J.C. Bamford Excavators Limited, Universally Known As JCB, Is A British

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Bamford Excavators Limited, universally known as JCB, is a British multinational

corporation, with headquarters in Rocester, Staffordshire, manufacturing equipment for
construction, agriculture, waste handling and demolition. It produces over 300 types of
machines, including diggers (backhoes), excavators, tractors and diesel engines. It has 22
factories across Asia, Europe, North America and South America; its products are sold in over
150 countries.

JCB was founded in 1945 by Joseph Cyril Bamford, after whom it is named; it continues to be
owned by the Bamford family. In the UK, India and Ireland, the word "JCB" is often
used colloquially as a generic description for mechanical diggers and excavators and now
appears in the Oxford English Dictionary, although it is still held as a trademark.

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