The Responsible Guide To Talk About Sex Work in The Media
The Responsible Guide To Talk About Sex Work in The Media
The Responsible Guide To Talk About Sex Work in The Media
Amarna Miller
discourses only, and their experiences are lost
in the fog like the possibility of finding their own place
in the mass media.
"The arguments we sex workers give what they need? They use their migrants, can find themselves at the
are reduced to nothing privileges to express their opinion moment of accessing the non-sexual
because the image created about our work without us, but what labor market. I always got the
over decades is stronger than they should do is help us out". impression that the intentionality of AVOID HIERARCHIES
our message.” this type of reportage isn’t to change
"When we talk about trans sex work a narrative, but to reaffirm more the A good amount of the words used to
"The arguments we sex workers give it’s assumed that it’s a person without belief that many people have that trans refer to sex workers include a terrible
are reduced to nothing because the academic preparation and that if she are something that you don’t really burden at a social level.
image created over decades is stronger wasn’t very normative, she couldn’t want to know or have close."
than our message. Society still doesn’t even work as a cashier", says Blanca, "Whore" or "sex servant" are examples
accept that sex workers can be who has been working in prostitution of denominations that carry a clear
intelligent, educated, independent, for five years. "Many point at my stigma, while when we speak of "porn
sexually liberated and feminist”, says culture and intelligence in a surprising actress", "escort" or "luxury prostitute"
Valérie May, a 29-year-old woman way. They assume that I’m a poorly there seems to be almost a certain
who has been working in independent prepared woman who comes from glamour in the social perception of
prostitution for just over a year. an unstructured environment." their definitions.
"I would like the media to stop giving “We are able to analyse sexuality "You have to be careful when using the
space to academic abolitionists or and masculinity within our work term ‘escort’", Valérie tells me.
people who neither have nor have had from a feminist perspective. "It shouldn’t be used to differentiate
a direct relationship with Can you imagine cis scholars social positions or to create a hierarchy
prostitution", says Natalia Ferrari. talking about the problems within sex work itself."
the trans community is facing
"It’s necessary to empower the as if trans women were unable to talk “We are used to the media
protagonists so that their voices are about what they have to deal with and echoing almost exclusively
heard, the whores don’t need ask for what they need?.” the negative circumstances
guardianship. The same applies to any and situations related
journalist who thinks has a say on how "Actually, the media rarely refers to to the sector .”
the relationships with our clients are. trans women when they talk about sex
We are able to analyse sexuality and work," says Shirley. "The interviews Although there is a part within pro sex
masculinity within our work from a with trans women are about what it’s feminism that proposes the use
feminist perspective. Can you imagine gained in one night, the services they of some of these historically pejorative
cis scholars talking about the problems provide and any other situation that words in order to assign them a new
the trans community is facing as if may be morbid without getting deeper meaning (in the same way that the
trans women were unable to talk about in the structural situation that trans LGTBI community reclaimed the use of
15 what they have to deal with and ask for women, especially if they are "faggot" or "dyke"), it’s always 16
5 6
necessary to ask the sex worker about even when the interview is to whores
who is being talked to, in what way who claim to be visible”, says Natalia.
she prefers to be named.
DON’T USE GRAPHIC MATERIAL In the same way, personal information ERASE PATERNALISTIC
“It’s unnecessary to illustrate THAT FEEDS PREJUDICES of the workers should not be published DISCOURSES
the articles with stolen photos AND RESPECT THE RIGHT under any circumstances without their
from coworkers in the street or stock TO PRIVACY OF SEX WORKERS consent (their real name, for example), The perception of sex workers as vic-
pictures of women with heels even if other media have leaked this tims who need help encourages the use
and miniskirts, always without faces; It’s common for the media to allow information in the past. This is a work of expressions that oppress their iden-
even when the interview themselves publishing images of sex on which many prejudices still weigh tity as individuals, such as "women in
is to whores who claim to be visible.” workers without their consent. and for security reasons the right to prostitution situation".
privacy of the protagonists must
“In general, unless I say it, the most As a rule with no exceptions, always be respected. "They talk about us as if we were
accurate thing for a journalist to say ask about if they are willing to be things while it’s denounced
would be sex worker”, says Natalia. filmed or photographed. In the case "It may happen that because of stigma, that prostitution materialize us.”
"The purpose of this terminology is to of interviews, the media has to commit discrimination and prejudice; some of
make clear that we are working to use the photographs that have sent us don’t tell our families or in our "They talk about us as if we were things
women, not differentiate between themselves and avoid getting graphic neighborhood that we are sex workers while it’s denounced that prostitution
other sectors. There is a social material from the internet. For exam- and carry out our work far away from materialize us. The discourse that
hierarchy where it seems that being ple, taking screenshots of porn scenes our spaces of belonging so that there prostitutes are bodies for sale to the
a porn actress is better than being or pictures from other interviews. is no reprisal of any kind towards us or use and abuse of the man who pays,
a prostitute, and this only serves our families", we can read in the not only makes us invisible but puts
to encourage prejudice. We are in dif- “There is a social RedTraSex guide4. us in danger, implying that this is the
ferent sectors, but all of us are working hierarchy where it seems that being work of a prostitute”, Natalia tells me.
women with the same stigma." a porn actress is better than being
a prostitute, and this only serves "It doesn’t matter how I say that I’m
to encourage prejudice. doing good, I feel like they want to
We are in different sectors, rescue me" says Valérie. "Also,
but all of us are working women I constantly face the idea that this
with the same stigma.” really isn’t something serious to
do in life."
"It’s unnecessary to illustrate the
articles with stolen photos from
coworkers in the street or stock
pictures of women with heels and
17 miniskirts, always without faces; 18
7 8
According to its figures, "about one out Rights Watch, UNAIDS, the UN Special
of seven [prostitutes] would be a Rapporteur on the right to health and
trafficking victim." This makes up 14 the World Health Organization....
DON’T CONFUSE TRAFFICKING, percent of prostitution in Europe, WHEN IN DOUBT,
EXPLOITATION AND SEX WORK a number that nothing has to do with ASK ORGANIZATIONS
those normally handled in the media. OF SEX WORKERS
"Mixing prostitution with trafficking is Of the total of
a very serious mistake", adds Natalia. "Mixing prostitution with trafficking 20.9 million forced laborers: There is a wide variety of organizations
"Not only for whores, but also for is a very serious mistake." that defend sex workers rights.
the trafficking victims themselves,
as GRETA states." Amnesty International published in 2.2 millions (10%) Contacting these associations is the
May 2016 nothing more and nothing Forced to work in jobs imposed by the State. easiest way to obtain up-to-date and
Prisons, rebel armed forces...
GRETA's report2 isn’t the only one that less than four reports of research on objective information.
supports these claims. human rights violations suffered by sex
workers6. They focused on Norway, Among others:
The International Labor Organization5 Argentina, Hong Kong and Papua 10%
has also insisted on pointing out that New Guinea. ·Colectivo Hetaira8
the majority of trafficking victims are ·Aprosex9 (Asociación de profesionales
18,7 millions (90%)
actually exploited in the Its results are enlightening: punitive Exploited in the private economy. del sexo)
private economy. regulations of sex work must be ·RedTraSex10 (Red de trabajadoras
removed "with consent among adults sexuales de Lationamérica y el Caribe)
Specifically, "of the total of 20.9 since they reinforce marginalization, ·Ammar11 (Asociación de Mujeres
million forced laborers, 18.7 million (90 stigma, discrimination and can deny Meretrices de la Argentina)
percent) are exploited in the private people who engage in sex work access ·APAC12 (Adult Performer Advocacy
economy by individuals or companies. to justice under the protection Committee)
Of the latter, 4.5 million (22 percent) of the law"7. 68% ·SWOP- USA13 (Sex Workers Outreach
are victims of forced sexual Project US)
exploitation, and 14.2 million By the way, it’s worth mentioning that
(68 percent) are victims of forced labor Amnesty International is part of a large
exploitation in economic activities group of organizations that support or
4,5 millions (22 %)
such as agriculture, construction, demand the decriminalization of sex Victims of forced sexual exploitation.
domestic work or the manufacture ". work with consent.
14,2 millions (68%)
The UN also has a report about it3 These include the Global Alliance Victims of forced labor exploitation
(agriculture, domestic work...)
entitled Trafficking of people to Europe Against Traffic in Women, the Global
19 for sexual exploitation. Commission on HIV and Law, Human 20
CONCLUSION The Fourth Estate is a powerful weapon at
has filled with stereotypes the perception of this 4: RedTraSex (Red de trabajadoras sexuales de Lationamérica y el Caribe), Guía para el abordaje periodístico del trabajo sexual y las
trabajadoras sexuales, 2014,