Basic Structure Doctrine
Basic Structure Doctrine
Basic Structure Doctrine
The basic structure doctrine is an Indian judicial princi- widespread acceptance and legitimacy due to subsequent
ple that the Constitution of India has certain basic features cases and judgments. Primary among these was the im-
that cannot be altered or destroyed through amendments position of a state of emergency by Indira Gandhi in
by the parliament.[1] Key among these “basic features”, 1975, and her subsequent attempt to suppress her pros-
are the fundamental rights granted to individuals by the ecution through the 39th Amendment. When the Kesa-
constitution.[1][2][3] The doctrine thus forms the basis of a vananda case was decided, the underlying apprehension
limited power of the Supreme Court to review and strike of the majority bench that elected representatives could
down constitutional amendments enacted by the Parlia- not be trusted to act responsibly was perceived as un-
ment which conflict with or seek to alter this “basic struc- precedented. However, the passage of the 39th Amend-
ture” of the Constitution. The basic structure doctrine ment by the Indian National Congress' majority in central
applies only to constitutional amendments. The basic fea- and state legislatures, proved that in fact such apprehen-
tures of the Constitution have not been explicitly defined sion was well-founded. In Indira Nehru Gandhi v. Raj
by the Judiciary, and the claim of any particular feature Narain and Minerva Mills v. Union of India, Constitu-
of the Constitution to be a “basic” feature is determined tional Benches of the Supreme Court used the basic struc-
by the Court in each case that comes before it. The ba- ture doctrine to strike down the 39th Amendment and
sic structure doctrine does not apply to ordinary Acts of parts of the 42nd Amendment respectively, and paved the
Parliament, which must itself be in conformity with the way for restoration of Indian democracy.[3]
Constitution. The Supreme Court’s position on constitutional amend-
The Supreme Court’s initial position on constitutional ments laid out in its judgements is that Parliament can
amendments was that no part of the Constitution was un- amend the Constitution but cannot destroy its “basic
amendable and that the Parliament might, by passing a structure”.
Constitution Amendment Act in compliance with the re-
quirements of article 368, amend any provision of the
Constitution, including the Fundamental Rights and ar- 1 Definition
ticle 368. The “basic features” principle was first ex-
pounded in 1964, by Justice J.R. Mudholkar in his dis-
sent, in the case of Sajjan Singh v. State of Rajasthan. The “basic features” principle was first expounded in
He wrote, “It is also a matter for consideration whether 1964, by Justice J.R. Mudholkar in his dissent, in the case
making a change in a basic feature of the Constitution of Sajjan Singh v. State of Rajasthan. He wrote, “It is also
can be regarded merely as an amendment or would it be, a matter for consideration whether making a change in a
in effect, rewriting a part of the Constitution; and if the basic feature of the Constitution can be regarded merely
latter, would it be within the purview of Article 368?" as an amendment or would it be, in effect, rewriting a part
of the Constitution; and if the latter, would it be within
In 1967, the Supreme Court reversed its earlier decisions the purview of Article 368 ?"[6]
in Golaknath v. State of Punjab. It held that Fundamental
Rights included in Part III of the Constitution are given The basic features of the Constitution have not been ex-
a “transcendental position” and are beyond the reach of plicitly defined by the Judiciary. At least, 20 features have
Parliament. It also declared any amendment that “takes been described as “basic” or “essential” by the Courts in
away or abridges” a Fundamental Right conferred by Part numerous cases, and have been incorporated in the basic
III as unconstitutional. By 1973, the basic structure doc- structure. In Indira Nehru Gandhi v. Raj Naraian and
trine triumphed in Justice Hans Raj Khanna's judgment also in the Minerva Mills case, it was observed that the
in the landmark decision of Kesavananda Bharati v. State claim of any particular feature of the Constitution to be a
of Kerala.[4] Previously, the Supreme Court had held that “basic” feature would be determined by the Court in each
the power of Parliament to amend the Constitution was case that comes before it. Some of the features of the
unfettered.[1] However, in this landmark ruling, the Court Constitution termed as “basic” are listed below:
adjudicated that while Parliament has “wide” powers, it
did not have the power to destroy or emasculate the basic 1. Supremacy of the Constitution
elements or fundamental features of the constitution.[5]
2. Rule of law
Although Kesavananda was decided by a narrow mar-
gin of 7-6, the basic structure doctrine has since gained 3. The principle of Separation of Powers
4. The objectives specified in the Preamble to the Con- power, with the result that article 13 (2) does not affect
stitution amendments made under article 368. In Sajjan Singh v.
State of Rajasthan (case citation: 1965 AIR 845, 1965
5. Judicial Review SCR (1) 933), by a majority of 3-2, the Supreme Court
6. Articles 32 and 226 held, “When article 368 confers on Parliament the right
to amend the Constitution, the power in question can be
7. Federalism exercised over all the provisions of the Constitution. It
would be unreasonable to hold that the word “Law” in ar-
8. Secularism ticle 13 (2) takes in Constitution Amendment Acts passed
9. The Sovereign, Democratic, Republican structure under article 368.”[7] In both cases, the power to amend
the rights had been upheld on the basis of Article 368.
10. Freedom and dignity of the individual
• Article 368 does not contain a power to amend the 3. The Constitution (Twenty-fourth Amendment) Act,
constitution but only a procedure. 1971 is valid.
• The power to amend comes from the normal legisla- 4. Section 2(a) and 2(b) of the Constitution (Twenty-
tive power of Parliament. fifth Amendment) Act, 1971 is valid.
• Therefore, amendments which “take away or 5. The first part of section 3 of the Constitution
abridge” the Fundamental Rights provisions cannot (Twenty-fifth Amendment) Act, 1971 is valid. The
be passed. second part namely “and no law containing a decla-
ration that it is for giving effect to such policy shall
be called in question in any court on the ground that
3 Kesavananda Bharati case (1973) it does not give effect to such policy” is invalid.
Six years later in 1973, the largest ever Constitutional The ruling thus established the principle that the basic
Bench of 13 Judges, heard arguments in Kesavananda structure cannot be amended on the grounds that a power
Bharati v. State of Kerala (case citation: AIR 1973 SC to amend is not a power to destroy.
1461). The Supreme Court reviewed the decision in
Golaknath v. State of Punjab, and considered the validity
of the 24th, 25th, 26th and 29th Amendments. The Court 3.1 Defining the basic structure
held, by a margin of 7-6, that although no part of the con-
stitution, including fundamental rights, was beyond the The majority had differing opinions on what the “basic
amending power of Parliament (thus overruling the 1967 structure” of the Constitution comprised.
case), the “basic structure of the Constitution could not
Chief Justice Sarv Mittra Sikri, writing for the majority,
be abrogated even by a constitutional amendment”.[8] The
indicated that the basic structure consists of the following:
decision of the Judges is complex, consisting of multiple
opinions taking up one complete volume in the law re-
porter “Supreme Court Cases”. The findings included the • The supremacy of the constitution.
• A republican and democratic form of government.
• All of the Judges held that the 24th, 25th and 29th • The secular character of the Constitution.
Amendments Acts are valid.
• Maintenance of the separation of powers.
• Ten judges held that Golak Nath's case was wrongly
decided and that an amendment to the Constitution • The federal character of the Constitution.
was not a “law” for the purposes of Article 13.
Justices Shelat and Grover in their opinion added three
• Seven judges held that the power of amendment is features to the Chief Justice’s list:
plenary and can be used to amend all the articles of
the constitution (including the Fundamental Rights).
• The mandate to build a welfare state contained in the
• Seven judges held (six judges dissenting on this Directive Principles of State Policy.
point) that “the power to amend does not include the
power to alter the basic structure of the Constitution • Maintenance of the unity and integrity of India.
so as to change its identity”. • The sovereignty of the country.
• Seven judges held (two judges dissenting, one leav-
ing this point open) that “there are no inherent or Justices Hegde and Mukherjea, in their opinion, provided
implied limitations on the power of amendment un- a separate and shorter list:
der Article 368”.
• The sovereignty of India.
Nine judges (including two dissentients) signed a state-
ment of summary for the judgment that reads: • The democratic character of the polity.
• The provision of social, economic and political jus- Constitutional lawyer A. G. Noorani notes that the
tice. doctrine has “now spread far and wide beyond its fron-
tiers.”, but that the eventual attribution to Dietrich Con-
rad is absent, who propounded the arguments in a lecture
• Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and wor- to the law faculty in the Banaras Hindu University. The
ship. argument, Noorani narrates made way to M K Nambyar
who read the excerpt out in Golaknath.
• Equality of status and opportunity.[10] Implied Limitations of the Amending Power
both the Malaysian and Singapore Constitutions were en- [11] NOORANI, A. G. (Apr 28 – May 11, 2001). “Behind
acted by ordinary legislatures. Reliance on the drawing the 'basic structure' doctrine : On India’s debt to a Ger-
of distinctions between the Indian Constitution on the one man jurist, Professor Dietrich Conrad”. Frontline. the
hand and the Malaysian and Singapore Constitutions on Hindu group. Retrieved 22 March 2014. THERE is,
the other on the basis of the history of their framing has sadly, little acknowledgment in India of that debt we owe
[22] to a distinguished German jurist and a scholar steeped in
been criticized as weak and inadequate.
other disciplines beyond the confines of law - Professor
Dietrich Conrad, formerly Head of the Law Department,
South Asia Institute of the University of Heidelberg, Ger-
8 See also many....It was no mere coincidence that a German ju-
rist had thought of implied limitations on the amending
power. Article 79(3) of the Basic Law of the Federal Re-
• Judicial Activism In India public of Germany, adopted on May 8, 1949, six months
before the drafting of India’s Constitution ended, bars ex-
• Teo Soh Lung v. Minister for Home Affairs in plicitly amendments to provisions concerning the federal
Singapore, the concerned court considered and re- structure and to “the basic principles laid down in Articles
jected the applicability of the doctrine. 1 and 20 (on human rights and the “democratic and social”
set-up). The Germans learnt from the bitter experience of
• Phang Chin Hock v. Public Prosecutor in Malaysia. the Nazi era. The framers of the Constitution of India re-
fused to look beyond the Commonwealth countries and
• Anwar Hossain Chowdhary v. Bangladesh the United States....Prof. Conrad aptly remarked that “in
this free trade of constitutional ideas the Indian Supreme
Court has come to play the role of an exporter. This holds
true with respect to at least two major innovations intro-
9 References duced by the court"; namely, public interest litigation and
“the basic structure doctrine”.
[1] “The basic features”. The Hindu. 2004-09-26. Retrieved [12] Raghav Sharma (2008-04-16). “Minerva Mills Ltd. &
2012-07-09. Ors. v. Union of India & Ors: A Jurisprudential Per-
spective”. Social Science Research Network. Retrieved
[2] “Kesavananda Bharati ... vs State Of Kerala And Anr on
24 April, 1973”. Indian Kanoon. Retrieved 2012-07-09.
[13] “Indian Constitution: Sixty years of our faith”. The Indian
[3] “Revisiting a verdict” 29 (01). Frontline. Jan 14–27, Express. 2010-02-02. Retrieved 2013-12-01.
2012. Retrieved 2012-07-09.
[14] “Minerva Mills Ltd. & Ors. vs. Union of India & Ors.”.
[4] “Kesavananda Bharati ... vs State Of Kerala And Anr on Open Archive. Retrieved 2012-07-17.
24 April, 1973”. Indian Kanoon. Para. 316. Retrieved
[15] “When in doubt, amend”. Indian Express. 2009-08-21.
Retrieved 2013-11-23.
[5] “Kesavananda Bharati ... vs State Of Kerala And Anr on [16] “India - The Constitution”. Retrieved
24 April, 1973”. Indian Kanoon. Para. 787. Retrieved 2013-12-01.
article_by_rushminsunny.html [18] Teo Soh Lung (H.C.), p. 479, para. 47.
10.2 Images
• File:Emblem_of_India.svg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Original artist: Defined by the Indian government as national emblem
• File:Scale_of_justice_2.svg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Own work Original artist: DTR