Achievement Test 2013

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Released 2013

Achievement Mathematics
This document contains the test items from the 2013 Mathematics Achievement Test in Grade 9.

A test blueprint and an answer key are included in this document. These materials, along with the
program of studies and subject bulletin, provide information that can be used to inform instructional

Assessment Highlights reports for all achievement test subjects and grades will be posted on the
Alberta Education website every year in the fall. Assessment Highlights provides information about
the overall test, the test blueprints, and student performance on the 2013 Mathematics Achievement
Test in Grade 9. Also provided is commentary on student performance at the acceptable standard
and the standard of excellence on selected items from the 2013 Achievement test. This information
is intended for teachers and is best used in conjunction with the multi-year and detailed school
reports that are available to schools via the extranet.

For further information, contact

Kelly Rota, Grade 6 and 9 Mathematics Assessment Standards Team Leader, at;

Delcy Rolheiser, Grade 6 and 9 Mathematics Examiner, at; or

Ken Marcellus, Director, Achievement Testing, at, in the Assessment Sector, or call (780) 427-0010.
To call toll-free from outside Edmonton, dial 310-0000.

The Alberta Education website:

Copyright 2013, the Crown in Right of Alberta, as represented by the Minister of Education, Alberta Education,
Assessment Sector, 44 Capital Boulevard, 10044 108 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 5E6, and its licensors.
All rights reserved.

Special permission is granted to Alberta educators only to reproduce, for educational purposes and on a
non-profit basis, parts of this document that do not contain excerpted material.

Excerpted material in this document shall not be reproduced without the written permission of the original
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2013 Grade 9 Mathematics Achievement Test Blueprint...................................................................1
Additional Information......................................................................................................................2
Grade 9 Mathematics Achievement Test...........................................................................................6
2013 Grade 9 Mathematics Achievement Test

Reporting Category: Item Complexity

Program of
Low Moderate High (Percentage)
Study Strands
Complexity Complexity Complexity of items
Items Items Items

4, 20, 25, 27,

1, 14, 15, 36,
Number 28, 35, 37, NR5, NR4 16 (32%)
NR7, NR8

5, 19, 22, 24, 3, 9, 17, 21, 29,

Patterns and
31, 38, NR6, 30, 34, 39, NR1, 18 (36%)
NR9 NR10

Shape and 2, 8, 13, 16, 18,

6, 11, 32, NR2 10, 33 12 (24%)
Space 26

Statistics and
40 7, 12, 23 4 (8%)

(Percentage) 17 (34%) 27 (54%) 6 (12%) 50 (100%)
of Questions

Alberta Education, Assessment Sector 1 Mathematics 9

Additional Information
The table below provides additional information about the items that appeared on
the 2013 Grade 9 Mathematics Achievement Test. (The results for students writing
in French are presented in a separate report.)

Response Item Specific
Item Key % Complexity Strand Outcome Item Description
Identify numbers from a set of
numbers that have a square root that is
MC 1 C 79.8 L N 6
between two given rational numbers
(Gr.8, N.1; Gr.8, N.2).
Determine the order of rotational
symmetry and angle of rotation of a
MC 2 C 65.3 M SS 5
given shape on the Cartesian Plane
(Gr.8, SS.6; Gr.7, SS.5).
Identify the error(s) in given incorrect
simplifications of polynomial
MC 3 B 63.0 M PR 7
expressions involving operations on
monomials and polynomials.
Determine the area and side length of
a square shape that is within a given
MC 4 B 67.3 M N 3
rectangle (Gr.7, N.2; Gr.6, N.6; Gr.6,
Interpret the number line graphs of
two inequalities to determine the
MC 5 B 55.5 L PR 4
values that are solutions to both
Determine which rectangle from a set
MC 6 C 54.0 L SS 3 of rectangles is proportional to a given
Identify the reasoning used to make a
MC 7 A 85.5 H SP 4 decision given a context involving
Use the properties of similar triangles
to determine the missing length
MC 8 C 42.8 M SS 4
required for the calculation of the area
of a circle (Gr.7, SS.2).
Model the solution of a given linear
equation using a pictorial
MC 9 A 42.5 M PR 3
representation of the equation (Gr.8,
Solve a given problem by applying a
circle property involving a line that is
MC 10 B 50.3 H SS 1
tangent to a circle (Gr.8, SS.1; Gr.7,
Determine the measure of an angle
MC 11 B 55.9 L SS 1 inscribed in a circle using one or more
of the circle properties.

Alberta Education, Assessment Sector 2 Mathematics 9

Response Item Specific
Item Key % Complexity Strand Outcome Item Description
Identify a reason why a given example
of a generalization made from data in
MC 12 A 71.8 H SP 2
a sample is not valid for the population
of the survey.
Determine the surface area of a
MC 13 C 42.6 M SS 2 composite 3-D object composed of
identical cubes (Gr.8, SS.3, SS.4).
Identify the expression that represents
MC 14 C 82.0 L N 2
the sum of two given powers.
Identify a rational number with a
MC 15 D 73.9 L N 5 square root that is between two
numbers on a number line (Gr.8, N.1).
Determine the distance between two
locations in a circle diagram using one
MC 16 A 44.6 M SS 1
or more of the circle properties (Gr.8,
Find the solution to a given problem
involving money by creating and
MC 17 C 82.1 M PR 3 solving a single-variable linear
equation (Gr.8, PR.2; Gr.7, PR.6; Gr.6,
Determine the area of overlap in a
MC 18 D 35.4 M SS 2 given composite 3-D object (Gr.8,
SS.3; Gr.8, SS.5; Gr.6, SS.3).
Identify the pair of expressions that
MC 19 B 56.0 L PR 5
are equivalent (Gr.8, PR.2).
Simplify a given expression by
MC 20 B 46.8 M N 2
applying the exponent laws.
Write a linear equation that represents
MC 21 D 43.7 M PR 1 the pattern described in a given
context (Gr.8, PR.2; Gr.7, PR.7).
Identify a written context that could
be represented using a given linear
MC 22 D 58.8 L PR 1
equation (Gr.8, PR.2; Gr.7, PR.7; Gr.6,
Identify the source of potential bias in
MC 23 C 80.8 H SP 1
a given survey.
Match a given inequality that is
MC 24 A 49.5 L PR 4 represented symbolically to pictorial
representations of the same inequality.
Evaluate a given set of powers and
MC 25 A 50.0 M N 1 arrange the powers in ascending order
or magnitude.
Determine the measure of an
unknown angle inscribed in a circle
MC 26 C 62.4 M SS 1
using one or more of the circle

Alberta Education, Assessment Sector 3 Mathematics 9

Response Item Specific
Item Key % Complexity Strand Outcome Item Description
Solve a given problem by applying the
MC 27 B 71.2 M N 4 order of operations on positive rational
numbers (Gr.6, N.9).
Identify the error(s) in the
MC 28 C 56.0 M N 4 simplification of two expressions
involving powers.
Use a model to determine the
unknown addend in the addition of
MC 29 A 41.0 M PR 6
polynomials given one addend and the
Plot a line that represents a given
linear equation on a grid to determine
MC 30 C 60.7 M PR 2 where the line would intersect another
line on the grid (Gr.8, PR.1; Gr.7,
MC 31 B 80.6 L PR 3 Solve a linear equation symbolically.
Determine the scale factor for a given
MC 32 B 68.1 L SS 4
diagram that has been drawn to scale.
Identify the location of the vertices of
a 2-D shape after completing a
MC 33 D 60.1 H SS 5 combination of transformations on the
Cartesian plane (Gr.7, SS.4; Gr.7,
Identify the equation that represents
the relationship between some of the
MC 34 D 75.5 M PR 3 objects presented in a diagram of a
balanced mobile of 3-D objects (Gr.7,
PR.3; Gr.6, PR.5).
Evaluate an expression involving
MC 35 B 57.9 M N 4
powers using the order of operations.
Organize a given set of negative
MC 36 D 62.3 L N 3 rational numbers in decimal form and
fraction form in ascending order.
Solve a given problem involving
operations on rational numbers in
MC 37 D 87.8 M N 3
decimal form (Gr.7, N.2; Gr.6, N.2;
Gr.6, N.8).
Match the given graph of a linear
MC 38 A 65.2 L PR 2 relation with its corresponding linear
equation (Gr.8, PR.1).
Determine the missing expression in
MC 39 D 34.3 M PR 7 the given model of the division of a
polynomial by a monomial.
Identify a method for minimizing
MC 40 A 70.5 M SP 1 potential bias in the data collection for
a survey (Gr.6, SP.2).
Solve a given problem using a linear
equation that represents a pattern
NR 1 75 59.2 M PR 1
provided in a given table of values
(Gr.8, PR.2; Gr.7, PR.1; Gr.6, PR.2).

Alberta Education, Assessment Sector 4 Mathematics 9

Response Item Specific
Item Key % Complexity Strand Outcome Item Description
Determine the number of lines of
NR 2 4 81.1 L SS 5
symmetry in a given 2-D image.
Evaluate a given expression by
NR 3 12 64.0 L N 2
applying the exponent laws.
Interpret a 2-D composite figure in
order to solve a problem involving
NR 4 1.5 31.4 H N 3
operations on rational numbers in
fraction form (Gr.8, N.6; Gr.7, N.5).
Solve a given problem involving
NR 5 18 62.3 M N 3 operations on rational numbers in
fraction form (Gr.8, N.6).
Solve a linear equation symbolically
NR 6 125 70.6 L PR 3
(Gr.8, PR.2).
Solve a given problem that involves
NR 7 48 42.1 M N 5 determining the square root of a given
perfect number (Gr.8, N.1).
Determine the number of rational
NR 8 5 37.5 M N 3 numbers that are possible solutions to
a linear inequality using substitution.
Determine the unknown value in the
NR 9 3 46.3 L PR 7 division of a polynomial expression by
a monomial.
Find the solution to a given problem
involving money by creating and
NR 10 16 74.1 M PR 3 solving a single-variable linear
equation (Gr.8, PR.2; Gr.7, PR.6; Gr.6,

Alberta Education, Assessment Sector 5 Mathematics 9

Grade 9 Mathematics Achievement Test


Use the following information to answer question 1.

51 55 61 66 71 77 81 88

1. How many of the square roots shown above have a value that is between 7.8 and 8.8?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

Use the following information to answer numerical-response question 1.

Members of a recreation centre pay a one-time registration fee in addition to a fixed monthly
fee of $15. The following table shows the total amount paid to be a member of the centre for
a certain number of months.

Number of Months Total Amount Paid

4 $135
6 $165
12 $255

Numerical Response

1. According to the information above, what is the cost of the one-time registration fee?

Answer: dollars
(Record your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

Use the following information to answer question 2.

The 2-D shape shown below is rotated about its centre.

2. What are the order of rotational symmetry and the angle of rotation of the 2-D shape?

Order of
Row rotational symmetry Angle of rotation
A. 1 180°
B. 1 360°
C. 2 180°
D. 2 360°

Use the following information to answer question 3.

Two students, Robert and Jacob, simplify the expression 3(x2 + 4x – 1) – (2x + 5), as shown

Robert Jacob
2 2
Step 1 = 3x + 12x – 3 – (2x + 5) = 3x + 12x – 1 – (2x + 5)
Step 2 = 3x + 12x – 3 – 2x + 5 = 3x2 + 12x – 1 – 2x – 5
Step 3 = 3x2 + 10x + 2 = 3x2 + 10x – 6

3. The first error made in the simplification of the expression shown above was made by

A. Robert in Step 1
B. Jacob in Step 1
C. Robert in Step 2
D. Jacob in Step 2

Use the following information to answer question 4.

A square carpet covers 37.5% of the floor area of a rectangular room, as shown below.

4. What is the side length of the carpet shown above?

A. 7m
B. 6m
C. 5m
D. 4m

Use the following information to answer question 5.

An inequality is shown on each number line below.

5. Which expression represents the values (n) that are part of both inequalities?

A. –1 ≤ n ≤ 1
B. –1 ≤ n < 1
C. –1 < n ≤ 1
D. –1 < n < 1

Use the following diagram to answer numerical-response question 2.

Numerical Response

2. How many lines of symmetry does the diagram shown above have?

Answer: __________ lines

(Record your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

Use the following information to answer question 6.

Four-sided Polygons

6. Which of the polygons above is proportional to the shaded rectangle?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Use the following information to answer question 7.

A teacher placed a cafeteria coupon in only one of three differently coloured envelopes.
A randomly selected student was asked to choose one of the three envelopes. The student
chose the red envelope because red was his favourite colour.

7. The student’s decision was based on

A. subjective judgment
B. theoretical probability
C. experimental probability
D. mathematical calculation

Use the following information to answer question 8.

In the diagram below, x represents the approximate distance across a circular lake.

8. What is the approximate area of the lake, to the nearest square kilometre?

A. 599 km2
B. 272 km2
C. 150 km2
D. 68 km2

Numerical Response

3. If (x3)2 ÷ x4 = 144, then what is the whole number value of x?


(Record your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

Use the following information to answer question 9.

The left and right sides of an equation are represented below.

9. The solution to the equation above can be represented by

Use the following information to answer numerical-response question 4.

The diagram shown below is a square and has a perimeter of 8 cm.

Numerical Response

4. What is the total area of the white rectangles and the black squares?

Answer: cm2

(Record your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

Use the following information to answer question 10.

The gong shown below is 30 cm in diameter and hangs by a chain from a nail.
The total length of the chain is 18 cm. The lengths of chain on each side of the nail are equal
to each other and form a tangent to the gong.

Note: The diagram shown above has not been drawn to scale.

10. How far above the top of the gong is the nail, to the nearest tenth of a centimetre?

A. 2.3 cm
B. 2.5 cm
C. 12.0 cm
D. 17.5 cm

Use the following information to answer question 11.

The letter O in the diagram below represents the centre of the circle.

Note: The diagram shown above has not been drawn to scale.

11. If the sum of ∠AOB and ∠ACB is 75°, then ∠ACB equals

A. 30°
B. 25°
C. 20°
D. 15°

Use the following information to answer question 12.

Nina and Sarah observe that 6 of their 10 female classmates are shorter than 160 cm. Nina
concludes that of the 410 students in their school, 246 are shorter than 160 cm. Sarah
believes Nina’s conclusion cannot be supported by her observation.

12. Which of the following statements best supports Sarah’s belief?

A. Nina’s survey sample contains only female students.

B. Nina’s probability calculation is incorrect.
C. Nina did not use a proper questionnaire.
D. Nina completed her survey too quickly.

Use the following information to answer question 13.

The following 3‑D object is composed of identical cubes. The volume of the 3‑D object is
56 cm3.

13. The surface area of the 3‑D object above is

A. 30 cm2
B. 60 cm2
C. 120 cm2
D. 144 cm2

14. Which of the following expressions represents the addition of 72 and 73?

A. (7 + 7)2 + 3
B. (7 + 7)2 × 3
C. (7 × 7) + (7 × 7 × 7)
D. (7 + 7) × (7 + 7 + 7)

Use the following information to answer question 15.

The square roots of two rational numbers are represented on the number line shown below.

15. If Q is located between points P and R on the number line above, then which of
the following square roots could not represent Q?
A. 81

B. 9

C. 64

D. 4

Use the following information to answer numerical-response question 5.

A scientific calculator has 40 buttons, of which 1 are white, 1 are grey, and 4 are orange.
4 5
The rest of the buttons are black.

Numerical Response

5. How many black buttons does the calculator have?

Answer: __________

(Record your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

Use the following information to answer question 16.

A diagram of a swimming pool is shown below. The dotted circle represents floating buoys.
The pool has a diameter of 10 metres.

16. The shortest distance from the buoys to the edge of the pool is

A. 1m
B. 2m
C. 3m
D. 4m

Use the following information to answer question 17.

Tara, Jennifer, and Mindy donated some money to a charity. Jennifer donated twice as much
as Tara, and Mindy donated $10 less than Jennifer.

17. If the total amount donated to the charity is $50, then how much money did Tara donate?

A. $6
B. $8
C. $12
D. $24

Use the following information to answer question 18.

A 3-D object made of 2 cm × 2 cm × 2 cm cubes is dipped in paint.

Unpainted Object Painted Object

18. If the painted object is separated into individual cubes, then the total area of the unpainted
surfaces will be

A. 12 cm2
B. 24 cm2
C. 32 cm2
D. 48 cm2

19. Which pair of expressions below are equivalent for all values of x?

A. –3x + 4x2 + 2 and 4x2 – 2 + 3x

B. –3x + 4x2 + 2 and 2 – 3x + 4x2
C. 2 – 4x2 + 3x and –4x2 + 3x – 2
D. 2 – 4x2 + 3x and –3x + 4x2 + 2

Use the following information to answer question 20.

The expression e 2 o _ n10 ' n5 # n 2i can be simplified to the form n p.

(n 3 ) 4

20. The value of p is

A. 20
B. 17
C. 14
D. 13

Use the following information to answer question 21.

Nathan completed a 5 km run on his first day of training for a cross-country race. He
increased the length of his next training runs by 1.5 km each time.

21. Which of the following equations could be used to determine the distance (d) that Nathan
ran on each training run (r)?

A. d = 1.5r
B. d = 5r
C. d = 1.5 + 3.5r
D. d = 3.5 + 1.5r

Use the following information to answer question 22.

The relationship between two variables is given in the equation 35 + 15n = A.

22. Which of the following situations could be represented using the equation above?

A. The price of a caterer for a party is $35 for each dinner ordered and $15 for each
dessert ordered.
B. The bill for framing a painting is $35 for each square metre of glass required and
$15 for the wooden frame.
C. The fee for a computer consultant is $15 for an administration charge and $35 for
each hour worked.
D. The cost of silk screening a design on T-shirts is $15 for each shirt created and
a $35 design fee.

Numerical Response

6. The value of x in the equation 5 + 1 = 26 is __________.

(Record your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

Use the following information to answer question 23.

The student council of a senior high school surveyed 120 out of 250 Grade 10 students
to determine which of three animals should be the school’s new mascot. The results of
the survey are shown below.

23. What potential bias exists in the data collection for this survey?

A. The survey question is confusing.

B. The survey took too long to complete.
C. The sample does not represent the population.
D. The participants’ cultural beliefs were not considered.

Use the following information to answer numerical-response question 7.

The squares of the grid below are identical. The area of the shaded square on the grid
is 9 units2.

Numerical Response

7. The perimeter of the grid shown above is __________ units.

(Record your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

Use the following diagrams to answer question 24.

24. The two diagrams shown above that both represent the inequality x > 3 are numbered

A. I and III
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. II and IV

25. Which of the following sets of powers is arranged in order of increasing value from left
to right?

A. –22, –12, (–1)2, (–2)2

B. (–2)2, (–1)2, –12, –22
C. –12, (–1)2, –22, (–2)2
D. (–1)2, –12, –22, (–2)2

Use the following information to answer question 26.

Note: The diagram shown above has not been drawn to scale. The letter O represents the
centre of the circle.

26. If the line shown above is a tangent to the circle, then the measure of angle x is

A. 110°
B. 115°
C. 130°
D. 155°

Use the following information to answer question 27.

Connie buys a horse for $750 (including GST). She considers the two payment plans shown

Plan 1 Pay $150 now and $25 each month

Plan 2 Pay $200 now and $55 each month

27. How many fewer monthly payments could Connie make if she selects Plan 2?

A. 10
B. 14
C. 20
D. 24

Use the following information to answer question 28.

The simplifications of two different expressions are shown below.

Expression X Expression Y
(32)3 – 44 + 42 × (–5)2 26 ÷ 22 + (–52) × 3
= 36 – 44 + 42 × (–5)2 = 23 + (–52) × 3
= 729 – 256 + 16 × 25 = 8 + (–25) × 3
= 729 – 256 + 400 = 8 + (–75)
= 873 = –67

28. Which of the following statements about the simplifications above is true?

A. The simplifications of both expressions are correct.

B. The simplifications of both expressions are incorrect.
C. The simplification of Expression X is correct and the simplification of Expression Y
is incorrect.
D. The simplification of Expression Y is correct and the simplification of Expression X
is incorrect.

Numerical Response

8. How many whole numbers could represent the value of x in the inequality statement
1 3
4 < x < 0.5?

Answer: __________ whole numbers

(Record your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

Use the following information to answer question 29.

29. Which of the following polynomial expressions could be added to the expression shown
above to result in a sum that contains only a constant term?

A. x 2 + 5x + 3
B. 4x 2 + 8x
C. –x 2 – 5x – 3
D. –4x 2 – 8x

Use the following information to answer question 30.

30. The line created by the relation y = 5 – x will intersect the line shown on the graph
above at

A. (0, 5)
B. (5, 0)
C. (2, 3)
D. (3, 2)

31. The value of x in the equation 2(x + 5) – 12 = 50 is

A. 24
B. 26
C. 32
D. 36

Use the following information to answer question 32.

The two ×s shown on the map below represent the locations of two communities in Alberta.
The distance between the two communities is 1 000 km.


32. Which of the following ratios represents

scale map
used to create the map?

A. 1 cm:10 km
B. 1 cm:100 km
C. 1 cm:1 000 km
D. 1 cm:10 000 km

Use the following information to answer question 33.

Triangle JKL, shown below, undergoes the following transformations:

• a 90° clockwise rotation about vertex L

• a translation of 3 units right and 4 units up

33. Which of the following rows represents the ordered pair for each vertex after both
the transformations described above have been completed?

Row J'' K'' L''

A. (1, 1) (1, 4) (3, 4)
B. (1, 1) (1, –2) (–1,–2 )
C. (4, 3) (2, 3) (2, 0)
D. (3, 4) (1, 4) (1, 1)

Use the following information to answer question 34.

The following diagram represents a balanced mobile.

34. Which of the following equations correctly represents the relationship between some of the
objects shown in the diagram above?

Use the following information to answer question 35.

Each of the four students shown below simplifies the following expression.

4 + 3 × 5 – 64 ÷ (4 + 2)3 × 2

35. Which student correctly simplified the expression?

A. Student 1
B. Student 2
C. Student 3
D. Student 4

Numerical Response

9. The quotient of (–12x2 – 9x) ÷ x is –4x – 3. What is the value of ?

Answer: __________
(Record your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

Use the following information to answer question 36.

X: –0.054

Y: - 11
Z: - 15

36. Which of the following inequalities represents the rational numbers shown above?

A. Y<Z<X
B. Y<X<Z
C. Z < X <Y
D. Z <Y < X

Use the following information to answer question 37.

Emily’s cellphone plan charges her $0.05 per text message, $0.06 per minute of voice usage
and a $5.00 base fee each month.

37. What is Emily’s cellphone bill if she sent 33 text messages and talked for 47 minutes
in one month?

A. $5.11
B. $6.65
C. $7.82
D. $9.47

Use the following information to answer question 38.

38. The equation representing the linear relation on the graph shown above is

A. y = 0.5x + 2
B. y = 0.5x – 2
C. y = 2x + 4
D. y = 2x – 4

Use the following information to answer question 39.

39. Which of the following polynomials represents the unknown expression in the model
shown above?

A. x2 – 5x
B. –x2 + 5x
C. x – 5
D. –x + 5

Use the following information to answer question 40.

Ethan conducts a survey to determine the demand for an outdoor skating rink in his

40. Ethan can best minimize the bias in his survey by collecting data from people who

A. are different ages

B. live in different cities
C. participate in figure skating
D. visit the rink at the same time each day

Use the following information to answer numerical-response question 10.

Patricia wants to buy a new pair of ice skates that cost $250 including GST. She already has
$86 she plans to use towards this purchase. She earns $10.25/hour at her part‑time job.

Numerical Response

10. What is the minimum number of hours that she must work to save enough money to purchase
the pair of ice skates?

Answer: __________ hours

(Record your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)


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