was it right because your felt so? No! That laws that have their basis and motive for
was your own carnal nature and your own lust. enforcement in God’s Holy Law for the
That’s not to put anybody down and make anybody well-being of all concerned. This authority
mean or nasty more than anybody else. It’s just not. of which Paul speaks then is derived from
That’s just the way it is. real law, not lawlessness.
Notice, there’s another responsibility here, v The Greek word…
20: “But the prophet… [Anyone who speaks the Now, you see, this where people begin to sound very
Word of God; considers himself a teacher. There are intelligent.
many! And there are many teachers who have been
‘heaped up.’] …the prophet who shall presume to …for ‘power’ or ‘authority’ in Rom. 13:1
speak a word… [why is that important? Every is not lawlessness…
Word of God has been tried and purified. I mean,
you could extrapolate that to mean a message, but He says everything in the world out here is greater
then you get down into the message and it is a Babylon and everything in it is lawlessness. Well,
word.] …in My name which I have not commanded not everything in it is lawlessness. Do they not have
him to speak… [In other words, we are not to teach law that ‘you shall not murder, you shall not steal,’
anything that’s not commanded. That’s why when I etc., etc.? Is that lawlessness? But the thing that he is
give my opinion I ring a cowbell. Some people don’t after is: Now we’re going to change what Paul wrote
like my cowbell. Other people like my cowbell. here. Listen carefully:
That’s okay!] …or who shall speak in the name of …and that Greek word is ‘exousia’ (see
other gods… [the doctrines of other religions] Strong’s Concordance #1849)…
…even that prophet shall die.”
Whenever you see that, know that the person does
• I take this most seriously! not understand the Greek—period!
• God takes this most seriously!
…which can be rendered ‘force, capacity,
We need to be very, very careful when we give our competency, authority, power, jurisdiction,
opinions. I’m going to give you an example of liberty, right and strength.’ The word
someone who has violated this in public. If it’s in ‘state, civil or government’ does not
public, then it’s public domain—isn’t it?—and we appear among those possible definitions.
can comment on it—can’t we? Yes! So, let’s do that.
My comment was, true, but the context of
Romans Series #29
Romans 13:1-9
government is understood. This is very sophisticated Typical device! You don’t dare quote it, but you
in its presentation, so you need to be very careful in refer to the verse.
how read things. These rulers, without question, were able
to judge righteously between good works
The civil government concept has been and evil works (v 3) and had God’s
added or inferred by translators… authority to enforce their righteous
We will see that is not a correct statement. It is by judgment (v 4). The reader should also
context what is written. note that the same word for ‘ruler’ is used
to identify rulers of the synagogue and the
…who assume, possibly by the reference priesthood—offices ordained by God (see
‘tribute’ that Paul was talking about civil Mark 5:22; Acts 4:5-8; 13:15).
offices of power. But notice the same word
is used in Matt. 28:18 to show that Christ So, now this sounding authoritative!
has all Authority—‘exousis.’ Paul also makes it plain that there is lawful
Do you see the transfer device? Do you follow that? tribute to be gathered for common good
You can’t take a word over here, which has this (vs 6-7), which fits with the Jews’ custom
application, and then take and give another broad of paying a temple tax for use at a Jewish
application over here, because you’re taking both synagogue or even a community poll tax—
things out of context to try and create something that a per head or census tax—to the
you want created, by using the Scriptures. community treasury to be used for the
common good. There was no income tax
Satan, too, has ‘exousia’ of the air (Eph. under Roman law at the time.
2:2) and the disciples were given power—
‘exousia’—over Satan, by Christ (Luke All wrongly applied statements, with the exception
10:19). of no income tax. Well, they came and took 20% of
everything—didn’t they. If you have an increase,
All of these are basically true statements. So, you get isn’t it your income? And if they take 20% of it,
true statement, true statement, basically true isn’t it income tax? What he means to say is there
statement, true statement—now, listen to this: was no income taxes, like our Federal income taxes
The rulers spoken of by Paul in Rom. 13, today, where you can do it all by remote control
though not specifically identified by a through forms and checks and money. Now then he
particular title, were obviously not among says:
rulers of darkness or advocating See Roman society and Roman law in the
enforcement of lawlessness, for Paul New Testament (Sherwin White, 1963
would not condone obedience to Oxford University Press, pgs 125-127). It
lawlessness. is obvious then…
Once you buy the mistake that all the governments Notice: without question, it is obvious then. These
in the world are devoted to lawlessness—they’re not are put there so that you will agree, because if you
all devoted to lawlessness. They are a mixture of question it, then you’re saying he doesn’t know what
good and evil, because that’s what Babylon is. It is he’s saying, which means that—if that be true—you
not given over to total lawlessness. Notice where know more than the writer. But he’s trying to make
he’s going with this: you feel that you know less than him. Then he says:
These rulers were, without question… It’s obvious then that Rom. 13 can just as
Whenever you see that phrase ‘without question’ easily be referring to authorities and rulers
watch out! Another typical one is ‘there can be no that God put into His church.
doubt at all.’ Unless you’ve proven there’s no doubt Wrong conclusion! Totally wrong! A very good
at all, watch out for that statement. You will read example of deceitfully handling the Word of God
this in historian’s writings as they go along. They’ll because you have a preconceived notion as to what
make a statement, then they’ll make a transference your conclusion is going to be.
device to their conclusion. Then they will say at the
end ‘undoubtedly.’ That’s how you need read some For even Paul calls them God’s ministers
of these things. I know this is a little heavy, but hang (v 4). It is also interesting to note that the
on! Part of what I’m doing today is to give you some only Greek word used in the Bible
ammunition so that when you read things like this, properly translated governments appears
you will need it read the same way you used to, that one time only in 1-Cor. 12:28, where Paul
you will know how to read it. We have to discern listed the offices and responsibilities God
right from wrong. He does not quote Rom. 13. placed in the Church.
Romans Series #29
Romans 13:1-9
Romans Series #29
Romans 13:1-9
given that John the Baptist told the soldiers ignore the speed laws and go 95 mph and
was, do no harm and extort nothing from zoom in and out of the traffic and
people. They were Roman soldiers. So that endanger your life and everybody else’s
would apply, too. Also, you have Jesus’ life? Yes!
words: render to God the things that
God’s; and unto Caesar, the things that I tell all of those of you who don’t like the higher
are Caesar’s. If that is not a government powers, when you get in a car wreck and you’re
issue, I don’t know what it is. lying there bleeding and your life is threatened by
death, you’re going to be might thankful that even
• Was not Caesar the czar? Yes! on the Sabbath Day the highway patrol comes—
But these are cleverly devised arguments. right? And you’re going to be mighty thankful that
(go to the next track)
the ambulance workers come—right? Are those evil
workers? Are they lawless workers? Are they agents
So, these are cleverly sounding arguments by of Satan the devil? No, they are the good workers
people who appear to know the Scriptures but don’t! within the society, which does not reckon the
Let’s go back and read this again, Sabbath, so therefore, they work on the Sabbath!
Romans 13:1: “Let everyone be subject to And you, if you’re coming to church, have a car
the… [the head rabbi—that’s what he’s implying— wreck on the Sabbath will be very happy that they
correct? Doesn’t say that—does it?] …higher are there—will you not? Will you tell them to go
authorities, because there is no authority except away, it’s the Sabbath Day, let me lie here and bleed
from God; and those who are the authorities [in the to death? I speak as a fool! Of course not!
synagogue] have been ordained by God.” NO! God Yes, they’re having fires today in Southern
destroyed the synagogue and temple system—right? California, if your home is threatened, are you can
Yes! Test these things! Analyze them! If you have a tell them to go away? No! You’re going to say, come
hard time understanding it, don’t leap to any on up here, let me help hold the hose—right? Sure
conclusions; go back and read it again at a later date. you are! How about delivering babies on the
Approach it two or three different ways. Sabbath? You rebellious kid, how dare you be born
If you resist the authority, you resist the on the Sabbath Day; you stay in there until
ordinance of God, v 2: “So that the one who is sundown! Never happen! It’s stupid! You’ve got to
setting himself against the authority, has resisted the have a little humor in this! It’s just bound to!
ordinance of God…. [v 3]: …For the rulers…”—any “…Do you desire not to be afraid of the
ruler. The word ‘ruler’ and the word ‘ruler in the authority? Then practice the good…” (v 3). Let’s
synagogue’ is anyplace. You cannot compare the understand something: if this were talking about
two, except the two words are the same. Does that rulers of the synagogue, and you came in and did a
mean they’re in the same office? No! It does not! good work and confessed Christ, what would
The word ‘ruler’ is a word that needs clarification of happen? Throw you out and you’d be beaten up—
what? Of the synagogue? Of the army? Of the correct? Yes! This cannot refer to ‘synagogal’
nation? Of the Church? Of a household? ‘Ruler’ authorities.
itself tells you nothing. In and of itself you cannot
make a transference device that one equals the other. It’s a stupid statement [the paper previously read] and
Because you have ‘rulers of the synagogue’ does not improperly put together treatises here, and one who
mean that these rulers here are rulers of the was the chief editor of The Plain Truth magazine for
synagogue. It is a foolish and improperly applied use years and years and years. Now you know what was
of the Scriptures. wrong with The Plain Truth magazine. The truth is,
all the money was made in this evil system and now
“For the rulers are not a terror to the good we’re retired and have bought our property up in the
mountains and now we’re up here in Railroad Flats
works, but to the evil ones….” (v 3).
and we’re just comfortable so we can renounce it.
• Can you be arrested for loving your And all you other people down here in the valley,
neighbor? you’d better follow us and renounce it, too. Doesn’t
• Can you be arrested for obeying the law? work! Coming out of the world is a spiritual thing!
No! What did Christ pray? He said, ‘Father, I pray that
• Is it a good work to obey the laws? Yes, it You not take them out of the world, but that You
is! protect them from the evil one.’ Even if you try and
• Are you going to be arrested if you don’t get out from underneath the authority of the law of
like your neighbor and shoot up his the land, you’re still under the authority of the law of
home? Yes, you are! the land with the exceptions that they have made. Is
• Are you going to get arrested if you that not correct? Yes! You’re still under their
Romans Series #29
Romans 13:1-9
authority, one way or the other! unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.’ Pay him
his tax.] …for they are servants [ministers] of God,
The thing that they’re missing with the mark continually engaged in this very thing” (vs 5-6).
of the beast entirely is that the mark of the beast is That’s why they have bureaucracies. I hate taxes,
not going to be just a system of buying and selling: just like all of you. But I pay them, out of
1. you must commit idolatry conscience, grudgingly! But I pay them!
2. it is a system of control—mind control! “Render to all their dues: render tribute to
What you need to do is, you watch all the television whom tribute is due; render custom to whom
programs—I’ve been channel surfing, that’s my custom is due; render fear to whom fear is due;
favorite sport; 54 channels and nothing on—and render honor to whom honor is due. Do not be
almost every program has to do with some sort of obligated to anyone in anything, unless it is to love
mental control—correct? More and more and more, one another. For the one who is loving the other has
you watch how many. I’m not saying watch those fulfilled the law… [or is fulfilling the law]
programs, but you flick the channel around and see …Because it says, ‘You shall not commit adultery.
how many there are. I discovered four programs the You shall not commit murder. You shall not steal.
other night that had to do with some kind of demon You shall not bear false witness. You shall not lust’;
possession, mind control, alter your thoughts, alter and if there be any other commandment, it is
your reality, and that is pre-programming people for summed up in this saying, by this standard: ‘You
the coming mark of the beast. shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” (vs 7-9). That
has to do with civil authorities.
So the mark of the beast is going to be to
control your thoughts; to send messages to you so How can we ever be a ‘light to the world’ if
you become a techno-robot—that’s what they want. we withdraw from the world and go up to our
One of them—I watched a little—they devoided this mountain flats and just sit there and contemplate
man completely of his memory. Then they were re- God? We can’t be a witness to them. We can’t love
programming him to be another person. This is what them. We can’t help them. We can’t show them the
Satan wants to do; he wants to take away your right way. This thing of ‘coming out of the world’ is
existence, because what you are is up here in your what they really need is a separate satellite capsule
mind. And the mark of the beast is going to be not in which to get and then be shot off into space. Then
just buying and selling—that’s a secondary thing— they would be truly ‘out of the world.’
because you have to commit idolatry and it will be to So coming out of Babylon (Rev. 18:4)
control you. You give up your will to Satan! All of means to come out of her spiritually! Have we come
these other arguments leading up to it are all out of Babylon spiritually? Yes! The only country in
superficial. the world that you have a remote ghost of a change
Now then, v 3: “…Then practice the good, of doing any of the things advocated in this
and you shall have praise from it; for he is a particular dissertation by Art Ferdig is the United
servant… [not minister in the sense of hands laid on States of America. Any other country on earth you
ordained bonafied Church of God minister or could not do it. Could you withdraw in China, Tibet,
synagogal ruler] …of God to you for good. But if Russia, Germany, France, Great Britain, Canada,
you are practicing evil—fear! For he does not carry any place in South America? NO!
the sword in vain… [Who carries the sword? The You can get out of social security legally, if
civil government! By the context it tells us this. you want to. But in doing that, you have to take a
Before guns, what did they have? Swords! Spears! ‘poverty vow’ that you will take no assistance of any
Shields! Correct? Yes!] …because he is the servant government agency anywhere, under any
of God, an avenger for wrath to him that is circumstances. Which means that you could not go
practicing evil’ (vs 3-4). Granted, the civil laws of to a hospital in an emergency and then have the
the land and the way courts are run today may not be emergency fund of the community help pay it for
run exactly the right way according to the Word of you. So they will allow you to do that.
God, but they are still there and they go after the evil
one—don’t they? Yes! It’s what it’s talking about. What about those who are living on social
security? How are they going to be supported? Are
“Wherefore, it is necessary to be subject to you going to have all the senior citizens renounce
authority, not only on account of wrath, but also on social security because the system is not ‘perfect.’
account of conscience…. [as a Christian that’s what Show me anything in the world that is perfect, even
he’s talking about] …For this cause, you pay yourself and your own body. Tell me! I want to
tribute… [He doesn’t say give a temple tax; he know! Nothing is! God has called us because we’re
doesn’t say give it to the synagogue ruler. Jesus said, weak and imperfect, and we live in a terrible and
‘Render unto God the things that are God’s, and awful and evil world. We are called out of it
Romans Series #29
Romans 13:1-9
spiritually! That’s what we need to understand. can’t call a plumber because you can’t pay him, you
can’t use Federal Reserve notes. You’re in bad
This kind of thing [the paper previously read] is going shape. Try Roto-Rooter, that may do it. We’ve got to
to lead to extremism to the nth degree. have a little humor in this.
Unfortunately, there are so many people out there
who don’t know their Bibles. There are so many The basic, fundamental question is how
teachers out there who don’t know their Bibles and much you love God, not how far out of a corporation
sound good, but don’t know how to think and don’t you can be. I agree with one thing that he has here.
know how to talk, and don’t know what the will of The constitution and bylaws of the United Church of
God is. Yet, when I come along and point it out and God is a corporate bunch of garbage. But that’s
say this is wrong and this is wrong and this is wrong because they created those, so therefore, it has
doctrinally, I’m a bad, bad boy! I’m attacking that nothing to do with that a corporation is evil. It’s the
person! NO, I’m not! men who wrote those. A corporation is not evil,
people are evil!
Who is going to stand for the Truth? Tell me!
Where? Where are they going to stand for the Truth? That’s not going to stop someone from suing
I don’t count myself the only one, but I tell you you, whether you’re a corporation, a non-
what, what I know, I know! What I don’t know, I’ll corporation, an individual, an unincorporated
tell you I don’t know. What I know that I really association doing business. They’re still going to sue
know and have proved and reproved, and I know it you. If you get a subpoena for court and you don’t
to be the Word and Truth of God, believe me, show up, you can only run so long, and sooner or
anyone who comes out with any public doctrine like later they’re going to get you and put you in jail. If
that, you are open game—welcome! Everyone has you count that being persecuted ‘for righteousness
done it to me, join us! sake’ you’ve got a BIG mistake. That’s being
persecuted for your own stupidity and your own
Comment was made on John 17:15—‘I pray lawlessness. You end up being lawless while you
that You take them not out of the world, but that accuse the world of being totally lawless in every
You keep them from the evil one.’ We’re not case.
equipped to be taken out of the world. The only way
you’re going to completely and totally come out of See how all this get confused when you try
the world is to either be changed, if you’re alive and bring the Kingdom of God here now. You can’t
when Jesus Christ returns, and you become a spirit do it because Christ is not here! You can’t make it
being and the Kingdom of God comes. OR you die work! Let’s go back to the original constitution once
in the faith. delivered.
Another very important thing: What they’re • Can you do it? No!
trying to do is physically setup the Kingdom of God • Was it perfect? No!
on earth. You can’t do it! How long can these people • Was it better than now? Yes!
be an end unto themselves and still survive in this • But is it God’s way? No!
world? I do not know! I think, until the first snowfall • Was it based on certain principles out of
and all the power is cut off. These things always end the Bible? Yes!
up in money-making schemes, where then they teach • Does that make it Holy? No!
other and you come to seminars and you pay and
you pay for more materials. Now what are they Any person who will keep any of the
going to do, because they have to use ‘dirty, rotten, commandments of God, in any degree, will be
Federal Reserve notes’? Are they only going to teach blessed to the degree that he keeps the
those who bring silver? How are you going to buy commandments of God, because God is no respecter
with your silver? Are you going to teach only those of persons. You need to understand that. But we’re
who have gold? Now what are you going to do? be assaulted by all of these things—not only
doctrinally, but this kind of stuff—what a world we
It’s all hypocritical! If you have health live in!
insurance, is that not a corporation? One of the Salvation has nothing to do with whether
‘wicked, wicked, wicked corporations.’ Yes, it is! If you have a license plate or driver’s license or an
you need surgery, are you going to do it yourself, address. What are you going to do, strip off the
because you don’t want to have a ‘wicked, wicked number of your house? Okay, now you also have to
corporation’ pay for it? Now what if you make a go down to the county and you have to strip away
mistake when you’re doing your own colostomy? the legal designation of your lot where you are. So
You’re in bad shape? If you get the ‘plumbing’ all then you sell your house and you buy something in
wired up wrong and the wrong thing is doing the the country. It is still on a title or title report that you
wrong thing, now what are you going to do? You have a lot designation. I don’t care if you have
Romans Series #29
Romans 13:1-9
50,000 acres, are you going to strip that out of the as long as they take into account that
county books, or out of the state? No! creation was the work of God. The pope’s
message to the Pontifical Academy of
They’re trying to accomplish spiritual Science…
things by doing carnal things! You can’t do it!
Loving God does not come because you get rid of This is as bad as denouncing Galileo—isn’t it?
your driver’s license. Loving God comes because
you have a converted heart. …a lay organization, meeting in Rome this
week recalled how Pope Pius XII
You can homestead your property, but the proclaimed in 1950 that evolutionary
homestead is worth only $75,000. They can take doctrine was a serious hypotheses.
anything beyond that. The reason that we have the
laws that we have now is because of sin. That’s why They do this step-by-step-by-step. ‘Serious
they’re worse than they used to be. hypotheses means it’s a serious theory that we ought
to consider. They like to bury them in these words.
• Are you going to defy God? In the statement released Wednesday, the
• Are you going to stop the one-world pope said new knowledge had confirmed
government? that Darwin’s theory of evolution is more
• Are you going to stop Satan’s system from than a hypothesis.
coming to its greatest manifestation in
history? Though, they can’t find any missing link fossils.
NO! NO! It isn’t going to happen! Our time will Darwin’s theory that mankind was a
come when the mark of the beast comes down. product of a slow evolutionary process
That’s when our time will come! That’s when you from early forms of life conflicts with a
resist, because then they are making you commit literal reading of the Biblical account of
idolatry; they are wanting you to bow down to this creation that the world, including humans,
image, then you’ll receive the mark of the beast— was created in six days.
not until. Little affect in the U.S.: Bay area religious
Even if you had 50,000 acres, you would still scholars said Thursday they wouldn’t
have to pay tax. If you don’t pay the tax, then they expect the pope’s statement to create much
take your property. Furthermore, someone could buy controversy among American Catholics,
your property by paying the taxes, and at the end of since many have already reconciled the
seven years they could do a ‘hostile takeover’ and teaching of science and religion. “For most
take it from you. If you’re going to try and get your Catholics scholars,” says Ken Cramer, a
property exempt from taxes, you still have to go to religious studies professor at San Jose
the ‘evil’ government and fill out an ‘evil’ form so State University, “it’s not a matter of
you can get your ‘evil’ exemption—is that correct? creationism vs evolution, rather it’s a
Then the cost of an ‘evil’ attorney, yes. We could go matter of what is the source of the
on and on. evolution process itself, which stands
behind it at the beginning. Among lay
Here’s an article: Pope Stresses Evolution Catholics, there’s likely to be a range of
and Faith Can Co-exist: views,” Cramer said, “depending on their
Throughout his papacy, John Paul II has upbringing and religious training.”
paid close attention to science. In 1992, at Santa Clara University religious studies
the end of 13 years of study by the Professor J. David Pleens said, “Many
Vatican… religions have begun to address the
Notice, ‘committee study’—whenever you have a findings of science. There is an interesting
committee study, it always comes out evil, openness to not view this as a battle
invariably. between religion and science, but as how
do the two co-exist together.”
He declared that the church was wrong to
have condemned the astronomer Galileo. You see ecumenism even in this!
After 600 years, marvelous! Aren’t you wonderful? “There’s also a diversity of views among
In his most comprehensive statement, yet, local evangelical Christians,” said Peter
on evolution, Pope John Paul II insisted Wilkies, pastor of So. Hills Community
that faith and science can co-exist, telling Church, one of San Jose’s largest
scientists that Darwin’s theories are sound evangelical churches.
Romans Series #29
Romans 13:1-9
Scriptural References:
1) 2-Timothy 3:16
2) 2-Corinthians 4:1-2
3) 2 Timothy 4:3
4) John 7:14-18
5) Deuteronomy 18:18-20
6) Romans 12:20-21
7) Romans 13:1-9
Transcribed: 1-23-11
Romans Series #30
Romans 12:18 thru 13
Romans 12:18: “If Possible, as much as is put it in God’s hands, He is going to do it in a way
within you, be at peace with all men.” Sometimes that you may not figure it’s going to be done.
that’s very difficult to do. Sometimes you’re just up
against some cantankerous people; you’re up against Notice the attitude, v 20: “Therefore, if your
evil people; you’re up against those who just don’t enemy should be hungry, feed him; if he should be
want to be at peace. So, the best thing that you can thirsty, give him drink; for in doing this you shall be
do with people like that is just avoid them. heaping coals of fire upon his head…. [meaning that
Sometimes you have to, there’s no other way around he has nothing coming back upon you] …Do not be
it. overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (vs
If you really have a terrible problem which
needs to be taken care of, v 19: “Beloved, do not be That’s precisely and exactly what people
avenging yourselves…” That’s awfully hard to did—wasn’t it? Even when He was being beaten and
resist—isn’t it? If something happens to you, what is scourge and crucified, He said, ‘Father, forgive
the first thing you want to do? Jesus said, ‘If them, they know not what they do.’ Was God’s
someone hits you on the right cheek, turn to him the vengeance for that, in destroying Jerusalem and
left cheek also.’ Then some add to it: when that is sending the Jews into captivity, better and more than
over, then hit them. That isn’t what Jesus said, but Jesus could do as a human being while this was
many times you feel like it. Sometimes people come going on? Yes, it was! Furthermore, they had a
upon you in such a way that you just feel like there greater witness down through the years—for 40
is something you’ve got to do. Sometimes, when years—until the city was destroyed. Then God sent
you’re dealing in business, in the realm of legal the Roman armies in there to take care of it.
things in the world, sometimes there are things that Let’s look at another case here, Esther. Here
you have to do. Sometimes, because of the situation, is a wonderful book on how God gives vengeance in
you have to take the course that is available to you, His way and in His time. Sometimes we would like
which follows in Rom. 13: ‘be subject to the higher to see vengeance executed instantly! But that’s not
powers.’ If you use the legal system in a right way, always the case. The book of Esther, quite a good
in this world, then that is fine. book, excellent in showing this example, and also it
As we saw in 1-Cor. 6, you don’t want to use shows that sometimes before God executes His
the legal system in ‘bother against brother.’ Still, vengeance, He let’s the one who’s your enemy be
you’re not avenging yourself. If it comes to a exalted even more. Sometimes that happens. You sit
situation where you have to go to court, then let the back and you wonder why God hasn’t executed
judge do the avenging. He’s the one who has been vengeance. It’s not time!
put there to do the avenging, but don’t avenge You know the situation with King Ahsuerus;
yourself. You’ve seen how many times that people he put away his first wife Vashti and Esther was
go ahead and take it to themselves, and it’s so easy made queen after that. This is all part of the story of
to do in this society. Especially when you have how God avenged. Esther 3:1: “After these things
corrupt judges letting off pedophiles and King Ahasuerus promoted Haman the son of
homosexuals who have seduced children, or killed Hammedatha the Agagite… [one of the sons of
children, or kidnapped children. Edom, who was one that God said that he would
There have been cases of parents who took it have war in every generation; so here is one of the
in their hands to kill the one who did so, which in antagonists of God] …and advanced him and set his
the Old Testament time would have been perfectly seat above all the princes who were with him. And
legal. But we are not under that legal system today. all the king’s servants in the king’s gate knelt down
In some cases, the jury—seeing the trauma that the and paid honor to Haman… [think of him as the
parents went through—completely let them off. pope of Persia] …for the king had so commanded
However, in some cases that’s not so. concerning him. But Mordecai did not bow down
nor prostrate himself before him” (vs 1-2). That
would be committing idolatry, and things were made
That’s why don’t be avenging yourself, v 19: miserable for Mordecai because of it.
“…rather, back away from wrath—… [step aside
from it] …because it has been written, ‘Vengeance “And the king’s servants in the king’s gate
is Mine! I will recompense,’ says the Lord.” If you said to Mordecai, ‘Why do you transgress the king’s
Romans Series #30
Romans 12:18 thru 13
command?’ Now it came to pass when they spoke commanded to the king’s lieutenants, and to the
daily to him, and he did not hearken to them, they governors who were over every province, and to the
told Haman, to see if Mordecai’s words would stand. rulers of every people of every province, according
For he had told them that he was a Jew. And when to the writing of it, and to every people according to
Haman saw that Mordecai did not kneel down nor their language. It was written in the name of King
pay honor to him, then Haman was full of wrath…. Ahasuerus and sealed with the king’s ring” (vs 9-
[how dare you, I’m so important] …But it seemed 12). Sweeping authority—right?
contemptible to lay hands only on Mordecai, for
they had revealed to him the people of Mordecai. So “And the letters were sent by postal riders
Haman sought to destroy all the Jews… [now we’re into all the king’s provinces, to destroy, to kill, and
up against a problem that it looks like there’s no way to annihilate all Jews, both young and old, little
to solve it] …throughout the whole kingdom of children and women, in one day, on the thirteenth
Ahasuerus—the people of Mordecai. In the first day of the twelfth month, which is the month Adar,
month, that is, the month Nisan, in the twelfth year and to plunder their goods. A copy of the writing—
of King Ahasuerus, they cast Pur… [this is why the as a command to be given in every province—was
Jews have the ‘Feast of Purim.’ Pur is the casting of published to all people, that they should be ready for
lots.] …that is the lot, before Haman from day to that day. The posts went out, being hurried by the
day, and from month to month, to the twelfth month, king’s command, and the decree was given in
the month Adar” (vs 3-7). Shushan the palace. And the king and Haman sat
down to drink, but the city of Shushan was
So they went through a whole year saying, perplexed” (vs 13-15).
‘Ok, when are we going to do this? Let’s roll out the
lot and let’s see what day we’re going to do this. • How are you going to get out of this?
• What scheme would you think of to get out
“And Haman said to King Ahasuerus, of this problem?
‘There is a certain people scattered abroad and
dispersed among the people, in all the provinces Then you know what happened, Esther 5:1: “Now it
of your kingdom. And their laws are different came to pass on the third day, Esther put on royal
from those of all other people… [First thing you clothing, and stood in the inner court of the king’s
do when you don’t want Truth, you cast aspersion palace… [she had to wait there until the kings said to
upon the person. That’s the very first tactic that come in. If any of you women feel oppressed, think
the evil people do. They’re not looking for truth; of that.] …across from the king’s hall. And the king
they’re not looking for righteousness; but they sat upon his royal throne in the royal hall, facing the
cast aspersion upon the people.] …neither do they entrance of the hall. And it was so that when the
keep the king’s laws…. [The king’s law was king saw Esther the queen standing in the court, she
absolute; had to be obeyed! That’s why the kings received favor in his sight. And the king held out to
first wife was put away.] …Therefore it is not in Esther the golden scepter in his hand. And Esther
the king’s interest to allow them to live. If it drew near and touched the top of the scepter. And
pleases the king, let it be written…” (vs 8-9). the king said to her, ‘What do you desire, Queen
Esther? And what is your wish? It shall be given to
Here’s another thing that always works in you even to half of the kingdom.’ And Esther
politics: Who is the one that does the ‘dirty work’? answered, ‘If it is good to the king, let the king and
The advisor! The advisor brings in the scheme. Does Haman come today to the banquet which I have
this sound familiar with some things you’ve read prepared for him.’ And the king said, ‘Cause Haman
about conspiracies? Yes, indeed! So we have it right to hurry so that he may do as Esther has said.’ And
here: the king and Haman came to the banquet which
“…let it be written that they may be Esther had prepared. And the king said to Esther at
destroyed. And I will pay ten thousand talents of the banquet of wine, ‘What is your petition, that it
silver into the hands of those who have charge of the shall be granted to you? And what is your request? It
business, to bring it into the king’s treasuries.’…. shall be performed even to half of the kingdom.’ (vs
[Look, king, you won’t even have to pay a dime to 1-6). She must have been some woman for him to
the soldiers, I’ll do this for you.] …And the king say that!
took his ring from his hand, and gave it to Haman Verse 7: “And Esther answered and said, ‘As
the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, the Jews’ to my petition and my request, if I have found favor
enemy. And the king said to Haman, ‘The silver is in the sight of the king, and if it pleases the king to
given to you, the people also, to do with them as grant my petition and to perform my request, let the
seems good to you.’ Then the king’s scribes were king and Haman come to the banquet which I shall
called on the thirteenth day of the first month, and prepare for them, and I will do tomorrow as the king
there was written according to all that Haman had has said’” (vs 7-8). She took two steps in this: she
Romans Series #30
Romans 12:18 thru 13
had a banquet of wine first, and said, ‘This is really king delights to honor, and bring him on horseback
not the real thing, king; you and Haman come again through the streets of the city, and proclaim before
tomorrow.’ him, “This is what shall be done to the man whom
the king delights to honor.”’ And the king said to
Verse 9: “And Haman went forth that day Haman, ‘Make haste! Take the clothing and the
joyful and with a glad heart. But when Haman saw horse, as you have said, and do so even to Mordecai
Mordecai in the king’s gate, that he did not stand up the Jew, who sits at the king’s gate. Do not fail to do
nor move for him, he was full of fury against any of all the things you have spoken’” (vs 5-10).
Mordecai. But Haman refrained himself. And when Here’s how God avenged!
he came home, he sent and called for his friends and
Zeresh his wife. And Haman told them of the glory Verse 11: “And Haman took the clothing and
of his riches, and his many children, and all things to the horse and dressed Mordecai… [Can you imagine
which the king had promoted him… [Sometimes him dressing up Mordecai, the one he hated?] …and
God let’s the enemy get all exalted in vanity; get all brought him on horseback through the street of the
puffed up with their performance and all the things city, and proclaimed before him, ‘This is what shall
that they have.] …and how he had advanced him be done to the man whom the king delights to
above the princes and servants of the king. And honor!’…. [I don’t think he spoke this very loudly.]
Haman said, ‘Yea, Esther the queen let no other man …And Mordecai returned to the king’s gate. But
but me come in with the king to the banquet that she Haman hurried to his house mourning, and having
had prepared. And also tomorrow I am invited to her his head covered” (vs 11-12). Shame and disgrace!
banquet, with the king. Yet all this fails to satisfy me So he told everything to his wife. Then when
as long as I see Mordecai the Jew sitting at the Ahasuerus found out that he was tricked into the
king’s gate.’ And Zeresh his wife and all his friends decree and killing all the Jews, then he sent out
said to him, ‘Make a gallows, fifty cubits high, and another decree that all of those that were to kill them
tomorrow speak to the king that Mordecai may be should be killed and hung on the gallows. So, God
hanged on it. Then go in merrily with the king to the took care of Haman—the Agagite, the son of
banquet.’ And the thing pleased Haman, and he Hammedatha—and he was hung on the gallows that
caused the wooden gallows to be made” (vs 9-14). he built for Mordecai.
God has a way of intervening, Esther 6:1: That’s a good example of the vengeance of
“On that night the king could not sleep, and he God. We can take the same thing and apply it in our
commanded to bring the book of records of the life; sometimes we just have to wait on God. In
chronicles. And they were read before the king…. waiting on God it’s going to take a little time and it
[that’s like saying, ‘Bring me the Sunday paper.’] will work out differently than you suppose.
…And it was found written that Mordecai had told
of Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king’s officers, Several years ago there was an independent
the guards of the door who sought to lay hands on minister who associated with us at the Feast of
King Ahasuerus. And the king said, ‘What honor Tabernacles for a couple of years. He proceeded to
and dignity has been done to Mordecai for this?’ take the mailing list from us. I talked to him about it
And the king’s servants who served him said, and confronted him about it, but he couldn’t see that
‘Nothing has been done for him.’ And the king said, he had done anything wrong in it. I could see that he
‘Who is in the court?’ And Haman had come into the was not willing to change at all, so I just let the
outer court of the king’s palace to speak to the king to matter go, left in peace. He thought everything was
hang Mordecai on the gallows which he had prepared just fine. I saw that the only correction he would
for him” (vs 1-4). Right down to the last minute! have would be in God’s hands. Now, right at this
day, his correction and vengeance is that he’s going
Verse 5: “And the king’s servants said to off the deep end with false doctrines and prophecy,
him, ‘Behold, Haman stands in the court.’ And the which is a more fit and better punishment than
king said, ‘Let him come in.’ So Haman came in. anything that could be done otherwise.
And the king said to him, ‘What shall be done to the
man whom the king delights to honor?’ And Haman You can look in your own life and see
thought in his heart, ‘To whom would the king different things like that. Let God intervene and do
delight to do honor more than to myself?’ And it. Sometimes you just have to back away. There are
Haman answered the king, ‘For the man whom the many other Scriptures you can put in here, let me
king delights to honor. Let the royal clothing be just list them:
brought, which the king wears, and the horse that the • Psa. 58—how God will fight for you; God
king rides upon, and the royal crown which is set will do it in a way that you least expect.
upon his head. And let this clothing and horse be Sometimes those who are the worst
delivered to the hand of one of the king’s most noble enemies against you, it’ll just be turned
princes so that they may dress the man whom the upside down.
Romans Series #30
Romans 12:18 thru 13
Romans Series #30
Romans 12:18 thru 13
It’s just like with the kings of Israel and with “But to the degree that you have a share in the
the judges of Israel. God established them, but when sufferings of Christ rejoice… [I don’t think any of us
they were evil it caused a lot of problems with the have arrived at that point of rejoicing in it.] …so that,
people. That’s why the people have to be responsible at the revelation of His glory, you also may rejoice
to take care of these things themselves, and sooner exceedingly. If you are reviled for the name of
or later evil catches up with everyone. Christ, you are blessed because the Spirit of glory
and the Spirit of God is resting upon you; on their
Let’s see what else, how we are also to look part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is
at the authorities that be, and how we are to consider glorified. Assuredly, let none of you suffer as a
them. We’re to pray for them. I always loved the one murderer, or a thief, or an evil doer, or as an over-
from Fiddler on the Roof—a man came up to the lording busybody in other people’s lives. Yet if
rabbi and said, ‘Rabbi, is there a blessing for the anyone is suffering as a Christian, he should not be
czar?’ That is the emperor of Russia. And the rabbi ashamed; but let him glorify God because of this”
had this perplexed look on his face and he answered (vs 13-16). If you suffer for your own mistakes and
back, ‘Yes! May God bless him and keep him far your own problems and your own difficulties, then
away from us!’ Sometimes it has to be that way! that’s another case. You still yield to the authorities,
When you drive down the highway, may the and you still do what they say.
highway patrol do their job—always on the other
side of the road! Romans 13:2: “So that the one who is setting
himself against the authority has resisted the
1-Timothy 2:1: “I exhort, therefore, first of ordinance of God… [because God decreed it to be
all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and so! That’s why.] …and those who are resisting shall
thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men for receive judgment to themselves. For the rulers are
kings and all who are in authority, in order that we not a terror to the good works, but to the evil ones….
may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all Godliness [And let’s hope that they get them!] …Do you desire
and respectability…. [It’s almost like the prayer of not to be afraid of the authority? Then practice the
the rabbi—right? Keep them far away from us!] … good, and you shall have praise from it. For he is a
For this is good and acceptable before God our servant of God to you for good. But if you are
Savior” (vs 1-3). practicing evil—fear!…. ” (vs 2-4).
Let’s see what Peter says about this, 1-Peter Verse 6: “For this cause, you pay tribute…
2:13: “Therefore, submit yourselves to every human [taxes; we all hate taxes. I hate taxes! Everybody
institution… [I don’t know what the Freemen are hates taxes! I try and pay as little as I legally can
going to do with this verse.] …for the Lord’s sake; pay, but we still pay it.] …for they are servants of
whether to the king, as supreme, or to governors, as God, continually engaged in this very thing.” That’s
sent by him to execute vengeance against evil doers, why we have all the bureaucracies. When I go down
and to praise those who do well. For so is the will of to pay my property tax bill I think of that. Wouldn’t
God, that by doing well yourselves, you may put to it be nice if we didn’t have property tax to pay? But
silence the ignorance of senseless men; as free, and then, on the other hand, think of how terrible it
not using your freedom as a cover for evil, but as would be if there weren’t any schools; if there
bond-slaves of God. Show honor to everyone. Love weren’t roads; if there weren’t sewers; if there
the brotherhood, revere God and honor the king” (vs weren’t police; if there weren’t any of the things that
13-17). There it is, right there. are here. Granted, it’s an evil world. God left it over
to man to be however man works it out. But,
1-Peter 4:12: “Beloved, do not be surprised nevertheless, it is there. I would like to say, ‘Hey! I
at the fiery trial among you which is taking place to would rather not pay the property tax.’ But if I don’t
test you, as if some strange thing were happening to pay it, they have the legal authority to come and
you.” Part of the problem with the ‘Christianity’ of confiscate your house after five years. So there it is.
the world is, because they don’t know God, they
preach a happy, goody-goody ‘religion’ where When I go down and I see the bureaucrats
everything should be fine and good. Listen, if you’re there; bureaucrats love stamps and paper. They’ve
really going to serve God, you may have a lot of got to have rubber stamps that have the ink on it.
trials. When you go through them, you don’t like They put a machine and put a date on it and they
them. I know that I don’t, and they’re difficult, and it stamp it. They have to have a form. That’s part of
causes you anxiety and trouble and fretting and all their business. Myself, I could not do that. I’m not of
this sort of thing. You wonder why. Sometimes they that kind of mentality. But there are some people
happen. Sometimes they come just to test us whether who enjoy the job, who do a good job on it, and it
we’re going to look to God and have Him work it has to be done! Things have to be done legally and
out, or what we’re going to do. So it’s going to in order—don’t they? Even in the world? Yes! So,
come. when you go stand in line, keep that in mind, that
Romans Series #30
Romans 12:18 thru 13
they are continually engaged in that very thing! Then there’s the other account where Peter
came and asked, ‘Do we pay tribute?’ Christ said,
Someone cannot even be buried in the ‘Go fish.’ He got the fish, there was a coin in it, and
ground unless they have a copy of the death He said, ‘Pay tribute.’ That’s the one that I
certificate. So it’s legal! Even if you’re born, if you referenced that we could go fishing and squeeze all
don’t have a birth certificate you don’t exist, even if the coins out and pay our taxes. But that’s not so.
you stand in front of the judge and say, ‘I’m here.’
You legally don’t exist. Before God you do! They’re Romans 13:8: “Do not be obligated to
continually given to this business. Aren’t you glad. anyone for anything… [in relationship to tribute or
That way no one can come and take your house. No custom or honor, or fear] …unless it is to love one
one can come and do things. Think what it is when another. For the one who loves another has fulfilled
someone steals your identity. They do that, so guard the law.” The Protestants go here and say that all
all of your bills. What I did, after I saw a TV show you need to do is love. We’ve done enough on the
on how they steal your identity and get credit cards Love series for you to know that all the Law and the
and run up thousand and thousands of dollars. There Prophets hang on loving God with all your heart,
was a woman who had almost a $100,000 in bills mind, soul and being. It’s all together in a package.
that were run up. It took her about seven years to
finally get things straightened out. Verse 9: “Because it says, ‘You shall not
commit adultery. You shall not commit murder. You
I went out and got a shredder. I shred every shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness. You
bill. I don’t leave them around. That’s how they get shall not lust’; and if there be any other
it. For example, if you have healthcare or Medicare, commandment… [Which is a sweeping
you read it; it’s got your social security number on it statement—isn’t it? Which then includes all the
and BINGO! That’s all they need is your social commandments—right?] …it is summed up in this
security number and you are dead meat as far as saying, by this standard: ‘You shall love your
stealing an identity. neighbor as yourself.’”
Verse 7: “Render to all their dues… [we’re • You don’t want anyone stealing from
going to see that Christ did] …tribute to whom you—do you?
tribute is due; render custom to whom custom is • You don’t want anyone to commit adultery
due; render fear to whom fear is due; render honor with your husband or wife—do you?
to whom honor is due.” Christ set us an example. • You don’t want anyone lusting and taking
Matt. 15—I would like to do this. This would be your property—do you?
great if we could do this to pay our taxes; just go on • You don’t want anyone lying to you—do
a fishing expedition and squeeze all the fish and pay you?
our taxes.
(go to the next track)
Let’s see how Christ summed up the whole ‘Sermon
on the Mount.’ When you really get in and study the
Matthew 22:15: “Then the Pharisees went whole Bible and put it all together: it all fits, it all
and took counsel as to how they might entrap Him applies, and it all comes together. Matthew 7:12:
in His speech. And they sent their disciples along “Therefore, everything that you would [desire] have
with the Herodians… [those who worked for Herod] men do to you, so also do to them; for this is the
…to Him, saying, ‘Master, we know that You are Law and the Prophets.” The whole basis of what
true, and that You teach the way of God in truth, and God has done is based upon the love of God. That’s
that You are not concerned about pleasing anyone; why it is by this standard.
for You do not respect the persons of men.
Therefore, tell us, what do You think? Is it lawful to Romans 13:10: “Love does not do any
give tribute to Caesar, or not?’…. [One of these wrong toward his neighbor; therefore, love is that
sneaky, trick questions.] …But Jesus, knowing their which brings fullness to law.” What do we mean by
wickedness, said, ‘Why do you tempt Me, you that. The King James did not translate that correctly.
hypocrites? Show Me the tribute coin.’ And they It brings fullness to the law. How does it do it? Let’s
brought to Him a silver coin. And He said to them, see how it brings fullness to the law. When you do
‘Whose image and inscription is on this?’ They said things—motivated with the love of God and the
to Him, ‘Caesar’s.’ And He said to them, ‘Render Spirit of God, from the heart—it makes things
then the things of Caesar to Caesar, and the things of entirely different on how they come across—don’t
God to God.’…. [Now, there’s a clear command they? That is a high, lifetime standard that we all
from Christ to pay taxes—right? No need to work toward. We all fall short of that, and
question!]…And when they heard this, they were our carnality gets involved—doesn’t it? We don’t do
amazed; and they left Him and went their way” (vs the things that we want to do, as Paul said—right?
15-21). Yes!
Romans Series #30
Romans 12:18 thru 13
1-John 5:2: “By this standard we know that Stop and think back when you first believed.
we love the children of God: when we love God and That’s quite a while ago! Salvation is closer, but in
keep His commandments…. [love is the thing which some ways it seems a little further away; but it is
comes first] … For this is the love of God: that we closer. And it’s so easy to slack up and let off when
keep His commandments; and His commandments everything is nice and smooth. If you’re sick or if
are not burdensome” (vs 2-3). No they’re not; you have problems, you have troubles, you go pray
they’re: to God right away—don’t you? When everything is
nice and smooth—what happens? It’s so easy to just
• good let up and put things off, because there’s no pressure
• fine on you. That’s why we have trials that come along.
• Holy It gives us the stimulus to understand that there are
• spiritual things we need to do.
• righteous
“…because for us our salvation is nearer
—but, love comes from the Spirit of God and notice, than when we first believed. The night is almost
love first. We love God and keep His over… [for that whole first century, with the
commandments. Jesus said, ‘If you love Me, keep preaching of Paul and everything, it was building to
My commandments.’ Let’s see what happens when a crescendo. One phase of the night was almost over,
you don’t have love; and that’s the whole story of and that was the preaching of the Gospel and the
Judaism. Law without love is deadly! What do I writing of the New Testament.] …and the day is
mean by that? Because it is applied with just the drawing near; therefore, we should cast off the
unscrupulous letter of the law, which kills. works of darkness and we should put on the armor
Romans 2:25: “For on the one hand, of light” (vs 11-12). Much more so for us today,
circumcision profits if you are observing the law; on because we are exposed to so many things today.
the other hand, if you are a transgressor of law, your The whole world is out there. It’s almost like you’re
circumcision has become uncircumcision! walking in a fog; it just surrounds you so
Therefore, if the uncircumcision is keeping the completely, even though you wouldn’t view it as a
requirements of the law, shall not his uncircumcision fog.
be reckoned for circumcision? And shall not “…put on the armor of light…. [That means
uncircumcision by nature, who are fulfilling the law, the strength of God, which comes from God and
judge you who with the letter and circumcision, are a Christ is the Light] …We should be walking
transgressor of the law?” (vs 25-27). So, it works out decently, as in the day; not in reveling the
this way: if you try to just keep the letter of the law drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and
punctiliously, you box yourself into a corner and you sensuality, not in strife and emulation. But put on the
end up being hypocritical and sinful, because you Lord Jesus Christ, and not take any forethought for
don’t have the love of God first. That’s what the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof” (vs 12-14). I
happens. think this applies to us more today. Was this not
That’s why he shows here, concerning only written to the Romans then, but do you suppose
circumcision, v 28: “For he is not a Jews who is one that this is a prophecy for us ‘on whom the ends of
outwardly, neither is that circumcision which is the earth have come’? I think so!
external in the flesh; rather, the one who is a Jew is Ephesians 5:8: “For you were once
one inwardly, and circumcision is of the heart, in the darkness… [out in the world, deceived by Satan the
spirit and not in the letter; whose praise is not from devil] …but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as
men but from God” (vs 28-29). children of light… [This gives us responsibility
So, if you have the love first, love then today—doesn’t it?] …(because the fruit of the Spirit
brings fullness to the law. That then gives you the is in all goodness and righteousness and Truth);
understanding of the spirit of the law, not just the proving what is well pleasing to the Lord; and have
letter. That’s where the Pharisees and Sadducees got no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,
way off base. That’s where all of these carnal but rather expose them” (vs 8-11). That’s why some
religions end up being. They end up in trouble of these things need to be exposed.
because they don’t have the love of God. What if you know someone who’s partially
walking in the darkness—that you knew in the past;
Romans 13:11—he changes the whole maybe another church affiliation—should we have
subject here now: “Also consider this, and nothing to do with them? No! I think we should
understand the time, that it is already the hour that encourage them to come out of the darkness that
we should be roused out of sleep; because for us our they are in. But we should not go ahead and join
salvation is nearer than when we first believed.” them; we should set an example so they can see what
Romans Series #30
Romans 12:18 thru 13
they need to do to overcome and change. But, years of pretty much intensive study for people to
sometimes if you’re talking to someone who is just get their heads up out of the water. If you
sleepwalking, all the talking in the world won’t do haven’t studied through the Grace and Love series,
any good until they stumble and fall. Then maybe you don’t have a clue where we’re coming from.
that will wake them up. I think that is what God is We’re not building on the foundation of the old.
doing with the Church right now; to wake a lot of We’re building on the foundation of Christ and the
people up. It’s a terrible situation that we’re Word of God. The foundation of old was corporate
facing—“…expose them!” structure, hierarchy, command and control, letter of
the law—all of that is wiped away! God wants a
That’s why when there’s false doctrine; it personal relationship with you. That’s why you need
needs to be exposed. That’s why when there’s to wake up. It is so vastly important. I think the time
someone who is preaching heresy, it needs to be is going to come when God is going to say, ‘Look,
discussed, so that other people won’t fall into the you had how many years of peace and safety and
trap. Now ultimately, if they fall into the trap after security that I gave you—what were you doing?’
they know it’s a trap, then it’s their fault. But if we And they will use the Nazi excuse: ‘Well, I just did
know and we don’t say, then we’re held accountable what my minister said.’ Trust me, that’s not going to
(Ezek. 3). We need to expose it! fly! We’re going to see in Rom. 14 that everyone is
Verse 12: “For it is shameful even to going to stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
mention the things being done by them in secret…. That’s why it’s important for us to realize.
[Yet, today it comes out over the television news. “…‘You who are sleeping—wake up and
You have X-rated news. If you have little kids, you arise from the dead!…. [Let it be a new direction; let
have to put on the mute.] …But all of these things it be a new person, that’s what he’s saying.] …And
being exposed by the light are openly revealed” (vs Christ shall shine upon you’” (v 14). That’s what it
12-13). What we need to do, expose and reprove, are has to be, and if you’ve been sleepwalking out there
those doctrines: for a long time, it’s a shock! It is amazing! It is truly
• which are contrary to the Word of God eye-opening! What happens when you first wake up
• those practices and teachings which abuse the and turn on the light? You can’t see because the light
brethren is so bright! That’s what’s happening to a lot of
• which hold people back from salvation brethren. Hopefully, we can help them out of it.
• which hold them back from the relationship It always happens, because human nature
with God they ought to have and the way human beings are, when things go nice
And we do it by the Light, which is the Word of and easy and smooth we relax and we say, ‘Oh
Truth! The ‘commandment is a lamp unto my feet, well!’ and we procrastinate, put it off, and don’t do
and a light unto my eyes.’ Christ said, ‘I am the things. It’s so easy to do. ‘I’ll do it tomorrow.’
Light of the world.’ As long as you have the Light, Tomorrow comes and ‘I still have more time.’ I’ll
walk in the Light. That’s what we need to do with say this—true confession—I always pay my income
these things. tax on the 15th of April, because I don’t want the
government having my money any minute sooner
Verse 14: “Therefore He says, ‘You who are than it’s needed. However, please understand, there
sleeping—wake up…” [I don’t know about you, but is a spiritual April 15th coming. If you haven’t done
when I’m in a deep sleep. I remember the other day I what you need to do, when the 16th arrives,
was in a deep sleep and when I woke up I didn’t spiritually speaking, you’re going to be in difficulty.
even know where I was. I was sleeping so deeply, Maybe, through grace and mercy, you can get an
not even a dream. If you sleep that good, that’s extension, but sooner or later that extension is going
great! But, spiritually speaking we have the same to be cut off (Matt. 25—the parable of the ten
thing. When some people are awakened up out of virgins).
their sleep and we send them a care package, it is
kind of like: HUH?! I’ve gotten many letters to attest What we’re doing is very profound and very
to that. I talked to a man the other day. He said, important. God has called us to eternal life; He
‘When I listen to the studies and things, I’ve got to hasn’t called us to some form of ‘religion.’ He’s
go over it no less than two times! I’m not used to called us to the very purpose of the why we have
this. I’m used to going to church where they have been created.
ten or twelve Scriptures. I hear things here that are
so deep that I have to go back and listen to them 1-Thessalonians 5:5: “For you are all
again and again. children of the light and children of the day; we are
not of the night, nor of the darkness. So then, we
That’s what happens. He’s been in a sleep. should not sleep, as others do; but we should watch,
He’s coming out of a fog. It’s going to take two and we should be sober. For those who are sleeping
Romans Series #30
Romans 12:18 thru 13
sleep in the night, and those who are drunken get That’s what happens. It’s going to come upon
drunk in the night…. [That’s what’s happening to you and all of a sudden one day BANG! it crashes! I
the Church of God today. When they go back and often wondered when it had that corner hanging out,
start keeping Sunday, they’re going back and eating and it looked like one-third of the house was hanging
and drinking with the drunken and the gluttons. out on that corner—had no props or anything under
They are going back into darkness.] …But we who it—what would happen if two 300 lb. people got over
are of the day should be sober, having put on the in the corner of that house, what would happen to that
breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the house? Sometimes you think some of the silliest
hope of salvation” (vs 5-8). When we get to Rom. thoughts!
15, we’re going to talk about hope, because our
hope is in God! Proverbs 24:33—it’s repeating it; exactly the
same thing. If it’s in there once, it’s important. If it’s in
“Because God has not appointed us to wrath, there twice, it’s doubly important. “Yet a little sleep, a
but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus little slumber, a little folding of the hands to lie
Christ… [Which is a true statement; but if you don’t down. Then your poverty comes stalking, and your
tend to the business of salvation, and tend to the wants like an armed man” (vs 33-34). Just remember
things of salvation, then you will be appointed to that spiritually!
wrath.] …Who died for us, so that whether we
remain alive until He comes or we fall asleep before If you don’t study; if you don’t pray; if your
that day, together we may live forever with Him…. sleepwalking spiritually, don’t be surprised if one
[in eternity] …Therefore, encourage one another, day your house collapses, because it will! You
and edify one another, even as you are already haven’t done anything to build it. You haven’t done
doing” (vs 9-11). There are the things that we need anything to maintain it. I tell you what, the older the
to do. What is it that causes sleepiness? What causes house gets the more maintenance is necessary. Since
spiritual sleepiness is spiritual lethargy! we’ve lived in our house 20 years, I can tell you that.
What happens after about 15-20 years? Well, faucets
Proverbs 6:9: “How long will you sleep, O run out, toilets plug up, wood rots! Our whole back
sluggard?…. [I suppose you could keep the Sabbath deck we had to replace two years ago. That was
in the letter—not sinning in the letter—if you went quite a proposition. If we didn’t do it, it would just
to bed at sunset and stayed in bed until sunset. But rot and fall down. It’s the same thing here, how you
what have you done? Nothing! Granted, you didn’t build your spiritual house.
sin, but you didn’t do anything for righteousness—
did you? So, if we all slept from sunset Friday until Let’s see what we need to do on the other
sunset Saturday, we would truly be sleeping the hand. We need to be diligent. Remember this: What
sleep of death! No question about it! It’s laziness!] you do today does not give you anything tomorrow.
…When will you arise out of your sleep? Yet, a little In other words, it’s like if you were working and you
sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to say you earned $100 today, but tomorrow what are
rest, so shall your poverty come as one who travels, you going to earn? If you earn nothing, does that not
and your want like an armed man” (vs 9-10). Sooner or take away from what you did yesterday. And if you
later the spiritual consequences are going to catch up earn nothing the third day out, does that not even
with you. take away even further? Never count on what you
do today as credit for tomorrow. And never count
It’s just like when you drive by a house that is what you do today as makeup for yesterday. Now,
run by a sluggard, and nothing is kept up and it’s all perhaps it can be, therefore, you have to take each
run down. There was a house that was set on a slide day and be diligent for each day.
fault-line, right under the house, and we drove by there
one year and all of a sudden the dirt from underneath Proverbs 10:4: “He who deals with a lazy
that house—it was kind of pretty steep side of the hand becomes poor, but the hand of the diligent
hill—was coming down. We’d go by and look at it, makes rich.” You can tie that in with the
and every couple of months there was a little more dirt Laodiceans—right? They were dealing with a poor
that would fall down. I would always comment, I hand; they were sluggards—correct? Yes! But Jesus
wonder how long that house is going o be there? I said, ‘Repent, and be zealous!’—which means be
wonder how long that thing is going to say there? They diligent and buy the true riches—correct? So there
didn’t do anything, and pretty soon that corner of the we have it right there.
house was hanging down, it was dropping down. Then Proverbs 21:5: “The plans of the diligent
after some years, finally the guy woke up and got out tend only to plenty, but everyone who is hasty, only
his hammers and nails and wood and he finally to poverty.” And you’ve seen that happen, too. It
propped it up. But the house was just deteriorating. The builds. Notice how it builds.
dirt kept falling down and finally—after I think it was
20 years—BAM! the house collapsed! Proverbs 22:29: “Do you see a man diligent
Romans Series #30
Romans 12:18 thru 13
in his work? He shall stand before kings; he shall not himself. Let each one look not only after his own
stand before obscure men.” Think of this in things, but let each one also consider the things of
relationship to eternal life. See a person diligent in others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in
their spiritual life and they shall stand before Christ Christ Jesus” (vs 1-5).
in honor and glory and eternal life and immortality!
The whole theme of Paul is to be diligent! Wake up, • That then is how we wake up!
because the time is short! • That then is how we become diligent!
• That then is how we put on Christ!
Proverbs 12:24: “The hand of the diligent • and ‘give no thought for the flesh to fulfill the
shall bear rule, but the lazy shall be under tribute.” lust thereof.’
You can see this function in the world. It’s the same
way spiritually. Verse 27: “The lazy man does not Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter;
roast what he took in hunting, but the substance of a except where noted
Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
diligent man is precious. In the way of righteousness Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
is life, and in that pathway there is no death” (vs 27- Scriptures in Galatians from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
28). All of these things are important for us to do. Galatians, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
Romans Series #31
Romans 14-15:5
Let’s understand something here before we San Jose has got over 8,000 crosses and crucifixes
begin. Romans 14 and 12,000 religious books, and he’s certified by the
Guinness Book of World Records that he has the
• has nothing to do with the Sabbath most crosses of any individual, and it showed him
• has nothing to do with Sunday-keeping with the crucifixes and everything. A person can’t
• has nothing to do with the day of observing a come along, in the Church of God, and say, ‘I have a
Holy Day conscience that this has always been in my family
Romans 14—the first half of it—is one of the most and, therefore, I want to keep this little idol.’ You
misunderstood and poorly translated of the sections make a conscience out of that. You can’t take a
of the New Testament that I can recall. The reason personal opinion and make it a conscience and force
is, because when they translated it, they had in mind it upon someone else’s either. There are certain
a justification for their Sunday-keeping. They miss things within conscience that you can do, but that
the whole point as to what it’s talking about. So the conscience has to be based upon something in God’s
place to being Rom. 14 is not verse one. Romans law.
14:14-20—we’re going to see is the whole summary Romans 14:14: “I understand and am
of the chapter. It has to do with small, incidental persuaded by the Lord Jesus that nothing is common
physical things. You will notice the whole layout of by itself… [the King James says ‘unclean’ which is
Romans—as we go through from incorrect. Most people who want to eat unclean
meats say that we can eat unclean meats because
• Rom. 1—the introduction nothing is unclean in itself. Common is the word, not
• Rom. 2—difference between the spiritual unclean.] …except unto the one who is reckoning
Jew and the physical Jew and those who anything to be common—to that one it is common
are doing what they need to do [secular]. But if, because of your food… [here is the
• Rom. 3—the righteousness of God is subject; a small physical thing.] …your brother is
revealed separate from the law offended, you are no longer walking according to
• Rom. 4—Abraham and how it was by faith love…. [The whole emphasis here is you’ve got to
that he believed walk according to love. Gal. 5:6—love works by
• Rom. 5—justification and the imputed faith.] …With your food… [anything physical]
righteousness of Christ …do not destroy the one for whom Christ died.”
• Rom. 6—the covenantal baptism and death (vs 14-15). There are certain physical requirements
with Christ that we are to have. We’re to dress decently. Women
• Rom. 7—the struggle to overcome with the are to have long hair. That’s about the only thing.
law of sin and death in you “Therefore, do not let your good… [which is
• Rom. 8—you are not condemned and God good to you] …be evil spoken of. For the Kingdom
has called you to be a very son of God of God is not a matter of eating and drinking… [or
• Rom. 9-11—Israel and Esau and the rest of of physical things] …rather, it is righteousness…
the world [imputed by God the Father, the righteousness of
• Rom. 12—how the Church is to function Christ (Rom. 5)] …and peace… [not strife and
and run confusion] …and joy in the Holy Spirit, because the
• Rom. 13—authorities in the world one who is serving Christ in these things is well
• Rom. 14—small, incidental, physical things pleasing to God and respected among men” (vs 16-
18). Even in the world it doesn’t matter; that’s what
—which then became blown out of proportion and he’s saying.
were destroying the congregation—things that
should never have gotten a hold. Paul is writing and
telling us, do not let the physical things become as “So then, we should pursue the things of
important as the spiritual things, and that there are peace and the things for the edifying of one another.
certain individual choices that we can man, which Do not destroy the work of God… [the work of
are proper and right to make. You can’t have a thing God in that particular individual. This has nothing
of conscience… to do with a corporate headquarters. This has
nothing to do with publishing and media preaching
You can’t say. ‘Well, my father had this idol or evangelizing. This has to do with the work that
all the way through his family.’ Like a man up in is being done in that individual who is being
Romans Series #31
Romans 14-15:5
destroyed.] …Do not destroy the work of God… [v not eating any meat. In the Greek this is
15—“…do not destroy the one for whom Christ considerably more clear when you go through one,
died…”—you can tie those two together.] …for the then the other:
sake of food [or a physical thing]. All lawful
things… [because not all things] …indeed are Romans 14:1: “Be receiving the one who is
pure… [Is adultery pure? No! Is a hog pure? No! Is weak in the faith, but not with divisive arguments.” I
a skunk pure? No! ALL things are not pure.] …All remember when I was up in Oregon, one minister
lawful things indeed are pure, but it is an evil thing told me that he was sure going to convert these
for the one who eats while causing an occasion of vegetarian Seventh Day Adventists. So two weeks
stumbling to his brother” (vs 19-20). That’s the after they were baptized, he invited them over for
whole thing that’s important. dinner and he had a steak barbeque and wine and
slapped a steak on their plate and gave them a glass
Verse 21: “For it is better not to eat flesh, or of wine and just about drove them out of the Church.
drink wine, or do anything else by which your Didn’t even give them any time to grow in grace and
brother stumbles, or is offended, or is made weak.” knowledge and understanding. Divisive arguments!
There’s the whole thing! what happens in all these Do not have divisive arguments over small,
cases is, little physical picayunish things is that picayune, little physical things. It’s what it’s talking
people start reasoning from nothing. They get about.
emotionally involved in reasoning in a circle, and
then they have the vanity of trying to make that Verse 2: “On the one hand, one believes he
person conform to what they think is right or what may eat all lawful things… [not all things—you
they are doing. That causes the person to stumble or can’t eat oysters, you might even get that bacteria
to offend. God doesn’t want that! that rots the flesh] …on the other hand, the one, who
is weak, eats only vegetables.” What are we talking
There are some people who did not eat flesh. about? Are you strong if you eat meat? Are you
And there were some people who did not drink wine. more physically strong? Maybe! Not necessarily!
Let’s look at the source of the problem and what this What are we talking about? The one who eats only
had to do with. It had nothing whatsoever to do with vegetables! Why would he do that? We’re in a
Sabbath or Sunday or a person having the capacity pagan Roman society—correct? They had gods and
to make a day Holy. gods and gods everywhere. They had their religious
ceremonies that they did.
Romans 14:5 (KJV)—here’s where all the
Sunday-keepers go: “One man esteems one day Let’s see why they were vegetarians, 1-
above another; another esteems every day alike. Let Corinthians 8; this was based upon the
every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. He commandment ‘You shall not commit idolatry.’ So,
that regards the day, regard it unto the Lord; and he if it’s based on trying to keep a commandment, then
that regards not the day to the Lord he does not you have can conscience toward God. But we’re
regard it….” (vs 5-6). Even if you regard a day to be going to see what automatically happened. The
Holy, vegetarians were looking down on the meat-eaters,
and the meat-eaters were looking down on the
• Can you make it Holy? vegetarians.
• Can you sanctify a day?
• Does any man have the authority to change a 1-Corinthians 8:1: “Now concerning things
day that God has set in motion? sacrificed to idols… [Let’s understand how far Paul took
• NO! this. Whether it was a sin or not.] …we know that we all
have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love
So, we’re going to see that this has absolutely edifies.” To build up; there’s a difference in being
nothing to do with Sabbath or Sunday keeping puffed up. Puffed up is just so much vanity! Edify, to
whatsoever. The way that the King James translates build up, is with
it, if you don’t know the Bible and you don’t know
the subject that it’s talking about, and if you read • the knowledge of God
that one verse, you can make it appear that that’s • the love of God,
what it’s talking about. The Jehovah Witnesses say • the Truth of God
that every day is Holy. One man asked them, ‘When • the faith of God
do you work?’ No, every day is not Holy. Which the hope of God—you’re building; you’re edifying!
day did God bless and make Holy? The seventh day,
the Sabbath! Verse 2: “But if anyone thinks that he knows
anything… [This is so true. The longer you live you
Let’s read it in the Study Translation and know it.] …he knows nothing yet to the degree that
we’ll see what it’s talking about: eating meat and not he ought to know.” That’s true concerning the Bible.
eating meat; and eating meat on a particular day and That’s true concerning almost anything that you do.
Romans Series #31
Romans 14-15:5
Look at the scientists 30 years ago and their view of don’t eat it, are you in worse standing with God? No,
the universe compared to what it is now after we of course not! Has nothing to do with spirituality. It
have all these telescopes and the Hubble and doesn’t!
everything like that. They’re beginning to find out
what they knew 30 years ago was nothing, and what “But beware, lest this freedom of yours
they know today—even after they have gained all becomes a stumbling block to those who are weak.
that knowledge—is still nothing. So likewise with For if anyone sees you, who have knowledge, sitting
us. What knowledge we have, we have! But do we to eat in an idol-temple, will not his weak conscience
really know it as we ought to know it. Would God be emboldened so as to cause him to eat things
have us know everything perfectly? No! sacrificed to idols [with conscience to that idol]?”
(vs 9-10). What if you saw me coming out of a
Verse 3: “But if anyone loves God, he is Catholic Church where they were having a meal for
known by Him. So then, concerning the eating of senior citizens? What would you think? ‘Well, I
things sacrificed to idols… [In the temple of Zeus, wonder what Fred Coulter is doing in that Catholic
the temple of Diana and the temple of Dionysus and Church? I wouldn’t step foot in that Catholic Church
any other god that they had.] …we understand that for anything, and he’s supposed to be a minister of
an idol in the world is nothing… [If it’s sacrificed in God.’ I mean, you can almost hear the conversation.
front of a potbelly Buddha, does Buddha
contaminate it spiritually? No, because it’s nothing! Verse 11: “And will the weak brother, for
What is an idol? An idol is something that a man has whom Christ died, perish on account of your
made—correct? Does an idol have any spiritual knowledge? Now when you sin against the
power? No! Yes, there are demons behind the idols, brethren… [These physical things cause sin against
but do the demons contaminate the physical food, as brethren! And this is the whole crux of Rom. 14]
long as it’s lawful physical food to eat? No!] …and …and wound their weak consciences in this way,
that there is no other God except one” (vs 3-4). you are sinning against Christ. Therefore, if meat
causes my brother to stumble, I will eat no flesh—
So, the one who strong in the faith not ever—so that I may not cause my brother to
understands the physical situation here with physical stumble” (vs 11-13). You might put there, until he
meats sacrificed to a physical idol. It does not has the full knowledge and understanding that an
spiritually contaminate it so if you eat it you become idol is nothing!
spiritually sinful before God. How can it? It’s not
possible! Let’s see where you cross over the line.
Where you cross over the line is where you get into
Verse 5: “For indeed, even if there are those the religious service of idolatry. 1-Corinthians
which are called gods, whether in heaven or on 10:16: “The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not
earth, as there are many gods and many lords, still, the fellowship of the blood of Christ? The bread that
to us there is one God the Father, from Whom are all we break, is it not the fellowship of the body of
things, and we are in Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, Christ?” Fellowship really means that you’re co-
by Whom are all things, and we are by Him. joined together, brethren. Let’s understand that.
However, not all have this knowledge….” (vs 5-7). That’s really quite a profound thing in the Greek.
Not everyone understand this. Those newly come to What it means is that you’re joined together with
the faith do not understand it. What if you were just Christ!
two weeks converted from the temple of Zeus? Then
you saw someone who was in the Church for five “For we, being many, are one body and one
years going over to the Olympiad as it were where bread, because we are all partakers of the bread….
the temple of Zeus was and going in and eating right [That is obviously the Passover bread—no question
there in the temple. You would think, ‘Man, I’ve about it. The ‘one bread’ is the one body of Christ.]
been called out of this!’ He didn’t have the …Consider Israel according to the flesh. Are not
knowledge. those who eat the sacrifices partakers of the altar?
What then am I saying? That an idol is anything, or
that which is sacrificed to an idol is anything? But
“…But some, with consciousness of the idol, that which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to
until now eat it as a thing sacrificed to an idol, and demons, and not to God; and I do not wish you to
their conscience, being weak, is defiled…. [Because have fellowship with demons” (vs 17-20).
they still give mystic qualities to the idol.] … But
meat does not commend us to God; for we do not So, when it crosses that line; there is a line to
have any spiritual advantage if we eat, nor do we where then it should not be partaken of. If I’m in the
come short spiritually if we do not eat….” (vs 7-8). Catholic Church and I’m there because it’s a senior
In other words, to eat something sacrificed to an citizen thing and someone invited me over because
idol, with no conscience to the idol—does it make they were just trying to be friendly and I went and I
you better? And if you’re afraid to eat it and you had a meal there in the community room in the
Romans Series #31
Romans 14-15:5
Catholic Church, I have not sinned. But if I walk creation, not by prayer.
into the ‘so-called sanctuary’ and I go to where
they’re having communion, and I kneel down and Verse 1: “Now the Spirit tells us explicitly
take of the bread and drink of the wine, I have that in the latter times some shall apostatize from the
sinned! That’s the difference. faith, and shall follow deceiving spirits and
doctrines of demons…. [teachings of demons.
Verse 21: “You cannot drink the cup of the We’ve seen that. We’re living through it right now.]
Lord, and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of …speaking lies in hypocrisy, their consciences
the table of the Lord, and the table of demons. Now having been cauterized with a hot iron… [You’ve
do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we seen this—possibly in a john Wayne movie—where
stronger than He?” (vs 21-22). This is what it’s someone gets wounded with a gunshot. How do they
talking about in Rom. 14. You had those who did immediately heal the wound? They get this hot iron
not eat any meat sacrificed to an idol in a temple. and they cauterize the wound! That’s what it means
With conscience they did not want to eat it. If they, to be seared with a hot iron.] (notice what the
in conscience before God, didn’t want to eat it, does problem is): …forbidding to marry… [which is a
it make them less of a Christian? Does it make them Catholic doctrine.] …and commanding to abstain
worse? Those who eat the meat, does it make them from meats, which God created to be received
better? No! It’s just a physical thing! with thanksgiving… [so there are certain meats
that God has created to be received with
Romans 14:2: “On the one hand, one thanksgiving…. [Again, we’re dealing with
believes he may eat all lawful things; on the other vegetarianism—are we not? Having nothing to do
hand, the one who is weak eats only vegetables. The with clean and unclean meats whatsoever.] …by the
one who eats lawful meats, do not despising the one faithful, even by those who know the Truth” (vs 1-
who does not eat all lawful things…. [So, just the 3). What is Truth?
physical things back and forth, and that’s what
happens. ‘I’m a vegetarian. What are you? I’m more • Your Word is Truth (John 17:17)
righteous than you, I don’t eat the meat sacrificed to • All Your commandments are Truth (Psa.
an idol.’ And the one who eats the meat says, 119:142)
‘You’re weak in the faith. Don’t you understand that • Your Law is Truth
an idol is nothing.’] …And the one [the vegetarian]
who is not eating lawful meats, do not be judging the So, if you believe and know the Truth, and there are
one who is eating, for God has received him. Who meats there which were “…created to be received
are you, the who is judging another man’s servant?…. with thanksgiving…”—where do you find that?
[In other words, you’re judging a servant of Christ.] (Lev. 11; Deut. 14)—correct? Yes! Where it talks
…To his own master he stands or falls. Now then, he about the clean and unclean meats—right? Are there
shall be made to stand, because God has the power to a listing of things in there which are not to be
make him stand” (vs 2-4). received with thanksgiving? Yes! Are there things
that God talks about that He created which you
So there is not one thing in here having to do should not eat—like the swine and the buzzard and
with Sabbath or Sunday keeping whatsoever. It’s the stork and the snake and the camel and the hare
whether to eat meat or not eat meat and whether one and the cooney (which is a cousin to the rat)? Yes!
is righteous by doing so or not. There is no Those were not created to be received with
righteousness involved in attributing to eating or not thanksgiving! There is the key! This is tell us with
eating meat. How do we know that this has nothing to the opposite thrust to it that you can eat those things
do with unclean meats? which have been created to be received with
Most people misunderstand 1-Tim. 4. One of thanksgiving—the meats—for those who believe
the biggest problems that people have when they and know the Truth.
come to studying the Bible is, they come with a pre- Verse 4: “For every creature of God
conceived notion. If you come with a pre-conceived designated for human consumption is good…
notion and you look hard enough you may find [Which ones? The ones He created to be received
something that justifies your pre-conceived notion. with thanksgiving! Not every creature, everything,
And the pre-conceived notion is based upon: otherwise that would be a contradictory statement—
1-Timothy 4:4: “For every creature of God would it not? Yes, it would! ] …and nothing to be
designated for human consumption is good, and refused, if it is received with thanksgiving, because it
nothing to be refused, if it is received with is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer. If you
thanksgiving.” So therefore, if you pray over are teaching these things to the brethren, you will be
something in the Old Testament that says it’s a good servant of Jesus Christ, being nourished by
unclean food, if you pray over it it becomes clean. the words of the faith and of the good doctrines that
BINGO! Not so! They are clean or unclean by you have closely followed” (vs 4-6). This Scripture
Romans Series #31
Romans 14-15:5
does not say it’s okay to eat unclean meats. judge one another, but judge this instead: Do not put
an occasion of stumbling or a cause of offense
We’re talking about regarding a day and before your brother…. [God is going to judge them.
regarding the day for doing what? What are we God is watching over them. So in our relationships
talking about? What is the subject? To eat meat or in the fellowship groups and with each other, if we
not eat meat—correct? Use to be years ago you’d all can get away from all these small, picayunish little
of a sudden go from eating meat to not eating meat physical things which really don’t amount to a hill of
to fasting, then back to something else. That’s kind beans but cause stumbling blocks and strife and
of like making three U-turns in the middle of the contention—are we not going to be a whole lot
highway—it doesn’t fit. So he continues on and it better? And besides, you’re going to have to give an
has to do with eating or not eating. account for the stumbling block if you cause the
Romans 14:5: “Again, on the one hand, one brethren to sin.
prefer one day to another day for eating meat; but Let’s see what Jesus said about offenses. Just
on the other hand, another who is eating vegetables being normal, we’re going to cause some offense,
hold every day to be alike…. [Why? Because he’s somewhere—right? Matthew 18:6: “But whoever
not eating any meat, so it doesn’t make any shall cause one of these little ones who believe in Me
difference—correct?] …But let each one be fully to offend, it would be better for him that a millstone
convinced in his own mind. The one who is be hung around his neck and he be sunk in the depths
regarding the day as a day for eating meat is of the sea.” A lot of people need to read that verse
regarding it to the Lord; and the one who is not and put the millstone around their neck and think
regarding the day, as a day for eating meat, is not about it. Sometimes people want to be offended, and
regarding it to the Lord. The one who is eating meat you can’t help that. Sometimes just an off-handed
is eating to the Lord, because he gives thanks to comment people get offended. That makes it really
God; and the one who is not eating meat to the Lord difficult. We all offend one way or the other.
is eating meat, and is giving thanks to God for
vegetables” (vs 5-6). That’s what it’s talking about: Just to show you how difficult it is, James
the meat-eater/the vegetarian, all the way down 3:1: “My brethren, do not many of you become
through here. It was causing the contention. Then he teachers, knowing that we will receive more severe
goes on to give us a broader principle, which is judgment; because we frequently offend, every one
absolutely true, and we need to really fully realize of us…. [So, what he’s talking about here in Matt.
and understand. 18:6 are intentional offenses, intentional things to
cause trouble and strife. Over here in James 3, we’re
Verse 7: “For not one among us lives to talking about the unintentional things.] …If anyone
himself, and no one dies to himself…. [In other does not offend in what he says, this one is a perfect
words, the modern vernacular is: Nobody lives in a man and is able also to hold in check the whole
vacuum.] …In both cases, if we live, we should be body” (vs 1-2). I haven’t arrived there, yet. I’ve
living unto the Lord; and if we die, we die to the never met anybody who has arrived there, yet. When
Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, I do I’ll be the first one to shake his hand and pat
WE ARE THE LORD’S” (vs 7-8). And that is the him on the back and say, ‘You have arrived.’ With
whole key in everything that is done in this chapter. the law of sin and death in us and our own carnality,
many times what happens? BAM! It’s already out of
Verse 9: “It is for this very purpose that our mouth before we can stop it—right? And then
Christ both died and rose and is living again, so that someone comes up later and says, ‘Did you realize
He might be Lord over both the dead and the living. what you said?’ Why, no! So, Matt. 18 is talking
Now then, why do you judge your brother? Or why about intentional offenses.
do you also despise your brother? For we shall all
stand before the judgment seat of Christ…. [see Matthew 18:7, Jesus says: “Woe to the world
sermons/booklet on Judge Righteous Judgment] because of offenses!…. [That gets back to God will
…because it has been written, ‘“For as I live,” says take vengeances if there are offenses committed
the Lord, “every knee shall bow to Me, and every against us—right?] …For it is necessary that
tongue shall confess to God.”’ So then, each one of offenses come, yet woe to that man by whom the
us shall give an account concerning himself to God” offense comes!…. [It’s ordained it’s going to
(vs 9-12). Very key and important things: happen. It’s going to take place.] …And if your hand
or your foot causes you to offend, cut it off and cast
• We are the Lord’s it from you… [This is showing you how you need to
• Each one shall give an account of himself to overcome this kind of thing. I think, brethren, that
God with us it’s about time we grow up in Christ and not
have the offenses taking place; or at least keep them
Verse 13: “Therefore, we should no longer to a dull roar. Keep them to a minimal amount—
Romans Series #31
Romans 14-15:5
wouldn’t that be nice? Yes!] …for it is better for you righteous; with favor You will surround him as with
to enter into life lame or maimed than to have two a shield” (vs 11-12). This is what God wants the
hands or two feet and be cast into the eternal fire” churches to be. It’s very important that we
(vs 7-8). understand that.
(go to the next track) Romans 14:18: “Because the one who is
Verse 9: “And if your eye causes you to serving Christ in these things is well pleasing to God
offend, pluck it out and throw it away… [In other and respected among men. So then, we should
words, if you have a lust of the eye that you need to pursue the things of peace… [There it is! Work at
overcome, you work at it as if you’re going to have it!] …pursue the things of peace… [not strife and
your eye plucked out. The better thing to do is ask upset] …and the things for the edifying of one
God to take away the lust from you; help you to another…. [To build each other up! Not tear each
overcome it; find the cause of the lust and get rid of other down. Brethren, look, if in the Church we tear
the cause and then you won’t have to have your eye each other down, who’s going to build us up? I
plucked out.] …for it is better for you to enter into mean, think of it! That’s why we have the Church;
life one-eyed than to have two eyes and be cast into so let’s build each other up, let’s edify one another.]
the fire of Gehenna. Take heed that you do not …Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of
despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that food….” (vs 18-20). That means in the individual.
their angels in heaven continually look upon the face Let’s add one more thing; let’s finalize this
of My Father, Who is in heaven. For the Son of man about offending the brother and so forth, causing
has come to save those who are lost” (vs 9-11). Then problem in the congregation. Proverbs 6:16: “These
He goes on to explain about the 99. six things the LORD hates; yea, seven are an
Romans 14:13: “Therefore, we should no abomination unto Him: A proud look, a lying
longer judge one another… [that means to judge in tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood” (vs 16-
the physical, small things to criticize and cause 17). You might say this could fall into the realm of
problems] …but judge this instead: Do not put an people using and manipulating people for your own
occasion of stumbling or a cause of offense before desire, in this case actually leading to killing them.
your brother. I understand and am persuaded by the There are people who just have to manipulate other
Lord Jesus that nothing is common by itself, except people. They have to ‘push their buttons’ so to
unto the one who is reckoning anything to be speak. And God doesn’t want that. Don’t do that.
common—to that one it is common. But if, because Verse 18: “A heart that plots wicked
of your food, your brother is offended, you are no imaginations, feet that are swift in running to evil…
longer walking according to love. With your food, [especially couple that with a big tongue to carry bad
do not destroy the one for whom Christ died. news] …a false witness who speaks lies, and he who
Therefore, do not let your good be evil spoken of. sows discord among brethren” (vs 18-19). That’s
For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating what happens when you have the strife over these
and drinking; rather, it is righteousness and peace physical things.
and joy in the Holy Spirit” (vs 13-17).
Romans 14:20: “…All lawful things indeed
Here’s what we need to have more of, Psalm are pure; but it is an evil thing for the one who eats
16:8, talking about joy and peace and love; that’s while causing an occasion of stumbling to his
what we need to have, brethren: “I have set the brother. For it is better not to eat flesh, or drink
LORD always before Me. Because He is at My right wine…” (vs 20-21). It was more than just
hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore, My heart is vegetarianism; it was wine, too. There are some
glad and My glory rejoices; My flesh also shall rest people who cannot drink, and should not drink. The
in safety, for You will not abandon My soul to the only little bit of wine they should take is at Passover.
grave; neither will You allow Your Holy One to see And the only exception would be if someone has
corruption…. [a prophecy of Christ being vowed a vow to God that he will never ever touch a
resurrected from the grave] …You will make known drop of wine again in his life, then he could use
to Me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of grape juice—no other exception!
joy. At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore”
(vs 8-11). Let’s see if we can have some of that in Only if they’ve vowed that vow, like the
the Churches. Let’s see if we can have some of that Recabites, the ones who their father said not to drink
in the fellowship groups. any wine and they followed their father and God
used that as an example. He told Jeremiah, ‘You go
Psalm 5:11: “But let all who put their trust in out and get the children Rechab and bring them here
You rejoice; let them always shout for joy because and set the wine before them, and tell them to drink.
You defend them. And let those who love Your So he did. He brought them in and he said, ‘Drink!’
name exult in You, for You, O LORD, will bless the and they said, ‘No, we won’t drink, our father says
Romans Series #31
Romans 14-15:5
we are not to drink any wine.’ Jeremiah said, minute, Hebrews 3:19: “So we see that they were not
‘Drink!’ and they said, ‘No, we won’t drink.’ God able to enter in because of unbelief.” Lack of faith.
said, ‘Jeremiah, you tell the children of Israel this: This is where faith begins. Do not put faith in the
Look at the children of Rechab, and I give them a physical little things that you prefer. Those physical
blessing through all their generations because they little things that you prefer may not suit other
obeyed their father and you won’t even obey My people. It’s neither sin nor righteousness. It’s neither
voice to do what I want you to do.’ That’s was really of faith nor of conscious.
quite an example.
Hebrews 11:6: “Now without faith it is
We have the drinking and non-drinking. We impossible to please God. For it is mandatory for the
have the same thing today. Drunkenness on one one who comes to God to believe that He exists…”
hand is wrong—isn’t it? Yes, it is! If a person wants It’s obligatory that you believe that God exists. What
to be totally abstaining, that’s fine. But the one who happens when your faith is based upon beginning
drinks should not look down on the one who with that?
doesn’t. And the one who doesn’t should not look
down on the one who does. All you’re doing is • You believe that God exists!
what? You’re setting your standard to impose upon • You believe that His Word is true!
someone else! That’s where the difficulty comes in. • You believe His Word is right!
• You believe that Christ is the Son of God!
• Can everyone wear a size 5, triple E shoe?
• Or a size 21, double A shoe? That changes the whole complexion of everything—
• NO! doesn’t it? No question about it! Then comes out of
• The shoe that fits the foot, is it right for the the realm of your own personal belief, your own
person that it fits—whether big foot, little self-righteous faith. There are people who have self-
foot, wide foot, narrow foot, whatever/ righteous faith. It will carry them to a certain degree,
but it’s not the faith of God.
We cannot condemn people—right? Besides, what “…For it is mandatory for the one who
did they have to do with their feet? They just grew! comes to God to believe that He exists and that He is
You can’t say feet are a sin! It’s the same thing, if a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (v
we look at some of these things in this way, then we 6)—not just haphazardly, not just when you’re in
can get a better perspective. Let’s quit beating each trouble, not just when things are going tough for
other up! you—but “…diligently seek Him.”
Verse 21: “For it is better not to eat flesh, or Hebrews 10:38: “Now it is written, ‘The
drink wine. or do anything else… [That’s a broad, just shall live by faith… [That’s how you are to
inclusive statement—isn’t it?] …by which your live; not by sight, not by the physical things—you
brother stumbles, or is offended, or is made weak. have to take care of those, but you don’t put your
Do you have faith?…. [Every one of them says, ‘I trust in them—you live by faith!] …but if anyone
have faith. I’m doing what’s right. I have conscience draws back…” from that faith and get involved in
before God.’] …Have it to yourself before God…. the physical things. That’s what was happening and
[and quit judging your brother and shut your mouth; why he wrote the book of Hebrews, because they
that’s what he’s saying] …Blessed is the one who is were drawing back from Christ and going back to
not condemning himself in what he approves” (vs the animal sacrifices. They were going back from
21-22). If you pretend that you have conscience the things of faith into the things which had no faith.
toward something and you really don’t believe it, They could see it, so they could rely on it. Whereas,
you’re going to condemn yourself. faith you can’t see. Faith comes from God. Faith is a
gift of God. You have to live by that.
Verse 23: “Now then, the one who is
doubting, if he eats, has been condemned already, “…if anyone draws back, My soul does not
because it is not of faith; everything that is not of delight in him.’ But we are not of those who draw
faith is sin.” What does this mean? You can apply back unto destruction; rather, we are of faith unto the
this spiritually; you can apply this carnally. You can saving of the soul” (vs 38-39).
be self-righteous and say, ‘If you don’t do what I’m
doing, then you don’t have faith.’ That’s not true! Or Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is the substance…
You can have conscience of something which is [the Greek there is ‘hypostasis’—the spiritual
really not of faith. And it’s not conscience of substance and it comes from God] …of things hoped
anything toward God, but just your own picky, self- for, and the conviction of things not seen.” This is
righteous stupidity. the kind of faith that God wants us to have, that
spiritual faith! Beginning by believing in Him, so
We’ll a little bit about faith here for a that we won’t put faith in the physical little things
Romans Series #31
Romans 14-15:5
that we do to come along and then cause other me and out of the deep waters” (vs 11-14)—also part
people to offend, and it is neither here nor there! of the very prayer that Jesus was praying just before
Very important. He was arrested and led off to be crucified.
If we can grasp this, brethren; if we can “Do not let the flood of waters overflow
really understand this, we are going to go a long way me, nor let the deep swallow me up, and let not the
in overcoming all the problems and difficulties that pit shut its mouth upon me. Answer me, O LORD,
have been created in the various Churches of God, for Your steadfast love is good; turn unto me
because they went back to the physical things and according to the multitude of Your tender mercies.
were using that as a means of judging. That’s what And hide not Your face from Your servant, for I am
they did to give up on the Sabbath. That’s what they in trouble; answer me speedily. Draw near unto my
did to give up on the Holy Days. They went from the soul and redeem it; deliver me because of my
faith of God to the faith in the physical thing that enemies. You have known my reproach, and my
they could do. Now they’re doing it and they’ve lost shame, and my dishonor; my enemies are all before
the faith of Jesus Christ. When you substitute that You. Reproach has broken my heart…” (vs 15-20).
faith and put faith in the physical things in It was so heavy that Christ did experience being
preference to the true faith of God, then you are brokenhearted; that’s why He can heal the
going to go backward. brokenhearted.
Romans 15:1—this is quite an admonition “…and I am full of heaviness; and I looked
here: “We who are strong in the faith are obligated for sympathy, but there was none; and for
to support the ones who are weak in the faith, and comforters, but I found none. They also gave Me
not to please ourselves. For let each one of us please gall for My food; and in My thirst they gave Me
his neighbor for good, and for his edification; vinegar to drink. Let their table become a snare
because Christ also did not please Himself; but before them; and when they are at peace, let it
exactly as it is written, ‘The reproaches of those who become a trap…. [And that’s exactly what happened
are reproaching You have fallen upon Me.’ For all to the whole religious system of Judaism—didn’t it?
the things which were written before were written By 70A.D. it was completely destroyed.] …Let their
for your instruction, so that through endurance and eyes be darkened, so that they do not see; and make
encouragement of the Scriptures we might have their loins shake without ceasing. Pour out Your
hope” (vs 1-4). indignation upon them, and let the fierceness of
anger take hold of them. Let their encampment be
Psalm 69—where it talks about the reproach. desolate; let none dwell in their tents, for they
This Psalm has a lot to do with the real detailed and persecute him whom You have stricken, and they
emotional suffering that Christ went through in recount the grief of those You have wounded. Add
enduring the things that He did. Psalm 69:7: iniquity unto their iniquity, and let them not come
“Because for Your sake I have borne reproach, into Your righteousness. Let them be blotted out of
shame has covered my face. I have become a the Book of Life and not be written with the
stranger to My brothers and a alien to My mother’s righteous” (vs 20-28).
children, for the zeal of Your house has eaten Me
up, and the reproaches of those who reproached You This is really quite a prayer, and Jesus
have fallen upon Me…. [There’s a direct quote of warned that some of them would suffer the
the Scripture.] …When I wept in my soul with unpardonable sin. Notice how these words fit in with
fasting, it became my reproach. I also made what Christ did and said:
sackcloth my clothing, and I became a proverb to
them” (vs 7-11). “But I am poor and sorrowful; let Your
You will see as you go through some of salvation, O God, set me up on high. I will praise the
these Psalms is some of the words apply to David— name of God with a song and will magnify Him with
like with the sackcloth—because Jesus never wore thanksgiving. This also shall please the LORD
sackcloth. But then it comes right back and the next better than a bullock that has horns and hoofs….
phrase applies directly to Christ. [In other words, His perfect sacrifice—that’s what
it’s talking about here.] …The humble shall see and
“…and I became a proverb to them. Those be glad; and your heart shall live, you who seek
who sit in the gate speak about me; and I was the God, for the LORD hears the needy and does not
song of the drunkards…. [all of the spiritual despise His prisoners. Let the heavens and earth
drunkards] …But as for me, my prayer is to You, O praise Him, the seas, and everything that moves in
LORD, in an acceptable time; O God, in the them, for God will save Zion, and will build the
abundance of Your mercy answer me, in the Truth of cities of Judah; so that they may dwell there and
Your salvation. Deliver me out of the mire, and let possess it. And the seed of His servants shall inherit
me not sink; let me be delivered from those who hate it, and those who love His name shall dwell in it” (vs
Romans Series #31
Romans 14-15:5
29-36). That’s getting into heavenly Jerusalem and encouraged! So, He’s the God of all comfort:
the Sion above. All of that is there contained in this spiritual comfort, not necessarily physical comfort,
Psalm. because we may suffer things. But even in that, in
our pain, God can still comfort us spiritually.
Put down these Scriptural references in your margin:
“Who comforts us in all our tribulation…
• Isa. 53—where He took upon all our sorrows [all the trials, all the afflictions, all the difficulties
• Psa. 89:50—this has to do with reproaches that we go through] …in order that we may be able
• Psa. 39:8 to comfort those who are in any trial, through the
• Psa. 74:18 comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by
This is the thing that is important: If we seek to God” (v 4). This shows the experience. That’s why
please God and if we seek to serve the brethren, and we go through things for the experience that later on
not serve ourselves. That’s the whole problem that we can help someone else who’s going through
we have in the Church today, and the reason why it’s something else exactly the same. Sometimes in the
all being disintegrated and torn apart; everyone has a trials that we go through, we wonder why we are
secret little agenda: everyone has a little doctrine, going through them. Sometimes that’s the very
everyone has something that they want to do to force reason we’re going through them; so we can learn
upon someone else, rather than seeking God and from the things that we suffer; just like Christ
letting God’s Spirit lead them in what they need to learned from the things that He suffered.
do. What is happening, in their vanity they’re all Verse 5: “For to the degree that the
serving themselves, rather than serving God and sufferings of Christ abound in us, so also our
serving the brethren. That’s why this is written. comfort abounds through Christ. And if we are in
We have almost the same thing here, distress, it is for your comfort and salvation, which
Galatians 6:1: “Brethren, even if a man be overtaken is being worked out by your enduring the same
in some offense, you who are spiritual, restore such sufferings that we also suffer; and if we are
a one in a spirit of meekness, considering yourself, comforted, it is for your comfort and salvation (and
lest you also be tempted. Bear one another’s our hope is steadfast for you); knowing that as you
burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (vs 1-2). are partners in the sufferings, you are also partners
That’s almost the same thing here (Rom. 15) that we in the comfort” (vs 5-7). That’s the whole purpose of
are not please ourselves. it, that we might have that and that we might have
the hope and be like-minded.
We’re to do this so that we might have hope.
(refer back to Rom. 4—the hope of God; showing in Philippians 2—this is very important and I
detail about the hope of God.) Romans 15:5: “Now don’t think we can cover this one enough, but we
the God of endurance and encouragement… [God is need to have it so that we understand. This is the
the One Who comforts us; and the word whole goal and purpose, brethren, of what where
encouragement here could also be comfort] …grant we’re going, what we’re doing, what God wants us
you to be likeminded with one another according to to become. That’s why in the sermon series: Why
Christ Jesus, so that we may glorify the God and God Hates Religion, ‘religion’ then becomes a
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ with one accord and structured thing that men devise. Yes, they use the
one mouth” (vs 5-6). Bible; yes, they use the words of God; but they do
not encourage the kind of relationship with God the
This is what’s important. If we’re going to Father and Jesus Christ that we need to have to be
grow and have the mind of Christ (Philip. 2)—and converted and grow and change and overcome. Then
that’s the whole thing we need to do—then we will ‘religion’ gets in the way! Then ‘religion’ becomes
be of one accord and of one mind—won’t we? The very judgmental! We do have to have judgmental
problem with all the splits and divisions and schisms things in time. We have to judge righteous
that people have, they try and be of one mind judgment—that is true! No question about it! But we
socially and one mind on some basic things that they should not be judgmental against each other. We
may agree on, and then they agree to disagree on the should judge righteous judgment. There is a distinct
other things that they don’t agree on. That’s not what difference between the two.
God wants us to do. He wants us to all be of one
mind. Notice again how Paul covers the same
thing. In almost all of his epistles somewhere, Paul
2-Corinthians 1:3: “Blessed be the God and has something written very similar to this,
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Philippians 2:1: “Now then, if there be any
mercies, and the God of all comfort.” So comfort encouragement in Christ, if any comfort of love, if
and encouragement are synonymous words in the any fellowship of the Spirit, if any deep inner
Greek. If you are comforted, you are what? You are affections and compassions, fulfill my joy, that you
Romans Series #31
Romans 14-15:5
be of the same mind, having the same love, being Now, look what He was able to give up, and
joined together in soul, minding the one thing…. we’re going to see what our response needs to be in
[that is attaining to the Kingdom of God] …Let return, v 6: “Who, although He existed in the form
nothing be done through contention or vainglory… of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with
[all based upon vanity and human reasoning and God… [He was sharing the same existence (John
things like this] …but in humility, each esteeming 1:1-3—In the beginning was the Word, and the
the others above himself” (vs 1-3). Word was God, and the Word was with God, and all
things were made by Him and there isn’t anything
That’s hard to do; but you can do it this way: that came into being that He did not make.)] …but
If you know that God has called the individual. Once emptied Himself…” (vs 6-7)—and became that
in a while you’ll run into a tare or two. Those are not pinprick of light so that He could be born into this
the children of God; those are the children of the world as a human being.
devil. They’re generally the ‘religious’ ones that
cause problems. But, we’re talking here about the Currently, they’re cycling through again:
brethren. If you truly understand
• Jesus was a created being
• that God the Father Himself has called the • Jesus was not God before He became a
individual human being (see sermon series: Who is
• that Jesus Christ has died for the individual Jesus?)
• that God the Father has begotten them with
the Holy Spirit It’s been reported to me that in the Journal there are
articles in there by men who do not believe in the
—then there needs to be that kind of love and honor Divinity of Jesus Christ. Let me just state it very
given to them. clearly: If you do not believe in the Divinity of
Jesus Christ, you are an antichrist!—period! That’s
If we do happen to run into some tares, then just the way it is. That’s all a part of the mind of
we can handle them in a different way. Right now Christ. We need to be able to say what they really
God is eliminating the tares. The only problem is, it are; that’s what John says: If you don’t believe that
seems like most of the Church is tares, when you Jesus came in the flesh, you are an antichrist!
look at the greater church overall. That’s why the That’s currently going on and some brethren are
sermon Teacher, Teacher, Who’s Got a Teacher? being blown away by this.
Verse 4: “Let each one look not only after Do you see the tactics of Satan the devil?
his own things… [That doesn’t mean don’t neglect Dumb down, dumb down! Get you comfortable, get
it. In other words, don’t be so self-centered that the you soft, everything’s just fine and everything is just
only thing you see is just what you need. This means going along and then BAM! After that comes, then
to look and see what the other person needs.] …but all the confusion. ‘Have you heard… Were you ever
let each one also consider the things of others. Let told... Did you ever study… Did you ever read…’
this mind be in you, which was also in Christ These things get cycled through again. All of this
Jesus” (vs 4-5). There is the highest pinnacle of confusion comes from Satan the devil. God is not
conversion; that’s what it needs to be! the author of confusion. The only way we become
If you want to really understand about the like-minded and one-minded and have the mind of
mind of Christ, then go back and study through the Christ is to really study His Word and to know it!
Gospels. You are really going to be surprised how Not just read it; study it! Not to just be familiar with
much is there. When you go through word for word it; know it! Have it written in your mind and
you really pick up an awful lot. And you will see inscribed upon your heart—that’s where God wants
when you study through the Gospels, that 95% of it!
the Gospels are directly quotes from Jesus Christ. Verse 7: “But emptied Himself… [willing to
Being quotes from Jesus Christ, then you will be give up everything] …and was made in the likeness
able to have the mind of Christ—won’t you? You’ll of men, and took the form of a servant… [slave—
have the Greek: ‘doulos’—bought and sold slave] …and
• Spirit of Christ being found in the manner of man… [having the law
• the words of Christ of sin and death within Him] …He humbled
• the quotes of Christ Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the
death of the cross” (vs 7-8).
—and that becomes a part of you, and that’s the way
that you think. This does not make you a ‘religious’ • Have any of us given up anything compared to
person. This makes you a son or daughter of God! what Christ did?
That’s what needs to be. • Have any of us been humbled to anything like
Christ was humbled?
Romans Series #31
Romans 14-15:5
• Can you imagine the Creator God coming the • Psalm 89:50; 39:9; 74:18
flesh, • Romans 4
being rejected by His creation • John 1:1-3
being spit upon
being beat upon Also referenced:
being crucified
being rejected by His own creation Sermon/Sermon Series:
—and yet, he did it in an act of love to save them! I • Judge Righteous Judgment (booklet included)
mean, think on that! None of us have done anything! • Why God Hates Religion
That’s why we need to have the mind of Christ so • Teacher, Teacher, Who’s Got a Teacher?
that we comprehend it. • Who is Jesus?
God is not necessarily going to require something Book: Guinness Book of World Records
like that of us, but that’s why we have to have the
mind of Christ.
Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter; Transcribed: 1-24-11
except where noted
Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
Scriptures in Galatians from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
Galatians, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
Scriptural References:
1) Romans 14:14-21, 5-6, 1-2
2) 1 Corinthians 8:1-13
3) 1 Corinthians 10:16-22
4) Romans 14:2-4
5) 1 Timothy 4:4, 1-6
6) Romans 14:5-13
7) Matthew 18:6
8) James 3:1-2
9) Matthew 18:7-11
10) Romans 14:13-17
11) Psalm 16:8-11
12) Psalm 5:11-12
13) Romans 14:18-20
14) Proverbs 6:16-19
15) Romans 14:20-23
16) Hebrews 3:19
17) Hebrews 11:6
18) Hebrews 10:38-39
19) Hebrews 11:1
20) Romans 15:1-4
21) Psalm 69:7-36
22) Galatians 6:1-2
23) Romans 15:5-6
24) 2 Corinthians 1:1-7
25) Philippians 2:1-8
Romans Series #32
Romans 15-16
Philippians 2:8: “And being found in the holding forth the Word of life; that I may rejoice in
manner of man, He humbled Himself, and became the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, nor
obedient unto death… [Lot’s of times, people give labored in vain” (vs 14-16). That’s how we are to
up when they are confronted with a difficult respond to God; that’s what he’s talking about in a
proposition, let alone unto death. He has set the little different way back here:
standard for us.] …even the death of the cross.
Therefore, God has also highly exalted Him and Romans 15:6: “So that we may glorify God
bestowed upon Him a name which is above every the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ with one accord
name; that at the name of Jesus every knee should and one mouth. For this reason, be receiving one
bow, of beings in heaven and on earth and under the another, according as Christ has also received us, to
earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus the glory of God” (vs 6-7). This tells us there’s a
Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father” (vs 8- whole different relationship that needs to be with
11)—because He did this thing. brethren than we have understood. If we have this
for the foundation of the relationship with brethren,
Verse 12: “So then, my beloved, even as you one with another, just think how much different
have always obeyed… [Our obedience has to be fellowshipping together is going to be. If you’re
always.] …not as in my presence only… [What doing this, what are you doing? You’re dropping off
happens if you just do it when people are around? all the carnality, all of the self-interest, all of the
Then you’re pleasing men, you’re not pleasing hidden agendas, none of those things are there. But
God!] …but now much more in my absence, work with the Spirit of God and openness of mind, and
out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For openness of faith, and openness of purpose. “For this
it is God Who works in you both to will… [desire, reason, be receiving one another, according as Christ
and you don’t do anything unless you have the has also received us, to the glory of God.” That is
desire; so God the Father even gives the desire. How true brotherly love! That’s what we need to be
about that! Even that is a gift! That’s why Paul said, focusing on.
‘You have nothing that you didn’t receive!’] …and
to do according to His good pleasure” (vs 12-13). Verse 8: “Now then, I say, Jesus Christ has
What is His good pleasure? become a servant to the circumcision for the Truth
of God, in order to confirm the promises of the
• to love Him fathers… [the Gospels; the four Gospels confirm
• to serve Him that] …and for the Gentiles to glorify God for His
• to keep His commandments mercy, exactly as it has been written: ‘For this
• to love the brethren cause I will confess You among the Gentiles, and I
• to honor the Word of God will praise Your name.’ And again it says,
• to pray ‘Rejoice, all you Gentiles, with His people’; and
• to study again, ‘Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles all you
—all those things are His good pleasure! peoples, praise the Lord.’ And again, Isaiah says,
‘There shall be a root of Jesse, and He that arises
Verse 14: “Do all things without complaints and shall rule the Gentiles; in Him shall all the Gentiles
disputes… [that’s difficult sometimes—isn’t it? The hope’” (vs 8-12).
easiest thing to do is complain. I know that I do.]
Now, let’s go back and we’ll just take one
…so that you may be blameless and without
reference here—you can look up the rest in Isaiah
offense… [You need to understand that in the whole
book of Philippians there’s not one word of and the Psalms. This one I really love in The
correction; the only book he wrote with no Messiah. Isaiah 60:1: “Arise, shine; for your light has
come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you,
correction. It shows it can be done. Can you do the
for behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and
things that please God so that He doesn’t have to
gross darkness the people; but the LORD shall arise
correct you? We can if we have the mind of Christ—
upon you, and His glory shall be seen upon you.
can’t we? Does that make us self-righteous? No!
That means we’re just that more converted!] And the Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings
to the brightness of your rising” (vs 1-3). That’s
…innocent children of God in the midst of a crooked
really quite a dynamic song when it’s sung. It’s sung
and perverted generation… [If that doesn’t apply to
by the baritone, it’s really chilling!
the world today, I don’t’ know what to tell you.]
…among whom you shine as lights in the world, Psalm 27:1—talking about the light of God:
Romans Series #32
Romans 15-16
“The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom who fear the LORD; he who swears to his own hurt
shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of and does not change it; he who has not put out his
whom shall I be afraid?… [Brethren, this the money at usury, nor has he taken a bribe against the
confidence we need to have in God. Think about innocent. He who does these things shall never be
that!] … When the wicked, my enemies and my moved” (vs 1-5).
foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they
stumbled and fell. Though an army should encamp Psalm 17:13—here it shows that David knew
against me, my heart shall not be afraid; though war a lot about these things: “Arise, O LORD, confront
should rise against me, even then I will be confident. him, bring him down; deliver my soul from the
One thing I have desired from the LORD, that I will wicked by Your sword, from men by Your hand, O
seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD, from men of the world whose portion is in
LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty this life… [I want you to notice the contrast he’s
of the LORD and to inquire in His temple” (vs 1-4). going to bring out here.] …and whose belly You fill
What kept him in this attitude? The hope of the with Your treasure. They are full of children, and
reward of God—correct? The understanding of the will leave their riches to their babes. As for me, I
resurrection to come—right? will behold Your face in righteousness; I shall be
satisfied, when I awake, with Your likeness” (vs 13-
Brethren, I don’t think we really grasp how 15). And that means awake from the sleep of death,
great that is going to be. It’s going to be a marvelous talking of the resurrection.
thing. God has called us to absolutely the greatest
and most marvelous thing that can be. If you always have that hope before you,
there is nothing that is going to overcome you or
Verse 4: “One thing I have desired from the discourage you. You may be down for a while, but
LORD… [That ties in with Philip. 2—be minding there is nothing that is going to completely overtake
the one same thing.] …that I will seek after… [with you.
all his heart] …that I may dwell in the house of the
LORD all the days of my life… [eternal life] …to Romans 15:13: “Now then, may the God of
behold the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in hope…” Even sometimes it gets down to it like it
His temple.” To see Him in His glory, as Christ said: was with Abraham, that Abraham hoped in hope,
‘Father, I pray that they, whom you have given Me, against hope. In other words there was no physical
may be with Me where I am, that they may behold reason for anything to happen except the hope that
My glory which you gave Me before the foundation was the promise of God. When you’re 100-years-old
of the world.’ and you’re wife is 90-years-old, you know that’s
true! No question about that!
This ties right in with it. It’s amazing! It was
amazing that David understood this! But David had “…may the God of hope fill you with all joy
a special relationship with God. Remember when the and peace in believing… [Notice how that comes.
Ark of the Covenant was brought from Kirjath It’s present tense—in believing. It’s constantly
Jearim; it was not taken to the tabernacle but put in a believing, not just being inspired when you come to
special tent right in David’s house. So, when David Sabbath services or you listen to a tape. You are
did these Psalms and he wrote these Psalms and he always believing; you are always hoping; in spite of
prayed before the Lord, he went before this special all the circumstances whether they may look very
tabernacle right in his house. He could see the Ark. bleak.] …that you may abound in hope and in the
There was time when he said he could see God in power of the Holy Spirit” (v 13). That’s quite
there. That’s why David is called ‘a man after God’s something! Never giving up! We need more of that,
heart.’ He understood some of these things, and had too, I tell you, brethren! We really, really do!
the blessing and the privilege of having been given • understanding the Word of God
to him some of the very words of Christ, even during • growing in grace and knowledge
His suffering when He was on the cross. That’s was • serving God
a tremendous relationship that they had; no question • in the way of healings
about it, it was a tremendous relationship.
• and serving brethren
Psalm 15:1: “LORD, who shall dwell in Your
We’re just living in such a world it’s almost unreal!
tabernacle? Who shall dwell upon Your Holy hill? He
who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and Verse 14: “But I myself am also persuaded
speaks the truth in his heart… [It shows a pure, concerning you, my brethren, concerning you, that
loving attitude—doesn’t it?] …he does not slander you yourselves are full of goodness… [he’s talking
with his tongue, nor does evil to his neighbor, nor about mature Christians] …and are being filled with
takes up a reproach against his neighbor; in whose all knowledge, and having the ability to admonish
eyes a vile person is despised, but he honors those one another”—to help, to encourage, to uplift, to
Romans Series #32
Romans 15-16
admonish one another in psalms and hymns, to help talking about his own responsibility of teaching and
one another. training the brethren. Paul didn’t hold anything
back. Paul gave everything:
I never will forget one of the founding
members of the Christian Biblical Church of God, • that they could learn
Esther Grisinger—she suffered in pain as much as • that they could grow
anybody that I know suffered in pain, and she was • that they could be advanced
really in bad shape physically. She was a diabetic,
she was almost blind, she was confined to a Even Paul, as we saw in Rom. 9, said that he
wheelchair, she could hardly stand up and walk and himself wished he could be ‘accursed that all of his
all the muscles up in her groin and all the tendons brethren, the Israelites, could be saved.’ We need to
were all caught up in a great ball. It hurt her! It just understand that.
‘killed’ her day and night! There were times when Verse 17: “Therefore, I have my boasting in
her leg would almost just bend right up because of Christ Jesus as to the things pertaining to God….
the pain. Yet, when someone was in trouble or down [Not in himself and not what he could do, but in
or discouraged, who did they call? They called God!] …For I will dare not to speak about anything
Esther Grisinger, and she gave them hope! She which Christ has not worked out by me unto the
encouraged them! She lifted them up! Even in spite obedience of the Gentiles, by word and work, through
of her circumstances! the power of signs and wonders, in the power of the
That really had to be a work of the Holy Spirit of God…” (vs 17-19). He’s giving all credit to
Spirit to do that. She was “…full of goodness… [in God; nothing of it was what he did. And I imagine
helping and serving the brethren] …and are being the Apostle Paul had the things that he went through.
filled with all knowledge…” (v 14). That’s what Let’s see what the Apostle Paul went
God wants us to do, grow in grace and knowledge through and notice that he could still write this way
(2-Pet. 3:15-16). And, of course, the grace that we and encourage this way and speak this way. That’s
have just keeps coming from God. And the fullness why we have 14 of the Epistles of Paul in the New
of Christ never runs dry—does it? Our fuel tanks run Testament. He was comparing what he was doing
low from time-to-time—don’t they? here in relationship to what others were doing—the
• From Christ they never do! false apostles and deceitful workers, and there are
• The grace of God never does! plenty of them out there today.
• The fullness of Christ never runs out! 2-Corinthians 11:13: “For such are false
John 1:14: “And the Word became flesh and apostles—deceitful workers who are transforming
tabernacled among us (and we ourselves beheld His themselves into apostles of Christ…. [palming
glory, the glory as of the only begotten with the themselves off as Christians] …And it is no marvel,
Father), full of grace and truth. John testified for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of
concerning Him, and proclaimed, saying, ‘This was light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his servants
He of Whom I said, “He Who comes after me has also transform themselves as ministers of
precedence over me because He was before me.”’…. righteousness—whose end shall be according to
[that means existed before] …And of His fullness we their works. Again I say, no one should consider me
have all received… [the fullness of God never runs a fool; but if otherwise, receive me even as a fool,
dry] …and grace upon grace” (vs 14-16). That’s that I also may boast a little. What I am now saying,
what it means, not grace for grace, but grace upon I do not speak according to the Lord…” (vs 13-17).
grace. So, when he talks about the receiving the He’s making it clear: ‘I’m not telling you what the
fullness of God, that you may be filled, this is what Lord is saying’
he’s talking about. And that fullness never runs out, “…but as in foolishness, in this confidence
and it never runs dry. It just keeps coming! If we’re of boasting…. [‘What I’m going to say now, I’m
going to be filled with all the knowledge of God, having to say because you have forced me to say it. I
then it’s going to come with the grace of God. really don’t want to say it, because it’s really foolish,
Romans 15:15: “Now, brethren, I did write but I’ve got to say it because of what these false
more boldly to you, in part, as a way of reminding apostles are doing.’] …Since many boast according
you through the grace that was given to me by God, to the flesh, I also will boast. For since you are so
in respect to my being a minister of Jesus unto the intelligent, you gladly bear with fools” (vs 17-19).
Gentiles to perform the Holy service of teaching He’s very cynical. You get into the book of 1st & 2nd
the Gospel of God; so that the offering up of the Cor. and he’s got some very cynical statements to
Gentiles unto salvation might be acceptable, being them.
sanctified by the Holy Spirit” (vs 15-16). He’s “For you bear it if anyone brings you into
Romans Series #32
Romans 15-16
bondage, if anyone devours you, if anyone takes food to eat. We have nothing to complain about!
from you, if anyone exalts himself, if anyone beats
you on the face. I speak as though we were under Romans 15:17: “Therefore, I have my
reproach for being weak; but in whatever way boastings in Christ Jesus as to the things pertaining
anyone else is bold (I speak in foolishness), I also to God. For I will not dare to speak about anything
am bold. Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they which Christ has not worked out by me, unto the
Israelites? So am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? obedience of the Gentiles, by word and work,
So am I. Are they servants of Christ? (I am speaking through the power of signs and wonders, in the
as if I were out of my mind.) So am I, above and power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem,
beyond measure—in labors more abundant, in and in a circuit unto Illyricum, I have fully preached
stripes above measure, in imprisonments more the Gospel of Christ; even as I was also aspiring to
frequent, in deaths often. Five times from the Jews I preach the Gospel of Christ where Christ was not
received forty stripes less one. Three times I was named, so that I might not build upon another’s
beaten with rods; once I was stoned; three times I foundation” (vs 17-20). So, he didn’t go where Peter
was shipwrecked; a night and a day I spent in the preached. He didn’t go where Bartholomew
deep. I have been in journeyings often, in perils of preached. He didn’t go where Barnabas preached.
rivers, in perils of robbers, in perils from my own He preached in the area that God wanted him to
race… [he was a hunted man] …in perils from the preach and the Holy Spirit let him know what that
Gentiles, in perils in the city, in perils in the desert, was as we see in the book of Acts.
in perils on the sea, in perils among false brethren… Verse 21: “But exactly as it is written:
[that’s a great peril today] …in weariness and ‘Those to whom it had never been proclaimed
painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in concerning Him, they shall see; and those who had
fastings often, in cold and nakedness” (vs 20-27). not heard shall understand’… [That’s preaching the
“Besides all these things from the world Gospel (Isa. 52:15).] …because of this also, many
outside, pressing on me daily is the care of all the times I was hindered from coming to you. But now,
Churches…. [If you think you’ve had it; if you think having no place which remains to be preached to in
you’re really down; if you think you’re having it these regions, and having a great desire to come to
tough; read this and you’ll understand why the you now for many years” (vs 21-23). Here were all
Apostle Paul put his ministry and left it in God’s these churches in Rome that hadn’t even seen the
hands and just really gave himself over to it Apostle Paul.
entirely.] …Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who Verse 24: “Whenever I may go to Spain, I
is offended, and I do not burn?” (vs 28-29). I know will come to you, because I am hoping to see you
what he’s talking about with those kinds of things. while passing through Rome, and from there to be
There are some that you think are really good sent forward by you after I have enjoyed your
brethren and, my, they turn out to be nasty, hateful company for a while.” What the Apostle Paul would
people. You get burned—don’t you? Have you been do, he would go to one city, they would take care of
burned in the Church? Yes! So was Paul! him, they would give him of the tithes and offerings
Verse 30: “If it is necessary for me to boast, to finance his trip to go somewhere else and he
I will boast in the things concerning my weakness. would go out from there. That’s how it was done. He
The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who was telling them he was expecting it there.
is blessed into the ages of eternity, knows that I do Verse 25: “But now I am going to
not lie. In Damascus, the governor under Aretus the Jerusalem… [This was apparently written from
king was guarding the city of the Damascenes Corinth] …to minister to the saints, because those in
because he desired to arrest me. But I was let down Macedonia and Achaia were pleased to make a
in a basket through a window by the wall, and certain contribution for the poor saints who are in
escaped from his hands” (vs 30-33). Jerusalem. For they were pleased, and their debtors
So, he was chased and driven around. When they are, because if the Gentiles have shared in their
he talks about his ministry and what he’s doing, and spiritual things, they also in turn ought to minister to
how he went out and preached, I tell you what, when them in physical things” (vs 25-27). That’s when
he went out there and was stoned, left for dead, they had the drought.
remember, the brethren came and got him, picked Verse 28: “Therefore, after finishing this
him up. What did he do as soon as he was well? He task, and after having delivered into their hands the
kept on preaching, kept on going, and came right fruit that was collected and sealed, I will set off
back into that same city again later on, where he toward Spain, coming by you. I know that when
was stoned! If we think we have it tough, look, coming to you, I shall come in the fullness of the
we’ve got our cars; we have planes; we have nice blessing of the Gospel of Christ. Now I am
halls to meet in; we have clothes to wear; we have exhorting you, brethren, by our Lord Jesus Christ,
Romans Series #32
Romans 15-16
and by the love of the Spirit, that you strive together And when he had stayed there some time, he left
with me in prayers to God for me” (vs 28-30). He and went through the country of the Galatians and
needed it, because he was walking into a lion’s den the Phrygians in order, establishing all the disciples.
going up to Jerusalem. When he got up there they Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian
were after him and his life was barely spared, but he by birth, an eloquent man who was skilled in the
had to give a tremendous witness to all the people in Scriptures, came to Ephesus. He had been instructed
Jerusalem. in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he
spoke and taught accurately the things concerning
This is why the prayers, v 31: “In order that I the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John. And he
may be delivered from those in Judea who are began to speak boldly in the synagogue. And after
unbelievers, and that my service… [this offering that hearing him, Aquila and Priscilla took him and
he’s bringing] …which I am bringing to Jerusalem expounded the way of God to him more perfectly”
may be acceptable to the saints; so that I may come (vs 18-26).
to you in joy by the will of God, and that I may be
refreshed with you. Now the God of peace be with So they knew the Scriptures. They took him
you all. Amen” (vs 31-33). aside privately and went through all the Scriptures,
showing them. So, when Paul is talking about
So he had the letter finished at one point. Aquila and Priscilla they were very close with the
We’re going to see there are several add-ons here. Church there in Ephesus and helped out an awful lot.
There are actually four sections which say ‘Amen.’
We’ll cover all four; the first one here is at the end Verse 27: “And when he was determined to
of chapter 15. It does sound like a conclusion— travel to Achaia, the brethren wrote to the disciples,
doesn’t it? Then he says, ‘I’ve forgotten something,’ exhorting them to welcome him; and after arriving,
so we have: he greatly helped those who had believed through
grace, for he powerfully refuted the Jews publicly,
Romans 16:1: “Now I commend to you our showing by the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ”
sister Phoebe, who is a servant of the assembly in (vs 27-28).
Cenchrea… [that was over near Corinth] …in order
that you may receive her in the Lord, as is deserving Romans 16:4: “Who for my life laid down
of saints…” (vs 1-2). She was actually a deaconess their own necks… [I don’t know exactly how they
and one who was helping Paul. Some people think did it, but whatever it was they extended themselves
that she was an evangelist and preacher, but there’s to save him.] …to whom not only am I giving
no indication of that whatsoever. That would have thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles.”
gone against everything that the Apostle Paul was
teaching. All the rest of it is saluting all these different
ones, vs 5-15. Verse 16: “Salute one another with a
“…and that you may assist her in whatever Holy kiss. The Churches of Christ salute you.”
activity she may have need of you, because she also
has been of great assistance to many, including Now, in v 17, we get into another topic and
myself. Salute Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow this is probably why he wrote this, why he put this
workers in Christ Jesus” (vs 2-3). Who are Priscilla tag-end on here: “But I exhort you, brethren, to
and Aquila? Let’s see who they are and how they did look out for those who are making divisions…”—
help and they actually helped with the Church there that’s a little bit different than in Rom. 15.
in Corinth. Romans 15:14: “But I myself am also
persuaded, my brethren, concerning you, that you
Acts 18:18: “And after Paul had remained yourselves are full of goodness, and are being
there many days, he took leave of the brethren and filled with all knowledge, also having the ability
sailed away to Syria, and with him Priscilla and to admonish one another.”
Aquila. Now Paul had shorn his head in Cenchrea
because he had made a vow…. [This is where Now we have another problem that enters
Phoebe was] …And he came to Ephesus, and left in that took place, he got word of before the
them there; but he himself went into the synagogue mailing off of this letter, or having it sent over by
and reasoned with the Jews. And when they asked Phoebe from where he was. Romans 16:17: “But I
him to remain with them for a longer time, he did exhort you, brethren, to look out for those who are
not consent, but took leave of them, saying, ‘I must making divisions and causes of offense that are
by all means keep the Feast that is coming at contrary to the doctrine which you have learned,
Jerusalem; but I will return again to you, God and shun them… [That’s what Paul said]
willing.’ And he sailed from Ephesus. And after …because these are the sort who are not serving our
landing at Caesarea, he went up to Jerusalem and Lord Jesus Christ, but their own bellies, and by
visited the Church; then he went down to Antioch. smooth talking and flattery they are deceiving the
Romans Series #32
Romans 15-16
hearts of the innocent” (vs 17-18). If that is not head, and you [the serpent] shall bruise His [Christ]
happening today over and over again—the very heel.” Talking of the crucifixion.
same thing!
When He was crucified, the only way you
Verse 19: “For your obedience has reached can crucify someone and have nails in your feet
unto all men. Therefore, I rejoice over this report without breaking the bones is to put them right
about you. However, I desire that you be wise through the backside of the Achilles’ tendon in the
indeed concerning good, but innocent concerning heel. That’s the only way. It’s just flesh in-between,
evil. But the God of peace will bruise Satan under so you can drive a spike through there pretty easily.
your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
be with you. Amen…. [Then he continues on; he “children of the devil” vs “the children of God”
wants to explain a little bit more what’s going to Let’s look at the ‘children of the devil.’ Matt.
happen.] …Timothy, my fellow worker, and Lucius 13 talks about those who are the ‘children of the
and Jason and Sosipater, my kinsmen, salute you. I, devil.’ Who are the ‘children of the devil’? There are
Tertius, who wrote this epistle, salute you in the those who go into the depths of Satan the devil,
Lord…. [He was the secretary.] …Gaius, my host, those who do the things that are in the world. Of
and of the whole Church, salutes you. Erastus, the course, Rom. 1 shows the steps by which people go
steward of the city, and Quartus, a brother, salute to the depths of Satan, and what then God gives
you. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with all them over to.
of you. Amen” (vs 19-24). Matthew 13:37: “And He answered and said
But, he’s not yet done. This sounds like a to them, ‘The one Who sows the good seed is the
symphony. You’ve heard Beethoven, you think Son of man; and the field is the world; and the good
you’ve come to the end and then he goes on again. seed, these are the children of the Kingdom [of
So here we have it again, v 25: “Now to Him Who God]; but the tares are the children of the wicked
has the power to establish you, according to my one [Satan the devil]” (vs 37-38). That’s why the
gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, Church goes through its upheavals always. It gets
according to the revelation of the mystery which in solidified to a certain point, and then Satan sends his
ages of the past has been kept secret; but now is tares in. Then you have to have the upheaval to get
made manifest, and by the prophetic Scriptures, rid of the tares, because only God can get rid of the
according to the commandment of the eternal God, tares.
has been made known to all the nations unto the The big mistake is, once the tares are gone
obedience of faith; to the only wise God, through don’t run and bring them back. Let them go! If they
Jesus Christ, to Whom be the glory into the ages of truly love God and they’re not tares, then they will
eternity. AMEN” (vs 25-27). repent. If they are tares, notice, v 38: “…but the
That finishes the book of Romans, ends off tares are the children of the wicked one. Now the
with four AMENs. enemy who sowed them is the devil…” (vs 38-39).
Satan is doing his busy work within the Church. And
Questions: frankly, that’s why the whole Worldwide Church of
God came apart. That’s why Church of God
What does it mean he “will bruise Satan” (v 20)? International has come apart. That’s why United
This is referring the very first prophecy of the Church of God is coming apart. That’s why all the
Messiah after Adam and Eve sinned. splinter groups are coming apart. It’s a process of
(go to the next track) getting rid of the tares. Only God can do that!
“will bruise Satan” That’s why we need to really yield to God,
Genesis 3:15: “And I [God] will put enmity so that we have the love of God. And there’s one
between you [the serpent] and the woman… thing for sure that a tare cannot do: a tare cannot be
[prophetic of the Church; so we’ve got Satan and the where there is truly the love of God and where there
Church] …and between your seed… [seed of Satan is no hierarchy for him to nestle into and put his
the devil; we have the children of the devil, too— roots down in. They have to go. And they love
don’t we?] …and her Seed… [this is physical, this is power. That’s why wherever there’s a church with a
spiritual. You can take this prophecy and run it hierarchy, they get to the proximity of power, and
physical and spiritual all the way through, and it fits. they sit there and they wait until a certain time—and
Physically, your seed, snakes on the ground; and her I don’t know what it is. Something happened in
seed, physical descendants. I’m one of those; I have Worldwide, it was almost like turning a key in a lock
enmity against snakes, I can’t stand them!] and opening the door and BAM! I think one of them
…between your seed… [the children of the devil was Stavrinides, bringing the pagan doctrine of the
being the tares] …and her seed… [being the children Trinity and going way back into the philosophy of
of God] …He [Christ] will bruise your [the serpent] the ancient pagans. That was one, there are many
Romans Series #32
Romans 15-16
Romans Series #32
Romans 15-16
18-20). This tells us something—doesn’t it? If we devil, let’s see how that happens; there’s a step-by-
are not vigilant in helping the brethren of God not step process by which this takes place. It’s one thing
get involved in these things, and get involved in the to be deceived in the world and not know it, and
tearing down of the doctrine and compromising God has shut you up to it. There’s another thing to
these things, and eating and drinking with the be a child of the devil and actually earnestly
drunkard (as Jesus said) then God is going to hold us involved in it.
responsible—is He not? No question about it!
Romans 1:18: “Indeed, the wrath of God is
I just got a call from a woman yesterday in being revealed from heaven upon all ungodliness
tears, she just quit going to Worldwide Church of and unrighteousness of men, who are suppressing
God because now they’re not going to keep the Holy the Truth in unrighteousness… [Is that not the goal?
Days, they’re going to keep Christmas and Easter Can you get any Truth anywhere in this world? No,
and all the other days. They just announced that in you can’t!] …because that which is known of God is
their local congregation. That will bring tears to manifest among them, for God has manifested it to
anybody who’s been in Worldwide Church of God a them… [God makes it known! No question, they
long time, to see how they subverted the Church, have no excuse!] …for the invisible things of Him
totally taken down! It has been totally compromised. from the creation of the world are perceived, being
And I imagine there’s a report from one of the understood by the things which have been made…
leading Cardinals in the Vatican that it has been [the very creation of God] …both His eternal power
done. No question about it. and divinity; so that they are without excuse” (vs 18-
Same way here, v 21: “And I gave her time
to repent of her fornication, but she did not repent. This is all the philosophers on which the
Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and those who philosophy of the whole world has been
commit adultery with her into great tribulation, underpinned, beginning from Babylon, through
unless they repent of their works. And I will kill her Greece, down through Rome down to our present
children with death… [that’s what happened; the day. Verse 21: “Because after having known God,
sword came after them and it was awful] …and all they glorified Him not as God…[we are looking at
the churches shall know that I am He Who searches the steps that they are taking to go to the depths of
the reins and hearts; and I will give to each of you Satan] …neither were thankful; but they became
according to your works. But to you I say, and to the vain in their own reasonings… [imagination, their
rest who are in Thyatira, as many as do not have this own thoughts] …so that their foolish hearts were
doctrine, and who have not known the depths of darkened.” This is telling us that when anyone gets
Satan, as they speak…” (vs 21-24). carried away in vanity, they close off their
understanding. They become so self-centered, and
There is a depth of Satanism which people that’s exactly what Satan wants, self-centered
get into, which this whole world is being brought people, because he can use them and he can deceive
into right now with the occult. You can see it them, and he can use them to deceive others.
everyday on television. There’s more and more
occultism, coming right into even the kindergartens, “While professing themselves to be the wise
where they’re teaching the little children that they ones, they became fools!” (v 22).
have their little helpers and all they need to do is talk
to it and all their little children have their angels. It’s 1. you reject the knowledge of God through the
all getting into occultism. And all the holidays and things He’s created
everything that this world celebrates are all satanic, 2. you become vain in your own imaginations
occult holidays! No question about it! They may 3. your foolish heart is darkened
have been wallpapered with things that sound like 4. you’re professing yourself to be wise and you
they’re ‘Christianity,’ but when you strip away the become fools;
veneer, they are satanic and occult to the core! 5. “And changed the glory of the incorruptible
Including: New Years, Christmas, Easter, Ground God into a likeness of an image of corruptible
Hog Day, May Day, summer solstice, Halloween, man, and of birds, and four-footed creatures,
Valentine’s Day, all of them! They all have deep and creeping things” (v 23). You become
occult meaning! But what they like to do, on the nature oriented—does that sound familiar with
outside—since you’re not into the depths of Satan— the ‘eco movement’? Yes!
for the general public out here they sugarcoat it with 6. “For this cause, God also abandoned them to
all nice little things, and they make it sound good uncleanness through the lusts of their hearts, to
and acceptable, but they have been deceived by disgrace their own bodies between
Satan the devil. themselves” (v 24). You get into sexual
Those who go into the depths of Satan the
Because there is no God:
Romans Series #32
Romans 15-16
• you’re wise, you understand all things difference between the children of the devil, who
• you are smart really give themselves over to the devil are, by
• you’re able to do these things perversion, step-by-step taken to degree-by-degree
• you know what is right down to be the absolute in-depth children of Satan
• and anything you do goes the devil.
That’s why we have the rise of homosexuality and Where God, through conversion, wants us to
lesbianism, bestiality, human sacrifice and all that step-by-step be converted and grow in grace and
thing going on today. Where do you think all these knowledge and become into the very image and
missing children go and they can’t find them? knowledge of God, and to be born in the Kingdom
People don’t just disappear and are never found of God as the very sons and daughters of God.
again. There’s a reason for it. Quite a contrast and that’s the battle that
7. “Who exchanged the Truth of God for the we’re fighting, and that’s the whole battle of the
lie… [now you’re given over to believing lies, book of Romans.
totally; now you’re really deceived] …and Scriptures from The Holy Bible in Its Original Order by Fred R. Coulter;
they worshipped and served the created except where noted
Scriptures in Romans from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
thing… [reference to Satan the devil (Rev. 13) Romans, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
the whole world will worship him] …more Scriptures in Galatians from The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the
Galatians, An In-Depth Bible Study by Fred R. Coulter
than the One Who is Creator, Who is blessed
into the ages. AMEN” (v 25). Scriptural References:
8. “For this cause, God abandoned them…
[notice the whole thing, God is the One Who 1) Philippians 2:8-16
does it, because they’re affronting God. These 2) Romans 15:6-12
are the steps into the depths of Satan the 3) Isaiah 60:1-3
devil!] …to disgraceful passions’ for even 4) Psalm 27:1-4
their women exchanged the natural use of sex 5) Psalm 15:1-5
into that which is contrary to nature; and in 6) Psalm 17:13-15
exactly the same manner also, the men, having 7) Romans 15:13-14
left the natural use of sex with women, were 8) John 1:14-16
inflamed in their lustful passions toward one 9) Romans 15:15-19
another—men with men sexually committing 10) 2 Corinthians 11:13-33
shameless acts, and receiving back within 11) Romans 15:17-33
themselves that which was a fitting fate” (vs 12) Romans 16:1-3
26-27). 13) Acts 18:18-28
9. “And in exact proportion as they did not 14) Romans 16:4, 16-17
consent to have God in their knowledge, God 15) Romans 15:14
abandoned them to a reprobate mind… [not 16) Romans 16:17-27
having the sound judgment of anything right 17) Genesis 3:15
and wrong whatsoever] …to practice the 18) Mathew 13:37-43
things which are immoral; having been filled 19) 1 John 3:4-6
with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, 20) 1 John 5:16
wickedness, covetousness, malice, full of 21) 1 John 3:6-10
envy, murder, strife, guile, evil dispositions, 22) Revelation 2:18-24
whisperers, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, 23) Romans 1:18-32
arrogant, boasters, inventors of evil things and Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
practices, disobedient to parents. They are
void of understanding, covenant breakers, • 2 Peter 3:15-16
without natural affections, implacable and • Romans 9
unmerciful; who despite having known the • Isaiah 52:15
righteous judgment of God, that those who are • Romans 16:5-15; 1
committing such things are worthy of death, • Revelation 13
not only do they practice these things
themselves, but they are also approving of Also referenced:
those who are committing them” (vs 28-32). Sermons: Scripturalism vs Judaism
There you have it. That’s the difference between the DVD: Israel of the Alps (produced by the Seventh Day
children of God and the children of the devil, sinking
into the depths of depravity. That’s something! The FRC:bo Transcribed: 1-24-11