Pteridophyte Species
Pteridophyte Species
Pteridophyte Species
and Morphology
In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Habit and Habitat of
Lycopodium 2. External Morphology of Lycopodium
3. Internal Structure 4. Reproduction 5. Morphological
Nature of Protocorm 6. Economic Importance 7. Life Cycle
Habit and Habitat of Lycopodium:
Lycopodium is commonly known as ‘club moss’ due to their moss like
appearance and club shaped strobili. It has about 400 species, which
are cosmopolitan in distribution. They are found in colder arctic
region as well as in temperate, tropical and sub-tropical regions but
they are abundantly found in tropical zones.
Mostly the tropical species are epiphytic (e.g., L. phlegmaria) and grow
hanging from the tree trunks. The temperate species may be erect and
shruby (e.g., L. reflexum), creeping (e.g., L clavatum) or erect form
(e.g., L. cernuum) etc.
External Morphology of Lycopodium:
The herbaceous plant body is sporophytic. Usually they may have
either prostrate stem with erect leafy branches or weak pendent stem
(iii) Leaves.
(i) Stem:
In the sub-genus Urostachya stem is erect (terrestrial) or pendent
(epiphytic) and may be branched (dichotomously) or unbranched. In
the sub-genus Rhopalostachya the stem is prostrate with erect
branches. First the branching is dichotomous and later on becomes
(ii) Root:
Due to this reason a T. S. of stem usually shows roots within the cortex
and are known as cortical roots (inner roots). In sub-genus
Rhopalostachya also roots are adventitious and arise all along the
underside of the prostrate portion of the stem.
(iii) Leaves:
Leaves are simple, sessile, small in size, eligulate and possess a single
unbranched midrib and are known as microphylls. Usually the leaves
are spirally arranged (e.g., L. clavatum) but may be arranged in whorls
(e.g., L. cernuum) or pairs (e.g., L. alpinum).
In all the cases they condensely cover the surface of the stem. Leaves
are usually homophyllous (isophyllous) i.e., of same size and shape but
in some cases e.g., in L. complanatum the leaves are heterophyllous
(anisophyllous) i.e., of different size.
Usually the leaves near the apical portion of the branches bear
sporangia and are called sporophylls. Depending upon the species the
sporophylls may or may not be differentiated from the ordinary leaves.
2. Cortex:
Inner to the epidermis is present a wide zone of cortex which shows a
great variation in its structure in different species.
Usually four types of cortex are recognized:
(i) The whole of the cortex is made up of parenchymatous cells with
small or large intercellular spaces (e.g., L. selago). Such cortex is called
3. Stele:
It is made up of only primary xylem and primary phloem. It is a
protostele i.e., pith is absent and the stele is situated in the centre. The
arrangement of xylem and phloem tissues is different in different
species and the stele is also named differently.
The phloem lays in the space between the xylem rays. This type of stele
is known as actinostele. In case of L. clavatum. L. volubile etc. xylem
appears to be in the form of separate plates arranged somewhat
parallel, with phloem in between them.
This type of stele is known as plectostele (Fig. 2 A, 3 C). In case of L.
cernuum, L. drummondii etc. xylem and phloem are uniformly
distributed i.e. it appears as if strands of xylem are embedded in the
phloem. This type of stele is known as mixed protostele (Fig. 2 B, 3 D).
(b) Root:
The roots are adventitious.
A transverse section (T.S.) of the aerial root of Lycopodium is
somewhat circular in outline and shows the following internal
(i) Epidermis:
It is the outermost covering layer and is only one cell thick. The cells
are thin walled. Epidermis is provided with numerous root hairs
present in pairs (characteristic of Lycopodium).
(ii) Cortex:
Just below the epidermis is present a wide zone of cortex. It is
differentiated into outer sclerenchyma and inner parenchyma. The
outer one gives the mechanical strength to the root.
(iii) Stele:
It may be di-, tetra-, or polyarch. In prostrate species it is polyarch i.e.,
having 6-10 plates of xylem arranged radially (star shaped). The xylem
is exarch. The phloem is present between the radiating arms of xylem.
In erect or pendent species stele is diarch or tetrarch. In L.selago, L.
serratum it is diarch and xylem is C, U or crescent shaped. The phloem
is present between the 2 ends of xylem, only in one group.
The cortical roots are exactly similar in their internal structure to that
of aerial roots, except that the epidermis and root hairs are absent.
(c) Leaf:
T. S. of the leaf shows epidermis, mesophyll tissue and a
single median vascular bundle:
1. Epidermis:
It is the outermost surrounding layer and is only one cell in thickness.
The cells of epidermis are parenchymatous and cutinised on their
outer side. The epidermis is also interrupted by the presence of
stomata. In homophyllous (isophyllous) species the stomata are
present on outer as well as inner epidermis (amphistomatic) but in
heterophyllous (anisophyllous) species the stomata are mostly
restricted on the lower epidermis (hypostomatic).
2. Mesophyll:
It occupies a wide zone between the epidermis and the vascular
bundle. It is usually made up of thin walled chlorenchymatous cells
which may be with or without intercellular spaces.
3. Vascular bundle:
In the centre of the leaf is situated only a single concentric vascular
bundle made up of only xylem and phloem. The vascular bundle is
surrounded on all sides by a sclerenchymatous sheath.
Reproduction in Lycopodium:
Lycopodium reproduces by two methods vegetatively and by spores.
1. Vegetative reproduction:
It takes place by the following methods:
(i) Gemmae or bulbils:
In a few species like L. selago, L. lucidulum etc. certain buds like
structures known as gemmae or bulbils are usually produced in large
number on new stem tips annually. The morphological nature of
gemmae is still not fully known. The gemmae when fall on ground,
develop root primodia and soon form the root.
(ii) Death and decay:
Species with creeping stem reproduces vegetatively by the death and
decay of older parts of the stem up to the point of branching. This
separates the branches which later on grow independently.
(iii) Resting buds:
In L. inundatum the whole of the plant body except the growing tip of
rhizome is dead during winter. This tip portion of the rhizome acts as
resting bud which in the coming spring resumes growth and develops
into a new plant.
(iv) Fragmentation:
In several epiphytic species fragments of the plant body are capable of
giving rise to new plants.
2. Sexual Reproduction:
Spore Producing Organs:
Lycopodium is a sporophytic plant and reproduces sexually. The
plants are homosporous i.e., produces only one type of spores (without
differentiation of mega- and microspores). These spores are produced
in sporangia which, in turn, are produced on fertile leaves known as
sporophylls. Usually the sporophylls are grouped together to form a
compact structure known as strobili (Sing. strobilus) which are
terminal structures (Fig. 1 A).
The sporophylls may be of the same size or of different size from the
foliage leaves in different species. The arrangement of sporophylls is
same on the central axis as that of the vegetative leaves on the stem
i.e., spiral, whorled or decussate etc.
The walls of the cell of stomium thicken and differ from the walls of
other cells of the sporangium. As the sporangium loses water, it
creates a pressure on the wall which leads to the appearance of slit in
the stomium as a result of which the wall splits opens into two halves
and the spores are disseminated by air current.
Gametophytic Generation:
The development of the gametophyte (prothallus) takes place from the
haploid spores which are the unit of gametophytic generation. Each
spore is unicellular, uninucleate haploid structure, 0.03 mm in
diameter and surrounded by 2 layers, with a triradiate ridge at the
surface (Fig. 8 D, E).
Development of archegonium:
Just like antheridium, the archegonium also arises from a single
superficial cell called archegonial initial, situated just away from the
meristematic cells at the apex (Fig. 13 A). The archegonial initial
divides by periclinal division into an upper primary cover cell and
lower basal central cell (Fig. 13 B).
The primary ventral cell may directly behave as an egg or may divide
transversely to form an upper ventral canal cell and a lower egg (Fig.
13 E-G). The egg is somewhat broader then the rest part of
archegonium. The archegonial jacket is absent. The archegonium is a
sunken flask shaped structure with neck projecting out of the
At the time of fertilization the neck canal cells and the ventral canal
cell disorganise and the cells of the upper-most tier of neck slightly
separate apart forming a passage upto the egg (Fig. 13 H). Fertilization
is brought about in the presence of water.
Only the nucleus of one antherozoid fuses with the egg nucleus thus
forming a diploid structure-known as oospore (2x). The act of
fertilization ends the gametophytic generation and the initial stage of
sporophytic generation is formed.
Embryo Development (Young Sporophyte):
The rate of development of the embryo is extremely slow. In
Lycopodium embryo develops downward into the gametophytic tissue
instead of developing upward i.e., towards the neck of archegonium.
The first division of the oospore is always transverse, forming an
upper cell (epibasal) and a lower cell (hypobasal) known as embryonic
The upper cell does not divide further and behaves as suspensor. The
lower cell (embryonic cell) divides by two vertical divisions at right
angle to each other, followed by a transverse division, forming 8 cells
(octant, Fig. 14 A-D). The 4 cells of the octant, situated near the
suspensor by further division, form a multicellular foot which acts as a
haustorium and helps in the absorption of food material from the
gametophytic tissue.
Out of the 4 remaining cells of the octant, the 2 cells towards the
meristematic region give rise to stem and the other 2 cells give rise to
primary leaf and primary root (Fig. 14 D-J). The primary stem is short
lived and is replaced by adventitious outgrowth which gives rise to
horizontal stem. More roots develop from the stem.
Structure of Equisetum:
The Sporophyte:
The sporophytic plant body of Equisetum is differentiated into stem,
roots and leaves (Fig. 7.83).
The stem of Equisetum has two parts: perennial, underground, much-
branched rhizome and an erect, usually annual aerial shoot. The
branching is monopodial, shoots are differentiated into nodes and
In majority of the species, all the shoots are alike and chlorophyllous
and some of them bear strobili at their apices (e.g., E. ramosissimum,
E. debile). Sometimes shoot shows dimorphism (two types of shoots
i.e., vegetative and fertile) e.g., E. arvense.
The vascular bundles are arranged in a ring which lies opposite to the
ridges in position and alternate with the vallecular canals of the cortex.
Vascular bundles are conjoint, collateral and closed. In the mature
vascular bundle, protoxylum is disorganised to form a carinal cavity
which lies opposite to the ridges.
The vascular bundles remain unbranched until they reach the level of
node. At the nodal region, each vascular bandle trifurcates (divided
into three parts).
The middle branch of the trifurcation enters the leaf. Each lateral
branch of the trifurcate bundle joins a lateral strand of an adjacent
trifurcate bundle to form a vascuiar bundle of internode (Fig. 7.85).
Thus the vascular bundles of internode alternate with those of inter-
nodes above and below.
The primary root is ephemeral. The slender adventitious roots arise
endogenously at the nodes of the stems. In T.S., the root shows
epidermis, cortex and stele from periphery to the centre. The
epidermis consists of elongated cells, with or without root hairs.
The cortex is extensive; cells of the outer cortex often have thick walls
(sclerenchymatous) and those of the inner cortex are thinner
parenchymatous. The stele is protostelic where the xylem is triarch or
tetrarch, or, in smaller roots, may be diarch.
A large metaxylem element is present in the centre of the stele and the
protoxylem strands lie around it. The space between the protoxylem
groups is filled with phloem. There is no pith.
The leaves of Equisetum are small, simple, scale-like and isophyllous;
they are attached at each node, united at least for a part of the length
and thus form a sheath around the stem. The sheath has free and
pointed teeth-like tips.
The number of leaves per node varies according to the species. The
species with narrow stems have few leaves (e.g., 2-3 leaves in E.
scirpoides) and those with thick stem have many leaves (e.g., up to 40
leaves in E. schaffneri).
Reproduction in Equisetum:
Equisetum reproduces vegetatively and by means of spores.
i. Vegetative Reproduction:
The subterranean rhizomes of some species (e.g., E. telmateia, E.
arvense) form tubers (Fig. 7.83) which, on separation from the parent
plant, germinate to produce new sporophytic plants. The tubers
develop due to irregular growth of some buds at the nodes of the
The strobilus are terminal in position and generally are borne
terminally on the chlorophyllous vegetative shoot (Fig. 7.86A).
However, they may be borne terminally on a strictly non-
chlorophyllous axis (e.g., E. arvense).
Development of Sporangium:
The mode of development of sporangium is eusporangiate, as it is not
entirely formed from a single initial. Superficial cells adjacent to the
original initial may also take part in the development of sporangium.
Sporangia are initiated in single superficial cell around the rim of the
young sporangiophore. The periclvnal division of the sporangium
initial forms an inner and an outer cell. The inner cell, by further
divisions in various planes, gives rise to sporogenous tissue.
The outer cell, by periclinal and anticlinal divisions, gives rise to
irregular tiers of cells, the inner tiers of which may transform into
sporogenous tissue and the outer tiers become the future sporangial
wall cells.
Dehiscence of Sporangium:
At maturity, the strobilar axis elongates, as a result the
sporangiophores become separated and exposed. Then the
sporangium splits open by a longitudinal line due to the differential
hygroscopic response of the wall cells.
The spores are spherical and filled with densely packed chloroplasts.
The spore wall is laminated and shows four concentrate layers. The
innermost is the delicate intine, followed by thick exine, the middle
cuticular layer and the outermost epispore or perispore. The intine
(endospore) and exine (exospore) are the true walls of the spore.
The outer two layers i.e., cuticular layer and epispore are derived due
to the disintegration of the nonfunctional spore mother cells and
tapetal cells. At maturity, the epispore (the outermost layer) splits to
produce four ribbon like bands or strips with flat spoon-like tips.
These bands are free from the spore wall except for a common point of
attachment and remain tightly coiled around the spore wall until the
sporangium is fully matured.
These are called elaters (Fig. 7.87A). The elaters are hygroscopic in
nature. The spores remain moist at early stages of development, thus
the elaters are spirally coiled round the spore. The spores dry out at
maturity and consequently the elaters become uncoiled.
Gametophyte Generation:
Equisetum is a homosporous pteridophyte. The haploid spores
germinate to form gametophyte. The germination takes place
immediately if the spores land on a suitable substratum. If the spores
do not germinate immediately, their viability decrease significantly.
The spores swell up by absorbing water and shed their exine (Fig.
7.87B). The first division of the spore results in two unequal cells: a
small and a large cell (Fig. 7.87C). The smaller cell elongates and
forms the first rhizoid. The larger cell divides irregularly to produce
the prothallus. The prevailing environmental conditions determine the
size and shape of the prothallus.
Sexuality in Equisetum:
The gametophytic plant body bears sex organs i.e., antheridium (male)
and archegonium (female). The gametophyte are basically bisexual
(homothallic) i.e., they bear both male and female sex organs (Fig.
7.87D). Although, some unisexual (dioecious) members are also
reported (Fig. 7.87E, F). Some are initially unisexual and then become
The apical part of the antherozoid is spirally coiled, whereas the lower
part is, to some extent, expanded (Fig. 7.88F). Each antherozoid has
about 120 flagella attached to the anterior end.
ii. Archegonium:
Any superficial cell in the marginal meristem acts as an archegonial
initial which undergoes periclinal division to form a primary cover cell
and an inner central cell (Fig. 7.89A, B). The cover cell, by two vertical
divisions at right angle to each other, forms a neck (Fig. 7.89C). The
central cell divides transversely to form a primary neck canal cell and a
venter cell (Fig. 7.89D).
Two neck canal cells are produced from the primary neck canal cell.
While, the venter cell, by a transverse division, forms the ventral canal
cell and an egg (Fig. 7.89E).
Sporophyte of Adiantum:
The chaffy scales that cover the rhizome are of various shapes and
sizes. Nayar (1961) has made a detailed study of these scales in 24
species of Adiantum. From the undersurface of the rhizome arise a
number of adventitious roots. The roots are stiff and black in colour.
Occasionally they may be branched.
Internal Structure:
1. Rhizome:
A transection reveals the usual three zones epidermis, cortex and stele
(Fig. 150). The outline of the section would be wavy. Epidermis is
single layered and the cells may be thin walled or thick walled. There is
a cuticle external to the epidermis.
These two merge into one after entering the petiole. In a comparative
anatomical study of the stipe of Adiantum, Bidin and Walker (1985)
have reported eight different types of xylem configurations. According
to them this is of systematic value.
The lamina shows the two epidermal layers upper and lower the
mesophyll is generally undifferentiated. It is highly reduced in A.
capillus – veneris, A pedatum, etc., having only two layers of cells. In
A. pedatum, in some regions the mesophyll is totally absent and at
such places the two epidermal layers are closely appressed to each
The sorus bearing margin of the leaf incurls and forms the false
inducium. In some cases sporangia may develop at the distal ends of
the veins (A. phillippense). In the sori paraphyses may be present in
between the sporangia as in A. rubellum, A. tenerum, etc. The sorus is
of the mixed type.
Development and Structure of the Sporangium:
The development is similar to what is seen in Pteris. A mature
sporangiuim has a stalk made up of three rows of cells. The stalk
terminates in a globose or biconvex capsule. The wall is single layered.
Gametophyte of Adiantum:
Structure and germination of the spores:
Spores are tetrahedral in shape. The wall is two layered. Exine is thick
and smooth and has a brownish tinge. On falling upon a suitable
substratum the spore germinates. The first sign of germination is the
rupturing of exine and the protruding out of the germ tube.
The prothalli are monoecious. Antheridia are found in between the
rhizoids towards the ventral surface. Arehegonia are found near the
growing point towards the ventral surface. Structure and development
of sex organs is same as in Pteris.
The first division of the zygote is vertical (Fig. 155b). The epibasal half
(next to the archegonial neck) forms the leaf and root while the hypo
basal half forms the stem’ apex and foot (Fig. 155c). Embryogeny is
essentially similar to what is seen in Pteris.
Chromosome Number:
In a cytological study of 51 species of ferns from western India,
Mahabale and Kamble (1981) have reported polyploidy in Adiantum.
In another cytological study of the genus (A.peruvianum) Sinha and
Verma (1984) have reported a chromosome number of 2n = 60, with
an irregular meosis.
Phylogeny of Adiantum:
Adiantaceae seems to occupy a none too high position among the
mixtae. The lack of a true inducium is one of the characteristic features
of the family. Considering the relationships of polypodiaceae, Eames
(1964) opines that gymnogrammoids (to which Adiantum belongs) are
themselves polyphyletic and are probably associated with
osmundaceous and schizaeaceous stock.
Marsilea: Habit, Structure and
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When grown in water, the whole body is submerged with just the leaf
lamina floating on the surface of water. The amphibious species, M.
aegyptiaca occur in seasonally wet habitats which produces repro-
ductive structures during the drier periods.
M. condensata and M. rajasthanensis are near xerophytic forms which
grow in dry soil. M. hirsuta is an extremely xerophytic plant reported
from Australia.
Structure of Marsilea:
The sporophytic plant body of Marsilea shows differentiation of stem,
leaves and roots (Fig. 7.116).
1. Stem:
The stem is long, slender and freely-branched rhizome of indefinite
growth that grows on or just below the soil surface. It is differentiated
into nodes and internodes. The internodes are generally long in
aquatic species but are short in sub- terrestrial or terrestrial species.
The production of underground tubers on rhizome has been reported
only in M. hirsuta.
A T.S. of the rhizome (stem) shows epidermis, cortex and the stele
from periphery to the centre (Fig. 7.11 7).
The outermost layer is epidermis, composed of compactly arranged
thick-walled cells and are devoid of stomata. The cortex is extensive
and differentiated into three layers viz., outer cortex, middle cortex,
and inner cortex. The outer cortex is parenchymatous with large air
The air chambers are separated from each other by a single-layered
septum. The middle cortex is sclerenchymatous, while the inner cortex
is made up of compactly arranged parenchymatous cells. The air
spaces are absent in xerophytic species (e.g., M. aegyptiaca).
The stele is amphiphloic solenostelic which occupies the centre of the
rhizome. Xylem occurs in the form of a ring and is surrounded on
either side by phloem.
The central part of the stele is occupied by pith which is
parenchymatous in aquatic species and sclerenchymatous in
xerophytic species (e.g., M. aegyptiaca). The stele is bounded
externally by outer pericycle and outer endodermis, while it is
bounded internally by inner pericycle and inner endodermis.
2. Leaves:
The leaves arise from the nodes and are arranged alternately in two
rows on the upper side of the creeping rhizome. The leaves are long
petiolate and palmately compound, each having four leaflets in many
species, but sometimes the number of leaflets varies from 3-8. A young
leaf shows circinate vernation. At maturity the pinnae are extended
perpendicular to the petiole. The venation is of closed reticulate type.
In T.S., the petiole differentiates into epidermis, cortex and stele (Fig.
7.118). The epidermis is cutinised and composed of a single-layered
rectangular cells.
The cortex is differentiated into outer and inner cortex. The outer
cortex consists of aerenchyma having many air-cavities separated by
one-celled thick septa.
The stele is protostelic with diarch and exarch xylem. The xylem has
two large metaxylem elements at the centre and protoxylem elements
at each end towards the periphery. Phloem bands are present on either
side of Fig. 7.118 : Marsilea minuta. T.S. of petiole the xylem.
The place of attachment of the pedicel with the body of the sporocarp
is known as raphe (Fig. 7.121 A). The distal end of the raphe in some
species is marked by the presence of one or two protuberances or
teeth-like projections known as horns or tubercles.
The sporocarp wall is hard, thick, thus resistant against mechanical
injury. Anatomically, the wall is differentiated into three layers. The
outer layer is epidermis made up of single-layered cuboidal cell with
sunken stomata.
The middle layer is made up of radially elongated compactly arranged
thick-walled palisade cells. This is followed by second palisade layer
which is comprised of more elongated thin-walled palisade cells.
A vertical longitudinal section (VLS) in the plane of the stalk shows
that a single strong vascular strand enters the sporocarp near the
lower horn (Fig. 7.121B) and continues forward all along the dorsal or
upper side of the sporocarp thus forming a midrib (dorsal bundle).
From this midrib, the lateral side branches (lateral or commissural
bundles) arise which eventually pass on to the two sides of the
sporocarp. The sporocarp, therefore, has a bivalved structure.
Another bundle called placental bundle develops from the point of
forking of lateral bundle which enters into the receptacle bearing spo-
rangia and dichotomises. Thus a closed network of vascular system is
formed within the sporocarp.
A vertical longitudinal section (VLS) of sporocarp away from the plane
of the stalk reveals many sori arranged in vertical rows (Fig. 7.122). In
this plane of section either megasporangia or microsporangia are
visible. Each sorus is surrounded by an indusium. The development of
sori is of gradate type. The gelatinous mucilage ring is more prominent
in dorsal side.
A horizontal longitudinal section (HLS) cuts each sorus transversely
and it is seen that each sorus is an elongated structure, covered by a
delicate indusium.
The sori are gradate, basipetal in arrangement with a row of largest
sporangia (megasporangia) at top and two rows of smaller sporangia
(microsporangia) on two sides (Fig. 7.123). The mucilage ring is
present in the form of two masses, one in the dorsal and the other in
the ventral sides.
Marsilea is heterosporous i.e., they produce microspores and
megaspores which eventually germinate to form the male and female
gametophytes, respectively.
Male Gametophyte:
The microspores are small, globose structures with a thick outer
ornamented exine and inner thin intine. The outer exine is covered by
a thin layer called perispore. The microspore contains a distinct
haploid nucleus and its cytoplasm is rich in starch grains.
The microspores germinate inside the spore wall (endosporic type)
almost immediately after its release (Fig. 7.126A-G). It divides
asymmetrically to form a small prothallial cell and a large apical cell
(1-1). A division (2-2) of apical cell diagonal to prothallial cell forms
two antheridial cells.
Then both the antheridial cells divide diagonally (3-3) with curving
wall forming the first jacket cell and large wedge-shaped cell. The
jacket cells do not divide, but the wedge-shaped cell divides
periclinally (4-4) to form smaller inner cell (2nd jacket) and a large
outer cell. Further, the periclinal division (5-5) of outer cell forms 3rd
jacket and primary androgonial cell.
At this stage the male gametophyte consists of one prothallial cell, 6
jacket cells and 2 androgonial cells. After several divisions of the
primary androgonial cells, sixteen androcytes are formed surrounded
by jacket cells.
Later the prothalial cell and the jacket cells disintegrate and the two
groups of androcytes, representing the two antheridia, float freely in
the cytoplasmic mass within the original spore wall. Each androcyte
becomes a motile antherozoid by dissolution of the androcyte
The antherozoids are corkscrew-shaped, multiflagellate structure cha-
racterised by the presence of a large posterior cytoplasmic vesicle (Fig.
Female Gametophyte:
The megaspore is an oval or elliptic structure, the wall of which
imbibes water and expands to form a gelatinous mass around the
megaspore. The spore wall expands to form a small papilla
(protuberance) at the apical end where the nucleus is located in a
dense part of cytoplasm. The remaining portion of the spore is filled
with a frothy cytoplasm full of starch grains (Fig. 7.127A).