Physical Chemistry
Thomas Engel Philip Reid
Third Edition
Third Edition
ISBN 978-1-29202-224-6
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The main problem in determining standard potentials lies in knowing the value of the
activity coefficient g ; for a given solute concentration. The best strategy is to carry out
measurements of the cell potential at low concentrations, where g ; : 1, rather than near
unit activity, where g ; differs appreciably from 1. Consider an electrochemical cell consist-
ing of the Ag+/Ag and standard hydrogen electrode half-cells at 298 K. The cell reaction is
E⬚ Ag+(aq) + 1>2 H2(g) Δ Ag(s) + H+(aq) and Q = (aAg + )-1. Because the activ-
ities of H2(g) and H+(aq) are 1, they do not appear in Q. Assume that the Ag+ arises
from the dissociation of AgNO3. Recall that the activity of an individual ion cannot be
measured directly. It must be calculated from the measured activity a ; and the defini-
tion an; = an++ an-- . In this case, a2; = aAg+ aNO3- and a ; = aAg+ = aNO3-. Similarly,
g ; = gAg+ = gNO3- and mAg+ = mNO3- = m ; = m, and E is given by
m /m° RT RT RT
E = E°Ag+>Ag + ln aAg+ = E°Ag+>Ag + ln(m>m ⴰ ) + ln g ; (41)
The value of E° and the activity coeffi- At low enough concentrations, the Debye–Hückel limiting law is valid and
cient can be measured by plotting the left- log g ; = - 0.5092 2m ; >m ⴰ at 298 K. Using this relation, Equation (41) can be
hand side of Equation (42) against the rewritten in the form
square root of the molality.
E - 0.05916 log10(m>m ⴰ ) = E°Ag+>Ag - 0.05916 * 0.50902(m>m ⴰ )
= E°Ag+>Ag - 0.030112(m>m ⴰ ) (42)
The left-hand side of this equation can be calculated from measurements and plotted as a
function of 2(m>m ⴰ ). The results will resemble the graph shown in Figure 7. An
extrapolation of the line that best fits the data to m = 0 gives E° as the intercept with the
vertical axis. Once E° has been determined, Equation (41) can be used to calculate g ; .
Electrochemical cells provide a powerful method of determining activity coeffi-
cients because cell potentials can be measured more accurately and more easily than
colligative properties such as freezing point depression or boiling point elevation. Note
that although the Debye–Hückel limiting law was used to determine E°, it is not neces-
sary to use the limiting law to calculate activity coefficients once E° is known.
Electrochemical Cells, Batteries, and Fuel Cells
For example, the abbreviated notation for the Daniell cell containing a salt bridge is
Zn(s) ƒ ZnSO4(aq)7CuSO4(aq) ƒ Cu(s) (43)
and a cell made up of the Zn/Zn half-cell and the standard hydrogen electrode is
described by
Zn(s) ƒ ZnSO4(aq) ƒ ƒ H+(aq) ƒ H2(g) ƒ Pt(s) (44)
The overall reaction in this cell is Zn(s) + 2 H+(aq) Δ Zn2+(aq) + H2(g). In gen-
eral, in such a cell the solutions are physically separated by a porous membrane to prevent
mixing of the solutions. In this case, the junction potential has not been eliminated.
The half-cell and overall reactions can be determined from the abbreviated notation
in the following way. An electron is transferred from the electrode at the far left of the
abbreviated notation to the electrode on the far right through the external circuit. The
number of electrons is then adjusted to fit the half-cell reaction. This procedure is
illustrated in Example Problem 7.
Determine the half-cell reactions and the overall reaction for the cell designated
Ag(s) ƒ AgCl(s) ƒ Cl-(aq, a ; = 0.0010) 7 Fe2 + (aq, a ; = 0.50)
Fe3 + (aq, a ; = 0.10) ƒ Pt(s)
The anode and cathode reactions are
Ag(s) + Cl-(aq) : AgCl(s) + e-
Fe3+(aq) + e- : Fe2+(aq)
The overall reaction is
Ag(s) + Cl-(aq) + Fe3+(aq) Δ AgCl(s) + Fe2+(aq)
Only after the cell potential is calculated is it clear whether the reaction or the reverse
reaction is spontaneous.
We have already discussed several specific half-cells and next discuss different
types of half-cells. The standard hydrogen electrode involves the equilibrium between a
gas and a dissolved species. A second such electrode is the Cl2>Cl- electrode, for
which the reduction reaction is
Cl2(g) + 2e- : 2 Cl-(aq) E° = + 1.36 V (45)
Another type of half-cell that is frequently encountered involves a metal and a metal
ion in solution. Both half-cells in the Daniell cell fall into this category.
Zn2 + (aq) + 2e- : Zn(s) E° = - 0.76 V (46)
A number of half-cells consist of a metal, an insoluble salt containing the metal, and an
aqueous solution containing the anion of the salt. Two examples of this type of half-cell
are the Ag–AgCl half-cell for which the reduction reaction is
AgCl(s) + e- : Ag(s) + Cl-(aq) E° = + 0.22 V (47)
and the calomel (mercurous chloride) electrode, which is frequently used as a reference
electrode in electrochemical cells:
Hg2 Cl2(s) + 2e- : 2 Hg(l) + 2 Cl-(aq) E° = + 0.27 V (48)
In a further type of half-cell, both species are present in solution, and the electrode is an
inert conductor such as Pt, which allows an electrical connection to be made to the
solution. For example, in the Fe3 + >Fe2+ half-cell, the reduction reaction is
Fe3 + (aq) + e- : Fe2 + (aq) E° = 0.771 V (49)
Electrochemical Cells, Batteries, and Fuel Cells
The Electrochemical Series
11 Thermodynamics of Batteries
and Fuel Cells
Batteries and fuel cells are electrochemical cells that are designed to maximize the
ratio of output power to the cell weight or volume. Batteries contain the reactants
needed to support the overall electrochemical reaction, whereas fuel cells are designed
to accept a continuous flow of reactants from the surroundings. Batteries that cannot
be recharged are called primary batteries, whereas rechargeable batteries are called
secondary batteries.
Electrochemical Cells, Batteries, and Fuel Cells
It is useful to compare the relative amount of work that can be produced through an
electrochemical reaction with the work that a heat engine could produce using the same
overall reaction. The maximum electrical work is given by
welectrical = - ¢G = - ¢H ¢ 1 - ≤ (51)
whereas the maximum work available through a reversible heat engine operating
between Th and Tc is
wthermal = qhot e = - ¢H a b
Th - Tc
where e is the efficiency of a reversible heat engine (see Section 5.2). To compare the
maximum thermal and electrical work, we use the overall reaction for the familiar
lead-acid battery used in cars. For this reaction, ¢GRⴰ = - 376.97 kJ mol-1 ,
¢HRⴰ = - 227.58 kJ mol-1 , and ¢SRⴰ = 501.1 J K-1 mol-1 . Assuming Th = 600. K
and Tc = 300. K and that the battery operates at 300. K, then
= 3.31 (53)
This calculation shows that much more work can be produced in the electrochemical
reaction than in the thermal reaction. This comparison does not even take into account
that the lead-acid battery can be recharged, whereas the thermal reaction can only be
run once.
Electrochemical Cells, Batteries, and Fuel Cells
FIGURE 8 Smaller
A number of different batteries are classi-
fied with their specific energy density per
unit volume and per unit mass.
500 AA Alkaline
400 Ni-MH
0 Lighter
0 100 200 300 400 500
This means that side reactions such as the electrolysis of water play a minimal role in
charging the battery. However, only about 50% of the lead in the battery is converted
between PbO2 and PbSO4. Because Pb has a large atomic mass, this limited convertibil-
ity decreases the power per unit mass figure of merit for the battery. Parasitic side reac-
tions also lead to a self-discharge of the cell without current flowing in the external
circuit. For the lead-acid battery, the capacity is diminished by approximately 0.5% per
day through self-discharge.
As batteries have become more common in portable devices such as cell phones
and laptop computers, energy density is a major criterion in choosing the most suitable
battery chemistry for a specific application. Figure 8 shows a comparison of different
battery types. The lead-acid battery has the lowest specific energy either in terms of
volume or mass. Next we discuss the chemistry of three commonly used rechargeable
batteries: the alkaline, nickel metal hydride, and lithium ion batteries.
The individual elements of the alkaline cell are shown in Figure 9. The anode in this
cell is powdered zinc, and the cathode is in the form of a MnO2 paste mixed with
Electrolyte: plastic film label
powdered zinc
Current collector:
brass pin
Negative cover:
plated steel
FIGURE 9 Metal
washer Metal spur
Schematic diagram of an alkaline cell.