CV Template

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Name _________________________________
Surname _________________________________
Birth date _________________________________
Birth place _________________________________
Citizenship _________________________________
Residence _________________________________

List of exams (for Master’s degree), with grades (attach Transcript of Records)
Grade point average(Master’s degree) ____________
Specify the reference value (e.g. GPA = 3.45/4.00, or GPA = 78/100, etc.)
List of exams (for Bachelor’s degree), with grades (attach Transcript of Records)
Grade point average(Bachelor’s degree) ____________
Specify the reference value (e.g. GPA = 3.45/4.00, or GPA = 78/100, etc.)

Date of the beginning of the University studies ___________

Date of Master’s graduation (actual or forecasted) ___________
1) Length of the entire University studies (years and months) ___________
In my country, the undergraduate degree is obtained after _____ years of study
In my country, the Master’s degree is obtained after _____ years of study
Specify what is the reference value (for example BSc 4 years; BEng 5 years, MSc 2 years,
2) Period of time abroad during the University studies (e.g. Erasmus grants, Time,
Erasmus Placement, thesis abroad, etc.). Specify the length of the period (in months).

3) Relevant work experience – after graduation (research grants, scholarships, internship

periods, periods of employment). Specify start and end date.


4) Awards (relevant to the degree pursued)


5) Relevance of your curriculum with respect to the curriculum indicated as primary

choice or with respect to a specific research topic (“Tema Vincolato”)

6) Other documents and qualifications (that the candidate might consider useful for the
evaluation. For example, number of A+ grades, Teaching Assistantships, …)

List of relevant publications (Give the full bibliographical information: name of authors,
journal name or conference name, publication year, volume number and page numbers.
Scientific publications are: copy of the MSc thesis; publications in journals/conferences
proceedings/books; patents (or patent applications); manuscripts accepted for publication will
also be considered (attach written acceptance letter or indicate the DOI). Attach to the
application all the publications in PDF format.
Papers in journals
1) _______________________________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________________________
Conference proceedings
1) _______________________________________________________________________

2) _______________________________________________________________________

Book chapters and other publications

1) _______________________________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________________________
Patents (or patent applications)
1) _______________________________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________________________

__________________ _____________________________
(Place and date) (Signature)

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