Research Article Role of Enzymes

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International Journal
of Recent Scientific
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Research
Vol. 5, Issue, 6, pp. 1181-1183, xxx, 2014
ISSN: 0976-3031
Ms. P. Benitta Christy, S. Kavitha
Department of Hindusthan College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore
Department of Home Science, Mother Teresa Women's University
Received 11th, May, 2014.,Received in revised form 16th, May, 2014.,Accepted 14th, June, 2014.,Published online 28th, June, 2014
Key word: Enzymes, Industrial Application, Enzyme Types, Naming Of Enzyme
INTRODUCTION 5. Class- Isomerases
Enzymes- Glucose Isomerases
Enzymes are proteins with highly specialized catalytic
functions, produced by all living organisms. Enzymes are ENZYME COMPOSITION
responsible for many essential biochemical reactions in Cofactors
microorganisms, plants, animals, and human beings. Although Coenzymes
like all other proteins, enzymes are composed of proteins Enzyme Inhibitors
formed by long linear chains of amino acids linked by peptide Active site and substrate
bonds, but they differ in function in that they have the unique
ability to facilitate biochemical reactions without undergoing Cofactors
change themselves. Enzymes are essential for all metabolic The activity of an enzyme depends on a specific protein chain.
processes, but are not alive. They are produced by cells, but In many cases, the enzyme consists of the protein and a
they are not viruses or bacteria and they cannot reproduce by combination of one or more parts called cofactors. Some
themselves; they are therefore "alive" even though not enzymes do not need any additional components to show full
biologically active, in determined conditions of pH, activity. However, others require non-protein molecules called
temperature, liquor composition and so on. cofactors to be bound for activity.
Naming Of Enzyme Cofactors can be either inorganic e.g., metal ions or organic
The first Enzyme Commission, in its report in 1961, devised a compounds e.g., flavin. These molecules transfer chemical
system for classification of enzymes that also serves as a basis groups between enzymes. These tightly bound molecules are
for assigning code numbers to them. usually found in the active site and are involved in catalysis.

These code numbers, prefixed by EC, which are now widely in Coenzyme
use, contain four elements separated by points, with the Coenzymes are small organic molecules that can be loosely or
following meaning tightly bound to an enzyme. Coenzymes transport chemical
(i) The first number shows to which of the groups from one enzyme to another. Since coenzymes are
six main divisions (classes) the enzyme belongs, chemically changed as a consequence of enzyme action, it is
(ii) The second figure indicates the subclass, useful to consider coenzymes to be a special class of
(iii) The third figure gives the sub-subclass, substrates, or second substrates, which are common to many
(iv) The fourth figure is the serial number of the enzyme in its different enzymes. Coenzymes are habitually continuously
sub-subclass. regenerated and their concentrations maintained at a steady
The subclasses and sub-subclasses are formed according to level inside the cell.
principles. By adding a suffix "-ase" to the root name of the Enzyme Inhibitors
substrate molecule it is acting upon enzymes are commonly
named. Enzyme reaction rates can be decreased by various types of
enzyme inhibitors. Enzyme inhibitors are molecules that
Some Of The Enzymes Used In Industrial Processes interact in some way with the enzyme to prevent it from
1. Class- Oxidoreductases working in the normal manner. Some of the inhibitors types
Enzymes- catalases, glucose oxidases, laccases are as follows: Nonspecific Inhibitors, Specific Inhibitors,
2. Class- Transferases Competitive Inhibitors, Non competitive Inhibitors,
Enzymes- Fructosyl transferases, glucosyl transferases Irreversible Inhibitors.
3. Class- Hydrolases Example for an inhibitor, Methanol poisoning occurs because
Enzymes- amylases, cellulases, lipases, mannanases, methanol is oxidized to formaldehyde and formic acid which
pectinases, phytases, proteases, pullulanases, xylanases harass the optic nerve causing blindness. Ethanol is given as a
4. Class- Lyases remedy for methanol poisoning because ethanol competitively
Enzymes- Pectate lyases, Alpha- acetolactate decarboxylases

* Corresponding author: Ms. P. Benitta Christy

Department of Hindusthan College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol. 5, Issue, 6, pp. 1181-1183, xxx, 2014
inhibits the oxidation of methanol. Ethanol is oxidized in and texture to a range of enzyme producing organisms that
preference to methanol and consequently, the oxidation of were domesticated many years ago.
methanol is slowed down so that the toxic by-products do not
Types of Enzyme Available
have a chance to accumulate.
Enzymes are categorized according to the compounds they act
Active Site and Substrate upon. Some of the most common include; proteases which
The overall enzyme contains a specific geometric shape called break down proteins, cellulases which break down cellulose,
the active site, where the reaction takes place. The molecule lipases which split fats (lipids) into glycerol and fatty acids,
acted upon is called the substrate. and amylases which break down starch into simple sugars.
Enzyme Mechanism Functions of Enzyme
Enzymes are natural protein molecules. The fundamental They work to make reactions go faster in digestive and
mechanism by which enzymes catalyze chemical reaction metabolic (energy related) processes. They are called 'catalysts'
begins with the binding of the substrate to the active site on the because they speed up the reaction by lowering the amount of
enzyme. The active site is the specific region of the enzyme energy needed to get the reaction started.
which combines with the substrate. The binding of the Enzymes basically just facilitate a reaction. Enzymes are
substrate to the enzyme causes changes in the distribution of proteins with "active sites" (areas on which reactions can
electrons in the chemical bonds of the substrate and ultimately occur). Enzymes bring substrates (reactants) together onto the
causes the reactions that lead to the formation of products. The active sites in order to help them react. The enzyme is not used
products are released from the enzyme surface to regenerate up in the reaction and can be used continuously for many
the enzyme for another reaction cycle. reactions.
The active site has a unique geometric shape that is Enzymes are used to lower the "activation energy" of a
complementary to the geometric shape of a substrate molecule, reaction (amount of energy required to start a reaction).
similar to the fit of puzzle pieces. This means that enzymes
specifically react with only one or a very few similar Amylase breaks down starch into glucose (sugar).
compounds. Some mechanism of enzyme is explained below: Protease breaks down protein into amino acid.
Lock and Key Theory Lipase breaks lipids down into fatty acids and Glycerol.
The precise action of an enzyme was first postulated in 1894 Application of Enzyme in Textile Wet Processing/ Dyeing
by Emil Fischer among a single substrate can be explained Industry
using a Lock and Key analogy. In this analogy, the lock is the
enzyme and the key is the substrate. The correct substrate fits Enzyme is a living organism. Humankind has used enzymes
for the active site (key hole) of the enzyme. Only the correctly for thousands of years to carry out important chemical
sized key (substrate) fits into the key hole (active site) of the reactions for making products such as cheese, beer, and wine.
lock (enzyme). Bread and yogurt also owe their flavor and texture to a range
of enzyme producing organisms that were domesticated many
Smaller keys, larger keys, or incorrectly positioned teeth on years ago.
keys (incorrectly shaped or sized substrate molecules) do not
fit into the lock (enzyme). Only the correctly shaped key opens From the beginning of nineties till today, the biggest
a particular lock. This is illustrated in graphic on the left. development of modern enzymology is made in the textile
segment with the introduction of:
Induced Fit Theory
Cellulase for bio-finishing cellulosic fabrics and garments,
Not all experimental evidence can be adequately explained by Catalase for elimination of hydrogen peroxide after bleaching,
using the lock and key theory. For this reason, a modification Amylase for desizing processes,
called the induced-fit theory has been proposed. Pectinase for bioscouring of raw cotton,
The induced-fit theory assumes that the substrate plays a role Protease for the treatment of wool and silk
in determining the final shape of the enzyme and that the Laccase for oxidation of dyes such as indigo
enzyme is partially flexible. It explains why certain Other Industrial Applications
compounds can bind to the enzyme but do not react because
Enzymes are used in the chemical industry and other industrial
the enzyme has been distorted too much. Other molecules may
applications when extremely specific catalysts are required.
be too small to induce the proper alignment and therefore
However, enzymes in general are limited in the number of
cannot react. Only the proper substrate is accomplished of
reactions they have evolved to catalyze and also by their lack
inducing the proper alignment of the active site.
of stability in organic solvents and at high temperatures. The
Enzyme Uses efforts have begun to be successful, and a few enzymes have
now been designed "from scratch" to catalyze reactions that do
Enzymes play a diversified role in many aspects of everyday
not occur in nature.
life including aiding in digestion, the production of food and
several industrial applications. Enzymes are nature’s catalyst. Example: In paper industry amylases, Xylanases, Cellulases
Humankind has used them for thousands of years to carry out and ligninases were used for degrade of starch to lower
important chemical reactions for making products such as viscosity, aiding sizing and coating paper. Xylanases reduces
cheese, beer, and wine. Bread and yogurt also owe their flavor the bleach required for decolorizing; cellulases smooth fibers,
enhance water drainage, and promote ink removal; lipases

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International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol. 5, Issue, 6, pp. 1181-1183, xxx, 2014
reduce pitch and lignin-degrading enzymes remove lignin to Clothes can be washed at lower temperatures, thus saving
soften paper. energy.
Catalase is also used in the textile industry, removing In starch, paper and textile processing, less hazardous
hydrogen peroxide from fabrics to make sure the material is chemicals only required if enzymes are used.
Enzymes can be used instead of chlorine bleach for removing
A biological detergent is a laundry detergent that contains stains on cloth. The use of enzymes also allows the level of
enzymes harvested from micro-organisms such as bacteria surfactants to be reduced and permits the cleaning of clothes in
adapted to live in hot springs. The enzymes in biological the absence of phosphates.
detergents enable effective cleaning at lower temperatures than
required by normal detergents, but are denatured at higher CONCLUSION
temperatures—about 50 °C is recommended. A biological
detergent can contain α-amylase, a cellulase, a protease and a Enzyme is a highly efficient catalyst in biochemical reactions.
lipase. It not only works efficiently and rapidly, they are also
biodegradable. They are highly efficient in increasing the
Industrial Enzymes and the Environment reaction rate of biochemical process otherwise it proceed very
Enzymes can often replace chemicals or processes that present slowly, or in some cases, not at all. This type of catalytic
safety or environmental issues. For example, enzymes can: capability makes enzymes unique. Enzymes also contribute to
Replace acids in the starch processing industry and alkalis or safer working conditions through elimination of chemical
oxidizing agents in fabric desizing treatments during production processes. As an upshot, protein
In tanneries reduce the use of sulfide engineering is a vigorous area of research and engaged in the
Replace pumice stones for stonewashing jeans attempts to create new enzymes with novel possessions, either
through balanced design or in advancement.
Allow for more complete digestion of animal feed leading to less
animal waste Remove stains from fabrics.


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