MMS Unit I

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Short Answer Questions


6) What is the relation between yield strength and grain size? write the equation?

A) Hall-petch equation

E.O.Hall and N.J.petch established a relation between yield strength and grain size in a
polycrystalline material

 The relation is


y = Yeildstress required

k= Constant depends upon material

0 = Minimum stress required to move the distance

d= Distance of the grains

7) What is Bauschinger effect?

A) Bauschinger effect—

 The yield strength of the material

increase in the direction of plastic
flow of the material.
 When a solid body is subjected to
a tensile load , deformed to a
plastic state and when the load is
reversed , the plastic deformation
in that direction takes place at a
lower stress.
 This phenomenon of decreasing
yield strength of the material ,
when the plastic deformation in
one direction followed by plastic deformation in opposite direction is called Bauschinger
8) What is strain hardening?

A) Strain Hardening –

During cold working process , the strength and hardness of

the material increase and ductility decreases . Then process is
called Strain Hardening.

9) Explain the features of ductile fracture?

A) Note: You can refer the notes about this answer.

Long Answer Questions
Unit I

1) Explain the mechanism of plastic deformation due to slip?

Ans) Plastic deformation: Whenever a component is subjected to external load, change in size
& shape occurs after removal of external load. It is called elastic deformation.

 When a compound doesn’t get its original size & shape after removal of external load it
is called plastic deformation.
 It occurs in two ways:
1) Plastic deformation due to slip.
2) Plastic deformation due to twinning.

(1) Plastic deformation due to slip:

a) Slip is a mechanism of plastic deformation in metals involves sliding of a block of

crystal on a crystallographic plane, called slip plane on a direction called slip direction.
b) A slip plane is plane in which is largest atomic density and slip direction is closest
packed direction.
c) During slip the atoms are moved in a definite integral number of atomic distance.
d) Moment of dislocation under shear stress also produces slip.
e) Significance of slip system: The amount of plastic deformation and the magnitude of
shear stress required to cause slip depends on slip system.
2) Define the term fracture. Discuss various types of fractures?

Ans) Fracture: It is a kind of mechanical failure. Failure may be defined as an event or action
which does not perform its intended function.

(Or) Separation of a solid body in to two or more parts.

 Excessive plastic deformation (both plastic and elastic deformation) and fractures are
the two major mechanical failures normally encountered/seen in a mechanical
 Fracture occurs in two stages:
1. Crack initiation.
2. Crack propagation.

Types of fractures:- Two types.

 Ductile fracture: It is characterized by extensive plastic deformation which takes place

before and during crack propagation.
I. This will occur due to high shear stresses action on slip.
II. The fracture surface of ductile fracture is dull & fibrous along the grain
III. Majority of the metals exhibits ductile fracture characteristics. Before fracture a
complete necking is formed the material may fail in the form of rupture or cup &
cone shape.
 Brittle fracture
I. During brittle fracture there will be little or no deformation takes place. It occurs
at unpredictable stress levels rapid crack propagation.
II. Brittle fracture occurs due to high tensile stresses that are acting on cleavage
III. The fracture surface will be bright & granular and the crack propagates across the

3) Discuss slip and twinning mechanism of permanent deformation.

 Slip  Twinning
1) In slip mechanism low stress is 1) In twinning mechanism more stress is
required. required.

2) Slipped portion has same orientation 2) Twinned portion is mirror image of

of un slipped portion. original lattice.

3) Atomic moments are over a large 3) Atomic moment is over a fraction of

atomic distance i.e., definite integral atomic distance.
number of atomic crystal.

4) Slip takes more time.(milli sec) 4) Twinning occurs in less time. (micro
 Significance of slip: The amount of plastic deformation and the magnitude of the shear stress
required to cause slip depends on slip system.

 Significance of twinning: During plastic deformation the atoms move in such a way that a
portion of the crystal will be oriented exactly the mirror image of the other portion of the

4) What is critical resolved shear stress? Derive the critical resolve shear stress relating the
tensile stress.

Ans) In a single crystal the plastic deformation occurs majority due to slip.

1) When the tensile force acting on crystal a block of crystal sliding along slip plane when
shear stress required to cause slip reaches a certain value.

2) Minimum shear stress at which slip takes place is

F= Tensile force acting on crystal
X= Angle between tensile force & normal slip plane.
(phi)= Area of cross section crystal on which tensile force is acting.
A0(A not)= Area of slip plane
F’= Force acting on slip plane shear force.

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