Updated Proposal Ed.3
Updated Proposal Ed.3
Updated Proposal Ed.3
1.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................... 4
References .............................................................................................................. 20
Appendices ............................................................................................................. 22
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Appendices
3 Pupils’ worksheet 25
4 Letter of Consent 26
Action Research Proposal
1.0 Introduction
Hence, I believed that this intervention which is by using WL Board can help
in enhancing the pupils’ penmanship. This is because on this board I will
provides double lines template to assist my pupils to write in a correct way and
produce more legible handwriting.
1.2 Context
I am a TESL student teacher at Institut Pendidikan Kampus Tun Abdul Razak,
Kota Samarahan. During my first phase of practicum, I was placed in one of the
primary school in Kota Samarahan area. The school is located near a few of
Malays’ villages. Majority of the pupils in the school are from the village nearby
the school. I was assigned a Year 3 classroom consists of 21 pupis with mixed
abilities. In addition, throughout my three months in school I was given the
responsibilities to teach English to this class. However, I will conduct this action
research and futher planning of this proposal will be implemented at the school
that I will be placed for the second practicum. As all of us will be placed at
school which is in the same area as the first practicum, I assumed that similar
problems might happen in the next school. Therefore, I would like to propose
this method in enhancing the pupils penmanship in writing words ansd
1.3 Reflection on Teaching Experience
Based on my three months experience teaching at SK Sungai Melati, Kota
Samarahan, I noticed that some of my pupils could hardly produce a legible
handwriting in completing worksheets given to them and any tasks that involved
and required them to write. I start to realise this poor handwriting are one of the
problems faces by my pupils when my lecturer point it up in one of my lessons.
Hence, I start to ponder the root problem of this situation. I start to analyse
their worksheets, written works, and their writing response on the whiteboard to
observe their handwriting performance. However, from my observation I
discovered only some of the pupils in the class experienced problems in
producing legible handwriting.
2.0 Research Focus
2.2 Initial Data Collection
I have done preliminary investigation to confirm my beliefs that the pupils are
having problems in producing legible handwriting. The data on the existence of
this problem was collected using four methods which are structured interview,
field notes, document analysis and observation.
Semi-Structured interview
From the interview, I could obtain some of the information needed. I also get
to know that from the teacher perspective that this situation is not a problem
for the student and the teacher. The teacher says their handwriting quality is
not important as the messages that the students trying to convey is more
important compare to their handwriting.
Field notes
The type of field notes that I choose was my teaching and learning reflections.
It is also contained my own original thoughts regarding the situation
throughout the lesson which is very important when it comes to write an
action research (Koshy, 2010) and which is an useful data to be used as an
evidence to the action research initial data collection. Therefore, in this
research I takes one of the excerpts of my reflections related to this problems
that I highlighted in my teaching and learning reflections that needed to be
improved based on the feedbacks I get from my lecturers and my own self
According to Pandey and Pandey (2015), observation is a method used in
evaluating performances, interests, attitudes and values toward their life
situations and problems. From my initial observation, I found out that some of
my students write illegibly in most of their worksheets and I also found out
from my observation that they are motivated to write when I provided them
with the 3 line dots writing line compared to when I only provided them with
only one line in their worksheets.
Document Analysis
The document I chose to analyse is the pupils’ worksheets. From the pupils’
worksheet, I can get to analyse and see by myself their problems in
handwriting and comparing worksheet I have provided them with the 3 line
dots writing template with only one line in their worksheets to write their
answers. From this comparison and analysis, I can see difference and
improvement in their handwriting when support is provided to them. Below are
the worksheets of one line writing template with 3 line writing template. I can
conclude that they produce more legible handwriting by using the 3 lines
writing template as they can estimate the appropriate size for the letters and
write more neatly in order.
Other than that, the intervention that will be implemented to overcome this
problem is by using the WL-Board. The intervention will be implemented to some
pupils that I will choose as my research participants. WL-board is a low cost,
cognitive leisure activity which can be executed alone or with others without
involving technology. The usage of double lines and line generalization activities
promote legible handwriting and when children know how to place letters, they
can write well on any style of lined paper (Heffron, 2016). For the WL-board, I will
use a double lines template pasted on a mounting board and wrapped by using
the wrapping plastic so it can be reused. I will use WL-board during practice and
production stage to assist the pupils in writing activities. The pupil will use the
WL-board to respond to teacher’s questions and to answer the worksheets given.
3.0 Research Objectives
To investigate the usage of WL Board to enhance the pupils penmanship in writing
words and sentences.
6.0 Planning of Research of Implementation
This section will explain the various data gathering methods used and its findings.
In addition, in this section it will also describe how the study was conducted based on the
chosen action research model.
Stephen Kemmis model consists of four stages in one cycle. The stages are
plan, act, observe and reflect. After one cycle, if the intervention needed to be
improves the researcher will proceed to Cycle 2 with revised and improved plan.
Then, the stages like in the first cycle which is act, observe and reflect will be
conducted follows the revised plan. I will create a plan of action based on this
First, I will plan my intervention strategy based on the problem I had identified
and the data that have been collected. I had identified that the pupils have
problems in producing legible handwriting which may occur at the next school I will
be posted for the second practicum. Based on the model, for my planning phase I
will be conducting it in 3 weeks. I will plan suitable intervention strategy to solve the
problem I address. I will collect the initial data in weeks two and three. As I already
decided on my intervention which is by using WL-board to enhance year 3 pupils
penmanship skills in writing words and sentences, I will act by carrying my first
cycle intervention in two weeks which is on Week 5 and Week 6 of my practicum
period. At first, I incorporate 3 lines dot writing line template in the worksheet in my
first spiral. I will observe the difference in their handwriting using the 3 lines dots
compared to the 1 line writing spaces. Then, I will reflect on to what extent the use
of the 3 lines dots which I will also use in WL-board to assist them in writing and I
decided to incorporate my WL-board during my next teaching and learning process.
Then, I will come up with a Cycle 2 with revised plan. I will conduct my cycle
two in four weeks. I will plan to use my WL-board in the next lesson towards those
who have problems in their penmanship skills. Then, I will carry out it in the class
and observe how it will help the pupils in enhancing their poor penmanship skills.
Lastly, I will reflect on to what extent is the intervention I used had helped my pupils
based on the observation done.
However, if both of my cycles are still not satisfying and I see a need to
improvise it, I will come up with a revised plan of the intervention strategy for
another cycle. For instance, I will come up with improvisation of WL-board by
creating a mini WL-board as a module so the pupils can use it until they can
produce legible handwriting. Then, I will act by carrying and used the module in the
classroom. I will observe the effect of the revised plan. Last but not least, I will
reflects on the revised plan intervention that I had conducted and decided if the
intervention revised plan brings more benefits towards my pupils and help in
enhancing my pupils’ penmanship skills.
6.2 Data Collection Methods
The data on how the WL-Board helps in enhancing year 3 pupils’ penmanship
skills will be gathered by using three gathering methods which are semi-
structured interview, observation and observation.
Semi-structured interview
The observations will be done during the lessons. I chose this method
because I want to gather data by observing their behaviour in using the WL-
Board and also observing their progress based on their worksheets and how
they write. Field notes are used to record the observations.
Document Analysis
can see and analyse directly the pupils’ works and evaluate their performance
and progress. It is also enable me to compare their work before I used this
intervention and after I apply the intervention strategy. I will analyse the
participants’ worksheet and record their progress in anecdotal record to
identify my participants’ weakness and area to improve on.
Cohen, Manion and Marrison (2011), define content analysis as the proses of
summarising and reporting written data which are the main content of the data
and their messages. The data gathered from the semi-structured interview,
observation and document analysis by finding the main idea and then the
meaning of these data. For the document analysis, I will make copies of the
original documents and observe the frequency of pupils’ error and the pattern
while for observations I will do checklist of the observation that I did on the
pupils’ behaviour toward the intervention strategy. Then, for semi-structured
interview I will extract main ideas from the interview by analysing the memo I
take during the interview and make an interview transcript as prove for the semi-
structured interview. After I do content analysis on these data, I will use coding
to identify similar patterns of information from these data. Coding can be defined
as an analysis to group similar types of information by giving codes to the
information (Wong. L, 2008). Therefore, I will create some codes to group the
information. Both approaches will be used because I want to determine the
impact of using WL Board on enhancing the Year 3 pupils’ penmanship skills in
writing words and sentences.
6.4 Data Triangulation Method
In this action research, I have decided that I will use triangulation technique as
my data checking method. Triangulation method can be defined as use of more
than one approach to researching a question. The objective is to increase
confidence in the findings through the confirmation of a proposition using two or
more independent measures (Roberta Heale & Dorothy Forbes, 2013). I have
decided to use triangulation method because by using semi-structured interview,
observations and document analysis can assure the validity of the data
collected. According to Cohen, Manion & Morrison (2011) quoted Campbell and
Fiske (1959), triangulation is a powerful way in demonstrating the concurrent
validity, particularly in qualitative research. Thus, the findings in using these
three methods should show the same results and agree with each other which
will shows high validity. Apart from that, it will also allow me to use various
methods in gathering the data which ensure that the results are not biased and
more valid. In addition, other individual that I will work with in conducting this
triangulation method is my practicum partner. She will be updated with my
pupils’ progress from time to time. She will be also doing observation together
with me at certain time. By doing this, I will get my practicum partner to check on
my data from her perspective in order to get more valid and reliable data.
6.5 Schedule of Research Implementation
6.5.1 Gantt chart:
6.6 Estimation of Budget
6.6.1 Budget
5. Printer 1 Personal -
Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document Analysis as a Qualitative Research Method. Qualitative
Cohen, L, Marrison, L, & Morrison, K, (2011). Research Methods in Education (7th ed). Great
Britain: Routledge.
Khosky, V. (2010). Action Research for Improving Educational Practice: A Step by Step
Guide (2 ed.). Great Britain: Sage Publications Ltd.
Klass, P. (20 June, 2016). Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age.
Retrieved from Well: https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/06/20/why-handwriting-is-
Nigel Mathers, N. F. (2002). Trent Focus for Research and Development in Primary Health
Care:Using Interviews in a Research Project. Sheffield: Trent Focus Group.
Pandey,P. & Pandey, M. (2015). Research Methodology: Tools and Technique. Romania:
Bridge Center.
Saperstein Associates (2012). “Handwriting in the 21st Century? Research Shows Why
Handwriting Belongs in Today’s Classroom: A Summary of Research Presented at
Handwriting in the 21st Century? An Educational Summit.”
Spear-Swerling, L. (2006). The Importance of Teaching Handwriting. Retrieved from
Reading Rockets: http://www.readingrockets.org/article/importance-teaching-
Appendix 1- structured interview with the previous English teacher
Dorry : Good morning teacher. May I interview you to know about the pupils that I am going to
teach for the next three months?
Dorry : I would like to know something about their penmanship skills. In your opinion, how good are
their penmanship skills?
Teacher : Ouh, this is a first time question asked about their penmanship skills. In my opinion, their
penmanship skills in writing words and sentences are quite good however some of them may
have low penmanship skills.
Dorry : Yeah, I agree to that. That is why I would like to emphasis on those who have low penmanship
Dorry : I would like to ask is there any intervention been done to help in enhancing their low
penmanship problems?
Teacher : Not really. If in class, I will just directly correct them if I realise them writing the words or
alphabet wrong. I will just ask them to rewrite without really taught them how to write it properly.
Teacher : They will either asks me how or most of the time they will copy how their friends write it.
Sometimes, I will ask those who doesn’t have problem with it to show it to them.
Dorry : I would like to asks also are those pupils who have low penmanship, do they write the same
way in the other class? Or is it because they are not interested in English?
Teacher : Based on what I know, they do write the same way also in other subjects.
Dorry : Ouh, okay. My next question is related on your opinion about this problem. Do you think by
having low penmanship skills is a problem for them in learning English?
Teacher : In my opinion, it is not a main problem for them. For me, what is important is they can deliver
their idea correctly regardless of how their handwriting is. The idea that they are trying to convey
is more important compared to their production of legible handwriting.
Dorry : Okay. I think I already have enough information regarding this matter. Thank you for your
cooperation and opinion.
Teacher : I’ll be glad to help anytime you need. You’re welcome.
Date: 6 September 2019
Time: 12.30 p.m
Place: Staff room
Interviewee: Madam As
Interviewer: Dorry anak Man
Appendix 2: Field notes- Reflection of teaching and learning
Date: 9/8/2018
* My first observation*
Appendix 3: Pupils’ worksheets
Appendix 4: Letter Of Consent
Letter of Consent
You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by Dorry anak Man , one
of the teacher trainee of IPGKTAR. The purpose of this research is to enhance the
Year 3 Pupils penmanship skills in writing words and sentences using WL-Board.
Your child’s participation will involve in the action research as the participants as the
subjects to be observed and interviewed.
The amount of time required for your child’s participation will be throughout the action
research which will be conducted in 12 weeks.
C. Potential benefits:
This research may help us to understand your child problem in producing legible
handwriting and from this action research I will help to enhance your child
penmanship skills using the intervention strategy which is the WL-Board.
D. Protection of confidentiality:
I will do everything we can to protect your child’s privacy. Your child’s identity will not
be revealed in any publication resulting from this study.
E. Voluntary participation:
Participation in this research study is voluntary. You may refuse to allow your child to
participate or withdraw your child from the study at any time. Your child will not be
penalized in any way should you decide not to allow your child to participate or to
withdraw your child from this study.
F. Contact information:
If you have any questions or concerns about this study or if any problems arise,
please contact Dorry anak Man at 0138033064.
G. Consent:
I have read this parental permission form and have been given the opportunity
to ask questions. I give my permission for my child to participate in this study.
Participant’s signature_______________________________
Date: _________________