Study Notes of Fluid Properties

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Notes of Fluid Properties

Day 1 | Fluid Properties | Study Notes on Fluid Properties
Fluid Mechanics is one of the important subjects in Mechanical Engineering for
GATE and other exams. Fluid Properties chapter deals with topics such as
Mass density, specific weight, viscosity and other properties which are basic
for Fluid mechanics.

Fluid Properties for GATE Mechanical, ESE &

Other Exams
Ideal Fluid

Characteristics of Ideal Fluid

 A fluid having zero viscosity and zero surface tension.

 Ideal fluid is incompressible.
 There is no ideal fluid but air and water considered as ideal fluid.

Real fluid

Characteristics of real fluid

 Fluid having viscosity and surface tension.

 Real fluids are compressible

Properties of Fluid

Properties of fluid are

1. Extensive
2. Intensive

Intensive properties

 Intensive properties are independent from mass of system.

 Example – Temperature, pressure, density etc.

Extensive properties
 Properties which are depends on size or extent of a substance.
 Example – Total mass, Total volume, Total momentum etc.

Mass Density (ρ):

 Mass of fluid per unit volume at a given temperature and pressure.

 Mass density is function of Temperature and Pressure.
 Mass density for gases directly proportional to pressure and inversely
proportional to temperature
 Practically, Mass density for liquid is content or little variable with
pressure but inversely proportional to temp.

At 4°C and 1 atm pressure ρwater = 1000 kg/m3

= 1 g/cc

Specific weight or weight density [w or r]

 Weight of fluid per unit volume known as weight density.

w for water at 4°C and 1 atm = 1000 × 9.8 N/m3

= 9.8 kN/m3
g → acceleration due to gravity.

Note: g (acceleration due to gravity) is function of position on earth (spatial

Parameter), so w is also a variable but consider constant [due to little
Specific Volume:

 Specific volume is Reciprocal of specific mass.

 Volume of fluid per unit mass

 Unit of specific volume -

Specific Gravity or Relative Density

 Specific gravity is the ratio of specific weight of fluid to the specific
weight of standard fluid.

 Standard fluid
→ Liquid – water at 4ºC
→ Gas – Hydrogen or Air
 Specific gravity has no unit or independent form system of unit
 Relative density is the ratio of density of a fluid to the density of another
fluid (not necessarily water). Whereas specific gravity is the ratio of
density of a fluid to the density of standard fluid (i.e., water at 4ºC).
 For taking water as a standard fluid, Specific gravity = Relative density


 Viscosity is a quantitative measure of the internal resistance of a fluid to

 Viscosity relates the strain rate and local shear stresses in moving fluid.
 Viscosity is a measure of resistance offered by a fluid layer to an
adjacent layer of fluid at motion.
 Viscosity is due to the internal friction force which caused by cohesive
force between fluid molecules (dominant in fluid) and molecular
momentum transfer between particles due to collision (dominant in

Assume a system having fluid between two plates.

Note: Assume linear variation of velocity

dβ = Angle of deformation during ‘dt’ duration
Velocity at distance y from bottom plate {from similar

triangle }

If consider infinite small element than velocity gradient

dx = Vdt (Displacement of point p to c during dt duration) ------- (b) eq.

Angular deformation rate is equal to velocity gradient.

According to Newton

 Rate of deformation is proportional to shear stress


μ → Absolute viscosity or Dynamic viscosity or Coefficient of viscosity

Note: Viscosity of water at 20°C = 1 centipoise
Poise is a CGS unit: poise=Dyne-s/cm2

Kinematic Viscosity:

 Kinematic viscosity is the ratio of dynamic viscosity (μ) and density (ρ).
 Kinematic viscosity denoted by (ν)



2. stoke

And stoke

Classification of fluid according to relation between shear stress and rate

of deformation:

Newtonian Fluid:

 Fluid follow the Newton’s law of viscosity

 Example - Water, petrol, diesel, alcohol, all gases etc.

Non-Newtonian Fluid:
Thixotropic {pseudo–plastic}

 Slope of curve b/w “shear stress - deformation rate” is decreases

with increasing in deformation rate.
 Also known as “shear thinning” fluids
 Example – Printer ink


 Slope of shear “shear stress – deformation rate curve” increase

with rate of deformation.
 Example – Quick sand
 Also known as "shear thickening" fluid.

Ideal Plastic / Bingham Plastic:

 Having an initial yield stress and then exhibit a linear relationship

 Example – Toothpaste, drilling mud etc
Dependency of Viscosity on temperature:

For Gases:

 In gases, the molecular momentum transfer is predominant over

cohesive force.
 So in gases, Viscosity is due to molecular momentum transfer.
 With increasing temperature, molecular momentum transfer increases so
viscosity increases.

For liquids:

 In liquids the cohesive force between molecules is predominant over

molecular momentum transfer.
 With increasing temperature, cohesive force between molecules
decreasing so viscosity of liquids decreasing with increasing

Surface Tension:

Reason:- Cohesive force b/w molecules.

Definition:- Force required to maintain unit length of the film in equilibrium, i.e.,
force per unit length.
Unit:- (N/m)
→ Due to surface tension

 Increase in internal pressure of droplet.

 Tendency of liquid droplet to attain minimum surface area at a given
volume, only for this reason, shape of droplet is “Sphere”.

Minimum surface area at a given volume = surface area of sphere.
force equillibrium,

{where b is perimeter}

Work done, in shifting of wire at (Δx) distance

From this, surface tension can also be define as: -

Work done per unit change in the surface area of the liquid.

Dependency of surface tension:-

If temperature increases, cohesive force decreases and this will results in
decrease in surface tension.
If continuous decreasing in temperature takes place than surface tension
becomes zero at “critical point of temperature”.
Exces Pressure:Due to surface tension pressure inside the bubble become
higher than the external atmospheric pressure. Excess Pressure is difference
between internal pressure (pi) and external pressure (p0).
For soap bubble:

For Liquid droplet:

Inside a liquid jet:

Where σ is surface tension and R is the radius of curvature for bubble or


Capillary Effect:-

Reason:- Cohesive force or surface tension and Adhesive forces. (Both force
responsible for Capillary effect)

 Free surface having Concave or convex top, inside the capillaries is

called meniscus.
 Rise or fall of liquid inside the tube is due to contact angle b/w liquid
surface and capillary tube.


if than

 Level of liquid inside the tube is rise

 Liquid is known as Wetting liquid

 In this case:-

if than

 Level of liquid fall inside the tube

 liquid is known as Non-wetting liquid

 In this case:-

Angle b/w tangent to the liquid surface and solid surface at contact point.
Height of capillary rise:
By equilibrium:-
Upward force = Downward force (Surface tension= Weight of water)


 For water –glass interface

So this results in

 Height of capillary rise is a function of

 If diameter of tube > 1 cm than Capillary effect negligible

Vapour Pressure and cavitation:-

 Saturation Temperature:
For a given pressure, the temperature at which a pure substance
changes phase is known as saturation temperature.
 Saturation Pressure:
At a given temperature, the pressure at which a pure substance changes
phase i known as saturation temperature.

Example: at 1 atm pressure (const. pressure) saturation temperature is 100°C

and at constant temp. 100°C saturation pressure for water is 1 atm.
Vapour Pressure:

 For liquid, pressure exerted by its vapour, in phase equilibrium with its
liquid at a given temperature is known as vapour pressure.
 Vapour pressure increases with increase in temperature as the rate of
molecules escaping liquid surface increases.
 The temperature at which the vapour pressure of the liquid i s equal to
the pressure exerted on the liquid by the surrounding atmosphere –
boiling occur.


 Cavitation is a phenomenon which occurs in a liquid flow system.

 If liquid undergo a pressure below its vapour pressure during flow
than sudden vaporization takes place and vapour bubbles formed.
 Vapour bubbles collapse as they move from the low-pressure region to a
high-pressure region, generating highly destructive pressure waves.
 Cavitation can also occur if a liquid contains dissolved air or other gases,
{Reason-Solubilites Decrease with decreasing pressure and their
bubbles form}
 The risk of cavitation is greater at a higher temperature.

Example: Given a flow system (water) and Temperature is 36°C. Find the
minimum pressure to avoid cavitation?
Solution: Minimum pressure to avoid cavitation is equal to vapour pressure of
that liquid at given temperature for water


1. Partial pressure is the pressure exerted by a component in a mixture of

2. For a pure substance, vapour pressure and saturation pressure, both are
3. If the external pressure is equal to or less than the vapour pressure,
boiling of liquid will start no matter how much temperature.

Bulk Modulus of Elasticity:

 The compressibility of liquid is measured by bulk modulus of elasticity.

 More is the bulk modulus less is the compressibility.
 Compressibility is reciprocal of Bulk modulus.
 Bulk modulus is represented the compressive stress per unit volumetric
 Bulk modulus (k)

 K → always positive or is a positive quantity having unit of pressure.

 Truly incompressible substance: means

So, K (bulk modulus) = ∞

K increase means Resistance to further compression increases.

 For liquid K increases with decreases in temperature: with a

decrease in temperature cohesive force between molecules increases,
which results in higher resistance to further compression.
 For gases, K increases with increases in temperature: With an
increase in temperature, a collision between gas particle increases and
results in higher internal pressure so the resistance to further
compression increases.

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