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Antimicrobial Prophylaxis and Outpatient Management of

Fever and Neutropenia in Adults Treated for Malignancy:
American Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical
Practice Guideline
Christopher R. Flowers, Jerome Seidenfeld, Eric J. Bow, Clare Karten, Charise Gleason, Douglas K. Hawley,
Nicole M. Kuderer, Amelia A. Langston, Kieren A. Marr, Kenneth V.I. Rolston, and Scott D. Ramsey

Christopher R. Flowers, Charise Gleason, See accompanying article in J Oncol Pract doi:10.1200/JOP.2012.000815
and Amelia A. Langston, Emory University
School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA; Jerome A B S T R A C T
Seidenfeld, American Society of Clinical
Oncology, Alexandria, VA; Eric J. Bow, Purpose
CancerCare Manitoba and University of To provide guidelines on antimicrobial prophylaxis for adult neutropenic oncology outpatients and
Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; on selection and treatment as outpatients of those with fever and neutropenia.
Clare Karten, Leukemia and Lymphoma
Society, White Plains, NY; Douglas K. Methods
Hawley, Onc Heme Care, Cincinnati, OH; A literature search identified relevant studies published in English. Primary outcomes included:
Nicole M. Kuderer, Duke University development of fever and/or infections in afebrile neutropenic outpatients and recovery without
Comprehensive Cancer Center, Durham, complications and overall mortality in febrile neutropenic outpatients. Secondary outcomes included: in
NC; Kieren A. Marr, Johns Hopkins School
afebrile neutropenic outpatients, infection-related mortality; in outpatients with fever and neutropenia,
of Medicine, Baltimore, MD; Kenneth V.I.
Rolston, University of Texas MD Anderson
defervescence without regimen change, time to defervescence, infectious complications, and
Cancer Center, Houston, TX; and Scott D. recurrent fever; and in both groups, hospital admissions, duration, and adverse effects of antimicro-
Ramsey, Fred Hutchinson Cancer bials. An Expert Panel developed guidelines based on extracted data and informal consensus.
Research Center, Seattle, WA.
Published online ahead of print at Forty-seven articles from 43 studies met selection criteria. on January 14, 2013.
American Society of Clinical Oncology
Antibacterial and antifungal prophylaxis are only recommended for patients expected to have ⬍ 100
Clinical Practice Guideline Committee
approved: September 5, 2012.
neutrophils/␮L for ⬎ 7 days, unless other factors increase risks for complications or mortality to similar
levels. Inpatient treatment is standard to manage febrile neutropenic episodes, although carefully
Editor’s note: This represents a brief
selected patients may be managed as outpatients after systematic assessment beginning with a
summary overview of the complete Ameri-
can Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical
validated risk index (eg, Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer [MASCC] score or
Practice Guideline and provides the recom- Talcott’s rules). Patients with MASCC scores ⱖ 21 or in Talcott group 4, and without other risk factors,
mendations with brief discussions of the can be managed safely as outpatients. Febrile neutropenic patients should receive initial doses of
relevant literature for each. The complete empirical antibacterial therapy within an hour of triage and should either be monitored for at least 4
guideline, which includes comprehensive hours to determine suitability for outpatient management or be admitted to the hospital. An oral
discussions of the literature, methodology
fluoroquinolone plus amoxicillin/clavulanate (or plus clindamycin if penicillin allergic) is recommended
information, and all cited references, plus
Data Supplements with evidence tables
as empiric therapy, unless fluoroquinolone prophylaxis was used before fever developed.
the committee used to formulate these
recommendations and a list of all abbrevia- J Clin Oncol 31:794-810. © 2013 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
tions used in the text, tables, and figures
are available at
risk for FN. Although the CSF guideline is scheduled
Authors’ disclosures of potential conflicts
for another update soon, ASCO has not previously
of interest and author contributions are The first guideline1 published by the American addressed other measures (eg, prophylactic anti-
found at the end of this article. Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) provided rec- microbial drugs or protective environments) to
Corresponding author: Jerome Seidenfeld, ommendations on uses of hematopoietic colony- prevent infection in outpatients who are neutro-
PhD, American Society of Clinical Oncol-
ogy, 2318 Mill Rd, Suite 800, Alexandria,
stimulating factors (CSFs), including primary penic, not yet febrile, and either continue to re-
VA 22314; e-mail: jerry.seidenfeld@asco prophylaxis of fever and neutropenia (FN) in pa- ceive or have recently completed chemotherapy
.org. tients undergoing chemotherapy for malignancy for malignancy. Additionally, a priority-setting
© 2013 by American Society of Clinical if their risk was ⱖ 40%. ASCO has updated this exercise of the ASCO Clinical Practice Guidelines
guideline periodically, most recently in 2006,2 Committee (CPGC) selected outpatient manage-
0732-183X/13/3106-794/$20.00 when the threshold for primary prophylaxis with ment of febrile neutropenia as an important topic
DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2012.45.8661 a CSF was revised to include patients at ⱖ 20% for a new guideline.

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Antimicrobial Prophylaxis and Management of Fever and Neutropenia in Outpatients

Managing FN in oncology patients began to change in the late if an oncology patient developed FN. Presently, a wider spectrum of
1960s and early 1970s, when evidence emerged that empiric antibac- disorders than ever before is being managed on an outpatient basis.
terial therapy reduced deaths resulting from infection, compared with Potential advantages of outpatient management include increased
waiting for results of microbiologic assays.3-7 The spectrum of bacte- convenience for patients and their family members, reduced costs of
rial pathogens most commonly isolated from patients with FN during care, and, particularly for those at risk of infection, decreased exposure
or after treatment for malignancy shifted from mostly Gram-negative to hospital-acquired infections, which often may be resistant to the
species in the 1960s and 1970s to more Gram-positive species in the antibiotics used most frequently. Malignancies currently being treated
1980s and 1990s. Currently, coagulase-negative staphylococci are the outside the hospital range from adjuvant systemic therapy for breast
most common species identified in blood cultures, but the frequency cancer to postremission consolidation with high-dose cytarabine for
of drug-resistant Gram-negative bacterial infections is increasing. acute myeloid leukemia to reduced-intensity conditioning stem-cell
However, blood and other cultures are negative and the causative transplantation (SCT). Various approaches have been studied to strat-
organism and site of infection remain uncertain in many oncology ify such patients who develop FN by risk for medical complications or
patients with fever. Because infection can progress rapidly and become death.14-21 Several of these approaches have been used to select low-
life threatening if patients are neutropenic, clinical practice guidelines risk patients for early discharge or outpatient therapy, and a number of
recommend administration of broad-spectrum antibacterials (using trials randomly assigning low-risk patients have compared outcomes
monotherapy or a combination regimen) soon (within an hour) after of inpatient versus outpatient management14,21-25 or oral versus IV
fever is documented.7-13 antibacterials as empiric therapy.14,26,27 In light of the evidence from
Until the late 1980s and early 1990s, empiric antibacterial therapy such studies, the ASCO CPGC assembled a panel of experts to address
was almost invariably administered intravenously (IV) in the hospital the following clinical questions.



Antimicrobial Prophylaxis and Outpatient Management of Fever and Neutropenia in Adults Treated
for Malignancy

● Antibacterial and/or antifungal prophylaxis for afebrile outpatients with neutropenia from treatment for malignancy
● Identification of oncology outpatients with fever and neutropenia (FN) at low risk for medical complications
● Initial empiric therapy in the outpatient setting to treat FN in patients at low risk for medical complications

Target Audience
● Medical oncologists, primary care physicians, and oncology nurses

Key Recommendations
● Only use antibacterial and antifungal prophylaxis if neutrophils are expected to remain ⬍ 100/␮L for ⬎ 7 days, unless other fac-
tors (see text and Table 2) increase risks for complications or mortality
● An oral fluoroquinolone is preferred for antibacterial prophylaxis and an oral triazole for antifungal prophylaxis
● Interventions such as footwear exchange, protected environments, respiratory or surgical masks, neutropenic diet, or nutritional
supplements are not recommended because evidence is lacking of clinical benefits to patients from their use
● Assess risk for medical complications in patients with FN using the Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer
(MASCC) score (see Table 3) or Talcott’s rules; score ⱖ 21 or Talcott’s group 4 with no other risk factors (see text and Table 4)
defines low risk
● An oral fluoroquinolone plus amoxicillin/clavulanate (or plus clindamycin for those with penicillin allergy) is recommended for
initial empiric therapy, unless fluoroquinolone prophylaxis was used before fever developed (see text for alternatives)

● An Expert Panel was convened to develop clinical practice guideline recommendations based on a review of evidence from a sys-
tematic review of the medical literature

Additional Information

The complete guideline along with Data Supplements, including evidence tables, and clinical tools and
resources can be found at © 2013 by American Society of Clinical Oncology 795

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Copyright © 2017 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.
Flowers et al


A. What interventions are appropriate to prevent infections in pa-

tients with a malignancy who have received chemotherapy in an Panel Composition
inpatient or outpatient setting and who are, or are anticipated to An Expert Panel with a spectrum of contributors reflecting private prac-
tice oncology, academic hematology/oncology practice, infectious diseases,
become, neutropenic as outpatients?
oncology nursing, and interest group societies and consisting of experts in
A-1. How should risk of developing a febrile neutropenic epi- clinical medicine and research methods relevant to prevention and treatment
sode (FNE) be assessed in such patients who are not yet of infection in patients with neutropenia after therapy for a malignancy as well
febrile? What clinical characteristics identify patients who as a patient representative met once in person to discuss evidence from a
should be offered antimicrobial prophylaxis? systematic review and draft recommendations on outpatient management.
A-2. What antimicrobial drug classes should be used to prevent The Panel interacted by e-mail and telephone to revise and finalize recommen-
dations and to prepare drafts of the full guideline and additional documents
infection in afebrile neutropenic outpatients who should
and tools. Panel members and their expertise are listed in Appendix Table A1
be offered prophylaxis? (online only).
A-3. What additional precautions are appropriate to prevent
exposure of neutropenic but afebrile outpatients with a Literature Review and Analysis
malignancy to infectious agents or organisms? Literature search strategy. The MEDLINE database was searched using
B. Which patients with a malignancy and febrile neutropenia are PubMed for relevant evidence published from 1987 through the end of April
2011. The search included terms for malignant diseases linked to terms for
appropriate candidates for outpatient management?
neutropenia, fever, or infection and to terms for clinical trials, systematic
B-4. What clinical characteristics should be used to select pa- reviews, meta-analyses, or clinical guidelines. Data Supplement 1 provides the
tients for outpatient empiric therapy? full search strategy (online at One
B-5. Should outpatients with FN at low risk for medical com- reviewer selected articles for full-copy retrieval and consulted a Panel cochair
plications receive their initial dose(s) of empiric antimi- when potential relevance was uncertain. Reference lists of articles retrieved in
crobial(s) in the hospital or clinic and be observed, or can full copy were searched for other relevant reports. Panel members provided
some selected for outpatient management be discharged additional references from personal files.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria. Articles were selected for inclusion in
immediately after evaluation?
the systematic review if they were fully published English-language reports on:
B-6. What psychosocial and logistic requirements must be met antimicrobials for prophylaxis of infection in oncology outpatients with neu-
to permit outpatient management of patients with FN? tropenia from chemotherapy, development and/or validation of methods to
C. What interventions are indicated for patients with a malignancy stratify risk of complications in oncology patients with FN, empiric antimicro-
and febrile neutropenia who can be managed as outpatients? bial therapy for oncology outpatients with FN, or direct comparisons of out-
C-7. What diagnostic procedures are recommended? comes for inpatient versus outpatient management of oncology patients with
FN. For clinical questions addressing antimicrobials for prophylaxis of infec-
C-8. What antibacterials are recommended for outpatient em-
tion or as empiric therapy for FN, study selection criteria limited inclusion to
piric therapy? reports from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of adult human partici-
C-9. What additional measures are recommended for outpa- pants, systematic reviews and meta-analyses of RCTs, or evidence-based
tient management? clinical practice guidelines. Prospective or retrospective cohort studies, case-
C-10. How should persistent neutropenic fever (PNF) syn- control studies, and case series were included for questions addressing risk
drome be managed? stratification or direct comparison of inpatient versus outpatient manage-
ment. Meeting abstracts, letters, commentaries, editorials, case reports, and
nonsystematic (narrative) reviews were excluded from evidence tables for
all questions.
CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINES Data extraction. For studies on afebrile neutropenic outpatients, pri-
mary outcomes included: 1) febrile episodes and 2) infections, whereas sec-
ondary outcomes included infection-related mortality. For studies on
Practice guidelines are systematically developed statements that assist
outpatients with FN, primary outcomes included: 1) empiric treatment suc-
practitioners and patients in making decisions about care. Attributes cess (defined as recovery from FN without medical complications) and 2)
of good guidelines include validity, reliability, reproducibility, clinical overall and infection-related mortality, whereas secondary outcomes includ-
applicability, flexibility, clarity, multidisciplinary process, review of ed: 1) defervescence without regimen change, 2) time to defervescence, 3)
evidence, and documentation. Guidelines may be useful in producing complications from infection, and 4) relapsed or recurrent fever. Additional
better care and decreasing cost. Specifically, use of clinical guidelines secondary outcomes relevant to both sets of studies included: 1) hospital
may provide: admissions, 2) duration of hospital stay, and 3) adverse effects of antimicrobi-
als. Data were extracted directly into evidence tables (see Data Supplement
1. Improvements in outcomes Tables DS-3 to DS-9; online at by one
2. Improvements in medical practice reviewer and checked for accuracy by a second reviewer. Disagreements were
3. A means for minimizing inappropriate practice variation resolved by discussion and by consultation with Panel cochairs if necessary.
4. Decision support tools for practitioners
5. Points of reference for medical orientation and education Definition of Terms
6. Criteria for self-evaluation For purposes of this guideline, the Panel defined neutropenia as an
absolute neutrophil count (ANC) ⬍ 1,000/␮L (equivalent to ⬍ 1.0 ⫻ 109/L),
7. Indicators and criteria for external quality review severe neutropenia as ANC ⬍ 500/␮L (equivalent to ⬍ 0.5 ⫻ 109/L), and
8. Assistance with reimbursement and coverage decisions profound neutropenia as ANC ⬍ 100/␮L (equivalent to ⬍ 0.1 ⫻ 109/L). The
9. Criteria for use in credentialing decisions Panel defined the state of being febrile as a temperature of ⱖ 38.3°C by oral or
10. Identification of areas where future research is needed tympanic thermometry.

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Antimicrobial Prophylaxis and Management of Fever and Neutropenia in Outpatients

Guideline Policy summaries of the literature review and discussion for each recommen-
This Executive Summary for clinicians is an abridged summary of an dation. See the full guideline online for detailed analysis and discus-
ASCO practice guideline. The guideline and this summary are not intended to sion of the evidence.
substitute for the independent professional judgment of the treating physician.
Practice guidelines do not account for individual variation among patients and
may not reflect the most recent evidence. This summary does not recommend Literature Review and Discussion for Clinical
any particular product or course of medical treatment. Use of the practice Question A-1
guideline and this summary is voluntary. The full practice guideline and
additional information are available online at
Because evidence was unavailable from trials limited to outpa-
outpatientfn. tients, Recommendations A-1a to A-1g are based on evidence from
studies on inpatients or mixed populations (see the full guideline
Guideline and Conflicts of Interest
online) and Panel members’ expert opinion. Table 2 lists variables
The Expert Panel was assembled in accordance with the ASCO Conflict
of Interest Management Procedures for Clinical Practice Guidelines (Proce- shown to influence risks in one or more studies, grouped by char-
dures; summarized at Members of the acteristics of: patients and their health status, their underlying
Panel completed the ASCO disclosure form, which requires disclosure of malignancy, and the chemotherapy regimen they are receiving. Most
financial and other interests that are relevant to the subject matter of the studies cited in Table 2 used multivariable regression analysis to
guideline, including relationships with commercial entities that are reasonably identify independent predictors of FNE risk. Some of the cited
likely to experience direct regulatory or commercial impact as the result of
promulgation of the guideline. Categories for disclosure include employment
studies34-37,42,47,52 and others55,56 have also developed and tested
relationships, consulting arrangements, stock ownership, honoraria, research models to predict likelihood of an FNE in the first or a subsequent
funding, and expert testimony. In accordance with the Procedures, the major- chemotherapy cycle. However, the literature search found no data
ity of the members of the Panel did not disclose any such relationships. from prospective studies that used validated models, checklists, or
scores to select neutropenic but afebrile oncology outpatients for
prophylaxis with antibacterial drugs and compared outcomes (eg,
rates of FNEs or documented infection) with controls. Thus, on the
This clinical practice guideline addresses three overarching questions basis of members’ expert opinion, the Panel recommends (A-1a) that
(Table 1), each subdivided into three or four clinical questions. Rec- patients starting a new chemotherapy regimen undergo an individu-
ommendations A-1 to A-3 address clinical questions relevant to the alized but systematic assessment of risk for an FNE that weighs the
first overarching question on preventing infection in oncology outpa- factors listed in Table 2 and includes consultation with local infectious
tients who have or are expected to develop neutropenia but are with- disease experts as needed.
out fever or evidence of infection. Recommendations B-4 to B-6 Guidelines from ASCO2 and other organizations11,12,54,57-59 rec-
address the second overarching question on selecting patients with FN ommend primary prophylaxis with a CSF for patients with a high risk
who can safely be managed as outpatients. Recommendations C-7 to of an FNE based on age, medical history, disease characteristics, and
C-10 focus on interventions and strategies to safely manage oncology myelotoxicity of their chemotherapy regimen. Readers are referred to
patients with FN outside the hospital. these guidelines for review and discussion of the evidence supporting
this recommendation and for recommendations on selecting patients
Other Guidelines and Consensus Statements likely to benefit from primary prophylaxis. Table 1 in the ASCO
Other organizations have published guidelines or consensus guideline2 also includes a list of commonly used regimens by malig-
statements addressing clinical questions also addressed here. These nancy, with data on incidence of hematologic toxicities including
include guidelines on managing FN in patients with cancer from neutropenia and FNEs (available online at
the Japan Febrile Neutropenia Study Group,9 the European Society wbcgf). Note that antibacterial and antifungal prophylaxis would gen-
of Medical Oncology (ESMO),10 and an Australian consensus erally not be indicated when CSF prophylaxis effectively reduces the
panel.13,21,28,29 Additionally, the National Comprehensive Cancer
depth and duration of neutropenia.
Network (NCCN) has published guidelines on prevention and treat-
Recommendation A-1b (on patient selection for antibacte-
ment of cancer-related infections,11 and the Infectious Disease Society
rial prophylaxis) is based on: a systematic review60 of meta-
of America (IDSA)7,12 and the Infectious Diseases Working Party of
analyses of RCTs of interventions for febrile neutropenia, the
the German Society of Hematology and Oncology8 have published
five61-66 meta-analyses it reviewed of antibacterial prophylaxis, two
guidelines on uses of antimicrobial drugs in neutropenic patients with
updates67,68 of a Cochrane review, and two other meta-analyses69,70
cancer. The Panel has evaluated the recommendations of these orga-
nizations and found them to be generally consistent with recommen- and a systematic review.71 Although the preponderance of data from
dations in this ASCO clinical practice guideline. Specific differences these meta-analyses and the RCTs they included showed that antibac-
are highlighted and discussed in the Literature Review and Discussion terial prophylaxis decreased mortality when compared with pooled
sections that follow each recommendation in the full guideline (online controls administered either placebo or no treatment, a majority of
at included patients were undergoing either remission induction (or
reinduction) for hematologic malignancy (mostly acute leukemia) or
hematopoietic SCT (HSCT) and thus were at relatively high risk for an
GUIDELINE RECOMMENDATIONS FNE and infection. Lacking robust evidence that antibacterial prophy-
laxis improves outcomes for patients with neutropenia at low risk for
Table 1 lists the 10 clinical questions addressed in this practice guide- an FNE, and in light of concerns raised in reviews62,64-68,71-73 and other
line and the recommendation of the Panel for each. Below are brief guidelines7,11,12,29 that routine use (or overuse) of antibacterial © 2013 by American Society of Clinical Oncology 797

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Table 1. Summary of 2012 Recommendations
Clinical Question 2012 Recommendations
A. What interventions are appropriate to prevent infections
in patients with a malignancy who have received
chemotherapy in an inpatient or outpatient setting and
who are, or are anticipated to become, neutropenic as
A-1. How should risk of developing an FNE be Recommendation A-1. Because evidence to address this question was unavailable from trials limited to outpatients, the Panel considered
assessed in such patients who are not yet febrile? evidence from studies on inpatients or mixed populations and recommends the following, based on such evidence and members’ expert
What clinical characteristics identify patients who opinion:
should be offered antimicrobial prophylaxis? A-1a. FNE risk should be systematically assessed (in consultation with infectious disease specialists as needed), including patient-, cancer-,
and treatment-related factors (see Table 2); G-CSF prophylaxis should be used before neutropenia develops for patients who meet
criteria specified in the ASCO WBC growth factors guideline

© 2013 by American Society of Clinical Oncology

A-1b. Clinicians should consider antibacterial prophylaxis only for patients expected to experience profound neutropenia (defined as ANC ⬍
100/␮L) likely to last for ⱖ 7 days; the Panel does not recommend routine antibacterial prophylaxis if neutropenia is less severe or of
shorter duration, the usual course with current chemotherapy regimens for solid tumors; thus, the Panel does not recommend routine
use of antibacterial prophylaxis for patients with solid tumors undergoing conventional chemotherapy with or without biologics (eg,
trastuzumab, bevacizumab, or cetuximab)
A-1c. Limit antifungal prophylaxis (for decreasing IFIs from opportunistic yeast or mold species) to patients receiving chemotherapy
expected to cause profound neutropenia (ANC ⬍ 100/␮L) for ⱖ 7 days, which confers substantial risk (⬎ 6% to 10%) for IFI;
antifungal prophylaxis is not recommended for patients with solid tumors receiving conventional-dose chemotherapy with or without
biologics (eg, trastuzumab, bevacizumab, or cetuximab)
A-1d. Patients receiving chemotherapy regimens associated with ⬎ 3.5% risk for pneumonia from Pneumocystis jirovecii (eg, those with ⱖ
20 mg of prednisone equivalents daily for ⱖ 1 month or those based on purine analogs) are eligible for prophylaxis
A-1e. Antiviral prophylaxis should be considered for patients known to be at substantial risk for reactivation of HBV infection
A-1f. Prophylaxis to prevent reactivation of infection from herpesviruses (HSV or VZV) is recommended for seropositive patients undergoing
therapy for certain hematologic malignancies (see details in the full guideline online)
Flowers et al

A-1g. Seasonal influenza immunization is recommended for all patients receiving chemotherapy for malignancy and for all family and
household contacts
A-2. What antimicrobial drug classes should be used to Recommendation A-2. Because evidence to address this question was unavailable from trials limited to outpatients, the Panel considered
prevent infection in afebrile neutropenic evidence from studies on inpatients or mixed populations and recommends the following based on such evidence and members’ expert
outpatients who should be offered prophylaxis? opinion:
A-2a. Antibacterial prophylaxis should use an orally administered, systemically absorbed fluoroquinolone to prevent invasive infection by
Gram-negative bacilli of outpatients with profound neutropenia expected to last for ⱖ 7 days associated with severe mucositis (eg,
from primary or salvage remission-induction therapy for acute leukemia, dose-intensive postremission consolidation for acute
leukemia, or HSCT); prophylaxis may be less effective in environments where ⬎ 20% of Gram-negative bacilli are resistant to
A-2b. Use an orally administered triazole antifungal or parenterally administered echinocandin in the outpatient setting as prophylaxis against
opportunistic yeast infection in those with profound neutropenia and mucositis expected to last for ⱖ 7 days in environments with ⬎

Copyright © 2017 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.

10% risk of invasive Candida infection; a mold-active triazole is recommended in environments with a substantial risk (⬎ 6%) for
invasive aspergillosis
A-2c. Prophylaxis with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole should only be used if risk for pneumonia from Pneumocystis jirovecii is ⬎ 3.5% (eg,

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patients administered regimens with ⱖ 20 mg of prednisone equivalents daily for ⱖ 1 month or those based on purine analogs);
additional details and alternatives for patients with sulfa-based hypersensitivities are provided in the full guideline online
A-2d. Lamivudine is recommended as prophylaxis in patients at substantial risk for reactivation of HBV infection
A-2e. A nucleoside analog is recommended to prevent herpesvirus infection in those at risk
A-2f. Influenza immunization should use trivalent inactivated vaccine; in select circumstances after proven exposure of a susceptible patient
with cancer, a neuraminidase inhibitor (eg, oseltamivir, zanamivir) may be offered
(continued on following page)

Table 1. Summary of 2012 Recommendations (continued)
Clinical Question 2012 Recommendations
A-3. What additional precautions are appropriate to Recommendation A-3. Because direct evidence was unavailable from randomized trials, the Panel considered evidence from uncontrolled and
prevent exposure of neutropenic but afebrile retrospective studies and based the following recommendations on such evidence and members’ expert opinion:
outpatients with a malignancy to infectious agents A-3a. All health care workers should follow hand hygiene guidelines including handwashing practices to reduce exposure through contact
or organisms? transmission and respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette guidelines to reduce exposure through droplet transmission
A-3b. Outpatients with neutropenia from cancer therapy should avoid prolonged contact with environments that have high concentrations of
airborne fungal spores (eg, construction and demolition sites)
A-3c. None of the following measures are routinely necessary to prevent infection of afebrile outpatients with a malignancy and
neutropenia: protected environments (HEPA filters with or without laminar air flow), respiratory or surgical masks (to prevent invasive
aspergillosis), footwear exchange at entry and exit, and the neutropenic diet or similar nutritional interventions; gowning and gloving
should only be considered in accordance with local infection prevention and control practices for antibiotic-resistant organisms such as
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin-resistant enterococci, or extended-spectrum ␤-lactamase–producing and
carbapenemase-producing Gram-negative bacilli
B. Which oncology patients with FN are appropriate
candidates for outpatient management?
B-4. What clinical characteristics should be used to Recommendation B-4. Because medical complications occurred in up to 11% of patients identified as low risk for medical complications of FN
select patients for outpatient empiric therapy? in studies validating risk indices or scoring systems, the Panel considers inpatient treatment the standard approach for managing an FNE;
however, outpatient management may be acceptable for carefully selected patients; when considering a patient with an FNE for outpatient
management, the Panel recommends beginning the evaluation with a systematic risk assessment using a validated index; the MASCC risk
index (see Table 3) has been evaluated most thoroughly of the available risk indices for adults; Talcott’s rules have also been validated in
prospective studies; however, the FNE should be managed in the hospital if the clinician has any reservations with respect to the accuracy
of an index for an individual, even if the patient is classified as low risk (MASCC score ⱖ 21 or Talcott group 4); Table 4 lists additional
factors to take into account when assessing risk for medical complications in the setting of outpatient FNE management; patients meeting
any of the criteria listed in Table 4, those with MASCC score ⬍ 21, or those in Talcott groups 1 to 3 should not be managed as outpatients;
moreover, neither a currently available risk index nor the criteria in Table 4 should substitute for clinical judgment when deciding whether a
given patient with an FNE should be admitted to the hospital for inpatient management
B-5. Should outpatients with FN at low risk for medical Recommendation B-5. The duration of observation before outpatients were discharged varied considerably among studies that directly
complications receive their initial dose(s) of compared inpatient versus outpatient empiric therapy or oral versus IV regimens in outpatients; lacking evidence from direct comparisons,
empiric antimicrobial(s) in the hospital or clinic and the Panel relied on members’ expert opinion to recommend that the first dose of empiric therapy be administered within 1 hour after triage
be observed, or can some selected for outpatient from initial presentation in the clinic, emergency room, or hospital department, after fever has been documented in a neutropenic patient
management be discharged immediately after and pretreatment blood samples have been drawn; similarly, the Panel recommends that patients identified as low risk and selected for
evaluation? outpatient management be observed for at least 4 hours before discharge to verify they are stable and can tolerate the regimen they will
B-6. What psychosocial and logistic requirements must Recommendation B-6. Because direct comparative evidence was unavailable for any of these factors, the Panel relied on members’ expert
be met to permit outpatient management of opinion to recommend that an oncology patient with FN during or after chemotherapy meet each of the following criteria to receive empiric
patients with fever and neutropenia? therapy as an outpatient:

Copyright © 2017 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.

a. Residence ⱕ 1 hour or ⱕ 30 miles (48 km) from clinic or hospital
b. Patient’s primary care physician or oncologist agrees to outpatient management
Antimicrobial Prophylaxis and Management of Fever and Neutropenia in Outpatients

c. Able to comply with logistic requirements, including frequent clinic visits

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d. Family member or caregiver at home 24 hours a day
e. Access to a telephone and transportation 24 hours a day
f. No history of noncompliance with treatment protocols
(continued on following page)

© 2013 by American Society of Clinical Oncology

Table 1. Summary of 2012 Recommendations (continued)
Clinical Question 2012 Recommendations
C. What interventions are indicated for oncology patients
with an FNE who can be managed as outpatients?

© 2013 by American Society of Clinical Oncology

C-7. What diagnostic procedures are recommended? Recommendation C-7. On the basis of members’ expert opinion, the Panel recommends that in the absence of an alternative explanation,
fever in a patient with neutropenia from cancer therapy should be assumed to be the result of a bacterial infection; the initial diagnostic
approach should maximize the chances of establishing clinical and microbiologic diagnoses that may affect antibacterial choice and
prognosis; the Panel also recommends systematically evaluating the patient to identify the infectious agent and anatomic focus (see the full
guideline online for details)
C-8. What antibacterials are recommended for Recommendation C-8. Patients with cancer and FN who are at low risk for medical complications by criteria of Recommendation B-4 may be
outpatient empiric therapy? administered oral empiric therapy with a fluoroquinolone (ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin) plus amoxicillin/clavulanate (or plus clindamycin for
those with penicillin allergy); however, a fluoroquinolone is not recommended for initial empiric therapy of neutropenic patients with cancer
who develop fever after receiving fluoroquinolone-based antibacterial prophylaxis or in environments where the prevalence of
fluoroquinolone resistance is ⬎ 20%; for these patients, and if deemed appropriate by the treating physician, IV therapy is recommended
with a regimen suitable for outpatient administration, provided they meet clinical and other criteria for outpatient management (see
Recommendations B-4 and C-9); hospitalized stable and responding low-risk patients receiving initial IV empiric antibacterial therapy,
particularly those classified as having unexplained FN, may be considered for stepdown to an orally administered regimen and early
discharge for outpatient follow-up and monitoring; for patients with FN from cancer therapy who are at high risk for medical complications,
the Panel recommends hospitalization for IV antimicrobial therapy and endorses the most recent (2010) recommendations from IDSA12
C-9. What additional measures are recommended for Recommendation C-9. The literature review did not identify any studies comparing outcomes of outpatient management for patients with FN
Flowers et al

outpatient management? with or without specific logistic measures or with different frequencies of contact or evaluation; on the basis of members’ expert opinion,
the following are recommended as prudent and sensible measures for outpatient management:
a. Frequent evaluation for at least 3 days in clinic or at home
b. Daily or frequent telephone contact to verify (by home thermometry) that fever resolves
c. Monitoring of ANC and platelet count for myeloid reconstitution
d. Frequent return visits to clinic
e. Patients should be evaluated for admission to the hospital if any of the following occur: PNF syndrome, fever recurrence, new signs or
symptoms of infection, use of oral medications is no longer possible or tolerable, change in the empiric regimen or an additional
antimicrobial drug becomes necessary, or microbiologic tests identify species not susceptible to initial regimen
C-10. How should PNF syndrome be managed? Recommendation C-10. Low-risk patients who do not defervesce after 2 to 3 days of an initial empiric broad-spectrum antibiotic regimen
should be re-evaluated to detect and treat a new or progressing anatomic site of infection and considered for hospitalization

Copyright © 2017 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.

Abbreviations: ANC, absolute neutrophil count; ASCO, American Society of Clinical Oncology; FN, fever and neutropenia; FNE, febrile neutropenic episode; G-CSF, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; HBV,
hepatitis B virus; HEPA, high-efficiency particulate air; HSCT, hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation; HSV, herpes simplex virus; IDSA, Infectious Disease Society of America; IFI, invasive fungal infection; IV,
intravenous; MASCC, Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer; PNF, persistent neutropenic fever; VZV, Varicella-Zoster virus.

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Antimicrobial Prophylaxis and Management of Fever and Neutropenia in Outpatients

Table 2. Factors to Consider in Assessing Risk of an FNE in Patients Undergoing Cytotoxic Chemotherapy for Malignancy
Reported FN Reference
Factor Effect on Risk Rate (%) 95% CI (%) No.
Patient characteristic
Advanced age Risk increases if age ⱖ 65 years 30-32
ECOG PS Risk increases if PS ⱖ 2 33, 34
Nutritional status Risk increases if albumin ⬍ 35 g/L 33, 35
Prior FN episode Risk in cycles two to six is four-fold greater if FN episode 36
occurs in cycle one
Comorbidities FN odds increase by 27%, 67%, and 125%, respectively, for 37
one, two, or ⱖ three comorbidities
Underlying malignancy
Cancer diagnosisⴱ
Acute leukemia/MDS 85-95 38-41
Soft tissue sarcoma 27 19 to 34.5 36, 37, 42, 43
NHL/myeloma 26 22 to 29 36, 37, 42, 43
Germ cell carcinoma 23 16.6 to 29 36, 37, 42, 43
Hodgkin lymphoma 15 6.6 to 24 36, 37, 42, 43
Ovarian carcinoma 12 6.6 to 17.7 36, 37, 42, 43
Lung cancers 10 9.8 to 10.7 36, 37, 42, 43
Colorectal cancers 5.5 5.1 to 5.8 36, 37, 42, 43
Head and neck carcinoma 4.6 1.0 to 8.2 36, 37, 42, 43
Breast cancer 4.4 4.1 to 4.7 36, 37, 42, 43
Prostate cancer 1 0.9 to 1.1 36, 37, 42, 43
Cancer stage Risk increases for advanced stage (ⱖ 2) 33, 37
Remission status Risk increases if not in remission 38, 44
Treatment response Risk is lowest if patient has a CR 38
If patient has a PR, FN risk is greater for acute leukemia than
for solid tissue malignancies
FN risk is higher if persistent, refractory, or progressive 45, 46
disease despite treatment
Treatment for malignancy
Cytotoxic regimen Risk is higher with regimens that administer: 42
Anthracyclines at doses ⱖ 90 mg/m2
Cisplatin at doses ⱖ 100 mg/m2
Ifosfamide at doses ⱖ 9 g/m2
Cyclophosphamide at doses ⱖ 1 g/m2
Etoposide at doses ⱖ 500 mg/m2
Cytarabine at doses ⱖ 1 g/m2 43
High dose-density (eg, CHOP-14)
Anthracycline ⫹ taxane ⫾ cyclophosphamide, or anthracycline 32, 47
⫹ gemcitabine for breast cancer
Dose-intensity Increased risk if ⬎ 85% of scheduled doses are administered† 43, 47
Degree and duration of GI Risk is greatest if NCI mucositis grade ⱖ 3 (GI) or if peak 41, 48, 49
and/or oral mucositis OMAS score ⱖ 2
Degree and duration of:
Neutropenia ANC ⬍ 500/␮L for ⱖ 7 days 7, 50, 51
Lymphopenia ALC ⬍ 700/␮L (ANC surrogate) 42, 52
Monocytopenia AMC ⬍ 150/␮L (ANC surrogate) 53
Prophylactic use of WBC Reduces risk for patients selected as in ASCO guideline 2, 54, 55
growth factors

Abbreviations: ALC, absolute lymphocyte count; AMC, absolute monocyte count; ANC, absolute neutrophil count; ASCO, American Society of Clinical Oncology;
CHOP, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone; CR, complete response; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; FN, fever and
neutropenia; FNE, febrile neutropenic episode; MDS, myelodysplastic syndrome; NCI, National Cancer Institute; NHL, non-Hodgkin lymphoma; OMAS, Oral
Mucositis Assessment Scale; PR, partial response; PS, performance status.

Highest to lowest risk.
†Note that the Panel recommends against routine decreases in dose-intensity as a means of preventing FN.

prophylaxis may increase spread of resistant strains, the Panel recom- malignancy and compared outcomes of systemic antifungal pro-
mends that clinicians limit use of antibacterial prophylaxis to patients phylaxis versus controls administered placebo, no treatment, or a
at high risk for an FNE. nonabsorbable oral antifungal. Although the three most relevant
Recommendation A-1c (on antifungal prophylaxis) is based on meta-analyses77,79,81 reported that when compared with controls, sys-
systematic reviews60,73-75 and meta-analyses76-81 of RCTs that enrolled temic antifungal prophylaxis significantly decreased mortality attrib-
patients with or expected to develop neutropenia from treatment for uted to fungal infections and also improved other outcomes, most © 2013 by American Society of Clinical Oncology 801

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patients randomly assigned in the RCTs pooled for meta-analysis were Evidence from other meta-analyses77,79-81,105,106 supported Rec-
at ⱖ 6% risk for invasive fungal infection (IFI) resulting from HSCT, ommendation A-2b for use of an orally administered triazole antifun-
induction chemotherapy for acute leukemia, or other treatments that gal drug (eg, fluconazole) to prevent invasive Candida infections in
caused long durations of profound neutropenia. No trials included in patients with ⬎ 10% risk or a mold-active triazole (eg, itraconazole
these meta-analyses were limited to patients with solid tumors under- oral solution) if aspergillosis risk is ⬎ 6%. Again, risks rarely reach
going conventional-dose chemotherapy with or without biologics. these levels unless patients are receiving regimens likely to cause pro-
Thus, in agreement with other guidelines,11,12 the Panel recommends found neutropenia (ANC ⬍ 100/␮L) for ⱖ 7 days. A systematic
limiting antifungal prophylaxis to patients at substantial risk for IFI review and meta-analysis of RCTs87,107 supported Recommendation
(⬎ 6% to 10%) from regimens likely to decrease ANC to ⬍ 100/␮L for A-2c on use of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole to prevent Pneumo-
ⱖ 7 days. cystis pneumonia in immunocompromised patients not infected by
Lacking evidence from RCTs, Recommendation A-1d is based HIV. The Panel recommends use of lamivudine for HBV prophylaxis
on retrospective observational studies82-86 and expert opinion; Panel (Recommendation A-2d); systematic reviews73,89,90 suggested it is the
members agreed that Pneumocystis prophylaxis should be limited to only drug available to treat active HBV infection that also has been
patients receiving chemotherapy regimens associated with ⬎ 3.5% studied in an RCT to prevent HBV reactivation in oncology patients at
risk for Pneumocystis pneumonia. A systematic review87 of Pneumo- risk. A Cochrane review91 reported that acyclovir was the only nucle-
cyctis in immunocompromised patients not infected with HIV oside analog tested in placebo-controlled trials as prophylaxis against
reported that Pneumocyctis infection rates without prophylaxis reactivation of herpesviruses in oncology patients at risk (Recommen-
were ⱖ 3.5% among patients treated with allogeneic HSCT or dation A-2e); meta-analyses showed acyclovir decreased both oral
induction therapy for acute leukemia or rhabdomyosarcoma but lesions and viral isolates. Recommendation A-2f on use of inactivated
were ⬍ 3.5% among other oncology patients (eg, those with Hodgkin trivalent influenza vaccine is based on a Cochrane review of RCTs of
lymphoma or CNS tumors or those receiving long-term corticoste- viral vaccines for patients with hematologic malignancies103 and
roid therapy). Evidence from reviews73,88-90 of prospective controlled agrees with other guidelines.11,12,91,108-12
studies supported use of a nucleoside analog to prevent hepatitis B
virus (HBV) reactivation in patients at known risk (Recommendation Literature Review and Discussion for Clinical
A-1e; primarily chronic inactive carriers; see full guideline online for Question A-3
detailed discussion). On the basis of a Cochrane review91 and data Direct evidence from RCTs was lacking for an impact on patient
summarized in other guidelines11,12,92-96 and elsewhere,73 there was outcomes of certain nonpharmacologic interventions and precau-
insufficient evidence of clinical benefit from nucleoside analog pro- tions used to minimize exposure of neutropenic but afebrile oncology
phylaxis against reactivation of latent herpes simplex or herpes zoster patients to infection; Recommendations A-3a and A-3b are based on
virus in patients receiving conventional-dose regimens for solid tu- Panel members’ experience and expertise. Recommendation A-3a on
mors or lymphoma. Thus, the Panel recommends (Recommendation handwashing reflects the endorsement by the Panel of practices
A-1f) limiting such treatment to those undergoing more-intensive deemed prudent by a panel of the US Centers for Disease
therapies (eg, HSCT or remission induction for acute leukemia). Fi- Control.113-15 The recommendation to avoid environments with high
nally, Recommendation A-1g on seasonal influenza immunization is spore counts (Recommendation A-3b) rests on retrospective
based on systematic reviews97-104 summarizing evidence of protective reports116-20 of risks associated with such sites and the opinion of the
Panel on prudent practice. Evidence from RCTs and other compara-
responses to and safety of influenza vaccine in oncology patients.
tive studies suggested no effect on health outcomes from routine use of
the interventions considered in Recommendation A-3c. A systematic
Literature Review and Discussion for Clinical review121 reported that routine use of high-efficiency particulate air
Question A-2 (HEPA) filters did not decrease mortality or fungal infections. An RCT
Evidence for question A-2 also was unavailable from trials limited on well-fitting respiratory masks,122 a nonrandomized study of foot-
to outpatients; Recommendations A-2a to A-2f are based on evidence wear exchange,123 and several RCTs on dietary interventions39,124-26
from studies on inpatients or mixed populations and Panel members’ also reported no significant effects on outcomes.
expert opinion. Similarly, because evidence was unavailable to directly
compare different durations and timing (start and stop dates) for Literature Review and Discussion for Clinical
prophylactic therapies, the suggestions of the Panel on timing and Question B-4
duration (see full guideline online) reflect members’ experience and The Panel needed to evaluate two separate bodies of evidence to
expert opinion. develop its recommendation on selecting patients for outpatient man-
Recommendation A-2a rests primarily on meta-analyses from a agement. The first studied outcomes of empiric therapy for an FNE to
Cochrane review,64,65,68 which showed that systemically absorbed oral derive and validate risk assessment tools but enrolled mostly inpa-
fluoroquinolones are the most tolerable choice for prophylaxis in tients. The second directly compared outcomes of inpatient versus
neutropenic oncology patients and are equally protective whether outpatient management of an FNE in patients deemed at low risk for
used alone or combined with other antibacterials active against Gram- medical complications. The first group included 16 reports from 15
positive organisms. As detailed under Recommendation A-1b in the studies on stratifying risk for medical complications in adult oncology
full guideline online, the Panel recommends limiting antibacterial patients with FN from chemotherapy (see Data Supplement Tables
prophylaxis to oncology outpatients anticipated to experience pro- DS-3 and DS-4 for extracted data); the Multinational Association for
found neutropenia for ⱖ 7 days in association with severe mucositis or Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) risk index (Table 3) was de-
with other risk factors listed in Table 2. rived38 and validated38,128-135 in eight of these studies. Extracted data

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Antimicrobial Prophylaxis and Management of Fever and Neutropenia in Outpatients

classified as low risk by either method. Among these are patients with
Table 3. MASCC Scoring System to Identify Patients With Cancer and
Febrile Neutropenia at Low Risk of Medical Complicationsⴱ
a major abnormality (or significant clinical worsening since the most
recent chemotherapy or onset of neutropenia) with respect to any of
Characteristic Weight
the following: organ dysfunction, comorbid conditions, vital signs,
Burden of febrile neutropenia with no or mild symptoms† 5
clinical signs or symptoms, documented anatomic site of infection (as
No hypotension (systolic blood pressure ⬎ 90 mmHg) 5
No chronic obstructive pulmonary disease‡ 4
defined by the Immunocompromised Host Society144), laboratory
Solid tumor or hematologic malignancy with no previous data, or imaging data. The Panel also reviewed clinical criteria exclud-
fungal infection§ 4 ing patients from studies that compared inpatient versus outpatient
No dehydration requiring parenteral fluids 3 management (Data Supplement Tables DS-5 and DS-6) or oral versus
Burden of febrile neutropenia with moderate symptoms† 3
IV regimens for outpatient empiric therapy (Data Supplement Tables
Outpatient status 3
Age ⬍ 60 years 2
DS-7 and DS-8; see Recommendation C-8) among oncology patients
with low-risk FN. Table 4 compiles these clinical exclusion criteria by
Abbreviation: MASCC, Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer.

Maximum score is 26; scores ⱖ 21 indicate a low risk for medical
organ system and provides additional details on factors that may be con-
complications. Data adapted.12,127 sidered major abnormalities. The Panel recommends inpatient manage-
†Burden of febrile neutropenia refers to the general clinical status of the ment of empiric therapy for an FNE if any of these factors apply.
patient as influenced by the febrile neutropenic episode. It should be evalu-
ated on the following scale: no or mild symptoms (score of 5), moderate
symptoms (score of 3), and severe symptoms or moribund (score of 0). Literature Review and Discussion for Clinical
Scores of 3 and 5 are not cumulative.
‡Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease means active chronic bronchitis, Question B-5
emphysema, decrease in forced expiratory volumes, or need for oxygen The literature search did not find any studies that directly com-
therapy and/or steroids and/or bronchodilators requiring treatment at the
presentation of the febrile neutropenic episode.
pared outcomes of immediate versus delayed discharge or of different
§Previous fungal infection means demonstrated fungal infection or empiri- observation periods before discharge for outpatient empiric therapy
cally treated suspected fungal infection. for low-risk FN. Initial antibacterial doses were administered before
discharging outpatients in all studies that compared empiric therapy
in versus out of the hospital for patients with low-risk FN, with inter-
vals from first dose to discharge ranging from immediate to 48 to 72
show that the MASCC index has been studied in more patients hours (Data Supplement Table DS-5). Similarly, intervals from first
(N ⫽ 2,582) and FNEs (N ⫽ 2,758), with performance characteristics dose to discharge ranged from 2 to 72 hours among most RCTs that
as good as or better than those of alternatives (sensitivity, 71% to 95%; compared oral versus IV regimens for outpatient empiric therapy;
specificity, 58% to 95%; positive predictive value, 84% to 98%; nega- only two discharged patients before their first dose and immediately
tive predictive value, 36% to 86%). Talcott’s rules44,45 provide the only after random assignment (Data Supplement Table DS-7).
other prospectively validated stratification tool and classify outpa- Nevertheless, on the basis of members’ expert opinion, the Panel
tients at FNE onset without either serious comorbidity or uncon- recommends as prudent routine practice the following procedures
trolled cancer (ie, those in group 4) as low risk. that were consistently or commonly followed in most studies. Nearly
The second group included 10 studies that directly compared all studies required that fever be documented and samples (eg, of
outcomes of management in versus out of the hospital for adult blood and other fluids) be obtained for culture and microbiologic
oncology patients with FN considered at low risk for complications assays before patients received their first dose. In agreement with an
(see Data Supplement Tables DS-5 and DS-6 for extracted data). international guideline panel of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign,145 the
These included four RCTs136-139 (one used Talcott’s rules, whereas Panel also recommends administering the first dose of empiric initial
none used the MASCC score, to identify low-risk patients), four antibacterial therapy as soon as possible after triage (ⱕ 1 hour seems
prospective but nonrandomized studies127,129,140,141 (each re- an achievable and prudent performance standard) from presenta-
quired a MASCC score ⱖ 21 for outpatient management), and two tion with FN. Most studies also specified that patients’ clinical
retrospective studies.142,143 Data reported from all 10 studies stability and tolerance of oral medications should be verified before
(pooled N ⫽ 1,423) showed generally high rates of successful they were discharged for outpatient management of FN. Lacking
empiric therapy (approximately 80% to ⬎ 90%), with no statisti- evidence directly comparing different observation intervals, the Panel
cally significant differences between outpatient and inpatient arms recommends observation for ⱖ 4 hours after the initial dose as prudent
and few deaths in the outpatient arms. The Panel concluded that at practice before discharge to continue empiric therapy as an outpatient.
best, results of these studies provide evidence for the safety and
efficacy of outpatient empiric therapy in carefully and systemati- Literature Review and Discussion for Clinical
cally selected adults with FN from cancer chemotherapy deemed at Question B-6
low risk for medical complications. The literature search did not find any studies that directly
However, the optimal strategy to select low-risk patients for man- compared outcomes of outpatient empiric therapy for FN in pa-
agement of an FNE outside the hospital is inadequately informed by tients who did versus did not meet any of the psychosocial and
available evidence and remains somewhat uncertain because each logistic requirements in Recommendation B-6. Nevertheless, stud-
validated method misclassifies some high-risk patients. Pooled data ies comparing inpatient versus outpatient empiric therapy (Data
(Data Supplement Table DS-4) showed that serious complications Supplement Table DS-5) or oral versus IV therapy for outpatients
developed in up to 11% of patients classified as low risk by MASCC (Data Supplement Table DS-7) limited eligibility to patients with
score ⱖ 21 and in 7% of patients in Talcott’s group 4. Thus, the Panel FN who met all or most of these criteria. On the basis of members’
recommends managing certain patients in the hospital even if they are expert opinion, the Panel recommends treatment in the hospital © 2013 by American Society of Clinical Oncology 803

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Table 4. Additional Specific Clinical Criteriaⴱ That Exclude Oncology Patients With FN From Initial Outpatient Care Even With a MASCC Score ⱖ 21
Category Criteria
Cardiovascular Presyncope/witnessed syncope
Accelerated hypertension
New onset or worsening of hypotension
Uncontrolled heart failure, arrhythmias, or angina
Clinically relevant bleeding
Pericardial effusion
Hematologic Severe thrombocytopenia (platelets ⬍ 10,000/␮L)
Anemia (Hb ⬍ 7 g/dL or Hct ⬍ 21%)
ANC ⬍ 100/␮L of expected duration ⱖ 7 days
Deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism
GI Unable to swallow oral medications
Intractable nausea and/or vomiting
New onset or clinically relevant worsening of diarrhea
Melena, hematochezia (nonhemorrhoidal), or hematemesis
Abdominal pain
Hepatic Impaired hepatic function (aminotransferase values ⬎ 5⫻ ULN) or clinically relevant worsening of aminotransferase values
Bilirubin ⬎ 2.0 or clinically relevant increase in bilirubin
Infectious Presence of a clear anatomic site of infection (eg, symptoms of pneumonia, cellulitis, abdominal infection, positive
imaging, or microbial laboratory findings)†
Any evidence of severe sepsis‡
Allergies to antimicrobials used for outpatients
Antibiotics ⱕ 72 hours before presentation
Intravascular catheter infection
Neurologic Altered mental status/sensorium or seizures
Presence of or concern for CNS infection or noninfectious meningitis
Presence of or concern for spinal cord compression
New or worsening neurologic deficit
Pulmonary/thorax Tachypnea or hypopnea
Hypoxemia, hypercarbia
Pneumothorax or pleural effusion
Presence of cavitary lung nodule or imaging findings suggestive of an active intrathoracic process
Renal Impaired renal function (creatinine clearance ⱕ 30 mL/min) or oliguria or clinically relevant worsening renal function (as
determined by the treating physician)
New onset of gross hematuria
Urinary obstruction or nephrolithiasis
Clinically relevant dehydration
Clinically relevant electrolyte abnormalities, acidosis or alkalosis (requiring medical intervention)
Other significant comorbidity Presence of a major abnormality in regard to: organ dysfunction, comorbid conditions, vital signs, clinical signs or
symptoms, laboratory data, or imaging data
Any relevant clinical worsening (as determined by the treating physician) of: organ dysfunction, comorbid condition, vital
signs, clinical signs or symptoms, laboratory data, or imaging data
Pregnant or nursing
Need for IV pain control
Fractures, injuries, or need for emergent radiation therapy

Abbreviations: ANC, absolute neutrophil count; FN, fever and neutropenia; Hb, hemoglobin; Hct, hematocrit; IV, intravenous; MASCC, Multinational Association for
Supportive Care in Cancer; Pa CO2, arterial carbon dioxide tension; SIRS, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome; ULN, upper limit of normal.

This is not a comprehensive list. Less-severe clinical conditions or abnormalities may require hospitalizations as suggested in the text and summary of the full
guideline online. This list does not replace the need for clinical judgment while making decisions on outpatient versus inpatient management of FN for individual
†New onset of minimal symptoms of urinary tract infection and sinusitis may be excluded from this requirement in most settings with neutropenia ⬍ 7 days and
absence of fungal infection.
‡Severe sepsis is a syndrome defined by the presence of evidence for SIRS (defined by ⱖ two of the following criteria: body temperature ⬎ 38°C or ⬍ 36°C,
heart rate ⬎ 90 beats/minute, respiratory rate ⬎ 20/minute, Pa CO2 ⬍ 32 mmHg, an alteration in the total leukocyte count to ⬎ 12 ⫻ 109/L or ⬍ 4 ⫻ 109/L,
or the presence of ⬎ 10% band neutrophils in the leukocyte differential) plus evidence of infection, plus evidence of end-organ dysfunction (altered mental
status, hypoperfusion 关defined by hypotension (systolic blood pressure ⬍ 90 mmHg, mean arterial pressure ⬍ 70 mmHg, systolic blood pressure decrease
of ⬎ 40 mmHg, or ⬍ two standard deviations below the mean for age), by an elevated serum lactate ⬎ 4 mmol/L, or by oliguria (urine output ⬍ 0.5
mL/kg/hour)兴, and/or hypoxia).

for patients who do not meet one or more of the listed criteria Literature Review and Discussion for Clinical
because the only evidence for safety and efficacy of outpatient Question C-7
therapy is from studies conducted in patients who satisfied The literature search did not find direct comparative evi-
these requirements. dence on the clinical utility of different diagnostic procedures for

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Antimicrobial Prophylaxis and Management of Fever and Neutropenia in Outpatients

oncology patients who present with FN. On the basis of members’

Table 5. Antibacterial Recommendations for Initial Empiric Therapy for
expert opinion and experience, the Panel considers bacterial infec- Oncology Outpatients With FN at Low Risk for Medical Complications
tion the most reasonable assumption and likeliest source of such
Patients Who Are/Have: Empiric Therapy Regimen
patients’ fever if an alternative explanation cannot be documented.
Cancer and FN but at low risk for Oral therapy with a fluoroquinolone
For that reason, the Panel recommends that the diagnostic ap- medical complications (and (ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin)
proach seek to identify infecting organisms and establish a no allergy to penicillin) plus amoxicillin/clavulanate
microbiologic diagnosis if at all possible and thoroughly evaluate As above but with penicillin Oral therapy using a
allergy fluoroquinolone (ciprofloxacin or
possible sites of infection to establish a clinical diagnosis (see the levofloxacin) plus clindamycin
full guideline online for the list of elements the Panel recommends As above but fever developed Do not use fluoroquinolone as
to include in evaluating oncology patients who present with a after fluoroquinolone-based initial empiric therapy (see next
antibacterial prophylaxis or in row for alternatives)
new FNE). environments where
prevalence of
fluoroquinolone resistance
Literature Review and Discussion for Clinical is ⬎ 20%
Question C-8 In situation in row above and IV therapy with a regimen suitable
Evidence from randomized trials of empiric therapy for FN in meet other criteria for for outpatient administrationⴱ
outpatient managementⴱ
hospitalized oncology patients supports early use of broad-
Unable to tolerate oral IV therapy with a regimen suitable
spectrum antibacterial drugs to decrease mortality and morbidity medications but meet all for outpatient administrationⴱ
(see full guideline online for references to relevant reviews and other criteria for outpatient
other guidelines). Most RCTs that compared outcomes of different Infected by fluoroquinolone- Treat as inpatients with a regimen
drugs or regimens for empiric therapy also enrolled mostly hospi- resistant Gram-negative that likely requires multiple
talized patients not selected or stratified by risk for complications. pathogens coresistant to ␤- doses per day (eg, meropenem
lactams every 8 hours or piperacillin/
Results from 10 meta-analyses26,27,146-156 of comparative RCTs tazobactam every 6 hours)
relevant to both inpatients and outpatients are summarized in Data At low risk, hospitalized, stable, Eligible for stepdown to an orally
Supplement Table DS-9. Important findings from these meta- and responding to initial IV administered regimen and early
empiric antibacterial therapy, discharge for outpatient follow-
analyses include: similar safety and efficacy with oral versus IV particularly those classified up and monitoring
regimens as initial empiric therapy26,27; no better survival or therapeu- as having unexplained
neutropenic fever
tic success, yet increased toxicity from adding an aminoglycoside to a FN from cancer therapy and at Hospitalization for IV antimicrobial
broad-spectrum ␤-lactam active against Pseudomonas150-52; and no high or intermediate risk for therapy (guideline endorses the
decrease in overall or infection-related mortality or fever duration medical complications current 2010 recommendations
of the Infectious Diseases
from adding a drug targeted against Gram-positive bacteria (eg, van- Society of America)
comycin) to a ␤-lactam with or without an aminoglycoside.148
Abbreviations: FN, fever and neutropenia; IV, intravenous.
Although outpatient IV therapy is widely available, oral drugs are ⴱ
See full guideline for details (online at
more convenient, less costly, and preferred by many patients and outpatientfn).
clinicians to treat low-risk FN in the outpatient setting.142,157 Because
the literature search did not identify any trials that directly compared
different oral regimens for outpatient empiric therapy, the recom-
mendations of the Panel on choice of an oral regimen relied on
cations. Note also that patients infected by Gram-negative pathogens
indirect comparison of results from separate RCTs. Eight of nine
resistant to both fluoroquinolones and ␤-lactams should be treated as
RCTs that compared oral versus IV antibacterials as outpatient em-
inpatients with an IV regimen that likely requires multiple doses per
piric therapy for low-risk FN used a fluoroquinolone for patients in
day (eg, meropenem every 8 hours or piperacillin plus tazobactam
the oral arm (Data Supplement Tables DS-7 and DS-8). Similarly,
every 6 hours).
most studies on inpatient versus outpatient empiric therapy (Data
Supplement Tables DS-5 and DS-6) used an oral fluoroquinolone for
the outpatient arms. However, few studies used fluoroquinolone Literature Review and Discussion for Clinical
monotherapy exclusively throughout, and the largest and most con- Question C-9
vincing body of evidence on the safety and efficacy of oral outpatient The literature search did not identify any studies directly com-
empiric therapy for FN is from studies that used ciprofloxacin plus paring outcomes for oncology outpatients with FN managed with
amoxicillin-clavulanate. Thus, the Panel recommends this as a first- versus without specific logistic measures or with different frequencies
choice oral regimen in empiric therapy for low-risk FN in oncology of contact or evaluation. Because relevant evidence was lacking, the
outpatients. Also, in agreement with other guidelines,11,12 the Panel Panel examined follow-up and evaluation procedures for outpatients
advises against use of a fluoroquinolone alone as initial empiric ther- in studies that compared inpatient versus outpatient therapy (Data
apy for outpatient management of FN. If circumstances rule out or Supplement Tables DS-5 and DS-6) or oral versus IV regimens in
argue against selection of this regimen for initial empiric therapy (eg, outpatients (Data Supplement Tables DS-7 and DS-8). Panel mem-
penicillin allergy), the Panel recommends ciprofloxacin plus clinda- bers relied on their expert opinion and experience to devise and agree
mycin158 as an alternative. on the listed procedures they judged to be prudent and sensible for
Table 5 summarizes the recommendations of the Panel on initial follow-up and evaluation of oncology outpatients with an FNE, based
empiric antibacterial therapy for oncology outpatients with FN under on those described in the Methods sections of the studies cited in Data
various circumstances but considered at low risk for medical compli- Supplement Tables DS-5 to DS-8. © 2013 by American Society of Clinical Oncology 805

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Literature Review and Discussion for Clinical Although experts agree that timely assessment and administration of
Question C-10 initial empiric antibacterial therapy to febrile neutropenic patients
Evidence on outcomes of alternative strategies to manage PNF with cancer is important, the time from initial triage to first anti-
syndrome was outside the scope of the systematic review conducted biotic may be longer for those with disparities in access to care.
for this guideline. It suffices to say that Panel members agreed unani- Note also that ethnic neutropenia occurs across populations of
mously with the need to re-evaluate and possibly hospitalize patients African descent, although the impact this entity may have on the
whose fever does not resolve after 2 to 3 days of empiric therapy with a management of neutropenia and FN is uncertain.
broad-spectrum regimen. The same approaches to evaluation and
subsequent treatment of patients with PNF seem appropriate whether FUTURE DIRECTIONS
patients received initial empiric therapy in the hospital or as outpa-
tients. More detailed recommendations are available in guidelines ASCO believes that cancer clinical trials are vital to inform medical deci-
from other organizations.11,12 sions and improve cancer care and that all patients should have the op-
portunity to participate. One major limitation of the evidence available to
PATIENT AND CLINICIAN COMMUNICATION inform this guideline is the absence of data from RCTs that either studied
the net effect on health outcomes or compared the efficacy and safety of
Successful management of FNEs in adult oncology outpatients alternative regimens for antibacterial prophylaxis specifically in afebrile
requires that patients and their family or volunteer caregivers be neutropenic outpatients. Another is the lack of well-validated scales or
educated to promptly recognize and act on signs and symptoms of models to assess and stratify risk for complications and mortality and thus
possible infection. Effective education about monitoring body identify afebrile outpatients with neutropenia most likely to benefit from
temperature and other symptoms of infection is vital. Additionally, prophylactic antibiotics. Although the MASSC scale is a validated tool to
communications should acknowledge and address the reality that identify patients at low risk for medical complications among those with
many patients are reluctant to seek help outside of office hours. It is FN,thefalse-positiverateintrialsreviewedforthisguidelineshowsthereis
essential that patients and caregivers receive clear written instruc- a definite need for improvement. Future research is needed to develop
tions on when and how to contact health care practitioners. Pa- and validate a modified MASCC score with improved sensitivity and
tients and their caregivers should be informed of evidence-based specificity. Also needed are better data to define a minimal observation
infection control guidelines to minimize unnecessary restrictions. period in the hospital or clinic before discharging patients to continue
Instructions should be tailored to individual needs according to empiric therapy for FNEs at home. The Panel sees a need for future
health literacy and numeracy, living circumstances, language bar- research to fill these gaps.
riers, and decision-making capacity. Written and/or electronic
copies of FN management plans should be provided so that subse- ADDITIONAL RESOURCES
quent care decisions are based on adequate information.
The full guideline, with a comprehensive discussion of the literature,
more detail on literature search methodology, a full reference list,
HEALTH DISPARITIES evidence tables, and clinical tools and resources are found at www.asco
.org/guidelines/outpatientfn. Patient information is available there
This guideline provides expert recommendations on the best practices to and at
prevent infection and manage FN in oncology outpatients. It is important
to note that many patients in the United States have limited access to
medical care, including some members of racial and ethnic minorities, OF INTEREST
those of lower socioeconomic status, and those living some distance from
appropriate treatment facilities. Members of some groups suffer dispro- The author(s) indicated no potential conflicts of interest.
portionately from comorbidities, experience more-substantial obstacles
to receiving care, are more likely to be uninsured, and are at greater risk of
receiving care of poor quality than other Americans. Awareness of these
disparities in access to care should be considered in the context of this Administrative support: Jerome Seidenfeld
clinical practice guideline, and health care providers should strive to de- Manuscript writing: All authors
liver the highest level of cancer care to these vulnerable populations. Final approval of manuscript: All authors

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Guideline Available on Fever and Neutropenia in Children

Find out more about ASCO’s newly endorsed Guideline for the Management of Fever and Neutropenia in Children With
Cancer and/or Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation. The guideline provides recommendations on the
initial presentation, ongoing management, and empiric antifungal treatment of pediatric febrile neutropenia. Visit for more information.

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