Memory Tiles: Design Document

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Game Programming (CSE3029)- Lab 12


Game Programming (CSE3029)- Lab 12


Game Concept:
This game is designed to challenge the short term memory of the player. In
order to score the player has to be very observant of the tiles he clicks and the
letter that appears on the tiles. If the player clicks similar tiles consecutively the
tiles lock and he scores. If he clicks the wrong tile in his consecutive turn after
opening one of the tiles, he looses points and both the tiles get hidden again.
This way, the player has to remember what the letter on his recently clicked
tiles were, slowly improving his efficiency.

Genre: Puzzle, kids

Target Audience: People interested in brain sharpening games; kids; Medical

patients for boosting their mental abilities and memory efficiency.

Game flow summary:

The game starts with all the tiles hidden. The player is supposed to choose a
random tile and click on it. The tile is now visible and shows the letter it has on
it. The player has to guess the tile which might have the same letter on it. The
player clicks on the second tile and there are two possible scenarios following
- If the second tile’s letter matches that of the first, the player’s score
increases and the tiles get locked.
- If the second tile doesn’t match the first one, the player looses a few
points and the tiles go back to being hidden.
This way, the next time player has to, choose the two tiles he will have to faintly
remember the ones he has opened before, to help him not loose points again and
score as much as possible.

Look and Feel: The game has a tile based structure and feels like a standard
puzzle game.

Game Programming (CSE3029)- Lab 12

Game progression: The game gets easier within a level with progress because
the user might have seen a fair few tiles to be able to remember the letters on
them (however, on the cost of points). But it gets tougher with each level, with
the board getting more complicated, and involving pictures in the following few

Mission/challenge Structure:
The mission and challenges are designed such that they aren’t too easy neither
are they too hard. The letters/objects are well distributed and spread while a few
of them might even be close to each other to maintain a little ease.

Puzzle structure:

Game Programming (CSE3029)- Lab 12

Following levels:

Game Programming (CSE3029)- Lab 12


The board, with tiles arranged in the form of a 2D matrix. The letters arranged
in the middle of the tiles. Each object has been programmed and assigned rules
to hide and show based on user actions.

User actions include, clicking on the tile, guessing the object. User’s action of
clicking simulates game’s action of showing and hiding the tiles based on the
rules and program structure. Clicking action and matching action generates
sound effects.

Score pattern:
Choosing the right tiles increase the score by 15 marks while clicking on the
wrong ones decreases the score by 5. This way, the player would loose points,
the more he wastes his attempts.

Replaying and saving:

The game can be saved and be resumed exactly where the user had left it before
closing the game. Replaying the game by exiting will make the player loose all
his progress and for the next time the pattern or arrangement of tiles will be

Cheats and hints:

The game will have a hint option for the user which would flash one matching
set to help him. Only one hint will be available per game or every time the
player restarts the game.

Game Programming (CSE3029)- Lab 12


The game is not themed and hence, does not have a story. However it is set to
have a friendly interface and easy to understand settings for the player to be
comfortable while he focuses on the more important brain activity or challenge
the game presents to the user.
There aren’t any characters because the interaction is with directly with the tile
board, however, the player can customize his profile and in future version, he
will be allowed to be a top scorer among other players who play the game.
To make the game interesting in future levels, the guessing can go from
matching letters to matching concepts, characters, storylines, etc. This would
test user’s memory as well as conceptual knowledge.


There will be multiple levels, each of them improving the challenge and making
it a little harder and more interesting for the user as he progresses through the
game. Future level may include images to map, concepts to map, famous TV
show characters to match; matching based on relation other than just the way
the objects appear, etc.


The game will include bonus levels and abstract activities for the user to take
time off from all the guessing and indulge into more brain boosting features of
the game.

Game Programming (CSE3029)- Lab 12


Visual System

Game Programming (CSE3029)- Lab 12

Audio, music and sound effects:

When player clicks on the tile, if the sound is enabled, a sound effect is
produced. If the tiles match the effect of the tiles sealing/locking is generated. If
the tiles don’t match and go back to being hidden, the sound effect of tiles
breaking is produced.


Target hardware: Any system, with an average graphic system can run the
game. The game requires about 30 mb of free space and a good sound system
for best performance.

Network requirements: For the future version of the game, network is required
for the player to compete with the rest of the world on the score leadership


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