MMS Unit I
MMS Unit I
MMS Unit I
6) What is the relation between yield strength and grain size? write the equation?
A) Hall-petch equation
E.O.Hall and N.J.petch established a relation between yield strength and grain size in a
polycrystalline material
The relation is
y = Yeildstress required
A) Bauschinger effect—
A) Strain Hardening –
Ans) Plastic deformation: Whenever a component is subjected to external load, change in size
& shape occurs after removal of external load. It is called elastic deformation.
When a compound doesn’t get its original size & shape after removal of external load it
is called plastic deformation.
It occurs in two ways:
1) Plastic deformation due to slip.
2) Plastic deformation due to twinning.
Ans) Fracture: It is a kind of mechanical failure. Failure may be defined as an event or action
which does not perform its intended function.
Excessive plastic deformation (both plastic and elastic deformation) and fractures are
the two major mechanical failures normally encountered/seen in a mechanical
Fracture occurs in two stages:
1. Crack initiation.
2. Crack propagation.
Slip Twinning
1) In slip mechanism low stress is 1) In twinning mechanism more stress is
required. required.
4) Slip takes more time.(milli sec) 4) Twinning occurs in less time. (micro
Significance of slip: The amount of plastic deformation and the magnitude of the shear stress
required to cause slip depends on slip system.
Significance of twinning: During plastic deformation the atoms move in such a way that a
portion of the crystal will be oriented exactly the mirror image of the other portion of the
4) What is critical resolved shear stress? Derive the critical resolve shear stress relating the
tensile stress.
Ans) In a single crystal the plastic deformation occurs majority due to slip.
1) When the tensile force acting on crystal a block of crystal sliding along slip plane when
shear stress required to cause slip reaches a certain value.