2014efst MS94
2014efst MS94
2014efst MS94
Public Services — Forest Department – Sri S. Krishna Babu, Deputy Range Officer
(Expired) formerly Pacherla Section, Chalama Range of WLD Nandyal - Negligence
of duty in collection of C.Fees and misappropriation of Govt., money - Failure to
maintain absolute integrity, devotion to duty – Finalization of the disciplinary action
initiated against Sri S. Krishna Babu, DRO(Expired) - Further action abated – Orders
- Issued.
In the reference read above, the Prl. Chief Conservator of Forests, A.P.
Hyderabad has informed that, an Article of Charge was issued under Rule 20 of
APCS Rules 1991, against Sri S. Krishna Babu, Deputy Range Officer (Expired)
formerly Pacherla Section of WLD Nandyal vide CF, Kurnool Rc. No. 2809/2009/M3,
dt. 13.08.2009 (Article of Charge) on the following counts:-
2. The charged officer acknowledged the Article of charge on 23-9-2009, but did
not submit his explanation. The Conservator of Forest, Kurnool appointed Divisional
Forest Officer(WL), Nandyal and Divisional Forest Officer(Log) Division, Nanadyal as
Inquiry Officer and presenting Officer respectively vide Ref.No.46583/2008/P3,
dt.31.7.2010 for conducting regular Enquiry.
3. The Inquiry Officer has submitted his findings vide Divisional Forest Officer,
Nandyal Rc.1118/2009/A5, dt.24.7.2013 (after expiry of the Charged Officer) in
which he held the charge proved, stating that the charged officer had corrected the
amounts in C.F 140 receipt and got Rs.31,500/- for his personnel benefits.
5. The Prl. CCF has requested the Government to abate further action against
Sri S.Krishna Babu, Deputy Range Officer (expired) and order to recover an amount
of Rs.31,500/- from his DCRG.
6. The matter has been examined by the Government in the light of the sub-
rule (7) (a) of rule 9 of the A. P. Revised Pension Rules, 1980 as mentioned in
G.O.Ms.No.85, Fin&Plg. (FW.Pen-I) Dept., dt 12.7.1999 and under the provisions of
G.O.Ms.No.995 Finance (Pen.I) Dept dt 21.12.2002.
7. Accordingly, the Government here by order to abate further action against the
deceased Government servant Sri S. Krishna Babu, Deputy Range Officer (Expired),
formerly Pacherla Section, Chalama Range of WLD Nandyal, in this case. The Prl.
Chief Conservator of Forests, A.P. Hyderabad is directed to take action as per the
provisions of G.O.Ms.No.995 Finance (Pen.I) Department dt.21.12.2002 for
recovery of Rs.31,500/- the pecuniary loss caused to Government , from DCRG of
the deceased Charged Officer.
The Prl. Chief Conservator of Forests, A.P. Hyderabad.
Legal heirs of late Sri S. Krishna Babu, DRO ( Expired)
(through Prl. Chief Conservator of Forests.)
Copy to
The Accountant General, A.P. Hyderabad.
The Director of Treasuries & Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad.