Ocular Pharmacology
Ocular Pharmacology
Ocular Pharmacology
Ophthalmic diseases include both those analogous to systemic diseases (eg, inflammation, infection, neuronal degeneration) and not analogous (eg,
cataract, myopia). Many anterior segment diseases are treated pharmacologically through eye drops, which have an implied therapeutic index of local
therapy. Unlike oral dosage forms administered for systemic diseases, eyedrops require patients not only to adhere to treatment, but to be able to
accurately perform—ie, instill drops correctly.
Anatomical and physiological barriers make topical delivery to the anterior chamber challenging—in some cases more challenging than absorption
through the skin, nasal passages, or gut. Treatment of the posterior segment (eg, vitreous, retina, choroid, and optic nerve) is more challenging due to
additional barriers. Recently, intravitreal injections have become a standard of care with biologics for the treatment of macular degeneration and other
diseases. Although the eye has esterases, hydroxylases, and transporters, it has relatively little CYP450 enzymes. Because it is challenging to obtain
drug concentrations at the target site, ocular clinical pharmacokinetics, and thus pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic interactions, are rarely available.
Ophthalmic pharmaceuticals require consideration of solubility, physiological pH, and osmolarity, as well as sterility and stability, which in turn requires
optimal pharmaceutics. Although applied locally, ocular medications may be absorbed systemically, which results in morbidity and mortality (eg,
systemic hypotension, bronchospasm, and bradycardia).
ophthalmology, pharmacology, glaucoma, macular degeneration
The human eye has several embryological origins: the both day and night, and color vision. As in other
lens is derived from ectoderm, the retina and optic nerve vertebrates, the majority of the human retina is involved
derive from the forebrain, and the accessory structures with lower-resolution black-and-white peripheral vision,
derive from the mesenchyme.1 The uniqueness of the eye while only a small pinpoint is actively involved with
as a sensory organ providing us with the richness of central tasks such as reading. A schematic of the human eye
vision is known to all. However, also unique is that the is shown in Figure 1. A list of some of the most common
eye is a homunculus with cardiovascular, neuronal, and ophthalmic pharmaceuticals is provided in Table 1.
other systems. Although relatively small, the eye is an Shown in Table 2 are the names for eye care specialists
extremely complex organ and unique in many ways. The in the United States and their role in the health care
size and dimensions of the eye are important, as a larger system.
eye, as in myopia or congenital glaucoma, can decrease The eye is the only organ system where one can
visual function and put the patient at risk of other noninvasively directly observe a nerve and blood vessels.
conditions (eg, blindness or retinal detachments). The Often, ocular pathology is similar to that seen in systemic
media between the world around it and the retina
(analogous to film or sensors in a camera) must be clear
to allow for a distortion-free image. In their normal states, 1
the cornea and lens therefore have no blood vessels and PharmaLogic Development, Inc., San Rafael, CA, USA
Departments of Pharmacology and Ophthalmology, University of
are reliant on the air and fluids around them for their California, Davis, CA, USA
nutrients. The fluid between the cornea and lens as well as 3
Department of Ophthalmology, University of Maryland, Baltimore,
the lens and the retina must be clear. The blood supply to MD, USA
the eye is complex: it is supplied by both the ophthalmic Department of Ophthalmology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
artery and choroidal plexus. The choroid in particular is MI, USA
Department of Ophthalmology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
one of the most highly vascular regions in the body in MD, USA
terms of blood flow per mass. The regulation of flow
within the ophthalmic artery is complex, as it depends not Submitted for publication 30 June 2015; accepted 8 September 2015.
only on the pressure head of the systemic circulation but
Corresponding Author:
also on the intraocular pressure (IOP), which can constrict Gary D. Novack, PhD, PharmaLogic Development, Inc., 17 Bridgegate
the blood vessels and impede flow. The retina has Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903
redundant systems to allow for high-resolution vision, Email: gary_novack@pharmalogic.com
518 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 56 No 5 2016
Table 1. Continued
Timolol (maleate and hemihydrate salts)
Adrenergic Agonists
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
Antifibrotic Agent (During Surgery)
Dexamethasone (topical, intravitreal, Ozurdex1)
Figure 1. Anatomy of human eye. Fluocinolone acetonide (Retisert1, Ileuvin1)
Prednisolone acetate
Triamcinolone acetonide (Triescence1, Trivaris1)
Table 1. List of Marketed Ophthalmic Pharmaceuticals (US, Topical, Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents
Unless Specified Otherwise) Bromfenac
Olopatadine (Patanol1, Pataday1, Pazeo1—various formulations)
Mast cell stabilizer
Cefixime (intracameral, Europe)
Propamidine (UK)
Cidofovir (intravitreal)
Fomivirsen (intravitreal)
Ganciclovir (intravitreal implant)
Cholinergic agonists
Valganciclovir (oral)
Dry Eye Disease
Cyclosporine (Restasis1 in the US, Ikervis1 in the EU)
Diquafasol (Diquas1, Japan)
Retina—Choroidal Neovascularization due to Macular
Hyaluronic acid (Hyalein1, Japan)
Rebamipide (Mucosta1, Japan)
Verteporfin (IV)
Glaucoma/Ocular Hypertension
VEGF inhibitors
Aflibercept (intravitreal)
Pegaptanib (intravitreal)
Ranizibumab (intravitreal)
Strabismus and Blepharospasm
Botulinum toxin (OnabotulinumtoxinA)
b-Adrenoceptor Antagonists
Betaxolol There are also fixed-dose combinations. These include corticosteroid-
Carteolol antibiotics and ocular hypotensive medications.
Some of the VEGF inhibitors are also approved for the treatment of diabetic
(Continued) macular edema and diabetic retinopathy due to diabetic macular edema.
Novack and Robin 519
Medical or Perform
Bachelor’s Optometry Osteopathic Prescribe Dispense Prescribe Intraocular
Type of Provider Degree School School Residency Spectacles Spectacles Medications Surgery
Optician – X – –
Optometrist (OD) X X X X X X
Ophthalmologist X X X X X X X
(MD, DO)
Optometrists are allowed to perform intraocular surgery in 2 states in the United States. Other legislation is pending (eg, California SB 622). The medications
that optometrists can prescribe are state dependent. There are optometric postgraduate training programs, but they are not mandatory.
diseases, eg, inflammation, infection, and neuronal topical ocular medications is further challenged by patient
degeneration. In other cases the pathology is unique to performance. Instillation of eye drops is challenging for
its function as a sensory organ exposed to the environ- more than two-thirds of patients.4 Both opening the bottle,
ment, eg, refractive errors, cataracts, strabismus, and accurately squeezing a bottle, and delivering only a single
some forms of ocular surface disease. Often diseases that drop to the eye can be challenging for many individuals,
affect the eye are a combination of both end organ and especially those who are elderly, have neurologic
systemic diseases, eg, glaucoma, the pathology of which conditions, or have poor vision. Eye drops miss the
is a combination of systemic and ocular factors, or eye, too many may be applied, and the dropper bottle and
diabetic retinopathy, where the diabetic changes found solution may become contaminated. Although there is
elsewhere within the body affect the retina and can create little literature on ease of use of ophthalmic gels, in our
blindness and visual disability. The local and direct nature experience, their application is more challenging than the
of many treatments may allow more rapid development of application of eye drops. Patients have issues with the
novel pharmaceuticals and cell therapies than systemic administration of an exact amount (without waste) and
diseases, as topical therapies do have systemic effects, but without contamination (eg, using fingers to place a
usually these are minimal at best. For example, topical b- specific amount of gel onto the eye). In addition, gels
adrenoceptor antagonists are associated with bradycardia cause marked blurring for some period after instillation.
and bronchoconstriction, and topical a-adrenoceptor Ophthalmic preparations have challenging pharma-
agonists are associated with sedation and systemic ceutics, requiring a molecule with at least some aqueous
hypotension. Drug delivery systems are a particular solubility (weak acid/base) formulated in a concentrated
need and area of intense research in ophthalmology.2 form (30-50 mL for an eyedrop) at a tolerable acidity
These delivery systems mirror those in general medicine, (typically near pH 7.4, although both pilocarpine and
where we worry about absorption of medications (through dorzolamide are exceptions), and tonicity (typically near
the gut or through the cornea, or in special cases directly isotonic) with extended stability at room temperature or a
into the organ [inhalers, intrathecal, and intravitreal]). In “cold-chain” system.5 Doctors and their patients must be
this review we present pharmacological treatments for eye aware of refrigeration requirements, especially as these
disease as well as iatrogenic conditions from treatment of differ with seemingly similar products (eg, among the
systemic disease (eg, glaucoma from systemic cortico- prostaglandin analogues). Regrettably, this is one of many
steroids or topiramate). As in many specialties, not all items rarely discussed by doctors and pharmacists with
ophthalmic uses of medications are on-label. We do our their patients.6 Our guess is that the storage requirements
best to point out when standard of care for some are often not adhered to. The excipients (ie, inactives)
indications is off-label and to indicate usage differences used in the formulation must meet chemical and safety
in countries. standards and should be without toxicity. Current stand-
ards require evaluation of particulates. Liquids may
interact with plastic or glass containers and rubber
General Ocular Considerations stoppers, and thus, extensive evaluation of the container-
For most patients and eye care specialists, ocular closure system is required. Leachables from packaging
therapeutics involve direct application of a medication and labels are a concern for semipermeable bottles.
(solutions, ointments, or gels) to the anterior surface of the Multidose containers require either preservatives (which
eye. Poor or variable patient treatment adherence, may have toxicity)7 or a system to prevent contamination
especially with chronic diseases, is well known in almost (21CFR200.50).8 Ophthalmic products are sterile, and
all fields of medicine.3 However, good therapeutics with thus, the integrity of the container-closure system is
520 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 56 No 5 2016
critical and must be tested. Injectable formulations have systemically administered drugs. The only exception
even more stringent pharmaceutics requirements, includ- might be obtaining aqueous samples in eyes where
ing evaluation for endotoxin and particulates. The USP surgical procedures are planned. Thus, pharmacokinetics/
standards for ophthalmic products are currently under pharmacodynamics relationships are relatively poorly
review (eg, USP 771, 775, 789, etc; www.usp.org). understood in the human eye. There are presumed genetic
Although the age range of patients with ophthalmic bases for ocular pathology (eg, retinitis pigmentosa,
conditions treated with pharmaceuticals can range from intraocular pressure response to chronic corticosteroid
pediatric to geriatric, the majority of patients tend to be therapy, and age-related macular degeneration). Howev-
over 40 years of age. The geriatric population tends to have er, there is limited pharmacogenomics information.15
multiple comorbid diseases and concomitant medications.9 That said, there is growing evidence for some genetic
The eye has esterases and hydroxylases but relatively low basis for disease progression and the response to
levels of cytochrome P450 enzymes. Thus, drug-drug intravitreally injected inhibitors of VEGF.16,17
interactions are relatively minimal in the eye. There is a
growing concern about drug transporter interaction in the
eye.10,11 Most local ocular therapies have relatively low Infection (Bacterial, Viral, Fungal)
systemic absorption, although there are notable exceptions The anterior, external surface of the eye is in direct contact
with some of the potent autonomic agents (eg, timolol12 with the environment and thus subject to infections and
and brimonidine13). There are always a few select patients allergens. The inside of the eye, although protected, is also
who show systemic effects from medications that rarely subject to infection in certain disease states as well as from
demonstrate systemic adverse events (eg, an elevation of iatrogenic sources (intraocular surgery, intraocular injec-
blood sugar or a steroid psychosis from topical cortico- tions, trauma, or systemic infections). Topical ocular
steroids). Local application is a key basis of the therapeutic formulations (solutions, gels, suspensions) are available for
index for some agents, minimizing the potential for a wide range of antibiotics including chloramphenicol,
systemic toxicity and drug-drug interactions. There are aminoglycosides, macrolides, and, more recently, a wide
notable exceptions including the more potent vasoactive range of fluoroquinolones. Most of these agents are
agents and corticosteroids. On the other hand, systemic approved only for the indication of bacterial conjunctivitis,
therapies may have both therapeutic and toxic effects on with the exception of ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, and the
the eye. For example, chronic systemic corticosteroid higher concentration of levofloxacin, which are approved
therapy may result in steroid-induced glaucoma and visual for the treatment of corneal ulcers. Note that none is
disability, and hydroxycholoroquinine can cause vision approved for bacterial blepharitis (inflammation of the oil
loss due to macular toxicity. glands associated with eyelashes on the eye lid margin).
With respect to the pharmacology of the eye, it has One of the most frequent uses of topical antibiotics, post-
extensive autonomic innervation. The cornea has a high surgical prophylaxis of endophthalmitis (a rare sight-
density of innervation, presumably an evolutionary threatening condition), is off-label in the United States
response to trauma. The retina has not only monaminergic because to date minimal evidence is available to justify its
synapses but also GABA and glutamate synapses. use.18 In the European Union, cefixime is marketed for this
indication.19 A retrospective evaluation in the United States
supports use of antibiotics for this prophylactic use,20
Drug Delivery
although controlled prospective data are limited at best. In
The healthy eye is an immunologically privileged organ, addition, surgeons are also applying marketed topical
partly as a result of the blood-eye and blood-retina antibiotics by a number of methods at the time of surgery
barriers.14 Some of those anatomical barriers, as well as (eg, intracameral injection of fluoroquinolones).21
the performance issues noted above, make drug adminis- Fungal infections of the eye are also known but
tration challenging. Thus, drug delivery is a very active relatively rare. These are most common in patients
area of research. Technologies used in marketed product wearing extended-wear contact lenses and are becoming
and those in development include increased viscosity of more frequent following corneal transplantation surger-
eye drops as well as erodible or nonerodible implants ies.22 Fungal infections are also seen following trauma to
placed subconjunctivally or intraocularly.2 the cornea or penetration trauma to the globe. Natamycin
is the only approved ocular agent in the United States, and
Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic propamidine isethionate is available in the European
Union. In 2004–2006, there was a widespread Fusarium
Relationships and Pharmacogenomics keratitis epidemic associated with manufacturing issues
Again, as a result of the anatomy, it is challenging to of selected contact lens care products.23
obtain samples of ocular tissue in patients in order to Currently, 2 antiviral agents, idoxuridine and trifluor-
assess the ocular pharmacokinetics of either ocular or othymidine, are approved for use in the treatment of
Novack and Robin 521
herpetic keratitis. Cytomegalovirus infection of the retina pharmacological treatments. Unfortunately, most have
was a common end-stage condition in patients with AIDS been unsuccessful in yielding meaningful benefits in signs
prior to the advent of protease inhibitors. There are several and symptoms over the vehicle alone.32 At present, there
agents approved for this indication—cidofovir (intra- are several agents in late-stage development.33
vitreal), valganciclovir (oral), ganciclovir (the first
approved intraocular implant for placement in the vitreous
cavity),24,25 and fomivirsen (intravitreal, the first ap- Glaucoma
proved antisense drug).26 There is no approved therapy Glaucoma is an optic neuropathy characterized by an
for adenoviral conjunctivitis (also known as epidemic intraocular pressure (IOP) that is too elevated for a
keratoconjunctivitis), although several antivirals such as specific eye, causing loss of retinal ganglion cells with
cidofovir have been evaluated. Topical corticosteroids corresponding peripheral vision (visual field) loss.
may be administered to alleviate the pain and light Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in
sensitivity, yet they are felt to increase the duration of the blacks and Hispanics and the third leading cause of
disease. blindness in whites.34,35 Primary open-angle glaucoma
most commonly progresses slowly, over years, so that
patients are unaware of any damage. Central vision is the
Ocular Surface Disease last to go, causing this to be undetected by the patient until
Tears have three main components: aqueous (from the there is significant functional loss such as the inability to
primary and accessory lacrimal glands), mucin (from drive, the cessation of driving, difficulties with facial
goblet cells in the conjunctiva), and meibum (oils from the recognition, trouble walking, less daily activity, and
meibomian glands on the eyelids). Patients with “dry difficulties reading.36,37 Ocular hypertension (often
eye,” also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca, and more known as glaucoma suspect) is an elevated IOP greater
generally ocular surface disease have signs and symptoms than 2 standard deviations from the mean without
resulting from inadequate tear production and imperfect apparent neuronal or functional loss. The components
coating of the cornea by the tear film.27 More recently, are the production of aqueous humor, the outflow through
meibomian gland disease (also known as anterior the trabecular meshwork, the outflow through other routes
blepharitis) has been recognized to be a major component (uveoscleral outflow), and the background episcleral
for some of these patients.28 There are at least 5 million pressure. Lowering of IOP by pharmaceutical agents,
patients in the United States with dry eye disease, more laser treatment of the outflow channels (trabeculoplasty),
frequent in women (especially postmenopausal).29 The or surgical means decreases the rate of progression of
etiology of ocular surface disease is rarely known, and glaucomatous visual field loss.38–41 The American
the presentation is variable. Academy of Ophthalmology’s Preferred Practice patterns
There is a hierarchy of treatments for ocular surface suggest that all newly diagnosed glaucoma patients be
disease, and often the treatment is empiric. Initially, given a choice of medical, laser, or surgical therapy.42
patients are usually given tear supplementation. If this is Although all methods have been shown to be effective, in
inadequate, they are then educated about possible most developed countries, pharmacological therapy is
environmental factors, evaluated for possible adverse almost always the initial approach.42–44 Current therapy
events from systemic medications (eg, drying from involves a “set point”—targeting an IOP at which
antimuscarinics), and treated with over-the-counter clinicians believe, based on published clinical evidence,
artificial tear substitutes and eyelid scrubs. These are that further glaucomatous progression is minimized.45
regulated in the United States as noted in a monograph (21 Primary glaucoma surgery most commonly involves
CFR 349). Patients may then proceed to a variety of both creating a new outflow pathway either by creating a half-
pharmacological treatments (cyclosporine in the United thickness flap in the sclera (trabeculectomy) or inserting a
States and the European Union, secretogogues [rebami- tube into the anterior chamber that is connected to an
pide, hyaluronic acid, and diquafasol in Japan]),30 and external reservoir. Most glaucoma surgeons would
physical supplementations such as punctal plugs and perform the split-thickness opening first and employ the
moisture chamber spectacles. More severe patients are tube in selected types of glaucoma as a primary surgical
treated with ocular and systemic anti-inflammatory procedure or if the initial trabeculectomy fails. A
(possibly macrolide) agents and surgical modification metabolite, mitomycin C, is often employed to increase
of the tear flow system.31 In very severe cases that are the success rate of the trabeculectomy. However, the use
recalcitrant to other therapies, the puncta are cauterized to of this agent is associated with excessively low IOP,
permanently occlude them so that all of the tears stay on choroidal detachments, and cataract formation.46,47 In
the ocular surface. glaucoma surgery, mitomycin is used at the time of the
Given the multifactorial nature of dry eye disease, procedure in order to decrease the fibroblast reaction and
many have theorized about various possible thus increase the long-term patency of the surgery.48
522 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 56 No 5 2016
In patients with primary open-angle glaucoma, the adrenoceptor agonist) and its prodrug, dipivalyl epineph-
pathophysiology is a susceptible optic nerve that is rine in the 1980s, were used. An aqueous humor dynamic
damaged due to elevated IOP. The determinants of IOP study suggests that epinephrine increases aqueous humor
are described in an equation by Goldmann49 (as cited in production (which would increase IOP) but also increases
Brubaker).50 These determinants are the amount of fluid uveoscleral outflow.59 Given the limited ocular hypoten-
created by the ciliary body and the ability of the trabecular sive efficacy, as well as ocular and systemic adverse
meshwork to handle this fluid, as well as uveoscleral events, these agents are rarely used today and are not
outflow. Thus, ideally, pharmacological therapy should available in the United States.
be aimed at increasing trabecular outflow. However, to Adrenergic agonists with activity at the a1 and a2
date, only 1 approved agent has been shown to increase adrenoceptor were developed in the late 1980s and 1990s.
trabecular outflow in humans—pilocarpine. In addition to Apraclonidine, a mixed a1–a2 agonist, lowers IOP
miosis, pilocarpine causes loss of accommodation (a primarily through a reduction in aqueous humor produc-
problem more common in younger patients) and is very tion.64 Its ocular hypotensive effect shows tolerance, and
short-lived, requiring 4-times-daily dosing. Rho kinase so its current practice is primarily for short-term dosing
inhibitors, one of which is approved in Japan (ripasudil) after laser procedures. Its effect as an a1-adrenoceptor
and others in development in the United States, are also agonist has advantages when performing ND:YAG laser
thought to increase trabecular outflow.51–56 iridotomies. Pretreatment with apraclonidine lessens
In developed countries, the first choice for pharmaco- bleeding, which can complicate this procedure.65 Brimo-
logical lowering of IOP is usually a prostaglandin nidine, primarily an a2 agonist, lowers IOP by decreasing
analogue—latanoprost, bimatoprost, tafluprost, travo- aqueous flow and also increasing uveoscleral outflow.66
prost, or unoprostone. These are once-daily (evening) Brimonidine is typically not a first-line agent but is used
treatments, with systemic adverse events and usually today in addition to other agents, either in separate bottles
tolerable ocular side effects. The most common adverse or in fixed-dose combination.
event is conjunctival hyperemia, seen in approximately Cannabinoids, inhaled or ingested, lower IOP, al-
5%-15% of patients with the first and 25%-50% with the though there are no controlled head-to-head studies
last 3 agents. Other adverse events of note include eyelid against approved topical agents. The duration of activity
pigmentation, periorbital fat atrophy, and eyelash growth. is short. Cardiovascular and neurological effects are
All of these are now thought to be related to the observed at the same dose and may theoretically reduce
pharmacology of prostaglandin analogues. Prostaglandin the beneficial effect of lowering IOP by reducing ocular
analogues lower intraocular pressure by increasing blood flow. Thus, the benefit-risk of available cannabi-
uveoscleral outflow.57,58 In general, the order of ocular noids is relatively low.67
hypotensive efficacy is bimatoprost > travoprost lata- For approximately half of the patients under therapy, a
noprost > tafluprost > unoprostone. single medication is inadequate to maintain an adequate
Other agents are used, typically as second or later line IOP.38 The standard practice is to add additional
therapies depending on the patient unless there are agents.42–44 This plus the issues with adherence have led
sensitivities or allergies to prostaglandin analogues. to the development of several fixed-dose combinations as
Frequently used are nonselective b-adrenoceptor antag- adherence diminishes with an increasing number of
onists (eg, timolol, levobunolol, carteolol, and metoprolol glaucoma medications needed.68 The US FDA has
as well as the relatively selective b1-adrenoceptor enforced the “combination rule” (21 CFR 300.50),
antagonist, betaxolol). These agents are used once or requiring the fixed-dose combination to be more effective
twice daily and lower intraocular pressure by reducing than either of the agents used by itself. For the fixed-dose
aqueous humor production.59,60 Another class of agents, combinations with prostaglandins, FDA has judged that
are topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (dorzolamide, there was inadequate data to provide a clinically significant
brinzolamide) that are somewhat less effective than b- additivity that outweighs the risks,69 although such
adrenoceptor antagonists.61,62 This class also acts by combinations are approved in Europe, South America,
reducing aqueous humor production. Systemic carbonic and Asia. Other fixed-dose combinations available
anhydrase inhibitors were used prior to the availability of worldwide include timolol and dorzolamide, timolol and
topical agents. However, the dose that lowers IOP also brimonidine, brimonidine and brinzolamide, and a triple
inhibits carbonic anhydrase throughout the body, and combination of timolol, dorzolamide, and brimonidine.
thus, these agents are typically reserved for advanced
patients at this time. Only approximately one-third of
patients can tolerate systemic carbonic anhydrase inhib- Inflammation, Allergy, and Surgery
itors for a month or more.63 The eye can be exquisitely sensitive to trauma, responding
Also used are adrenergic agonists. Starting in the with an inflammatory cascade. Rabbits, known to be
1930s, topical epinephrine (an a1- and b1/b2- hyperimmune system responders, when stimulated in 1
Novack and Robin 523
eye with a corneal touch, will show anterior chamber olopatadine, etc.), as well as prophylactic mast cell
cloudiness (a sign of blood-aqueous barrier breakdown) in stabilizers (cromoglycate, amlexanox). Many of these
the fellow eye.70 The primary treatment for ocular agents are available over the counter. Some agents may
inflammation includes corticosteroids. These include also have antimuscarinic properties, which inadvertently
topical ocular formulations of a wide-range of cortico- may lead to signs and symptoms of dry eye disease.
steroids from the low-potency medrysone to the higher Corticosteroids are also approved for ocular allergy, but
potency dexamethasone, prednisolone acetate, and di- the ocular adverse events of chronic corticosteroid (IOP
fluprednate. Eye care professionals are concerned about elevation and cataract formation) use typically limit their
both the systemic effects (raising of blood glucose use to patients with severe disease.
levels)71 and the known ocular adverse events with Many pharmaceutical agents are used during and after
chronic corticosteroids—cataract and glaucoma.72 Thus, ophthalmic surgery. In addition to the topical use of
the duration of treatment is aimed to be kept short. NSAIDs and antibiotics as noted previously, cortico-
Fluorometholone, of lower potency, is also known to have steroids are also used both pre- and postoperatively to
limited intraocular penetration in humans and thus is used prevent inflammation. Control of the pupil is key to
for external conditions.73 Loteprednol etabonate, a “site- visualizing the eye during surgery. Treatments used
active” corticosteroid, was designed to be rapidly include preoperative muscarinic antagonists (cyclopen-
metabolized by ocular esterases to inactive molecules74 tolate, tropicamide) and adrenergic agonists (eg, epineph-
and is approved for the treatment of numerous external rine, phenylephrine) to dilate the pupil, and intraoperative
and anterior segment inflammatory conditions. In the cholinergic agonists (eg, acetylcholine, carbachol) to
United States several ocular corticosteroids have a broad constrict the pupil. Viscoelastics (eg, hyaluronic acid) are
approval for “corticosteroid-responsive conditions” used during surgery to facilitate certain procedures,82
through the Drug Efficacy Study (DESI). This allows although these are regulated as devices. NSAIDs,
for labeling for conditions for which no studies have been cholinergic agents, and antimicrobials are also instilled
performed (eg, iritis).75,76 As with all eyedrops, ocular into the anterior chamber (intracameral), although this is
corticosteroids may be absorbed systemically in sufficient typically off-label. Recently, a fixed combination of an
quantities to elicit systemic effects. NSAID (ketorolac) and phenylephrine has been approved
Uveitis is a potentially sight-threatening inflammatory in the United States for intracameral use during cataract
condition that may be found in the anterior and/or posterior surgery. This agent may help maintain pupil dilation
portions of the eye. It has a wide range of etiologies and during surgery while reducing postoperative pain.
may be infectious or noninfectious. Often, despite
exhaustive workups, the etiology remains unknown.
Retinal Degeneration and Macular
Anterior uveitis is typically initially treated with topical
corticosteroids. Topical treatments typically do not reach
the posterior segment, and thus, posterior uveitis may often The retina is an extremely complex, 10-layered, hierar-
be treated by injected corticosteroids (triamcinolone chical structure containing neurons, glia, and blood
acetonide as Triescence1, Trivaris1, or off-label Kena- vessels. The retina is the photosensitive portion of the
log1) or implanted intraocular drug delivery systems eye. The fovea, a small area 1.5 mm in diameter provides
(fluocinolone acetonide, RetisertTM, 3 years’ duration,77 or the resolution for fine vision (reading) and color vision.
dexamethasone, Ozurdex1, 3–6 months’ duration).78 Whereas some signal processing occurs in the retina, it is
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are really the brain where a human “sees.” There are a host of
used extensively in ophthalmology, most commonly off- retinal diseases, of which some occur at birth, some are
label. The first approved indication in the United States acquired, some are genetic in origin, and some are related
was a prophylaxis before cataract surgery to maintain to aging. Some of the acquired diseases are anatomical
pupil area for topical ocular flurbiprofen.79 In the years (eg, retinal detachment or persistent hyperplastic primary
since, a number of NSAIDs have been approved for vitreous) and thus can be surgically treated. Some of the
topical use for treatment of postoperative inflammation diseases are infectious, eg, cytomegalovirus retinitis, and
and pain following corneal refractive procedures. Topical thus can be treated with antimicrobial drugs (intravitreal
ketorolac was reported to treat cystoid macular ede- ganciclovir, as noted above). For some diseases of single
ma.80,81 Topical NSAIDs are used today postoperatively Mendelian genetic origin, although there is no approved
to prevent the occurrence of cystoid macular edema, therapy, there are investigational gene transfer treatments
although this indication is off-label, and there are few (retinitis pigmentosa/Leber’s congenital amaurosis due to
recent controlled data to support this indication. RPE65 mutation, and choroideremia).83,84 The recently
Allergic conjunctivitis is a relatively common condi- approved ocriplasmin can induce a vitreous detachment,
tion, often due to environmental allergens. It is typically which may be indicated in certain conditions where the
treated with topical ocular antihistamines (ketotifen, vitreous pulls on the retina.85
524 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 56 No 5 2016
The macula, the most sensitive area of human vision, (myopia) or too short (hyperopia), then the image will not
may degenerate with age. There are few treatments for be focused on the retina. Likewise, if either the lens or
this condition for which the major risk factors are cornea does not refract light in a spherical manner but
genetics, age, sun exposure, and tobacco smoking. more like an Australian or American football, the image
However, prophylactic treatment of patients with mild again is distorted, and this induces “astigmatism.” These
to moderate disease with a fixed high-dose combination of conditions are treated with spectacles, contact lenses,
several micronutrient antioxidants (vitamin C; vitamin E; laser, refractive surgery, or intraocular surgery (with
b-carotene, an analogue of Vitamin A; zinc oxide; and placement of appropriate intraocular lenses). However,
cupric oxide) slows down progression.86 In primates the prophylactic treatment of children with mild myopia with
vasculature to supply the macula is anterior to the either topical ocular low-dose atropine91 or pirenzepine
photoreceptors, that is, between the light source and the (an M1-specific antimuscarinic)92,93 has been shown to
photoreceptors. Thus, in advanced macular degeneration, reduce the rate of myopic progression by about 50%
in response to the retina releasing VEGF, the choroid without substantial ocular antimuscarinic effects (eg,
creates neovascularization, which in turn reduces visual mydriasis and loss of accommodation). Low-dose
function. At one time choroidal neovascularization was atropine is currently marketed for this indication in
treated with laser, which unfortunately also damaged the Singapore. The loss of accommodation caused by high-
underlying photoreceptors and could act as a stimulus for dose atropine is used therapeutically to create monocular
further neovascularization. In the 1990s, a photodynamic blur (“penalization”) and to treat pediatric amblyopia.94
therapy was approved. Verteporfin, administered intrave- Atropine is approved in the United States for this
nously, is activated by a broad nonthermal laser, and indication.
releases activated oxygen, which destroys these vessels.87
In the mid-2000s, the role of VEGF and its inhibition
became better understood, with the approval of pegapta- Summary
nib, an aptamer. Today, intravitreal injections of VEGF The complexity of both the eye and visual function leads
inhibitors (ranibizumab, aflibercept, and the off-label use to a wide variety of ocular pathology. Some of the ocular
of bevacizumab) are the standard of care for patients with pathology can be treated or prevented by pharmacological
choroidal neovascularization as well as addition retinal therapy. Local ocular therapy often provides a differential
indications. VEGF also has a role in edema related to therapeutic index over systemic therapy by reducing the
diabetes and retinal vein occlusion, and several of these potential for systemic toxicity. Although some pharma-
agents are approved for these indications as well. Most cological agents have been used since before 1900 (eg,
recently, ranibizumab was approved for the treatment of atropine and pilocarpine), others are relatively new (eg,
diabetic retinopathy associated with diabetic macular VEGF-inhibitors). Ongoing research includes diverse
edema.88 Unfortunately, for most of the other retinal areas such as ophthalmic drug delivery (to deal with
diseases, especially those related to degeneration of treatment adherence and performance issues), prophylax-
neurons or glial, there is no approved treatment. In this is of dry age-related macular degeneration, geographic
way, these diseases are ocular analogues of the neuronal atrophy, and neurodegeneration.
conditions of senile dementia and Parkinson disease.
Strabismus and Blepharospasm Drs Novack and Robin consult for numerous pharmaceu-
Strabismus, misalignment of the external ocular muscles, tical and medical device firms. Dr Robin has stock options
is typically treated by surgical means. Approximately in Glaukos and Aerie Pharmaceuticals.
35 years ago, Scott proposed therapeutic use of locally
injected botulinum toxin (OnabotulinumtoxinA), an agent Funding
that stops transmission across cholinergic synapses, for
strabismus.89 Subsequently, botulinum toxin was also None.
evaluated and approved for blepharospasm.90
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