Springfield College - Daily Lesson Plan

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Springfield College – Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Corbett Lang Date: 5/8/19 Time: All Day

School: Dean Lesson #: 1
Facilities: Main Gymnasium Class Size:20
Grade: 9-12
Unit/Theme: Volleyball
Generic Level: control/utilization
Equipment: Net, Volleyball, scoreboard
Focus of Lesson: Setting and bumping
Student Performance Objectives (SPO): (National # ; MA CF # ;
Task/Activity # )
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(P) Refines setting and bumping skills by practicing during activity, and implementing
during our game like activities over the course of the lesson. This will be checked by
CFU during the lesson.. (National S1.H1.L2 ; MA CF 2.17)
(C) Applies terminology associated with volleyball (ex. Set, bump, ace, etc) to our
volleyball games (National S2.H1.L1 ; MA CF 2.21)
(A) Uses communication skills and strategies during the volleyball games to promote
teamwork of the activity. (National S4.H3.L1 ; MA CF 2.27)

Check each objective – is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally

Teacher Performance Objectives – During the lesson the teacher will:
1. Provide students a lot of opportunities to practice set and bump skills in a game
like situation by having a lot of gameplay time.
2. Keeps students motivated and learning correct skills by providing corrective, and
positive specific feedback throughout the whole lesson from both teachers.

Special Considerations – What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the
students in this class? Make sure I am floating around giving a lot of positive and
corrective specific feedback to students, as well as making sure students are playing
safely and with proper rules.

0-5 Transition: Students will change for gym. Once they

min have changed they will head into the gym and sit at their
attendance teacher’s bench for attendance.

Introduction: Review Volleyball Skills/Rules

Activity 1: Bump Set Circles
Students will be in small circles and will practice keeping
8-14 the ball up as long as possible using only bumps and

Activity 2: Serving Practice

Students will be split up evenly on each side of the cour,
they will all get to practice their serves at least 3 times.

Transition: Bring students in and explain our next

activity to them. Also check for understanding by asking
students if they know the rules and have them use either
a thumbs up or thumbs down to let me know where they
said with things.

Activity 3: Volleyball Gameplay

Students will participate in a Volleyball Game, students
20-44 who aren't playing can either be line judge or

Did you like today's activities?
End What strategies worked well for you team?
What games would you like to play this week?

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